Is it possible for pregnant women to play sports in early and late pregnancy. Pregnancy and sports - by week: loads and contraindications

For many women, sport is an integral part of life. With the onset of pregnancy, expectant mothers are forced to abandon exercise, going into a state of rest. But in vain. After all, sport is a guarantee of the health of not only a woman, but also her unborn baby. This article discusses in which cases you can engage in, and in which you should refrain.

The benefits of sports for pregnant women

Regular sports activities increase the body's resistance future mother, improve the functioning of the nervous, respiratory and cardio systems, increase stability at the emotional level. Sports for pregnant women is an opportunity to get a charge of vivacity and good mood. In addition, regular exercise makes the cervix more elastic, and the body less susceptible to pain. This facilitates the birth process and reduces the risk of complications and ruptures.

As for the baby, playing sports during pregnancy allows you to saturate the fetus with oxygen and nutrients, normalize metabolism. All this allows the baby to develop normally, and pregnancy to proceed without complications.

Contraindicated sports for pregnant women

Pregnant women should engage in sports in moderation and only those types that are allowed for expectant mothers. There are several contraindications for expectant mothers:

Skydiving. Boxing, karate. Horseback riding. Skiing. Dance aerobics. Cycling. Diving. Water skiing. Jumping.

These sports are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they have a high degree injury and may lead to premature birth or I'll throw out.

On early dates Pregnancy most useful sport are hiking. The fact is that in the first trimester a woman should protect herself as much as possible from all kinds of influences that can lead to termination of pregnancy.

On initial stage the embryo is not yet firmly attached to the uterus, and physical labor will Negative influence. Pregnant sports can be practiced for short periods, but only after consultation with a gynecologist and the absence of contraindications.

In the early stages, it is useful to walk up the stairs. Of course, without fanaticism, but a couple of times a day a woman can climb to the 3rd-4th floor. Climbing the stairs, you need to breathe evenly, calmly.

A pregnant woman needs to play sports with a minimum load. If a woman led an active lifestyle before fertilization, then with a new status she will have to give up this.

Swimming is good for a pregnant woman. It relaxes muscles, relieves tone and tension. This sport can be practiced by a pregnant woman until the very birth, without fear of harming the child.

Pregnant women can go in for sports and other types. For example, yoga is very useful. It allows a woman to relax and even communicate with the baby through meditation. There is a special yoga for pregnant women, which consists of light exercises and a not difficult warm-up.

And the last sport for pregnant women is gymnastics and fitness. You need to perform exercises in a special room where expectant mothers gather. They use a gymnastic ball - fitball. On it, a woman can do exercises that relax her back and help relieve pain. Rules for sports Pregnant women can play sports, but in compliance with certain rules. It is necessary to choose the most comfortable and loose clothing that will not hinder movement.

Shoes should also be chosen according to this rule. The second trimester is best for sports. It is the safest, unlike the first. In the third, the number of exercises and the load must be reduced. Sports for pregnant women are best left in the form of walks and exercises on a fitball. Pregnant women need to exercise only when good health when there is not even a headache. If during sports activities the pregnant woman feels worse, it is necessary to stop the exercises and see a doctor.


A pregnant woman should not play sports if she has: toxicosis; chronic appendicitis; polyhydramnios; uterine bleeding; placenta previa; kidney and heart disease. In these cases, pregnant women are categorically contraindicated in sports. Physical exercises with the presented diagnoses can lead to a deterioration in the condition of a woman.

It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting to exercise. He may prohibit exercise if the health of the pregnant woman does not allow. Also, any threat of interruption is a ban on the sport. It is important to take these points into account so as not to harm your baby.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Doing sports before pregnancy allowed you to keep yourself in shape, provided you good mood and well-being? And now you are expecting a baby and doubt whether it is possible to play sports during pregnancy?

Can! And very necessary!

Why you can and should exercise during pregnancy

  • A great way to keep in shape during pregnancy;
  • Provides a quick recovery of the figure after childbirth;
  • Promotes healthy growth and the development of the crumbs due to the active supply of oxygen;
  • Perfectly prepares your body for childbirth.

Of course, if you used to regularly go in for fitness or swimming, then you should not stop when you become pregnant. And if the desire to do physical exercises arose only in anticipation of the baby, then it is worth starting with small loads, for example, with long walks, gradually increasing their duration. You need to choose a sport that will be to your liking and at the same time will not harm you.

1. Swimming

Very useful view sports - including for pregnant women. Especially if you prefer backstroke or frog swimming. The main thing to remember is that you are not pursuing the goal of breaking a world record!


  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Strengthens muscles;
  • Trains the lungs;
  • Reduces stress on the spine;
  • Reduces pressure on the pelvic organs.
  • It is not worth the risk if the cleanliness of the pool is in question;
  • Better give up scuba diving;
  • The use of tampons is recommended.

2. Pilates

Useful for all expectant mothers. With the help of a good coach, you will be able to perfectly prepare for childbirth.


  • Increased flexibility and balance;
  • The back is strengthened;
  • Muscles prepare for childbirth;
  • Reduces the risk of uterine tonus
  • Classes may seem boring to you, especially if you are overwhelmed with energy.

3. Yoga

The course for pregnant women includes classes from the first trimester. Allows you to control your well-being and mood during pregnancy. perfectly prepare you for childbirth.


  • Increases endurance;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Increases muscle elasticity.
  • Experience and knowledge of the instructor in this area is important;
  • Should not be in a regular group;
  • Be sure to warn the doctor about the "interesting" situation.

4. Tennis

With moderate exertion, it is useful for girls who practiced it before pregnancy.


  • Perfectly tones;
  • Develops lungs;
  • Strengthens muscles.
  • Requires a lot of strength;
  • You should not play tennis during pregnancy if you have not encountered it before;
  • Requires very careful load control.

5. Gymnastics

A wonderful sport that will give you pleasure, especially if you find specialized groups for pregnant.


  • Complexes of exercises are developed separately for each trimester;
  • Help to avoid toxicosis;
  • Facilitate drawing pains in the lower back and back;
  • Prepare the breast for lactation.
  • The exercises may seem too easy for you.

6. Wumbling, muscle training vagina

Pros: will help to make the muscles of the vagina more elastic and facilitate the process of childbirth. Helps strengthen muscles and prevent urinary incontinence later dates pregnancy. It will help to quickly restore the muscles of the vagina after childbirth. Exercises can be performed without leaving their home and during the working day.

But: it is difficult to find the official version of the program. Be careful! A lot of scammers!

Whatever sport you choose, be sure to remember - the main thing is not to overdo it. Control your feelings, do not allow fatigue from exercise.

And, despite the seeming harmlessness of the chosen sport, be sure to consult your doctor.

Contraindications for exercise

  • Colds;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Toxicosis;
  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • Uterine bleeding.

Sports that are contraindicated for pregnant women

1. Extreme sports:

  • Skydiving;
  • Mountaineering;
  • Roller sports;
  • Skateboard;
  • Snowboard.

2. Heavy sports:

  • All kinds of wrestling;
  • Weightlifting;
  • Martial arts;
  • Athletics.

The above sports are traumatic and involve the strongest loads, which can lead to miscarriage or cause fetal growth retardation. Do sports wisely, and you and your baby will only benefit from it!

What do you think about sports during pregnancy?

When you find out that you are expecting a baby, a lot of questions immediately scroll through your head. What do we have to do? How to eat? What can and cannot be done? Is it possible to play sports during pregnancy? Can I go to the gym?

- useful and necessary, but in a certain quantity and quality. It has been proven that pregnant women who lead an active lifestyle, go in for sports, give birth much easier and less painfully, recover faster after childbirth and have a positive attitude.

Sports and fitness during pregnancy is not necessarily a gym class, it is also walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, water aerobics. However, before starting training, you need to consult a doctor and choose the sport that suits you and your body.

  • Physical exercise helps to normalize metabolism
  • Sports activities have a positive effect on the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • After physical exertion, the amount of oxygen that is necessary for the development of the baby increases
  • With well-chosen and well-chosen exercises, you can reduce back pain, improve the functioning of the intestines and digestive organs.
  • By exercising, you prepare your body for the process of childbirth.

It should be noted that each stage of pregnancy needs its own exercises. is the fixing time gestational sac to the wall of the uterus, the time of development of the baby, the time of the formation of the placenta.

Some believe that if a person was involved in sports before pregnancy, then you can continue at the same pace until the 4th month of pregnancy. However, in the first trimester of pregnancy, a sharp jump or an unexpected fall, as well as excessive loads, can end in failure. You should carefully monitor your body, you can not

When doing fitness in the second and early third trimester, you should pay attention to training the muscles of the arms and legs. From the 20th week, you need to focus on stretching (before giving birth, you should not get too carried away with it, since it is possible to get a dislocation). This will prepare the joints and muscles for childbirth, help with bloating, aching pains in the lower back, edema, excessive weight gain, drowsiness. At more than 26 weeks pregnant, focus on mastering breathing exercises and swimming.

What sports can be practiced and which are contraindicated? The answer to this question can be found in the table below.

Sports and exercise during pregnancy

The main sports that are useful during pregnancy

Hiking. The best sport for all stages of pregnancy. You should walk every day, breathing properly. Step - deep breath, step - exhale. You also need to walk smoothly. When walking, endurance develops, the body is filled with oxygen, stress goes away, calmness appears. And if you go for a walk in good company, your mood is guaranteed. You can also do self-education at this time, for example, listen to an audiobook.

Swimming. The perfect look sports during pregnancy. During swimming, the muscles of the back and chest are strengthened, blood circulation improves, back pain decreases, and the heart trains. It's hard to overheat in the water, and pregnant women who swim regularly don't (usually) get stretch marks.

You do not need to raise your head high when you swim, as this arches the lower back and tightens the muscles of the neck. It is best to swim on your back, you can breaststroke.

Aqua aerobics. Good for those who can't swim. With the help of water aerobics, you will train your heart, get rid of back pain and swelling, and improve blood circulation. It is much easier and more pleasant to perform exercises in water, as there is a decrease in gravity. The body does not feel heavy, and the stomach does not press. Aqua aerobics can be attended up to the 38th week of pregnancy.

Yoga. This is gymnastics, and proper breathing, and the ability to relax and concentrate. With the help of these exercises, the elasticity of the joints increases, muscle strengthening, and yoga helps to relax and relieve stress. Remember that not all exercises are good for pregnant women!

Pilates. One of the fitness options during pregnancy. You can choose a program using a fitball, or you can practice on a rug. If you decide to use fitball for your classes, then it should be noted that good mood you are guaranteed. You will also get rid of back pain or it will decrease, pressure will decrease and blood circulation will improve. You can exercise on the fitball before childbirth, however, after 4 months of pregnancy, do not perform exercises from the “lying on your back” position so as not to compress the vena cava.

A few rules during class:

  • The pace of classes should be regular and not too intense. Indeed, with intensive occupation, your heart and brain will consume more oxygen, and the baby may not have enough of it.
  • The duration of the lesson is 30-60 minutes.
  • During training, the heart rate is not more than 140 beats per minute.
  • You can't go to work hungry.

The main thing is that you always observe moderation in everything, because there are already two of you!

In this article, we outlined which sports should not be practiced during pregnancy, examined those sports that are useful and effective, and also learned about the benefits of playing sports for a pregnant woman.

Do you think sports are necessary during pregnancy? Did you go to water aerobics, swimming or maybe walking? Please share in the comments to the article.

Most of our contemporaries cannot imagine their life without sports. Sport has entered our everyday life and helps to realize the most important needs. What girl does not dream of a well-shaped, slender figure without any extra folds there, even during pregnancy?

Behind beautiful figure go to GYM's and aerobics classes. Girls who hardly wake up for work organize morning runs. From the stress accumulated during the working day, get rid of with the help of swimming. Even on weekends, many young ladies prefer leisure- badminton, tennis or table tennis, volleyball, as well as cycling or walking.

A lot changes during pregnancy.

First month it can be difficult to tear your head off the pillow, and all your strength goes into fighting early toxicosis What kind of sport is...

Closer to second trimester pregnancy, appetite returns, and the body, exhausted by toxicosis, is taken up with tripled energy to catch up.

Sports during pregnancy - only for!

Once in " interesting position”, a pregnant woman has to monitor her figure and health even more than before pregnancy. Which is not surprising - because the health of the baby directly depends on this!

Another point of view - lack of physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy can lead to a pathological increase in body weight, the development of edema, varicose veins veins, increase blood pressure. These complications can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development.

What about during pregnancy? How to stay in good shape throughout your pregnancy without risking harm to yourself and your baby? We will tell you what you can and cannot do to a pregnant girl in sports.

Pregnancy and sports: walks

Hiking is a sport that not only can, but should be used during pregnancy.

The ideal option is a walk outside the city limits. You can walk along the forest paths, country road or the bank of a river; someone will like the route with rough terrain. However, if there is no possibility of a country walk, a city park, square or courtyards will do.

Walking keeps the muscles of the legs, buttocks and back in good shape, prevents the occurrence of hemorrhoids and varicose veins, helps to fight venous congestion in the pelvic area. As a result of regular walks on foot, uteroplacental blood flow improves, which means that the baby receives more oxygen and nutrients.

It is important that the entire walk takes place at the same pace: without undue effort, but not too slowly.

It is better to discuss the number, distance and duration of such walks with your doctor. Equipment - bandage, comfortable clothes according to the weather, comfortable sport shoes well fixed foot.

In winter, you CAN regularly pamper yourself with walks on flat skis- This sport is considered safe.

Equipment- woolen socks, hat, scarf, waterproof ski suit. And of course, a bandage for pregnant women!

Pregnancy and sports: what is better to refuse?

Pregnancy and sports: fitness in the gym - do's and don'ts

At the very beginning of pregnancy, it is better to refrain from visiting the gym.- the smells reigning in this "sports paradise" can aggravate the phenomena of toxicosis. At a later date, you can return to classes in the gym, observing reasonable restrictions.

Most large fitness centers have developed special programs for pregnant women.

You can do this program as part of a group or with an individual trainer. The second is preferable because private lesson the instructor will be able to take into account all your wishes and advice from the attending doctor.

Belly dancing is a wonderful opportunity to keep your muscles in good shape. It is possible and useful to engage in Indian dances: they help to cope with the stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic area.

Practically at all courses and sports clubs for future parents, special gymnastics for pregnant. Everyone can also do such gymnastics, since the main purpose of such exercises is to prepare the muscles, ligaments and tissues that are directly or indirectly involved in the process of childbirth. The classic set of exercises was developed in the 70-80s of the last century by obstetricians and gynecologists.

In addition to stretching exercises, such gymnastics helps master the skills correct breathing and relaxation. By the way, relaxation skills will help not only in childbirth, but also during pregnancy: they will allow you to control emotions and be less nervous. And with the help of proper breathing, you can learn to control your own weight!

You can do yoga if you already have experience of such activities before pregnancy. Of course, you should immediately inform the teacher about the onset of pregnancy in order to correct the load.

It is better to limit yourself to relaxation, breathing practices and lotus-type stretching exercises. Postures associated with a sharp redistribution of blood are absolutely excluded, for example, "Headstand" - this pregnant woman can not be done categorically!

Equipment: comfortable sports suit made of cotton, comfortable sports shoes, securely fixing the foot, bandage.

Sports games during pregnancy

Sports related to games are banned. The point is that the vast majority sports games associated with sharp jerky movements of players, the risk of falling and bruising.

All ball games - volleyball (including mini and beach), basketball, rugby, football (girls have such hobbies too!) Can not be included in the category.

Tennis will also have to be abandoned- a heavy racket plus sudden movements, dashes, jumps - all this is not at all suitable during pregnancy. With big reservations, we can leave badminton and table tennis in the category - only in the form of unpacking to maintain tone.

Pregnancy and sports: swimming, water sports

Swimming is the most useful kind of sport for the vast majority of people, including during pregnancy!

You can just stay on the water, walk in the water, swim, dive, do water aerobics for pregnant women. Water is an excellent shock absorber, allowing you to optimally distribute the load on the body during any type of movement. In water, the possibility of injury is minimized, blood circulation improves, edema and flatulence decrease.

Equipment: one-piece maternity swimsuit, washable slippers, cap, towel, change of linen, bottle of drinking water(during water procedures want to drink).

By the way, psychologists say that being in the water helps a pregnant woman to associate herself with her baby and feel better for the baby.

Before choosing a particular sport during pregnancy, you should definitely consult a gynecologist who observes you during pregnancy. After all, there are various states in which physical activity is contraindicated or significantly limited.

The importance of exercise in early pregnancy has long been proven. To the question of whether sports are needed during pregnancy, leading experts give a positive answer. The main thing is to understand what activities will not harm the expectant mother and her baby. Pregnancy is not a disease, so even if a woman has not been involved in sports before, this period can be the beginning of an active life.

Advantages of playing sports during the period of bearing a child

IN modern world every woman in position has a chance to try out specialized comprehensive programs developed by leading gynecologists and teachers. According to its structure, physical activity during pregnancy is aimed at improving the general well-being of the expectant mother. An important fact will be the development of muscles, which will later participate in birth process and weight control for 9 months.

Previously, women who were expecting an addition to the family were recommended by doctors to have a permanent and preferential state of rest. On this moment opinion has changed radically. Over the past 40 years, scientific researchers have been able to prove that exercise during early pregnancy not only fails to negative impact per child, but also increase the efficiency of a woman in a position.

Scientists were able to prove that sports for a lady in a position at moderate standards are capable of:

  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • normalize the metabolism in the body;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stabilize the general condition;
  • ensure proper oxygenation of the child's body;
  • protect against edema in late pregnancy;
  • reduce the number of stretch marks or protect the expectant mother from their appearance;
  • charge with positive emotions.

The sports side of a woman's life will help keep the body in great shape. Prepared for labor activity the process will be easier to endure, and the young mother will be able to restore her figure much faster after the birth of the long-awaited child.

How do I know if I can start training?

In some situations, physical activity during pregnancy is not only not contraindicated, but is also recommended by many leading experts. If, before the onset of a happy time, a woman professionally exercises in the early stages should become less productive than before.

The training program will need to be adjusted in connection with the new situation. In other cases, it is necessary to appoint a consultation with a qualified instructor who is able to develop an individual training program based on the data obtained after the conversation.

Having made sure that a sports orientation during the bearing of a baby is possible and recommended by experts, expectant mothers begin to think which direction is better to choose in the near future.

Doctors focus the attention of pregnant women on several well-known sports that are well suited for any period of gestation:

  • Swimming lessons. This will become best method in the fight against excessive stress on the spine and joints. A set of exercises in water strengthens muscle mass, and also allows the body to relax and get rid of tension.
  • Special fitness that will prepare the body for the birth process and improve the flexibility of all muscles.

  • Yoga or Pilates exercises aimed at stretching, controlling the respiratory process, so important in childbirth, and improving general condition women. Almost all yoga schools teach a course of special classes for expectant mothers, during pregnancy they will not become a problem in this direction. The doctor who future mother will choose for a consultation on sports issues, will have to choose a feasible load for the body. To do this, he may need current analyzes and conclusions passed for recent months specialists in various fields. In the early stages of pregnancy, what is possible, what cannot be strictly determined by the doctor, it is not worth doing an independent appointment.

Nuances and details in the classroom

A woman must understand that pregnancy - individual process Therefore, not everyone is recommended the same exercises. Before starting training, you should meet with your doctor so that he can determine what kind of sport during pregnancy will be ideal option for you. Given the dynamic development of society, interest groups gather with ease and abound with a variety of programs for every taste. If you have the slightest doubt, you can seek advice from a personal trainer.

Having decided on the regimen, one should not forget that the exercises that are allowed to be performed in the first months will be strictly prohibited in the later stages due to the growing belly. Over time, the instructor will have to find a worthy gentle replacement for them.

General rules for pregnant women

  • It is strictly forbidden to overheat, this will contribute to disturbances in the baby's blood supply.
  • Too much effort in stretching exercises can lead to sprains due to the action of relaxin.
  • If the doctor leading the woman in position diagnosed anemia, multiple pregnancy or possible threat interruption, then even charging during pregnancy becomes a controversial issue.
  • It is not recommended for women at any stage of pregnancy to visit stuffy gyms without a proper ventilation system.
  • Cardio loads during the period of bearing a baby must be deleted from the exercise program, since the heart is already subject to a double load.

The main goal is to avoid physical activity capable of injuring the expectant mother or causing her to fall. Therefore, it is better to postpone the sections of basketball, riding and snowboarding to a later date, and return to them only after the baby is born.

How much time to devote to sports?

For women who have not previously been actively involved in sports, physical activity during pregnancy should not exceed 30 minutes a day 3 times a week, especially in the first trimester. More frequent workouts can become additional stress for the body, which is still only being rebuilt under new stage life.

A good initial workout would be walking, preferably in a park area. There, the expectant mother will be able to stretch her upper and lower limbs with a light charge. In the future, in agreement with the attending physician, running during pregnancy is also possible.

Physical exercise when health problems are detected

So, we found out that women in position are not forbidden to play sports at all, despite even the early stages of pregnancy. What is possible and what is impossible is determined only by specialists. If the expectant mother suddenly had problems with thyroid gland, blood vessels, heart, spine or too rapid weight gain, then active exercises should be abandoned for a while.

Permission for any kind physical activities in this case, only the doctor observing the pregnancy and the obstetrician-gynecologist can give.

Characteristics of exercise in early pregnancy

In order for classes to be carried out with benefits for health, body and muscle mass, they should be done regularly, that is, at least twice a week. Only in this case the body will be in the required tone. Infrequent physical activity during pregnancy will cause more stress than good for the expectant mother.

Classes should be started at least two hours after the last meal, and do not forget about replenishing the oxygen deficiency in the room or gym.

The developed set of exercises should give only pleasure and charge, as well as contribute to the desire to engage in further. Overwork is strictly prohibited for mother and her future baby did not feel any discomfort that could adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Only if all the above rules and recommendations are followed, physical activity will bring benefits and significant results that will help in the process of childbirth.