Everything is an unnecessary sacrifice for children. Tale of an unnecessary victim (1 photo). This, for an hour, is not about you? An instructive tale about how we ourselves are ready to ruin our lives by making vain sacrifices

A story about an unnecessary sacrifice.

Are they waiting in line for the sacrifice?
- Here, here! You will follow me. I am 852, you are 853.
- Oh, mommies ... When will the turn come?
- Don't worry, it's fast. What are you sacrificing for?
- I - in the name of love. And you?
- And I - in the name of children. Children are my everything!

What did you offer as a sacrifice?
- Your personal life. If only the children were healthy and happy. I give everything to them. A good man called for marriage - she did not go. How can I bring their stepfather into the house? She quit her job because she traveled far. I got a job as a nanny in a kindergarten, so that in sight, under supervision, well-groomed, fed. All, all children! Himself - nothing.
- Oh, I understand you. And I want to sacrifice relationships ... You see, my husband and I have long had nothing left ... He already has another woman. I also seem to have a man, but ... Now, if my husband had left first! But he won't go to her! He is crying... He says that he is used to me... But I feel sorry for him! Crying! That's how we live…
The door swings open, a voice is heard: "# 852, come in!".
- Oh, I went. I'm so worried!!! What if the sacrifice is not accepted?

#853 shrinks into a ball and waits for a call. Time passes slowly, but #852 comes out of the office.
- What? Well? What were you told? Have you accepted the sacrifice?
- No ... Here, it turns out, a trial period. Sent to think.
- But as? And why? Why not right away?
- Oh, my dear, they ask me: “Did you think well? It's forever!" And I told them: “Nothing! Children will grow up, they will appreciate what their mother sacrificed for them.” And they told me: "Sit down and look at the screen." It's such a weird movie! About me. It's like the kids are all grown up. The daughter married far away, and the son calls once a month, as if from under a stick, the daughter-in-law speaks through her teeth ... I told him: “What are you, son, so with me, why?”. And he told me: “Do not interfere, mother, in our life, for God's sake. Don't you have anything to do?" And what should I do, I, apart from children, didn’t do anything ??? Is it that the children did not appreciate my sacrifice? In vain, or what, I tried?

From the office door comes: “Next! #853!".
- Oh, now I ... Lord, you completely unsettled me ... What is it ??? Hey, okay!
- Come on, have a seat. What did they sacrifice?
- Relationship…
- I see... Well, show me.
- Here ... Look, they are, in general, small, but very cute. And fresh, unbroken, we met only six months ago.
What are you sacrificing for?
For the sake of family...
- Whose, yours? What is the need to save?
- Well, yes! My husband has a mistress, for a long time already, he runs to her, lies all the time, there are no forces at all.
- And you?
- What am I? Another person appeared in my life, it seems like we have a relationship.
- So you're sacrificing this new relationship?
- Yes ... To save the family.
- Whose? You yourself say that your husband has another woman. You have another man. Where is the family?
- So what? According to the passport, we are still married! So family.
- That is, everything suits you?
- No! No! Well, how can it suit? I cry all the time, I'm worried!
- But you won’t agree to exchange it for a new relationship, right?
- Well, they are not so deep, so, pastime ... In general, I do not mind!
- Well, if you do not mind, then we - even more so. Let's make your sacrifice.

And they told me that you show movies here. About the future! Why don't you show me?
- Cinema is different here. To whom about the future, to whom about the past ... We will show you about the present. Turn on, look.
- Oh oh! It is me! Oh my god, do I look like this??? Yes lies! I take care of myself.
- Well, it is your soul that is projected onto the outside in this way.
- What, like this??? Shoulders down, lips in a line, eyes dull, hair dangling ...
- This is how people always look when the soul cries ...
- And what is this boy? What a nice one ... Look how he cuddles up to me!
- You didn't know, did you? This is your husband. In the projection of the soul.
- Husband? What nonsense! He is a grown man!
- And in the soul - a child. And cuddles like a mom ...
- Yes, he is like that in life! Leans back. Stretches!
- So, not you to him, but he to you?
- Well, I learned from childhood - a woman should be stronger, wiser, more determined. She should lead the family and guide her husband!
- Well, that's the way it is. A strong, wise, determined mother leads her boy-husband. And he scolds, and regrets, and sips, and forgives. What do you want?
- Very interesting! But I'm not his mother, I'm his wife! And there, on the screen ... He is so guilty, and he is about to run to his lahudra again, but I still love him!
- Of course, of course, that's how it happens: the boy will play in the sandbox and come home. To my own mother. He will cry into his apron, he will confess ... Okay, the end of the movie. Let's end our meeting. Will you sacrifice love? Haven't changed your mind?

What about the future? Why didn't you show me the future?
- You don't have it. With such a present, your grown “baby” will run away, not to another woman, but to illness. Or at all - nowhere. In general, he will find a way to escape from under his mother's skirt. He also wants to grow...
- But what should I do??? Why am I sacrificing myself then?
- And you know better. Maybe you love being a mom! More than a wife.
- No! I like being loved by a woman!
- Well, mothers are also beloved women, even often. So? Ready to make a sacrifice? For the sake of keeping what you have, and for the husband to remain a boy?
- No… Not ready. I need to think.
- Of course of course. We give you time to think.
- Do you give advice?
- Willingly and with pleasure.
- Tell me, what needs to be done so that my husband ... well, grows up, or what?
- Probably stop being a mom. Turn to face yourself and learn to be a Woman. Seductive, exciting, mysterious, desirable. I want to give such flowers and sing serenades, and not cry on her warm soft chest.
- Yes? Do you think it will help?
- It usually helps. Well, that is if you do choose to be a Woman. But if anything - you come! Your relationship is simply wonderful, we will take it with pleasure. Do you know how many people in the world dream of such a relationship? So, if you decide to donate to those in need, you are welcome!
- I will think…

#853 perplexedly leaves the office, convulsively clutching the relationship to his chest. #854, dying with excitement, enters the office.
- I am ready to sacrifice my interests so that my mother is not upset.
The door is closing... People are walking along the corridor, clutching desires, abilities, careers, talents, opportunities to their chests - everything that they are ready to selflessly sacrifice...

Tales of the Elfiki, "Victim"

Simply and clearly about how we ourselves are ready to ruin our lives.

Are they waiting in line for the sacrifice?

Here, here! You will follow me. I am 852, you are 853.

Oh, mommies ... When will the turn come?

Don't worry, it's fast. What are you sacrificing for?

I am in the name of love. And you?

And I - in the name of children. Children are my everything!

What did you offer as a sacrifice?

Your personal life. If only the children were healthy and happy. I give everything to them. A good man called for marriage - she did not go. How can I bring their stepfather into the house? She quit her job because she traveled far. I got a job as a nanny in a kindergarten, so that in sight, under supervision, well-groomed, fed. All, all children! Himself - nothing.

Oh, I understand you. And I want to sacrifice relationships ... You see, my husband and I have long had nothing left ... He already has another woman. I also seem to have a man, but ... Now, if my husband had left first! But he won't go to her! He is crying... He says that he is used to me... But I feel sorry for him! Crying! That's how we live...

Oh, I went. I'm so worried!!! What if the sacrifice is not accepted?

No. 853 shrinks into a ball and waits for a call. Time drags on slowly, but then #852 comes out of the office.

What? Well? What were you told? Have you accepted the sacrifice?

No ... Here, it turns out, a trial period. Sent to think.

But as? And why? Why not right away?

Oh, honey, they ask me: “Did you think well? It's forever!" And I told them: “Nothing! Children will grow up, they will appreciate what their mother sacrificed for them.” And they told me: "Sit down and look at the screen." It's such a weird movie! About me. It's like the kids are all grown up. My daughter married far away, and my son calls once a month, as if under a stick, my daughter-in-law speaks through her teeth ... I told him: “Well, son, why are you with me?” And he told me: “Do not interfere, mother, in our life, for God's sake. Don't you have anything to do?" And what should I do, I, apart from children, didn’t do anything? Is it that the children did not appreciate my sacrifice? In vain, or what, I tried?

From the office door comes: “Next! No. 853!

Oh, now I... God, you completely unsettled me... What is this??? Hey, okay!

Come in, have a seat. What did they sacrifice?


I see... Well, show me.

Here... Look, they are, in general, small, but very nice. And fresh, unbroken, we met only six months ago.

Why are you sacrificing them?

To save the family...

Whose, yours? What is the need to save?

Well, yes! My husband has a mistress, for a long time already, he runs to her, lies all the time, there are no forces at all.

And you?

What am I? Another person appeared in my life, it seems like we have a relationship.

So you are this new relationship - a sacrifice?

Whose? You yourself say that your husband has another woman. You have another man. Where is the family?

So what? According to the passport, we are still married! So family.

So, are you satisfied with everything?

No! No! Well, how can it suit? I cry all the time, I'm worried!

But you won’t agree to exchange for a new relationship, right?

Well, they are not so deep, so, pastime ... In general, I do not mind!

Well, if you do not mind, then we - even more so. Let's make your sacrifice.

And they told me that you show movies here. About the future! Why don't you show me?

Cinema is different. To whom about the future, to whom about the past ... We will show you about the present. Turn on, look.

Oh oh! It is me! My God, do I look like this? Yes lies! I take care of myself.

Well, it is your soul that is projected onto the outside in this way.

What, like this? Shoulders down, lips in a line, eyes dull, hair dangling...

This is how people always look when the soul cries ...

And what is this boy? What a nice one... Look how he cuddles up to me!

Didn't know, right? This is your husband. In the projection of the soul.

Husband? What nonsense! He is a grown man!

And in the soul - a child. And cuddles like a mom ...

Yes, he is like that in real life! Leans back. Stretches!

So, not you to him, but he to you?

Well, I learned from childhood - a woman should be stronger, wiser, more determined. She should lead the family and guide her husband!

Well, that's the way it is. A strong, wise, determined mother leads her boy-husband. And he scolds, and regrets, and sips, and forgives. What do you want?

Very interesting! But I'm not his mother, I'm his wife! And there, on the screen ... He's so guilty, and he's about to run to his lahudra again, but I still love him!

Of course, of course, that's how it happens: the boy will play in the sandbox and come home. To my own mother. He will cry into his apron, he will confess ... Okay, the end of the movie. Let's end our meeting. Will you sacrifice love? Haven't changed your mind?

What about the future? Why didn't you show me the future?

And you don't have it. With such a present, your grown-up “baby” will run away, not to another woman, but to illness. Or at all - nowhere. In general, he will find a way to escape from under his mother's skirt. He also wants to grow...

But what am I to do? Why would I sacrifice myself then?

And you can see. Maybe you love being a mom! More than a wife.

No! I like being loved by a woman!

Well, mothers are loved by women too, often enough. So? Ready to make a sacrifice? For the sake of keeping what you have, and for the husband to remain a boy?

No... Not ready. I need to think.

Of course of course. We give you time to think.

Do you give advice?

Willingly and with pleasure.

Tell me, what needs to be done so that my husband ... well, grows up, or what?

Probably stop being a mom. Turn to face yourself and learn to be a Woman. Seductive, exciting, mysterious, desirable. I want to give such flowers and sing serenades, and not cry on her warm soft chest.

Yes? Do you think it will help?

Usually helps. Well, that is if you do choose to be a Woman. But if anything - you come! Your relationship is simply wonderful, we will take it with pleasure. Do you know how many people in the world dream of such a relationship? So, if you decide to donate to those in need - you are welcome!

I will think...

No. 853 perplexedly leaves the office, convulsively clutching the relationship to his chest.

No. 854, fainting with excitement, enters the office.

I am ready to sacrifice my interests so that my mother is not upset.

The door closes. People are walking along the corridor, clutching to their chest desires, abilities, careers, talents, opportunities - everything that they are ready to selflessly sacrifice ...

I recently read an interesting parable.


Are they waiting in line for the sacrifice?

Here, here! You will follow me. I am 852, you are 853.

What, so many people?

And you thought??? Are you the only one that's so smart? Look, everyone in front - there too.

Oh, mommies ... When will the turn come?

Don't worry, it's fast. What are you sacrificing for?

I am in the name of love. And you?

And I - in the name of children. Children are my everything!

What did you offer as a sacrifice?

Your personal life. If only the children were healthy and happy. I give everything to them. A good man called for marriage - she did not go. How can I bring their stepfather into the house? She quit her job because she traveled far. I got a job as a nanny in a kindergarten, so that in sight, under supervision, well-groomed, fed. All, all children! Himself - nothing.

Oh, I understand you. And I want to sacrifice relationships ... You see, my husband and I have long had nothing left ... He already has another woman. I also seem to have a man, but ... Now, if my husband had left first! But he won't go to her! He is crying... He says that he is used to me... But I feel sorry for him! Crying! That's how we live…

I'm crying too... I've been suffering for a long time already... I'll go crazy soon!

Yes, life is such a cruel thing ... You always have to give up something. Sacrificing something...

Oh, I went. I'm so worried!!! What if the sacrifice is not accepted? Don't forget, you are next.

No. 853 shrinks into a ball and waits for a call. Time drags on slowly, but now #852 comes out of the office. She is confused.

What? Well? What were you told? Have you accepted the sacrifice?

No ... Here, it turns out, a trial period. Sent to think.

But as? And why? Why not right away?

Oh, honey, they showed me that! I told them - rrraz! - on the table of the victim. Your personal life. They ask: “Did you think well? It's forever!" And I told them: “Nothing! Children will grow up, they will appreciate what their mother sacrificed for them.” And they told me: "Sit down and look at the screen." It's such a weird movie! About me. It's like the kids are all grown up. The daughter married far away, and the son calls once a month, as if from under a stick, the daughter-in-law speaks through her teeth ... I told him: “What are you, son, so with me, why?”. And he told me: “Do not interfere, mother, in our life, for God's sake. Don't you have anything to do?" And what should I do, I, apart from children, didn’t do anything ??? Is it that the children did not appreciate my sacrifice? In vain, or what, I tried?

From the office door comes: “Next! No. 853!

Oh, now I ... Lord, you completely unsettled me ... What is it ??? Hey, okay!

Come in, have a seat. What did they sacrifice?


I see... Well, show me.

Here ... Look, they are, in general, small, but very cute. And fresh, unbroken, we met only six months ago.

Why are you sacrificing them?

To save the family...

Whose, yours? What is the need to save?

Well, yes! My husband has a mistress, for a long time already, he runs to her, lies all the time, there are no forces at all.

And you?

What am I? Who is asking me? Another person appeared in my life, it seems like we have a relationship.

So are you sacrificing this new relationship?

Whose? You yourself say that your husband has another woman. You have another man. Where is the family?

So what? According to the passport, we are still married! So family.

So, are you satisfied with everything?

No! No! Well, how can it suit? I cry all the time, I'm worried!

But you won’t agree to exchange for a new relationship, right?

Well, they are not so deep, so, pastime ... In general, I do not mind!

Well, if you do not mind, then we - even more so. Let's make your sacrifice.

And they told me that they show movies here. About the future! Why don't you show me?

Cinema is different. To whom about the future, to whom about the past ... We will show you about the present, if you want?

Of course I want! And then somehow quickly it's all. I didn't even have time to prepare mentally!

Turn on, look.

Oh oh! It is me! Oh my god, do I look like this??? Yes lies! I take care of myself.

Well, we don't have socialist realism here. This is your soul in this way reflected in appearance.

What is reflected like this? Shoulders down, lips in a line, eyes dull, hair dangling ...

This is how people always look when the soul cries ...

And what is this boy? Why do I feel so sorry for him? What a nice one ... Look, look how he presses against my stomach!

Didn't know, right? This is your husband. In the projection of the soul.

Husband? What nonsense! He is a grown man!

And at heart, a child. And cuddles like a mom ...

Yes, he is like that in real life! Always listens to me. Leans back. Stretches!

So, not you to him, but he to you?

Well, I learned from childhood - a woman should be stronger, wiser, more determined. She should lead the family and guide her husband!

Well, that's the way it is. A strong, wise, determined mother leads her boy-husband. And he scolds, and regrets, and sips, and forgives. What do you want?

Very interesting! But I'm not his mother, I'm his wife! And there, on the screen ... He is so guilty, and he is about to run to his lahudra again, but I still love him!

Of course, of course, that's how it happens: the boy will play in the sandbox and come home. To my own mother. He will cry into his apron, he will confess ... Okay, the end of the movie. Let's end our meeting. Will you sacrifice love? Haven't changed your mind?

What about the future? Why didn't you show me the future?

And you don't have it. With such a present, your grown “baby” will run away, not to another woman, but to illness. Or at all - nowhere. In general, he will find a way to escape from under his mother's skirt. He also wants to grow...

But what am I to do? Why am I sacrificing myself then?

And you can see. Maybe you love being a mom! More than a wife.

No! I like being loved by a woman!

Well, mothers are loved by women too, often enough. So? Ready to sacrifice yourself? For the sake of keeping what you have, and for the husband to remain a boy?

No... not ready. I need to think.

Of course of course. We always give time to think.

Do you give advice?

Willingly and with pleasure.

Tell me, what needs to be done so that my husband ... well, grows up, or what?

Probably stop being a mom. Turn to face yourself and learn to be a Woman. Seductive, exciting, mysterious, desirable. I want to give such flowers and sing serenades, and not cry on her warm soft chest.

Yes? Do you think it will help?

Usually helps. Well, that is if you do choose to be a Woman. But if anything - you come! Your relationship is simply wonderful, we will take it with pleasure. Do you know how many people in the world dream of such a relationship? So, if you decide to donate to those in need, you are welcome!

I will think…

#853 perplexedly leaves the office, convulsively clutching the relationship to his chest. No. 854, fainting with excitement, enters the office.

I am ready to sacrifice my interests so that only my mother does not get upset.

Interesting topic, right?

The ability to subordinate ourselves and our aspirations to a higher goal distinguishes us from animals. Sacrifice for the sake of others in order to be a valuable, important person for them is a dead end path. Victims are generally rarely accepted with gratitude.

I think that it is necessary to do good in this way: “give and forget”. In fact, we give something of our own - our strength, time, means, things, skills - so that this "something" lives apart from us, further - without our participation. On the other hand, if you do it and go further, and not sit and wait for “return”, “gratitude”, then what is the point of sacrificing?

Sacrifice, the ability to give without asking in return has nothing to do with those games of “unfortunate victim” that people often play. "Oh, I'm unhappy!" - this is such an occasion to achieve your own, in a cunning way to get what you want. And then the position of the victim (from the victim of circumstances to the one who sacrifices for the sake of other people) becomes profitable.

After all, if you just ask, then the result is not guaranteed, “either yes or no.”

And if from the position of the victim, then the one who refused can also be labeled: “You are an insensitive person! I try for you, but you do not appreciate!”

And just try not to accept the sacrifice...

And can you give what you don't have? For example, sympathy, empathy, money, time, effort.

Are they waiting in line for the sacrifice?
- Here, here! You will follow me. I am 852, you are 853.
- Oh, mommies ... When will the turn come?

Don't worry, it's fast. What are you sacrificing for?
- I - in the name of love. And you?
- And I - in the name of children. Children are my everything!
- And what did you bring as a sacrifice?
- Your personal life. If only the children were healthy and happy. I give everything to them. A good man called for marriage - she did not go. How can I bring their stepfather into the house? She quit her job because she traveled far. I got a job as a nanny in a kindergarten, so that in sight, under supervision, well-groomed, fed. All, all children! Himself - nothing.
- Oh, I understand you. And I want to sacrifice relationships ... You see, my husband and I have long had nothing left ... He already has another woman. I also seem to have a man, but ... Now, if my husband had left first! But he won't go to her! He is crying... He says that he is used to me... But I feel sorry for him! Crying! That's how we live…
The door swings open, a voice is heard: “No. 852, come in!”.
- Oh, I went. I'm so worried!!! What if the sacrifice is not accepted?

No. 853 shrinks into a ball and waits for a call.

Time drags on slowly, but then #852 comes out of the office.
- What? Well? What were you told? Have you accepted the sacrifice?
- No ... Here, it turns out, a trial period. Sent to think.
- But as? And why? Why not right away?
- Oh, my dear, they ask me: “Did you think well? It's forever!" And I told them: “Nothing! Children will grow up, they will appreciate what their mother sacrificed for them.” And they told me: "Sit down and look at the screen." It's such a weird movie! About me. It's like the kids are all grown up. The daughter married far away, and the son calls once a month, as if from under a stick, the daughter-in-law speaks through her teeth ... I told him: “What are you, son, so with me, why?”. And he told me: “Do not interfere, mother, in our life, for God's sake. Don't you have anything to do?" And what should I do, I, apart from children, didn’t do anything? Is it that the children did not appreciate my sacrifice? In vain, or what, I tried?

From the office door comes: “Next! No. 853!

Oh, now I ... Lord, you completely unsettled me ... What is it ??? Hey, okay!

Come in, have a seat. What did they sacrifice?
- Relationship…
- I see... Well, show me.
- Here ... Look, they are, in general, small, but very cute. And fresh, unbroken, we met only six months ago.
What are you sacrificing for?
For the sake of family...
- Whose, yours? What is the need to save?
- Well, yes! My husband has a mistress, for a long time already, he runs to her, lies all the time, there are no forces at all.
- And you?
- What am I? Another person appeared in my life, it seems like we have a relationship.
- So you are this new relationship - a sacrifice?
- Yes ... To save the family.
- Whose? You yourself say that your husband has another woman. You have another man. Where is the family?
- So what? According to the passport, we are still married! So family.
- That is, everything suits you?
- No! No! Well, how can it suit? I cry all the time, I'm worried!
- But you won’t agree to exchange it for a new relationship, right?
- Well, they are not so deep, so, pastime ... In general, I do not mind!
- Well, if you do not mind, then we - even more so. Let's make your sacrifice.

And they told me that you show movies here. About the future! Why don't you show me?
- Cinema is different here. To whom about the future, to whom about the past ... We will show you about the present. Turn on, look.
- Oh oh! It is me! My God, do I look like this? Yes lies! I take care of myself.
- Well, it is your soul that is projected onto the outside in this way.
- What, like this? Shoulders down, lips in a line, eyes dull, hair dangling ...
- This is how people always look when the soul cries ...
- And what is this boy? What a nice one ... Look how he cuddles up to me!
- You didn't know, did you? This is your husband. In the projection of the soul.
- Husband? What nonsense! He is a grown man!
- And in the soul - a child. And cuddles like a mom ...
- Yes, he is like that in life! Leans back. Stretches!
- So, not you to him, but he to you?
- Well, I learned from childhood - a woman should be stronger, wiser, more determined. She should lead the family and guide her husband!
- Well, that's the way it is. A strong, wise, determined mother leads her boy-husband. And he scolds, and regrets, and sips, and forgives. What do you want?
- Very interesting! But I'm not his mother, I'm his wife! And there, on the screen ... He is so guilty, and he is about to run to his lahudra again, but I still love him!
- Of course, of course, that's how it happens: the boy will play in the sandbox and come home. To my own mother. He will cry into his apron, he will confess ... Okay, the end of the movie. Let's end our meeting. Will you sacrifice love? Haven't changed your mind?

What about the future? Why didn't you show me the future?
- You don't have it. With such a present, your grown-up “baby” will run away, not to another woman, but to illness. Or at all - nowhere. In general, he will find a way to escape from under his mother's skirt. He also wants to grow...
- But what should I do? Why would I sacrifice myself then?
- And you know better. Maybe you love being a mom! More than a wife.
- No! I like being loved by a woman!
- Well, mothers are also beloved women, even often. So? Ready to make a sacrifice? For the sake of keeping what you have, and for the husband to remain a boy?
- No… Not ready. I need to think.
- Of course of course. We give you time to think.
- Do you give advice?
- Willingly and with pleasure.
- Tell me, what needs to be done so that my husband ... well, grows up, or what?
- Probably stop being a mom. Turn to face yourself and learn to be a Woman. Seductive, exciting, mysterious, desirable. I want to give such flowers and sing serenades, and not cry on her warm soft chest.
- Yes? Do you think it will help?
- It usually helps. Well, that is if you do choose to be a Woman. But if anything - you come! Your relationship is simply wonderful, we will take it with pleasure. Do you know how many people in the world dream of such a relationship? So, if you decide to donate to those in need - you are welcome!
- I will think…

No. 853 perplexedly leaves the office, convulsively clutching the relationship to his chest.

No. 854, fainting with excitement, enters the office.

I am ready to sacrifice my interests so that my mother is not upset.

The door closes. People are walking along the corridor, clutching desires, abilities, careers, talents, opportunities to their chests - everything that they are ready to selflessly sacrifice ...