How to treat sinusitis for pregnant women at home. Why is sinusitis dangerous during pregnancy? What is a disease such as sinusitis?

To say that sinusitis is very unpleasant disease, that's almost an understatement. People who have experienced this condition at least once in their lives will never forget those sensations: there is nothing to breathe, the paranasal sinuses are filled with thick purulent discharge that reluctantly come out, the whole face hurts as if it were one continuous bruise, and every movement of the head , and especially bending down, causes very severe pain. Sometimes the pain is so severe that it is difficult for an adult to endure. And what can we say about pregnant women who managed to “earn” sinusitis in such a beautiful time? How can they be treated, since not all methods and medicines are available to them now?

Sinusitis(purulent inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus) is also called rhinosinusitis. It can be unilateral, when one of the sinuses is inflamed, or bilateral, when two sinuses hurt at once. Also, sinusitis can be acute (occurring for the first time and marked by an acute course of the disease) or chronic (it becomes acute sinusitis with inadequate treatment or in the absence of treatment as such). As a rule, sinusitis is considered chronic and does not stop for 6 weeks. Sinusitis usually develops as a result of various infections of the upper respiratory tract, various pathological processes, flowing in the nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx. The maxillary sinus is an air cavity located in the thickness of the maxillary bone. Its role, together with other paranasal sinuses, in the body is very large:

  • Formation of individual voice sound
  • Warming and purifying the air passing through the nose
  • Reducing the mass of the facial skull and forming individual facial features

Causes of sinusitis

The most common causes of sinusitis are various types: staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasma, fungi. It develops no less often as a complication of an upper respiratory tract infection (URI). It’s hard to imagine, but the source of infection for sinusitis can be a sore tooth or inflammation of the tonsils. Also, the cause of sinusitis may be a deviated nasal septum or allergic reactions body.

Symptoms of sinusitis

As noted at the beginning, sinusitis is characterized by nasal congestion (possibly one-sided), strong pain in the face area (below the eye), discharge from the nose of copious greenish mucus. In acute sinusitis, an increase in temperature is observed. In chronic sinusitis, the most pronounced symptom of the disease is a persistent night cough that does not respond to traditional treatment. Coughing attacks torment a person as pus drains from the affected sinus along the back wall of the throat. Also, a person suffering from chronic sinusitis often experiences a runny nose, stuffy nose, persistent keratitis and conjunctivitis. Another fairly common symptom is headache.


To determine the nature and extent of the disease, the most informative method is radiography of the sinuses. But it should not be used during pregnancy. Only possible method diagnostics for pregnant women is a therapeutic and diagnostic puncture of the sinus, or, in simple terms, a “puncture”. The positive of this procedure is also that it is part of the treatment “program”.

Treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women

Treatment of sinusitis includes a set of measures to restore drainage and suppress the source of infection in the maxillary sinus.

When sinusitis develops during pregnancy, there is a danger not only to the health of the mother, but also to the child. Therefore, it is especially important to diagnose and begin treatment for this disease as early as possible. One of the most dangerous periods for fetal development is the first months of pregnancy, when the child develops all the vital systems and organs.

As we just said, one of the methods of treating sinusitis during pregnancy is puncture. The essence of this procedure is that the doctor pierces the paranasal sinus with a special sterile needle. Then he uses a syringe to suck out the pus and pour a special disinfectant medicinal solution into the sinuses. Immediately after the procedure, the patient feels significant relief: the nose begins to breathe, headaches go away, and pressure in the sinuses decreases.

As for taking medications, it must be remembered that many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy, so they often opt for local procedures, which is the manipulation described above. Drugs that are administered orally (into the sinuses) must be safe for both mother and baby. One of these drugs is, for example, Miramistin.

To relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and open the sinus outlet, nasal sprays and drops that contain vasoconstrictors (for example, Nazivin, Otilin, Farmazolin, Dlyanos, etc.) are effectively used. But such drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women. In very rare cases, when the situation is already very difficult, the doctor may allow the use of vasoconstrictors. In this case, a pregnant woman should choose those that are allowed for babies. It is recommended to carry out such procedures two or three times, no more.

The drug sinupret, which liquefies the contents of the sinuses, has received positive reviews in the treatment of sinusitis. It is produced both in drops and tablets. The second option is suitable for pregnant women, since the drops contain alcohol.

Very often, antibiotic therapy is used to treat sinusitis. The most common of them: augmentin, 3rd generation cephalosproins, azithromycin. During pregnancy, in some situations an antibiotic may also be prescribed. Its name is spiramycin.

Since the use of antibiotics is undesirable during pregnancy, and especially in the early stages, another, quite effective procedure is performed. Its essence is the administration of topical antibiotics and antiseptics directly to maxillary sinuses. In addition, rinsing the nasal cavity and sinuses with various solutions is used: saline, herbal, antiseptic. It is also possible to use topical antibiotics in the form of aerosols, as well as agents that dilute the contents of the sinuses. Along with antibiotics, antihistamines are also taken, which also help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

Another procedure permitted during pregnancy, in addition to puncture, is washing the maxillary sinuses using the method of moving fluid. This method is popularly called “cuckoo”. This is explained by the peculiarity of the procedure, during which the patient lies on his back on the couch, the head is located below the entire body, the doctor pours an antiseptic solution into one nostril (sometimes with the addition of an antibiotic), and at the same time sucks out the liquid along with pus from the second nostril using a special device, the patient at this time repeats “ku-ku-ku-ku...”. It is this sound that creates negative pressure in the nasal cavity and prevents fluid from entering the throat or lungs. During the procedure, you should not inhale, otherwise liquid with pus will enter the respiratory tract. Thanks to the negative pressure formed in the nasal cavity, pus is evacuated from the sinuses, and the medicinal solution, intensively moving through the nasal cavity, flushes the sinuses. As a result of cleansing the sinuses, inflammation is cured.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

From Guest

At 25 weeks of pregnancy I fell ill with sinusitis, the doctor prescribed Sinuforte, not only did it make me VERY discomfort in the nose, it currently costs 2300, and it still hasn’t helped!!!

From Guest

Snupret didn’t help me, vilprafen was an antibiotic, a magnet, I tried everything, settled on rinsing my nose before giving birth and that’s it!!!

If expectant mother the temperature rises, severe weakness appears, the nose is stuffy and the head hurts, especially in the frontal part, then most likely these are signs of sinusitis. What does this disease mean for a pregnant woman? How should it be treated correctly? Let's find out in detail.

Why is sinusitis dangerous during pregnancy?

The disease is a purulent inflammation of the upper paranasal sinus. It is also called rhinosinusitis. It can be unilateral and bilateral, acute and chronic. Develops as a result of upper respiratory tract infections, pathological processes occurring in the nasopharynx and mouth.

Effect on the fetus

This disease significantly worsens the quality of life for an ordinary woman. And during pregnancy, its danger increases, because infection of the mother’s body has Negative consequences for the child, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. After all, at this time all the organs of the future baby are laid. And if his mother breathes through her mouth due to nasal congestion, then she experiences a lack of oxygen. On the background inflammatory process Oxygen starvation of the fetus also occurs in the maxillary sinuses. The spread of infection into a woman’s skull leads to sepsis and meningitis, threatening her life and, accordingly, the life of the fetus.

What antibiotics to treat sinusitis during pregnancy

Since the disease is infectious, it is always treated with antibacterial drugs. And they, as you know, have many side effects and are poorly tolerated. During pregnancy, doctors try not to prescribe such medications to expectant mothers, especially in its early stages.

How to treat sinusitis in early pregnancy

So, use any antibacterial agents with sinusitis, especially if it is the 1st trimester, it is extremely undesirable. Up to 12 weeks acute purulent sinusitis treated with the German herbal drug Sinupret. It contains sorrel and verbena herbs, gentian root, primrose flowers and black elderberry. Typically, therapists prescribe this medicine to their patients for 7-14 days, 2 tablets 3 times a day. In the early stages, antibiotics, or rather solutions based on them, can only be used to rinse the nose. And during this period, you can use products that dilute the purulent contents of the sinuses. If the expectant mother has allergic sinusitis, then therapy begins with eliminating the allergen. Only after this are antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed.

A procedure permitted during pregnancy is to rinse the maxillary sinuses by moving fluid. This is the so-called “cuckoo”. The name of the procedure is explained by its peculiarity. Its essence is that an antiseptic solution (this may be an antibiotic) is poured into one nostril, and the purulent contents are sucked out of the other with a special device. At this time, the patient says “ku-ku,” which creates negative pressure in the nasal cavity, preventing mucus from entering the throat. Nitrofural is often used for the procedure. It is also recommended to rinse your nose with solutions sea ​​salt, infusions of chamomile, calendula.

How to treat sinusitis in late pregnancy

How to treat the disease in the second and third trimester of pregnancy?

Therapists may prescribe the antibiotic Spiramycin. For purulent forms of the disease, it is prescribed in combination with other medical procedures, among them there may be a puncture to remove the contents of the inflamed sinuses. The course of treatment with Spiramycin for severe forms of the disease is 7-10 days. On later(3rd trimester), in the absence of contraindications from the obstetrician-gynecologist, the therapist can prescribe Amoxiclav or Flemoxin to the patient.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy at home

Most expectant mothers who had sinusitis during pregnancy were treated on an outpatient basis. This makes women more comfortable. After all, treatment at home always means a fortified diet, support from loved ones, plenty of warm drinks and comfortable stay. It is recommended to drink juices, fruit drinks, herbal teas and mineral water. To facilitate general state, use symptomatic remedies. Body temperature is reduced by wiping with a damp sponge, applying cold to areas of large vessels, and if necessary, taking Paracetamol.

Folk remedies

Locally, that is, for washing, you can use a solution of sea salt with the addition of one drop of iodine; a mixture of onion juice and aloe, half diluted with water. You can instill warm red beet juice with honey into your nose. The product is stinging, but effective.

Is it possible to heat sinusitis during pregnancy?

With this ENT disease, warming the nose is contraindicated in the acute period of the disease, in case of relapse of a chronic disease, or the accumulation of a large amount of pus in the sinuses. Heating in such cases can provoke the opposite effect - the contents of the sinuses will enter the cranial cavity, and then meningitis will not be avoided. Therefore, patients can be warmed up only at the final stage, when the temperature has passed, the woman is already periodically breathing through her nose, and there is no headache. Then heat applied to the nose will only speed up its final clearing of mucus.

How to treat chronic sinusitis during pregnancy

During the gestation period, its exacerbation may occur, that is, a relapse. Ordinary women in this case, they can use an effective folk remedy - cyclamen, or rather the juice from its tubers. It contains saponins, trace elements, and other anti-inflammatory components. This folk remedy can even cure chronic form sinusitis.

Only during pregnancy, juice in pure form use is prohibited. It is recommended to use drops based on it - the drug Sinuforte. Treating chronic sinusitis during pregnancy with this medicine is convenient and safe. You can also use those methods traditional treatment who helped you before the onset of " interesting situation».

Especially for -Diana Rudenko

Sinusitis is a fairly common and well-known disease; it is an inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses. The maxillary sinuses are located on either side of the nose, just below the eyes. Healthy sinuses are lined with mucous membrane. However, if a bacterium gets inside, inflammation begins, the mucous membranes swell, turn red, and hurt. In addition, mucus begins to accumulate inside - purulent, sometimes with blood inclusions. All this is accompanied painful sensations, general deterioration of health. The disease is quite serious and, if insufficiently or incorrectly treated, can lead to dangerous consequences. Everything gets worse several times if a pregnant woman gets sinusitis.

Difficulties of sinusitis in pregnant women

Everyone knows that any disease that appears during pregnancy is considered much more serious. Self-medicating in such a situation can be dangerous not only for the woman herself, but also for her child. Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy is complicated by the following factors.

  1. Sinusitis is often mistaken for a regular runny nose. To identify a true diagnosis, you need to resort to a number of diagnostic measures– Ultrasound, x-ray of the sinuses, thermal imaging examination. Some types of diagnostics can be dangerous during pregnancy, so the doctor has to prescribe only those tests that will not harm the baby in the womb.
  2. Another difficulty in treating sinusitis during pregnancy is the small number of medications allowed during pregnancy. One of the main directions in the treatment of sinusitis is antibacterial therapy. However, the use of antibiotics during pregnancy is only permitted in extreme cases when the threat to the health of the woman and child from the disease exceeds the risk of side effects from taking medicine. Particular care should be taken when using antibiotics in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the baby’s organs are just forming.
  3. Sinusitis during pregnancy is difficult to treat also because a woman carrying a child has a weakened immune system. The body is rebuilt, all its forces are aimed at the growth and development of the fetus. Treatment in such a situation should be comprehensive to help the pregnant body cope with the disease.
  4. Sinusitis is dangerous because when it lasts for a long time, a pregnant woman suffers from a lack of oxygen, which is so necessary for the baby. Therefore, he may experience hypoxia. Other complications that sinusitis can lead to include myocarditis, meningitis, brain abscess, and damage to the renal pelvis.

Despite this, sinusitis is quite treatable, but if it occurs in a pregnant woman, the diagnosis, selection of medications and procedures should be more thorough. With progressive sinusitis, surgical intervention is inevitable, which can be worrying for the woman herself and her child. Therefore, it is very important to play it safe and go to the doctor, even if you have a simple runny nose. But before we talk about treatment, we will try to find out how to recognize sinusitis and what are the reasons for its development.

Causes and symptoms of sinusitis

Most common cause The occurrence of sinusitis is considered to be an advanced course of ARVI. That is, against the background of a viral cold, bacteria can enter the mucous membrane, which is the cause of the development of the disease. However, not every runny nose leads to sinus inflammation. The fact is that at the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman feels overwhelmed, as if at the beginning colds. This is normal, this is how the body reacts to the process of fertilization and attachment ovum to the uterus. During pregnancy, a woman may experience rhinitis during pregnancy, which occurs due to changes in the woman’s hormonal status. It, of course, has nothing to do with sinusitis, but it can be a trigger for its development. To prevent sinusitis, it is very important to see an ENT specialist during pregnancy, even for minor runny noses. This way you can prevent the development of the disease. But how to recognize sinusitis? Here are the main symptoms of this disease.

  1. The nose is stuffy almost constantly. At night, only one side can be laid.
  2. With sinusitis, the frontal or mandibular sinuses may hurt. The pain can be aching or sharp, and intensifies when the head is tilted forward. With severe inflammation, the skin over the sinuses turns red. When pressing on the inflamed sinuses, pain is also felt.
  3. With sinusitis, there may be a dry night cough, which is especially active at night. It occurs due to mucus, which in a horizontal position flows onto back wall larynx, irritates its surface and provokes a cough.
  4. With sinusitis, the temperature may rise, although this is not a mandatory symptom.
  5. Because it develops in the sinuses bacterial infection, discharges from the nose a large number of mucus. As a rule, it is thick, yellow or green, purulent.
  6. A common symptom of sinusitis is a constant headache.
  7. Often inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is accompanied by conjunctivitis.

These are the main symptoms that may indicate sinusitis in a pregnant woman. However, to make a correct diagnosis, it is better to consult a doctor.

It is very important to get medication treatment from a doctor rather than relying on own experience and advice from friends. The doctor must understand that the drugs chosen must be safe for both the woman herself and the child in her womb. Drug treatment is carried out in a number of areas.

  1. Antibiotics. Many pregnant women literally become hysterical at the mere mention of antibiotics. However, they are not always harmful. Sometimes there's a risk possible complications much more dangerous than by-effect from the antibiotic taken. In addition, there are groups of modern antibacterial drugs that are quite acceptable for pregnant women to take (for example, Augmentin, Azithromycin, Biotraxon, Lendacin, etc.).
  2. Probiotics. Along with antibiotics, probiotics are prescribed, which restore killed intestinal microflora. This eliminates the possibility of constipation or diarrhea. Among them are Linex, Hilak Forte, Lacto- and Bifidobacteria.
  3. Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. During pregnancy, this group of drugs is prescribed with extreme caution. They are needed to allow the body to breathe and replenish the lack of oxygen. But they must be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor - no more than twice a day and no more than seven days in a row. Among them are Nazivin, Otrivin, Vibrocil, etc.
  4. Medicinal nose drops. Among them are Protorgol, Isofra, Pinosol. They have a local medicinal effect and inhibit the development of bacteria in the sinuses.
  5. Sinupret. Besides this, there is a wonderful herbal preparation Sinupret that cures different kinds sinusitis. It relieves swelling well, suppresses the development and proliferation of bacteria, and reduces the amount of mucus. In addition, it is absolutely safe during pregnancy.

Except classical treatment A pregnant woman may be prescribed a sinus puncture. The procedure involves piercing the sinuses with a thin needle. In this case, two important missions are performed. The first is the removal of purulent mucus, which contributes to the development of inflammation. The second is the introduction of an antibacterial liquid into the sinus, which relieves swelling, redness and kills pathogenic bacteria. After this procedure, relief comes instantly - the headache stops hurting, nasal breathing opens.

Rinse and inhalation

Home treatments are one of the most effective and safest ways to get rid of sinusitis. Washing and inhalation can only be carried out in combination with conservative treatment. However, with sufficient patience and regularity of procedures, they can significantly speed up the healing process.

Washing is very effective procedure, both with a simple runny nose and with sinusitis. It is best to rinse your nose in the ENT office - a special “Cuckoo” apparatus will use a vacuum to draw out purulent mucus and rinse the nasal passages and sinuses with an antibacterial composition.

If you don’t have the time or money to go to an ENT specialist for procedures, rinsing can be done at home. To do this, prepare a warm antibacterial composition - it can be simple salt water, a solution of furatsilin, a decoction medicinal herbs. Pour the broth into a teapot, place it on one nostril and turn your head so that the water begins to flow out of the second nostril. You can also rinse your nose with a syringe without a needle. Water is injected into one nostril in a strong stream, and can flow out through the second nostril or through the throat - whichever is more convenient for you. After this rinsing, you can put medicinal drops into your nose that your doctor prescribed for you.

If the nose is so blocked that rinsing is impossible, you can do inhalation first. It is best to carry it out using a special device - a nebulizer. If you don’t have it, you can breathe hot air over a bowl of boiling water. As a solution for inhalation, you can make a decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula) or add a piece of “Star” balm to the mixture. It's got a lot of mints in it. essential oils that will help you start breathing through your nose.

During pregnancy, many women begin to look for safe ways treatment of a particular disease. And for good reason! Many recipes are not only truly effective, but also absolutely harmless to the female body and fetus. Here are useful and effective advice that will help you get rid of sinusitis at home.

  1. Marigold and chamomile. A strong decoction should be prepared from these herbs. Take one tablespoon of each plant, pour half a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for a couple of hours. After this, the broth should be filtered and dripped into each nostril 2-3 drops several times a day. If you dilute the broth with water, you can use it for rinsing. Marigolds have an anti-inflammatory effect, and chamomile relieves swelling and soothes the mucous membranes.
  2. Kalanchoe. This is a fairly aggressive medicine that must be used correctly. It is difficult to squeeze the juice out of Kalanchoe, so the leaves are first frozen and only then grated in solid form. By squeezing the pulp you will get healing juice medicinal plant, which should be diluted with three parts of water, and only then instilled into the nose.
  3. Honey and black radish. This is a very effective and popular medicine for sinusitis. It will help you get rid of not only green snot, but also an obsessive cough. Make a hole in a large radish and pour honey into it. After 3-4 hours, when the fruit gives up its juices, the liquid from the cavity should be poured into a small cup or bottle, diluted in half with water and dripped 2 drops into each nostril in the morning and evening. The recipe cannot be used if you are allergic to honey. If sinusitis is accompanied by a cough, drink a tablespoon of the prepared medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.
  4. Grape leaves. Few people know, but grape leaves can remove purulent mucus. Usually, alcohol tinctures are prepared from them, which are more effective in the fight against sinusitis. But during pregnancy, it is better to make a strong decoction from the leaves, which can be dropped into the nose or washed with it.
  5. Horse sorrel and mint. Mix the two ingredients and prepare a strong decoction from the collection. It is very effective to rinse your nose with the strained liquid.
Warming up. The warming up procedure can be both beneficial and dangerous. Before warming up, you need to check with your doctor about the advisability of applying heat. You can warm up your sinuses with boiled eggs, heated salt or sand (in a bag), as well as alcohol compresses. Heat helps relieve swelling, relieves pain and helps remove mucus.

These recipes are not only effective and safe, they are easy to prepare. You will need pennies to buy ingredients.

Sinusitis is not at all what a woman who is carrying a baby under her heart should think about. To prevent the development of the disease, you must not delay its course. Home remedies are good in combination with doctor’s prescriptions, but as self-medication they can be dangerous. Patients are often treated with folk remedies, suppressing the symptoms of the disease without affecting the source of inflammation. As a result, sinusitis develops, reaching serious proportions. Therefore, the main prevention of sinusitis is a timely visit to a doctor. Especially if the patient is in an “interesting” position. Take more care of your health if a small life is growing and developing in the womb.

Video: how to cure a runny nose and sinusitis quickly and easily

Sinusitis is an infectious inflammatory disease of the maxillary sinuses, which is dangerous in any form. Especially if we're talking about about a pregnant woman. Untimely treatment of sinusitis can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby.

Most often, sinusitis during pregnancy develops in women who have had chronic sinusitis even before their “interesting” situation. It all starts with common runny nose, which, against a background of weakened immunity, can be complicated by inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

With absence timely treatment sinusitis can become chronic.

The most common cause of sinusitis during pregnancy is weakened immunity. During the period of bearing a child, the body's defenses weaken, clearing the way for various infections and viruses.

The next reason for the development of the disease is an incompletely cured cold or flu. Many people stop the prescribed treatment at the first relief of the condition, which in the future can result in a complication in the form of sinusitis. That is why you cannot stop the prescribed treatment even in the absence of severe symptoms.

You should also pay attention to changes occurring in female body during pregnancy, which in one way or another can affect the development of sinusitis. The natural mucus produced by the body becomes thicker during pregnancy. The viscous state of mucus prevents the removal of microbes, thus provoking inflammation.

Symptoms of sinusitis during pregnancy

Headache due to sinusitis in pregnant women.

The symptoms of sinusitis during pregnancy do not differ much from the signs of the disease in other people. Common symptoms include:

  • nasal congestion (with unilateral sinusitis, the side in which the inflamed paranasal sinus is located is congested);
  • severe headache, worsening when bending over;
  • pain in the facial area, increasing with palpation;
  • mucous discharge from the nose (in the presence of viscous purulent discharge, purulent sinusitis develops);
  • deterioration of sense of smell;
  • toothache (if sinusitis was caused by a sore tooth);
  • feeling of “fullness” in the nose.

Also, sinusitis during pregnancy may be accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature (37-37.5 degrees). Some note the presence unpleasant odor from mouth. This is explained by the fact that the pathogenic contents of the inflamed sinus easily spread into the nasopharynx cavity.

In some cases, sinusitis in pregnant women is practically asymptomatic, with only minor headaches and nasal congestion. Women attribute this condition to their pregnancy, which leads to delays in proper treatment.

What is the danger of sinusitis during pregnancy?

First of all, nasal congestion, which occurs with sinusitis, makes it difficult to breathe properly. Due to oxygen deficiency, hypoxic disorders may occur, which are dangerous for gestation, especially in early pregnancy.

Systematic nasal congestion negatively affects the functioning of the heart and lungs, and blood pressure suffers. Therefore, a pregnant woman should not ignore the first symptoms of sinusitis to maintain her health and the health of her unborn child.

The next danger of this disease is the possibility of the inflammatory process spreading to the overlying (brain) and underlying (larynx, lungs) organs, thereby provoking serious illnesses: meningitis, sepsis, sore throat, pneumonia, etc.

It should be borne in mind that by delaying treatment, you can get chronic sinusitis, which is more difficult to treat. Sometimes, without surgical intervention it is impossible to cure the pathology. Surgery extremely dangerous during pregnancy.

Diagnosis during pregnancy

Today, the most popular and frequently used procedure for diagnosing sinusitis is ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses, as well as transillumination with a special device.

In some cases (it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis, individual contraindications), it is necessary to perform a puncture of the nasal sinuses (puncture). Using a puncture, you can not only diagnose the disease, but also achieve a certain therapeutic effect.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy is aimed at restoring the natural drainage of the sinuses and eliminating the infection. For this purpose, local agents are prescribed.

  • Nasal rinsing is the main and mandatory procedure treatment. Can be performed in a hospital setting or at home. The rinsing solution is determined by the doctor; it can be antiseptic, saline, or herbal (more often used at home). The procedure for rinsing the nose in a hospital setting is called “cuckoo”. A special device is placed in the nose: an antiseptic solution is injected through one nostril, and pus is sucked out through the other. Thus, the antiseptic solution relieves inflammation and rinses the nasal cavity.
  • Taking vasoconstrictor drops is necessary to relieve swelling and restore free breathing. It should be noted that most vasoconstrictor nasal drops are contraindicated for pregnant women. However, in difficult situations The doctor prescribes the most harmless medications with a limited course of treatment.
  • Taking antibiotics (as a last resort) is necessary at an advanced stage of the disease. Plant-based antibiotics are prescribed. However, in early pregnancy, taking any antibiotics is contraindicated.
  • Vitamin therapy - taking vitamins of a certain class is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

It is not recommended to treat sinusitis during pregnancy on your own, listening to the advice of girlfriends or re-reading a forum for pregnant women. When the first signs of illness appear, consult a doctor.

Treatment at home is only possible if you have consulted with your doctor, who has approved a particular treatment method. To the safest and effective methods can be attributed:

  • Inhalations based on medicinal herbs - you can brew chamomile in a saucepan, birch leaves, oregano, cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapors.
  • Medicinal tea - a decoction based on medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, St. John's wort) has an anti-inflammatory and restorative effect.

The doctor’s main recommendation for every woman who is expecting a child is that if there is the slightest suspicion of sinusitis, there is no need to self-medicate, but should immediately visit a specialist. Only a doctor will conduct a thorough diagnosis and prescribe an effective safe treatment sinusitis in pregnant women with minimal risk to the fetus.

Sinusitis during pregnancy is considered one of the most common and dangerous ailments. The fact is that while carrying a child, a woman’s body becomes especially weak and vulnerable, and few manage to survive this period without colds and infectious diseases. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this. But since it is undesirable for an expectant mother to take medications, treatment of even the most harmless disease becomes a complex and lengthy matter.

A pregnant woman rarely pays attention to constant nasal congestion and headaches, considering these symptoms to be the norm. Indeed, during the period of bearing a child blood vessels expand and cause persistent breathing problems. However, sinusitis is often hidden under the guise of a common runny nose.

Untimely or incorrect treatment will lead to the fact that the consequences of the disease will affect not only the expectant mother, but also her child.

For mother

Pregnant women with acute sinusitis are at risk of the following complications:

  • inflammation of the brain;
  • abscess of eyeball tissue;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • meningitis;
  • renal failure;
  • myocarditis.

In addition, sinusitis during pregnancy is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: headache, malaise, mucous or purulent discharge from the nose. All this adversely affects a woman’s well-being and leads to a constant feeling of discomfort.

For a child

Difficulty breathing that accompanies the development of sinusitis causes discomfort not only to the expectant mother. Chronic lack of oxygen in a woman’s body leads to the development of hypoxia in the child. As a result, the fetus does not develop properly and, in severe cases, dies.

Treatment of the disease also poses a great danger to the child. medications. Any aggressive drug exposure can lead to severe consequences. It is impossible to predict how such treatment will affect the child.



Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy is carried out only under the guidance of a doctor. If the disease can be “caught” at the initial stage, then it can be treated at home; if pus begins to form in the nasal sinuses, expectant mother It is advisable to place him in a hospital.

It is suggested to treat sinusitis with the following medications:

  • vasoconstrictor drugs (and), which relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and restore freedom of breathing;
  • local antibacterial drugs (aerosols and sprays) that destroy pathogenic microflora on the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses;
  • antibiotics general action(during pregnancy they are prescribed only in exceptional cases, we recommend);
  • medications that thin the mucus and facilitate its removal from the sinuses;
  • antihistamines that eliminate swelling;
  • antipyretics to normalize body temperature.

All of the above medications are selected by a doctor. But since in most cases drug therapy during pregnancy is contraindicated, other methods of treatment are used.

To minimize harmful effects treatment, stop using sprays. Replace them with nasal rinsing antiseptic solutions. This procedure will destroy the pathogenic microorganisms that caused the disease, but will not affect the baby’s health.


For acute sinusitis, the “cuckoo” procedure, which is completely safe and familiar to many, is usually prescribed. Her dignity is high efficiency: after 5-6 sessions, the maxillary sinuses are cleared, and the patient feels a significant improvement.

Warming procedures and laser treatment are carried out on initial stages illness or at the rehabilitation stage, since the impact high temperatures during purulent inflammation increases the risk of complications. But during an exacerbation, you can carry out cool inhalations using a nebulizer.


Not a bad alternative drug treatment The operation is considered to be a puncture of the wall of the maxillary sinus. The doctor inserts a needle into the sinus clogged with pus, drains the contents out and disinfects the nasal cavity.

Don't be afraid of surgery. A puncture is considered the most safe method treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy. It will not harm the fetus and will not affect its development.

Folk remedies

Many pregnant women, fearing for the health of their baby, refuse to treat sinusitis pharmaceutical drugs and turn to traditional medicines. The benefit of such a replacement is doubtful.

The fact is that drug therapy prescribed by the doctor, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body. Treatment with folk remedies can be not only ineffective, but also dangerous due to incorrect dosage.

However, some methods are still worth adopting:

  • rinsing the sinuses with chamomile decoction or saline solution;
  • inhalation using herbal decoctions or essential oils;
  • warming the nose with hot eggs (only during remission);
  • drinking vitamin tea with rose hips or mint.

Be careful when choosing medicinal herbs. Many plants have toxic or diuretic effects, so their use should be discussed with your doctor. The doctor will assess your general condition and help you choose the most harmless treatment tactics with folk remedies.

It is difficult to cure sinusitis during pregnancy: most effective drugs It is contraindicated for the expectant mother. Therefore, doctors have to resort to surgical operations, physiotherapy and even unconventional methods to relieve a woman of sinusitis. Do not neglect the advice of an ENT specialist: if you follow all the prescribed procedures, the disease will not affect the baby’s health