Basalt stone. properties of basalt. Description of basalt. Origin of the igneous rock of basalt

Basalt is the most common igneous rock natural mineral, it turns out from volcanic rocks, after an eruption occurs, its temperature can reach several 1000 ° C.

The stone is quickly recognizable, as it can be dark, black, gray-black, smoky. Most often it has the following appearance: a dark heavy mass, where small light feldspar rectangles and bottle-green eyes of olivine are visible. The mineral is very hard, has a high density equal to 2530-2970 kg / m2, high temperature melting, varying within 1100-1250 ° C,

IN natural conditions the stone can be seen in the form of flows emanating from an avalanche that appears during the eruption through existing volcanic cracks. There are several types of this stone: some contain olivine, others do not - they are called tholeiite containing particles of quartz in their composition. Stones with the presence of olivine can be found on the Pacific islands.

Mineral deposits have been discovered in India and America. Many stones are found in the Italian volcanoes Vesuvius and Etna. Today the stone is mined in Kamchatka, in Ireland, Scotland and Iceland. In Ukraine, you can also find their traces.

Basalt - properties and its wide application

The composition of the stone contains: volcanic glass, microlites, titanomagnetite, magnetites and also clinopyroxene. The mineral has a porous, glassy and latent crystalline aphyric structure.

The properties it has basalt, characterize it as the most reliable and protective element for facing works. The stone has the following properties:

  • fire resistance;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • ecological purity.

It contains augite, calcium feldspar and its varieties. Sometimes an admixture of olivine is found.

Thanks to the mineral, high-quality additives to gravel, strong fibers are made, from which heat-insulating and sound-proofing materials are made. Mainly used to create high-quality plates.

Widely used stone in the construction field in the form facing materials, with its help sculptures and various statues are made, and it is also used for the exterior decoration of most buildings. The stone has unusual property able to handle both high and low temperature indicators, and therefore it has a wide application in the street.

Cladding made from this stone, creates a beautiful appearance any building. It will remain the same for many years as it was the day it was installed. Its service life spans many decades. It is easy to install, no ties or other reinforcements are needed for this. The stone itself has excellent characteristics that allow you to enjoy the environmental friendliness and durability of the material used and the masterpieces created with it.

From a large number available slabs, most often slabs containing basalt. They have high strength and lend themselves well to cutting and sawing. They build the most complex and serious structures. These plates are environmentally friendly and do not exert a large load on the foundation.

Plates of this mineral are effectively engaged in the regulation and absorption high level noise in residential buildings and other public places.

Mineral owns a wide range useful properties, capable of not only improving the appearance, but preventing adverse consequences after the construction has been completed and further operation has begun. Noise and sound insulation properties make it possible to provide good conditions to live in residential buildings.

The rock of this mineral has a high fire resistance, can withstand temperatures above 1500 degrees Celsius and is used in the form of fire protection. Minerals can withstand the action of alkalis, acids, paints, have high resistance to abrasion. Serves as an indispensable natural filler for creating concrete blocks.

The main criterion is still environmental friendliness. this mineral. In molten form, the mineral is used to create steps, stairs, tiles and other building materials. Stone powders are used for the manufacture of reinforced and pressed products.

The black color of the mineral interacts remarkably with silver. They make unusual jewelry which are a great addition to evening wear. light shades stone is used to make luxurious bracelets, beads, belts, necklaces, as well as various sets.

Basalt - the main origin and process of change

Basalt obtained by melting rocks such as: lherzolites, harzburgites, wehrlites. The main composition is determined by the chemical and mineral compounds that contain the protolith and retain the degree of its melting.

Available the following types minerals:

  • oceanic ridges;
  • continental;
  • intraplate.

This type of stone is easily changed as a result of hydrothermal processes. Especially visible are the changes in the stones that pour out at the bottom of the seas and oceans. They vigorously combine with water, while many useful components stand out and settle from them.

In the process of metamorphism, stones can turn into green schists, it all depends on the conditions. And if pressure is applied to them, they can generally acquire a bluish color.

BASALT (Latin basaltes, basanites, from Greek basanos - touchstone; according to another version, from Ethiopian basal - iron-bearing stone * English basalt, basaltic rocks; German Basalt; French basalte; Spanish basalto) - erupted cainotype , the effusive analogue of . The color of basalt is dark to black. It consists mainly of the main, monoclinic, and accessory minerals -, etc. The structures of basalt are intersertal, aphyric, less often hyalopilitic, textures are massive or porous, amygdalolithic. Depending on the grain size, they distinguish: the most coarse-grained -, fine-grained - anamesite, fine-grained - basalt proper. Paleotype analogues of basalt -.

The chemical composition of basalt

Average chemical composition basalt according to P. Daly (%): SiO 2 - 49.06; TiO 2 - 1.36; Al 2 O 3 - 15.70; Fe 2 O 3 - 5.38; FeO - 6.37; MgO - 6.17; CaO - 8.95; Na 2 O - 3.11; K 2 O - 1.52; MnO - 0.31; P2O5 - 0.45; H 2 O - 1.62. The content of SiO 2 in basalt ranges from 44 to 53.5%. For chemical and mineral composition olivine basalts unsaturated with silica (SiO 2 about 45%) and olivine-free or slightly saturated with silica (SiO 2 about 50%) tholeiitic basalts are distinguished.

Physical properties of basalt

The physical and mechanical properties of basalt are very different, which is explained by different porosity. Basalt magmas, having low viscosity, are easily mobile and are characterized by a variety of occurrence forms (, flows, reservoir deposits). Basalt is characterized by columnar, less often spherical separation. Olivine basalts are known at the bottom of the oceans, oceanic islands (Hawaii), and are widely developed in folded belts. Tholeiitic basalts occupy vast areas in (formations of Siberia,). Ore deposits are associated with rocks of the trap formation, (Siberia). A deposit is known in amygdaloidal basaltic porphyrites of the Upper Lake region.

Density of basalt

Basalt 2520-2970 kg/m³. Porosity coefficient 0.6-19%, water absorption 0.15-10.2%, compressive strength 60-400 MPa, abrasion 1-20 kg/m², melting point 1100-1250°C, sometimes up to 1450°C, specific heat capacity 0.84 J/kg.K at 0°C, Young's modulus (6.2-11.3).10 4 MPa, shear modulus (2.75-3.46).10 4 MPa, Poisson's ratio 0.20 -0.25. The high strength of basalt and relatively low temperature melting led to its use as a building stone and raw material for stone casting and mineral wool.

Application of basalt

The use of basalt - basalt is widely used to obtain road (side and paving stones) and facing stones, acid-resistant and alkali-resistant material. Industry requirements for the quality of basalt as a raw material for crushed stone are the same as for other igneous rocks. For the production of mineral wool, basalt is usually used in blending. It has been established that the melting temperature of the raw material should not exceed 1500°C, and the chemical composition of the melt is regulated by the following limits (%): SiO 2 - 34-45, Al 2 O 3 - 12-18, FeO up to 10, CaO - 22-30, MgO - 8-14, MnO - 1-3. Basalt stone casting materials have great chemical and abrasion resistance, high dielectricity, and are used in the form of floor and cladding slabs, pipeline linings, cyclones, and various insulators.

B 50 have been explored for crushed stone with industrial reserves of 40 million m³. Two basalt deposits with industrial reserves of 6.5 million m³ have been explored facing stone( , ). The annual production of basalt is over 3 million m³. In the CCCP, basalt deposits are concentrated mainly in Armenia, Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Basalt covers in the eastern United States form large deposits in the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut (the largest and stone crushing plants).

If we assert that basalt is the ruler of the Universe, then such a statement will be very close to the truth, because this a natural stone is not only on our planet, its deposits are widespread on the Moon, Mars, Venus and other planets.
- extrusive igneous rock with a fine-grained and dense structure. It is created at the top of subaerial lava and ash flows, so the origin of basalt is volcanic, and its color variations are visible in the dark gray, dark green, brown, reddish or black hues that lava has. Basalt is mainly composed of minerals such as plagioclase and pyroxene.
Small crystals on basalt form when magma rapidly cools and solidifies, usually occurring at the surface of the earth's crust, especially in cases of spreading on the ocean floor, as contact with sea water rapidly cools the magma. Basalt is the basis of oceanic crust, and a significant amount of it is produced above oceanic hotspots. When a volcano erupts, a huge amount of basaltic lava passes through the continental crust and reaches the surface of the Earth, and this is how this material is formed.

More about the properties of basalt

- very heavy and durable stone, physical properties which are very attractive. This stone has high tensile strength and no less high modulus of elasticity, temperature changes do not affect basalt, it is resistant to acids and alkalis, and does not absorb moisture. Basalt boasts another of its advantages: it is resistant to corrosion, it has a low cost and complete absence conductance and inductance of the field when exposed to radio frequency energy. This material is environmentally friendly, because it pure product mother earth.

Interesting Facts: the flexibility of basalt today is at the peak of popularity, and what modern manufacturers do not only make from it, these are tennis rackets, and revolutionary new basalt acoustic systems with excellent vibration perception, as well as skis, snowboards, skateboards, and even basalt fabric, light as a feather and strong as a rock!

Basalt fortress - buildings for centuries

Basalt is used in construction for a variety of purposes. Most often it is used as a filler in construction projects. Basalt crushed stone is used for road base, concrete, asphalt, railway ballast, and for other purposes. Thin polished basalt tiles are highly demanded as floor tiles, construction veneer, for decorative cladding walls, monuments and other objects.
In those areas that abound in basalt, it is used instead of limestone as a general base for building. And in reinforced concrete structures, this material is especially valuable, since the reinforcement of continuous basalt fiber, which is part of these structures, makes them even stronger and more flexible, which is important for ensuring high seismic resistance.

The use of basalt in construction

The striking structure and texture of classic gray basalt building stone allows for a huge variety of shapes and styles in structures. Walls, columns, veneers, stairs, water features, walkways, patios, edging... It would take quite a long time to list all the objects using it, suffice it to say that the versatility of basalt is unique!

- Basalt - the word basalt (lava) was formed from the Ethiopian word "basal", which means "boiled" in translation, as it is formed in hot vents of volcanoes, in which temperatures reach several thousand degrees. Lava is a volcanic rock formed when hot liquid magma solidifies. Basalt is composed of calcium feldspar and augite or other pyroxene, often with olivine (olivine basalts). Basalt (lava) is a very hard rock, the color is dark, black, gray-black and ashy, it consists of calcium feldspar and its varieties.

- Basically, basalt occurs in the form of lava flows (appearing as a result of an eruption) and in the form of interstratal bodies. There are two types of basalts - those containing olivine and those that do not contain it (tholeiitic basalts).

- In the largest volumes, basalts occur in the form of powerful and extensive lava flows in Western India and on the Columbian Plateau in the US states (states - Washington, Oregon and Idaho). It is found in volcanic regions - Transcaucasia, Kamchatka, Mongolia and Mexico, Italy, Hawaiian Islands, Scotland and Ireland, Iceland and Greenland of Russia (Kuril Islands, Kamchatka)

magical properties

- It is believed that basalt combines all four elements - fire, earth, air and water. In ancient times, in the East, the volcano was considered a symbol of consciousness, as it was born as a result of the combination of four elements - Earth, Fire, Water and. Lava is formed from Earth and Fire, then cooled by Air and flows into the sea (Water).

— It was believed that a piece of lava is a powerful protective amulet and carries male energy, Yang energy. For many peoples, lava was considered magic stone with positive energy and was used in sacred rituals.

Medicinal properties

- In Mongolia, pieces of frozen magma were considered amulets and were used in ancient times to heal wounds. Medicinal properties basalt is mainly used in stone therapy (treatment of diseases with the help of stones). keeps heat in itself for a long time, so its thermal effect on the body is maximum. This method of treatment has been known since ancient times, but we have begun to practice it recently.

- Stone therapy enhances immune system organism. It is desirable to use dark gray and black rocks for this procedure. It is best to use basalts containing olein.

Basalt is a very popular stone, which is found everywhere not only in the CIS countries, but also abroad. Regardless, most people don't know what basalt is. This article will provide an answer to this question.

Basalt is an igneous rock. Has the main composition. The name comes from the Ethiopian "basal" - boiled, which means "a stone containing iron." Found in nature in the form of stones various shapes or lava flow.

Most often it has a dark gray, black or greenish-black color. It is in green that basalt is most often found in the photo. The structure is also different. glassy, ​​cryptocrystalline aphyric and porphyritic. In the case of a porphyritic structure, inclusions of olivine crystals can be seen greenish yellow color, plagioclase light color or pyroxenes, having the form of black prisms. Inclusions make up from 15% to 30% of the mass of igneous rock. The size of the phenocrysts is several centimeters in length.

Stones can have a dense, massive, almond-like and porous texture. Tonsils can be filled with calcite, chlorite, plagioclase and other minerals. Stones with tonsils are called mandelsteins.

The stone stands out for its unique properties. Among the stones, it is considered the most elastic and plastic. It stretches well, which allows it to be used in the manufacture of things of small sizes.

The melting point of the stone fluctuates 100 to 1500 degrees Celsius. This melting point allows it to withstand strong swings temperatures.

Considering its strength, resistance to shock and temperature changes, one can understand why it is so often used in interior design. public places and on the street.

How and where is basalt formed?

The main method of stone formation is solidification of magma erupted from the lower layers of the earth. Silicate igneous melt of basalt composition is also taken into account. The origin of magma itself comes from the rocks of the Earth's mantle. The type of the resulting basalt is determined by the composition of the initial substance (rock) from which it is formed. And also this is influenced by the conditions under which it melts and the mechanism of melt escape.

Basalt is an igneous rock found on much of the Earth and other planets. Almost the entire oceanic crust of the planet Earth consists of it. Deposits of this stone are formed in the form of traps - structures that look like stairs. These traps are located on 150,000 square kilometers of the Yenisei and Lena river basins. And also the stone is mined in eastern Siberia.

In addition to the CIS countries, it is mined in America, Brazil, Greenland, Iceland and Australia. Among foreign countries India is considered the richest deposit of this stone.

Extraction of stone is carried out in mines and quarries. The mined basalt is sent to enterprises engaged in the manufacture of things using this stone.

Scope of stone use

The areas of application are many. This stone is very common due to the fact that it has great features:

One of the main areas of application of basalt is architectural construction. Thanks to good technical specifications It can be used for building cladding and interior decoration. The characteristics make it possible to install basalt products even in open areas under the influence of external negative factors.

It can also be used in construction. For example, to create high-quality building materials and insulation. In addition, its strength is sufficient to build columns and arches out of it. In the production of reinforced structures, basalt powder is added to the product to increase its strength and reliability.

Basalt is a stone that is very popular both in construction and architecture. In addition, there are a huge number of photos of basalt in interior decoration that speak of its popularity in design art.

Basalt stone