Activities of a social educator to prevent addictive behavior in adolescents. Socio-pedagogical work on the prevention of addictive behavior in adolescents

Features of addictive behavior of adolescents. Psychological testing in order to determine the signs of addictive behavior in adolescents (the level of psychoactive substance use - alcohol, tobacco), the direction of preventive work.

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1.1 Features of addictive behavior of adolescents

1.2 Methods and principles of socio-pedagogical work on the prevention of addictive behavior of adolescents

1.3 Activities of a social educator to prevent addictive behavior in adolescents

2.1 Ascertaining experiment

2.2 Formative experiment

2.3 Control experiment



Annex 1

Annex 2

Annex 3

Appendix 4


Each person strives for a comfortable state, but, unfortunately, in everyday life it is not always achievable. There are always many factors that "interfere with life." In such cases, a person has a feeling of psychological discomfort. Most people use their internal resources to get out of a stressful state, turn to friends, loved ones for help, or simply wait - “time heals”, considering “problem” periods as a natural phenomenon of life.

People use various ways to cope with stress, relieve fatigue, relax. For some it's food, for others it's sports, music, computer games, fishing, reading, work, collecting, etc. Normally, these ways of maintaining psychological comfort do not interfere, but help and are integral components of a full-blooded, full of emotions and communication life. If such a method is put at the forefront, relegating everything else "vital", "human" to the background, we can talk about the emergence of addictive behavior. The likelihood of addiction is higher in people who have difficulty experiencing even short-term and "minor" difficulties, who do not know how to cope with everyday stress.

Drug addiction and alcoholism are one of the important and complex problems of our society. The further growth in the number of drug addicts among children and adolescents creates the prerequisites for a threat to the national security of the country associated with an epidemic of drug addiction among young people. The current situation causes an urgent need for decisive and active action in the organization of the prevention of substance abuse.

In the field of education, prevention is a priority in solving problems associated with the formation of negative addiction: it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat Yudkina A.A. Addictive behavior of students: organization of preventive work // Siberian Teacher. - May-June 2003. - No. 3 (27). . Concerning the issues of prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism, it is necessary to take into account the multidimensional nature of this phenomenon, and, consequently, the complexity of building a system of preventive measures. The modern school in its activities, as before, strives for the unity of the processes of education and upbringing. The educational institution plays a leading role in organizing the prevention of unruly behavior among students, their violation of morality and ethics, as well as in organizing sanitary and educational work to prevent smoking, alcoholism and substance abuse.

Very often, the use of psychoactive substances by minors is a symptom of vital personal or social (family) trouble. Improper nutrition, physical inactivity, stress, loss of meaning in life are factors that lead children, adolescents and young people to use alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Adolescents “drop out” of education, lead a marginal lifestyle, and commit offenses. This implies the priority of pedagogical and socio-psychological influences in addressing issues of prevention of addictive behavior in the educational environment. “Relying only on the experience of narcologists in the prevention of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse means not changing anything at all ... the fight against bad habits in isolation from the formation of a healthy lifestyle does not make sense, because any of the bad habits is not a primary phenomenon, it fills the vacuum in the education system exactly where health and a healthy lifestyle occupy one of the last places in the system of value orientations of a child or adolescent” Kolbanov V.V., Zaitsev G.K. Valeology at school: Methodological guide. - St. Petersburg: Education-AST, 1992. S. 29. .

Considering all of the above, we can consider the theme of the work "Social and pedagogical work on the prevention of addictive behavior in adolescents" relevant and timely.

The object of the study is the addictive behavior of adolescents.

The subject of the work is socio-pedagogical work on the prevention of addictive behavior in adolescents.

The purpose of the work: To analyze the socio-pedagogical work on the prevention of addictive behavior in adolescents.

Work tasks:

1. Conduct a theoretical analysis of the foundations of the activities of a social teacher in the prevention of addictive behavior in adolescents.

2. Diagnose the tendency of adolescents to addictive behavior.

3. Organize and conduct socio-pedagogical work to prevent addictive behavior of students in an educational institution.

Methods of work: Theoretical analysis of the literature on the topic, testing, socio-pedagogical experiment, statistical methods of data processing.

Chapter I

1.1 Features of addictive behavior of adolescents

Addictive behavior - the desire to escape from reality by changing the mental state in an artificial way: by taking any substances (alcohol, drugs, tranquilizers ...) or by carrying out any type of activity, activity (gambling, collecting, workaholism. ..).

Stages of addiction formation I want to conduct a training. A manual for a novice trainer working in the field of prevention of HIV / AIDS, drug addiction and sexually transmitted infections. - Novosibirsk: Humanitarian Project, 2000. S. 154. :

1. Beginning (starting point) - the emergence and fixation in consciousness of the connection between the experience of an intense change in mental state and the intake of a certain substance (or the implementation of some action). A person with a predisposition to addictive behavior at the moment of realizing this connection on an emotional level understands: “This is mine!”.

Fixation occurs regardless of whether a person experienced positive emotions or negative ones - the main thing is the intensity of the experience.

2. Addictive rhythm - a certain frequency of turning to the means of addiction is established, so far only in moments of psychological discomfort.

The establishment of an addictive rhythm is facilitated by:

a) personality traits (low tolerance for even short-term difficulties),

b) difficult personal life (illness and death of loved ones, job loss),

c) a limited choice of strategies for coping with stress.

Several years may elapse between the first and second stages.

3. Addiction as part of personality. The increase in the addictive rhythm forms a stereotype of response to psychological discomfort. (“I had a fight - I need to eat a chocolate bar”). Two personalities appear in a person - “healthy” and “addictive”. "Healthy" strives for communication, is afraid of loneliness. "Addictive", on the contrary, seeks solitude, can communicate only with the same "addicts" (for example: collectors prefer to communicate with the same collectors, and only about the collection). This stage is accompanied by an internal struggle between the two components of the personality, and there may still be periods of cessation of addiction or replacement of one addiction with another. Many addicts at this stage have the illusion of complete control over their emotions and the correctness of their behavior. A person communicating with an addict in this period has the feeling that he is communicating with different people. (Only today a person promised never to play in a casino again, tomorrow he can cheat in order to get money for the game, the day after tomorrow he will viciously blame everything on you.) An addict in a state of striving for “his own feeling” cannot be dissuaded. He will have a ready answer to all the arguments: “Stamps are more important to me than people, they will never let you down ...”, “All people drink ...”, “We live once, eat another cake ...”.

4. Dominance of addiction. At this stage, a person plunges into addiction and isolates himself from society. There is a violation of interpersonal relations - he cannot communicate even with the same addicts. Those around at this stage notice that “this is not the same person”, the former personality “gone”, collapsed.

5. Disaster. Addiction destroys not only the psyche, but also health. There is a general disregard for oneself, for one's body, for personal hygiene. Non-pharmacological addictions also destroy health (bulimia leads to obesity, gambling leads to heart disease). It is no longer possible to return to the old life, since the healthy part of the personality has already been destroyed. A person has lost his family, qualifications, job, he has serious financial problems. Therefore, addicts are frequent lawbreakers.

Conclusion: all kinds of addictive activity lead to a break with the former social circle, the world of real sensations, real people with their worries, hopes, sufferings.

Types of addictive behavior:

1. Chemical addictions:

a) Dependence on psychoactive substances

b) Alcohol

c) drugs

d) Tablets (tranquilizers, barbiturates, etc.)

e) Tobacco

2. Non-chemical addictions:

a) Overeating

b) fasting

c) Collecting

d) Sexy

e) Gambling

f) Workaholism

g) Computer games, Internet

h) Religious fanaticism

i) Fan. movement in music and sports

j) Watching soap operas

k) Co-dependence

In cases with non-chemical addictions, we are talking about constant fixation of attention on certain objects (brands, books, weapons) or activities - activities (sex, work, eating, caring for an alcoholic husband, communicating with a computer). It takes such dimensions that it begins to control a person's life, makes him helpless, deprives him of the will to counteract addiction. These objects or activities are gradually replacing normal contacts with people, love, caring for your loved ones, rest, healthy ambition at work, and the need for friendly support from a person’s life. In the life of a healthy person, everything harmoniously complements each other.

In chemical addictions, attention is fixed on one or more chemicals that alter the mental state. In this case, the life of an addicted person (an alcoholic or a drug user) is destroyed much faster, and people close to him are involved in this hurricane of destruction.

It is more convenient to consider the destructive effect of addictive behavior on the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model of dependence. Its essence is as follows: any dependence/addiction affects all aspects of a person's life - it destroys the body, psyche, relationships with people.

For example: dependence on computer games, the Internet leads to disruption of the central nervous system (CNS), as a result of this - headaches, impaired concentration, memory loss, insomnia. A person who devotes a lot of time to a computer is physically unable to communicate with people or communication becomes formal.

Consideration of the psychological aspects of the prevention of addictive behavior of minors involves the definition of the phenomenon of psychological readiness for the use of psychotropic substances, that is, the identification of such psychological characteristics of adolescents that are a kind of "weak link" in the process of socialization of the individual. It is these psychological characteristics that provoke them to "avoid reality" at the first encounter with difficulties.

Using psychotropic substances, a teenager primarily aims to change his mental state. Therefore, to find the psychological causes of alcoholism and drug addiction in adolescents means answering the question: why do they want to change their mental state by artificial (chemical) means?

Analyzing the factors that determine the addictive behavior of minors, one should always use the subjunctive mood. This is due to the fact that none of the factors is fundamental, decisive. Even a certain set of factors does not predetermine anything unequivocally, since in this case, too, there may or may not be abuse of psychotropic substances. Difficult life circumstances, improper family upbringing, low general educational and cultural level of the surrounding social environment affect many children living in Russia, but not all adolescents placed in these conditions become alcoholics or drug addicts. At the same time, unfavorable psychophysiological conditions (psychopathies, character accentuations, psychopathic personality development, brain dysfunctions and organic brain lesions, hereditary burden) are also not fatal, and by themselves (i.e., without combination with social factors) cannot become the main determinant of chemical dependence. On the contrary, many of the children we are interested in socialize quite normally in the future, and even achieve high results in their professional activities. Consequently, a more important role is played by how these factors are refracted in the child's psyche, how life events and various circumstances are perceived by him. This explains the fact that one child, from the most unfavorable social environment, in a negative family atmosphere, grows up as a worthy person, and the other, from a completely prosperous, wealthy family, occupying a rather high social position, becomes a drug addict or alcoholic.

The search for the "personality structure" of an alcoholic or drug addict, as well as attempts to identify the "specific profile" of a person predisposed to the use of psychotropic substances, are extremely difficult tasks. Studies of this kind were carried out mainly by foreign scientists using many personality tests. The results showed that there are a number of common features common to people who abuse drugs or alcohol. In particular, this is a weak development of self-control, self-discipline; low resistance to all sorts of adverse effects, inability to overcome difficulties; emotional instability, a tendency to respond inadequately to frustrating circumstances, inability to find a productive way out of a traumatic situation Abdirov N.M., Iktynbaev M.K. A teenager in the orbit of drug addiction: problems, warnings: Monograph. - Karaganda, 1997. S. 61. .

It is easy to see that these features are characteristic not only of alcoholics and drug addicts, but also simply poorly socially adapted people. In addition, such personality characteristics are often noted during adolescence, especially if this period of development proceeds with complications, against the background of previous difficulties in raising a child.

Therefore, the attraction of a teenager to the use of psychotropic substances is a sign of a deeper personal trouble. The basis of this symptom is the psychological readiness of a teenager to use psychotropic substances. Formed gradually, gradually, it is realized at the first opportunity, that is, in the event of an appropriate situation. With all the seeming surprise, impulsiveness, the addictive behavior of a teenager, his alcoholism or drug addiction are the logical conclusion of the previous development.

The lack of psychological readiness for the use of psychoactive substances, on the contrary, gives him a kind of "margin of safety" that provides the ability to withstand the adverse effects of the environment. It is no coincidence that in the same group of a vocational school or in a work brigade where persistent alcohol traditions exist, some minors begin to abuse alcohol and then become an inveterate drunkard, while others remain indifferent, although they participate in joint feasts, obeying group norms. Even the periodic use of drugs or other toxic substances, through which many teenagers who are part of street gangs, have gone through, has remained an episode for some of them. The use of psychotropic substances by adolescents who do not have psychological readiness for this is usually not fixed as a habitual form of behavior, and, as they grow older, the acquisition of personal maturity disappears “by itself”, without the intervention of doctors and the use of any other measures of influence.

The identification of psychological readiness for the use of psychotropic substances necessitates a new approach to solving the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction of minors. It consists in shifting the emphasis from the problem of alcoholism to the problems of a person who abuses alcohol, to the problem of personality. In other words, the focus on the very fact of abuse is overcome, the naivety of such an idea about the goals of anti-alcohol work becomes obvious: “if only you don’t drink, the rest will follow.” In fact, the solution to the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction goes beyond just one area of ​​abuse Zavyalov V.Yu. Psychological aspects of the formation of alcohol dependence. - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1988. S. 27. .

Psychological readiness for the use of psychotropic substances consists in the inability to adequately perceive situations related to the need to overcome life's difficulties, establish relationships with others, and properly regulate one's behavior. This phenomenon is a combination of certain personality traits that impede the normal social adaptation of a teenager. Being a personal formation, psychological readiness for addictive behavior is not always manifested, being, as it were, in a latent (latent) state. It is actualized in a situation of difficulty in meeting the significant social needs of a person.

Consider a typical situation in the development of a “difficult to educate” teenager who, for various reasons, constantly receives comments and reprimands from teachers, studies poorly and does not meet with understanding and support from parents, because they do not know how (or do not want) to take the right educational position and look for adequate methods. pedagogical impact.

In this case, a number of adolescent social needs are frustrated:

a) the need for a positive assessment of significant adults for him (since the negative assessment of the teacher usually results in a negative assessment of the parents);

b) the need for self-esteem (since a low grade is usually associated with insufficient development of abilities and intelligence);

c) the need for communication (the opinion of a teacher in adolescence largely determines the opinion of the team, and a low assessment of academic performance does not improve the position of the student in the system of interpersonal relations in the class team) Vasilyuk F.E. Psychology of experience. - M.: MGU, 1988. S. 125. .

The main characteristic of a teenager's frustrated behavior is the loss of his original meaningful goal. However, his actions and behavior in general can be quite purposeful, but the achievement of a new goal is meaningless in relation to the original goal or motive of his behavior and activities. As a result, the original goal is lost, and the teenager actualizes another one - to get rid of negative emotional experiences caused by psycho-traumatic influences (negative assessment of the teacher, neglect of classmates, etc.).

For difficult adolescents, the situation of difficulty in achieving the desired is very often adequate to the situation of the impossibility of satisfying needs. This, as a rule, is associated either with their personal characteristics, or with previously learned stereotypes of behavior that allow them to avoid negative emotional experiences in a situation of failure. The lack of a developed habit of overcoming difficulties, the desire to quickly restore a state of emotional well-being prompts the teenager to reconsider the situation, negatively assessed by adults, to imagine it as one in which there is no need to use strong-willed efforts. Naturally, all the mechanisms of defensive behavior are not realized by a teenager; he simply intuitively searches for solutions that satisfy him. An important role in this is played by the fact that the majority of difficult adolescents, despite having a large negative life experience, remain internally infantile. Achieving the maximum possible emotional well-being under the given conditions, striving for life “according to the principle of pleasure” are the defining and semantic motives of infantilism. Therefore, the teenager's self-consciousness is directed only "along the line of least resistance", which determines the activation of the protective mechanisms of his behavior Shabalina V. Addictive behavior in adolescence and youth. - M.: VECHE, 2003. S. 192. .

Protective mechanisms of personality behavior are involuntary, unconscious processes designed to save it from the perception of unwanted psycho-traumatic information, to eliminate anxiety and tension. Their action is usually short-lived and lasts as long as a "respite" is needed for new activity. However, if the state of emotional well-being is fixed for a long period and essentially replaces activity, then psychological comfort is achieved at the cost of distorting the perception of reality, or self-deception.

Psychological protection, distorting reality in order to ensure momentary emotional well-being, operates without taking into account the long-term perspective. Its goal is achieved through the disintegration of behavior, often associated with the occurrence of deviations in the development of the individual.

With the growth of negative information, criticisms, failures, inevitable in case of violation of the process of socialization, psychological protection, which temporarily allowed the teenager to perceive objectively ill-being in an illusory-positive way, becomes less and less effective. In case of ineffectiveness of its action, or insufficient formation, when a threat of a neurotic breakdown arises, the teenager instinctively looks for a way out and often finds it in the external environment. The use of psychotropic substances also belongs to external methods of protection from a traumatic situation.

The unity of the psychological mechanisms underlying alcoholism, drug addiction, neurotic manifestations, psychotic reactions, suicides is noted by both domestic and foreign authors Pyatnitskaya IN Alcohol abuse and the initial stage of alcoholism. - M.: Medicine. 1988., Eidemiller E. G., Kulikov S. A., Cheremisin O. V. Study of the image of "I" in adolescents with addictive behavior / Psychological research and psychotherapy in narcology. - L., 1989. S. 74--79. .

Thus, people who are faced with the inability to change their negative emotional state in a productive way and do not have effective methods of psychological protection face a choice: neurosis or the use of psychotropic substances. If social control is high enough and prohibits the use of alcohol (drugs), the possibility of a neurosis is great. In the absence of social control with the availability of alcohol (drugs), the actualized psychological readiness for the use of psychotropic substances, as a rule, is realized and the person becomes an alcoholic (drug addict).

In other words, those people who are characterized by such psychological readiness, in a situation of difficulty in satisfying vital social needs, are predisposed to alcoholism or neurosis. In this case, they are divided into two groups: more impulsive, authoritarian and extroverted personalities take the path of alcoholism; more conformal, introverted ones become ill with neurosis.

Actualization of psychological readiness for the use of psychotropic substances is determined by the following internal and external causes Munyagisenyi E. Influence of adverse microenvironment facts on the formation of addictive behavior in adolescents. Psikhologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie. - No. 4. - 2001. :

1. the inability of a teenager to a productive way out of a situation of difficulty in meeting urgent vital needs;

2. unformed or ineffective methods of psychological defense of a teenager, allowing him to at least temporarily relieve emotional stress;

3. the presence of a traumatic situation from which a teenager does not find a constructive way out.

Under such conditions, the teenager is helpless in front of the negative emotional states that overwhelm him. Instinctively fleeing from the disintegration of mental functions and the emergence of neurotic manifestations, he resorts to changing his state by artificial (chemical) means.

In adolescence, states of emotional tension, mental discomfort, the causes of which are not recognized, occur very often. This critical stage in the development of the personality is sometimes so painful that the teenager involuntarily strives to experience it in the full sense of the word “under anesthesia”.

Experimental studies conducted in a group of adolescents who occasionally use drugs confirm that they have mental tension and tendencies to irrational forms of defensive behavior against the background of unformed (ineffective) psychological defense mechanisms Maksimova N.Yu. On the propensity of adolescents to addictive behavior // Questions of Psychology. - No. 11. - 2001. .

Psychological readiness for the use of psychotropic substances, being a system-forming factor in the occurrence of alcoholism and drug addiction, simultaneously acts as a prognostic criterion for these phenomena. In other words, having determined that a teenager has such readiness, it can be said with confidence that a traumatic situation will lead him either to alcohol (drug) abuse, or to neurosis, or to suicide. Any of these outcomes will be a tragedy for the teenager and his family, a loss for society.

Timely identification of a teenager's psychological readiness for the use of psychotropic substances allows for early prevention of deviations in his behavior, contributes to the development of methods for diagnosing adolescents' propensity for addictive behavior, and the development of psychocorrection programs for risk groups.

1. 2 . Methods and principles of socio-pedagogical work on the prevention of addictive behavior of adolescents

The system of preventive and corrective measures is associated with the creation of alternative motivation in adolescents in relation to the negative needs that have arisen, leading them to a deliberate choice. Preserved personality traits and at least elements of positive motivation become the foundation on which a program of assistance and support for adolescents with addictive behavior can be built Ovcharova R.V. Reference book of the social pedagogue. - M.: SK "Sphere", 2001. S. 152. .

It includes the following activities:

1. Group forms of work, including psychotherapeutic, which:

a) open up the possibility of forming new experience of normal human relationships in relevant life situations for everyone and everyone, stimulate newly emerging concepts of "I", new models of identification;

b) provide the formation of a sense of belonging to others, excluding isolation in the environment; protection from chronic stress; expansion of time perspectives.

The exercises that the participants perform at the same time - role-playing games, trainings, etc. - will help to gain new experience when interacting with others by including a variety of sensations of feelings - from the most harmless to breathtaking. Not only scenes from life that are well known to teenagers are played out, but an attempt is made to penetrate into the unknown world of adults. This helps to expand ideas about life, about one’s capabilities, feelings, to understand problems, to try on adult roles, to understand “from the inside” one’s parents, teachers, educators, loved ones, which means taking one more step towards growing up.

2. Individual forms of work, including behavior correction and a wide range of influences - from group trainings to interesting, objective (including labor) activities, professionally orienting him, contributing to building positive interaction with others, expanding his contacts with other children and society.

3. Correction of attitudes towards the future through professional orientation and the formation of attitudes towards choosing a career under the guidance of a qualified specialist through the fixation and development of personal meanings of ongoing changes in social relations, purposeful streamlining of one's activities, determination of immediate and distant prospects, identification and awareness of various value systems.

There are several types of preventive work:

1. Primary prevention - measures aimed at ensuring that the disease, process or problem does not appear.

2. Secondary prevention - measures aimed at the earliest possible detection and termination or change for the better of the course of the disease, process or problem.

3. Tertiary prevention - stopping or slowing down the course of a disease, process or problem and its consequences, even if the underlying (pathological) condition persists.

Primary prevention looks like:

a) information campaigns in the media,

b) providing appropriate protective equipment,

c) offering alternative behavior in a given social and cultural environment.

Secondary prevention includes:

a) targeted information campaigns (based on direct relations in society),

b) provision of remedies and an explanation of their use,

c) the use of pharmacological and other means to influence a specific person,

d) amendments to the law in order to positively transform a society subject to a high level of risk, as well as to prevent the spread of this phenomenon,

e) training of teachers and persons implementing preventive programs.

Relapse prevention includes:

a) transfer of information and training of specific persons,

b) direct medical and rehabilitation actions,

c) creation of specific structures and organizations (treatment and rehabilitation base).

The first requirement of any preventive activity is the provision of information that directly reaches the addressee and involves him in active work.

The second requirement is that information must be placed within a specific context. This context should be enriched and reworked depending on the appearance of innovations, as well as under the influence of the individual or group reaction of the addressees, in accordance with their needs and feelings.

In preventive activities, any information should be:

a) correct

b) the corresponding reality,

c) complete

d) affordable

e) placed in the right context,

e) systematized,

g) the relevant situation in society,

h) aimed at achieving the maximum interest of the addressees.

Thus, the term "prevention" includes all types of activities, the purpose of which is to prevent the emergence and development of a certain phenomenon in a given society.

The main goal of the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism is to create a situation in society in which members of this society do not use psychoactive substances (except in cases of medical necessity), and therefore do not harm themselves and others.

The effectiveness of preventive work in educational institutions largely depends on its coordination. Conducting individual events (monthly events, mass actions, extracurricular activities, etc.) will not give the desired result if they are implemented separately from others. Preventive activity, focused on teachers, students and their parents, is an integral system, coordinated aimed at all participants in the educational process. Such coordination of actions fully ensures the successful implementation of preventive strategies that underlie the school policy in relation to the abuse of psychoactive substances by students Cherkashina L.A., Sklyanova N.A., Rukavishnikov A.I. and others. Prevention of drug addiction at school: Methodological guide. Book two. Parts 1 and 2. - Novosibirsk, 2001. S. 31. .

The policy of the school largely depends on the position of teachers, parents and students, on the interaction in matters of prevention of all interested organizations and departments, such as district administrations, social services, police, public organizations, leisure centers.

The integrity of the system of work on drug prevention is ensured by a number of principles underlying the scientific and methodological approach to preventive activities Kulakov S.A. Diagnosis and psychotherapy of addictive behavior in adolescents. - M .: Education-AST, 1998. S. 327. :

1. The principle of scientificity. It is the most important in drug prevention. The information field is formed using scientific and literary materials, based on the practical experience of specialists.

2. The principle of cooperation. It assumes cooperation and unity of action both of all participants in the educational process in the implementation of anti-drug policy at school, and of interested departments in the territory of the microdistrict, city.

3. The principle of political and public support. The implementation of this principle is a necessary condition for the success of anti-drug propaganda. Only with the support of the administration, public organizations and the media can we get real results.

4. The principle of activity of all participants in drug prevention activities. It involves the active participation of teachers, students, parents in the planning and implementation of anti-drug preventive work.

5. The principle of forming real clear goals and setting goals. The tasks of drug prevention activities should be realistic, adapted to the conditions of the educational institution, take into account the capabilities of the school staff, and be supported by the necessary resources to achieve the goals.

6. The principle of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of drug prevention programs. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness and quality of the results of drug prevention work should be laid down at the very beginning of the planned activity. The importance of developing evaluation criteria lies in the fact that they allow you to track the results of work at the intermediate stages of program implementation in order to coordinate and adjust the effectiveness and quality of all preventive activities.

Drug prevention programs consist of the following blocks:

a) situation analysis: description of the school district; school type; learning conditions at school; the number of students, teachers, parents; the number of incomplete families; health status of students and teachers; the number of smokers, alcohol, drug users (according to anonymous survey data or information from the district narcologist); the number of students with behavioral deviations who are at risk of addictive behavior; participation of parents in the educational process (participation in the work of the parent committee, attending parent meetings, organizing classroom and school holidays, helping to repair the school, etc.);

b) analysis of available resources: availability of a drug treatment service in the area; cooperation of the district inspector, pediatrician and adolescent doctors, relations with public organizations and leisure centers; functioning of school circles, sections, clubs; carrying out preventive activities (lessons, class hours, conversations, role-playing games, etc.); participation in the preventive work of teachers, social educators, psychologists, parents;

c) analysis of factors contributing to the risk of involving school students in smoking, alcohol and drug use;

d) analysis of factors that hinder the development of addictive behavior among students;

e) determination of priority areas of activity of an educational institution and setting goals and objectives of preventive work;

f) a plan of activities that must be implemented to obtain the desired result, including scientific, methodological, psychological, medical and social activities of the school, work with parents (parent lecture hall, "Parent University", questionnaires, testing followed by discussion, etc.) , work on the microsite;

g) determination of performers and participants in the implementation of planned activities;

h) expected results;

i) criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of anti-drug preventive activities of an educational institution.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the preventive program is largely ensured under the condition of its versatility and long-term Lozova V.V. Prevention of drug addiction. School, family: Textbook. - Ekaterinburg, 2000. S. 50. .

1.3. Activities of a social educator to prevent addictive behavior in adolescents

The preventive work of a social pedagogue is carried out in the following areas Organization of the activities of centers for social assistance to families and children and centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population to prevent child neglect. //Russian Fund for Social Reforms. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001. S. 63. :

1. Studying and identifying the causes of addictive behavior in children and adolescents.

2. Prevention of the development of asocial, criminal and pathological personality orientation.

3. Organization of special psychologically and pedagogically verified activities with adolescents at risk.

4. Interaction with other specialists and related social services involved in the preventive socio-pedagogical process to integrate educational efforts.

Thus, the activity of a social pedagogue involves the implementation of the following functions:

a) research;

b) warning, prophylactic;

c) correctional-developing, rehabilitation;

d) developing interaction in the name of solving the problems of the child.

The research direction of preventive work involves studying the social situation of the development of children in need of pedagogical support, obtaining the most complete information about the level of their social development. Information of this kind is available, as a rule, from members of the administrative team, teachers, class teachers, the school psychologist, and parents.

The social educator collects and builds information based on the views of specialists working with children. It identifies systematic violators of school norms and rules (frequent skipping classes, defiant behavior, disobedience to general requirements, smoking, foul language, etc.). The next group consists of students who violate moral and legal norms in the family, on the street, in the yard, at school (insulting classmates, kids, teachers, using physical force to sort things out, stealing, forcing something, damaging furniture and other items of school interior and etc.).

The social educator learns everything about the social composition of the family and, if possible, studies the contacts of his potential clients outside the school.

After that, direct communication and establishing contacts with a teenager begins.

It is important to conclude whether it is possible to count on interaction with relatives: how much they care about the fate of the child and whether they are ready to actively participate in changing the situation.

It is equally important to identify the pedagogical style that has developed in relation to this child at school, in the family. For this purpose, you can use the method of expert assessment of the pedagogical style, which includes the following indicators Garifullin R.R. Hidden drug addiction prevention: A practical guide for educators and parents. - M.: SK Sfera, 2002. S. 72. :

1. The attitude of the teacher to the bodies of class self-government:

a) develops, relies on self-government bodies;

b) ignores, does not attach importance to them;

c) suppresses the organs of self-government, selects them personally, without taking into account the opinion of the class collective.

2. Preferred behavior correction and student stimulation measures:

a) prefers reward to punishment, does not forget to praise the student for success;

b) shows a neutral attitude to the successes and misconduct of students;

c) prefers punishment measures to incentive measures; at the slightest mistake of the child, a dressing down, a call to the parents, etc. follows.

3. Resolution of conflict situations in the classroom:

a) when a conflict arises, he tries to objectively understand its causes, is able to admit his mistake;

b) leaves the solution of the conflict situation, does not notice it;

c) in a conflict takes an offensive position, suppresses others.

4. Rigidity in requirements:

a) demanding in moderation, able to enter into circumstances that did not allow the student to properly fulfill the teacher's requirement;

b) in relations with students, he shows connivance, does not know how to demand the fulfillment of his instructions and instructions;

c) adamant, does not forgive students for the slightest deviation from their requirements, does not recognize extenuating circumstances.

5. Distance in communication:

a) is in close contact with students, enjoys the trust of the children, is able to speak with them confidentially;

b) does not attach importance to relationships with students, communicates little outside the lesson;

c) keeps his distance emphatically, communicates with the guys in an official tone, in line with purely business conversations.

As a rule, three groups of teachers can be distinguished: imperative, collaborative and conniving. On the basis of an expert opinion, a social pedagogue can judge the characteristics of the psychological climate in the class where the child is studying. For the same purpose, a sociometric technique can be used, which makes it possible to identify the so-called "isolation index" of certain members in the team.

The information obtained gives the social pedagogue material for building a work strategy aimed at solving individual problems of the child. A social educator can use the following strategies of Menshikov E.S. Programs for the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse for adolescents // Family psychology and family therapy. - 1997. - No. 2. pp.88-105. :

1. Work directly with the child . This strategy takes place when the environment surrounding the child is outwardly relatively prosperous, but for one reason or another, he begins to show a tendency to violate sociocultural norms, falls under a bad influence. In such cases, the social pedagogue seeks to develop his subjective position. The basis of such a strategy is increased attention to the achievements and successes of the child, assistance in self-realization and raising his status among peers. The main direction of this strategy is focusing on the personal potential of the child himself, helping to change attitudes towards ways of self-affirmation using the possibilities of psychological support from school specialists.

2. Work with the pedagogical and "adult" environment of the child. This strategy is chosen in cases where a fairly stable negative public opinion about the child has been formed, which only aggravates an already unfavorable situation and contributes to the development of addictive behavior. Others associate the negative actions of the child with his general depravity. Such a generalized condemnation not so much of a misconduct as of the child himself, the manifestation of a generalized negative attitude towards him causes a response in him. This is how confrontation is formed, which contributes to the strengthening of these negative traits in the structure of the child's personality. The main task that the social pedagogue solves in such cases is to reorient the views of the adult environment on the child and to combine efforts to support him, which, of course, can help create favorable conditions for his self-realization and positive psychological well-being in society. A change in the attitude of others contributes to the development of positive tendencies in the position of the child himself, which makes it possible to work with him to realize his own problems, to form an interest in being accepted, and not rejected by the immediate environment - classmates, teachers, neighbors, friends. One of the important socio-pedagogical tasks solved by the social pedagogue within the framework of this strategy is the creation of favorable conditions for the child to choose a positively oriented group or school community as a reference group.

3. Working with the child's environment in the system of organized space. This strategy becomes necessary when a child either finds himself in isolation, or is subjected to constant ridicule and attacks from peers, or, on the contrary, considers himself much higher than everyone else, an exceptional, outstanding personality, leader, ringleader, to whom everyone must obey. In this case, the social pedagogue, together with other specialists, works to improve relations in the children's environment or in a team, to develop a humanistic orientation of relations. Its task is to develop a child's motivation to seek help from specialists, as well as to create conditions for his inclusion in the normal system of life (assistance in finding a job or choosing a new educational institution). The main content of this strategic line is to change the child's attitude to the current situation, to help him free himself from the consciousness of his doom, isolation, or from inadequately inflated self-esteem and exclusivity, which are of a scandalous nature.

4. Work with children in unorganized (informal) structures. This is perhaps the most complex and little studied area of ​​socio-pedagogical activity. As a rule, informal groupings are extremely closed to adults, especially teachers. Therefore, only indirect influence is possible. The strategy is based on showing adults a sincere, genuine interest in what the child lives and breathes, on what principles his communication is based in one group or another, what he gains by participating in such associations. The absence of condemnation and explicit criticism from an adult helps to remove barriers to communication, makes children more open. A social educator who has managed to find contact with a child who is in an informal association can further use the strongest, positive aspects of the latter's activities and gradually involve him in pro-social activities.

The highlighted strategic lines, of course, do not exhaust all possible options for the activity of a social pedagogue. Each can have its own trajectory depending on the specific situation and the individuality of the client.

Forms of preventive work include education, conversation, counseling, social therapy, entertainment and leisure therapy.

Counseling involves reaching out to the specific problems of the child, their causes and working together to rethink them. The basis of the social and therapeutic impact is the provision of assistance and support in solving the problems of the child. Social therapy can take place at the individual level on the basis of direct work with the client, depending on the specifics of the current situation, the characteristics of his personality, and involves indirect ways of influencing work with the client's environment, with the environment that hinders or impedes his social development. Social therapy also includes a method that is conventionally called "attracting and captivating children." It consists in infecting the child with an idea, making him want to participate in the proposed activities, while assigning him an active role. Some researchers single out individual occupational therapy as one of the methods. It is assumed that in the process of labor activity the child will be able to find ways of self-realization, escape from meaningless pastime, earn money for everyday needs. Social therapy can also take place at the group level. Among the group forms of social therapy, trainings on personal growth, self-regulation, role behavior, various types of play therapy, musical rings and discos, gatherings are especially well known. The social teacher, together with the children, organizes musical evenings and discos and sets pedagogical tasks aimed at developing communication skills, a culture of behavior during mass events.

Chapter II. Organization of socio-pedagogical work on the prevention of addictive behavior of students in an educational institution

2.1 Ascertaining experiment

The purpose of the experiment: Conducting psychological testing in order to determine signs of addictive behavior in adolescents.

Experiment tasks:

1. Determination of the approximate level of consumption of psychoactive substances (alcohol, tobacco); knowledge about them; refusal skills; behavior in drug/alcohol situations.

2. Diagnosis of the personality of adolescents (identification of abnormal character traits, features of self-esteem, etc.).

The experiment involved 24 teenagers, students of the 7th grade of secondary school No. 37 in the city of Ob, Novosibirsk region.

To determine the knowledge of adolescents about psychoactive substances, the skills to refuse them, and behavior in situations of drug / alcohol use, we used a technique specially developed by psychologists for adolescents "Test Yourself".

Instructions: We offer a test that will help you determine in advance how dangerous nicotine, alcohol, drugs are for you and assess your strength in order to fight them. Choose one of the answer options.

1. How do you feel about the "blue haze"?

a) The smoker poisons the room and turns everyone around into passive smokers.

b) Everyone should decide for himself where and how much to smoke.

c) Smoking is allowed only in strictly designated areas.

2. An exam is coming soon, you are nervous. Your friend offers you a "calming" pill. Will you accept or refuse?

a) I’ll take it if I’m completely “out”.

b) I won’t take it, because I’m afraid that I won’t be able to get the same one next time, and the habit will appear.

c) I do not need artificial “calming”.

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Total number of participants

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for class teachers

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Activities for teachers on the prevention of suicidal, addictive and deviant behavior of minors

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school library

I . A series of books to help the educational institution: "Prevention of substance abuse":

Valentik Yu.V. Family rehabilitation of minors who abuse psychoactive substances.

Vostroknutov N.V. Anti-drug preventive work with minors of social risk groups.

Foreign experience of primary prevention of substance abuse among minors.

Preventive work with minors of various social risk groups for the abuse of minors.

Sirota N.A. Theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of the activity of minors and youth alternative to drug use.

II . Bogdanchikov V., Boldarev O., Suraikin A. "Encyclopedia of Independence".

III . Ivanova T., Ioffe A., et al. « My Choice”, a teaching aid for secondary school teachers. Purpose: to form studentsthe primary ability to analyze a social situation that provides an opportunity to make an informed choice from several options, taking personal responsibility for your decision.

Psychologist Library

E.I. Dubrovinskaya, O.S. Petuns "Game program for the prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances and deviant behavior for children of primary school age "Ship".

S.B. Belogurov, V.Yu. Klimovich "Prevention of teenage drug addiction, skills of confrontation and resistance to the spread of drug addiction."

G.I. Makartychev "Training for teenagers: prevention of antisocial behavior".

N.P. Shtentsova, N.P. Vychuzhganin "Formation of the Self-Concept of Adolescents of the "Risk Group".

L.A. Obukhov "New 135 Health Lessons, or the School of Doctors of Nature".

N.P. Mayorova, E.E. Chepurnykh, S.M. Shurukht "Teaching life skills at school".

V.Yu. Klimovich"Childhood without alcohol."

MM. Bezrukikh, A.G. Makeeva, T.A. Filippova

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T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva “Psychotherapy of addictions. The method of fairy tale therapy.

N.N. Ambrosiev "Class hour with a psychologist: fairy tale therapy for schoolchildren".

V.A. Rodionov, M.A. Stupnitskaya, O.V. Kardashina "Me and Others", social skills training.

L.A. Kotelnikova, G.M. Saifullina "Prevention of addictive behavior in educational institutions of primary vocational education: the work of a teacher-psychologist with older adolescents",teaching aid.

A brief description of:

providing objective information about narcotic substances, their effects on humans and the consequences of their use;

ensuring psychoprophylactic work onthe formation of anti-drug attitudes in children, thanks to which the behavior of children is carried out within the framework of a healthy and safe lifestyle;

awareness of the essence of drug addiction goes in parallel with the formation of a stable negative personal attitude to narcotic substances, the ability to properly organize one's time and life, cope with conflicts, manage emotions and feelings,

providing assistance to effectively counter the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling,

the formation of a strong character, moral strength, able to withstand the harmful effects of bad habits.

W . Describe the information support of preventive work -

Forms of informing students about the work of emergency psychological assistance services, teenage helpline:

information tablet,

school website ,

school lines,

memos in the diaries of students,

parent meeting,

"Safety Corners" at school and classrooms,

hours of communication between class teachers and students "Time to trust"

Conducting preventive work on the Internet (on the NGO website):

Safe internet for kids ;

Consultations for parents and teachers

4. What specific programs proposed in the Model Model, or their modifications, are used in the TOE?

The program for the prevention of suicidal behavior in children and adolescents "Happiness is life", the work plan of the prevention council for this program in order to

Pprevention and overcoming socio-psychological maladaptationchildren;

Prevention of suicidal actions among adolescents, development of stress resistance, preservation and strengthening of mental health of students.

Name the main measures for the prevention of suicidal, addictive and deviant behavior, carried out in the framework of work with minors in public organizations.

With students to ensure productive mental development and personality development, reduce or eliminate deviations in the physical, mental and moral development of schoolchildren, correctional and developmental work was carried out:

Thematic classes

junior level

Conversation - game "The daily regimen is the basis of human life"

1 class. Purpose: to form a conscious attitude to health, to convince students of the need to comply with the daily routine; to instill the ability to properly allocate time for work and rest; learn to value time.

Game "Friends"

1-4 classes. Purpose: development of empathy, understanding of the other, learning to cooperate.

An hour of communication "How to learn to live without a fight."

Grade 3 Target:prevention of aggressive behavior of children, development of psychological culture.

Class hour with elements of the game "Legal ABC"

1.3 classes. Target:the creation of certain conditions for the socialization of the individual, the preparation of students for entry into a civil legal society.

middle and senior level

Game "Two planets".

5-7 classes. Purpose: teaching positive perception of oneself and another person.

Lesson-game "Barriers of misunderstanding"

5-8 grades. Purpose: to promote understanding of some important features of communication between people

Lesson "An affectionate word costs nothing to itself, but gives a lot to another"

  1. Class. Purpose: to cultivate respect for surrounding adults and peers, to systematize knowledge about the rules of polite behavior, to exercise children in analyzing their actions.

In order to prevent deviant and delinquent behavior, alcoholism and drug addiction, social maladaptation of children and adolescents with children, the following preventive measures were taken

Thematic events

junior level

Lesson - game "Habits and health"

1-2 classes. Purpose: to encourage children to acquire good habits and avoid bad ones.

Psychological lesson-game "Habits and health"

Grade 3 Purpose: to develop in children the desire to acquire good habits and avoid bad ones.

Serious conversation “Learning to say “NO!”

4th grade. Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​the dangerous possibilities of inadequate actions of a person who is in a state of intoxication, to develop the skills of safe behavior when meeting with him, to promote a healthy lifestyle

middle link

Group work "Anger and aggression"

5-7 classes. Purpose: to create conditions for children to turn to their own experience of aggression, to defuse aggressive tendencies in behavior, to teach ways to safely defuse aggression

Film lecture hall "Moral values"

6-7 classes. Target:understand the basic concepts of morality, moral andimmoral acts.

Lesson-dialogue "Thinking about the future today"

6th grade. Purpose: to form rules for resisting group pressure and rejection of a psychoactive substance.

Psychological class hour: "Dangerous pleasures".

7th grade. Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​the danger of exposure to surfactants on health and life.

Communication training: "Everything is in your hands"

8th grade. Purpose: formation of an active life position among students and determination of true value orientations by instilling healthy lifestyle skills and preventing the impact of harmful addictions.

senior management

Situational game "Man among people"

9-10 grades. Purpose: formation of ideas about the socially significant qualities of a person.

The hour of communicationWay to yourself»

Grade 10. Purpose: to form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as purposefulness, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself; to contribute to the formation of adequate self-esteem.

Training session "Drug Addiction - The Way to Nowhere"

9-11 grades. Purpose: promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevention of deviant and delinquent behavior, alcoholism and drug addiction, social maladaptation (DA) of adolescents.

For the formation of personal moral qualities and their significance in the system of human relations, psychological health, emotional stability, group and individual consultations were organized and conducted

junior level

GK. Class hour"Can you make friends?" 1-4 classes.

IR."Sensitivity, intemperance, irritability ..." Grade 4.

GK. Class hour"The Basics of Security".1 class.

Goals:atteach children to behave correctly with strangers, make decisions quickly and correctly and act in difficult situations

middle and senior level

GK. DisputeHow to learn to live together? 5-6 classes.

group conversation"The Art of Everyday Communication" Grade 7

IR."Know how to control yourself" grades 7-8.

IR."Respect for others is respect for yourself." 5, 8 grades.

IR. « How to harmonize relationships with the outside world?". 6-8 grades.

IR. « Look to the future with hope". 9-10 grade.

IR. « I am not alone in this world". Grade 10.

IR. « Be stronger than circumstances". 8-10 grade.

What information do NGO specialists (psychologists, social educators, etc.) have about the participation of students in various thematic Internet groups that encouragesuicidal behavior? quite knowledgeable.

If cases of suicide attempts/completed suicides of adolescents related to

with free access of adolescents to the Internet space that is harmful to their life and health, indicate their number- No

with participation in closed groups of social networks, indicate their number - No

How do experts identify this relationship?

supervision of children during lessons and at breaks,

student testing,

individual and group meetings with children and adolescents,

communication with parents

visiting families at home

interaction with class teachers

What forms of preventive work with minors involved in thematic groups on the Internet that call for suicidal behavior are used by NGO specialists?


psychological classroom,


video lectures,

ART - therapeutic classes,

round table

List the categories of employees of the public organization or involved specialists who work to prevent suicidal, addictive and deviant behavior of minors - All categories

Describe the forms of advanced training of pedagogical workers, including managers, educational psychologists, social pedagogues, used in the PA on the problem of preventing suicidal, addictive and deviant behavior of minors.

With the aim of increasing the level of psychological knowledge of the culture of all participants in the educational process, preventing deviant and delinquent behavior, alcoholism and drug addiction, social maladjustment of children and adolescents, as well as the emergence of suicidal behavior in adolescents and young people forteachers provided:

individual and group consultations,

round tables,


M/O meetings.

In order to form psychological health, group consultations are organized:

"Creating a positive psychological climate in the team."

"Taking into account in the upbringing of the psychological states of the child is a prerequisite for the successful interaction of the teacher in the child"

For the purpose of education, a pedagogical tribune was held (exchange of experience)

"Technology of building relationships at school based on trust, mutual understanding, responsibility"

List the advanced training programs on the prevention of suicidal, addictive and deviant behavior of minors, which were visited by heads of NGOs, teachers and support specialists in 2017-2018


Target group

Volume (number of hours)

11/29/2017. All-Russian webinar "Behavioral disorders in preschool children"

educational psychologist

Educational and Methodological Portal

12/01/2017. International webinar "Clinical and psychological aspects of deviant (deviant) behavior in children and adolescents"

educational psychologist

Educational and Methodological Portal

02.12.2017. International webinar "Neuroses in children: causes, manifestations and prevention"

educational psychologist

Educational and Methodological Portal

03.12.2017. International webinar "Psychological and pedagogical assistance to maladjusted children and adolescents"

educational psychologist

Educational and Methodological Portal

14.12.2017. Regional parent lecture: "Aggressive teenager: how to behave to parents"

educational psychologist,

social teacher,

class teachers

12/23/2017. Webinar « Everyone should know this: the role of the teacher in the prevention of suicidal behavior of minors »

educational psychologist,

social teacher,

class teachers

Regional Center for Diagnostics and Counseling

02/15/2018. Webinar "Primary pedagogical prevention of bad habits"

educational psychologist

05/17/2018. Webinar "Such a difficult emotion of resentment! Existential understanding. About the benefits and harms of resentment. How do we deal with resentment?"

educational psychologist

Moscow "Enlightenment"

05/22/2018. Webinar "Tolerance - we teach children to build relationships from childhood"

educational psychologist

Moscow. Corporation RU "Bustard. Ventana-Count"

List the forms of work with parents to prevent suicidal, addictive and deviant behavior of minors.




Preventive direction


Exchange of views "Rewards and punishments in the family".

Purpose: to discuss the problem of encouraging and punishing a child in the family; to form a culture of encouraging the punishment of the child in the family among parents.

classroom teacher,

social teacher


Parent meeting on health saving "Not a ban, but a warning."

classroom teacher


Parent forum "How to raise a child moral?"

Purpose: to discuss the problem of educating morality in children; to form in parents the ability to educate moral qualities in children.

classroom teacher,


Round table "Health is an opportunity for opportunities."

classroom teacher


Family club "About children's loneliness"

Purpose: to discuss the problem of child loneliness, its impact on the behavior and character of the child; show parents the importance of communication with children for the formation and development of the child.

classroom teacher,

social teacher


Round table "The first problems of adolescence"

Purpose: to help understand the significance of physiological and psychological changes in a child's life; discuss certain rules of parental behavior during the period of puberty of children.

classroom teacher


Seminar "Positive emotions and their importance in human life."

Purpose: to discuss the problem of the significance of the development of the emotional sphere; to promote the acquisition by parents of practical knowledge on the development of positive emotions in students.

classroom teacher


Exchange of opinions "Your child fell in love."

Purpose: to prepare parents for the problem of growing up their children.

classroom teacher


Discussion "How to talk to your child about love and sex."

Purpose: to promote understanding of the need to help the child in difficult situations related to the first feeling; discuss ways that can save the child from rash acts.

classroom teacher

Round table "Health is an opportunity for opportunities"

Purpose: to form an understanding of the value of mental and psychological health of the child.

classroom teacher

Educational direction

Educational seminar "The importance of emotions for the formation of a child's positive interaction with the world."

Purpose: to discuss the problem of the importance in human life of the development of the emotional sphere, positive emotions; to promote the acquisition of practical knowledge on the development of emotions of younger students.

classroom teacher


Exchange of views "Cultural values ​​of the family and their significance for the child."

classroom teacher,

Head of the Prevention Council


Group consultation "Let's help children choose a profession."

classroom teacher,

social teacher


Theme evening "Love is the answer to the problem of human existence."

classroom teacher


Mini-lecture "Love in the family as a moral value."

Purpose: to promote the formation of ideas about the family and family values ​​in human life.

classroom teacher


Monthly work with parents.

Deputy Director for UVR


Individual advisory referral

"To awaken concern for health, to realize the importance of the regime of the day." "The microclimate in the family is the key to the health of the child."

classroom teacher,

educational psychologist

Describe the most significant experience (technologies) of work on the prevention of teenage suicide in the NGO.

Technologies for the prevention of teenage suicide in public organizations:

initial link

Interactive technology - social interaction.

Forms:round table,conversation, role play,drawing methods, art therapy, fairy tale therapy, interactive games, showing video materials with anti-drug content.

middle link

Interactive technologies - social interaction, problem-dialogue, training technologies.

Information Technology.

Forms:round table, training, discussion, role-playing game, brainstorming, psychotherapeutic sessions, conference, demonstration of video materials with anti-drug content,social interaction, psychological game.

senior management

Interactive technologies - social interaction, training technologies.

Information Technology.

Technology of critical thinking.

Forms:round table, lecture, thematic hour, seminar, training, role-playing and business game, psychotherapeutic classes, conference, demonstration of video materials with anti-drug content.

Prevention technologies that are innovative: interactive -


critical thinking,

social interaction

List the problems in organizing and conducting work to prevent suicidal, addictive and deviant behavior of minors.

Increase in the number of dysfunctional families:

parental alcohol consumption

insufficient care for the child by the parents,

family conflicts,

material disadvantage,

lack of education due to work on a rotational basis,

child rearing by grandparents

The preventive work of a social pedagogue is carried out in the following areas Organization of the activities of centers for social assistance to families and children and centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population to prevent child neglect. //Russian Fund for Social Reforms. - M .: Education, 2001. S. 63 .:

1. Studying and identifying the causes of addictive behavior in children and adolescents.

2. Prevention of the development of asocial, criminal and pathological personality orientation.

3. Organization of special psychologically and pedagogically verified activities with adolescents at risk.

4. Interaction with other specialists and related social services involved in the preventive socio-pedagogical process to integrate educational efforts.

Thus, the activity of a social pedagogue involves the implementation of the following functions:

a) research;

b) warning, prophylactic;

c) correctional-developing, rehabilitation;

d) developing interaction in the name of solving the problems of the child.

The research direction of preventive work involves studying the social situation of the development of children in need of pedagogical support, obtaining the most complete information about the level of their social development. Information of this kind is available, as a rule, from members of the administrative team, teachers, class teachers, the school psychologist, and parents.

The social educator collects and builds information based on the views of specialists working with children. It identifies systematic violators of school norms and rules (frequent skipping classes, defiant behavior, disobedience to general requirements, smoking, foul language, etc.). The next group consists of students who violate moral and legal norms in the family, on the street, in the yard, at school (insulting classmates, kids, teachers, using physical force to sort things out, stealing, forcing something, damaging furniture and other items of school interior and etc.).

The social educator learns everything about the social composition of the family and, if possible, studies the contacts of his potential clients outside the school.

After that, direct communication and establishing contacts with a teenager begins.

It is important to conclude whether it is possible to count on interaction with relatives: how much they care about the fate of the child and whether they are ready to actively participate in changing the situation.

It is equally important to identify the pedagogical style that has developed in relation to this child at school, in the family. For this purpose, you can use the method of expert assessment of the pedagogical style, which includes the following indicators Garifullin R.R. Hidden drug addiction prevention: A practical guide for educators and parents. -- M.: SK Sfera, 2002. S. 72.:

1. The attitude of the teacher to the bodies of class self-government:

a) develops, relies on self-government bodies;

b) ignores, does not attach importance to them;

c) suppresses the organs of self-government, selects them personally, without taking into account the opinion of the class collective.

2. Preferred behavior correction and student stimulation measures:

a) prefers reward to punishment, does not forget to praise the student for success;

b) shows a neutral attitude to the successes and misconduct of students;

c) prefers punishment measures to incentive measures; at the slightest mistake of the child, a dressing down, a call to the parents, etc. follows.

3. Resolution of conflict situations in the classroom:

a) when a conflict arises, he tries to objectively understand its causes, is able to admit his mistake;

b) leaves the solution of the conflict situation, does not notice it;

c) in a conflict takes an offensive position, suppresses others.

4. Rigidity in requirements:

a) demanding in moderation, able to enter into circumstances that did not allow the student to properly fulfill the teacher's requirement;

b) in relations with students, he shows connivance, does not know how to demand the fulfillment of his instructions and instructions;

c) adamant, does not forgive students for the slightest deviation from their requirements, does not recognize extenuating circumstances.

5. Distance in communication:

a) is in close contact with students, enjoys the trust of the children, is able to speak with them confidentially;

b) does not attach importance to relationships with students, communicates little outside the lesson;

c) keeps his distance emphatically, communicates with the guys in an official tone, in line with purely business conversations.

As a rule, three groups of teachers can be distinguished: imperative, collaborative and conniving. On the basis of an expert opinion, a social pedagogue can judge the characteristics of the psychological climate in the class where the child is studying. For the same purpose, a sociometric technique can be used, which makes it possible to identify the so-called "isolation index" of certain members in the team.

The information obtained gives the social pedagogue material for building a work strategy aimed at solving individual problems of the child. A social educator can use the following strategies of Menshikov E.S. Programs for the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse for adolescents // Family psychology and family therapy. - 1997. - No. 2. P.88-105.:

1. Work directly with the child . This strategy takes place when the environment surrounding the child is outwardly relatively prosperous, but for one reason or another, he begins to show a tendency to violate sociocultural norms, falls under a bad influence. In such cases, the social pedagogue seeks to develop his subjective position. The basis of such a strategy is increased attention to the achievements and successes of the child, assistance in self-realization and raising his status among peers. The main direction of this strategy is focusing on the personal potential of the child himself, helping to change attitudes towards ways of self-affirmation using the possibilities of psychological support from school specialists.

2. Work with the pedagogical and "adult" environment of the child. This strategy is chosen in cases where a fairly stable negative public opinion about the child has been formed, which only aggravates an already unfavorable situation and contributes to the development of addictive behavior. Others associate the negative actions of the child with his general depravity. Such a generalized condemnation not so much of a misconduct as of the child himself, the manifestation of a generalized negative attitude towards him causes a response in him. This is how confrontation is formed, which contributes to the strengthening of these negative traits in the structure of the child's personality. The main task that the social pedagogue solves in such cases is to reorient the views of the adult environment on the child and to combine efforts to support him, which, of course, can help create favorable conditions for his self-realization and positive psychological well-being in society. A change in the attitude of others contributes to the development of positive tendencies in the position of the child himself, which makes it possible to work with him to realize his own problems, to form an interest in being accepted, and not rejected by the immediate environment - classmates, teachers, neighbors, friends. One of the important socio-pedagogical tasks solved by the social pedagogue within the framework of this strategy is the creation of favorable conditions for the child to choose a positively oriented group or school community as a reference group.

3. Working with the child's environment in the system of organized space. This strategy becomes necessary when a child either finds himself in isolation, or is subjected to constant ridicule and attacks from peers, or, on the contrary, considers himself much higher than everyone else, an exceptional, outstanding personality, leader, ringleader, to whom everyone must obey. In this case, the social pedagogue, together with other specialists, works to improve relations in the children's environment or in a team, to develop a humanistic orientation of relations. Its task is to develop a child's motivation to seek help from specialists, as well as to create conditions for his inclusion in the normal system of life (assistance in finding a job or choosing a new educational institution). The main content of this strategic line is to change the child's attitude to the current situation, to help him free himself from the consciousness of his doom, isolation, or from inadequately inflated self-esteem and exclusivity, which are of a scandalous nature.

4. Work with children in unorganized (informal) structures. This is perhaps the most complex and little studied area of ​​socio-pedagogical activity. As a rule, informal groupings are extremely closed to adults, especially teachers. Therefore, only indirect influence is possible. The strategy is based on showing adults a sincere, genuine interest in what the child lives and breathes, on what principles his communication is based in one group or another, what he gains by participating in such associations. The absence of condemnation and explicit criticism from an adult helps to remove barriers to communication, makes children more open. A social educator who has managed to find contact with a child who is in an informal association can further use the strongest, positive aspects of the latter's activities and gradually involve him in pro-social activities.

The highlighted strategic lines, of course, do not exhaust all possible options for the activity of a social pedagogue. Each can have its own trajectory depending on the specific situation and the individuality of the client.

Forms of preventive work include education, conversation, counseling, social therapy, entertainment and leisure therapy.

Counseling involves reaching out to the specific problems of the child, their causes and working together to rethink them. The basis of the social and therapeutic impact is the provision of assistance and support in solving the problems of the child. Social therapy can take place at the individual level on the basis of direct work with the client, depending on the specifics of the current situation, the characteristics of his personality, and involves indirect ways of influencing work with the client's environment, with the environment that hinders or impedes his social development. Social therapy also includes a method that is conventionally called "attracting and captivating children." It consists in infecting the child with an idea, making him want to participate in the proposed activities, while assigning him an active role. Some researchers single out individual occupational therapy as one of the methods. It is assumed that in the process of labor activity the child will be able to find ways of self-realization, escape from meaningless pastime, earn money for everyday needs. Social therapy can also take place at the group level. Among the group forms of social therapy, trainings on personal growth, self-regulation, role behavior, various types of play therapy, musical rings and discos, gatherings are especially well known. The social teacher, together with the children, organizes musical evenings and discos and sets pedagogical tasks aimed at developing communication skills, a culture of behavior during mass events.

Teacher: Karabut M.A.

MBOU NOSH 95 Chelyabinsk

The program of activities of the teacher for the prevention of addictive behavior in children of primary school age by means of interaction with the family

Preserving and strengthening the health of students is one of the important areas of modernization of modern education. The most urgent problem in this area include: training overload, leading to overwork of students, school and home stress, the spread of bad habits, insufficient competence of parents in providing psychological assistance or creating a favorable atmosphere in the family.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky said that “taking care of a child’s health, not only physical, but also mental, is not just a set of sanitary, hygienic norms and rules ..., requirements for work, rest and nutrition. This is, first of all, concern for the harmonious fullness of all physical and spiritual forces, and the crown of this harmony is the joy of creativity.

From this follows the pedagogical expediency of creating a special program of teacher activity together with the activities of parents to prevent the prevention of addictive behavior in children of primary school age.

Target programs: creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the joint work of the school and the family in the prevention of addictive behavior of younger students.

Tasks :

1) Formation of a system of knowledge on the topic of addictive behavior;

2) Formation of socially significant attitudes aimed at enhancing the joint activities of the school and the family;

3) Propaganda to prevent addictive behavior among younger students and their parents;

4) Involvement of all family members in solving the problem of addictive behavior of children, a means of interaction between the teacher and parents and their children.

Mainprinciples program implementation:

*Cooperation - work is based on partnership, respect and trust of all program participants (students and their parents)

*Integrity of educational space

*Activity approach

* Taking into account age characteristics

*Person-centered approach

The content of the teacher's activity program can be presented in the following areas:

*Work with students:

Comprehensive study of junior schoolchildren, the state of their physical and mental health

Inclusion of children in joint activities

Establishing positive relationships among all members of the team

*Work with parents

study of family relationships

providing parents with pedagogical assistance

involving parents in the life of the class

organization of joint events with children

Mainmethods program implementation:

1) Conversations

2) Lectures


4) Games

5) Contests

6) Holidays

The program includes the followingstages implementations:

1) Analysis of screening diagnostics

2) The study of psychological and pedagogical literature

3) Implementation of the program of activities of the teacher for the prevention of addictive behavior of the younger student by means of interaction between the teacher and the family

The expected result of the implementation of this program:

*Organization of a system of collective, creative work to prevent addictive behavior of students.

* Formation of friendly, stable relationships between all family members / 8

* Consolidation of the results of the program for the prevention of addictive behavior of younger students

The content of the activities of the teacher in the prevention of addictive behavior of children of primary school age by means of interaction between the teacher and the family

1) Carrying out screening diagnostics of computer addiction (L. N. Yuryeva) (Appendix 1);

2) analysis of diagnostic results

1) providing parents at the parent meeting with the results of screening diagnostics;

2) analysis of the results of parents together with the teacher


Class hour on the topic "Deviant behavior. Is it good or bad?"

1) Parent meeting "what is addictive behavior?"

(Annex 2)

2) conversation with a psychologist


1) Working with a psychologist

2) Conversation "your health"

(Annex 3)

1) Conversation with parents on the need for joint activities to prevent addictive behavior

2) parent lecture

Bad habits and their prevention


1) Holding a joint holiday "New Year"

Parents and children organize a carnival. Wishing parents write the script. Parents prepare costumes for children and themselves. The teacher helps parents in organizing the holiday. Agrees with the venue of the holiday.

2) After the holiday, the teacher conducts a reflection, both with students and with their parents. Makes an analysis. Makes a conclusion about the impact of joint activities on the psychological state of children and their parents.

(Annex 4)


Dispute lesson

" Healthy lifestyle"

"The Art of Being a Parent"

Meeting for parents with the school administration, a social worker, a psychologist on the education of children of primary school age


Class hour on the topic

"Let's take care of our health. The benefits and harms of computer technology "

Day - health. (parents organize a joint trip to the skating rink or to the ski base.


1) Children prepare reports on the topic "My Hobby". Convincing children that free time should be useful;

2) learning outdoor games on the street

1) "Effective parent" - training for parents (together with a psychologist);

2) integration of healthy lifestyle issues to prevent addictive behavior of younger students.


The teacher conducts a sports event "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family";

The use of health-saving technologies in the learning process.

(Annex 5)


1) Repeated screening diagnostics of computer addiction (L. N. Yurieva)

(Annex 1);

1) providing parents with diagnostic results; Comparison of results at the beginning of the program and at the end;

2) "The world of our family hobbies" (exhibition of family drawings, photographs, crafts)

Annex 2

Development of a parent meeting on the topic:

"Addictive Behavior of Adolescents"

Resume: Contents: addictive behavior of adolescents, problems of diagnosing the upbringing of students.

Purpose: awareness of the addictive behavior of students and awareness of the need for targeted

work on its prevention.

Form of holding: thematic parent meeting.

Equipment: multimedia projector.

“Children are our judgment on the world, our mirror, in which the mind, conscience, honesty, our neatness - everything

see naked.

Children can close with us, we never with them. ”

V.P. Astafiev.

Content Keywords: addictive behavior of students, problems of diagnosing the upbringing of students.

Target : awareness of addictive behavior of students and awareness of the need for targeted work on its prevention.

Conduct form : thematic parent meeting.

Equipment : multimedia projector, presentation (included).

parent meeting plan .

1. Results of the level of survey of school students.

2.. Addictive behavior of students and the reasons for its manifestation.

3. The role of the family in education

4. Summary

Event progress .

1. The results of a pre-diagnosis to identify the level of computer addiction are placed on a slide and are demonstrated.

2. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the expression "addictive behavior" is often used - this is the tendency of a teenager to acquire bad habits. The school pays a lot of attention to the fight against bad habits of students. Let's try to understand what is called the words "habit", "addiction".

3. Participants receive sheets of paper and fold them several times, strongly smoothing out the folds.

Then unfold the sheet and try to fold it using the new folds.

After completing the task, you need to ask the participants whether it was easy for them to bend the sheet along the new lines.

Mainconclusion : our whole life is a collection of different habits. In which a person exercises throughout his life. From the beginning, it is quite difficult for a person, then it becomes easier and easier to practice in the usual business. And if suddenly, due to circumstances, a person changes his habit, do

a new habit of one's own, native is not easy enough. Results can be achieved only if the exercises are constant and necessary for the person himself.

The famous American scientist James said: “A habit is a capital acquired in the course of exercises. They must first be saved, and then live on the interest from this capital.

There is no one more unhappy than a person who has to decide every day when to get up, then to dress, etc.

How can you develop a positive habit in your child? To do this, you need to know five important rules .

First rule - in order to cultivate a positive habit in a person, it is necessary to teach him to realize that life without it turns into a disaster. The student is irresponsible - this leads to lateness, unlearned lessons, negative learning outcomes, etc.

Rule Two - a person must learn never to give himself indulgence in the manifestation of this or that habit. You can tell a child 1000 times that he has a bad habit, but this will not lead to a correction. It is necessary to create conditions for correcting bad habits. Even if for this it is necessary to show firmness and cruelty.

Rule Three - it is necessary to teach a person to use every opportunity to develop a positive habit. Practicing positive habits leads to them becoming 'second nature'.

Fourth rule - you can not endlessly talk to the owner of a bad habit. That he is her master. Many students are already well aware that they have bad habits. You have to be a very authoritative person among children. So that they begin to listen to adults and want to correct their habits.

Rule Five - for the manifestation of positive habits, you need to create conditions. But for this you need to know what bad habits have become part of the child's lifestyle.

3.1. To study the problem of the level of computer addiction, the following diagnostics were carried out:

1. How often do you feel revitalization, pleasure, satisfaction or relief while at the computer (on the net)?

2. How often do you look forward to being at a computer (on the net), thinking and thinking about how you will find yourself at a computer, open a certain site, find certain information, make new acquaintances?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

3. How often do you need to spend more and more time at the computer (on the net) or spend more and more money in order to get the same sensations?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

4. How often do you manage to stop working at the computer (on the network) on your own?

(4) - never (3) - rarely (2) - often (1) - very often

5. How often do you feel nervous, moody, irritable or empty outside of your computer (offline)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

6. How often do you feel the need to return to the computer (to the network) to improve your mood or get away from life's problems?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

7. How often do you neglect family, social responsibilities and studies due to frequent computer work (being online)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

8. How often do you have to lie, hide from parents or teachers the amount of time spent at the computer (on the net)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

9. How often is there an actualization or threat of loss of friendships and/or family relationships, changes in financial stability, academic success due to frequent computer work (being online)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

10. How often do you notice physical symptoms such as: numbness and pain in the hands, back pain, dry eyes, headaches; neglect of personal hygiene, eating near the computer?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

11. How often do you notice sleep disturbances or changes in sleep patterns due to frequent work at the computer (on the net)?

(1) - never (2) - rarely (3) - often (4) - very often

Evaluation of results:

Up to 15 points - 0% risk of developing computer addiction;

16-22 points - the stage of enthusiasm;

23-37 points - the risk of developing computer addiction (the need for preventive programs in the future);

more than 38 points -computer addiction!

Since our children are younger schoolchildren, this diagnosis is the most suitable for us. The results indicate that our class has this type of addiction.

Reasons for this type of addiction:

    The child does not feel heard;

    There are problems in the family and the parents do not have time for the child;

    The child has no opinion of his own;

    The child has too much free time, which he does not know what to spend on.

After reading the questionnaire by the parents, the teacher explains the results and invites the parents to take a small test to determine what leisure role they play in the life of their children.

Questionnaire No. 2 For parents at the meeting.

What do you do with your child?

Type of leisure daily 2-3 times Weekend

Reading newspapers and magazines

Reading fiction

Cinema visit

Theatres, concerts


meetings with friends

TV viewing


Class activities

Classes in the circle, sections

Passion for music

Additional training sessions

pet care

Help parents around the house



Abstracts, reports, research

Work with computer

Participation in school affairs

Communication with nature, hiking, excursions

aimless pastime

Free time work

3.2 Material handling the questionnaire takes place right there ... it turns out the percentage of interaction between parents and children.

4. Bottom line

Dear parents, according to the results of your questionnaire, we can conclude that in most cases parents do not take part in the leisure activities of their children. This is where the problem we are facing comes from. Children preferred to occupy their time with computer games. This problem cannot be left unresolved. To solve this problem, we need continuous cooperation throughout the whole year and at the end we will again carry out this diagnosis and check the new level.

I am ready to listen to your questions about the work done and the upcoming work!?

End of meeting.

Annex 3

"Human health"


    To form the concept of what health is;

    Generalize and systematize students' knowledge about health and conditions conducive to the preservation and promotion of health;

    Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health;

    Develop curiosity and observation:

    Develop the ability to work in a team

Equipment: Cards with proverbs, dummies of vegetables and fruits, a newspaper with a weather forecast, a CD with the record "Music of the Sea".



The class is divided into two groups


Warm up. "Collect a proverb"

Each group of students is given envelopes with fragments of a proverb, which they must compose and explain its meaning.

1 proverb. A wise person prevents diseases, not cures them.

2 proverb. What you get used to in your youth, you will not get used to in old age.

Teacher: What is the theme of these proverbs?

Pupils: proverbs are related to the topic of health.

Teacher: Right. The topic of our lesson is “Human Health”. Today we have to answer the question "What is health"? consider the conditions that contribute to the preservation and promotion of health.

Conversation. "Make a guess."

Teacher: guys, how do you understand what health is?

Students give their guesses.

Conclusion: Health is a state of the body.

Teacher: Surgeon Nikolai Amosov gave this definition of health.

If the student has not been sick for a year, he has a high level of health.

If the student was sick only during the epidemic, his health is at an average level

If he was often sick, the student has a low level of health.

Teacher: Guys, try who has high, medium and low health.

3. Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Teacher: let's look at what conditions contribute to the preservation and promotion of health.

Students name the conditions, prove and a diagram appears on the board

After discussing each condition, students present theoretical information or conduct practical work or a didactic game.

Theoretical and practical material used in the lesson

Teacher: already in ancient times, people knew the rules of a healthy lifestyle. There are three basic rules that are widely known in Eastern countries (China, Japan, India)


Rule 1:.Good mood.

Waking up, immediately think of something good, pleasant. Tell yourself: “I will have a good day. I handle adversity well, calmly and confidently.” Getting out of bed, stretch your whole body, look in the mirror and smile at yourself. Put your hands on your face. Give him the warmth of your hands.


I will take the light in the palm of my hand

And I will put it to my heart.

And everything will be around

Lighter and kinder.


Rule 2. About hardening

Water quenching is of great benefit. If you train yourself to take a cool shower, you will forget about a runny nose and a cold.


Rule 3. Teaches you to relax

Before you do mental work, prepare yourself for work. Sit in a chair or lie down on a sofa. Turn on quiet pleasant music. Close your eyes and imagine that you are lying on the shore of a warm sea, the waves are caressing your feet, you feel good and pleasant. Or imagine yourself as a bird flying high in the sky. Around space and beauty. Ten minutes of such a rest - and you are ready to solve the most difficult tasks.

When students name proper nutrition as one of the conditions, they are invited to play the Vitaminka game.

In the "vitamin box" there are dummies of fruits and vegetables. Students pick up items one by one.

Target : Determine which vitamin is contained in a fruit or vegetable. The game is summed up at the end. How well do the guys know vitamins?

When the students mention the weather as one of the conditions, there is a discussion about people dependent on the weather and practical work.

Teacher: There are people whose health to one degree or another depends on the state of the weather. Such people are called weather dependent or weather sensitive. Often, for such people, additional information is given in the weather forecast to warn them.

Practical work:

Each group is given a newspaper.

Student task :

    Find information for weather-sensitive people in the Weather and Health section.

    In each group, choose a TV presenter who will acquaint with this information.

After practical work there is a self-evaluation of students.

    Information is correct or incorrect.

    Whether the TV presenter is successfully chosen.

4Summing up

What do you think, what conditions that affect human health depend on you?

What conditions are out of your control?

Do you think each of you will be able to grow up healthy if you follow the rules of a healthy person?

Students and teacher evaluate their work for the lesson.

Appendix 4

The scenario of the New Year's carnival for children of primary school age "Old Man Hottabych at the children's Christmas tree!"

Scenario of the New Year's Carnival

"Old man Khattabych at the children's Christmas tree."

Children enter the hall to the music.

DANCE: "Tick-tock clock." They sit down.

Presenter:Dear kids! Girls and boys! It's time to open our ball. Noisy, ringing carnival! Because today is a holiday, a glorious New Year's holiday! May he come to us with a fairy tale today!


1. It will be fun today

There will be no time to be bored.

hello new year holiday

We have come to meet you.

2. Here the tree is dressed up,

All lit up in flames.

And the toys sparkled

On her big branches.

3. Well we have today

You won't find a better place!

Near the Christmas tree

Do not pass, do not pass.

4. We have a holiday today,

Today there will be a carnival!

How many fairy tale characters

He gathered here today.

5. Herringbone fluffy

She came to visit us.

Golden beads

Braided in branches.

bright balls

Pleases the people.

Let's say with us:

Hello hello

New Year.

All in unison:Hello, hello new year.

Song: Shine the lights of the Christmas tree.

Presenter:The bell is mischievous, it is always with me everywhere. Dean dong, Dean dong! He invites you to a fairy tale!

(The lights partly go out, a magpie flies in).

Magpie:Stre - ke - ke! I brought good news. Now, or maybe exactly at six, a big guest will come to you. The guest is gray-haired, with a beard. Guess who is?

Children:Father Frost!

Magpie:I'll look out the door, maybe he's coming, friends! (approaches the door, takes out a large jug to the Christmas tree).

(Light goes out completely) .

Magpie:(flies around the room). Stre - ke - ke! The guest is gray-haired, gray-haired with a long, white beard. Killed me to tears, he is not Santa Claus at all! Hush - hush - hush! (flies away) .

(The light turns on, the old man Khattabych stands by the Christmas tree, brushes himself off, looks around).

Khattabych:May there be peace in this house! Hello, the most educated of the educated, and the most charming of the lovely! Children and distinguished guests!

Presenter:Hello grandpa! Where are you from? And why did they come here?

Khattabych:Oh, how, tibidah! Do you know who you don't let? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand! I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!

Presenter:Oh guys! Why, this is old Khattabych!

Khattabych:Right! O wisest of the wisest! You recognized my name. Where did I get to? Whose house is beautiful? Where are there so many children?

Children:at our school!

Khattabych:How nice and light you have. What a beautiful palm!

Presenter:It's not a palm tree.

Children:This is a tree!

Khattabych:Christmas tree! Wah, wah, wah beautiful Christmas tree! What a strange tree! What fruits on it are strange! And here's an apple, I'll pick it now!

Presenter:You can't, Hassan Khattab! This apple is not real. This Christmas tree toy is made of glass.

Khattabych:What miracles! How do you eat glass apples?

Presenter:Every year on New Year's Eve, people in our country bring a Christmas tree from the forest and decorate it with glass toys. Yes, guys, now they will tell you everything.


1. We are from the forest Christmas tree

invited to the garden.

Dressed up a Christmas tree

In festive attire.

2. You have to stand near the tree

And the desire to guess.

The day will come, the hour will come.

Everything will fulfill the New Year!

3. On cheerful children's trees

Miracles shine in needles.

And under the Christmas tree in the New Year!

Everyone will find something.

You just need to advance

Make a wish.

4. Our tree is full of toys

And the balls on it shine.

Our Christmas Tree

Congratulations to all the guys.

Presenter:Dear Khattabych, For the New Year, everyone decorates the Christmas tree, but not only with glass toys, but even with sweets. Now the guys will sing a funny song for you.

Song: "Delicious toys"

Presenter:Khattabych, we know you as a kind magician. Tell me, can you help us?

Khattabych:With great pleasure dear! Although I am old, I am not weak in will and I will help you. Order incomparable!

Presenter:We want to invite Santa Claus to the holiday.

Khattabych:Freezing? For what? I'm afraid of frost. Where I live, it is warm, the sun is shining, there is no snow. Why do you need Santa Claus?

Presenter:We can't light the Christmas tree without him! We want it to light up now!

Khattabych:O cruel of the cruel! O evil children! Do you want this tree to burn?

Presenter:No grandfather! We want multi-colored light bulbs to light up on the Christmas tree - lights!

Khattabych:So I will do it now. Conjures: Oh - la - lam, la - lam!

(Lights do not light up).

Presenter:Calm down, Khattabych! Maybe you can invite the Snow Maiden? She will be able to light the fires on the Christmas tree.

Khattabych:Snow Maiden, good! Conjures: You sweep a blizzard, invite a snow maiden to us.

Presenter:I hear someone's voices. Someone is stomping loudly and clapping their hands.


We've been waiting for this hour all year.

And under the thunder of crackers.

We start a round dance

Christmas toys.

(Children run out to dance).

Dance: "Christmas decorations".

Khattabych:That's how many Snow Maidens I invited to you.

Presenter:Khattabych, these are not Snow Maidens, but Christmas decorations. Maybe you will try to invite Santa Claus again, he will come and bring fun.

Khattabych:Conjures: Ay, la - lam, ah - la - lam. You are a blizzard, do not sweep, invite Frost to us.

(Music sounds, snowmen run out to the Christmas tree).

1. I am a snowman from the snow.

2. I'm blind to glory.

3. I have a cheerful look.

4. And the outfit is funny.

"Dance of the Snowmen"

Khattabych:Wah, wah, wah! What are these miracles? I made a mistake again in sorcery.

Presenter:Yes, old man Khattabych, something incomprehensible is happening with your magic - sorcery.

Khattabych:(thinks): Don't be upset, dear! I figured out how to cheer you up! Conjures: Ay, la - lam, ah - la - lam. He takes out a toy Santa Claus from the basket.

(Santa Claus walks on the carpet, sings a song).

Presenter:Oh, it's not the real Santa Claus. Khattabych, because of your absent-mindedness, neither Santa Claus nor the Snow Maiden can come to our Christmas tree.

Khattabych:It happens. Aren't the guys scattered?

Presenter:No, our guys are attentive. Let's check it out if you want. Guys, answer the questions: It's me, It's me, These are all my friends!


Who sings and has fun, and is not afraid of work?

Has anyone ever gotten sick from overeating?

Who is not afraid of frost, flies around the rink like a bird?

Which of you, tell me brothers, forgets to wash?

Who can rest, jump, run and play?

Who is a good fisherman, who catches cows with a fishing rod?

Which one of you walks upside down on the pavement?

Which of you is the most nimble here, the first to meet the snow maiden?

Presenter:Khattabych, I think I know what's the matter. You forgot the magic word, think about what?

Khattabych:Right! I know this word, everyone should pronounce it when they ask for something. Do you guys know this word?


Khattabych:Right! Well, let's check it out now. Ai-la-lam, ai-la-lam! You are a blizzard, do not sweep, but Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, please invite us to the holiday!

And it's time for me to say goodbye, it became cold, and I'm afraid of frost. Goodbye, wisest of the wisest. Leaves.

(Music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come in).

Presenter:Here comes the welcome guest, all overgrown with a beard, and cheerful and ruddy. Who is this?

Children:Father Frost!

D. Moroz:Hello my friends! I was with you a year ago. Glad to see you all again. You dressed up in costumes. Everyone started dancing cheerfully. So, in this hall is the Ball, the New Year's Carnival!

Oh, why doesn't the Christmas tree burn? Not in order! Let's say together: One, two, three, well - ka, the Christmas tree burn!

(The Christmas tree does not light up).

Snow Maiden:Santa Claus, or maybe read poetry for the Christmas tree, and sing a song, you see, and she will smile at us with her lights.


1. Hello tree, how happy we are

That you came to us again.

And in green needles

The freshness of the forest has brought!

2. Our tree with a head

All covered with gray hair.

And keeps thick needles

The smell of the resinous forest.

3. How elegant are you

With a silver star!

How big are you

How fun with you.

4. Christmas tree lights up

All covered in silver dust.

To us from Santa Claus.

They brought this tree.

5. Well, the tree! Just a miracle!

How elegant! How beautiful!

The branches rustle faintly.

Beads shine bright.

And the toys swing

Flags, stars, crackers.

6. The tree stretched out its branches

Smells like forest and winter.

Candies hung from the tree

And crackers with fringes.

We clapped our hands

They got up together in a round dance.

So good has come

And Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden:So that no one frowns, start playing, dancing. Get into a round dance. Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance: "It's snowing!"

D. Moroz:Well, thank you guys, you danced with me. Now let's try to light the Christmas tree together. One - two - three Christmas tree burn!

(The Christmas tree lights up with bright lights).

D. Moroz:And tell me - ka, do you have fun with your grandfather in winter?


1. We don't care about the cold

We are not afraid of the cold.

We walk in fur coats and earflaps

And we go sledding.

D. Moroz:But as?

And like this. Sit down Frost, I'll give you a ride.

(Sledding is depicted to the music).

D. Moroz:And then?

2. And then we'll get on skis

And we'll roll down the mountain.

D. Moroz:But as?

And like this. Let's go, I'll show you.

(Skiing is imitated to the music).

D. Moroz:What else?

3. We also take skates.

And we run to the rinks.

D. Moroz:But as?

And like this. Let's go, Snow Maiden, I'll show you.

(They imitate ice skating to the music).

D. Moroz:Do other kids like sledding, skiing and skating?


D. Moroz:Let's go, let's all ride.

(They imitate sledding, skiing, skating to the music).

D. Moroz:And my granddaughter Snegurochka also has a favorite game. Do you know what?


D. Moroz:That's right, in the snowballs. Yes, not just throw snowballs, but who will be able to raise a snowball faster.

"Snowball game".

D. Moroz:Oh, and I'm tired. Yes, the game is hot. Call your girlfriends - snowflakes, Snow Maiden, let them bring coolness.

Snow Maiden:Fly out snowflakes, cool Santa Claus.

Dance: "Snowflake"

D. Moroz:Well done, snowflakes, cooled grandfather.

Snow Maiden:And now Grandfather, listen to the poems that the guys read to you.


1. Red-cheeked and broad-shouldered

Dear Santa Claus!

All decorated in fluffy snow

And he brought gifts!

Let the fires burn on the branches

Round dances are found!

Let about all obedient children

Happiness will take care!

2. Santa Claus for the new year

Anything you want will bring.

Make a wish you.

And dreams will come true.

I didn't just guess

I drew on the sheets.

And put it under the tree

Cotton carefully covered.

Didn't tell mom and dad

What I wished for myself.

And so it happened

Santa Claus brought everything I wanted.

Too bad it's only once a year

He takes care of us.

3. Snow covered the tree in the forest

I hid the tree from the guys.

Christmas tree at night

I ran to kindergarten.

And we have fun in the garden,

A noisy round dance is dancing.

Under a young spruce

We are celebrating the New Year!

4. Winter before the holiday

For the green tree

Dress white herself

Sewn without a needle.

Shake off the white snow

Christmas tree with a bow

And is the most beautiful of all

In a green dress.

Green color suits her

Elka knows this.

How is she on New Year's Eve?

Well dressed!

5. Who is in an elegant warm coat,

With a long white beard

Comes to visit on New Year's Eve

And ruddy, and gray-haired?

He plays with us, dances,

With him, the holiday is more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

6. Santa Claus, though old,

But he's naughty like a little one:

Stings cheeks, nose tickles,

He wants to grab by the ears.

Santa Claus, do not blow in the face,

Stop, do you hear

Don't pamper!

D. Moroz:Yes, I am an old prankster, I love to play, I know, and you love to play. Everyone go to the circle.

Game "Mitten".

D. Moroz:Yes, you like to play, but do your parents like to play, now we'll check.

Rope game. Game for children and parents.

Snow Maiden:Grandfather Frost, we had a lot of fun, and now the time has come to distribute gifts!

D. Moroz:Children deserve gifts, I have a surprise for you. According to the crystal snow, the year of the horse is coming to us, and everyone is lucky with gifts.

(Santa Claus leads a horse into the hall, which carries gifts.

The horse is dancing, everyone is clapping their hands).

D. Moroz and Snegurochka give out gifts.

Presenter:Guys, thank Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for the gifts. And let's spend grandfather with a cheerful round dance.

D. Moroz:Guys, get up in a friendly round dance, invite your parents.

Round dance: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest! ".

D. Frost and the Snow Maiden say goodbye, congratulate everyone on the New Year! They leave.

Annex 5

Sports event "Dad, Mom and I - a sports family"

Regulations on holding a sports event "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family."


- promotion of healthy lifestyles

- strengthening the connection between the family and the school

- strengthening the relationship of the child with parents, with the school

- Identification of a friendly and cohesive team.

Venue and time

Competitions are held ___ 20__ in the sports hall of MBOU secondary school No. ___

Start of the competition in ___


The general management of the organization and conduct of the competition is carried out by a teacher of physical culture ___, as well as assistants at the stages: ___ The calculation of points and the identification of winners is the responsibility of the jury, the jury members: additional education teacher __, parent __, high school student __


The whole family (dad, mum, child) is allowed to participate in the competition

All participants must belong to the main medical group. Participants must be: in sportswear and shoes. Each team has a name, motto.

Competition program

Stage 1: "Running with a baton"

Stage 2: "Crossing in a hoop"

Contest for dads "Hugs"

Stage 3: "Big ball"

Stage 4: "Through bumps and stumps"

Competition for moms "Moving ring"

Stage 5: "Tie a bow"

Competition of captains "Inflate the balloon"

Stage 6: "Combined Relay"

Determination of the winner of the competition

The winners are determined by the highest number of points scored at stages and competitions, i.e. if there are 4 teams, then the maximum number of points for 1st place is 4, 2nd place -3, 3rd place -2, 4th place -1. And the best results in competitions for the highest number of points. Penalty points at the stages are - 0, 1


Teams are awarded with certificates and sweet prizes. Contestants with valuable prizes

Scenario of the event

By the sound of music, the competitors, accompanied by assistants, enter the sports hall, line up in front of the jury.


ABOUT! The joy of our meeting is boundless.

Oh, the happiness of seeing sincere friends!

We believe everyone will do great

And it will become stronger and stronger in spirit!

Good afternoon, our dear guests, competitors, teachers and students of our school! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall. Today we have a holiday, a holiday of true lovers of physical culture, connoisseurs of beauty and health. Today is a sports holiday for the whole family, for family teams.

The facilitator introduces the participants; in turn, the teams represent: the name of the team, the motto. Introduces the composition of the jury, physical education teacher, assistants Ch. judges-teachers of physical education; with the program of competitions and evaluation of the stages. For each team, one accompanying assistant.Music accompanies each stage of the competition and during the break (the theme of music is focused on the task by stages and a pause)

Physical education teacher: Teams equal, quietly! Alignment to the middle.

Walks in front of the chairman of the jury

Physical education teacher: I report to the chairman of the jury. The teams are lined up and ready for the start of the competition.

Leading: The competition will be judged by the most worthy, fair and skillful - this is our jury. The floor is given to the chairman of the jury


There are no shortcuts in sports

And there are no accidental successes,

Let's get to know the games

We are all winning formulas.

It's resilience and courage

The strength of the hands and the vigilance of the eye,

This is the honor of the native family,

Covering us.

Teacher: participants at the start-step march!

The first stage of the competition begins. Assistants show the task at the stage.

Then the participants start, on a signal (whistle). And so each stage is previously shown by assistants.

By stages

Stage 1 “Running with a baton”: the child starts first on the whistle, running in a straight line runs around the rack, runs to the finish line, passes the baton to his mother; Mom hands it over to Dad after running.

Penalties: if the wand is dropped; incorrectly passed and received (CORRECT in the COUNTER RELAY, the sender holds the stick in his right hand and passes to the right, slightly shifting to the left while running without interfering with the next runner); and also did not run around the rack.

Stage 2 “Crossing in a hoop”: in front of each team there is one hoop No. 1, and the other hoop No. 2 is in the hands of any of the teams; on the whistle, the whole family moves to hoop No. 1 on the floor and puts hoop No. 2 in front of hoop No. 1 on the floor. Then the whole family moves from hoop No. 1 to hoop No. 2, and hoop No. 1 will lay in front of hoop No. 2. And so the whole family, being inside the hoop, crosses to the other side of the gym, then they leave the hoops near the rack and they all run to the finish line.

Penalties: came out of the hoop (touched the floor with their feet or one foot behind the hoop, did not bypass the rack.

COMPETITION of dads "Hugs". Teams in pairs: mom and dad; lined up in one line. The inflatable ball is located between the torso of dad and mom in front

At the whistle, the couples should hug tightly and burst the balloon faster than others without the help of hands, but only embracing.

Penalties: burst the balloon with your hands

Stage 3: "Big Ball" Each team has large rubber, inflatable balls. Dads at the start in a prone position, mom and child have balls. On the whistle, mom will put the ball in front of dad, and dad goes in emphasis on top of the ball, the child will immediately put the ball in front of dad and dad must move forward all the time on top of the balls in lying support. The ball under the feet is passed forward all the time so that dad moves along the ball, so they move to the post, then leave the balls and run back together.

Penalties: dad does not move on the ball, did not run around the rack.

Stage 4: “Through bumps and stumps” In front of each team there are hoops: 1 row of hoops is laid one after another, 2 in two rows, between the 1st row and 2 rows of hoops there is a small distance (2 m) At the whistle, the first one runs, steps on each hoop in a row lying - 1 row, with one foot, then in the 2nd row, stepping with the right foot into the right hoop, and with the left foot into the left hoop; runs around the rack and running in a straight line, passes the baton with his hand (as in an oncoming relay race with a stick).

Penalties: stepped on the hoop, moved the hoop from its place (your own or someone else's); did not pass the baton.

COMPETITION of mothers "Moving ring": the participants are located in a square, i.e. each in his own corner; on the square lies the "ring" - a rope; a ball (volleyball or football) is placed in front of each. The participants stand with their backs to the center of the “ring”, take the “ring” in their hands, but so that the red ribbon on the rope is in the center of the participant’s body and tries to kick the ball first with the whistle.

Penalties: did not hold the rope, i.e. "ring"

Stage 5: “Tie a bow”: everyone in the team has a bow in their hands, on the whistle the first one runs in a straight line to the volleyball net and ties a bow; back running passes the baton with his hand. And so is every participant.

Penalties: no bow tied; did not pass the baton

COMPETITION of captains "Inflate the balloon": each child has an inflatable deflated balloon. At the whistle for a while, the children should inflate the ball, the time to complete it is 2 minutes, keep it so that it does not deflate and lift it up if he considered that he had completed the task. It is determined who finished first and who inflated the balloon well. In the event that the balloon burst, everyone will have a spare balloon.

Note: if you could not inflate, but fought to the end, 0.5 points are given. The size of the ball is shown in advance by assistants

stage 6 “Combined Relay”: Run around the pins in a zigzag, climb into the hoop - lying on the floor, get from a prone position into the pins opposite, run around the rack and pass the baton with your hand.

Penalties: touched the skittles while running in a zigzag, threw a hoop, and did not put it back; did not run around the bar.

Host: the most fair and honest judges summed up the competition. Jury word.

Rewarding participants and announcement of the winner.

Host: We wish you that physical culture becomes your constant companion of life, that physical exercises become a natural need in your life

and that you, dear parents, become our allies in shaping the child's interest and love for physical culture, for physical exercises. See you soon!

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  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of social rehabilitation of minors with addictive behavior
  • 1.1 The concept, the essence of the features of the manifestation of addictive behavior of minors
    • 1.2 Features of the specifics of psychological counseling of minors with addictive behavior
  • Chapter 2. The system of psychological counseling of minors with addictive behavior
    • 2.1 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the features of the manifestation of addictive behavior of minors
    • 2.2 The main directions of psychological counseling for juvenile addicts
    • 2.3 Findings of the study
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Applications


The transformation of the social structure of society as a result of the economic and political reforms carried out by the state, the dynamism of social processes and the crisis situation that has arisen in many areas of public life has inevitably led to an increase in the number of deviations manifested in behavioral patterns that deviate from social norms. The increase in the number of carriers of deviant behavior, the multiplication of their types and forms create an unfavorable environment for children, which leads to violations of the moral stability of society.

Economic and political instability in Russian society provokes smoking, increased alcohol and drug use among adolescents and young people. These forms of addictive behavior, which have already become traditional, are joined by gambling addictions, i.e. gambling and computer addictions (from the English "gamble" - gambling), dependence on destructive cults, etc., which have a no less destructive effect on the emerging personality of a teenager.

In recent decades, the problem of addictive behavior of minors associated with the use of various psychoactive substances and not reaching the stage of mental and physical dependence on them has become especially acute.

The urgency of this problem led to the choice research topics: The specifics of psychological counseling associated with addictive behavior.

Object of study is the addictive behavior of minors.

Subject of study- the process of psychological counseling with minor addicts.

Purpose of the study- to scientifically substantiate the specifics of psychological counseling with juvenile addicts.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, the following are formulated. research objectives:

1. Determine the social and psychological and pedagogical aspect of the addictive behavior of minors;

2. Conduct a psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the features of the manifestation of addictive behavior of minors;

4. To develop the main directions of psychological counseling of minors with addictive behavior.

Research hypothesis: We assume that the rehabilitation program for juvenile addictive behavior will be more effective if there is:

1) include means of artistic and creative activity;

2) is aimed at the formation and development of skills (protection from the involvement of minors in antisocial activities, the motive for refusing to take psychoactive substances) that prevent the use of psychoactive substances in the future.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study are fundamental works in the field of studying addictive behavior of minors, studying the problems of social, socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of minors with addictive behavior (E.I. Kholostova, N.A. Sirota, V.V. Zaitsev, Yu.D. Babaeva, etc.) ideas of using artistic and creative technologies in social work (E.Yu. Gerasimova, E.R. Guzhvinskaya, N.A. Zhivolupova, G.G. Karpova, O.A. Khakhova, N.I. Lovtsova, N.R. Milyutina, E. V. Terelyanskaya, M. G. Yartseva and others).

To achieve the goal and solve the tasks set, a complex was used research methods:

Theoretical: theoretical and methodological analysis of psychological, pedagogical, sociological literature; study and generalization of domestic experience in the study of addictive behavior of minors;

Empirical: observation, conversation, questioning, survey.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of social rehabilitation of minors with addictive behavior

1.1 The concept, the essence of the features of the manifestation of addictive behavior of minors

Social non-recognition, the formalization of the activities of public youth structures, the lack of intimate personal contact with close adults exacerbate the tendency inherent in adolescents to overestimate traditional values, lead to a crisis of authority, opposing oneself to the world of adults, various forms of deviant behavior, in particular addictive behavior. The possibility of the appearance of deviations in the behavior of minors is also associated with the characteristics of physical development, the conditions of education and the social environment. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, “a minor is a person who has not reached the age of eighteen years”. .

A detailed periodization of the mental development of a child from birth to 17 years was created by D.B. Elkonin and presented in the article "On the problem of periodization of mental development in childhood". In the development of children D.B. Elkonin considered it necessary to single out stages, age periods, and not just time intervals. He considered age as "a relatively closed period, the significance of which is determined, first of all, by its place and functional significance on the general curve of child development." Each psychological age is characterized by indicators that are in complex relationships with each other: the social situation of development; leading activity; major neoplasms.

The social situation of development is defined as the actual place of the child in social conditions, his attitude towards them and the nature of his activity in them. Inextricably linked with a child's life in a certain social situation are the child's typical activities for a given age, which constitute his second most important characteristic. D.B. Elkonin used the concept of leading activity developed by A.N. Leontiev as a criterion for identifying psychological ages. At each age there is a system of various activities, but the leader occupies a special place in it. Leading activity goes through a long path of formation, development (under the guidance of adults), and does not appear immediately in a finished form.

Leading activity is not the activity that takes the most time for the child. This is the main activity in terms of its significance for mental development: in the form of a leading activity, other, new types of activity arise and are differentiated within it (for example, in the game in preschool childhood, elements of learning first appear and take shape); in the leading activity, private mental processes are formed or restructured ( the processes of active imagination of the child are formed in the game); the changes in the child's personality observed in a given period of development depend on the leading activity (in the game, the child masters the motives and norms of people's behavior, which is an important aspect of personality formation). D.B. Elkonin presented the sequence of psychological ages in childhood as follows:

neonatal crisis; infancy (2 months - 1 year) directly - emotional communication with an adult; crisis of one year; early age

- (1-3 years) tool-object (object-manipulative) activity; crisis of three years; preschool age (3-7 years) - role-playing game; crisis of seven years; junior school age (8-12 years) - educational activities; crisis 11-12 years; adolescence (11-15 years old)

Intimate personal communication with peers; crisis 15 years.

Within the activity, so-called psychological neoplasms arise and develop. When one leading activity is replaced by another (when, for example, the play activity of preschool age is replaced by another leading activity - educational, already characteristic of primary school age), a crisis occurs. Depending on the content, relationship crises (3 years and 11 years) and worldview crises (1 year and 7 years) are distinguished. Elkonin, in the scheme of mental development he presented in childhood, developed the idea of ​​a periodic change, alternation in ontogenesis of two types of activity.

This step was prepared by the works of A.V. Zaporozhets and P.Ya. Galperin devoted to the analysis of the structure and formation of the objective action. According to A.V. Zaporozhets, mental processes are varieties of orienting processes. Thus, perception is an orientation in the properties and qualities of objects, thinking is an orientation in their connections and relationships, and emotions are an orientation in personal meanings. In the study of voluntary movements and their formation in children, Zaporozhets came to the conclusion about the role of orientation as the leading part of the action and about the passage of orientation through several stages - from external, expanded, to internal, folded. P.Ya. Galperin studied the development of internal, mental activity. He believed that of the three components of action - orientation, execution and control - orientation is of the greatest importance. A correctly set orienting basis makes it possible to perform the action correctly the first time. Gradually (in stages) there is an internalization of the action and its transformation into an internal, mental action.

So, in every human action, two sides can be distinguished, two parts - indicative and executive. The orientation phase precedes execution. It is especially deployed at the initial stages of mastering a new objective action. It is the orienting part of the action that undergoes internalization, which is the main content of the functional development of the psyche.

In activity, two sides can be distinguished - motivational and operational; they develop unevenly, and the pace of development of a separate aspect of activity in each age period changes. According to the hypothesis of D.B. Elkonin, all childhood ages can be divided into two types: - at the ages of the first type (this is infancy, preschool childhood, adolescence), the child develops predominantly the social-motivational side of some activity; the orientation of the child in the system of relations, motives, meanings of human actions is formed; - at the ages of the second type, following the first (this is early childhood, primary school age, early youth), the child already develops the operational side of this activity.

There is a regular alternation of some ages (in which children predominantly develop needs and motives) with other ages (when children form specific operations of a particular activity). So, in infancy, in emotional communication with a close adult, the needs and motives for business cooperation and the development of the objective world arise, which are realized in objective activity at an early age, when the corresponding operations take shape. But at preschool age, in play activity, the needs and motives of the activity that becomes leading in the next, younger school age develop primarily. Therefore, two certain adjacent ages are, as it were, linked to each other, and this “coupling” (or, in the words of D.B. Elkonin, “epoch”) is reproduced throughout childhood (or is periodically repeated).

Thus, D.B. Elkonin suggested that the regularity of the advanced development of orientation in comparison with the executive part operates not only in the functional, but also in the age-related development of the psyche: in the process of child development, the motivational side of activity is mastered first, and then the operational-technical side. From the point of view of D.B. Elkonin, periodically there is a gap between the level of development of the operational and motivational aspects of activity, one breaks ahead and is ahead of the other, and it is necessary to change the activity so that the lagging side reaches the required level of development. The driving forces of development are connected with the contradiction that develops in the process of mastering the motivational and objective aspects of activity by the child.

The hypothesis of periodicity in the mental development of the child, formulated by D.B. Elkonin, creatively develops the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky, it explains the formation in the child of not only the cognitive, but also the motivational-requirement sphere of the personality, the development of the world of people and the world of objects by the child, reveals the mechanism of self-movement in mental development.

For our study of juvenile addictive behavior, it is more relevant to consider the age limit of 15-17 years.

When addictive behavior is formed, social and spiritual needs are significantly affected, and organic and material ones become the fundamental forms of behavior. Man becomes a hedonistic being. This leads to the formation of addictive behavior. Addictive behavior has dynamics, i.e. a certain development, which consists in the progressive deepening of violations in cases where the process will not be stopped.

According to the studies of E.V. Zmanovskaya addictive (lat. addictio - evading) behavior is expressed in the desire to escape from reality by changing one's mental state by taking certain substances or constantly fixing attention on certain objects or activities, which is accompanied by the development of intense emotions. The process of using one or another substance (alcohol, psychotropic, narcotic substances, etc.), which changes the mental state, attachment to any object or participation in activity, takes on such dimensions that it begins to control a person’s life, makes him helpless, deprives him of the will to countering addiction.

Foreign researchers usually understand addictive behavior as the abuse of various substances that change the mental state, including alcohol and tobacco smoking, before addiction has formed on them.

In the works of N.A. Orphans, N.A. Shilova by "addictive behavior" is understood as one of the forms of deviant behavior, expressed in the desire to escape from the real by changing one's mental state by taking certain substances or constantly fixing attention on certain objects or activities (types of activity), accompanied by the development of intense emotions. In our work the problems of formation of addictive behavior in minors are considered.

Most of the authors of studies on the problems of addiction (K.S. Yang, Yu.S. Shevchenko; L.G. Leonova, N.L. Bochkareva, etc.) agree that in the process of developing addictive behavior, a person loses control over his own behavior . According to M. Gaulston, F. Godberg, K. Sweet, any type of activity or object can become an object of dependence.

In the studies of A.G. Leonova and N.L. Bochkarev combine different types of addictive behavior into two main categories of pharmacological and non-pharmacological character. The desire to change the mood by an addictive mechanism. These agents include substances that change the mental state: alcohol, drugs, drugs, toxic substances. An artificial mood change is also facilitated by involvement in some types of activity: gambling, computer, sex, overeating or starvation, work, listening to rhythmic music. The reasons for the emergence of addictive behavior, the authors associate with the age, individual characteristics of the individual, the conditions of the social environment.

Features of the behavior of adolescents with addictive behavior are characterized by stereotyping, i.e. the same patterns of behavior are repeated, becoming, as it were, a painful ritual. Therefore, by establishing the general features of the scheme, the behavior of addicts is relatively easy to predict. It is much more difficult, unfortunately, to change this stereotype, since defensive reactions of denial and rationalization are a serious hindrance.

In minors of addictive behavior, such a feature as dependence is sometimes found. Dependence often manifests itself in the form of a subordinate motivation for taking alcohol or other substances, i.e. submission of addictive behavior to pressure from authoritative teenagers with addictive behavior. Most adolescents are also characterized by passivity, lack of independence. This kind of addicts usually seek support from “authoritative” figures for them among the same alcoholic, drug addicts, easily falling under their influence.

Addictive behavior as a type of deviant behavior of a person has several forms: chemical dependence (smoking, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol addiction); eating disorders (overeating, starvation, refusal to eat); gambling - gambling addiction (computer addiction, gambling); religious destructive behavior (religious fanaticism, involvement in a sect).

The severity of addictive behavior can be different: from almost normal behavior to severe forms of biological dependence, accompanied by severe somatic and mental pathology.

In this regard, some authors, such as E. V. Zmanovskaya, distinguish between addictive behavior and simply bad habits that do not reach the degree of dependence and do not pose a fatal threat, for example, overeating or smoking. Various forms of addictive behavior tend to combine or merge into each other, which proves the commonality of the mechanisms of their functioning.

Dependence on alcohol, tobacco and drugs. In the international classification of diseases, smoking is classified as an addiction (tobacco addiction syndrome). The pharmacological and behavioral processes that determine tobacco dependence are similar to those that determine dependence on drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

The psychological effect of drinking alcohol in small doses is expressed in the weakening of internal prohibitions, stiffness and acceleration of the sense of time.

Thus, the use of alcohol gives a sense of identity, while the person does not expend any internal effort, and with the disappearance of the external source of well-being, the sense of identity also disappears.

Psychological dependence syndrome, the essence of which is that a person ceases to feel comfortable in life and cope with difficulties without taking drugs. The drug becomes the most important condition for a person's contact with life, himself, and other people.

The syndrome of physical dependence consists in the gradual incorporation of the drug into various chains of metabolic processes in the body. If the drug addict does not take the appropriate amount of the drug, then he experiences physical suffering of varying severity: aches, dry skin (or sweating), i.e. withdrawal syndrome develops. To remove it, you need to take a drug, the doses of which are constantly increasing.

Syndrome of altered reactivity of the body to the action of the drug. The most important role in the structure of this syndrome is played by tolerance. Its increase, stabilization at a high level, decrease are attributed to the core symptoms of drug addiction.

In the studies of V.V. Shabalina points out that different functions dominate at different stages of the development of drug addiction: cognitive function (satisfaction of curiosity, change in perception, expansion of consciousness); hedonic function (getting pleasure); psychotherapeutic function (relaxation in the presence of stressful situations or emotional tension; increasing the level of comfort; removing barriers to behavior); compensatory function (replacement of problematic functioning in the areas of sexual life, communication, entertainment, etc.); stimulating function (increased productivity); adaptive function (adaptation to a group of peers who use drugs); anesthetic function (pain avoidance).

The functions listed above, which can be realized through the use of psychoactive substances, indicate that dependence (particularly narcotic) increases adaptive capabilities. With the help of a drug, a teenager compensates for the lack of socio-psychological adaptation.

According to T.I. Petrakova, D.L. Limonova, E.S. Menshikova et al., studying the motivation for drug use by adolescents, found that adolescents gave the highest percentage of positive responses to drug use in situations: when the drug was used as a “medicine” for strong emotional experiences: fear, hatred, resentment, annoyance, loneliness, etc. ; responsibility for one's behavior, opposition to the group, authority; conformity, demonstration of protest against the opinions of elders, propensity to take risks, curiosity.

Among the reasons for the actualization of psychological readiness for drug use are (S.V. Berezin, K.S. Lisetsky and others): the inability of a teenager to get out of a situation where the satisfaction of urgent needs is difficult; unformed or ineffective methods of psychological protection; the presence of a traumatic situation from which a teenager does not find a constructive way out; the presence of a tendency to confront the danger.

Food addiction. We are talking about food addiction only when food is not used as a means of satisfying hunger, when the component of getting pleasure from eating begins to prevail and the process of eating becomes a way of abstraction from something. Thus, on the one hand, there is an escape from troubles, and on the other hand, fixation on pleasant taste sensations. An analysis of this phenomenon allows us to note one more point: in the case when there is nothing to occupy free time or fill a spiritual void, reduce internal discomfort, it quickly joins the chemical mechanism. In the absence of food, even if there is no hunger, substances are produced that stimulate appetite.

Thus, the amount of food eaten increases and the frequency of eating increases, which leads to weight gain and vascular disorders. This problem is especially relevant in countries with a high standard of living, along with which there is a high level of stress in society. The development of food addiction is also real in the situation of availability of food due to the peculiarities of the profession (bar, restaurant, canteen). The other side of food addiction is starvation. The danger lies in a peculiar way of self-realization, namely, in overcoming oneself, in victory over one's “weakness”. This is a specific way to prove to yourself and others what you are capable of. During such a “struggle” with oneself, an elevated mood, a feeling of lightness, is manifested. Restrictions on food are beginning to be absurd. Periods of fasting are replaced by periods of active overeating. There is no criticism of their behavior. Along with this, there are serious violations in the perception of reality.

Internet addiction. In modern research, Internet addiction is studied as a type of computer addiction (cyber addiction). Studying the relationship between identity and behavior on the Internet, A. Zhichkina revealed that the peculiarity of the identity of Internet - dependent users is the desire to get rid of the requirements of the social environment and satisfy the need for emotional support. Internet users are characterized by the creation of virtual personalities, which are based on motivational reasons (satisfaction of existing desires). Virtual personalities are a compensation for the shortcomings of the real situation. They can exist both “for themselves”, realizing the ideal “I”, or, conversely, realizing the destructive tendencies of the user, and “for others” - in order to impress others.

According to a study conducted in 2000-2001. connections of cyber-addiction with personal characteristics E.D. Lvina, L.F. Lvin, N.I. Lebedev found that almost 9% of students aged 15-17 have a computer addiction. It was revealed that the use of a computer and the Internet for games and entertainment is associated with certain personality traits (high dominance, low tolerance, low self-esteem, etc.). It has also been found that there is a negative correlation between cyber addiction and positive (self) identity.

Addiction to destructive cults . Those minors who cannot independently resolve emerging intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts, who do not see life prospects, who need support and recognition, who are not received in their environment, may be involved in non-traditional religious systems (sects), should be considered as a form of negative mental dependence .

Negative dependence is called dependence on any object that is addictive and the impossibility of abandoning it and which has a destructive effect on the psychological and physiological state of a person. The object can be either a psychoactive substance (and then we are talking about various forms of drug addiction), or a pathological system of relationships (and then we are talking, among other things, about sectarianism as a form of pathogenic relationships).

The types of addictive behavior considered by us are forms of compensation for shortcomings in personality development. The object of dependence, despite the specificity of each type of addictive behavior, is only a means that gives an illusory satisfaction of needs (not to be confused with the illusory sensations, they are real) or the resolution of actual conflicts, the weakening of internal tension. A teenager cannot get rid of addiction, because he does not have another more constructive way to resolve constantly arising difficulties.

The choice of the object of addiction and, consequently, the formation of the corresponding type of addictive behavior is accidental. For example, an object may change to another, but the addiction will remain), a drug addict may become an alcoholic and vice versa). This is due to the fact that the formation of various types of addictive behavior is unified in its psychological basis.

Thus, from the consideration of the problem of addictive behavior of minors, it follows the need to take certain measures that made it possible to systematically resolve the current situation. One of the more effective ways is the social rehabilitation of minors addictive behavior.

1.2 Features of the specifics of psychological counseling of minors with addictive behavior

As noted in paragraph 1.1, the addictive behavior of minors is accompanied by a deformation of their social ties and alienation from the main institutions of socialization and, above all, from the family and from the school.

To overcome this alienation, the inclusion of minors in the system of socially significant relations, it is necessary to implement a set of social measures. An analysis of psychological, socio-pedagogical, medical literature on the problem of rehabilitation of children and adolescents indicates that socio-pedagogical rehabilitation in specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation can only be carried out on the basis of a deep integration of educational, educational, social and medical health programs aimed at the socialization of minors, and is a complex multi-level system of interaction between social workers, teachers, educators, psychologists, doctors, representatives of law enforcement agencies, organizers of education and healthcare.

Regulatory documents adopted in recent years on this issue (Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the System for Prevention and Juvenile Delinquency”, “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”), state reports “On the Situation of Children in the Russian Federation”, “On the Situation of Families in Russian Federation” and others establish the foundations for the legal regulation of relations in this area, allow creating a fundamentally new model of the state system for the prevention and rehabilitation of minors.”

However, in general, the existing system of social rehabilitation work in the country is not adequate to the current situation and is mainly aimed at social control and punitive actions against antisocial families and minors in need of social rehabilitation, as well as at providing basic conditions for their life - the provision of housing, food, clothes. Scientific research of recent years, as well as the positive practice of the regions of Russia in solving the problem of the rehabilitation of minors, convincingly proves that the basis of rehabilitation activities should be based on the ideas of humanistic education, based on respect for the minor and trust in him.

A multifaceted pedagogical study of the problem of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of a teenager was carried out in domestic pedagogy by such scientists as G.M. Andreeva, V.V. Zaekov, L.P. Kolchina, N.D. Levitov, T.G. Rumyantsev and others.

Much attention was paid to this problem in their works by scientists N.S. Vorontsova, E.V. Kolesnikova, H.A. Rychkova, R. Steiner and others.

The problems of social work with children and adolescents are discussed in the works of L.S. Alekseeva, V.G. Bocharova, S.A. Belicheva, M.P. Guryanova, V.I. Zhukova, N.Yu. Klimenko, V.Sh. Maslennikova, G.V. Mukhametzyanova, A.B. Mudrika, L.E. Nikitina, L.Ya. Oliferenko, V.A. Slastenina, E.I. Kholostova, N.B. Shmeleva, E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova and others.

In studies on social work, social rehabilitation is understood as a set of measures aimed at restoring a person in rights, social status, health, and capacity. This process is aimed not only at restoring a person's ability to live in a social environment, but also the social environment itself, living conditions that have been disturbed or limited for any reason.

According to M.A. Galaguzova's definition of rehabilitation in relation to family relations is a system of measures aimed at the fastest and most complete restoration of the full functioning of various categories of the population. She considers the rehabilitation level, which consists of three sublevels - individual, group and community.

In the work of A.V. Mudrik explains the concept of correctional education, which is consonant with the concept of rehabilitation. This is the creation of conditions for adapting to life in society, overcoming or weakening the shortcomings or defects in the development of certain categories of people. This type of education is necessary and is implemented for a number of categories of victims of adverse conditions of socialization and is suitable not only for children deprived of speech, hearing, vision or with deficiencies in psychological development, but also for certain categories of offenders.

The tasks and content of rehabilitation education depend on the nature and severity of the child's development. In this regard, special work is needed to reorient a person's attitude to his destiny. This becomes real if he forms certain social attitudes towards himself, his present and possible future, towards those around him, towards various spheres of life and relationships as potential spheres of self-realization. A very important aspect of rehabilitation education is work with the family and the immediate environment, because it depends on them whether the efforts made by educators will be reinforced.

Currently, there are different forms, methods and means of social rehabilitation, minors addictive behavior.

Rehabilitation of minors who abuse psychoactive substances is considered as a system of pedagogical, psychological, medical, social, legal, and labor measures aimed at the rejection of psychoactive substances, the formation of a stable anti-drug attitude of the individual, his resocialization and reintegration into society.

The purpose of rehabilitation is the return of a minor to life in society on the basis of the restoration of physical and mental health, the rejection of psychoactive substances, the restoration (or formation) of his normative personal and social status.

Achieving this goal is carried out by solving specific problems of rehabilitation of minors who abuse psychoactive substances.

The main tasks of rehabilitation are:

Formation in a minor of a conscious motivation (attitudes) for inclusion in the rehabilitation process, subsequent long-term participation in it and the final rejection of the use of drugs and other psychoactive substances;

Creation in a rehabilitation institution for minors who abuse psychoactive substances of a rehabilitation environment that affects the recovery and formation of socially acceptable personal and behavioral skills (qualities) in the rehabilitated, contributing to their readaptation and resocialization;

Correction and development of the structure of the positive personality of a minor;

Implementation of educational and educational (educational) activities at all stages of rehabilitation, taking into account the age characteristics of minors who abuse psychoactive substances;

Implementation of a set of therapeutic measures aimed at deactivating the pathological craving for psychoactive substances, eliminating mental and somatic disorders, preventing breakdowns and relapses;

Restoration of family relations, correction of relationships and communication ties with significant other persons and with the immediate social environment;

Formation of real life prospects on the basis of continuing education, development of labor skills, provision of social support and legal protection of a minor.

Rehabilitation involves the use of the following set of principles in the implementation of programs: Voluntary consent to participate in rehabilitation activities. This principle involves obtaining the consent of a minor who abuses psychoactive substances and his parents (legal representatives) to participate in the rehabilitation process. It is advisable to fix the consent by signing between the minor and his legal representative - on the one hand, and the rehabilitation institution - on the other, an agreement indicating the rights and obligations of the parties, including the conditions under which early termination of the agreement is possible. Cessation of psychoactive substances. Strengthening the personal attitude or the formation of the patient's motivation for the complete cessation of the use of psychoactive substances that cause painful dependence. Confidentiality. All participants in the rehabilitation process must respect the minor's right to non-disclosure of information regarding his participation in rehabilitation. The transfer of information to third parties is possible only with the consent of the minors themselves or their legal representatives, except as otherwise provided by applicable law. Consistency of rehabilitation measures. Rehabilitation programs are built on the unification and coordination of a complex of pedagogical, psychological, medical, social and other rehabilitation activities and on the integration of the efforts of all interested parties.

The consistency of the rehabilitation process is ensured by the coordinated efforts of specialists of various profiles, interacting in the same structure (team, team of specialists).

Stages of rehabilitation measures. The rehabilitation process is built in stages, taking into account an objective assessment of the real state of the minor and its natural dynamics. The following main stages of rehabilitation are distinguished: initial (entry into the rehabilitation program), extended, final (exit from the rehabilitation program).

Positive orientation of rehabilitation measures. Positively oriented influences are given priority over negatively oriented sanctions and punishments. Instead of chronic conflict relationships with the normative society, minors develop a positive personal orientation. This is achieved by focusing rehabilitation activities on the formation of a sense of trust, teamwork, honesty, diligence, through the use of support, encouragement, etc. An atmosphere is created that provides personal growth and development.

Responsibility. In the course of the rehabilitation process, minors become more independent, freed from overprotection, learn to make informed decisions, take responsibility for the complete cessation of the use of psychoactive substances, participation in rehabilitation programs, and positive interaction with the staff of the rehabilitation institution. In turn, the staff of the institution is responsible for organizing the rehabilitation environment, implementing rehabilitation programs, and protecting the interests of the rehabilitated.

Inclusion in rehabilitation of significant others. Counseling, diagnosis and correction of problems that exist with family members and significant other persons from the immediate environment of minors are carried out. The participation of significant other persons in the rehabilitation process is specifically stipulated in the contract for dealing with existing problems.

Formation of the rehabilitation environment and reorganization of the microsocial (life) environment. It is supposed to create a rehabilitation environment, which is an artificial intermediate link in the process of releasing a minor from painful dependence on psychoactive substances to stabilizing health and functioning in a normative social environment (family, place of study, leisure). Multilateral support for socially acceptable behavior and appropriate changes in the lifestyle of a minor is carried out through the impact on the main components of the rehabilitation and living environment.

A differentiated approach to the rehabilitation of various groups of minors. It is assumed that there is a range of differentiated rehabilitation programs and the inclusion of a minor in a particular program, taking into account his rehabilitation potential and in accordance with indications and contraindications.

Social and personal support for minors. It is carried out after the patient is discharged from a rehabilitation institution in order to prevent breakdowns and relapses of substance abuse, personal and social decompensation (Yu.V. Valentik, N.V. Vostroknutov, A.A. Gerish, T.N. Dudko, L.A. Kotelnikova ).

The greatest interest for our work is artistic and creative activity.

The main theoretical approaches in the social sciences come down to the fact that creativity plays one of the main roles in the life of any person.

According to S. L. Rubinshtein, creativity is an activity that "creates something new, original, which, moreover, is included not only in the history of the development of the creator himself, but also in the history of the development of science, art, etc." Criticism of this definition with reference to the creativity of nature, animals, etc. is unproductive, because it breaks with the principle of cultural-historical determination of creativity. The identification of creativity with development (which is always the generation of the new) does not advance us in explaining the factors of the mechanisms of creativity as the generation of new cultural values. A. Adler considered creativity as a way to compensate for an inferiority complex. K. Jung paid the greatest attention to the phenomenon of creativity, seeing in it a manifestation of the collective unconscious.

According to the research of R. Assagioli, creativity is the process of a person's ascent to the "ideal Self", a way of its self-disclosure. Psychologists of the humanistic direction (studies by G. Allport and A. Maslow) believed that the initial source of creativity is the motivation for personal growth, which is not subject to the homeostatic principle of pleasure; According to Maslow, this is the need for self-actualization, the full and free realization of one's abilities and life opportunities.

However, most authors are still convinced that the presence of any motivation and personal enthusiasm is the main sign of a creative person. To this are often added such features as independence and conviction. Independence, focus on personal values, and not on external assessments, perhaps, can be considered the main personal quality of creativity.

Understanding creativity as an activity that leads to going beyond the given, allows us to insist on its irreducibility to expression in individual results - productivity (studies by G.S. Batishchev, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, N.A. Berdyaev).

More important for us is the understanding of creativity as "the construction of man" (G.S. Batishchev), as "the creation of destiny" (Camus), as "the realization of personality" (N.A. Berdyaev).

Going beyond the closed limits of oneself is the creative act of a person. Creativity is not an impersonal process, it represents a certain life position (studies by N.A. Berdyaev, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, Camus, E. Fromm), which is confirmed by the manifestation of personal characteristics of creative people, such as independence, open mind, high tolerance, developed aesthetic sense, positive self-concept.

The development of a positive creative life strategy requires a number of prerequisites: security, justice, freedom (E. Fromm).

Such scientists as E.R. Guzhvinskaya, N.I. Lovtsova, O.A. Khakhova, G.G. Karpova, N.R. Milyutina, E.V. Terelyanskaya, N.A. Zhivolupova and others.

Of the various artistic and creative means used in the practice of social rehabilitation of minors with addictive behavior, the following should be highlighted:

Artistic (decorative, applied, pictorial, graphic, etc.);

Musical (playing musical instruments, singing to music);

Choreographic (plastic, dance movements);

Dramatic (staging, staging performances, etc.);

Literary and narrative (reading works of art, writing stories and stories);


From the above, we can conclude that in the process of social rehabilitation of minors of addictive behavior when using artistic and creative means, first of all, the cognitive, behavioral, emotional-volitional and communicative spheres of the individual are affected.

addictive minor diagnosis counseling

Chapter 2. The system of psychological counseling of minors with addictive behavior

2.1 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of features of manifestation of addictive behavior of minors

An analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem gives grounds to assert that all rehabilitation activities carried out in institutions with minors have addictive behavior using diagnostic programs aimed at studying the features of manifestations of addictive behavior.

25 people took part in our study. Of these, 19 boys (60.1%) and 6 girls (39.1%). Participants were 15 years old (75%), 16 years old (15%), 17 years old (10%).

The study group was informed before the study, i.e. information characterizing addictive behavior is presented.

In order to make communication more informal and comfortable, to get to know the group and to arrange the group members for open communication, the exercise "Lamb's Head" was carried out. Everyone chose a game name, which during this lesson everyone had to call. Some immediately asked the question of whether it is possible to leave their own name, which suits its bearer quite well. Someone came up with a nickname. Someone changed the name. After the introduction, we began to study this group for a tendency to addictive behavior.

It should be noted that the communication took place in a calm atmosphere, for the duration of the study, everyone in the room took a comfortable place for themselves.

We also state that most of the research group immediately made contact, apparently, the rest was prevented by the short time of our acquaintance and, as yet, little trust for conversations and frank conversations.

In the course of getting acquainted with the concept of "addictive behavior", young men and women showed interest, actively expressed their point of view, asked questions of interest to them on this topic, but still there were several people who distracted from the communication process at the beginning of our conversation with demonstrative behavior that switched to them all attention. But in the course of this conversation, attention was gradually transferred to the mainstream of work on the topic, the interest of the research group was obvious.

The group was also presented with a plan for our further joint work, the main activities. It is also worth noting here the high attention with which this information was listened to. The last organizational moment before the study was the acquaintance with the basic principles of group work.

Our study took place in two stages.

Before the start of the survey, the goals and objectives of the survey were explained to the respondents.

We used the method "Express diagnostics of chemical dependence in adolescents" (A.E. Lichko, I.Yu. Lavkai), aimed at identifying a tendency to addictive behavior and directly identifying chemical dependence (see Appendix 1).

At the second stage of the study, we turned to the method "Propensity for addictive behavior" (V.D. Mendelevich's questionnaire), aimed at identifying the propensity for both dependence, in general, and in particular, alcohol dependence and drug addiction.

Since the methodology contained a large amount of questions, by the end of filling this test, the study group was tired. In the course of filling out the test, some questions were clarified related to the explanation of some expressions, for example, such as "get into a mess." You can also note the diligence with which the group answered questions.

At the end of the survey, we began to analyze and interpret the data obtained.

After analyzing the answers of respondents according to the first method "Express diagnostics of chemical dependence", we can note that 3 out of 25 respondents have a high tendency to addiction.

It should be noted that 11 respondents (44%) gave a positive answer regarding the question of his close relative of alcohol and drugs, i.e. the danger to the responders comes from the immediate environment.

Also, 24% of respondents noted that their families have problems associated with alcohol consumption, which indicates the use of psychoactive substances, i.e. an increase in addiction.

56% of respondents noted that they drank alcohol when they were alone, i. in this case, it is necessary to work with the skills of overcoming the behavior of substance use.

Also, one of the respondents (Sergey D.) noted that he drinks alcohol in order to relax, feel better or fit into the company, which once again indicates the psychological and physical dependence that this respondent has.

To confirm the results of this study, we proceed to the analysis of the answers of the respondents of the following methodology - "Tendency to addictive behavior."

It should be noted that when assessing the propensity for alcohol and drug addiction, the answers of the respondents were interpreted according to the signs of propensity and the likelihood of addictive behavior.

So, we have identified the following (propensity to alcohol addiction):

In 24% of respondents, there are signs of a trend in the use of psychoactive substances, i.e. respondents' answers demonstrate the likelihood of developing addictive behavior. In this case, we can talk about the periodic use of alcohol, which increases the risk of addiction;

In 16% of the respondents - with signs of increased propensity for addictive behavior, i.e. this group of respondents is characterized by a higher probability than the previous respondents to the emergence of dependence on psychoactive substances.

It is also worth noting the variability of the dependencies of the respondents:

In 12% of respondents, there is a complete coincidence of the levels of inclination to both alcohol and drug addictions;

24% have a slight fluctuation in the level of inclinations on this basis (separation into alcohol and drug addiction)

Thus, 4 out of 25 respondents have a tendency to addictive behavior, we can conclude that we have achieved the goal of diagnosing the study: we have identified a tendency to addictive behavior in young people. Those. we can conclude that young students are prone to addictive behavior, characterized by an equal predisposition to both alcohol and drug addiction.

Based on the results of the study, we decided to develop a social preventive program that includes a detailed description of classes using the means of artistic activity.

2.2 The main directions of psychological counseling for juvenile addicts

One of the types of innovative social work technologies that allow a specialist to take a comprehensive approach to solving professional problems in a situation of providing assistance are artistic and creative technologies.

For the first time, artistic and creative technologies as social work technologies began to be used in the USA and Europe in the mid-1950s. 20th century. As a component of the content of professional education in the field of social work and social pedagogy, these technologies began to appear only in the late 70s - early 80s, when there was a need for specialists capable of using artistic and creative activities in the field of professional social work and social education. pedagogy.

Specialists of the social sphere, faced in their work with various categories of clients, are increasingly turning to artistic and creative methods. This is justified, first of all, by the fact that creative activity has a huge developmental potential, and the interaction and communication of participants in a creative act is positively emotionally colored.

Taking into account the data obtained at the stage of the diagnostic experiment, we have developed a program for the prevention of addictive behavior in minors.

The prevention program is a purposeful, specially organized activity.

The goals of our program are:

1) raising students' awareness of the effects of tobacco, alcohol, drugs on the body;

2) formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.

It defines the main stages of implementation: preparatory, main and final.

In the preparatory stage, the goal becomes: selection of artistic and creative techniques from this category of clients

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