What is ONR? Specialized speech therapy correctional group for children with ONR in kindergarten



PI NEFU, Yakutsk

Modern concept preschool education, changing requirements for the content and nature of preschool education predetermine the need to improve the development of the child preschool age, as a multidimensional holistic process, an important direction of which is speech development. In this regard, the issues of readiness of preschoolers for learning, for mastering the program in their native language, are of great importance. The solution of these issues is of particular importance for preschoolers with speech disorders, since one of the urgent tasks of corrective and speech therapy influence is the formation of the prerequisites for successful schooling.

General underdevelopment of speech in children is one of the common and, at the same time, insufficiently studied speech disorders. At the same time, the number of children with general underdevelopment of speech tends to increase. In modern domestic literature, the general underdevelopment of speech is characterized by a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system in their unity in children with normal hearing and relatively intact intelligence (, 1993.)

Storytelling is one of critical aspects development of coherent speech of preschool children. Coherent speech is understood as a detailed presentation of a certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figuratively. Connected speech reflects the logic of the speaker's thinking, his attitude to what is being told. As shown modern research, insufficiency in the development of coherent speech is an integral component in the structure of such a defect as general underdevelopment of speech, and is not independently overcome with increasing age of children. Moreover, in the absence of timely corrective work, the underdevelopment of coherent speech of children prevents the full development of all speech communication in general and, in the future, may have a negative impact on the quality of school education. (,2005)

One of the methods for the formation of coherent speech of children with general underdevelopment of speech is storytelling through a series of plot pictures. Storytelling through a series of plot pictures forms in children the ability to develop a storyline, come up with a name for a story in accordance with the content, combine individual sentences and parts of a statement into a narrative text.

In the method of developing coherent speech, learning to compose a story
according to the picture (narration) is developed in a worthy degree in detail. Here, the methodology is based on the classical heritage of Western and Russian pedagogy, which was later used in relation to work with preschool children, and others. All of them emphasized great importance pictures for the general development of their speech. According to the researchers, the picture provides concrete-sensual material for speech, activates the cognitive activity of children, their feelings, enriches, deepens, consolidates the knowledge of children and helps to understand not only outer sides plot, but also the internal connections between the characters, expressed in movement, posture, facial expression, etc.

Pictures expand the field of direct observation, contribute to the development of children's thinking, their speech, stimulate children's verbal creativity, remind of what they have seen, experienced, excite the work of imagination and memory. (, 2008),

In order to study the ability to compose a story based on pictures, we conducted a study at the Central Regional Development Center of the Moscow Children's Educational Institution No. 16 "Zolotinka" in Yakutsk. We recruited 2 groups of children and carried out correctional work with the children of the experimental group. We offered pictures that expand the field of observation, contribute to the development of children's thinking, their speech, stimulate children's verbal creativity, remind them of what they have introduced, experienced, excite the work of the imagination and memory.

To form the skills to describe pictures and compose stories - narratives, we used a series of plot pictures. The examination of paintings is usually preceded by a brief introductory conversation that establishes the connection of this lesson with previous observations, games, and work activities. After the introductory conversation, the pictures are hung out in such a way that they are clearly visible to all children. Some time is given so that preschoolers can consider them and express their impressions and feelings. The teacher supports the children's conversations and gradually begins a conversation on the content of the pictures. In the older groups, the work was carried out in two stages. At the first lesson, a conversation on the content, and a few days later, at the second lesson, the story of children. (, 2004.)

When organizing the speech practice of preschoolers in the classroom with a series of plot pictures, special techniques were used:

1. Speech therapist questions, the purpose of which is to help the child understand the general meaning of the pictures, to contribute to a purposeful description of objects (phenomena), to direct children's attention to the relationship between objects.

2. Children's questions. When children ask questions themselves, their cognitive activity is more productive. With the help of questions asked by the preschoolers themselves, the motivational mechanism is activated, interest, needs, desires, etc. are activated.

3. A sample story that helps children comprehend the content of the pictures, understand the relationships of the characters. Preschoolers see in practice how to convey the content of the pictures, learn to correlate the story with it. The sample story should be meaningful, interesting, concise, complete, set out clearly, vividly, emotionally, expressively.

4. Collective stories that form the skills of joint learning activities.

Speaking with children about pictures, one should use the figurative means of language available to preschoolers more widely and more diversely. Then the conversation will increase interest in the picture, contribute to the emotional rapprochement of the children with the depicted characters, enrich children's speech, and cultivate love for their native word.

Pictures help the teacher to reveal to the children the meaning and emotional expressiveness of comparisons, metaphors, figurative descriptions, epithets. The speech with which the teacher refers to preschoolers when looking at pictures, his question, explanation, story must be both accurate and emotionally expressive.

An analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage of the study showed that older preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech have difficulties in planning detailed statements and their language design. Their statements are characterized by: a violation of the coherence and sequence of presentation, semantic omissions, lexical difficulties, low level phrase speech, big number errors in the construction of sentences, etc. The above must be taken into account in the process in the process of organizing and conducting remedial classes to teach children storytelling.

At the formative stage, work was carried out to teach how to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures for children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech. The work was built in two stages. At the first (preparatory stage), work was carried out on plot pictures, in which at first the main actor is a person, then pictures were presented, where actions are performed by animals. For the next complication, pictures with inanimate objects were selected. The actions in the pictures are mainly related to the everyday situation, therefore, in most cases, within 4-5 lessons, the children began to cope with the proposed task: to accurately name the action depicted in the picture. And we moved on to learning how to make sentences based on pictures, where two or more actions are shown. Here, children were taught how to start and end a story, sometimes given options for beginning and ending. The preparatory work done made it possible to move on to the next type of lesson, namely: compiling stories based on a series of plot pictures.

Much attention was paid to the children's mastering the skills of planning coherent detailed statements. Training on the basis of each text or picture material was carried out in at least two training sessions.

An analysis of the results of experimental work showed a positive trend in the development of storytelling skills based on a series of plot pictures of older preschool children with general speech underdevelopment in the experimental group. The results for the same parameters of children in the control group did not change significantly.

Summing up the results of the study, it can be noted that the ability to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures contributes to the development of coherent speech in children of older preschool age as a whole.

General underdevelopment of speech is a collective term for a consolidated group of children who have in common violation of the formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side (sound pronunciation, dictionary, grammatical structure, coherent speech) with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence.

Speech underdevelopment in preschool children can be of varying degrees: the complete absence of commonly used speech (1 level of OHP, according to R.E. Levina); its partial formation - an insignificant vocabulary, an agrammatic phrase (2 level OHP); extended speech with elements of underdevelopment, which are revealed in the entire speech (language) system - vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech and sound pronunciation (OHP level 3). With mildly pronounced underdevelopment, lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic unformedness of speech is noted.

Groups of children with OHP are completed taking into account the age and degree of speech underdevelopment. Children with OHP level 1 are enrolled in a special preschool institution from the age of 3 for 3-4 years of study. Children with level 2 OHP - from 4 years old to 3 years old

cheniya. Children with level 3 speech underdevelopment (with mild speech disorders) are enrolled from 4-5 years old for 2 years remedial education. At present, the main contingent of special groups are children mainly with the 3rd level of general underdevelopment of speech.

Characteristic for such children is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds, the replacement of sounds with simpler ones in articulation. The instability of substitutions is noted (in different words the sound is pronounced differently), a combination of disturbed and correct pronunciation. The structure of polysyllabic words is often simplified, abbreviated, there are omissions of syllables. Against the background of relatively expanded speech, inaccuracy in the use of words and phrases in meaning, violation of lexical consistency, difficulties in word formation and inflection are revealed.

The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. Children have difficulty using abstract and generalizing vocabulary, understanding and using words with a figurative meaning, do not use synonyms, antonyms in speech.

Children with OHP cannot spontaneously enter the ontogenetic path of speech development that is characteristic of normally developing children. The development of speech in OHP in some cases occurs against the background of a violation of the activity of the central nervous system. Correction of their speech is a long process aimed at the formation of speech means sufficient for the independent development of speech in the process of communication and learning.

For a correct understanding of the existing violation and effective corrective action, for the choice of rational methods and methods of influence, it is necessary to clearly determine the nature of the child's speech underdevelopment, its depth and degree, to be able to correctly analyze which components of speech and to what extent are impaired or not formed.

In the consolidated group of children with general underdevelopment of speech, the vast majority are children with motor and sensory alalia, but there may also be children with rhinolalia and dysarthria if, in addition to impaired pronunciation, they also have lexical and grammatical inferiority. Thus, rhinolalia and dysarthria can manifest themselves in two ways: in the form of phonetic-phonemic inferiority and in the form of a general underdevelopment of speech.

Effective speech therapy assistance to children with ONR can only be carried out under the condition of a comprehensive medical

psychological and pedagogical influence, in revealing the structure of speech insufficiency and in a differentiated approach to overcoming it.

3. Groups for stuttering children

Children with severe speech disorders enter groups for stutterers, in which there are disorders of rhythm, tempo and fluency, involuntary stops or repetitions of individual sounds or syllables at the time of pronunciation.

Stuttering is defined as convulsive disturbance of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech of an organic (neurosis-like stuttering) or functional nature (neurotic stuttering, logoneurosis). With any form of stuttering, the central nervous system. Like other speech defects, stuttering predominates in boys, with an average ratio of approximately 4:1.

Complex impact for stuttering, it is carried out in the following areas: therapeutic strengthening of the central nervous system (medication, physiotherapy, exercise therapy); speech therapy classes to develop independent, stutter-free speech (usually work in special groups is carried out for 10 months a year), the work of an educator is closely related to the work of a speech therapist, work with parents; speech therapy rhythm.

In the process of education and upbringing, much attention is paid to the development of mental processes and functions of the child: attention, perception, memory, thinking and inner speech, which are involved in the development of the intellect and personality of the child as a whole. The work is aimed at the development of all types of child activities, including speech as one of the activities. The impact contributes to the normalization of the relationship of the child with others. As with other disorders, predominant game form work.

In some cases Special attention turns to family therapy, which means the normalization of family relationships, the development of the correct parental approach to a child with stuttering, the definition of agreed requirements for the speech and behavior of the child.

The system of work with stutterers is now carried out according to the program proposed by S.A. Mironova. This program is based on the simultaneous work on speech and visual activity of children. Normalization of activity and its speech accompaniment (speech accompanying the action completes

schaya, planning) contribute to overcoming stuttering. The work is carried out in accordance with the annual program for fine arts, which in turn is focused on quarterly planning.

The mode of operation of a preschool special institution, including educational and speech therapy classes, music and physical education, is subordinated to one goal - to overcome hesitation, normalize the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech.

As a rule, stutterers are enrolled in specialized groups of a preschool institution from the age of two, the period of stay in kindergarten- one year, and the program compiled by S.A. Mironova focuses on this. Older children who stutter (5 years and older) are enrolled in a special group with a 2-year training period.

Speech therapy impact, aimed at overcoming stuttering and related personal and behavioral characteristics of children, helps them to socially adapt in an environment of correctly speaking peers.

Depending on the type of mental and speech disorder and the age characteristics of children, the form and organization of training and education are determined. Methods of work and didactic material are selected depending on the main tasks, the nature of each specific lesson. Corrective tasks are subject to the general educational program, harmoniously combined with it.

As they learn and educate, children acquire sensory and speech experience, which is reinforced by both the educator, the speech therapist, the preschool defectologist, and the psychologist (if there is such a specialist in the institution).

The program of a special kindergarten provides for the acquaintance of children with the outside world, the development of speech, familiarization with fiction, development of elementary mathematical representations and other sections. Classes are held on visual activity and design, physical education and music classes, which also provide great opportunities for correcting existing disorders in children.

The visual perception of children develops with the help of actions aimed at examining the object, familiarizing with its structure and functions, with its qualitative characteristics. From visual perception they move on to analytic-synthetic work: highlighting the elements that make up the subject, comparing them, establishing similarities and differences, etc.

Auditory attention and phonemic perception are developed by the system special exercises with their gradual complication: children's attention is drawn to non-speech, and then speech sounds, children are taught to differentiate sounds, first distant, and then close in sound (at first, coarser differentiations are formed, and then more and more subtle, in relation to all types of analyzer activity: auditory, visual, tactile sensations).

Particular attention is paid to the formation of activity in the child. An indicative basis of activity is being developed, on which they rely in further work, orientation in the task, the ability to plan and control the operations performed are developed.

A socially significant task in the work of preschool institutions is to prepare children for successful learning At school. In specialized preschool institutions that make up groups of children with OHP, it is especially important to use the potential opportunities of children in this category in a timely manner, correct shortcomings in their development as much as possible, and overcome possible difficulties in further schooling.

Children with OHP, with primary intact intelligence, cannot independently master learning skills. Moreover, the process of teaching children with general underdevelopment of speech has a number of features, depending on many factors, in particular, on the severity and structure of the speech defect, on individual typological features.

In addition to the underdevelopment of all components of oral speech - phonetic-phonemic processes, lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech, children with OHP are characterized by underdevelopment of processes closely related to speech activity: impaired attention and memory, articulatory and finger motor skills, insufficient formation of verbal and logical thinking.

Correctional and educational activities in groups with OHP are conducted by a speech therapist teacher and two educators. The most experienced teachers are involved. The characteristic features of children with OHP are manifested in the classroom, in play and everyday activities. Educators of groups for children with OHP are faced with the need to constantly look for an approach to difficult and non-contact children, to teach them the norms and requirements of communication in a team, without which socialization and full-fledged education are not possible.

Key positions in the organization of correctional and educational impact in the conditions of preschool educational institutions of a compensating type for children with OHP belong to speech therapists, whose activities are characterized by fairly broad and diverse functions:

  • diagnostic,
  • preventive,
  • correctional and pedagogical,
  • organizational and methodological,
  • advisory,
  • coordinating
  • control and evaluation.

Ignoring at least one of them inevitably leads to a deficiency in others and a decrease in the quality of corrective work with children in general. However, one should not forget the rather strong potential of other participants in the correctional and educational process: the teaching staff, parents, the child himself, which can most significantly affect the timing and effectiveness of speech therapy work.

The educator helps the speech therapist in overcoming the OHP and the processes closely related to it, carries out a number of educational tasks provided for by the general educational program for the upbringing and education of preschoolers.

However, it must be remembered that the most significant and leading is the correctional and educational direction.

Children entering the groups of the specified profile at the age of five, in terms of their stock of knowledge, in their speech and mental development, and behavioral skills, are one or two years behind their peers with normal development. Their training has to start according to the program middle group mass kindergarten. First of all, this concerns classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations and visual activity. Children with OHP are weak, disinhibited, and get tired quickly. An increase in the age-admissible study load is contraindicated for them. Therefore, the number of classes in several disciplines should be significantly less than in mass groups.

Corrective work in the group is carried out under the guidance and control of a speech therapist. educator in speech therapy group is an assistant to a speech therapist in the correction of speech and related disorders.

IN speech groups The educator performs corrective tasks:

  1. reinforces speech skills on the instructions of a speech therapist;
  2. maximally replenishes, clarifies and activates the vocabulary of children in the process of regime moments;
  3. exercises systematic control over the delivered sounds and the grammatical correctness of the speech of children in the classroom and in free activities;
  4. in his classes includes tasks for the development of attention and memory, stimulation of the verbal and logical thinking of children;
  5. develop arbitrary finger motor skills of children.

The educator conducts individual classes on the instructions of a speech therapist teacher in the afternoon. The teacher deals with those children (2-3 children) whom the speech therapist indicates daily in a special notebook on the relationship at work. It is important that at this time all the other guys are busy with quiet games, do not distract the children involved. For this purpose, board games are suitable, taking into account the characteristics of children, contributing to their development and learning.

For the development of fine, voluntary motor skills of the fingers, children are offered various lacing, mosaic, stringing beads, stencil drawing. In case of difficulties with constructive activities, children can be offered split pictures, games - puzzles, special cubes.

It is advisable to conduct classes with children in a specially equipped speech corner, which should be in every speech therapy group. Speech corner contains material for fixing all components of oral speech, which is constantly updated and updated. The child and the teacher are engaged in front of a large mirror, at the table. The educator, repeating and reinforcing individual tasks with the child, helps to eliminate grammatical and phonetic errors made by speech pathologist children.

How to start planning educational work in groups for children with ONR?

First of all, it is necessary to adapt a child with speech pathology to new, unusual conditions for him to stay, to new premises. group rooms, bedrooms and so on. It is necessary to allocate time, perhaps to conduct special classes to introduce children to classrooms, groups, music, sports halls and other premises of the kindergarten. Initially, when children's speech is slurred, unintelligible, distorted, it is not recommended to demand detailed statements from children. At this stage, it is advisable to apply the following forms of work:

  • reading fiction;
  • learning poems;
  • viewing filmstrips, video films, using computer technologies if possible;
  • excursions;
  • conducting conversations on the picture.

As speech defects are corrected, it becomes possible to demand more complete answers and stories from children. When many children begin to master the skills of correct sound pronunciation, then it is possible to complicate the requirements, expand work on the development of speech: develop dialogic speech skills, work on developing the structure of a phrase, form and activate coherent speech skills. A speech therapist and educators teach children to tell a series of plot pictures, according to plot picture, from memory, are taught to compose descriptive, comparative stories.

In accordance with the work plan of the speech therapy group, all, without exception, classes contain and implement the main correctional tasks, all types of children's activities are named. The so-called "speech mode" is actively used.

For example, morning exercises. When performing some exercises, children clearly pronounce the word: “Wow!”, “Clap!”, “Top!”, When squatting: “Knock-knock-knock!”, Or: “Drip, drip, drip!” Children should speak words on the exhale. At the beginning of the year, 1-2 words are given, then, according to the methodology of the kindergarten, taking into account the speech capabilities of children.

Before morning exercises, as well as before each lesson, articulation exercises should be performed daily from 2-3 exercises that are well learned by children and do not require special visual control. For example, such general articulation exercises as "Watch", "Swing", "Drummer".

Classes are the main activity in the education and development of the child. Educators plan classes taking into account all the tasks set, together with a speech therapist they discuss the planning of classes, objectively assessing the results achieved, and plan further work with children.

The word associated with a visual representation must be perceived by the child's hearing, pronounced and stored in his memory. To do this, the child must perceive it with hearing and consciousness many times, and in order to master the correct pronunciation of the word, he must often repeat it, reinforce it not only automatically, but while mastering the skills of self-control.

Consolidating the knowledge of children about autumn, the teacher clarifies their ideas about autumn phenomena with questions that encourage them to think and repeat to themselves:

How do we know it's autumn?

Children are faced with the need to analyze, highlight individual signs of autumn: it has become colder; leaves turn yellow, fall off; birds fly south, etc. IN different games in children, concepts about birds, vegetables, fruits, and so on are formed and consolidated according to the content of the calendar-thematic planning of work in a group. The teacher invites the children to name vegetables with the sound "C" (beets, radishes, cabbage), birds with the sound "P" (rook, crow, magpie).

In drawing, modeling, appliqué, and design classes, the teacher teaches children not only technical skills: to use a brush, pencil, be able to paint evenly, sculpt from one piece, but also solve general educational problems, expand and enrich vocabulary, work on grammatically correct speech.

For example, children sculpt a cucumber and a tomato, compare them in shape, color, and make riddles. When explaining, the teacher accurately uses the right words, clearly pronounces them, asks specific questions. As a result of the lesson, when analyzing the work, attention is drawn to the independent answers of the children, how they are guided by the teacher's speech patterns, how they grammatically formulate their statements.

When planning classes in mathematics at the beginning of the school year, the teacher can use the educational material of the previous group, carrying out an approach to children who experience difficulties.

The teacher should try to use various analyzers, developing visual, auditory perception, tactile sensations of children, alternate between different activities, observing the "protective mode" in the classroom.

Musical lessons, singing develop breathing, improve articulation, mobility of speech organs, fix the set sounds. Singing contributes to the development of expressiveness of speech, modal coloring helps to correctly intonate. Music affects the psyche and emotions of the child, eliminates constraint and stiffness.

The development of speech should be considered in continuous connection with the activities of children. The word must reinforce every effective habit learned by the child. The manifestation of speech appears most clearly in the game and through the game. Very often, as already mentioned, children with speech pathology do not know how to play. The games of children 5-6 years old are primitive, they correspond to the age of a 3-4-year-old child. Not knowing how to create a plot, children do not enter into verbal communication.

The teacher teaches children to play independently, to plan and conduct story-speech games correctly. Various methods of game management are widely described in the literature. But the text of outdoor games is better to learn at a physical education lesson, in the morning or in the evening. A large place should be given to round dance games.

When planning walks, the teacher writes specific observations, thinks through questions that make the child think, uses an artistic word. Then this material is repeated in the classroom to consolidate the correct sound pronunciation.

Children show great interest in the "Corner of Nature". There is a wide field of activity for the development of speech, the activation of the dictionary, the correct pronunciation of complex words and the development of phonemic hearing. (Determine the position of a particular sound in the composition of the word). Working with children in a corner of nature develops the mental abilities of the child. Why did the flower fade, its leaves wilted? - Poorly watered. Proper maintenance of the calendar of nature develops and enriches the child's speech, gives a variety of speech material: the weather is rainy, the sky is cloudy, gray; the day is sunny, clear, etc.

In the practice of the speech therapy group, routine moments are poorly used: washing, breakfast, dressing for a walk, getting ready for bed. It happens that educators give children monotonous standard instructions: “Wash your hands!”, “Sit down!”, “Stand up!”, “Quiet!”. Such fragmentary monosyllabic phrases do not contribute to the development of children's speech. An experienced teacher tries, when talking with children, to activate their speech: “What a beautiful dress you have. Who bought it for you?"

During meals, the teacher tells the children what is for breakfast and lunch today. Children learn the names of dishes and learn to use polite words.

Before class, the attendants report the day, month, date. With separate, especially difficult children in verbal communication, while preparing for bed, consolidate the generalizing concepts of “clothes”, “bed”, make a riddle, for example, about a pillow, clarify the names of items of his personal clothing.

Individual and subgroup work with children to consolidate speech tasks can also be carried out using the morning time, when there are still few children.

Thus, only A complex approach in overcoming OHP in children, with the active involvement of all teachers and employees of the preschool educational institution, is the most effective, contributes to optimal speech correction, increasing the level of speech development, the formation of general mental skills. Children can, as a result, follow the instructions and instructions of a speech therapist teacher, educator, control themselves and their comrades, their general cultural level increases, and a readiness for social interaction is formed.

Work experience of the music director of the highest qualification category MKDOU Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 10, Rossosh, Rossoshansky Municipal District, Voronezh Region, Ivashchenko Elena Nikolaevna

... it is difficult to imagine a better method of education than the one
which is discovered and tested by the experience of centuries; it can be expressed
in two positions - gymnastics for the body and music for the soul.
In view of this, education in music should be considered the most important:
thanks to him, RHYTHM and HARMONY are deeply embedded in our soul,
take possession of it, fill it with beauty
and make a person think well...
Plato, ancient Greek philosopher.

1. Relevance of the work

One of the most worrying trends of today is the increase in the number of children with developmental problems. In this regard, the work to preserve, strengthen and restore the health of children in preschool conditions should occupy an exceptional position.

There are many such children among those with whom we work in kindergarten. As a result of diagnosing and psychological and pedagogical examination of children, the specialists of our kindergarten identified children with various disorders in psychomotor (14%) and speech development (25%) .

2. Perspective and scientific and methodological substantiation

But the question arises: how to realize two main goals at the same time - to preserve the health of the child and solve correctional and developmental tasks?

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation» defines the creation of special conditions for persons with HHV, which include the use of special educational programs, manuals and didactic materials (Section 3, Article 79). It also introduces the concept "adapted educational program" “for training people with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psycho physical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, ensuring the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these individuals " (Section 28, Article 2).

IN modern conditions DO teachers play an important role in the correction and development of preschool children. A necessary condition for the implementation of GEF DO is the psychological support of the educational process, in which the formation of close cooperation between all its participants plays an important role.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, educational areas are complementary, so the participation of a music director is provided to one degree or another in the implementation of each of them.

3. Practical significance

Goals and objectives of musical and correctional activities in preschool educational institutions:

  • development of memory, thinking, imagination, hearing, sense of rhythm;
  • development and accumulation of elementary and motor skills;
  • formation of correct posture;
  • increase in working capacity and physical activity;
  • development of ideas about space and the ability to navigate in it;
  • development of creative abilities.

Types of musical correctional work:

  • Classes in logorhythmics for children with speech disorders, coordination of movements.
  • Finger gymnastics for fine motor skills hands
  • Exercises to normalize muscle tone - strength and accuracy of movements.
  • Singing exercises for the development of strength, height, timbre of the voice.
  • Exercises for the development of speech, singing breathing.
  • Theatrical games, exercises, dramatization games for the perception of images and their expression through facial expressions, gestures, plasticity, speech, intonation.
  • Exercises, dances, games, round dances for the development of a sense of tempo and rhythm in music, movements, speech, in playing the DMI.
  • Games, round dances, dance compositions aimed at education personal qualities, collectivism, mutual support.

An integrated and systematic approach to solving problems associated with speech and cognitive disorders in children is the basis for the interaction of specialists and educators. Modern trends in the modernization of education dictate the need for a comprehensive and thorough study of the organizational and substantive aspects of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children.

In our preschool institution, two correctional groups for children with ORN are constantly working. The teachers of our kindergarten found optimal solution in working with such children - conducting integrated classes, because the integration of all educational areas and, consequently, the activities of the entire kindergarten team is another requirement outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard.

Such classes solve many problems of the development of children, are based on different types of activities and allow not to exceed the allowable amount of teaching load.

Integrated classes are aimed at:

  • for the maximum comprehensive development of the child in accordance with its capabilities;
  • correction of his psychophysical features;
  • actual inclusion in the surrounding social environment;
  • preparation for schooling.

In organizing and conducting integrated classes, the music director participates together with speech therapists, educators, a psychologist, a physical education teacher. The topic of the lesson is determined based on the topics that are highlighted in the educational program.

The implementation of correctional and developmental tasks in integrated classes is relevant for us. This is due to the fact that we can simultaneously implement the following tasks:

  • development and correction of the cognitive sphere and activity;
  • speech development;
  • formation of communication skills;
  • realization of creative abilities;
  • reduction of anxiety and aggressiveness;
  • creating an emotional well-being;
  • the formation of adequate self-esteem and self-confidence, etc.

It is important to note that any educational activity is built taking into account the age characteristics of children. In this regard, the time frame varies from 20 minutes to 40 minutes. The interaction of the music director and participants in the educational process is carried out according to the developed model, which allows you to coordinate the activities of adults in relation to children and predict the positive results of the implementation of the preschool basic general education program. It is important to note that during the integration of teachers, all correctional and developmental work is built according to a certain scheme:

  1. Greetings (a kind of ritual that allows you to tune in to joint activities).
  2. Introduction to the topic ("fairy" moment).
  3. GCD games and exercises (perform the entire semantic load, allow you to concentrate on the main thing and reveal the inner potential of each child).
  4. Physical education minute (selected on the topic of GCD, can be carried out between games and exercises).
  5. Creative task (allows each child to reveal their creative abilities, imagination).
  6. Leaving the topic, goodbye (the ritual of the end of GCD, the main goal is to create in each child a sense of belonging to a group and to consolidate positive emotions from activities in the classroom).

It is important to note that a comprehensive and systematic approach to solving problems associated with speech disorders in children is needed, which is the basis for the interaction of all specialists.

At preschool age, the main activity is play activity. Hence the choice of the method - a game that includes elements of fairy tale therapy, art therapy, music therapy. In a playful way, the child gets to know the world around him, enriches his vocabulary, develops mental operations and speech, learns to communicate with peers and adults, increases self-confidence, maintains his emotional well-being, develops empathic perception and creative abilities. Most children with speech disorders have pronounced problems in the development of phonemic hearing and perception, and exercises in GCD are aimed at eliminating them.

Exercises and games of this complex directly organized activities selected according to the age of the children. However, depending on their individual characteristics, preparedness, these games and exercises can be modified.

In my work with preschoolers, I pay special attention to the musical game.

It is very important that the children play with pleasure and desire. According to O.S. Gazman “... the game is a delicacy that allows you to comprehensively develop, educate and educate children at any age. In the game, children have three goals. The first goal is the pleasure of the game “I WANT”. The second goal is to follow the rules of the game “SHOULD”. The third goal is the creative fulfillment of the game task “I CAN” .

The musical game brings up will, concentration, sensuality in children; develops attention, hearing, fantasy, imagination, memory, thinking; teaches understanding of actions, speed of reaction, musical and motor knowledge, skills and abilities.

In a musical game, the child performs various tasks: all his movements and actions are associated with the nature of the music. Music teaches not only to listen, but also to hear, not only to look, but also to see, and therefore, to feel. It brings up thoughts and feelings, horizons and emotions, purposefulness and sociability.

We constantly use the harmonizing effect of music on mental processes in our work with children.

Slow children need music of a moving, fast nature. Disinhibited (hyperactive) children are soothed by moderate tempo music. Dystonic children who have a sharp change in emotional state during the day (from aggression to apathy), requires music of a calm nature with accents repeated at regular intervals, and with the same level of sound volume.

Consequently, music develops all types of perception: visual, auditory, sensual - and all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor, figurative, associative.

But most importantly, music is a source of children's joy. IN early age the child, naturally, discovers the beauty of music, its magical power, and later reveals himself and his creative potential.

It is also important to note that a selection of special materials and equipment is necessary for conducting musical and correctional classes. In any group of our kindergarten there are the necessary subjects, pictures are selected by topic, musical excerpts are recorded, presentations are prepared to include children in educational activities. And it is necessary to emphasize that all classes are planned, systematic and consistent, which involves the work of specialists with each child.

It would be great if parents would be involved in this work. To activate them in the correctional and developmental process, we conduct parent-child classes, where moms and dads, grandparents become full participants in educational activities. This allows us to solve another important task: optimization of constructive interaction of all members of the child's family.

4. The end result of pedagogical activity.

A card file of finger games, psycho-gymnastic exercises, logo-rhythmic exercises, breathing and articulation gymnastics, valeological songs - chants, self-massage has been made, a rich music and video library has been collected. The work on the application of musical and correctional activities has been systematized. Twice a year, a survey of the musical development of children is carried out.

There is a positive trend:

  1. Increasing the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children.
  2. Stability emotional well-being every child.
  3. Increasing the level of speech development.
  4. Reducing the incidence rate (mostly colds).
  5. The stability of physical and mental performance in all seasons of the year, regardless of the weather.

Conclusion. The effectiveness of musical correctional and integrated classes is clearly seen in the dynamics of the mental and speech development of pupils: in the formation of a sense of self-confidence in them, the harmonization of the emotional and personal sphere through communication with music. Here the principle works in full: music pleases, music heals, music educates.


  1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On the approval of the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education" .
  2. Postoeva L.D., Lukina G.A. Integrated developmental activities for preschoolers. - M .: National Book Center, 2011
  3. Smirnova E.O. Game in modern preschool education. psychological science and education. – №3 2013
  4. Mirontseva S.M. Interaction of participants in the process of correctional speech development of preschool children. - St. Petersburg: OOO "Childhood Press" , 2012
  5. Arsenevskaya O.N. The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten: classes, games, exercises. "Teacher" , 2013

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Organization of correctional work with children with OHP level 3 in a special institution and in a preschool educational institution


speech therapy preschooler speech disorder

Currently, there is a steady trend towards an increase in the number of children with complex speech development disorders. Children with speech disorders need a comprehensive corrective action to be started as early as possible. Preschool age is the most favorable for the development and formation of speech in children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP).

A preschool educational institution and specialized groups for children with speech disorders are the first stage of continuous education and are included in the system of public preschool education. Special kindergartens and correctional groups of kindergartens of a general developmental type play a leading role in the upbringing and development of preschool children in the presence of speech underdevelopment and secondary psychological deviations in their overcoming and compensation. These disorders can lead to irreversible changes in the child's psyche, so one of the most important practical tasks is to provide children with speech disorders with timely corrective speech therapy assistance. Science is called upon to develop tools for providing such assistance. This is what determines relevance selected direction.

A huge contribution to the development of the organization of speech therapy in our country was made by outstanding scientists: D. V. Feldberg, S. M. Dobrogaev, M. E. Khvattsev, V. K. Orfinskaya, M. L. Shklovsky, N. N. Traugott, V. V. Oppel, M. F. Bruns and others.

Since the success of early correction of speech disorders in preschool children depends largely on the level of organization of speech therapy assistance in kindergarten (specialized group), therefore problem organization of an effective correctional and educational process in the speech therapy group of the kindergarten.

That's why subject of our research: "Organization of correctional work with children with OHP level 3 in a special institution and in a preschool educational institution"

An object research: the process of organizing correctional work with children with OHP.

Item research: the specifics of correctional work with children with OHP level 3 in a special institution and in a general education preschool institution.

Target research: to study the system of correctional work with children of the OHP level 3 in a special institution and in a general educational preschool institution and to identify the features of correctional work with general speech underdevelopment of the 3rd level with preschoolers.


1. To study the historical aspect of the problem of organizing speech therapy work with preschool children in special institutions.

2. To identify the features of speech development in children with ONR.

3. Determine the specifics of the activity various types institutions to provide remedial assistance.

4. Conduct research on the development of speech in preschool children.

Chapter 1.Organization of assistance to preschool children with speech disorders

1.1 The historical aspect of the problem of organizing speech therapy work with preschool children in special institutions

At all stages of its development, human society could not be indifferent to those who had certain disorders of physical or mental qualities. These individuals became a heavy burden on society and a source of social evils.

in Russia since the end of the 19th century. there is a growing movement to protect anomalous children. Such pioneers of Russian defectology as E.K. Gracheva, V.P. Kashchenko, M.P. Lebedeva, I.V. Malyarevsky, M.P. Postovskaya, S.Ya. Rabinovich, G.I. Rossolimo advocate for overcoming the inertia of the tsarist government in relation to the organization of public assistance to abnormal children, they demand a reform in the field of education and health care.

However, at the II Congress of Russian leaders on technical and vocational education, held in St. Petersburg in 1895-96. disappointing conclusions were drawn: practically nothing was done in Russia to alleviate the situation anomalous persons. The whole initiative for charity, education and upbringing came from private individuals, and not from the state.

A new attitude towards children with developmental disabilities and the disabled is formed in our country only after 1917. The care of children becomes the responsibility of the state.

The principles of training and education of abnormal children were formulated by the leading teachers, psychologists and doctors of this period. Among them were D.I. Azbukin, V.M. Bekhterev, P.P. Blonsky, A.N. Grabov, A.S. Griboyedov, L.G. Orshansky, F.A. Rau, M.E. Khvattsev and others.

At the same time, it should be noted that if the problem of providing assistance and studying people with severe mental or physical disabilities attracted the attention of society in different countries at all stages of its development, then the doctrine of speech diseases remained largely neglected until the beginning of the 19th century. Only from the first quarter of the 19th century did independent studies on the pathology of speech begin to appear (Itard, I. Frank, R. Schultess).

Based on the work of A.V. Bezlyudova, Yu.G. Gaubih, V.I. Seliverstov and other authors, we can judge that thanks to the outstanding educators and humanist educators of Western Europe (T. More, Y.A. Comenius, D. Locke, J.J. Rousseau, D. Diderot, I.G. Pestalozzi) and Russia (M.V. Lomonosov, I.I. Betskoy, N.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev, V.G. Belinsky, K.D. Shinsky and others) in the XVII-XIX centuries. a fairly holistic and scientifically based system of knowledge about the formation of correct speech, its role in the education of a harmoniously developed personality of the child was prepared and created.

The science of speech pathology began to take shape as a theory since 1860. The main directions in the study, prevention and overcoming of pathology began to be studied speech activity. The doctrine of speech and voice disorders has not yet been singled out as an independent field of knowledge and continues to exist mainly in the bowels of the medical sciences. However, the pathology of speech and voice begins to be studied specifically, as evidenced by individual monographs and numerous articles devoted to this pathology: R. Ken (1878), G. Klenke (1879), A. Kozhevnikov, A. Kussmaul, E. Legouve, I.P. Merzheevsky, V.M. Tarnovsky and others.

Thus, this historical period precedes the formation and development of an independent field of knowledge about the pathology of speech activity and in it a private section - speech therapy.

It should be noted that there have been no studies by domestic scientists on many forms of pathologies yet. Therefore, the number of translations of foreign works at this stage far exceeds the number of domestic works. The works of many foreign authors formed the basis for further research by domestic scientists and were continued in the works of V.F. Oltushevsky, I.A. Sikorsky, V.F. Khmelevsky, and others.

The system of correctional assistance to children with developmental disabilities was formed gradually. In the period before 1917, institutions for anomalous persons existed at the expense of private charitable funds, in which special education was based on the identification and differentiation of the most pronounced defects (deafness, blindness, mental retardation). There was no organized speech therapy assistance for people with speech defects.

Systematic multifaceted assistance to people with various types of speech pathology began to develop only in the 20s. Prominent figures of the pedagogical and medical community have repeatedly pointed out the negative impact of speech pathology on the formation of the psyche and personality as a whole.

In 1911, a congress of Moscow teachers was held, where for the first time the need for organizing special assistance for children suffering from speech disorders was emphasized. Such assistance was provided in two auxiliary schools under the direction of the deaf teacher F. A. Pay. And in 1915 speech therapy courses were created.

In 1918, on the initiative of V. Bonch-Bruevich, speech therapy courses were organized, mandatory for all educators and doctors of preschool institutions in Moscow. A year later, a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars was issued, which defined the functions of the people's commissariats of education and health in relation to the upbringing and health protection of abnormal children. The education of abnormal children was singled out as a national task.

In 1920, the 1st All-Russian Congress for Combating Childhood Defects determined the principles for building a system for educating and educating children with various types of abnormal development.

In 1922, at the All-Russian Congress of Gubono Heads, the importance of creating institutions for these categories of children was discussed.

In 1924, the II Congress on the Social and Legal Protection of Minors (SPON) was held. L. S. Vygotsky, speaking at the congress, proposed a new approach to the analysis of the structure of a defect, its correction and compensation, singled out the goals and objectives of special education, based on the principles of educating children that are common with the mass school.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the creation in 1929 of a scientific center for the development of defectology problems of the Experimental Defectological Institute (EDI), which contributed to a comprehensive study of abnormal children, the development of the scientific foundations for a differentiated network of special schools and a system for educating and teaching children in them. The Institute participated in the adoption of the law on compulsory general education of abnormal children.

In 1930 The first speech therapy group for stuttering preschool children was opened at the Solovyov neuropsychiatric clinic.

A scientific analysis of the development of the state system of special education in Russia was carried out by N. N. Malofeev. The stages of formation and functioning of various types of institutions, their gradual differentiation due to the change in the attitude of the state and society towards persons with special needs are highlighted.

A comprehensive study of children, based on the clinical and psychological diagnosis of various types of anomalies, made it possible to create a fundamental scientific basis for the development of an extensive network of special preschool and school institutions in the country.

A correct understanding of the complex structure of a speech defect made it possible not only to establish the correct diagnosis, determine the type of special institution and methods of correctional and educational work with the child, but also predict violations of the secondary order.

The educational and health authorities carried out organizational and methodological work aimed at identifying and recording children of toddler, preschool and school age who need special education and correction.

Thus, the close community of theory and practice made it possible to provide a scientific justification for the education and upbringing of children and adolescents with speech pathology, to establish the need for the development of a network of special institutions. Introduction to the nomenclature of this or that type of special institutions is preceded by a broad complex clinical, neurophysiological and psychological and pedagogical study of children, the organization of a system of experimental training.

1. 2 Modern system organization of speech therapy assistance to preschoolers

Health care. To organize speech therapy assistance to children suffering from speech disorders, speech therapy rooms are organized at the Republican Center for the Pathology of Hearing, Voice and Speech, regional, city, district clinics, neuropsychiatric dispensaries, regional deaf and speech therapy rooms, orphanages, neurological, neuropsychiatric, dental departments of multidisciplinary hospitals, diagnostic departments for children with borderline conditions, sanatoriums, rehabilitation centers for children with organic lesion of the central nervous system.

The speech therapy room serves children suffering from the following speech disorders: dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, stuttering, dysgraphia, dyslexia, delayed speech development, underdevelopment of speech of various origins (according to the international classification of diseases). A speech therapist conducts initial appointments, consultations and speech therapy classes.

Examination of a child with speech pathology should be comprehensive, with the participation of the necessary specialists: a neuropathologist, psychiatrist, audiologist, ophthalmologist, dentist, psychologist, etc. To clarify the diagnosis, the child consults at the regional deaf and speech therapy room or at the Republican Center for Hearing, Voice and Speech Pathology. Children who need placement in specialized institutions are sent to medical and pedagogical commissions.

A speech therapist conducts group and individual classes regularly - 1-2 times a week or consultatively - 1 time per month. Groups are completed according to the age and nature of the speech disorder.

All children of the "risk" group are examined by a speech therapist in the pre-speech period, those identified with a delay in the pre-speech period are covered by counseling sessions.

A speech therapist of an outpatient clinic participates in preventive examinations of children of three years old and those entering the first grade.

At neuropsychiatric, neurological, dental hospitals, semi-hospital centers, children's psychoneurological sanatoriums, the positions of speech therapists are established depending on the specifics of the institution, the need and amount of work.

A speech therapist serves patients who are being treated in a hospital or semi-hospital during the entire period of hospitalization. Working closely with doctors of various specialties, he examines all patients admitted to the department or selectively, depending on the specifics of this institution. Reveals speech pathology, as needed and in order to clarify the diagnosis, consults patients with narrow specialists, and then prescribes a course of speech therapy classes. The speech therapist of the psycho-neurological department for infants begins corrective work in the pre-speech period. The speech therapist conducts classes in groups and individually. Groups are completed taking into account age and defect.

Methods for correcting speech deficiencies used by speech therapists in hospitals are individualized in accordance with the characteristics of speech pathology and related behavioral characteristics, mental development, somatic and physical health. Educational material should correspond to the age, interests and speech abilities of patients;

Upon discharge from the hospital, the speech therapist gives full recommendations to parents, teaches available methods of corrective work, and, if necessary, directs patients to continue classes at the polyclinic at the place of residence;

It should be noted that the speech therapist of the hospital works in close connection and continuity with speech pathologists of the health care system.

Orphanages also have positions of speech therapists. A speech therapist at a general type children's home detects speech pathologies in children, and conducts prevention of speech disorders.

Children with delayed speech development of various origins are submitted to the medical and pedagogical commission, which completes groups of 8-10 children, taking into account age, starting from one year of age.

A speech therapist at the orphanage for children with organic CNS damage and mental disorders participates in a comprehensive examination of all newly admitted children in order to clarify the diagnosis and participate in directed rehabilitation measures. Corrective work with such children begins from the pre-speech period.

Thus, in the healthcare system of our country, a comprehensive and effective work has been organized to provide speech therapy assistance to children with speech disorders.

Special educational assistance. The first special preschool institutions in our country were nurseries for stuttering children, the work in which was carried out under the methodological guidance of E.F. Pay, and a speech therapy semi-hospital for stuttering preschoolers, organized on the initiative of the famous psychiatrist and public figure V.A. Gilyarovsky. It used developed by Professor N.A. Vlasov complex method of overcoming stuttering in children.

The network of preschool institutions for children with speech disorders began to develop in 1960. Initially, these were separate experimental groups organized at mass kindergartens, and then - separate kindergartens and nursery gardens for children with speech disorders. Initially, groups were opened in kindergartens for children with only mild speech disorders (underdevelopment of the phonetic side of speech). Then groups were organized for children with more complex disorders (stuttering children, for children with general underdevelopment of speech). On the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR dated November 21, 1972 No. 125, a nomenclature of special preschool institutions for abnormal children of the education system was approved.

In this regard, the authorities public education and health care, organizational and pedagogical work was widely deployed, aimed at identifying and recording children of toddler and preschool age in need of speech correction.

Kindergartens, nurseries for children with speech disorders and the corresponding preschool groups at kindergartens and nurseries of a general type are staffed directly by those departments of public education that are in charge of the indicated preschool institutions.

Since 1970, an intensive development of a specialized network of preschool institutions began in the system of the Ministry of Education. In 1975, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On measures to further improve education, employment and services for persons with mental and physical developmental disabilities” was issued, which legally ensured the opening of both speech therapy groups at general kindergartens and specialized kindergartens and nursery gardens.

The main tasks of speech therapy teaching children with various types of speech anomalies in the conditions of special preschool institutions include not only the correction of the leading defect, but also preparation for literacy. Children who have mastered normal speech, successfully completed their studies and have not reached the age of 7, are transferred to preschool institutions of a general type.

In preschool institutions for children with speech disorders, a clear organization of the entire correctional process is provided. It is provided by: timely examination of children; rational scheduling of classes; planning individual work with every child the presence of plans for frontal classes; equipping them with the necessary equipment and visual aids; joint work of a speech therapist with a group teacher and parents.

The possibilities of overcoming insufficiency in the speech, cognitive and emotional-volitional spheres in all age groups of persons with speech disorders depend on the timely and adequate application of a complex of medical, psychological and pedagogical influences.

Carrying out the whole complex of remedial education requires the combination of special classes to correct speech defects with the fulfillment of general program requirements. For preschool groups of children with speech disorders, a daily routine has been developed that differs from the usual one. It is planned to conduct frontal, subgroup and individual lessons. Along with this, special hours are allocated in the evening for the teacher to work with subgroups and individual children to correct speech on the instructions of a speech therapist. The teacher plans his work taking into account the program requirements and speech abilities of children. He is obliged to know individual deviations in the formation of the child's speech, to hear defects in the pronunciation and lexical and grammatical aspects of speech, in the process of educational and extracurricular activities, take into account the speech capabilities of each child. Together with a speech therapist (in the groups OHP, FFN), classes are planned for the development of speech, familiarization with others, preparation for writing, etc. .

In our country, more and more points of correctional and pedagogical assistance are being opened in general kindergartens. A speech therapist provides consultative and corrective assistance to children mainly with pronunciation disorders by the type of outpatient reception.

Speech therapy assistance in the conditions of special preschool institutions is provided to children with speech impairments in other nosological forms (oligophrenia, visual impairment, musculoskeletal system), as well as children with mental retardation.

In modern preschool institutions and groups of children with speech disorders, three profiles of special groups can be distinguished:

1) groups for children with phonemic-phonemic underdevelopment (FFN) - children have sound pronunciation disorders complicated by phonemic insufficiency;

2) groups for children with general speech underdevelopment (OHP) - the child has an unformed entire speech system, the dictionary, grammatical structure, coherent speech, sound pronunciation do not develop;

3) groups for children with stuttering.

Groups for children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment. Under the phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FFN) it is customary to understand the violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system mother tongue in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes.

Children with a violation of the pronunciation of individual or several sounds, sound combinations or whole groups of sounds are sent to the FFN groups, i.e. children with dyslalia (in cases where the defect is exhausted by a violation of sound pronunciation or is combined with rhinolalia). At the same time, not only impaired sound pronunciation is noted, but also a violation of speech breathing, voice, nasalization - nasal connotation (nasal). Children with dysarthria when pronunciation and prosodic defects are associated with impaired innervation articulation apparatus(paralysis and paresis of the organs of articulation), are also sent to the groups of this profile.

Children are enrolled in the FFN group for six months or a year. Overcoming phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment is achieved by targeted speech therapy work to correct sound pronunciation and develop phonemic perception. The system of education and upbringing of such children includes the correction of a speech defect and preparation for the full acquisition of literacy.

Early detection of children with impaired phonetic and phonemic perception and providing them with necessary assistance- the key to successful further mastery of reading and writing.

Correctional education provides for the development of a circle of knowledge and ideas about the environment, the development of a dictionary, sound analysis and synthesis, speech skills that must be mastered by children at this age stage.

By the time they enter school, children who have completed a special course of education and training in such a group are able to distinguish and differentiate by ear and in pronunciation all the phonemes of their native language, consciously control the sound of someone else's and their own speech, consistently isolate sounds from the composition of a word, independently determine its sound elements. Children learn to distribute attention between different sound stimuli, to keep in memory the order of sounds and their position in a word.

Groups for children with general underdevelopment of speech. General underdevelopment of speech is a collective term for a consolidated group of children who have in common a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system related to its sound and semantic side (sound pronunciation, dictionary, grammatical structure, coherent speech) with normal hearing and initially intact intelligence.

Speech underdevelopment in preschool children can be of varying degrees: the complete absence of commonly used speech (1 level of OHP, according to R.E. Levina); its partial formation - an insignificant vocabulary, an agrammatic phrase (2 level OHP); extended speech with elements of underdevelopment, which are revealed in the entire speech (language) system - vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech and sound pronunciation (OHP level 3). With mildly pronounced underdevelopment, lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic unformedness of speech is noted.

Groups of children with OHP are completed taking into account the age and degree of speech underdevelopment. Children with OHP level 1 are enrolled in a special preschool institution from the age of 3 for 3-4 years of study. Children with OHP level 2 - from 4 years to 3 years of study. Children with level 3 speech underdevelopment (with mild speech disorders) are enrolled from 4-5 years old for 2 years of remedial education. Currently, the main contingent of special groups are children mainly with the 3rd level of general underdevelopment of speech.

Characteristic for such children is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds, the replacement of sounds with simpler ones in articulation. The instability of substitutions is noted (in different words the sound is pronounced differently), a combination of disturbed and correct pronunciation. The structure of polysyllabic words is often simplified, abbreviated, there are omissions of syllables. Against the background of relatively expanded speech, inaccuracy in the use of words and phrases in meaning, violation of lexical consistency, difficulties in word formation and inflection are revealed.

The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs. Children have difficulty using abstract and generalizing vocabulary, understanding and using words with a figurative meaning, do not use synonyms, antonyms in speech.

Children with OHP cannot spontaneously enter the ontogenetic path of speech development that is characteristic of normally developing children. The development of speech in OHP in some cases occurs against the background of a violation of the activity of the central nervous system. Correction of their speech is a long process aimed at the formation of speech means sufficient for the independent development of speech in the process of communication and learning.

For a correct understanding of the existing violation and effective corrective action, for the choice of rational methods and methods of influence, it is necessary to clearly determine the nature of the child's speech underdevelopment, its depth and degree, to be able to correctly analyze which components of speech and to what extent are impaired or not formed.

In the consolidated group of children with general underdevelopment of speech, the vast majority are children with motor and sensory alalia, but there may also be children with rhinolalia and dysarthria if, in addition to a violation of the sound-producing side, they also have lexical and grammatical inferiority. Thus, rhinolalia and dysarthria can manifest themselves in two ways: in the form of phonetic-phonemic inferiority and in the form of general underdevelopment of speech.

Effective speech therapy assistance to children with OHP can only be carried out under the condition of a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical impact, with the disclosure of the structure of speech insufficiency and with a differentiated approach to overcoming it.

Groups for stuttering children. Children with a severe speech disorder enter groups for stutterers, in which there are disorders of rhythm, tempo and fluency, involuntary stops or repetitions of individual sounds or syllables at the time of pronunciation.

Stuttering is defined as a convulsive disturbance of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech of an organic (neurosis-like stuttering) or functional nature (neurotic stuttering, logoneurosis). With any form of stuttering, the central nervous system suffers. Like other speech defects, stuttering predominates in boys, with an average ratio of approximately 4:1.

In the process of education and upbringing, much attention is paid to the development of mental processes and functions of the child: attention, perception, memory, thinking and inner speech, which are involved in the development of the intellect and personality of the child as a whole. The work is aimed at the development of all types of child activities, including speech as one of the activities. The impact contributes to the normalization of the relationship of the child with others. As with other violations, the predominant game form of work prevails.

In some cases, special attention is paid to family therapy, which is understood as the normalization of family relationships, the development of the correct parental approach to a child with stuttering, the determination of agreed requirements for the speech and behavior of the child.

The system of work with stutterers is now carried out according to the program proposed by S. A. Mironova. This program is based on the simultaneous work on speech and visual activity of children. Normalization of activity and its speech accompaniment (speech accompanying the action, final, planning) contribute to overcoming stuttering. The work is carried out in accordance with the annual program for visual activities, which in turn is focused on quarterly planning.

The mode of operation of a preschool special institution, including educational and speech therapy classes, music and physical education, is subordinated to one goal - to overcome hesitation, normalize the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech.

As a rule, stutterers are enrolled in specialized groups of a preschool institution from the age of two, the period of stay in kindergarten is one year, and this is what the program compiled by S.A. Mironova. Older stuttering children (5 years and older) are enrolled in a special group with a 2-year training period.

Speech therapy impact, aimed at overcoming stuttering and related personal and behavioral characteristics of children, helps them to socially adapt in an environment of correctly speaking peers.

Depending on the type of mental and speech disorder and the age characteristics of children, the form and organization of training and education are determined. working methods and didactic material are selected depending on the main tasks, the nature of each specific occupation. Corrective tasks are subject to the general educational program, harmoniously combined with it.

As they learn and educate, children acquire sensory and speech experience, which is fixed by the educator, the speech therapist, the preschool defectologist, and the psychologist (if there is such a specialist in the institution).

The program of a special kindergarten provides for the acquaintance of children with the outside world, the development of speech, familiarization with fiction, the development of elementary mathematical concepts and other sections. Classes are held in fine arts and design, physical education and music classes, which also provide great opportunities for correcting children's disorders.

The visual perception of children develops with the help of actions aimed at examining the object, familiarizing with its structure and functions, with its qualitative characteristics. From visual perception, they move on to analytical and synthetic work: highlighting the elements that make up the subject, comparing them, establishing similarities and differences, etc.

Auditory attention and phonemic perception are developed by a system of special exercises with their gradual complication: children's attention is drawn to non-speech, and then speech sounds, children are taught to differentiate sounds, first distant, and then close in sound (at first, coarser differentiations are formed, and then more and more subtle, in relation to all types of analyzer activity: auditory, visual, tactile sensations).

Particular attention is paid to the formation of activity in the child. An indicative basis of activity is being developed, on which they rely in further work, orientation in the task, the ability to plan and control the operations performed are developed.

Thus, preschool institutions for children with speech disorders are a promising link in the general system of upbringing and education of abnormal children, which ensures the prevention of further development of the defect. The current system of pre-school education and training of children with developmental disabilities in the country focuses on the healthy strength of the child, his potential. This system is complex, correctional and developing. It is characterized by differentiation and integration. The integrated nature of preschool correctional impact is realized by combining the efforts of specialists in various fields aimed at studying and teaching children with developmental disabilities, the complexity of solving educational and correctional and developmental tasks, their interconnection and interdependence, strengthening intra-subject and interdisciplinary links through integrated, complex classes(for the development of visual activity and speech, music and physical education, preparation for teaching literacy and design, etc.). A weak link in the activities of special kindergartens is insufficient medical care for children, inconsistency in the timing of speech therapy and recreational activities, late identification of children, and incomplete coverage.

1.3 Characteristics of children with general underdevelopment of speech

The general underdevelopment of speech has a different degree of severity: from the complete absence of speech means of communication to expanded speech with elements of phonetic and lexical and grammatical underdevelopment. According to the severity of the manifestation of the defect, four levels of speech underdevelopment are distinguished. The first three levels are identified and described by R.E. Levina, the fourth level is presented in the works of T.B. Filicheva.

Each level is characterized by a certain ratio of the primary defect and secondary manifestations that delay the formation of speech components. The transition from one level to another is characterized by the emergence of new speech possibilities.

First level speech development. Speech means of communication are extremely limited. The active vocabulary of children consists of a small number of fuzzy everyday words, onomatopoeia and sound complexes. Pointing gestures and facial expressions are widely used. Children use the same complex for denoting objects, actions, qualities, intonation and gestures denoting the difference in meanings. Babbling formations, depending on the situation, can be regarded as one-word sentences. There is almost no differentiated designation of objects and actions. Action names are replaced by item names ( open- "drev" ( door), and vice versa - the names of objects are replaced by the names of actions ( bed- "pat"). The ambiguity of the words used is characteristic. A small vocabulary reflects directly perceived objects and phenomena. Children do not use morphological elements to convey grammatical relationships. Their speech is dominated by root words devoid of inflections. The "phrase" consists of babbling elements that consistently reproduce the situation they designate with the involvement of explanatory gestures. Each word used in such a "phrase" has a diverse correlation and cannot be understood outside a specific situation. There is no or only in its infancy understanding of the meanings of the grammatical changes of the word. If situationally orienting signs are excluded, children are unable to distinguish between singular and plural forms of nouns, the past tense of a verb, masculine and feminine forms, and do not understand the meaning of prepositions. In the perception of addressed speech, the lexical meaning is dominant.

The sound side of speech is characterized by phonetic uncertainty. There is an unstable phonetic design. The pronunciation of sounds is diffuse in nature, due to unstable articulation and low possibilities of their auditory recognition. The number of defective sounds can be much greater than correctly pronounced ones. In pronunciation, there are only oppositions of vowels - consonants, oral - nasal, some explosive - fricative. Phonemic development is in its infancy. The task of isolating individual sounds for a child with babble is motivationally and cognitively incomprehensible and impossible.

A distinctive feature of the speech development of this level is the limited ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of the word.

On the second level speech development in children, the rudiments of commonly used speech are observed. R.E. Levina points to the increased speech activity of children. Children have a common vocabulary and can use simple phrases. In their speech, the names of objects, actions, and individual signs are differentiated. At this level, it is possible to use pronouns, and sometimes conjunctions, simple prepositions in their elementary meanings. Children can answer questions, talk about the picture, talk about the family, familiar events in life.

However, the shortcomings of speech at this level are still quite pronounced. Vocabulary lags behind the age norm, ignorance of many words denoting parts of the body (trunk, elbow, shoulders, neck, etc.), animals (donkey, ram, sheep, turtle, giraffe) and their cubs (pig, foal, etc.), the name of furniture (cot, sideboard, stool, etc.), professions (cook, singer, pilot, captain, dressmaker, etc.) d.).

There are limited possibilities of using not only the subject dictionary, but also the dictionary of actions, signs (they do not know the names of the color of the object, its shape, size, etc.). Children often replace words with similar ones in meaning (sleeping - lying). Children do not have word formation skills.

When using simple sentences consisting of 2-3, rarely 4 words, gross errors in the use of grammatical structures are noted: mixing of case forms; lack of agreement between verbs and nouns; errors in the use of the number and gender of nouns, verbs; violation of the agreement of adjectives and numerals with nouns.

Children experience many difficulties when using prepositional constructions: prepositions are often omitted altogether, while nouns are used in their original form, prepositional substitution and violation of prepositional forms are possible. Unions and particles are rarely used in speech.

A large number of errors are noted in the reproduction of the syllabic contour of words. This is expressed in the inability to convey right amount syllables. Along with this, there are pronounced difficulties in the sound filling of the syllabic contour.

The insufficiency of phonemic perception is revealed, which leads to unpreparedness for mastering sound analysis and synthesis.

Third level speech development is characterized by extended phrasal speech with residual manifestations of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Children can communicate more freely with others. However, often their speech is understandable only after appropriate explanations from adults. Self-communication remains difficult.

The vocabulary of children continues to lag behind the age norm. Not knowing the names of many parts of objects, they name the object itself; feature names are used. There is inaccurate knowledge and use of many words. The active vocabulary is dominated by nouns and verbs, there are not enough words denoting qualities, signs, actions, states of objects, it is difficult to select words with the same root.

Children do not understand and cannot show how they darn, cut, embroider, rip; who pours, pours, jumps, bounces, somersaults; they do not know the shades of colors (orange, gray, blue), and sometimes they mix the primary colors (yellow, green, brown).

Poor children distinguish the shape of objects: they cannot find oval, square, triangular objects.

Peculiar lexical errors are revealed, such as replacing the names of professions with the name of actions ("aunt sells apples" - instead of "seller"), replacement of generic concepts with generic ones and vice versa ("chamomile" - "rose", "bell" - "flower"); substitution of feature names ("narrow" - "small").

Mistakes in the agreement of an adjective with a noun in gender and case are revealed; agreement of the numeral with the noun; mixing the gender of nouns. Errors in the use of prepositions are also characteristic: omission, replacement; understatement. Speech does not use the nominative and genitive plural forms of some nouns.

An analysis of the formation of coherent speech reveals difficulties in mastering its main types: retelling, compiling stories based on a picture, a given plan, etc. In their independent stories, children often only list the depicted objects and actions, dwell on minor details - missing the main content. When retelling, there are difficulties in reproducing the logical sequence of actions.

The sound pronunciation of children does not meet the requirements of the age norm. The most typical is: replacement of sounds with simpler ones in terms of articulation; mixing sounds, when the child pronounces certain sounds correctly in isolation, and interchanges them in words and sentences; undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (this mainly applies to whistling, hissing, sonors), when one sound is replaced simultaneously by two or more sounds of a given or close phonetic group. For example, the sound [s`] is soft, not pronounced clearly enough, it is a substitute for the sounds [s] (“boots” instead of “boots”), [ts] (“sap” instead of “heron”, [sh] (“net” instead of “brush”).

In addition, in the speech of children there are sounds pronounced blurry, with insufficient articulation. Often there is a fuzzy differentiation of soft and hard consonants, voiced and deaf. Difficulties in reproducing the syllabic structure relate mainly to words that are difficult to pronounce, especially when they are used in independent speech.

Without a special motivation for speech, children are inactive, in rare cases they are the initiators of communication, which leads to an insufficient communicative orientation of speech.

Fourth level. At present, the description of such a complex speech defect as general underdevelopment of speech would be incomplete without characterizing an additional fourth level of speech development. It includes children with unsharply expressed residual manifestations of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech. Minor violations of all components of the language are detected in the process of a detailed examination when performing specially selected tasks.

In the speech of children, there are separate violations of the syllabic structure of words and sound content. Elysions predominate, and mainly in the reduction of sounds, and, only in isolated cases, omissions of syllables. Paraphasias are also noted, more often - permutations of sounds, less often syllables; a small percentage - perseverations and additions of syllables and sounds.

Insufficient intelligibility, expressiveness, somewhat sluggish articulation and fuzzy diction leave the impression of a general blurred speech. The incompleteness of the formation of the sound-syllabic structure, the mixing of sounds characterize the insufficient level of differentiated perception of phonemes. This feature is important indicator not yet completed to the end of the process of shaping.

Along with shortcomings of a phonetic-phonemic nature, these children also had individual violations of the semantic side of speech. So, with a fairly diverse subject dictionary, there are no words denoting some animals and birds, plants, people of different professions. When answering, generic and specific concepts are mixed. When denoting actions and signs of objects, some children use typical names and names of approximate meaning: oval - round. Having a certain stock of words denoting different professions, children experience great difficulties in differentiated designation for masculine and feminine persons: some children call them the same, others offer their own form of word formation, which is not characteristic of the Russian language.

The formation of words with the help of magnifying suffixes also causes significant difficulties: children either repeat the word named by the adult or name an arbitrary form. Errors remain persistent when using: diminutive nouns; nouns with singularity suffixes; adjectives formed from nouns with different meanings of correlation; adjectives with suffixes characterizing the emotional-volitional and physical state of objects; possessive adjectives.

Against the background of the use of many complex words that are often found in speech practice, there are persistent difficulties in the formation of unfamiliar compound words. The peculiarity of limitation vocabulary most pronounced when compared with the norm.

A significant number of errors fall on the formation of nouns with suffixes of emotional evaluation, singularity, and figure. When assessing the formation of the lexical means of the language, it is established how children express "systemic connections and relationships that exist within lexical groups." Children with the fourth level of speech development quite easily cope with the selection of commonly used antonyms indicating the size of an object, spatial opposition, and evaluative characteristics. The correctness of naming antonyms largely depends on the degree of abstractness of the proposed pairs of words. So, the task of selecting words that are opposite in meaning is completely inaccessible: youth, light, ruddy face, front door, different toys. Not all children also cope with the differentiation of verbs that include the prefixes "oto", "you": more often words are selected that are close to synonyms (bend - bend, let in - run, roll in - roll up, take away - take away).

The insufficient level of lexical means of the language is especially clearly manifested in these children in the understanding and use of words, phrases, proverbs with a figurative meaning. An analysis of the features of the grammatical design of children's speech makes it possible to identify errors in the use of genitive and accusative plural nouns, complex prepositions; using some prepositions. In addition, in some cases, violations of the agreement of adjectives with nouns are noted, when there are masculine and feminine nouns, singular and plural in one sentence, violations in the agreement of numerals with nouns remain. In some children, an insignificant number of errors are revealed, and they are of a non-permanent nature, and if children are asked to compare the correct and incorrect answers, the choice is made correctly. This indicates that in this case the formation of the grammatical structure is at a level approaching the norm.

In other children, the difficulties are more stable. Even when choosing correct pattern after some time in independent speech, they still use erroneous formulations. The peculiarity of the speech development of these children slows down the pace of their intellectual development.

At the fourth level, there are no errors in the use of simple prepositions, difficulties in coordinating adjectives with nouns are slightly manifested. However, difficulties remain expressed in the use of complex prepositions, in coordinating numerals with nouns. These features are most pronounced in comparison with the norm.

Thus, the spontaneous speech development of a child with general underdevelopment of speech proceeds slowly and in a peculiar way, as a result of which various parts of the speech system remain unformed for a long time, which serves as a serious obstacle to mastering the kindergarten program, and later on the general education school program. Correction of speech for them is a long process aimed at the formation of speech means sufficient for the independent development of speech in the process of communication and learning.

1.4 Main directionscorrectionalspeech therapy work

At present, a system of assistance to children and adults with speech pathology has been created and is constantly being improved in our country. Based on the psychological and pedagogical classification and research of children with different types speech pathology, a scientifically based theory of teaching children and the principles of recruiting speech therapy institutions were developed.

In each case, the choice of institution is determined by two factors. The first factor is the age of the speech pathologist, which follows from the structure of modern speech therapy: preschool speech therapy, school and speech therapy of adolescents and adults, the second factor is the severity of the defect. Both factors are taken into account simultaneously.

Successful overcoming of speech underdevelopment is possible under the condition of creating a personality-oriented interaction of various specialists. Therefore, speech therapy assistance is built in cooperation with pedagogical workers (educators, teachers, psychologists, social educators, music directors).

In addition, speech therapists work in close contact with doctors of medical institutions (pediatricians, psychiatrists, neuropathologists, otorhinolaryngologists, psychotherapists, etc.).

Doctors identify persons suffering from speech disorders, carry out dispensary observation of them, promptly refer them to speech therapists for specialized assistance.

Speech therapy assistance in our country is provided to persons with speech disorders of all age categories, including people with handicapped health (deaf, hard of hearing and late deaf, blind, visually impaired and late blind, children with severe speech disorders, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, mental retardation, mentally retarded, etc.). IN last years One of the priority areas of speech therapy work has become the provision of assistance to young children.

The logopedic effect is pedagogical process, in which the tasks of corrective education and correctional and educational work are implemented, the directions and content of which are determined by the dependence of speech disorders on the characteristics of other aspects of the child's mental activity.

According to the tariff-qualification characteristic (TKH), the speech therapist "carries out work aimed at the maximum correction of developmental deficiencies" .

The professional activity of a speech therapist is "a complex pedagogical process aimed primarily at correcting and compensating speech disorders" . The main direction of speech therapy influence is the development of speech, correction and prevention of speech disorders. In the process of speech therapy work, the development of sensory functions is provided; motility, especially speech; cognitive activity, primarily thinking, memory processes, attention; formation of the personality of the child with simultaneous regulation, as well as correction social relations; impact on the social environment.

Thus, the main and main direction in speech therapy assistance is correction. Correction is understood as the correction of speech deficiencies, overcoming speech disorders.


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