First aid for thermal burns. First aid for burns: by degrees and types

Burns are probably the most severe of all types of injury, with the exception of a fall from a height. Thermal damage (boiling water, hot objects, and/or open flames) is the most common, although there may be other causes. Any more or less deep or large burn is a very serious injury that requires the vigilant attention of doctors.

Types of burns

According to the type of factor that caused the damage, they are divided into:

  • thermal caused by contact with hot objects, hot water or open flame
  • chemical associated with contact with the skin and mucous membranes of various chemicals, often acids or alkalis;
  • electrical arising under the influence electric current;
  • radiation, in which the main damaging factor is radiation (solar, radiation).

There is a second classification - according to the depth of tissue damage. It is important for determining the tactics of treating the patient and predicting the outcome of the burn.

At thermal burns Depending on the depth of tissue damage, there are:

  • I degree - burns, in which the skin only turns red;
  • II degree - burns, manifested by the appearance of blisters with transparent contents;
  • IIIA degree with the admixture of blood in the blisters;
  • IIIB degree with damage to all layers of the skin;
  • IV degree - burns in which the soft tissues under the skin (fatty tissue, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones).

First aid is necessary for any degree of damage, since even the slightest injury is accompanied by severe pain. In addition, even after the cessation of exposure to heat on the skin, the destructive processes in it can proceed quite long time aggravating the injury.

Life-threatening burns

Of course, not every burn carries a serious danger to the life of the victim. However, underestimating their severity can lead to the development of serious consequences. Mandatory hospitalization is subject to people in case of:

  • superficial burns with an area of ​​​​more than 20% of the body (for children and the elderly - 10%);
  • burns III degree an area of ​​5% of the body surface;
  • burns of II degree and above, located in shockogenic zones: perineum, face, hands and feet, the most important ligaments;
  • electrical injury;
  • combinations of skin burns with thermal damage respiratory tract;
  • exposure to chemicals.

First aid for burns

Regardless of the cause of the burn, first aid should begin immediately. Every second aggravates the degree of damage, increases its area and depth, worsens the prognosis for the victim.

First aid for thermal burns

The first principle is to stop exposing the skin to heat:

  • remove the victim from hot water;
  • put out the flames by throwing a blanket, coat over a person, dousing them with water, throwing snow, sand; the victim himself can bring down the flame by rolling on the ground;
  • take a person out from under a stream of boiling water, hot steam.

First stage. Remove all smoldering clothing and jewelry from the victim, cutting them with scissors if necessary. The only exception is don't try to peel off synthetics that have melted and stuck to the skin. They should be cut off, leaving the adhering parts in the wound.

Second phase- cooling of affected surfaces. To do this, use running water (best) or applying plastic bags or a heater with snow, ice, cold water. Cooling helps to reduce pain and also prevents further damage to deep-lying tissues. It should be carried out for at least 10-15 minutes, but no measures should slow down the transportation of the victim to the hospital. If it is impossible to cool the affected tissues, the burn site should be left open for 10-15 minutes without bandaging - this will allow it to be cooled by ambient air.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to open bubbles, no matter how scary they may seem. While the blisters are intact, the skin prevents the infection from penetrating deep into the tissues. After opening them, microorganisms will get on the wound surface, causing its infection and worsening the course of the injury.

At the third stage bandaging of burn surfaces is performed. To do this, use sterile dressings, abundantly moistened with an antiseptic solution (not based on iodine). Panthenol helps very well, which needs to be splashed completely over the entire surface. In case of burns of the hands and feet, the burned fingers should be separated with gauze separators.

If no antiseptic is available, the dressings can be left dry. This is better than leaving the wound open with the risk of infection.

Attention!Never lubricate burns with grease, oil, cream, egg yolk and other substances that people and the Internet recommend! The result will be deplorable - fats form a film on the wound, through which heat escapes worse. In addition, they impair the penetration into the tissues of drugs that a person will be treated in a hospital. Finally, as a result of such grandmother's methods» coarser scars are formed.

Fourth stage first aid for burns at home - anesthesia. Doctors use narcotic analgesics for this, but at home you can give the victim analgin, baralgin, ketorol, dexalgin - any sufficiently strong pain reliever. You can anesthetize locally if the house has special anti-burn wipes soaked in an antiseptic and a local anesthetic.

Fifth stage– correction of liquid losses. To do this, if the victim is conscious and does not have nausea and vomiting, he should be given tea, water, juice in the amount of 0.5-1 l. Even if he does not want to drink, try to persuade him: this will make up for the loss of fluid through the burn surface and prevent the development most dangerous complication- burn shock.

With chemical burns, first aid is provided in almost the same volume. The only difference is that the effect of the harmful factor on the skin is stopped by washing off the chemical with a strong stream of water, preferably flowing.

Attention! Do not try to neutralize acid with alkali and vice versa and do not use baking soda. The release of heat can make the burn combined (chemical + thermal), and the inevitable error in proportion will only aggravate the burn.

If the burn was caused by dry bulk solids- Shake them off the skin as much as possible and only then start washing. Try not to allow substances to come into contact with intact skin.

electrical burns

We recommend reading:

First aid for burns caused by electrical injury should be started only after a reliable exclusion of the effect of current on the victim and on the rescuer. Turn off the breaker, turn the switch, cut or discard the live wire. Then move the victim to safe place and only then start helping.

The principles of treatment of electric burns at the prehospital stage do not differ from first aid for thermal burns. However, the insidiousness of electrical injury is that external manifestations it can be minimal, while internal damage often become catastrophic.

First, it should be determined whether the person is conscious, whether he is breathing, whether he has a pulse. In the absence of these signs, burns should not be looked for, but should be started immediately. Only with the full consciousness of the patient can one deal with a local manifestation of injury - a burn.

Attention! None of your actions should delay the call of an ambulance in case of an electrical injury! Electrical burns are absolutely unpredictable and people die not because of local damage to the skin, but because of severe disorders of the heart and nervous system.

Regardless of the degree of burns, their treatment should begin as early as possible. High-quality assistance provided in the first seconds can alleviate the condition of the victim, improve the course of the disease, prevent the development of complications, and in some cases save a life.

Careless handling of fire, boiling liquids, and chemicals can cause burns. The severity of injury from a burn depends on the size of the affected body surface.

First up medical assistance with chemical burns

When providing first aid for chemical burns, first of all, it is necessary to remove clothing soaked in chemicals. The area burned with acid (with the exception of sulfuric acid) or alkali is washed abundantly with water and neutralizing solutions (acid is neutralized by an alkaline solution, for example, soda, and alkali, on the contrary, neutralizes a weak acid solution, for example, water with lemon juice or citric acid Just don't overdose.)

How to determine the degree of a burn?

At the first degree of a burn, redness, swelling, pain are observed. Moderate to severe burns are associated with blistering (2nd degree burns), wounding or bursting of blisters (3rd degree burns), and necrosis and charring of tissue (4th degree burns). 3rd-4th degree burns should not be cleaned or lubricated. It is necessary to apply a sterile bandage and seek medical help. Need to call immediately medical care and with extensive burns of any degree. They are life threatening.

First aid for thermal burns

It is necessary to cool the burn area. Before that, remove all things from the burnt area of ​​​​the body. Adhering clothing should not be torn off from the burn - the tissue around it must be cut off. At the first and second degree - cool the burned area of ​​the skin with running water for 10-15 minutes. For third- and fourth-degree burns, a clean, damp bandage is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, and a container of cold water is used for cooling. Then the victim needs rest and anti-shock measures.

First aid for thermal burns - what not to do

Lubricate the affected skin area with oil, ordinary cream, protein, urea, etc. You can’t also apply panthenol and any other burn remedies to a freshly burned skin area without cooling it. You can’t lubricate 3rd and 4th degree burns with these products.

It is also impossible to tear off adhering clothes and pierce the formed bubbles.

When should you call an ambulance immediately?

Always call an ambulance if:

  • The area of ​​the burn is greater than 5% (1 palm of the victim = 1% of the body)
  • A burn (of any degree) occurred to a child or an elderly person
  • If it is a 3rd degree burn (blisters have burst, wounds have formed)
  • When both hands or feet are burned
  • When the mouth or nose, head or airways are burned*

*Respiratory tract burn equals 30% of a 1st degree burn

How to provide first aid for thermal burns

If you, or someone close to you, received a thermal burn, then you should not panic, but you must immediately perform several simple manipulations. From your competent actions, the further course of the disease will depend.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the source that caused the burn. Of course, if you burn your fingers on a hot pan, you will immediately pull your hand back, but if boiling water is spilled on your clothes, you can get confused. Free the damaged area from clothing, even if you no longer feel that things are hot on you.

In the event of a solar thermal burn, you yourself must go into the shade or move the victim. When you do not have such an opportunity, cover the burn area with light light fabric, but rather create a shadow over the victim, using improvised means.

In case of a first-degree burn, that is, when only reddening of the skin is observed, without violating its integrity, substitute the burned part of the body under a stream of cool clean water. This procedure will help locally reduce the surface temperature of the skin and produce short-term anesthesia.

Contrary to popular belief, you should not smear the burn with sour cream or butter. The burnt surface of the body, even with the first degree of burn, receives microtrauma, and the application of such products leads to its infection. When burned, a local inflammatory reaction of the skin is triggered, and bacteria from sour cream or another product contribute to increased inflammation, so the burned area will heal longer.

With a second-degree burn, blisters appear on the skin - remember that you cannot open them. All your actions should be aimed at creating antiseptic conditions on the damaged surface. If you have a first aid kit, then apply a sterile bandage over the burn, but do not make the bandage tight.

It is impossible to treat a burnt body with iodine or alcohol. Such actions on the damaged skin will provoke the addition of a chemical burn. You can pour over the burn site with anesthetic sterile solutions from ampoules, such as: Lidocaine, Dikoin, Ultracain.

Use sprays or aerosols that have antiseptic, wound healing and analgesic effects, such as Panthenol or Livian.

When on the burnt place appear big bubbles and burst themselves, the skin acquires brown color or turns black - this is a burn of the third or fourth degree. In this case, after eliminating the source of the burn, it is necessary to immediately give the patient painkillers, as his condition is in danger of pain shock. The more strong drugs against the pain you will use, the better for the patient. In this state, you should drink tablets "Ketarol", "Ketonal" or "Ketanov".

First aid rules for burns: thermal, chemical, electrical

Death from burns occupies a leading position in the general list of types of mortality. The reason for this is not only ignoring the help of specialists in case of injuries, but also the inability to provide help you need. Therefore, the ability to determine the degree of a burn, as well as to navigate in the provision of first aid to victims of thermal, chemical, electrical burns, is relevant.

At common processes there is a burn disease, which is a consequence of noticeable lesions, characterized by transformations of internal organs / systems. As a result of such transformations, the body is loaded with toxins, which dulls the capabilities of the defense system. There is an imbalance of protein, water-salt metabolism.

In its development, a burn disease goes through 3 stages, each of which is characterized by duration, symptoms:

It is permissible to treat such a shock only in a hospital, under the regular supervision of medical specialists.

First aid is a system of adequate measures that need to be taken on the victim of a burn. Such measures can not only speed up resuscitation in the future, but sometimes save lives.

Burns, depending on their nature, are different, which also classifies the type of first aid for certain burns:

If there is a thermal burn of the I-II degree, the victim is able to perform these measures on his own. With more severe degrees - you need the help of others, doctors.

In any case, you should consult a doctor if the face (oral cavity, eyes, sinuses), neck, inguinal zone, the victim had a fever, vomiting began, there is a suspicion of a burn of the respiratory tract.

The rest of the assistance measures for electrical burns are identical to those for thermal burns.

A large percentage of fires and burns occur due to the negligence of people who then suffer. Here are some basic precautions you can take to help reduce burn injuries:

How to provide first aid for burns

Timely first aid for burns relieves the condition of the victim and plays important role in recovery. When talking about a burn, they mean a physical injury that is caused by exposure to an electric current, a chemical environment, high temperature. Such injuries on the body cause mass discomfort and can lead to pain.

Features of burns and their healing

The severity of the lesion depends on the affected area and the depth of tissue charring. Due to violation protective properties epidermis, loss of fluid and blood, the victim is in critical condition. Trauma is exacerbated by metabolic disorders and inflammatory process. Among the degrees of burns, the following signs are distinguished:

  1. Redness of the skin, burning.
  2. The appearance of blisters that burst.
  3. Protein coagulation, scab formation.
  4. Damage to soft tissues, up to muscles, bones.
A burn from an inverted mug or a kettle of boiling water is not uncommon at home. As domestic traumas remain frequent, then everyone should be able to perform first aid.

Competent assistance to yourself or loved ones minimizes the risk of infection and amputation.

Providing first aid

A burn is a consequence of careless operations with boiling water and steam, careless handling of fire or excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. With the 1st or 2nd degree of heat injury without complications and infection, first aid should be provided at home.

Regardless of the cause of the defeat, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Elimination of the traumatic object. The affected area is cooled with running water.
  2. The tissue adhering to the body is cut off, trying not to disturb the integrity of the epidermis.
  3. Cover the surface with a sterilized cloth without touching the wound.
  4. To neutralize the state of shock, ice is applied over the bandage.
  5. Be sure to drink every 15 minutes, and Nurofen or Tempalgin are used for pain relief.

Help provided before the arrival of the doctor will protect against complications. The victim may be discoordinated strong pain, you need to constantly communicate with him. The body fights external infection, trying to neutralize it. Subsequently, the doctor will prescribe treatment in accordance with the patient's condition. Rehabilitation in medical institution much faster and more successfully.


Dryness and tightness are the main symptoms. The skin hurts when touched, quickly begins to peel off. Severe UV burns may be accompanied by fever due to heat stroke, the appearance of a rash, abscesses.

You should go to a place protected from the sun. Protect your body from the sun as much as possible with cotton clothing soaked in cold water. For burns, try not to wear clothes that expose large areas of the body.

After taking a shower room temperature an ice pack is required. Turgor can be treated with furatsilin, aloe juice or manganese solution. Painful sensations remove with ibuprofen or aspirin. You can moisturize burned skin with a cream containing chamomile and vitamin E.


After removing the victim from the danger zone, an inflow of fresh air put out burning clothes. Feelings may resemble frostbite. Cool the burnt areas with bandages with snow ice, cryopackages. This reduces the depth of tissue damage.

Then apply an aseptic bandage. Ketorol, Nise will help relieve spasms. Do not pop bubbles as this defensive reaction organism. If the wound has not dried up, sterile bandages soaked in antiseptic solution.

This is a brief order of rehabilitative actions on the first day. The patient is immediately hospitalized to the clinic, where diagnostics will be carried out.


Immediately stop the effect of electric current on a person. After output to safe zone check the pulse, assess the state of consciousness. Burn wounds are treated with an antiseptic, a bandage is applied. With complex degrees of damage, loss of consciousness, fractures, the patient is taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

Preparations based on fusidine sodium, which effectively fight against staphylococcus, will help reduce infection during electric burns. Current discharges at work can be dangerous to the eyes. A seemingly mild lesion can lead to decreased vision, photophobia, and corneal edema.


Exposure to chemicals - alkalis, acids and other aggressive drugs - causes damage to the epidermis. After the skin is burned, it is advisable to rinse the affected area with running water to reduce the concentration of the hazardous substance. Solids are removed with a cloth.

Treatment with a neutralizing solution is required. Soda solution or burnt magnesia will help to remove the effect of acid. Wounds caused by steam or gas containing acid are washed with water. Lotions with a solution of acetic or boric acid.

What Not to Do

If the provision of first aid for burns is performed unprofessionally, this will worsen the patient's condition. Do not lubricate wound areas with oil or substances containing fat.

In no case do not apply rosin and starch on top. Shoes and clothes burned in a fire are carefully cut and removed. If you can’t remove the stuck pieces of fabric on your own, specialists will take care of it. emergency care.

Follow-up treatment

Each type of burn requires specific treatment. The doctor determines the degree of damage, guided by the classification of injuries. With the closed method, the wound is covered with a fibrin film with antibiotics, and with the open method, it is treated with coagulants. Surgery involves the removal of dead tissue and further transplantation.

The treatment of blisters is carried out by the surgeon, using Levosin and tetanus toxoid. A follow-up study will make it clear whether the patient needs anti-shock therapy. With complex lesions, sedatives and antidepressants are included in the treatment. Different types burns leave ugly scars, which are treated with Solcoseryl and Actovegin. Only a plastic surgeon can correct complex wounds.

Thermal burns are possible at home and at work, especially severe burns are noted with. The reasons are usually careless handling of hot and flammable objects. Violation of safety regulations at work. Burns often occur under the influence of high-temperature factors on the skin, such as boiling water or tar, steam, fire, and the like.

The depth, or severity, of a burn depends on the temperature of the damaging factor and how long it has been in effect. Depending on the depth of tissue damage human body distinguish superficial and deep burns.

Superficial burns include I, II and IIIa degree burns. Deep burns are IIIb and IV degree burns. First-degree burns are characterized by redness of the skin and pain. With second-degree burns, in addition to reddening of the skin, blisters with transparent or jelly-like contents also appear. IIIa degree burns are characterized by the appearance of superficial necrosis of the skin to its deep layer. For burns of I and II degrees, conservative treatment is sufficient.

Healing of the burnt surface of the body occurs without the formation (I, II degree of burns) or with the formation (IIIa degree of burn) of slightly noticeable superficial scars. If a IIIb degree burn occurs, necrosis of the skin occurs throughout its entire depth to the subcutaneous fat layer. For IV degree burns, the most important symptom is charring of tissues. This damages muscles and bones. Superficial burns, unlike deeper ones, are characterized by the fact that pain sensitivity is preserved with them. Victims react to pain when pricked with a needle, when touching the burn surface with a swab with a medicinal solution, when pulling out a skin hair.

Determination of the area of ​​the burn, the rules of "palms" and "nines".

When determining the severity of a burn, not only its depth, but also the area is taken into account. To quickly determine the area of ​​the burn surface, you need to know the rules of "palms" and "nines". The rule of the “palm” is that its area in a person is about 1% of the surface of his body. According to the rule of nines, the area of ​​the head and neck is approximately 9%, one arm - 9% (both - 18%), the front surface of the body - 18%, the back surface of the body - 18%, one leg - 18% (both legs - 36 %), perineum - 1%.

If burns occupy at least 10% of the body surface in adults and at least 5% in children and the elderly, burn disease may develop. characteristic clinical picture burn shock appears if the area of ​​superficial burns is 15-20%, and deep - more than 10% of the body surface. The victims are noted anxiety, arousal. They complain of excruciating pain, there is a pronounced thirst. Skin and mucous membranes are pale, with a bluish tint. Arise severe shortness of breath, palpitations, signs of increasing suffocation with burns to the face, neck and chest.

First aid for thermal burns.

The burnt person must be placed on a shield or stretcher. If pieces of debris and clothing are stuck to the burn, do not remove them. It is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the burned part of the body, and with a large burn surface, wrap the victim in a sterile (or ironed on both sides) sheet. If extensive burns of I, II and IIIa degrees are noted, i.e. superficial, then the dressings must be moistened with sterile saline or 0.5–1% novocaine solution.

Painkillers (1% solution of promedol, 50% solution of metamizole sodium), sedative drugs (0.25% solution of droperidol, 1% solution of diphenhydramine or 0.25% solution of promethazine) are injected intravenously), inhalations are carried out with a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen in a ratio of 1 : 1. If there are deep burns of the limbs, then the transport fixation of the limb is performed, and the supply of humidified oxygen is also necessary.

In severe (deep and / or extensive) burns, polyglucin, reopoliglyukin, solutions of albumin, aminophylline, cardiac and respiratory agents (strophanthin solution, cordiamin) are intravenously administered. Urgent evacuation of the victim to the burn or surgical department is carried out, tetanus toxoid is mandatory.

Chemical burns.

Chemical burns are more often caused by concentrated solutions and alkalis. The causes of chemical burns in everyday life and at work are careless handling of chemicals, violations of safety regulations. The criteria for the severity of chemical burns, as well as thermal burns, are their depth and area in accordance with the above provisions.

Acid solutions of high concentration, when exposed to the soft tissues of the body, cause necrosis in the form of a dense dry scab, and alkali solutions in the form of a soft wet scab. In some cases, the smell of various chemical compounds comes from the wound. Distinctive feature exposure to the skin of certain acids is the appearance of a scab of a certain color. If a chemical burn is caused by sulfuric acid, then the scab is dark brown, if hydrochloric acid is grayish white, nitric acid is light brown.

First aid for chemical burns.

The main task of emergency care is to remove the chemical solution that caused the burn. It can be removed by washing the damaged area of ​​the body with a jet of water. It is not recommended to neutralize acids and alkalis on the victim's body. The reaction of acids with alkalis occurs with the release of heat, which will increase tissue damage. After washing the damaged part of the body, you need to apply a sterile bandage and administer painkillers (solutions of metamizole sodium, tramadol). The victim must be taken to the surgical or burn department of the hospital.

According to the book " Quick Help in emergency situations."
Kashin S.P.

A burn is damage to body tissues caused by exposure to high temperatures. In addition to thermal burns, there are also electrical, chemical and radiation burns.

Thermal, or thermal burns are among the most common, especially in the younger age group- in young children, the vast majority of burns occur as a result of scalding with boiling water.

There are several classifications of burns; in our country, the classification of A.A. Vishnevsky, dividing damage into degrees depending on the depth of tissue damage. Knowledge of the classification allows you to quickly navigate the situation and not make mistakes when providing first aid. So, according to Vishnevsky, 4 degrees of burns are distinguished:

  1. Stage of erythema, or redness;
  2. bubble stage;
  3. Stage of skin necrosis;
  4. The stage of necrosis of the skin and underlying tissues (adipose tissue, muscles, tendons, and sometimes bones), also called the charring stage.

The first two stages are mild degree, third and fourth - to severe burns, or deep burns. This division is conditional, since it does not take into account the area of ​​​​the lesion and special anatomical zones (these include the face, eyes, inguinal region, joints), however, it gives an idea of ​​the severity of the lesion and what first aid measures should be taken.

First aid for mild burns

Mild burns do not require hospitalization, usually enough home treatment, but only if the first aid was given correctly. So, with such lesions, after the cessation of exposure to the traumatic factor, it is necessary:

  1. Free the burn area from clothing, if any. At the same time, it is unacceptable to pull off clothes, because. you can damage the skin even more (if necessary, the fabric should be cut);
  2. Place the burnt area under running cold water for 10-20 minutes or apply a cold compress. It is unacceptable to use ice to cool the skin, because. tissue frostbite may be added to the burn;
  3. Treat the affected area with an antiseptic. You can use anti-burn agents, such as Panthenol, it is allowed to treat the burnt surface with alcohol. Do not use iodine, a solution of potassium permanganate, as well as oil, fatty ointments and creams - something that prevents air exchange;
  4. Apply a non-tight sterile bandage to the damaged area of ​​the skin, do not use cotton wool, because. its fibers are quite difficult to remove from the wound surface;
  5. In case of severe pain, give the victim an anesthetic. You can use Paracetamol, Aspirin (it is undesirable to give it to children), Nimesil, Nurofen, etc.

As a rule, these first aid measures for mild burns are sufficient. Such injuries heal within 10-14 days, the main task in their treatment is to prevent additional injury to the affected area and infection.

First aid for severe burns

In case of thermal injuries of the III and IV degrees, as well as burns of the II degree, affecting large areas of the skin or anatomically significant areas, assistance is provided in the hospital, so it is necessary to call the victim as soon as possible ambulance. Pending the arrival of a doctor and after eliminating the damaging factor, first aid measures for severe burns are as follows:

  1. You need to make sure that there are no areas of smoldering clothing left. It is not necessary to remove scraps of clothing from damaged skin;
  2. Cover the burnt surface with as sterile as possible, or at least a clean, loosely fitting bandage;
  3. In case of deep injuries, do not immerse the injured part of the body under water, and ice should not be used. Instead, moisten the bandage with cold water;
  4. Give the victim warm tea or warm salted alkaline water to drink (to prepare it, mix 1-2 g of baking soda and 3 g of salt in 1 liter of water);
  5. Place the victim in such a way that the burnt part of the body is above the level of the heart.

Use medications local prescriptions, even such as Panthenol, in this case should not be treated, the wound treatment will be done in the hospital.

First aid for electrical burns

First aid for an electrical burn consists in isolating the victim from exposure to a damaging agent, after which it is necessary to check for a pulse and breathing. If they are absent, it is necessary to start resuscitation measures - closed heart massage, mouth-to-mouth breathing or mouth-to-nose breathing. An ambulance should be called as soon as possible, continuing resuscitation until the pulse and breathing stabilize or until the doctor arrives.

Superficial skin injuries resulting from electrical burns are treated in the same way as thermal burns.

First aid for chemical burns

A chemical burn is caused by exposure of the skin or mucous membrane to acids, alkalis, and other caustic substances. Although the damaging agents may be different, first aid for this type of burn begins in the same way: the injured area must be placed under running water for 10-20 minutes. This is true for all chemical burns, with the exception of quicklime and sulfuric acid burns.

After washing with water, the burn site is treated with a weak solution of alkali, such as soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water) or soapy water (it is advisable to take household soap, without additives). Burns with sulfuric acid should be treated with a slightly alkaline solution, without first washing with water.

Alkaline burns after washing are treated with a slightly acidic solution - a solution of vinegar or citric acid is suitable.

Burns caused by quicklime are treated immediately with oil or fat - and this is the only case when fatty ointments are used in first aid for burns.

It should be borne in mind that alkali burns are more dangerous, since they do not form a clear boundary between the damaged area and healthy tissue. This is the so-called colliquational necrosis, which tends to spread even after the end of exposure to the damaging agent.

Re-briefing All employees pass at least once every six months according to programs developed for conducting initial briefings at the workplace.

Unscheduled briefing carried out: when new or amended legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as instructions on labor protection, are introduced; when it changes technological processes, replacement or modernization of equipment, fixtures, tools and other factors affecting labor safety; in case of violation by employees of labor protection requirements, if these violations created real threat the onset of serious consequences (accident at work, accident, etc.); on demand officials bodies of state supervision and control; during breaks in work (for work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions- over 30 calendar days, and for other works - more than two months); by decision of the employer (or a person authorized by him).

Targeted coaching is carried out when performing one-time work, during the elimination of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and work for which a work permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as when mass events are held in the organization.

The specific procedure, conditions, terms and frequency of conducting all types of labor protection briefings for employees of individual industries and organizations are regulated by the relevant industry and intersectoral regulations. legal acts on safety and labor protection.

First aid for thermal, chemical, electrical burns.

burns- tissue damage caused by high temperature, electric current, acids, alkalis or ionizing radiation. Accordingly, thermal, electrical, chemical and radiation burns are distinguished.

Thermal burns. Open fire can injure the skin in just a second. The same can be said about superheated water vapor and hot metal. However, “harmless” water with a temperature of about 50 ° C can injure the skin, but within a few minutes. The consequences of exposure to high temperatures are very different: from impaired skin functions (breathing, touch, protection against infections, blood circulation) to complete necrosis (necrosis) of not only all layers of the skin, but also muscle tissue. Doctors distinguish burns of four degrees. The first is characterized by persistent reddening of the skin; swelling is possible. The second degree burn adds to this the formation of blisters filled with serous (serum) fluid. In no case should you open blisters: this is a direct road to infection and scars. Do not use creams or ointments without consulting your doctor. Both of these degrees of burns are superficial, after healing they do not leave scars, but. even a first degree burn large area can cause death of the victim due to violation respiratory function skin and general intoxication of the body. With a third-degree burn, large blisters appear, filled with an amber-colored liquid, then yellow or white scabs appear in their place, and scars remain on the injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The fourth degree is the burnout of the skin and even more deeply located tissues. A dense black or brown eschar appears, blood vessels thrombosed.

First aid for burns is to immediately eliminate the source of heat. Burning clothes are extinguished with water, snow, sand. Throw on the victim dense fabric, which stops the flow of oxygen that supports combustion. Clothes are cut off, not removed! Affected areas of the skin are cooled with a jet cold water and treated with vodka or alcohol solution. Sterile dry napkins are applied to burn wounds, with extensive burns the patient is wrapped in a clean sheet. The victim of burns should be well insulated, as chills and a decrease in body temperature are possible. You need a plentiful warm drink: tea or a solution of 1 teaspoon of table salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water. If possible, it is useful to give an anesthetic to the victim. For minor first and second degree burns, it is helpful to urinate on the injured area. Extensive burns, as well as burns of the third and fourth degrees, require urgent hospitalization with gentle (!) Transportation to the hospital. Significant in area, as well as deep burns lead to the development of burn disease. First of all, there is burn shock, then the body is subjected to severe intoxication by the decay products of damaged tissues. Infection of burnt surfaces leads to suppuration. Self-treatment of a burn disease is almost impossible, qualified medical assistance is required. Do not self-medicate or practice on others, especially with thermal burns to the eyes or respiratory organs.

If conducting household, working conditions or your own inattention make small first- and second-degree burns commonplace, it is useful to prepare for the future and have simple tools at hand traditional medicine: 3% solution of propolis: apply a sterile napkin moistened with it to the burned area; 40 g of dry crushed nettle leaves pour 200 ml of 40% alcohol solution (vodka), close tightly in glassware and insist two days. Strain. Moisten a clean cloth with infusion and bandage the burnt area. From ready medicines in the home first aid kit, doctors recommend having vinylin, Kalanchoe juice, calendula ointment, Vishnevsky liniment.

Chemical burns The cause of chemical burns is exposure to aggressive chemicals, most often acids and alkalis. The health, and sometimes the life of the victim, depends on the speed and effectiveness of first aid before the arrival of doctors. First of all, it is necessary to remove clothing soaked in a caustic reagent and immediately begin washing the affected areas with cold running water. This procedure should last 10-15 minutes if flushing is started immediately, and at least half an hour if there is a delay. Only after that, the affected area is treated with a solution of baking soda, if the burn is caused by acid, and a weak solution of vinegar, if the cause of the burn is alkali. Determine which Chemical substance caused a burn, it is possible on a painted burn surface: a burn with sulfuric acid gives a brown or black color, with nitric acid - a yellow-brown color, and with hydrochloric acid - yellow. Alkali burns are colorless. Quicklime is not washed off the skin, but cleaned off! Otherwise, the reaction of quicklime with water will lead to additional thermal damage. The burnt surface is covered with a sterile dry bandage and the patient is given an anesthetic. Often chemical burns accompanied by general poisoning of the body, requiring medical intervention. The burn of the cornea with alkali is especially dangerous: it causes irreversible clouding of the cornea.

Chemical and thermal burns occur most often due to negligence, inattention, violation of the most simple rules safety technology. Follow an elementary precaution, then this article will remain general educational for you, and you will be able to competently provide the very first aid to the victim if necessary.