Material (preparatory group) on the topic: "Sea Voyage" scenario of the graduation party. Graduation script "sea voyage to the land of knowledge"

Graduation script 2016 "Sea voyage to the Land of Knowledge"

MBDOU Kindergarten of combined type No. 8 "Swan" city ​​district of Khimki musical director: Merdalieva Dzhamilya Hamidullakhovna

Purpose: to create a festive atmosphere, to form a positive motivation for school in children.


  1. Create conditions for manifestation creativity children.
  2. By using game techniques activate mental activity children.

Holiday progress:

Dance-out with paper boats in hand "Sail of childhood" .

1 graduate:

Goodbye our kindergarten!
We go to first class
And even though the parting is sad
don't worry about us!

2 graduate:

Everything we have been taught.
We will always remember
We know we were loved here
and how the years went by in a fairy tale!

3 graduate:

Here the walls became native
and beds and toys.
Educators and nannies
and my friends are girlfriends

4 graduate:

Only the teacher is waiting for us all,
loud joyful call.
Round dances, dances, games
will change the desk and the lesson.

5 graduate:

And so our ship sails,
The scarlet sail calls us to the dream.
But do not forget this pier,
Kindergarten, we will return to you.

SONG "Our ship sails away"

(All children sit down.)

Attention! Welcome to the central computer of the kindergarten! Today from the pier "Kindergarten" ship sails « Happy childhood» and keeps the path to the land of knowledge.

Educator: Look at our wonderful ship! Guys, do you agree to go to the Land of Knowledge - to school?

Educator 1: But I must warn you that on the way you will encounter difficulties and dangers that only the most courageous and resourceful children can overcome. You have to conquer the seas and oceans, visit the mysterious and mysterious islands.

Educator 2: Are you afraid of difficulties?

Children: no!

Educator 2: What is your mood like?

Children "In!" (show thumb)

Teacher: One for all!

Children: And all for one!

Educator: Then we'll hit the road!

Roll call:

1 graduate:

We are sailing. It's hard for us to say goodbye
With that island that met us kindly,
who raised us. And will dream for a long time
Our calm kindergarten pier.

2 graduate:

Farewell, country of Kuklyandiya, solid Fiction!
Let's swim, friends, be bold!
Sailing to the land of Fantasy, distant First Class
On our ship!

Graduate 3:

Farewell, our fabulous pier,

And kind and mysterious!

(in chorus) Goodbye our kindergarten!

Graduate 4:

Here is our boat sailing.
What, nobody sees us off?


How is no one following?
After all, this does not happen!
Follow the kids!
Look, here they are!

Enter the children of the younger group.


Of course we understand
You are not up to us today.
We just wish you
Good luck and good hour!

We want you to study
Get fives.
But of course your garden
You don't have to forget.

We ask you to say goodbye
Invite us to dance.

(dance of graduates and kids, response word graduates, presenting gifts, seeing off the kids, gull girls go to change clothes).

Attention! Welcome to the central computer of the kindergarten! Departure of the ship "Happy childhood" to the land of knowledge is cancelled. It is impossible to go on a dangerous journey without a captain.

To the phonogram "Captain Smile" teachers come out. One in a captain's cap with a steering wheel, the second in a peakless cap and guis, with binoculars.


Every ship has a captain. Today I will be your captain. I will lead you to the land of Knowledge.

Boatswain: I will be the boatswain. And I will keep order on the ship.


So, are you ready to swim?


Boatswain, hand over the moorings!


Yes, give mooring lines.


Raise the sails!


Eat, raise the sails!


Full speed ahead to the land of Knowledge!


There is full speed ahead!

Graduate 1:

Today we want to look at the kindergarten:
The boat of preschool childhood sails away.
We part with toys, with semolina,
With a group, with girlfriends, with our nanny.

Graduate 2:

We raise anchors, and catching a fair wind
We sail into unfamiliar seas at dawn.
To new school islands and mysterious straits.
This voyage will be difficult for us, but happy.

Dance of the seagulls.


The blue sea is waiting for us.

In places! Full speed ahead!

(the sound of the sea is heard, the captain looks through binoculars)

On the horizon I see a very small island ...

Dreamers live on it.

Boatswain: Let's also dream that the first of September has come, and the time has come for the children to go to school.


  1. Child: Petrusha has a holiday today, our Petrusha is a first grader (Petya exits). He's on the street is coming people are surprised.
  2. Child: Adults and children are watching, and the train is following Petya.
  3. Child: Who is in a hurry for Petenka?

Mother (runs out with bouquet): Mommy!

2 Child: Who is running after Petenka?

Dad (runs out with briefcase and hat): Daddy!

1 Child: Who hobbles after Petya?

Grandmother in a scarf, holding on to her lower back: Grandmother!

2 Child: Who grunts, who catches up?

Grandfather (leaning on a stick): Grandfather!

  1. Child: Tell us why, did you cling to him?
  2. Child: Is it Petya the steam locomotive that carried the wagons?

Mom: And who will button the shirt?

Children: Himself!

Dad: And who will carry the briefcase?

Children: Himself!

Grandmother: Who will butter the bun?

Children: Himself!

Grandpa: Who will tie the shoes?

Children: Himself!

Mother (approaches, pats on the head) He's still small!

Dad (touches his shoulder) He's still weak!

Grandmother: (pulling hands to chest) He is so pampered!

Grandpa: He's so sick! (Everyone crowds around him)

1 Child: Is this always like this?

2 Child: Oh, what nonsense!
Mom: Have pity on him
My first grader.
Dad: I took time off from work,

To take care of him.
Grandmother: My granddaughter is thinning -
I'll give him a pie.
Grandfather: Skip to the lesson -

I'll tie his shoelace!
1 Child: It's just nonsense
Doesn't fit anywhere.
2 Child: We'll take it from you,

Come, Petrusha, to class.
1 child: Petya will be with you soon
Reply to all:
Peter: "I myself"

2 Child: Who knew the story,
He wound his mustache!
Children: Don't look like children,
On such a Petya!

(applause, music, children line up in a semicircle for roll call "What Children Dream About" )

1. Years will fly by quickly,
Here is the end of kindergarten
Then we finish school
life will be fun.

Today we will dream
Choose your own work.

3. And I want to become a model,
I will admire everyone with my gait,
Look, I've become a beauty!
I will shoot for a magazine.

4. And I will fly into the sky,
I want to become a stewardess
I will try very hard
Passengers smile.

5. I will go to show business,
I will sing songs
And then they start me
recognize everywhere,

I will be from the stage
sing amazing!
You an autograph in kindergarten
I will definitely send.

6. I want to become an artist,
to perform on stage
And also to act in films,
smile at you from the screen.

But I'm in doubt!
Do you think I can?

7. I want to become a doctor. Tooth.
And smile at all the sick.
- Do not twitch, my dear,
Here is your milk clove!

8. And I'll probably be a doctor,
I will heal people!
I will travel everywhere
And save sick children!

9. Soon I will be a military man,
Or just a pilot - ace!
And not worse than Superman
I will protect you!

10. I am a famous artist
I will definitely.
I'm interested in drawing
Very exciting!

11. I am a school teacher.
I will give knowledge to children!
The kids will be happy with me
I tell you for sure!

12. Well, I'll be back here!
Affectionate, attentive
And always responsive
I will become an educator!

13. And to become the manager
Need by all means
Everything-everything-everything about the garden to know.
And nerves of steel!

14. And I want to be president!
And on solemn moments,
I will speak speeches
Lead a great country!


Dreams change, friends
But you can't forget about them!
Of course it was a joke
So smile for a minute!


Well, team, do not yawn!
Sing a song about school!

Children sing a song "Learning should be fun" . The children sit down.


Captain! I see a black flag on the horizon! It's a pirate ship!

Pirates enter to the music.

Pirate: Hey, on the ship! Now we will rob you!

Captain: Who are you?

Pirate: I am Captain Jack Sparrow! And this is my girlfriend - Polundra!

Boatswain: Excuse me?

Polundra: Po-lundra! The ship is sinking and I'm screaming "Polundra! All hands on deck! Save yourself who can!” And who are you? Where are you on your way?

Captain: And these are children from kindergarten "Swan" , future first graders! And they are on their way to the Land of Knowledge - to school!

Polundra: To school? Hey Jack, do you know what they eat with?

musical beat "What is taught in school" , roll call.

Child 1:

What is a school?
How do you answer?
This is where they rush
All children in the morning.

Child 2:

What is a school?
How do you answer?
This is the place where you know
About everything in the world.

Child 3:

About the multiplication table
About verbs and conjugations
About planets and seas
And what a round earth.

Child 4:

What is a school?
How do you answer?
Changes and calls
Buns at the buffet...

Child 5:

And diary entries
And a task on the board.
You will know everything, you will understand everything
Group in unison: If you come to school.

Pirate: Do you know what to take with you to school?

Children: We know!

Polundra: How do they know! Let's get confused?

A game "Briefcase" (children scream "Yes" or "No" )

If you go to school
Then you take with you in your briefcase:
In a cell notebook?
New slingshot?

Cleaning broom?
Diary for five?
Album and paint?
Carnival masks?

ABC in pictures?
Ripped boots?
Felt pens and a pen?
A bunch of carnations?

Colored pencils?
Are the mattresses inflatable?
Eraser and ruler?
Is there a canary in a cage?

Relay race "Collect a portfolio"

Jack: Why collect a briefcase! The main thing is to be able to count and count treasures!

Polundra: one coin, two coins, three bracelets! Do your guys know how to count?

Polundra: And now we will check!

Music game "Get in Number" . Phonogram "Numbers"

The children dance while the music plays. The music stops, the pirates raise their number cards. Children respond with verses and stand in a circle in the right amount.

We know, this is the number 2, the kids got into pairs.
We know, this is the number 3, you look at it.
We know the number 4, our circle has become wider!
We will stand in a circle again, children love the number 5.

Captain: How is it that school is not important? What are you pedagogically neglected!

Polundra: Oh, I like what they call us! Look how affectionately - pedagogically neglected! Let's run them, shall we?

Jack: Come on! Let's go and let go! Happy sailing!

Captain: Or maybe you are with us?

Polundra: No! We'll go and think about your offer! (pirates leave to the music)

A game "Learn the Word" .

Song "It's time to go to school" + playing metallophones.

Soundtrack sounds "Sound of the sea" .


Team, take your seats! Full speed ahead!


There is full speed ahead! (looks through binoculars) Captain, man overboard!

Captain: Hurry! Throw Lifebuoy!

The boatswain takes a life buoy on a long rope, runs with it to the door, "throws" . Commands the children "Help!" . 2-3 boys come out to help, pull out Neptune

Captain: Guys! Yes, it's King Neptune himself! Your Majesty, with what fate did you come to us for the holiday?

Neptune: Yes, I heard that your guys are going to school. Is it so?

Neptune: And I also heard that in your kindergarten, every child is a star! I also have starfish in the sea. But whatever in the garden - I do not believe!

Captain: See for yourself!

Dance "We are little stars"

Neptune: Oh, really - solid stars! But what do you do in this earthly school? I invite you to my sea! Do you know how interesting it is? There, when the bell rings, all the students rejoice and shout: Ding-ding! And parents also rejoice and shout "Hooray!" (a game "Ding-ding - Hooray!" )

Neptune: Oh, what wonderful parents you have!

It's hard to raise your children
There is a lot to know for this.
I would like to wish my parents:
Always help children in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,
Good parting words to give in time,
Smart book to have time to read,
Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend

To avoid all diseases,
We need to toughen up more children,
And most importantly - without a doubt -
I wish you patience!

And now it's time to take the oath of the parents of first graders! I ask everyone to stand up!

Oath of parents of first graders

I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)

Always say "well done" to your child!

I swear to leave in due time,

I swear I won't be late for class.

I swear in the study of the child not to "build",

I swear to learn a foreign language with him.

For deuces I swear I will not scold him

And do lessons to help him.

To develop talents in a child,

I swear to visit all circles with him!

I will always be the perfect parent.

And I will never forget my vow!

Neptune: Well, I believe moms. And dads swore somehow not convincingly!

Captain: What are you, dear Neptune! Our children have the most best dads in the world!


Pigtails, bows, school, satchel, friends.

To the waltz, I invite you, daddy!

In your hand is my strong palm,

And my eyes glow with happiness!

Dance of fathers and daughters. (Oleg Gazmanov. "Daughter" )

Neptune: Well done guys! Well done parents! All overcome! For this, I give you a magic compass! It will lead you straight to the Land of Knowledge! And I have to go! (leaves)

Captain: Boatswain, set sail!

Boatswain: Got to raise the sails! Let's sail to the land of knowledge - to school!


Sea on the left, sea on the right
splashing waves in space


Oh, I seem to be in the distance
I see the edge of the earth!
The recorded voice sounds:

Attention! The central computer of the kindergarten speaks to you! Right on the course - the Land of Knowledge! ship "Happy childhood" arrives at the destination!

Quiet music sounds, the children go to roll call:

1. Farewell to all who loved us,
Taught to play, write,
Sculpt and dance and sing
Help me get smarter!

2. We will not forget your hands,
their gentle warmth.
We learned the word here "Friend" .
AND "happiness" , And "good" !

3. Thank you again
And low-low bow to you.
And with a slight sadness we will wave to you
With its spread wing.

4. I'm afraid there won't be enough words in the world.
We will remember and love
You, who give your heart to children,
Those who gave us a start in life.

5. Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And those who simply loved us!
All: Bow to you and thank you!

Captain: And now the floor is given to the parents of graduates!

Presentation by parents.

The word of the head, the presentation of diplomas.

Educator 1:

We want to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you
Walk the stairs of life boldly!

Educator 2:

Children leave the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From kindergarten
to the school threshold

Let's take you today...

Good time!

final dance "Songs will resound" ..

Launching balls "Wish" into the sky. The presenter says that when releasing the ball into the sky, you need to guess the most cherished desire and it will definitely come true. "One two Three! Fly a ball with a dream into the sky!

larisa manaenkova
Scenario graduation party"Cruise"


Matinee script dedicated sending children to school.

Leaders go to the middle of the hall.

1st leader.

Oh, how many times in the spacious hall

We celebrated holidays with you,

But this one has been waiting for so many years!

And here comes the solemn moment:

2nd leader.

We are our lovely babies

Today we go to school

We wish you a happy journey.

Make way for schoolchildren!

Children enter the hall in pairs, the presenters introduce each child by name. Children line up in a semicircle.

1. Any of us is very happy today!

We all sing, and with us the birds.

The last time we came to kindergarten,

They came to say goodbye to you forever.

2. You accepted us as kids,

Kindergarten, our home.

We are now big

And we say goodbye to you.

3. Here the walls became native

And beds, and toys,

Educators and nannies

And my friends are girlfriends.

4. We happily went to kindergarten,

It was cozy and light.

Educators, how mothers loved us

And they gave affection and warmth.

5. But it's time to study,

The bell will ring soon

And a cheerful sonorous song

Call us to class.

6. Hello, school, first grade,

Look at us soon!

Tanya, Sasha and Natashka -

Here are some first graders!

Children sing a song "Preschool childhood, goodbye!" (Music and lyrics by L. Oliferova)

1st leader.

May cheerful will make noise

And calm down somewhere

Dandelion will fly around

And summer will come.

2nd leader.

Happy summer, dear to everyone You:

In the rays of fragrant flowers dazzle;

Their songs of praise fly to heaven;

Shiny midges are circling in a crowd,

And the sun sends them its golden ray.

Children perform a round dance with birch branches, sit on chairs.

1st leader.

The summer will end, and all of you will find yourself in the land of Knowledge. Who knows where she is? You have to look at the globe.

Picks up a globe and rotates it.

2nd leader.

Don't spin the colorful globe

You will not find on it

That country, a special country

And we can't find it on the map.

Our old planet

All studied long ago

But this country is big -

Forever white spot.

1st leader.

Let's try to open this wonderful country. And our knowledge and imagination will serve as assistants to us. We will sail to the land of Knowledge on a white ship. For this we needed: captain, sailors, passengers. Let's pick a captain.

A boy comes out in a captain's cap.

I will be the captain!

Children sing a song "I'll be the captain!" (music by G. Levdokimov, lyrics by R. Aldonina)

Where are my sailors?

2nd leader. And here they are!

The boys are dancing "Apple".

I am glad to welcome you aboard my ship! Everyone please take your seats!

"Flag Exercises" (“Come on, sing a song to us, cheerful wind”, music by I. Dunayevsky)

1st leader.

All in in perfect order. And I will take on the role of a radio operator (puts on headphones).

I hear a signal "SOS"! Man overboard!

Cries for help can be heard behind the screen. Children throw lifebuoys behind the screen, pull out the Loser (on his leg he has attached twos cut out of cardboard).


I? Second grade student Vasya Ivanov.

Are you a student? That's great! And we are sailing to the country of Knowledge, so you are on the way with us!

Maybe you can show us the right way?


Yes I can!

Maybe you can steer the ship?


Easy! Let's go! (gets up to the helm)

Leading (with anxiety).

Guys, have you noticed anything? It seems to me that our ship began to sink!


Yes, it's all their fault! They almost drowned me too!

Who are they?


Deuces! So they pull to the bottom, and they pull!

So are you a doppelgänger? Come on, guys, throw the deuces overboard!

Children throw deuces overboard (for the screen).

The doppelgänger again rises to the helm.


Well, now everything is in perfect order! Let's go!

The host listens anxiously, looks through binoculars.

Order, but not quite! I think you're off course and we're heading straight for a black flag schooner. (a pirate flag rises from behind a screen).

Pirates come out.

Aha! Gotcha! Come on, give me all your jewels!

Loser (points to children).

Take away, here are all our jewels in front of you.

Who needs such gems! All your boys are fighters and bullies, and girls are capricious and crybabies (teasing).

Why do you tease our children, you don't know anything about them.

Children perform a dance "Sailor" (to the song by O. Gazmanov).

Oh what good girls and boys! And most importantly, how friendly! Why are you at sea?

We are sailing to the land of Knowledge! Show us the way.

The Land of Knowledge is there (show). Bon Voyage!

The pirates leave. The host looks through binoculars.

I see the earth! We are off the coast of the Land of Knowledge! Launch the boats!

Game - relay race "Who will swim to the shore faster" (you will need to divide the children into two teams, two lifebuoys).

At the end of the game, the children find themselves in front of the gates of the country of Knowledge.

Guys, there is a big castle hanging here. Getting into the land of Knowledge will not be easy. What do we do?

In order for the lock to open, you need to know the alphabet.

Children sing a song "Alphabet" (music by G. Struve).

The leader removes the lock from the gate.

Hello dear future students! Welcome to the land of Knowledge. However, you must be disappointed. One student, Vasya Ivanov, did such a thing that the country of knowledge became similar to the country of Unlearned lessons. You must help us. Task one!

Characters from fairy tales appear on the screen. Children must guess which fairy tales are mixed up.

"By magic" And "Princess Frog".

At the very edge of the village

Emelya lived and his mother - an old woman.

Emelya - son, are you still lying on the stove?

I’m lying down, mommy, and I’m eating kalachi.

Emelya - son, even if you go to the river,

Bring water...

Emelya jumps up and runs out the door.

Yes, grab a bucket!

Emelya returns, takes a bucket, moves along the screen, approaches the hole, scoops up, pulls out a bucket, and a frog with a crown on its head jumps out of it.

Oh who are you?

Frog (sings).

I am a princess, a frog!

Cheerful quack.

I always get up in the morning

And I sing mine "qua-qua".

Guys, some strange fairy tale turns out. Help guess which fairy tales are mixed up, tell me their name.

"Teremok" And "Kolobok".

Like a field - a field a mouse runs,

She stopped at the door and squeaked.

Who, who lives in a teremochka?

Who, who does not live high?

Nobody is answering. The mouse entered the tower and began to live in it.

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,

He is not low, not high, not high.

The introduction to the song by G. Struve sounds "Kolobok".

Leading (sings).

Who is rolling there

No paths, no roads?

Why are you on the edge of the earth

Ran away, Kolobok?

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

Well, where are you, my friend?

Well, what's the use of you

Run over the threshold?

Kolobok (sings).

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

Didn't hit the tooth!

That's what I am Gingerbread Man!

Guys, in my opinion, this character is not from a fairy tale "Teremok". What fairy tales are mixed up?

Behind the screen, chaotic sounds of various instruments are heard (pipes, metallophones, tambourines).

And what is that noise?

The student Vasya Ivanov learned only to make such sounds on these instruments. Since then, they have sounded the same.

Now our guys will show how these instruments should sound.


Well done, guys, now our country can again safely be called the country of Knowledge. And you are the rightful owners in it.

Children line up in a semicircle.

1st leader.

Sad birches in the yard

At this farewell hour.

You all go in September

Learn first grade.

2nd leader.

Take satchels, primers,

Notebooks, diaries,

And the song will be sung loudly

Your first call.

Children sing a song “We are invited to school by perky calls” (music by G. Struve).

Our kindergarten is sad today,

And we are sad quite a bit.

Now the time for goodbye has come

And we have a long road ahead.

Leaving a piece of childhood here

We go to the first school class,

But we'll be next door to you

And we will remember you again and again.

Yes, we are sad quite a bit,

And time can't be turned back.

And it's time for us, it's time to go ...

Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

Children sing a song "Goodbye, Kindergarten!"

1st leader.

All the kids will need

Break up with kindergarten.

Because every year

Someone goes to school.

2nd leader.

There will be new worries

There will be new friends!

In the meantime, we wish you

Rest until September!

Children to the music of the song "Goodbye, kindergarten" are held in music hall, become a semicircle.


So preschool childhood rushed by,

We are on the threshold of another life,

Let the blue bird remain in memory

Our first graduation party!


Today we are in a spacious hall

You hardly want to be sad.

We have grown in body and soul.

Do adults agree with me?


How many kind and gentle eyes

They are looking at us in the hall today.

Like chicks from the nest, we'll fly away forever

We don't want to say goodbye!


Farewell party! how many eyes

Aimed now at us!

Are we all invited to the party?

And nobody was forgotten?

Children in chorus:

Where are our teachers?

Meet - Dinara Alievna

And Dina Alexandrovna!

Educators enter, congratulate graduates:

Educator 1:

On holiday friendly family

We have gathered in last time.

So beautiful and huge

All life will open up to you.

We wish you today

Everyone Bon Voyage,

To difficult obstacles

you could easily pass

Educator 2:

What to say goodbye to you

At this touching hour?

To make wishes come true

And your dreams have come true!

To go through life boldly

For any case they took

So that you don't go astray

To make everyone proud of you.

Build, sing and dare

But don't forget about us!


We were happy to go to kindergarten

We felt comfortable and light.

And employees, like mothers, loved us

And they gave affection and warmth.


We will remember the planet of childhood more than once,

That island, especially beloved,

Which was called kindergarten,

Our cute kindergarten, unique.


Many days taught us

Led to a vast country of goodness and knowledge,

We remember how we entered the group for the first time,

But today we say - Goodbye!

The song "It's a pity to leave"

Educator 1:

Now let me introduce our graduates. (Call by name)

Children read poetry


Let's take an unfamiliar road.

Hello, school, friendly home!

To the land of knowledge, friends,

We have such a long way to go

There will be our kindergarten

Help us along the way


This holiday is unusual.

It only happens once.

Everything is so new, unusual -

We're off to first grade!


Biz kishkentai balamyz

Ana tilin alamyz

Kosh aitysyp bakshamen

Mektepke biz baramyz


School subjects are waiting for us,

Waiting for primer pages.

We learn about rockets

About deserts and seas!


Zheti zhaska tolamyz

Edepti bala bolamyz

Kuantip ata-anany

Biz mektepke baramyz.


Soon, soon a wonderful day

We're going to first grade!

And call cheerful song

Call us to study!

The song "We are now students!"


To grow big

Let's start dreaming!

And the time machine

We will invent!

Children from the modules build a car and sit down.


You carry us, machine,

But not immediately in the first class!

Take us far

To not be easy!

Let from the most ancient years,

Of which we know little

Travel - adventure

We will experience a lot!

Music sounds.

Educator 2:

I wonder where we got to? In my opinion, in the 80s, when your moms and dads were kids and your grandparents were very young!

Dance "Mother Mary"

Educator 1:

Go back in time machine

Show us that picture

where we were when we were little

And in junior group went.

The kids come in, congratulations.

The kids take turns reading the verses:

The kids came to congratulate you

With the transition to the first class.

Congratulations guys

Happy holiday!

Congratulations guys

With the transition to school.

You will be going to school soon

Please don't be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well.

How do you go to first grade?

Remember, brothers, us.

Promise not to be lazy

All fives to study!

Soon to school, soon to school

First time to go!

We wish you guys

Bon Voyage!

You are very big now

You don't have to go to kindergarten.

And bookmarks we decided

Give you a souvenir.

Kids sing the song "First Grader-First Grader"

Educator 2:

That's how you came to kindergarten,

But time is fleeting!

And kids, as then,

You couldn't be forever.

The hours go by, the years go by

Moments fly by.

And imperceptibly, that's the trouble

All children grow up!

Educator 1:

The year rolled by in a motley ball,

But he passed for us not in vain:

How many holidays did we celebrate

How many songs did you sing to your friends.

I suggest you guys remember the most bright moments this year:

Speech therapist Natalia Valentinovna helped many of us, and today she is with us:

Natalia Valentinovna congratulates the graduates and spends game "Gather the Words"

Educator 2:

Elena Nikolaevna is here

So it's all right.

She taught us

And for sports, and for charging.

And we do aerobics for hours,

When she dances with us!

Elena Nikolaevna:

You sat up in earnest

We will do a physical activity

And sing a song in chorus!

Get up and let's get started!

Spends a fun physical minute to the music.

Our children can draw well, and Olga Sergeevna taught them this. And today Olga Sergeevna has prepared a surprise for you.

Olga Sergeevna conducts the game "Matryoshka"

Educator 1:

And today it is impossible not to remember big celebration- Victory Day - 70th anniversary!

Which of you are our borders

Will it be right to guard?

And my own country

Protect from enemies?

Boys. It's me, it's me

These are all my friends!

The boys dance to the song "A soldier has a day off"

Educator 2:

You carry, machine, us

Straight to first grade!

Well, let's go to school.

Ready for the trip?

Song of the First Grader "Whether there will be more ..."

You carry us, machine, forward!

Get your move on quickly!

Who we will be, you show us!

Who will we become, you tell us!

Children read the poems "Who to be?":

My years are growing

I will be 20!

Where should I work then?

What to do?

I'll be a good cook

Delicious food for my family

Soup, pancakes, potatoes...

I love to eat myself!

I will work at school

All guys put 5!

And of course I won't forget

Help mom at home.

I will heal the sick

Improve their health!

Although the doctors are ready to help,

Better stay healthy everyone!

I would become a teacher

let me teach!

Think what you said!

Strive for knowledge

To become a professor

To go abroad!

Being a scientist is good!

And the singer is better!

I'll go to the Pugachevs

Let me teach!

Being a singer is good

And the ballerina is better!

I would go to ballerinas

Let me teach!

Being in ballet is good

A military is better!

I would go to the officers

Let me teach!

I'll go to the hairdressers

Eyes, eyebrows let me down

Come, our mothers,

I'll dye your hair!

I will work

Our President!

I'll ban it all over the country

I'm semolina porridge!

Mom dreams for me

Dad, grandma, friends.

I'm just very stubborn

You can't give in to them.

Everyone gives advice

vying with me

Despite this-

I will be myself!

Educator 1:

And now our car

You bring us back to kindergarten.

After all, today is very glorious

Holiday - Release from the guys!

Educator 2:

They sit on the path

There is such a sign among the people,

To be lucky on the way - it's true!

Well, we, instead of the one

a familiar omen,

We'll sing to you - you'll love it!

Educators sing the song "Ship of Childhood"

In the garden today goodbye

We dance for the last time

Wonderful parting dance

Everyone's favorite dance is the waltz!

Children dance "Farewell Waltz"

Children become a semicircle with flowers


In a cozy kindergarten

We lived like at home.

Any corners

We were familiar here.


We grew up in friendship

They loved to laugh.

But now they have become big

And it's time for us to say goodbye.


Shamshagul Bazarovna -

our director,

Today thanks a lot we'll say!

Thank you for all your worries

You have had a lot of work!

Thank you Methodists

Manager, financier.

For attention, for comfort,

For the heart good work.


We came to kindergarten as kids

To Victoria Zakirovna and Vera Alexandrovna.

Thank you first teachers

For affection and attention!

They spent all their energy

For our upbringing!


Thanks to those who treated us

And he taught to put a thermometer,

So that we grow up healthy

Beautiful, fun!


Thanks to those who taught

Us to sing and dance!

Thanks to those who taught

Sculpt and draw.


When you have speech problems

Listen to our advice

Fix all your defects

Of course, only a speech therapist!


We say to the chefs

From the bottom of my heart - thank you!

Go around the whole world

There is no better porridge!


Thanks to the sports worker

That taught us to be strong and brave

Clever, skillful!


Thanks to our lovely nanny

For her care and diligence!


Thank you gently

We are our educators!

We also confess to you -

You look like our moms!


Thank you a hundred thousand times!

We will remember you all our lives!

We are very grateful to everyone

Believe sincere words,

We love you all very much!

They give flowers.

Educator 1:

Here comes the moment of goodbye

It's time for us to part.

Relentless time

Always so fast.

Educator 2:

We have worked hard

To make it more fun

This magical meeting

Old and new friends.

Zagrudneva Dina Alexandrovna, teacher,

Zhumagulova Dinara Alievna, teacher,
Special kindergarten No. 1 for visually impaired children, Aktau, Mangistau region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

The hall is festively decorated in a marine style.

1 Ved. - 1 slide (kindergarten image)

Not in a distant state, not in a wonderful overseas kingdom,

Not near golden palaces, but among simple people

The garden is well located, everyone is happy to visit here.

2 Ved. - 2-3 slide (children in a nursery)

As flowers, berries, mushrooms do not grow in this garden.

Boys in jackets and pants ripen there

And girls in dresses and skirts are blooming.

1 Ved. - 4-5 slide (children in middle group)

This unusual garden! It's full of guys!

Here children have always been loved, washed and fed,

They played different games and taught, and walked.

2 Ved. - 6-7 slide (children in the preparatory group)

Days and months go by, children keep growing, growing...

They grew up big - like this!

And they said...

Children:(Behind the door)

It became crowded here, too little space.


And the children jumped from the garden bed

Were like flowers, berries, mushrooms

And now on holiday

1 and 2 led. together:

Future First Graders!


And from something the hall went silent

In the eyes of delight and sadness a little

Let the hall now remember them:

Flirtatious and mischievous.


unique, expensive

And all in their own way beloved

And equally relatives

Meet them! Graduates of Kindergarten No. 4 in 2017:

Dance-out with paper boats in hand

"Sail of childhood" .

After the dance, the children stand in their places in a checkerboard pattern, the presenters announce the names of the graduates

Bezvershenko Arseniy

Dzyagunova Diana

Dymchenko Daria

Karpenko Arina

Krasa Matvey

Lukashenka Valery

Matveev Rodion

Pavlenko Sofia

Pegarev Alexey

Rassolova Kamila

Radish Matvey

Samokhina Alevtina

Scaleukh Daria

Stepanova Arina

Tyapkin Denis

Shevchenko Zhanna

Holiday progress:

1 graduate:

Goodbye our kindergarten!
We go to first class
And even though the parting is sad
don't worry about us!

2 graduate:

Everything we have been taught.
We will always remember
We know we were loved here
and how the years went by in a fairy tale!

3 graduate:

Here the walls became native
and beds and toys.
Educators and nannies
and my friends are girlfriends

4 graduate:

Only the teacher is waiting for us all,
loud joyful call.
Round dances, dances, games
will change the desk and the lesson.

5 graduate:

And so our ship sails,
The scarlet sail calls us to the dream.
But do not forget this pier,
Kindergarten, we will return to you.

SONG"Our ship sails away"

(All children sit down.)

Attention! Welcome to the central computer of the kindergarten! Today from the pier"Kindergarten" ship sails"Happy childhood" and keeps the path to the land of knowledge.

caregiver: Look at our wonderful ship! Guys, do you agree to go to the Land of Knowledge - to school?

caregiver 1: But I must warn you that along the way you will encounter difficulties and dangers that only the most courageous and resourceful children can overcome. You have to conquer the seas and oceans, visit the mysterious and mysterious islands.

caregiver 2: Aren't you afraid of difficulties?

Children: no!

Educator 2: What is your mood like?

Children "In!" (show thumb)

Teacher: One for all!

Children: And all for one!

Educator: Then we'll hit the road!

Roll call:

1 graduate:

We are sailing. It's hard for us to say goodbye
With that island that met us kindly,
who raised us. And will dream for a long time
Our calm kindergarten pier.

2 graduate:

Farewell, country of Kuklyandiya, solid Fiction!
Let's swim, friends, be bold!
Sailing to the land of Fantasy, distant First Class
On our ship!

Graduate 3:

Farewell, our fabulous pier,

And kind and mysterious!

(in chorus) Farewell, our kindergarten!

Song: "Goodbye Kindergarten" (singer boys)

Graduate 4:

Here is our boat sailing.
What, nobody sees us off?


How is no one following?
After all, this does not happen!
Follow the kids!
Look, here they are!

Enter the children of the younger group.


    Of course we understand
    You are not up to us today.
    We just wish you
    Good luck and good luck!

    Don't worry about the garden

Each of the guys will say

Nothing that we part

we remain for the elders

    Educators, believe

We will not grieve

You leave, they have to

Raise us to school

    We wish you guys

Cherish friendship at school

And we want you to say goodbye

Give this song

Song from the kids "Giants"

Attention! Welcome to the central computer of the kindergarten! Departure of the ship"Happy childhood" to the land of knowledge is cancelled. It is impossible to go on a dangerous journey without a captain.

To the phonogram "Captain Smile" teachers come out. One in a captain's cap with a steering wheel, the second in a peakless cap and guis, with binoculars.


Every ship has a captain. Today I will be your captain. I will lead you to the land of Knowledge.

Boatswain: I will be the boatswain. And I will keep order on the ship.


So, are you ready to swim?


Boatswain, hand over the moorings!


Yes, give mooring lines.


Raise the sails!


Eat, raise the sails!


Full speed ahead to the land of Knowledge!


There is full speed ahead!

Graduate 1:

Today we want to look at the kindergarten:
The boat of preschool childhood sails away.
We part with toys, with semolina,
With a group, with girlfriends, with our nanny.

Graduate 2:

We raise anchors, and catching a fair wind
We sail into unfamiliar seas at dawn.
To new school islands and mysterious straits.
This voyage will be difficult for us, but happy.

(Children take umbrellas)

Reb. Today is graduation day!

He is the first in our life,

IN fun party, groovy

For all the guests we will dance


The blue sea is waiting for us.

In places! Full speed ahead!

(the sound of the sea is heard, the captain looks through binoculars)

On the horizon I see a very small island ...

Dreamers live on it.

Boatswain: Let us also dream that the first of September has come, and the time has come for the children to go to school.


    Child: Petrusha has a holiday today, our Petrusha is a first grader (Petya exits). He walks down the street, people are surprised.

    Child: Adults and children are watching, and the train is following Petya.

    Child: Who is in a hurry for Petenka?

Mother (runs out with bouquet): Mommy!

2 child: Who is running after Petenka?

Dad (runs out with briefcase and hat): Daddy!

1 Child: Who hobbles after Petya?

Grandmother in a scarf, holding on to her lower back: Grandmother!

2 child: Who grunts, who catches up?

grandfather A (leaning on a stick): Grandfather!

    Child: Tell us why, you clung to him?

    Child: Is Petya a steam locomotive that carried trailers?

Mother: And who will button the shirt?

Children: Myself!

Dad: And who will carry the briefcase?

Children: Myself!

Grandmother: Who will butter the bun?

Children: Myself!

Grandfather: Who will tie the shoes?

Children: Myself!

Mother (approaches, pats on the head) He's still small!

Dad (touches his shoulder) He's still weak!

Grandmother: (pulling hands to chest) He is so pampered!

Grandfather: He's so painful! (Everyone crowds around him)

1 child: Is it always like this?

Peter: Yes!

2 child: Oh, what nonsense!

Mother: Have pity on him
My first grader.

Dad: I took time off from work,

To take care of him.

Grandmother: Thinning my granddaughter -
I'll give him a pie.

Grandfather: Skip to class -

I'll tie his shoelace!

1 child: It's just nonsense
Doesn't fit anywhere.

2 child: I'll take it from you,

Come, Petrusha, to class.

1 Child: Petya will be with you soon
Reply to all:

Peter: "I myself"

2 child: Who knew the story
He wound his mustache!

Children: Don't look like children
On such a Petya!

(applause, music, children line up in a semicircle for roll call"What children dream about" with slides )

1. Years will fly by quickly,
Here is the end of kindergarten
Then we finish school
life will be fun.

Today we will dream
Choose your own work.

3. And I want to become a model,
I will admire everyone with my gait,
Look, I've become a beauty!
I will shoot for the magazine. _________________________________

4. And I will fly into the sky
I want to become a stewardess
I will try very hard
Passengers to smile.______________________________________________

5. I will go to show business,
I will sing songs
And then they start me
to recognize everywhere, ____________________________________________

I will be from the stage
sing amazing!
You an autograph in kindergarten
I will send it by all means.

6. I want to become an artist,
to perform on stage
And also to act in films,
smile at you from the screen. .____________________________________________

But I'm in doubt!
Do you think I can?

7. I want to become a doctor. Tooth.
And smile at all the sick.
- Do not twitch, my dear,
Here is your milk clove! .____________________________________________

8. And I'll probably be a doctor,
I will heal people!
I will travel everywhere
And save sick children! .____________________________________________

9. Soon I will be a military man,
Or just a pilot - ace!
And not worse than Superman
I will protect you! .____________________________________________

10. I am a famous artist
I will definitely.
I'm interested in drawing
Very exciting! .____________________________________________

11. I am a school teacher.
I will give knowledge to children!
The kids will be happy with me
I tell you for sure! .____________________________________________

12. Well, I'll be back here!
Affectionate, attentive
And always responsive
I will become an educator! .____________________________________________

13. And to become the manager
Need by all means
Everything-everything-everything about the garden to know.
And nerves of steel! .____________________________________________

14. And I want to be president!
And on solemn moments,
I will speak speeches
Lead a great country! .____________________________________________

15. I want to be a seller,

But behind the counter do not be rude,

Come on, grandma, go ahead,

This boy can wait.

16. I want to be a hairdresser:

I'll grab the girls' braids,

And I'll give them a haircut

Under Teddy bear. _____________________________________________


Dreams change, friends
But you can't forget about them!
Of course it was a joke
So smile for a minute!


Well, team, do not yawn!
Sing a song about school!

Children sing a song"Learning should be fun" . The children sit down.


Captain! I see a black flag on the horizon! It's a pirate ship!

Pirates enter to the music.

Pirate: Hey on the ship! Now we will rob you!

Captain: Who are you?

Pirate: I am Captain Jack Sparrow! And this is my girlfriend - Polundra!

Boatswain: Excuse me how?

Polundra: On-moon-dra! The ship is sinking and I'm screaming "Polundra! All hands on deck! Save yourself who can!” And who are you? Where are you on your way?

Captain: And these are children from kindergarten №4" , future first graders! And they are on their way to the Land of Knowledge - to school!

Polundra: To school? Hey Jack, do you know what they eat with?

musical beat"What is taught in school" , roll call.

Child 1:

What is a school?
How do you answer?
This is where they rush
All children in the morning.

Child 2:

What is a school?
How do you answer?
This is the place where you know
About everything in the world.

Child 3:

About the multiplication table
About verbs and conjugations
About planets and seas
And what a round earth.

Child 4:

What is a school?
How do you answer?
Changes and calls
Buns at the buffet...

Child 5:

And diary entries
And a task on the board.
You will know everything, you will understand everything
Group in unison: If you come to school.

Pirate: Do you know what to take with you to school?

Children: We know!

Polundra: How do they know! Let's get confused?

A game"Briefcase" (children scream "Yes" or "No" )

If you go to school
Then you take with you in your briefcase:
In a cell notebook?
New slingshot?

Cleaning broom?
Diary for five?
Album and paint?
Carnival masks?

ABC in pictures?
Ripped boots?
Felt pens and a pen?
A bunch of carnations?

Colored pencils?
Are the mattresses inflatable?
Eraser and ruler?
Is there a canary in a cage?

Relay race"Collect a portfolio"

Jack: What is there to collect a briefcase! The main thing is to be able to count and count treasures!

Polundra: one coin, two coins, three bracelets! Do your guys know how to count?

Children: Yes

Polundra: And now we'll check it out!

Music game"Get in Number" . Phonogram"Numbers"

The children dance while the music plays. The music stops, the pirates raise their number cards. Children respond with verses and stand in a circle in the right amount.

We know, this is the number 2, the kids got into pairs.

We know, this is the number 3, you look at it.

We know the number 4, our circle has become wider!

We will stand in a circle again, children love the number 5.

Captain: How is it that school is not important? What are you pedagogically neglected!

Polundra: Oh, and I like what they call us! Look how affectionately - pedagogically neglected! Let's run them, shall we?

Jack: Lets do it! Let's go and let go! Happy sailing!

Captain: Or maybe you are with us?

Polundra: Not really! We'll go and think about your offer! (pirates leave to the music)

A game"Learn the Word".

Soundtrack sounds "Sound of the sea" .


Team, take your seats! Full speed ahead!


There is full speed ahead! (looks through binoculars) Captain, man overboard!

Captain: Quicker! Throw a lifeline!

The boatswain takes a life buoy on a long rope, runs with it to the door,"throws" . Commands the children"Help!" . 2-3 boys come out to help, pull out Neptune

Captain: Guys! Yes, it's King Neptune himself! Your Majesty, with what fate did you come to us for the holiday?

Neptune: Yes, I heard that your guys are going to school. Is it so?

Children: Yes!

Neptune: And I also heard that in your kindergarten, every child is a star! I also have starfish in the sea. But whatever in the garden - I do not believe!

Captain: but see for yourself!

Dance "We are little stars"

Neptune: Oh, and the truth - solid stars! But what do you do in this earthly school? I invite you to my sea! Do you know how interesting it is? There, when the bell rings, all the students rejoice and shout: Ding-ding! And parents also rejoice and shout "Hooray!" (a game"Ding-ding - Hooray!" )

Neptune: Wow, what wonderful parents you have!

It's hard to raise your children
There is a lot to know for this.
I would like to wish my parents:
Always help children in everything,

To collect the child to school in the morning,
Good parting words to give in time,
Smart book to have time to read,
Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend

To avoid all diseases,
We need to toughen up more children,
And most importantly - without a doubt
I wish you patience!

And now it's time to take the oath of the parents of first graders! I ask everyone to stand up!

Oath of parents of first graders

I swear (whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father)

Always say "well done" to your child!

I swear to leave in due time,

I swear I won't be late for class.

I swear in the study of the child not to "build",

I swear to learn a foreign language with him.

For deuces I swear I will not scold him

And do lessons to help him.

To develop talents in a child,

I swear to visit all circles with him!

I will always be the perfect parent.

And I will never forget my vow!

Girl: Today I feel a little sad

Graduation is in our garden today!

Words can't express my feelings!

And I can't find an explanation for them!

What a pity that with our carefree childhood,

Sorry, it's time!

Days of mischief flew by fleetingly

But the kids will never forget them!

Song - staging "I'm bored today" (girls)

Neptune: Well done boys! Well done parents! All overcome! For this, I give you a magic compass! It will lead you straight to the Land of Knowledge! And I have to go! (leaves)

Captain: Boatswain, set sail!

Boatswain: Got to raise the sails! Let's sail to the land of knowledge - to school!


Sea on the left, sea on the right
splashing waves in space


Oh, I seem to be in the distance
I see the edge of the earth!

Attention! The central computer of the kindergarten speaks to you! Right on the course - the Land of Knowledge! ship"Happy childhood" arrives at the destination!

Quiet music sounds, the children go to roll call:

1. Farewell to all who loved us,
Taught to play, write,
Sculpt and dance and sing
Help me get smarter!

2. We will not forget your hands,
their gentle warmth.
We learned the word here "Friend" .
AND "happiness" , And "good" !

3. Thank you again
And low-low bow to you.
And with a slight sadness we will wave to you
With its spread wing.

4. I'm afraid there won't be enough words in the world.
We will remember and love
You, who give your heart to children,
Those who gave us a start in life.

5. Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And those who simply loved us!
All: Bow to you and thank you!

The song "Our Educator"

Captain: Batitskaya Z.P. is invited for congratulations and presentation of diplomas. W

The word of the head, the presentation of diplomas.

Captain: And now the floor is given to the parents of graduates!

Presentation by parents.

Educator 1:

We want to wish you, dear guys,
Learn, grow, meet new friends.
We will always be very proud of you
Walk the stairs of life boldly!

Educator 2:

Children leave the school road,
But a part of us remains in them!
From kindergarten
to the school threshold

Let's take you today...

Good time!

Song "Cuckoo Walkers"

Launching balls "Wish" into the sky. The presenter says that when releasing the ball into the sky, you need to make the most cherished wish, and it will certainly come true. "One two Three! Fly a ball with a dream into the sky!

Star of my dreams

You are far away in the sky.

how bright you shine

In an open window.

Road to the star

I'll still find it.

To the star of your dreams

Someday I'll get there.

Someday, you too

Along the milky way.

Ascend to heaven

To the star of your dreams.

(Children enter to the music - dance “Light the Stars”)

  1. 1. "Light the Stars"

(children stand in their places, two presenters come out)

Oksana Anatolyevna:

Here they are - beloved children:

Your boys and your girls

Your children, your bloodlines,

There are none more expensive, closer and more beautiful.

Victoria Anatolyevna:

How many sleepless nights and money

Given to daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years,

Lived for daughters and sons!

Oksana Anatolyevna:

Here are your children, so beloved,

Mature, smart, very beautiful.

Thank you very much mom and dad.

For trusting your own child.

Nikita M:


Vika I:




1- Glad to see you all at the party!

2- Soon the first bell will ring for us

3- First call

4- On the first lesson!

5- How quickly the farewell date came!

6- How quickly the hour of parting came!


7- We are 5 years old kindergarten hurry guys!

8- And the time has come, we are leaving you!

9- We leave the kindergarten, we leave childhood!

10- Life is arranged like this, and there is nowhere to go!

11- I heard that the island is somewhere guys,

12- First-graders live there, we need to hurry there!

  1. 2. Song to the tune of "Island of Bad Luck"
  1. All covered with green

Absolutely all.

We have an island of learning in our district.

Beautiful people live there

Children - schoolchildren -

All the guys are local

Smart on the tongue.

  1. Run and jump, learn languages,

They write essays and hand over poems.

Russian study,

Songs are sung

Maps make up

Seek and find!

(children sit on chairs)


3 How to get there?

4 Who will help friends?

5 Will help to get the captain of the ship.

(Captain exits)

Captain Oksana Anatolyevna:

Well, then, you will first have to check whether you are land-based or real sea wolves. As you name your ship, so you will sail on it. What is the name of our ship?


We have not decided yet!


I propose to name it .... and you can find out the name if you guess my riddle!


And I just have the letters that make up this word, but they are mixed up, I invite several guys to complete this difficult task and make up the name of our ship!

(two people come out and make up a word)

3. Game "Collect the word"

(the teacher goes to the helm)

Captain Oksana:

My ship is proudly called "Victory"!

Who will go with us to that glorious island?

More precisely, which of you will swim?

"Victory" takes the winners to the team!

And so attention! Form a team!

Let the boatswain give his call signal.

Go bolder, brave sailors,

The audience is looking at you with great hope!

(the boatswain blows the whistle, the children line up)

Boatswain Jeanne:

Team at ease! This means -

Do not stomp and do not circle around the hall,

And precisely, clearly and without haste

Report your readiness to the captain!


  1. Sailor………………! I'm ready to swim!

I'll put in a lot of effort

To get five!

  1. I ………………! I am a seasoned sailor!

Courage to me not to occupy!

Let me be entrusted with a difficult task,

And girls, I will protect!

  1. Sailor……………! There is no faster me!

I rush like lightning, believe me, I'm not lying!

I will instantly cope with the assignment -

I can do everything very quickly!

  1. Sailor…………! I am attentive.

I see everything.

I can stay on guard.

I won't hurt anyone in vain

I will honestly fulfill my duty!


5. I………..! Terribly curious.

I'm interested in sailing on a ship.

I will study everything in the world:

And in the sky, and in the water, and on the ground!

  1. Sailor………..! I can do a lot!

I'm flying along the mast as an albatross.

For a friend, I will not regret anything,

I want to be the kindest in the world!

  1. Sailor…………! I won't stop learning!

And everyone must believe me

That I will become a boatswain! I'll be the captain!

I will become the pride of my native country!


You are all so smart, beautiful, noisy and funny! And what else?



1- Lovers to talk to the neighbor

2- We quarrel and immediately reconcile

3- Headache our caregivers


4- Favorite days of the week - Saturday, Sunday

5- Most favorite time year - summer

6- Favorite activities - Everyone!

6 Song to the motive "Black Cat"

  1. Here the guys in the garden are first class,

And not a day can not live here without us.

And today we sing a song

Just how we live together


They say no luck

If a friend does not go with you.

It will be the other way around

If there is a friend nearby, then you are definitely lucky.

  1. Sitting quietly in class

And at lunch we all eat together.

A walk is like a fairy tale for us,

Make it longer at least once.

  1. We know how to teach lessons

We are able to be friends with each other.

If it's hard for one of us,

That friends will help us that hour.

(children sit on chairs)


More than enough winners today

Get anyone on your team!

Educator 1: (Captain)

For 5 years we have been building our unprecedented ship, training the team, working out the route. And now the day has come when this ship should set off on its long journey to the island of "First Graders".


All: On board!

Are the appliances working?

All: Great!

Stocks of equipment, knowledge, skills

All: Enough!


All: Cheerful!

To complete tasks

All: Ready!

Stand in place, weigh anchor!

Victoria Anatolyevna:

Wait, wait! Here, someone else is asking for a ship.

(includes kids of the Dolphin group)

7 Dance + poetry


You dance well, but you are a bit small. Well, let's test you. Pull everyone on one end of the rope, and I on the other. Drag - so be it, we'll take you with us.

(pull, boatswain wins)

Elena Alexandrovna:

Don't be upset guys. You still have everything ahead of you. In the meantime, here's a high-calorie ration for you and parting words from us (gives chocolates)



  1. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart!
  2. We wish you to be good in business!


  1. Learn, gain knowledge
  2. AND good deeds, glorify our garden!

(kids leave)

Captain Oksana Anatolyevna: (to the helm Zhanna D)

Listen to my command. Stand in place, weigh anchor. Give mooring lines. Small move. Left hand drive! Our course today is the Island of First Graders!

(the march “Farewell of the Slavyanka” sounds, all graduates stand near their chairs and wave their hands to the audience)

Captain Oksana Anatolyevna:

Well, here we go. Finally. The weather is great, the wind is fair. Let's go full speed.

Boatswain Zhanna D:

Oh well, how is it. Let's ride!

Captain Oksana A:

You don't particularly rejoice. Soon we will enter the Strait of Trials, you will not roll there.

You will have to groan there day and night.

Victoria A:

And then there will be a nightmare in general: there is no mother, no father, everything is by himself and by himself. Horror!

Captain Oksana A:

Well, it begins, there is no mother ... .. Put aside the whining. Let's define the situation better.

Navigator, report the situation.

Navigator (child):

(looks through binoculars and reports, the song "Parents' House" plays quietly)

Nikita M:

To starboard is the Parent Bank. It looks like something is wrong there.

Are they flooding?

The river overflowed its banks.

Strange, was there heavy rain?


(looks through binoculars)

No, it's just moms crying with happiness that their children are leaving kindergarten!

Boatswain: (Elena A spins the track)

Lower the ladder! It is our mothers and fathers who have arrived, let's listen to their parting words.

(several Ivanov's parents come out, ....)

Parents' words:

The years spent together in kindergarten gave you a lot of good things: the joy of learning what was created by the human mind, true friends. A difficult one lies ahead of you, but interesting life. Be ready for any life trials.

(the end of the phrase, all the parents in the hall say)

It will be difficult - be strong!

It will hurt - don't cry!

There will be wind - do not rot!

Don't hide your eyes in your hands!

If there are thunderstorms - look!

If tears - wipe!

If you're scared, hold on!

Remember - life is life!

(all parents in the hall sing the song “By the way of goodness”)

8 Song "Good Way"

(the ship's horn sounds, the children wave their hands to their parents and move on)


Well, it's time for us to leave, we are heading to the island of First Graders.


Brothers, from the left side of the unknown ship! (children watch)

Black flag! Pirates! Half-hearted brothers!

All hands on deck!

Elena A:

We are being boarded! Looks like we got...

(a song from the cartoon "Captain Vrungel" sounds)

(pirates break in, parents perform. Three have signs on their chests: laziness, stupidity, anger, one has two knives)


2. Heleta

3. Mashkov

Pirate 1:

Do you understand pirates? Or translate?

Pirate 2:

Sprechen ze Deutsch?

Pirate 3:

Parlay v France?

Pirate 1:

Palamo Italiano?

Pirate 2:

Do you speak English?

Pirate 3:


But where do we get money, gentlemen pirates? We still do not earn a penny, you come back in 15 years.

Pirate 1:

Ah well?! ( sharpens knife on knife) Pay tribute to us.

Drive the most valuable! Where is the gold?

Let's rings, earrings, bracelets!


We don't, really don't!


We don't really have

Pirate 2:

So we believed you!

Give us your greatest treasures, everything that is dear to you, for which you for 5 years forgot work, classes, quarreled with your parents.

(children take out objects from behind chairs: phones, dolls, cars, disks, cola, magazines, pirates put them in a large basket)

Pirate 3:

Not a lot of you with jewelry ....

Well, what else do you have precious?

(a child comes out, carries a boot to a pirate)


Here is a shoe - he conquered mud volcanoes.


Rubber cap - I dived in the pool in it.


Czechs - I learned the art of movement in them.


A children's book - from it I learned to understand Russian speech.

Pirate 1:

And I would like to know how you can count!

Listen to my riddles.

9 Game "Math Riddles"

  1. To find a pirate treasure, you need to go from the old oak 3 steps to the north, then 2 steps to the south.

How many steps to the pirate treasure?

  1. The two pirates divided six captives equally among themselves.

How many prisoners did each pirate get?

  1. Captain Flint's personal parrot, learned 2 words in English language and 4 words from the Russian language.

How many words does Flint's personal parrot know?

How many languages ​​does he speak?

Pirate 1:

Well, okay, enough, you can go to your island of First Graders.

Pirate 2:

No, wait, we won’t let you go until you dance the cheerful sea dance “Apple” for us!

10 Dance "Apple"

(children sit down after the dance in their places)

Pirate 3:

Well, well done guys, you have amused us.

Pirate 1:

And now we'll go, we'll sell all this good ( pointing to the basket) at a similar price.


Get ready to sail. Full speed ahead!


There is full speed ahead!

(sounds of the sea)


ahead Dreamland. Let's stop friends.

(Little Red Riding Hood exits)

Little Red Riding Hood: Tatyana Aleksandrovna (Dolphins)

Hello guys, do you recognize me?


Yes, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Our fabulous country is always glad to see guests.

What country did you come here from?



From Russia, from the city of Kemerovo.


Now we will tell you a little about our city!

(children line up, hold in their hands illustrations drawn by them, depicting the sights of the city of Kemerovo)

(Theater, Swimming Pool, Museum of Local Lore, Monument,

1 child:

Our city is big, beautiful, there is a lot of goodness and strength in it.

We love Kemerovo with all our heart, this city is our home.

2 child:

There is a theater and a swimming pool, a museum of local lore.

Our city is big, our city is native.

Little Red Riding Hood:

thanks for interesting story about your city. I invite you to a fabulous meadow. You carefully watch our fairy tales and guess their names.

11 Show excerpts from fairy tales

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

(Music sounds, several children in goat costumes run out, the wolf stands aside and watches the goats, the goats perform game actions, at the end of the game the wolf tries to catch the goats, the goats run away)

"Three piglets"

(children depicting piglets run out. At the end of the music, the wolf also tries to catch them)

Little Red Riding Hood:

What is the name of the fairy tale guys? (Children call)

Guys, be careful, the next riddle.


(Cinderella and the Prince come out, Cinderella sits on a chair, the Prince comes up to her)


Dear stranger, let me try on a shoe for you?

(The prince puts on a shoe for Cinderella, they go around the hall to the music and leave)

Little Red Riding Hood:

What is the name of the story guys? (Children call)

Next riddle:

This hero is familiar to everyone since childhood.

Riddle about Aibolit

(Music sounds, Aibolit comes out, a child in a white coat, a hat, bypasses all the children sitting)

Aibolit: Masha V.

Open your mouth.

(Several sitting children pass, everyone opens their mouths)

show your nose

(Several children pass, examine)

(Several children pass by, touch them)

let me hear


show your ears


(Aibolit takes out a health certificate for the children)


Here is a certificate for you, everyone is healthy, everyone is ready for school ( gives leading)

Little Red Riding Hood:

If the guys get tired in the lesson, then by all means get up and do exercises.

10. "Rhythmic composition" (as shown by Aibolit)

(children go out and stand on circles, then sit down in their places)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Dear girls and boys, thank you for meeting.

Our fabulous country is always glad to see guests.

And as a keepsake, I give you school advice.

You read them and follow them strictly.

(Little Red Riding Hood gives booklets to the teachers, with school boards per graduate)

(Aibolit and Little Red Riding Hood leave)


Full ahead!

Victoria A:

Our ship is approaching one of the most unusual islands of our exciting journey- Surprise Island.

(Sailors run out - several graduates)


On the island of surprises, we found this black box.

Guess what's in it?


1. It is advisable not to have this thing with you when the teacher is angry or when things are not all right with him. Indeed, for some reason, many teachers want to look there and leave a memory of themselves. (diary)


2. During school years She must have helped someone.

Some parents use this thing often and quite successfully.

And someone thinks that thanks to this particular thing, the family will be in order, the children will be "silk", the apartment will be cozy. ( belt)


3. This unprecedented subject deserves special attention.

With this item, you can make an explosion and scare teachers in the classroom.

It makes the student look like one of the pets. (chewing gum)


4.Absolutely necessary thing At school.

Increases the activity of the cerebral cortex.

Facilitates the rapid assimilation of information.

You can pleasantly annoy the teacher in the classroom with the help of sound, rustling or rustling. (chocolate)

(after each riddle, he takes the correct answer out of the box and shows it to the children)


5. For this mark, the student is praised and said well done? (Five)


Guys, I suggest we play the game "Round honors"

10. The game "Round honors students"

(two teams participate in the game, relay race. Run for words one, two, three, run for five, the children of each team run to a table prepared in advance, on which there are different marks, everyone must choose one number five and run to their team. She wins team, who is faster) The game is played 2 times

(Sounds like disturbing music. Fish-Saw runs into the hall).


Who are you to swim in my sea without asking me, the Pisces saw for permission? You see, I drowned everyone, and now I rejoice! .. And they are swimming here, spoiling my mood!
Victoria A:

We are brave travelers. We are sailing to the island of First Graders.


What, just float like that?
Victoria A :

We're just swimming.


No. Just like that, even chips do not float past me.

I cut them all at once (shows his saw and threatens to cut everything that gets in the way).

And even more so on the island of First Graders.
Victoria A:

Dear Pisces - saw, I have to disappoint you.

Our children learned a lot in kindergarten and now they are sailing to the island of First Graders to learn more new things.

They are brave, agile and very smart.

We are not afraid of your threats!

Oh, not scary?! Well, now I will check how brave, dexterous and smart you are.

And if you do not complete at least one task, then I will gladly saw your ship. Can you handle it? Or go back to your kindergarten.

Victoria A:

Okay, we'll manage, Pisces is a saw. Really guys?



Fish - saw, let go of our friends!

Fish - saw:

What more! Where is the magic word? I'm just sure you don't know a single magic word.


We know, we know, Fish is a saw!

Fish - saw:

And I'll check now. If you tell me everything magic words then I'll let go. Well, listen up!

1. Even ice blocks melt
From the word warm ... (Thank you)
The old stump will turn green,
When he hears... (Good afternoon)
If you can't eat anymore
Say at the table... (Thank you)
4. Both in Russia and Denmark
Saying goodbye... (Goodbye)
Well, well done guys! But you won't be able to solve this riddle!

5. When you are scolded for pranks

Should you say... (I'm sorry)


Well, Fish - saw, did the guys cope with the task?

Fish - saw:

Yes, we did it! Letting go of your friends, swim on, but do not forget that I am row - I am home! Ha ha ha! (leaves)


Guys, we are approaching our cherished goal, the island of First Graders!

I know that the most important thing on this island is the Queen of Knowledge!

But where is the mistress of the island?

(Under solemn music the majestic Queen of Knowledge enters)

Queen of Knowledge Elena A:

Hello dear children and guests!

I have closely watched your adventures and see that you have grown up to be kind, brave, intelligent and well-mannered children.

I want to test you a little too.

Be smart and answer my questions:

The letters are all from A to Z on the pages …………………. (primer)

Every student should take with them to school ……(diary)

To write by hand we will prepare ……………….(notebook)

Here's an album painted your bright red …………..(pencil)

So that suddenly it does not disappear, we will remove it in ……………(pencil case)

Very soon will meet you bright and cozy ………(Class)

If you know everything, you will get it at school ….(five)

If the lesson rang, it means it's over ……………..(lesson)

Queen of Knowledge:
And now the oath of our parents!

Oath of parents.
1. Will we always help children in their studies? - Yes!
2. To make the school proud of children? -Yes!
3. Are you afraid of leapfrog tasks? -Yes!
4. Formulas to remember is nonsense for you? -Yes!
5. We swear never to beat children! -Yes!
6. Just a little scold sometimes? -Yes!
7. Let's be calm, like water in a river? -Yes!
8. Will we be wise, like a star in the sky? -Yes!
9. Will we get up in the morning in the cold in order to be in time here and there? -Yes!
10. When the school is over, will we take a walk with the children then? -Yes!

Queen of Knowledge:

Well done, you deserve to become schoolchildren.

Especially for this day, I, the Queen of Knowledge, issued a Decree.

Let me proclaim it...


By this decree, I, the Queen of Knowledge, dedicate the children of the Children's Island kindergarten to schoolchildren.

From now on, you have to go to school every day and get only 4 and 5!

I command children to be hardworking and educated first-graders!

In the summer before school, not only play and sunbathe, but also read fairy tales!

Never forget your favorite kindergarten and come to visit!

From now on you are not preschoolers, now you are first graders!

I wish you health and success!

(children go to their places, read poems to kindergarten staff)


11. Dance composition "Island of happiness"

Awarding, presentation of diplomas and ribbons of graduates.