Severe shortness of breath during early and late pregnancy: reasons for what to do. What is contraindicated for shortness of breath? What can be done about shortness of breath

For a long nine months of pregnancy, a woman has to endure many different inconveniences, difficulties and uncomfortable sensations, which is why she last dates pregnancy seems like an eternity to her. All of them are associated with that the mother's body undergoes when carrying a baby. This process continues from the first weeks to last days, in connection with which to replace one " side effects others come.

Different women do not equally experience different sensations during pregnancy. Some are worried about heartburn, others -, someone - constipation and. Skin itching, venous grid, and other manifestations may appear in turn or all at once. And in the last stages, shortness of breath is especially annoying. With an increase in the period, it becomes more and more difficult for a pregnant woman to breathe, and sometimes it seems as if there is not enough air at all - neither for her nor for the baby.

Why is it hard to breathe during pregnancy?

Difficulties with breathing, as a rule, appear already in the third trimester, when the tummy grows decently (although it is possible earlier). And this phenomenon has a completely logical explanation.

As the uterus and fetus grow, they move apart all the organs surrounding them. The stomach suffers from this (they appear, the bladder (under the pressure of the weight of urination noticeably become more frequent), the intestines (due to constraint, the peristalsis slows down - and appear) and, of course, the lungs. It comes to the diaphragm almost last, which turns out to be a positive moment in this unfortunate event.

With each week of pregnancy, the uterus not only increases in size, but rises higher and higher. In the third trimester, it begins to compress the diaphragm, which makes breathing difficult: it becomes increasingly difficult to lean forward, climb stairs, perform simple tasks- With any effort, you experience shortness of breath. The stronger the pressure, the more severe shortness of breath occurs. Fortunately, this phenomenon is temporary and in most cases, 2-4 weeks before the birth, the baby begins to descend into the pelvic region, taking up a starting position. Mom feels this mainly with a sense of relief: at last she can breathe full chest! Seems, last time that was a hundred years ago!

However, not all women's belly drops before childbirth. But also, not everyone experiences such difficulties with breathing - here, how lucky anyone is. It was noticed that tall women feel short of breath less often and to a lesser extent than miniature mothers.

What to do about shortness of breath during pregnancy?

In fact, a good gynecologist should warn a nulliparous woman about possible breathing problems on later dates. Moreover, he should also give you recommendations on how to alleviate the condition during attacks of shortness of breath. But if you are not very lucky with the doctor or you do not have such useful information for some other reason, we will try to help you.

First of all, I want to say that with the appearance of shortness of breath, you can find positive moment and use these difficulties to train breathing in childbirth. If by this time you have not yet mastered breathing techniques, then it's time to take the issue seriously. Different types and breathing methods will not only help you feel better and provide your baby with enough oxygen during such difficult moments, but will also be useful to you in childbirth, when contractions will need to be alternated with attempts.

So, if it’s hard to breathe during pregnancy, then get on all fours, try to relax as much as possible, then take a deep slow breath and exhale the same way. Repeat the exercise several times until you feel relief.

At the moment of shortness of breath, it will become easier to breathe if you sit on a chair or at least squat, or even better - lie down. Try sleeping half-sitting if you also lack air at night. Remember that you can’t lie on your back, and you also need to change positions often, not sitting in one place, walking around from time to time. Control your portions and try not to overeat - this can also cause shortness of breath.

Do not stop walking, even and especially when breathing becomes difficult. Take your spouse or girlfriend with you, but go to the park or square every day: the child must receive oxygen.

Don't panic when you suddenly find it hard to breathe during pregnancy. Remember: this is a completely physiological phenomenon. But if suddenly it starts to seem to you that you are about to suffocate, and your limbs and lips turn a little blue, then it’s better to call an ambulance and consult. However, this rarely happens.

If you experience shortness of breath even at rest, or it becomes difficult for you to breathe even when talking, then you should definitely tell your doctor about this. Perhaps shortness of breath is associated with anemia or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Thank God there's not much left to endure. Easy childbirth!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Shortness of breath is a violation of the frequency and depth of breathing, accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. Normally, a woman makes about 16-18 breaths per minute, with shortness of breath she has to breathe more often, and the expectant mother takes more than 18 breaths in the same time.

Shortness of breath may increase, for example, with intense physical exertion, excitement, in a stuffy room, lying on your back or because of tight clothing. It can arise due to the most different reasons. However, during pregnancy, shortness of breath is most often not associated with any disease. It appears due to rearrangements of the respiratory system in the process of waiting for the baby and usually decreases 2-4 weeks before delivery. This happens because the baby's head descends into the small pelvis, the woman's stomach shifts lower, pressure on the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavity) decreases, and it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe.

Why does it become difficult to breathe during pregnancy?

In the upper parts of the respiratory system (nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi) changes occur in the mucosa - it becomes edematous, easily injured, and its cells secrete a lot of mucus. All this is a consequence of increased secretion of estrogen hormones. As a result, nasal congestion often occurs and breathing is disturbed. Configuration Changes chest and the position of the diaphragm while waiting for the baby begin to occur early and become more pronounced as the gestational age increases. The growing uterus presses on the diaphragm, which, in turn, rises, pressing on the lower sections of the lungs. And the body reacts to such constraining circumstances by changing breathing. At the same time, it becomes superficial and speeded up.

It affects the frequency and depth of breathing and the hormone progesterone, which is intensively produced in the body of a pregnant woman. An increase in its level causes the activation of the respiratory center in the brain, which “gives the command” to breathe more often. As a result of shallow and frequent breathing, more oxygen begins to enter the body - the expectant mother is constantly in a state of hyperventilation of the lungs, and the amount of carbon dioxide, on the contrary, decreases. Plenty of oxygen seems to be good. But here a problem arises: in such a situation, the blood is saturated with oxygen and less willingly gives it to the tissues. As a result, organs, including the brain, receive less oxygen, and future mothers may experience headaches, dizziness, fear, anxiety, yawning, drowsiness, fatigue, discomfort in the heart area, even nausea and abdominal pain.

An increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy increases the sensitivity of adrenoreceptors, which are located mainly in the heart and blood vessels. This causes an increase in heart rate. Accordingly, the more blood passes through the heart, the more oxygen it needs, and the expectant mother begins to breathe more often.

An increase in the volume of circulating blood in a pregnant woman also affects the increase in breathing during pregnancy. After all, an additional, third circle of blood circulation appears between her and the baby. This has been happening since the first trimester of pregnancy. Now the load on the heart increases - it has to pump more blood and it contracts more often, and the respiratory system responds to such changes by increasing the respiratory rate.

In expectant mothers, the appearance of shortness of breath is also associated with an increase in oxygen metabolism (muscles require especially much oxygen during their work), which is explained by accelerated redox processes in tissues.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy: is it necessary to treat?

All processes of restructuring the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, including increased ventilation of the lungs, are designed to ensure the effective delivery of oxygen to the baby. Therefore, recurrent shortness of breath is not a disease and does not require treatment as such, and after childbirth the body future mother will return to its previous state on its own, and breathing difficulties will go away on their own. However, both excessive hyperventilation of the lungs and insufficient can lead to a violation (decrease) of blood flow in the placenta and a violation of the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby. Thus, although shortness of breath while waiting for a baby is usually not associated with any illness, all complaints during this period should be reported to your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Not an ounce of caffeine!
The expectant mother should give up caffeine in any form, as it can provoke the appearance of shortness of breath due to the effect on the cardiovascular system. The fact is that caffeine stimulates the activity of special adrenergic receptors that enhance the contraction of the heart, increases arterial pressure, excites the central nervous system, causing the body to need more oxygen. Foods high in caffeine include coffee, black and green tea, cocoa, chocolate, coca-cola.

In addition, there are times when you should not postpone a visit to the doctor and you need to urgently seek advice. It is necessary to do this if shortness of breath in a pregnant woman constantly bothers her or appears at rest, is accompanied by fainting, fever, cough, pain, heart failure, and also if lips and skin turn blue. These signs may be a manifestation of any disease of the heart (for example, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure), lungs (inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi, asthma, pulmonary embolism, etc.) or anemia. Then the doctor will prescribe for the expectant mother necessary treatment aimed at eliminating these problems.

Shortness of breath during pregnancy: how to help yourself?

If breathing discomfort is associated with nasal congestion, then you can help yourself, for example, by ventilating the room well before going to bed or opening a window to provide fresh air. It is important to try to switch your attention to something else (for example, look through a magazine), raise the pillow higher, do not lie on one side for a long time, so as not to increase blood flow to one side or another, which contributes to swelling of the nasal mucosa and difficulty breathing. It is undesirable to use vasoconstrictor drops, as they contain a medicinal substance that can be absorbed into the bloodstream and adversely affect a growing baby. But if nasal congestion becomes completely unbearable, drops can still be used occasionally, giving preference to children, since they contain a lower concentration of the active substance.

To relieve shortness of breath, it is advisable to take a position that relieves pressure on the diaphragm. For example, sit down, get on all fours or lie on your side.

If the expectant mother lies on her back, then compression of the inferior vena cava by an enlarged uterus can also be accompanied by increased shortness of breath, dizziness, and even fainting. To prevent such backfire, it is not recommended to lie on your back, especially in the second half of pregnancy. It is advisable to sleep on your side or with your head end high (you can put several pillows under your head).

Do not wear tight clothing, especially with a belt or tightly buttoned on the chest.

It should be performed at such a pace that it does not cause shortness of breath. But if it nevertheless arose, then in order to restore breathing, it is necessary to get comfortable and put left hand on the chest, and the right - on the stomach. Inhale for “one-two-three”, exhale for “four” (while the shoulders and neck should be as relaxed as possible). It can also help to raise your arms above your head with a few deep breaths in and out (the opinion that pregnant women should not raise their hands up is a myth).

“Exercising for the lungs” - singing will help reduce shortness of breath during pregnancy. Therefore, expectant mothers can safely sing their favorite songs, and it will become easier to breathe!

In order not to provoke the appearance of shortness of breath, it is advisable not to transmit, especially at bedtime! Reception a large number food leads to overflow of the stomach, squeezing and raising the diaphragm, which causes shortness of breath.

While waiting for the baby, in order not to provoke shortness of breath, it is necessary to protect yourself from passive smoking. Nicotine and carbon monoxide contained in tobacco smoke, getting into the blood, disrupt the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and organs of the mother and baby, causing spasm blood vessels, the body responds with an increase in pressure and an increase in heart rate, which then causes rapid breathing and shortness of breath.

Relax and restore breathing during pregnancy will help the use essential oil lemon balm (for example, in an aroma lamp), you can also drink herbal tea based on motherwort or valerian.

It is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women containing iron. It is also necessary to eat enough meat products rich in iron (beef, tongue, liver) to prevent the development of anemia in pregnancy, which contributes to shortness of breath. After all, with an insufficient level of red blood cells, the amount of hemoglobin that delivers oxygen to tissues decreases, so the brain “gives a signal” to the respiratory center to send impulses to the lungs more often and, accordingly, the frequency of respiratory movements increases.

We should not forget about the lungs. In addition to providing additional oxygen to the body of the mother and baby, the respiratory system will also be trained. Proper control of breathing, learning to relax and calm down expectant mothers well helps yoga for pregnant women. In addition, doing yoga, in the future it is easier to endure childbirth and enjoy breathing techniques for relax pain during contractions and struggles.

In anticipation of the baby, the mother should avoid stressful situations that lead to an increased release of adrenaline (and the sensitivity of receptors to it during pregnancy is already great) and an increase in both breathing and heart rate.

A relaxing massage of the head, neck and shoulders helps to relieve tension and normalize breathing during pregnancy. You can make it yourself, but it is better to involve, for example, your husband in this activity. So relaxation will be more complete. These can be light stroking movements from top to bottom, along the course of blood flow in the vessels (if done from bottom to top, this will increase pressure). Suitable for lightweight circular motions(especially on the scalp), as if drawing a spiral on the skin, it is advisable to massage from the center of the head to the periphery.

If all these measures do not help and shortness of breath during pregnancy continues to bother you, you should consult with your doctor who is monitoring your pregnancy. He will understand the causes of this condition, tell you how to alleviate it, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Shortness of breath in pregnant women occurs when the depth and frequency of breathing begin to be pathologically disturbed as a result of acute air deficiency. Such pathological condition accompanies women precisely at the moment of pregnancy, when the body actually works for two and oxygen is needed 2 times more. Shortness of breath is manifested in the form of heavy shortness of breath during minor physical exercises, lifting to the upper floors. A pregnant woman has a feeling that her heart will soon jump out of her chest. Is it necessary to deal with shortness of breath during pregnancy, and can it harm the fetus? Every pregnant woman should be interested in these questions in without fail, as the responsibility lies both for their own health and for the health of the child.

Causes of shortness of breath in pregnant women

Shortness of breath can really overshadow the life of a pregnant woman. The causes of shortness of breath depend on many factors. Firstly, it is the health of the pregnant woman, the duration of pregnancy, the presence excess weight in a woman, both before pregnancy and during it.

Shortness of breath in the first trimester is a consequence wrong image woman's life. For example, a woman can continue to engage in increased physical exercise without thinking about her health and the condition of the child, but only about tightened forms during pregnancy and how she, that is, the patient, will look after the birth of the child.

Another cause of shortness of breath at any stage of pregnancy can be nervous conditions, stress, constant pressure, experiences, . IN this case to eliminate shortness of breath, a pregnant woman needs to learn how to calm herself, protect herself from external emotional stimuli, if necessary, leave work ahead of schedule maternity leave or take sick leave.

During pregnancy, every pregnant woman has an increased level of female hormone progesterone, as a result of which we get not only an unstable emotional condition, but also the physical manifestation in the form of shortness of breath. A woman will not be able to reduce the level of hormones during pregnancy, therefore, shortness of breath will need to be endured for some time.

Unfortunately, not all pregnant women understand the degree of responsibility that is entrusted to them by such a condition as bearing a child. despite pregnancies and the formation of a new life in them, such patients continue to smoke, drink alcohol, lead an incorrect and obviously unhealthy and even dangerous lifestyle.

Shortness of breath may occur due to physiological changes pregnant in the form of weight gain, a significant increase in blood volume, as there is additional blood circulation in the fetus. Even wearing tight compressive clothing during pregnancy leads to shortness of breath.

Shortness of breath in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy

Shortness of breath in the second and third trimester of pregnancy occurs due to the fact that a woman begins to gradually (and some very quickly) gain weight. Since the fetus also increases every day, the uterus as a result of this stretches and also increases in size, as a result, it has high blood pressure on the diaphragm and nearby internal organs. In this case, it is not possible to reduce the attack of shortness of breath, since its appearance is associated with natural physiological processes during pregnancy.

If you had upper respiratory disease before pregnancy respiratory tract or lungs, then if shortness of breath occurs at any stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to additionally consult a doctor. In this case, all the same bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol can strengthen the attack of shortness of breath.

Is it possible to get rid of shortness of breath?

Is it possible to get rid of shortness of breath? It is possible to eliminate shortness of breath in the case when it is not physiological, but artificially caused by the wrong actions of the pregnant woman. So, if you have shortness of breath in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, then in this case, exclude severe physical exercise. Try to be less nervous during this period, avoid irritants and not strain emotionally. In no case do not smoke or drink, as this not only harms your health, but also has a detrimental effect on the developing internal organs of the child. For example, alcohol, penetrating the placenta, provokes the occurrence of an alcohol syndrome in the fetus.

Pay attention to special clothes for pregnant women, which are made of natural fabrics, do not press on the abdomen and do not restrict your movements.

Try to take a walk at least once a day fresh air, at home - ventilate the room in which you spend most of your time.

In case of nervous disorders, emotional stress, start taking natural herbal tea from valerian or (after consulting a doctor).

Remember that pregnancy lasts only 9 months, and the health of the child is laid down for life. Therefore, if shortness of breath occurs, it is necessary to check your health with a gynecologist and therapist, as well as with more highly specialized doctors.

Dealing with shortness of breath

If an attack of shortness of breath occurs, you must stop, take a very deep breath and exhale (repeat this procedure several times). Also, it will definitely help a pregnant woman breathing exercises which is used during childbirth. When a pregnant woman tries to breathe properly, the fetus gets enough oxygen it needs.

So, if you need to find a place where you can sit or lean when you get short of breath. Now for 4 counts you have to do deep breath and for 7 counts - exhale ... inhale - exhale - until your breathing returns to normal. If you often suffer from shortness of breath, then try to spend less time at home - go outside and breathe more fresh air.

Shortness of breath in a pregnant woman who is on early dates gestation is a violation of the frequency and depth of breathing, which is accompanied by oxygen starvation and the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome. At first, it all starts with the fact that it becomes difficult for the expectant mother to overcome the steps of a multi-storey building. Then, even at rest, there is a desire to inhale to the full chest, but this does not work. Attacks of light suffocation begin, the heartbeat accelerates and develops panic fear due to insufficient oxygen supply to the blood. Dizziness and faintness are possible. This behavior of a woman's body is characteristic of the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy.

Causes of respiratory failure or of cardio-vascular system may appear in early pregnancy different factors present in the daily life of the expectant mother. In most cases, shortness of breath in the first months of pregnancy is a consequence of non-compliance with the recommendations of a gynecologist or the lack of a proper daily routine.

Most often, shortness of breath in a pregnant woman can occur for the following reasons:

Modern diagnostic methods allow you to quickly determine the cause of shortness of breath and adjust the treatment process so that the pregnant woman can again breathe deeply, and the child continues to develop at the same pace.

To do this, at the first sensations of lack of air, you must inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about this, who periodically monitors the health of the mother and the unborn baby.

In the second trimester

During the second trimester of pregnancy, shortness of breath occurs in 7% of women in labor. A pathological condition is caused in women mainly due to the fact that they devote little time to rest, since at this stage of gestation, a strong load on the body is not yet felt. Although this feeling is deceptive, intense physical activity at work and at home leads to attacks of shortness of breath and a steady lack of oxygen.

The second cause of shortness of breath in the second trimester of pregnancy is anemia caused by iron deficiency. The child develops and is able to take most of the iron ions from the mother's body to form its tissues of the circulatory system.

In the third trimester

As the fetus develops, the uterus in which it is located also increases in size. In women with a small pelvis, the uterus begins to put pressure on other organs surrounding it. The pregnant woman begins to experience discomfort in the area Bladder, intestines and stomach. In the third trimester, the fetus grows to maximum dimensions and the outer walls of the uterus compress the diaphragm. Contact with it causes shortness of breath in women, a sudden failure in breathing, lack of air with a deep breath.

Often, in order to take in air, as much as possible, the future woman in labor has to lean her palms on her legs, move the body forward and try with great effort to inhale as deeply as possible. Pregnant women with such problems are advised to rest more and is in a horizontal position.

Treatment - what to do with shortness of breath in pregnant women?

Regardless of which trimester of childbearing a woman is, measures must be taken to eliminate the state of lack of air. Some methods of combating shortness of breath are preventive in nature, while others are aimed at radically eliminating the pathogenic effect on the organs of the respiratory system.

First of all, a woman should reconsider her lifestyle, diet and daily schedule. You will also need to remove the following factors if they are present daily in the life of a pregnant woman, namely:

  1. Contact a specialized doctor. It's about not only about the obstetrician-gynecologist. It is necessary to consult a pulmonologist and a thorough examination of the lungs in order to exclude the presence of a severe pulmonary disease, which manifested itself under the influence of additional stress on the body due to the state of pregnancy.
  2. Avoid physical activity. Hard physical labor, even in small quantities, negatively affects the health of women. reproductive system and future child. The lack of proper rest is fraught not only with the appearance of shortness of breath, but also with complications during childbirth. In the future, the development of such pathologies as prolapse or prolapse of the uterus is not excluded, which is treated exclusively by the surgical method.
  3. Don't fall into stressful situations. If it so happened that in the early stages of pregnancy an unfavorable psycho-emotional situation has formed at work and you often have to be nervous, then it is better to use weak sedatives based on medicinal herbs. This category includes peony tincture, valerian extract. They can help you cope with stressful situations without compromising your nervous system. Of course, before this, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist who monitors the state of pregnancy.
  4. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. Communication with bad habits during pregnancy not only harms the normal formation of the fetus, but also increases the burden on the health of the expectant mother. Therefore, alcohol and smoking is something that in no case should be present in the life of a pregnant woman.

In addition, do not forget that clothing and underwear must be of high quality and not provoke allergies. For the period of pregnancy, the style is selected as free as possible. Clothing items with tight cuffs and elastic bands should be avoided. They can not only cause

Dyspnea- violation of the depth and frequency of breathing, which is accompanied by an acute shortage of air. This condition often overtakes a woman during the period of bearing a baby. At first it becomes difficult for her to climb to the upper floors, then she cannot breathe deeply, and then more and more often there are whole attacks, when it is hard to breathe, and her heart is pounding too fast. Why does shortness of breath occur during pregnancy and how to deal with it on different stages bearing a child, all expectant mothers should know.

The reasons for this difficult and unpleasant phenomenon, which overshadows the lives of many pregnant women, can be very different and depend on which month of the baby's development it manifested itself. If shortness of breath appears during pregnancy in the early stages, it could not be provoked entirely correct image life that the expectant mother continues to lead, not wanting to give up the small joys of life, as well as some of the most serious internal diseases. At this stage, the causes of difficulty breathing can be:

  • powerful physical activity;
  • strong emotional overstrain;
  • too sharp a hormonal surge during pregnancy can also cause shortness of breath;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • anemia;
  • an increase in the amount of blood circulating in the body;
  • lung diseases: tuberculosis, asthma and others;
  • wearing tight, synthetic clothing.

However, in the early stages, this trouble rarely worries expectant mothers, and they fully enjoy the happiness of their position. Most often, shortness of breath occurs during pregnancy in the second trimester, because it is during this period that serious changes occur in the body:

  • the fetus gradually adds weight - accordingly, it requires more space;
  • to give freedom to the growing "giant", the uterus stretches and begins to put pressure on the organs that are next to it;
  • the diaphragm experiences its pressure, as a result of which the first symptoms of shortness of breath appear in women from the second half of pregnancy, although they are not yet so strong;
  • degree of difficulty in breathing this period directly depends on how high the uterus rises every day;
  • exacerbate the symptoms of shortness of breath, while all the same anemia, smoking, alcohol, improper clothing and some diseases internal organs, especially in this case - the lungs.

Dyspnea is especially intensified in the third trimester of pregnancy, since the enlarged uterus is difficult to fit in the body, and it begins to put even more pressure on the diaphragm. Here you have to be patient, the good thing is that it will not last long. A couple of weeks before giving birth, the baby descends into the pelvic area, and the uterus stops pressing on the diaphragm. The woman herself will feel how easy it became for her to breathe. However, this does not happen to everyone, and someone has to suffer from this misfortune to the last.

Higher stated reasons shortness of breath during pregnancy helps expectant mothers understand that everything that is happening to them now is natural and quite natural. The only question is how to alleviate this unpleasant and rather difficult condition.

Elimination Methods

If already the 1st trimester of pregnancy was marked by shortness of breath, a woman should reconsider her lifestyle, eliminating all factors that could provoke this ailment.

  1. Consult a doctor, undergo an examination for the presence of various internal diseases (especially pulmonary).
  2. Reduce physical activity.
  3. Avoid emotional stress.
  4. Quit smoking.
  5. Eliminate the use of alcohol.
  6. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing made from natural materials.

These rules should be followed by every woman throughout pregnancy in order to alleviate shortness of breath. In addition, if the matter is only in the uterus growing day by day, it is worth trying to use long-proven remedies that allow, if not to completely eliminate shortness of breath, then at least significantly alleviate its attacks.

  1. Start doing breathing exercises.
  2. Try to sleep semi-lying.
  3. Walk outdoors more often.
  4. Regularly ventilate the room where you stay for a long time.
  5. While sitting at the TV or computer, change positions as often as possible.
  6. Eat in small portions, but more often: this will keep the stomach in a slightly relaxed state, and it will take the main pressure of the uterus, as it is located in close proximity to it.
  7. With the permission of the doctor during pregnancy, you can take collections of sedative herbs - valerian or motherwort.
  8. During attacks, you need to learn to pull yourself together and not panic.

Considering these simple, but very useful and actionable recommendations, there will be no trace of shortness of breath during pregnancy. No need to endure and suffer from bouts of shortness of breath: this will shake the emotional state of the expectant mother and will not lead to anything good.