Review of the best hand creams. Nourishing and protective hand creams - a detailed overview of the best offers

Hands are the hallmark of every girl. Delicate and well-groomed hands are able to attract the attention of the opposite sex. The best hand cream can make them so. Each representative of the fair sex has his own, as it is selected individually, in accordance with her preferences and skin characteristics. But what useful properties this tool should have, how to choose it correctly and identify the best manufacturers - we have to find out.

When choosing a cream, you should first decide what function it should perform: protection, care or treatment. Such products are most successful in autumn and winter, since it is in the autumn-winter season that our hands are often aggressively affected by low temperatures. If you manage to find a good and high-quality protective hand cream, then it, like a glove, will protect your hands and help them endure all hardships.

  1. Creams for care perform the functions of hydration and nutrition. In the first case, to make the skin sufficiently hydrated, the cream is instantly absorbed and will become an indispensable assistant in spring and summer, and in the second case, it is perfect for use in the cold season and also for very dry skin that is irritated.
  2. There are also means anti-aging, not only nourishing and moisturizing the skin, but also smoothing wrinkles and making age spots visible to a minimum.
  3. Medical creams much more intensively than any other means affect the skin, regenerating it and fighting hardened areas and microcracks.
  4. Also, all these products differ in composition, depending on what time of day they are intended for application ( day or night). In daytime hand creams, the structure is more light, they are absorbed faster, they have protection functions, a UV filter. Creams for use at night are more oily and saturated with various useful components, they actively nourish the skin at night, contributing to recovery.
  • paraffin - softening;
  • lanolin - recharge;
  • glycerin - moisture retention;
  • tea tree oil - anti-inflammatory effect;
  • allantoin - getting rid of irritation;
  • panthenol - healing of skin lesions;
  • oils and vitamins - giving a healthy look to the skin and velvety.

Anti-aging creams also contain aloe extract, elastin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, and mineral-vitamin complexes.

What is the best hand cream? The rating of the most preferred creams according to the portal will help you understand this. It includes products from different manufacturers, used to moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands, as well as having an anti-aging effect.

Hydration and nutrition

The list of tools used for this purpose includes six different manufacturers.

Moisturizes the skin of the hands very intensively, actively protects against fading. Instantly absorbed, saturates the skin with enough moisture, relieving it of dryness and giving elasticity. The composition of the product contains hyaluronic acid, collagen hydrolyzate, soybean and olive oils, a large amount of lipids that restore the hydrolipidic protective barrier. Produced in a jar of 300 ml.


  • large volume;
  • fast absorption;
  • good hydration.

Disadvantages: expensive (varies in the range of 633-711 rubles).

Prices :

The cream, due to the thermal water and allantoin contained in the composition, contributes to the rapid restoration of the hydrolipid mantle of the skin and its softening. Provides hands protection from aggressive environmental factors.

Suitable for children from 3 years old and adults.


  • comfortable tube;
  • gentle pleasant smell;
  • efficiency.

Disadvantages: the cost is high (varies in the range from 497 to 519 rubles).

Prices :

3. Velvet handles

The products of this brand can perform the functions of nutrition and hydration.

Moisturizing- due to the grape seed and olive oils contained in the composition, it has excellent moisturizing properties, and is also able to maintain moisture in the skin at a sufficient level. After its use, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, radiating beauty and youth.


  • absorbed instantly;
  • does not leave a greasy film on the surface of the skin;
  • very cheap (within 40 rubles).

Disadvantages: not identified.

Prices Moisturizing Hand Cream Velvet Handles:

Nutritious cream- very intensely nourishes the skin of the hands, at the same time softening it. The product contains avocado and shea oils, as well as provitamin B5, thanks to which it actively affects the skin of the hands, soothing, moisturizing, nourishing and making it more elastic. The skin becomes velvety and smooth.


  • absorbs well;
  • exudes a pleasant light aroma;
  • it is inexpensive (within 40 rubles).

Disadvantages: does not last long, the feeling of dryness returns, you have to apply more often.

Prices Nourishing Hand Cream Velvet Hands:

4. Neutrogena

Carries out thorough care of the skin of the hands, ideal for protecting the skin from cracks and dryness. It has a soothing, moisturizing and regenerating effect on it. This cosmetic product is in high demand, because with its help every girl can give her hands tenderness and freshness.

The cream consists of safe components and has an anti-aging effect.


  • does not cause allergies;
  • gives an instant effect;
  • spent economically;
  • acceptable cost (varies in the range from 160 to 237 rubles).

Disadvantages: not identified.

Prices Neutrogena hand cream:

5. Bioderma

The cream cares for dry and irritated hand skin. Suitable for basic care for skin diseases such as eczema, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis.

With daily use, it nourishes and restores skin prone to peeling, cracks, irritation and promotes hydration and regeneration of skin cells.

The cream has a rich, nourishing texture.


  • hypoallergenicity;
  • absence of fragrances.

Disadvantages: high cost (the price varies in the range of 389-514 rubles).

Prices :

6. Domix

The hand creams of this brand contain tea tree oil, mint, aloe juice, keratin and even silver. Keratin has the ability to penetrate as deep as possible into dry skin, moisturize it, and also stimulate the regenerative process of skin cells.

Silver prevents microbes from multiplying on the skin of the hands and getting inside it, and at the same time heals small scratches and cracks.


  • light texture;
  • good absorbency;
  • no greasy marks remain;
  • acceptable cost (varies in the range of 60-118 rubles).

Disadvantages: not identified.

Prices :


This orange-scented French Antioxidant Cream provides protection and gentle care for hands, leaving them hydrated and youthful.

Due to the melting structure, the cream is easily and evenly distributed over the skin, eliminating age-related changes.

The handles look neat and well-groomed. The skin becomes lighter, smoother, gains elasticity.


  • economical consumption;
  • no greasy film.

Disadvantages: it is expensive (varies in the range of 886-938 rubles).

Prices :

Keeps the skin of the hands young thanks to the energy complex contained in the composition with coenzyme Q10, which stimulates the natural functions of cells and thus makes the skin more elastic.

In addition, the cream is famous for its effective ability to protect the skin of the hands from the appearance of age spots due to the content of UVA and UVB filters.


  • fast absorption;
  • good hydration;
  • nice smell;
  • acceptable cost (within 134 rubles).

Disadvantages: not identified.

Prices NIVEA anti-aging hand cream Q10 Plus:

3. Librederm

One of the best and most effective anti-aging hand creams, has a strong softening and moisturizing effect. Thanks to its properties, the firmness and elasticity of the skin of the hands is restored, small wrinkles are smoothed out.

This cream protects delicate skin from the harmful effects of external aggressive factors not only in winter, but also in other seasons, in addition, it slows down the aging process.

It has a silky texture due to the content of argan oil and hyaluronic acid in its composition.


  • quickly absorbed;
  • no greasy film remains;
  • reasonable cost (within 145 rubles).

Disadvantages: not identified.

Prices :

4. The Saem

This hand cream is different from all others, as it is based on snail extract, has a rejuvenating effect. It intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin on the hands, filling it with essential vitamins and minerals. Effectively fights pigment spots, brightening them.

Snail extract is a strong antioxidant that protects hands in winter and at other times of the year from the aggressive effects of external factors.


  • effective hydration;
  • spent economically;
  • subtle delicate scent.

Disadvantages: expensive (within 890 rubles).

Prices for Cream The Saem:

The rating included the creams of the best manufacturers according to consumer reviews, and we hope that thanks to the list presented, those who are just thinking about choosing the right cream for their hands will be able to do it accurately.

What are hand creams and how do they differ? What is in a good cream? How to choose a quality product, and what should you pay attention to when buying it? The answers to these and many other questions are in our article.

Hand cream today is an affordable and necessary cosmetic product. It is used by adults, children, and even men. Creams differ from each other not only in composition, but also in the effect on the skin. Therefore, when choosing a product, first of all, decide what your hands need - moisturizing, protection, nutrition?

The skin of the hands is very delicate and vulnerable, so it needs special and careful care. Since ancient times, women have used a wide variety of natural remedies to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin of their hands, and today it has become much easier. It will be enough just to choose the right hand care product and use it regularly. In this case, you do not have to worry about such common problems as chapping or peeling.

The composition of the hand cream

The most common ingredients are:
  • Carrier oils or base oils. They are added to almost all types of hand creams, have a healing and moisturizing effect, and reliably protect the skin. Perfectly combined with other components. The most commonly used oils are coconut, jojoba, almond, vitamin E.
  • emollients have a fairly thick texture, they perfectly moisturize and smooth the skin. In the composition of hand products, emollients are cocoa butter, shea butter, beeswax, lanolin.
  • Minerals and vitamins included in all hand creams. For example, vitamin E is often added to the composition of healing agents, and vitamin A is often added to anti-aging creams. Vitamin C and K, zinc may also be contained.
  • Herbal extracts, medicinal plants, essential oils- These are the most common components contained in creams. Chamomile and aloe have excellent moisturizing properties. Oats and green tea rejuvenate the skin, while mint gives the cream a pleasant light aroma and provides a cooling effect. Also popular components are sandalwood, lavender, lemon tree oils.
  • Flavorings, dyes. These are not the most important components, but are often used. It is advisable to use those products that do not contain artificial substances.
  • Water contained in any kind of cream. It is she who acts as a connecting element of all other components and enhances the moisturizing properties of the product. It also neutralizes the fat content of some components, such as lanolin or cocoa.

Which hand cream to choose?

Today, there are a fairly large number of different types of hand care creams, but you need to choose this product taking into account what result should be obtained - for example, to protect the hands from the cold wind in winter or get rid of the problem of skin peeling.

Protective hand cream

A thin film forms on the surface of the skin, which retains moisture inside. It protects against the negative effects of the environment, a variety of chemicals that are used today almost every day.

As a result of frequent hand washing, the natural protective layer of the skin is destroyed. This type of cream prevents the onset of the destructive process and reliably protects the delicate skin of the hands.

Special creams with a hydrophilic effect are recommended when working with various chemicals, paints or varnishes.

When choosing a protective cream, you need to pay attention to its components. The ideal option would be a product containing natural extracts and oils that can significantly enhance the effect of any cream. In addition, they provide an accelerated process of skin regeneration.

Without fail, the composition of this product should include hyaluronic acid, because it is this substance that restores the pH balance, returns silkiness to the handles. In summer, it reliably protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Vitamins and fruit acids contained in this type of cream tighten the skin.

It is advisable to opt for cosmetics packaged in tubes, because thanks to a small hole, the cream will not erode. This is very important, because as a result of prolonged contact with oxygen, the composition of the cream changes. If you use the product in a jar, you need to collect the cream only with a special spatula so that microbes do not get in.

Before buying any cream, you need to conduct a small test - a quality product is quickly and easily absorbed, there are no greasy marks on the skin, and it does not provoke an allergic reaction. If even a slight reddening or burning sensation appears, it is worth refusing to purchase this remedy - it may simply not be suitable, or the expiration date has expired.

Moisturizing hand cream

This type of cream perfectly protects the skin from drying out, saturates it with moisture and eliminates increased dryness. The main task of the product is precisely moisturizing, which is why it contains a large amount of water. The texture of this cream is delicate and very light, after its application, the unpleasant feeling of tightness disappears, the problem of peeling is solved.

Moisturizing creams are easy to apply, gently spread over the surface of the skin and quickly absorbed. You can use this tool several times a day if necessary. However, it is not recommended to apply the product right before going outside in the cold season.

The composition of a good cream must necessarily include natural extracts. It is advisable to choose a product containing green tea extract, which will make the skin soft, clean, and restore moisture balance. Moisturizing creams can have a glycerin base, contain polyphenols, active sea water, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, amino acids, hyaluronic acid.

The main task of this type of cream is gentle hand skin care, moisturizing, and prevention of inflammatory processes. At the same time, cell regeneration is increased several times.

In order for the skin of the hands to always look well-groomed, and the hands to retain youth for a long time, it is necessary not only to choose the right care product, but also to constantly apply it.

A high-quality cream must contain vitamins F and E, which provide a protective effect and prevent the onset of premature skin aging. Opt for those creams that contain natural extracts, as they perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin, enrich with valuable substances, accelerate the healing of wounds, cuts, scratches, accelerate metabolic processes in the epidermis, and improve blood circulation.

Before buying this or that cream, it is worth considering the fact that they can be intended for night or day care. You need to choose the product that will provide maximum hydration.

Hand cream for winter

The composition of this type of hand cream includes a large amount of fatty substances that create a unique protective film. This tool becomes simply indispensable with the onset of cold weather.

Nourishing hand cream

It is an excellent source of minerals and vitamins that nourish the skin and provide essential nutrients. Also, this type of cream prevents the onset of premature aging of the skin, preserves youth and beauty.

The composition of a quality product should include active ingredients that provide skin nutrition. For example, oil and glycerin, which have an excellent emollient effect. It is advisable to opt for those products that contain soybean oil and provitamins, which contribute to the active restoration and nutrition of the skin.

Dry hand cream

This is a novelty in the world of modern cosmetology. It looks like the simplest piece of soap and you need to use it like soap - a cream is taken and the hands are carefully wiped with it.

This type has a number of advantages - it does not lose its properties during prolonged contact with oxygen, it contains natural extracts, medicinal oils, beeswax. It also includes other active substances that provide excellent nutrition, restoration and protection of the skin of the hands. Beeswax not only perfectly nourishes, but also contributes to the creation of a protective film that prevents dryness and chapping of the skin.

This type of cream maintains the right balance of moisture in the skin, helps slow down the aging process, restoring skin elasticity and natural beauty. With regular use, a feeling of comfort appears, the skin becomes elastic. Dry cream is recommended for different types of skin, does not include components that can provoke an allergic reaction or irritation. This type of cream is very compact, economical to use. It can be used as a protective and as a moisturizing balm. Suitable not only for women, but also for men.

Video on how to choose a hand cream:

Updated: 08/01/2018 14:14:23

Expert: Svetlana Vorontsova - cosmetologist

Any woman does not want to grow old, so during her life she tries to do everything to prevent this from happening: she turns to a beautician, spends fabulous money on various care products. It all works and helps to stop age-related changes. But some forget that hands are the main indicator of a person's age, and do not pay due attention to their care. As a result, all efforts become in vain.

Starting to take care of the delicate skin of the hands in time, you can preserve their beauty and healthy appearance. Today, so many creams with different directions are offered to help the fair sex that sometimes you don’t know which one is better to choose. Our experts will help you with this. The rating contains funds from various manufacturers and price categories, which have received commendable reviews from women and high marks from specialists.

Rating of the best hand creams

Nomination place Name of product price
The best moisturizer for hands 1 680 ₽
2 324 ₽
3 390 ₽
The best anti-aging hand cream 1 1 790 ₽
2 2 100 ₽
3 270 ₽
4 289 ₽
best hand cream for sensitive skin 1 633 ₽
2 258 ₽
3 345 ₽
4 1 490 ₽

The best moisturizer for hands

As a result of routine housework, hands are constantly exposed to the aggressive influence of external factors. Every day we wash dishes, wash and lose precious moisture, and as a result - dry, chapped skin. To prevent dehydration, manufacturers offer special creams that, with regular use, will restore the hydrobalance and natural processes in the epithelium, and protect against aggressive influences. We offer you to get acquainted with the best representatives of moisturizers and opt for the most worthy one.

L "occitane Pivoine Flora Hand Cream

The French brand presents a moisturizer with a sensual peony scent. It gently cares for the skin of the hands, quickly eliminates dryness, peeling. Grape seed, shea and coconut oils nourish, promote the healing of wounds and cracks. Glycerin moisturizes. The composition is absolutely safe for health, does not cause irritation.

The texture is not very thick, it is instantly absorbed, does not form a greasy film. After application, a barely perceptible smell of peony is heard for a long time. Soft packaging allows you to use the entire product without residue. A tube with a cute feminine design in pink tones will take its rightful place on the shelf, and a mini-package in a cosmetic bag.

The girls especially noted the duration of the cream. The skin remains moisturized and soft for a long time after contact with water and detergents.


    fast action;

    presented in 2 volumes: 30 and 75 ml;

    delicate floral aroma;

    economical consumption;


  • high price - 1450 rubles.

A well-deserved place in the ranking is taken by a cream made from organic ingredients, which is suitable for especially sensitive, irritated skin. Natural waxes protect against the effects of hard water, detergents, adverse natural factors.

Noni, coconut, castor oil, sunflower, orange peel oils have a regenerating effect, normalize metabolic processes, soften even very rough skin of the hands, and strengthen the nail plates. Plant extracts of papaya and pineapple exfoliate dead cells, vitamins contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.

A fairly low price within 350 rubles for such a high-quality and absolutely harmless product will become an undoubted argument in favor of buying this particular cream. Most of the women interviewed agreed with this.


    natural ingredients;

    extracts of exotic plants in the composition;

    quickly eliminates dehydration;

    improves the condition of nails;


  • not identified.


Another budget tool presented in this category has an undoubted effect, confirmed by users. The natural composition guarantees complete safety for damaged, weakened, dry skin.

The cream is quickly absorbed, eliminates the feeling of tightness, has wound healing and soothing effects. Using regularly, you can noticeably tighten and improve the condition of the skin, even out the relief. Handles look well-groomed, smooth, with natural healthy color and shine.

The product is packaged not in the usual traditional tube, but in a dark glass bottle equipped with a convenient dispenser. It gives out enough cream for one application, does not clog, does not stick during the entire period of operation. The transparent cap is securely fixed and prevents accidental pressure on the pump.



    100% natural ingredients;

    rejuvenating effect;

    convenient packaging;

    long-term hydration;


  • not identified.

The best anti-aging hand cream

Creams with anti-aging action will help to preserve youth, elasticity and healthy appearance of the hands. They prevent premature aging, eliminate wrinkles, soften rough skin. Special components included in their composition stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, promote cell regeneration, remove toxins and protect against free radicals. Based on customer reviews and the opinion of experts, we have included 4 creams in the rating that have proven their effectiveness in practice.

L`Occitane Velvet Almond

Owners of dry, damaged skin of the hands with early signs of fading are ideally suited for anti-aging cream from L "Occitane. Despite the rather thick texture, it does not leave a greasy sheen and a feeling of stickiness, it is quickly absorbed, instantly giving a feeling of comfort. Lovers will like the smell of almonds with light floral notes. exotic scents and will accompany you with a light, sweet scent all day long.

Proteins nourish, smooth, restore elasticity and firmness. The cream protects against the influence of detergents and hard water. Sunscreens with SPF 15 stop UV exposure.

The wide octagonal lid is easy to unscrew. The cream, unlike many other analogues, can be kept vertically on the shelf.


    smoothes wrinkles;

    "delicious smell;

    protection from all external influences;

    soft enveloping texture;


  • the cost is 1500 rubles.

Israeli cosmetologists use valuable natural ingredients in their recipes, which are known for their anti-aging properties. The cream is designed for aging skin with obvious signs of aging, quickly restores lost smoothness and elasticity, stimulates cell regeneration and collagen production.

Thanks to the patented formula, it smoothes, softens and moisturizes, protects against the harmful effects of detergents. UV filters prevent the formation of age spots and dehydration.

Women who first tried the effect of the cream on themselves agreed with all the promises made by the manufacturer. It instantly eliminates peeling, with daily use, a noticeable improvement in skin condition is observed. Many said they would buy it again.


    based on natural ingredients;

    patented anti-aging formula;

    UV protection;

    smoothes the microrelief of the skin;


  • price within 1600 rubles.

Natura Siberica hand cream-serum regenerating for mature skin with anti-pigment effect

What rating can do without a representative of the Russian brand NATURA SIBERICA?! The cream is intended for daily care and restoration of mature hand skin after 40 years, when age-related changes are especially visible. Its recipe includes plants and herbs collected in ecologically safe regions of Siberia and the Far East.

Natural collagen and elastin stop premature aging, smooth wrinkles, and eliminate age spots. Ginseng extract tones and rejuvenates. Chamomile and calendula have wound healing, antiseptic and soothing effects.

Flax and lemongrass oils soften, saturate with useful nutrients, eliminate irritation and flaking. Fans of this brand were once again convinced of the quality of the product. New users were pleasantly surprised by the effect at such a low cost of the cream.


    anti-pigment action;

    eliminates wrinkles;

    softens and moisturizes;

    budget price - about 250 rubles;


  • not identified.

Main ingredients: amaranth and shea oils, sweet almond extract. The formula of ginseng and neovitin is aimed at combating the causes of aging. It prevents the harmful effects of the environment, the aggressive influence of detergents, day after day restores elasticity and firmness.

Convenient flip-top lid snaps securely into place to prevent spillage. Creamy texture spreads easily and absorbs instantly. The light smell of amaranth quickly disappears, leaving a barely perceptible aroma. Softness is retained even after several interactions with water.


    balanced composition;

    pleasant non-greasy texture;

    improves skin tone;

    low cost - 160 rubles;


  • not identified.

best hand cream for sensitive skin

Especially sensitive skin, which reacts to almost all external irritating factors, requires specialized care. With the wrong remedy, she begins to itch and itch, covered with red spots, dermatitis and eczema often occur, which naturally spoils the image of a woman. Our ranking lists the best soothing creams for problem skin that will keep it beautiful and healthy for years to come.

The German brand Weleda has released a cream for especially sensitive skin, which will protect against external aggressive influences, soothe, soften, and eliminate itching. It does not contain any synthetic ingredients, its pH is close to the pH of the skin. The cream is suitable for vegans.

Delicate texture gently envelops, creates a reliable barrier against all irritants. Almond oil nourishes, gives a feeling of comfort, restores hydrobalance. The cream enhances the natural protective functions, the skin becomes less sensitive.

With daily use of Almond Sensitive Skin Hand Cream, you can forget about problems such as dryness and redness for a long time. Delicate and smooth skin will delight its owners with a beautiful and healthy look.


    hypoallergenic composition;

    high protective barrier against external factors;

    prolonged exposure;

    restores natural processes;


  • not identified.

For dry, damaged skin prone to irritation, the German brand Neobio has created an emollient cream with bio-components that will restore elasticity and create comfortable sensations for a long time. Sweet citrus aroma will give freshness and improve mood.

Olive oil intensively moisturizes and softens. Aloe promotes the healing of wounds and microcracks, prevents the occurrence of foci of inflammation. Shea butter and coconut oil saturate with useful substances. The cream begins to act immediately after application, relieves pain and itching.

According to reviews, Soft Hand Cream has a creamy texture, a small amount of product is enough for one coating, which significantly extends the life of one tube. Many respondents with thin, damaged skin confirmed the high effectiveness of the cream.

Sea buckthorn, tea tree, coconut and olive oils will soothe, soften, give a feeling of comfort, restore damaged nails. With anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial action, the cream helps restore healthy skin color.

Buyers noted a high therapeutic effect on especially damaged skin, the wounds healed quickly, the cover smoothed out. It is worth noting the original packaging of the cream. This is a small bottle with a dispenser that is convenient to carry in your purse.


    natural ingredients;

    antibacterial property;

    strengthens the nail plate;

    protects from all external influences;


  • not identified.

The cream of the Israeli brand is created from herbal ingredients grown in an ecological area off the coast of the Dead Sea. It contains no mineral oils, fragrances, preservatives, petroleum products. He not only cares, but also improves the condition of the skin with psoriasis, fungal infections, eczema.

Immortelle oil relieves irritation, eliminates redness, prevents the formation of age spots. Shea butter protects against UV rays. The product is packaged in miniature jars with a screw cap.


    therapeutic action;

    reduces the symptoms of serious skin lesions;

    organic product;

    soothing effect after insect bites;

    UV protection;


  • average price - 1450 rubles.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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Moisturizing hand cream

The skin of the hands needs protection and hydration no less than the skin of the face. After all, weather conditions, household chemicals, and lifestyle affect the condition of the skin every day. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right hand cream.

The content of the article:

What to look for when choosing a hand cream

The skin on the hands and elbows requires careful care. Everyone knows that a woman's age is judged by the appearance of her hands. Therefore, when choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to some points:

1. Seasonality. In the summer, it is worth buying a cream with a sunscreen effect that helps to avoid the appearance of age spots. It is advisable to purchase a product with a lighter texture. In winter, it is better to use a cream with a greasy consistency. If possible, apply the cream with a sharp temperature drop (moving from the street to the house).

2. Skin type. Owners of a normal skin type can safely use the product in the form of a lotion or milk. For girls with dry skin, it is advisable to use dense, oily textures. People with allergies or sensitive skin should test the product before buying by applying it in a small amount on the back of the hand. In the absence of itching and redness, after a few hours, you can make a purchase.

The composition of the hand cream

Before buying a cosmetic product, you must carefully read the information on the tube.

In order for a moisturizing cream for hands and nails to really soften and nourish the skin, it should preferably contain the following components:

- Oils / oil base. They have a protective and healing effect on the skin. Most often, almond and coconut oil are added.
- Hyaluronic acid. Helps skin to be silky and smooth.
- Vitamins A, E, C and K, zinc. Protect the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors.
- Extracts of plants and herbs. They have a bactericidal effect.
- Water. It is a part of all creams and is a binding element for all components.

Do not be afraid of such components as emulsifiers and preservatives. Emulsifiers help the product have a uniform texture. A small amount of preservatives help preserve the beneficial properties of the cream for as long as possible.

It is especially worth paying attention to the fact that the composition of the product does not contain harmful ingredients: formaldehyde, parabens, propylene glycol, aluminum acetate.

Top best hand creams

It is important to find a cream that is right for your skin. It is worth choosing from proven cosmetics:

1. Yves Rocher cream with arnica.

Intensively moisturizing hand cream thanks to the presence of arnica extract and vegetable glycerin. It has a protective and softening effect for a long time without feeling a greasy film on the skin. The product has a pleasant smell and is quickly absorbed.

average price 210 rubles.

2. Cream Estel Muse.

Contains mineral and vegetable oils. Great for use in autumn and winter. After application, the skin becomes even, supple and soft.

average price 150 rubles.

3. Cream Hydro Active ARAVIA

The cream has a bioactive composition: urea, panthenol, hyaluronic acid, olive and soybean oil. It has a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the hands, improves elasticity, reduces dryness of the skin. The skin becomes soft and tender. The product is sold in a jar of large volume - 300 ml.

average price 800 rubles.

4. Cream Nivea "Nutrition and care"

The almond oil-based product perfectly nourishes the skin. The texture of the cream is thick and thick. The cream is quickly absorbed, after which a pleasant aroma remains on the handles. According to customer reviews, the product should be applied regularly (every 2-3 hours), since there is no cumulative effect.

average price 150 rubles.

5. Cream Cafe beauty Youth and softness

The cream helps to get rid of peeling and instantly moisturizes dry areas of the skin. Hands after application are velvety and tender. This effect is achieved due to the presence of jojoba oil, witch hazel extract, pomegranate juice and provitamin B5 in the composition. The tool is sold in a small tube and in a larger jar with a dispenser.
average price 70-180 rubles.

6. Milv moisturizing cream

Milv produces a series of moisturizing hand creams with various scents: floral (lilac, iris), fruity (banana, melon) and sweet (cookie, cola). Creams of this series have a light and pleasant texture, are instantly absorbed and do not leave a sticky feeling. You just need to carefully choose the flavor. Some creams have a very rich smell. The volume of the tube is small - 30 ml.
average price 80 rubles.

7. Softening cream Beloruchka

The product is saturated with natural ingredients. Jojoba oil restores the protective functions of the skin and perfectly softens. Vitamin E rejuvenates the skin of the hands. Panthenol has a restorative effect on the hands. The cream is sold at a very affordable price. However, according to consumer reviews, the cream is like normal skin. Owners of dry skin of the hands should look at other options.

average price 35 rubles.

8. Snail Hand Cream

The product contains snail mucus extract, which promotes the production of its own collagen and, therefore, slows down age-related changes. The cream also contains: extracts of aloe barbados, dogwood and quince fruits. These components help to heal microcracks and soothe irritations. The consistency of the cream is gel-like.

average price 150 rubles.

9. Dove Beauty & Care Hand Cream Soap

The manufacturer claims that this product is ¼ moisturizing cream. After use, there will be no need to apply additional hand cream. Most women really noted that after washing their hands with cream soap, the skin becomes soft and velvety. The fragrance of the soap is light and unobtrusive. The product is sold in a jar with a convenient dispenser (250 ml).

average price 250 rubles.

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The creams below do not have a sunscreen effect and are recommended for night use only. During the day, your hands need sun protection, which a moisturizing sunscreen can provide. Of course, any moisturizer you would apply to your face or body can be used as a hand cream. In fact, a hand cream with sunscreen is a great choice if you need a sunscreen-like cream consistency, but need a less greasy cream. The cream does not cause irritation and softens the skin of the hands.

These properties have been shown in research to help restore skin's protective functions while preventing moisture loss. It is better to apply hand cream often, it is especially necessary after washing your hands, during temperature changes, for example, when you go out into the street in winter, after completing household chores (in this case, gloves will help protect the skin of your hands). You will be pleasantly surprised by how much your skin will improve with the daily use of SPF cream, whether it be hand cream or another. Sun protection is essential to prevent the formation of brown spots on the hands.

The best hand cream

Regenerating hand cream Skinfix, whose name reflects its properties and purpose. The manufacturer claims that this cream is able to soften the driest skin of the hands (including even those affected by skin diseases such as eczema), helping to restore the protective function of the skin. Great news - thanks to the beneficial substances that make up the cream, it is able to protect the skin of the hands in full, and therefore has earned high praise from consumers.

The composition of this cream is very good. The active substance of the cream is oatmeal, a proven ingredient that does not cause skin irritation, while being able to eliminate skin redness and itching, which can be a sign of dry skin. The composition of this cream includes such excipients as allantoin, aloe and chamomile. When it comes to relieving dry skin, the emollient ingredients of Revitalizing Hand Cream help keep skin moisturized with ingredients like shea butter, glycerin, sunflower seed oil and almond oil.

The composition also contains antioxidants (for example, calendula extract), which give impetus to the speedy improvement of skin condition. Perhaps the biggest advantage of the cream is that it comes without the scent that many creams on the market have.

Avon has achieved positive results in the development of this amazing cream that provides comprehensive protection for your skin! The sunscreen contains avobenzone to protect against UVA rays, and although it does not contain octocrylene, there are other ways to ensure the effectiveness of the active ingredients in the cream formula. So, pardon the pun, but you'll be in safe hands with this daytime remedy.

But what about the glycolic acid (alpha hydroxy acids), which is part of this cream? The amount of this component is enough to exfoliate the skin and improve its composition: Ph 4.5 is enough for the cream to perform its functions. You will find several benefits of this product, namely: the combination of gentle exfoliation and sun protection allows Avon cream to reduce brown spots on your hands. The cream has a slightly perceptible, not overpowering fragrance (sensitive people will probably object, but it should be said that most often they choose a cream without fragrance, as it is known to irritate the skin, and Avon does not abuse this).

Argan Infinity Cream is a rich, oily moisturizer with a light fragrance and beneficial plant oils. This is a good choice of non-SPF body/hand cream, but we don't recommend using it on the face (even though the label says it's a multi-tasking face and body moisturizer). The only downside to why this cream didn't get the title of best is the aforementioned tangerine peel oil scent. But its content is small, so the issue of the smell of the cream should not be a problem for most people, however, its presence excludes the possibility of using the cream for people with sensitive skin.

Presented as containing the trendy argan oil these days, this hand cream is great for softening dry hands. Safflower, avocado, coconut and argan oil, shea butter and beeswax perfectly soften and moisturize the skin of the hands, rough areas, and act much more effectively than argan oil taken separately.

Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle Cream is a rich, non-greasy hand cream suitable for all skin types. As it is not a sunscreen, it is not recommended for use during the day (hands are exposed to the sun and daytime protection along with SPF 25 or higher should be a must), but it is best applied at night. If you want to use it during the daytime, bring sunscreen - otherwise you risk getting brown spots or other skin problems with age that you don't want to see (trust us!).

What we love about this hand cream is that, in addition to its luxurious texture, this hand cream is fragrance-free and contains beneficial ingredients such as essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and skin-replenishing agents. Use it as a hand cream or cuticle cream, or better for both, and you will definitely get a positive result.

As for the point that the cream provides 12 hours of moisture, the statement sounds good, but the result largely depends on what your hands do during the day. As with any hand cream, regardless of what the manufacturer claims to moisturize the skin, regular application and reapplication is essential to get results.

Therapeutic hand cream is not a traditional type of hand cream, as it contains niacinamide and hand regenerating ingredients, although they are less than in the CeraVe series. Still, there is a plus in the fact that they are part of this cream, besides, it has no smell, and that is why this cream should be taken into account when choosing a hand product.

Warning: CeraVe claims to be a water-repellent cream because it contains silicone. As with any moisturizing cream, regardless of its composition, after washing your hands you will need to reapply the cream or your hands will again be dry.

A non-greasy hand cream with a slightly perceptible scent will take care of dry hand skin, leaving your hands smooth and beautiful. The advantage is the reasonable price, the size of the tube, which is larger than usual, and the useful components included in the composition. Age-Defying Antioxidant Hand Cream is not recommended to be applied during the daytime, as it does not contain sunscreen components, hands must be protected from excessive sunlight.

This cream has proven itself as a night cream. Age-Defying Antioxidant Hand Cream did not make it into the top 3 best creams, because it contains quite a few skin-repairing ingredients and properties that would better showcase its anti-aging properties.

One of the best StriVectin products! While it's expensive and the instructions aren't entirely accurate (more on that below), the simple formula contains a range of repairing ingredients to leave hands softer, smoother, and (depending on how often you apply sunscreen to your hands over the course of days), significantly rejuvenates the skin of the hands. We mentioned sunscreen above and said that its use is important to achieve results with anti-aging hand cream.

Unfortunately, this cream does not contain sun protection ingredients, so we recommend applying it at night. However, with the use of sunscreen in the daytime, this cream works perfectly. It perfectly moisturizes the skin of the hands and the active formula of niacinamide NIA-114 (as part of it is myristyl nicotinate) has quite convincing research. In addition, it softens the skin of the hands, the cream contains oils rich in antioxidants. Arbutin makes dark spots less noticeable, although we are skeptical about this due to the amount of it needed to be effective in fighting spots. But this fact does not upset us, since myristyl nicotinate fights dark spots if you use sunscreen all the time.

The hand cream has a wonderfully soft and softening texture that will perfectly cope with dry, rough hands and make the skin noticeably better. Most of the plant extracts that make up the composition are useful for the skin of the hands, but the effect of some (for example, Coleus forskohlii - tropical mint) is doubtful. Lauder also included gold in the cream, but it, like other precious metals, is known to cause contact dermatitis, and gold does not provide any benefit to the skin of the hands.

Despite this, the hand cream contains far more useful components than questionable ones, and deserves a choice if you don't mind spending a little more time getting rid of dry skin. Some plant extracts can only whiten skin discoloration when used with an SPF 15 sunscreen that contains sufficient UVA protection ingredients.

Yes to Coconut Protecting Hand & Cuticle Cream is a cream that provides excellent protection and hydration for the skin of the hands at a great price. It contains vegetable oils of coconut, avocado, almond, jojoba and shea butter. We were delighted to find skin-replenishing ingredients that also reduce moisture loss and antioxidants - just enough to make the perfect formula for an emollient cream for dry hands and cuticles.

Although this cream is moisturizing, it has a pleasant texture that does not leave the skin of the hands greasy. It has a slight odor, which is not ideal, but in small amounts will not be a problem for most. However, odor can be a problem for people with eczema or sensitive skin. Please note that this cream does not protect from the sun, it is better to apply it and then sunscreen (or opt for a daytime hand cream with SPF 15+ or use Yes to Coconut Protecting Hand & Cuticle Cream at night) .