Speech development of children of the preparatory group. Synopsis on the development of speech in the preparatory group

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Vergunova
Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in preparatory group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard "We travel by sea"

Integration of educational regions: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, socio-aesthetic development, physical development.

Target: Enrich lexicon, develop visual and auditory perception, attention, thinking, memory.


-develop coherent speech, verbal communication skills, to achieve complete answers to questions;

To consolidate and generalize the knowledge of children about antonyms, the concept of "one - many", the ability to name generalizing words, to find an extra object;

Cultivate independence, activity, a culture of communication and a sense of collectivism Contribute to the cultivation of kindness, the desire to help those who need help;

Create a positive emotional background.


Notes of pirates, a bottle, a treasure chest, task cards, a tree with a bird, colored pencils for drawing, a pattern of birds, a simple pencil, scissors, glue, white paper.

Vocabulary work.

Sea mail, mackerel, swims, long-eared, blue-eyed, gray-haired.

Preliminary work.

Conversations about domestic and wild animals, looking at illustrations about birds, drawing birds and animals, reading educational literature, d / and "Say the opposite", "What is superfluous?", "Lotto".

Course progress.

The children stood in a circle, held hands and talking:

Here we stand together in a circle,

To get us on our way.

We will speak beautifully, loudly and slowly,

What will we see around

We will remember everything.

Today we will go to journey. And on what can travel? (by car, plane, train, ship). We will go to the sea journey so what can we do travel? (on the ship). agree to go to journey? (Yes) I will be your captain. We swam.

Guys, look what's overboard? (It's the same bottle)

This is sea mail. Let's fish out the bottle and read the letter, I wonder who wrote it, maybe someone needs help? (reads letter)

"We found treasures and hid them. You can find them, but only if you complete the tasks that we have come up with for you. "Sea Pirates".

Guys, are you ready to go treasure hunting? (Yes). Then they swam after me. Hands in side sh-sh-sh (depict the sound of a wave). Look ahead you can see the island, sailed to it. We land on it.

Look, the note, what's in it? Oh, this is the first mission from sea pirates.

Game exercise "Say the opposite."

Guys, I tell you a word, and you give me its opposite meaning.

Night-day, dirt-cleanliness, light-darkness, cold-heat, world-war, lie-truth, good-evil, friend-enemy, joy-sadness, brave-cowardly, white-black, winter-summer, high- low, quiet-loud, sad-cheerful, slow-fast, large-small, back-forward, up-down, gray hair-gray-haired.

Guys, what good fellows you are, you know everything.

Game "Say one word"

Oak, birch, aspen, pine, apple tree; (trees)

Horse, cow, cat, sheep, goat, dog, rabbit; (Pets)

Wolf, fox, hare, tiger, jackal, bear; (wild animals)

Chicken, rooster, duck, goose, turkey; (poultry)

Swift, crow, dove, magpie swallow, sparrow; (birds)

Shark, cod, herring, perch, mackerel; (fish)

Bumblebee, butterfly, dragonfly, mosquito, bee, spider, fly (insects)

Well done, you've done your job. The next game is "The Fourth Extra".

Mosquito, fly, heron, dragonfly (A heron is a bird, and the rest are insects)

Sparrow, swallow, hare, cuckoo (The hare is an animal, and the rest are birds)

Fox, wolf, bear, cow (The cow is a domestic animal, and the rest are wild)

Guys stand in a circle - let's play the game "One-Many".

One doll - many dolls, one glass - many glasses, one mug - many mugs, one ball - many balls, one circle - many circles, one chair - many chairs, one table - many tables, one hand - many hands, one girl - many girls, one boy - many boys, one sock - many socks, one car - many cars, etc.

Game exercise "Finish the sentence."

Birds fly away in autumn, and in spring. (arrive)

A cat climbs down from a tree, and onto a tree ... (climbs)

An elk jumps over a ditch, but over a river. (floats)

A snake crawls under a stone, and from under a stone. (creeps out)

Sparrows fly over the road, and snakes. (crawl over) .

How wonderful you did it. Let's swim further. Look through your binoculars (fists, there is an island in front of us, they swam towards it.

Physical education minute

On their boat they turn the helm with their hands

Friendly by sailing the sea.

A wave here and a wave there, looking into the distance "binoculars"

We don't need silence. stomp their feet

Lots of smart kids turning right and left

They all want to help. clap their hands

Another note, probably from sea pirates again.

“A bird lives on this island, she lives alone and she is bored. Help her, make sure she doesn't get sad."

Guys, look what I'm here found: sheets, pencils, scissors and stencils. I figured out how we can cheer the bird, we will cut out of paper, and then color with pencils of birds, and then she will definitely not be sad, because she will have so many friends. Let's (Children circle the stencils, and then cut out the birds, color them).

Here is a sad bird, I found it on a tree, bring your birds here, we will plant them on a tree next to this bird. Look how many friends the bird has, what a beautiful tree it turned out. We helped the bird and she thanks us. Take a closer look at the tree, at what time of the year are such trees? (spring) What signs of spring do you know?

Snow melts in spring;

Birds arrive from warm regions in spring;

The night becomes shorter and the day longer in spring;

The sun warms stronger and shines brighter in spring;

Leaves appear on the trees in spring;

Guys, you guys know the signs of spring. On this island, we completed all the tasks, it's time for us to move on.

I see the island again, we sailed there. Another note from sea pirates, they give us again exercise:

Game exercise "Compound words".

Leaves fall - leaf fall, green eyes - green-eyed, stars fall - starfall, it's snowing - snowfall, wood cuts - lumberjack, ice pricks - icebreaker, etc.

The next game is "How do words differ?" The teacher says the words.

T-shirt - bike - bunny - nut - seagull (they differ from each other in the first sound). Sailed further.

See what's floating on us? (It looks like a chest) Let's fish it out and see what's inside. This is a primer, here is another note from the sea pirates: “You completed all the tasks and you did a great job with them, and as we promised you, we give you treasures. We learned that you will soon be going to school, so you need a primer to learn to read. A primer, that's what a treasure is for you, so we give it to you, take care of it and be sure to use it.

Guys, well, that's all, it's time for us to go home, our journey comes to an end.

What do you remember most about our travel?

Which task did you find the most difficult?

And which one is the easiest?

You are such great fellows, you were very smart, attentive, so we easily coped with all the tasks.

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And also on a walk (southern regions of the country), children are read poems about the coming autumn, program tales by A. Pushkin (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”). After reading the fairy tales, it is advisable to listen to these works in audio recording at a time conducive to this process.

If in kindergarten there is a tradition to read to children before going to bed, it is better to choose small calm works that are most often read in one key. These can also be books that are read chapter by chapter: A. Gaidar, "Chuk and Gek", A. Lindgren "Carlson, who lives on the roof, has arrived again" (translated from Swedish L. Lungina), T. Enger, “Adventures in the forest of Elka-on-Gorka” (translated from Norwegian by L. Braude), etc.

Children should be introduced to new games. Having taught several children the game, you need to instruct them to explain the rules of the game to their peers. For a child, this is prestigious and useful, since the ability to explain something clearly without getting annoyed is not an easy task.

Game "Get the Prize"

A rope is placed on the floor, a prize is placed at the end of it. Whoever walks the tightrope blindfolded without stumbling will receive this prize.

Game "Funny Artists"

Blindfolded on a piece of drawing paper or a board, you need to draw a self-portrait (or just a funny muzzle). The one whose portrait is more successful wins this game.

The game "Rewind the cord"

A knot is tied in the middle of the cord, a knot is attached at the ends simple pencil. You need to wind your part of the cord around the pencil. Whoever reaches the knot the fastest wins.

The game "Come on, hit it!"

Place a shallow bowl on the floor. Each player must throw three tennis balls into it from a distance of five steps. Throw in turn, one after another. The one who throws the most balls wins.


Lesson 1. Preparatory

Target. Talk to the children about what their group is now called and why, and find out if they want to become disciples. Help children to form sentences correctly.
Lesson progress
“You are now the oldest in kindergarten,” the teacher begins the conversation. - What is the name of our group? Preparatory for school.

What do you think you need to know to make it easier to study at school? Remember to control your speech when answering questions. Now you can do it. So, what do you think a future student should be able to do?”

The teacher listens to the answers of the children, involves them in discussing the statements of their peers. The teacher reminds that it is desirable to use in speech such forms of address as: "I think that ...", "It seems to me that ...".

“This will allow not to offend a friend by expressing doubts about the correctness of his judgments,” the teacher explains.

“You will definitely be taught to read and write at school,” the teacher continues the conversation. – And now we need to learn to listen and hear the teachers; work without distraction; sensibly, clearly talk about something, retell; be independent in their judgments and actions. Can we manage? Let's see if you can listen and hear."

The teacher reads the first two lines from M. Lapygin's quatrain:

“Open the faucet, water will flow.
How did she get here?

Answer! (Children often ignore the word "faucet" and share their knowledge of where water comes from.)

And the answer is simple:

In the house, garden, vegetable garden
They did the plumbing."

Then the teacher shows the children any confusing picture and explains the task: “I give you three minutes to look at the picture. It is impossible to talk about it. Then you tell me what's wrong with it. I keep track of time ... Show (on your fingers, on cards from the math set) how many nonsense you found. Now list what is wrong in the picture.

First, the teacher listens to those children who noticed the least irregularities.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher sums up: “We were convinced that being attentive is not at all easy. In our classes, we will learn to be attentive.”

Lesson 2. Summer stories

Target. Help children make up stories personal experience learn to match nouns with adjectives.

Preliminary work.“Schoolchildren are given homework,” says the teacher, “and I also want to give you homework. Do you remember any interesting case that happened to you in the summer. You can talk to your parents."

Lesson progress
“Today we will listen to your summer stories,” the teacher begins the conversation. “But first think about how to start the story. What will be the proposals?

The teacher listens to the children and evaluates their answers. Reminds you to control your speech, avoid repetition and unnecessary, unnecessary words.

The teacher can offer the children their summer story as a model.

Then several stories are heard.

Noticing that the children are beginning to get tired, the teacher may suggest that they perform didactic exercise“Pick up the word”, having previously announced that the rest of the summer stories will be heard later.

“The Russian language is very rich,” says the teacher. What do you think he is rich in? Money? gems? The Russian language is rich in a variety of words. There are many other words for the same word. For example, I will say the word blue, and you add ... Blue sky, blue eyes, blue scarf ... And what words can you pick up for the word fresh (deep…)

Lesson 3. Sound culture of speech (testing)

Target. Find out how children master the skills that were formed in the older group.
Lesson progress
The teacher asks the children to explain what kind of objects lie in front of them and why they are needed in a speech development lesson (chips ( small items), pictures from mathematical sets, pieces of paper, pencils).

The teacher monitors the correct use of words by children, the construction of sentences.

Then he reads "Counting" by A. Shabunin:

On the way to,
in a puddle
Who with a handkerchief
Who is a rag
Who has a holey mitten.

The teacher explains the task to the children: “Listen to the funny counting rhyme again. Be careful. Count words with sound c and pick up the right card... (Two words.) Now I will repeat the counting rhyme, and you count the words with sound h and hold up the appropriate card. (Three words.)

And now a very difficult task. Count words with sound R. (Ten words.) The fact that you are wrong is not a problem. But the fact that you do not work independently is bad.

Now a new task. Quickly draw a grid of three cells. Mark with a chip(s) where in the word chest(or knot) sound is heard h; in a word cloak- sound sch, in a word ground beetle- sound and.

Show (you can use your fingers) how many sounds you hear when I pronounce ka-. Do you think this is a word or part of a word? Let's try to remember words that begin with ka-: porridge, reed, canary-. You remembered, and even then with my hint, only a few words starting with ka-. In fact, there are a lot of such words in Russian. Let's open the dictionary: wild boar, heel, cavalier, stone, gate, cadet, cactus, incident.

Do you know all the words? Who is a cadet? And the cavalier? What is a case?

Then the teacher specifies what time of year it is and what month.

September is the first month of autumn. What do you think, the word or sentence I just said? A sentence usually contains a few words. In this offer their..? (Four.) List the words in the order they appear in the sentence.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks the children what they have learned today.

“And yet,” the teacher adds, “we trained attention.”

Lesson 4. Lexico-grammatical exercises

Target. Activate children's vocabulary. Help preschoolers accurately characterize the subject, correctly build sentences.
Lesson progress
The teacher tells the children that today he will find out how successfully future schoolchildren master their native language and how rich their vocabulary is. Then he gives the children a task: “What words can answer the question“ who is this ”? (Sometimes children need a hint, for example, the name of an animal.) What about the question “what is this”?

Remember the words that answer the questions: “What?” (Blue.), "Which?" (Sweet.), "Which?" (Cold.)

List what the person can do. Remember the habits of animals.

“And who needs the rest of the bags and why?” - specifies the educator.

Offering to consider a picture depicting hats (from the same manual), the teacher asks: “Who will go to school in which hat? And who and in what cases will need a hat (a handkerchief with polka dots)?

Lesson 5. Why do we need poetry?

Target. Talk to children about why people compose, read and recite poetry. Find out which program poems the children remember.
Lesson progress
The teacher shows the children collections of poems: one author and different authors, regular and gift editions. He explains that all these books contain poems: about love, nature, human joys and sorrows, serious and comic poems. Then he proposes to discuss a number of questions:

Why do people write poetry?

How do you recognize a poem by ear? (The lines in the poem are rhymed, very rhythmic. An extra or not very precise word in meaning can break this rhythm.) Remember how Dunno wrote poetry, how he suffered and then refused to be a poet.

Can everyone really write? good poetry? These are, for example:

Winter morning

Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies,
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.
A. Pushkin

- Listening to poetry, of course, is pleasant, but is it worth learning them by heart?

After listening to the reasoning of the children, the teacher summarizes: “The more good poems you hear and remember in childhood, the richer, brighter and more expressive your speech will be. People around are always pleased to have a conversation with a benevolent cultured person. A man of culture is a person with good manners and rich, figurative speech.

In the middle and senior groups we learned very good poems. Let's remember them."

The teacher reads the first lines from Russian folk songs: “Shadow-shadow-sweat”, “Grandfather wanted to cook an ear”; from the poems of Y. Kushak "The Deer", A. Barto "I know what I need to think up", I. Surikov "Childhood", V. Orlov "Tell me, forest river", I. Belousov "Autumn".

Lesson 6. Retelling the Italian fairy tale "How the donkey stopped singing"

Target. Introduce children to the Italian fairy tale “How the donkey stopped singing” (in the arr. J. Rodari). Help children retell short texts without significant gaps and repetitions.

Preliminary work. Ask the music director to tell the children about what male singers have different voices- bass, baritone, tenor, and confirm the story with musical fragments.

Lesson progress
“Today I will introduce you to a very clever Italian fairy tale “How the donkey stopped singing” in the processing of Gianni Rodari. We know his fairy tale “Magic Drum”,” the teacher begins the lesson.

The teacher reads or tells a new story.

In ancient times, the donkey, as the tale tells, sang better than the tenor.

Once all the animals gathered in council, and the lion, who was their king, asked:

Which one of you is the most handsome?

I, ya! the donkey immediately shouted.

Okay, you are the prettiest.

And who is the strongest?

I, ya! - shouted the donkey before the rest of the animals had time to open their mouths.

Okay, said the lion. - And who is the most stupid here?

I, ya, ya! the donkey roared in a hurry, frightened lest they overtake him.

All the animals rolled with laughter, and the poor donkey lost his beautiful voice from shame. And since then, he only knows how to roar:

I, ya, ya!

“Which of you, like me, thinks that this is very smart and instructive tale? - the teacher continues the conversation. - Can you prove it?

(He monitors the correctness of speech.) And how do you understand the word instructive(story)?

Let's remember what the lion wanted to find out from the animals? (Who is the most beautiful, the strongest and the most stupid.) What happened? It is a pity, of course, that the donkey lost his beautiful voice and since then all donkeys in all countries of the world have been roaring: “Eeyore! Eeyore! Eeyore!“

And what do people call those who behave like a donkey from a fairy tale?

The teacher reads the story again. Then he offers to retell it in person. The teacher chooses the child to play the role of the donkey, and the "donkey" appoints the lion. The teacher tells the story for the author.

Then the retelling is repeated with new performers.

Lesson 7. Working with a story picture

Target. Find out how the children mastered the ability to title the picture and plan the story.
Lesson progress
The teacher offers the attention of children any picture from the series intended for work on the development of speech in kindergarten. Asks what the picture is about and how to title it. At the same time, he reminds that the title of the picture should reflect its content and, if possible, it should be short.

The teacher listens to the answers of the children and invites them to choose the most successful name. If necessary, he gives his own version of the name.

“Imagine that you have to make up a story based on this picture,” the teacher continues the conversation. - Where do you start? Remember that the first phrase can be very embellishing of the story.

Listens to the children's answers and, if necessary, offers his introductory phrase.

Further, the teacher reminds the children that last year they learned to plan a story based on a picture. He is interested in what it is, and offers to draw up a plan for the story. Then evaluates the proposed options (3-4 answers).

“There is an entry, there is a plan. It remains to complete the story with an assessment of the picture as a whole. Who has what options?

The teacher invites one of the children to write a story based on the picture. Then he asks the child if it was easy for him to tell.

The teacher explains to the children that, guided by the plan, it is possible to avoid repetitions and unnecessary words in the story, for example, such as: “and then”, “and also”, “and now”.

"So what did we learn today?" the teacher asks.

At the end of the lesson, he offers to play the game “I conceived an object”.

The teacher guesses an object, and the children, trying to guess it, ask leading questions, for example: “Alive? Inanimate? In room? On the street? Big? Heavy? Made from…"

If there is time left, the teacher can invite the children to guess another subject they have conceived.

Lesson 8. Conversation about A. Pushkin

Target. Tell children about the great Russian poet; cause a feeling of joy from the perception of his poems and a desire to hear other works of the poet.
Lesson progress
The teacher reads to the children 2–3 fragments from the works of A. Pushkin: “A sad time! Charm of the eyes ... ”(from the poem“ Autumn ”),“ A storm covers the sky with darkness ... ”(from the poem“ Winter Evening ”),“ A green oak near the seashore ... ”(from the poem“ Ruslan and Lyudmila ”). Then he asks the children if they know the author of these poetic lines. And he clarifies: “What do you know about Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin?”

The teacher tells the children about the great Russian poet: “There is no person in our country who would not read the works of Pushkin. Many of you have already heard fairy tales about the priest and his worker Balda, about the dead princess and the seven heroes, about the golden cockerel, about Ruslan and Lyudmila. You will hear these fairy tales more than once, as they are often read on the radio, performances based on them are staged in theaters. Based on the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, cartoons and films have been created. And very soon you will be able to read these wonderful tales on your own.”

Finishing the lesson, the teacher reads excerpts from "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" and "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." (at the choice of the children).


Objective: To improve the ability to answer questions using the skills of explanatory speech.


1. develop general speech skills (speech breathing, clarity of diction, intonational expressiveness of speech).

2. to form the grammatical structure of speech, to teach the use of diminutive suffixes.

3. form the grammatical structure of speech (formation of the genitive case of nouns).

4. form the grammatical structure of speech, learn to form adverbs from adjectives.

5. enrich vocabulary, learn to select antonyms.

6. enrich vocabulary, learn to select words with the same root to the given one.

7. develop auditory attention, thinking, teach a coherent monologue statement (interpretation of a riddle).

New vocabulary


school, lesson, break, class, school desk, classmates, students, teacher, portfolio, textbook, notebook, pencil case, pen,

pencil, brush, eraser, ruler, diary, excellent student, loser.


learn, listen, observe, write, read, count, decide, ask, draw, practice, cook (lessons).


diligent, attentive, diligent, capable, lazy, neat, slovenly, responsible,

strict, demanding, kind, caring.


carefully, diligently, diligently, good, excellent, bad, dirty, skillful, beautiful.



Goals: develop general speech skills (speech breathing, clarity of diction, intonational expressiveness of speech).


Grisha, Grisha, give me the knife.

You will not return back.

Give me, Grisha, a pencil.

You won't give back.

Grisha, Grisha, give me a rubber band.

You bite off half.

Grisha, Grisha, give me some ink.

You would run and buy.

S. Marshak

The game "Giants - gnomes"

Goals: to form the grammatical structure of speech, to teach the use of diminutive suffixes.

Game progress . The teacher informs the children that everyone goes to school. Gnomes and giants also went to school.

For example:

Giants have large briefcases, and gnomes have small briefcases.

Giants big books, and the gnomes have little books.

Giants large pencils, and the gnomes have small ...

Giants have large notebooks, and gnomes have small ones...

Giants have large rulers, and gnomes have small ones ...

Giants have big hands, dwarves have small...

Giants big brushes, and the gnomes have small ...

The game "Confused"

Goals: form the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of the genitive case of nouns).

Game progress. The teacher introduces the children to a girl (a doll named Confused.

A mess always loses everything and always forgets something. Confused came to school. All guys

they got textbooks, but she doesn’t have (what?) .... Children open notebooks, but Confused doesn’t have (what?) .... Everyone has a pencil case

a pen, but she doesn’t have (what?) .... Children take out pencils, but she doesn’t have (what?) .... What do you think, what else does she not have


Game "How?"

Goals: form the grammatical structure of speech, learn to form adverbs from adjectives

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to complete the sentences by answering the question "how?"

Boy -a good student he learns (how?)... (good).

An attentive girl always listens (how?) ... (attentively).

Diligent students always do their homework (how?) ... (diligently).

Diligent guys study (how?) ... (diligently).

The one who gets excellent marks studies (how?) ... (excellent).

Game "Say the other way around"

Goals: enrich vocabulary, learn to select antonyms.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to continue the sentences with the opposite words.

Masha is a neat girl, and Sasha is ... (sloppy).

Lida is a diligent student, and Katya is ... [lazy].

Zhenya is fat, and Lena is ... (thin).

Vitya is strong, and Roma is ... (weak).

Kolya is brave, and Kostya is ... (cowardly).

Dasha studies well, and Oleg - ... (badly).

Olesya has a new portfolio, and Ira has ... (old).

Game "Family"

Goals: enrich vocabulary, learn to select single-root words for a given one.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to find the given words of relatives.

Words: school, book, teach.

Game "Collect the word"

Goals: develop visual attention, improve reading skills and sound analysis of words.

Game progress. The assignment is done in notebooks. The teacher invites the children to follow where the arrow leads, and

put the letters in their places. Children read what word they got and perform its sound analysis.

Game "Catch the Sound"

Goals : develop phonemic perception.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to "catch the sound": the children should clap their hands if this sound is in the word, and

determine where it is (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word).

For example:

Sound [s]: pencil, eraser, satchel, class, brush, school, pencil, classmate.

Sound [h]: textbook, school, student, pen, notebook, brush, reading, pencil case, teacher.

The game "Who is more?"

Goals: develop visual attention, thinking, improve the skills of sound analysis and synthesis,

activate vocabulary.

Game progress. The teacher puts a word in front of the children and offers to compose as many letters as possible from the letters of this word.

new words.


Poems to read and memorize


You don't have to go to your mom

No need to shake grandma:

“Read, please! Read!"

You don't have to beg your sister.

“Well, read another page!”

No need to call, no need to wait

V. Berestov


Warmed by the warm sun,

The forests are still covered with leaves.

First graders have bouquets.

It's a sad day, but a happy one.

You are sad: - Goodbye, summer!

And rejoice;

Hello school!

V. Berestov

Seryozha went to first grade.

Don't joke with Sergei!

Nearly ten!

Not a sin to such a sage

Turn up your snub nose!

Somehow at the father's table

And he asked a question:

Two pies here, papa, right?

Do you want to bet!

I can always prove

That there are not two, but three!

Counting together: Here is ONE

Here are two, look!

ONE and TWO, - finished the son, -

Just will be THREE!

Well done! - said the father, -

And actually three!

And so I'll take two, A

take the third one!

B. Zakhoder


Yesterday they only told you - baby,

Sometimes called a prankster.

Today you are already sitting at the desk,

Everyone calls you - first grader!

Serious. Diligent. Come on, student!

Primer. Behind the page is a page.

And there are so many wonderful books around...

Great job to learn!

R. Farhadi


Goals: develop auditory attention, thinking, teach a coherent monologue statement (interpretation of a riddle).

Game progress . The teacher guesses a riddle, the children guess. One of the guys explains its meaning. The rest are complementary.

Black Ivashka -

wooden shirt,

Where the nose leads

Puts a note there.


A. Rozhdestvenskaya

What is this animal

Walks up and down?

Painted nose,

Wooden long tail.


V. Danko

Baby birds

sat in a row

And words are spoken. (Letters)

V. Fetisov

On the black field


A white bunny is walking. (Board had)

V. Kremnev

I am ready to reveal my secret to anyone,

But you won't hear a word from her.


A. Kostakov

How boring, brothers,

Riding on someone else's back!

Who would give me a pair of legs,

I would dance like this!

But you can’t, I’m school ... (satchel).

Text to retell


Katya had two green pencils. Lena has none.

So Lena asks Katya:

Give me a green pencil!

And Katya says:

I'll ask my mom.

Both girls come to school the next day. asks


Did mom let you?

And Katya sighed and said:

Mom allowed me, but I didn’t ask my brother.

Well, did your brother let you? Lena asks the next day.

My brother allowed me, but I'm afraid you'll break your pencil.

I'm careful, - says Lena.

Look, - says Katya, - don't fix it, don't press hard...

Lena looked at her and walked away. I didn't take a pencil. Katya was surprised and ran after her.

Well, what are you? Take it!

No, Lena replies.

In class, the teacher asks:

Why do you, Lenochka, have blue leaves on the trees?

No green pencil.

Why didn't you take it from your girlfriend?

Lena is silent. And Katya blushed and said:

I gave it to her, but she won't take it.

The teacher looked at both:

You have to give so that you can take.

According to V. Oseeva


Why did Lena ask Katya for a pencil?

What did Katya say?

What happened the other day? For the third?

Why didn't Lena take a pencil?

What happened in class?

Why did Kate blush?

What did the teacher say to the girls?

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech

in the preparatory group.

Subject: " Parcel from Winnie the Pooh.

Target: Exercise in the selection of definitions for a given word.

Tasks: 1. Learn to form possessive adjectives;

2. to instill syllabic reading skills;

3. expand vocabulary;

4. to educate children in a benevolent attitude towards each other and towards the world around them.

Lesson progress

Children sit on chairs on the carpet.

Educator. Look out the window and say: what is the weather like today?

Children. Cloudy.

Educator. What kind of mood does the person have? overcast?

Children. Sad, sad, sad...

Educator. What does a person do in such a mood?

Children. Bored, frowns, sometimes cries ...

Educator. So that the cloudy mood does not settle in our group, I suggest that you hold hands and say hello, calling each other affectionate names and shaking hands. Perform) What is your mood now? What did you feel?

Children. We felt the warmth of the hands of friends. The mood got better.

Educator. And in the group it became light, joyful, cozy and warm from your smiles. How else can you say about good mood?

Children. Kind, cheerful, warm, affectionate, joyful ...

Educator. Look, this is what I found at the door of our group this morning. This is a package. But who is it for? Who did you come from?

Children sit at the tables, examine and read, together with the teacher, an envelope with the address .

Educator. Our address, but who is she from? See what it says here: "Spread the letters according to the numbers - from 1 to 10, and you will get a word."

Children on the cards make up the word "bear cub".

Educator. From whom is the package?

Children. From a teddy bear.

Educator. Now let's see what he sent us?

We open the box, and there is an empty pot and snowflakes with tasks.

"Hello guys! Soroka, my good friend, told me that you like to play, solve riddles, are not afraid of any difficulties and, in general, are brave and friendly guys. I have prepared games for you, as well as very difficult tasks. If you do everything right, then at the end of the tasks the pot will become full. Your friend Winnie the Pooh bear.

Educator. Look at all the snowflakes with numbers, we take out a snowflake with the number 2, we read: “You know the fairy tale“ Teremok ”, name all the animals in order: who followed who approached the tower - and lay out the cards with the images of animals in the same order, and from the letters write the names of these animals.

The children are doing the task.

Educator. We get a snowflake with the number 2 . Listen to the task: "I offer you a ball game" Whose house?

The children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to everyone in turn and asks questions. Whose house does the bear have? - Bear.

Whose home is the hare? - Hare.

Whose home is the wolf? - Wolf. etc.

Educator. Well done! What do you think Winnie the Pooh is doing now?

Children. Asleep.

Educator. What do you think a bear can dream of?

Children. Honey, raspberries, river, sun, green grass...

Educator. Okay guys. Who knows whose tail the bear has? (bearish). Whose bear's paw? (bearish), etc.

And here are 4 snowflakes and a task. “Who remembers on what Winnie the Pooh decided to get to the hollow with honey?” (answers.) That's right, I also suggest taking Balloons and puff them up. What do they look like and what color are they?

Children examine the balloons and then lower them with the sound "SS-SS-s!"

Educator. Here are 5 snowflakes. There is so much written here... Listen carefully to the questions.

How many horns do 2 cows have?

How many ears do 3 mice have?

What rocks are not in the sea?

How many nuts are in an empty glass? etc.

Educator. So we completed all the tasks of the bear cub. You can now open the pot with gifts .

The children open the pot. It contains snowflakes of 2 colors and a note: "If you like it, then take a red snowflake, and if not, take a yellow one." Children sort out snowflakes.

Educator. Guys, let's prepare Winnie - Pooh gifts - draw his portraits, and then send him to the forest.

Children draw portraits, arrange an exhibition

The lesson is over.

Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group for the development of speech "In search of treasure"

Integration of educational areas:"Socially communication development»; « cognitive development»; "Speech development".

Types of children's activities:playful, communicative.

Goals: formation of the ability to work in microgroups and find solutions to the questions posed.


Educational tasks:

  • form figurative speech.
  • ability to choose figurative expressions.
  • learn to answer questions, express their opinions.
  • updating the dictionary on the topic;
  • improving the grammatical structure (exercise in the selection of definitions for a given word, learn to form possessive adjectives, expand vocabulary);

Development tasks:

  • develop speech, memory.
  • imaginative thinking, imagination and creativity.

Educational tasks:

  • cultivate aesthetic qualities.
  • learn to listen to the words of comrades.
  • Develop the ability to work in a team.

GCD progress

Educator. Look out the window and say: what is the weather like today?

Children. Cloudy.

Educator. What kind of mood does cloudy weather evoke?

Children. Sad, sad, sad...

Educator. What does a person do in such a mood?

Children. Bored, frowns, sometimes cries ...

Educator. So that the cloudy mood does not settle in our group, I suggest that you hold hands and say hello, calling each other affectionate words and shaking hands (perform.) What is your mood now? What did you feel?

Children. We felt the warmth of the hands of friends. The mood got better.

Educator. And in the group it became light, joyful, cozy and warm from your smiles. How else can you say about a good mood?

Children. Kind, cheerful, warm, affectionate, joyful ...

There is a knock on the door.

Educator. Look, this is what I found on the threshold of our group now. This is a chest. Let's see what's in it. Note and map. Sit back and read the note.

Everyone sits in a circle and reads.

The teacher reads the note:"Hello children! Hello adults! I brought a chest, but I don’t know: did I get there or not? I carried it to the preparatory school group. If you are funny, smart, resourceful, then read the letter.

Educator. Look, something else is written here (reads.)“Put the letters according to the numbers, from 1 to 10, and you have a word.”

Children on the cards make up the word "Kuzya"

Educator. Who is the note from? Who do you think this Kuzya is?

Children. From brownie Kuzi. This is a brownie Kuzya.

Educator. Now let's read the letter, what is written in it.

“Guys, forty, my good friend, said that you like to play, solve riddles, solve problems, read books. And smart and hardworking, not afraid of any difficulties and in general - brave and friendly guys. Therefore, I decided to give you "the most valuable treasure in the world", and so that Baba Yaga or a harmful and cunning crow would not get it, I hid it in your group. I am sending you a treasure hunt map. Be careful: difficulties await you. If you answer my questions that I hid in the group, you will find a treasure. Good luck ".

Educator. Guys, what did you decide, we will look for?

Children. Yes!

Educator. And so, go ahead. Look on the map for the first task. There should be a number 1 and a note.

Children go in search of a task. Find a note and a ball.

Educator. Listen to the task: "I offer you a ball game" Whose house?

Children stand in a circle; The teacher throws the ball in turn and asks questions.

  • What is the bear's home? - Bear.
  • Whose home is the hare? - Hare.
  • Whose home is the wolf? - Wolf.
  • Whose home is the squirrel? - Squirrel.
  • Whose house does the badger have? - Badger.
  • What is the turtle's home? - Turtle.
  • Whose home is the frog? – Frog.

Educator. Well done! Oh, look, there's still a "K" in there with #1. What does that mean? Let's move on and find out. The second task, where are we located? Let's look at the map. Here, we found it. Listen next task- questions:

  1. How many horns do 2 cows have? (4)
  2. How many ears do 3 mice have? (6)
  3. How many nuts are in an empty glass? (no one)
  4. 3 brothers have 1 sister. How many children are in the family? (4)

Educator. Problems solved. You can go further, but there is a letter here too - this is “H”, with number 2, we take it with us. Let's look at the map below. Did you find a place with the third task? Found.

Guys, I think we need to take a break and do a little warm-up.

One is to get up and stretch.

Two - bend, unbend.

Three - three claps in the hands, three nods with the head.

Four - arms wider.

Five - wave your hands,

Six - stand quietly in place.

Educator. Let's see what's in our task. “They lived - they were, and guess who:

I have one habit

I've been laying eggs since morning.

Do you think this is easy?

Ko-ko-ko. (Chicken)

He wanders importantly across the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry

Wears red shoes

Gives soft feathers. (Goose)

Educator. What kind of birds are these?

Children. Home.

Educator. Listen to more mysteries:

She's a little bird

And her name is ... .. (titmouse)

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch)

Educator. And what kind of birds are these? Here you have completed the third task. And found the letter "I" under number 3. Don't forget it.

Educator. Looking for the fourth task? Let's look at the map. Here is the place with the fourth task. This note contains questions that need to be answered.

Who knows where the squirrel lives? (in the hollow.) And where is the hollow? (on a tree.) And where does the squirrel collect nuts? (under a tree.) Where is she hiding? (behind a tree.) How is the squirrel jumping? (from branch to branch.)

Educator. Well done, answered all questions. And we get a card with the letter "G" under number 4. We hurry on. We are waiting for the last task. Where is it hidden? Let's see our map. Come on, let's check. Here is a note, and in it is the game "On the contrary." Do we know this game?

Children. Yes!

Educator. Let's play, stand in a circle.

The teacher throws the ball to the children and says the words:high - low, wide - narrow, left - right, front - back, large - small, bottom - up, etc.

Educator. So we completed all the tasks of the brownie. And with the last task, they received the letter “A” with number 5. But why do we need these letters with numbers? Guys, look, there is another letter in the chest. Let's honor him.

"Congratulations! You answered all my questions and completed the tasks, you can pick up the "treasure". But to find out what it is, you need to lay out a word from letters with numbers from 1 to 5. This will be the answer. And the answer is ... "book". It contains answers to many questions. This is not a simple book, but smart book or Encyclopedia. And I also prepared for you medals "For the performance of a particularly important task." See you. Your brownie Kuzya.

Reflection: Did you enjoy today's lesson? What did you like? What was difficult about the tasks? What tasks seemed easy?