Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the second junior group “Give good. Comprehensive classes in the second junior group

Ludmila Ryabova

Target: The development of coherent speech of children.


Educational: to teach to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; teach children to remember a familiar fairy tale - « Kolobok» based on visual images, to form the ability to hear and understand the questions asked about the plot of a fairy tale, to answer them; enrich the vocabulary of children - distinguish animals by their appearance, correctly name them;

Educational: develop attention, memory, thinking motor activity; fine motor skills of the hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech.

Educational: to cultivate friendly relations, interest in fairy tales, in joint creative activity; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Material and equipment:


Stuffed Toys: bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox

Geometric figures (modules)

pictures of wild animals,

preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales « Kolobok» , "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip", "Hare and Fox", "Teremok"

looking at illustrations for fairy tales, learning nursery rhymes, finger gymnastics, physical minutes.

Lesson progress:

Guys, look, we have guests today.

Let's say hello to our guests.

Children greet.

caregiver: well done! I invite you to stand in a circle and say hello to each other! (Children stand in a circle).

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other

caregiver: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes

caregiver: What fairy tales do you know?

Children: « Kolobok» , "Turnip", "Masha and the Bear" etc.

caregiver: Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales. Today I met a fairy-tale hero, and he really wanted to meet you! Would you like to meet him?

Children's answers

caregiver: And who it was, you have to guess. I will give you a riddle, you listen carefully and then you will recognize him for sure.

He left his grandfather

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side.

It's delicious (bun)

caregiver: Well done guys, right. And look at our hero. Our bun very cheerful and playful.

Kolobok: Hello guys! I really love travel and you want to go with me to journey?

Children's answers

kolobok in a circle.

caregiver: rolling, rolling the gingerbread man and the gingerbread man rolled into the forest. And the wind blows in the forest. Quietly at first (children and teacher imitate the wind, and now strongly (children and teacher represent the wind).

Look, someone's ears are long peeking out. Who could it be?

Children's answers (Hare.)

caregiver: That's right, bunny. Well, describe what it is?

Children's answers (soft, white, fluffy, etc.)

Bunny: hello guys, hello bun.

caregiver: Guys, the bunny invites you to turn into a bunny and do exercises with him.

Physical education minute

(with musical accompaniment)

A gray bunny sits and moves its ears

So, you and I recharged with energy, turned into guys and go further for kolobok

Children stand in a circle and go along with the music to the music. kolobok in a circle.

caregiver: Guys, in order to meet the next hero, you must solve the riddle.

He is in a cold forest.

Walks, angry hungry.

Who is this? (Wolf)

That's right guys.

Wolf: Hello guys. And where are you going?

Children's answers

caregiver: Guys, the wolf wants to ask you to help him. His children played and broke the toy houses, which were made of geometric shapes. Can we help the wolf?

Children's answers (Yes)

caregiver: well, let's build houses for wolf cubs.

Children assemble houses from geometric shapes-modules (squares and triangles in different colors)

Well done guys did it. Say goodbye to the wolf and let's move on. Are you ready to move on? And rolled kolobok further and puddles on the path. Someone big walked over them and splashed water all over. And we will be able to carefully pass between the puddles, can we step into them?

children's answers (No)

caregiver: Why

children's answers (you can wet your feet and get sick)

caregiver: Who walked through the puddles?

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a big pine tree.

And when spring comes

He wakes up from sleep.

Who is this? (bear)

Children: Bear.

Bear: Hello guys.

caregiver: Guys, tell me please, is the bear wild or a pet?

Children: wild because it lives in the forest.

caregiver: Do you know the names of the young forest animals?

Children: Yes

(Pictures depicting adult animals are shown, and children should name their cubs)

(bear - teddy bear, she-wolf cub, fox-fox cub, hare-hare, squirrel-squirrel)

caregiver: guys, let's remember the finger game about animals

finger game "Beasts"

Friendly animals

Small rabbits are friends

Beavers are friends in the lake

Mosquitoes are friends in the sky

Small hedgehogs are friends

Even bear cubs are friends

Here's how they played

Fled through the forest

caregiver: Well done guys, the bear liked to play with you. Say goodbye to the bear and let's move on. rolled kolobok further and met ....?

Children: Lisu

caregiver: In a fairy tale, the fox ate kolobok, and let's ask the fox not to eat our kolobok, and for this we will call it affectionately. Little fox The fox has not paws, but paws, not ears, but ears, not a nose, but a spout, not a tail, but a tail.

Well done, the fox is very happy. Now the fox will not eat our kolobok and he will return to his grandparents.

Guys, it's time for us to go home. We'll take the path back.

We are walking along the path.

One, two! One, two!

We clap our hands together.

One, two! One, two!

We raise the handles

To the sun and clouds.

caregiver: Here we are, you liked it travel? But our the journey is not over, we know many more fairy tales, and we will definitely go travel through these tales.

According to what fairy tale are we today traveled?

Whom did we meet along the way? (hare, wolf, bear, fox)

At the end, the children receive a sweet gift.


  • fix the rules of conduct on a walk.
  • form the habit of a healthy lifestyle;
  • to form skills of safe behavior;
  • continue to develop the ability to correctly perform movements in accordance with the text and clearly pronounce words;
  • develop a sense of rhythm;
  • form correct breathing;
  • to consolidate children's knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms;
  • develop fine motor skills using massage balls.
  • develop observation and attention;
  • create an emotionally positive mood in the group.

Equipment: planar scenery on the wall: forest (birch, flowers, Christmas trees), frog edge, mushrooms (boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms, fly agaric), scenery for the puppet show "Naughty chicken", glove puppet "chicken", toy "chicken", toy "kite", massage balls, a treat "mushrooms" in a basket.


1. Greeting.

Guys, look, we have guests today, they are glad to see you, they smile at you. Let us give our guests our smiles and say hello to them.

2. Announcement of the objectives of the lesson.

Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest. Let's remember the rules of conduct for a walk.

Behavior rules:

  • We get up in pairs.
  • We don't push.
  • We are not lagging behind.
  • We look under the legs.
  • We don't scream.
  • We listen to the teacher.

- Well done, guys, you can go on the road.

Into the magical forest for a walk
I invite you to go.
More interesting adventure
We guys can't find it.
Become one after another
Take hold of your hands firmly.
Along the paths, along the paths
We go for a walk in the forest.
Miracles in the green forest
We'll definitely find it!

Walking in pairs to the music.

An audio recording of the sounds of the forest is played.

- How nice it is in the forest - birds sing, grasshoppers chirp, mosquitoes buzz, frogs croak! Let's take a deep breath in and out and in and out again.

3. Forest clearing (image of frogs doing exercises)

- Look, guys, who did we meet at the edge? (frogs)
- What are the frogs doing? (Charging)
- Do you exercise in the morning?
- Why do you need to recharge? (To be strong, healthy, not sick, etc.)
- Let's do exercises together with the frogs!


We see them jumping along the edge Hands on the belt
Two green frogs. Half squats left and right
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Jump from heel to toe . Stepping from toe to heel.
Two girlfriends in the swamp Hands on the belt.
Two green frogs Half squats left and right.
Washed early in the morning Perform movements in accordance with the text.
Rubbed with a towel.
They stamped their feet,
Hands clapped.
Leaning to the right
Tilt to the left.
Here is the secret of health Walking in place.
Physical education friends!

- Well done boys! Let's say goodbye to the frogs and move on.
The teacher brings the children to the house (the scenery for the fairy tale "Naughty Chicken") and asks who can live here. The teacher invites the children to sit on the lawn to relax and watch a fairy tale.

4. "Naughty chicken" (safety). Puppet show.

The teacher, using toys, shows a puppet show based on the fairy tale by E. Mikhalenko "Chicken".

Once upon a time there lived a small yellow fluffy chicken. He was very inquisitive, everything was interesting to him. The chicken dreamed of seeing a forest, a river, a field, and much more, which he heard from his elders.
But his mother always told him: “Be careful, don't leave the yard. In the forest lives a cunning fox who loves to eat little chickens, and high up behind the clouds lives an evil kite that can grab you with sharp claws and carry you away.
Once the chicken still could not resist and went for a walk. He crossed the bridge over the stream and found himself in a clearing strewn with golden dandelions. It was so beautiful here! Multi-colored butterflies flew around, working bees buzzed, birds sang loudly.
And suddenly the chicken saw a huge black shadow above him. The kid immediately guessed that this was a terrible kite. The poor chicken started to run as fast as he could, but the kite was quickly approaching. There seemed to be no escape.
And then the chicken remembered the golden dandelions that grew in the clearing. “They are as yellow and fluffy as I am. And I won’t be seen among them,” he thought, and quickly darted into the thickets. Oh, how his little heart beat! When the chicken caught his breath and realized that the danger was over, he thought: “Why didn’t I listen to my mother and went for a walk without permission? If golden dandelions had not saved me, I might have died. Now I will always obey my mother.
Meanwhile, an evil kite flew over the clearing and thought: “Where did this chicken go? After all, he couldn't get far. There are only stupid dandelions around. ”
And the golden dandelions quietly shook their heads and thought: “We will soon become fluffs and fly away to no one knows where. But still, we did not live in vain in the world - we saved the life of this cute little chicken.

Did you guys like the story?
- Do you listen to your mother?

The teacher summarizes:

  • You can't walk alone without permission.
  • We must obey the elders.
  • You have to be careful and careful.

Hen and chicks game music Vlasova L.V.

The educator - "chicken" (in the hands of the educator is a glove puppet "chicken") pronounces the words to the music:

Corydalis in the courtyard,
Furry in the yard
Comes with chickens. (2 p.)

Action: all the "train" go in a circle
A little children gape,
They run and run
Now he is calling to himself: (2 p)

Action: children "chickens" scatter in different directions
Sounds like a loss.
"Where? Stop!
Where? Where? Come back!
Don't you dare run away!" (2p)

Action: children run up to the "chicken".
"Our world is beautiful,
But he is very dangerous.
You can get lost in it
So be careful!"

Action: the educator - "chicken" threatens with a finger and hugs his "chickens".

5. Hedgehogs (massage, mushrooms).
- Look, guys, is someone rustling under the Christmas tree?

Under the Christmas tree are "hedgehogs" (massage balls).

- These are hedgehogs.

Children come up to the Christmas tree and pick up hedgehog massage balls.
Massage is carried out according to the Su Jok system.

"There once lived a hedgehog in the forest, in his mink house (hold the ball in the palm of your hand). A hedgehog peeked out of its hole (open palms and show the ball) and saw the sun. The hedgehog smiled at the sun (smile, open one palm like a fan) and decided to take a walk in the forest. A hedgehog rolled along a straight path (roll the ball with direct movements on the palm), rolled, rolled and ran to a beautiful, round clearing (put palms together in a circle). The hedgehog was delighted and began to run and jump across the clearing (squeeze the ball between the palms) Started smelling the flowers (touch the thorns of the ball to the tip of your finger and take a deep breath). Suddenly the clouds came (clamp the ball in one fist, in the other, frown), and the rain dripped: drip-drip-drip (with your fingertips in a pinch, knock on the spines of the ball). Hedgehog hid under a big mushroom (make a hat with the palm of your left hand and hide the ball under it) and took shelter from the rain, and when the rain ended, various mushrooms grew in the clearing: aspen mushrooms, boletus, honey mushrooms, chanterelles and even white mushroom (show fingers). The hedgehog wanted to please his mother, pick mushrooms and take them home, and there are so many of them: how will the hedgehog carry them? Yes, on your back. Hedgehog carefully planted mushrooms on needles (poke each tip of the finger with the spike of the ball) and happy ran home (roll the ball with direct movements on the palm)."

Children release "hedgehogs" under the Christmas tree.

- It seems that mushrooms have grown in our clearing after the rain.

Mobile game "Collect mushrooms"("Mushrooms" Words and music by M.D. Bystrova)

We'll take a box and go to the woods
Collect delicious mushrooms for lunch.
One two three four five!
We cannot collect all the mushrooms.
Let's count to five
And let's try to find it.

Children gather mushrooms to the music. At the signal of the teacher, they look for the named mushroom.


One two three four five, boletus let's go look.
chanterelles we go looking.
One two three four five, honey mushrooms we go looking.

- Guys, what kind of mushroom can not be collected? (Amanita). Why? (poison mushroom).

After the game, the teacher takes out a hidden basket with baked mushrooms, shows the children and says how many mushrooms they have collected. The teacher invites the children to return home. Children leave the hall to the music.


  1. T. Borisova (Tales of Grandmother Tatyana, 2003)
  2. G. Kashapova Author's fairy tale "Hedgehog on a walk"
  3. E. Mikhalenko fairy tale "Chicken".
  4. Physical culture minutes and dynamic pauses in the preschool educational institution. Practical guide. Iris Press. Moscow 2007.

Summary of the lesson in the second junior group

Theme: "Forest dwellers"

Sukhinina Irina Nikolaevna

Educator MBDOU kindergarten No. 116

Educational area : Speech development

Integration with educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development.

Target: To promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Learning tasks: teach children to answer questions, guess riddles; make a cluster on the theme "Wild animals", match the words denoting the names of animals with the names of their cubs

Speech tasks : enrich vocabulary;develop dialogic speechAarticulation apparatus

Development tasks : develop motor activity, fine motor skills of hands.

Educational tasks : educate respect for nature;emotional responsivenessindependence, the ability to listen, hear and understand the educational task, to perform it independently;

Demo materials: a hedgehog toy, pictures of wild animals and Christmas trees, musical accompaniment "The Train from Romashkov", pictures for the game "Who eats what".

Handouts: massage balls for each child, treats for children mushrooms.

Equipment : music center, magnetic board with magnets, big ball, marker.

Preliminary work: Looking at pictures about wild animals, talking about wild animals in winter, developing graphic skills, developing the articulation apparatus, games to develop attention and logical thinking, developing fine motor skills of hands.

Structure (parts and their estimated time) of the lesson:

Part 1 - circle of joy (organizational moment) - 1 min.

Part 2 - the main part of the lesson - 12 min.

Part 3 - the result of the lesson - 2 min.

Total lesson time: 15 minutes

Reserve time (1-3 minutes)

Organization of children:

Part 1: Children stand in a circle.

Part 2 - children "ride the train" to the musical accompaniment

Children sit on "stumps" (high chairs)

Children jump like bunnies

Children sit on chairs (ball game, tongue twisters, work at the blackboard)

Part 3 - children "ride the train" to the musical accompaniment


Methods and techniques

1 part. Organizing time.

Circle of Joy: "Rays of Kindness"

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle, hold hands and say the words of greeting:

"Hello golden sun,

hello blue sky

Hello my friends

I am very glad to see you!”

(Words are followed by actions.)

2 part. Main part of the lesson .

1. The teacher reads a riddle to the children

The cold has come.

The water turned to ice.

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring:

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen? (in winter)

Who am I talking about now? (about a bunny, about a bear)

Are these animals wild or domestic? (wild)

Why do we call them wild? (Because they live in the forest)

Let's see who else lives in the forest?

Now we will go to the winter forest. And we will go by train. (Musical accompaniment)

2. Surprise moment

Educator: "Well, here we are."Crying is heard.

Oh, someone is crying.

A hedgehog (toy) appears.

Guys who is this?(Hedgehog)

Why are you crying?

I have lost pictures of my friends and I ask you to help me find among the pictures those animals that live in the forest.

3. Compilation of the cluster "Wild Animals". Children on a magnetic board lay out animals that live in the forest. (Around the Christmas tree)

4. Work with massage balls. Educator: “The hedgehog brought us massage balls as a gift. Let's roll them on the handles and say: “Our favorite ball, the best ball. He looks like a hare, because he jumps. (Children jump with balls.)

5. The game "Name your son ». Educator: "Now let's play an interesting game with the hedgehog." They go out onto the carpet and stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the children and names the animal. The mother bear has little ones - cubs; fox mother has ...; at the hare mother ...; mother wolf...

6. Speech gymnastics . Educator: “While we were playing, our animals got hungry.

Let's feed them. But the one who correctly pronounces the words will feed them. Su-su-su - we saw a fox, Zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles. Olk-olk-olk - a wolf winters in the lair. After all, after all, after all, a bear sleeps in winter. (Children say tongue twisters

7. Let's go to the blackboard and help the animals find what they eat. To do this, take felt-tip pens and draw a line from the animal to what he loves.The game "Who eats what."

8. Summary of the lesson. Educator: "Well done guys! All the animals thank you and say thank you! Well, it's time for us to go back. Let's get on the train again and go to kindergarten.Children sit in a makeshift train and return to the music. Educator - Here we are in the garden. Children, did you like our trip? (Yes!) And where were we and what were we doing? (We were in the forest and helped the hedgehog find his friends.)


Right! We help animals
And of course we're tired
But they came back
In a kindergarten dear to the heart.
You are all great! animals and I thank you for your help!

And the hedgehog brought us a treat - mushroom cookies.

And now let's say goodbye to our guests and tell them - Goodbye!

Set up positive emotions.


artistic word

Encouragement to search for answers

Poll 2-3 children.

Use of ICT

surprise moment

Motivation to perform tasks and act morally

practical method

2-3 children)

Child fatigue prevention

The development of fine motor skills of the hands

Set to run a job

Explanation of game actions

Activation of thinking, speech

Development of the articulatory apparatus

3-4 children

practical method

2 children


Use of ICT

Encouragement to speak

Summarizing the children's answers, summarizing

Use of artistic word


Surprise moment treat


Compare objects by height and size;

Establish equality;

- consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle), how do they differ from each other;

To teach creative thinking, develop ingenuity, attention, thinking, observation, develop eidetic abilities;

To encourage manifestations of activity and independence;

Cultivate a desire to help others.


Demonstration: magnetic board, 5 snowflakes (made of paper), Christmas tree (artificial production), typesetting canvas, snow ball, sled, Winter, Snowman, 1 hare, 2 squirrels, 3 bears of different heights, 3 beds of different sizes; a bag with medals, a box, the melody "White Snowflakes".

Handout: plates with cards-quilts, patches-tabs geometric shapes; geometric shapes different in size, color (circle, square, triangle).

The course of the lesson in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten

1. Psychogymnastics "Good morning!"

Teacher: Good morning everyone! How many good kids and guests are here! Let's say hello.

2. Surprise moment.

Educator. Children, look, here is a balloon. Oh, and then there's the letter. And what lies on it?

Children. Snowflake.

Educator. I wonder why she came to us?

Children examine the snowflake, notice the letter written on it.

“Dear kids! Your friend Snowman is writing to you. Knowing that you are so quick-witted, smart, I turn to you for help. My beautiful Winterland is in danger. The evil sorceress threatens to melt everything, destroy it and turn it into water if we do not fulfill her tasks.

Educator. Children, can we help our friend?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Kids, I propose to imagine yourself as small snowflakes. Close your eyes and turn around.

Children transform into snowflakes.

Educator. Well, snowflake, flew to the Winter Country. Show the way, where your snowflake sisters with tasks are waiting for us.

3. The main part.

Children "fly" to quiet, gentle music. The snowflake "led" the children to the place where her friend is - a snowflake with the first task. The teacher reads the tasks.

I. Exercise:

The picture shows a snowman.

Look at the snowman and tell me what it consists of?

How many circles does it have? Are they all the same?

How many eyes? hands? What are the hands made of?

What does he have instead of a hat?

What could be his nose?

What do you think will happen if the bunny cannot resist and eats a carrot that serves as a snowman's nose? (The snowman will not be able to breathe; The snowman will cry, he feels bad without a nose, the squirrel will bring a bump to the snowman, which will be instead of a nose, and they will scold the bunny ...)


Don't worry, kids, the bunny will never do that, because he loves the Snowman very much. He cannot harm him.

Having completed the first task, the children, together with Snezhinka, the teacher, “fly” to the next stop to the music. The snowflake stops at the Christmas tree and lies on the chest, which is under the Christmas tree.

Educator. Oh what a nice chest! Perhaps the task is in it. Let's get a look.

Children with a teacher open and find a snowflake, read the next task.

II. Exercise:

Educator. Children, I know that you all love winter. After all, in winter there is the best holiday for kids - the holiday of the Christmas tree. But the holiday has already passed, the Christmas tree has taken off its festive outfit and misses its decorations. Here we have such a tree. Let's cheer her up. I have jewelry, but they are unusual.

Look what is it? (Geometric figures.)

We need to decorate the Christmas tree with toys that look like geometric shapes.

The chest contains geometric shapes of different colors and sizes. Each figure has a garter with a ribbon. Each child takes one geometric figure by the ribbon, names it, indicates the size and color. Hangs by a branch on a Christmas tree.

The teacher gives instructions to hang "above", "below".


What a beautiful tree! She was daydreaming and remembered the winter forest, where the wind and snowstorm are walking.

To the music, Winter enters the hall, carrying sleds.


Good afternoon, kids. I came to visit you to see how you are doing here. I know that you are trying to help, to save our magical winter country.

What a beautifully decorated Christmas tree you have. And why are there no animals under it? I will give you animals. Here are the hares, and here are the squirrels. Let them make the tree happy.

Educator. Let's count the bunnies. How many? (One)

And now let's count the squirrels. (Two) Who else? Can someone count all the animals?

Children answer questions.


I so want to spin around the Christmas tree. Let's make a circle. Look, I have a snowball. I suggest you play with it. When the music sounds, we pass the ball from hand to hand. And when the music stops, the one who has the ball dances with it.

Children play with a snowball several times. (classes in kindergarten)

Winter. How are you guys. But it's time for me to go. Trees and animals are waiting for me in the forest. Goodbye, children.

(The winter is coming.)

Educator. Oh, guys, I see that our bunny is completely sad. Come closer to us.

Cute bunny, let the kids pet you. (Children touch the bunny, stroke it).

What colour is he?

What is our bunny: soft or hard? (children's answers)

Children, look, our bunny is very sad, perhaps an evil witch offended him.

What happened, little one? (The teacher pretends to listen to him).

The bunny said that he was sad because it was cold, and his warm blanket, which kept him warm in winter, was torn. He doesn't know what to do. Kids, help the bunny, patch up the blanket.

And now I invite you to sit down at the tables.

On the table are plates with blanket cards, geometric shapes: circles, triangles.

The teacher takes a snowflake and reads the tasks.

III. Tasks:

a) patch up the blanket for the bunny.

Children, you need to choose patches for your blanket, put on holes that have such shape.

Children choose inlay patches (geometric shapes) according to the shape of the hole.

During the task, I ask the children what color the blanket is, what geometric shape this patch looks like ...


Well done, kids, the task was completed correctly. Bunny is very grateful to you. Now he can sleep comfortably. But Snowflake tells me that it's time to move on.

Music sounds, children-snowflakes "fly" for a big Snowflake, which shows the way.

Children, let's look for the next snowflake with a task. And here is the snowflake, let's quickly see what needs to be done here.

I V. Tasks:

Educator. Kids, the evil witch did something nasty. She mixed everything up in the fairy tale "Three Bears" ......

Let's remember what their names are? Let's determine which of them is the father, who is the mother, and who is the son?

How will we do it? (Compared to the height).

Who is tall? Less? Least?

The bears were just about to go to bed. Let's find the right bed for everyone.

Which bed do you think daddy bear should lie on? (To the big one)


Go, Masha, pick up a bed for papa bear.


And what kind of bed should a mother bear lie on? (To the middle)

And on which bed should the little bear cub lie down? (for small)

Go, Misha, pick up beds for them.

How many bears will go to bed? Let's count (calls the child and gives the task to count).

How many beds? (Children count.)

Educator. - Well done, children. Bears are grateful to us for help.

Music sounds. Kids with Snowflake "fly", looking for the following tasks.

Educator. Oh, children, where did our Snowflake go?

There are no more snowflakes anywhere, which means that we have already completed all the tasks that the evil sorceress has prepared for us.

4. Final part. Meeting with heroes.

Music sounds, the Winter doll and the Snowman enter the group room.

Winter. Thank you guys for your courage, ingenuity. Now nothing threatens our Winter Country.

Snowman. Dear kids! All our residents are very grateful to you for your help. And accept from us these medals that you really earned. See you again. Goodbye.

(Children, the teacher say goodbye to the heroes and return to kindergarten).

5. Summary of the lesson. Reflection

Kids, what country were we with you?

Whom did we help?

What do you remember the most?

Gordeeva Liliya Leonidovna

Educator of preschool children, Preschool department No. 2, GBOU School No. 1101, Moscow

Gordeeva L.L. Open lesson in the second junior group "Journey to the Zoo" // Owl. 2018. N2(12)..02.2019).

Order No. 89280



to introduce the inhabitants of the zoo, their features, habits to activate the speech of children.


develop thinking, imagination, coherent speech, auditory perception and attention. Continue learning to change singular nouns to plural nouns.


Cultivate respect for animals.



Sparrow toy, audio song "Bus", subject pictures of an elephant, horse, monkey, bear, giraffe and crocodile. Illustrations for S. Marshak's poem "Where did the sparrow dine?", Crocodile toy.


Object pictures cut into 4 parts depicting an elephant, a horse, a monkey, a bear, a giraffe, a crocodile and other animals living in the zoo.

Organizing time:

I gladly meet the children, exchange mutual greetings. We greet guests.

Lesson progress

Surprise moment:

Go to the window and quietly knock on the glass. Exclaim joyfully.

Educator. Guys! Look who's knocking on our window! (Pick up the toy sparrow hidden behind the curtain in advance.) Who are these guys? That's right, sparrow. How does a sparrow chirp? Chick-chirp-chirp-chirp. Say hello to the sparrow.

Everyone greets the sparrow.

Educator. Where did you come to us from?

Sparrow. Yak flew to you from the zoo. I live very well there, there is a lot of food.

Educator. And who lives in the zoo?

Sparrow. There are many different animals there. Do you want me to take you to the zoo and introduce you to its inhabitants?

The children happily agree.

Educator. What is a zoo? Big house for different animals. We will go to the zoo on the "Bus". The audio recording of "Bus" sounds. So we arrived at the zoo.

And the first one we saw was a huge elephant.

(I show the children a subject picture of an elephant). Then, in order, I show pictures with the rest of the animals.

Elephant lives in the zoo

We'll sink like him. Children follow you loudly

We saw horses stomp their feet in place.

And they clattered their hooves. They follow you high

The monkeys are jumping lifting your knees.

They scurry through the trees. bouncing in place and

running around the room.

Bear, bear, clubfoot, They walk, waddling from foot to foot

You are naughty here, shaggy, leg.

Proudly raising his head

A giraffe stands by the bush. Raise your arms above your head.

Here is a toothy crocodile Two hands depict the mouth of a crocodile

He opened his mouth wide

Oh , guys, while we were doing exercises, the wind came up, and all the pictures of animals mixed up.

Let's go to the table and collect pictures of animals.

Didactic game "Fold the picture"

Exercises in compiling a whole subject from four parts, expanding vocabulary.

In front of the children, subject pictures cut in half depicting an elephant, a horse, a monkey, a bear, a giraffe, a crocodile, a lion and other animals. Children are divided into two groups. Each child takes half of the animal from the table and tries to find the other halves of the animal. Sparrow helps children, comments on their actions. Collected pictures are laid out on the table. What animals did we collect? Let's name them?

Sparrow invites the children to sit on chairs and listen to a story that once happened to him. He tells S. Marshak's poem "Where did the sparrow dine?" and shows illustrations for each episode.


Where did you dine, sparrow? (Children name animals)

In the zoo with animals.

I ate first

Behind the bars at the lion.

Fed up with a fox.

I drank some water from the walrus.

Ate a carrot from an elephant.

I ate millet with a crane.

Stayed with a rhinoceros

Bran ate a little.

I've been to a feast

Tailed kangaroos.

Was at a dinner party

At the furry bear.

A toothy crocodile

Nearly swallowed me.

Relay "Pass the Sparrow"

Raises the mood, brings up a sense of responsibility. At the same moment, a toy crocodile appears, a rubber toy. Crocodile.

Where is the sparrow? I want to catch it and eat it.

Quickly hug the sparrow to you. But, the crocodile is still getting close to him. Children sit on chairs, I give one of the children a sparrow. The child needs to pass it in a circle, and the crocodile will catch up with him, opening his mouth to eat.

Sparrow says thank you guys and flies away.

Educator. Guys, I have a miracle bag for you, a miracle animals hid there. I take out the elephant from the bag.

Elephants live in Africa

And their noses are long

Like rubber hoses

Here is such a size. (Child says).

Guys, is the elephant a big animal, or a small one? (Big).

What is the name of an elephant's long nose? (Trunk).

But the tusks, what do you think the elephant needs them for? (They use tusks to protect themselves from enemies - these are such horns).

What are the ears of an elephant? - huge, the elephant waves them like a fan, so that it is not hot.

Do elephants love water? - Yes, very much, if there is a river or lake nearby, they will definitely go for a swim.

What does an elephant eat? Tree branches and grass.


Monkey in the air

So comfortable on the tail

Swing along the branches -

Get to the fruit.

And who among you knows what they like to eat (children's answers: bananas).

What color are bananas? (children's answers: yellow).

Where do bananas grow? (children's answers: high on a tree).

Educator: Right. The tree on which bananas grow is called a palm tree. (Repeat the word with the children. The teacher shows an illustration of a palm tree).


Clumsy and big

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves cones, loves honey,

Well, who will call?

(children's answers).

Educator: That's right - it's bears.

How do bears growl?

What do bears like to eat? (children's answers).

Educator: That's right, well done. Guys, the bear is tired of sitting in a cage. He wants to play with you the game "The cubs lived in the thicket."

Bear cubs lived in more often

They turned their heads.

Like this, like this - they twisted their head (We turn our heads to the right and left)

Bear cubs looking for honey

Friendly tree rocked

Like this, like this - they shook the tree together (tilts of the torso to the right and left)

And waddle around

And they drank water from the river

Like this, like this, they drank water from the river (Bending forward)

And they danced too! Together they raised their paws!

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up! (Raise hands alternately)

Here's a swamp on the way! How can we pass it?

Jump and jump! Jump and jump! Have fun buddy! (Jumping up)


Easy to recognize a giraffe

It's easy to find out:

He is tall

And sees far. (Child reads).

Teacher: Who is it guys? (children's answers).

That's right, it's giraffes. The giraffe can eat the leaves of trees that others cannot reach. Why do you think? (Answers of children). The giraffe is taller than all other animals. The coat of a giraffe is spotted - covered with spots. Giraffes live in herds divided into two groups: in one mother with cubs, in another father.

Physical education "At the giraffes"

Follow the steps with the children as the poem progresses.

Giraffes got spots, spots, spots, clapping all over

Spots everywhere. body with palms.

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots,

Spots everywhere.

On the forehead, on the ears, on the neck, on the elbows, Both indicate the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks, with the body fingers touch the corresponding parts of the body.

Now we are going to play a game I will show one animal, and you will say when there are a lot of them and what they are called.

One elephant, when there are many of them, it is elephants.

And what are they doing (going).

There is only one horse, and when there are many of them, it is horses.

Zebra is alone, and when there are many of them, what do they do? Are standing.

Who is in this picture? Giraffe, and when there are a lot of them - giraffes.

Who is in this picture? A bear, and when there are a lot of them, it's bears.

There is only one crocodile, and when there are many of them, what do they do? They lie.

Final part

Guys, our trip to the zoo is over. Teacher: where did we go today? What animals have you seen? What animal do you like and why?

Did we have fun?

Have you played with animals?

Eating, dancing

And not much tired.

And now kids

It's time for us to join the group.

The monkey treats the children with bananas.