Project in the senior group “These ordinary and extraordinary stones. Project (preparatory group) on the topic: Project "These amazing stones"

The acquisition of knowledge by children about the properties of stones, the features of their appearance, as well as the benefits of stones in nature and human life.

Formation of cognitive interest in the world around, skills of observation and experimentation.



Project "The Wonderful World of Stone"

Type of project: informational-educational-research, group

Duration: 1 month

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, parents of pupils, educators.

Project structure.

Problem : Traditionally, more attention is paid to plants and animals, and objects of inanimate nature are considered little. Therefore, children do not have enough knowledge about the stones and minerals around us..

Relevance : Living in a country rich in minerals, children do not have knowledge about the stones and minerals around us. Acquaintance of children with a variety of stones helps to get to know the nature of Russia better. Direct communication with stones has a great influence on the formation of moral feelings in a child, contributes to the formation of an active vocabulary, develops imagination, and contributes to the harmonious development of personality. Involving children in research activities is a means of developing their curiosity, interest and respect for natural wealth.

Objective of the project : Creation of conditions for the development of cognitive and research abilities of pupils.

Project objectives:


1. Introduce children to natural material - stone.

2. To form the ability to determine the properties and qualities of a stone.

3. Clarify children's knowledge about the use of stone in human life.


1. To develop children's cognitive interest, attention, speech, imagination.

2. Encourage children to active, experimental activities.


1. To develop the initial forms of cooperation between children with each other.

2. To educate children in sensitivity, goodwill, responsiveness.

Expected Result:

For children:

The acquisition of knowledge by children about the properties of stones, the features of their appearance, as well as the benefits of stones in nature and human life.

Formation of cognitive interest in the world around, skills of observation and experimentation.

Children performing natural-scientific and creative tasks (experiments, observations, modeling from salt dough).

For the teacher:

Increasing the theoretical level and professionalism of teachers in the organization of search and research activities of children.

For parents:

Creating favorable conditions for the development of the child in the family, taking into account the experience gained in kindergarten;

Development of joint creativity of parents and children;

The emergence of a desire in parents to be interested in the life of the group, to actively participate in it;

Preparatory stage

Target: Increasing the level of knowledge about natural stones and their properties.

  1. Drawing up a project plan.
  2. Studying materials on the topic on various sites
  3. Selection of literature
  4. Introducing the project to parents.
  5. Creation of a developing environment (mini-museum "The Amazing World of Stone")
  6. Replenishment of the corner of experimentation
  7. Selection and production of visual and demonstration material (diagrams, tables)

main stage

Target : Formation of knowledge in children about stones and their properties through experimental research activities.

cognitive development:

Conversations "What do we know about stones"

“Does a person need a stone?”


The use of stones as a counting material (which is larger, which is smaller; by how much; size: large, small, large, small).

Experimental activities to introduce children to the world of stones:

"Amazing Stones"

"How Man Uses Stones"

"Simple and valuable stones in nature",

"Stones given by the sea"

"Stone born of a tree"


"Which stone is heavier?"


"Sinking - not sinking?"


"Water wears away the stone"

Why are stones different colors?

"Which stone is heavier?"

Speech development:

Reading poetry, fairy tales about stones,

P.P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

P.P. "Malachite Box";

I.N. Ryzhov "What the stones were whispering about";

N. A. Ryzhova "What is under our feet."

Social and communicative development:

1. Didactic games with stones "Find the same stone", "Learn by touch" (development of sensory abilities, fine motor skills)

2.Puzzles "What is made of what";

3. Role-playing games: "Geologists" (acquaintance with the profession "geologist")

4. Board games: “What is from what?”, “The fourth extra”, “Find a pair”, “Collect a picture”, “Put it in order”

5. Washing stones.

Physical development:

Rock, paper, scissors game

Game "Find your stone"

Game "Move the stones"

Mountain Destruction Game

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Creative workshop (stone painting).

Modeling stones from plasticine

Drawing with crayons on a board, paper

Laying out pictures from stones

The final stage

Conducting a mini-quiz with children "What do we know about stones Consultations for parents: "A stone that can be presented to a child""

Entertainment with parents "Stone Tale"


Ryzhova N.A. What is under our feet (Block "Sand. Clay. Stones"). M.: Karapuz-Didactics, 2005.

Dybina O.V., Razmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. Unexplored nearby: Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005;

Ivanova A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten. Allowance for employees of preschool educational institutions. - M.: TC Sphere, 2003;

Ivanova A.I. Naturally - scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten (person) .- M .: Sphere, 2005;

Nikolaeva S.N. Familiarization of preschoolers with inanimate nature. Nature management in kindergarten. Toolkit. – Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005;

N.A. Ryzhova “Environmental education in preschool institutions: theory and practice”, Moscow 1999

Do we always carefully look under our feet, not only in order not to stumble and fall, but also in order to find, lift and examine one of the wonders of nature - a stone? Acquaintance of children with stones contributes to the expansion of horizons; the ability to determine the materials from which objects are made, to establish relationships between the properties and characteristics of various materials, to determine the origin of man-made objects, the professions of people; the ability to examine objects using a system of sensory standards and perceptual actions, to group objects in accordance with the cognitive task.



Synopsis of the GCD for the NGO "Knowledge"

on the theme "Journey to the world of stones"

(senior preschool age)

Program tasks:

Continue acquaintance with the bodies of inanimate nature (stones);

Experiment (classify stones according to different criteria), identify their properties and features;

To develop in children ideas about the inherent value of nature;

Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards her;

Develop the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature.

Preliminary work:

Collection of stones, playing with stones. Examination of illustrations, books, magazines, photographs. Conversations about professions (geologist, bricklayer).


A.I. Nikitov "Minerals", popular encyclopedias for children "Everything about everything". Watching video films “What Dolmens reveal to me”, fairy tales by P. Bazhov, V. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”. Excursions around the village of Vyselki, to the construction site, to the park.


Computer presentation "This wonderful world of stones", "magic chest" with stones of different properties;

Reference scheme for describing various characteristic properties for different stones;

A collection of stones, amber paintings, precious jewelry (ring with ruby ​​and zirconium), corals.

Map, water container, hammer, plate with a napkin;

Paints, brushes, napkins, jars of water, pebbles for souvenirs;

Multimedia projector, laptop, screen.

Vocabulary Enrichment: natural, artificial, facing, granite, amber, coral.

Lesson progress

Educator. Today we will take a trip to the amazing world of stones. (During the entire GCD, the teacher introduces children to different types of stones and their features with the help of a multimedia presentation.)

Educator: Guys, we talked a lot about our beautiful planet Earth, that forests grow on the surface of the Earth, rivers flow, plains and ravines are open, there are many seas and lakes on Earth, and magnificent mountains rise. Mountains were formed over many - many millions of years from the petrified remains of plants and animals. Because of their gigantic size, people thought mountains were eternal and unchanging. But geologists, scientists who study mountains, have proved that mountains change and that they are not eternal.

Question: What can destroy mountains? (children's answers).

Educator: Yes, the slopes of the mountains are destroyed by freezing water, strong winds, rocks are washed away by rain and water flows. Over time, even the highest peaks turn into hills and plains. Also, studying the mountains, geologists found out that they consist of different types of stones.

Guys, which of you was in the mountains? What are they like? (children's answers).

Educator: Yes, the slopes of the mountains are gentle, rocky, they consist of layers of rocks. We looked at illustrations and photographs a lot, where you could see how the mountains changed under the influence of various conditions. Many stones from our collection are, as it were, pieces of mountains.

Exercise: Guys, which of you can show the mountains on the map. Guys, what color do you think the mountains are on the map? (children's answers)

Think and tell me, is it difficult to find stones?

Can you please tell me where you can see the stones? (Answers of children).

Educator: (Shows on the laptop different types of stones and in kind.)There are many stones in nature, there are natural ones: quartz, graphite, pumice, coal, granite, gravel, marble, crushed stone, chalk, gypsum and many others, and there are artificial ones: expanded clay, pieces of brick, concrete, foam concrete and aerated concrete. All stones differ from each other in color, in weight, in strength, and also in origin. Often there are stones of amazing shape, resembling figures of animals or humans. The stone is beautiful by nature, it is enough to wash and clean it.

Question: Who among you can say what stones are for, where they can be used? Children's statements.

Educator: That's right, guys, stone is used in the construction of houses, bridges, roads are built from crushed stone, multi-colored stones are used in landscape design to decorate flower beds, lawns, and create alpine slides.(View presentation).In our village at the Pantheon of Glory, on the slabs made of marble, the names of those who died in the war are carved. What can be said about granite? Granite is one of the most durable building materials. He goes to the construction of facades of large buildings, monuments, tombstones and tombstones. If the stone block is large, then with special saws, pieces-blocks are cut from it and stacked one on top of the other - a wall is obtained.

Educator: Artificial stone, which a person has learned to make, has a wide distribution. Brick, concrete blocks, panels, gas blocks and foam blocks. - from them build houses, buildings.

Question: What is the name of the workers who work with stone at a construction site? (Mason).

Exercise: We will conduct an experiment. I suggest you compare stones (natural and artificial). Determine their strength (hard or brittle) - children hit the stone with a hammer.

Question? What can be said about these stones?

Work with the "magic chest".

Guys, without taking the stone out of the box, you, using the reference scheme, will talk about the stones that are hidden in our “magic chest”. For example: smooth, rough, angular, with sharp edges, warm, cold, heavy, light, etc.

Exercise: What happens if we put a pebble in water? Will he sink or float? Let's try. Children's statements.

Well done guys, you know a lot about our stones, and now it's time to play a little, go to the middle of the group and repeat the words and movements after me.

Physical education:

The wind is blowing across the sea

Raises waves in the sea.

Waves swim to the shore

The stones are different.

White, red, blue

Choose any one.

Question: Guys, do you know what some types of stones are used to decorate jewelry, create paintings?


Now, guys, I will tell you about other types of stones. These are gems. In ancient times, different gemstones were distinguished only by their colors. The name "ruby" was given to all red-colored stones. All green stones were called emeralds, and all blue stones were called sapphires and topazes. It has been established that the value of a precious stone depends not only on its color, brilliance and rarity, but also on its hardness. Basically, all gems are used to decorate jewelry, such as rings, earrings, various pendants, necklaces and bracelets. (Pay attention to the presentation.)

Even in nature there is an unusual stone called amber. In ancient times, it was believed that amber had magical powers, people believed that this stone could protect them from illness and therefore wore it. Amber is a brittle transparent yellow substance. A long time ago, some viscous substance was released from the pines that grew on the ground. Huge amounts of it gradually accumulated on the surface of the earth, and when the earth's surface changed, this substance was buried underground or under water. Over the course of millions of years, it petrified or hardened, turning into amber, which we now find mainly in jewelry. Amber is also used to make various paintings.

(Call the children and look at jewelry and paintings with them).


Guys, and now I will tell you about one interesting natural phenomenon.

At the depths of the Pacific and Indian oceans live tiny marine animals, which are called the "coral polyp". Its small body is similar to the body of a jellyfish. The polyp's skeleton grows from the outside of its body. The polyp produces a calcareous substance that makes up the calyx-like skeleton. A small polyp is attached with tentacles to an old dead polyp, grows on it, then another small polyp appears from it, and the previous one dies. When an old polyp dies, living polyps continue to remain on its skeleton. This is how coral is formed. Over the centuries, they accumulate so much on the seabed that they form coral forests.

Look guys, at this miracle of nature - coral. What can be said about him? What does he look like?


Guys, today we remembered the stones that we heard about before. Learned a lot of new things. But I will also tell you that various souvenirs can be made from stones by painting them with paints. Come to the table, choose the material you need and get to work.

Guys, when the stones dry, I will varnish them and you can give them to whomever you want.

Physical education "Mountain"

There is a mountain old woman

Top of the sky.

Her wind blows

The rain pours on her.

Worth the mountain suffer

And loses stones.

And every day,

And every night

Rolling, rolling

Pebbles away.

Pebbles rolled

And from that very moment

Nothing is left of our mountain.


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Project "Stones and their properties"

Purpose Tasks to develop interest in stones, the ability to examine them and name their properties (strong, hard, uneven or smooth, heavy, shiny, beautiful, etc.) To form older children preschool age elementary ideas about the diversity of stones. To form the ability to highlight the features of different stones, describe them, compare them with other objects. Cultivate a careful conscious attitude towards inanimate nature. Contribute to the formation of skills in search, research activities, the development of intellectual initiative. Project passport

Type of project Conditions Short-term group research project with a given result and elements of creativity for children 5 - 6 years old. Children of senior preschool age. Mini museum. Activity system. Special pedagogical influences Public support of the project by parents, teachers Project passport

Stages Participants, partners Preparatory. Practical. Final. children of senior preschool age; educators of senior and preparatory groups; parents of children. Project passport

Relevance In preschool childhood, the foundations of a person's personal culture are laid, children get acquainted with the world around them. The child learns the world around him, learns to navigate in the phenomena of the surrounding nature, objects created by human hands. In order to form a holistic view of the environment in children, it is necessary to pay more attention to the comprehensive study of nature. Do we always carefully look under our feet, not only in order not to stumble and fall, but also in order to find, lift and examine one of the wonders of nature - a stone? Acquaintance of children with stones contributes to the expansion of horizons; the ability to determine the materials from which objects are made, to establish relationships between the properties and characteristics of various materials, to determine the origin of man-made objects, the professions of people; the ability to examine objects using a system of sensory standards and perceptual actions, to group objects in accordance with the cognitive task.

Preparatory stage Search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic "Stones in nature". Examination of objects made of stone (jewelry, vases, writing instruments, small sculptures). Acquaintance with literary works: The Brothers Grimm "White and Rose", "Why": What is underground wealth? What were the stones whispering about? P.Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Silver Hoof", "Mistress of the Copper Mountain". Learning proverbs and sayings about a stone, playing finger gymnastics "How I took a stone." Watching the cartoons "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower", "Plasticine Story".

Practical stage Developing environment Mini-museum "Stones"

Experimental - practical activity

GCD on the NGO "Knowledge" on the topic "Journey to the world of stones"

Collection of stones

Board and outdoor games "The fourth extra", "What is from what?", "Find a pair", "Collect a picture", "Put it in order", "Pebbles on the shore" Bold climbers", "Pebble"

Final stage: Entertainment "Mistress of the copper mountain"

Excursion: "Geological Museum of the SUN"

Outcome Children can name the properties of stones. Preschoolers have an idea about some of the features of the appearance of stones. The children know about the benefits of stones in nature and human life. Children can find similarities and differences in stones. Preschoolers compose a descriptive story about stones based on illustrative material.

In conclusion, I want to say that: The topic "Stones and their properties" turned out to be so broad that it was delayed not for 1 day, but for 3 weeks. During this time, the children "visited" the Stone Age, where they learned what a person should say "thank you" to the stone for - for the fire, for the house, for the tools. This is how our acquaintance began from the first days. We looked at mountain landscapes. They themselves became mountains - mighty, strict - and imagined how they were destroyed by the wind and sun. We talked about life in the mountains. The color of the stone is a rainbow in our geological museum. After all, there are no two identical stones, and they have different names, and they are mined in different ways. The collection of stones began to grow both in the group and at the children's homes. At the lesson, everyone independently made a collection of “stones write” from chalk, coal and graphite. In the laboratory - there were quite a few experiments with stones. And, of course, a fairy tale… Fairy gnomes brought us to visit the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. The journey turned out to be not only educational, but also musical - they sang songs, danced, played musical instruments. The activity turned out to be magical and mysterious. And, as in a fairy tale, everything ended with gifts - 12 minerals for the home collection. Parents did not stand aside, and together with their children (and older ones) came to the geological museum of the SUN.

Nomination: Kindergarten, class notes, GCD, experimental activities, preparatory group

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MKDOU No. 84
Location: Kirov city, Kirov region

Educational project "The World of Stones"

Implementation plan

Work with childrenTransformation of the subject environmentWorking with parents
Stage 1. preliminary work
  1. Joint (children, parents and caregiver) to collect stones.
  1. Enrichment of the subject environment of the group with activating game and didactic materials.
  2. Accumulation of information base on the topic "Stones"
  3. Selection of children's artistic and scientific literature on the theme.
  1. Questionnaire for parents "What do we know about stones"
  2. Joint (children and parents) walks to collect stones.
Stage 2. Practical part.
1. Cognitive - speech activity:

Reading fiction;

Examining illustrations;

Solving riddles;

Memorizing Kudryavtseva's poem "Diamond Mountain";

Compilation of stories where stones are used;

Acquaintance with precious stones;

Conversation with children about the profession of a geologist;

Book talk:

  1. Krakowshchikogo V.V. “How to choose stones for yourself - gems”, ed. "Adygea" 1997;
  2. Sovina L. "The healing power of stone" ed. "Soviet Kuban", Krasnodar, 1995;
  3. Srebrodolsky B. "World of Amber", Kyiv, 1985.

2) Productive activity:

Making drawings on the topic;

Performing experiments;

Growing salt crystals;

Construction of stone structures.

3) Play activity:

Didactic games "Minerals";

Story - role-playing games;

- A game to enrich the dictionary: "Remember the fairy tale", "Tell me a word", etc.

1) Making a collection of stones: "What different stones";

2) Design of the information block on the topic "Stones in our life".

1) Conversation with parents "Stones in our life."

2) Meeting with the father of Cyril and Ksyusha Toporkov. Yu. I. Toporkov's story about the use of stones in his work.

Stage 3. The result of the project activity.
1) The book of creative works "The World of Stones" (the work of children and the teacher of the preparatory group "Dreamers" 1) Lesson for parents on the topic "The World of Stones".

The purpose of the project: research activities for the study of stones.

Lesson on search and research activities
"World of Stones"


Cognitive aspect:

- generalize and systematize knowledge about stones; physical and chemical properties;

- to acquaint with the supersaturation of salt and sugar;

- to develop the ability to highlight the main and secondary ideas when conducting independent educational research;

- to teach to reflect information received through various sensory channels (vision, hearing, taste, etc.) in a pictographic way (drawing);

Development aspect:

- develop logical thinking; the ability to draw conclusions from research results;

- develop the ability to express your message (report) briefly, accurately;

- activate words and expressions in children's speech: magnifying glass, crystal, citric acid, reproduction, evaporation, laboratory, experiments, dissolution in water, researchers;

- develop fine motor skills;

- to develop the creative abilities of children;

Educational aspect:

- to form in children perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal;

- to cultivate accuracy;

— culture of communication;


- gaming - the game "scientific conference"

- verbal - questions and answers, story, explanations, explanations, reasoning.

- practical - conducting experiments, designing a book, sketching.

- visual - looking at pictograms, observing experiments.

preliminary work:

Conducting and sketching experiments.

Reading fiction "Silver Hoof", "Three Little Pigs",

“What are the pebbles whispering about”, etc.

Dictionary enrichment games: “Remember a fairy tale”, “Tell me a word”, “It happens or not”, d / and “Minerals”.

Conversation with children about the profession of a geologist.

Discourse on the origin of stones.

- reading the book by A. Chlenov "Geology in pictures".

Lesson progress:


- Good morning! I am glad to welcome everyone to the research laboratory of the preparatory group "Dreamers". I am a Senior Researcher and these are my Junior Researchers:

Presentation guys.

Today each of them will make a message on the topic "The World of Stones".

The children take their places.

Reading Kudryavtseva's poem "Diamond Mountain"

Wet pants and socks

The mosquito has eaten ...

But I won't leave the river

Probably until morning.

I just came here

How to come seven years

And suddenly I found pebbles,

That radiate light!

One like mother's eyes

Transparent - blue;

Like a vine

Green is different.

And the third sun is brighter,

What if it's a diamond?

I'll take it to the museum

He is in our group.

Also an interesting synopsis of experimental activities:

* Guys, how many different stones we found during walks, when you traveled with your parents, and we have a whole collection of stones. Now we will tell each other and our guests everything we know about stones, and we will collect all our sketches of experiments and publish a group book "The World of Stones".

* On the first question, Kirill will make a message: “Where do the stones come from?” (message).

Young. The first page of the book is ready.

*All stones are different. Our employee Maria examined a lot of stones and now she will acquaint us with the results of her work.

I looked at a lot of stones, here are the conclusions that can be drawn about the work done (speech).

Well done. 2 page of our book is ready.

* Hope will make us a message: "What are the values ​​of stones."

Thank you.

*When we go for a walk, the sun warms our cheeks, we feel warm, when there is no sun and the wind blows, we feel cold. Interestingly, stones can feel heat and cold. Alexandra will tell us about this (speech).

*Each of you has a family, mom, dad, and can there be children near the stones? Therefore, the question will make the message Victoria (message).

Thank you.

*From our research assistant, I heard that some stones are capable of hissing.

Now Evgeny will make a report about this (speech).

Thank you.

*Our researcher Roman will make a report on whether stones can make sounds (message).

Thank you.

Guys tell me, can stones dissolve in water?

Experimental activities in the laboratory.

Take stones, pour water and stir. What is the result of the experience? Children's answers.

Salt and sugar are sprinkled on your plates. Take a magnifying glass and look at what salt and sugar are made of.

Children's answers.

Salt and sugar are crystalline. Now we will receive these crystals.

Pour salt and sugar crystals with water. They dissolve well, but there comes a point when water can no longer cope with the crystals, they no longer dissolve in water, and if you leave them for a few days, the water will evaporate and salt and sugar crystals will form again. Having done this experience, we can conclude that some stones, in particular salt and sugar, dissolve.

*Now let's summarize our work.

*We listened to many interesting reports, examined sketches of experiments, and as a result we got a book of research "The World of Stones". The book will be in our group, and we will be happy to share our knowledge with the guys from other groups.

*Work in our laboratory is over, I thank everyone for their work.

Self-published book.

1 page

"Where do the stones come from?"

The rocks heat up from the sun, and cool down at night, they either expand or narrow.

Gradually, cracks appear in the rocks.

Water enters the cracks and freezes in winter.

As a result, individual pieces break off and fall to the ground.

2 page

Algorithm for researching stones

If we look at the stones, we see that they are of different colors:

Red, white, brown, etc.

Compare in size: stones are large and small, heavy and light.

The stones differ in shape from each other, they are round, oval, etc.

If you sniff the stone, we will not feel any smell.

If we bring a stone to our ear, we will not hear anything.

Stones should not be taken into the mouth, as they are not edible.

If we touch the stones, then they can be both hard and soft, and if we stroke them, we can feel that the stones are smooth, rough, etc.

What conclusion can be drawn "You cannot find two stones absolutely similar to each other in the world."

3 page

All stones are divided into several groups:

- precious - diamonds, gold, pearls, etc.

- semi-precious - rock crystal, turquoise, amber, etc.

And waste rock, as geologists call them.

Gold is used to make women's jewelry, parts for complex devices and machines.

Women's jewelry, souvenirs and small sculptures are also made from semi-precious stones.

Waste rock is used in everyday life.

For example, gravel is used in the repair and construction of new roads.

4 page

Stones cannot feel heat and cold, they are not alive, but during the day the stones are heated by the sun, and if we touch a stone on a sunny day, we will feel heat, and at night the stone is cold - it has cooled down.

The same will happen if the stone is lowered into hot and cold water.

In hot water, the stone heats up, in hungry water it cools.

5 page

Stones are not living beings. They are inert (lifeless) beings.

Stones can turn into other materials, break, but they cannot multiply.

6 page

If we take a piece of chalk and drop lemon juice on it, what will happen to us.

The stone will begin to hiss and get angry, he does not like lemon juice.

So we can conclude that the stones can hiss.

7 page

If we bring a stone to our ear, we will not hear anything, but if we throw a stone and it hits something hard, we will hear a sound.

In the mountains, noise is sometimes heard when stones begin to fall, and this phenomenon is called rockfall.

8 page

Experiments with water.

If you take a basin and throw a heavy stone there, splashes will fly from the water, circles will go through the water, the stone will be at the bottom.

All stones are heavier than water: large and small, heavy and light, they all sink in water. And if water falls on a stone, the stone changes color: it darkens.

Project "Mysterious Stones"

Integration of educational areas: PR, HER, RR, TFR, FR.

Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of stones.


  • To form in children elementary ideas about the variety of stones, the ability to examine them and name their properties.
  • To expand knowledge about what a stone is for and how a person uses the properties of a stone.
  • Continue to teach reasoning, justify your point of view. Develop the ability to formulate conclusions.
  • To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of cognitive and experimental activities.
  • Develop collaborative skills and the ability to work in pairs.
  • Encourage respect for natural resources.

Materials and equipment:

multimedia presentation, mailbox, large envelope, collection of stones, magnifier, glass of water, spoon, napkin, colored pencils (per child).

Organizing time

(Children sit in a semicircle in front of a table and a screen.)

Educator: Guys, I suggest you solve the riddle:

It burns with fire in mom's earrings.
In the dust on the road lies unnecessary.
He changes form, he changes color,
And in construction it is good for a thousand years.

It can be small - lie in the palm of your hand.
Heavy, large - one cannot lift.
Who, children, guessed my riddle?
Who recognized this item by signs?

Children: stone.

Educator: Right. Today I invite you to talk about stones.

Educator: Where can we see the stones?

Children: on the street, in the mountains, in the sea, in the country ...

Educator: Stones are very different. They are different in size, color, shape. In the old days, people believed that stones also differed in magical properties: they affect a person’s well-being, his mood, and treat various diseases.

Look at the screen. What do you see? (slide number 2) Mountains are huge blocks of stone. When pieces break off from them, small pebbles are obtained. But stones are not only in the mountains, they are both underground and under water. (slide number 3). Sea rocks are very smooth. Why do you think?

(Children's guesses)

That's right, water smooths out all the bumps in waves. Under water, the stones rub against each other, gradually becoming smooth. Stones that haven't been to the sea have sharper edges (slide number 4). In the mountains and underground, people find precious stones that are processed and inserted into jewelry. (slide number 5). - What else is a stone for a person?

(Children's guesses)

Houses, towers, bridges and roads, metro stations are built from stone (slides #6-9). Even monuments to great people are made of stone (slide number 10). Why do you think?

Children: the stone is very durable.

They also make very unusual monuments. (slide number 11).

Educator: But in ancient times they used large stones as a signpost on the road.

There is a knock at the door

(The assistant teacher apologizes and hands the package to the teacher).

Educator: I wonder from whom the package came to us ?! (Reads the sender's address "Institute of Geology" ) . Guys, what does this mean?

Children: make assumptions.

Educator: Geology is a science that studies the structure of the Earth and minerals. Including various stones. Let's see what's inside the package (opens the package and takes out a collection of stones.) Look, guys, what beautiful stones. And everyone is different. There is also a letter here (is reading) "Hello guys! We learned that you like to conduct various experiments. We have a lot of work. It is necessary to determine the properties of these stones and mark them in the research tables. Help us please. Scientists-geologists» . So guys, can we help? Then I invite you to our laboratory.

(Children go to the tables with equipment. The teacher distributes stones and research sheets).

Educator: We will, like real scientists, explore the properties of stones. Scientists often consult with each other and discuss their research. Therefore, you will work in pairs, agree on what to do, help each other. But before proceeding to the study, we will warm up a little and rest.

Physical education minute "It's easy fun"

It's easy fun
Turns left and right.
We all know for a long time -
There is a wall, and there is a window. (Turns of the body to the right and left.)

We squat quickly, deftly.
Here, the trick is already visible.
To develop muscles
You have to sit down a lot. (Squats.)

And now walking in place
This is also interesting. (Walking in place.)

Educator: Everything you need is on each table. The results of the research will be recorded in a table.

To begin with, consider the stone through a magnifying glass. What do you see? (cracks, crystals, color patterns). Let's start recording the results of our observations. All stones differ in color. In the first line (the teacher shows on an enlarged version of the research sheet) paint over the ink with a pencil of the same color as your stone.

Does the stone shine or not?

What is your stone like to the touch? Is it smooth or rough, even or with sharp corners? Stroke your stones with your fingers.

And now we will see if our stone is transparent or not. See the light through your stone. What do you see? Does the stone pass light or not?

Look at our study sheet. What experiment do you think we'll do now? That's right, we will determine whether a stone sinks in water or not.

Our stones are in the water. Do they dissolve or not? Try gently stirring the stone with a spoon in the water. Mark the appropriate box.

Summary of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, we learned that different stones have different properties. Let's repeat them.

(The teacher and several children talk about the properties of their stone using marks on the study sheet).

Educator: We have fulfilled the request of scientists. It's time to close our laboratory and send the results of our work to the Institute of Geology (Children put the study sheets in a large envelope and seal).

Educator: Guys, I propose to continue working with stones. Let's make stone panels in our free time. Do you agree? What would you like to portray?

(children's answers)

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Objectives of the research work: Objective: to find out where the stones come from Objectives: what are the stones for? their application in our life; learn the classification of stones. .

What is a stone? Do we always look carefully under our feet? Not only in order not to stumble, not fall, but in order to find, lift and examine one of the wonders of nature - a stone! Stone is a variety of minerals and rocks.

Where do stones come from? The world of stones is very diverse and many-sided. There are rocks that were "born" from magma - molten matter from the depths of the Earth. Magma could have been carried away by lava flows during volcanic eruptions, or it could have solidified at a certain depth before reaching the earth's surface. These are igneous rocks. Sedimentary rocks were "born" from fragments of other rocks. They were processed and brought by water. For example, sandstone, rock salt. Rocks could be "born" from the remains of ancient plants and animals. This is how limestone was formed.



The use of stones in our lives Basalt on Red Square Stones have played a huge role in people's lives since ancient times. Our ancestors made almost everything from stone: tools of labor and hunting, household items. People use some stones in construction (houses, subway walls, monuments), others make jewelry (rings, bracelets, interior decoration), etc. Movie

What are minerals for? Minerals are natural substances. Since ancient times, people have been attracted by minerals, their enchanting beauty and mysterious power. The variety of shapes and colors, the splendor of shades created by nature, fascinates.

Salt room The benefits of salt rooms are also known for the development of immunity. Inhalation of air saturated with salt vapor activates the body's defenses and gives strength to fight dangerous viruses and bacteria.

Jewelry from Gemstones For a modern person, precious stones are not only luxury items and a great way to invest capital. They are a source of inspiration for poets and an adornment for women, a subject of research for scientists and a working material for jewelers. People believe in the magical power hidden in minerals. Scientists know how many secrets unrevealed by science are hidden in the strata of rocks and in the depths of the earth's crust. For some, minerals are a source of healing and inner strength, for others, they are an object of admiration and admiration. But they do not leave anyone indifferent

What are rocks for? Rocks are natural compounds of minerals. Graphite. It is used to make a pencil stem. Clay is used to make tiles, pottery, bricks, pipes, faience, porcelain, and much more. Clay is widely used in medicine and cosmetics.

Diamond Diamonds are also a rock that occurs as a result of the transformation of graphite under the influence of VERY high pressure and temperature. Diamond is the hardest mineral from which glass cutting knives are made.

Coal and Granite COAL is used in most thermal power plants (thermal power plants). Granite, marble are used in construction

In order to study different types of stones, I visited one of the most famous museums in the world and the largest in Russia. This museum contains more than 135 thousand exhibits of stones from around the world.

Mineralogical Museum named after Fersman

Mineralogical Museum named after Fersman

amber and topaz

MY collection of stones For my collection, I collect interesting stones wherever I walk: somewhere in the yard, on a country road, on the banks of a river, lake, on the way to visit, a store.

My mini collection