What reasons can be indicated for dismissal from work in a resume. Examples of wording in the summary of the reasons for dismissal from the previous job

Among the main reasons for terminating the employment relationship between the employee and the employer, there are both objective and subjective. Objective, are indicated in the norms of the current labor legislation, as general legal grounds. Subjective reasons for dismissal relate, rather, to interpersonal relationships that have been formed in the course of work between the employee and his colleagues, or between him and his immediate superiors. In addition, an employee may want to change qualifications, place of residence, etc.

But the law gives us clear instructions about the legal grounds for terminating the employment contract. And, regardless of personal issues, upon dismissal, one should choose the wording for the reason for dismissal, in accordance with the Labor Code. There are both reasons to dismiss a negligent employee from the enterprise where he works, and the desire of the employee to leave his position. Consider the legal grounds for dismissal.

Termination of employment

In accordance with the norms of the law regulating labor relations, they cease to be valid in such cases:

  • at the request of the employee to leave his position;
  • on initiation of dismissal by the employer;
  • upon reaching an agreement between the employee and the enterprise on the end of joint work;
  • if a temporary fixed-term employment contract was concluded between the parties, and its term has come to an end, while neither of the parties has expressed a desire to continue it, backing it up with an appropriate action;
  • when formalizing the procedure for transferring an employee to another employer at his request or consent;
  • transfer of an employee to an elected position;
  • if the employee refuses to continue the contract, in the event of a change in the form of ownership of the organization, or the form of management, the owner of the property;
  • when changing the terms of the contract with which the subordinate does not agree;
  • reasons for dismissal of an employee for medical reasons - if there is a medical ban on continuing to work in this position, and the employer simply cannot offer another suitable one, or the employee himself refused the proposed position;
  • in the event of a change in the location of the enterprise due to moving to another area, from which this specialist refused;
  • there are circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties (and we will consider them below);
  • in case of violation of the norms of labor legislation at the stage of concluding labor relations, if such violations exclude the possibility of further cooperation.

At the same time, in addition to the main reasons for dismissal, there are special ones regulated by laws and regulations. For example, the legal regulation of the dismissal of judges and prosecutors, civil servants, and the military is carried out by special laws that apply only to them. Now let's look at the main reasons in more detail.

Voluntary dismissal

This is perhaps the simplest and favorite wording for personnel officers. And such a dismissal is made easier and documents need to be collected less. And no one will challenge such a dismissal. Often, it is precisely this reason for dismissal that is an incentive for the employer to “pressure” the subordinate so that he himself writes a statement, threatening to be dismissed under the article or other negative consequences for the latter. Lawyers advise not to follow the lead, despite such threats, and stay at your place of work, because such an employee will not receive compensation or severance pay upon dismissal, and it is not always possible to find a new job right away.

If the desire to leave is valid and motivated, the employee must submit a statement of his intention to leave the enterprise. You just need to notify about this two weeks before the fact of dismissal. Failure to comply with this requirement, most often, turns into negative consequences for the employee, because he can be fired under the article for absenteeism, in case of unauthorized leaving the workplace.

Sometimes it is allowed to terminate the employment relationship, without the obligatory fourteen-day working off, but there must be good reasons for this. So, let's consider what are the valid reasons for dismissal of one's own free will, in the event of which, urgent dismissal is allowed:

  1. illness of a close relative or child who needs care;
  2. a husband or wife is sent on a long business trip outside the city (country), or even to a permanent job;
  3. upon admission to study;
  4. upon retirement.

Some employers take into account not only these reasons, but by agreement, they can allow you to quit the number that the employee indicates in his application. By the way, it is necessary to refer to the validity of the reasons for the early dismissal in the application, and not just verbally.

When the dismissal occurs at the initiative of the employer

The enterprise has the right to part with its employee, against his will, only in those cases that are specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. There are the following reasons for the dismissal of employees at the initiative of the firm, enterprise or organization for which they work:

  • The employee did not pass the probationary period, or the results of such a test seemed unsatisfactory to the management of the enterprise;
  • In case of termination by the employer of his economic activity (liquidation);
  • In the event of a decision to reduce the staff of the organization, which is the order of the competent management body of the legal entity;
  • Based on the results of an unsatisfactory certification, when there are no vacancies at the enterprise that correspond to the level and qualifications of this specialist;
  • Labor relations with the head or chief accountant are terminated when the owner of the company changes;
  • In case of numerous violations of labor discipline and work ethics, if the employee already has disciplinary sanctions outstanding;
  • If the employee was absent from the workplace for more than four hours in a row, which is qualified by law as absenteeism;
  • For distrust of an employee who committed guilty acts that led to the loss of the company's commodity-money values ​​(as a rule, these are the reasons for the dismissal of sellers);
  • When you appear or stay at work in a state of intoxication;
  • When committing a criminal act at the enterprise, for example, theft, embezzlement, which will be established and confirmed by the decision of the competent authorities;
  • In the event of a gross violation of the rules and norms of labor protection, when this entailed or could entail grave consequences for other employees of the company or loss, destruction of the organization's property;
  • When disclosing trade secrets and / or personal data of another employee;
  • If the manager or chief accountant has taken an action or made an unjustified decision that caused damage to the enterprise, its property and material losses.

There are other good reasons for the dismissal of an employee who occupies a key position in the organization, for example, a single gross violation of his labor functions by the head or his deputy is enough to terminate the contract with him.

Circumstances beyond the control of the parties

The Labor Code names the reasons why an employment contract with an employee is terminated either at the initiative of the employer or the employee. Such circumstances are called, independent of the will of the parties:

  1. When an illegally dismissed employee is reinstated in his previous position, as a rule, by a court decision;
  2. In case of conscription into the army or alternative service;
  3. When an employee holds an elective position and has not been elected for a new term;
  4. When there is a court verdict against a subordinate, which excludes the possibility of further work at the enterprise;
  5. With a complete loss of ability to work, which is confirmed by a medically motivated conclusion;
  6. Death of an employee;
  7. In case of occurrence of emergency circumstances recognized as such by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  8. When applying to an employee an administrative penalty related to a ban on holding a certain position, including disqualification;
  9. Termination of a license or special permit for the implementation of certain labor functions, which is issued by an authorized state authority;
  10. In case of cancellation of the court decision by which the employee was reinstated.

In accordance with Art. 83 of the Code, such reasons for dismissal of an employee are not considered the will of the employer, and therefore, adhere to a special procedure, which consists in advance notification and such formalities are not needed.

Other cases and reasons for leaving an employee from his position

Separately, I would like to note the dismissal in the order of transfer. This wording of the termination of the employment contract is not very common, since the subordinate, who has found a more attractive job for him, first quits of his own free will, and only then gets a job at a new job. When translating, there are a lot of advantages for the employee himself. Firstly, time is saved for the formalities of terminating the employment contract with the previous employer, and concluding a new one. Secondly, there is no two-week working off at the previous place of work and a probationary period at the new one.

The reasons for the dismissal of an employee who does not want to move to another locality with the employer can be characterized as the desire of the employee to quit. But not everything is so simple. If he simply writes an application, after which he stops working in the organization, benefits at the employment center will not apply to him. And with such a wording of dismissal, it is much easier to get a new job than to explain every time why you wanted to leave your previous job.

The resume of the applicant is the first stage of the competitive selection for filling a vacant position in the company, therefore, special attention should be paid to compiling a resume. The applicant should know that in the search for a new job and employer, the resume will be his calling card, so he needs to provide all the information about himself as truthfully and concisely as possible so that the HR manager of the company chooses and invites him for an interview from the whole variety of resumes and specialists.

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What to write in a resume

To successfully pass the first stage of selection, namely the resume contest, you need to publish a personal resume on job portals, in which you must show and prove your professionalism and the required level of competence.

The main aspects that must be disclosed in the resume:

  • personal information about yourself (age, marital status, place of residence);
  • level of education, indicating all educational institutions, retraining and advanced training courses that you have ever taken;
  • professional skills and unique profile competencies;
  • work experience for the entire working life;
  • successes and achievements in previous jobs;
  • reasons for dismissal and recommendations of former managers.

Compliance with all the rules and aspects when compiling a resume will allow the recruiter of the company to get complete information about you as a person and specialist in order to draw primary conclusions that will directly affect the course of the interview and your final grade in the future.

The reasons for leaving a job are perhaps one of the most personal and sensitive questions for applicants, and as practice shows: not every candidate is ready to provide really truthful information about the reasons for leaving and relationships in previous companies. Usually, when compiling a resume, they either completely ignore this item, leaving the information field empty, or provide false information, which, later, can be refuted by the previous employer.

Mistakes when writing a resume

Many applicants make mistakes when writing a resume, which, during a personal interview with a HR manager or future leader, will give a negative description of the candidate and directly affect the outcome of the interview.

Main mistakes:

  • empty and non-content questionnaires that do not carry an information function;
  • lies, exaggeration of facts and implausible information about previous work experience;
  • photographs inconsistent with the business style;
  • grammatical and punctuation errors.

How critical is the accuracy of information

In order to distinguish themselves from other specialists in their professional field, people tend to exaggerate their achievements and positive personal qualities, as well as keep silent about negative examples and stories in their work biography, so as not to compromise themselves at the first meetings with the employer.

In order to prevent such tricks, you, as a potential candidate for a vacant position, should remember that the final stage of selection is the feedback from previous employers and managers, for this reason, recommendations and their contact information are asked in the resume.

When discussing your candidacy, security service specialists, an HR manager or a future boss can easily find out all the reliable information about you, namely:

  • position and period of work;
  • level of self-organization and discipline;
  • quality and timeliness of performance of labor duties;
  • personal achievements and performance;
  • relationships in the team;
  • reasons for dismissal.

What you can not write in the "Reasons for dismissal" in the resume

The reasons for leaving a job for a resume can be very different, but there are a number of reasons that you should not indicate, as they will not characterize you from the best side, first of all, as an immature and infantile person, and secondly, as a failed and immature worker.

Examples of reasons for leaving a job for a resume

Conflict in the team

The work team is a special extensive social group in which we regularly interact and perform our labor functions. According to scientists and researchers, a modern person spends almost a third of his life in the workplace, since most office professionals have a working day at least eight hours a day. That is why a healthy psychological climate and partnerships between team members are the key to the success and effectiveness of a team that moves towards a common goal and works for the benefit of the entire company.

In this case, the task of a particular individual is to join and socialize in an already established team, find a common language with all members of the group and take their place. If an employee has constant conflicts with colleagues and superiors, he cannot reorganize and solve these problems, and this is the reason for his dismissal, then such an employee is not motivated enough or not sociable enough. Such conclusions can be made by the future employer, seeing the point in the reasons for dismissal - conflicts in the team.

The fact is that the personnel service is aimed at finding and hiring a mature and efficient specialist on a permanent long-term basis, which will bring profit to the company. And if a person could not get along in the previous team and take his place in the team, there is no guarantee that he will be able to do this at a new job and not quit in the first months of work, which, as you know, are the most difficult and stressful for a beginner.

Refusal to get a raise or a promotion

Refusal to raise a position or level of remuneration is also a popular reason for dismissal from work of one's own free will, which, by no means, does not characterize the employee from the best side. Many employees overestimate their indispensability, importance and role in the company, especially young professionals who have a huge list of ambitions and desires are famous for this. It is common for such specialists to demand from the employer an unreasonable increase in salary, promotion to a managerial staff, or the receipt of certain privileges.

Therefore, when choosing a young and ambitious employee who has already left one of his places of work due to the refusal of management to increase his status or material benefits, the employer takes a conscious risk. It is possible that after working for a very short time in a new company and in a new position, the employee will again, completely unreasonably, begin to demand a raise and, if refused, simply quit. And as a result, the company will incur significant material and time losses that were spent on finding, attracting and adapting this employee.

Working overtime

Overtime work, as well as work on holidays and weekends, can also lead to dismissal from work. But the applicant should not indicate it in the resume, as the employer must be confident in the motivation and performance of his staff.

Force majeure situations happen in every company, important orders come in that need to be completed as soon as possible, and employees in this case must act as one team aimed at solving the problem. Overtime is often a forced and variable work schedule, and you, as a motivated and committed professional, should not project this set of circumstances as a potential problem, and especially not indicate it in the reasons for dismissal.

Other unfavorable reasons for leaving a previous job, such as:

  • the employee did not live up to the expectations and the labor functions assigned to him;
  • the employer was not satisfied with the level of professional training, skills and competencies;
  • the employee could not solve difficult situations and emerging problems in a timely manner;
  • the employee is not communicative enough and stress-resistant.

Even if your dismissal was a consequence of the situations described, do not rush to indicate them in your resume. There are more objective and acceptable reasons for dismissal, which will not cause fear and unnecessary questions in your future employer about your candidacy, and will increase your chances of success.

As practice shows, an educated and highly qualified specialist in the modern world changes several companies and positions during his long career, this is what ensures his broad outlook and numerous professional skills acquired in the process of work. Also, do not forget that each person is motivated and aimed at improving his material and social status, which will help him improve his standard of living, this is the main reason for changing jobs and finding a more attractive and profitable field.

There are socially desirable answers to questions about the reasons for changing jobs that will characterize the candidate from the correct, positive point of view.

There were no visible prospects for career growth in the previous company

Sometimes in organizations circumstances develop in such a way that even with the ideal and successful work of young and educated specialists, there are no vacant positions and prospects for promotion. This may be due to staff cuts and payroll cuts, as well as an established and mature management team that will not change in the near future. For example, they can be relatives and close friends of the business owner or CEO, or careerists who are willing to give their full time to work and consistently deliver high performance.

Expansion of the sphere of knowledge or change of activity

Achieving a high level of qualification and a broad field of knowledge can be an important reason for changing jobs for a young specialist who wants to gain additional knowledge and acquire new skills in their professional field. Not every manager is ready to delegate authority, provide additional work or training to his employees, so this can be a significant factor for a future job change.

Reducing the number of staff as a result of the crisis

Massive downsizing of the enterprise can become one of the reasons for dismissal from work at the initiative of the employer, which does not directly depend on the employee and does not give him a negative assessment.

Such a combination of circumstances in the organization and in general economic reality does not depend on the specific employee and even on the employer, therefore such a reason can be safely indicated in your resume, but only if it is true and can be confirmed by the former manager indicated in the recommendations .

A few tips for candidates and their future employers

Applicant worked for 1 month

Short-term employment relationships and regular job changes are the first call that speaks of the insecurity and uncertainty of a future employee. If during his work activity there were several such short periods of work, and the employee cannot objectively explain the reasons for the frequent change of work, then this directly indicates that he has not yet fully decided on his future field of activity and position. Either he has excessive requirements for a potential employer, or he is simply not motivated enough and aims for a long-term employment relationship. By hiring such a specialist, the HR manager risks getting a very problematic and unstable employee for a short period.

You can track the length of service and its frequency in two available ways:

  • check the candidate's work book;
  • collect testimonials and references from previous employers.

There can be many reasons for dismissal, they can be due to external factors, the working atmosphere and the economy of the industry as a whole, or they can be due to internal personal factors of the individual. Be that as it may, there are objective reasons for dismissal that can characterize an employee in different ways, namely, on the positive and negative sides, which will subsequently have a decisive impact on the final assessment by the hr-specialist or the head of the department in which the activity is planned future worker.

In this case, you, as an applicant, must not only meaningfully and concisely indicate all your positive personal and professional qualities in your resume, but also take care of the answers that you will give to questions about the reasons for dismissal or frequent job changes. It must be remembered that the information indicated in the resume must be accurate and truthful, as the future employer can easily verify them. And if you discover a clear exaggeration and deceit in personal or professional information on your part, you will automatically drop out of the competition for the announced vacancy, even if you initially had the necessary experience and knowledge, and therefore the chances of success.

Therefore, before compiling and editing a resume for job portals and mailing lists, you need to identify your personal and professional strengths, which will favorably distinguish you from potential competitors and increase your chances of employment.

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The reasons for dismissal from work, like any other elements of labor relations, are determined by the norms of labor law. Every citizen of our country who has reached working age and has begun work must remember his rights, which are protected by labor legislation. Russian Federation.

Official reasons for leaving work

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in particular, Article 77, formulates the main reasons for dismissal from work. They can be roughly divided into four groups:

  • Termination of an employment contract (TD) at the employee's own request (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Termination of the TD at the initiative of the employer (Art. 71, Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Termination of the TD by agreement of the parties (Article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Other reasons for dismissal, which are not as common as the first three groups, as well as the peculiarities of terminating the TD for certain categories of employees (articles 79, 74 part 4, 75, 73 part 3 and 4, 72.1, 83, 71, 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and also articles 192, 208, 261, 278, 292, 280, 296, 288, 307, 312, 312.5, 327.6, 332, 336, 336.1, 336.3, 341, 347, 348.11, 348.12, 351.4 TC RF).

There are also separate paragraphs of the TD, other regulations and federal laws that regulate what reasons for dismissal may be.

If you are fired from your job for no reason. What to do?

Some managers do not want to spend their time voicing the wording of the grounds for terminating an employment contract with an objectionable employee. If an employee is fired from work for no reason, he needs to understand how to properly defend his rights.

Options for the response of an employee who was fired without explanation, if he is sure that he is right:

  • Send a paper with a description of the situation and a request to sort out this case addressed to the head of the organization, in two copies and with supporting documents;
  • Members of a trade union organization can contact the trade union. They are obliged to protect the employed workers, including from unlawful dismissal;
  • Hurry to send your case for consideration to the labor inspectorate within a month from the date of termination of the employment contract;
  • To resort to the help of the prosecutor's office, whose employees in such cases are charged with the duty to conduct an audit of the organization in order to identify violations of labor laws;
  • The most effective, but not the fastest solution is the court. The application is also submitted there before the expiration of a month from the date of dismissal. With a positive decision for an illegally dismissed employee, bailiffs keep control over the implementation of court orders.

When fired from work for no reason what to do and what not to do, everyone decides for himself. Most people in this situation have no desire to waste their time and nerves, so they leave everything as it is and try to find another place.

Dismissed from work for no reason, consequences for the employer

If the court declared the dismissal of the employee invalid, the employer is issued a writ of execution, according to which he is obliged to reinstate the unfairly offended employee in his position during the working day. The preservation of all initial working conditions and the competent execution of the work book are checked by bailiffs.

When an employee was illegally fired from work, what should the employer do to rehabilitate him:

  • Execute all documents for restoration and pay for the time of forced absenteeism;
  • Pay not only legal costs, but also compensation for moral damages.

In case of non-fulfillment of a court order to return a workplace to a person due to an illegal reason for dismissal, the employer may expect penalties in accordance with Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For officials and individual entrepreneurs, it will be from 1 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, a legal entity can pay, in addition to the costs of reinstating an employee at work, a fine of 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles.

Reason for dismissal in the questionnaire

If the dismissal did take place, the person needs to find a new job. A summary for a new organization may include a paragraph with reasons for leaving a previous job. The specified reason for dismissal in the questionnaire may not please the new employer. In this case, what reason for dismissal in the questionnaire is better, it is easier to formulate based on the entry in the labor. Even if the actual reason for the dismissal puts a future employer in an unsightly light, it would be more correct to not hide the exact wording of the circumstances of leaving the previous job - and verbally explain what happened from your point of view, indicating the official record.

Firstly, no need to lie. Every decent company has a security service. And she will make inquiries about you, so the truth will inevitably come out.

The veracity of the answers is relevant not only in relation to the reason for dismissal at the interview, but also work experience, marital status ... All this is easily checked.

Secondly, no need to fiddle. If the interview is face-to-face, then any hitch with the answer to this question will arouse suspicion. Don't try to avoid a direct answer.

Third, the answer should not be formulaic and sound learned by heart. It will also provoke doubts about your sincerity.

Example: to the question “Why did you get laid off?” you answer: “Crisis. Many are being laid off."

Wrong answer, even if partly true. As a rule, when there is a storm, the ship gets rid of the ballast. The situation is the same in the era of the economic crisis.

You must admit that it is not very pleasant to admit that you are “not a valuable cargo”. Therefore, you need to come up with a reason that is not so offensive to pride and more convincing in the eyes of the employer.

To the question “Why were you fired immediately after the probationary period?” you can, of course, say that this is a constant method of a company that does not want to raise wages. But it is better if you say that the dismissal happened by agreement of the parties, that you realized that this is not yours, that this is not what you would like to do.

How to explain the reason for dismissal at the interview? This is also covered in a short and practical video.

If you were fired under article

This is a different story. An entry in the applicant's work book about dismissal under an article is like a flashing red button warning the employer of the danger.

There are several options for what the owner of such a work book should do. For example, lose employment, get a job "acquaintance". If you understand that all these are not your options, then go for an interview and consider a number of points.

Don't include a reason for leaving on your resume. Don't talk about it in the interview. Try to get an interview with the manager, and not with the employee of the personnel department. So you get an individual approach. And this may be useful to you.

If the question, nevertheless, was asked, answer briefly, without detailing or embellishing. Important! The ability to admit one's mistakes is usually valued more than cunning and the desire to put the blame on others. Tip: If the leader hesitates, offer to take you on probation.

5 good reasons to quit your job at a job interview

What are the best reasons for dismissal to speak at an interview:

  1. emotionally burned down. Now this is a pretty trendy answer. By the way, the term "professional burnout" really exists in nature. Tip: This reason doesn't work if you tend to change jobs every year.
  2. Bankruptcy of the company, job cuts, reorganization. Carefully! All this is easily verified.
  3. Change living place. It became inconvenient to get to work. Tip: You can take advantage of the situation and emphasize your positive traits. For example, punctuality: “Getting to work is so long and problematic that due to traffic jams I began to be (a) late. What is unbearable for me, a punctual and obligatory person.
  4. I want a white salary and a social package. Attention! Suitable for those who did not have all this at their previous place of work.
  5. Heard a lot about your company. I have been dreaming of working there for a long time. Note: the rare employer will not be flattered by such an answer. But take the trouble to make inquiries and gather information about the company you're so eager to join.

And another answer, as a role model:

In my opinion, prolonged work in one place leads to mental regression. I notice that, having studied all the nuances, I am already fulfilling my duties “on the left”, on the machine. I become uninterested and bored to work. I don’t learn anything new anymore, I don’t grow professionally. I don't see the point in doing this. AND That's why I try not to linger— more than three years not to work in the same team, in the same position.

Similar options: tired (a) of being a narrow specialist, I want to expand the field of activity, exhausted (a) my potential in this company, there were no prospects for professional growth.

3 main mistakes

Criticism former leadership, demonstration of grievances and claims. "The boss is always right" - in these circumstances, this formula works.

It does not matter who, in fact, was right in a dispute with the authorities. Victory is obviously on the side of the one who is stronger. Deal with it. You need to find a job and a reputation as a brawler and critic in this matter is a bad helper.

We can say that a new director came and brought his team. There was no place for you. But you are grateful to the former leadership for the experience gained and are now ready to put it to good use elsewhere. You can also say about the different vision of the company's development prospects. Important: the employer often wants to see the reference from the previous place of work. So when you leave, don't slam the door.

Small salary. Even if this is the absolute truth, do not make it the main argument in finding a new job.

And if you, nevertheless, decided to write in the column "reason for dismissal" "financial considerations", be prepared to argue your claims for a good salary. Give strong arguments, prove your competence as a professional. In other words, justify your market value.

Negative atmosphere a team. Forget stories about "energy vampires" sitting with you in the same office. And about how Ivan Ivanovich constantly sniffs, and you got tired of it. In order not to kill Ivan Ivanovich, you decided to change your job.

It will not work! Never speak badly of former companies and colleagues. This will label you as a "brawler" or "conflict person". And, ultimately, prevent you from finding a job.

Tip: if you still have ill-wishers at your previous place of work, then it makes sense to warn the new management about this and add that they didn’t want to let you go, and therefore refused to give a positive recommendation.

What does the employer think?

He wants to hire a flexible, adequate, competent employee. And therefore, in response to the question about the reasons for dismissal, he hears not quite what the applicant is counting on.

For example, an employer does not like it when an applicant is "imprisoned" only for a large salary.

The course of his thoughts: he wants to receive well, which means he is motivated for the result, ambitious. This is good and understandable. But this can be easily repurchased. Will go where they promise more. Will leave the firm without hesitation if it has financial difficulties. So not reliable.

On a note: as professional recruiters note, every employer wants his company to be loved not for a salary, but for “something more”. Employer does not trust laid-off workers. In the eyes of the employer, this is not a very good reason for dismissal.

The course of his reflections: reduced, so it was not really needed. So, you can do without it. Valuable personnel are not scattered.

Another thing is if the company has gone through a reorganization, changed ownership, and the reduction was massive. In this case, the employer may be interested in the appearance on the labor market of professional personnel who have become unemployed due to circumstances beyond their control.

On a note: there is a term among "HR" for unprofessional and invaluable candidates for employers - "slag". In an era of crisis, the percentage of "slag" in the labor market increases dramatically.

"Why do I want to change jobs?" - what to say at the interview? Remember 3 main rules:

  • be brief;
  • reasoned;
  • no conflicts.

At almost any interview, the employer will definitely ask you the reasons for dismissal. Even if you had no work experience, you may be asked what could make you quit. Today we will talk about how to correctly talk about the reasons for dismissal. And which candidates make mistakes on this issue.

Why ask about the reasons for dismissal

Changing jobs is a very big step in a person's life. Especially if the employee worked at the previous place for a long time. And the answer to the question why you left your previous job will give the employer an understanding of the employee's leading motivation. In addition, this question reveals a number of important parameters:

  • Employee conflict;
  • Loyalty to the previous employer (and therefore to the future);
  • Decisive demotivating factors;

Based on the fact that a person talks about the reasons for dismissal, one can judge personal characteristics, professional achievements, expectations, as well as fears and fears in connection with a job change.

Dont lie

The most common mistake a candidate makes is that he tries to lie when answering a question about the reasons for leaving. This can be seen, as a rule, immediately, since the reason for leaving does not fit with what the candidate says about his goals and values. For example, a candidate says that a high income is important to him, but he quit because he could not work well with the manager. Such a mismatch says either that the employee is characterized by illogical actions, or that he is lying. A couple of clarifying questions will quickly put everything in its place.

Remember to never lie in an interview, as a rule, he knows how to detect lies. These people conduct dozens of interviews every day and, most likely, are much more experienced than you in this matter. Even if you skillfully lie, it can surface in the next stages of hiring and the result will still be sad.

What to do for those whose reason for dismissal is completely ugly and you don’t want to mention it. First of all, know that there are vacancies where almost everyone is hired. And if you made a mistake at the previous place of work, you should not hide it, you just need to start everything from scratch and earn a reputation again. I would honestly confess everything that happened to me and tell what lesson I learned from it. I am sure that there will be an employer who will appreciate such honesty.

What is the reason for leaving the interview?

In fact, there are almost no bad reasons for dismissal, more often there is poor-quality communication of the reason to the recruiter. I’ll make a reservation right away that this does not apply to those who are fired for theft, etc. An interview is a company to an employer. In order for the sale to take place, you need to know. In short, the following rules must be observed:

  • Avoid prepositions "not". Forbidden words: did not work well, could not, did not give, did not want, etc.;
  • We turn all the minuses into pluses. We do not talk about the difficulties, we talk about what you want to achieve;
  • We do not scold the previous employer and boss. Nobody will appreciate it;

One and the same reason for dismissal can be voiced in completely different ways. You can say: “I was not given and interfered with,” or you can say “I wanted to grow and develop.” The first sounds like a complaint, the second like a normal position of an adult. If you think about all the words that you are going to pronounce and translate them from minuses to pluses, you will get what you need and at the same time absolutely truthfully.

Examples of reasons for leaving a job

Do not forget about the logic if you previously worked in a large federal company, where there are many opportunities, then no one will believe in the story that there were no career development options. Believe me, employers are well aware of competitors, and understand the labor market as a whole. And illogical things will be evident.

Having named the reason for dismissal, you should be prepared for clarifying questions. It's okay if the employer wants to understand the motive completely, he will ask as many questions as necessary. You need to be prepared to explain the reason in as much detail as required based on the above parameters.

A person quits not because of one specific reason, but because of a complex of factors. The recruiter, knowing and understanding this, may want to hear more reasons. Therefore, I recommend that before the interview, make a list of at least 3 reasons.

Good reasons for quitting

There are reasons for dismissal that do not cause unnecessary questions from the employer. Such reasons will be well received and if you trade for such reasons, then you have no reason to worry about why you left your previous job?

Such reasons include:

  • Changing of the living place;
  • Termination of the activities of your previous employer;
  • Change of work schedule due to family needs (care for a child or other family member);
  • Financial difficulties of the company, if they are public. If this is not available in open sources, then I recommend not to mention such things;