Scenario of the sports festival "Dad, mom, I am a sports family." Sports festival in elementary school. Scenario "Dad, mom and me - a sports family

Dad, mom, me sport family
The motto of our holiday: "To be strong, healthy, skillful and
courageous consider the main family business
Goals and objectives:
To give children and parents the pleasure of joint
 Involve children and their parents in the activities physical culture
and sports.

physical education, to promote the development of positive
emotions, feelings of mutual assistance.
 Promote the importance of physical culture as a means of
physical beauty, strength, agility and
endurance, popularization of physical culture and
Venue: school gym
Security. cubes, wooden rings, basketballs,
tennis balls, bags, paper, pencil, jump rope, darts,
sticks, soccer ball, fruits
Participants of the holiday: students of the 78th grade with their parents.
Awards: teams are awarded certificates of honor,
sweet prize.
Date: February 20 at 14.00
Competition program.
The program includes the following types and contests:

1 contest “Cinderella”
2 competition "Verbal duel".
4 contest “Taste of victory!”
5 competition "Tunnel".
6 contest “ Accurate shooter
7 competition “Centipede”
8 competition “Merry family”
9 competition ‘Protection of the family hearth’

Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we have a competition
- competition "Dad, mom, I'm a sports family." And we have a family holiday, in which
Not only children will take part, but also their parents.
It's great that we have the desire to make friends with each other. Glad to see
people with a kind, friendly smile and a happy look. And if this is a family
doubly nice. We would love to introduce you to the families.

At all times, people have striven for a healthy lifestyle, wanting to know
the limits of their abilities, not being afraid to challenge fate. and often went out
winner. And this is sport: life, health, risk, search, victory.
Today, before your eyes, competitions of the most daring and resolute will be played out,
the most resourceful and cheerful.
But it does not matter who becomes the winner in our rather comic competition, but
there will definitely be a winner, the main thing is that we all feel the atmosphere
holiday, an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and understanding.
Leading. And since we have competitions, then there must be a jury, strict and fair
(announced by the jury)
Let the jury the whole course of the battle
Track without a hitch.
Who will be friendlier
He will win in battle.
Leading. And now we will get acquainted with the main actors our
sports festival. Let's welcome them.
Family teams are called
The sports family comes first
Dad …..
Mother ….
And the team captain...
General age teams ... (years)
The total weight of the team.... (kg)
Overall team height … (m)
Here they are, our courageous, hardened, sports dads! Not everyone can stand
overloads of the traditional men's triathlon: football, beer and sofa. But they don't
surrender. Here they are all in front of us, slightly peppy, in some places taut, in some places
gathered, but not defeated, and even in some ways invincible, and in what exactly are we
we'll find out later.
And here are the mothers! They are always in shape. They make themselves known by constant training in
women's triathlon: stove, shopping, laundry. And we are sure that today
they will set the tone for their teams in the competition. Because
it is known that the family rests on three pillars: Woman, Woman and again
And finally, the team captains are our girls! They are from the cradle long years
tempered by constant training and united their parents in a friendly
team, putting before them more and more new tasks, constantly increasing the load. But
No wonder they say: hard in learning, easy in battle.
Moderator We think that our participants are ready to take part in the competition. So,
we start the competition.
We have a large supply
And all of them, friends, are for you!
And now without delay
We start the competition.
1 contest "Cinderella"
Remember how hardworking Cinderella was? She never sat idle for a minute. Participants
this relay will also have to work hard.

The first participant (dad) with a bag in his hand runs to the hoop and pours out the "garbage" (cubes),
passes the package to mom
Mom runs and collects this "garbage" in a bag, passes the bag to the child
The child runs with the bag and pours the garbage into the hoop, returns and passes the bag to dad,
dad runs, collects garbage and finishes the relay.
2 competition is called "Verbal duel". The word "physical education" is given. You need
make up as many words as possible. The winner will be the team that named
the last word. Thinking time 1 minute
3 competition "Relay with a ball and a rope"
Dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the lying hoop, puts it in
him the ball, takes the rope, jumping over it, returns to the team and passes the rope
daughters. daughter, jumping over a rope, runs to the hoop, puts the rope in it, takes the ball,
pinches between his knees and returns to the finish line with jumps.
Mom takes the ball, runs to the hoop, puts the ball in it and runs back. wins
the team that showed best time.
4 contest “Taste of victory!”
Every member of the team should experience this taste! Members of the "spiders" (father, mother and
the child stands with their backs to each other, clasping their elbows) run to the mark, back
return along the “ice floes” (2 hoops are given for each family - they move,
stepping on one hoop with the whole family, the second is pulled forward and then
jump into it, etc.). At the finish line, they are waiting for the Taste of Victory oranges. wins
the team that will eat fruit faster.
5 competition "Tunnel".
Dad runs, crawls into the hoop, runs around the bar, comes back, crawls into the hoop.
Passing the baton to mom. Mom does the same and passes the baton to the child.
The team that finishes the relay fastest wins.
6 competition “Sharpshooter”
Each team member takes turns throwing two darts. The team that gets
more points.
7 competition "Centipede" The first participant (dad) runs around the rack, runs to the finish line,
returns to the start, takes the hand of the second participant (mother), together they run to the counter,
return to the start and take the third participant and finish together.
8th competition "Merry family".
Stage 1: The cubes are set in advance. Dad runs with a club and circles everything with a tennis ball
cubes and comes back.
Stage 2: mother leads by hand basketball, returns back and passes the stage
relay to the team captain.
Stage 3: the daughter leads a soccer ball with her foot, circling the cubes, and returns back.
9th competition "Protection of the family hearth".
In 1 minute, the team must put out the fire, that is, knock down the fortification ( game task «
Fortification Defense) - then the teams change places.
For summing up the floor is given to the jury. (the results are announced in the team
standings of a sports festival, awards are held)
We have competed
And we wish you goodbye
Strengthen everyone's health
Muscles are stronger to pump up.

1 leading. Good afternoon, dear guests. Today we have gathered for sports holiday "Dad, mom, I - a sports family”, to compete in strength, agility, resourcefulness and just relax and chat with children. We are glad to see you always healthy, ready for physical trials.

Family is a marina and a harbor

Come back here again

From distant wanderings and voyages,

Love is here forever.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is hard!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about us:

What a good family!

And now I present to you the participants of today's sporting event(march sounds).

Teams enter the room one after the other.

2 leading. Announces under which team number and which family represents it

(there are four of them, 4 participants in each: dad, mom, two children).

I - "Carlson"

II - "Kapitoshka"

III - "Cheburashka"

IV - "Kangaroo".

1st leader. Judges will evaluate the skills of our participants:

Before starting the competition, we offer a warm-up for the mind:

1. The heroine of which fairy tale did one of the vegetables help her become happy and get married? (Princess on the Pea)

2. What insect is this tale about: “Red summer sang

didn’t have time to look back "... (dragonfly)

And now I give you the 10 most common letters. Within 2 min. You need to make words out of them. The one with the most words wins. (ATCLORENIS)

2 leading. Are the teams ready to start? (Teams: "Ready!").

(Before each relay, assistant leaders demonstrate how the game is played).

1 leading.

First relay race "Pair run"

(connected each by one leg to each other).

First, dad and mom run, then, returning to their place, they untie their legs and tie the children one by one, and they also run around. Whichever team gets through this relay first wins.

2 leading.

The second relay "Run carefully."

(4 spoons, 4 tennis balls. A member of each team is given a spoon in which the ball is placed).

Your task is to run around the chair without missing the ball and not help yourself when running with your hand. Return to your place and pass the spoon with the ball to another. Which team will complete the task faster.

1 leading. While the judges are counting the points scored, the dance “Merry Kids” is for you

2 leading. The word is given to the judges.

Third relay for fathers.

Which of the fathers will squeeze out a kettlebell weighing 32, 24 or 16 kg more times with one hand.

1 leading.

The fourth relay "Evacuation".

Mom and dad fold their arms in the form of an “armchair” and carry their child to a given mark, then return for another child, carry it in the same way. Whoever transfers the children faster, that team wins.

2 leading.

Fifth relay "Train".

There are 6 chairs on the floor at a distance of 1m from each other. Mom and dad are the first to start doing the task, they run like a snake between the chairs, holding on to each other. The second time, the first child joins them, then the second. Which team runs around the chairs in full force faster and returns to its place - wins.

1 leading. While the judges are counting the points, we offer the dance "In-tango." The word is given to the judges.

2 leading.

The sixth relay race for mothers "Know your children".

Blindfolded mothers recognize their children by touch. (children stand next to each other with arms outstretched forward)

1 leading.

The seventh relay race for dads "Who will inflate the balloon faster"

2 leading.

Eighth relay race "Balls".

At a distance of 8 meters in front of each team there are two hoops. Each of them has 4 balls. On command, each participant must transfer (transfer) the balls from one hoop to another and return to his team, passing the baton to another participant.

While the judges are counting the points, we suggest watching the dance "Oriental Motifs" and "Acrobat Kaleidoscope".

1 leading. Attention-the word is given to the judges.

Ninth relay race "All Together".

All players need to sit down, firmly grasp the waist and so go around the gymnastic bench, return to their place. The winner is the team that does not lose members and completes the task faster.

2 leading.

The tenth relay "Tie a scarf."

On one side of the hall there are 4 chairs opposite each team. On each of them is a scarf. On the opposite side are the teams. At the signal "One, two, three - run!" The participants run to the chairs, take a scarf, tie it around their heads and sit on the chairs. Then they get up, take off the scarf, put it on a chair and run to their team, passing the baton to the next participant (clap on the arm). The team that finishes this game first wins.

The judges sum up.

2 leading.

Eleventh relay race "Four rings".

Put two chairs on top of each other, turn one upside down. In turn, the participants of each team throw rings, trying to put them on the leg of a chair from a distance of 5 steps. The team that throws the most rings wins.

1 leading.

The twelfth relay "Relay with eyes closed».

With their eyes closed, participants must walk between the pins, placed at a distance of 2 steps, starting from a distance of 5 meters from the pins. The team that scores fewer penalty points wins (hitting but not knocking down a pin - 1 point, knocking down a pin - 2 points). While the judges are summing up, we offer the Golden Colors dance.

2 leading. And now we offer the following task.

"Game with hoops"

First, a representative of the older generation puts the hoop over his head on himself and takes it off through his legs, does this 2 times, then passes the hoop to the child, who must jump over it three times, like over a rope. The game is on time. The team with the least amount of time wins.

1 leading. Of course, everyone has heard about football. Many people like to watch this game, and where they are not averse to kicking the ball themselves. But our football will be a little different. We named it:

"Space Football"

Kick the ball while blindfolded. Two members per team.

While the judges sum up the results, we will play a game with the audience.

Sports quiz with spectators.

2 leading. Questions:

1. How often are the Olympic Games held? (once every four years).

2. Which country hosted the 2014 FIFA World Cup? (Brazil).

3. How many players are on the football team? (eleven).

1 leading.

4. How many players are on the volleyball team? (6).

5. What group sports are involved in winter Olympic Games? (Figure skating, hockey, cross-country skiing, ski jumping, luge).

6. What team sports take part in the Summer Olympic Games? (Football, volleyball, basketball, handball, etc.).

2 leading. Attention! To all participants! The word is given to the judges of the competition. (Judges sum up the results of the competition, announce the winner). The word for greetings and awarding prizes is given to the director of the school and the teacher of physical education. Congratulate the participants sports festival for schoolchildren primary school .

1 leading. We are very grateful to our parents and children who took part in our school sports festival. And I want to wish that everything is in order in your families, that you are all healthy.

2 leading. The holiday is over. See you soon!

city ​​of Petropavlovsk

GU " high school No. 42"

Eleusizova Mayra Ashimovna

primary school teacher

Scenario of the sports festival "Dad, mom, I am a sports family"

Target: Involving parents in joint work with the school to preserve and improving the health of children.
Tasks:- To instill in children an interest in systematic physical education. culture and sports; - Develop dexterity, strength, mobility, activity, attentiveness; - To instill a sense of mutual assistance, collectivism and benevolence.
Sports equipment: jump ropes, hoops, balls, skittles, Balloons, rackets, gymnastic sticks, scooters.
Holiday progress:
Presenter 1: Hello dear guests - dear mothers, fathers, children! We are very glad to see you at our holiday - "Mom, dad, I am a sports family!"Folk wisdom says: "Densaulyk - zor bailyk", "Health is our wealth."Host 2: Today the program includes funny relay races, sports competitions, as well as songs, screams of fans and good mood. On our holiday, we are pleased to welcome friendly sports families of 1 "B" and 1 "C" classes.Let's greet our participants with loud applause. (Sports march sounds)
Presenter 1: Our success will be judged by a jury consisting of:
Host 2: Two teams of smart and strong We will compete today. Try to compete So that no one is left behind. - And now the teams should introduce themselves.
Command representation: 1. Team:"Friendship » Motto:"To be friends always, to be friends everywhere, to be friends on land and in water." Greetings:“We are a sports family. Physical education from all of us - cheers!
2. Team:"Jumpers" Motto:"Jump with us, jump like us, jump better than us!" Greetings:"Not a step back, not a step in place, Only forward and only all together!”
Presenter 1: We open our sports holiday with a song .............................. performed by Nabat Garifullaevna.


Presenter 1: The floor is given to the jury to announce the first marks after the "Greeting" contest.
Host 2: Teams are invited to start. We carefully listen to how to correctly complete the task of the first relay.

Relay 1 "Fast legs".

The participants of each team are built behind the common start line in a column one at a time. In the hands of the guides are baton. On a signal, the guide runs out from behind the starting line, runs, overcoming obstacles to the turntable, runs around it, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant, and he stands at the end of his column. The first team to complete the task wins.

Presenter 1: And now, for summing up this relay, the floor is given to the jury.

Relay 2 "Balloon"

On a signal with a balloon, dad runs to the bar, stuffing this balloon with a gymnastic stick, runs back without a task, and passes the balloon to the child. He, in turn, runs to the counter, filling the ball with his hands. He runs back, passes the ball to his mother. She runs to the counter, stuffing the ball with a tennis racket, then comes back and passes the ball to the second child. So the competition is repeated until all participants run with a balloon to the rack and back. The team whose members finish the relay before everyone else wins.

Presenter 1: While the teams are resting, and the jury is counting the points, let's guess riddles:

    The whistle blows - a goal is scored,

The game is calling what? (football).

    Yes, the question was quite simple,

Now I'll ask more difficult:

The game has a puck, stick, ice -

We play ........ (hockey)

    Even the old man is ready to deal with them,

In our fast, impetuous age.

And it is called ................. (running)

    Muscles taut like an arrow

There are competitions of a special rank.

And the strength here is more than dexterity is needed,

In the hands of the athlete is heavy ...... (barbell)

Presenter 1: We ask the jury to announce the scores for the previous competition. The next relay is called " Wedding ring».

Relay "Wedding Ring"

Participants in pairs (child and adult) stand inside the hoop and run to the rack and back, passing the hoop to the next pair of participants.

Host 2: The floor is given to the jury. The next relay is called "Big Races"

Relay "Big Race"

The children start the race. On a signal, the child on a scooter rolls to the rack and back, passes the baton next child. After the children have passed their part of the relay, the adults continue. Mom runs with a hoop in her hands, rolling it to the bar and back. Passing the baton to dad. He jumps rope to the rack and back. Having come running, he passes the baton to the second mother. Mom then passes the baton to dad.

Presenter 1: Many children in our school attend sport sections. We invite one of them to demonstrate her art.

Performance of karatekas

Host 2: Estimates for the previous competition. The next relay is called "Kangaroo".

Relay "Kangaroo"

The children start the race. On a signal, the child on the ball - trampoline jumps to the rack and back, passes the baton to the next child. After the children have passed their part of the relay, the adults continue. Moms carry the ball, holding it with their stomachs, without the help of hands, and dads do the same, but the ball is clamped with their backs. Bypass the counter and return to the team.

Host 1: The floor is given to the jury. The next relay is called

« strong dad».

Relay "Strong Dad"

Dad starts the relay. He takes the child in his arms, runs to the counter. Both run back, holding hands. Mom and dad sit the second child on their hands, which are previously crossed. Then the baton is continued in the same way by the second family.

Host 2: While the jury is summing up, let's play with you.

Game "Catch the ball". All participants rhythmically clap their hands to the music. The guide (Albina Berikovna) stands in front of them with a ball in her hands and throws the ball to any of the clapping children. Those should catch the ball, throw it back and continue to beat the rhythm together with their hands.

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the jury. And, finally, the final relay race "tumbleweed".

Relay race "Tumbleweed - field"

Participants are divided into pairs (father - daughter, mother - son). In the hands of an adult hoop. He puts the hoop on the floor, the child jumps into the hoop, then the adult turns the hoop over and the child jumps into it again. The child runs back with a hoop in his hands, the father crawls like a cuttlefish, and the mother runs back, taking the child by the hands.

Host 2: While the jury is summing up the results of today's competition, meet Nabat Garifullaevna.


Presenter 1: To sum up the results of today's competitions, the floor is given to the jury. Diplomas and medals are awarded to all participants of the competition.
Host 2: We'll say goodbye to you We are pleased with the meeting. We wish all families, all students Good luck, school success.

Presenter 1: And so our holiday ended. I hope you remember him. We think that each of you will always remember that health is the main wealth of a person, and in order to maintain it, you need to go in for sports, lead healthy lifestyle life. We wish all our guests, participants good health!

(A sports march sounds, the competitors leave the hall)

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”

Motto of the holiday: " inseparable friends- adults and children"
Host: Welcome, dear guests!
We wish you fun and joy.
We have been waiting here for a long time, yes we are waiting,
And we can't start the holiday without you!

Good afternoon, dear participants, fans and guests! Today we have gathered in the hall to hold a sports festival: “Mom, dad, I am a sports family! “
1st participant Look at us

There is a whole class here.

Nearby are moms and dads.

Dads abandoned sofas

Moms threw pots

And the costumes are on!

2nd participant Everyone wants to compete

joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity,

And prove your skill!

3rd participant. Dad, mom, like children,

They are waiting for these minutes.

Im on the game, the right word,

Not enough days off.

4th participant. And on holiday, friends,

We can't live without games.

More passion, more laughter

Let all the fun go!

5th participant We are all happy with this meeting.

Gathered not for a reward,

We need to meet more often

So that we all live together.

The host introduces the judging team.

REFEREE: To hold the competition

You need an experienced referee

This, apparently, is a calling -

I will be the judge, of course.

Moderator: Why do you need charging?
It's not a mystery at all
To develop strength
And don't get tired all day.
Well, what are we sitting, guys?

Come out for exercises! (Dance warm-up is being held)

So, good luck!

Let's start our holiday with the introduction of family teams.

Team View . Title, motto

Moderator: What kind of noisy fun?
Where is the kid going?
Mom and dad at work
It's high time to be!

And in order for moms and dads to go to work safely, they first need to take their children to school!

1st competition: “Friendly family”.
You need to take the children to school, and then pick them up from there. Mom and dad join hands with a cross. The child sits on his hands. Adults carry the child to the other side of the site and leave him in the hoop, run back and pass the baton. Once all the children have been sent, the parents also take the children back. The one who crosses the finish line first wins.

Host: Guys, who is the most important and strongest in the family? (children answer). Well, of course it's our dads! The world has never seen anything like this, we are starting my father's tournament!
2nd competition: "Merry Hockey" .

You need to hold the ball with a club to the landmark “snake” and drive it into the goal. The one who crosses the finish line first wins. (the jury evaluates the competition).

Host: Who is our favorite?
Here's a job for mom!
And now they will show us what needlewomen they are!

3rd competition: “Thread in a needle “.

Dads and children form a bunch of hoops. Mom threads the rope into the hoops, runs around the landmark and passes the baton to another mother. the team that reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

Leading: Moms, dads will rest. And the guys are right here!
And now. my friends,
I will give you fun
For you to play together
And jumping on balls!
Well, now -
Competition for kids!

The captain jumps from a place in length. The place of his landing serves as a mark from which the mother makes her jump, the place of the landing of the mother serves as the starting mark for the father's jump.

5th competition “Who is faster! ”

On a signal, the participants go the entire distance with crabs to the landmarks and back, passing the baton. The team that reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

Leading: And at the celebration, friends, no movement,
And without dancing and fun -
Well, you can't! More passion, more laughter
Let the fun go!

A song is being performed

Shows sports. sections "Judo", "Boxing", "Karate".

Moderator: Well, have a little rest! Well, let's continue our competition!

Legs apart and bend over
Smoothly roll the ball
Who is last?

5th competition: “Funny ball

Teams line up: children are in front, mothers are behind them, and dads are at the end. Starting position - legs apart.

At the signal, the children start the relay. they run with the ball to the landmark, run around, return, stand at the end of the column, roll the ball under the feet of the team in front, the one standing catches the ball, runs to the landmark, etc.

Moms run, hitting the ball on the floor.

Dads - hold the ball between their legs and jump to the landmark. The winner is the team that completed the tasks faster and crossed the finish line.
6th competition "Helpers"
Leading: Our mothers, of course, have enough things to do at home! And put things in order, and wash, and cook! And sometimes it’s hard for her to cope with everything. But we have our wonderful helpers - our dads and children!

Here we are now and see how you can help each other!

The relay is held alternately. First, the children run, and one by one they collect the pyramid, then the dads run with a basin in which handkerchiefs lie. One handkerchief is left on a chair, after dads moms run and hang handkerchiefs on a rope. The winner is the one who completed the task faster.

Host: We did a great job! Now you can rest. Guys, you probably all like to relax in nature, have picnics. And probably everyone likes to play ball? Pioneerball, volleyball, basketball!

After all, this is also leisure! And today our families will compete in the game of pushball!

7th competition: “Pushball”.

Teams line up on different sides sites. A mesh is stretched in the middle. 10 on each side of the site balloons. On a signal, the teams begin to throw the balls to the opposite area. The team that has fewer balls left on the court after the final signal wins.

9th relay "Who is faster?": on a hoop and 20-40 balloons.

At the signal of the family, they run to colorful balls and tie them to gymnastic hoops (each team member must tie 5 balls.)

10th competition "Heron on a walk"

Families are built in a column one by one at the start line. Both captains have gymnastic sticks, which they hold in front of them with both hands with a wide grip. On command, the first numbers lower the sticks and, without taking their hands off the stick, step over it, first with one, then with the other foot. After that, they pass the sticks behind their backs to those standing behind (at a distance outstretched hand) mothers. Those, having completed a similar task, pass the sticks to dads. And the dads, after stepping over the sticks, return them to the captains, but the method of transmission is different - over their heads.

11th contest "Jumpers" (running in bags)

12th competition "Whose family is stronger"

(tug of war)

13 Competition - "Blitztournament"
Each team has to answer 4 questions and get the maximum number of points.
Questions and answers for 1 team:
1. Winter sport game(hockey)
2. A tonic drink named after a great football player? (coffee Pele)
3. main man on sports ground(judge)
4. Bad habit(smoking)

Questions and answers for 2 teams:
1. Flying syringe (mosquito)
2. Liquid squeezed from vegetables and fruits (juice)
3. Sticky dressing (patch)
4. Where to score a goal (into the goal)

Questions and answers for 3 teams:
1. Winter sports ground (skating rink)
2. The simplest way indoor air purification (ventilation)
3. No amount of money can buy it (health)
4. Bee in a vest (wasp)

Questions and answers for 4 teams:

2. Favorite winter game boys? (hockey)
3. The main person on the playground? (judge)
4. Bad habit? (smoking)

Questions and answers for the 5th team:
1. Winter sports ground? (ice rink)
2. The main person on the playground? (judge)
3. Sticky dressing? (patch)
4. Where should the goal be scored? (at the gate)

Questions and answers for the 6th team:
1. Geometric figure, marked in the center of the football field? (circle)
2. Summer skates (rollers)

3. Can't buy it for any money? (health)
4. A bee in a vest? (wasp)

Host: While the jury is counting the points scored by the teams, summing up the results, I suggest taking a break.

I read poetry, and where you need it, help me together.

I'll start and you finish

Answer in unison

Fun football game

Already scored... (Goal)

Here someone ran away strongly

And flew without the ball .... (at the gate)

And Petya kicked the ball

And pleased the boy ...... (on the forehead)

Laughing merrily boy

A large one grows on the forehead .... (bump)

But the guy doesn't care

Again he runs for .... (ball)

. 1st led. We have competed

And we wish you goodbye

Strengthen everyone's health

Muscles are stronger to pump up

Dads, moms, we wish

Don't get old and don't get sick

Do more sports

Have a sense of humor!

2nd led. The merry holiday was a success.

I think everyone liked it.

Farewell, farewell, everyone be happy.

Healthy, obedient, and do not forget sports!

Be friends with sports, go hiking,

And boredom will then be nothing to you.

We are ending the holiday and we wish you:

Health, success and happiness in everything!

3rd led. There is no better recipe in the world

Be inseparable from sports.

You will live to be a hundred years old!

Here's the whole secret for you!

It's time for us to end the holiday

Shout to the holiday - Hurrah!

Speaker of the jury.

Team awards.

The awards to the winners and prize-winners are presented by the teacher.
Music sounds. Teams make a lap of honor and leave the hall

Scenario of the sports festival "Mom, dad, I am a sports family"


    Organization of a healthy family vacation.

    To instill in children an interest in systematic physical education and sports.

    Develop dexterity, strength, mobility, activity, ingenuity, attentiveness.

    Cultivate a sense of community, goodwill.

Equipment for one family:

The school hall is decorated with sports flags, balls, posters - slogans: Sport is health. Sport is friendship. Sport is success. The whole family - to health.

Sports songs, marches, cheerful music are broadcast.

The music stops.

Lead 1. Greet the audience:

Welcome dear guests!
We wish you fun and joy.
We have been waiting for you for a long time,
We can't start the holiday without you.

Sounds like a sports march. The participating teams enter to applause.

Host #2: Family teams take part in our competitions:

1. Ivanovs (Alexander Alexandrovich, Maria Yurievna, Ilya, Seryozha).

2. Khovanskikh (Vasily Sergeevich, Svetlana Sergeevna, Daria, Anastasia).

3. Abildaevs (Sergey Sergeevich, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, Marina, Alena).

The competitions will be judged by a jury consisting of:

Jury President – I.G. Antipova, teacher of physical education, MBOU "Secondary School No. 15 in Berezayka"

Jury members – Zh.V. Vasilyeva, teacher of MBOU "Secondary School No. 12"

E.G. Shebunyaeva, teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 10"

Host #1:

The mass nature of sports is a guarantee of family labor victories, good mood and excellent health. Physical education is useful, doubly fun physical education. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person's life by one hour, and cheerful by two. And even minutes. Don't believe? Check it out yourself! And it doesn't matter who becomes the winner in these comic competitions, the main thing is that we all feel the atmosphere of the holiday, the atmosphere of cordiality and goodwill, mutual respect and understanding. Let's remember that it will be easier for us to overcome life's difficulties if we are together. I call on the teams to fair wrestling, I wish you all success!

Host #2 : we start the sports festival with a warm-up and with a sports oath.

We are participants in the competition, we solemnly swear to participate in these competitions, observing the rules by which they are held and respecting the obviously weak opponent.We swear!.

We vow to uphold the Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger".

Which means: do not run faster than the wind, do not jump higher than the roof, do not beat the judge stronger than the opponent.We swear!.

We swear not to shout louder than the fans, not to throw sneakers at them.We swear!

We vow to compete in true sporting spirit for the glory of sport and for the honor of our team.We swear!

Competition program

1. Homework:

* Team submission

* Name: "Internet", "Atas", "Stars".

* Motto :

1 team."We are an Internet team - our motto is no to problems."

2 teams. “We guys are just class, Atas scream at the sight of us!”.

3 commands. "Shine always, shine everywhere and help friends in need."


2. Competition "Warm-up"

The word "physical education" is given. You need to make as many words as possible from it, each letter is used once. The team with the last word will be the winner. Time for reflection 1 minute.

3. Fast feet

The participants of each team are built behind the common start line in a column one by one, in the hands of the guides relay baton. On a signal, the leader in the column runs out from behind the starting line, runs in a straight line to the turntable, runs around it, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of his column.

4. Space flights

Each family is built behind a common starting line in a column one at a time, headed by dad, and the last one is a child. A turntable is installed in front of each column at a distance of 15 m. Dad has a gymnastic hoop in his hands. On a signal, he puts it on his belt and runs forward, runs around the bar, returns to the column and, together with his mother, does the same in the same hoop. Then a child joins them and they go on a "space flight" together. The winner is the family whose members quickly return to their original position.

5. Planting vegetables

In the hands of the children is a small bucket, in which there are four objects. Holes are placed opposite the team. On a signal, the children run and plant "vegetables" in four "holes" (one subject each), run around the signs - landmarks and, returning to their mother, pass the bucket to her. Mom runs with a bucket to the "garden" and harvests from each "hole", runs around the pointer - a landmark and quickly returns to the team. Dad, having received a bucket from mom, runs to the "garden" and plants "vegetables" in each "hole", runs around the pointer - a landmark and returns to the team.

(the jury summarizes the results of 5 relay races).

Physical education teacher

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.

The riddle has an answer.
This is my::..

You will throw on the ground,
He will fly up.

I took two oak bars,
Two iron rails.
I filled the bars on the bars.
Where is the snow? Ready:..

I can't feel my legs for joy,
I'm flying down the snowy hill.

Who helped me with this? .. (

Rushing like a bullet I'm forward
Only the ice creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who is carrying me?

6. Relay with a gymnastic stick

Each family is built in a column one by one behind the common starting line, headed by the child, the last one is the father. In each hand the child has a gymnastic stick, on the floor in front of him along the start line lies another gymnastic stick. On a signal, he begins to push the lying stick forward with both sticks to the turntable and back. Then the mother does the same. The father finishes the relay with only one stick in his hands. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

7. competition "Big Wash".


Tell the family, who does the laundry at home?

Our next competition is called "Big Wash".Rules of the game: On a stretched rope, the child alternately hangs clothespins,Mom - handkerchiefs, dad takes off handkerchiefs and clothespins.The team that completes the task in the shortest time wins.amount of time.The game starts at the referee's signal. Crossing the start line is prohibited. Clothespins and scarves to hang and remove 1 piece.

8. Balloon Relay

Participants are built behind the common start line in a column one at a time. The child has an inflatable ball in his hands. On a signal, he, knocking the ball, moves forward to the turntable and back. Mom does the same, but knocks out the ball with a tennis racket, dad - with a gymnastic stick. The first family to complete the task wins.

9. Relay with dribbling

I.p. participants as in the previous game. In front of each family, at the entire distance to the turntable, there are three more such stands. The child rolls a basketball in a zigzag pattern between the uprights. Mom plays basketball. Dad - in the sitting position, the support moves forward in a zigzag manner between the racks, pushing the soccer ball with his feet. The family that finishes the relay first is declared the winner.

10. Relay with passing the ball in pairs and dribbling.

On a signal, the first pair (mother and child) passes the ball to each other in motion from the chest with both hands. Runs to the pointer - a landmark, and mom remains. The child dribbles the ball back to the start line, together with dad they pass the ball to each other in motion. They run to the signs - a landmark and dad remains. The winner is the team - the family, the first to finish the game - the relay race.

(the jury summarizes the results of 5 relay races).

Physical education teacher:

I quiz game for fans:

1. In which game is the lightest ball used? (table tennis)

2. How many players are on the basketball team? (five)

3. Which sport has the lowest start? (in underwater)

4. What are the means of hardening? (sun, air, water)

5. Name only a female gymnastic apparatus? (log)

6. Which athlete ran like crazy (fireman)

7. From whom should defenders be protected in the game? (from attackers)

8. What is the name of the goalkeeper? (goalkeeper)

9. Did women participate in the ancient Olympic Games? (No)

10. In which sport do athletes inject each other? (in fencing)

II quiz game for fans:

1. In which game is the heaviest ball used? (in basketball)

2. How many players are on the football team? (eleven)

3. What sport has the highest start? (in parachute)

4. Which athlete does not want to have an open face? (to the boxer)

5. What is the name of a football player who dreams of dimensionless goals? (attack)

6. What result can be in the game? (win, lose, draw)

7. How do you need to reach the finish line (except the first one) in order to draw the attention of the audience to yourself? (last)

8. Without what the referee cannot enter the field? (no whistle)

9. What does a spectator require in hockey? (washer)

10. Where were the first Olympic Games held? (in Greece)

11.competition of captains

I see from the side

Teams in technology are equal.
I want to take a quick look
Whose captains are smarter.

Balls are laid out on the floor (the number is not limited). Team captains must land on the balloons so that they burst. Whoever pops the most balls wins. After the competition, all burst balloons are given to the jury for counting.

12. competition "Intellectual"

Riddles for teams:

I was slapped with a shovel
They made me a hunchback.
I was beaten, beaten,
Doused with ice water
And then with me, cool,
All rolled down in a crowd.

I can't feel my legs for joy,
I'm flying down the snowy hill!
The sport became dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this

I don't look like a piano
But I also have a pedal.
Who is not a coward and not a coward,
I'll ride that famously.
I don't have a motor.
What's my name?

I took two oak bars,
Two iron rails.
I stuffed planks on the bars.
Give me snow! Ready...

Happy to overtake each other
You look, my friend, do not fall!
They are good, light, fast ...
(Skates) He doesn't want to lie down.
If you drop it, it will jump.
Throw again, rushes gallop.
Guess what it is?

- I don't understand, guys, who are you?

Birders? Anglers?

What kind of net is in the yard?

- Don't interfere with the game

You'd better leave.

We play ... (Volleyball)

I want to become a strong man.

I come to the strong man:

- Tell me about this -

How did you become a strongman?

He smiled back.

- Very simple. Many years

Every day, getting out of bed,

I lift ... (Dumbbells)

Here is a silver meadow

Can't see the lamb

The bull does not bellow on him,

Chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow is good in winter,

And you won’t find it in the spring. (skating rink)

I have guys

Two silver horses

I go to both at the same time.

What kind of horses do I have?


Play in the yard in the morning

The kids played.

Shouts: "Puck!", "By!", "Beat!" -

So there is a game...


On an empty stomach

They beat me unbearably;

Aptly pour players

Cuffs kick me. (football)

Stick in the form of a comma

Drives the puck in front of him. (hockey stick)

13. competition "Guess what it is?"

The next competition will reveal the ability of our families to understand each other without words.
The host gives one of the participants the name of the sport, the participant must show this sport without words, and the rest of the team guess, the team chooses who will show and who will guess.

(basketball, football, figure skating, volleyball, hockey, table tennis, skiing, athletics, gymnastics).

14. Tug of war.

(The jury sums up the results of the sports festival)

Physical education teacher:

While the jury is summing up the results, we will play a game with the audience. I will make riddles sports theme, and you answer in unison.

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
On the road, legs ride and two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer.
This is my::..

Throw it into the river - it does not sink,
You hit the wall - he does not moan,
You will throw on the ground,
He will fly up.

I took two oak bars,
Two iron rails.
I filled the bars on the bars.
Where is the snow? Ready:..

I can't feel my legs for joy,
I'm flying down the snowy hill.
The sport became dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this? .. (

Rushing like a bullet I'm forward
Only the ice creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who is carrying me?

Summarizing. Rewarding.

“Let it all be a simple game,

But we wanted to say with it:

Great miracle family!

Keep it! Take care of her!

There is nothing more important in life than a goal!

Goodbye! See you again.