How is an ultrasound performed at 12 weeks. Ultrasound examination of amniotic fluid. Modern ultrasound is

The 12th week has arrived. The first trimester is coming to an end. You can tell your family and friends about the pregnancy, from that moment on the risk of spontaneous abortion is significantly reduced. IN antenatal clinic doctors prescribe screening. This study is aimed at identifying fetal pathologies and possible genetic abnormalities in development.

Routine screening includes: Ultrasound (ultrasound) and biochemical analysis blood.

Up to this point, the uterus was flat and small in size, at a period of 12 weeks it takes the form of a pear, the diameter of the uterus is approximately 12 cm. Nausea stops, this is due to the fact that it resolves. The placenta is now responsible for the growth and development of the child. The risk of miscarriage is reduced.

The body works with greater strength, That's why arterial pressure may be slightly elevated, heart rate quickened. There is more amniotic fluid, the stomach begins to grow rapidly, the uterus rises into abdominal cavity. Frequent urination are no longer worried.

With the growth of the abdomen, weight gain begins. Over the past weeks, it is normal to gain up to 3.5 kg. Strong weight gain is undesirable. On average, every week you can add 350 grams.

Can appear dark spots on the face, a dark line from the pubis up to the navel, the halo around the nipples will become darker. All this is normal and will pass after childbirth. Pimples may also appear due to changes in hormonal background.

At this time, many pregnant women suffer from frequent heartburn. A “no-fat and fried” diet and dividing meals into small portions can help.

There is irritability, excessive emotionality.

What's going on inside? What does the child feel?

All organs of the child are formed. From now on, they will only develop and improve.

The following changes occur in the baby's body:

  • the top layer of the skin is exfoliated;
  • the thyroid gland produces iodine;
  • nails appear on the fingers;
  • the kidneys begin to work;
  • the pituitary gland produces hormones, the liver - bile;
  • the nervous system is working.

The child can suck a finger, move actively, respond to touches on the stomach, noise, but the expectant mother does not feel this yet. The baby may feel pain, facial features take shape. A fruit the size of a lemon (weight 14 gr. height 12.5 cm) becomes like a small person.

Screening ultrasound at 12 weeks

The first screening can be carried out from 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy. Week 12 is considered the optimal time for ultrasound diagnostics. If screening is done earlier or later than this period, the results may be unreliable.

Screening consists of an ultrasound procedure, and a biochemical blood test. First, an ultrasound is performed, then blood is taken from a vein, since if pathologies are detected during ultrasound, the results of blood tests will give a complete picture.

In some cases, blood sampling may not be necessary. For example, during a missed pregnancy or if abnormalities incompatible with life are found in the fetus.

Recently, this examination has become mandatory and is included in the pregnancy management scheme, but there are risk groups that need to be examined more often.

Additional research is needed if:

  • previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage (2 or more times);
  • the family already has children with Down syndrome or Patau (and others);
  • have relatives with genetic diseases;
  • on early dates the woman was taking medication prohibited during pregnancy;
  • woman over 35 years old.

The ultrasound procedure can be performed in two ways:

  • transvaginal;
  • transabdumial.

In the first case, a thin probe is inserted into the vagina. This type of ultrasound does not bring pain, but it can be a little unpleasant. Does not require any preparation.

In the second case, the sensor will be driven along the lower abdomen. It is necessary that bladder was complete. Before the procedure, you will need to drink about a liter of water. Water must be non-carbonated. You can not go to the toilet 3-4 hours before the examination.

What is the difference between screening ultrasound and conventional ultrasound?

The procedure itself is no different. It is also carried out using a sensor. Screening ultrasound is performed for the early detection of fetal abnormalities on specific date pregnancy. If deviations are found, it is necessary to find out whether treatment is possible.

In other cases, ultrasound may be prescribed to confirm or refute the diagnosis. Also, an additional study is possible at the request of the parents, if during the planned screening it was not possible to determine the sex of the child.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

There are several indicators that the doctor examines. The most important is TVP. The thickness of the collar space is the thickness of the soft tissues around the neck. Normally, an indicator of no more than 3 mm is considered. If the indicator is elevated, this may indicate possible pathologies.

Another important indicator- KTP (coccygeal-parietal size).

To determine deviations, these two quantities are required. Measurement of TVP makes sense at CTE sizes of 45-85 mm, so it is important to screen no earlier than 11 and no later than 13 weeks.

elevated TVP indicators still no reason to panic. After the ultrasound, blood is donated for biochemistry, according to the results of which a conclusion is made about the health of the fetus.

The main indicators of the study of the fetus:

  • TVP (collar space thickness);
  • KTR (coccygeal - parietal size);
  • nasal bone;
  • HR (heart rate);
  • biparietal head size;
  • LZR (pubic-occipital size);
  • DB (length of the hips);
  • OG (chest volume);
  • coolant (abdominal volume).

What may be of concern:

  • the size of the nasal bone is less than normal;
  • facial features are smoothed;
  • the nasal bone is not defined;
  • instead of two umbilical arteries, one;
  • visible umbilical hernia;
  • heart rate is reduced;
  • frequent heartbeat.

The child is completely in the frame, the face and body have acquired the usual forms. It is still too small, so it often changes its position in the uterus. Sexual characteristics are formed, but it is difficult to determine the sex. This can be done at a later date.

In addition to the child, everything that surrounds him, as well as the condition of the mother, look at the ultrasound. The doctor evaluates:

  • uterine tone;
  • the length of the cervix;
  • the state of the placenta, its localization, thickness, size and composition;
  • state internal os;
  • degree of transparency amniotic fluid, their number.

Blood analysis

An ultrasound is followed by a blood test for biochemistry. Blood is taken from a vein. Research here free beta-hCG and protein-A, hormones associated with pregnancy.

Each week has its own hCG level. Pregnancy test strips work on the same principle - they measure the level of this hormone. Enhanced Level HCG at week 12 may be the result of toxicosis, multiple pregnancy, or Down syndrome in the fetus. Reduced level hormone can indicate developmental delay, pregnancy fading, risk of spontaneous abortion.

High levels of protein-A do not provide any information for diagnosis; a reduced level may indicate, or be observed in the presence of Edwards, Cornelia de Lange, Down syndrome.

When analyzing the results, doctors use a coefficient such as MoM. Normal level 0.5–2.5, with a singleton pregnancy, for a multiple pregnancy, the figure is higher - 3.5.

Results are influenced by:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • taking progesterone;
  • woman's weight
  • diabetes;
  • psychological condition;
  • threatened miscarriage
  • 11 weeks - 17.4–130.4 ng/mL (median 47.73 ng/mL)
  • 12 weeks - 13.4–128.5 ng/mL (median 39.17 ng/mL)
  • 13 weeks - 14.2–114.7 ng/mL (median 32.14 ng/mL)
  • 11 weeks - 0.46-3.73 mU / ml
  • 12 weeks - 0.79-4.76 mU / ml
  • 13 weeks - 1.03-6.01 mU / ml

A little anatomy to decipher the conclusion of the ultrasound

Uterus- this is such a "bag" of muscles, the contraction or tension of which is called the tone of the uterus. If the tone is increased, the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy. You can't miss this moment increased tone can lead to .

Cervix in addition to holding the fetus, it performs the functions of protection against infections. It should be elastic and dense. Only by week 37, when the body begins to prepare for childbirth, will it become softer and shorter.

Zev located on the border of the uterus and the cervical canal, which is located inside the cervix. The mouth must be closed. The doctor should pay special attention to the internal pharynx if previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage. A pharyngeal diameter of more than 1 cm may indicate isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Aminotic fluid protects the fetus from infection and external influences. For control, the amniotic fluid index is used, it is measured in mm. He talks about the amount of water. Each week of pregnancy has its own index and its possible fluctuations. The liquid must be clear. Low water and polyhydramnios indicate possible deviations.

Placenta at week 12, it has not yet been fully formed, however, now the fetus receives everything useful material right through her. In conclusion, the doctor will indicate the place of its attachment to the wall of the uterus. Also at this time determine the degree of maturity of the placenta. There are only three of them. On short term normally zero degree. Thickness is measured at its thickest point.

Today, screening has become mandatory for everyone. Screening helps identify problems in early stage and take the necessary action.

Useful video about a planned ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation

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From the moment of registration and throughout the pregnancy, a woman should periodically undergo examinations by various specialists, take tests and do an ultrasound scan. Screening examinations are considered the most important.

The first screening is carried out at a period of 11-14 weeks, but it is most informative if it is done at a period of 12 weeks. How is the examination carried out? What is it for?

What examinations are included in the screening?

The first screening is included in the list of mandatory medical examinations women during pregnancy. Screening includes 2 main procedures: ultrasound and venous blood donation.

On ultrasound for screening at 12 weeks, the doctor examines the woman's reproductive organs, checks the condition of the fetus and takes measurements, assesses the condition of the uterus and placenta.

Blood is taken to determine the level of hormones: chorionic gonadotropin(hCG) and pregnancy-associated protein A (PAPP-A). The data obtained during the study is studied by a gynecologist and a geneticist. Women who are at risk or who have received questionable or negative results for some indicators may be assigned additional tests (amniocentesis, chorion biopsy). The risk group includes pregnant women:

  • over 35 years old;
  • with previous repeated miscarriages;
  • having relatives or older children with genetic abnormalities;
  • who have had serious illnesses at an early stage;
  • taking during pregnancy drugs that aggressively affect the fetus.

Why is an ultrasound performed at 12 weeks?

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The peculiarity of the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is that during this period all the main organs and systems of the baby are formed, but the fetus is not yet protected by the placenta from the effects of negative factors coming from outside.

An ultrasound at week 12 shows how the baby is developing and whether its parameters correspond to the gestational age. However, the main goal of the study is to identify developmental deviations. At this time, genetic abnormalities can be detected.

Ultrasound also allows you to fix:

  • the location of the fetus in the uterus;
  • the number of babies expected;
  • condition of the placenta and reproductive organs mothers;
  • place of attachment of the placenta;
  • quantity and quality of amniotic fluid;
  • the success of the pregnancy;
  • estimated date of birth.

If a woman does not know the exact date last menstrual period (eg. irregular cycle), ultrasound allows you to determine the gestational age with great certainty.

As already mentioned, the first screening makes it possible to see violations in the development of the fetus so that the mother can decide on the future fate of the pregnancy. If serious deviations are detected, doctors can interrupt the gestation process. Early diagnosis reveals the following fetal pathologies:

  • disorders in the formation of the nervous system;
  • Down's disease;
  • Patau syndrome;
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome;
  • Brahman-Lange disease;
  • Edwards disease.

It is also important to control the condition of the placenta, uterus and intrauterine fluids. If deviations are fixed, treatment is prescribed that allows the woman to maintain the pregnancy and bear a healthy baby.

Preparing for an ultrasound

At 12 weeks, the fetus is still small, so it is necessary to exclude all factors that prevent visualization of the uterine cavity during the study. Since during this period the uterus has not yet risen high enough, it may be obstructed by gases accumulated in the intestines. To eliminate them, it is necessary to refuse to use within 2 days before the study:

  • smoked, canned, fried and fatty foods;
  • seafood;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes and soybeans;
  • peas;
  • flour;
  • white bread;
  • sweets.

If on the eve of the examination there is a feeling of accumulation of gases in the abdomen, a woman can take Espumizan. This drug harmless to the fetus and quickly eliminates gas formation in the intestines.

Ultrasound at 12 weeks is carried out by 2 methods: transvaginal and transabdominal. The second method requires the patient's bladder to be full. To do this, half an hour before the procedure, you must drink 500 ml of water or do not empty your bladder for 2-3 hours. Bring your own diaper to the ultrasound room. Some clinics also require disposable gloves.

Carrying out the procedure

The duration of the procedure is from 10 to 30 minutes. The speed of the conduction depends on the location of the fetus in the uterus, the need for examination of the female genital organs, identified during the study of abnormalities.

Before the examination, the specialist fills out a special questionnaire in which he enters general information about mother, presence genetic diseases in the family, the estimated date of conception. This information is necessary for the subsequent evaluation of the obtained data.

Transvaginal (internal) ultrasound consists in examining the genital organs of the mother and the uterine cavity by inserting the device's sensor into the vagina. Before the procedure, the instrument is treated with an antiseptic and a condom is put on it. To conduct the study, a woman needs to lie on her back and bend her knees slightly.

Transabdominal (external) ultrasound is also performed in the supine position, however, the device’s sensor is driven along the pregnant woman’s stomach. In order to exclude the penetration of air between the skin and the instrument, a special gel is applied to the woman's stomach. Regardless of the method, a correctly performed procedure should not cause discomfort to the patient.

The classic method of ultrasound is transabdominal. The transvaginal research method is chosen in the following cases:

  • If a woman has overweight, folds on the body prevent high-quality examination through the skin.
  • Suspicion of the development of pathologies of the genital organs. If a pregnant woman has signs of inflammation of the appendages, the formation of a cyst in the ovary or fibroids, examination through the skin will not give accurate results.
  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency was diagnosed. Since the vaginal sensor is located closer to the cervical canal, it will allow you to better assess the degree of development of the pathology.

In some cases, research is carried out in two ways. This is necessary when transabdominal examination has difficulty in determining some indicators. This is possible if:

  • the child is located in such a way that it is not possible to assess the parameters of the collar zone;
  • during the examination, the first method revealed formations in the uterus that are poorly visible;
  • it turned out that the placenta or fetal membrane is attached low.

Ultrasound does not harm the baby and mother, so the procedure can be performed in several ways. After the study, the woman is given a conclusion with which she must visit a doctor.

Deciphering the results

The ultrasound protocol indicates the parameters of the child, the number of fetuses in the uterus, the quality of the amniotic fluid, the location of the baby in the womb, the baby's heart rate. The doctor also describes the pathologies that are found in the uterus or other genital organs. In the description of the results, special medical abbreviations and a specific abbreviation are used.

When deciphering, experts rely on the norms corresponding to the gestational age. The table describes the standards for the main indicators of ultrasound pregnancy at 12 weeks.

Indicator abbreviation optionsIndexNorm, mm
BPR, BRGP, BPDDistance between the parietal bones of the head or from temple to temple (biparental size, size of the interparietal region)20-21
KTL (KRL)The length from the coccyx to the crown (coccygeal-parietal size)51-73
TVP, TVZThe thickness or density of the collar zone (the skin fold of the neck at the back)1,6-2,7
HeightBody length from head to toe80-82
DLB (FML)thigh length, femur 7-9
NKnasal boneover 3
heart rateHeart rate (the rate at which the baby's heart muscle contracts)140-174 bpm
Weight- 17-19 g
YESPhysical activitypresent
AC (OJ)Abdominal circumference50-72
OGHead circumference58-84
J (ABD)belly diameter15-23
exhaust gas / coolantRatio of head size to belly size1.1-1.3 units

When describing the location of the fetus, there are terms: longitudinal, transverse, diametrical. Any position at this time is considered the norm. It is normal to define the amount of amniotic fluid as "usual".

Also paid attention to the internal organs. However, at 12 weeks they are still very small, so the specialist only notes their presence or absence. It can be seen that the hemispheres of the brain are formed, 4 chambers are formed at the heart, there is a stomach, bladder, intestines, and abdominal walls. The doctor also counts the limbs: there should be 2 arms and 2 legs.

The greatest attention is paid to parameters indicating chromosomal abnormalities: thickness collar space and bones of the nose. In some cases, the exact length of the nasal bone cannot be measured. However, at this time it should be clearly distinguished.

They also look at where the placenta is attached to the uterus. More often children's place attached to back wall however, attachment along the anterior wall is also normal. The doctor also measures the length of the cervix (the norm is more than 30 mm) and the distance from the internal os to the site of attachment of the placenta. The thickness of the placenta should be 14.5-15.5 mm, and the degree of maturity should be 0.

Possible deviations

The table lists the most commonly detected deviations from the norm, the reasons that led to them, and options for what can be done in the future.

DeviationCausePossible actions
Small size from tailbone to crownincorrect determination of the gestational age; maternal malnutrition; abnormal development of the fetus; hormonal deficiency in a pregnant woman; genetic predisposition Additional diagnostics, repeated ultrasound after 2 weeks, comparison of the indicator with other parameters
No nasal bonechromosomal abnormalityComparison with blood screening scores. Recommendations for termination of pregnancy when violations are confirmed.
Large deviation from the norm of the thickness of the collar zonegenetic disease (Patau, Down, Shershevsky-Turner, Edwards syndrome); intrauterine infectionAnalysis of amniotic fluid and chorionic villi. Confirmation of the diagnosis by tests for hCG and PAPP-A. Moral preparation of the mother for the birth of a "special" baby or an abortion for medical reasons.
Lack of motor activity, vital organsabnormal development of the fetus; intrauterine death of a childAbortion
Aging of the placenta, death of some parts of the placentahormonal deficiency; risk of miscarriageTreatment in a hospital. Taking drugs that support normal blood circulation in the placenta and hormone levels.
Uterine tonelack of hormones; stress; poor nutrition; physical impact in the abdomenTherapy aimed at reducing uterine spasms. Reception hormonal drugs. decline physical activity. Development of a special diet.
Inconsistency of the level of amniotic fluid to the norminfection penetration; genetic predisposition; bad job kidneys; CNS dysfunctionTreatment in a hospital depending on the established diagnosis.
Central placenta previaindividual characteristics of a woman; lack of progesteroneMonitor the condition of the pregnant woman up to the 3rd trimester. If the placenta does not rise, childbirth is carried out by caesarean section.
The cervix is ​​shortenedhormonal disbalance; mother's genetic makeupThe maximum decrease in the physical activity of the expectant mother. At serious deviations carry out surgical operation by suturing or inserting a special ring to hold the fetus in the uterus.

Interpreting the results of a blood test during screening

For getting correct result The first screening requires blood donation on the day of the ultrasound. When deciphering the analysis, doctors are guided by absolute indicators and averaged (median). The median is the ratio of the average standard to the actual figures obtained in the study. For hCG and PAPP-A at week 12, it is 0.5-2 MoM.

The importance of these indicators lies in the fact that the hormones studied during screening are activated only during pregnancy. HCG is actively produced after fertilization, and protein A is secreted by the placenta. Their concentration varies depending on the duration of pregnancy.

The expectant mother can be congratulated on the end of the most difficult period of pregnancy - her first trimester! After all, the first 12 weeks are the most difficult and responsible, because during this period all the organs and systems of the baby are laid, and any failures in this process can lead to catastrophic consequences. That is why you can breathe easy at the beginning of the second trimester - all the most difficult is behind you.

How many months have passed? Your third month of pregnancy is coming to an end! At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is no larger than a lemon - about 6-9 cm from the crown of the head to the coccyx, not more than 15 g in weight. Despite such a small size, the baby already has the whole set of organs. Now they just keep growing and developing.

What's happening?

The fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy does not yet have the proportions we are used to - the head is disproportionately large, and the limbs are short. But he is becoming more and more like a baby doll - facial features are formed, fingers are separated. He is already able to move, although his mother is not yet able to feel these movements.

The expectant mother also feels changes in her well-being - toxicosis is gradually receding, appetite is getting better. Now the placenta takes over the job of managing the pregnancy, and corpus luteum gradually resolves - this is the reason for the improvement in the condition.

The abdomen at 12 weeks of gestation is still completely invisible (although repeated pregnancies given term can lead to a small tummy). The most important fears are in the past, it's time to enjoy your position.

fetus at 12 weeks pregnant

On the face of the crumbs, you can already see the eyes. The auricles will blend from the neck towards the sides of the head. The inner ear is formed. The baby is able to distinguish not so much sounds as vibration.

The features of the face become more distinct, although while the cerebral skull still predominates over the facial, the forehead is very high. The child's skeleton consists of cartilage, but the process of ossification is already beginning in them. The fingers separate, nails begin to grow on them. The baby can move his limbs and fingers, but is not yet able to bend his fingers.

Special sensitivity receptors appear on the skin - now the baby feels touches on the palms, feet, face. The nervous system also continues to develop - the cerebral hemispheres are separated, connections are formed between the brain and spinal cord. Soon the brain will take control of the body, but for now, the baby’s movements are chaotic and aimless, although he is able to move his eyes, open and close his mouth, and push off from the walls of the uterus.

The pituitary gland begins to produce hormones that regulate the functioning of the internal organs of the crumbs. The thyroid gland is also actively included in the work.

Folds appear on the intestinal mucosa, and the first waves of peristalsis can be seen. The intestines already fill the entire abdominal cavity. It is able to absorb glucose.

The baby's heart beats at a frequency of 110-160 beats per minute. At the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat can be heard using a special study - a Doppler scan. Not only erythrocytes circulate in the blood - the first leukocytes appear. The thymus begins to function.

The kidneys are also actively working, filling the bladder with urine. The baby is able to urinate, but do not worry about this - the amniotic fluid is updated hourly.

At 12 weeks pregnant, the sex of the baby can already be determined by ultrasound, although errors are quite common due to its tiny size. With sex determination, it is better to wait until the moment when the baby grows up a little.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Mom's Feelings

By this time, the state of health usually improves significantly. Due to changes in the hormonal background, a woman gets less tired, emotional outbursts and attacks of aggressiveness decrease. Appetite is improving, the range of foods and dishes that can be eaten without the risk of nausea is expanding.

Heartburn at the 12th week of pregnancy mainly torments those who experienced this unpleasant phenomenon even before pregnancy. Everyone else will have to get to know heartburn later, when the uterus increases significantly in size and begins to put pressure on the stomach.

Due to the fact that the body performs double work to ensure the life of both mother and baby, the heart rate may increase, and blood pressure rises slightly. From now on, at each visit to the antenatal clinic, these parameters will be measured to ensure the normal functioning of the body.

In general, the mood of the pregnant woman improves significantly, fears and anxieties for the life of the baby are no longer tormented so much.

Because the uterus is growing and gradually rising from the pelvic cavity, it puts less pressure on the bladder, most likely, now you will wake up less at night to go to the toilet. If urination remains frequent, painful, accompanied by fever - this indicates the development of cystitis. You need to go to the hospital for the timely start of treatment.

In the early stages of pregnancy, it is very important for a woman to be attentive to her health, to avoid colds. Of course, infections in earlier pregnancy are much more dangerous for the baby than now. However, SARS at the 12th week of pregnancy, and even with an increase in temperature, can lead to very backfire even to abortion. The situation is further complicated by the fact that during active formation and the growth of the fetus, almost no drugs can be used. Therefore, during epidemics, try not to contact with a large number of people, do not attend crowded places and events, try to spend more time at home.

It is very important to pay attention to alcohol consumption in early pregnancy. Scientists have proven that the use of even minimal doses of alcohol during the formation of the fetal brain can lead not only to the development of defects in the fetus, but also to the birth of a mentally retarded child. So no excuses, not even a sip of champagne in New Year- think about the future of your baby, which you can destroy with such a seemingly trifle.

Baby movements in the 12th week of pregnancy

Your baby is already moving quite actively, but because of his tiny size, you are not yet able to feel his activity. The size of the uterus during this period is not more than 10 cm, and the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the child is only 50 ml. Agree that it is almost impossible to feel the gentle touches of a tiny creature in such conditions.

However, the baby can roll over and swim in the surrounding amniotic fluid, pushing off the surrounding walls of the uterus. His movements are still unfocused and chaotic, but soon the baby will learn to control his body.

Possible highlights

Allocations at the 12th week of pregnancy are not abundant, transparent, with a slightly sour smell. In the first trimester of pregnancy, many mothers complain of the periodic appearance of scanty spotting. This may be a sign of cervical erosion.

Also, such discharge can appear when the vaginal mucosa, which is loose during this period, is traumatized. Blood actively rushes to the internal genital organs, so the mucous membrane becomes very vulnerable. That is why after a visit to the gynecologist or after sex, you can observe such discharge.

If spotting bothers you for quite a long time, they become profuse, accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen and back - this may be a sign of a miscarriage, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Also, the appearance of green, yellow or curdled secretions With bad smell- various infections can also threaten your baby, they need to be treated in time.

Pain at 12 weeks pregnant

Pain in this period is not commonplace so you need to pay attention to them. Normally, there may be mild pain in the pelvic bones, back due to stretching of the ligaments of the uterus and spine. However, these pains should not bother you much.

If there are strong drawing pains lasting several hours, especially if they are accompanied by bloody discharge - you must urgently go to the hospital.

twin pregnancy

Pregnancy with twins can be the reason that mommy's toxicosis will drag on and will bother her for a few more weeks. Otherwise, babies develop normally, in accordance with generally accepted terms.

Is it possible to have sex?

Sex at the 12th week of pregnancy is contraindicated only with the threat of termination of pregnancy, with a low location of the placenta, with multiple pregnancies. In all other cases, you should not deny yourself, you just need to pick up comfortable postures in which the stomach is not squeezed.

Proper nutrition

This period is extremely important for the formation of all organs and systems of your child, so nutrition should be given Special attention. If you are suffering from preeclampsia (or early toxicosis pregnant) - this may be a sign that something is wrong with your diet.

Try to change your eating habits, introduce new foods and dishes into your diet. During pregnancy, tastes often change, and you may well like dishes that you did not like before.

The main thing in the first trimester of pregnancy is a varied diet, the inclusion in your diet of a sufficient amount of all nutrients and trace elements. If the crumbs do not have enough of any elements, this may affect its further development.

If you cannot eat normally due to toxicosis, try to include in your diet at least those foods to which you react normally and are able to consume. Soon your condition will improve, and you will be able to catch up.

Necessary examinations

The period of 11-13 weeks of pregnancy is very important in terms of examining a pregnant woman. If you haven't registered with the antenatal clinic yet, now is the time to do so.

The first ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy is prescribed for all women (ultrasound at an earlier date is performed according to indications). On this ultrasound, the doctor will assess the structure of the uterus and placenta, assess the amount of amniotic fluid. great attention is given to the study of fetal development - the doctor will carefully examine the baby, paying special attention to the collar zone. When examining this zone, it is possible to determine the presence of any malformations of the fetus. If defects are suspected, the doctor will refer you to a geneticist and prescribe additional studies. This ultrasound is very important and should not be skipped.

Double screening at 12 weeks of gestation is also aimed at looking for fetal malformations. At the same time, the level of β-hCG and PAPP-A is examined. The presence of changes in these analyzes is not a definitive diagnosis, a geneticist will prescribe a series of tests to help you establish the correct diagnosis.

When registering, you will have to pass a number of tests that will allow the doctor to get a general idea of ​​​​the health of the expectant mother:

  • General analyzes ( and )
  • Blood type and Rh affiliation
  • Tests for HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis
  • Biochemical screening
  • Vaginal swab

According to the indications, you may be assigned an analysis for TORCH infections, hormones and other studies.

Useful video

Questions - answers

How can SARS at 12 weeks of gestation affect the baby?

SARS and other infections, especially with fever, can be dangerous to the fetus, especially in early pregnancy. Therefore, try to avoid excessive communication during periods of epidemics, and when the first signs of the disease appear, consult a doctor, he will prescribe a treatment that is safe for the fetus.

Is it possible to fly at 12 weeks pregnant? My husband and I ordered vouchers even before pregnancy, now we don’t know whether to refuse or fly.

Most favorable time for flights is the period of 14-28 weeks of pregnancy. If possible, reschedule the flight for more late deadline. In addition, the doctor may prohibit flights with placenta previa, threatened miscarriage, multiple pregnancies and a number of other problems and diseases. Carefully weigh the pros and cons, consult a doctor, and if he allows it, carefully prepare for it, collect a first-aid kit at home.

I did an ultrasound during pregnancy at 12 weeks, the collar zone of the fetus raised questions from the ultrasound doctor. What can it say?

Changes in the collar zone in the period of 11-13 weeks indicate increased risk fetal malformations. It is recommended to undergo a series of additional examinations and a consultation with a geneticist in order to make sure that everything is in order with the child.

The gestation period is very important period for the pregnant woman and for the unborn child. The process of growth and development of the embryo is very dynamic, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy. Ultrasound during pregnancy helps:

  • evaluate fetometric indicators, determine the compliance of the parameters with the gestational age for menstruation and diagnose a delay prenatal development or prerequisites for its development
  • assess the anatomical structures of the fetus, detect anomalies and malformations at the prenatal stage
  • detect sonographic markers of chromosomal diseases and, on the basis of this, create a risk group among pregnant women for more careful monitoring
  • to study the state of the placenta, amniotic fluid, umbilical vessels, which gives Additional information about the course of the pregnancy.

Given this, ultrasound should be carried out as informative as possible.

However, disputes about the number of studies and timing are still relevant to this day. Programs different countries differ, but most countries have adopted the 10-20-30 scheme, according to which ultrasound is performed on pregnant women three times at 10-14 weeks, 20-24 and 30-34 weeks.

During the first trimester the best term for ultrasound screening is 12-13 weeks. Diagnostics in given period allows you to assess the gestational age and compliance with this period of fetal development.

Also, the results of the first ultrasound help to form risk groups and set the date for the next sonography.

Average internal diameter of the fetal egg

Average inner diameter gestational sac(SVD)

The error in determining the gestational age according to the SVD is up to 10 days, which reduces its significance in the current period. However, this indicator is included in the protocol of screening ultrasound examination in the period of 10-14 weeks.

The error in determining the gestational age according to the SVD is up to 10 days, which reduces its significance in the current period. However, this indicator is included in the protocol of screening ultrasound examination in the period of 10-14 weeks.

By the end of 12-13 weeks, the destruction of the fetal egg occurs and this parameter cannot be assessed.
Coccyx-parietal size of the fetus.

Fetometry indicators on ultrasound

KTP - the maximum length of the fetus, which is measured from the outer edge of the head end to the coccyx. The measurement is carried out several times at the maximum extension of the fetus during the longitudinal scan, the smaller of the obtained values ​​is taken as true.

KTP values ​​​​in the period of 12-13 weeks.

The coccygeal-parietal size is used to determine the duration of pregnancy (as it does not depend on the personal characteristics of the woman), as well as a marker of pathology on the part of the expectant mother or child.

An increase in CTE above the 95th percentile may be caused by an Rh conflict between the mother and the unborn child, the presence diabetes at mother. A decrease in CTE below the 5th percentile may occur as a result of: not developing pregnancy, infectious diseases in the mother, a woman's hormonal imbalance, genetic diseases of the fetus.

Collar space thickness

The thickness of the collar space (NTP) is the size measured from the inner edge of the skin to the outer contour of the soft tissues in the region of the cervical vertebrae. Grade this indicator is mandatory in the first trimester and requires compliance with a number of conditions:

  • gestation period 10-14 weeks
  • Fetal KTR in the range of 45-84 mm
  • considered true maximum size obtained during scanning in a strictly sagittal plane.

Normative values ​​of TVP

Exceeding the value of TVP more than the 95th percentile is considered pathological. Exceeding the normative values ​​of the collar space is associated with the formation of heart disease in the unborn child or chromosomal diseases (more often trisomy on chromosome 21). However, the interpretation of the increase in TVP should be carried out in combination with other highly informative research methods (amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy, fetal karyotyping).

Heart rate

Determination of the fetal heart rate is mandatory for ultrasound in each trimester. The heartbeat is determined from the 5th week of intrauterine development (with a transvaginal examination, it is also possible at the 3-4th week).

Gestational period (weeks) Heart rate (bpm)
12 151-175
13 146-170

A decrease in heart rate (less than 120 beats / min.) Can be caused by intrauterine hypoxia, an anomaly of the umbilical vessels. An increase in heart rate can be caused by hypoxia, stress factors. If the heartbeat of a fetus older than 5 weeks or in an embryo longer than 8 mm is not detected, this is a sign of a non-developing pregnancy. The fetal heart rate, together with other indicators, is used to determine the risk group for heart disease.

Additional fetometric parameters

By the end of the 12-13th week of pregnancy, it is possible to determine such parameters as the circumference of the head and abdomen, biparietal size, and the length of the femur. These parameters are not mandatory for the first screening ultrasound, however, deciphering the results with these indicators will provide a more accurate picture of the development of the fetus.

Gestational period (weeks) 12 13
Biparietal size (mm), percentile 5th 18 20
50th 21 24
95th 24 28
Head circumference (mm), percentile 5th 58 72
50th 72 84
95th 84 86
Abdominal circumference (mm), percentile 5th 50 58
50th 61 69
95th 72 80
Mean abdominal diameter (mm), percentile 5th 15 19
50th 19 23
95th 23 27
Femur (mm), percentile 5th 4,0 7,0
50th 7,3 9,4
95th 10,6 11,8
Exhaust/coolant ratio 1,22 (1,10-1,30) 1,21 (1,12-1,31)

Measuring the biparietal size of the fetus

Biparietal size of the fetal head

It is made from the outer edge of the parietal bone on one side to the inner edge of the parietal bone on the opposite side. A symmetrical increase in all parameters, including the biparietal size, is a sign of the formation large fruit. If only this parameter is increased, then the development of hydrocephalus, brain tumors is possible.

Fetal head circumference

Represents the circumference of the head. Measured along the outer contour. Based on this parameter, together with the biparietal size, an assessment is made of the development of the brain and bone structures of the skull.

Abdominal circumference

It is measured similarly to the circumference of the head. Measurements are taken during a transverse scan while visualizing a slice of the umbilical vein.

The average abdominal diameter is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the sum of the transverse and longitudinal diameters of the abdomen. These indicators are used to diagnose intrauterine growth retardation and its type (symmetric or asymmetric). During the first and second trimester, ultrasound often reveals symmetrical developmental delay, in which all fetometric parameters are reduced.

Measuring the length of the femur

It is carried out on two limbs. In addition to measuring the linear size, it is necessary to assess the structure of tissues, echogenicity, bone shape, as well as the symmetry of development. Such a thorough study of the bone structures makes it possible not to miss skeletal dysplasia during ultrasound, including reduced unilateral lesions. During the second screening study, other bone structures are also measured (shoulder bones, lower leg bones, fingers of the upper and lower extremities). But at 10-14 weeks, their visualization is problematic, so they are not included in the protocol of the first screening ultrasound.

The doctor who conducted the study should not be limited to measuring fetometric parameters. It is necessary to decipher the obtained ultrasound data, based on a comprehensive assessment of fetometric data, tissue echogenicity, as well as the state of blood supply and uterine structures. This will allow you to identify risk groups among pregnant women, set the date for the next ultrasound examination, and also predict the course of pregnancy.

The established normative values ​​of fetometric indicators are very conditional and differ in different countries. These indicators depend not only on the gestational age, but also on the physical data of the future parents, what kind of pregnancy is in a row. With the development of multiple pregnancy, there is also often a discrepancy between the parameters of the established norms, even with its physiological course.

Therefore, the approach should be individualized and, in case of doubtful results, an additional ultrasound examination should be performed to compare the data obtained.

Prenatal echography is in constant development and improvement. Research data and developments in ultrasound equipment are leading to a reassessment of the established norms and an improvement in the protocols used.

The first trimester comes to an end when the period reaches 12 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, most expectant mothers get rid of toxicosis. Every subsequent week, a woman will gain about 500 g in weight. By week 12, the total increase is 1.8-3.6 kg. At normal course pregnancy, these indicators are preserved. But there are cases when toxicosis does not allow the body to replenish the required "reserves". Do not despair or rejoice. When toxicosis stops tormenting a young mother, the body will take its toll.

By this time, a woman knows that she is preparing to become a mother. But sometimes, due to various circumstances, a woman begins to feel the first symptoms at the beginning of the second trimester. To check the similarity of symptoms for authenticity, you should find out what happens at the 12th week of pregnancy.

As already mentioned, the expectant mother gets rid of toxicosis. This happens during the classic course of pregnancy. If you expect a double addition, you will have to be patient a little more.

Internal organs they are still working hard. The heart beats faster, the uterus continues to grow. Mom's belly is not yet very rounded. Marked pregnancy can become in women with a special anatomical structure of the body or during the first pregnancy. But this does not prevent a woman from feeling internal physical changes.

Sensations in the chest and its enlargement

The breast continues to fill up and prepare to feed the baby. Sometimes there is itching. Nipple halos gradually take on a dark color. These are pigmentary changes that will disappear after childbirth.

Sometimes appear dark spots on the face and other areas of the skin, vertical stripe on the stomach. They will also disappear after childbirth..

Condition of the skin and internal organs

In some cases, itching is not limited to localization on the chest. It can bother in the abdomen, arms or thighs. This is a signal for the formation of striae. Many call them stretch marks. If the described symptoms are present, support should be taken up immediately. normal state skin.

Slowing down with treatment contributes to the growth of stretch marks.

The uterus rises higher and ceases to put pressure on the bladder. Frequent urges stop. But there may be others discomfort at 12 weeks pregnant. In an altered position, the uterus puts pressure on the intestines. Arises increased gas formation and constipation.

Often the beginning of the second trimester is accompanied by the appearance of heartburn. This is due to a weakening of the septum between the esophagus and stomach. This manifestation is promoted by progesterone, which affects the movement of gastric juice through the esophagus.

Future mother's wardrobe

Twelfth week of pregnancy - serious occasion change wardrobe. It's time to turn your attention to maternity clothes. choose comfortable shoes without heel. Loose clothes that won't restrict your movements.

Watch your mood and what creates favorable emotions. With the approach of the second trimester, a woman should increasingly listen to pleasant music, surround herself with harmony and think more about happy family life with a nice touch.

What to watch out for at week 12

From time to time there are pulling pains in the abdomen. Specialists soothe women by the fact that the stomach hurts or pulls justifiably. This is due to the effect of progesterone. But 12 obstetric week pregnancy is dangerous with the appearance of uncharacteristic pains. Be wary of discomfort in the lower abdomen. Especially if cramping or aching pains appear.

Accompanying the above symptoms with brownish or bloody discharge requires immediate medical attention. Failure to act will lead to spontaneous abortion. Only a doctor can save a child.

Discharge at 12 weeks

Discharge from the uterus is still considered normal. They can be thick, homogeneous, light with a sour smell. Any changes in discharge may indicate an infection. If you feel a characteristic smell, see purulent discharge with a yellow or green-gray tint, contact a specialist immediately.

What will you have to face

Immunity future mother weakened. This category of women is prone to genital infections. Thrush often becomes a common problem. Sexual infections are accompanied by itching and burning, aggravated after urination.

Pregnancy 12 weeks allows intercourse. At the same time, the woman does not feel discomfort. If appears pain or burning, cervical erosion may occur.

What types of examinations are performed at 12 weeks of gestation

On the eve of the second trimester, the expectant mother is sent for all kinds of diagnostic examinations. Ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy is carried out as planned. With the help of the study, the size of the fetus is determined and the date of birth is determined. It should be remembered that ultrasound tends to be wrong by 1 week, so the date of birth is considered as an approximate one. Mom will see the fetus for the first time as a tiny man.

During the examination, the tone of the uterus, the location of the placenta, the number of fetuses are determined.

Ultrasound data will be needed in the future for comparison with subsequent results. This will help track the progress of pregnancy and prevent deviations. Sometimes early research gives bad results. Doctors-uzists determine the deviations and defects of the unborn baby. Perhaps someone will have a difficult choice - to leave the child or terminate the pregnancy.

What is screening and its norm

Screening ultrasound at the twelfth week of pregnancy allows you to better assess the development of the fetus. The procedure includes a biochemical blood test. The research is carried out in a comprehensive manner. In the body of the expectant mother, two markers are measured - free b-hCG (free beta subunit of chorionic gonadotropin) and PAPP-A (plasma protein A associated with pregnancy).

At the upcoming ultrasound, they are examining collar zone fetus. This helps to eliminate severe defects, as well as anomalies that are incompatible with life.

Fetal norms change very quickly, so the examination must be carried out on time.

Do you want something interesting?

Ask about the competence of the specialist who will conduct the survey. In many cases, future parents receive unpleasant news due to inaccurate interpretation of ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation.

During the study, the following criteria are studied:

  • coccyx-parietal size (KTR). Norm 43-84 mm;
  • biparietal head size (BDP). Norm 21 mm;
  • fetal thigh length. Norm 7-10 mm;
  • collar space thickness (TVP). Norm up to 2.7 mm;
  • growth and weight of the fetus;
  • heart rate. The norm is about 160 beats per minute.

It is possible to determine the sex of the child at 12 weeks of gestation. In most cases, the result is reliable. If during the examinations abnormalities in the development of the fetus were revealed, the specialist will send the pregnant woman to genetics.

Screening is considered a reliable examination. But everything is not limited to this. Scheduled inspections are required. This includes studies on syphilis, AIDS, hepatitis B. They also determine the Rh factor and blood group, blood sugar levels. In some cases, the mother is sent to study the hormonal background, urogenital infections.

What should be the fruit

By the end of the first trimester, the baby grows noticeably. It's almost complete. The fetus weighs 14 g, its length reaches from 6 to 9 cm. From now on, doctors will be interested in the growth rate of the fetus.

The development of the fetus at the twelfth week of pregnancy is characterized by the formation of marigolds, the formation of a unique print on the fingertips, the renewal of the upper layer of the skin, the appearance of a fluff in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cilia and eyebrows.

The kid opens and closes his mouth, puts his finger in it and even grimaces. The peanut is already waving its legs and arms, tumbling freely and moving in mother's belly. Internal organs function and develop further. The liver produces bile, the intestine takes its place in children's body. And the thyroid gland and pituitary gland begin to produce iodine and hormones.

Bone tissue continues to mature, muscles become stronger. Nervous system and the kidneys work fully, and the heart begins to beat faster. Erythrocytes and leukocytes are formed in the blood, the immune system is improved.

In the traditional course of pregnancy, a woman is already aware of herself future mother and diligently rebuilds his lifestyle. We have compiled a few tips to help you carry your baby safely:

  1. The fetus at 12 weeks of gestation needs folic acid and vitamin E. Take your vitamins as directed by your doctor. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits;
  2. Buy a maternity bra. It will help to properly support the chest without squeezing it;
  3. Don't limit yourself to liquids. The end of the first trimester is no reason to suffer from thirst. If you want to drink - drink. You will have to deny yourself a little later;
  4. Less chemicals! Start taking care of your hair with folk masks, decoctions, shampoos. refrain from chemical exposure on hair. Unnecessary substances will harm the baby's health;
  5. Give up tobacco products and alcohol. Minimize your coffee intake. All this will negatively affect the health of the unborn baby;
  6. stick light diet. Prioritize healthy food. Monitor the condition and quality of products.

A successful pregnancy outcome depends on emotional state women.

Go to an art exhibition. Weather permitting, head to the park and listen to the birds singing, watch the playful squirrels, relentless ants, bugs, spiders and butterflies. Capture every joyful moment in this life. Where new life is born!

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.