What day do pregnancy symptoms start? What signs are visible outside? Gastrointestinal system dysfunction

Signs of pregnancy in the first days after fertilization.

Unfortunately, nature has decreed that women will find out about their pregnancy approximately 3-4 weeks after conception. It is during this period that symptoms begin to appear, indicating that the fair sex will soon become a mother.

But still, if you are as careful as possible, then even before this time you can notice indirect signs indicating that fertilization has occurred. We will talk about what symptoms this can signal in our article.

How does fertilization take place?

The moment of fertilization of the egg

I would immediately like to say that fertilization can occur only during the period of ovulation, which, as a rule, lasts only 24 hours. If at this time the spermatozoa do not reach the mature egg, then it will die, and the woman will not be able to become pregnant until the next ovulation. In view of this, if you want to plan your pregnancy, then be sure to consider this fact. Now let's talk about how fertilization occurs.

If you had unprotected intercourse on the day of ovulation or 3-4 days before it, then the likelihood of conception increases significantly. If the organs responsible for childbearing are completely healthy and work like clockwork, then within 6-12 hours after sexual intercourse, spermatozoa will reach the egg. Their meeting will take place in the fallopian tubes and the fusion will immediately begin, as a result of which a zygote is formed.

For some time, she will continue to swim in the fallopian tubes, without ceasing to increase in size. After some time, the zygote will turn into a blastocyst, which will begin to move towards the uterus and look for perfect place for insertion into its cavity. As soon as this happens, a woman may begin to feel the first subtle signs of pregnancy.

On what day after ovulation does pregnancy occur?

Definition of ovulation

As you probably already understood, in order for a woman to become pregnant, a viable and healthy egg must mature. If this is the case, then there is a high probability that when meeting with spermatozoa, fertilization will occur. True, you must understand that in order for this to happen, male spermatozoa must also be healthy, and most importantly, mobile.

As for when pregnancy can occur after ovulation, then it is worth considering when the sexual intercourse occurred. If the spermatozoa enter the female body on the day the egg is released, then the pregnancy will frown on the 7-10th day after ovulation.

If sexual intercourse occurred 3-4 days before ovulation, then pregnancy will occur literally 4-5 days after the maturation of the egg. In this case, the woman will be able to determine the onset of pregnancy with an ordinary test literally at the end menstrual cycle.

Possible symptoms of conception: gastrointestinal upset during pregnancy

Possible symptoms conception

No matter how strange it may sound, every fourth woman has an upset gastrointestinal tract during pregnancy. As a rule, this symptom appears as soon as a fertilized egg is introduced into the uterine cavity and a restructuring of the hormonal system begins in the woman's body.

Against this background, in the female body, all processes slow down for some time, including those associated with the assimilation of food. And since the peristalsis of the intestine is reduced to a minimum, the woman may increase gas formation. In addition, the fair sex may develop food intolerance, which will be accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Usually, doctors attribute all these symptoms to early toxicosis and advise expectant mothers to temporarily abandon all products that the stomach cannot tolerate. As practice shows, as soon as the body ceases to perceive the embryo inside the woman as something alien, all problems with the gastrointestinal tract disappear on their own, and the fair sex returns to her usual diet again.

Cystitis: as a sign of pregnancy

Enough a large number of women mistakenly perceive the symptoms of cystitis as inflammation of the ureter and try to treat it intensively. In fact, this is how the body can react to pregnancy.

If the symptoms of cystitis are a sign of pregnancy, then the woman's urge to urinate sharply increases and pain appears in the area just above the pubis. But other symptoms (turbidity of urine and the presence of blood), as a rule, are absent. Why do all these symptoms appear?

As mentioned a little higher, literally immediately after conception in the female body begins to change hormonal background, as a result of which the production of mucus in the vagina increases, which contributes to the fact that bacteria enter from the urethra into the urea. It is also worth considering that immediately after fertilization, blood circulation in the pelvis increases, against which the urge to go to the toilet can also become more frequent.

What are the sensations in the stomach after conception?

Feelings in the stomach after conception

In principle, immediately after the fertilization of the egg, women do not feel anything. All the while the zygote will be formed, the girl may, in general, not suspect that under her heart is born new life. But as soon as the embryo reaches the uterus and is securely fixed in it, the body will begin preparing for the bearing and birth of the baby.

It is at this point that many women begin to feel that they are pregnant. As a rule, literally immediately after the introduction of the embryo into the uterus, a woman begins to experience slight tingling in the lower abdomen, which in very rare cases is accompanied by discharge brown. Note that this should be exactly the discharge, more like mucus.

If you see bloody issues, then this may indicate that the embryo could not gain a foothold and died, and the body began to get rid of it. In addition, causeless heaviness in the lower abdomen may appear, which will not be accompanied by any other symptoms. As a rule, it disappears immediately after the baby begins to form neural tube fetus.

How does basal temperature change after conception?

Basal temperature after conception

If you use basal temperature measurements to determine ovulation, you can find out about your interesting position before it can be determined special tests. To do this, you will only need to carefully monitor the indicators obtained. Those who regularly measure basal body temperature know that before ovulation, her performance does not exceed 36 degrees.

But as soon as the egg leaves the corpus luteum, the temperature rises to 37 degrees. If conception does not occur after ovulation, it again drops to 36 degrees and remains so until the next ovulation period. Well, if you are lucky and a new life has arisen under your heart, then the basal temperature will continue to stay at 37 degrees.

How does hCG level change after conception?

HCG level after conception

The hCG hormone appears in the body of a woman immediately after fertilization. Since the source of its formation is the shell that protects the fetus, it is possible to determine its presence in a woman's body only on the 7-10th day after conception, that is, after the egg meets the spermatozoa and begins to divide intensively.

As practice shows, the maximum hCG indicators are observed at 10 weeks of pregnancy, and after that a gradual decrease in the amount of this hormone begins. True, you must take into account that in the first days after conception there is a period when hCG level may be reduced to a minimum.

As a rule, this occurs during the period when the embryo is attached to the uterine cavity. Thus, the body creates the conditions for this process to go as quickly and well as possible. After the embryo is fixed, the hCG level will begin to rise again.

Can breasts hurt immediately after conception?

Breast pain immediately after conception

As you already know, immediately after conception, hormonal changes begin in the woman's body, as a result of which the body of the future mother begins to prepare for childbirth and, of course, feeding the baby.

And it is hormones that are to blame for the fact that a woman’s breasts begin to hurt. In particular, this is influenced by the so-called pregnancy hormone, which begins to stimulate growth. mammary glands. Immediately after the embryo begins its development, hCG provokes an increase in the growth of glandular cells, while the connective tissue remains the same as it was before conception.

For this reason, glandular cells begin to put pressure on all nerve endings and, as a result, a woman experiences pain. In addition to pain, some girls may experience itching, slight burning and tingling.

Can there be changes in behavior, psychological aspect?

Changes in behavior after conception

If you carefully read our article, you probably understood that the first weeks of pregnancy are a lot of stress for female body. Cause of all negative consequences is a hormonal chaos that begins immediately after the fertilization of the egg. Such an uncontrollable hormonal storm has a very strong Negative influence on nervous system future mother.

As a result, the woman becomes very irritable, tearful and nervous. Her mood can change literally in a matter of seconds, she can laugh and cry at the same time or fall into apathy for no apparent reason. In addition, in the first weeks of pregnancy, women may experience problems with sleep. A large number of girls feel tired throughout the day, but as soon as the night comes, they may have cheerfulness and a desire to do something.

But do not think that all these problems will accompany you throughout the entire period of bearing a child. After the tenth week of pregnancy, the placenta will begin to intensively produce hormones that normalize the woman's condition. She will start sleeping normally again and will stop crying for any reason.

What can be the symptoms of conception during the fertilization of the egg in the first week on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th day after fertilization?

Symptoms of conception in the first week

According to experts, the first week after conception is a period that will show whether the embryo will be able to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity or not. After the egg meets the sperm, it will take at least 7 days before a viable embryo appears in the woman's body, which will later turn into a boy or a girl.

All this time, the body of the expectant mother will prepare for the fixation of the embryo and, as a result, she will have the first indirect signs of pregnancy. A woman may experience slight bleeding, which will be accompanied by a barely noticeable pain syndrome lower abdomen. As a rule, spotting appears during a period when there is an intensive renewal of the uterine epithelium.

The same discharge may appear in a couple of days, but in this case, the implantation of the embryo will become the cause of their appearance. And although you should not be afraid of such secretions, you need to treat them carefully. If you see that they begin to intensify, then you should immediately see a doctor. It is likely that a malfunction occurred in your body and you started miscarriage, and this is fraught with severe bleeding.

What can be the symptoms of conception during the fertilization of the egg in the second week on the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th day after fertilization?

Symptoms of conception in the second week

Throughout the second week after conception, the embryo intensively divides and increases in size. All these processes take place almost imperceptibly for the expectant mother. But approximately on the 12th day after conception, the body begins to prepare more intensively for future childbirth, and against this background, the woman may experience the first signs of toxicosis.

And although they will not be very pronounced, future mommy may stop perceiving those products that she used to really like. Also during this period, new taste preferences. Another characteristic sign of the second week of pregnancy is vaginal discharge. If during ovulation they look more like cloudy egg white, then after fertilization occurs, they become completely transparent.

Mucus without color and odor indicates that everything is fine with the woman's body and the pregnancy is proceeding as it should. If in the second week after conception you notice yellow or, God forbid, green discharge, then this is a reason to be wary. Mucus of this color indicates that an inflammatory process is taking place inside your body that can harm your baby.

What are the symptoms of conception during the fertilization of the egg in the third and fourth weeks after fertilization?

Symptoms of conception in the third and fourth weeks

Gynecologists call the third week after fertilization a completed pregnancy. And this means that the embryo managed to successfully take root in the uterine cavity and every day becomes more and more like a small person. It was during this period that some internal organs and also around gestational sac three protective layers are formed, which will later become the bone, nervous and circulatory system.

It is clear that against the background of such turbulent processes, a woman begins to feel more and more clear signs pregnancy. Somewhere in the fourth week after conception, expectant mothers develop drowsiness and mood swings. In addition, the fair sex in an interesting position develops soreness of the mammary glands and Montgomery tubercles begin to form.

For those who do not know, these are small pimples visually similar to goose bumps located around the nipples. Also during this period, a woman's libido may change. The most interesting thing is that for everyone these changes occur in different ways. Some, in general, cease to want sexual contact with their partner, while others, on the contrary, always think that they do not receive physical intimacy.

How many days after conception do true pregnancy symptoms appear?

Real pregnancy symptoms

The women who long time trying to get pregnant, as a rule, begin to feel some changes literally immediately after unprotected intercourse. But, according to experts, in the first hours and even days after the meeting of the egg with the sperm, a woman cannot feel any signs of pregnancy.

All the while the egg is in the fallopian tubes, the body will think that conception has not occurred. And only after the zygote turns into an embryo, and it is introduced into the uterine cavity, the woman will begin to feel her future baby.

At the initial stage, these will be some indirect signs, but as the embryo grows, more and more new and, most importantly, obvious symptoms of pregnancy will appear. As practice shows, approximately 5-6 weeks after conception, a woman can begin to feel the fullness of her uterus and even determine that she is pregnant without a test.

Video: Signs of pregnancy. How to diagnose before delay?

Pregnancy is a special period for a woman. Many representatives of the weaker sex passionately want to have children and are waiting for the first symptoms to appear, indicating the presence of life inside them. Many begin to think about pregnancy only in case of a delay in menstruation, but there are facts that testify to it a little earlier.

When do the first symptoms of pregnancy appear and how to recognize them?

It is impossible to say the exact time, because the body of each woman is unique and sometimes can live “its own life”. The health factor should also not be ruled out. Depending on individual indicators, the symptoms of pregnancy may become noticeable for a woman already within 8-10 days after the fertilization of the egg.

There were times when a woman quickly realized that she was pregnant. This happened already 2-3 days after ovulation. Such cases arise due to the clear operation of the self-hypnosis mechanism. This is especially true for girls who have desire become a mother. Knowing the symptoms that accompany pregnant women, a woman can subconsciously inspire herself with this condition.

Such cases do not exclude pregnancy, but so far it has not been confirmed. If conception did occur, then this will become clear with time. More often, it happens that the symptoms of pregnancy do not appear clearly until a week after sex on the “ideal” day for conception.

Pregnancy symptoms noticeable a week after conception

Not all cases are the same, and some may not even notice the following signs:

  • Bleeding from the vagina- a phenomenon that a pregnant woman will face, first of all. Do not think that the discharge in this case- violation of the menstrual cycle. Bleeding of this nature is called "implantation". They indicate the fixation of the embryo on the wall of the uterus. Allocations with a characteristic pinkish tint do not have a large volume and are accompanied by painful sensations. Implantation bleeding lasts several hours, a day or a little longer. Sometimes this process takes place without vaginal bleeding, so the absence of discharge during the week after ovulation does not indicate the absence of pregnancy.
  • Pain in the chest area can be attributed to factors indicating pregnancy during the first week. After 7-10 days, women feel hypersensitivity and firmness of the chest. The nipples also become sensitive, darken, sometimes drops of colostrum are released.
  • Nausea and vomiting are symptoms of pregnancy that occur during most of the gestation period. There are cases confirming that already a week after the fertilization of the egg, these signs can clearly appear.

How to make sure in the early stages that pregnancy has come?

If a woman notices atypical body behavior within a week or a little more after ovulation, then she can take certain measures to be sure. You can take a blood test for hCG a week after intercourse. In urine, the presence of hCG is observed a few days later than in the blood. The test should be purchased within 10-12 days after the expected moment of conception. It is best to use it in the morning, as given period time the concentration of hCG in the composition of the urine is maximum. Ultrasound scanning in early pregnancy will not help, because it is carried out two weeks after the delay in menstruation.

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear?
You can talk about pregnancy with full confidence only after a delay in menstruation. This is the first sign of conception that appears in every woman, without exception, and prompts her to take a pregnancy test. Among the first reliable signs, indicating that the girl will soon become a mother, there are symptoms that appear starting from the fifth week of pregnancy, that is, after the delay.

Among them:

  • Toxicosis. Nausea and vomiting in morning time will not make you doubt that the pregnancy has come;
  • Emotional instability. An increase in mood or, conversely, tearfulness. Such "swings" only confirm the status of "Pregnant";
  • Frequent urination;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen. Unpleasant spasms can occur from time to time due to uterine contractions, they are a natural process that has nothing to do with miscarriage. It is worth thinking about its danger in the case when spasms intensify and are accompanied by spotting;
  • Change in appetite. The composition of saliva changes and even taste preferences. A pregnant woman sometimes begins to love what she loved before. This confirms the fact of pregnancy.

Although the first signs of conception of the fetus appear a week after ovulation, some women may simply not notice them, especially if pregnancy is not expected. When a girl really wants to become a mother, the opposite can happen - any change in the body, not even related to conception, can be interpreted as a symptom of pregnancy.

But the first signs of pregnancy, which you can really focus on, appear after a delay in menstruation.

The topic of pregnancy is always relevant for women of reproductive age.

In order to find out about special position as early as possible, they begin to listen to the unique changes in their own body.

In order to determine on what day after fertilization the implantation of the egg occurred, you should find out the exact date ovulation.

This period will be taken as the starting point. Most often, the introduction of the embryo occurs on the 9-10th day after fertilization.

But depending on individual features the female body, the timing can be shifted by 1-6 days up or down. It turns out that implantation can occur 8-14 days after the fertilization of the egg.

When do signs of pregnancy appear?

The first trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the manifestation of specific symptoms such as:

They can appear a certain number of days after the intended conception.

  • Implantation bleeding.

These are, which are scarce and plentiful, depending on physiological characteristics female body.

It appears 8-10 days after fertilization, when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. This is one of the important signs of pregnancy.

  • Slight uterine pain of a pulling nature.

Pain is provoked by the process of planting the embryo on the epithelium of the uterus.

On the 8-10th day after the alleged conception, slight pains in the lower abdomen may appear.

This is a standard phenomenon, but in case of an increase, you should consult a doctor to avoid termination of pregnancy.

  • Allocations.

The appearance may be associated with, or other infectious processes.

Observed 8-10 days after conception.

  • Increase in basal body temperature.

Basal temperature is measured rectally in the morning, immediately after waking up.

Basal temperature rises to 37.1-37.3 ° C the day before ovulation. At this level, it remains until the replanting of the embryo.

At the moment of egg attachment, the basal temperature drops to 36.8-36.9 °C. This is due to a sharp increase in estrogen in the body of a woman.

After implantation of the ovum the basal body temperature again rises above 37.1 ° C and remains at this level until the 14-16th week of pregnancy.

Then rectal temperature decreases to 36.8-36.9 ° C.

Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands may occur in the first or second week after the alleged conception (7-14 days).

Changes in the hormonal background lead to such manifestations.

Some pregnant women experience breast swelling and pain only 20-30 days after the fertilization of the egg.

  • Sudden mood swings.

Depression, replaced by joy, is also due to a hormonal surge. Usually appear on the 10-14th day after the onset of pregnancy.

Human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is usually determined as early as 9-12 days after the conception of the child has taken place.

  • The second strip on the test.

Many women use special tests to confirm their "interesting" position.

The test will show a second strip, that is, it will give positive result only 12-14 days after the intended conception of the fetus.

It determines the amount hCG hormone, the level of which in the urine does not appear immediately, but only 11-14 days after the expected date of conception.

  • Diarrhea and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Heartburn, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea are characteristics pregnancies that may occur 14-20 days after the alleged fertilization.

  • Toxicosis.

This is one of the main signs of the imminent birth of a child.

It usually occurs 5-7 weeks after the fertilization of the egg.

  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness.

This important signs special condition of the female body. The reason lies in the sharp drop in blood pressure.

2-3 weeks after the intended conception, some women may begin to periodically lose consciousness.

But this phenomenon is considered normal.

Conception is a complex physiological process that goes through several stages. The result is the fertilization of the egg and the formation of an embryo that continues to develop in the uterus until the onset of childbirth.

You can determine pregnancy by numerous signs that appear in the first trimester. But for each symptom, a certain time period of manifestation is characteristic. All of the above signs are quite specific and appear within 2-14 days after conception.

During the entire reproductive period, any woman periodically visits thoughts about possible pregnancy. Sometimes beautiful ladies are so waiting for the onset of a miracle that they are ready to see all the symptoms of pregnancy at 1 week after conception, when there is no pregnancy as such yet, because the fertilized egg has just set off on its mysterious journey through the fallopian tubes.

How long does a fertilized egg move to the uterus: will a new life be born?

Asking the question, after how many days pregnancy manifests itself, women sometimes hope to get an answer that in just a couple of days they will already be able to please their spouse with good news about the imminent replenishment in the family. But not everything is so simple.

Nature gave the egg plenty of time so that it could get to a safe haven - the uterus - and gain a foothold inside. So the signs of pregnancy on the 8th day after conception can only be felt by a few lucky women who, firstly, have an exceptional instinct, and secondly, who have already waited for the egg to attach, which rarely happens by this time.

How does the process of formation of the future embryo go after a successful attack of a spermatozoon - one of the hundreds that has finally reached the desired goal?

The egg, "waiting" for "partners", is located in one of the fallopian tubes. If the left ovary was active this month, then she will most likely be on the left, if the right one, then vice versa. When the sperm fuses with her, she moves out of place and begins to make her way to the uterus. This is helped by the villi of the fallopian tubes, which push the zygote to the place of the future "residence".

This movement is rather slow, it takes a time period from 6 to 12 days. During this period, the woman's body does not yet take any measures to accept and develop the unborn child: no changes occur in it.

Attention: the very first signs of pregnancy after conception before the expiration of 6 days cannot be noticed: they simply do not exist.

What can be seen in a week?

So it's been 6-7 days. During this time, the most “nimble” eggs have time to reach the uterus and get into her body. In this case, the signs of pregnancy a week after conception may be as follows:

  • - implantation bleeding;
  • - weak drawing pains lower abdomen;
  • - tingling in the uterus.

Bleeding is not such in the truest sense of the word. A woman can find underwear a couple of pinkish or yellowish droplets. The first thought that usually visits her is: “How early menstruation is today!”. But on this, the discharge stops, and she forgets about what happened. Sometimes weak spotting is accompanied by mild soreness in the lower abdomen or a tingling sensation.

Such phenomena are explained as follows. When the fertilized egg is embedded in the wall of the uterus, damage is possible small vessels that burst and bleed. Hence such signs of fertilization as painted in pink color discharge and soreness.

However, this is more the exception than the rule. Neither on the 6th nor on the 9th day after conception, a woman may well feel absolutely nothing: the size of the fetal egg is so small that many women feel as usual before the delay, without noticing any changes.

Second week after conception: disturbing signs

If the embryo has not yet attached, then in the second week the situation will remain calm. Knowing how many days they appear, a woman can discard her hopes and doubts for now and lead ordinary life, that is, until the first day of the expected menstruation, do not worry in vain.

But if the consolidation has occurred, changes begin immediately. 10 days after conception (that is, about 4 days before the expected start of the next cycle), you may experience:

  • sharp mood swings;
  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • breast engorgement.

Please note: everything is individual: one woman will have all these symptoms of pregnancy at once, another one or 2, and the third on the 12th day after conception and will not feel anything at all.

Therefore, you should not rush to the pharmacy for a test: wait a bit. The results may be incorrect. Most early signs The conception of a woman is often confused with the approaching critical days, since the symptoms are very similar. Unfortunately, nothing can be determined at home with 100% accuracy. If you really can't wait to find out the result - you need to donate blood for hCG: this method is considered the only the right way so early dates.

Third week after conception: the secret becomes clear

The third week is the period when it is already possible to speak more or less definitely about the preparation of a woman for the upcoming motherhood.

Because 14 days after possible conception(i.e. approximately from the moment of ovulation) the woman should already begin monthly spotting, it's time to take a pregnancy test, if there are none.

In the third week, the fetus is already attached to the uterus, the corpus luteum produces hormones, the woman's body begins to rebuild. Therefore, it's time to talk about the signs of pregnancy after a delay.

If for some reason you cannot donate blood to determine the concentration of the hCG hormone, and the result pharmacy test seems indistinct (for example, the second strip did not appear immediately or it is so pale that it looks like a ghost), then listen to yourself. After the delay, the woman's body makes it clear with fairly clear signs that motherhood is ahead. You may feel:

  • tingling in the uterus;
  • mild nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • nipple sensitivity;
  • sharpening of the sense of smell.

Previously loved smells can now cause disgust. In the morning, the appetite disappears, you don’t want to get up, the woman constantly thinks that she didn’t get enough sleep. This is caused by the active production of progesterone produced by corpus luteum to support pregnancy. There is no real toxicosis yet, but its predecessors can be observed: weakness, fatigue, increased or decreased appetite.

In addition, the woman notices that she often has an urge to go to the toilet. Sometimes she takes it for the beginning of cystitis, but there is no pain.

The chest continues to be swollen, as if before the arrival of menstruation. Some note the darkening of the nipples, although normally this usually happens later.

In a number of cases, women complain of bloating: it does not retract into the “usual limits”, it does not retract. Of course, this is not yet connected with the growth of the uterus, but with hormonal changes, which can result in increased gas formation.

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen can be regarded as a sign of pregnancy. However, sometimes they are caused inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Reddening of the skin of the face in the evening, as well as a rise in body temperature to subfebrile figures, can also indicate successful fertilization. future mother thinks she is sick. In fact, sometimes she may have a tickle in her throat, appear. This happens because immunity decreases slightly in pregnant women so that the mother’s body cannot get rid of the “alien”, mistaking it for a foreign body.

If signs similar to those described above appear, a woman should analyze the situation and remember if there were any unprotected sexual contacts in the past month. Moreover, you need to take into account those that occurred before ovulation, but after 9-10 days monthly cycle: a sperm cell can live in a woman's body for several days, waiting for a favorable moment. Of course, you should not panic before the delay: all your feelings may turn out to be subjective, there are cases false pregnancy provoked by a woman's too great desire to have children (or, conversely, fear of motherhood).

Summing up

Extremely similar to the symptoms of the notorious PMS. Nausea, headache, bloating, drowsiness - all this conceived turns out to be symptoms of impending "critical days". So you need to trust not your feelings, no matter how unusual they may be, but the results of the test and blood test.

If you think that pregnancy in this cycle is possible, prepare a little: exclude alcohol and tobacco, get enough sleep, walk more, react more calmly to external events. And do not be overly upset in case of "failure of plans": it means that your time has not come yet. Your child will definitely be born, just a little later. You need to wait.