How to replace yellow peeling at home. Home peeling with retinoic ointment: homemade recipes. The use of pharmaceutical products

The fight against rashes and wrinkles, creases and comedones, and other unpleasant manifestations on the skin does not have to be expensive and difficult. Effective peeling with retinoic ointment at home is the way to restore beauty and youth with minimal effort and investment.

This procedure is also performed by masters in specialized salons, but you can organize a mini-salon yourself.

Why peeling with retinoic ointment?

The peculiarity of the home procedure is not only in its simplicity and accessibility. The tool was created specifically for the treatment of various skin rashes (pimples, acne, blackheads), however, its composition and effectiveness make it possible to deal with other dermatological problems - in the fight against wrinkles and other skin defects.

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained FOR FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

Feature of the product in its composition, its active substances (a synthetic analogue of vitamin A):

  • Activate collagen synthesis;
  • Stimulate cell renewal;
  • Allow to exfoliate dead skin cells and entire keratinized parts;
  • Restore damaged areas of the epidermis and increase its thickness;
  • Make the skin supple, soft, tender;
  • Smooth out small and large wrinkles;
  • Get rid of age spots or make them less noticeable.

It is peeling with retinoic ointment that allows you to start the process of skin regeneration, prevent the formation of pigments, and even out the surface of the epidermis.

Retinoic ointment is actively used by cosmetologists and dermatologists to create masks due to its effectiveness and the absence of serious side effects. After the peeling procedure with retinoic ointment, the face becomes young and clean.

What is the peculiarity of this peeling?

For peeling, you will need not only retinoic ointment, but also other components - fruit acids. They are used in cosmetology to restore and regenerate the skin, to get rid of spots and dead cells. After applying the mask, the skin does not dry out, but the body starts the process of producing collagen. Retinoic ointment makes the skin elastic, and the creases are invisible.

The agent, which is part of the ointment, also has an antiseptic effect, and fruit acids for rejuvenation can be used by women aged 35–55 years. You can apply the finished mask on the face, décolleté, eyelids, neck, arms and legs. Peeling is an effective and complex procedure that involves four sessions. The course is repeated infrequently - once every six months. Numerous reviews about peeling with retinoic ointment allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the course, and mask recipes allow you to perform the procedure at home.

Indications and contraindications for peeling with retinoic ointment

Delicate and safe peeling can be done at home. He peeling is recommended for:

  • The appearance of the first wrinkles;
  • In case of formation of blackheads, rashes, pimples, acne, age spots;
  • The appearance of scars after acne (post-acne);
  • Decreased tone and elasticity of the skin;
  • The formation of age spots or other skin problems.

There are also a number of contraindications.

Peeling with retinoic ointment should not be performed if there are allergic reactions to one or more components of the mask.

You should not resort to peeling on your own if you have serious dermatological diseases (herpes, warts, etc.), as well as liver diseases. Peeling is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as breastfeeding.

Features of peeling with retinoic ointment at home

The mask is applied to the entire face and décolleté. After peeling with retinoic ointment, a slight blush may appear, which will quickly disappear. Additionally, it should be noted that the procedure:

mask recipe

For preparation, retinoic ointment is used, which can be mixed with herbal decoctions, natural oils, vegetable and herbal purees, as well as aloe juice. The main component is retinoic ointment (which can be replaced by Differin, Tretinoin, azelaic acid, etc.). You can choose and buy a remedy at a pharmacy. Cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend using a salon session sequence. At home, peeling from retinoic ointment is performed as follows:

  • Scrub is not used for two weeks;
  • The face is cleansed;
  • Glycolic acid is applied, and when it is absorbed, you can apply a thin layer of retinoic ointment;
  • After 45 minutes, a neutral mixture should be applied;
  • The mask is made for 7 hours, after which it is washed off with warm water.

After the procedure, skin peeling occurs. This is clear evidence that the composition used is actively working.

Folk recipes for home peeling with retinoic ointment

Simple and understandable recipes are also in the folk piggy bank of knowledge. Peeling is carried out in stages:

  • Glycolic acid is applied.
  • Retinoic ointment is mixed with vitamin E in a one to one ratio. The skin is covered with the composition for 20 minutes, after which a neutral agent is applied, and after 5–8 hours the entire mixture is washed off.
  • Instead of a vitamin mass, an aloe juice remedy mixed with retinoic ointment in equal proportions can be used. Such a composition is applied for an hour, then a neutral component is used.
  • To prepare another mass, retinoic ointment, burdock and almond oils are used in equal proportions. The finished mass is applied to the skin (for an hour).

All the proposed masks are good, they are used to effectively smooth out wrinkles. After applying them, the skin will peel off for one to three days. At this time, it is recommended to use high-quality moisturizers.

Recovery Features

Delicate and velvety skin is the result that everyone expects after applying an effective and safe peeling. However, already after 12–24 hours, the skin begins to peel off. So the epidermis gets rid of keratinized and dead cells. Redness may also appear, which disappears on the second or fourth day.

The dermis is completely renewed after 7 days, and the maximum effect is achieved on 21 days. That is how much it will take the cells to fully renew and recover. During such a period of time, women manage to carry out 3-4 peeling sessions using retinoic ointment.

Exfoliation of keratinized and dead particles occurs intensively. At this time, cosmetologists advise to observe maximum precautions. You can not touch the skin with your hands, scrubs and other aggressive cleansing agents are not used. During this period, you should wash your face not with tonics and milk, but with warm water, use enzyme masks, apply effective and safe moisturizers with sun filters (at least 30 units).

Since retinoic ointment makes the skin sensitive to ultraviolet light, it is recommended to choose spring or autumn for the procedure. This will make it possible to avoid sunburn, as well as to schedule repeated sessions at an acceptable time.

What does it take to be happy? The question is complex and ambiguous. But one thing can be said - a happy person is a confident person. And how can we gain confidence if sometimes we are afraid of our own reflection in the mirror? Wrinkles, emaciated appearance, puffiness under the eyes, painful grayness. How to get younger? Regularly cleanse and renew the skin. Peeling procedures have long and firmly entered the full-fledged anti-aging care. But peeling - peeling is different.

Stage 2. Application

Cleanse your face thoroughly. Then apply a solution of glycolic acid (it will soften the epidermis well and prepare it for the main procedure). After that, we immediately apply a peeling mass, which we hold for up to 45 minutes, depending on the desired effect.

If you decide to use Differin cream, apply it in two layers. The first should be rubbed into the skin, the second to cover the face with a denser layer.

Stage 3. Finishing

Without removing the retinoic composition, apply a neutralizing mixture to it (mix baking soda and water in a ratio of 0.5 x 1). The mask is not washed off until 7-8 hours.

Attention! From the neutralizing composition, you may experience a burning sensation. It's quite normal.

Then wash thoroughly and gently with warm water and apply a protective, deeply moisturizing cream suitable for your skin type.

Stage 4. Recovery

Immediately after peeling, you will rejoice at the tenderness and silkiness of the skin, but be prepared for the fact that after 12 hours or 2 days the epidermis will begin to actively get rid of the dead layer. Often, after exposure to retinoic acid, persistent hyperemia appears at the site of exposure (redness will disappear in 2-4 days). The face will fully recover after a week.

The maximum effect of the procedure will be if it is carried out in a course: once every three weeks. At home, retinoic peeling is designed for three sessions. The second course is carried out after six months.

The exfoliation process will be quite active. Be prepared that the peeling of the skin will last about a week. At this time, in no case do not help the natural peeling manually. You will benefit much more if you apply moisturizers, enzyme masks and thermal water.

Stage 5. Care

The epidermis, which has undergone the test of retinoic acid, needs special care. Protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, help it restore its water balance (creams, masks, compresses). Before going outside, use protective equipment with a high SPF filter (more than 30 units).

Read more about retinoic peel.

Sharing experience

We not only give advice, but also receive numerous letters from our readers. One of them will interest you.

Tatyana, 38 years old. « I did such a peeling once about six months ago, in January. It generally needs to be done in the winter. My friend experimented in the summer and got strong pigmentation. Although I spent it in cold weather, I still used Kose Sunscreen sunscreen milk.

My cosmetologist recommended to buy yellow peeling Mediderma or INNO-PEEL made in Spain. I was able to buy Mediderma at the pharmacy (by the way, I thought that it was more expensive). When I held the mask, there was a feeling of a hot compress (a very pleasant feeling). In general, I write how it went for me:

  • The first day. As soon as I took off the retinol, I felt tightness, and my complexion was yellowish-orange. I liked the shade - like I went to the solarium. True, after two days he became the same.
  • Second day. Terrible peeling began - the skin went straight in plates, starting from the center of the face.
  • Day three. The peeling intensified even more.
  • Day four. Red spots that itched were added to my torment. I took Zyrtec (an antihistamine for allergies).
  • Day five. Hooray! Finally, the peeling ends and the spots have disappeared. These days were the hardest for me. Traumel S. homeopathic ointment saved me from peeling.
  • Day six. I can't move away from the mirror. The skin is great! Clean, smooth - like a baby!

In general, my verdict. It's worth it! Retinoic peeling at home saved me a lot of money (in the salon the same procedure will cost two or three times more) and I got an amazing effect. The most chic thing is that the skin was velvety smooth to the touch, the pores were narrowed and wrinkles were slightly smoothed out! Now I plan to repeat the rejuvenation«.

Retinoic peeling at home, the recipe of which is simple to use, gently and gently exfoliates the skin, while cells are quickly renewed and pores are deeply cleansed. The procedure promotes rejuvenation and healing. Home peeling will not only get an effective result, but also save time and money.

Indications for use

Retinoic peeling is a procedure using chemical solutions that affects the removal of the upper layers of the skin, cleansing it, making the relief even and improving the complexion.

Often the procedure is given a different name - yellow peeling. The yellow color of the skin is stained due to retinoic acid.

In addition to retinoic acid, peeling may include acids such as ascorbic, phytic, kojic, azelaic.

Cleansing with retienic acid will help in solving various problems:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • uneven terrain;
  • photoaging;
  • wrinkles;
  • keratomas;
  • hyperkeratosis.

Retinoic peeling will perfectly cleanse not only the skin of the face and neck, but also the hands and décolleté.

Preparation for peeling

Home retinoic peeling is similar to a procedure in a beauty salon.

Before peeling, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work:

  • two weeks before the manipulation, you should abandon the sauna, bath and solarium;
  • do not use scrubs and cosmetics containing highly concentrated acids;
  • instead of a regular cream, you need to use a cream with glycolic acid, which will help soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Yellow peeling should be done during the period of least solar activity. Plan to start the course in the second half of October, and finish by the first half of March. You will have time to do several procedures.

It should be remembered that cleansing with a retinoic component will take you a sufficient amount of time. During this period, your appearance will be far from perfect due to redness and peeling of the skin. Plan the procedure for the weekend, and best of all - for a vacation.


Preparations with retinoic acid are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. You can buy retinoic ointment.

retinoic peel recipe

  • glycolic cream;
  • retinoic ointment;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 st. l. water;
  • moisturizing cream.
  1. Cleanse your face and pat it dry with a paper towel.
  2. Apply a glycolic acid cream.
  3. Lubricate the skin with retinoic ointment.
  4. Apply a neutralizing mixture of baking soda and water over the mask after 45 minutes.
  5. Wash your face with warm water after seven to eight hours.
  6. Moisturize your face with cream.

During the procedure, you may feel a burning sensation. There is no cause for concern: the cream has reacted with the skin and the cleansing process has begun.

After peeling, strong peeling will certainly begin, which will last about a week. Do not assist natural exfoliation by hand as this can damage the skin. The best remedy during this period is intensive hydration.

In the first days, redness (erythema) will be observed, which will last for several days. Full recovery and healing of the skin will occur after a week.

To consolidate the positive effect, retinoic cleansing is done three times in a row, once every three weeks, and after six months the procedure is repeated.

Care after peeling

In the post-peeling period, the skin is very sensitive, so it needs careful care.

It is especially important to maintain water balance, for this it is necessary to use various means with a healing, anti-inflammatory and nourishing effect every day. To moisturize, use natural creams and thermal water.

You need to protect your skin from direct sunlight. Before going outside, apply a high protection cream (SPF over 30) on your face.

At this time, try to avoid severe frost and gusts of wind so as not to subject your face to additional stress.


The impact of retinoic peeling can adversely affect health if there are some factors:

  • exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • allergies to the composition of the peeling;
  • skin injury;
  • the presence of flat warts, rosacea;
  • eczema, seborrheic dermatitis;
  • preparation for motherhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Retinoic cleansing should be used with great care for sensitive skin to peeling components. To prevent allergies, it is recommended to take antihistamines. During the procedure, it is necessary to reduce the intake of vitamin A by mouth, and you should not use cosmetic preparations containing retinol for two weeks.

When undergoing treatment and taking medications, you need to consult a doctor about their compatibility with retinoic acid.

Retinoic peeling will help cleanse the skin, even out the relief and improve the complexion. Yellow peeling at home is a simple and effective procedure. The cost of materials and the procedure will cost you less than in a beauty salon. And you can choose any time for peeling!

1 070 1 Hello! Modern cosmetology never ceases to amaze with a variety of caring procedures. Today we will talk about one popular type of chemical peel - retinoic face peel.

What is retinoic peeling

Retinoic peeling is a method of dry skin cleansing with retinoids - synthetic analogues of vitamin A. This peeling is also called yellow due to the color of the applied composition, which is given just by retinoids.

Retinoids - These are derivatives of retinoic acid obtained artificially. Retinoic acid is endowed with multifunctional properties and is used as a drug for acne, psoriasis and skin photoaging.

Unlike natural vitamin A, retinoids are more active and have a quick effect. yellow peeling more designed for mature skin and is the best suited for age-related changes.

Retinoids act on the middle layer of the epidermis, activating cell regeneration and renewal. Retinoic chemical peel referred to as superficial peels, which have excellent exfoliating properties and are less traumatic.

Benefits of retinoic peeling :

  • not traumatic;
  • safe;
  • fast-efficient;
  • minimum complications;
  • short rehabilitation;
  • all-season procedure.

The effect of retinoic peeling :

  • regeneration of skin cells by exfoliation;
  • elimination of acne;
  • elimination of pigmentation and lightening of tone;
  • visually tightened and rejuvenating appearance;
  • increase in the protective mechanisms of the skin;
  • even tone;
  • cleansing the skin of toxins and microbes;
  • deep nourishment of the skin;
  • stimulation of the production of own collagen and elastin;
  • prevention of neoplasms;
  • cleaning from sebaceous plugs and normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Indications and contraindications for yellow peeling

Indications for retinoic peeling:

  • skin aging;
  • acne;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • pigmentation;
  • dry and dehydrated skin;
  • excessive secretion of sebaceous secretion;
  • photoaging.

As can be seen from the indications, yellow peeling is suitable for skin with age-related changes. Therefore, it is recommended to use retinoic peeling for the face from the age of 35.


  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • individual intolerance and allergic reaction to retiniodes;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • herpes;
  • fungal skin lesions;
  • the presence of open wounds, ulcers, pustules;
  • liver disease;
  • taking certain medications;

Also, with caution and according to individual indicators, yellow peeling should be used when taking antibiotics and retinoids, severe forms of diseases, after a recent tan. Retinoic peeling is not carried out for minors.

In addition, it is not recommended to use yellow peeling immediately after a number of cosmetic procedures - UVR, chemical or mechanical cleaning, some hardware procedures, etc. In this case, a break must be observed.

Carrying out yellow peeling

The retinoic peeling procedure can be divided into stages:

1). Consultation with a specialist– the cosmetologist will assess the condition of your skin, identify the existing problems and develop a scheme for further preparation for the procedure, determining the composition of the retinoic peel, the rehabilitation period, and identify any contraindications.

2). Preparatory– this stage includes a long-term preparation of the skin for chemical retinoic peeling. The duration of the preparation will depend on the composition of the ritinoic peel, the condition of the skin and other individual factors.

During preparation, the skin is thoroughly cleansed, masks and light scrubs are prescribed to soften and nourish the skin, special care products with glycolic acid, fruit acids, as well as creams or ointments with retinoids or retinoic acid are used. Such products will be recommended by a beautician.

The preparatory period may take from a week to 3 weeks. On average, two weeks are allotted for preparation. Longer preparation requires skin with a dark color and skin prone to pigmentation. The duration of the period can be significantly reduced with preparatory procedures at home.

It is the preparatory period that is very important, since the success of yellow peeling and the minimization of complications largely depend on it.

3). Peeling procedure- takes from 20 minutes to 1 hour in a salon and there are longer trains - up to 12-15 hours. This depends on the composition used, and more specifically on the concentration of retinoic acid. The higher the concentration, the shorter the exposure time and vice versa. Long-term formulations are more gentle. Along with retinoic acid, various auxiliary acids are present in the exfoliating composition.

The procedure itself consists in applying the composition in an even layer on the skin of the face. After a certain time, the mass solidifies in the form of a film, a mask. Then the mask is washed off or neutralized with a composition of water and soda. The composition for peeling has a characteristic yellow color, after application the skin takes on a yellow tint, which disappears on the first day.

Burning sensation and sometimes itching are typical during peeling. After removing the mask, there may be redness, tightness and swelling may occur.

There are different types of yellow peeling: classical And sparing.

  • Classic yellow peeling uses artificial vitamin A in its composition and it is more effective, aggressive.
  • The gentle yellow peel uses natural retinol and is less effective, but is suitable for very sensitive skin. Gentle retinoic peeling does not require special preparation and can be performed more often than the classic one.

At the first stage, the cosmetologist develops an individual course of peeling procedures and their frequency. It can be 3-6 sessions every 7 days or every two weeks, a month. Courses with different frequency of sessions are possible.

4). Follow-up or post-peel care- includes caring activities both after the entire course of yellow peeling procedures, and between sessions. This stage includes the use of moisturizers, masks, emollients for washing. It is important to use UV protection during the first few days, as the skin becomes more sensitive to the sun after peeling. The post-peeling period lasts for a month after the course of procedures.

During the first days, peeling, swelling and redness will be observed.

  • Exfoliation is a faithful companion of retinoic peeling and occurs approximately 2-3 days after the first procedure and can last for 3-4 days. It is invisible and mostly removed with washing in the morning.
  • Peeling is fine-grained. In no case should you peel off the skin yourself when peeling, but only natural removal when washing. The first peeling results can be seen after a week. The effect of retinoic peeling lasts for 4-6 months.

It is worth avoiding numerous tips on the usefulness of using hormonal ointments and creams in the post-peeling period. It is better to use products with panthenol.

Any cosmetic products used after yellow peeling must be approved by a beautician.

After a course of yellow peeling, cosmetics should be carefully selected in the first month after the procedures. Also pay attention to strengthening the immune system, a balanced diet.

It is necessary to avoid taking retinoids by mouth immediately after the course of peeling.

Possible side effects and complications

Possible side effects include:

  • hyperemia and swelling;
  • redness;
  • allergic reaction.

All these side effects disappear spontaneously and with proper follow-up care after a few days. If these phenomena persist for a week or more, you should immediately consult a specialist.

  • Other possible side effects include darkening of certain areas of the skin. But this effect is insignificant and not mandatory, it disappears with skin peeling.

It should also be noted that retinoic peeling is embryotoxic and therefore contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

  • Also, in the presence of liver diseases, retinoic peeling can exacerbate their course and adversely affect the state of the liver as a whole.

In cosmetology, superficial chemical peeling based on retinoic acid is a painless and safe procedure.

  • If you neglect the recommendations for preparing for peeling, then a possible complication may be the occurrence of cracks, rashes, and chemical burns. It is also possible the appearance of acne, herpes due to the fact that the skin after peeling is very sensitive and the protective barriers are weakened.

Retinoic peeling at home

There are a large number of ready-made formulations for using yellow peeling at home. These compounds have a gentle effect and a small concentration of retinoic acid. You can buy them in the form of masks, gel-like mass. The duration of the course will again depend on the condition of the skin, the desired result and the composition of the mask.

Before using yellow peeling, it will not be superfluous to consult a cosmetologist for recommendations on choosing the right composition and rehabilitation measures.

The stages of applying retinoic peeling at home are similar to the salon procedure. It is important to act strictly according to the recommendations in the instructions for the composition of the peeling and carry out the preparatory stage. To detect an allergic reaction, before applying the composition to the face, you need to do a test on your hand.

It is possible that the duration of the course and the frequency of sessions at home will differ from salon procedures. Post-peeling care consists in careful care and the use of protective agents from ultraviolet radiation.

The result of retinoic peeling will be noticeable changes in the skin condition:

  • tightness and elasticity;
  • clear contours;
  • minimizing wrinkles;
  • improvement of tone and evenness of tone;
  • brightening the complexion;
  • weakening or disappearance of pigmentation;
  • reduction of circles under the eyes;
  • "glow" of the skin;
  • velvety and healthy glow.

Yellow peeling allows you to visually rejuvenate the skin by 3-5 years and give the skin a healthy and even tone.

Today we will learn how to make a retinoic peel at home. In principle, I already wrote about this in the topic, but here more about it.

I read how people use Differin or on the skin, I found a couple of interesting points. About the funny later, but this moment was very intriguing. It turns out that an overdose of Differin may be regarded as a retinoic peel. The fact is that some people use it in mega doses. I'm telling.

First, they wash well, then rub the retinoid, and apply it with a thick layer on top and leave it on the skin ... Everyone has a different reaction:

  • normal,
  • irritation,
  • peeling redness,
  • burning…

But everyone notices that after such a peeling, the face acquires an even relief ...

Yesterday I smeared a large dose of clenzite, got a retinoic peel. Somewhere in 2 - 3 hours I noticed. Then he changed his mind about experimenting further and washed himself with a setafil.

In the morning, no redness, but the skin became prone to irritation - it reacted to shaving with redness and tingling. By evening, she was almost back to normal. Of the positive effects of large doses, only peeling was noted, that is, it became smooth and clean, small ones should definitely be removed ”- this is one of the moments.

Or here's another.

A couple of times I happened to swell Differin on my face (when I cut the tube to smear the leftovers), the effect is really like peeling with retinoids. after a couple of days, the top layer peels off quickly and evenly, leaving smooth, even skin. comedones (if any) are removed very easily.

Retinoid toxicity

At first I did not pay attention to it, but then the reviews became more frequent. I don’t know myself, I haven’t tried it, since the skin climbs even from a thin layer of differin. However, this is not my tool. There has been a heated discussion about the toxicity of retinoids to the skin, in particular adapolene and all retinoid derivatives. I wrote a letter to Maksik (doctor), about retinoids, with the following content:

Tell me, everyone knows that retinoids inside are very toxic. What can you say about new generation retinoids (adapalene) and even old ones (retinoic ointment), if applied to the skin, how they affect the general condition and acne. That is, there is a toxic effect on the body?

They still penetrate inside, through the skin, that is, there is an accumulation in the body, otherwise, I think, it was simply not forbidden to pregnant women.

Here is what he replied:

Not everything in this world is clear! BUT.
You are confusing the concepts of toxicity and teratogenicity.
Adapalene has very low absorption when applied topically and practically does not enter the systemic circulation. To date, its toxic or teratogenic effects have not been identified when applied topically. But I personally would not use it during pregnancy 🙂 and breastfeeding 🙂 (it is also unknown if it passes into breast milk). Yes, and in my opinion, you can somehow do without it for a year, use something safe. Why take the risk? But in terms of toxicity, when applied topically, this is the safest retinoid.

As for retinoic ointment, its active ingredient is isotretinoin. And it is ABSOLUTELY teratogenic. Therefore, no matter how it penetrates the skin (and it is absorbed in negligible amounts), its use is prohibited during pregnancy. The toxicity of oral isotretinoin is quite low and, if symptoms of hepatotoxicity develop, they are dose-dependent and completely reversible. When applied topically, cases of toxicity of isotretinoin are not known.

I even managed to find people willing to use Differin for wrinkles, under the eyes… – Horror… Don't ever do that!

Pearls about differin

- I understand that you have to sit on Klenzit. And it's like a drug - if it is - it's good, if it's not - everything is bad again.

- "high" from differin will not work ...

- I'm afraid of the possibility of exacerbation from adapalene, I would not want to look like a Christmas tree.

If you still decide to try doing retinoic peeling at home, be very careful, as the result is not always the way we want.