Are injections of beauty in the face harmful? Hyaluronic acid injections - against wrinkles. How is general treatment done?

With a post-injection abscess, an inflammatory purulent focus is formed at the injection site with tissue damage. Often people confuse the concept of abscess and phlegmon. With phlegmon, the purulent-inflammatory process is extensive, while with an abscess it is localized and limited from surrounding tissues not affected by infection.

Abscess after injection photo

Causes of post-injection abscess

The main cause of an abscess at the injection site is non-compliance with the rules of antisepsis and asepsis. Three ways can be counted through which an infectious agent enters human tissues:

Through the untreated hands of medical professionals.

Through consumable medical supplies (medicine, syringe, cotton wool).

From the patient's skin that has not been properly treated before or after the injection.

Due to the violation of safety rules at any stage of the introduction of an injectable drug, serious consequences can occur, among which abscess and infiltrate are far from the most serious.

Other etiological factors:

The introduction of a drug that is intended for subcutaneous or intravenous use in the gluteal muscle (calcium chloride, riboxin, etc.). With such an erroneous administration, the drugs simply do not have time to completely dissolve or do not dissolve at all. Thus, they first form an aseptic infiltrate, and due to stagnation in the tissues of the fluid - an infectious infiltrate.

  • Violation of the injection technique.

This includes the use of a short needle (for example, when insulin syringes are used for intramuscular injection), insufficient penetration of the needle during injection (half or a third), when the needle simply does not reach the muscle tissue.

The introduction of a large number of injections in one area is often observed with long-term treatment of the patient.

Prolonged administration of drugs that irritate tissues (magnesium sulfate, antibiotics, etc.).

With a large layer of subcutaneous fat cells in people prone to obesity.

A needle enters a blood vessel, resulting in a significant hematoma.

Purulent skin infections.

Infection through the hands of the patient himself, combing the injection site.

Decreased immunity in elderly patients and those with immunodeficiency.

How is general treatment done?

In general treatment, the severity of the abscess and the etiological pathogen sown from the detachable wound are taken into account. For healing, various antibacterial drugs are used with parallel analgesic and antibacterial therapy. However, the use of general treatment does not always guarantee a positive result and can lead to the formation of extensive areas of necrotic tissue damage, which in turn threatens sepsis. Since ancient times, it has been said that pus must be let out. This rule is true for the present and contributes to the successful treatment of post-injection abscess.

Treatment at the stage of infiltrate formation

With the formation of an infiltrate, it is necessary to stop the introduction of injectable drugs into this area and begin treatment of the resulting inflammation.

It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the development of the infiltrate: if after 3-4 sessions there is no reduction in swelling, pain remains, and a liquid formation is detected on ultrasound, the patient is transferred to surgical treatment, the features of which are described above.

Where do post-injection abscesses most often occur?

Post-injection abscess in the buttocks is the most common complication after injections, since this is the place where most intramuscular injections are made. This area is special in that it has a well-developed adipose tissue, which is an ideal environment for the reproduction of microorganisms that have fallen into it.

The second place where post-injection abscesses are common is in the thigh area. Often, patients who prefer to administer their own medication choose the lateral or anterior thigh as the injection site.

External manifestation of an abscess, symptoms of inflammation

With a post-injection abscess, the severity of symptoms depends on the depth of the inflammatory process: the larger it is, the less symptoms are visible from the outside, but when pressed, the patient feels severe pain. Therefore, it is not always possible to visually determine the inflammatory process in muscle tissues.

In the classical course, a post-injection abscess has all the characteristic symptoms of a purulent inflammatory process that occurs inside the body.

Local signs of an abscess

Redness of the skin at the injection site.

Soreness on pressure and even touching the swelling. In the future, pain develops regardless of touching the skin.

Increased temperature of the skin affected by the infection (the skin becomes hot to the touch).

There is a symptom of fluctuation: when fingers are placed on the affected area of ​​the skin and pressure is applied with the fingers of one hand, due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, the fingers of the other hand rise.

When a purulent inflammatory process is started, complications arise with the formation of external and internal fistulas that spread the infection.

Increased body temperature (up to 40°C).

Even when an infection is introduced, an abscess after an injection does not form immediately - an infiltrative stage occurs before purulent fusion. If you engage in timely treatment of the infiltrate, you can prevent the formation of a purulent focus.

The severity of symptoms depends on the prevalence and severity of the purulent process: the stronger the general somatic manifestations, the greater the number of toxic components that entered the circulatory system.

Complications and features of post-injection abscesses

An abscess after an injection, by analogy with other types of abscesses, differs from other purulent-inflammatory diseases in the presence of an infiltrative capsule or pyogenic membrane. From the name it becomes clear that the inflammatory process is localized in this capsule and limited from the surrounding tissues, so that the infection does not spread further. But with a running purulent-inflammatory process, a large amount of pus accumulates, which leads to a breakthrough of the capsule. At the same time, pus penetrates into the intermuscular spaces and muscle tissues with the formation of extensive phlegmon and fistulous passages.

The most common form of complications is the formation of extensive phlegmon. In more severe cases, sepsis and osteomyelitis may occur.


Usually, the doctor makes a diagnosis based on the patient's complaints at the first medical examination. To determine the severity of the abscess, a number of studies are carried out: general blood and urine tests, inoculation on the microflora of the infiltrate, and a biochemical study of urine.

In the chronic course of the pathology, the patient is assigned to undergo an ultrasound scan, with which you can easily determine the extent and localization of the inflammatory process. In severe cases with lesions of the purulent process of internal organs, computed or magnetic resonance imaging of tissues is performed.

How is an abscess treated after an injection?

What should be done to heal an abscess after an injection? It should be noted that self-medication is not an option, you should immediately consult a doctor. Soft tissues under the influence of necrotic masses quickly melt, which increases the area of ​​​​spread of purulent infection.

Local and surgical treatment

The most effective method for the treatment of post-injection abscess is surgical necrectomy with the formation of a primary suture, enzymatic necrolysis, vacuum aspiration of the purulent mass through drains, followed by the use of flow-flush drainage. Wound healing will proceed 3 times faster than with open treatment.

In flow-flush drainage, proteolytic enzymes and sodium hypochlorite are used. In addition to direct leaching of purulent masses from the wound, this method is prophylactic and prevents the attachment of a secondary infection.

The previously used open wound dressing technique without the formation of a primary suture led to re-infection in every third patient. Pseudomonas aeruginosa prevailed in the detachable layer of the wound.

Treatment of an abscess after an injection on the buttocks can be carried out by puncturing the focus, but this method is losing relevance today due to the frequent complications in the form of purulent streaks and phlegmon, as well as the transition to the chronic stage.

Abscess after injection photo


In the case of a quick and successful treatment of an abscess, after an injection, an ugly scar remains on the human skin, under which the subcutaneous fat layer is deformed and a hole is formed. Therefore, the most important role is played by the prevention of post-injection complications:

Compliance with strict rules for the administration of drugs. This applies to the rate of administration, dose, compatibility of drugs and their multiplicity in one syringe.

Compliance with the injection technique: the needle must completely penetrate the soft tissues and reach the muscle.

After the injection, you need to do a light relaxing massage for better absorption of the medicine.

Do not inject drugs at the same point.

It is necessary to follow the rules of antisepsis and asepsis: medical personnel must treat their hands with disinfectants, they should also treat the skin with an antiseptic before and after the injection, use disposable and sterile consumables.

Correct determination of topographic points for injection. This is difficult to do with obese patients who have a large layer of subcutaneous fat in the upper outer quadrant. In this case, you need to look for another place for the injection.

During surgical treatment, the patient needs to be observed by a doctor for two weeks. In many ways, the prognosis of recovery depends on the course of concomitant diseases.

Rehabilitation measures are aimed at restoring muscle activity, skin and overall performance.



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How to inject injections in the buttock photo

How to make an injection to yourself?

A detailed article on how to put an intramuscular injection in the buttock to yourself at home.

It often happens that a person is forced to give injections to himself. The circumstances leading to this are different: the doctor prescribed intramuscular injections daily, and you do not have time to go to the clinic for this. Or, you have a chronic relapsing (aggravating) disease and need regular injections, but again there is no time for a clinic, and it’s a pity to call an experienced nurse at home. Or, you feel bad, you need to get an urgent injection, but there is no person around who is capable of this.

In such cases, you will have to inject yourself. This, of course, is unpleasant and at first glance it is not easy - but it is quite possible.

Injection position

When injecting yourself, it is important to choose a comfortable position for the injection. There is an opinion that injections can be carried out in any muscle - on the arm or on the leg. However, doctors advise injecting it into the gluteal muscle - this reduces the likelihood of negative consequences (there may not be enough muscle mass in the arm, and after an injection into the thigh, it can pull the leg).

Practice in front of a mirror in which position you will be comfortable injecting - standing half a turn to the mirror, or perhaps lying on your side (on the floor or sofa - it is important that the surface is hard enough, so the injection process will be more controlled).

3. Shake it well.

In order to correctly inject intramuscularly (into the buttock), it is necessary to draw an imaginary cross along the buttock, dividing it into 4 parts. The injection is made in the upper outer quadrant (in this area you will not damage the sciatic nerve).

1. Take the position that you have determined for yourself as the most comfortable - standing in front of a mirror or lying on your side.

2. Take the syringe in your right hand (if you are right-handed), remove the cap, turn back, take a large fold of skin in the upper part of the buttock (injection site) with your left hand to make a roller, bring the syringe with the needle directed perpendicular to the skin closer and pierce it with a quick movement her needle. If you are very scared, you can take a deep breath at this moment.

3. Relax! Holding the needle by the base (plastic cannula), slowly inject the medicine. The syringe is held like a pen, and we press the plunger with our thumb. The slower you inject the medicine, the less likely you are to get a bump. (Attention! If you use a syringe of an outdated design - a two-component one - with one hand, you may not be able to perform an injection. It is not very convenient for you to inject yourself - therefore, in order not to suffer, it is better to purchase a modern three-component syringe).

4. When the medicine is administered, take a pre-prepared cotton swab dipped in alcohol with your left hand, press the injection site. With your right hand at this time, with a sharp movement, remove the needle. Massage the injection site.

2. Use only imported syringes, as their needles are thin and sharp. And also, in 2 cc syringes, the needle is thinner than in 5 cc syringes.

Since I used to often give injections to others, I don’t see anything complicated!

but not everyone will agree with me!

and yet here is a description of how to do it!

How to do an injection in the buttock

We are talking about intramuscular injections. Leave intravenous injections to professionals. Moreover, if you have the opportunity, it is still better to provide them with intramuscular injections.

But if you are prescribed a course of intramuscular injections, and there is no time to go to the nurse in the hospital, you will have to give injections at home with the involvement of relatives and friends in the process.

So, intramuscular injections can be done:

In the buttock (the most simple and common option - we will consider it),

Cotton balls moistened with 96% alcohol

Three-component syringe 2 ml (depending on the volume of the drug prescribed for administration),

drug prescribed for administration.

For intramuscular injections, buy special syringes with long needles. You can not make intramuscular injections with a short needle for hypodermic or intravenous injections or enter the needle not to its full length - it may not reach the muscle, the medicine will not be injected into the muscle, but under the skin, which can lead to inflammation.

The injection should be done in the supine position, as in this case the muscles are relaxed and the injection will be less painful. In addition, in a standing position, there is a risk of breaking the needle if the patient contracts the muscle sharply.

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

2. Take an ampoule with medicine, wipe thoroughly with alcohol.

3. Shake it well.

4. File and break off the tip, draw the medicine into the syringe.

5. Then tap the syringe with your finger to collect all the air bubbles at the top of the syringe into one, and push the plunger a little at a time to push the air bubble through the needle.

6. To make sure there is no more air in the syringe, wait for the first drop of medication to come out of the needle.

How to make an injection intramuscularly

1. Take two cotton swabs and in turn lubricate the injection site with alcohol.

2. Then take the syringe in your right hand. If you are giving an injection to an adult, stretch the skin at the injection site with your left hand (in children, on the contrary, the skin must be taken in a fold).

3. Take the hand with the syringe away and at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface, with a decisive movement, insert the needle into the muscle by almost 3/4 of the needle (not to the very end!).

4. Slowly pressing on the piston with the thumb of your right hand, inject the medicine (attention! if you are using an outdated syringe - two-component - with one hand, you may not be able to perform the injection. In this case, it is better to hold the syringe barrel with your right hand, press on the left piston).

5. With a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, press the injection site and quickly remove the needle at an angle of 90 degrees. This will stop bleeding and reduce the risk of infection in the body.

6. Then massage the affected muscle. So the medicine will be absorbed faster, and the alcohol will disinfect the wound.

1. Alternate buttocks - do not inject into the same buttock.

2. Use only imported syringes, because their needles are thin and sharp. And also, in 2 cc syringes, the needle is thinner than in 5 cc syringes.

3. Never reuse the syringe and needle, the syringe must be thrown away after use!

will you inject yourself with your loved ones?

if there is no other option, then yes

I'll find someone to do it anyway.

another option in the comments

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I have long known the identity of many drugs, but every time I am still at a loss. How money is made in society. I have such a tablet, where inexpensive analogues of expensive advertised medicines are prescribed. The more we get sick, the more we have to use it. But today I was completely taken aback. I needed Lazolvan (for cough) and Claritin (for allergies). After checking the list, I found a replacement - Ambroxol and Lorahexal. The price difference is 7 times!

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How to inject an injection in the buttock? Instructions for an injection in the gluteal muscle

If you have been prescribed intramuscular injections, and there is no time to go to the hospital for injections, this article will help you. In it, you will learn how to properly inject at home and not hurt yourself.

However, we immediately warn you: these are just tips.

And if you think that you can do without special courses by injecting yourself or your child, then you are mistaken. With the wrong injection, you risk getting an atrophied leg muscle and wild pains that you clearly do not need.

What is required for injection?

That's just often there is a need to do intramuscular injections at home. Therefore, everyone should know how to inject in the buttock. It's not too hard and you can always learn it. But for this you need to follow certain rules.

1. The patient should lie comfortably on their side or stomach. This will help to relax the muscles before an intramuscular injection in the buttock.

For intramuscular injections, buy special syringes with long needles. You can not make intramuscular injections with a short needle for hypodermic or intravenous injections or enter the needle not to its full length - it may not reach the muscle, the medicine will not be injected into the muscle, but under the skin, which can lead to inflammation.

A few steps to properly inject:

Since everyone's buttocks are different: they are very thick, in order to be sure that you have given the injection correctly, the needle must be injected deeply.

And one more important note: the needle must always be held so that it does not fall off the syringe itself.

1. At the beginning of the procedure, we disinfect our hands: we will wash them.

2. We open a sterile disposable syringe from the side of the piston and take a look at the photo: without pulling the needle out of the package, we immediately put it on the syringe.

How to find an injection site?

To correctly inject into the buttock, you need to know where to inject. This requires the patient to assume a prone position. Thus, the gluteal muscles will completely relax, and it will be possible to perform the procedure almost painlessly. In cases where you need to give yourself an injection, it is better to lie down too. However, many who have performed such manipulations more than once can do it in a standing position.

When making an injection, it is better to direct the needle to the upper part of the buttock. Correctly inject, injecting the solution into the last quarter of the muscle. This place is easy to determine if you visually divide the buttock into four parts.

The needle and syringe must not be reused! After the end of the procedure, you need to put the tip on the needle and discard the used syringe. To avoid hardening at the injection site, and there was no discomfort, do not use the same injection site.

The consequences of injections

How to make an injection?

  1. Lay the patient's stomach, release the buttocks from clothing. If a person makes an injection to himself, then it is allowed to do this while standing, taking into account the fact that the leg on the side of the injection should be relaxed. To do this, you need to bend it at the knee and transfer your body weight to the other leg.
  2. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap or disinfect your skin with an antiseptic to prevent infection at the injection site.
  3. The person who will give the injection should wear disposable medical gloves to protect themselves from possible blood from the wound on the skin.
  4. Wipe the site of the intended injection (several centimeters in diameter) with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  5. The syringe is held with one hand (for right-handers, this is the right hand) so that the thumb and forefinger hold the plunger, and the remaining fingers hold the syringe barrel.
  6. With the other hand, pull the skin near the puncture site. If the injection is given to a child or a thin adult with poorly developed gluteal muscles, the skin and muscle should be pulled together with the fingers into a large fold.
  7. The syringe needle is inserted with a quick movement into the desired area to a depth of up to ¾ of its length strictly perpendicular to the skin.
  8. By gradually pressing the plunger of the syringe, the medicine is released. At the same time, the slower the solution is injected, the more painlessly the injection will be felt.
  9. With a sharp movement (in the direction opposite to the introduction of the syringe), the needle is removed from the muscle, and cotton wool with alcohol is applied to the injection site.

The volume of the syringe is selected based on the volume of the injected drug, as well as from the injection site - when injected into the thigh, it is better to use a 2.0-5.0 ml syringe with a thin needle, when injected into the buttocks - 5.0 ml, and for people with severe subcutaneous - fat layer - 10.0 ml. It is not recommended to inject more than 10 ml of the drug into the muscle so that difficult-to-resorb infiltrates do not form.

If it is wrong to give an injection in the buttock, unpleasant consequences may occur, which affects the general condition of the patient. The most harmless consequence is a hematoma, which does not require special treatment and disappears within a few days. To prevent the formation of a hematoma is quite simple - for this, after the injection, you should lightly massage a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Infection can also be the result of a regular injection, but this rarely happens if all objects are disinfected. Although when reusing a syringe or needle, decontamination is not able to fully help. Therefore, the use of all items related to the injection site or injected into the skin should be single.

BCG vaccination: what does it look like on days when it is worth sounding the alarm?

To date, BCG vaccination is the best way to protect the body from infection with tuberculosis, so it is given to newborns 3-7 days after birth.

The main indicator of successful vaccination is the reaction of the skin to the introduction of a preparation consisting of live and weakened pathogens.

What is BCG, how should it look on the first, second and third day, photo

BCG (BCG, Calmette-Guerin bacterium) is an anti-tuberculosis vaccine that makes a person immune to the disease.

Photo 1. The process of administering the BCG vaccine to a child in the thigh. At the same time, the mother carefully holds it to avoid getting the vaccine in the wrong place.

The main purpose of vaccination is not to prevent infection of the body, but to protect it from the serious consequences of infection (the spread of the disease into an open form, the development of complications).

Photo 2. Redness of the injection site in a child and the formation of a small crust from the BCG vaccination.

The drug is injected into a place with a dense skin - in the middle part of the shoulder or in the thigh - strictly intradermally using a special syringe.

After pathogens enter the deep layers of the epidermis, the immune system reacts to them in an appropriate way - T-lymphocytes accumulate under the skin, which cause a specific reaction.

Photo 3. Almost healed BCG in a child, a small scar is formed at the injection site.

This means that the body begins to "get acquainted" with pathogenic microorganisms and develops immunity.

Reference. The BCG vaccine is absolutely safe for human health and is not capable of causing tuberculosis, and the frequency of serious complications is 1 case per 80-100 thousand people.

What does a BCG vaccine look like: Day 1

The success of vaccination depends on many factors, including the quality of the BCG preparation, the correctness of its administration and the individual characteristics of the organism. The injection is made strictly into the inner layers of the skin, after which the corresponding reaction develops. Immediately after the injection, a papule up to 1 cm in diameter appears at the injection site - this means that the vaccination was carried out correctly. After 15-20 minutes, the seal dissolves, and the injection site is no different from the surrounding tissues.

The absence of a papule or infiltrate in the tissues indicates that the vaccine was administered subcutaneously, and not intradermally - such an error may be fraught with the development of a cold abscess, lymphadenitis, or other complications. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist to prevent infection from entering the bloodstream.

Photo 4. The process of administering the BCG vaccine to a small child. It is performed subcutaneously in the middle part of the shoulder.

In some cases, after the introduction of the vaccine, the child may have a fever - if it does not exceed 37-38 degrees, there is nothing to worry about (if the fever causes too much discomfort, it is recommended to give the baby an antipyretic in the dosage appropriate for age). The temperature should drop on its own in 2-3 days.

Important! If the vaccination was carried out incorrectly, and the formation of anti-tuberculosis immunity did not occur, a Mantoux test should be performed, and, if necessary, re-vaccination with BCG.

What does a BCG vaccine look like: Day 2

Normally, the reaction to the introduction of the BCG drug develops after 4-6 weeks, therefore, on the second day, no changes in the skin are observed, except for an almost imperceptible trace from the needle. A variant of the norm is considered a slight redness or induration in the tissues, which may be accompanied by itching. Inflammation at the injection site (especially if it is accompanied by pain or discomfort) indicates a serious allergic reaction and requires medical advice.

Attention! After BCG vaccination, parents should carefully monitor the injection site and the general condition of the child - most of the complications that occur after the administration of the drug can be prevented by contacting a doctor in time.

What does a BCG vaccine look like: Day 3

On the third day after vaccination, the injection site should also not differ from the surrounding tissues. Variants of the norm, as in the previous case, are slight redness and slight swelling. Inflammation should go away on its own in 2-3 days, and within 2-3 weeks the skin should not have swelling, inflammation or redness.

A few weeks later, a specific immune response develops, which is as follows:

  1. The vaccination site turns red, and in some cases acquires a purple hue.
  2. A small (up to 10 mm in diameter) bubble appears on the skin, filled with pus or a clear liquid.
  3. The bubble bursts, in its place an ulcer with purulent contents develops.
  4. Purulent contents flow out of the ulcer, after which it begins to heal and scar.
  5. Instead of an ulcer, an even scar with a diameter of 7-10 mm appears on the skin, which means that anti-tuberculosis immunity has successfully formed.

The whole process can take from a month to six months, and during this period you need to carefully monitor the "behavior" of the ulcer and, if signs of complications occur, immediately consult a doctor.

Important! The ulcer that forms at the injection site can fester several times, which is also a variant of the norm - you should consult a doctor only if the size of the neoplasm exceeds 1 cm in diameter.

Causes of the development of complications in vaccination against tuberculosis

The main reasons for the development of a complication after BCG vaccination are the inadequate quality of the drug, improper administration or care of the injection site, as well as low immunity of the child. That is why vaccination should be done in good medical institutions, taking into account all contraindications to vaccination. These include:

  • a positive HIV status in a child or mother;
  • severe infectious diseases or exacerbations of chronic ailments;
  • the presence of BCG infection in close relatives;
  • low body weight in newborns (up to 2.5 kg);
  • neoplasms or radiation therapy.

Local complications, manifested on the skin, are most often associated with the individual reaction of the body to the causative agent of the disease.

Important! If the child suffers from allergic reactions, you should consult a doctor before vaccinating BCG and, if necessary, give the baby an antihistamine.

How to care for a BCG vaccination?

Special care for the injection site of the BCG vaccine is not required.

Unlike the Mantoux test, the injection can be wetted, but when carrying out hygiene procedures, it should not be strongly rubbed with a washcloth or subjected to other mechanical influences - an infection may enter the wound.

An ulcer that forms at the injection site cannot be lubricated with antiseptic solutions, bandaged, covered with polyethylene or squeezed out pus - all processes must proceed naturally.

In order not to provoke an allergic reaction, within a few days after the injection, you should not introduce new foods into the child's diet, as well as exclude strong allergens (citrus fruits, chocolate, etc.).

Important! If pus flows intensively from the ulcer, it can be covered with a clean napkin, and the liquid should be gently wiped away without affecting the wound.

When should you see a doctor? Is it bad if the vaccine turns red or swollen?

A number of complications that occur after the administration of the BCG vaccine require immediate medical attention to prevent serious health consequences. These include:

  • severe swelling, inflammation and suppuration that does not go away 2-3 days after the injection;
  • an extensive (more than 1 cm in diameter) ulcer that forms at the injection site;
  • high temperature observed for a long time, vomiting, diarrhea, cough (such phenomena are most often not associated with vaccination, but indicate an infectious disease);
  • pain in the limb into which the drug was injected, as well as limitation of motor activity;
  • the resulting ulcer does not heal for a long time.

The absence of any reactions to the vaccine also requires consultation with a doctor - this may mean that the body has not responded to the administration of the drug in an appropriate way, or that the child has an innate immunity to tuberculosis.

Help. Innate immunity to tuberculosis is present in 2% of the world's population. The presence of immunity indicates that a person is immune to causative agents of tuberculosis and is not threatened with infection. The body of such people does not respond to the introduction of an anti-tuberculosis vaccine, but this can only be determined using the Mantoux test.

In 98% of cases, BCG vaccination takes place in newborns without any complications, and with careful monitoring and care of the injection site, the possibility of their development tends to zero. Considering the speed with which TB is spreading in today's society, and the serious threat to health and life it entails, the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risk of side effects.

Useful video

In the video, the famous doctor Komarovsky talks about what tuberculosis is, about the BCG vaccination against this disease, why it should be given to newborns and what kind of reaction to the vaccine exists.

  • Igor - BCG is festering, should I run to the doctor? 10
  • Inna - BCG is festering, should I run to the doctor? 10
  • Tatyana - BCG is festering, should I run to the doctor? 10
  • Svetlana - BCG vaccination is given a second chance: if not in the maternity hospital, then at 2 years old 4
  • Yuri Ivanovich - When is it worth sounding the alarm if there is no scar from BCG? 4

An online journal about tuberculosis, lung diseases, tests, diagnostics, medicines and other important information about it.

Beauty injections have become an invariable and integral attribute of modern cosmetology. These are highly sought-after cosmetic procedures that have gained popularity among patients of aesthetic salons. In fact, few people understand what beauty injections are, since aesthetic medicine, despite its accessibility, is shrouded in a halo of mystery. For this reason, it is very difficult to figure out where is the truth about beauty injections, and where is fiction.

We will try to tell you what procedures are hidden under the general name “beauty injections”, how they are performed, how injection methods differ from each other, at what age they can be started, and also dispel some myths and legends.

What are beauty injections

Beauty injections are the general name for injection methods for correcting skin defects. Beauty injections successfully cope with many cosmetic problems: they rejuvenate and heal the skin, eliminate the symptoms of age-related skin aging and are considered a good alternative to a scalpel. Modern injection therapy has a number of advantages over other cosmetic procedures. This:

  • instant effect;
  • minimally invasive (non-surgical method);
  • fast rehabilitation period;
  • combination with other cosmetic methods, for example, with hardware cosmetology.

Types of injection techniques

The essence of various beauty injections is the same, but they differ in the technique of drug administration and the type of drug administered. We will talk about the drugs used in beauty injections later.

And now we will name the numerous techniques used to eliminate cosmetic skin defects. There are the following injection techniques:

  • mesotherapy;
  • mesolifting;
  • Botox injections;
  • contour modeling of the face;
  • plasmolifting;
  • placental therapy;
  • bioreinforcement of the face;
  • biorevitalization.

Let's look at the essence of each technique, what is their difference and similarity. Only in this way it is possible to understand which of the above techniques is suitable for each patient personally.


Mesotherapy is an injection method of introducing a mesopreparation into the deep layers of the skin. With age, there is a slowdown in the production of biologically active substances that are responsible for the processes of regeneration and activation of metabolic processes in the skin. The introduction of medicinal cocktails contributes to the restoration of skin mechanisms responsible for the youthfulness of the skin.

For mesotherapy, therapeutic cocktails are used. Mesococktails are prepared immediately before the procedure. In this case, mixed drugs are prescribed for each patient individually. The drugs are therapeutically compatible and are selected in such a way as to enhance the therapeutic effect. What preparations are used in beauty cocktails? Usually these are vitamins, nucleic acids, amino acids, minerals and organo-cells.

Mesotherapy is carried out only by a mesotherapist strictly in an aesthetic clinic. Before the procedure, the necessary tests and studies are carried out. This must be done to avoid side effects and complications.

Injections are made with the thinnest needles or cannulas to the required depth in minimal doses. Before the procedure, the skin is prepared: it is cleaned with aseptic preparations and anesthesia is performed, since the procedure is painful. Mesotherapy is carried out in courses of 5-10 sessions.

The number of sessions, the choice of technique (there are several techniques for performing mesotherapy), as well as the area where the drugs will be injected, is determined by the mesotherapist. There are no age restrictions for mesotherapy, but only a cosmetologist gives recommendations for the procedure. With the correct procedure, the results of treatment are stored for a long time.

When is mesotherapy recommended? Meso injections are recommended in the following cases:

  • gravitational (deformation) ptosis of the oval face;
  • loss of elasticity and flabbiness of the skin;
  • sagging skin in the area of ​​nasolabial folds and furrows in the mouth area;
  • the presence of wrinkles;
  • sallow complexion and hyperpigmentation.

Mesotherapy is not carried out in the following cases:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • individual intolerance to the mesopreparation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic diseases on the face.


Mesolifting is a method of face skin tightening based on mesotherapy. This is a rejuvenating procedure that can restore elasticity and smoothness to aging skin without surgical intervention. Mesolifting is carried out by courses of multiple subcutaneous injections of hyaluronic acid with the addition of vitamin meso-cocktails. This procedure is not a separate method or a separate technique, but the commercial name of mesotherapy with the use of drugs aimed at improving skin turgor and hydration.

Getting into the deep layers of the skin, hyaluronic acid triggers the processes of regeneration and renewal of skin structures, active cell division and metabolic processes in the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a "life-giving substance", which is synthesized by our body, is part of many biological fluids and regulates the water balance of tissues.

Over the years, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body decreases, tissues suffer from dehydration, which immediately affects the appearance of the skin.

The use of drugs based on hyaluronic acid helps to compensate for its loss and start the synthesis of endogenous (own) hyaluronate. Also, with the help of this method, processes are launched that stimulate the regenerative processes in the dermis, the extracellular matrix is ​​recolonized, the skin relief is restored and updated, wrinkles are smoothed and the complexion improves.

Hyaluronic acid is injected directly into places that need lifting. This procedure is especially recommended:

  • patients with tired facial skin;
  • with deformation ptosis (omission) of the oval of the face;
  • with photoaging of the skin;
  • patients who abuse smoking and other bad habits;
  • with a decrease in skin tone;
  • for hyperpigmentation and earthy complexion.
  • individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • facial skin diseases;
  • tendency to form keloid scars.

The number of sessions performed is determined by the cosmetologist. It depends on the current condition of the skin, as well as on the goals pursued.

Before starting any procedures, be it mesolifting or something else, it is necessary to conduct research on the subject of an allergic reaction and concomitant diseases in a patient. This will get rid of all unexpected and unpredictable results.

Botox injections

Botox is a preparation of botulinum toxin that can block neuromuscular impulses. Botulinum toxin preparations are a weakened toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. When carrying out botulinum therapy, the connection between the signals of the motor nerve and the muscle involved in the formation of wrinkles is blocked.

The introduction of preparations based on botulinum toxin into the skin helps to smooth wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Despite the fact that botulinum toxin is a poison, no observed toxic reactions have ever been observed in patients.

It is this injection technique that causes the most controversy and controversy. In order to decide to carry out this procedure, you need to know all the pros and cons of this method.

It should be noted that Botox injections do not contribute to the disappearance of wrinkles, as many believe. This is far from true. Botox injections only temporarily paralyze the muscles, preventing them from contracting and thus helping to smooth out wrinkles. The effect of the drug persists for six months, after which cosmetologists recommend repeating the procedure. On average, botulinum therapy is considered optimal three times a year.

After some time, the patient gets rid of the habit of actively using facial expressions, which, in turn, contributes to solving the problem without the use of Botox. With regular botulinum therapy, you can forever forget about "crow's feet", wrinkles on the forehead and in the corners of the mouth. Muscles are maintained in a relaxed state, which helps to smooth out wrinkles of any depth and prevents the formation of new ones.

Botulinum toxin preparations are absolutely safe and do not pose a threat to the life and health of the patient. The action of the drug lasts 2-8 months, and the neurotoxin itself is completely eliminated from the body after this time. In order to cause a toxic reaction in a patient, it is necessary to introduce doses into the body that are thousands of times higher than cosmetic ones. So the anxiety about the toxicity of Botox can immediately be discarded.

However, there are areas on the face where botulinum therapy does not effectively eliminate wrinkles. This is the area of ​​the cheeks and chin. In this case, combined treatment with botulinum toxin and biopolymer gel (silicone) is carried out, which effectively copes with the task.

Botox injections are carried out with ultra-fine needles that do not leave marks on the skin. The treatment is simple, fast and highly effective. For this reason, this method was called the “lunchtime” method, as it allows botulinum therapy sessions to be carried out during the lunch break.

Botulinum therapy, like any other invasive therapy, has a number of contraindications. Botox injections are not recommended in the following cases:

  • autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • individual intolerance to Botox;
  • allergic diseases of the skin of the face.

Botox injections are carried out only after consulting a cosmetologist and conducting the necessary studies of the patient's current state of health. This will help minimize side effects and complications. It is also important to give an adequate assessment of the state of facial expressions so that the face does not become immobile. With excessive administration of Botox, the restoration of the appearance occurs after 1-2 months. In order to avoid unwanted side effects and complications, you should correctly prioritize and choose a qualified specialist.

Face contouring

Facial contour modeling is an injection method, the essence of which is filling wrinkles and skin irregularities with a special beauty gel. Most often, this is a stabilized hyaluronic gel, since it is the stabilized version of hyaluronate that can hold tissue volume.

How does contour modeling of age-related changes in the face take place? Hyaluronic gel is injected under the skin in small doses to create volume under the skin. In this way, wrinkles are lifted, creating new facial contours in a natural way.

Contour modeling of age-related changes in the face contributes to:

  • the formation of a clear elastic oval of the face;
  • filling of skin dips;
  • improving its relief;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • increase in the volume of cheekbones, cheeks, lips, chin;
  • return of skin firmness, tone and elasticity.

Contour plastic with hyaluronic gel is a worthy alternative to surgical facial plastic surgery. And even surpasses it in the speed of skin regeneration in the post-procedure period and in the effectiveness of the results obtained. This is a minimally invasive and effective method of rejuvenation and appearance correction.

Facial contour modeling is encouraged in the following cases:

  • in the presence of facial wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, lips;
  • with sagging nasolabial folds and furrows in the mouth;
  • with gravitational ptosis of the face oval;
  • with deformation of the skin relief.

Contour modeling of the face is carried out with fillers (fillers) with hyaluronic gel. These are thin sterile syringes ready for use. Unlike mesotherapy, which is carried out in courses, and the mesopreparation is injected with many small superficial injections around the entire perimeter of the face, contour modeling of the face is a one-time procedure and the result appears quite quickly after 1-2 days. This is a great advantage of contour modeling over other techniques.


Plasmolifting is a rejuvenating injection technique that involves the subcutaneous injection of platelet-rich plasma from the patient's own blood. Platelets are blood cells that play an important role in the process of healing and regeneration of damaged tissues.

Platelets secrete growth factors into damaged tissues that stimulate cell division and growth. Growth factors are peptide and steroid hormones that can stimulate the growth, proliferation (growth of tissue through cell division) and differentiation (the process of formation of specialized cells) of living cells.

How is the plasmolifting procedure carried out? A small amount of blood is taken from the patient from a vein into a sterile tube. Then the tube is placed in a special apparatus called a centrifuge-separator, which separates the blood into platelet-rich plasma and erythrocyte mass. The resulting plasma is administered subcutaneously to the patient.

As a result of this innovative technique, skin regeneration and its natural rejuvenation occur. The patient's complexion improves, there is increased hydration and nutrition of the skin, age spots and wrinkles disappear, and significant lifting is observed.

Plasmolifting is successfully used to correct age-related skin problems, in the treatment of skin damage after peelings, dermabrasion and photodamage. The plasmolifting method is successfully used in the treatment of alopecia (hair loss)

  • with any age-related changes in the skin;
  • in the presence of wrinkles;
  • with hair loss;
  • in the presence of stretch marks on the skin;
  • with skin damage after peeling and dermabrasion.
  • autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  • any diseases (infectious, allergic, chronic) in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • violation of skin clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • immunosuppressive states;
  • taking anticoagulants (drugs that inhibit blood clotting).

Many patients ask the question, how safe is the plasmolifting technique? This anti-aging procedure is absolutely safe, since the plasma is made from the patient's own blood, which prevents the rejection of the drug and does not cause infection of the blood with foreign viruses and bacteria.

Placental Therapy

Placental therapy is an innovative method of rejuvenation, involving the introduction of placental preparations under the skin by injection. The placenta or baby's place is an embryonic organ that exists in a woman's body only during pregnancy. It connects two organisms - the mother and the fetus, providing the latter with the necessary nutrients.

The placenta contains the following nutrients: protein regulators, growth factors, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, trace elements. Thus, the placenta is a storehouse of active biological substances capable of stimulating the activity of its own cells, their reproduction and renewal, which directly leads to the rejuvenation of both the skin of the face and the body as a whole. At the molecular level, metabolic processes in the dermis are improved, endogenous mechanisms of skin biorevitalization are launched.

Placental therapy is a type of mesotherapy. Accordingly, this procedure is carried out in the same way as mesotherapy. The drug is injected with thin needles locally into those areas of the skin that need correction. Getting under the skin, the preparation based on the placenta stimulates the work of skin processes and improves its external characteristics. As a result, the skin is significantly refreshed and a powerful lifting effect occurs.

A contraindication to this procedure is:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological and autoimmune diseases;
  • age restrictions up to 18 years;
  • individual protein intolerance.

This injection technique is also remarkable in that it helps to rejuvenate not only the skin of the face, but also the body as a whole. Placenta-based preparations are used in comprehensive programs to improve the functioning of the immune system and normalize all vital functions of the body. The effect of harmonization of all body systems caused by placentotherapy is noticed.

Despite the fact that preparations based on the human placenta are obtained by multi-stage molecular fractionation (separation and separation) and, therefore, have a high degree of purification, there are cases of individual incompatibility and rejection of the pharmacological preparation. For this reason, only high-quality preparations should be used, for example, Japanese-made Laennec.

Bio-reinforcement of the face

This is an advanced injection technique, which consists in reinforcing the face with an additional frame made of biodegradable suture material. Over the years, the skin of the face loses its elasticity and elasticity, due to this, deformative ptosis occurs (lowering of the oval of the face). Unfortunately, this process does not depend on a person and is not subject to him. The omission of the oval of the face occurs under the influence of two factors: gravity and age.

Weakened with age, the skin is attracted to the ground, due to which its complete deformation is formed. The facial reinforcement technique is able to eliminate this unpleasant age-related skin defect, restore the face to its former oval and elasticity. Facial reinforcement has been known in cosmetology for a long time. Once this procedure was carried out with the help of gold threads. Now in reinforcement, active drugs are:

  • hyaluronic biogel;
  • polylactic acid;
  • 3D mesothreads.

These are new generation drugs, each of which has its own advantages.

Biogels are stabilized hyaluronic acid without additional impurities. Hyaluronic biogel eliminates moisture deficiency, promotes the synthesis of endogenous hyaluronic acid, starts regeneration processes and strengthens the skin frame.

Polylactic acid refers to biodegradable (absorbable) gels, is an alpha hydroxy acid (fruit acid) actively used in cosmetology. Polylactic acid is used to fill deep folds, most often nasolabial, chin wrinkles and folds around the mouth (puppet lines).

Polylactic acid in fillers acts deeper and more actively, for this reason it is twice the duration of hyaluronic fillers. Reinforcement with polylactic acid promotes the synthesis of new collagen and filling the dermis with new fibers, which make the skin more elastic.

The only thing inferior to polylactic acid hyaluronate is in the number of procedures performed. Injections with hyaluronic biogel are a one-time procedure, and treatment with polylactic acid requires a step-by-step approach. In other words, these procedures are carried out in courses for a certain time, and are not done at a time, as is the case with hyaluronic biogel.

The method of 3D reinforcement with mesothreads (threadlifting) came to us from South Korea. This is a kind of thread lift, which contributes to the creation of a skin frame from endogenous (own) collagen. Threadlifting technology eliminates cosmetic skin imperfections, which until recently were considered the prerogative of exclusively plastic surgery. But, frankly, there are not so many specialists who own this innovative technology.

What are mesothreads? In fact, this is the same suture material that surgeons have been using for many years. What is suture material? This is the general name for materials used in surgery to connect the edges of a wound. But it was scientists from South Korea who came up with a new technology, using ordinary suture material to correct age-related skin changes.

The difference between thread lifting and other thread lifting techniques is that thread lifting does not stretch the tissue. Mesothreads are introduced into the subcutaneous fat layer of the skin in the form of a mesh. The thinnest needles easily glide under the skin, minimally injuring the tissue. On the return stroke of the needle, the thread is separated from the conductor and remains under the skin for 180-200 days.

During this time, the threads break down into carbon dioxide and water and disappear completely. During the time that the mesothreads are under the skin, the tissue is braided with new collagen fibers, forming a new supporting frame. After the collapse of the mesothreads, this frame copes with its tasks for about two more years.

This method of thread lifting has its contraindications. It is not necessary to carry out the procedure:

  • with inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • with oncological and autoimmune diseases;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with a tendency to proliferation of keloid tissues;
  • with infectious and chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • with a tendency to allergic diseases.


Biorevitalization is the most popular and most effective injection technique of all. This procedure is considered basic in modern cosmetology and is very popular among both cosmetologists and patients of aesthetic clinics.

Biorevitalization is an injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin of the face in order to improve skin parameters. This is a great way to restore firmness, elasticity and a healthy complexion to the skin. And all this happens because of hyaluronic acid, which literally works wonders and is rightfully considered the elixir of youth. When carrying out biorevitalization, unstabilized hyaluronic acid is used, since it is this form of hyaluronate that promotes deep skin hydration, attracting and retaining water.

Hyaluronic acid is a very important substance that our body needs and synthesizes, but over the years, the production of hyaluronate in the body decreases, which immediately affects the external condition of the skin. It becomes thinner, loses firmness and elasticity, becomes dry and dull. On such skin, wrinkles and age spots are easily formed.

Hyaluronic acid is called a molecular sponge because of its ability to bind water. If you take 2% hyaluronic acid and place it in a container with a liquid, then the resulting mixture can be taken in hand as a gel, despite the fact that it is a liquid.

Molecules of hyaluronic acid form a viscous network under the skin, something like a framework that “holds” the skin in good shape and gives it elasticity. It becomes clear why hyaluronic acid is so highly valued in cosmetology.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronate is also good because it can be used if the process of wrinkle formation is just beginning. This injection technique starts the processes of skin regeneration and rejuvenation, stimulates the production of endogenous hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, activates blood microcirculation and saturates tissues with moisture.

  • natural aging of the skin;
  • photoaging;
  • abuse of sunburn and exposure to UV rays;
  • radical diets that promote uncontrolled weight loss;
  • past serious illnesses;
  • stress.

Biorevitalization can also be carried out for preventive purposes, when visiting, for example, hot tropical countries, where there is active insolation, and also after returning from a trip. Biorevitalization is used in the rehabilitation period after peeling, resurfacing and skin dermabrasion.

Despite the fact that biorevitalization is a practically safe method of preventing and correcting cosmetic skin imperfections, it still has a number of contraindications. The procedure is not recommended in the following cases:

  • oncological and autoimmune diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic diseases;
  • chronic and acute diseases in the acute stage;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • individual intolerance to hyaluronate.

How is the procedure? With the help of the finest needle, the preparation based on hyaluronate is injected subcutaneously. Due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is a viscous and thick substance, discomfort may occur when the drug is injected. However, they can be treated with an anesthetic spray or cream.

After the introduction of the drug on the skin, papules, swelling, microhematomas at the puncture sites may appear. Don't be afraid of these symptoms. This is a normal reaction of the body to an invasive violation of the integrity of the skin. Usually these phenomena disappear within 2-3 days. The duration of the procedure takes from 30 minutes to an hour and depends on the pace of work and the professionalism of the cosmetologist.

Biorevitalization is recommended to be carried out every six months with a course of 5 procedures with a break between sessions of 15-30 days. Some people need more treatments, while others need only one session. It depends on the current condition of the skin and on the goals.

We talked about all the innovative skin rejuvenation techniques based on injection methods. The patient himself decides which technique to choose for himself, in no case forgetting about the recommendations of the cosmetologist. It should be borne in mind that sometimes the opinion of a qualified specialist is decisive in this matter.

Preparations for non-surgical correction of age-related skin defects

It should be clarified once again which groups of drugs are used to correct age-related skin changes. In modern cosmetology, the following groups of drugs are used for injection methods of rejuvenation:

  1. Botulinum toxin. Nowadays, there are a lot of varieties of botulism toxin, and each subsequent generation of such drugs is becoming safer;
  2. Hyaluronic acid, which is most often used in fillers. Hyaluronic acid is synthesized by our body and is part of many biological fluids. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are very effective and give excellent results;
  3. Potassium hydroxyapatite is the heaviest filler used in fillers. It is a mineral inorganic substance found in our teeth and bones. This mineral is produced synthetically. Before treatment with this drug, you should insure yourself and conduct skin tests in order to avoid allergic reactions;
  4. Polylactic acid is a fruit acid that belongs to the alpha hydroxy acids. It is a natural substance that is an integral part of many fruits and berries. With its help, deep folds and wrinkles on the face are filled.

And now let's move on to such well-established myths and legends that exist on the Internet.

Beauty injections - myths and reality

Above, we said that the term "beauty shots" is shrouded in a halo of mystery. There are a huge number of myths about beauty injections that have no serious and scientific basis. Let's look at a few basic myths.

Myth #1 Addiction to beauty injections

It is not true. Beauty injections are not physically addictive. They do not contain drugs that can be addictive. The action of drugs is limited, molecular structures are destroyed over time and completely disintegrate in the body. Addiction can only occur if the patient himself inspires himself with the idea of ​​regularly carrying out these procedures. That is, in this case, everything depends on the adequacy of the patient himself.

Myth #2 Beauty shots are just Botox

This is wrong. As you can see from the above, beauty injections are the common name for injectable rejuvenation techniques. There are also whole groups of drugs used to correct skin defects, and Botox is not at all the first violin among them. Botox is used to correct wrinkles in the upper part of the face, hyaluronic acid is used to eliminate nasolabial folds, and reinforcement based on mesothreads is used to restore the oval of the face.

Myth #3 Fillers injected into the forehead get into the brain and impair brain function.

A very funny myth. Naturally, this is not so. Preparations such as hyaluronate, potassium hydroxyapatite are part of our body and are present in it throughout life, for this reason they cannot do harm in any way. The body perceives these drugs as "native" and does not reject them. They are excreted from the body without any consequences. Polylactic acid is a fruit acid that is part of many fruits and berries that we eat, which means that it is also not capable of harming human health.

Botulinum toxin is indeed a poison, but in this case the dose of the injected drug is of great importance. In order to cause a toxic reaction in a patient, it is necessary to introduce doses into the body that are thousands of times higher than cosmetic ones. And it is also worth noting that modern preparations based on botulinum toxin are becoming safer and more perfect, and in the future their quality will only grow.

Myth #4 Beauty injections can only be done in old age

It is not true. Beauty injections can be done from the age of 30. It all depends on the desire of the patient and the recommendation of the cosmetologist. In life, various unpredictable situations happen when beauty injections are considered appropriate even at a young age.

For example, in cases of a serious illness and uncontrolled weight loss, damage to the skin as a result of exposure to UV rays, with a genetic predisposition to early wrinkles. It is strictly forbidden to carry out injection procedures for persons under 18 years of age, and in other cases, with the recommendations of a cosmetologist, it is quite acceptable.

Myth No. 5 Beauty injections give a long or permanent effect from the procedure

A doctor who claims this raises serious concerns, and one must run away from such promises. In modern cosmetology, drugs are used that are subsequently excreted from the body themselves or completely disintegrate. Injections with a long effect can be very dangerous and lead to terrible consequences. For this reason, all substances used in beauty injections act for a certain time and are excreted from the body, even if we are talking about native (natural) hyaluronic acid.

Myth #6 Beauty injections are very painful.

It's not like that at all. Beauty injections are carried out with the thinnest needles, and the amount of the injected drug is minimal. Yes, there are some mild tingling and tingling sensations, but they are not intolerable and are quite tolerable, and for those with a high pain threshold, anesthesia is performed.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that beauty injections themselves are a great achievement of modern science in the fight against cosmetic skin defects. This is a wonderful invention of scientists that can give youth and beauty in adulthood. Do not be afraid of beauty injections, but you should know what they are and contact qualified specialists. After all, it is important who and how makes these injections.

The success and safety of the procedure depends on the experience and competence of the specialist. For this reason, you should carefully approach the choice of a cosmetology clinic and a cosmetologist. Remember again, it is not the injections themselves that are terrible, but dilettantism and fraud.

Injections in the buttock can be prescribed by a doctor, but circumstances are not always such that the patient has the opportunity to reach a medical institution. The prescription is necessary for the patient himself, but not everyone knows how to properly inject into the buttock at home and even experience some fear of this action. This is not strange, because if there is no such skill, one cannot hope for the success of the procedure.

The buttocks are formed by a powerful muscle layer with an extensive system of blood vessels. That is why this soft spot is considered ideal for injections. Due to this, the injection solution quickly gets to its destination - into the blood, and spreads throughout the body, showing its therapeutic effect. In addition, there are, in fact, no nerve fibers on the butt, so this is the most painless procedure.

To competently deliver an injection, you need to know how to prepare and safely open the ampoule with the drug. It is important to imagine which place to choose for the introduction, how to carry out antiseptic treatment before and after the event.

Basic Rules:

  1. Sterility that can be achieved with an antiseptic. They clean the skin before and after the injection.
  2. The ampoule with the medication can be opened using a special, attached file - for this, the narrow upper part is filed halfway, and then it is carefully broken and removed so that the fragments do not get inside.
  3. Most often, you can break the glass right away, since the fault boundary has already been applied to it. In this case, the ampoule is held towards itself with a marked line.

If everything is done according to the instructions, the patient does not face the risk of infection, breakage of the needle or wounds on the hands from a carelessly opened container with the composition.

Soreness can also be associated with incorrect actions, so you need to find out exactly where to prick. The patient will also have to prepare psychologically for possible pain, as many are terrified of a syringe and a needle. To do this, you need to set yourself up in a positive way in advance and argue the procedure as a necessary step towards recovery.

How to give injections in the buttock to yourself

Of course, ideally, the injection should be given by a doctor or nurse. If the patient is in serious condition, a medical worker is invited to the house. But there are situations that circumstances do not allow this to be done, and then an independent introduction of the remedy is required.

I must say that the possession of this skill will be useful to everyone - there are times when it can be useful for giving injections for your relatives, a child, and such actions are urgently needed.

How to give injections in the buttock to yourself? It's always best to follow the instructions:

  1. For the procedure, you will need a syringe with a long needle, given the significant muscular layer of the buttocks, because the needle must reach the muscle, and not get stuck in the subcutaneous fat. As a result of incorrect actions, a painful seal may appear, and the injection will still have to be carried out, but in a different area.
  2. The skin at the injection site should be treated with cotton wool (balls or disks) with an aqueous solution of sodium chloride (saline 9%) or medical alcohol.
  3. Before the procedure, the hands must be washed with soap and water several times and the nails trimmed. In the "field" conditions, a sterile, antiseptic wipe is suitable.
  4. Before breaking the ampoule in the marked area, wipe it with a disinfectant, tap lightly on its upper part with your finger so that the solution that gets there settles. When breaking off glass, use a napkin or towel so as not to get hurt. The prepared container is placed on a clean tray.
  5. The syringe is unpacked from the side of the piston so as not to touch the needle. Also, without touching the end of the needle, the tip is removed and immersed in the solution. After pulling the piston, turning it with the needle up, air bubbles are released and the cap is put on again.

How to put an injection in the buttock, because it is necessary to accurately determine the puncture site? So that the injection is not painful, they find the upper, lateral section of the muscle of the buttocks. You can not give an injection if there is skin damage, an abscess or an abscess at this place - then you will have to carry out the procedure on the other side of the priests. When for some reason it is not possible to use this place as well, it remains to inject into the upper, femoral section or shoulder girdle muscle - this is a triangular-shaped muscle that covers the shoulder joint.

These are not the best areas for injections, since after the event, pain often occurs in the leg, which subsides only after two or three days, when injected into the shoulder tissue, there is a danger of getting into the bone. Therefore, it is advisable to use the buttocks.

Technically, the procedure is as follows:

  • the skin is wiped with an antiseptic;
  • the syringe should be located at an angle of 90 degrees to the body;
  • the needle must be inserted quickly, and the medicine should be administered slowly, without hurrying;
  • before removing the needle, you need to attach cotton soaked in alcohol to the puncture, you need to pull out the needle as sharply as you stick it.

Sometimes, after an injection, blood appears in the body of the syringe - this means that the needle has entered one of the vessels. If this happens, you will need to re-inject with another disposable instrument using a new ampoule.

It should be borne in mind that in order for the needle to enter evenly and be guaranteed to reach the muscle tissue, before the injection, it is necessary to slightly stretch the skin to the sides with your fingers.

Those who are afraid of this procedure will have to prepare mentally. In principle, you may not even feel the pain, it's another matter when a psychological barrier interferes with this. But if you fail to completely relax, the puncture can really be painful, and this should not be forgotten. That is why it is necessary to know exactly how to properly inject into the buttock at home.

So that the injection is not painful, they find the upper, lateral section of the muscle of the buttocks.

How to put an injection in the buttock of a child

If parents do not know how or are afraid to give an injection to a sick child, it is probably better to contact a professional nurse. But we consider cases when some events do not allow you to use the qualified help of a physician. Indeed, circumstances are urgent, and then moms and dads will need to learn how to properly handle a syringe and know the sequence of important actions.

Children need to give an injection in the buttock after scrupulous preparation:

  1. For these purposes, a prescribed medicine, medical, sterile cotton wool made from natural, microscopic cellulose, several disposable three-component syringes should be prepared in the house - an imported version with the sharpest and thinnest needle is chosen for children. Also in the house should be pharmacy alcohol.
  2. When preparing, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly - for this, soap with antibacterial properties is used.
  3. Without fail, the drug ampoule is wiped, its top is broken off in advance and drawn into a syringe with the obligatory removal of bubbles. Drops of solution on the needle are removed with a sterile cloth.
  4. The buttock should be mentally divided into four parts, the upper, outer section is on the side. Fast, accurate and even entry of the needle depends on the presence of mind and calmness of the parent, which ensures a minimum of pain.
  5. Before the introduction, the delicate baby skin should be massaged, after warming the hands. Try to distract your baby with a conversation that will allow him to relax as much as possible.
  6. The entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gluteal square should be wiped with alcohol. Before inserting the needle, the skin must be collected in a fold, into which the needle must be inserted quickly and sharply - the angle with respect to the child's body must be right.
  7. The needle is withdrawn rapidly, almost pulled out, even before the withdrawal, cotton wool with alcohol must be applied to the wound.

It is not scary to give an injection, even to a beloved baby, the main thing is not to be nervous - you need to understand that these actions are necessary and can help the child recover. And it's worth it to learn how to inject as well as a medical worker.

How to give injections in the buttocks for adults

In general, the technique for performing this therapeutic action in adults is not much different from injections in children. How to give injections in the buttocks to adults so that the drug gets to its destination, and at the same time the procedure is minimally painful?

Of course, there are some peculiarities and nuances if treatment is necessary for an adult.

After the preparatory stage, which consists in hygienic cleansing of hands, sterilization of the ampoule, a set of medicines, you should decide on the injection point. It must be marked in advance. Why is accuracy so important? The fact is that in addition to pain, there are other unpleasant consequences of improper administration of the injection solution:

  • muscle atrophy;
  • loss of sensation in the thigh;
  • the needle can hit the sciatic nerve - this is the most serious damage that can result in impaired motor function.

Only in urgent cases, injections into the buttock area are made in a standing position, it is desirable that the patient takes a lying position on his side.

You should pay attention to the bumps formed after the previous procedures. It is absolutely impossible to inject into these seals and it’s not even a matter of severe pain - the medicine simply cannot spread normally throughout the body.

  1. If in children an injection is made into the skin fold, then in the case of adult patients, on the contrary, the skin is stretched.
  2. The piston should retract smoothly and slowly. The needle is inserted and pulled out perpendicular to the surface of the skin.
  3. After the procedure, the patient does not need to immediately jump out of bed. In order for the drug to dissolve safely, you should lie down for 10-15 minutes.

Probably, it is not necessary to say that all actions should be carried out in compliance with sterility, and the patient should be warned that the pain syndrome appears only when the buttock is tense.

Why is accuracy so important? The fact is that in addition to pain, there are other unpleasant consequences, for example, muscle atrophy.

Possible Complications

Insufficient sterilization and other incorrect actions increase the risk of complications. In the case of self-treatment, which, in itself, is not very convenient, some errors are possible.

Often they lead to such troubles as:

  • hematoma- a bruise that has arisen due to hemorrhage of vessels damaged by the needle;
  • purulent process if bacteria got into a poorly disinfected wound;
  • allergic irritation in the form of a rash, redness, sometimes itching;
  • cone- infiltrate, since an accumulation of the drug is formed in the subcutaneous layer.

What can be done in these cases? These symptoms can be treated with the help of pharmacological preparations for resorption, as well as folk recipes.

  • you need to give yourself an injection, standing in front of a mirror, a comfortable position is a pose on your side;
  • before the injection, you can draw the upper, outer square of the gluteal muscle with iodine tincture;
  • it is advisable not to pierce the needle completely, but to leave ¼ of its length above the surface of the skin - this way there is less chance of roughly cutting through the muscle tissue;
  • when the injection has already been made, the skin at the puncture site should be massaged for a couple of minutes with cotton wool moistened with alcohol;
  • a disposable syringe is used once, in order to avoid infection, it is better to choose a foreign-made tool, since their needle is much thinner and sharper;
  • two-component injectors are not intended for independent use;
  • it is not necessary to give injections in the same place, so it will not be possible to avoid pain and long healing.

You can quickly learn how to properly inject in the buttock at home, especially if you watch a special video. It will be enough to carry out this procedure 2-3 times, after which confidence and accuracy will appear, because there is nothing complicated in this. But there is an opportunity to use this knowledge when you need help to your loved ones or yourself.

Video: How to give injections in the buttock

All articles are subject to mandatory review by practitioners.

Gomzar Anastasia Sergeevna
therapist More than 20 years of experience Education: Far Eastern State Medical University

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The situation when you urgently need to inject yourself or someone else, unfortunately, can happen to everyone at least once in a lifetime.

We are in website prepared instructions for this case and warn you that you should do such things yourself only in case of emergency. We will consider only the simplest type of injection - intramuscular injections.


  • Make sure what you are doing is really necessary.
  • Make sure you have the right medicine prescribed by your doctor and the right size syringe.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly, dry them with a disposable towel.
  • Find a suitable object (plate or tray) on which you will place everything you will work with and disinfect its surface.
  • Position yourself in a place with good lighting. Ask your "patient" to lie down: so his muscles will be relaxed.
  • Put on sterile gloves, disinfect them with alcohol.
  • Prepare cotton swabs soaked in alcohol or alcohol wipes.

How to inject

  • If the medicine is cold, warm it in your hands.
  • Open the syringe package.
  • Treat your hands and the ampoule with an antiseptic, open it and draw up the medicine. If the ampoule has a rubber cap that needs to be pierced, replace the needle after taking the medication - it may become dull.
  • If you accidentally touch the needle, it must also be replaced.
  • Turn the syringe upside down with a needle and release a drop of medicine to release air.
  • On the buttock of the person you will be injecting, mentally draw a large cross dividing it into 4 parts. Inject into the upper outer part, so you definitely will not hit the nerve.
  • Wipe the place where you will inject the medicine with an antiseptic, moving from the center to the periphery.
  • Place the needle at a 90° angle to the skin (note: this only applies to intramuscular injections).
  • Insert the needle into the buttock in one firm and quick motion. Approximately 1/3 of the needle should remain outside.
  • Inject the medicine slowly, so the "patient" will be more comfortable.
  • Make sure the syringe does not twitch. You can hold it with one hand and press the piston with the other.
  • Apply an alcohol pad to the skin near the injection site. With one movement, pull out the needle and press the wound with a napkin.
  • Close the needle with a cap, discard the used instruments.
  • Wash your hands. You are great, you did it!

Fillers are the most popular way to correct age-related defects without surgery. At what age should the procedure be done, and is it safe and what do you need to know when going to the clinic?

Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures were officially recognized as a Russian beauty trend in 2014. Then the International Society for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) published interesting statistics: over the past 10 years, the number of such procedures in Russia has increased by 110% - from 5.5 to 11.6 million per year. Now it is obvious that the future lies precisely in such methods of rejuvenation, which practically do not damage the skin and require only a few days for rehabilitation.


The term "filler" comes from the English "fill". Actually, this is the essence of the procedure: injections fill the missing subcutaneous volume and thus fight wrinkles. Area of ​​action - cheekbones, nasolabial folds, skin around the eyes. The effect is best seen with deep wrinkles-folds.

The drugs are not injected into the epidermis, but into the dermis or even deeper - into the basal layer, creating a framework that prevents age-related ptosis (the process of lowering tissues). In addition to fighting wrinkles, fillers can restore the lost volume of the face, correct asymmetry, and correct the shape of the back of the nose or chin.

Preparations for injection are divided into synthetic, biosynthetic and biodegradable. World cosmetology authorities prefer the latter - gels based on calcium hydroxyapatite, collagen and hyaluronic acid. They dissolve in a few months and are much safer than synthetic silicone, which can cause a lot of problems (for example, migrating under the skin). Let's take a look at biodegradable fillers.



A variety of polysaccharides with a unique ability to bind and retain moisture in tissues. One molecule of this viscous jelly-like substance attracts 1000 water molecules, providing excellent hydration.


Do not inject if you have a cold, an exacerbation of herpes or acne, allergic reactions, hypertension, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Hyaluronic acid is part of the connective tissues and extracellular structures of our body, fills the space between cells; it adds softness and elasticity to the skin and hair. 90% of fillers on the market today are based on hyaluronic acid.

HOW DOES IT WORK : Fills with moisture wrinkles, hollows around the eyes and nasolabial folds, evens out the surface of the skin. If the result disappoints you, such a filler is easy to remove: one injection of the hyaluronidase enzyme, which breaks down hyaluronic acid, and in a day or two there will be no trace of an unsuccessful correction.

MINUSES: Due to the fact that fillers retain water, skin that is prone to puffiness can take on a puffy appearance with constant injections. In addition, for industrial purposes, hyaluronic acid is obtained from capsules that surround bacterial cells. In case of insufficient cleaning, impurities of bacterial proteins can remain in the filler, which can cause inflammation and allergic reactions. This is an important reason to choose only high-quality drugs from European manufacturers.


One of the main proteins of connective tissue: it is abundant in cartilage, bones and, of course, skin. Imagine springs inside a mattress - this is what the collagen scaffolding of the skin (dermal matrix) looks like, which it forms together with another protein, elastin. Many three-dimensional spirals are braided into strong fibers, like a pigtail. With age, a tight pigtail unwinds, the spirals become stiff and brittle; the skin becomes thinner, loses its tone, becomes covered with wrinkles. Collagen for injections is obtained from calfskins or synthetically. Collagen-based fillers predate other biodegradable fillers, so they are well researched and most professionals have extensive experience with them.

HOW DOES IT WORK: Collagen-based gels remain in the skin for about 9 months. All this time, the cells are trying to dissolve foreign material, during which the production of their own collagen is stimulated.

MINUSES. Allergic reactions are possible, especially when using animal collagen.


The main inorganic substance of bone tissue. The drug is obtained from marine corals of the genus Porites, which have undergone high-temperature processing. Such fillers are absolutely inert to human tissues, due to which they are widely used in dentistry and traumatology. Inflammatory reactions after the procedure are extremely rare.

HOW DOES IT WORK: Calcium hydroxyapatite granules mixed with carrier gel irritate microphage cells in the skin; fibroblasts rush to them, starting the intensive production of collagen and elastin. A new dermal matrix is ​​formed. The effect lasts an average of 10 months.

MINUSES: Proper injection technique is essential. If the filler is not injected deep enough, white stripes will be visible on the skin. It is impossible to inject such a drug into the lips and the region of the nasolacrimal sulcus - there is a high probability of hematomas and the appearance of asymmetry.


  • Filler injections can be done from the age of 25 if the nasolabial folds are pronounced. You can predict the type of your aging by looking at your mother: if her nasolabial furrows are pronounced, it is quite possible that this has been passed on to you.

  • Assessing the condition of the skin, do not look closely at the face - move away from the mirror by a meter. If wrinkles are visible from such a distance, it makes sense to sign up for a consultation.

  • If your problem is forehead wrinkles, it is more effective to fill them with botulinum toxin, rather than fillers.


Start with a test visit to a beautician. Make sure it's a professional doctor who uses quality barcoded products. French, German and Swiss fillers are equally good; the price for a syringe starts from 11 thousand rubles. Be sure to conclude an agreement, which should include the date, place of the procedure, and the signature of the doctor. A week before the procedure, it is better not to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin.

During the procedure, the doctor must open the sterile package of the drug with you. Attention: fillers are never collected from a bottle! Modern drugs are pre-packed in a syringe. After opening, the cosmetologist pastes the information from the syringe into your card - in case you decide to repeat the procedure in the future. If you are highly sensitive, you may be asked to use an anesthetic cream, but many preparations already have an anesthetic added.

  • Go to the sauna, bath, solarium, actively engage in sports for at least two weeks.

  • Drink alcohol (no more than a couple of glasses).

Usually 30-40 minutes are enough to make injections, treat the skin and apply a decongestant bandage. A small post-traumatic edema will persist for 2-3 days; slight bruising is possible. Be prepared for the fact that the final result will appear only after 2-3 weeks. Depending on the individual characteristics of the skin, the effect will last from 8 to 12 months.