Everything for educators scenarios of graduation matinees. Graduation in kindergarten. The script is unique and funny.

Funny, funny and funny scenes for graduation in kindergarten, elementary and high school - a great opportunity to diversify and enliven the program of festive events. Performances create a special, high spirits and evoke the most pleasant emotions both in the audience and in all participants. You need to prepare the numbers in advance so that the young actors have time to learn the words of the text and remember the order of actions. For kids who have graduated from kindergarten, it is better to choose simple funny stories on a fairy-tale or cartoon theme. But the guys who graduated from the 4th grade can be offered more complex productions. For graduates of grades 9-11, there are no restrictions on topics at all. Boys and girls aged 15-17 will be happy to act out the brightest, coolest and most fun situations from school life in front of teachers, classmates and guests and supplement them with their creative ideas. And if it is also possible to persuade parents to take part in the program and perform a funny scene in front of the audience, the holiday will turn into a real enchanting show and will remain in the memory of all those present for a long time.

Funny scenes for graduation in kindergarten - ideas for texts with examples

Graduation in kindergarten is a very exciting moment for kids, parents, and educators. For this celebration, they prepare in advance and carefully think over the program of festive events. It includes beautiful, touching songs, optimistic congratulatory poems and funny scenes. As ideas for productions, a variety of plots are used, one way or another connected with children. These can be fragments of fairy tales or cartoons, remade in a modern way, interesting compositions on the theme of the upcoming school life, or stories about the relationship between kids and parents. You should not limit your imagination. The main thing is that the graduation ceremony should take place in an optimistic, joyful atmosphere and be remembered for a long time by both the participants of the performance and the guests.

Examples of texts for graduation scenes in kindergarten

  • "Emelya and the Princess"- a costumed poetic scene, in a simple and intelligible form, tells about the importance of school education. For the organization of the production, scenery in the old Russian style is needed. They are placed in the assembly hall on the stage, conditionally divided into two halves. In one of them is the village hut of Emelya, and in the other - the royal chambers and the chambers of the Princess. Two boys play the Tsar and Emelya, and two girls play Mamanya and the Princess. It is advisable to choose costumes for children characteristic of that period of time, then the mini-performance will look much more impressive and colorful.
(Mom is sitting, embroidering. Emelya is preening in front of the mirror) Mom: Where are you going, son? What did you think of dressing up like that? Emelya: I'm going to the palace, by the way. I want to marry a princess! Mom: At the princess? What are you? Is it in your mind? Emelya: Why not a couple, mother? I am not at all old for years, I have two healthy hands, I am not lazy, I know how to work! And besides, I'm not a freak, Why am I any worse than a prince? Mom: That's right, but it's scary all the same! There is no place for us in the palace! Emelya: They say the princess is pretty, They say the bride is good! In general, I'm going to get married! Mom: Oh, look, you will get into trouble. (to the audience) And the princess is walking in the garden. (A phonogram sounds, a change of scenery.) Princess: Nightingales sing in the garden From morning to evening! What should I do, royal daughter, If there is nothing to do? Ah, the sun is hiding in thick clouds. From boredom I yawn, Tormented melancholy! (Emelya climbs over the fence) Princess: Oh, who are you? Where are you from? Emelya: Get out of there, from behind the fence! Princess: Go away, otherwise it will be bad! Sentinels, stop the thief! Emelya: Well, me. Why are you screaming? I'm not a thief, but I came on business. Let me ask you to start. Would you like to get married? Princess: Marry? Well, perhaps! If you meet a good fellow! Emelya: For example, will you go for me? Princess: For you? (examines Emelya, thinks) I don’t know ... Well, well! Emelya: Have you stocked up on dowry? Princess: Yes, after all, it is always with us, It hangs in the closet under the lock, I am not the king's daughter for nothing! How in the morning I'll dress up in silk, All day long I look in the mirror. So, I'll even get tired in a day! Emelya: And when do you work? Princess: Look, what did you want? Job! I don't feel like walking either! Emelya: Well, what if you, princess, have to live with me in the village, Yes, go to the river for water Or put bread in the oven? Princess: Bread? Into the oven? Are you in your mind? To burn them in the oven? The king - my father - said to his daughter: "Bread on the trees grows in the forest!" Emily: Yes! I would like to look at least once At that outlandish little forest! So you don't know how to bake bread? (the princess shakes her head negatively) Maybe you understand the letter? You will teach children at school, They want to learn passion! Princess: I do not respect primers, And I am good without a letter! Instead of a name, I put a cross! I'm too lazy to mess with the primer! Emelya: So I'm marrying such a bride! What are you doing all day long? Princess: I drink tea with sweet pretzels, Yes, with toffees, and sweets. And when we finish the pretzels, I go to rest in the cold. They play mandolins for me, And I sleep on five featherbeds! Emily: No! Your life is amazing! Be healthy! Live rich! (leaves) Princess: Wait! Wait a minute! Where are you going? Emelya: Goodbye, the Tsar's daughter! Princess: I didn’t look back even once! (the princess sits down and cries. The king comes out) King: Oh, you are my poor daughter! Look how skinny the figure is! Maybe you should see a doctor? Princess: I want to go to school, father! I will write all the letters And I can become a scientist! I will go to school with Emelya! King (grabs his head) Oh, I can't take it anymore! Emelya (returns): I really like this song of yours! Oh, what a beautiful princess you are! All together: They say learning is light, ignorance is darkness! Here is the end of the story! (bow)
  • "Country of Nehochuh"- a very funny and funny scene that popularizes the idea of ​​helping the elders and the value for each person of the knowledge given at school. Three children are required to participate - two boys for the role of the Tsar-Father and Robot and one girl for the role of the capricious Princess. Costumes for children can be made with their own hands or rented at a holiday organization agency. If it is difficult and inconvenient, it is worth adapting the production to the current time. Then it will be enough to dress the kids in modern smart clothes and add characteristic accessories made of colored paper (a crown, a beard for the Tsar and a control display for the Robot).
(Behind the scenery, there is a clatter and the princess’s words “I don’t want to! I won’t!”. The Tsar and the Princess enter the hall. The Tsar wipes the tears of the princess and strokes her head) Tsar: I have become quite old, I forget everything! Kingdom - the state has no one to leave! You alone are my hope and dough, help! Therefore, you need to learn the mind - the mind, you need to go to school, obey the teachers! Princess: I don't want to! Don't want! Here is Vanka - put the fool to rule the kingdom, but I can’t, my little hands are white (pulls out my hands, shows), my face is ruddy, my eyes are beautiful not to study! Don't want! I won't! (stomps his foot and turns away from the tsar) Tsar: (a song is performed to the tune of "Trubodurochka" from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians") Oh, princess, you are my miserable behavior. Your behavior is indecent. Maybe it's better to see a doctor? Tserevna: I don't want anything! I don’t want to go to school: boring books to read, scribble - draw in notebooks, listen to teachers, memorize the rules. Oh and boring! (yawns). And I love it when they listen to me, my orders are carried out! Right now, this very minute, I order ... Tsar: Okay, okay, you are my beloved daughter! I'll give you - I'll give you a Flower of Desires! Tear off one petal, say such magic words! You are a magic petal, Fly to the west, to the east, Fly around the Earth. To be my way! Veli ... make a wish and it will come true immediately! (leaves) Princess (examines the flower): I need to check if daddy told me the truth! You are a magic petal, Fly to the west, to the east, Fly around the Earth. To be my way! Tell ... that I find myself in a place where you never have to study and where there is no school, so that you can have fun and enjoy sweets all day long. (sounds of a “magic” melody are heard) (a Robot comes out with a computer chair on wheels, seats the Princess and puts a lollipop in her mouth) Robot: Mo-well-dets! Bu-dash like Ve-li-cue Ne-ho-choo-ha! (rolls the Princess around the hall. The Princess tries to get up, but she can’t) Would you like ice cream? Princess: Ugh! Robot: Mo-lo-dets! You will be like the Great Nehochuha! Do you want to stay in our wonderful country and become the Great Nehochuha? Princess (nods her head): Uh-huh! Robot (says the words in syllables): Mo - lo - kid! You will be like the Great Ne-ho-choo-ha! In our country, no one will force you to study, read, and there has never been a school here! Whatever you want, do it: play, have fun, get a new portion of sweets, ice cream, cake every time ... Princess: Oh, how great you are! I'll probably stay with you for a little bit, and then I'll return to my father! Robot: This will never happen, you will never be able to return to your kingdom! Look how cool we are: carousels, swings, rides... Everyone will follow your orders! You will turn into a big and terribly beautiful princess! (shows a painted portrait of a plump princess. The princess is frightened). If you want a cake, it's right there! If you want to sleep, your chair will turn into a soft bed, and I will sing you a lullaby! Sleep, my joy, sleep! The lights went out in the sky! The fish fell asleep in the pond, the birds fell asleep in the garden... Princess (closes her eyes): No, no! I don't want... (covers his mouth with his hands). I want…! Robot: You can't say those words in our country! These are forbidden words, they are destroying our country! Princess: I want to go to my kingdom, I want to go to my old daddy! I want and will go to school, learn to read, write and help my father rule the kingdom!
  • "Childhood dreams"- simple to stage, but at the same time an original and effective mini-sketch in verse, dedicated to the topic of professions that kindergarten graduates plan to choose in the future. Scenery is not required for it and you can act out the performance both on the stage and in any other room, even if it is not too spacious. Initially, there are only 8 participants, but, if desired, this number can be increased by picking up a few more quatrains about different professions. Children do not need specific costumes. Boys and girls can absolutely safely perform in their own formal clothes. But if you want to add color, it is quite appropriate to make an individual outfit for each child that reflects the essence of the chosen profession or add a few characteristic accessories made by hand from improvised materials.
Years will fly by quickly, kindergarten is over, Then we will finish school, life will become fun. Today we will dream, to choose a job for ourselves. I have long loved to read, To learn everything in the world, When I go to college, I will become a doctor of science! And I want to become a model, I will admire everyone with my gait, Look, I have become a beauty! I will shoot for a magazine. (A small circle with the gait of a model passes to the music.) And I will fly into the sky, I want to become a flight attendant, I will try very hard, Smile at the passengers. I will go into show business, I will sing songs, And then they will recognize me everywhere, I will sing unusually from the stage! I will certainly send you an autograph in kindergarten. I want to become an artist so that I can perform on stage, And also act in films, smile at you from the screen. But I'm in doubt! Do you think I can? Well, I would be glad to become a kindergarten teacher, I know how much effort our teachers spent with us. I'll grow up a little more And I'll come to kindergarten again. And I want to be president! At any solemn moment, I will speak, I will lead a great country! Dreams change, friends, But you can't forget about them! Of course it was a joke, So smile for a minute!

Funny scene at graduation in kindergarten about Vovochka - text in verse and description

Little Johnny is one of the common anecdotal heroes of children's folklore. He is always presented as a very charming, but at the same time lazy, restless and hooligan boy. Using his example, parents, educators and teachers show kids what not to do and what the lack of perseverance, negligent attitude to discipline and unwillingness to pay attention to the knowledge given in children's educational institutions leads to. A funny scene about Vovochka deserves to be included in the graduation program in kindergarten. It is very easy to put it on and it will require a minimum of effort. All the necessary elements of decor and props can be made together with the children in the classroom on labor and applied arts. Special, specific costumes are not required. For the role of dad, a large men's raincoat available at home is suitable for any child, and it is very easy to make a hat from thick paper or thin cardboard. There will be only two main roles in the skit - this is Dad and Vovochka himself, and the girls from the group will play extras from educators and nannies. The words of the scene consist of five rhyming couplets. They will have to be memorized and it is better if five different children do this, for example, three girls and two boys. It is advisable to choose for the role of readers children with excellent memory and clear, understandable diction, who feel confident when they are in the spotlight. Then the number will turn out to be very colorful and will become a real highlight of the matinee in honor of the graduation party in kindergarten. *** A solid briefcase and a solid hat - Dad comes to the kindergarten for Vovochka. For the first time in five and a half years, Papa has no meeting anywhere. A respectable dad stands on the parquet And the inscription reads: "Normal children". - I'm here, - he says, - for the first time now. My Vovochka, apparently, somewhere with you? He is timid and obedient from the cradle. I think it's a blue-eyed child. - Excuse me, but this child is not ours, you need to go up another floor. And again dad is standing on the parquet, And on top it is written: "Difficult children". Vovki's dad clutches at his heart, And his hat rises quietly on him. - I'm here, - he says, - for the first time now. My Vovochka, apparently, somewhere with you? - Excuse me, but this child is not ours, you need to go up another floor. And again, dad is standing on the parquet Under the inscription "The most difficult children". Vovochkin's dad grabs the wall, his hat rises higher and higher. - I'm here, - he says, - for the first time now. My Vovochka, apparently, somewhere with you? - Excuse me, but this child is not ours, you need to go up another floor. Papa is also climbing the floor, Papa's hat is rolling down the stairs. He slowly sat down and whispered: - Obstanovochka! ... An iron door - and it is written: "VOVOCHA"!

A cool scene at the graduation in kindergarten from parents to teachers and children - video

An exceptionally good option for a graduation party in kindergarten is the inclusion of cool scenes performed by parents in the festive program. Such rooms are very popular with teachers and other staff, and the kids are completely delighted, and this is not surprising. After all, not every day a child manages to see a serious dad or a strict mom, speaking to the public as funny, funny characters. Plots for productions are suitable for almost any, but parents who play the roles of young children look especially unusual and funny, as shown in the video clip below. Moms and dads here act as schoolchildren and play one day in the life of a first grader in front of the audience. The scene looks very bright and colorful also thanks to the successful musical accompaniment. The production uses fragments of the most popular and favorite children's songs, familiar to both kids and adults. A kind of potpourri is composed of them, in which each verse is visually staged by some kind of action. Suits add visual effect, namely short brown uniform dresses, white aprons, bows and knee socks for moms and black trousers with suspenders and light shirts for dads. It seems that real schoolchildren came to the kindergarten in order to show future first-graders in all details all the vicissitudes of student life.

Short and long funny scenes about school at graduation in grade 4 - the best ideas on video

Graduation in the 4th grade is one of the most significant holidays for younger students. It marks the end of the first stage of training and opens the door to a more serious, complex and responsible future for the guys. Already in September, boys and girls will return to their favorite school, but they will not enter their usual classroom and will not see their first teacher, who has become almost a second mother. Now they will have new classrooms and auditoriums, a large number of different subjects and completely different teachers. But the memory of the carefree years spent in elementary school will never be forgotten. And at the graduation party, the guys will once again remember all the good things that happened in four years and play a funny sketch about school life called “Big Break” in front of teachers, parents and guests.

This production is lucky in that it consists of several short mini-performances and allows you to involve almost all students in the class in the presentation. For the organization of the show does not require specific scenery. You just need to bring a few chairs from the office, with which the boys will dance and run during the musical losses that separate the numbers. Special costumes are also not useful. The guys will take the stage in their usual school uniform, with their backpacks, briefcases, textbooks, and all those present will get the impression that they really got into a real big break at school. The short scene “Homework” looks no less funny and fun. Four children participate in it - two girls playing the roles of Mom and Grandmother, and two boys playing the roles of Dad and Son. The idea is that a fourth grade boy does not want to do his homework and entrusts it to Mom, Dad and Grandma. Naturally, they go towards their child and fulfill all wishes. But the next day, the kid brings from school not at all consoling grades and promises to continue to learn all the lessons on his own, because you can’t rely on older relatives.

Funny, funny scenes for graduation in grade 9 in subjects - video examples

Funny, funny scenes dedicated to various school subjects look cool, bright and unusual at the graduation party. Grade 9 students show them in an original humorous style and it is simply impossible not to laugh at such a performance.
  • "English lesson"- a simple short production, designed for only two participants. The girl plays an English teacher, and the boy plays the role of a negligent student who came to take an exam. No decorations, no costumes, no special props, no musical accompaniment are needed for the performance, but it is very desirable that the “teacher” knows English well and has high-quality diction and pronunciation. It is appropriate to act out the performance both on the stage of the assembly hall and in an ordinary school office. How it turns out in reality, you can clearly see in the video below.
  • "Geometry test"- a very cheerful and colorful scene in the style of a musical potpourri. According to the story, 9th grade students come to the math room, and the teacher announces that a test will take place today. All children receive tasks and begin to perform. At this time, musical accompaniment begins to sound, but not just some kind of song, but a cut from various popular pop and film works, where each phrase reflects some kind of student action during the control. The number looks in one breath, because the boys and girls very comically and grotesquely show their attempts to cheat by any means, pull out a cheat sheet or call a friend for a hint.
  • "On Biology"- which combines a funny story about schoolchildren and a kind, sincere and warm word of thanks for a beloved teacher. In the presented video, students say warm thanks to the biology teacher, but, if desired, the short script can be adapted to any school subject or even several mini-numbers can be made in the same style for each teacher, including the class teacher.

Graduation scenes in grade 11 - funny videos with examples

The 11th grade graduation party is unlike any event ever held at school. Students on it, literally, come off, because they no longer have to return to their desks and listen to teachers' comments about too defiant behavior. Therefore, the guys choose sketches for the program that are more frivolous and outrageous. Graduates especially like to joke about the EG and all kinds of exams. The situations that happen at these events are played by boys and girls in a variety of styles, ranging from classics to modern youth humor.

      • "EG in the area"- a cool costumed version of the scene with characteristic characters. The traditional plot is taken as the basis - passing the exam in the final class. Eight students participate in the performance - 4 guys and 4 girls. A beautiful long-haired classmate with good diction and a strong voice takes on the role of presenter and announces the start of the number. The first to appear on the stage is a bespectacled nerd, followed by a luxurious plump woman in a red dress, then local hooligans in caps appear, and a glamorous macho with two fashionable girlfriends closes this circle. All of them behave in accordance with the presented images and it looks very funny and cool. At the end, a modern youth song “Mom, I'm stupid” sounds and it turns out that no one except the nerd could pass the exam.
      • "Final exam"- Another interesting version of a short production in honor of graduation in the 11th grade. To participate, 4-5 students are required, who play themselves at the time of passing the exam. One participant pretends to be an educator making sure children answer honestly, don't cheat, don't use cheat sheets, and don't try to call parents and friends to get the right answers.
      • "History is a science without which one cannot live"- original, mobile and funny sceneconsisting of two parts. At the beginning, the guys gather in the classroom and expect who the teacher will call for the test. After that, school tables and chairs are removed from the site, female soloists come out to the microphones and sing a bright, incendiary song about the importance of history as a science in the life of every person, and five well-dressed graduate boys play the role of back-up dancers and move beautifully on stage in such music.

The best graduation scene in grade 11 from parents - "On the Louboutins"

The idea to include scenes performed by parents in the 11th grade graduation program is not new, but if you approach it creatively and with imagination, the number will turn out to be so spectacular that it will easily outshine all other performances. How this works in practice can be seen in the video below. There, the mothers of the graduates decided not to limit themselves to a standard production, but turned their performance into a real bright and memorable show. As an introduction, they shot a video, where they first showed each of the parents at the workplace, then in an accelerated mode they demonstrated the process of gathering and appearance of mothers at the holiday party. The second part of the performance unfolded on the stage of the hall, where mothers, to the song "On the Louboutins", danced a fast fiery dance to the delight of their children. Then a few more youth songs sounded, and at the end, the mothers went out to bow to the audience and broke a flurry of applause and enthusiastic compliments from graduates and spectators.

Children's miniature. Scenario

Kindergarten is an object that complements family education - therefore it depends on working with you - your parents. So communicate with us, tell us your doubts or confusion and trust the experience of the teachers. May every day in the nursery for your children be sunny and be as diligent as bees.

Lots of toys around us, pick me up mom on time! It's good here, really, everything was in order. Mom will be waiting here, but she will be soon. Those who go to kindergarten must take shoes. Get up early in the morning to hurry to your kindergarten. You can choose from a variety of concerts of various genres, discussions and dance evenings in each of the houses of Radia, Bekunek, Curie or Jáchymovo.

Scene - miniature "In the country of Nehochuh" for the graduation party in kindergarten

Description of work: this scene will help to diversify, decorate the scenario of the graduation party in kindergarten. The material will be of interest to educators and music directors.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere for kindergarten graduates, parents and teachers.
Tasks: create conditions for the manifestation of the creative abilities of children; give children positive emotions; generate interest in school.
Materials for holding: computer chair on wheels; "Wishing Flower", made by hand; Chupa Chups; picture of a plump princess.
(behind the scenery there is a clatter and the princess’s words “I don’t want to! I won’t!”. The Tsar and Tsarevnaa enter the hall. The Tsar wipes the tears of the princess and strokes her head)
Tsar: I've become quite old, I forget everything! Kingdom - the state has no one to leave! You alone are my hope and dough, help! Therefore, you need to learn the mind - the mind, you need to go to school, obey the teachers!
Princess: Don't want! Don't want! Here is Vanka - put the fool to rule the kingdom, but I can’t, my little hands are white (pulls out my hands, shows), my face is ruddy, my eyes are beautiful not to study! Don't want! I won't! (stomps his foot and turns away from the king)
Tsar: (a song is performed to the motive of "Trubodurochka" from the cartoon
"The Bremen Town Musicians"))

Ah, princess, you are my miserable
Your behavior is inappropriate.
Maybe it's better to see a doctor?

Tserevna: I do not want anything!
I don’t want to go to school: boring books to read, scribble - draw in notebooks, listen to teachers, memorize the rules. Oh and boring! (yawns).
And I love it when they listen to me, my orders are carried out! Right now, this very minute, I order...
Tsar: All right, all right, you are my beloved daughter! I'll give you - I'll give you a Flower of Desires! Tear off one petal, say such magic words!
You are a magic petal
Fly west, fly east
Fly around the earth.
To be my way!
Veli ... make a wish and it will come true immediately! (leaves)
Princess (looks at the flower): We need to check if daddy told me the truth!
You are a magic petal
Fly west, fly east
Fly around the earth.
To be my way!
Tell ... that I find myself in a place where you never have to study and where there is no school, so that you can have fun and enjoy sweets all day long. (sounds of "magic" melody are heard)
(Robot comes out with a computer chair on wheels, seats the Princess and gives her a lollipop in her mouth)
Robot: Well done! Bu-dash like Ve-li-cue Ne-ho-choo-ha! (rolls the Princess around the hall. The Princess tries to get up, but she can’t) Would you like ice cream?
Princess: Yes!
Robot: Well done! You will be like the Great Nehochuha! Do you want to stay in our wonderful country and become the Great Nehochuha?
Princess (nods head): Yes!
Robot(words are spoken in syllables): Well done! You will be like the Great Ne-ho-choo-ha! In our country, no one will force you to study, read, and there has never been a school here! Do whatever you want: play, have fun, get a new portion of sweets, ice cream, cake every time ...
Princess: Oh how great you are! I'll probably stay with you for a little bit, and then I'll return to my father!
Robot: This will never happen, you will never be able to return to your kingdom again! Look how cool we are: carousels, swings, rides... Everyone will follow your orders!
You will turn into a big and terribly beautiful princess! (shows a painted portrait of a plump princess. The princess is frightened).
If you want a cake, it's right there! If you want to sleep, your chair will turn into a soft bed, and I will sing you a lullaby!
Sleep, my joy, sleep!
The lights went out in the sky!
The fish fell asleep in the pond
The birds are sleeping in the garden...

Princess (closes eyes): No no! I don't want… (covers mouth with hands). I want…!
Robot: It is impossible to pronounce these words in our country! These are forbidden words, they are destroying our country!
Princess: I want my kingdom, I want my old daddy! I want and will go to school, learn to read, write and help my father rule the kingdom!

Graduation script for children of the preparatory school group "Kindergarten, we will not forget you"

Nadyrova Lucia Ilmirovna
Job title: musical director of MBDOU "Kindergarten for care and rehabilitation for children with allergic diseases No. 69", Nizhnekamsk
Description: The script is designed to hold a graduation party in kindergarten. The material will be useful to music directors and educators.
Target: Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere and a festive mood for graduates and guests of the event.
- To reveal the creative abilities of children;
- Raise a sense of gratitude to the staff of the kindergarten;
- Set up children to go to school.
The course of the holiday.
Leaders enter the room.
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear parents, guests, and employees of the kindergarten. So we met again in this room. Today you will find an unusually exciting celebration! Our Kindergarten has opened its doors for a graduation ball dedicated to future first-graders!
We are ready to accept everyone, we only ask you for one thing.
Do not judge today strictly you yesterday's preschoolers.
They are a little worried and their knees are trembling a little.
Here to say goodbye to kindergarten
Preschoolers are in a hurry in the morning.
We solemnly welcome them
Applause, friends,
Children come in to the music, dance to the song "Childhood" and line up in a semicircle.
Child: The kindergarten is dressed up - you won’t recognize it directly.
Mom puts on her best outfit.
And ironed trousers, cleanly washed hands,
And the excitement - they just escort us to the first class.
Child: And mothers look with excitement at yesterday's preschool children,
And dad's eyes warm, and brother winks.
Even my grandmother furtively raised a handkerchief to her eyes:
From now on, her dear granddaughter will be a schoolboy.
Child: We ourselves forgot all the verses from excitement.
There were just preschool children, and now students.
Child: To be honest, how can we not worry!
How many years we lived here, and played, and were friends!
Together they built factories, castles, towers and bridges.
From the designer and clay of unprecedented beauty.
Child: The sun gleefully knocks on the windows with a cheerful ray.
And today we are proud of the important word "Graduate".
Child: Preschool childhood goes away one day,
And everyone will feel it today.
Toys, cars, rocking chairs leave,
And books - babies, and dolls - squeakers.
But we can't forget this colorful world,
And our garden is kind, cozy and bright.
And warm hands, and affectionate look,
All: Thank you, thank you for everything, kindergarten!
Child: Only we need to say goodbye to kindergarten, dear,
The school will be very happy with such first-graders.
Strong, brave and cheerful, the most friendly of the guys,
Hello holiday, hello school,
All: Goodbye, Kindergarten!

Song "Beloved Kindergarten"(music and lyrics Azamatova-Bas G.)
Presenter: Dear children, dear parents and guests! Despite the parting, we hope that this evening will be pleasant! After all, we connect our hopes, unfulfilled dreams with children and, of course, we want them to be happier than us!
How the years flew by - instantly,
You have grown up here, no doubt,
And it's time for us to say goodbye
You go to school to study.
Child: Red summer will rush, a cheerful bell will ring,
With a bright festive bouquet, I will go to school.
I'll walk along the road, a new satchel behind my back,
Do not forget to take pens, books and notebooks with you.
Child: We want to learn quickly, make friends with the primer.
From page to page, we will read it by spring.
We will be at school, like big ones, write a lesson on the board,
We decided in advance to become all excellent students.
Child: At school I will try, because there is so much to know
To get a new diary, only get fives.
I myself will learn lessons and solve problems too,
Well, if something happens, I know my mother will help me.
Child: We are ready to study and become schoolchildren.
Get good grades!
Accept, school, us for the first time in the first class!
Open the door wider - we are first-graders now!
Song "Soon to School"(words and music by Z. Root)
The children sit down.
Presenter: Dear graduates! Your junior comrades, with whom you lived together all these years, came to your graduation ball. They brought you their wishes!
To the music, kids enter the hall.
presenter: Oh, funny, funny! You were, after all. They will grow up a little, they will also come to school to you.
1st kid: We guys, kids, all came to congratulate you!
You enter the first class and do not forget about us.
2nd kid: You will go to school soon, please do not be lazy,
We wish you guys to study well.
3rd kid: We honestly promise you that without you in our native garden
We will not break the flowers, we will save all the toys.
4th kid: We wish you to study, get fives!
And remember the kindergarten "Bee" more often.
5th kid: Do not forget about us in kindergarten, resort to us
We will play together, read school books.
Toddler dance.

Children and guests with applause see off younger preschoolers.
Presenter: Dear guys, you have been going to this group for several years, but from now on our paths will part. And let's dream a little, who do you want to be?
Scene "Dreamers".
1 child: My years are growing, I will be seventeen.
What should I do then? What should I do?
I will read books, strive for knowledge.
To become very smart, go abroad.
2 child: And I will be a showman, all mustachioed, bright.
I will spin the wheel, receive gifts.
3 child: It's good to be a showman, but it's better to be a singer.
I would go to the Basques, let them teach me!
1 child: I would become a teacher, let them teach me!
2 child: Did you think at all? The nerves are shattered!
4 child: I will work as our president.
I will ban semolina porridge all over the country!
5 child: Mom dreams for me,
Dad, grandma, friends...
I'm just a stubborn guy
You can't give in to them.
Everyone is giving me advice.
Despite this, I will be myself!

Presenter: We think that when our children grow up, each of them will find their own path in life, and everything will work out for them. We told our thoughts on "Hurrah", and now let's dance a dance, kids.
Dance "Little Stars" (group "Giant")
Presenter: Our holiday continues. Childhood is always a fabulous world of miracles. Children and we adults love fairy tales. Really guys? Do you love fairy tales?
The scientist cat enters.
Cat: Hello guys! I went about my fabulous business, and it seems that I was late for your ball.
Presenter: Do not worry dear, our holiday is just beginning. Look how many joyful faces have gathered here today.
Cat: Meow! Then it's all right. Did you recognize me?
Presenter: Well, of course. Guys who is this?
Cat: I am a scientist cat of the most fabulous seaside. I've come to take you to school. And at the same time check whether you are ready to study school sciences. Ready? (yes) And now we'll find out.
Cat: Who very very soon
Walking to school together?
Which one of you will come to class
An hour late?
Who keeps things in order
Pens and notebooks?
Which one of you kids
Walks dirty to the ears?
Answer in chorus in a moment
Who is the main student here?
who takes care of the clothes
Does he put it under the bed?

Cat: What good fellows! Completed the task. Well, now I want our respected parents to take an oath. You must say YES loudly and clearly!
1. Will we always help children in their studies? - Yes!
2. To make the school proud of children? -Yes!
3. Formulas to remember is nonsense for you? -Yes!
4. Will we be wise, like a star in the sky? -Yes!
5. When the school is over, will we take a walk with the children then? -Yes!
What good fellows! And the parents got it right. There will be no problems with them at school. Guys, do you know the letters? Tell me, what else do you know? Are you able to read? Well done! Okay, now I'll check how attentive you are! Let's play!
Game "Be careful"
To the music, the children run in all directions, the Cat says any number from one to five, and the children, respectively, must stand up either one at a time, or in pairs, or in threes, etc.

Cat: Yes, I see you didn’t go to kindergarten for nothing. Useful knowledge gained here.
Presenter: And our guys are real artists, and actors. Watch the scene "Malvina and Pinocchio" performed by Amalia and Vladimir
Scene "Malvina and Pinocchio"

Cat: Well done boys! The school will always be happy with such students! I wish you to study well at school, but now let me say goodbye.
The cat is leaving.
Presenter: We continue our holiday, we invite everyone to dance.
A farewell minuet, a little sad. It's not easy to spin around in it!
This farewell dance, in a light prom dress!
Dance "Minuet"(to the music of P. Mauriat's orchestra)
Ivan Tsarevich enters
Ivan Tsarevich: Hello dear children and guests! I have closely watched your adventures all these years in kindergarten and I see that you have grown up to be kind, brave, smart and well-mannered children. Vasilisa the Wise found out about your farewell holiday and sent you a chest of surprises ... So, so ... Where did I put it? Oh yes, my faithful friend, the gray wolf, was with me! Left behind on the road ... Buddy, run quickly to us!
The wolf enters, greets the children

Tsarevich: What's happened? What are the chains?
Wolf: I lost the chest on the way, and it came to Koshchei, so he bewitched it.
(points to the locks hanging on the chest)
Tsarevich: Guys, your help is needed here. can you help friends?
If we complete the tasks, we will destroy the spell.
(looks at the first lock)

To be the first to remove the lock, you need to complete the lesson:
You guess the riddles and quickly remove the lock.
Those riddles are not simple, all the clues in them are wonderful,
From fairy tales MYSTERIES without clues!
1. What does Baba Yaga fly on?
2. What do wizards wave when they cast a spell?
3. Shoes that help you move very quickly?
4. Can she make everyone invisible?
5. What needs to be broken to defeat Koshchei?
Tsarevich: You guys are great - all solid sages!
So the lesson is done, you can first remove the lock.
(turns the lock over and the first letter appears)
We open slowly ... What kind of letter do we see?
Presenter: How to remove the second lock? Another key is needed here!
Tsarevich: Here hangs the second castle, not a simple magic castle
Song and dance. That is just musical!
Presenter: Our guys with their performance on musical instruments will disenchant the castle. Meet the Orchestra.
Orchestra("Italian Polka" Rachmaninov S.V.)

Tsarevich: Well done boys! Real artists! So ... so ... We open slowly ... what kind of letter do we see?
Tsarevich: Well guys, do you still want to open the locks?
Presenter: Of course, because the chest was sent for our guys by Vasilisa the Wise, and we are all wondering what lies there?
Tsarevich: This castle, I'll tell you guys, was locked by Untidy. Clap your hands loudly, you meet her! Well, it's time for me to go to my kingdom! Goodbye guys! Good luck at school!
They clap their hands. Untidy runs into the hall to the music.
Untidy. Ho-ho-ho! Here I am! It will be tight for you, friends!
My name is Untidy, I love
Disorders in behavior, disturbances in mood,
And also, when everything is full of riots in the notebook!

Presenter: Our children are not like that, but completely, completely different:
Our children are neat, thrifty and tidy.
There are no messes among them, and they have order in everything!
Untidy: So I believed you! Do you know how many friends I have, just like me? Whoa, how much! You see, on the last row, two people are hiding (points to their parents). These are my old friends. They also sat at the last desk at school and their entire diary was hung with deuces. Hello friends! (waving).
presenter: Do not invent, Untidy! Such good kids can't have bad dads. You are confusing them with someone else!
Untidy: How are you confusing, how are you confusing!? Look how they smiled at me, they recognized me!....... Okay, okay! Stop praising your kids and their parents. Better prove that they are. Cheerful, neat, but okay!
Presenter: Look at our beautiful girls, listen to how they can sing beautifully in the Tatar language.
The song "Bakchabyz - galbakcha"(words and music by M. Minkhazhev)
Untidy: Guess I can sing like that too.
But this briefcase, I wonder if they will be able to quickly and accurately collect it for school?
Will parents be able to help prepare for September 1st?
If the children are neat, thrifty and tidy
They will be able to complete the lesson - I will open the lock for you.
Game "September 1"
2 families are invited to play: mom, dad and child. Each family stands in front of a table on which school and not quite accessories, a balloon, several branches of artificial flowers lie. There is a school bag next to the table. The presenter announces the conditions: at the alarm signal, the child must collect a portfolio for school, dad inflate and tie a balloon, mom collect a bouquet, tying it with a ribbon. Whoever says the first words: “We are ready for school!” wins.

Untidy: Ah, what order are you! There are no bad guys among you.
I open my lock.
(reverses the second letter)
Untidy: What's the letter here, buddy?
Untidy: You probably also want me to open the lock for you? You sang to me, played, but did not dance yet? Here, friends will dance, and I will open the castle!
Comic dance "Washing"(Tatar dance)

(flips next lock)
Untidy: Who has read? Who made it? What is the letter? Letter
Untidy: Now it's time for me, goodbye, kids!
Presenter: To remove the last lock, you will need to count.
If you can solve the problems, we can open the castle!
Math problems.

1) There is a corner in the house-
The toys live there.
Lion, elephant and rhinoceros,
Doll and frog.
How many toys live in the corner? (5)
2) Seven funny cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries.
But one of them is tired
He lagged behind his comrades.
Now find the answer
How many bears are ahead? (6)
3) Five mice are on the way
They rush to school cheerfully.
And under each arm
One study book.
How many new books
In diligent mice. (5)
Presenter: Well guys, well done. You opened all the locks, we open the lock again, we read the word together.

Presenter: We open our chest, guys, look at the letter here.
Reads "parting words to children to school" and distributes gifts from Vasilisa the Wise.
Presenter: Well, all the games have been played, all the songs have been sung, our holiday has quietly come to an end, which means that the moment of parting is coming! It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten and say the last words.
Children line up in a semicircle and take turns reading.
1. Today we say goodbye to kindergarten forever.
Now we need to study, we are going to school.
2. You accepted us as kids, our dear kindergarten.
Now we have become big and say goodbye to you.
3. Thanks to the teachers for the affection and warmth,
We were with you side by side and on a gloomy day it is light.
4. We thank our nannies and laundresses,
For attention, for comfort, for hearty kind work.
5. Who will check how we draw, how we play and dance?
Today we say thank you, and we thank the methodologist.
6. Thanks to our doctors that we are not afraid of a cold,
Whatever you look at, everyone, as one, are heroes.
7. For delicious borscht and hearty pilaf, we thank the chefs.
8. Who cleaned the paths for us where our legs walked,
Both in winter and hot summer. It's a janitor, it's a janitor!
9. Thanks to the musical director and teacher of the Tatar language - for the holidays and laughter,
For the fact that now we all have talents! .
10. Let's say thank you to the physical education instructor! We will try
Physical education even at school together to do.
11. Today we say goodbye
Thank you all say:
Speech therapist, and supply manager, clerk and psychologist,
intellectual development educator and accountant,
as well as to the housekeeper and our watchmen,
For warmth and care we say:
Together: Thank you!
12. And our manager -
Thanks to all the kids!
Every day your care
This garden is getting brighter!
13. Our kindergarten, goodbye!
We're off to first grade!
Even though it's a sad parting
Don't worry about us!
We are no longer children
It's time for us to go to school.
And at this farewell hour
Our song for you!
Song "The world is childhood"(music A. Muratov, lyrics V. Danko)
Enter Untidy
Untidy: Guys, I just thought, and decided to become neat and tidy, like you! And I will also go to school. Will you take me with you? Okay, I have a surprise for you! Clap your hands, meet the soap bubble show!!!
Soap bubbles show

Children's miniature. Scenario

Scene - miniature "In the country of Nehochuh" for the graduation party in kindergarten

Description of work: this scene will help to diversify, decorate the scenario of the graduation party in kindergarten. The material will be of interest to educators and music directors.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere for kindergarten graduates, parents and teachers.
Tasks: create conditions for the manifestation of the creative abilities of children; give children positive emotions; generate interest in school.
Materials for holding: computer chair on wheels; "Wishing Flower", made by hand; Chupa Chups; picture of a plump princess.
(behind the scenery there is a clatter and the princess’s words “I don’t want to! I won’t!”. The Tsar and Tsarevnaa enter the hall. The Tsar wipes the tears of the princess and strokes her head)
Tsar: I've become quite old, I forget everything! Kingdom - the state has no one to leave! You alone are my hope and dough, help! Therefore, you need to learn the mind - the mind, you need to go to school, obey the teachers!
Princess: Don't want! Don't want! Here is Vanka - put the fool to rule the kingdom, but I can’t, my little hands are white (pulls out my hands, shows), my face is ruddy, my eyes are beautiful not to study! Don't want! I won't! (stomps his foot and turns away from the king)
Tsar: (a song is performed to the motive of "Trubodurochka" from the cartoon
"The Bremen Town Musicians"))

Ah, princess, you are my miserable
Your behavior is inappropriate.
Maybe it's better to see a doctor?

Tserevna: I do not want anything!
I don’t want to go to school: boring books to read, scribble - draw in notebooks, listen to teachers, memorize the rules. Oh and boring! (yawns).
And I love it when they listen to me, my orders are carried out! Right now, this very minute, I order...
Tsar: All right, all right, you are my beloved daughter! I'll give you - I'll give you a Flower of Desires! Tear off one petal, say such magic words!
You are a magic petal
Fly west, fly east
Fly around the earth.
To be my way!
Veli ... make a wish and it will come true immediately! (leaves)
Princess (looks at the flower): We need to check if daddy told me the truth!
You are a magic petal
Fly west, fly east
Fly around the earth.
To be my way!
Tell ... that I find myself in a place where you never have to study and where there is no school, so that you can have fun and enjoy sweets all day long. (sounds of "magic" melody are heard)
(Robot comes out with a computer chair on wheels, seats the Princess and gives her a lollipop in her mouth)
Robot: Well done! Bu-dash like Ve-li-cue Ne-ho-choo-ha! (rolls the Princess around the hall. The Princess tries to get up, but she can’t) Would you like ice cream?
Princess: Yes!
Robot: Well done! You will be like the Great Nehochuha! Do you want to stay in our wonderful country and become the Great Nehochuha?
Princess (nods head): Yes!
Robot(words are spoken in syllables): Well done! You will be like the Great Ne-ho-choo-ha! In our country, no one will force you to study, read, and there has never been a school here! Do whatever you want: play, have fun, get a new portion of sweets, ice cream, cake every time ...
Princess: Oh how great you are! I'll probably stay with you for a little bit, and then I'll return to my father!
Robot: This will never happen, you will never be able to return to your kingdom again! Look how cool we are: carousels, swings, rides... Everyone will follow your orders!
You will turn into a big and terribly beautiful princess! (shows a painted portrait of a plump princess. The princess is frightened).
If you want a cake, it's right there! If you want to sleep, your chair will turn into a soft bed, and I will sing you a lullaby!
Sleep, my joy, sleep!
The lights went out in the sky!
The fish fell asleep in the pond
The birds are sleeping in the garden...

Princess (closes eyes): No no! I don't want… (covers mouth with hands). I want…!
Robot: It is impossible to pronounce these words in our country! These are forbidden words, they are destroying our country!
Princess: I want my kingdom, I want my old daddy! I want and will go to school, learn to read, write and help my father rule the kingdom!

Graduation at the DOW. Scenario graduation party in kindergarten

A detailed and interesting scenario of farewell to kindergarten.

Graduation party: Goodbye, kindergarten!

Children are built in front of the entrance to the hall. The bell rings. Children, to the music of the song “Beautiful Far Away” (music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin), sounding in the recording, go around the hall in pairs, stop in two semicircles near the central wall. In the first - girls, in the second - boys.

1st child.

The cheerful bell rings

Children are rushed to class.

School doors open

Now always for us.

2nd child.

Greeted white

Spacious white house.

From small to large

We all go there.

3rd child.

We are invited to school

perky calls,

We were babies

Now students.

4th child.

Let's grow up over the summer

To make it visible to everyone

That it's time to go just right

We are in first grade.

5th child.

kindergarten, kindergarten,

Light and cheerful

You are happy today too

That we went to school.

Song "Soon to School" (music by M. Krasev, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya).


1. The wind wanders in the open,

Colder every day.

Dressed in gold

Two birch trees behind a fence.

2. We will learn before the summer

And always in all subjects

We will receive "five!.

Back to school for the first time!

Back to first grade soon!

All will be named soon

Schoolchildren us!

3. A song is pouring in the wild,

She is heard from far away.

All children have a place in school

She prepared.

6th child.

Kindergarten is a garden

Where the trees stand in a row

And on every branch

The kids are growing up.

7th child.

ruddy, happy,

Screaming, pugnacious,

Attached to bows

Like candy wrappers on a Christmas tree.

8th child.

And laugh and buzz

Like bees in a flock.

Children (all together).

What is kindergarten

We certainly know.

Song "Kindergarten" (music and lyrics by E. Aseeva)


1. You and I woke up early,

We are going to kindergarten.

There are toys, there are animals

All children are expected.

And Tanyusha, and Antoshka,

And Katyusha, and Seryozha -

Welcomes everyone

kindergarten (Chorus 2 times)

2. We start the day with exercises.

Here we dance and sing.

And we don't get bored at all

We have a lot of fun.

Both Tanyusha and Antoshka,

Both Katyusha and Seryozhka -

We have a lot of fun in the garden. (Chorus 2x)

3. You need to smile at a friend-

After all, we live as one family.

To quarrel and fight

There is no reason for you and me.

We play fun together

We don't hurt friends.

After all, for a quarrel

There is no reason for you and me. (Chorus 2x)

Leading. Guys, today guests should come to our holiday. But where are they? They've been gone for a long time!

To the cheerful music of "Polka" by E. Tilicheeva, clowns run in a lateral gallop.

Clowns. Hello guys!

Children. Hello!

Knop. It's Tyopa!

Tyopa. It's Knopa! (Bowed.)

Leading. We have been waiting for you for a long time, why are you late?

Tyopa. Excuse me, please, but we were preparing lessons.

Leading. What were you asked?

Knop. Learn all the numbers. Would you like to hear how we did our homework?

Leading. We want it, don't we guys?


Looks like a hook unit

Or maybe a broken branch. (Shows a card.)


Two is like a caterpillar

With a long neck, thin beak.

Knop. Number three is like a swallow, look!


Look - four is a chair,

which I flipped.


What does the number five look like?

On the sickle, of course, how not to know!


Seven is like a sharp scythe,

Mow, spit, while dew.


The number eight is so delicious -

She is from two bagels.

Tyopa. Now let the guys say what the numbers zero, six, nine look like. (Children answer.)

Leading. Well done, clowns, you know the numbers, but can you count?

Clowns. We know how! We know how!

Leading. We will check this now. Who will solve the problem first?

Tyopa. I!

Knop. Look, Tyopa, don't let me down!

Leading. Then listen carefully. Imagine that you were given five candies. You gave one candy to Knopa. How many candies do you have left? Tyopa. Five! Leading. Five?

Tyopa. Yes, five!

Leading. Why five, because you gave one.

Tyopa. And I won’t give it to anyone, I myself love sweets.

Leading. Children, did Tyopa solve the problem correctly?

Children. No!

Leading. How many candies should he have left?

Children. Four!

Leading. Right! You have to share with friends. You, Tyopa, should be ashamed.

Tyopa(lowering his head). Shame on you, very shame on you!

Leading. Okay, let's give you a chance to fix it. Listen to another task. You have two balls, Knopa has one. How many balloons do you both have together?

Tyopa. What are we going to do with these balls?

Leading. Why do you need to know?

Tyopa. Necessary!

Leading(thinking). Well, let's say you go for a walk with them.

Tyopa. Will there be wind outside?

Leading. Let's assume it will.

Tyopa. Strong?

Leading. Strong!

Tyopa. Then Knopa and I won't have a single balloon.

Leading. Why?

Tyopa. Because the wind will snatch the balloons from our hands and carry them high, high into the sky.

Leading. Children, did Tyopa solve this problem correctly?

Children. No!

Leading. Tell me, how many balloons does Tyopa and Knopa have?

Children. Three!

Leading. Dude, you didn't solve this problem.

Knop. Give me a problem and I will definitely solve it.


Okay, listen carefully.

Are all baby chickens here

Six in the garden, three in the rye,

How many of them, tell me!

Knopa. Six in the garden, three in the rye - there will be nine.

Leading. Well done, Knopa, answered correctly.

clowns(clap hands, jump). Hooray!

Leading. And our children also know how to count.

clowns. Really?

Leading. And they even know a song about it. Do you want to listen?

Clowns. Yes, we want!

Leading. Then stay with us on the holiday. The song "Like twice two" (music by A. Abramov, lyrics by M. Vladimov).


1. A student walks to first grade.

He is the happiest person in the world.

He opened it for the first time

That twice two is four.

And you learn like him

All dots are commas

Any paragraph and law,

Like two times two is four.

2. But you say: Yalta on the Oka,

And Krasnodar in Siberia,

And "two" you will see in the diary,

Like two times two is four.

Perhaps you will fly

Into space spaces

But first learn to "five",

That twice two is four.

Leading. Well done guys, you sing well. Are you able to solve problems?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Listen carefully.

1) Andryushka arranged the toys in two rows.

Next to the matryshka is a teddy bear.

Together with the fox - a scythe hare,

Behind them are a hedgehog and a frog.

How many toys did Andryushka arrange? (Six toys.)

2) The hedgehog gave the ducklings eight leather boots.

Who will answer from the guys: how many ducklings were there?

Two bundles of balls (four ducklings) fly into the hall through the door: large ones in one, small ones in the other. Each has four.

Tyopa. Balloons! Balloons! And you didn't believe me! These are balls for us with Knopa! (Takes a bunch of big balls.)

Knop. The balls have arrived! (Takes a second bunch of balloons.) We didn't have a single balloon, and now we have a lot!

Leading. What do you think, Tyopa, do you and Knopa have equal balls or not?

Tyopa. Of course not. I have more!

Leading(referring to children). Guys, is Tyopa right? (Children's answers.) How to find out if Knopa and Tyopa have equal balls or not? (Children's answers.) Let's count.

Tyopa lifts up one ball, invites the children to help him count: one, two, three, four. The button does the same. She also has four balls in the bundle.

Leading. Guys, why does Tyopa think that he has more balls?

Children. Because Tyopa has big balls, and Knopa has small ones.

Tyopa(looks at the balls). Thanks guys, you got it right and I got it!

Leading. Tyopa, you're sad about something. Do you want the guys to cheer you up?

Tyopa. Yes.

9th child.

I have so much fun today

That the legs themselves are torn to dance.

One two three four five!

Everyone comes out to dance!

Pair dance "Livenskaya Polka" (arranged by M. Iordansky).

4 girls and 8 boys participate in the dance: 4 boys with harmonicas, 4 with balalaikas.

The girls stand at the central wall facing the audience, on the right - boys with balalaikas, on the left - boys with harmonicas.

First figure

Music A. 1-7 bars. Boys with balalaikas walk at variable pace, playing the balalaika, moving towards the girls in an even line.

8th measure. They bow, the girls answer with a bow, put their left hand on the shoulder of the boys with balalaikas, and move their right hand with a handkerchief a little to the side.

Music B. Children walk in pairs at variable pace and stop in front of the boys with harmonicas.

Music B. 1st measure and 1st quarter of the 2nd measure. The balalaika players make three stomps. The girls clap their hands, spread their arms to the sides, raise their right hand with a handkerchief up, and with their left they take the edge of the sundress.

3-4th bars. The girls run in fractional steps, each around a boy with a balalaika.

5-8th bars. The movements of the 1-4th measures of music are repeated.

Second figure

Music A. Boys with balalaikas move with variable steps to the middle of the room, boys with harmonicas take their place.

1st measure. The girls turn right.

2nd beat. Make three inflows straight.

3rd beat. Make a left turn.

4th beat. They make three strokes.

5-8th bars. The movements of the 1st-4th measures are repeated.

Music B. Girls and boys with harmonicas follow each other at a variable pace. They stand in ranks in front of the balalaika players.

Music V. 1-8th bars. The girls repeat the movements of the first figure to the same music. The harmonica boys do a half squat.

Third figure

Music A. Children walk in pairs. Boys with balalaikas come up and stand next to the girls. The troikas disperse and stop on both sides of the hall (one after the other), that is, on the right and left, facing the guests.

Music B. The boys play their instruments, stomp their right foot: 1st measure - behind the left, on the 2nd measure - next to the left, without moving. The girls, holding up their handkerchiefs, run around two boys in a figure eight.

Music B. The movements of the first figure are repeated to this music, both boys dance at the same time. To the repetition of music And the children go to their places. (The movements were made by V. Kuklovskaya.)

A robber runs into the hall, looks around.

Whiskered. Hey one-eyed! Here! That's where they are! (Runs in.)

one-eyed. Fu you, what elegant, clean, neat, already disgusting! (They approach the children, make faces.)

Whiskered. And why are you here. Disorder! Something is wrong here.

Leading. We have a holiday today.

One-eyed. What a holiday without quarrels, and without fights! We will not allow this!

Whiskered. Not a single holiday was fun when we came to visit!

One-Eyed and Mustachioed(together). It's time to put things in order!

Whiskered. Where is my melee weapon?

Leading. Wait, don't make noise, look how many guests! And where were you brought up?

One-Eyed and Mustachioed(together). In the forest!

Leading. So, you don't have a school in the forest?

Whiskered. No! Why is she needed?

One-eyed. What do they teach there?

Leading. Now find out, sit down and listen!

The song "What is taught at school" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky).

One-Eyed and Mustache i (together). Now it is clear!

Leading. And before the children go to school, they are given school supplies.

One-eyed. What are these school supplies?

Whiskered(takes out slingshots, pistols, stone). Here are our school supplies!

Leading. Guys, right? (They call.)

One-Eyed and Mustachioed(together). We want these too!

Leading. Now I will consult with the guys how they can be earned. Well, let's compete. Do you agree?

Whiskered. OK.

One-eyed. Yes, you still lose.

Leading. The first competition is musical. You need to sing and play musical instruments.

one-eyed. Ah, it is possible! It's easy! Whiskered. Now we will play for you! One-eyed, get the tool.

They take out bottles, put them in the middle of the hall, try to play “Is it in the garden ...” many times, nothing happens.

one-eyed. Well, we are not musicians!

Whiskered. But we can fight! (They shoot.)

Leading. Stop, it's the kids' turn.


About the guys and about our garden

Chastushki composed.

Let's sing to you now

So that you do not be sad!

We will sing ditties to you,

Clap more friendly

We'll try

Sing more fun!

I go to the garden with flowers

I hold my mother's hand

Because of the lush bouquet

I can't find the door.

The school year has begun

The clock ticked

And the question bugs me:

Are holidays coming soon?

Even on Tanya's birthday

Yura out of habit

Tanya instead of congratulations

Pulled on the pigtails.

Letters in the machine notebook

They don't stand on parade.

Letters jump and dance

They wave their tails.

Vova is spinning in the buffet,

Sneaks forward.

Have pity on Vova, children,

And then he will die of hunger.

We made a little noise

Glass rattled in the windows.

We said: "Silence" -

The school wall cracked.

New uniform put on

white shirt

Admire me

What a first grader I am.

Oh, burn, speak

Spooners have played!

Spoon Ensemble. “The moon is shining” (Russian folk melody, arranged by M. Rauchverger).

10th child.

All over Russia now

Folk traditions.

We'll show you now

Don Cossack dance.

"Bee" (Russian folk song).

Whiskered. Oh oh oh! Get out here and play!

One-eyed. What are you! Direct artists!

Leading. Do you admit defeat? Or will we continue?

Whiskered. What else did you want?

one-eyed. We will continue! You won't get rid of us easily!

Leading. Well, well, the second competition is poetry.

Whiskered. This is always please, we know a lot of poems.


If you are blacker than the night

Dirt lies on the face -

This is very good

For baby skin.


If a fighter hits hard

Weak boy

I will write this down

Even in our book.

Do you have such children? Now I will write them down!

Leading. We don't have these guys. But we know the song about one such boy.

Whiskered. Oh, it's good! Come on, sleep!

Song "Zabiyaka" (music by T. Korganov, lyrics by B. Dubrovin).


1. The whole gang came running

Today in the morning:

At the bully's school

Suddenly offended the children.

He ran into a small

So healthy myself

Swung the briefcase

And he gave free rein to his hands!

He gave freedom, he gave freedom

He gave free rein!

2. He was considered the strongest of all,

Bullied my class

Wasn't afraid at all

He and each of us.

But here she was not timid,

Wet baby

And boldly rushed into battle,

The offender is crowded,

Rushed into battle

Press the offender!

3. And a formidable bully

Remember that lesson:

Couldn't resist the attack

And he took off running.

Let it be so embarrassing

The offender run

Now he sees us

Will not offend.

He won't, he won't

Will not offend!


If you broke in a row

Book and ball.

Everyone in the world says:

He is a good boy.

If you have such boys, then go to our team.


From a crow to a peanut

He ran away groaning.

This boy is just a coward

It's very clever!

One-eyed. But even in our team cowards are not needed!


This one got into the dirt

And I'm glad my pants are dirty.

They say about this:

Clean boy!

One-eyed. Well, let's see who your piglet is. No, no grunts, no sluts!

Leading. Guys, the right verses were read to us by robbers.

Children. No.

Mustachioed and One-Eyed(together). How not?

Whiskered. And which ones are correct?

Leading. But listen!

1st child.

It's good to love both courage and mystery,

Trains to love, not the platform,

And not a comfortable house, but a tent,

Blue pines quiet chime.

Everything is in the beginning, everything will happen,

That's why you want to fill

Every day is like a blank page

Every year is like a new notebook.

2nd child.

In our school, in the first grade,

There are no guys stronger than Vasya.

Arguing with him is such a grief:

Vasya is not familiar with boxing.

But in any serious dispute

He wins... with his fist!

And for "courage", we will not hide,

The class considered him a hero.

But ... in the first-aid post of our school

They did some injections.

Entering the doctor's office

Vasya shouted: “I don’t want to!”

The syringe saw, trembled

And, like a hare, he ran away.

The first graders laughed.

“But we were afraid of him!”

3rd child. TWO AND THREE

Seryozha went to first grade.

Nearly ten!

“Two pies here, daddy, huh?

Do you want to bet

I can always prove

That there are not two, but three!

Not a sin to such a sage

Turn up your snub nose.

Somehow at the father's table

And he asked a question:

We count together: here is one,

Here are two, look!

One and two! - finished the son -

As times and will three!

Well done, said the father. -

And in fact - three.

And so I'll take two

And take the third one!

One-eyed. They give! Here is a memory!

Whiskered. Yes! Smart caught!

Leading. The third competition is dance. Any dance must be performed.

One-Eyed and Mustachioed(together). Ha! Let's do it!

Dance of the Robbers, soundtrack from The Bremen Town Musicians (G. Gladkov).

Leading. Well done! What are themselves, such is the dance, to match you.

One-Eyed and Mustachioed(together). Well, like this! You are far from us!

Leading. Wait to boast, now the guys will show their abilities!

4th child.

How the dance will play

All dancers are captivated.

Eh, stomp, foot, stomp, right,

I'm going to dance, even if I'm small!

“Will I go out to the river” (Russian round dance, arranged by V. Ivannikov).

The robbers, after conferring, approach the leader, give her a black mark.

Leading. What is this?

One-Eyed and Mustachioed (together). Black Mark!

Leading. For what?

Whiskered. It is customary for us, among the robbers, if something does not suit us, then we put forward our demands, they are written on the reverse side.

Leading. What happened?

one-eyed. You quailed us, danced.

Whiskered. Yes, and read it too. Not our way!

Leading. Well, let's see! (Reads.) Guys, the robbers offer to gather a council of the smartest, wisest. They want to test our knowledge and ingenuity.

Three children put on black hats, capes.

One-eyed. Yeah, try to guess our riddles!


I'm learning, learning, learning.

I'm going back and forth:

In the morning to school, in the afternoon back,

It's hard, but nice! (Briefcase.)


Girls come in a line and in a cage.

For blots they put a bad mark. (Notebooks.)


Well, admit it, without me

Wouldn't you live a day:

Who corrects mistakes

Helps you out of trouble? (Rubber.)

Leading. The smartest, the wisest passed our tests. Now you are robbers.

The smartest - the wisest in turn.

1st child. Why are the leaves falling?

Whiskered. Because they are heavy!

2nd child. How many will be three and three!

one-eyed. Hole! Draw, draw!

3rd child. What reservoirs do you know?

Whiskered. Ocean, sea, puddle.

Leading. You did a poor job. And how are you tolerated at school?

One-eyed. They don’t just tolerate us, they love us very much, but they left us for the second year.

Whiskered. Yes, think about it, the smartest, wisest gathered here, but what about exercises? Do you have muscles?

one-eyed. Are you afraid to run, jump?

Children(together). No!

One-Eyed and Mustachioed(together) And this still needs to be checked!

Leading. Now we will check and play.

Attraction games:

1) "Who will collect the portfolio faster?"

2) "Who runs home faster at recess?" Two teams - relay race.

3) "Come up with a dance." There are two players: a boy and a girl. The boy is put on a scarf on his head, the girl - a headdress for boys. The boy must come up with dance moves for the girl, and the girl for the boy. Children dance to the Russian folk melody "From Under the Oak".

One-Eyed and Mustachioed(together). We decided to make friends with you guys.

Whiskered. You are very cute and funny.

One-eyed. And you were taught everything in kindergarten.

One-Eyed and Mustachioed(together). Will you take us to school with you?

Children. Let's take.

Leading. Once you are all friends, become a common round dance.

Song "For the sun to shine" (music by V. Peskov, lyrics by S. Furin).


1. For the sun to shine,

To have enough for everyone

So that flowers bloom in the meadows,

To be friends with me and you. (2 times)

2. For the sun to shine,

To have enough for everyone

For birds to sing in the morning

So that faces shine with happiness,

Let's hold hands, stand in a circle.

Every person is a friend!

Let's take hands, let it go

A huge round dance across the Earth!

3. For the sun to shine,

To have enough for everyone

To avoid thunder

To avoid trouble

So that there is no war.

4. For the sun to shine,

To have enough for everyone

So that in the whole wide world

Children could easily save

The children could sleep peacefully.

Leading. Our holiday is coming to an end.

Children take turns.

1st child.

Thanks to the teachers for the kindness and warmth,

We were next to them

And on a gloomy day light.

2nd child.

You took pity on us, loved us,

You raised us like flowers.

I'm sorry we can't have you

Take it with you to first class.

3rd child.

Thank you for all your concern

You had a lot of work during the holidays,

You taught us how to perform

Sing songs and dance beautifully!

4th child.

Thanks to our doctors

That we are not afraid of a cold,

What, whoever you look at

All as one - heroes!

5th child.

Our nannies, thank you

You for the sun of smiles,

For attention, for comfort,

For heartfelt good work.

6th child.

We say to the chefs:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Go around the whole world

There is no better porridge for you.

7th child.

At the head of our

All year round worries can not be counted,

To Olyam, Kolyam, Masha

There was something to drink and eat,

To have enough books

To make everyone happy.

8th child.

To all those who taught us good,

To everyone who raised

Who just loved

We are speaking...

Children (together). Thank you!

The song "Good luck" (music by T. Popatenko, lyrics by I. Chernitskaya).


1. Coming soon

September golden,

We say goodbye to summer

autumn day

We will go to school

With a bright and lush bouquet!

The teachers will say: “Good afternoon!”

We're going to school in first grade!

2. Aspen leaves

And bunches of rowan

As if on fire!

And no matter how sorry

For so many friends

The time has come to part!

Children give flowers to kindergarten staff. Congratulations to the head; parent committee. Presentation of gifts.

The host invites the group to a tea party (attractions, disco). Guests and children leave the hall to the soundtrack of the song "The Road of Kindness" (music by M. Minkov, lyrics by Y. Entin).