Homemade masks against oily sheen: how to make a matte face in the heat. Oily sheen masks


A mask of protein and lemon is a lifesaver in the summer. It not only reduces the oiliness of the skin, but also perfectly cleanses it. This mask in the summer can be safely used 2 times a week instead of a facial scrub. Already after the first application you will notice a real result.

To prepare the mask, you will need one protein and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix the protein with juice and beat until foamy. Then apply to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Due to the lemon juice in the composition, the mask should be done in the evening.


If you have blackheads or enlarged pores, grated carrots and tea tree essential oil will be ideal for you. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, you will need half a small root vegetable, add 2 drops of tea tree ether. Apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. Then use a tonic and face cream.


Black clay perfectly cleanses the skin, and also reduces its oiliness. To prepare such a mask, you will need, in fact, clay and a little water to dilute the mask to the consistency of thick sour cream. You can also add 2 drops of rosemary oil.

Apply the product on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

If you have oily skin, make a clay mask 4 times a week in the summer, for normal skin, 2 times is enough.


Apply yogurt with a cotton pad on the skin of the face and neck after washing and rinse after 15 minutes. This procedure can be done daily in the summer.


Another affordable and simple method of dealing with oily sheen is. Take a teaspoon of tea, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew. When the tea has cooled completely, soak a washcloth in it and place it on the cleansed face for 30 minutes. This procedure will moisturize the skin, stop the action of free radicals and reduce oiliness. In summer, such compresses can be done every other day.

Watch online video Mask against oily skin

Oily hair quickly gets dirty, you have to spend a lot of time on it, wash it often and then style it. To cope with this problem, women buy special cosmetics for their type of curls. By acting on the scalp and roots, they help get rid of excess greasiness and leave the strands fresh longer. But few people know that at home you can cook a lot of home remedies that will help you quickly put your hair in order and at the same time will cost a penny. Using homemade masks for oily hair along with store-bought cosmetics, you can significantly improve their condition, and you will have to wash your hair less often.

Rules for using masks at home

Masks for oily hair: homemade recipes

clay mask

Clay is one of the most suitable remedies for this type. It not only removes greasiness, but also draws impurities from the skin and from the hair. To prepare a homemade recipe, dilute two tablespoons of clay with mineral water to the consistency of sour cream. It is better to choose green, blue or black clay. The mass is distributed in partings on the scalp and roots. Keep for half an hour, then wash off with warm water. With clay recipes, it is recommended to protect the hair with oil.

mustard mask

Suitable for very oily hair. In addition to treating curls, mustard helps to accelerate their growth. It can be used with sugar or clay.

Recipe with sugar: dissolve two tbsp. l. mustard along with one tbsp. l. sugar, dilute with warm (but not hot) water, mix everything, apply to the roots, cover with polyethylene and a warm scarf on top. Hold for 15-30 minutes, depending on how much you can tolerate. Mustard is very "baking", and the more sugar, the more "baking". If it burns strongly, then you need to reduce the amount of sugar. You also need to wash off such a mask with warm water: keep in mind that in the process of washing off, the head will “bake” even more. Be prepared to be patient.

Clay recipe: dilute 2 tbsp. l. mustard 4 tablespoons of warm water, add to them 3 tbsp. l. clay and a teaspoon of lemon juice or melted honey. The product is applied for half an hour, then they wash their hair with shampoo for oily hair.

Curd mask

Cottage cheese will well remove the greasy shine and improve the condition of the curls. In 3-4 tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese, add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, mix everything thoroughly until the consistency of sour cream and apply to wet hair, distribute along the length, wrap your head and hold for 15 minutes.

Kefir mask

Kefir is actively used for any type. You can find many recipes for oily hair. Let's consider a few.

  1. Already in itself, pure kefir is useful for oily hair. Kefir without impurities can be applied to the entire length, with impurities - it is better only on the roots. As impurities to kefir, you can add egg white, a tablespoon of cognac or lemon juice. Hold for half an hour, an hour or leave it all night, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. After it, the curls become shiny and lively, excessive fat content disappears.
  2. Kefir with honey and mustard. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. in 150 ml. yogurt, add one yolk to them, a teaspoon of almond oil and honey. Mix everything well, then apply the mixture on the curls, put on a cap and hold for half an hour. After the specified time, wash your hair with warm water using shampoo.
  3. Kefir with essential oils. Add 4 drops of chamomile and bergamot oil, a couple of drops of orange oil to half a glass of kefir. Keep under insulation for 30-40 minutes.

egg mask

The mask for oily hair with an egg also has varieties. It is best used for roots and applied to clean hair.

Sea salt mask

Sea salt remarkably draws out sebum and impurities from the skin, helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This mask acts like a scrub, exfoliates and cleans. Spread sea salt in the partings, then massage into the skin for 5-7 minutes. After that, the head is washed with warm water.

How to cover up oily hair

If your hair is dirty, you have a long day ahead of you, and you don't have time for a quality wash and styling, you can make it visually cleaner or neatly style it so that staleness is not noticeable.

Curls can quickly become dirty due to the fact that they are accustomed to frequent washing. If you used to live in the same conditions, but washed your hair less often, and now for some reason you wash it more often, perhaps this is the reason, and they just need to be “retrained” back. Also, the cause of oily scalp, as well as oily skin of the face and body, may be malnutrition. Fatty and spicy foods, as well as fast food, stimulate the sebaceous glands. Pay attention to the cosmetics that you use: if the shampoo does not suit you, it can cause rejection just because of the excessive oiliness of the head. In all other cases, use suitable cosmetics and home remedies: regular use will help to bring your hair in order.

Oily facial skin is considered the most problematic of all, because it is associated with internal disorders of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, a greasy, shiny film is formed, and pores clogged with sebaceous waste cause inflammation and black spots.

Sometimes even the most expensive and branded cosmetics are unable to cope with this scourge. And then it's time to try homemade masks for oily faces, which include only natural products. It is they who will help normalize the work of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands and deeply cleanse the pores.

All masks for oily face contain ingredients that are rich in active substances that specifically combat the manifestations of oily skin. As a result, the effectiveness of these homemade miracle remedies will delight all owners of even the most oily and most problematic skin:

  • the work of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands, which cease to produce excess fat, gradually normalizes;
  • oily sheen and shiny, shiny film disappear;
  • the pores are finally cleared of sebaceous residues and dirt, they begin to "breathe";
  • complexion improves;
  • pores are narrowed;
  • inflammation gradually begins to subside, the skin calms down;
  • pimples, blackheads and blackheads become significantly less.

All face masks for oily skin include natural ingredients that, in addition to a targeted attack on fat content, actively nourish skin cells and normalize all subcutaneous metabolic processes. As a result, the skin begins to look simply gorgeous, and you can finally forget about your previous troubles.

To ensure that face masks against oily skin do not disappoint, but please with their results, there are several women's tricks for using them that will help enhance the effectiveness of these home remedies.

  1. The most useful products that actively fight oily skin are egg white, all citrus fruits, sour berries and dairy products with a low percentage of fat content. Therefore, try to choose those masks against oily skin, which contain such ingredients.
  2. Oily skin requires special care, so homemade face masks in this case can be done twice a week.
  3. Test all masks for allergies: before applying them to the face, lubricate the skin of the wrist with the prepared mixture. If no reaction follows, you can safely use your miracle remedy.
  4. Best of all, homemade face masks for oily skin will work if you apply them to steamed, pre-scrubbed skin.
  5. The ideal time for any mask is 15 minutes.
  6. Wash off masks for oily skin with warm water acidified with lemon juice. And accustom yourself to wash your face with warm, almost hot water: this will help narrow the enlarged pores and dry the skin.

If you follow these simple tips, the desired result can be achieved very quickly. Perhaps the most difficult moment will be the choice of recipe. After all, each mask for oily, problematic skin is a storehouse of the most useful substances that will become a real resuscitation for facial skin.

The best recipes for oily face masks

Choose the mask recipe for oily skin, the ingredients of which are available to you. Try to use the same mask for at least a month: this is the only way you can achieve the desired results.

  • 1. Comprehensive

Chop the parsley, mix (a tablespoon) with the same amount of kefir and bran, add lemon juice (a teaspoon).

  • 2. With green tea

Mix brewed green tea leaves (1 tablespoon) with kefir (3 tablespoons).

  • 3. Cranberry

Whip the protein into a foam, grind the cranberries to a puree state, mix both ingredients until thick.

  • 4. Strawberry

Whisk the egg white into a foam, mix with mashed strawberries until thick.

  • 5. Egg-honey mask for oily face

Beat two proteins into foam, heat honey (a tablespoon) in a water bath until warm, liquid, mix the ingredients, add ground oatmeal (2 tablespoons) and almond oil (5 drops).

  • 6. Oatmeal mask for oily skin

Beat the protein into a foam, mix with oatmeal (a tablespoon), add lemon juice (a tablespoon).

  • 7. Yeast mask for problem skin

Mix yeast (1 tablespoon) thoroughly with currant juice (3 tablespoons).

  • 8. With hydrogen peroxide

Mix yeast (a tablespoon) with yogurt (3 tablespoons), add lemon juice (a tablespoon) and hydrogen peroxide (half a teaspoon).

  • 9. With parsley

Chop the parsley, mix (a tablespoon) with yogurt (2 tablespoons) and lemon juice (a teaspoon).

  • 10. Protein mask against oily skin

Protein, whipped into foam, mix with lemon juice (a teaspoon).

Any homemade mask for oily skin you choose is easy to prepare and apply, so you will soon be able to enjoy its effect. You will finally be able to look at yourself in the mirror with pleasure, and on the street you will begin to catch the admiring glances of others. Clean and healthy skin is the key to the beauty of any woman, so do not stop in the fight against oily skin: an ordinary homemade mask will become your faithful assistant in this matter.

If your hair, 1-2 days after washing, loses its clean and fresh appearance, intensively getting dirty at the roots, then you can deal with this problem through a comprehensive treatment that will normalize the sebaceous glands. Along with this treatment, you may find it useful to use a hair mask for oily roots, which is easy to prepare from improvised means in a matter of minutes.

Usually, owners of skin prone to oily face the problem of rapid hair pollution, literally in 1-2 days. Excessively intense work of the sebaceous glands leads to the fact that literally the next day after washing, the hair becomes noticeably dull at the roots, becoming covered with sebum, and at the ends the curls remain surprisingly clean. An increase in the frequency of hair washing in this situation can adversely affect their condition, provoking the appearance of brittleness and split ends.

Variety of masks used for this problem

The formulation of masks that contribute to the normalization of the sebaceous glands very often includes components such as:

  • fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk, whey);
  • white and blue pharmacy clay;
  • alcohol-containing formulations and medicinal tinctures;
  • natural products containing acids;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Masks based on various oils can also be used to solve this problem, however, before using them, it is advisable to consult a supervising doctor, since their imprudent use can provoke a number of unpleasant consequences.

Popular recipes that can help fight the problem

  1. Mask based on potato juice. To prepare this remedy, you will need to squeeze fresh juice from 1 grated potato and pour it into thick kefir. The mixture is whipped with a fork and a cotton pad is applied to the scalp, after which, massaging, rub it into the roots. After half an hour, the hair can be washed as usual, using a shampoo, best of all, sebum-regulating.
  2. Mask with sour milk. Not bad reduces the manifestation of this problem, the use of sour milk, namely yogurt. Slightly warmed curdled milk is used in its pure form for masks, making them a course for a month before the next shampooing. As a rinse for curls, it is also allowed to use serum, which some inveterate experimenters often do not even wash off their hair.
  3. Regulating clay masks. Pharmacy clay is a unique product that is ideal for treating all sorts of problems that oily skin delivers to its owner. Very good reviews are the mask against oily hair roots, which is prepared from blue pharmacy clay, castor oil, honey, lemon juice (all components are taken in the amount of 1 teaspoon) and 1 whipped yolk. After applying this composition, the time is noted and after 2 hours the head is thoroughly washed with moderately warm water. It is advisable to resort to such a procedure before each next shampooing, adhering to the recommended course duration of 1 month. According to those who have already managed to convince themselves of the effectiveness of this method, after a course of such events, the hair begins to get dirty much more slowly and noticeably improves visually, gaining shine, elasticity and a healthy appearance.

Useful compositions

One effective home remedy for oily scalp is kombucha infusion. To prepare a composition that normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you will need to mix this unique homemade product in equal proportions with a decoction of nettle leaves. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair roots (it is allowed to wet the hair along the entire length), after which the head is insulated with a cap from a warm towel and spotted for 40-60 minutes. After the procedure, the curls can be washed with plain water without shampoo, if the hair has not yet become too dirty.

In addition to the infusion of kombucha, the use of natural apple cider vinegar also gives good results. Most often, it is used slightly diluted as a hair rinse after washing. In addition, it can also be applied by analogy with the previous recipe. However, it is important to clarify here that in the fight against oily hair roots, only a 100% natural product should be used, which should be stated on the package. Synthetic analogues of apple cider vinegar are categorically not suitable for these purposes.

Oily at the roots, dry at the ends HAIR + SUPER MASK for oily hair!

How I got rid of OILY HAIR / Life hack for 3 kopecks

Oily hair mask

How to get rid of oily hair? ✅5 Ways to Treat OILY HAIR at Home


SHOCK!!! This mask helped me get rid of oily hair

How to get rid of oily hair

Soda for oily hair. Mask for oily hair.

For narrowing pores

You will need 1 egg and the juice of ¼ lemon. Beat the protein, add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice. Divide the resulting composition into two parts. First, apply the first part to the cleansed skin of the face, and when it dries, apply the rest. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes. A light moisturizer will help complete the procedure. By the way, if you have combination skin, use a protein mask only for the T-zone.

Purifying face mask for oily skin

And again, we need raw egg white! As well as tea tree oil, honey and oatmeal. Stir the protein of 1 egg, 1 tsp until smooth. honey and a handful of oatmeal. Add 8-10 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the composition for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This procedure gives a drying effect.

Nourishing mask for oily skin

For nutrition and hydration, you will need a fruit recipe with apricots. Grind the apricot in a blender or chop as finely as possible. Add 1 tablespoon of milk. Apply to face and neck, wash off after 10 minutes.


An excellent result is obtained from ordinary baker's yeast. Mix 1 tablespoon of dry yeast with the same amount of kefir and lemon juice. Apply the mass for 25 minutes, then rinse and complete the procedure with a moisturizer.

From oily sheen

Good masks for oily skin are made from clay. They allow you to clean clogged pores, remove oily sheen and dry pimples. Mix 1 teaspoon of blue clay with clean water at room temperature so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply it on the face and neck for 20-25 minutes, then wash off. You can repeat the procedure twice a week, alternating white and blue clay.

Other products must be included in the problem skin care system. The necessary minimum is (it is better to choose without alcohol content), as well as soft scrubs. You can also make a scrub at home. Use these products a couple of times a week and soon you will notice that the pores have narrowed, there are fewer acne, and the oily shine is almost gone. By the way, one of the causes of these unpleasant problems is malnutrition. So the best result is the combination of a competent diet and regular masks against oily skin. You can't do it with cosmetic procedures alone!