What does 5 3 mean in the gia system. Diamond color. How does a diamond's clarity affect its value?

The ability to decipher the characteristics of diamonds recorded on a special tag will help you learn about the characteristics of the jewelry. They tell you about the diamond's carat weight, color, clarity, presence of defects, and shine in the sun. The cost of a stone directly depends on these indicators, and the ability to navigate the presented numbers and letters will protect you from unnecessary financial expenses.

Rating according to the 4 “C” system

Diamonds formed in the natural environment are not a homogeneous crystalline mass. Before cutting, they have invisible and visible to the naked eye cracks, air bubbles or foreign inclusions.

This affects the color and transparency of the diamonds obtained after cutting, which are sold in jewelry stores or go under the hammer at world-famous auctions.

In Russia, as in the rest of the world, the 4 “C” rating system is used. It allows you to describe a gemstone in detail using its physical characteristics. These include:

  • cut
  • carat weight;
  • color (color);
  • diamond purity (clarity).

If several precious stones are used in the manufacture of jewelry, then their exact number will be indicated on a special tag.

How to read the tag

Let’s imagine that you are planning to buy a piece of jewelry whose tag in the “Inserts” section says 3Br-Kr57–0.2ct–3/6A. It looks like a complex formula, but such a record is very easy to decipher.

The first value “3Br” indicates that 3 diamonds are inserted into the product.

“Kr57” indicates the type of cut. In our case, the cut is round, and each stone has 57 facets or facets.

Diamonds with a round cut type are most often encrusted with products with a large number of small precious stones (up to 1 carat).

Large minerals are cut in other types, among which the following stand out:

  • "Marquis" with 55 facets "M55";
  • "Princess" P49, "P65", P68";
  • “Pear” - “G55 and “G56”;
  • “Round” - “Kr57”, “Kr17”, “Kr33”;
  • "Oval" - "O57";
  • “Emerald” - “I57” and “I65”;
  • “Asher” - “A25”, “A49”, “A55”;
  • "Radiant" - "P65", "P70";
  • “Heart” - “C57”, “C58”;
  • “Trilliant” or “Trillion” “T19”, “T31”, “T37”, “T52”.

“0.2ct” means that the total weight of stones of the same size and the same cut is 0.2ct. If diamonds of different sizes and qualities are inserted into the product, then there are several entries on the tag corresponding to each of them.

Weight and cut type play a big role, but much more important is the color and clarity of the diamond, as well as the quality of the cut, which you must be able to correctly decipher.

Luster depends on cut

A properly cut stone gives a piece of jewelry a unique shine, attracting the attention of others.

The ideal A cut allows the stone to reflect light from the apex, giving it its most dramatic effect. If a surface cut is used, the light is scattered in different directions and does not give a strong shine. For minerals with dark shades, deep cutting of types B and C is specially carried out. With this, the light literally disappears into the depths, and the diamond looks mysterious and dull.

The use of modern high-tech equipment allows cutting, polishing each facet to an almost perfect shine. The shine of your jewelry depends solely on the quality of the cut. Therefore, if you see the letter A on the tag, then this designation indicates a surface cut, which gives the stone maximum brilliance.

Diamonds of group B are more stretched in height, and group C diamonds are more stretched in diameter. The highest quality minerals are subjected to type A surface cutting, and stones with disproportionate sizes and defects are subjected to type B and C cutting.

Diamond color categories

The color and purity of the jewelry is indicated by the “3/6” mark. In this case, the first number characterizes the color, and the second indicates the purity of the diamond.

The value of natural diamonds depends on color and clarity. There are no absolutely transparent diamonds in the world, so jewelers have come up with a color scale that allows them to be classified into groups.

Stones with a high degree of transparency have a color category 1. They have a pale blue tint invisible to the naked eye. As saturation increases, color parameters increase, reaching a value of 9 for coffee-colored diamonds.

You should know that stones with color indices from 1 to 4 are considered colorless, that is, their faint shades can only be seen when using magnifying glasses.

In our particular case, there is a marking with the number 3, which means the presence of diamonds of the third color class. These are decent indicators, indicating that you are looking at quality stones.

How to determine the purity of a stone

If the mineral is free of scratches, cracks, air bubbles and inclusions of other minerals, then it is classified as the maximum first category of purity. As the number of defects increases, the purity mark on the tag increases, reaching 7 units.

Even a diamond with a clarity rating of 7 can only detect defects using a magnifying glass with tenfold magnification.

A diamond with a clarity of 1 to 4 is considered “crystal clear,” while a grade of 5-6 is acceptable in jewelry made from artificial stones.

In our case, purity characteristic 6 indicates not ideal, but high quality jewelry.

It is impossible to visually determine the difference in color and clarity in diamonds whose size does not exceed 1 carat, so feel free to buy the jewelry you like.

Purchasing diamonds is a reliable way to invest capital. They have no shelf life, do not dry out or crack due to storage in the sun, and are not afraid of cold and high temperatures. Prices are steadily growing, as are precious metals. If necessary, they are easy to sell.

When buying large diamonds, pay attention to the purity indicator. The cost of the jewelry and the interest in purchasing it on the part of potential buyers depend on it.

Diamonds of the first and second clarity categories weighing more than 1 carat are very expensive and are sold at auctions. We recommend purchasing diamonds with a clarity of 3 (3 3) to 6 (6 6). They are inexpensive, but constantly increase in price, preserving the investment.

Low purity black diamonds

Black diamonds, which for many years were considered low-grade stones, have become popular in recent years. Such minerals receive purity categories of 10, 11, 12 and are unlikely to be suitable for investment.

According to hematologists, black diamonds are of extraterrestrial origin and are extremely rare. The jewelry encrusted with them is valuable if the diamond is large and beautifully cut.

When looking at the label of such a product, pay attention to the category of cleanliness and uniformity of color. The diamond should not have chips, cracks or inclusions visible to the eye.

Remember that cracks and chips can destroy the diamond and cause it to lose value.

Correctly reading the characteristics of diamonds

“A diamond of pure water”... Such a familiar expression. What does it really mean? In this article, consultants from the SA&GA Jewelry House will talk about characteristics of diamonds, about how to correctly read product tags.

Every woman wants to have diamond jewelry. And when purchasing, it is important to correctly decipher the characteristics indicated on the tag, because the price of the jewelry depends on them.

Characteristics of a tag on jewelry

A sealed tag for jewelry is a certificate of quality. It must indicate the manufacturer of the jewelry, the main characteristics of the precious stone, encrypted in a special code, as well as the fineness of the metal. The tag is your guarantee for the jewelry.

Now let's take a closer look at what each number means.

Diamond grading system “4c”

In the world there are generally accepted diamond characteristics. We will analyze each in detail.

The 4c ​​system is a classification of diamonds based on their characteristics:

Color – color

Clarity – purity

Carat – weight in carats

Cut – cut

All four of these factors directly affect the beauty and value of a diamond.

Carat(weight) + Color(color) + Clarity(clarity) + Cut(cut) = diamond cost

Color – color

Basically, diamonds are colorless. To a layman, it seems that all diamonds are transparent. But in fact, diamonds have different shades - ranging from pale yellow to brown shades. This can only be determined by a gemologist.

A pure diamond is an absolutely pure diamond without flaws. These are the most highly valued, and they are also the most expensive. Diamonds with a yellowish tint are no longer valued so highly. Diamonds with a sapphire blue tint are quite rare and are very expensive.

According to current technical conditions, the color characteristics of diamonds are indicated by numbers. Thus, diamonds with 57 facets and weighing up to 0.29 carats are divided into 7 groups. Diamonds of the same cut, weighing more than 0.3 carats, are divided into 9 color groups.

Group number


colorless higher ones, as well as with a tint of blue


with a subtle tint

with a slight tint of yellowness

with slight yellowish, greenish, aquamarine, violet and gray tints

with visible yellow, green, aquamarine, gray and slight brown tints

with clearly visible yellow, green, lemon, aquamarine, and gray shades

yellow (with yellow, green, lemon color throughout the diamond)

brown or yellow-brown

The optimal price and quality for a diamond with 57 facets are considered to be third class diamonds.

In the international system GIA diamond grades The color of a diamond is indicated by letters of the Latin alphabet.

Carat – weight

The generally accepted measure of the mass of diamonds, as well as other precious and semi-precious stones, is usually measured in carats. One carat is equal to 0.2 grams.

Tables have also been developed to roughly estimate the size of a diamond.

Clarity - purity

Diamond Clarity depends on the state of the crystal lattice. Only gemologists can determine it using a special gemological 10x magnifying glass and microscope.

The most ideal option is when there are no inclusions at all either inside or on its surface. These are unique stones that are not found on the mass market, these are auction stones and they are very expensive.

In international practice, it is customary to indicate the purity of a stone with numbers and it looks like this:

In jewelry, the optimal clarity groups are considered to be 2 and 3. For KR-57 diamonds up to 0.29 carats - groups 4 and 5, and for diamonds over 0.3 carats - 4 - 6.

Cut - cut

A sparkling diamond is a skillfully cut diamond. It is the cut that allows you to reveal the magic and beauty of the stone, and it is selected individually.

The proportions of an ideal cut from the point of view of the refraction of light rays were presented by a mathematician of Russian origin at the beginning of the twentieth century, Marcel Tolkowsky, in his work “Diamond Design”. Round diamonds with 57 facets have become considered the world standard throughout the world.

The quality of the cut depends on how the diamond's facets refract and transmit light, and not on the type of cut (emerald, marquise, heart, etc.). Such a magical property of returning light is possible only in a diamond, in its highly skilled artistic and technical cutting work.

According to the technical specifications, the geometric parameters of diamonds are divided into categories - from A to G. The highest quality cut, in which all recognized standard measures are met, is considered “A”.

There are several types of diamond cuts:

Source: VIBIRAEM.COM How to choose a diamond. Carat, color, clarity, diamond cut

When choosing a diamond, jewelers recommend the rule of four “Cs”, from the English carat (carat, i.e. weight), color (color), clarity (purity) and cut (cut).
The main indicator, of course, is weight. The more, the more expensive.
A good diamond should be colorless. If a perfectly colored stone is placed in water, it becomes invisible. This is where the concept of a “pure water” diamond arose.
The highest color class is first. Russian diamonds of medium size usually reach the first or second class.
The purity of a stone is determined by the absence of internal defects - cracks, inclusions. According to the accepted classification, first class is also the most expensive. In stones with low purity, defects can be seen through a regular magnifying glass. And according to this indicator, average diamonds correspond to class 3-4.
Cutting is a decorative element, but often determines the buyer’s choice. There is no competition here - the classic “round” shape. The number of edges must be indicated. It is an impossible task for a buyer to independently distinguish a fake diamond from a real one. If the stone is of normal size, the reputation of the store guarantees its authenticity. You can order an independent gemological examination.
Price issue. If the price tag says 1Kr57-0.24 1/5A, this means: one round stone, 57 facets, weighing 0.24 carats. Its color corresponds to class 1, and its purity corresponds to class 5A. Such a ring costs about 20 thousand rubles.

The leader in Russian sales is the people's diamond of 0.1 carats, its price with average quality characteristics is around 7 thousand rubles. A diamond of 0.5 carats will cost 140 thousand, and for 1 carat you will have to fork out 500-600 thousand rubles
Russian diamond grading system.

The Russian diamond grading system is based on technical specifications (TU 117-4.2099-2002), in force since April 2002.

Cutting grade. A round cut with 57 facets (Kr-57) is accepted as the standard; there is also a round 17-sided cut (Kr-17), which is used for small stones. The specifications establish ranges of geometric cutting parameters according to which Kr-57 round diamonds can be divided into groups (in descending order of geometric parameters, symmetry, polishing quality) “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, and Kr- 17 - into two groups - “A” and “B”. Diamonds of famous fancy cut shapes are divided into two groups - “A” and “B”. Fancy cut diamonds with an unconventional number and arrangement of facets belong to the “B” cut group.

The weight of a diamond is measured in carats to the second decimal place. To calculate the mass of a stone fixed in a piece of jewelry, special calculation formulas are used.

There are three weight groups of diamonds: small (weighing up to 0.29 carats), medium (from 0.30 to 0.99 carats) and large - 1 carat and above.

Color assessment. Diamonds are classified into color groups from colorless with a gradual increase in the saturation of yellow, brown, and gray shades. The number of color groups depends on the weight. Small Kr-17 diamonds are classified into 4 color groups (1 - colorless stones). Small Kr-57 diamonds are classified into 7 color groups (1 - colorless stones). Medium and large diamonds are classified into 9 main color groups (1 - colorless stones) (see table), while several subgroups are distinguished in 6, 8 and 9: 6 and 6-1, from 8-1 to 8-5, from 9-1 to 9-4 (for example, 8-2 - lightly colored yellow, or 8-5 - yellow). Fancy colored diamonds belong to the first color group. I would like to note that there are practically no diamonds weighing 1 carat or more with characteristics of 1/1 on sale. Stones with such characteristics are several times more expensive than diamonds with 4/4 characteristics and may not be affordable even for very wealthy people. At the same time, in appearance, 1/1 and 4/4 diamonds are absolutely no different from each other.

Cleanliness assessment. Diamonds are classified into clarity groups depending on the presence of internal characteristics (inclusions, cracks, surface defects, the elimination of which will lead to significant weight loss), their quantity, location and color (characteristics visible through a 10x magnifying glass are taken into account). The number of purity groups depends on weight. Thus, small Kr-17 diamonds are classified into 6 purity groups, and small Kr-57 diamonds into 9 groups. For medium and large stones there are 12 purity groups (see table). The table shows that a diamond with a clarity of 5 on diamonds weighing up to 0.29 carats corresponds to a clarity of 7 for medium and large stones. Those. Defects and coloration that are difficult to see with the naked eye are detected only with characteristics of 7/7 (for medium and large stones). A trained eye, without the help of instruments, notices defects and color with characteristics of 6/6. Therefore, when buying large stones, it would be more correct to pay attention to the color and size that catch your eye.

The final grade of the diamond is written in the following form: for example, Kr-57 0.35 3/4A. This means: a round cut diamond with 57 facets, weighing 0.35 carats, has a color group of 3, a clarity group of 4, and a cut group of A.

GIA system for grading diamonds.

Cut - cut of a stone.

The quality of a diamond's cut is perhaps the most important component of all four in influencing a diamond's value, as a properly cut stone will look very beautiful and will have a lot of sparkle and play to it. When a diamond is cut correctly, light passes through the crown area, plays between the pavilion facets and returns back through the area, completely or almost completely reflected from the inner edges. If the cut is unsuccessful, then the light passing through the platform quickly reaches the edges of the pavilion and “leaks through” one of them, or leaves through the opposite lower edge of the diamond without having time to be reflected. The less light that refracts inside the stone and comes back out, the less sparkle your diamond will have.

Most gem experts agree that the best diamond cut is based on a formula that gives the stone maximum brilliance. These formulas can be understood by studying the proportions of diamonds, but what is more important is how depth relates to the diameter of the diamond and how the diameter of the table relates to the diameter of the diamond.

Experts in the field of diamond cut classification have developed a table to help jewelers use it to give a diamond the ideal proportions. According to this table, diamond cuts (according to GIA) can be divided into the following categories: Ideal, Premium, Very Good, Good and Poor.

The ideal cut aims to give the diamond maximum brilliance and usually has a smaller platform, which has the added benefit of having a greater ability to diffuse light. This cut category only applies to round diamonds. Premium cut round diamonds are cut equivalent to a Perfect Cut with a wider table and slightly modified crown and pavilion angles. Very Fine cut diamonds reflect most of the light that passes through them, creating an adequate level of brilliance. Diamonds with this cut are obtained as a result of the fact that cutters deviate slightly from the intended proportions of the diamond in order to obtain a diamond that is quite large in weight. As a result, such diamonds have deviations in the size of the platform or the width of the girdle, although in other parameters they coincide with the parameters of diamonds in the “Ideal” or “Premium” category. A “Good” cut means that the stone reflects a lot of light passing through it. The proportions are deviated from ideal because the choice was made in favor of a larger diamond when cutting, rather than cutting off all the excess to get a small Premium stone.

Clarity - the purity of the stone.

When we talk about a diamond's clarity, we are talking about having distinctive characteristics on the outside and inside of the stone. While most of these characteristics are an integral part of a rough diamond, occurring in the earliest stages of crystal formation underground, some are a result of the intense pressure the diamond is subjected to during the cutting process. If you imagine the incredible pressure with which a diamond is born, it is not at all surprising that many diamonds have inclusion cracks, defects, air bubbles and particles of foreign mineral rocks, both on the surface and inside the stone. Clarity is assessed using a 10x magnification lens, taking into account the size, number, location and color of internal characteristics, as well as, in some cases, surface defects that cannot be removed by repolishing without significant loss of weight of the stone. All other things being equal, diamonds without intrinsic characteristics are considered more valuable. The GIA grading system distinguishes 11 clarity groups: from “Intrinsically Flawless,” a diamond that has absolutely no defects or inclusions even under 10x magnification, to “Imperfect,” a diamond that has serious flaws and inclusions visible even to the naked eye. glance.

F and IF (Flawless and Internally Flawless) - Pure and Internally Pure. These diamonds have no internal inclusions or are undetectable under 10x magnification. Very rare.

VVS1 and VVS2 (Very Very Small Inclusions) - Barely noticeable inclusions. Very difficult to detect at 10x magnification.

VS1 and VS2 (Very Small Inclusions) - Barely noticeable inclusions. The smallest inclusions are invisible to the naked eye and are difficult to detect at 10x magnification.

SI1 and SI2 (Small Inclusions) - Small inclusions. Tiny inclusions that can be detected at 10x magnification and in some cases (SI2) inclusions are visible to the naked eye.

I1 and I2 and I3 (Imperfect) - Noticeable Inclusions. Inclusions are visible both at 10x magnification and with the naked eye.

Color - color of the stone.

When jewelers talk about diamond color, they usually mean the presence or absence of color in a “white” diamond. The color directly depends on the chemical composition of the diamond and does not change over time.

Due to the fact that a diamond is colorless, like transparent glass, it transmits more light through itself than a colored stone, colorless diamonds sparkle more and play with light reflections. Due to the peculiarities of the diamond formation process, only a few specimens are truly colorless stones. The more colorless a “white” diamond is, the higher its value. These rules do not apply to fancy colored diamonds. Such diamonds have a bright fancy color - blue, pink, red, yellow, green. They are very rare and their cost is several times, or even orders of magnitude, higher than the cost of “white” diamonds.

When assessing the colorlessness of diamonds, many jewelers use the GIA professional color chart, which is divided into groups, starting with completely colorless diamonds and then increasing in intensity of the yellow hue until the last group for diamonds with yellow coloring. Each group is designated by a letter of the Latin alphabet from D - colorless diamonds to Z - yellow diamonds. The same scale is used to evaluate the color of stones with a brown tint, taking into account the intensity of the brown color. Assessing the color of a diamond comes down to determining the color group. The coloring of yellow and brown stones with a color characteristic below Z is considered fancy. Diamonds with fancy colors have their own color groups; when describing such stones, the word fancy is used, then the color and its intensity are described. A set of standards is used to evaluate the color of diamonds.

Carat weight - weight of the stone in carats.

Carat is a unit of measurement used to determine the weight of diamonds. One carat is equivalent to 0.2 grams (200 milligrams). The word "carat" comes from the name of the seed of ceratonia, with which people in ancient times checked scales. Ceratonia seeds are so small and indistinguishable from each other that even the most modern technology is not able to measure the difference in weight of two seeds exceeding 0.003.

The process of diamond formation occurs only in special conditions, and usually the natural components necessary for the formation of a crystal can only be found in the mountains. Which means that large diamonds are found much less often than small ones. For this reason, the price of a diamond increases in direct proportion to its size.

As diamond color designations became ingrained in international trade, interest arose in another characteristic that determines a diamond's value: clarity. In the 1960s, diamond clarity designations were used not only in America, but also in Europe.

Diamond Clarity is a collective concept that defines the transparency, absence or degree of manifestation of internal or external defects of a diamond. The clarity of a diamond shows how easily light can penetrate inside the diamond, reflect off its facets, and scatter into multi-colored rays. The purity of a diamond determines its rarity, attractiveness and durability, and therefore its value.

The formation of inclusions and defects in a diamond that affect the clarity of the diamond.

Diamond was formed in the depths of the Earth gradually over several time phases. Moreover, the conditions - temperature, pressure, environment - were not always the same. This gives rise to natural features often referred to as internal diamond defects.

The division into internal and external defects is conditional, since, for example, an internal crack can be formed as a result of processing a diamond, and an external defect in the form of a left natural edge is of natural origin.

Photos of diamonds of different clarity

Diamonds and diamonds have the property of sticking to fat. When worn, a layer of dust and grease particles inevitably forms on the surface of a diamond, hiding the diamond’s defects. We specially cleaned diamonds of different clarity groups so that in macro photos it was possible to see diamond defects.

The photo shows an 8th clarity diamond - dark inclusions can be seen without magnification.

Each diamond is unique and inimitable, so diamonds of the same clarity grade differ in size, color and location of defects.

The photo shows an 8th clarity diamond - the light defect in the form of a crack is difficult to see without magnification.

The Diamond Expert company uses diamonds with a clarity of 3 to 7a to create jewelry, inclusions and defects of which are not visible to the naked eye when viewing a diamond set in a frame.

Diamond clarity group 7a. With a magnifying glass you can easily see a light defect, but without magnification it will be invisible.

In the catalog of certified diamonds, you can select diamonds weighing from 0.25 to 0.29 carats with clarity characteristics from 3 to 5 and diamonds weighing from 0.30 to 1.06 carats with clarity characteristics from 3 to 7a.

Diamond clarity group 7a. Dark inclusions can be easily seen with a magnifying glass, but without magnification they will not be visible.

The most advantageous purity groups are 7 and 7a. At 10x magnification, you can see diamond defects, but they will not be noticeable to the naked eye.

Diamond clarity group 7. The dark inclusion in the center can be seen with a loupe, but it is impossible to see without magnification.

If you can see inclusions in diamonds with a clarity of 6 or 7 using a 10x magnification loupe, then you have excellent eyesight and attention.

Diamond clarity group 6. The dark inclusion on the edge of the diamond and its reflection can be seen with a loupe, but it is impossible to see without magnification.

In diamonds with clarity group 5 and better, without preparing and training the eye, it is impossible to see anything even with a magnifying glass with tenfold magnification, but such diamonds are much more expensive.

Diamond clarity group 5. The light inclusion is difficult to see even with a magnifying glass.

Diamonds with a clarity of 3 or better are rarely used for jewelry purposes due to their high cost. In addition, their defects are not visible even with magnification when viewing the diamond from the platform. Imagine a microscopic bright inclusion in the form of a dot similar to the clarity 5 diamond in the photo above, only this inclusion will be located closer to the edge of the diamond under the edges of its facets. Even a professional gemologist will need a lot of time to find and identify such an inclusion.

Diamond clarity rating

On diamond appraisal influenced by all its internal and external flaws and shortcomings, their color and size, location in the diamond, degree of manifestation and visibility. The international standard for identifying defects in a diamond is 10x magnification.

Since a diamond is a creation not only of nature, but also of man, it may have external defects that appear or form during the diamond manufacturing process.

The degree of manifestation and visibility of internal and external defects of an unmounted diamond in a free and perfectly clean state is described in the following terms:

Degree of defect manifestation


Defects that are difficult to see It is very difficult to detect by looking long and hard at an unmounted diamond from all angles at 10x magnification.
Hardly visible defects Difficult to detect when looking long and hard at an unmounted diamond from all angles at 10x magnification
Visible defects Can be detected by closely viewing an unmounted diamond from all angles at 10x magnification
Easily visible defects Easily detectable by carefully viewing a diamond from all angles at 10x magnification, but they are barely visible to the naked eye
Clearly visible defects Can be detected at 10x magnification and can also be seen with the naked eye
Very visible defects Very easy to detect at 10x magnification, including easy to spot with the naked eye

The following terms are used to describe the size of internal and external defects:

Defect size


The smallest defects They do not have a discernible volume, have the appearance of dots or stripes, and according to the degree of manifestation - defects that are visible with great difficulty
Minor defects Do not have a discernible volume or have a very difficult to discern volume; according to the degree of manifestation, they are hardly visible defects
Minor defects They have a volume that is difficult to discern, and according to the degree of manifestation - visible defects
Minor defects They have a discernible volume and, according to the degree of manifestation, easily visible defects
Large defects They have the appearance of three-dimensional objects; according to the degree of manifestation, they are clearly visible defects
Very large defects They have the appearance of three-dimensional objects; in terms of the degree of manifestation, they are very clearly visible defects

The following terms are used to refer to some internal and external defects:

Table for determining the purity of a loose diamond by characteristics according to the classification of diamonds GOST R 52913-2008 *

Characteristics of diamond clarity groups

Diamond Clarity Group

Central zone of the diamond

Middle zone of the diamond

Peripheral zone of the diamond

Weight up to 0.299 carats

Weight from 0.30 carats

Free from internal and external defects1 1
One tiny defect in the form of a bright point, visible only when viewing the diamond from the pavilion side- - 2 2
- No more than two tiny defects in the form of light dots2 2
- One tiny defect in the form of a strip2 2
No more than three small defects in the form of light inclusions- - 3 3
- 3 3
- No more than two small defects in the form of a stripe3 3
No more than two small defects in the form of dark inclusions- - 3 4
No more than four minor defects in the form of light inclusions3 4
No more than two minor streak defects3 4
No more than one minor streak defect and three minor light inclusion defects3 4
- - 3 4
One minor defect in the form of a light cloud- - 4 5
One minor defect in the form of a crack- - 4 5
No more than three minor defects in the form of dark inclusions- - 4 5
No more than six minor defects in the form of light inclusions and stripes4 5
- No more than three minor defects in the form of cracks4 5
No more than eight small scattered defects in the form of light inclusions, stripes, cracks, transparent volumetric inclusions5 6
Up to five minor defects in the form of dark inclusions5 6
One minor defect in the form of a voluminous dark inclusion5 6
No more than eight small scattered defects in the form of light and dark inclusions, stripes, cracks, clouds, transparent volumetric inclusions5 7
One small defect in the form of a dark inclusion5 7
No more than two small defects in the form of dark inclusions5 7a
No more than two small defects in the form of cracks5 7a
No more than one small cloud-like defect combined with a small dark inclusion5 7a
Several small defects in the form of cracks combined with a small dark inclusion5 7a

IN Diamond Expert catalog of certified diamonds you can choose large diamonds with clarity characteristics from 1 to 7a and small diamonds with clarity characteristics from 1 to 5. From the crown side, which is how the diamond is seen when mounted, inclusions and defects are not visible to the naked eye.

Numerous small defects in the form of various inclusions and cracks6 8
One big crack6 8
Numerous large defects in the form of various inclusions, cracks6 9
Numerous large defects in the form of various inclusions in combination with cracks6 9
Numerous very large defects of various types and at least 60% of the diamond pavilion facets are transparent for viewing7 10
Numerous very large defects of various types and transparent to view from 60% to 30% of the diamond pavilion facets8 11
Numerous very large defects of various types and less than 30% of the diamond pavilion facets are transparent for viewing9 12

Amazing beauty, incredible play of light and the mesmerizing sparkle of diamonds leave no one indifferent. They are made into exquisite jewelry, used for inlaying rare designer creations, purchased for investment purposes, and even used for industrial purposes. Today, like many years ago, they are beautiful, unique and very much in demand.

Diamond grading parameters

The evaluation of cut diamonds in world practice is carried out according to the 4C system proposed by the GIA. This name is not accidental, and was formed from capital letters of such English words as clarity, color, cut, carat. It symbolizes the “four C rule” that must be followed when purchasing diamonds.

Pricing is influenced by four main characteristics of diamonds: color, clarity, weight, cut. Their weight is indicated by carats. The equivalent of 1 carat is 200 milligrams.

The color of diamonds ranges from completely colorless to a definite yellow. The shade of color and its intensity are the basis for classifying stones and assigning them to different groups.

White diamonds are the most popular. The more transparent they are according to the generally accepted classification, the higher their cost. With the ideal color tone, a diamond stone immersed in water becomes completely invisible.

In addition to white, there are diamonds with a pronounced fancy color - pink, red, yellow, green, blue. Such diamonds are found quite rarely, and their price is much higher. Over time, the color of the diamond remains unchanged.

The clarity of a diamond is a characteristic that shows how easily and unhindered light can penetrate into it and, when reflected from its facets, shimmer with rainbow colors. It implies the absence or presence, as well as the degree of internal or external defects, which cannot be eliminated without significant loss of its weight or size.

Cutting is used to highlight the radiance and brilliance of the gemstone. The level of quality characteristics of a cut is determined based on its proportionality, symmetry and smoothness of polishing. There are a great variety of cut shapes: circle, oval, heart, emerald, pear, princess, radiant, marquise, asscher. The most common and popular is round.

International GIA system

Gemological Institute of America - The American Gemological Institute's mission is to ensure public trust in all precious stones in general, and in particular in diamonds, as well as in jewelry containing them.

Thanks to the professionalism of its scientists and the high standards of its laboratories, GIA has earned international authority in the field of diamond evaluation, quality assurance and certification.

The GIA system is a unique system for grading diamonds based on four main characteristics. The weight and quality parameters of the cut are assessed – from “Ideal” to “Poor”, the purity of diamonds – on a scale from “Fl” to “I3” and the color by groups – from “D” to “Z”.

The characteristics of the cut performed are classified into groups:

  • ideal;
  • premium;
  • very god
  • good;
  • poor.

It is only possible to qualitatively determine the clarity of a diamond using a magnifying glass with 10x magnification. This is a generally accepted international standard for identifying various types of defects that reduce quality and purity. Diamonds from the "cleanest" to stones with defects visible to the naked eye are classified by the GIA into the following clarity groups in descending order:

Determination of color shades is carried out using a specially prepared set of diamond standards. By comparing the diamond being evaluated with standards, it is assigned to a specific color category.

Colorless diamonds are classified as group “D”. Diamonds are classified into subsequent groups as their yellowish tint increases. The “Z” group includes conditionally yellow stones. Characterization of a special category of diamonds with fancy bright colors is carried out using other color groups. To describe diamonds in this category, the English word “Fancy” is used, translated as “fancy”, the color is indicated and its intensity is characterized.

Russian system

The Russian system of classification and evaluation of cut diamonds is considered the most complex in the world. The standard cut in Russia is considered to be round with 57 or 17 facets. The latter is used for cutting small diamonds.

Depending on the quality parameters of the cut, 57-sided diamonds belong to one of four groups A, B, C, D, systematized in descending order, and 17-sided diamonds belong to two: A, B. Diamonds with known fancy cuts are classified into two groups: A and B.

In the Russian system, depending on their weight, cut diamonds are divided into three groups: large, medium and small. Large stones typically weigh 1 carat or more, medium stones weigh from 0.3 to 0.99 carats, and small stones weigh from 0 to 0.29 carats.

Dependence of diamond diameter on weight

Weight, in carats Diameter, mm
0,03 2,0
0,07 2,7
0,33 4,4
0,40 4,8
0,85 6,2
1 6,5
3 9,3
7 12,4
8 13,0

Depending on their color and clarity, diamonds are classified into groups indicated by numbers. In this case, their mass and number of faces are taken into account. The first color groups in this classification include colorless stones. Small diamonds with 17 facets correspond to 4 color groups, and those with 57 facets correspond to 7 color groups. Medium and large stones - according to 9 main color groups with several subgroups.

Diamond clarity also has a complex classification in the Russian system. Small stones with 17 facets are classified into one of 6 purity groups; those with 57 facets are classified into one of 9 groups. Medium and large - to one of 12 groups. Group 1 in all classifications of purity includes clean stones, that is, without defects.

The final characteristics of diamonds can be seen on the tag in jewelry stores. It is displayed this way: Kr-57 1.25 4/7B.

It is deciphered as follows: the diamond has a round cut with 57 facets, its weight is 1.25 carats, it belongs to color group 4 and clarity group 7, the cut quality is group B.

Correspondence between the clarity characteristics of diamonds of the Russian system and GIA

In order to be able to profitably purchase diamonds both on the domestic and international markets, you need to understand the current valuation systems. In addition, it is necessary to develop the ability to correlate similar categories of differing classifications with each other.

Diamond clarity according to the Russian system and the GIA system, correspondence table.

Russian system GIA Description
More Less Less
1 1 1 F Absence of any defects.
2 2 2 IF No more than 2 points of light shades are detected in the center or on the periphery; a visible band is possible.
3 3 VVS1; VVS2 No more than 3 dots of light shades are detected; no more than 2 barely visible dots of dark shades or stripes.
4 No more than 2 almost imperceptible dots of dark shades are found in the center; in any part there are no more than 4 small dots of light colors.
5 4 3 VS1 A small cloud of a light shade is detected in the center; the crack is quite small, no more than 3 dark dots; no more than 6 dots or stripes of light colors.
6 5 VS2 No more than 8 small stripes, dots, cracks and bubbles of light shades are detected; no more than 5 dark dots; graphite inclusions no more than 1.
7; 7a SI1; SI2 A maximum of 2 graphite inclusions are detected; no more than 8 small defects; small cloud with graphite inclusion.
8 6 4 SI3 Multiple small defects are noticeable, some of which may be barely visible under magnification.
9 I1 Many cracks are visible, or a combination of them with inclusions, which can be visible without magnification.
10 7 I2 Multiple defects are visible, transparency of 60% of edges or more.
11 8 5 I3 Multiple defects are visible, transparency of 30% - 60% of the edges.
12 9 6 Multiple defects are visible, transparency of 30% of edges or less.

Diamond clarity is an important characteristic when deciding to select and purchase these cut diamonds, and is often the determining factor.

Best Selling Diamonds

The quality of diamonds with color and clarity groups of 1 1 and 2 2, respectively, is very high, but they are very rare and cost incredible amounts of money.

The best-selling and most popular stones have color and clarity characteristics such as 3 3, 4 4, 6 6. The clarity of a diamond from group 3 to 6 makes it attractive for investment. The cost of such stones from 1 carat in size never decreases, and even increases steadily. Therefore, they are considered an excellent way to invest and save money.

The clarity of a diamond with a color of 3 and a clarity of 3 will satisfy and even delight the most discerning buyer. When magnified, only three light, inconspicuous dots can be detected in them. These imperfections cannot be seen with the naked eye. The color of such a cut diamond will also delight the buyer. Without being an expert in the field of gemology, it is very difficult to capture all the color nuances of diamonds. Therefore, the differences between 3 4 and 3 5 diamonds will not be obvious.

The 4 4 ​​color and clarity diamond is almost the most popular, especially having a flawless round cut.

When magnified, two insignificant small inclusions may be found right in the center, or in other areas there may be 2 stripes or from 2 to 4 dots of a light shade. For stones of this category, a small crack on the side is acceptable. On the other hand, the presence of natural defects makes it possible to determine the origin of a diamond and establish its authenticity. Clarity Group 4 stones do not have conflicting quality characteristics, which is common with clear stones.

A diamond with characteristics of 6 6 is an excellent option for those who want to purchase a large diamond of good presentation, but have budget restrictions. A diamond with a clarity of 6 and a color of 6 belongs to the most common quality group - medium. At the same time, it is visually identical to cleaner stones.

The differences are only visible when using a magnifying glass with 10x magnification. This way you can detect up to 8 small inclusions of light shades located in different zones, or about 5 dots of dark shades or a small graphite inclusion. Such diamonds are especially popular in European countries.

The clarity of a diamond 7 already suggests the presence of many inclusions of natural origin in its structure. Inclusions can be of different nature.

In stones belonging to purity group 7, you can find a couple of graphite specks, or a couple of cracks, or a graphite island with a small feather. It could also be a combination of cracks and a graphite speck.

How to determine which diamond to choose? Depending on the purpose of the acquisition, you need to decide which criterion should be decisive: weight, color, clarity, cut. Then select the desired technical characteristics according to the selected criterion. And after that, you can proceed directly to finding your diamond.