Handmade souvenirs. Handmade gifts for men. Best ideas! Fabric gemstones

For a beloved man, dear husband - a person who is very dear and loved, on his birthday, every loving woman should make an unforgettable, special gift. It should be, of course, original, a little romantic, maybe useful. Do it yourself, and not buy something banal? Great idea!

If you like creativity, and you like to make something, you have imagination and a little free time, then do not worry about skills and abilities. Even simple items can be super birthday gifts, and you can handle their production. It is important to understand and adequately assess your capabilities, and not to take on what you know you can't do. A birthday gift should be impeccably executed, beautiful and neat, and it is better to do something simple, but do it flawlessly.

Romantic surprises

An original and romantic souvenir touches, will evoke the warmest feelings in a man on his birthday, and will remain in memory. Making a cool romantic gift with your own hands is easy. And fantasy and our advice will help you create something exclusive!

Creative gifts

Why not create an original gift for your beloved man or husband that will decorate the house, cheer him up and become a good surprise. Practical little things, creative interior decorations and unusual accessories can be created with your own hands, easily!

Exclusive wardrobe

Any man, without exception, will be pleased and flattered to receive a stylish thing made by a beloved and loving woman as a gift for his birthday. Wearing exclusive handmade items is an honor, and just very joyful. And if it was sewn or knitted by a loved one, then there is simply no price for a gift!


We talked about material gifts, but besides things, there are many surprises that can delight a birthday person on his birthday. Prepare an unforgettable surprise for him!

The most important thing is to put a piece of your soul into a gift, and give it in such a way that the birthday person has no doubts - it is important for you and very dear. Make something unique and exclusive, even if it's simple in execution, but for a single person. And you can make him happy!

Remember the famous textile jewels from Meg Hannan? Here you can see - http://katrai.ru/post125682321, but just look and admire.

And to do something similar, then here is the MK from Ira Kuzmina from the Land of Masters - http://stranamasterov.ru/node/788942?tid=451

Fabric gemstones

I got these gems. I will share with you the technology of their manufacture. Let me tell you right now that this is not my idea. I saw a program (something foreign) on TV and decided to repeat it. I liked it very much! Bright, light, wear it around your neck, even sew it on a bag or clothes!

The necessary materials are in front of you. This is glue and pieces of fabric. Experience shows that knitted dense fabrics are best suited. I have these pieces of fleece and drape. In the program, the girl used transparent glue. I have PVA Moment, it also becomes transparent when it dries

1. Decide on the outer shell and its dimensions. I have a gray one. This is the largest piece in the product. I had 10 x 13.

2. We collect from small pieces the "insides" of the stone (we select a color combination.) You can use braid, laces. Then dots and spots will be visible in the finished stone on the cut.

Welcome to the online store of handmade gifts and toys - a fair of handmade craftsmen. What is a fair, each of you knows. This is a riot of colors, fun, laughter and, of course, an extraordinary variety of bright and original products. Our online handmade store also boasts all these features. We also firmly know that we have collected the creations of talented artisans who are distinguished by originality and creativity.

So what can you buy in our online store of handmade handmade gifts? These are a variety of gifts that will appeal to any person: crafts, toys, figurines, amulets and much more.

Looking for a gift for a family member, friend, colleague or loved one? Down with the long and exhausting search! After all, now you have the opportunity to visit our online handmade store and purchase wonderful and unusual handmade gifts!

Shop-fair of handmade gifts and toys

What is the peculiarity of our handmade gifts and toys? First of all, in the fact that each of them is created by a truly talented craftsman who understands which thing is ideal for this or that person. Therefore, in our fair shop there are handmade gifts and toys for creative personalities and people with a mathematical mindset, for children and adults, for musicians, techies, businessmen, travelers, housewives and people of all other professions.

In addition, each handmade craft is not just a toy, figurine or book that will gather dust on a cabinet shelf. This is a thing that can give a lot of positive emotions, make you look at the world kinder and even awaken hidden creative abilities in yourself.

Do you want to please a person dear to your heart with a stunning handmade gift? Then you are welcome to the shop-fair of hand-made masters in Moscow. Only here you can buy crafts and toys with a completely unusual design, charm and a broad soul. Make your life brighter and fabulous by visiting the online store of handmade gifts and handmade toys.

Your loved one's birthday is next week and you haven't picked up a gift yet? Wallets, belts, perfumes and shaving kits... Everything is somehow typical and predictable... Why don't you make it yourself or, as it is fashionable to say now, handmade gifts?

Handmade or needlework (from the English "handmade": "made by hand", "handmade") is gaining more and more popularity. We all mean by this needlework the usual homemade postcards and stuffed toys.

But handmade keeps up with the times. Its perfection and diversity have no limits and facets. Skillful craftsmen make real exclusive things and original gifts out of ordinary unnecessary things.

There are a lot of reasons for the mass popularity of handmade.

Firstly, it is always original, unpredictable, sweet and from the heart. After all, a person puts his strength, patience, warmth and inspiration into handmade work done by his own hands. There is no better gift than receiving a postcard made by your child, right?

Secondly, you can earn good money on this. Or, roughly speaking, to build a business. Handmade gifts are always a very individual, unique thing in its sample, having bought such a gift, you can not worry that someone will give the same one. As happened, for example, with vases and perfumes.

Thirdly, always fashionable. You risk nothing. Handwork is always valuable. The things you make will serve as a source of pride and respect.

Learning how to make fashion accessories, unique and unusual things is not so difficult.

To do this, you just need to enroll in a needlework circle or study on your own. Magazines, books, and video lessons from needlework masters will help you visually master any art.

The easiest way to start is with the kind of creativity that you most like.

Love to draw? Great. Engage in painting Easter eggs, stones and jewelry. Or just draw pictures.

Love to sew? Patchwork needlework will make your things extraordinary and refresh the interior.

Knitting lovers will have no difficulty in creating beautiful accessories: knitted hats, bags, covers, stockings and even summer boots.

Be prepared for the fact that any activity will require some investment. For drawing you need a set of acrylic paints, for knitting strong and beautiful threads, for jewelry a set of stones, beads, fasteners.

If you want to do something simple and not very expensive, we advise you to get acquainted with salt dough. Modeling from salt dough requires a minimum of funds, but has a wide choice for creativity. With the help of salt dough, you can make original earrings, New Year's toys, paintings, panels, figurines and candlesticks.

If you decide to take up salt modeling, there is nothing difficult about salt dough. It is the safest for children, and requires a minimum of effort. The main ingredients for the dough are salt and flour. Take a measuring cup, the ratio is 1:2 - a glass of salt to 2 cups of flour. We add water little by little. The dough should be cool, not stick to your hands and well molded.

For coloring, you will need acrylic paints and a colorless fixative varnish.

Work with the test is very interesting, exciting and varied. Connect the kids to it - they love to mess with the dough. Creating together the history of your toy is very easy, and the memory will last a long time.

The most expensive gift is not gold, diamonds or a telephone. The most precious gift is the presence of our loved ones. No amount of money can convey the fullness and love of handmade gifts. Stock up on tools, inspiration and start creating. This is how not only a new idea is born, but also a new direction in hand-made.

The main thing in hand made is to create a thing with love!

Handmade gifts: video