Thermal burn of the face treatment. Burn on the face from the cream - what to do

Face burn occurs as a result of careless handling of fire, electrical appliances or chemicals. From their impact, the surface of the skin is destroyed. To avoid more severe damage, you need to wash your face with cold water immediately after the incident. clean water. The burn can be of different degrees - there are 4 of them. When only the top layer of the skin is destroyed, the burn is considered lighter.

Treatment is prescribed according to the degree and depth of the lesion. Severe forms need medical care, self-treatment is not recommended. The first two stages can be eliminated by applying pharmaceutical preparations or home remedies.

Facial burn: medication treatment

For burn injuries, first aid is essential. If it is properly provided, you can get rid of facial injuries quickly and without a trace.

Usually used such drugs:

  • « La Cree»;
  • « Bepanthen»;
  • « Levomekol»;
  • « Actovegin»;
  • « Rescuer»;

"La Cree"

Regenerating agent. Active ingredients - panthenol and extracts of medicinal plants: succession, chamomile, licorice. In addition to them, the composition includes avocado oil. All these components are well relieve irritation, pain, restore the surface of the skin after minor injuries or burns of the 1st degree.

Help to alleviate the condition a large number of cream applied once a day. You need to smear it on chilled skin. Apply until problem disappears. Treatment lasts from 5 days.

Contraindications, except for individual sensitivity, the cream has no. Can be used by pregnant and lactating women. Side effects missing. Does not contain antibacterial and hormonal substances.

Relief from exposure La Cree” is felt within a few minutes. If the burn is not deep, several days are enough to restore the damaged surface of the skin of the face. The cream can be used on an ongoing basis, it is not addictive.


A drug that stimulates the restoration of damaged tissues. Dexpanthenol is the active ingredient. Promotes the rapid healing of shallow wounds, burn surfaces of a low degree.

To eliminate the burn from the surface of the face, you need to smear the cream 2 times a day on the damaged areas of the skin. Treatment lasts from 5 days - it all depends on the degree of destruction of the epidermis.

The use of the product is contraindicated for everyone who is sensitive to dexpanthenol. There are no other obstacles to the use of the drug. Pregnant and lactating women can use without restrictions. side effects not fixed.

A few minutes after application, the condition improves. Stops pain, burning skin. The redness will gradually go away over a few days.


Anti-inflammatory drug with antimicrobial effect. Chloramphenicol and methyluracil are the active ingredients of the drug. This combination of substances gives quick result– the damaged surface of the skin is restored in a short time.

A burn of the face will help cure a small amount of the drug, applied 2-3 times a day to the destroyed area of ​​​​the epidermis. Treatment spend no longer than 10 days.

It is contraindicated to smear the medicine with high sensitivity to its components. Lactating, pregnant and young children are allowed to use without special instructions. Side effects are manifested in the form of skin allergic reactions, but are extremely rare.

« Levomekol"It is used for deep wounds with purulent discharge, so it is possible to eliminate a second-degree burn with blisters. The first results are noticeable within a few minutes after application: pain subsides, inflammation of the damaged skin surface gradually disappears.


A drug that stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, improves blood circulation. The active substance is a derivative of the blood of calves. Available in the form of a solution for injection and tablets.

It is used orally through a syringe, drip system and orally. The first few days they give injections of 5 ml per day. Later, take 2 tablets per day. Used for severe damage to activate the recovery process skin.

It is contraindicated to use the medicine in such cases:

  • heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • anuria and oleguria.

Side effects possible in the form of allergic reactions, sometimes severe.

After using the remedy, relief occurs in the first few days. It is worth using as an additional medicine for damage to the skin. Quickly heals wounds and eliminates burns.


Homeopathic complex preparation. Active ingredients - sea ​​buckthorn oil, milk lipids, butter tea tree, beeswax, vitamin E. Quickly and effectively eliminates facial burns.

For the speedy recovery of the skin, you need to smear the balm on the damaged surface 2-3 times a day. Apply a small amount to clean and dry skin. Carry out treatment until complete recovery.

It is contraindicated to use the balm in case of high sensitivity of the body to its constituent components. A side effect is possible as an allergy.

An improvement in the condition is noted in the first minutes of using the remedy. leaving severe burning, pain, the destroyed layer of the epidermis is gradually restored.

Face burn: elimination with the help of folk remedies

Light stages of the lesion can be cured at home with potions made by oneself.

Recipe #1

  • Bee honey - 20 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - a tablespoon;
  • Egg yolk.

mix vegetable oil and honey, after melting, if it is not liquid. Carefully separate the yolk from the protein and add to the mixture. You can smear the burn surface immediately after preparation. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day. It all depends on how deep the burn was. Treatment is carried out from 7 days.

Recipe #2

  • Olive oil - 50 grams;
  • High-quality beeswax - 40 grams;
  • Boiled egg yolk.

Add wax and crushed egg yolk to boiling vegetable oil. If foam rises during cooking, reduce heat. Simmer the medicine on the stove for 3-4 minutes. After it cools down, you need to smear the burn several times a day. Treatment lasts up to full recovery skin.

Recipe #3

  • beeswax - 50 grams;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 cup.

First heat the oil, then add the wax and let it simmer a little over low heat. Remove from heat after 3 minutes and set aside. It should not be a liquid mass. Put a spoonful of ointment on a piece of bandage or gauze and apply it to the place where the burn is located. The pain will go away immediately.

It is contraindicated to use folk remedies for serious skin damage. It is also not desirable if there is an individual intolerance to any of the components. Side effects relate to allergic skin reactions.

A facial burn is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it is eliminated quickly with the help of a properly selected remedy. Deep skin damage is best treated under the supervision of specialists.

A chemical burn of the face appears due to tissue damage as a result of contact with various types chemicals and acids. Their appearance is associated with negligent attitude during the period of work with chemical components, as well as in case of careless handling of them at home or as a result of an industrial injury.

In a chemical burn, the cells of the upper layer of the skin burn out, as a result, they tend to exfoliate from healthy tissues, so such damage is considered dangerous.

Symptoms of a chemical burn of the face

At the site of damage, a characteristic crust forms, which, depending on the chemical, may differ.

After exposure to an alkaline liquid, the crust on the surface of the skin acquires a whitish tint, and also has a loose soft texture. At the same time, there are no clearly defined burn boundaries, that is, they smoothly pass to neighboring tissues. A chemical burn from exposure to alkalis is able to penetrate deep into tissues, as it has a powerful destructive force.

Damage to the skin of the face as a result of acid exposure has a harder and drier surface with well-defined boundaries when moving to healthy tissues. acid burns are superficial. The shade of the burnt area may vary depending on the type of acid:

  1. Sulfuric acid initially gives white shade and then it changes to brown.
  2. Nitric acid tends to leave a greenish-yellow burn on the skin.
  3. When exposed to hydrochloric acid, yellowish lesions appear.
  4. Acetic acid on the skin leaves a brown tint.
  5. Carbolic acid, when it comes into contact with the skin, leaves a white tint, which later turns into a brown color.
  6. Damage caused by contact with hydrogen peroxide takes on a grayish tint.

Very dangerous factor when exposed to a chemical on the skin is that the tissues continue to break down even after there is no direct contact. This is due to the fact that the active substance is able to penetrate far into the structural layers of the skin.

First aid for chemical burns of the face

First of all, after receiving damage chemical property, it is necessary to exclude direct contact with the chemical. For this purpose, experts recommend immediately rinsing the skin with running water for 20 minutes or more.

The effectiveness of further treatment directly depends on how well and timely first aid was provided.

The next step is to neutralize the residues active ingredient a suitable antidote, which is chosen according to the chemical:

  • in case of acid damage, the residues are neutralized with a solution baking soda(1-2%) or ammonia (0,5%);
  • an alkaline burn is neutralized with an antidote, which is a weak solution of citric or acetic acid.

After treatment with an antidote, the damaged area must be dried, and then a dry bandage should be applied. If possible, the patient should be taken to the doctor.

Effective creams for chemical burns of the face

Self-treatment in case chemical burns only possible if the injury is grade 1 or 2, in the case where a grade 3 or 4 burn is diagnosed, therapy should be carried out with the help of a qualified specialist.


Cream from a chemical burn of the face Panthenol effectively copes with many skin lesions after exposure to chemicals. This tool compares favorably with a quick healing effect, as well as its availability.

Such a cream from a chemical burn of the face, like Panthenol, compares favorably with its price-quality ratio

You can apply the cream immediately after injury., as its feature lies in the rapid absorption into the skin, and at the same time it helps to prevent the appearance of scars in the future.

When used independently, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • apply the cream on the resulting wound with a thin layer;
  • repeat the procedure at least 4 times during the day;
  • adhere to safety measures so that the cream does not get into the eyes;
  • before applying the product, the burn should be pre-treated with any antiseptic.

Besides, Panthenol has no age restrictions and can be used by both adults and children. Also, in case of emergency, it is possible to use it by women during pregnancy and lactation.


The use of Solcoseryl cream for chemical burns is explained by the fact that its composition allows you to effectively activate the regenerative process of facial skin without any harm to human health. Also this remedy increases the synthesis of collagen in cells and thereby accelerates wound healing.

The active substance of the cream is deproteinized dialysate, which is obtained from the blood of dairy calves. In addition, the product contains additional substances that ensure its effectiveness.

This cream has no contraindications, only in rare cases can cause an allergic reaction.


This remedy is effective in use for chemical burns of the skin. Due to its composition, the drug in question has a triple effect:

  • soothes;
  • protects;
  • restores.

When applied to the damaged area, it creates a protective film that prevents various infections and bacteria from entering the wound. There are no contraindications for use, but when applying, avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the eye.


This cream is great for deep chemical burns. Due to the fact that it is created from components natural origin, its use has a protective and regenerating function, and also activates cell regeneration.

The use of Algofin cream from a chemical burn on the skin of the face allows you to:

  • activate cell respiration;
  • eliminate oxygen starvation on the damaged area;
  • enhance collagen synthesis;
  • activate recovery processes;
  • create a protective film.

Algofin has no contraindications, in rare cases it can cause an allergic reaction.


This cream is distinguished by its healing abilities and at the same time helps to soften damaged skin. In addition, this tool saturates the cells with pantothenic acid, which allows you to speed up skin recovery and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dexpanthenol has no significant contraindications to its use, however, it can sometimes cause allergic reaction. In this case, experts recommend immediately stopping its use. The course of treatment with a cream is prescribed purely by a doctor.

Timely application of a healing cream helps to avoid scarring in case of a chemical burn of the face.

Chemical burn of the face: which doctor to contact

In any district center, the treatment of injuries is performed by a surgeon. However, if the damage is severe, the patient is sent to the burn center, where he is under the supervision of a combustiologist.

The specialist not only deals with the treatment of the directly received injury, but also the consequences that arise after it. If necessary, his competence also includes issues of tissue grafting.

Severe burns require skin grafting surgery

In severe cases, the victim needs optimal conditions treatment with compulsory hospitalization.

A chemical burn of the face requires timely and high-quality treatment, otherwise it will cause serious health complications. Therefore, it is recommended to start using the cream immediately after injury.

First aid for chemical burns:

Cream for chemical burns of the face D-panthenol:

Among all types of damage to the tissues of the maxillofacial region, facial burns account for approximately 2%. Burns of the head, face and neck account for up to 25% of burns of all localizations.Allocate burns:. thermal;. chemical;. radiation.Thermal burns also include electrical injury.Most facial burns are caused by thermal factors (open flames, hot liquids and gases, etc.). Chemical burns of the face and electrical trauma are somewhat less common. Radiation damage to facial tissues in peacetime occurs only after radiation therapy for tumors of the maxillofacial region (for example, diffuse facial hemangiomas). Burns of the face, as a rule, are combined with burns of the head, neck, hands and other parts of the body. Isolated burns of the head and face are observed only in 5% of cases. Burns of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx are most often caused by chemical factors, mainly acids and alkalis. Chemical burns of the skin of the face are much less common.THERMAL BURNS.According to the depth of tissue damage, thermal burns are divided into 4 degrees. The depth of damage is determined by the temperature of the damaging factor, the duration of its exposure and structural features of the skin in the affected area.

1st degree burns characterized by severe hyperemia of the skin, tissue edema and severe pain. With first-degree burns, only the epidermis of the skin is affected. In this regard, the phenomena of inflammation in the skin quickly stop, the swelling subsides and the pain disappears. After first-degree burns, there are no noticeable scars, only sometimes the pigmentation of the affected areas of the skin changes.

Second degree burns characterized by deeper skin lesions, but with the preservation of its papillary layer. In addition to the symptoms characteristic of first-degree burns, the formation of blisters filled with serous fluid is noted as a result of detachment of the epidermis. If burns of the II degree do not infect the wound, then the exudate resolves, and the surface of the burn epithelizes after 14-16 days. When infected, the wound granulates, followed by epithelialization within a few weeks. After second-degree burns, flat atrophic scars form and skin pigmentation changes.

Burns III A degrees are characterized by necrosis of the tops or the entire papillary layer of the skin, but with the preservation of sebaceous and sweat glands, and hair follicles. III A degree burns heal through the stage of wound granulation. After these burns, cicatricial constrictions of the skin are formed.

Burns III B degrees are accompanied by necrosis of all layers of the skin. These burns heal by secondary intention, passing through the stage of wound granulation and epithelialization from the edges, which leads to the formation of rough, deforming scars.

IV degree burns accompanied by charring of the skin and necrosis of deeper tissues. After burns of III B - IV degree, powerful, motionless scars of a keloid character are formed. III-IV degree burns are classified as deep or severe burns. They are always infected.

Of great importance for determining the severity of a burn injury (in addition to the depth of the burn), is the measurement of the area of ​​the burned skin surface. So, the “palm” rule is based on the fact that the area of ​​the palm of the patient is about 1% of the total area of ​​his skin. To measure the area of ​​a burn, there is a rule of "nines": the chest and abdomen are 18% of the skin area; upper limbs - 9%; head and neck - 9%; lower limbs - 18% each, etc.Features of facial burns. The surface of the face makes up 3.12% of the total body area.Burns of the face, neck, scalp are combined with lesions respiratory tract, eyeballs, which leads to burn shock and worsens the patient's condition.Good innervation and vascularization of the face, unfavorable mental condition of the victim with a disfigured face determine the severity of his condition even with isolated burns of the face of the II-IV degree.The relief of the face is uneven, the skin is thin and uneven in thickness in different areas. In this regard, on the face, even in areas close to each other, when exposed to the same thermal agent, burns of different depths can occur. Deep burns often occur on the protruding parts of the face: superciliary arches, ears, nose, lips, chin, in the zygomatic region; forehead tissues, eyelids are often affected. With deep burns, a thin scar forms at the site of the eyebrows, which increases eversion upper eyelid and hair doesn't grow.

Ear burns are often deep, up to charring with cartilage damage. After rejection of the dead sections of cartilage, defects and deformations of the auricles occur.With burns, the tip and wings of the nose suffer, sometimes its entire surface. The alar and triangular cartilages are often damaged, which leads to the development of chondritis with their subsequent necrosis. There are defects in the tissues of the nose, its persistent deformation. In case of tissue burns of the zygomatic region and cheeks, tissues up to the parotid fascia may die, and the parotid salivary gland is exposed. Scarring of the tissues of these areas leads to eversion of the lower eyelid and displacement of the corner of the mouth outward. Possible necrosis of the zygomatic bone.

For lip burns the red border is often necrotic and is not restored. For burns of the lips, it is recommended to feed the patient with a nasogastric tube. However, despite this, due to edema, the red border turns inside out, a "fish mouth" is formed. Lip burns can lead not only to a violation of the shape of the oral region, but also to the formation of a microstoma and difficulty in eating through the mouth.Deep burns of the forehead can lead to damage to the frontal bone, followed by necrosis of its outer compact plate, the development of frontal sinusitis. The possibility of distribution inflammatory process on the dura mater.

When exposed to a strong thermal agent, total damage to the eyelids is possible with exposure of the sclera and cornea and even their burns. Wrong position preserved eyelashes leads to corneal injury and the development of keratitis. Cicatricial eversion of the eyelids is accompanied by deformation of the cartilaginous plate, even if it has not been thermally affected. For burns of the eyelids, it is necessary to assess the condition of the eyes. If facial tissues are damaged, an oculist should be involved in the treatment of the patient.

Neck burns often combined with burns of the lower third of the face and chest. Neck burns are accompanied by the development of deep scars, leading to a significant deformation of it even with IIIa degree burns. In severe cases, fusion of the chin with chest which eliminates head movement. Underlip it is pulled down, everted, the mouth does not close, there is constant salivation.Burn disease occurs as a result of heat exposure. It develops with a relatively extensive thermal injury: deep burns, occupying more than 15% of the body surface in adults and 10% in the elderly and children. There are four periods of burn disease: burn shock, acute burn toxemia, burn septicotoxemia and convalescence.

Burn shock occurs immediately after injury and is characterized by sharp pain in the affected area, general agitation, decreased blood pressure. The erectile phase of shock lasts from several hours to 1-4 days. Then the torpid form of shock develops. The first symptoms are sharp pains, excitations are replaced by inhibition and inhibition of the functions of the vascular and respiratory systems.

The second phase (acute burn toxemia) lasts from 7-8 to 10 days. It is characterized by an increase in body temperature, a further violation of the functions of various organs and systems of the body. This is due to intoxication, since a large amount of toxic substances enter the bloodstream. Hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, muffled heart sounds, anemia, hypo- and dysproteinemia, diuresis disorders, liver failure are combined with the patient's lethargy, headache, and nausea.

The septicotoxemia phase begins after the 10th day and is characterized by the development of an infectious process on the burn surface. The microflora is diverse: from staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli to a large number anaerobic bacteria. During this period, the patient's condition depends on the severity of inflammation.

Rejection of a burn scab may also be accompanied by the development of purulent-septic processes in the lungs, phlegmon at the sites of injury, as well as the occurrence of sepsis due to severe general septicotoxemia. If the burn of the head and neck is combined with damage to other areas of the body, then bedsores occur.

The period of convalescence begins from the moment of the final rejection of the burn eschar and normalization general condition. The functions of organs and systems of the body are normalized. At the site of tissue rejection, granulation tissue develops and processes of its organization take place in the form of epithelization, the formation of superficial scars or deep, more often keloid scars. Violations of the functions of parenchymal organs persist for a long time.

Patients with burns are subject to hospitalization I-II degree more than 10% of the body surface, deep burns, burns of the face, neck, respiratory organs, hands, feet, large joints, perineum in combination with other injuries.Treatment of people with burns, including the face, is carried out in burn centers, and only patients with isolated, shallow and small facial burns can be hospitalized in the department of maxillofacial surgery. It should be especially noted that dressings of burn patients, and especially children, should be performed under general anesthesia. After primary processing burn wound on the face further treatment it is most expedient to conduct it in a hospital in an open way, since the bandages on the face are quickly saturated with saliva, become contaminated when eating, become infected and, thereby, prevent the fastest healing wounds.For first-degree burns, treatment consists in local antiseptic treatment of the burn surface (alcohol, furacillin, etc.) and lubricating it with painkillers and (or) antibacterial ointments, emulsions and gels (5% synthomycin, 5% streptomycin, etc.). Local application of cold (ice pack) is possible.The patient is prescribed analgesics and plenty of fluids. After 3-4 days, skin hyperemia disappears and peeling begins, which lasts for several days.With burns of the II degree, after antiseptic treatment of the burn surface, the blisters are carefully opened and the serous contents are sucked out of them (under aseptic conditions), preserving the epidermis. Next, the burn surface is treated with emulsions, ointments or gels for 10-16 days. Some recommend treating the burn surface with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. In this case, the burn wound is epithelialized under the scab. Usually at 3 weeks the skin of the face is completely freed from the scab. Under it, a young one is formed, soft skin, which is still for a long time sensitive to cold and ultraviolet radiation. General treatment consists in the use of analgesics, antibiotics, if necessary, infusion therapy. All patients are given tetanus toxoid.For burns III-IV degree Special attention is given to the treatment of burn disease (the fight against shock, intoxication and infection). Primary surgical treatment of the burn wound is performed locally with removal foreign bodies, antiseptic treatment of the burn surface and its treatment with ointments, emulsions or gels. In the future, therapeutic measures are aimed at the fastest cleansing of the wound from necrotic tissues and preparing it for free skin plasty. Necrectomy (removal of the scab) on the face is carried out carefully, sparingly and in stages, during dressings. Immediately after covering the wound with granulations (on average after 3-4 weeks) on the face, to prevent the formation of rough and keloid scars, a free transplantation of a split skin flap is used without perforating it.

After extensive and deep burns have healed, rough scars form on the face and neck, leading to eversion of the eyelids and lips. Rough scars in the chin and neck area lead to contracture of the neck, prevent the growth of the lower jaw, and lead to deformation of the cervical spine. In addition, it is possible to stop hair growth in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as on the scalp. Cartilage loss leads to loss of part of the nose or auricle. All this leads to facial disfigurement and requires a long, multi-stage treatment.For burns, tetanus immunoprophylaxis is mandatory.

In order to provide first aid to the victim, it is necessary not only to know about the types of burns, but also to be able to distinguish between their severity.

1. Thermal burns - skin damage resulting from exposure to high temperatures on the skin. Possible reasons:

  • fire;
  • boiling water;
  • hot steam;
  • hot object;
  • active sun rays.

Serious thermal burn can provoke exfoliation of the dermis, the appearance of small as well as deep scars, lead to partial or complete loss of vision, damage to the upper respiratory tract.

2. A chemical burn occurs as a result of exposure to the skin using aggressive chemical substances: alkalis, acids, salts of heavy metals. One of the most common manifestations of a chemical burn is facial skin peeling with fruit acids high concentration, as well as the use cosmetic products for the face containing aggressive and allergic components.

3. Electric burn is a rather rare phenomenon, it occurs as a result of a powerful electric charge, for example, contact with a high-voltage network, electrical appliances or a lightning strike.

For a complete diagnosis, it is necessary to determine the severity skin damage. What does the skin on the face look like after a burn?

  • 1st degree. It is characterized by slight redness in the area of ​​contact of the irritant with the skin, swelling and unpleasant pain.
  • 2nd degree. Increased swelling and redness, in addition, the appearance of blisters on the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is added to the symptoms.
  • 3rd degree. The burn affected the deepest layers of the skin, the active manifestation of blisters with serous fluid, skin necrosis.
  • 4th degree. The burn affects not only all layers of the epidermis, but also tissues, muscles and bones. Scars and scars remain for life. With regard to first aid, a quick response and timely examination by a specialist are necessary.

Competent treatment can be prescribed only by an experienced dermatologist. Timely assistance from a specialist will reduce the risk of complications and protect against possible scars and scars. For burns of the 1st and 2nd degrees of severity, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. medical preparations, analgesics-antipyretics, systematic dressings. In the case of skin lesions of the 2nd and 3rd degrees of severity, inpatient care and infusion therapy are necessary.

Every person during his life more than once faces such a problem as skin damage in the form of a burn. This is one of the most traumatic and unpleasant types of injuries, which is characterized by intense pain and long period rehabilitation. And it is the dermatologists who must master the largest number knowledge about the nature and methods of treating burns .. For what reasons it can occur, and what methods of treatment are most effective in this case, read in this article.

Chemical burns of the face - a common occurrence of our time

Burns are common in Everyday life each person. There are several main types of burns: thermal, electrical, radiation, and, finally, chemical. Sunburn or thermal damage to the limbs in contact with a hot object or liquid - such situations are often found in everyday life, while a chemical burn of the face is a rarer phenomenon.

The rapid development of the chemical industry in the 21st century has led to the fact that today chemical burns can also be obtained even at home.

Detergents, cleaners and even cosmetics can cause a chemical burn, and this condition requires the urgent start of effective therapy.

Chemical burn of the face:

  • the main causes of chemical burns of the face;
  • classification of facial chemical burns: four degrees;
  • features of the treatment of chemical burns of the face.

The main causes of chemical burns of the face

Among the main causes of chemical burns of the face are the following:

  • exposure to acids: acids are dangerous substances, which, nevertheless, in certain concentrations can be useful. Acids are often used in cosmetology, as the main ingredient in chemical peels and some cosmetics. At certain conditions, for example, if a product with too high a concentration of acid was used, the patient may receive a chemical burn, but often not deep, since when exposed to acid, a scab is formed that prevents the substance from penetrating deep;
  • alkaline exposure: such substances can be found in many cleaning products. A chemical burn of the face when alkali gets on the skin is characterized by severe trauma and deep damage, since a protective barrier in the form of a scab, as when exposed to acids, is not formed in this case;
  • exposure to heavy metal salts: these substances can be found in some industrial compounds, herbicides and medical preparations. With careless behavior with them, heavy metal salts can damage the skin of the face, causing a superficial chemical burn, as if damaged by acids. The most common heavy metal salts are gold, copper, mercury, iron, lead, and others.

Classification of facial chemical burns: four degrees

Depending on the depth of the lesion and the characteristic clinical picture, distinguish 4 degrees of chemical burns of the face:

  1. in grade I, only the upper layers of the epidermis are affected. This is accompanied by reddening of the skin, slight swelling and soreness. Dead cells, at the same time, exfoliate on their own;
  2. with a II degree chemical burn, the epidermis is affected to a much greater depth, blisters with cloudy contents appear on the damaged skin. The epidermis regenerates on its own, for about two weeks;
  3. at III degree A chemical burn affects all layers of the epidermis and dermis. At the same time, if the dermis is partially affected, this is the "A" degree of burn, and if all layers of the skin are completely damaged, the degree is "B";
  4. IV degree of chemical burn is characterized by damage to all layers of the skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles and bones. After a burn of this degree, pronounced cicatricial changes remain that persist throughout life.

Features of the treatment of chemical burns of the face

Treatment for chemical burns to the face depends on the degree of damage the patient has. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate pain syndrome with analgesics, especially serious cases, even narcotic, as well as treat a burn wound. Only a doctor can remove any items or remnants of clothing from the face!

Depending on the damaging substance, it is necessary to use means that neutralize its effect.

For acid burns, the burnt surface is washed with a 1-2% soda solution, then with a 0.5% solution of ammonia, and for alkaline burns, the wound is treated with a 1-2% solution of acetic or citric acid.

In case of injuries of I and II degrees, the patient is prescribed local antibacterial drugs, to prevent infection of the wound, as well as healing agents. If the damage is deeper, the treatment is performed in a hospital, and includes the infusion of colloid and crystalloid solutions.

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