Ornamental stone labrador. Labradorite stone, properties and who suits the zodiac sign. Labradorite: magical and healing properties

Labradorite is a rock, which includes transparent, yellowish or gray feldspar, impurities of quartz, pyroxene and the mineral labradorite. The content of the latter in labradorite is at least 60%.

Labradorite is a rock, which includes transparent, yellowish or gray feldspar, impurities of quartz, pyroxene and the mineral labrador

In nature, golden, purple-red, blue-green, blue-orange labradorite is found. The last two are most often used to create jewelry. The surface of labradorite always consists of several colors intertwined in fancy patterns. In the rays of the sun, the stone radiates a bright glassy luster and shimmers with different colors of the rainbow, depending on the angle of rotation. The ability to mother-of-pearl radiance - iridescence - is a distinctive property of the Labrador.

Labrador dark gray, dark blue, black-orange and blue-black color base, playing in the sun with the whole range of cold shades, was called spectrolite (from the word "spectrum"). In a dark room, the beauty of spectrolite is not so noticeable, but in the bright rays of the sun, the mystical play of stone shine creates a feeling of something magical. This mineral is widely used in jewelry and is considered the rarest variety of Labrador. Spectrolite is mined only in Finland.

Labrador is one of the most beautiful and mysterious stones of our planet. It was known to the Indians of America, the ancient Greeks, Romans and Scandinavian Vikings, but Western Europeans learned about it only at the end of the 18th century, when deposits of blue and blue rocks were discovered on the Canadian Labrador Peninsula, from whose name the mineral got its name.

However, in Rus', labradorite was known long before Western Europe discovered it. The Slavs called this stone "peacock's eye", "Wonderful stone" and used it for the mosaic of the altar of the Church of the Tithes - the first stone Christian church of Kievan Rus. However, in subsequent centuries, the “peacock eye” was not used in Russian monumental architecture, perhaps because the deposits from which it was mined dried up. And only in the middle of the XIX century. layers of labradorite were again discovered in the Kyiv, Kherson and Volyn provinces of Ukraine, and in the twentieth century. - in Yakutia.

Currently, the Labrador is mined in Canada and America, in Australia, India, Brazil, and Finland. The price of the stone ranges from $2 to $10 per carat and more.

Properties of labradorite stone (video)

Application of the Labrador

The blue, blue and red labrador is important in the decoration of monumental architecture. It is actively used for exterior and interior decoration of the facades of temples, metro stations, columns and cultural monuments. Labrador was used in facing the facade of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The central entrance to the Lenin Mausoleum is also lined with labrador.

Labradorite is plastic, so it is well suited for creating sculptures, mosaics, decorative coverings for furniture and decorations of small household items, such as snuff boxes and countertops. Recently, labradorite has been used in the production of decorative paving slabs. With the right processing technology, such a tile does not differ in hardness from concrete.

However, the labradorite stone is a rather fragile mineral, therefore it is not used very often in the jewelry industry. Labrador products are not durable: even from minor impacts, chips and cracks can appear on the surface of the stone. Therefore, when creating jewelry, small Labrador cabochons are used, which are fixed in a dense frame to protect the stone from accidental damage.

Gallery: labradorite stone (50 photos)

Healing properties of stone

It is difficult to list all the properties of the labrador stone. Specialists in the treatment of minerals attribute to the Labrador the ability to restore male strength, treat infertility and diseases of the genitourinary system. It is believed that the stone is able to relieve stress and nervous excitement, helps to get rid of insomnia, improves overall well-being, improves mood and returns vitality. When asked about who the Labrador is most suitable for, lithotherapists, without hesitation, answer that the stone suits everyone. But many astrologers believe that the Labrador is most useful to those who, according to the horoscope, belong to Pisces, Cancers or Scorpios.

A small product made of Labrador, placed at the doorstep of the house, will protect its owners from uninvited guests and thieves. It is believed that the mother-of-pearl mineral is a good amulet for the hearth.

Impulsive people and those whose work is associated with constant stress are advised to purchase a ring or bracelet made of spectrolite. However, it is considered that the owner of such jewelry should avoid contact with the stone of strangers, since the Labrador connects with the energy of a person, interacts with the inner world of his owner, and touching the stone of other people can break this connection. Traditional medicine experts are convinced that the Labrador loves to be in sight, to “look” at the world around him, so the stone bracelet does not need to be hidden under clothes - it should be visible. Figurines and other items made of Labrador are also recommended to be placed in a conspicuous place: on a bookshelf, table, on the windowsill, there is no need to hide them in a closet or drawer.

Labrador - mystical mineral

In addition to healing, the magical properties of the stone are also distinguished. Many people who have labrador jewelry, over time, begin to notice positive changes in their attitude and consciousness, they have new ideas and plans, and there are opportunities to implement their plans.

Labrador patronizes creative individuals, artists and poets, whose creative potential requires constant disclosure. But also labrador is considered a stone of magicians, healers and psychics. Some astrologers are sure that the Labrador attracts the energy of otherworldly forces and helps to establish contact with spirits. This is probably why the mineral is often used in magical practices. However, the Labrador cannot guarantee the safety of contact with the other world, therefore only experienced healers and magicians resort to the help of the stone.

Labrador is associated with the moon, which is why it was called the black moonstone. People who are fond of divination and magic believe that the mystical properties of the Labrador were obtained by him from lunar energy, which in magic is associated with secret knowledge and intuition. During the rituals of the new moon, the spectrolite is placed on the windowsill so that the stone is “charged” with the light of the moon and helps the magician connect with otherworldly energy. In astrology, the Labrador is associated with the element of water. It is believed that, like water, spectrolite in magic can play the role of a mirror to the afterlife.

This characteristic of the stone suggests that young people who are prone to daydreaming and adventures should be wary of the Labrador Retriever. The energy of the stone can increase their impressionability and encourage them to commit dangerous acts.

The magic of labradorite (video)

Who is the Labrador suitable for?

The Labrador is best suited to mature people who know what they want from life. For purposeful and strong people, a Labrador can become a real talisman of happiness. However, having such a talisman is a big responsibility. The owner of the stone should remember that the Labrador cannot stand lies and deceit, no matter who they come from, and can punish not only the enemies of his owner, but also himself if he commits a dishonest act. But if you feel that this is “your” mineral, follow your intuition no matter what your zodiac sign is. The main thing is to be an honest person, and then the stone will become your good patron. A labradorite bracelet or mother-of-pearl earrings are very beautiful, they will suit absolutely all the fair sex. Labrador is a noble stone that patronizes the fair, successful and strong.

Attention, only TODAY!

Everything created by nature is unique. This statement is directly related to minerals. They are simple and many-sided, they keep the secrets of the universe or were discovered literally ten years ago. There are a myriad of them and there is not a single one that would repeat their brethren with accuracy. They are everywhere: in the bowels of the earth and on the surface, in the mountains and on the plains, they cover the seabed and the coast of rivers and oceans. Legends and beliefs are dedicated to them, poems and songs are composed about them, they are trusted with their desires and thoughts. They are surrounded by mysteries and mysteries.

These are the best friends not only of girls, but also assistants of Aesculapius and magicians, work for jewelers and a welcome find for connoisseurs of beauty. They adorn not only the collections of famous brands, but also the shelves of leading collectors. One of the unique representatives of the world of gems is the Labrador stone.

Many agree that Labradorite and Labradorite stones are one and the same. But some mineralogists believe that Labradorite is a mineral that is a calcium aluminosilicate and has a unique aesthetic, while Labradorite is just a rock that contains the majority (more than 60%) of the concentration of Labradorite.

Labradorite is an igneous rock that belongs to the feldspar group, so their physical properties have a certain similarity. It has almost the same density, hardness, wear resistance, density with granite, so these minerals are used as a material for lining. But if granite can be encountered quite often, and its appearance is restrained, then Labrador is a rather decorative stone and is very rare, which is why it is valued more, including due to its stunning appearance.

The people call it the Moonstone, the Hyperborean rainbow, the Peacock eye.

What does this gem look like? Translucent or opaque Labradorite crystals have a glassy, ​​pearlescent or oily sheen. Their color scheme is very diverse: there are gray, dark gray, brownish, black, greenish and blue tones with a white line. When light falls on a stone, it begins to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. This is possible due to the presence of typical impurities in it, such as magnesium, barium, potassium and strontium. Geologists say that the maximum number of crystals found in a particular deposit have reddish-violet or golden hues. But blue-green gems are most valued.

Mineral classification

All Labradors are divided into types depending on individual optical properties and crystallography:

  1. Moon stone black. The color of the mineral is very dark with blue or blue stains. Such specimens are mainly mined in Madagascar.
  2. Spectrolites. They were first discovered in Finland in the middle of the 20th century. Mining intensified after the end of World War II. Such representatives shimmer in the sun in a variety of colors. Hence the name of these Labradors.
  3. Solar stone. Its iridescence has a golden hue, which is why it is called so.
  4. Aventurine labrador. It contains magnetite or copper, so it constantly flickers when light hits its surface, and the shimmer has a golden hue.
  5. Lynx eye. It is impossible to take your eyes off him. This stone has a beautiful green iridescence.
  6. Bulls-eye. It impresses with its bright red tint, although its color itself is purple-brown.
  7. Tavusit. Its overflows are amazing, somewhat reminiscent of the beauty of peacock feathers.

These varieties not only have different colors, but also composition, as well as physico-chemical characteristics. But they all represent a single mineral - Labrador, which has absorbed all the unique and inimitable properties from the Sun and the Moon. In order to appreciate the beauty of the Labrador, you need to hold it in your hands at least once. You can carefully study the photographs, but they will not reveal the fullness of the shades and unique overflows of this mineral.

Chemical properties of stone

Labradorite has the following chemical formula: (Na, Ca)(Si, Al)4O8. It follows from it that the Moonstone contains sodium (about 5%), calcium (about 12%), aluminum oxide (about 28%) and silicon (about 55%). It also consists of certain impurities such as iron and magnesium oxide, water and potassium salt.

Physical qualities of Labradorite

The mineral is fragile enough that even with a slight mechanical impact it can crumble, especially if it falls under a heavy press or under the impact of a heavy object. It dissolves well in acids, when exposed to high temperatures, the process of its melting begins.

OptionsPhysical properties
Hardness6.0 – 6.5
Density g / sm.kub.2.69 – 2.70
Refractive indicesnα = 1.554 - 1.563 nβ = 1.559 - 1.568 nγ = 1.562 - 1.573
Maximum birefringenceδ = 0.008 - 0.010
Molecular weight01.02.1972
Specific gravity2.69 – 2.70
TypeBiaxial (+)
Selection formCoarse-crystalline aggregates, solid granular masses, rarely tabular-prismatic or tabular crystals
kinkconchoidal, uneven
IMA classessilicates
optical reliefshort

Origin story

This natural stone owes its name to the name of the peninsula - Labrador, where its deposits were first discovered. The year of discovery is considered to be 1770. But it is known for certain that they knew about it two thousand years ago. At that time, the mineral had other names: Peacock stone, Divo - stone, Moonstone. And only since 1770 it began to be called Labrador, and the fame of it spread throughout Europe.

Even in ancient times, the Greeks discovered its magical properties. For them, he was a sacred stone, endowed with deep knowledge and inhuman strength. It was believed that this unique gem came to people from the Hyperboreans, who brought it as a gift. If a decent person possessed it, then the stone brought him only good luck and prosperity, well-being and happiness. But if he got to a bad person, then he could not avoid inevitable death. And it will be precisely the Labrador stone that will contribute to this.

In the days of Kievan Rus, it was believed that this unique gem, shimmering with all kinds of colors, was sent to Earth by heavenly messengers. Moreover, they endowed him with heavenly grace in advance so that he could treat diseases, ward off ailments, and protect him from evil spirits. On this territory, it was used in the construction of the tombs of rulers and temple buildings. With its help, they made the interior decoration of sacred buildings, as well as mosaics and other decorative elements. In Soviet times, he was used in the construction of the Mausoleum, they were decorated with metro stations.

Hindus believed that the stone contributes to family well-being and building relationships between loving people. In order for him to fully reveal his amazing qualities, it was necessary to have two copies of Labradorite in his house: golden-brown (intended for women) and blue-green (considered a male option).

After the deposits of Labradorite were found not far from St. Petersburg during the construction of the road, a new trend in fashion appeared. This deposit was the first in the European part. Labradorite began to be used everywhere:

  • to create jewelry and other products;
  • in the construction of royal palaces, labrador tiles were used;
  • from this stone they made statues for kings and nobles;
  • noble people liked to order various things from it: large and miniature vases, snuff boxes, countertops, inkwells and much more;
  • The most fashionable among noble ladies were considered outfits that, in color and divorce, resembled the Moonstone.

Where is the Labrador retrieved?

In nature, this mineral is found quite often. Modern deposits are located in Buryatia, Yakutia, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Germany, Canada, India, Finland, Ukraine, Greenland, Norway, USA, Northern Europe and the Himalayas, as well as in Australia. Moreover, its deposits are quite large in size and have such physical and mechanical properties that make it possible to cut them. Due to the fact that Labrador is of volcanic origin, its reserves are practically unlimited. They only differ in volumes and colors, as well as in the size and quality of the crystals.

Quite insignificant reserves are found in Madagascar. Unique specimens of ornamental stone are mined in Mongolia and Tibet, in India and Burma, in Sri Lanka. There, mostly high quality spectrolites are located, but there are not so many of them. Mostly there are gray representatives with a greenish, bluish or bluish tint.


There are many uses for Labradorite. This is primarily the construction industry. Since the 18th century, it has been used for interior wall decoration, tiles are made from it, it is used as an ornamental and decorative stone. They are trimmed with rich interiors and pompous exteriors. Furniture items are made from it, especially kitchen items, they decorate and decorate both palaces and private households. Many beautiful souvenirs can be found from Labrador, such as small figurines and figurines, tableware and ashtrays. And all this is due to its unique shimmering glow, beautiful tints, beautiful shades.


Labrador has a mysterious appearance, so it is widely used to create pendants, earrings, bracelets, rings. The main way of finishing a stone is cabochons. Some varieties are suitable for the manufacture of faceted inserts. Elite costume jewelry is made from this stone, which women of fashion wear to match the color of their eyes and as decorations on outfits. It is compatible with any stone.

magical properties

The magic of this stone has been known since time immemorial. As a talisman, it was worn in cabochons and earthen, trying to attract the strength of the spirit and will. It has been reliably established that Labradorite is able to influence the fate of its owner, as well as reveal his life potential. And it does not matter on which finger to wear it, or in what shape it is cut. The magical qualities of the mineral do not change from this.

It is thanks to the fire element that Labradorite is endowed with such supernatural magical qualities. The aura of the stone and its energy are so strong that they are able to open true knowledge even to those who have just begun to learn magic. Almost all people who consider themselves to be a caste of magicians wear Labrador and use it as a talisman. Those people who have discovered extraordinary abilities in magic in order to enhance their abilities need to constantly carry this gem with them. And it does not matter what kind of this mineral is: cabochon, jewelry or other decoration. The main thing is that you internally understand and feel its influence.

It has been established that thanks to natural stone, talents, outstanding abilities, and destiny can be revealed. It will help persistent and self-confident people to soar up the career ladder, avoiding obstacles and bypassing envious people, modest and sympathetic people - to fulfill their most cherished dreams and desires, become a loved one and find their soul mate, create a family hearth and keep it for many years.

It is believed that most of all he favors creative people: artists, writers, composers. He helps them to reveal their extraordinary abilities, becomes a muse for them, attracts good luck and blesses them for creative exploits.

Labradorite has absorbed the solar and lunar energy, so its energy just rolls over. Do not wear products with this stone to people under the age of 27. After all, strong magic can not only help, it can also cause harm. It is worth noting that wearing this stone just like that is not allowed. This is a very powerful talisman, and its constant presence can be overwhelming. You need to wear it when you need it: for a deal, for negotiations, for serious meetings. The Labrador is a great helper and loyal friend, but sometimes he needs to be on his own.

If you decide to decorate your interior with Moonstone, then give preference to light tavusite or sunny lynx eye. Only these varieties can neutralize negative energy, pacify those who quarrel, make them calm and balanced, reconcile, bring harmony and peace to family life.

It is worth remembering that if you decide to decorate your home with labrador figurines, then there must be two of them and they must have light golden and brownish-green hues (for a woman and a man). You need to go shopping together, then the harmony will be complete. Find a secluded place for the figurines, away from prying eyes. But hiding them in dusty cabinets is not worth it. Sometimes they need to be exposed to sunlight and moonlight so that the stone can replenish its supply of positive energy.

If the mineral is worn around the neck, then prophetic dreams may begin to occur. Since ancient times, we have come to believe that Labradorite is unique in that if its owner is a decent person, then he accepts everything positive from his owner, and then more than returns it all to him. He also feeds on a bad person, but the return of negativity, amplified many times, can kill him. Therefore, before choosing this stone as your talisman, really evaluate yourself in terms of decency, so as not to regret it later.

Labradorite can change its owner. It can be given, exchanged, sold. But you need to be careful with this. Before becoming the owner of such a stone, check a hundred times what kind of owner it had before you: good or bad, and only then leave it with you. If you want to see prophetic dreams, put the mineral under your pillow at night. This will help you to visit the future and maybe prevent negative events.

White and black magicians, as well as sorcerers and witches, do not forget to use this gem in their magical actions:

  • it is used to protect oneself from negative emotions, negative energy, so that it is possible to influence the minds of people, making them controllable;
  • Labradorite calms, smooths out discontent, pacifies anger, eliminates fears, reveals the abilities inherent in nature: extrasensory abilities wake up, there is a craving for drawing, writing poetry and songs, as well as musical works;
  • if a person has lost faith in his strengths and capabilities, his hands have dropped, and there is no desire to continue his life path - Labradorite will correct this condition. He will strengthen faith not only in himself, but also in those around him, help to stop, focus on the main thing, comprehend the ongoing processes and take the only right step to get out of the current negative situation;
  • the gem makes people resistant to negative influences, relieves stress, improves mood, increases vitality, strengthens the nervous system, preventing its exhaustion.

Medicinal qualities

Even in the good old days, the positive influence of Labrador on the readings of the human body was noticed. The then Aesculapius could give everything in order to get at least a small piece of this mineral at their disposal. As a rule, at first it was used to treat one's own diseases and only occasionally was used to restore the health of strangers.

This happened because Labradorite could absorb the negative energy of a dishonorable person during the healing process and give it to its owner, in connection with which the owner of the stone fell ill and could even die. But, in spite of everything, he was able to strengthen the human body, protect it from diseases, the evil eye and spoilage, and help get rid of chronic diseases. But its main task was, after all, strengthening the health of its owner.

Official medicine does not confirm, but does not deny the healing qualities of the mineral. But lithotherapists and other healers do not have a soul in stone. Time-tested that Labrador is able to help people suffering from:

  • arthrosis and arthritis. Relieves pain and reduces inflammation;
  • nervous disorders. Stabilizes the emotional component, prevents nervous breakdowns, emotional outbursts, psychosomatic explosions, removes anxiety, fears, bad dreams, insomnia;
  • problems of the genitourinary system. Removes the inflammatory process of the prostate gland, removes urolithiasis;
  • helps to get rid of infertility. Moreover, this applies to both women and men, increases potency;
  • improves vision and helps to get rid of eye diseases;
  • helps to get rid of drug and alcohol, as well as toxic addiction;
  • improves brain function, stabilizes its activity, develops memory;
  • improves metabolism in the body;
  • get rid of colds, viral and infectious diseases;
  • stabilizes arterial and intracranial pressure;
  • reduces pain in the spine, joints, treats hernial formations;
  • restores the body after trauma and surgery;
  • helps pregnant women bear well and successfully give birth to a healthy baby;
  • prevents uterine bleeding;
  • cures pathology.

Such miracles can be done by this stone due to its unique abilities, which were formed under the influence of volcanic lava, enrichment of neighboring rocks, concentration of the energy of the Earth and Space.

Influence on the signs of the zodiac

It has already been established for sure that Labradorite suits almost all signs of the Zodiac, only its effect on each one is different. Those to whom he favors prefer to have a gem as a talisman or amulet and constantly carry it with them. But there is a category of people for whom it does not fit. Let's deal with each sign of the Zodiac individually.

  1. Aries. You should not constantly carry it with you, because due to the unrestrained temper and stormy character, as well as the leadership qualities of Aries, Labrador is able to further enhance these abilities. The main thing is not to overdo it. And do not quarrel with the stone, even if it seems to you that its help is not significant enough.
  2. Taurus. Smart and practical people just need such a talisman. Its presence will make their life richer, brighter, and happier. There will be rapid career growth or business success in terms of finance.
  3. Twins. From them he is able to bring down arrogance, arrogance and narcissism. Having worn the mineral for some time with them as jewelry or souvenirs, people born under this sign become more patient, responsible, wise, able to “soberly” assess the situation and get the most out of it.
  4. Crayfish. He will help them protect themselves from all kinds of adversity and dishonorable people, as well as from the troubles associated with them. This category of people is very vulnerable and quite quick-tempered, which interferes with communication with the people they need. Labradorite is able to neutralize vulnerability and irascibility, correcting the character and habits in the right direction.
  5. Lions. A unique sign of the Zodiac, which suits almost all stones. The Labrador is no exception. It is he who will force his masters - Lviv to remove excessive pride, irascibility and excessive jealousy. The mineral will open in such people innate abilities for the supernatural, help determine the meaning of life, show the only right path, along which it is necessary to take leaps and bounds to achieve the goal. And there will be no obstacles, and the road will be simple, without sharp turns and drops.
  6. Virgin. These people are prone to depression, low self-esteem. They are very suspicious, impatient, irritable, always in doubt, which negatively affects the achievement of their goal. If such people constantly have a Labrador with them, and it does not matter whether it is a ring, a necklace or a cabochon, then their attitude to life and everyday behavior will change for the better.
  7. Scales . The stone does not have a special effect on such people. They are able to cope with pressing problems without additional help. But if you are overcome by indecision and you are not able to cope with it on your own, then still take the stone in your hand for a short time so that there is determination for further action. This stone will also help Libra to decide on a soul mate, so that friendships can turn into love, and then into marital.
  8. Scorpions. This is exactly the Sign that should not have a Labrador as a companion. Scorpios are dual natures: they can be noble and vindictive, loving and indifferent, evil and kind, generous and greedy, selfless and ruthless, proud and mean. And which of these sides the stone will begin to absorb into itself, and how this will subsequently affect the health of the Scorpions - no one can predict. Therefore, it is necessary to choose another stone as a talisman.
  9. Sagittarius. Stone idolizes these people and will do everything possible to ensure that their home is a full bowl, a happy family, prosperous children, work and business at their best, excellent health. If Sagittarians have chosen this particular stone as a talisman for themselves, then their life will be a continuous paradise on Earth, it will not give negative energy and come close to these people, drive away evil and envy, hatred and misfortune.
  10. Capricorns. Such people should pay attention to the Labrador. Sometimes their selfish moods, isolation and cruelty just go wild. In order to avoid trouble and regulate your behavior and attitude towards others, you must wear this talisman.
  11. Aquarius. Moonstone can help overcome the eternal indecision, isolation, discover innate talents and develop them to a state where there is no way back to the past.
  12. Fish. For them, this stone is quite a useful acquisition. These people are recommended to wear Labradorite everywhere: at work, on vacation, take it with them on trips and to serious events. Moreover, the frame for the stone does not play any role. From this, the quality of his help does not change. For those who have noticed in themselves a talent for healing, he will help open up new opportunities, while protecting his master from the negative consequences associated with the treatment of not always good people.

Mineral cost

It should be noted that not everyone can buy jewelry with Labradorite. Its cost is not small, but the costs are worth it. Despite the fact that an ornamental stone, as a rule, does not have a great value, Labrador is an exception in this case. The mineral is difficult to process, which has a direct impact on increasing its already undemocratic value. Due to the fact that the gem is bought very rarely, the owners of jewelry stores deliberately increase its value so as not to be left in the red.

A cabochon with parameters of 40 x 30 x 10 mm can be purchased for a thousand rubles, and a slightly smaller copy can cost 500 rubles. As for jewelry, it all depends on the design features, the type of metal for the frame and its weight. A miniature ring with earrings with a total weight of 20 grams will cost about 7,000 rubles. But it is not a pity to spend such money for the sake of enjoying the unearthly radiance of a gem.

stone care

If all minerals are afraid of direct sunlight, then Labrador is an exception. He is not only not afraid of them, but also has a positive attitude towards their radiance. Everyone knows that the gem is "recharged" by the energy of the Moon and the Sun, so it is recommended to allocate such a place for storage so that, on the one hand, it does not particularly catch the eye of strangers, and on the other hand, it can replenish its supply of solar and lunar energy.

As for the case, it should be separate and with a soft base. When cleaning, do not use detergents, especially those containing acids. You can lose your talisman forever.

The mines of Greenville, Guta Dobrynska, Mogok, Yulyamaa… Such geographical names mean little to a person who is not familiar with mineralogy. Scattered across the world map, they appear to be caves in distant lands or age-old forests at the end of the world. However, they will tell a lot to jewelers and adherents of the esoteric. These are deposits of the wonderful labradorite stone.

Description and classification of varieties

Modern science defines a Labrador as an aluminosilicate of sodium (NaAlSi3O8) and calcium (CaAl2Si2O8), with impurities of iron, potassium and magnesium. It refers to feldspars, which were formed during the cooling of magma. Brittle, splits and crumbles on impact, soluble in acids, melts.

The mineral labrador belongs to iridescent spars. Irization is an optical effect in the form of iridescent radiance on the edges of stones (increased after polishing). The iridescence of the Labrador is due to its crystalline structure. There are many varieties:

  1. Aventurine - with a bright reflection similar to aventurine.
  2. Bull's eye - with iridescence of purple and brown tones.
  3. Cat or lynx - characterized by a green tint and a kind of light beam.
  4. Sunny - iridescence of yellow tones, with a golden tint.
  5. Spectrolite - characterized by rich colors of the rainbow spectrum.
  6. Black lunar - dark blue (lunar) and blue (blue) tones.

The most valued Labradors have all the colors of the spectrum of the rainbow. Large deposits of such a mineral are located in Finland.

The history of the appearance of the mineral

Also enhances the labradorite stone properties of the zodiac sign. The element of water is sensual, subject to emotions, thanks to the influence of the stone on energies, it receives additional power to receive information from the subtle world.

He protects Scorpions from negativity, brings good luck; but this sign, constantly balancing between good and evil, should be careful. Labrador is able to accumulate negative energy. For other signs according to the horoscope, the stone is neutral.

For whom is the labrador stone suitable, the properties of which can be used both for good and for vile purposes? Most of all, it is needed by mature individuals, people who have clear guidelines in life and are confidently moving towards their goal. This is a stone of artists, artists, those who can have contact with another world. A Labrador should be handled with care - so powerful can be the power stored within him. It accumulates negative energy from time to time throwing it out. However, the healing properties of the Labrador many times outweigh the possible dangers of owning this stone.

Lithotherapy and labrador

  1. Rheumatism.
  2. High blood pressure.
  3. Deviations in the endocrine system.
  4. Eye diseases.

The mineral also relieves the effects of stress and is an antiseptic.

A wonderful stone has been serving people for a long time. Nondescript and unremarkable in the rock, after processing it sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow. And perhaps, over time, its properties that have not yet been studied will be revealed, and the researcher, like a cutter, will surprise the world with the brilliance of unraveled secrets.

Labrador stone is a type of feldspar that has an iridescent effect (iridescent glow of all colors). It immediately attracts the eyes of people with its mysterious and rich silky radiance.

History of the stone

The Labrador is called the black moonstone. It has been used by mankind since the time of the existence of the Hellenes. In Greece, this mineral was considered the stone of a mythical people called "Hyperborea".
According to legend, the representatives of the people loved entertainment. Every nineteen years, Apollo, the sun god, visited them. The Hyperboreans used black moonstone, which has strong magical properties. It was they who made gifts to people in the form of a black stone - a labrador. This mineral brought happiness only to those who really deserved it. The stone brought bad people to death.
Otherwise, this mineral is called "peacock stone". It was used in the construction of cathedrals and temples in Ancient Rus'.

The mosaic of the altar of the Church of the Tithes is decorated with pieces of labrador, it is also found in the decoration of the tomb of the princes of Kievan Rus.

In European states, the stone has become known since 1770. Stone deposits have been discovered on the Labrador Peninsula. The mineral began to be actively used in the manufacture of jewelry - rings, brooches, earrings. They were worn then only by high-society fashionistas.
In the Russian state, this gem was discovered in 1781, when the road to Peterhof was being built (lumps of Labrador were found). So black crystal quickly became popular, and products from it began to meet more and more often. Royal residences were decorated with this stone, St. Petersburg nobility wore jewelry, even the color and luster of silk dresses of fashionistas of that time reminded of him.
During the Soviet Union, the country's metro stations were finished with this mineral. It is found in the sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Girl", on the tomb of the "Unknown Soldier" near the walls of the Kremlin, at the entrance to Lenin's mausoleum and many other sculptural structures.

Varieties and colors of stone

One of the varieties of the mineral is spectrolite. It casts all shades of existing colors. These specimens are mined only in Finland. Spectrolite is the most valuable type of rock. There are purple-brown gems with a red tint, they are called "bull's eye". In nature, there are types of stone with dark gray, blue, black inclusions, which are cast in various colors.

magical properties

The magical properties of the mineral are not yet sufficiently disclosed. It is known that this crystal enhances the ability to foresee, promotes mystical awareness of the world, develops qualities of an extrasensory nature. He is considered the talisman of sorcerers and people involved in healing.
Labrador promotes the awakening of hidden positive energy in a person, helps to develop it. It gives its owner dreams and the desire to embrace everything at once. Such people try to do what was previously considered impossible.

This crystal should be worn by people of mature age, after thirty years. When worn by young people, the stone encourages adventures that can lead to negative consequences.

The mineral quickly "attaches" to its owner. Protects him from unpleasant things and people with a negative aura. The Labrador is recommended as a "guardian" of peace, harmony in the family and home. At home, it is recommended to put the crystal in a prominent place, you can not store it under the threshold.
The gem is distinguished by such a unique property as the vision of the situation and the processing of negative energy into positive. It is believed that it must be fed with moonlight during full moons, since it takes energy from the moon.
Surprisingly, experts distinguish this mineral by gender.

  • So, for example, light specimens that have a golden-blue color are considered a male stone.
  • And dark-colored crystals with brown-green hues are feminine.

For efficiency, it is recommended to purchase both types of stone. So they will contribute to competent and economical housekeeping, to protect and bring good relations to the family. Remember that this gem is only required to be worn from time to time. You should never give your amulet to another person even to look.

Medicinal properties

It is believed that the mineral contributes to the fight against such diseases as infertility, impotence, diseases of the genitourinary system. It is used to relieve pain in the spine and joints. Also, the stone is used in the prevention of cancer, sore throat, bronchial diseases.

Talismans and amulets

Labrador is an excellent talisman for family and home. This is the talisman of higher magicians and sorcerers. The mineral does not like evil and envious people, so wearing it leads such people to unpleasant situations. This is the talisman of those who stand firmly on their feet, analyze their actions and the situation. In addition, it is an excellent amulet for risky people.

Stone and astrology

In astrology, this mineral is considered a stone of such zodiac signs as Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. However, if desired, it can be safely worn by other signs.

This mineral got its name in honor of the Labrador Peninsula, located in North America. These stones were discovered in this place in 1770. Labrador and its varieties also have other names: bull's eye, moon black stone, spectrolite, caryatite.

The stone is a type of tulle spar. Mineral hue - greenish-gray, dark gray. They make a great backdrop for the flashes of green, red, or yellow, blue that run across them as they turn. Luster - glassy, ​​matte.

Mineral colors

The color of the mineral is unattractive: there may be gray and almost black mourning stones. The Labrador takes on the appearance of a precious opal when sparkling flashes play on its surface.

Main deposits

There are reports of the discovery of incredibly beautiful minerals in Finland. At the same time, less bright stones are found in Greenland, Germany, India, Ukraine and Tibet. In Australia, there are high gem quality Labradors that are being cut.

Healing properties

In traditional medicine, there is an opinion that the labrador is a stone (its price is low, from 300 rubles), which helps to strengthen the human body. Some healers believe that this mineral eliminates pain in diseases of the joints and spine.

Lithotherapists believe that the stone helps with impotence and infertility, some diseases of the prostate gland and the genitourinary system. Rings and pendants help to improve well-being, help with insomnia, in stressful situations, in addition, improve sleep. The stone helps to remove stones from the kidneys, improves the functioning of all organs.

Labrador is a stone whose properties also affect the mental state. After its improvement, the Labrador begins medical work. Rings (they must be worn strictly on the middle finger), as well as pendants with a mineral, can even help an addict cope with painful addiction. It will relieve nervous stress, restore the body after emotional exhaustion, bring it out of depression, and also calm the Labrador in case of excessive excitement - the value of the stone also lies in this.

A piece of stone or a figurine, located near the head of the bed, will save you from obsessive nightmares, in addition, it will cure insomnia, while stabilizing the natural clock of the human body.

Naturopathy and labradorite

Labrador is a stone whose properties are widely used to treat eye diseases. In addition, the nugget has a positive effect on the health of blood vessels and the heart, and it also helps with memory loss. Ancient healers used it to treat various mental disorders. Because before there were no drugs at all that could treat the human psyche. Due to this, the stone is widely used to relieve excessive stress.

To date, this mineral is used to treat depressive disorders and nervous asthenia. Experts say that these stones are also effective in infertility. Labrador stimulates male potency, it is also used in urology to treat prostatitis.

The mineral helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it perfectly cures inflammation of the joints, in addition, it alleviates the course of rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis. Experts say that the stone accelerates the healing of fractures, this property of nuggets is especially in demand for fractures in the elderly.

Labrador (stone): magical properties

The magical power of the stone is not fully disclosed, but it is known that it enhances the ability to mystical awareness of the world around us and foresight, and allows you to develop extrasensory abilities. In addition, it has long been a talisman of sorcerers and healers.

Experts believe that the Labrador is a stone, the magical properties of which make it possible to awaken any hidden talents in a person, in addition, it helps to develop them, gives incredibly vivid dreams, makes the owner try to "embrace the immensity", in addition, to do everything that previously seemed unattainable . He is exactly the talisman with which you will make the impossible possible. Probably, it is because of this that the stone should be worn by adults who are already thirty years old.

The mineral can push younger people to adventures. Unfortunately, this can lead to disastrous consequences. The mineral is considered an amulet of creative people - poets, writers, artists, musicians; he brings them the ability to "catch the wave", inspiration, and with this the patronage of patrons, recognition and fame. The stone "attaches" to its owner, protecting him from any unpleasant situations, ill-minded people.

He is recommended as a guardian of well-being and tranquility in the house. It is necessary to keep a Labrador crystal or a figurine from it in plain sight, you cannot put it under the threshold, as some sources say. If the gem "sees" the situation every day, then it very actively processes any negative energy into positive vibes.

This mineral draws its power from the moon, therefore, it must be activated by laying it on the windowsill every full moon.

Women's and men's stones

Specialists also distinguish these stones by gender. Men are considered lighter with a bluish-golden tint, and dark with green-brown are considered feminine. It is advisable to buy a “family couple” of stones - they will help you manage your household diligently and competently, in addition, they will protect the family hearth, regularly teach a reverent attitude towards their soulmate.

Labrador (stone): properties, zodiac sign

It must be remembered that this mineral cannot be worn all the time, and also let strangers touch the talisman from it - aimless touches can destroy the friendly energy of this nugget.

Astrologers also did not ignore the labrador (stone). The zodiac sign to which it corresponds cannot be singled out separately - the mineral is recommended to everyone without exception. Although it is especially useful for Scorpions, Leo, Virgo and Aries. The mineral is energetically associated with the throat, sex and heart chakras.

Amulets and talismans

Labrador is an excellent amulet for the inhabitants of the house, it must be kept on the surface so that he can see the house, people and be noticeable himself. As already mentioned, the wrong advice is to remove the stone under the threshold, in which case its positive power is violated.

This is the talisman of all high-level practicing magicians. The mineral "hates" people who strive for evil, although it will not interfere with them, but at some point such people will lead to a very sad end.

The mineral is very "attached" to the owner, "loves" him, and also helps in any, especially unpleasant situations. From this we can conclude that an excellent amulet for those people who have to take a lot of risks is a labrador stone. The sign of the zodiac to which it suits best cannot be singled out separately, as mentioned above. He is a talisman of people who are looking for, while confidently standing on their feet and constantly analyzing situations, their actions, able to make at least minimal forecasts.

The nugget will connect its owner with the past, and also help to feel the connection between the past and the present, to draw the right conclusions. The mineral will also contribute to foresight, although it will only help those people who are naturally inclined to this and do not spend the gift thoughtlessly. Labrador helps a person who seeks to make sense of the world.

From the history

According to legend, the Hyperboreans for the first time demonstrated to people the beauty of a unique stone that shimmered with all shades of the rainbow.

In Europe, he became famous since 1770, after these stones were found in northern Canada on the island of Labrador. Labrador soon began to be worn by London and Parisian fashionistas in brooches, earrings and rings.

And in 1781, during the construction of the Hermitage in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, several huge stones with Labrador eyes were suddenly discovered. This provoked a surge in the incredible popularity of the gem in our country. After that, tabletops made of stone appeared in the royal residences, the Petersburg nobility began to acquire golden snuff boxes with it, even ball gowns were sewn to match the decorations made of tausin silk (the word "tausin" in the old Russian language meant "peacock").

Other application

In Ukraine, in the middle of the 19th century, a huge deposit of Labrador was found. From that moment on, stone began to be actively used in exterior and interior cladding: for example, it was used in the decoration of Moscow metro stations, the Lenin Mausoleum, as well as many architectural monuments and monumental buildings.

Today, the labrador stone is also actively used. Jewelry with it: bracelets, rings, necklaces, earrings, cufflinks - are still very popular today. It is also used to create small decorative items and interior sculptures.

The mineral is mined in the same place - as before, the deposits have not disappeared in Ukraine, Burma, Canada, although its availability has again become a thing of the past. At the present moment, only a person with royal wealth can afford a large statue, facing the facade from it.