The official name of the holiday 1. The first of May - what are we celebrating? The official nature of the holiday

Today May 1 for many is just an echo of the Soviet past. But his story is interesting and unusual. The article will talk about how the International Labor Day was transformed. Yes, indeed, the traditions of this celebration originate in the mists of time. At that time, our ancestors celebrated a holiday that symbolized the beginning of a new season of field work. And that means labor.

goddess festival

The authorities make many adjustments to the people's perception of certain phenomena. The ruling elite at all times wanted to root their ideology in society. The scope of their activities extended in all directions: from the interpretation of history to the establishment of celebrations.

The formation of the tradition to celebrate May 1 is very interesting. What kind of holiday on the first day of the third month of spring was known in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Each of these peoples worshiped She was the patroness of farmers. Every year, the peasants, in order to appease the goddess, staged mass celebrations. The date was May 1st. On this day, any work was canceled. Everyone was celebrating the arrival of the new harvest season. Later, the Romans named the month after Maia.

Russian celebration

Celebrated modern holidays and the Slavs. April 30 and May 1 were highlighted in red on their calendar. The ritual that our ancestors performed was called Radonitsa. The essence of the May 1 holiday among the Slavs is the departure of spring cold. The dead were also honored these days. Gifts were brought to their graves, among which were the Goddess Zhiva, who had the power to revive nature. The whole day of May 1 was taken for rest. People bathed in cold water to cleanse themselves, and burned ritual fires on the banks of the rivers.

With the advent of Christianity, representatives of the church set themselves the goal of exterminating pagan rites. This applied both to Maya, the patroness of fertility, and to Russian rituals of honoring the dead. But getting rid of a cheerful and joyful holiday has become a difficult task. Everyone knew what an important holiday May 1st was, and they continued to celebrate it.

Therefore, it was decided to transform the traditions. The pagan holidays of spring were presented as the triumph of the Resurrection of Christ, adopting some of the original elements.

First day of workers

For ten centuries of Christianity, the holiday of the arrival of heat disappeared and was already celebrated as a miracle of resurrection. But historical events have made their amendments.

In 1856, Australian workers organized a protest march. The main requirement was to transfer workers to an 8-hour working day and at the same time not to reduce wages. Then fortune was on their side. They achieved their goals without bloodshed. Since then, they have celebrated their victory annually.

Thirty years later, in 1886, on another continent, workers in the United States and Canada decided through rallies and demonstrations to also achieve an 8-hour working day. It happened on May 1st. Everyone knows what kind of holiday this day is, but not everyone knows that its story is tragic.

The strikers sought a limited working day (before that it ranged from 12 to 15 hours), fixed wages and social guarantees. Every city revolted. But Chicago became the center of the protests.

Motherland 1 May

The events in Chicago went down in history as the Haymarket Rally. About 40,000 disgruntled workers took to the streets of the city. The next day, one of the leading factories laid off more than 1,000 workers. Offended and unemployed people staged another demonstration. Under the gates of that factory, the uprisings were dispersed by the police, with dozens of people injured and several strikers killed.

Even more bloody events occurred three days after May 1. The history of the holiday has taken a new turn.

On Haymarket Square, in a shopping center, a rally was organized against the reprisals of the authorities. Everything was relatively calm. The police were about to clear the area. But one of the provocateurs threw a bomb at the guards. The police started firing. Many peaceful protesters were killed in the shooting. Repressions followed, and after a while, apologies from the authorities.

The whole world learned about the so-called May 1 revolution. What holiday could be based on these events? Of course, they began to celebrate the victory of the workers over the system!

Underground May Day

He officially presented the event and introduced the Congress of the Second International to the people. This structure united in its ranks socialist workers' parties from all over the world. In 1889 in Paris it was decided to celebrate the day of the proletariat in memory of those who died in Chicago. The proposal to take to the streets of the city every year and fight for their rights has taken root. Since then, the glory of May 1 has spread throughout the world. The holiday in Russia (during the time of the empire) was first celebrated in 1890 in Warsaw. The following year, St. Petersburg was already clandestinely rejoicing at the Day of the Workers of the World. There, the workers hid from the governing authorities in the forest. Under the guise of a picnic, people discussed important revolutionary issues. Moscow also picked up the movement. The first proletarian May Day took place there in 1895.

Openly celebrated Labor Day in 1917. The celebration had a bright political coloring. Slogans, exclamations, portraits of politicians - everything was directed at the class struggle. A year later, with the coming to power of the Soviets, a law was passed stating that from now on, May 1 will be celebrated at the national level. What kind of holiday and how to spend it, every Soviet person knew.

working people time

The brightest May Day actions were organized by the Soviet government. The teams have been preparing for the celebration for weeks. It was not only a day off, but also a large-scale cultural program, which was planned by the elite.

The parades of the Union were envied by the whole world. People went to the demonstrations with pleasure. Everyone fought for the best banner.

In order to bring the masses to the streets in the first years, the authorities cheated. The leaders launched a convoy of vehicles through the main squares, among which was a tank. Onlookers gathered to see the miracle.

The parades of the 1920s and 1930s are remembered for their magnificent acrobatic and gymnastic numbers. Various skits were also staged in which the capitalists were ridiculed. This is what the holiday of May 1 was in the Soviet Union.

Labor Day

A celebration in the Union called International Day started. But later the name changed. Since 1930, May 1 has been known as the International Solidarity Day of the Proletariat. The years of the Great Patriotic War made their modifications. Then the day was renamed the Fighting Proletariat. Further, a new official name was approved - International Labor Day. But the people called him simply - May 1. The history of the holiday originates in the United States, but it is worth noting that workers there rest on the first Monday in September.

In more than 140 countries, workers are given a day off on May 1 or on the first Monday of the month. Another 80 states celebrate the holiday on a different day.

Forgetting traditions

Today, the scenario of the May 1 holiday has acquired new features. It is worth noting that fewer and fewer Russians want to devote this day to mass actions. Experts say that such a decline in activity is due to the fact that during the communist ideology, going to the parade was forced, while now even the parade itself has lost its original qualities.

In modern Russia, May 1 has lost its political context and is celebrated as such a status was officially granted to the celebration on December 30, 2001, which is indicated in Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

People try to spend this day with friends and family in nature, have a good rest and gain strength until the next holidays.

The holiday, which is celebrated in Russia, the United States and a number of countries in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia on the first day of May, is known under several names at once - International Workers' Day, Spring and Labor Day, Labor Day, Spring Day. In Soviet times, most Russians called this holiday according to the date it was held - May 1 or May Day.

The emergence of the tradition of celebrating May Day is associated with the events that took place in Chicago in the 19th century. On May 1, 1886, large-scale rallies and demonstrations of workers began in the city, demanding that their employers introduce an eight-hour working day.

The action ended in clashes with the police. On May 3, at the Cyrus McCormick Harvester Plant, police opened fire on strikers, killing at least two workers. On May 4, at a protest rally in Haymarket Square, a terrorist threw a bomb at police officers, who responded by firing into the crowd. Sixty police officers were injured, eight were killed, the exact number of dead workers was not determined. The police arrested hundreds of citizens, seven anarchist workers were sentenced to death.

In July 1889, the Paris Congress of the Second International, at the suggestion of the French delegate Raymond Lavigne, in solidarity with the Chicago workers, decided to hold annual labor demonstrations on May 1.

On May 1, 1890, the holiday was first held in Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, USA, Norway, France and Sweden. In the UK, it took place on May 4th. The main slogan of the demonstrations was the demand for an eight-hour working day.

In 1891, by decision of the Brussels Congress of the Second International, sections of the International in each country were given the right to independently set the date and form of celebration on May 1, after which in Great Britain and some other countries the demonstrations were transferred to the first Sunday of May.

On May 1, 1891, the Social Democratic group of the revolutionary Mikhail Brusnev organized the first celebratory gathering of workers in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg).

May Day became a form of May Day celebration - an illegal revolutionary meeting of workers, usually arranged outside the city.

On July 30, 1928, by a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, the days off of Soviet citizens became longer, there were two Days of the International - on May 1 and 2.

May 1, 1933 passed over Red Square. From that moment on, air parades were held regularly until the outbreak of World War II, as an integral part of the demonstration of Soviet military power. The parades showed the achievements of the Soviet aviation industry - the Maxim Gorky aircraft, the fastest I-16 fighter of its time, and others.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), parades and processions in honor of May 1 were not held.

On May 1, 1956, a television report was made for the first time on a military parade and a demonstration of workers on Red Square. Since that time, festive events on Red Square have been broadcast annually by central television channels.

In 1970, the Fundamentals of Labor Legislation of the USSR assigned a new name to the holiday: May 1 and 2 officially became the Days of International Solidarity of Workers.

On May 1, 1990, during a demonstration, an alternative column entered Red Square with anti-communist and anti-Soviet slogans. USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev and other leaders of the country left the podium of the Mausoleum, the television broadcast of the event was stopped, and the military parade did not take place.

In 1992, by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of June 30, Workers' Solidarity Day was renamed the Spring and Labor Day.

In 1993, the May Day demonstration of workers in Moscow ended in riots. According to official figures, several dozen people were injured as a result, and an OMON officer was killed.

In 2001, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation adopted on December 30 (Article 112) made May 2 a working day, only one day remained - May 1, the Holiday of Spring and Labor.

The Holiday of Spring and Labor is celebrated in Russia with mass demonstrations and rallies, folk festivals and concerts.

In 2016, he took part in the celebrations on the Day of Spring and Labor in Russia, more than 2 thousand rallies and processions took place in 1.2 thousand cities and towns.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Contrary to popular belief, May Day was not invented in the Soviet Union. As early as 1856, Australian workers took to the streets demanding a shorter working day. This idea was not crowned with success immediately, but they had a holiday.

Thirty years later, in the first days of May 1886, workers' rallies took place in Canada and the United States. On May 4, 6 people died in Chicago, the people got angry and came out again. As a result of the explosion and shootout, 8 policemen and 4 workers were killed, and dozens of wounded appeared. The instigators caught were executed in a demonstrative manner - and then posthumously acquitted, since their non-involvement in the explosion was proved.

It is in memory of these events that since 1890 the day of solidarity of the workers of the whole world has been celebrated.

In the Russian Empire, the holiday was unofficial. It was first celebrated with a million-strong demonstration in 1918. The holiday was called International Day. The name "May Day" changed from time to time, as a result, it became known as the Day of International Solidarity of Workers.

On this day, in the cities and villages of the Union, people took to the main streets and avenues to demonstrate their loyalty to the socialist course of development, the pursuit of common ideals and other evidence of loyalty to the authorities. For many, it also meant “not losing the bonus” or “getting time off when you need it”: the closer to the 90s, the less willing to strive for communism for free. Solidarity was expressed, as a rule, in slogans that took into account the acuteness of the moment: if in some country of the decaying West the capitalists oppressed the workers, the latter were certainly pitied.

Labor Day has paradoxically become a holiday: there is no one to work when everyone is at the demonstration. The second of May was also declared a holiday so that people could go to nature or to the country. It turned out to be very convenient. By the way, the word “May Day”, which is now partly forgotten, did not mean the demonstration itself, but precisely such a celebration the next day.

What is the name of May 1 today

Since 1992, the holiday of spring and labor has been celebrated in Russia, as it is called now. Official demonstrations are still being held, but they are organized by different parties that have received permission to march, you can join those whose slogans are closer to you. However, for most Russians, these are now just extra days off that you can spend at your discretion.

The holiday of May 1 is still celebrated in the CIS, in the countries of Europe and both Americas, as well as in Asia (and not only in China and North Korea, but also, for example, in Thailand).

Anna Abramova
Synopsis of the cognitive lesson "May 1 Holiday - Spring and Labor Day"

MBDOU d / s No. 1 "Smile"

Lesson summary

(cognitive development)

Prepared and conducted

caregiver: Abramova A. A.

Target classes:

Continue to introduce the guys to holidays that are celebrated in our country;

Stop in detail on May 1 holiday(tell the history of holiday, its meaning);

Raise a sense of interest in history, a sense of patriotism, push children to search.

Planned results:

Raising the level of general erudition;

Assimilation of knowledge about the history of occurrence holiday;

Consolidation of previously learned information.


Colored crayons, markers;

Drawing board;

Projector or any other means of displaying images.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment

II. Knowledge update

caregiver: "Children let's remember:

What seasons do you know?

How many months in a year?

What spring months do you know?

What May holidays you know

III. Topic disclosure


“So guys, today we will talk about the first May holiday - the holiday of May 1. May 1 - red day calendar means it's a holiday.

There are such verses:

White leaf with a red number!

It means holiday!

It's sunny and clear

Pervomaisky day in spring


"What else holidays marked in red on the calendar, do you know?”


"And today we let's get acquainted with the history of this holiday. But first let's remember: What do you know about the month of May? Think Why is it also called "pollen"(Children name all the plants that bloom in May)


“Why was May also called a songbook?” (Children name the birds that flew in and sing in May).


“In general, guys, the month of May was named after the goddess Maya. People worshiped her to get a good harvest. (On the projector, show a slide with the image of the goddess)


Yes, May is the last month spring, beautiful, blooming. In May, nature fully comes to life, the earth comes to life. All the workers of the earth are trying to be in time with spring work. That's why this the holiday is called the Holiday of Spring and Labor. It’s like a hymn to beauty and people.”


“Children, and now I will tell you and show you how this holiday did your parents notice before? That's right, beautiful. The attributes of May 1 are flags, balloons, flowers, slogans. (slide show)


"Now let's get to the story. holiday. Back in 1886, a lot of people took to the streets in America. working people to a demonstration demanding that the authorities improve their lives. But this demonstration was dispersed, many workers died. The whole world knew about it. As a sign of solidarity, they were supported by the workers of many countries. Solidarity, guys, is support, a common position on some issue. In memory of wrestlers since 1890 May 1st is called Labor Day and began to be celebrated in many countries of the world. In 86 countries of the world - May 1 is a national holiday. Until 1992 this holiday we also called it that. It was celebrated very nicely.” (slides with photos, picture postcards, etc.)



“And the most common slogan is "Peace, May, work»

IV. Generalization of knowledge

caregiver: "Children, now let's repeat what you are new for yourself today learned:

Goddess of May - the month of May was named after her.

May is the last month of spring.

1890 - first name Day of Solidarity of Workers.

1992 is this holiday renamed in Russia to Labour Day

A game to consolidate and develop creative skills


“Children, let's break into three groups in rows. It will be three teams.


“So, you are given several assignments:

1. Come up with a name for your team;

2. Determine the representative who will need to draw a coat of arms on the board with your help, which, in your opinion, can serve as a symbol holiday May 1;

3. Tell why you drew these particular elements in the picture. How are they related to Holiday of spring and labor

Children confer, choose representatives from the teams. Representatives come to the blackboard and begin to draw. Name your team in order tell: what they drew and why. The winner is determined by voting. The best group is rewarded.


"Let's finish our class Jacob's poem Akima:

Noisy warm winds

They brought spring to the fields.

Earrings are fluffed on the willow.

Furry, like bumblebees.

Breaking river dams,

Spring waves are breaking.

Long live May Day!

Long live labor and spring!

Let the world triumph in the world

And the peoples of the earth are friends,

And also in the sun children

let spring ships



“Children, May 1 is bright, good holiday! It should be spent with family, friends in nature. Rejoicing in him along with the coming into force spring, celebrating its victory over the winter season.

See if there are any items at home, photos related to May 1 holiday(postcards, photographs, bring to kindergarten.

Tell the children what this means to you holiday. Find old postcards on the Internet - congratulations on holiday. Look for entertaining May 1 presentations.

Spring and Labor Day 2019 is celebrated in Russia on May 1st. It is a public holiday and a day off in the country. It is dedicated to all workers. Another popular name for the celebration is May Day.

history of the holiday

The history of the holiday dates back to the middle of the 19th century. In 1856, workers in Australia held mass protests and put forward demands for an eight-hour day. The Australian movement was taken up by the workers of Canada and the USA. On May 1, 1886, a demonstration in Chicago ended in a skirmish with the police and bloodshed. In July 1889, in Paris, the congress of the Second International decided to hold annual May Day demonstrations in memory of the dead.

In Russia, the first festive events and actions were held in 1891 in St. Petersburg. In 1918, the government of the RSFSR decided to celebrate May 1 as a public holiday, International Day. In 1972, it received the name "International Workers' Day - May Day" and began to be celebrated on May 1 and 2. In 1992, it was renamed the Spring and Labor Day. Until 2005, May 1 and 2 were official non-working holidays in Russia. In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. 201-FZ “On Amending Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”, only May 1 is a day off.

Traditions and rituals

On May 1, trade unions, communist, anarchist and alternative political parties organize actions and parades, which highlight slogans for workers' rights. Concerts and entertainment programs with the participation of pop stars are held on the squares of the cities.

The first persons of the state send postcards, diplomas, thanks, awards and valuable gifts to distinguished workers.

On May Day, not only workers are celebrated, but also the onset of the last month of spring, symbolizing the flowering of all life and the approach of summer. On this holiday, the inhabitants of Russia arrange May Day: picnics, trips out of town, fishing, to the country. During such forays into nature, they cook dishes on fire, sing songs with a guitar, play games.

For many citizens of the Russian Federation, the May 1 holiday has lost its original political and social meaning and has become an occasion to meet friends, colleagues and enjoy outdoor recreation.