A child in India with the face of an old man. The phenomenon of abnormal aging is unsolved progeria (3 photos). What do we have

In October 2005, in a Moscow clinic, doctors performed the first operation on a patient suffering from premature aging syndrome. Progeria is a very rare disease. Medical luminaries around the world claim that from the moment of "awakening" in the body of this disease, people live on average only 13 years.

According to statistics, about 1 in 4 million people are born with a similar genetic defect. Progeria is divided into children's, called Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, and adult progeria, Werner's syndrome. In both cases, the genetic mechanism breaks down and unnatural depletion of all life support systems begins. With the Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, the physical development of children is delayed while the signs of senile graying, baldness, and wrinkles appear in them in the very first months of life.

By the age of five, such a child suffers from all senile ailments: hearing loss, arthritis, atherosclerosis, and does not even live to be 13 years old. With Werner's syndrome, young people begin to age rapidly at the age of 16-20 years, and by the age of 30-40 such patients die with all the symptoms of old age.

There is no cure for progeria - using all the scientific achievements, you can only slow down the irreversible process.

Cases of sudden aging are very prosaic: a child living in normal conditions at first surprises those around him with his rapid development. At a young age, he looks like an adult, and then he begins to show all the signs of ... approaching old age.

In 1716, the eighteen-year-old son of Earl William of Sheffield died in the English city of Nottingham, who began to grow old at the age of thirteen. Young Sheffield looked much older than his father: gray hair, half-fallen teeth, wrinkled skin. The unfortunate young man had the appearance of a man battered by life, he suffered greatly from this and accepted death as deliverance from torment.

There are cases of this kind among representatives of royal families. The Hungarian king Ludwig II had already reached puberty at the age of nine and was happy to have fun with the court girls. At fourteen, he acquired a thick full beard and began to look at least 35 years old. A year later, he married, and by the age of sixteen, his wife gave him a son. But at the age of eighteen, Ludwig completely turned gray, and two years later he died with all signs of senile decrepitude.

It is curious that neither the king's son nor his further descendants inherited such a disease. From examples of the 19th century, one can single out the story of a simple village girl, the Frenchwoman Louise Ravaillac. At the age of eight, Louise, fully formed as a woman, became pregnant by a local shepherd and gave birth to a completely healthy child. By the age of sixteen, she already had three children and she looked older than her mother, at 25 she turned into a decrepit old woman and, before reaching 26, she died of old age.

Of no less interest are the fates of those who lived in the 20th century. Some of them are more fortunate than others. For example, born in 1905, a resident of the American city of San Bernardino, Michael Sommers, who matured early and aged, was able to live to be 31 years old. At first, the ultra-fast entry into adulthood even pleased him. But when, at seventeen, Michael realized with horror that he had begun to age, he began to make desperate attempts to stop this destructive process.

But the doctors just shrugged, unable to do anything to help. Sommers managed to slow down the decrepitude a little after he, having moved to a permanent residence in the village, began to spend a lot of time outdoors. But still, by the age of 30, he turned into an old man, and a year later he was finished off by an ordinary flu. Among other similar phenomena, one can single out the Englishwoman Barbara Dalyn, who died in 1982 at the age of 26.

By the age of 20, having managed to be married and give birth to two children, Barbara quickly and irreversibly grew old. That is why her young husband left her, who did not want to live with the "old ruin". At the age of 22, from deteriorating health and suffering shocks, the “old woman” became blind and, until her death, moved by touch or accompanied by a guide dog, presented to her by the authorities of her native Birmingham.

Paul Demongeot from the French city of Marseille is twenty-three years old. At the same time, he looks at all 60 and feels like a man of advanced age. However, he does not yet lose hope that a miracle will happen and a remedy will be found that will stop his rapid decrepitude. His brother in misfortune, Sicilian from the city of Syracuse, Mario Termini, is not even 20 years old, but he looks much more than 30. The son of wealthy parents, Termini does not deny himself anything, meets local beauties and leads a wild life.

What do we have?

"Early" people lived in our country. Back in the days of Ivan the Terrible, the son of the Mikhailov boyars, Vasily, died at the age of 19 as a decrepit old man. In 1968, at the age of 22, Nikolai Shorikov, a worker at one of the factories, died in Sverdlovsk. He began to grow old at the age of sixteen, which extremely puzzled the doctors. The luminaries of medicine only shrugged their shoulders: “This cannot be!”

Having become an old man at the age when everything was just beginning, Nikolai lost all interest in life and committed suicide by swallowing pills ... And thirteen years later, 28-year-old "old man" Sergei Efimov died in Leningrad. His youthful period ended by the age of eleven, and he began to noticeably age after twenty and died a decrepit old man, having almost completely lost the ability to think sensibly a year before his death.

Genes are to blame

Many scientists believe that the main cause of this disease is a genetic mutation leading to the accumulation of a large amount of protein in cells. Psychics and magicians claim that there are special methods of sending "damage" in order to age a person.

By the way, this disease occurs not only in humans, but also in animals. They also have life cycles and periods sometimes go according to the scenario for three or even ten years. Perhaps the solution to the problem will be found after many years of experiments on our smaller brothers.

A drug called a farnesyl transferase inhibitor significantly reduces the rate of symptoms of premature aging in lab mice, researchers at the University of California have found. Perhaps this medicine will be suitable for the treatment of people.

Here is how the candidate of biological sciences Igor Bykov characterizes the symptoms of the disease in children: “Progeria occurs suddenly with the appearance of large age spots on the body. Then people begin to be overcome by the most real senile ailments. They develop heart disease, blood vessels, diabetes, hair and teeth fall out, subcutaneous fat disappears. Bones become brittle, skin wrinkled, and bodies hunched over. The aging process in such patients proceeds approximately ten times faster than in a healthy person. Evil is rooted, most likely, in the genes. There is a hypothesis that they suddenly stop giving the cells the command to divide. And those quickly become worthless.

The genes stop giving the cells the command to divide, as it were, because the ends of the DNA in the chromosomes are shortened - the so-called telomeres, the length of which is supposedly the length of a human life. Similar processes occur in normal people, but much more slowly. But it is completely incomprehensible, as a result of what kind of violation, telomeres are shortened and aging begins to accelerate at least 10 times. Now scientists are trying to lengthen telomeres with the help of enzymes. There were even reports that American geneticists managed to prolong the life of flies in this way. But the results applicable in practice are still far away. People cannot be helped even at the level of experiments. Fortunately, the disease is not inherited.

It is assumed that a failure in the genome occurs even during the period of intrauterine development. So far, science cannot track and manage this failure: it can only state a fact, but perhaps in the near future gerontology will answer this question to the world.

When the obstetrician took the body of a newborn baby into his arms, his palms almost unclenched in horror. The wrinkled face of an old man with bloody, cloudy eyes looked at him. Tiny compared to the head body was covered with thick matted black hair.

This was the son of Biswajit Patro and his wife, residents of the Magura district in Bangladesh. A country with a certain reputation, living in superstitions and legends, Bangladesh has become the birthplace of the second baby with progeria. In total, only 80 such cases have been recorded in the world. Today, 43 little “old men” live on earth.

The parents are very happy about the birth of such a son, because an unusual baby, in their opinion, is probably a good sign of the gods. True, not everyone dares to take it in their hands. A mutation in one of the genes made the baby an exact copy of the old man.

“We are happy and thank God for our son. He has an older sister, and now there are four people in our family. What more can you ask for! We are ready to accept our boy as he is. ”- this is how the father of the child answered the questions of the ubiquitous journalists.
Usually the disease manifests itself at 2-3 years of age. Such people do not live long, up to 7, maximum 27 years. Although in Japan a person with progeria lived up to 45 years.
Such stories are so unusual that they became the basis for works of art. Surely many have watched the magnificent film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". It tells about the strange fate of a baby who lived "life in reverse": from old age to childhood. At present, the little "old man" is doing well. His parents do everything they can for him. Unfortunately, the doctors are unable to help the tiny patient.

Everyone knows the American film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", the main character of which (played by actor Brad Pitt) was mysteriously born an old man and throughout his life, instead of growing old, became younger. At the center of the drama was his relationship with a woman who, like all people, was getting old. The film, in which the strange feature of Benjamin Button was not explained, ended with the hero becoming a baby and lying in the arms of his beloved, who was already quite old.

But few people know that Benjamin Button's illness is real. REN TV will tell the story of some of the children who suffer from this affliction.

Brother and sister who want a "life without pain"

So, in India, there is a brother and sister who have a rare skin disease that occurs in one case in a million. The boy Keshava and his sister Anjali have a disease called progeria. Because of it, babies have swollen faces from the moment they are born, and their skin is wrinkled and saggy. At school, of course, they give them offensive nicknames and laugh at them.

Parents hope that their son and daughter will be able to help. However, doctors say that hope can only be abroad. And the family in which the kids grow up is poor.

"My parents say that one day everything will be fine, but this disease oppresses me from the inside. And I just want a long life without pain," Anjali says.

When I was born, I looked like an alien

Another boy suffering from progeria lives in Bangladesh. This is Bayezid Hossein, and in his youth he looks like an 80-year-old man. According to her mother, who gave birth to him at the age of 14 from her cousin, her child is also smart.

"He looked like an alien (when he was born. - Approx. ed.), And it was heartbreaking," - told his mother Tripiti.

Used her aging to buy alcohol

According to the media, children with progeria die early - from a heart attack. They usually die at the age of 13. But Chally Muguira from the USA is already 30 years old. She was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis at the age of 16, and the girl even found advantages in it - she used her aging to buy alcohol.

Chally was teased at school, but she even managed to get married. They met their blind husband Tony on a dating site and soon realized that they could not live without each other.

It is terrible to imagine what diseases and viruses humanity expects in 10-20 years, but the cases that are now occurring in society make us evaluate our lives differently.

Progeria is a very rare genetic disease that causes premature human aging, and manifests itself not only in adults, but also in children at different stages of life.

The normal development of the child is observed up to 6 months, but closer to the year there are irreparable deviations in the physical condition. So, a 2-year-old baby can outwardly resemble an 80-year-old old man. In one year of a child’s life, his body ages by 10-15 years. But in addition to the fading look, many more diseases are added, against the background of which children do not live up to 14 years.

By the age of 5, the child suffers from all senile ailments:

■ hearing loss;
■ arthritis;
■ atherosclerosis;
■ diabetes mellitus;
■ heart attack;
■ baldness;
■ loss of vision and teeth.

In total, 80 cases of progeria have been recorded in the world: in the USA, Asia, Russia, and Europe. There are no medicines, technologies for the treatment of this disease today, and the disease is a mystery to scientists.

Ana Rochelle Pondare of Manila is the oldest child with progeria who was lucky enough to live to adulthood. At 18, the girl physically looks like she is 144 years old. A terrible diagnosis was made to Anna at the age of 5 years. Every year her body is weak, and the body becomes decrepit. The girl has stopped growing, all her hair has fallen out and she has to wear bandanas and wigs.

The pictures captured the moments of the celebration of the 18th anniversary, in honor of which her relatives threw a theme party for her. The girl was dressed as a princess, and the guests were entertained by the Filipino singer Sarah Geronimo, who is Anna's idol.

Ashanti Eliott-Smith from Britain. This brave and smiling girl at first glance at her 11 years old looks like an 80-year-old old woman. The girl's hair fell out, signs of old age appeared on her skin, and her weight and height stopped at the level of a three-year-old child. To all this, Ashanti has weak hands, she is often tormented by arthritis and heart attacks.

Ashanti was born in 2003 as an absolutely healthy baby weighing 2.5 kg, but 3 weeks after birth, severe convulsions began to cover her body. After numerous tests, doctors recognized that Ashanti had a terrible disease. The cause of which was a defective gene, not in a hereditary line, so Ashanti's younger sister, Brandy Lou, is absolutely healthy.

Despite everything, her parents: young mother Ashanti Phoebe and 40-year-old father Alby Eliott put a lot of effort into providing their daughter with a carefree childhood as much as possible. The girl even tried to go to school, but laughter and oppression from her peers did not allow her to continue her studies.

The family tries to make the most of every day with benefit, knowing that their daughter does not have much to live.

Small, completely bald in glasses, but with such excitement in his eyes, the boy Sam Burns from Massachusetts, USA, became the standard bearer of the fight against the disease of progeria. He was the only son of pediatricians, was fond of mathematics, natural sciences, loved to read books, play the drum. Sam was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis at the age of two, when the first serious changes in the body began to occur: thin and wrinkled skin, metabolic disorders, clouding of the lens, muscle atrophy, destruction of teeth, hair and nails.

Already by the age of 17, active Sam looked like a pensioner of advanced age of short stature. At the same time, Sam never complained about his disease, he is happy to be an example for those people who suffer from a similar disease. He became the star of the film "Life according to Sam", which was even nominated for an Oscar. Sam died at the age of 17.

Ali Hussein from India is not the only child in the family suffering from progeria. There are four children in his family of eight: three sisters and a brother died of this disease at an early age. The fifth child died within a day after birth from the same disease. The cause of such a genetic defect is incest between parents who are cousins ​​to each other.

Like other children, Ali dreams of going to school, playing football, but his health will not allow it. Currently, he is practically paralyzed.

Sister Anjali (7 years old) and her brother Keshav (1.5 years old) from the Indian city of Ranchi look like little old men with a childish smile. They have wrinkled skin, swollen face, sore joints, large bags under their eyes. The first changes in Anjali's body were discovered after she ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. After recovery, the girl's skin began to dry out quickly and become covered with wrinkles. Some time later, the third baby was born in the family, the boy Keshav, who soon also showed signs of this disease. As soon as the children go out into the street, all passers-by look after them. Now Anjali has problems with her joints, she has poor eyesight and her immune system is severely weakened.

The dream of the eldest daughter in the family of 11-year-old Shelly is to see her brother and sister healthy.

Bellon Falatse is a black girl from South Africa who suffers from progeria. At birth, the baby looked absolutely healthy, but at the age of three months a severe rash appeared on her skin, and at the age of one year, changes in the structure of hair and nails, and baldness began. Despite the disease, Falatse successfully started school at the age of 6. Despite the bad attitude from classmates and teachers, the girl remains optimistic. After learning about Bellon's problem, the American Progeria Research Foundation invites the girl every summer for a summer vacation and examination.

Adults in appearance, but very young at heart, these children deserve attention and care from society in order to somehow brighten up their lives.

According to doctors, the baby suffers from a rare disease.

In Bangladesh, a baby with thick hair and a wrinkled face like a 90-year-old man was born. In a superstitious country, the birth of a baby with such an appearance is perceived as a boy chosen by God.

The baby's parents said they are very happy about the birth of their son, whom they call the "miracle child".

“We accept him for who he is. We are so happy that now we have a boy in our house,” the happy parents say.

However, doctors believe that in fact the boy suffers from a very rare and serious disease - progeria, which causes rapid aging and roughening of the skin. Experts say that such patients, there are one in 4 million inhabitants. The disease does not carry anything good in itself and requires a complete rejection of the usual way of life, since the aging of the body occurs abnormally ...

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Parents call the boy a "wonder child" PHOTO: Daily Mail video screenshot

A boy with a rare disease, progeria, which causes rapid skin aging, was born in Bangladesh. With such a pathology, only one person in four million is born.

The baby has all the external signs that are characteristic of older people - wrinkles, loose skin, drooping eyelids and thick body hair, writes Life.ru with reference to the Daily Mail.

Despite this, the boy's parents are very happy about his birth and call him a "miracle child".

Meanwhile, doctors say that this disease often leads to the rejection of normal life due to the rapid aging of the body.

VIDEO: Daily...

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The Real Benjamin Button: 4-Year-Old Boy Looks Like an Old Man The Incredible Facts

This 4-year-old boy from Bangladesh looks like an 80-year-old man due to a rare disease.

Looking at Bayezid Hossain from Bangladesh, you will see a flabby face, sunken eyes and loose skin, he suffers from joint pain, difficulty urinating and weak, decayed teeth.

People from the community where he lives try to stay away from him, and children are afraid to play with him, despite the fact that he has above average intelligence.

Children's progeria (photo)

Bayezid suffers from progeria, a disease in which the body ages eight times faster than usual. This disorder was taken as a basis in the book by Francis Scott Fitzgerald and the film "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", in which the hero is born an old man and gets younger every day.

People with progeria usually die of a heart attack or stroke at an average age...

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In Bangladesh, a boy was born with a rare genetic disease that affects the change in the skin and internal organs of the baby, which makes the newborn look like a very old man.

In Bangladesh, a couple living in the city of Madura gave birth to a boy with a rare genetic disease, because of which the newborn baby looks like a deep 80-year-old man, local media write.

According to doctors, a newborn baby has progeria, a genetic disease that causes rapid skin aging, which leads to the fact that even in infancy, the child looks like a very old man.

Doctors assured that at the moment their baby feels good and warned that children with a similar disease rarely live to be 15 years old, but the parents hoped that they would be able to avoid this statistic.

Doctors also said that one person out of four million suffers from this rare genetic disease and ...

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In Bangladesh, a boy was born with a rare disease, progeria, which causes rapid skin aging. It is reported by the Daily Mail.

Doctors say that only one person in four million suffers from progeria, which often leads to a rejection of normal life, as the body ages very quickly. The baby has all the external signs that are characteristic of older people - wrinkles, hanging eyelids, loose skin and thick hair on the body.

Despite the boy's illness, his parents are in seventh heaven with happiness due to the fact that they had a "miracle child". The baby's father said that they can only thank God for his birth.

We accept him for who he is. We are so happy that now there is a boy in our house, - happy parents say, giving their daughter a brother.

Other related news:

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A boy was born in Bangladesh with a rare disease that causes rapid skin aging, reports Life.Ru.

The real "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", described in a Hollywood movie, took place in the city of Magura. Despite the rarest genetic anomaly, the baby's parents are incredibly happy because an unusual baby was born in their family. According to doctors, only one person in four million suffers from progeria, which often leads to the abandonment of normal life, as the body ages very quickly. The baby has all the external signs that are characteristic of older people - wrinkles, hanging eyelids, loose skin and thick hair on the body.

By the way, these parents already have a second child, the family has an eldest daughter. The father and mother said that they accept the boy as he is, and they will grow him with all love. True, as noted, children with progeria rarely live even up to 13 years.

Earlier it was reported that in the Chinese city of Ningbo was born ...

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Doctors at a hospital in Bangladesh were shocked by the birth of a child who looks like an 80-year-old man, Metro reports.

The whole face of the child is covered with deep wrinkles, he has sunken eyes and a flabby body. Doctors diagnosed him with progeria, one of the rarest genetic diseases characterized by premature aging of the body.

But the parents of the child are happy with the appearance of the boy, and they are not at all worried about the appearance of the child. The father of the child said that they would accept the son as he is. Now a large number of visitors come to their house who want to look at the miracle child.

Doctors are sure that nothing threatens the boy's life at the moment. However, they do not yet know how to care for him in the future.

Earlier it was reported that a child was born in China without...

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Progeria is one of the rarest genetic defects. With progeria, changes in the skin and internal organs occur, which are caused by premature aging of the body. No more than 80 cases of progeria have been recorded in the world. Children's checked is very rarely congenital, as in this baby from Bangladesh, most children show clinical signs usually at 2-3 years of age.

The average life expectancy for childhood progeria is 13 years. Most sources indicate the age of death from 7 to 27 years, while reaching the age of majority is very rare. Only one case of a patient who survived the 27-year milestone is known - a Japanese who lived 45 ...

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