How much money to give for a golden wedding. What to give as an original and unusual gift. Holiday traditions and origin of the name

A pleasant event - fifty years of marriage - poses difficult tasks for relatives. I would like to congratulate loved ones on their golden wedding anniversary so that the gift leaves a memory of this event. It’s a very difficult choice - to give a useful thing, a symbolic souvenir, or to do something with your own hands.

Traditional gifts for 50th wedding anniversary

When preparing for a wedding anniversary, it is important to think through to the smallest detail the decoration of the festive hall with posters with congratulations, flower arrangements, and balloons. It is important to pay attention to the design of gifts. Since the wedding is the color of gold, it can be present as a component:

  • ribbons for a bouquet;
  • embroidery threads for scarves, towels;
  • patterns on textiles;
  • gift box design;
  • inscriptions on a postcard, album;
  • presentation decorations.

According to tradition, on the day of the wedding anniversary, the husband and wife must exchange new gold rings, which are presented to them by their children. Close relatives can give gifts corresponding to the special date:

  • jewelry;
  • gold-plated icons;
  • engraved pendants;
  • coins;
  • figurines;
  • glasses with gilded ornaments.

A mandatory attribute is a bouquet for a golden wedding. Relatives can give a composition of the bride and groom’s favorite flowers, a small, elegant inflorescence or a potted plant. It's hard to imagine a celebration without a birthday cake. The following may be used as decoration:

  • congratulatory inscriptions;
  • wedding rings;
  • a pair of swans;
  • figurines;
  • anniversary numbers.

Symbolic souvenirs for relatives

Gifts don't have to be expensive. A nice trinket, a symbolic souvenir will also leave a memory of fifty years of life together. Relatives can present to the celebrants:

  • ceramic products;
  • figurines;
  • anniversary gold medals for love and fidelity;
  • photo album;
  • books;
  • candlesticks;
  • vases;
  • cup holders;
  • souvenirs with wedding symbols.

Original gifts for a golden wedding

You can show your imagination and make unusual gifts for your anniversary. A portrait of the heroes of the occasion commissioned from the artist will look original. Interesting gift ideas that can be given for a wedding anniversary:

  • family charter;
  • T-shirt with portraits of the bride and groom;
  • family tree with photographs of family members;
  • bouquet of balloons;
  • digital photo frame with slides;
  • a pair of glasses with wedding symbols;
  • painting with a memorable resting place.

Practical and useful gifts for relatives

People who have lived to see their golden wedding anniversary certainly think about their health. An excellent present for a significant event is a trip to rest and treatment in a boarding house or sanatorium. You can give a certificate for wellness treatments. Useful gifts - medical devices that help monitor your well-being and maintain health:

  • electronic tonometer;
  • air ionizer;
  • devices for physiotherapy;
  • massager;
  • electric heater.

It's nice to receive tickets to the theater or concert of your favorite performer as a gift for your golden wedding anniversary. It’s good to give relatives practical gifts that are useful for home and everyday life. It can be:

  • bed sheets;
  • air conditioner;
  • heater;
  • blanket with pillows;
  • TV;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • kitchen appliances;
  • beautiful service;
  • set of towels;
  • dishes;
  • scarf;
  • elegant scarf;
  • embroidered tablecloth;
  • watch;
  • plaid.

Family life should be marked by increased attention from guests. Gifts for this wonderful holiday differ from ordinary gifts in that they must carry a certain meaning, admiration for the long married life of the heroes of the day and their vast family experience.

Gifts according to tradition

There is an established tradition: to present gold as a gift on such a significant anniversary of family life. Moreover, children must certainly present the celebrants with new wedding rings, paying tribute to the established tradition from time immemorial.

The rest of the guests can make a difficult choice on any other gold items. They can be gold icons, pendants with custom engraving.

Coins can also be an excellent and practical gift made of precious metal.

But what should guests who are strapped for money and not ready to spend an impressive amount on a gift do? Products made of gilding can be a solution: symbolic figurines, paintings, photo frames, exclusive glass holders, a photo album with an engraved number “50”, etc.

Practical gifts

Household appliances that those celebrating the anniversary do not have can be an excellent gift, significantly improving the quality of life of the spouses. Among this category of gifts you can choose vacuum cleaners, a dishwasher, an oil radiator, a food processor, and a large LCD TV.

Taking into account the age and health status of the celebrants, you can give a modern blood pressure monitor, an orthopedic mattress, an air ionizer, a certificate for a massage course, or even a voucher for sanatorium treatment and relaxation.

Practical gifts also include high-quality bedding sets with gold patterns or designs, glasses, tableware sets, and tableware. Don't forget about furniture.

A golden wedding can be a great occasion to update outdated pieces of furniture - a table, sofa, armchair, chest of drawers.

Surely the elderly couple has a favorite performer or artist whose concert she dreamed of attending. Tickets to a concert performance can be a wonderful gift and a dream come true.

In addition, on the fiftieth anniversary of marriage, it is customary for a couple to be presented with luxurious flower bouquets. They can be presented in baskets decorated with gold ribbons. You can create flower arrangements yourself or turn to professionals for help.

Tip 2: What to give for a golden wedding to those who have everything

There are significant dates in the life of every person. One such date is the golden wedding anniversary. 50 years lived side by side simply need to be celebrated. Well, on any holiday it is customary to give gifts.

For memory

On the golden wedding anniversary, it is customary to give gold things. At the same time, the gift should not be personal, but family, because this is a holiday for two. However, over such a long life, the couple has probably accumulated a lot of different necessary things and trinkets. Of course, there are few figurines made of real gold, but do older people really need them?

An elderly couple who has everything can be given simply memorable souvenirs. Cup holders, vases, and candlesticks with gilding will look symbolic. You can buy a gold medal for 50 years from the date of marriage. If you don’t have enough money for a medal, then order or hand-make a certificate of honor for your services to family life. The certificate can be made on gilded or white paper, and the congratulations can be written in gold letters. A regular certificate inserted into a gilded frame will look great.

If you have photographs of the heroes of the occasion, you can order a family portrait from the artist. Let a talented artist draw the “bride” in a gold veil and the “groom” with a gold tie. This portrait can also be mounted in a gilded frame.

Useful gifts

If you communicate closely with a couple, you probably know about their ailments. Those, the golden anniversary of their marriage, are already about 70 years old, and at this age you already need to think about your health. So think about it: give the “young” one or more devices for home physiotherapy, an air ionizer, a massager, a heating pad or some rare but necessary medicine.

Even if a couple has everything, a device that makes life easier can be an excellent gift. Buy them, for example, a robot vacuum cleaner, a drying cabinet or a multifunctional multicooker.

You can never have enough bed linen, so give bed linen as a gift. To make the gift both useful and memorable, embroider it yourself or order commemorative embroidery. It could be a monogram, an anniversary date, a wedding date, or simply “50 years.”

Other gifts

The gift does not have to be material. Give the celebrants a trip to a sanatorium, holiday home or boarding house. If the health of the “young” allows it, then tickets to a round-the-world cruise or at least a tour of Europe would be a wonderful gift.

Not everyone has the funds for such expensive gifts, and for some reason, birthday celebrants cannot always take advantage of such a gift. In this case, you can limit yourself to tickets to the theater or to a concert of your favorite performer.

Vouchers and tickets, so that they still correspond to the theme of the holiday, can be placed in a gilded envelope.

Important addition

It is customary to give flowers for any occasion. At an advanced age, allergies to various odors often occur, so take this into account when choosing a bouquet. Flowers can be given not only in the form of an ordinary bouquet, you can order a toy or a symbolic figure made of flowers.

Tip 3: What is customary to give parents for a golden wedding?

People who have lived hand in hand for half a century in marriage are worthy of all respect. It is impossible to leave them without attention on the day of the golden wedding anniversary. Therefore, the 50th wedding anniversary should be celebrated on a no less grand scale than the wedding itself.

50 years together

A golden wedding is a grandiose event. There are not many people who have lived to such an old age together. Therefore, all people involved in this event should prepare gifts for the newlyweds.”

This event is a grandiose date not only for the heroes of the occasion, but also for their children and grandchildren, and other relatives and friends will be happy to congratulate the “young” on their life together. So all guests should prepare for this date in advance. This is especially true for gifts for anniversaries, because a random thing as a present for such a date will not be suitable.

Traditional gifts

Gold items are traditionally given as gifts on a golden wedding anniversary. The sacred duty of children celebrating the anniversary on this day is to give their parents new wedding rings. According to tradition, the first-born must buy the “newlyweds” a scarf that is embroidered with gold threads. As a last resort, if the older child does not have enough money for such a luxurious gift, he can buy a pair of handkerchiefs with shiny embroidery.

For the golden wedding anniversary, the remaining children, if any, can, in addition to wedding rings (their children must buy together), any souvenirs and gold jewelry. A symbolic gift would be gold pendants with the faces of the patron saints of the “young” or icons.


As a rule, older people are rather indifferent to jewelry. Therefore, it is best to give souvenirs or gold coins. It is not at all necessary to give things made entirely of this metal; gold-plated items will be wonderful gifts.

So, you can order or buy a gold-plated photo frame. During the celebration, take a photo of your parents and put it in this frame. You can restore a wedding photograph of your parents and present it in a gilded frame to them as a gift on their anniversary date of marriage. By the way, you can order a family portrait of your parents from the artist. You just need to order from a master who draws from a photo.

Gifts from the past

Older people are very sentimental. Therefore, a gift made with their own hands will be much more valuable to them than the most expensive souvenir bought in a store. Make your own family tree with your own hands. If you yourself don’t know anything about your ancestors, carefully ask your parents about it.

If nothing at all is known about your ancestors or too little is known, then make a photo album in which photographs of the most significant events in the life of the “newlyweds” will be arranged in chronological order. And you can supplement these photographs with poems of your own composition or stories about what is depicted in the photographs.

Well, the most important gift from children for a golden wedding anniversary will be simply the attention and care shown on this significant date.

Any couple who celebrates a golden wedding deserves respect. It takes a lot of patience to live with the same person for many years. And if people managed to maintain a strong family, raise children and grandchildren, they definitely need to be thanked. A gift for a golden wedding should be given from the heart. Its price doesn't matter. Especially older people like handmade products.


The violet is a symbol of life together. Therefore, on this day a woman can be given a bouquet, the composition of which will include this flower. A fragrant gift will not become the main one. The bouquet will only act as an addition to the main gift. It is worth remembering that the symbol of the anniversary is gold. Therefore, flowers can be wrapped in yellow foil.

If you are choosing a gift for your parents' golden wedding, you should take care of two bouquets. This is not the case when giving flowers to a man is prohibited. A men's bouquet can be more discreet and consist of daisies or chrysanthemums.

An original gift would be a houseplant. After 50 years of marriage, people get a second wind. They no longer have to worry about children, and grandchildren come only on weekends. A couple can, like in their youth, reorganize the family nest. An original indoor flower will come in handy.


You cannot find a woman who would be indifferent to jewelry. Moreover, gold is a symbol of the 50th anniversary. You can give your mother or grandmother a beautiful necklace, wrist chain or bracelet. Bright cufflinks or a wristwatch will suit your father or grandfather. When choosing a gift for a golden wedding, it is worth considering the lifestyle of the couple. If grandpa prefers to spend his time fishing and doesn't like social events, he won't need cufflinks.

To make an original gift for a golden wedding, you should contact a jewelry workshop. Here you can not only make jewelry according to your own design, but also have it engraved. Such things are usually passed down from generation to generation and become more and more valuable every year.

If a man plans to give jewelry to his wife, this must be done in an original way. A chain or bracelet can be hung on a cup of morning coffee. Such a surprise will definitely charge your other half with energy for the whole day.

New wedding rings

In ancient times there was an interesting custom. The couple, who had been together for more than 50 years, gave their wedding rings to their children. In return, the couple was given new ones. In this way, older people passed on their wisdom and experience to the younger generation. This tradition can still be remembered today. Wedding rings are an excellent golden wedding gift for parents.

Before purchasing rings, you should check the correct size. It’s better to ask the question directly to the celebrants. Of course, there won't be a surprise anymore. At the same time, you can be sure that the gift will definitely fit. It is better to choose rings from gold. They should be without stones or additional decor. The classic option will be the most suitable. Rings that combine both white and yellow gold look beautiful.

Love letter

This is a gift that spouses give to each other. You can write a love message expressing your deepest feelings and hide it in a decorative bottle. The surprise will be even more interesting if you create a treasure map. The other half will have to try to find the message in the house. Such entertainment helps to forget about old age and gives the couple a huge amount of positive emotions.

Children can also leave a message in a bottle. A gift made with your own hands for a golden wedding is always more valuable. In a letter to parents, you can indicate 50 qualities that are most valuable in them. The couple will be very pleased to receive such a gift. They will understand that it was not in vain that they lived all these years together and raised their children correctly. A message in a bottle can become a real heirloom that will be kept for many years and passed on to grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Piece of art

This gift is perfect for lovers of beauty. It is worth noting that almost all people over 60 begin to see beauty in ordinary things. As a gift to a couple for a golden wedding, you can present an elegant sculpture or figurine, with which you can perfectly decorate the interior. Ceramics and artistic landscapes are also valued. And if this thing is made by the hands of relatives, the celebrants will be doubly pleased.

A portrait of elderly parents would be an excellent gift. You need to take one of the most successful photographs from the family archive and show it to a professional artist. The presence of the couple is not necessary; the spouses will definitely like the portrait from the photo. You can order embroidery using the same principle. Those celebrating the anniversary will probably want to hang their portrait in the most prominent place in the house.

Budget gifts

If you don’t have money for an expensive gift, don’t despair. The closest people are usually invited to the celebration. The couple first of all expects attention from their relatives. And a gift for a golden wedding can be inexpensive. Gifts such as a cup with the spouses' names, a CD with your favorite tunes, or a photo album will not require large financial outlays. The main thing is that the gift is presented from a pure heart.

Older people often cannot afford much. A certificate to visit a beauty salon for a woman or a ticket to a football match for a man will not require large financial expenses. When choosing a surprise for an elderly couple, you should take their interests into account. A good gift would be a pass to a concert of your favorite performer or a ticket to the theater. A table in a restaurant is very inexpensive. Don't forget to order your spouse's favorite dishes. A romantic candlelit dinner will take the elderly couple back to the old days.

Large family book-album

In the world of development of modern technologies, people are increasingly less likely to turn to a professional photography studio. Nobody is in a hurry to print out pictures. Everything is stored on electronic media. Older people find it much more pleasant to look at photographs in the classic version. A large album is a wonderful gift for a golden wedding. The photo should be inserted in chronological order, starting from the moment the parents met, ending with the 50th anniversary. The book-album should include all the main events from the life of the spouses. This is a wedding, the birth of children, the first anniversary of marriage, the birth of grandchildren, etc.

It is better to order a photo book from a professional studio. Only high-quality materials are used here. This means that the album will be able to retain its bright colors for many years. In addition, real professionals are able to restore old photographs.

Piece of furniture

The couple have long built their family nest according to their own tastes. But a change of scenery has never harmed anyone. A piece of furniture would be a practical gift. A few days before the anniversary, it is worth asking the spouses what they would like to change in their home. Perhaps it’s long overdue to buy a new sofa or the closet has become difficult to close. A large comfortable bed is also an excellent golden wedding gift for relatives.

Today, furniture stores offer a huge range of products at reasonable prices. Before making a choice, it is worth measuring the dimensions of the room in which the spouses live. It will be unpleasant if the donated piece of furniture completely occupies the space of the room or blocks the normal passage of daylight.

What other gifts can you give for a golden wedding? Children can present their parents with a complete overhaul of their home. It is worth paying not only for building materials, but also for the work of professionals. It is also worth using the services of a designer. An elderly couple will be able to spend the rest of their life in coziness and comfort, without thinking about the fact that the linoleum has worn out or the faucet is leaking. It is worth thinking about completely replacing the furniture in your home. You can keep only the most expensive things that are passed down from generation to generation.

Romantic trip

A great gift for two would be a vacation outside their hometown. If finances allow, you can present the celebrants with a trip abroad. This is especially true if the holiday falls during the cold season. The couple will rejoice at the opportunity to soak up the sun when frosts are raging in their homeland. You can buy a trip to Egypt or Thailand. When choosing such a gift, it is worth considering the health status of the spouses. People over 70 often suffer from hypertension. There are also a number of other diseases for which long air flights are contraindicated.

A trip to a sanatorium is an excellent gift for a golden wedding from grandchildren. Here, spouses can not only be alone with each other, but also improve their health. There are many specialized sanatoriums staffed by highly qualified doctors. Those celebrating the anniversary will be able to recharge themselves with positive energy and begin their daily responsibilities with renewed vigor.

Celebration organization

Most married couples who have lived together for more than 50 years no longer go to work and quietly run the household. They usually have neither the strength nor the desire to organize a luxurious celebration. Organizing a celebration is the best golden wedding gift for grandparents. All expenses can be borne by the children of the heroes of the day, but grandchildren can also agree on the premises for the event and decorate the hall. Spouses don’t even need to be informed that a grand holiday is being prepared for them.

It is better to start preparing for the event several months in advance. The first step is to find a suitable banquet hall. Ideally, it should be located close to the spouses’ place of residence. The size of the hall should be chosen based on the number of invited guests. It is also better to make a list of people whom the anniversaries will be glad to see at their holiday in advance. Children and grandchildren are not always aware of the social circle of their loved ones. Therefore, you can enlist the help of a person who is a good friend of the spouses.

If there will be more than 20 people at the party, it is worth hiring a professional to entertain the crowd. You need to discuss the competitions that will be held in advance.

Particular attention should be paid to the decoration of the hall. You can hang photos of the heroes of the day in chronological order - from the moment they met until today. Balloons and beautiful garlands will also help.


Such an original gift for a golden wedding can only be given to parents by wealthy children. The father will probably be glad to have the opportunity to replace his old car. It is necessary to choose a practical option with minimal fuel consumption. This should be a car that is perfect for trips to the shops and to the country. Older people usually prefer not to travel long distances. An inexpensive car of a domestic brand will do just fine.

It is better to buy a car with the hero of the day. A person should sit behind the wheel and “feel” the car. Last but not least is the appearance of the vehicle. The model must definitely please the spouses.

Let's sum it up

The 50th anniversary of marriage is a real holiday not only for parents, but also for children, grandchildren and family friends. There are many gift options. It all depends on financial capabilities. The most important thing is that the gift is presented from the heart!

A golden wedding is not just another anniversary, but a full-scale celebration, because the couple managed to live together for 50 years! During this time, the couple managed to get used to each other's shortcomings and became truly close people. What to give to parents for a golden wedding, what gifts will be most relevant? Let's talk!

Holiday traditions and origin of the name

The ruby, pearl and silver weddings were left behind, and now the couple found themselves facing their golden anniversary, an incredibly joyful and important holiday. Why is the 50th anniversary of marriage called the golden wedding?

The fact is that since ancient times this metal has had incredible value, and in ancient times it was considered sacred. Gold is distinguished by its hardness, incredible beauty and good malleability. Thus, metal symbolizes the strength of family ties and the ability of spouses to adapt to each other's interests.

The golden wedding should be celebrated in a special way, paying attention to numerous rituals and traditions. What rituals have developed over the long centuries of celebrating this anniversary?

Of course, all golden wedding rituals are in one way or another connected with this precious metal. The responsibility to renew the rings of the heroes of the occasion is usually taken upon themselves by their children or relatives. This decoration not only has decent value, but also symbolizes the strength of the alliance concluded 50 years ago.

It is a wonderful tradition to pour gold coins onto the heads of the heroes of the occasion. But finding such coins can be difficult, and therefore they can be replaced with gold-colored confetti or something else. It is believed that such a ritual strengthens the well-being of the family, making the union even stronger and more durable.

Of course, such a significant wedding anniversary needs to be celebrated on a grand scale. Usually, the heroes of the occasion prefer to organize a large-scale celebration, which means that the guests will have to rack their brains over what to give the spouses.

Traditional golden wedding gifts for parents

Gifts from children are always considered the most important and touching, so you should think carefully about what to give to your parents.

Typically, adult children of celebrants prefer traditional gifts. Here are just the most popular of them:

The best thing you can give to birthday celebrants is gold rings. As already mentioned, they should be exchanged on such an important day to cement your own vows and confirm any remaining love feelings.

Children can ensure that the jewelry is engraved, for example, with the initials of the spouses or their wedding date.

Another great gift is items of clothing in the traditional color for this anniversary. Children can present the older generation with a beautiful scarf, and the father can also be given a tie or gold cufflinks. For your mother, you can choose a beautiful dress or a spectacular blouse that will make the woman’s image bright, despite her age.

Often, elite alcohol aged for half a century is chosen as a gift. Along the way, children can tell their parents a few touching words about how long their love lasts, and that it is even stronger than this alcohol. Drinks with such aging cost a lot, so the gift is also extremely valuable.

As an additional gift, you can choose a bouquet of fifty yellow roses, which will symbolize each year that the parents lived together.
You can give such a bouquet only together with beautiful congratulations written yourself.

A variety of dishes are also considered traditional wedding gifts. For example, you can present a set of gold-colored plates or beautiful wine glasses with gold edging.

Original golden wedding gifts for parents

Many people prefer to give their parents something original and valuable at the same time for their golden wedding. When choosing such a gift, you should rely not so much on the cost, but on the touchingness and significance of the gift. What can you present to your own parents for their wedding anniversary so that it is original?

For your parents' wedding anniversary, you can choose a lot of gifts with different prices. For example, a trip to a sanatorium could be an excellent gift. Here it is worth taking into account not only the cost of the gift, but also the state of health of your own parents.

Many people celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary no longer have the physical ability to travel far, so it is better for them to choose another, touching and no less significant gift.

For example, children can create a beautiful photo album for their parents, which will contain photographs of the couple. Modern programs allow you to make an original film from photographs accompanied by beautiful music. Such a gift will certainly touch both the celebrants themselves and the guests invited to the holiday.

For parents, you can order watches or mugs with their images or gifts that match the interests of the couple. For example, if the heroes of the occasion love to play chess, you can give them an antique board with beautiful handmade figures.

Experts advise making one common gift, rather than two separate ones, because a golden wedding is a holiday that celebrates the incredible bond that exists between spouses. The prepared gift should additionally indicate it!

Of course, the best gift for anniversaries will be warm words and sincere hugs from relatives and their own children. Such gestures sometimes turn out to be even more pleasant and meaningful than any jewelry!

Congratulations on the golden wedding

Anyone can give something to grandparents or mom and dad on such an important day, and to do this you just need to show your imagination and go shopping. Presenting gifts correctly and saying congratulations is a whole science, because here it is necessary not only to say pleasant words, but also to show originality. Here are just a few interesting ways to congratulate:

pleasant lines in poetry or prose can be engraved on figurines or embroidered on pillows, which will later be presented to the newlyweds;

  • You can also give a short film consisting not only of photographs, but also of touching congratulations for the heroes of the occasion;
  • Another way to create an original congratulation is to ask all your acquaintances and friends to record a video with gentle and kind words, compiling them into a single film;
  • Children of the heroes of the occasion can create a postcard with their own hands, writing gentle and touching words on it.

Video congratulations to parents on their golden wedding

Giving your parents a gold figurine with a congratulatory inscription is a great way to honor several holiday traditions at once. With the help of such a gift, you can emphasize the special features of the celebration and say tender words. At the same time, the heroes of the day will be able to look at the kind words carved directly in gold for a very long time.

You can also give celebrants a hand-made card. Such gifts are very beautiful and extremely touching. You can decorate the card with photographs of the couple and gentle words.

It’s better to write congratulations to your parents yourself, because then they will turn out touching and bright. Their ideal length is 8–10 lines, no more. If the congratulation is read out and turns out to be too long, it will greatly tire all the guests, not allowing them to understand the meaning of what was said.

If you don’t have enough imagination to write a poem yourself, you can take the basis from the Internet and make your own adjustments to it. For example, you can mention the names of spouses and details of their lives in poetic lines. The more individual and intimate such a congratulation is, the better it will be, because it will certainly evoke emotions among the heroes of the occasion.

If children want to congratulate their parents in prose, then it is better to do this during a festive toast. In such a wish, it is worth noting how significant this day is for everyone present, and how the example of the parents’ love influenced the children themselves.

A correctly composed toast in prose lasts no more than a minute, but at the same time it turns out to be very sincere, reflecting the importance of the holiday for the person delivering it.

A golden anniversary is not just another day in the life of a couple, but a truly large-scale celebration. The 50 years we lived together were filled with love, numerous trials and a feeling of growing friendship. The more touching the gift for parents and the more thoughtful the congratulations, the better this holiday will be preserved in the memory of the heroes of the day!

What to gift:

The couple celebrates their golden wedding after 50 years of marriage. This anniversary of family life is considered the most important, golden. All children with their beloved grandchildren, close family members, and beloved friends usually gather for the celebration. Gifts for a golden wedding should be chosen taking into account the importance of the anniversary and its respectable name. It is not necessary to give jewelry - elderly spouses can choose items for the home, useful things or cute souvenirs.

Traditions of giving gifts for the golden anniversary of marriage

Before deciding what to give your parents, grandparents or friends for your golden wedding, you need to study the rituals and rules for choosing gifts for this solemn anniversary of their long life together. There are many traditions for such an anniversary, so some important points should be taken into account:

  • Children, together with their grandchildren, must present their parents and grandparents with new gold rings, symbolizing a strong marriage, a life together for 50 years. According to tradition, spouses should give old worn-out rings to those grandchildren who will soon get married or are going to get married in the near future.
  • When presenting gifts from friends and family, celebrants should be showered with “gold” - sparkling sparkles or golden rain, pieces of shiny paper.
  • According to an ancient ritual, older children must present and immediately tie a scarf embroidered with gold threads on their mother’s head. It can be replaced with a scarf or shawl.
  • Before presenting gifts to relatives or children, you should light 2 golden candles on the table and say parting words about the importance of such a major date, the years spent together and family happiness. You can tell the guests a little about what the couple’s family life was like, what they experienced together over 50 years.
  • After all the gifts have been presented, the spouses must cut the anniversary wedding pie or cake together and distribute a piece to all guests. This tradition means that the celebrants share their happiness and wish everyone the same lasting love.

Choosing gifts for parents from children for a golden wedding

When choosing a golden wedding gift for their beloved parents, many children are in doubt and hesitation. It’s one thing to choose paired gold rings for them and present them to the applause of guests and relatives. Another question is whether celebrants need such expensive gifts and whether they will wear them. At this age, many people have swollen fingers, and they will have to spend a lot of money on gold jewelry.

Gifts chosen for parents for a golden wedding do not have to be made of gold. You can find more acceptable options by delighting the spouses for 50 years of marriage with a warm blanket, a large TV or beautiful souvenirs. It is the adult children who know best what their mother and father would like to receive for their joint anniversary, what their desires are.

You can give your parents for their anniversary after 50 years of marriage:

  • gilded watches, boxes, bracelets;
  • anniversary medals with a beautiful inscription “For 50 years together”, cups, glasses with gold engraving;
  • large household appliances: TV, vacuum cleaner, microwave oven, new gas stove or heater;
  • soft blankets, pillows, blankets for armchairs or sofas;
  • large carpet on the wall, rug, carpet runners;
  • pieces of furniture for the kitchen, bedroom, living room;
  • family portrait in gilded frame;
  • orthopedic mattress;
  • a trip to a health resort;
  • service with gold rim on cups and saucers;
  • curtains, bed linen in gift wrapping.

Parents should choose gifts from children for a golden wedding together; they can be purchased together. Be sure to pack all the gifts, tying them with golden bows.

Options for gifts for anniversaries from grandchildren

If a golden wedding gift to parents from their children should be large and substantial, then the grandchildren can give their grandparents any small souvenirs or nice things. You can make them yourself or choose something from any souvenir shop. The main thing is to present the gift beautifully, interestingly, and express sincere wishes. The youngest grandchildren can read poetry, perform a playful song and ditties for their grandparents.

Here are a few options for what their beloved grandchildren can give to celebrants on their family anniversary:

  • symbolic scarves trimmed with gold lurex;
  • gilded souvenir figurines, figurines, stands;
  • books, photo albums, desk calendars in gilded covers;
  • gold embroidered tablecloth, shiny curtains, napkins, towels with an anniversary inscription;
  • general photographs of all the grandchildren in golden frames, an interesting collage with photographs of spouses;
  • homemade paintings, postcards, souvenirs;
  • flowers and figures made of golden balloons;
  • glitter paper crafts.

There’s no point in thinking long and hard about what to give your grandma and grandpa for their golden wedding. The main thing is attention from grandchildren, expression of their love, respect and devotion to the family.

Gift options for a golden wedding from guests and family

Guests who are wondering what to give for a golden wedding can choose any souvenir they like, symbolizing a strong marriage. These can be paired figurines of the bride and groom, elderly spouses, original figurines made of wood, metal, glass. For such an anniversary of marriage, relatives can choose to receive a collage of family photographs in a gilded frame, a painting depicting portraits of the heroes of the day, or an anniversary photo album in gilded binding.

You should not ignore gifts and souvenirs for a golden wedding, made with your own hands from golden paper, cardboard, wood, and shiny fabric. Paper swans, rings, and flowers made from origami modules look very symbolic. Many people like pillows, blankets, original potholders and coasters made using the patchwork technique. You can weave vases from wicker, willow twigs, make boxes from newspaper tubes, thick cardboard.

Gifts from guests for a golden wedding should be colorfully decorated and packaged in golden or shiny paper. On the anniversary of their marriage, you can present the spouses with anniversary medals, print a celebratory certificate or diploma. There are a lot of such souvenirs now; in any store you can easily find all the attributes for congratulations, beautiful postcards and anniversary symbols. There you can also find gold-plated souvenirs with rings, gift wrapping and bows of any size.

Guests can give the following gifts to the celebrants for 50 years of marriage:

  • electric kettle, samovar;
  • a brilliant set for many people to set the table when all the relatives arrive;
  • curtains or curtains made of golden fabric, silk;
  • yellow blankets, bedspreads, sofa cushions;
  • tablecloths decorated with gold embroidery;
  • gilded candlesticks with a set of beautiful candles;
  • a collage with photographs of all past anniversaries, the brightest moments of life together;
  • an aquarium with small goldfish, if the couple breeds them;
  • anniversary coasters;
  • fresh flowers in a pot.

Be sure to attach a personally signed postcard to a beautifully decorated gift, accompanying the delivery with warm words of wishes. The hostess should be given a bouquet of her favorite flowers, tied with a golden ribbon. The theme of the souvenirs should include the inscriptions “50 years”, “Golden Wedding” or “Happy Marriage Anniversary”.

What else can we do to make each other happy?