Dad mom I sports family coat of arms. Sports competitions in the senior group “Dad, mom, I are a sports family


Target: formation healthy lifestyle life based on the example of parents, fostering a sense of pride in one's family, respect for parents, physical development of adolescents. 4-5 families participate in the competitions, consisting of:

mom, dad, child. The following competitions are being prepared in advance:

Team name, motto, uniform or emblem;

A little welcome from the team.

The sports hall is decorated with balls, flags, posters with the name of the competition "Dad, mom, me - sport family”, as well as the calls “To health with the whole family!”, “Sport will help us everywhere: both in study and in work!”.

In judging - representatives of the parent committee of the school, student council, administration.

Prizes for participation and victory in the competition, as well as prizes for certain types of the program, have been prepared for all teams.

High school students from the Council of Physical Education and physical education teachers help to hold competitions.


Hello, hello, hello!

Today we are reporting on the most interesting and exciting...

The most difficult and responsible...

The most important competitions of the season, which are called ...

World Gymnastics Championship?

No, even more interesting...

World Athletics Championship...

Even more dynamic and dramatic...

UEFA Football Cup?!

No. Although it will be as hot here as on the field during the final match! And our competitions are called “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”

The sports soundtrack of the song "Mom" from the cartoon "Mom for a Mammoth" sounds. Vocal group sings:

And on a sunny morning

And on a cloudy day

We are friends with sports

And we live together

We live together in our family,

And we will sing a song about sports.

We go to tennis with my sister Tanya,

Dad has football, well, mom has fitness,

To the pool on the weekend with the whole family,

In high esteem and sports, and health!

Hiking, fishing - family!

Long live sports and health!

Presenters: Dad, mom, me

Sport family!

Means, Friendly family!

AND healthy family!

Without movement - not a day,

Dad, mom, me!

So, today the title of "The most athletic family" is contested by teams...

The hosts call the teams, represent the composition of the teams. For parents- who works for whom, did before sports, what, whether they continue to do now. children- what section they are in. Team captains are named. The teams come out to applause and line up in the frontplan.


We represent our competent jury, which consists of...

And in the hall - your fans, teams, and your fans!

And while the teams are preparing for the very first “We and Sport” competition, the chief judge will introduce everyone to some refereeing rules.

Main judge: The overall result is summed up by the sum of the results (places) of each competition. If the amounts are equal, we hold another competition. In addition, the jury has established prizes for almost every competition in which you will need strength and dexterity, accuracy and speed. And also we will celebrate the youngest participant, the oldest participant, the most friendly team, the most resourceful team. And, of course, the most active fans will also receive a prize!


We go out together to the start.

On the way so that there are no obstacles,

Let's start with getting to know each other.

Our competition "We are friends with sports"!

Team "Silushka - squad"

The team comes out to the song "Our Heroic Strength" from the repertoire of the Stas Namin Ensemble. Distinctive attributes of the team: helmets of heroes made of paper, an emblem in the form of the same helmet.


They used to be in Rus'

Strong heroes.

This glorious tradition

Reborn in our lives!

Here is the command (all team members)


Brave friend!"

Dad: Strength exercises

We'll be cheered up!

Dad lifts a weight, the child does push-ups, mom jumps on a rope.

Mother: Bags, laundry and cleaning

Not a problem with sports!

Child: Iuroki is not a problem

When I started running with my dad!

Dad: Enough strength to repair

This sport will help me!

Child: Every day and at this hour

He unites us.

We are a family, which means

Together in difficulties, successes.

Let troubles fear us!

Can they compete with "Silushka"!

Dad: And for ailments - our answer ...

Together: Where there is sport, there are no diseases!

Team "Optimists"

- baseball caps of the same color, scarves around the neck.

Emblem- smiling sun.

Dad: Little son came to me

And he asked me...

Child: Why so good

Smiling in real life?

Dad: My answer is of course simple,

Listen guys:

Optimism is the same sport

Energy, charging!

Mother: And things will get better

In sports, school, life,

If you are everything

Do it with optimism!

Child: And science tells us

What a minute of laughter

Never hurt

And it leads to success!

Dad: Our advice - the motto is not new.

No matter how hard you try...

Together: If you want to be healthy

Smile more often!

Team "Olympic"

Distinguishing team attributes- laurel wreaths, emblems, in the form of a laurel wreath, inside which is the Olympic torch. The team comes out under the call signs of the television channel "Sport". A child is sitting on the father's shoulder, holding a model of a torch in his hand. Mom carries Laurel wreath. The father lowers the child to the floor.

Together: The Olympic team welcomes you!

Our Olympic flame has not gone out!

Our whole life is the Olympics.

And everyone, believe me, deserves a reward!

Head to be hardy must

and strong

Worthy to deal with problems

Child: He likes to play football on Sunday

And in boxing, a connoisseur, like that Pythagoras!

Dad: Gives us care, warmth and attention

Keeper of the Olympic flame, mother.

Child: She is an admirer of oriental gymnastics,

And I liked curling with a mop very much!

And in the summertime, and in the cold of winter

We are friends with sports!

Dad: We wish the whole family to be friends with sports! After all, sport is...

Together: Life! He gives us health!

Team Goal!

Matching scarves, emblem- a ball that says "Goal!"- command attributes.

They go out to the music from the movie "Goalkeeper".

Team captain: Level up - calmly! Equalization to the judges!

With a marching step, he approaches the referee's table and gives a report:

Dear Judging Team! Team Goal! for the competition

Dad: Dad...

Mother: Mother...

Captain: I!


Sport family!

Built! Our motto...

We will score a goal against diseases,

Because our friend is sport!

Returns to place.

Captain: At ease! Our speech...

Together: If you want to be healthy

Start making friends with sports!

Both work and study

Become joyful with sports!

We should be sick not at home,

And under the roof of the stadium!

The best medicine- sports!

Here is the recipe for the Goal!


The contest of greetings of the teams is over.

What all the different teams turned out to be.

But all are similar and united in one thing: sport and movement are the most the best remedy from illness, life troubles, depression.

I also know very good remedy from depression! It `s music! Bad mood disappear quickly!

And if you add rhythmic movements to the music, then it will disappear in just a second! So, it raises us without that good mood dance team!

Dance. The judges announce the results of the greeting.

Conditions of the competition. Marksmanship competitions may include the following elements: hitting a target with a tennis ball, hitting a hoop with a basketball, knocking down pins, shooting an air rifle. Speed ​​contests include any tasks with movement, held at speed. There is a wide variety of possible options here: from simple relay races to rather complex relay races with overcoming obstacles, carrying children, etc. Strength contests consist of weight lifting and arm wrestling done by dads, push ups and pull ups.

The "intellectual" stage is interesting - a quiz in which questions can be asked on the topics of the history of sports, the Olympic movement, the basics of safety.

And in conclusion, a large relay race is held, consisting of a variety of tasks.

There shouldn't be too many competitions. It is best to limit yourself to 5-6. Between them, it is imperative to make small musical or dance pauses, to give the participants an opportunity to relax. It turns out real holiday sports!

Competition "Cleaning in the house"

The competition will require 3 medicine balls, 2 baskets for each team.


The most important thing is cleaning the house

But he will clean it up

Who is the strongest, the most humble,

Who just takes out the trash!

Yes Yes! The strongest and most modest, that is, dad, will have to take away all the garbage that the rest of the family will bring!

Conditions of the competition. From the start line in the middle of the hall and at the opposite wall, a basket is installed (according to the number of teams). The youngest member of the family starts first. He brings a heavy ball to the middle of the hall, puts it in

basket and returns to the start. Mom runs next with two balls. Her task is to carry the balls to the second basket and put them there. After mom comes running, dad takes the start. He must first take the ball from the first basket, and then two balls from the second basket and bring all the balls to the start. The balls must not touch the floor. If the ball is lost, a penalty point is given.

Contest "Hit"

The competition will require 1 waste basket and 5 tennis balls.


Why do we need precision?

To turn the meatballs

Don't splatter the oven with grease.

size measure

Accurate to the millimeter!

Accuracy is very necessary in life!

Therefore, we offer our sports families to compete in accuracy.

Conditions of the competition. In the middle of the hall, in the “field”, a child will stand with a basket. His task is to catch all the balls that will be thrown from the start line first by dad (5 balls) and then by mom (5 balls). The team that manages to collect the most balls in the basket wins.

Competition "Tourists"

For the competition you will need a backpack, a thin blanket, 3 spoons, bowls, mugs, a tourist rope, a gymnastic bench.

Presenters: If sport in the family is your friend,

That active only leisure

Must be on weekends.

Tourism is calling us all!

Along the path, along the forest

With a backpack we go with you.

Adventure lies ahead

Cheer up!

We are launching the next competition “Tourists! »

Conditions of the competition. A competition is held in the form of a relay race. After 2 m after the start, a gymnastic bench is installed. This is an obstacle that each of the family members will overcome in different ways.

Mom starts first with a backpack that contains a blanket, rope and dinner items. She runs along the bench, runs to the opposite wall of the hall, pulls out a blanket from her backpack, unfolds it, and puts bowls, spoons, mugs on it. And rope. He also runs back along the bench, passes the baton to the youngest member of the team, who needs to overcome the obstacle by crawling: crawl under the bench. Then he runs up to the bivouac And ties the rope with a tourist knot. He comes back, also crawling over the bench. Dad needs to jump over this obstacle. Then he must untie the knot on the rope tied by the child, collect all the contents of the bivouac in a backpack And run with him to the start line.

Competition "Guests in the House"

For the competition you will need an opaque blindfold scarf, 10 pieces of pins for each team, a tray for dishes, a glassWith water.

Presenters: We are waiting for friends for lunch.

Mom, hurry up

Gets to cook.

That's where mom ... sports will help!

Gives strength to cut everything

The speed to get everything done.

The dexterity to file everything!

Yes, mothers need to give us a prize!

So, the competition "Guests in the house"!

Conditions of the competition. To the middle of the hall where the child is standing, skittles are set at an equal distance from each other. Mom is blindfolded V hands give a tray on which a glass of water is placed. On command, she must reach the middle of the hall where the child is standing, while going around all the skittles without hitting them and without knocking over a glass of water. The mother who succeeds the fastest wins. And walk the path without loss.

Competition "Faster, More Accurate, Stronger!"

For the competition you will need 2 bags, basketball, waste basket, skipping rope.

Presenters: Although we are not so many years old,

To put it bluntly, few years

But we know what's safer

Than friends, there is no help!

Who is rooting for us? Friend!

Gathered friends around

Each team has a lot!

Well, it's time for friends to go!

Hey fan, get out!

And support the team!

We announce a competition for fans! Let's see, fans, which team is the fastest...

The most accurate...

And the strongest!

We called our contest “Faster, More Accurate, Stronger!”

Conditions of the competition. It is carried out in the form of a relay race. Three fans from each team are invited. At a distance of 2 m from the start, a bag, a rope are placed, and a basket is placed at the opposite wall of the gym. The first participant runs up to the bag, climbs into it, runs in the bag to the wall of the gym, gets out and runs with the bag in his hands to the start line. Behind him, the second fan starts, whose task is to run up to the rope, jump on it to the wall, he overcomes the return path by running. And the third one dribbles the basketball to the penalty line and throws the ball into the wastebasket. If not hit, then the team is given a penalty point.

Relay competition "Visiting a fairy tale"

For the competition you will need 5 tennis balls, a broom and a bucket.

Presenters: Do you remember, mom, sitting down to the bed,

She told us stories.

And we always wondered:

How did it work out

In a fairy tale, quickly, accurately, deftly ...

Apparently, they are friends with sports there!

We announce the most fabulous, funniest contest!

Conditions of the competition. Mom starts first and lays out 5 tennis balls on the floor at an equal distance. Then the child starts on a broomstick. He needs to jump on it between the laid out balls. And dad, who starts last, must use a broom to collect all the balls in a bucket.


Our meeting with sports is coming to an end

And with those who are friends with sports all their lives!

It's easier to learn and better to work with.

Sport is the main assistant for every family!

He rewards everyone with excellent health

And friendship, love for the closest gives.

He calls for a hike or even for a feat,

Grow, do, build, learn calls!

And every one of us today is a winner,

Participation in the holiday is the main result.

Let it be a child or a strict parent,

He still managed to reach the finish line!

So, the results of the competition "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" are announced.

The Chief Judge announces the winners in the competition, awards the nominees in certain types.

Presenters: Everyone Thank you for participating,

For support in difficult times.

May you be a little tired

But it's nice to see you

Together, side by side, mom and dad,

Son or daughter, shoulder to shoulder.

What else do you need to be happy?

How much health gives sport?!

If there is love and harmony in the family?! ..

Be happy always!

Goals and objectives:

1. Strengthening the health of children and their parents.

2. Development of children's interest in physical culture, understanding the importance of sports in human life.

3. Raising a love for physical culture and sports, feelings of friendship, interest in joint leisure activities.

4. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Location: gym.

Equipment and inventory: whistle, roulette, racks (flags or skittles), balls, Balloons, skipping ropes, hoops, bags, rope.

Hall decoration: slogans-posters: “If you want to be strong, run!”, “If you want to be beautiful, run!”, “If you want to be smart, run!”, “Sport is health”, “Sport is success”, “Sport is friendship ”, “Sport is the strongest of all”, “There is no greater victory than victory over oneself”.

Musical accompaniment: sports march.


1. The winner is awarded a medal, certificate and prize.

2. Winners are awarded with diplomas and sweet prizes.

Event progress

1 account Greetings to all who found the time
And I came to school for a holiday of health!
Let winter knock on our window soon,
But in the hall we have warm and light!
2 account We grow up here, we mature here.
And gain, of course, weight!
We are always healthy, friendly with charging,
We need sports with physical education like air,
3 account And with them order, comfort, cleanliness,
Aesthetics. In general, beauty itself!
We will save our health from an early age.
It will save us from pain and trouble.

4 accounts “Friendship is the most important thing for us!
We will go everywhere with her!
Helping a friend in sports
You become stronger!”

5 accounts “Together we dance merrily,
Let's have fun together.
Together we strengthen the muscles
That's why we don't get tired."

6 accounts “To sports battles
We are all ready.
Everyone is confident in their strength.
And wins at the finish line again
Friendship, unity of my team”.

7 account “Who looks habitually dull and gloomy,
Let him take our good advice:
Better, more reliable to be friends with physical education,
In her youth is the eternal secret!”

Leading:"Hello, dear mothers and dads! Hello dear guys! You are welcome, dear fans and guests! We have gathered here to measure strength and agility, speed and endurance. But this is not the main thing in our today's meeting. We gathered to get to know each other better and make friends, to see what our children can do and what our parents can do. And it is no coincidence that 2008 is the year of the family. Family is the most important thing in a person's life.

Mom, my dad and me -

We are a sports family!

We are friends with physical education, sports -

We don't need a doctor!

So, our teams are invited to the hall.

To the sounds of the sports march, the teams enter the sports hall and form one line to the jury.

Leading: Introducing our panel of judges (principal, head teacher for extracurricular activities, physical education teacher, representative parent committee)

1 competition.Team View (name, motto, business card, greeting rivals).

1 room. "Smeshariki"

Motto: We are strong, we are brave, and luck awaits us! We are still confident that victory will come to us!

2 rooms "Smilies"

Motto: We challenged fate! We are always ready to fight! And today we say that we will win today!

1 room If you want to become skilled
Strong, smart, brave,
Learn to love jump ropes
Hoops and sticks.
Never be sad
Hit the target with balls.
Here is the secret of health -
To all friends - physical education hello!

2 room. Sport, guys, is very necessary,
We are very friendly with sports.
Sports help!
Sports - health!
Sport is a game!
Physical training!

Leading: So, we got acquainted with the teams, the jury chose, the parting words were heard - it's time to start the competition!

2 competition"Warm-up". Run to the opposite side of the hall, going around the skittles; climb into the hoop and run back.

"Friendship" Holding a large inflatable ball with their foreheads and holding hands, two team members run to the limit sign and back. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next pair.

"Garbage collection". Balloons are scattered around the hall. Without touching the balls with your hands, use the scoop to pick up one ball, take it to the “basket” and return back.

Leading: While the panel of judges sums up the results of 2 competitions - a musical pause. (Russian is invited to the hall folk ensemble"Povetrulya" with the song "Saturday")

3 contest"Merry Relay"

Run to the limit sign, eat a slice of watermelon and run back.

"Collecting cones"

The first participant lays out the cones on the leaves, reaching the limit sign. He returns, collecting the cones back into the basket. Passes the baton to the next participant.

"Get dressed if you want to be healthy"

The first child, reaching the limit sign, puts on a jacket, hat, boots (everything big size) runs back and passes things to the next participant, who repeats his route.

Leading: While the panel of judges sums up 3 comic contest- musical pause.

(students elementary school perform the dance "Day and night")

4 competition.

1. Dads, moving forward to the rack, knock out a balloon with a gymnastic stick and back in the same way ( the result is determined by the first one who ran to the finish line).

Moms are tied to the leg balloon, the second leg is free. Standing in a circle on the whistle, they begin to step on each other on the ball ( whoever has the ball left intact, that mother won).

Balls are laid out on the floor (the number is not limited). Team captains must land on the balloons so that they burst. Whoever pops the most balloons wins. After the competition, all burst balloons are given to the jury for counting.

2. Teams are built at the starting line in a column, at the whistle, each member of the team for distillation jumps in a bag to the rack and returns in the same way, passes the baton to the next participant.

5 competition.

Relay teams are invited.

1. Running with a baton (performed by the whole family).

2. Running with a gymnastic stick (dads start running from above on a stick, run to the rack, run around, come back, pick up their mother, then the child).

3. “Cuttlefish” (emphasis on hands and feet, back parallel to the floor, move hands forward).

4. Carrying a “big” tennis ball to the mark and throwing the ball at the target.

5. Relay “All at once” - teams run simultaneously in full squads. Participants join hands (or stand in a column, take hold of the belt), run to the rack, run around it and return to the finish line.

The team whose members, without disengaging their hands, will be the first to take their original position, wins. The places of the teams are determined by the order of finishing.

Leading: While the panel of judges sums up the results of the competition, while our teams take a breath, rest, and we will see how the fans cheer for their team.

Now the fans have a task. Support your team. One cheerleader from each team is called.

6 competition.

And the girls need to jump through the rope for half a minute.

To make them jump more fun

Let's support them with clapping together.

(One girl from the team jumps with a rope at the same time. The number of jumps in 30 seconds is counted. The participant who has the most number of jumps wins)

Leading: You gracefully jumped so

As if butterflies fluttered.

Thanks a lot to the fans.

Leading: We have one game

You'll like her

Come out to the site

Line up in order.

Dad, mom and kids

We call on the rope.

7 competition(teams compete in tug-of-war).

Leading: So, the sports festival has come to an end. I ask the jury to sum up.

While the jury is preparing to announce the final results, you are welcomed by elementary school students. (During the pause, students of class 4 "A" perform with a song about sports)

Song (to the motive of the song "Let there always be sunshine").

1. Our glorious friend,

Our faithful friend

Sport helps us in life

We go with him

We don't get tired

We will sing glory to sports!

Chorus: Let us sport moments

Give the joy of movement

And soul inspiration

May sport always give!

2. Play games,

jump, throw,

We learn to run at school.

sun, water

Our friends,

We are always tempered.

3. We are on Olympus

Let's make the path

If we do our best.

Boldly forward! The goal is calling us!

The heart sings with joy.

Leading: To sum up the results of the holiday, the teams line up.

(Teams line up in the center of the gym)


Today there are no losers
There are simply the best of the best.
May there be light in every heart of friendship,
Will ignite the deeds of a good ray.

For summing up the floor is given to the jury.
(team results announced sports festival, awarding)


Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter.
For the fire of competition
Ensure success.
Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We say goodbye to everyone
Until happy new meetings!

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Marina Zarypova
Sport competitions V senior group“Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”

Sport competitions

« Dad, Mother, I - sport family

IN senior group

Goals and objectives:

1. Formation of a healthy lifestyle for families of preschool children.

2. Education physical culture and moral integrity families.

3. Development sports And motor skills and skills in children and adults.

Members competitions:

To participate in competitions family teams are allowed in composition: dad, mom and baby.

Competitions consist of 10 relay races and 2 games with fans.

Equipment: jars with juice - 3 pcs, bars with nails - 3 pcs, hammers - 3 pcs, paper clips, baskets with balls - 3 pcs, jump rope or rope - 3 pcs. , hoops - 3 pcs.

Holding competitions

Musical pause flashmob

Presenter Hello dear guests - dear fathers, mothers, children! We are glad to see you at our holiday. Today we are holding competition-competition« Dad, Mother, I - sport family! A sport - is life, health, risk, search, victory. On our holiday, we are pleased to welcome friendly sports families ***, ***,. Blagodova, Darensky, Tagne.

Musical pause song " Dad, Mother, I - sport family

1. Presentation of commands

Team "Thanks"

Mother, my dad and me.

We sport family

With physical education we are friends with sports,

We don't need a doctor!

Team "stars"

Sports in the family, much needed

We with sports are strong friends.

Sports - assistant, sport - game,

Physical education - hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

Team "Lightning"

Motto: We are fast as lightning,

Used to win

And this time we will try to outplay all of you!

Sport helps us everywhere:

V family, study and work,

Be strong, healthy, skillful and courageous

We consider it a family affair.

Presentation of the jury members

After each step competitions the jury will sum up the intermediate results and provide information on the progress competitions. After last stage The jury will announce the final results.

Now our athletes demonstrate their skills to us. We wish success to the team members.

Warm-up for participants competitions

2. "Pumps" Jar with juice. And from each jar, a cocktail tube always sticks out. Everything is ready for competitions"The most powerful pump". wins "blowing out" your glass first.

3. "Chain" competition for moms

In the allotted time, make a chain using paper clips.

Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

4. "Strongman" dad competition

Bars with nails and a hammer were prepared for the participants. We must hammer in all the nails. The one who does it first wins.

Musical pause step

5. "Jumpers" all family

Participants stand one after another. On a signal, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with two legs from a place, the first one jumps, the second one stands in the place to which the first jumped, and jumps further. When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams.

6. "Fast train" all family

The members of each team line up one after the other. A flag is placed in front of each team at a distance of 6-7 m.

The first player in the team runs to the flag, runs around it and returns to the place where the next participant grabs it, and the children run to the flag together. Then they come back and take the third one, and so on, until the whole team runs around the flag. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Musical pause song

7. "Snipers" captain competition

A basket is placed in front of each player at a distance of 3 m. Participants take turns tossing sandbags trying to get into a hoop.

If a player hits, then his team gets 1 point. The team with the most points wins.

Musical pause

8. "We are together" moms and dads

Participants line up behind the line start

Mom and dad have their feet tied (you can jump rope) below the knees. At the leader's signal, they move forward Reach a turning point and return back The team that completes the task faster than others wins.

9. "Cuttlefish" dad and child

Dad holds the child by the legs, and he walks back and forth in his arms.

The team that completes the task faster than the others wins.

10. "kayak racing"

Each team has a g / o hoop - this is "boat". Teams must swim to "boat" from one coast to another. At the signal of the facilitator, the first participant sits down in "boat"(puts on a hoop, swims alone, returns to the place start, takes a second player with him (mom) float in place in the boat. Then they return for the child to the place start. You can take only one passenger with you.

The team that reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

Game - quiz for fans children:

I want to become a strong man.

I come to the strong man:

Tell me about this -

How did you become a strongman?

He smiled back:

Very simple. Many years

Daily, getting out of bed

I lift (Dumbbells)

You go with friends to the forest,

And he climbed on your shoulders.

He doesn't want to go

He is very heavy (Backpack)

green meadow,

One hundred benches around

From gate to gate

The people run briskly.

At these gates

Fishing nets. (Stadium)

They kick him

And he doesn't cry!

He is thrown -

Jumps back. (Ball)

When April takes over

And the brooks run ringing,

I jump over it

And she - through me (Rope)

quiz game for fans parents:

4. What are the means of hardening? (sun, air, water)

8. What is the name of the goalkeeper? (goalkeeper)

10. In what form sports athletes inject each other? (in fencing)

2. How many players are on the football team? (11)

8. Without what the referee cannot enter the field? (no whistle)

9. What does a spectator require in hockey? (washer)

10. Where were the first Olympic Games? (in Greece)