How to quickly and effectively clean pearls at home. How to clean pearl beads or necklace

Hello! Let's talk about pearls again. This time about how to properly clean it from dirt and negative energy. Natural jewelry with pearls will last for decades, will "survive" more than one generation, if you wear them correctly and take good care of them. Did you know that natural pearls do not tolerate any "chemistry"? Perfumes, creams, body lotions - all this affects the color and condition of the beads. Find out how to clean pearls at home, what products to use so as not to damage the surface.

Rules for the care of rings and earrings

To care for pearl jewelry, only warm soapy water and a brush with natural soft bristles are suitable. A good option is a baby brush for newborns or an eye shadow applicator (clean). Do not use any other means, including those recommended on the Internet on the request "how to whiten". This is especially true for chemically aggressive substances and abrasive powders.

Despite the apparent strength, natural pearls are capricious and need delicate care.

So, how to clean jewelry correctly?
Prepare everything you need:

  • convenient water container;
  • warm solution with laundry soap without fragrances;
  • soft brush;
  • natural dry cloth for grinding.

Start by preparing the solution. One tablespoon of grated soap is enough for half a liter of water. Dip the jewelry into the solution for no more than 5-10 minutes, delicately brush it. Remove and dry gently with a prepared cloth. Silver earrings with pearls or a ring are usually completely cleaned after such a procedure. Run-down pearls with traces of old dirt may need to be cleaned twice.

Pearl necklace - proper cleaning

At the heart of the classic string of pearls is nylon or silk. Natural threads wear out faster than mother-of-pearl beads, lose elasticity and accumulate dirt. That is why they need to be cleaned, even if visually the beads themselves do not seem dirty.

The problem is that the soapy solution, mentioned above as a tool without which no pearl cleaning goes, is not suitable for silk or nylon thread. You need to take care of the strings of pearls with double diligence, dividing the process into several stages:

  • cleaning beads;
  • thread cleaning.

It is enough to wipe the first ones with a cloth moistened with a solution of soap, followed by processing with a clean rag. The thread can be cleaned safely and conveniently in potato flour. The product is left in a container with flour for a day, after which the excess is removed, rubbed with a clean cloth.

Regular care of pearls: what rules to follow

Knowing how to properly wear gold with pearls or any other type of metal can make cleaning easier and prolong the life of your jewelry. Well-groomed products not only look different, they are pleasant to wear, they literally radiate positive energy.

The mother-of-pearl layer of natural spheres does not tolerate contact with chemicals in any manifestations. Try to exclude hair sprays, skin cosmetics, etc. from life on the day of contact of products with the body. If it's hard to go without make-up, put it on before putting on jewelry.

Before putting away the products for storage, they must first be refreshed with a damp and then with a dry cloth, removing traces of sweat, dust, and cosmetics.

It is very important to make it a rule never to wear silver with pearls, platinum or gold in:

  • sauna;
  • solarium;
  • pool;
  • to the beach;
  • in gym.

Firstly, it is harmful for beads to contact with the sun, salt water, chlorinated water, UV rays and sweat. Secondly, in all the places listed, this kind of decoration will simply be out of place.

With regard to storage rules, it must be understood that natural pearls need a special box, preferably made of wood with a layer of silk or velvet. You can not store jewelry in plastic boxes, bags, together with other products and on weight.

Despite all the "no" pearls just love to contact with the owner. Wearing them, following simple rules, is a proven way to preserve natural beauty, save from yellowness and prolong "life".

Energy cleansing - what is it and when is it needed

Any jewelry needs regular energy cleaning. This is especially true for products with natural stones that absorb the energy of the owner. You need to clean them both after another person, and immediately after purchase. Heirloom jewelry will require special attention. It is believed that along with inherited pearls, one can adopt the fate of its owner. If this is not in your plans, it is better to take the time to clean up.

A proven and safe method for cleaning the negative of genuine pearl products is whole grains of rice. They will not damage the color, will not violate the structure of the coating. Just place the decoration in a container of rice for a day. This time will be enough for the negative accumulated by the pearls to remain in the rice. You can use grains several times for re-cleaning, but in no case for food.

Please note that you cannot clean natural pearls with salt, like many natural stones. But melt water is suitable. Rinse the beads with melt water, read prayers, this is enough to eliminate the negative.

An interesting way is to get rid of negative energy with the help of the moon. The decoration is placed on the window so that the moonlight falls on the pearls, left for the night. It is believed that the celestial body takes away negative accumulations, cleaning jewelry.

A non-standard option is cleaning from someone else's energy with the help of sound. Mantras are sung over pearl jewelry or a bell is rung, church bells are allowed to ring in the recording.

In the end, if there are real doubts about the "purity" of the product, it can be consecrated in the Temple. Then there will definitely not be any foreign energy and negativity in it.
You learned how to properly care for pearl products, found out where they should not be put on. We have become real experts in cleaning from alien and negative energy. Share your knowledge on social networks with your friends!

Team Love Stones.

Every woman loves and wears pearl products with pleasure. These perfectly round stones are made by nature in the water expanses of the seas. The decoration is worn by both people of higher circles, and everyone who can afford it. Recall that today there are already not only natural, but also artificial pearls. Despite its beauty, it requires careful handling. Especially when it comes to cleansing, one must be able to clean amber beads. An attempt to wash with a conventional detergent can end fatally and the product can simply be thrown away. Let's see how to clean pearls at home?

How can you not clean pearls?

Because of their finicky, you need to be careful with pearls and not every cleaning method is suitable for them. If we take into account the fact that only 2% of water is included in the composition, then it is not difficult to guess that high temperatures will cause irreparable harm. However, with strong humidity, darkening occurs, the decoration fades and loses its beauty forever. All this must be taken into account for successful cleaning of pearls at home.

The outer coating is easily damaged, so do not use hard cloths or brushes. If you do not want to get a reddish surface color, it is better not to allow the pearls to come into contact with perfumes and toilet water. In general, do not use:

  • hot water;
  • bleaching agents;
  • hard brushes, sponges, graters;
  • aggressive acids;
  • household detergents;
  • soda, peroxide, ammonia, vinegar;
  • perfume and toilet water.

Watch a video on cleaning natural and artificial pearls:

How to clean pearls at home

It is not as important how to clean, more important than. An incorrectly chosen method will easily ruin such a valuable piece of jewelry. It would not be superfluous to add that it is necessary to clean pearls regularly. Below are some of the most effective and safe ways to clean pearl beads.

Special jewelry paste

The first and most important tool is a special jewelry paste. It will not harm the products and is designed specifically for high-value items. To clean, you need to take a soft cloth and apply the paste on it, now rub the surface with light movements. Apply it evenly over the entire stone and polish using a lint-free cloth.

The method is effective, but has its drawbacks. First, it is not recommended to use it often. The product contains active cleaning agents in its composition, which smoothly reduce the service life, although they quickly return shine and freshness.

And secondly, finding such a paste can be a problem. It is not sold in every jewelry store.

soap solution

You can clean pearls at home without chemicals and harm to their service life. To do this, use one of the most gentle means - a soap solution.

Dilute soap shavings in water until a concentrated solution is formed. It is better that it be a delicate or baby soap. Immerse the decoration and leave for a while. For preventive cleaning, 5 minutes is enough; if heavily soiled, leave longer. The thread can be rubbed with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. Now wipe each bead with a soft, damp cloth, thus washing off all the remnants of dirt and soap. Leave until completely dry.

Olive oil

Using high-quality olive oil, you can restore the luster of pearls. To do this, you need a cotton pad, on which you need to apply a few drops of oil. Wipe each bead thoroughly and remove any residue with a soft cloth or napkin. You can wipe it off with a damp cloth first.

Potato starch

There is an affordable way to clean pearls. We use potato starch. A little powder is poured onto a velvet fabric and beads are wrapped in it. Wipe until the dirt is completely gone. When doing this, it is important to be careful not to scratch the surface. Remove the rest with a soft cloth.


No matter what you have, rings, earrings, amber, pearl beads or other pearl jewelry, fine salt will help clean them all. The main thing is to be careful and not overdo it.

We take a soft flap of linen and a little salt, put the right thing and wrap it with a cloth. Rinse in water until the last salt is completely dissolved. It is important that the water is at room temperature. Now wipe with a cloth and dry.

Care and maintenance

Now that we understand how to clean pearl beads, let's learn how to keep them in order. To do this, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. It is recommended to separate the beads from each other with knots, and change the thread regularly.
  2. High temperatures and humidity damage pearls, keep them away from them. When it is hot in the sun, it is better not to leave decoration.
  3. Beads should be kept separate from other jewelry and wrapped in suede.
  4. When in contact with the skin, fat particles are transmitted, so after wearing for prevention, wipe with a damp cloth.
  5. In order to remove the necklace, there is a special metal lock on it, so you will not take the beads in your hands once again.

As you can see, cleaning pearls at home does not take much time. Take care of pearls, this is a miracle of nature. Remember, this pebble is organic and needs oxygen to maintain its appearance. Therefore, wear, care, clean and enjoy a real miracle of nature in your own pocket.

Pearl jewelry is popular with women and has remained so for many years. These round stones from the seabed are perfect in their beauty, but in order to maintain it, you definitely need to take care of your jewelry. In this article, we will talk about how to clean pearl jewelry at home, consider the most effective and simple methods, and talk about storing such things.

Girl in a stunning necklace

A few words about pearls

Back in the days of ancient civilizations, jewelry served not only as body jewelry. They acted as a monetary equivalent, a means of exchange of goods. Pearls are the most expensive representative of precious materials, because long before they learned how to process them, various magical properties were attributed to them. Pearl jewelry is still considered a symbol of prosperity, prosperity, longevity.

Pearl fishermen in myths and fairy tales were presented as such romantics, capable of conquering any woman's heart. This is due to the indescribable beauty of a natural mineral (to be precise, pearls do not belong to minerals, but it contains aragonite, which is such).

Pearls are a rounded formation that develops in the shells of some mollusks when grains of sand or small organisms get inside. If a foreign body is purposefully introduced into the shell, then the resulting pearl is considered cultured. In jewelry, both natural and cultured pearls are used.

Jewels from the depths of the sea

Cleaning pearl jewelry, like other jewelry, is necessary for several reasons:

  • Plaques of dust, dirt or grease hide the true beauty of the product.
  • Aggressive environmental influences have a devastating effect on pearls. As a result, it may lose its unique mother-of-pearl gloss.
  • Violations of storage conditions cause the formation of cracks and chips on the beads.
  • Untimely cleaning and maintenance measures can lead to complete damage to the product.

Cleaning Features

After describing the negative consequences, it is necessary to console the happy owners of pearl products. To the question of how to clean pearls at home? - there are several answers at once. But before proceeding to the algorithm of cleaning procedures, one should separately highlight the negative factors that this unique creature from the bowels of the water element “does not like”.

Negative factors

  • Human sweat secretions contain a number of chemically active substances. Wearable jewelry (beads, earrings, bracelets) are constantly exposed to them.
  • Pearls are demanding on the level of humidity of the surrounding air. Climatic conditions with excessively low humidity will lead to cracking of the coating, and with high humidity it will become cloudy.
  • Contact with cosmetics on the gloss is unacceptable. Meanwhile, this is the main cause of damage to pearls, as many women prefer to put on jewelry as soon as possible, and only then apply makeup.
  • Despite its strength, the surface of the pearl is sensitive to mechanical damage and scratches. Even elemental dust can destroy the top layer if dry cleaning is attempted without the use of cleaning products.

Original jewelry for a lovely lady

Required Funds

If at home there is everything you need from the provided list, then you can safely proceed to the procedure for restoring shine and in parallel to protecting your jewelry.

  • Soap or shampoo, preferably colorless. Usually these are funds for young children.
  • Warm water. It is important not to overdo it here, as hot water can adversely affect the condition of the surface.
  • Potato starch. It is present in almost every kitchen.
  • Olive oil. This is important, as removing other oils from pearls after cleaning will be very problematic.
  • Fine salt. It is also always present in the kitchen.

Soft fabrics with a high degree of hygroscopicity (flanel, cotton, suede, cotton wool) are suitable as tools.

Proven Ways

Now it's time to answer the question, how to clean pearls? All means should not be used at the same time. Each of them represents one of the ways:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a concentrated solution of soap or shampoo. Two glasses of water account for a tablespoon of shampoo, liquid or grated soap. The method of applying the product and cleaning depends on the shape of the jewelry. You can treat the surface with a cotton swab dipped in the solution, or immerse the products in the solution, wait a couple of minutes, and then wipe it dry with a cloth.
  2. Salt (necessarily finely ground, to avoid scratches) must be poured into a flap of matter that passes water well. Pearls should be completely immersed in salt. The closed flap in the form of a bag is held under a stream of running warm water until the salt is completely dissolved. It is important not to take any manipulations (do not massage, do not mix, just keep it under water).
  3. Potato starch will help remove impurities. It is poured in small quantities on soft matter. The placed product is wiped with starch, and then with a clean soft cloth. You don’t have to worry about the integrity of mother-of-pearl, since starch will not harm it.
  4. Olive oil not only has a cleansing effect, but can also be easily removed with a regular tissue. Therefore, a few drops of oil can be applied to the surface to be cleaned and processed with a cotton pad to the desired result. Then it remains only to get rid of the oil.

The deep beauty of a real pearl

Jewelry is not made up of only one specific material. Combinations are often found. An example is gold earrings with pearl peas inserted, and pearl bracelets often contain silver as well.

These metals are cleaned with chemicals that are harmful to mother-of-pearl surfaces. If it is not possible to clean the directional action (pearls separately, and metal separately), then you should not take risks and entrust the jewelry to professional jewelers.

Everyone and everyone is constantly surrounded by advisers who will suggest a way out of any situation. The problem of cleaning pearl products is no exception. In order not to think about whether this is good advice or a dirty trick from an envious neighbor, you should clearly understand what exactly cannot be done with pearls.

  • Use abrasives as a cleaning agent.
  • Apply chemically active substances (acids, soda).
  • Use aggressive agents (ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids).
  • Apply hot water.
  • As tools, use brushes, coarse sponges, graters.

Jewelry for social events

In the process of cleaning jewelry, the thread on which the pearls are strung may be damaged. The way out of this situation is simple - do not immerse the product in water, but use other available methods. But do not forget that frequent wearing of beads also reduces the resource of threads. Therefore, you should learn how to string beads on your own.

It turns out that violation of the rules for storing pearls can lead to various negative consequences. Some tips on how to store pearls every woman should know.

Jewels from the depths of the sea deserve a separate place of storage. This is not just speculation, there is a rational grain here. In order to avoid damage from other metal products, it is recommended to store pearls wrapped in a soft cloth in a separate, non-hermetic box. The access of air is very important for maintaining the brilliance and color of the peas, as they have an organic component.

It is advisable to wipe the jewelry after each public exit. Even short-term use leads to the fact that the surface is covered with a layer of dust and grease. But at the same time, which is paradoxical, long-term storage also has a negative effect. As a result, you should wear products as often as possible, wiping them every time.

Even with the harmful effects of sunlight, it is recommended that products periodically arrange “sunbaths”. This leads to a normalization of the moisture level in the crystal, which prolongs its shelf life.

When changing the thread on the beads, you should learn how to tie knots between the peas. They will prevent dirt from entering the thread holes.

We hope that the techniques described in this article will help you keep your jewelry in a clean and tidy appearance worthy of you. Store your jewelry correctly, take care of them, and then they will give you the opportunity to be truly magnificent.

« How to clean pearls at home?»- this question worries beauties who prefer to wear such jewelry.

Pearls are a truly unique type of precious stone, which is extracted from the shells of mollusks that live in the seas and rivers. Pearls are used to make jewelry. Owners of natural pearls should know how to properly clean and store them so as not to damage the jewelry.

Humanity has known about pearls since ancient times. There is evidence that Queen Cleopatra had two of the largest pearls in her earrings. Quite often you can find jewelry in which pearls are present.

Pearls can be found in precious items made of gold and silver. This jewelry looks very impressive, whether it be a necklace, earrings or a brooch with pearls.

There are 2 types of precious products: natural pearls and artificial ones. Today, most women who wear pearl jewelry have artificial gemstones.

Despite this, artificial pearls need to be looked after no less responsibly than natural jewelry. In order to preserve the extraordinary brilliance and whiteness of the product for as long as possible, it must be stored very carefully and handled delicately.

Due to the fact that it consists of 2% water, with its lack, the product loses moisture over time, the pearl begins to fade and exfoliate. Excess water can also adversely affect the condition of the jewelry: it will become cloudy, lose its natural whiteness and stop shining.

4 things are bad for pearls:

  1. Too bright lighting.
  2. Heat.
  3. Excessive humidity in the room.
  4. Dust particles.

The mother-of-pearl layer of a pearl directly depends on the types of mollusks, the habitat and the time spent in the shell. Accordingly, the longer the pearl is in the shell, the thicker the mother-of-pearl layer will be. In terms of quality, such a pearl will be better than those that have spent a much shorter period in the shell.

The neck of absolutely any woman will be very attractively decorated with a pearl necklace complete with earrings made of this precious stone. In order not to harm the product dear to the heart, as well as the unique image of the owner, you need to clearly know how to properly clean the pearls in the walls of the house without harming the product.

For many centuries, pearls have been valued for their beauty and rarity; they serve as a symbol of femininity and impeccability. Due to the fact that the beads of this precious jewelry are afraid of dust and pollution of various nature, they are very demanding in care and very fragile.

You can find out how to quickly and easily bring jewelry back to its original form in the next section.

How to clean pearls?

To date, there are a large number of all kinds of tips and recommendations on how to properly clean pearls (natural or artificial). Some of them are really very useful and priceless, but others (untested) can damage pearls.

Before you start cleaning pearls yourself, you must first clearly know what kind of product you have (natural or artificially obtained). After that, it is necessary to choose the right method for cleaning pearls and further care for them. It is also worth providing appropriate storage conditions for the product. After all, even the most delicate care without proper storage will be reduced to zero. Pearls may lose their luster and become yellow in color.

The environment equally affects both natural pearls and its artificial counterpart.

The following external factors can spoil the appearance of pearls:

  • perfumes and various cosmetic components (essential oil and others);
  • showering in jewelry, frequent contact with hot water;
  • external impact on the decoration of ultraviolet rays and aggressive detergents;
  • constant contact with dirty skin and improper care (untimely cleaning of the product from contamination).

To clean gold or silver pearl earrings, do not use the following tools:

  • acid, which contains aggressive components;
  • cleaning or dishwashing detergent, powder and cream;
  • coarse brushes, washcloths or grater;
  • baking soda and other folk remedies (hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar);
  • means for bleaching (stain remover, bleach);
  • toilet water or perfume;
  • hot or cold water.

In order for the product to always look great, it is necessary to remove dirt from it in a timely manner so that they do not accumulate in a thick layer..

Simple Ways

To clean pearls quickly and easily, you need to know some simple ways, using which you can return the original brilliance and whiteness to the jewelry in a short time. It is necessary to act as carefully as possible and be extremely careful, then an excellent result is definitely guaranteed.

Here are 4 effective ways to clean pearl beads:

For this method, you will need a soapy solution of lumpy baby soap and water.

For this you need:

  1. Prepare a solution of baby soap and water (you can use any shampoo instead of soap).
  2. Lightly dip a cotton pad into the solution.
  3. With gentle movements, wipe the pearls on the necklace or beads.
  4. For a short amount of time, dip earrings or a ring in a soapy solution.
  5. Remove items from soapy water.
  6. Gently wipe the pearl beads dry, finally removing traces of soapy water.

To restore the decoration of the lost shine, high-quality olive oil will help.

You need to do the following:

  1. Drip a little oil on a cotton pad.
  2. Carefully process the product with them.
  3. Remove any remaining olive oil with a paper towel.

A great way to remove dirt from jewelry is to clean with potato starch.

Clean the beads like this:

  1. A small amount of starch is poured onto a small piece of velvet fabric.
  2. A pearl product is placed there and the fabric is wrapped.
  3. Then carefully clean the product with your fingers until visible contamination is completely eliminated.
  4. After that, the pearls are rubbed with a soft napkin or cloth, removing the remnants of potato starch.


Brooches and rings with pearls, the original brilliance and whiteness will help to return finely ground salt.

This will require:

  1. Take a small piece of linen fabric.
  2. Pour a handful of edible fine salt into it.
  3. Wrap the decoration in cloth.
  4. Rinse in non-hot water until the salt is completely dissolved.
  5. The jewelry should be dried.

It is necessary to dry the jewelry only in a horizontal form, placing a dry, well-absorbing fabric under the bottom. It is not recommended to hang the product vertically because in this position the thread can stretch.

Special funds

In order for a pearl product to serve as long as possible and always look like new, you can use special products for cleaning pearl jewelry at home.

These may include cleaning agents such as:

Product name

Method of application and dosage

jewelry paste

On a cotton pad or a dry soft cloth, add a small dose of special jewelry paste for jewelry. Gently rub the pearl beads with it. Then the product should be well polished to shine and white pearls. After that, the pearl jewelry must be wrapped in velor or suede fabric and stored in it until the next publication.

Dry tooth powder

Pearl beads are placed in tooth powder, then lightly moistened in malic or hydrochloric acid. Then you need to let the water drain from the product. Do not rub the beads with a rag.

Acetic or hydrochloric acid

Jewelers advise cleaning pearls with a weak solution of hydrochloric or acetic acid.

Jewelery paste is often not recommended, but for rare use it is fine.

These methods of cleaning pearl products are simple, and anyone can use them. But it is always necessary to remember that pearls are very fragile (both natural and artificial), so manipulations should be carried out very carefully and carefully.

Product care

As mentioned earlier, pearl products are very delicate, requiring careful care. If you follow the recommendations of experts in the field of jewelry, you can extend the life of your favorite jewelry for a long time, giving the image elegance and impeccable taste.

Here are some of them:

  1. Do not expose to moisture. It is undesirable to wear a product around the neck immediately after taking a bath or shower. As mentioned earlier, excess moisture is detrimental to decoration. If the weather is rainy outside, pearl jewelry should be discarded. Together with raindrops, harmful acids contained in atmospheric precipitation may well get on the product. Under the influence of such a substance, the mother-of-pearl shell of pearls will gradually lose its luster and become dull and cloudy.
  2. Do not wear in too hot season. If you are planning a trip to exotic countries where the air temperature in summer reaches +40-45 ° C, then it is better to leave the decoration at home right away. After all, the sun, like water, is the worst enemy of pearl beads. From too bright sun and extreme heat, pearls lose their luster and may begin to crack.
  3. Store in a dark place. Jewelry should only be stored in a dry and sun-protected place.
  4. Do not use aggressive substances or hard brushes. For the cleaning procedure, do not use substances that contain acid and alkali. Abrasive cleaners can also damage the outer pearly surface of pearls. Metal brushes or coarse washcloths can scratch the pearl's delicate mother-of-pearl layer.
  5. Do not wear coarse woolen clothing with the product. If you decide to wear a pearl necklace or beads around your neck, you should not choose an outfit made of woolen fabric for this occasion. A product made from this type of fabric can damage the decoration.
  6. Handle the product with a damp cloth. After returning home from a social event or a party, pearl jewelry should be wiped with a damp cloth to remove accumulated sweat and sebum.
  7. Take off the necklace, holding on to the lock. When the necklace needs to be removed, you should always hold on to the metal clasp, in no case should you take on the beads with a thread.
  8. Put on the product after completing makeup and hair. This must be done so that the components of cosmetics and hairspray do not accidentally get on the jewelry.
  9. Periodically update the thread on the product. On a pearl necklace, from time to time it is necessary to change the thread and, if possible, separate each bead with a knot.

If the product has knots between pearls, they will protect the jewelry from constant friction. The knots also protect the beads from dirt getting inside.


For the procedure of whitening pearls and eliminating traces of sweat and fat, you can use the following tool.

You need to take 1 large spoonful of rare soap (or detergent) and dilute with 1 glass of hot water. Then you need to prepare the necessary container for the whitening procedure. Soap must be thoroughly mixed with water to form a soapy foam solution. After that, the pearls, which have lost their whiteness, are dipped into the solution and, with the help of a soft cloth, the accumulated dirt and yellowness are carefully removed from the product. Then the necklace is removed from the soapy solution and rinsed under running water, dried and the beads are wiped with a dry cloth. Finally, a cotton pad or napkin is moistened with nail polish remover and the product is treated. This manipulation will fix the action of the composition and allow you to return the lost whiteness to the product.

Gradually, the pearl product acquires a yellowish tint. It appears due to improper care of the jewelry, if drops of sweat and fat were not removed in a timely manner, or for a number of other reasons.

If you use the proposed method for bleaching pearl jewelry, then the yellowed product can return the lost whiteness and add shine.


For the proper storage of pearls, there are also certain recommendations, following which you can extend the life of the product.

Let's dwell on some of them.

  • Even a small amount of dust that settles on the product over time can leave small cracks and scratches, which will subsequently lead to a loss of luster. Jewelry should be stored in a special box, inside which contains a soft cloth. Pearls should not be kept together with other jewelry.
  • Try your best to protect your pearls from dust and dirt. Timely cleaning of the product is a rather laborious process that requires a certain amount of time, but nevertheless it must be carried out periodically. Jewelers do not recommend cleaning pearls often.
  • The condition of the skin of the owner of the jewelry directly affects the appearance of the pearl. Simply put, if the owner of a pearl necklace has an acid-base balance, then the jewelry will absorb acid from the body over time. This will lead to the gradual disintegration of the mother-of-pearl layer of the beads. A ring and earrings with pearls are not so susceptible to oxidation, beads and a necklace take the main blow. Timely rubbing of pearls in the manner described earlier will stop the process of decay of the outer and inner layers of pearls.
  • If the hostess prefers to store jewelry in a safe, then you definitely need to make sure that there is a sufficient level of humidity in it so as not to harm the product.
  • It is not recommended to visit a swimming pool or a gym in a pearl necklace. Chlorinated water adversely affects the pearl layer of the product, and sweat drops create excessive acidity, which will also adversely affect the appearance of the jewelry. You should also not swim in the sea in a pearl product, as salt water can ruin the thread on the beads, as a result, they will last much less.

The most important thing in caring for pearls is wearing them. It does not matter at all what kind of pearl product you have (gold or silver). In contact with a clean body, it can "come to life" right before our eyes.

Pearls have been used as jewelry since ancient times. There are sea and river (freshwater) pearls, mined respectively in sea and freshwater mollusks. sea ​​pearl more rounded regular shape, different glossy sheen. river pearl it is usually irregular in shape, its surface is matte, which makes its color more muted. At the same time, both sea and river pearls are found in almost all colors - white, pinkish, golden, black, although pure bright colors are much less common in river pearls. Recently, it has become widespread artificial (cultured) pearls, which is produced with direct human intervention in both marine and freshwater plantations. Its difference from natural pearls is a weaker mother-of-pearl shell, which requires a more careful attitude towards it. The most preferred in jewelry production is natural freshwater pearls. Mother-of-pearl on it is less susceptible to abrasion than marine, and even more so artificial, so such pearls are more practical to use. But still, cultured pearls are now widely used, as the most accessible to a wide range of its admirers. How to clean pearls at home with your own hands?

At the same time, as practice shows, any pearl, especially if used and stored improperly, can quickly “get old”, and the color can become inexpressive and faded. If this happens, home cleaning will help restore “youth” and attractiveness to pearls. Cleaning methods and methods are common for both sea and river pearls, but it should be borne in mind that artificial stones require a more careful and gentle attitude towards themselves.

What causes pearls to age?

The main reason for the “aging” of pearls is its dehydration (weathering). A brand new pearl jewelry that you have not even used, if stored for a long time and improperly, it can dry out, lose its luster, fade, and even change its original color. Therefore, such an ornament requires that it be used for its intended purpose, that is, worn. Upon contact with human skin, pearls are filled with moisture, fully revealing their color bouquet.

At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the condition of a pearl jewelry is extremely negatively affected by:

  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, so in the summer, when the sun is at its zenith, it is better to cover the pearls with clothes, because when it dries out, it becomes brittle, the top layer becomes covered with microcracks, and it begins to peel off, the color of the pearl fades and fades;
  • contact with cosmetics (various kinds of creams, varnishes, perfumes, etc.);
  • acid-containing preparations and even contact with their vapors (they actively react and dissolve the mother-of-pearl layer), therefore, for example, if you cook food in the kitchen using vinegar, then it is better to remove the pearls and store them in a protected place;
  • for the same reason, this must also be done when cleaning an apartment using chemically active detergents, direct contact with them, as a rule, is detrimental to pearls;
  • when cleaning pearls, do not use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, citric acid, they are able to dissolve the surface layers of mother-of-pearl;
  • excessive waterlogging in combination with high temperature also does not affect pearls in the best way, so it must be removed when taking a hot shower, visiting a bath, sauna (especially a steam room);
  • when cleaning pearls, in no case should you use products containing abrasive substances, even the softest, its surface can be easily scratched.

Chemically aggressive agents can lead to complete damage to pearl jewelry, which even experienced specialists cannot repair.

Basic rules for the use and storage of pearls

As experience accumulated over the centuries shows, pearl jewelry should be worn regularly. Exposure to human sweat, which has a mildly acidic environment, contributes to the dissolution of its damaged surface layers, it remains “alive”, retaining its luster and original color for a long time.

When storing jewelry with pearls for a long time, you need to create comfortable conditions for them:

How to clean pearls at home

In order to prevent irreversible processes of damage to pearls, it must be regularly washed from various kinds of surface layers of dirt in a soapy water solution. To carry out such a procedure, it is better to use baby or other well-known soap, which we can say with confidence that there are no impurities harmful to pearls. For this you need:

  • beat the soap solution to a foamy state, it should be slightly warm, but in no case hot;
  • apply the resulting foam to each bead and carefully wipe them with your fingers (to avoid scratches, it is not advisable to use brushes for this);
  • it is not recommended to leave beads, bracelets and other jewelry, in which pearls are fixed on a thread basis, in water for a long time, as the thread may stretch from soaking, the fasteners of the beads will loosen, and they may be damaged by rubbing against each other;
  • beads on jewelry with a rigid mount can be left in such a solution for a longer time;
  • rinse with clean water (chlorinated tap water can damage pearls), blot any remaining moisture with a soft cloth and leave to dry.

Necklaces and bracelets on a thread basis should not be used for their intended purpose until the thread that fastens the pearls is completely dry, otherwise it will stretch or break under the weight. For the same reason, it is not recommended to wash such products by weight and completely lower them into water.

If the soap solution did not bring the desired results, then you can clean the pearls at home with the help of special tools, which can be purchased at the jewelry network. They are sold both in the form of pastes and wipes soaked in a special cleaning solution.

When using the paste, you need to apply a small amount of it on a suede cloth and gently polish each bead. It is not necessary to apply excessive force, as it is possible to damage the pearls or the thread that holds them together.

Special napkins are used in the same way. Detailed instructions for the use of special cleaning products are attached to the purchased product, you should only strictly follow them. The only, but not unimportant, disadvantage of these funds is their comparative high cost.

In this case, home preparations can help, such as:

Instead of table salt, for these purposes, you can use a weak solution of colorless sea salt (sold in pharmacies and perfume stores).

  1. Potato starch. It is a simple, but at the same time effective way to care for pearls. To clean it, you need to pour a little starch on a velor or suede cloth and sand the surface. At the same time, starch does not cause scratches and effectively removes all contaminants.
  2. Olive oil. It will help restore the natural luster lost by pearls. Lightly moistened (just a couple of drops) with a cotton or gauze swab, gently wipe the pearls, then carefully wipe them with a clean, dry cloth to remove any remaining oil, and polish with a velvet. Glitter will return to them in its original form. It should be borne in mind that the oil must be the highest purification. In case of insufficient cleaning, as well as when using other types of vegetable oils, difficult-to-remove oil stains will remain on the surface.

Cleaning pearls in gold and silver settings

When cleaning pearls in a gold or silver frame, as a rule, cleaning of the metals themselves is also required. With a gold frame, this process is easier to perform, just wash in soapy water and, if necessary, polish with a suede cloth.

Silver, on the other hand, often darkens from oxidation; it is quite difficult to remove such stains without the risk of damaging the mother-of-pearl surface, since the means that can effectively clean silver are practically incompatible. There are two ways out of this situation - either carry out this operation on your own, but very carefully, avoiding even the slightest hit of an aggressive agent on pearls, or give the jewelry for cleaning to a specialized studio.

In any case, if the results of home cleaning did not bring the desired result, then it is better to trust the experts. At the same time, regular and proper care of jewelry will preserve its beauty and attractiveness for a long time.