How to name a girl who. How to culturally send a person, calling witty words. How to insult a person to tears

Appeals and nicknames for your girlfriend.

Psychologists have proven that most girls on a subconscious level respond best and love their name. But very often young people, in order to win the attention of a girl, come up with affectionate and funny nicknames. But not all nicknames are liked by girls. Below we will tell you how best to call your girlfriend.

It all depends on the girl. Strict ladies who work in serious positions do not really like "lisping". They are used to discussing everything openly and hearing the truth. Such girls should not be called the usual Bunny, Mouse, etc. In most cases, this is not a very good nickname, as it has become obsolete. Come up with something creative.

But still, some of the fair sex love to be affectionately called. They feel their need and your concern. In this case, come up with some special and non-standard nickname. It should emphasize the uniqueness of the girl.

For most of the fair sex, the treatment of Bunny, Kisya is associated with a well-known anecdote when a man forgot his name. Therefore, such expressions now cause some irony.

Since the name is the preferred address, you can safely use it. It is also worth changing the name, making it affectionate and gentle. To do this, at the end of the name put the ending -chka, -ik, -nka.

Examples of affectionate names: Marinochka, Marinchik, Lorik, Anyuta, Anya, Kirochka, Lenusik, Lenchik, Olchik, Olenka, Sofia, Alyonushka.

It is worth noting that the appeals of Bunny, Kotik are somewhat hackneyed. Therefore, many girls do not take such appeals seriously. Come up with something of your own. At what the nickname should emphasize some feature of the girl.

Examples of affectionate treatment: Kisulya, Masya, My little, My girl, Thumbelina, Sunny, Pusya, Bead, Goat, Pupsik, Hippo, Mouse.

The girl will appreciate your efforts if you come up with your own appeal to her. It is necessary that it be associated with the appearance or character of the girl.

  • Little squirrel. Perfect for a smart and hardworking girl.
  • Pusechka. A good treatment for an affectionate and gentle girl.
  • Bee. Suitable for a hardworking girl.
  • My bird. An excellent appeal for a girl with a melodic voice.
  • Mamacita. This is a very passionate and hot girl.
  • Mi Chiquita. This is a translation that means "my baby".

There are a lot of unusual appeals to a girl. They are quite funny and non-standard. Please note that such appeals may offend the fair sex. So you can name your favorite unusual name and look at her reaction. If she is not offended, then she likes the new treatment.

List of cool addresses: Pumpkin, Hen, Hippo, Elephant, Snowflake, Trojandochka, Krokozyabrik.

Try to move away from the stereotyped Zai, Kis, etc. Approximately 20 thousand more people in your city have a beloved signed in this way on their phone.

Signature options on the phone: hare, my beauty, fluffy, my squirrel, busya, lyalechka, my tigress, baby doll, baby doll, my cockroach.

If you are a fan in English, then you can take advantage of its melody. English nicknames sometimes sound very good and reflect the features of your chosen one.

Examples: Apple of My Eye (the light of my eyes), Baby Boo (baby), Sugar Lips (sweet lips), Sun Beam ( Sun Ray), Ducky (darling), Funny girl ( cheerful girl), Kissy Face (face kiss).

If you are going to support long term relationship with a girl, take care of affectionate words. It is also worth waking up your beloved as affectionately as possible. There are many options for awakening. Important are sweet words.

Words for awakening: Lapushka, Sonya, Sunshine, My Ray, Dolly, Lyalya, Baby, My Happiness.

How can you affectionately and tenderly name a girl, a woman you like: a list of affectionate nicknames, words, adjectives

In general, it is best to ask men about this. The most interesting thing is that during the survey, many men remembered only the most banal appeals. Below is a video.

VIDEO: Nicknames and appeals for your beloved

How can you affectionately and tenderly name a girl, a woman at the beginning of a relationship: a list of affectionate nicknames, words, adjectives

At the beginning of a relationship, you should not rush things and call your companion Beloved, Dear. These nicknames are more suitable for couples who have been together for a long time and are bound by marriage. It is worth coming up with something unusual and fun. At the very beginning of the relationship, carefully name the girl the way you like. Pay attention to her behavior. If she smiles and is not indignant, then she liked the appeal.

List of words: My little, My girl, Baby, Kitty, Baby, Beauty, Dushka, Manyunya, Masya.

VIDEO: Affectionate nicknames for a girl

How to impress your girlfriend? Standard compliments about the beauty of appearance (eyes, figures, hair, etc.) will not surprise a girl now. You need to be original, be able to say something that few people told her about, know how you can affectionately call a friend in a given situation, surprise her with your attentiveness, highlight little things, such as perfect matching accessory Or something like that. Your phrase will end with a question, so as not to end the acquaintance with the usual "Thank you."

The art of giving compliments needs to be learned, which takes time and practice. When you walk down the street, pay attention not just to external beauty, try to notice what she is trying to focus on, what she is improving in. Give her a compliment on this occasion, she will answer you with a sincere smile.

What do you need for the first contact? Interest and lure the girl. Talk about one thing so that there is another between the lines. Excessive openness will seem boring to her. It is better to use subtexts, intimate. To make her suddenly blush when talking about nothing, which accidentally turned out to be exciting. Speak with pauses, accents and intonation changes - the girl will love it. This is the skill of flirting: not the text but the subtext should be vulgar, so that she does not have the opportunity to accuse you, to catch you. It only seems to her that you are talking about something intimate, at this time you are enthusiastically talking about completely different things.

Do you want to get close to the fair sex? The advice and recommendations of friends are unlikely to help here. Be confident in yourself and in your abilities, act independently, girls feel comfortable with such men and want to continue communicating with them. Boldly head towards the accomplishment of the goal that you have set for yourself. How can you call a girl affectionate words?

Bunny / bunny / bunny / bunny / bunny. A very popular topic these days...
Kitten / kitty / kitty / kitty / kitty. The second most popular option today. Gotta give credit to the cats :)

Girls want to see a defender next to them, strong and courageous. She imagined every man with whom a girl kissed at least once as her husband, respectively, she has sex with someone who fits this role .. this is how the girl's subconscious works. She must be sure that you are responsible and that you can build serious relationship, with you you can raise children and give them happy childhood.

Such confidence should be in a man, come from him. And for this you need to constantly work on yourself loved. And make a plan, if something goes wrong, you always have a fallback option, and you will continue to communicate. Active, purposeful, self-confident and positive man- that's what a girl needs. Strive for it and you will succeed!

Now you know how to build a relationship model with the girl you like, how to compliment and communicate beautifully, how to call her beautifully. Below we will tell you in detail how to attract the object of the opposite sex you like and how to affectionately call your beloved girl.


Kitten / kitty / kitty / kitty / kitty;

sun / sunshine;

Baby / baby / baby / baby;

Bunny / Bunny / Bunny / Bunny / Bunny;

Paw / honey / paw / paw;

Sweetheart / cutie / darling;


Beauty / beauty;

Music / Musya;

Sweet / sweet / sweet / sweet;

Native / dear;

Baby doll / baby doll;

Angel / angel;



My life.

As you know, women love with their ears. This knowledge has always helped men get what they need from them. kind word and the cat is pleased, right? Sometimes you really want to call your beloved some affectionate name, whether it's a baby doll, an owl, etc. But how to choose the right one? Let's try to figure out how to affectionately call a girl.

What words can you affectionately call a girl

First you need to decide on the tone in which this nickname will be pronounced. You are obliged to put all your tenderness if you somehow want to call your wife or lover. On the one hand, the nickname should be such that it expresses some kind of character trait or appearance of a person. On the other hand, it must be such a feature that the beloved woman does not perceive as her own shortcoming. Even worse, if this perception turns into a frank inferiority complex. If you make a mistake to such an extent that you hurt a living, then you will have to restore relations for a long time or even leave. Therefore, you need to listen to the opinion of a psychologist, how to choose the right nicknames in order to affectionately call a girl and not offend her. Home nicknames are especially stable in married couples. Especially in those where there are no children yet or they have already grown up. In the rest of the period, parents call each other simply "mom" and "dad". And not only in communication with children, but also simply - with each other.

The original nickname of the beloved

Here you should immediately pay attention to some of its qualities. But only positive! No “You are my weevil” or “My Pinocchio”, etc., in relation to the young lady with long nose or "My yellow mouth" - to a girl who has a problem with the color of her teeth! It is not recommended to use such a nickname to call a person who is much younger than you. As well as saying that she "it's time to kindergarten or school." Even if she is a teenager, then her age must be respected, and with it the desire to appear more adult. Especially if you have already established a relationship as a couple in love. Don't say "Hi, old woman" or "Mother" to a girl if you're younger than her. In this case, the age difference “with a minus” is perceived even more painfully, because it disgusts the old ideas about marriage or love relationship. And she suffers even more than you. At some point, she may make her move by calling you a "Baby", "A small pot-bellied", or even worse, a "Fledgling sucker". Instead, praise some of her positive quality- for example, a girl who can sing talentedly can be affectionately called a nightingale, a canary or just a bird. Or you can look through encyclopedias and find the name of some exotic bird with a wonderful voice there. You can also try to come up with some variations on her name. Only not very offensive and not very childish. In any case, there are many options.

How beautiful to call a young lady who really likes

But here it’s more complicated: on the one hand, the nickname should be cool, so that it doesn’t look too abstruse, and at the same time it should not be too offensive. If a young lady likes to dress brightly and in an original way, then you can call her "Flower-Semitsvetik". Loves yellow and orange tones - " maple leaf"(autumn). "Swallow" is a great name for a thin and fast girl in her movements.

What a pleasure to call your woman

In the event that the girl has already become your companion, then here you can already troll her a little and use something to emphasize some of her unseemly act: she threw garbage where she shouldn’t - “piggy”, smokes - “train "... The main thing is not too often and not too offensive - because in the first case it will turn into reading notations, and in the second - into banal rudeness. And boors, as you know, no one likes at all! Such nicknames, in most cases, will be perceived as education, and some girls, especially if they are younger than a guy, may like this attitude very much. You can offer her the names of different fur-bearing animals: weasel or sable , gopher or marmot, marten or squirrel. You can walk through the predators: snow leopard, tiger, lion.

Cool nicknames for wife

A wife can also be called a groundhog, especially if she is a sleepyhead. By the way, you can stop at sleep, because others can perceive it as a name (a diminutive of Sofia). Nobody will suspect anything. Often cool nicknames in families are obtained from names, and even from maiden name wives. Statistics show that wives in strong families name is:
    Coastal; Cobras; Snakes; Siskins; Doves; Sharks; Hamsters; Beavers, etc.
Some nicknames sound annoying, but when they are gently pronounced, some kind of special accent is obtained, and the words seem to lose their original meaning. It just melts into intonation. The second half is not offended and even gets used to responding if you call her so affectionately.

List of affectionate words for a girl

Gently compare it with a flower:
    Rosette; Violet; Sakura - suitable for a girl of eastern nationality or fond of oriental culture; Tulip - will go for a chosen one with a bob or with a similar haircut; Calla - although dissonant in name, but beautiful flower. Will go in order to troll her a little; Astra - traditionally associated with Aphrodite; Rutochka - will go for a young lady with Ukrainian roots; Lotus - will go for a girl who practices yoga or is fond of Indian culture; Birch - suitable for a tall girl; Palm tree - suitable for a sultry , swarthy girl
It's nice to call, the name of your favorite animal:
    Cat, kitten, kitty; Bunny, hare; Fish, little fish; Koala, koala - best comparison for a girl who loves to cuddle; Fox, fox - will go for a red-haired beauty; Monkey - go for a playful girl who loves to fool around. But not always such a comparison can be taken with a bang; Lioness - will go for a proud lady, or if the chosen one was born under this sign; Hamster, chipmunk - will go to emphasize her plump cheeks; Panther - for a black-haired beauty; Squirrel - for a red-haired and very agile girl.
Affectionately called as a sweet or fruit:
    Cherry; Berry; Peach, orange, apricot - suitable for a red-haired girl; Kiwi - suitable for a Chinese woman; Marshmallow - good nickname for a blonde, but you should not apply it to a girl with curvaceous figure; Pear - be careful with this nickname, as it can be perceived as a hint of a figure; Zest; Turkish delight - for a young lady who has roots in the Middle East; Nut - for a person with a strong character; Pampushka is only for a little full girl, the main thing here is not to overdo it.
Unusual to compare:
    Mona Lisa;Cleopatra;Starry sky;Ray of light;Universe;Eagle.
But along with this, there are options such as the "Ostankino Tower" or "Sailboat", "Makhaon" or "Gem". If only the beloved liked it too.

Calling a girl is funny, but affectionate and not offensive

If your girlfriend loves to frown, then she can be affectionately called a cloud. It is advisable to say this: “You are my cloud!”, And then it will not be insulting at all. If a friend always has eyes in a wet place, then calling her “Unsmiled” will be just right, but not at the moment when she is really very upset. The limits of tact must not be crossed if you want both to be funny from some kind of comparison. Give the mobile person the nickname energizer, jumper, rocket or bullet.

When is it appropriate to call a girl vulgar

If you have already established trusting relationship and there was sex, it is appropriate to affectionately call the girl a slightly vulgar nickname. Here, however, you need to understand in which company you are doing this: if only together or in the company of close friends, this will be appropriate. But it would be inappropriate to say this in a barely familiar company, in the company of work colleagues or, God forbid, at the table of her parents. It would be unethical to list such nicknames in the article, and even more so - to recommend options. Yes, and such words always come to mind faster than well-aimed and original nicknames.

What words can not call a girl

Firstly, it is not tactful to call her names with those words to which she has developed negative associations: for example, she was teased with this word at school or it causes some kind of complexes in her. If she has excess weight, then don’t even think of calling her a pie, a donut, etc. Riding through her mental trauma would probably not be the best way out, right? Secondly, before giving animal nicknames, you need to find out what the girl’s attitude is to this or that animal. Perhaps she was scared as a child big dog, a bull or some kind of sea monster, for which she took a large fish or jellyfish. So, you should not call this person in the first case - a puppy, in the second - a bull, in the third - a fish or even a dolphin. There are animal names that have a second meaning in Russian with a negative connotation. For example:
    Horse- It has long face, large jaws, powerful legs; Cow- large dimensions, sluggishness; Pig- untidiness, antisocial behavior; Goat, sheep- dullness, dullness; Crow- thieving, big hooked nose; Magpie- excessive talkativeness; Fox- cunning, unreliability; Jackal- meanness; Donkey, donkey- stubbornness, doing thankless work; Hippo, elephantbig weight, sluggishness; Chicken- stupidity; Echidna- perfidy; Hamster- greed; Bear- assertiveness, large dimensions; Butterfly- frivolity.
This list should not be considered closed, and it is quite possible that a girl will like to be called a "goat" or "piggy", but every time you want to call her that for the first time, be prepared for a backlash. Or come up with a reason why you named your beloved that way. Young ladies love unusual legends, so come up with it!

Although I am not a fan of such tenderness, especially from a man, guys very often " How can you affectionately call your girlfriend“, “How beautiful to call a girl”, “How to call a girl in an original way”, “How sweet and gentle to do it?” Etc.

In some situations, this is quite appropriate. Especially if not only the girl will be pleased to hear what you call her, but you will not strain yourself at the same time.

Just keep in mind the following point: a girl can be gentle with you as much as she likes, that's why she is a girl. But if you, for your part, will lisp with her in the same way, then in the end it may even repel her. A man, by definition, should be courageous, more serious and balanced. So do everything in moderation 🙂

On the other hand, girls love it when they. Especially the girl - the soul. It is prone to romance. Do not feed such persons with bread - let them pamper, dream, and they love compliments, especially when they reflect her inner essence.

As a rule, guys can't come up with anything original. And all the girls turn out to be bunnies and suns 😀

How can you affectionately and beautifully call your girlfriend?

The appeal of the girl should coincide with her image, which has developed in your head and with the emotions that she evokes. Maybe she behaves like a fox? The same graceful and cunning 🙂 Or a hedgehog? The same "thorn", but cute.

Every person is like some kind of animal, good sense this word. It can be physical features or character traits. Think about who your girlfriend looks like. And if she herself likes the comparison, then here's the original name for you 😀

If nothing really comes to mind, and your girlfriend does not cause any associations, you can choose the name you like from the options below.

How to affectionately call a girl - a list:


My joy





Call your girlfriend that when you sincerely want to do it. And not in the case when she affectionately calls you, and you think you should also come up with something original. But this is no longer your inner desire. And your friend will feel if it comes from the heart.

As for me, I believe that a man's attitude towards a woman should be more expressed in actions, in confidence in tomorrow, in leadership in relationships. When your soulmate will really feel cozy and safe next to you. And it doesn't matter anymore What will you affectionately call her?

When you meet a person who becomes your world when you fall in love with beautiful girl, which you call your soul mate, you definitely want to distinguish it from all the other acquaintances with affectionate words.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

What affectionate words can you pamper your girl?

A long time ago appeared to everyone famous saying about how specifically girls perceive the world. WITH early childhood we hear what lovely ladies love with their ears. At first glance, it seems that this expression is strange and not entirely true, but in fact, it has a deep meaning.

Women are truly emotional creatures. They always think a lot and always hear everything. Still lovely ladies love to pay attention to how guys communicate with them. Sometimes it doesn't even matter to them what the young man says, but how he does it is important. Hence the notion that women love with their ears. Therefore, the success of the relationship depends in part on how guys call girls.

A girl needs to hear that she is called an affectionate word. She takes this as a sign that the man distinguishes her from the rest. When you call your soul mate gently and original, she understands that you are getting closer and have real feelings for her. Affectionate words for a girl are an indicator of your intentions.

How can you name your baby so that she would be pleased?

Of course, when you choose how to affectionately address the lady you like, you need to be very careful. The words you choose should not only be original, but also without unnecessary sarcasm. Humor is out of place here. You can’t call a plump girl a “piggy” or a short “little dwarf”. In any case, the nickname should emphasize the pluses of a woman so that she understands that in your eyes she is the best, most beautiful, smart and generally the only one.

In order to choose the most suitable words for your girlfriend, you need to turn Special attention not only on appearance, but also on the talents of the chosen one. Any cute girl will have some unique distinctive moment. You should use it:

  • if your princess dances well, you can call her “ballerina”, “gentle swan”, “my graceful”;
  • when a girl likes to cook, you can call her "hostess", "keeper", "comforter";
  • perhaps your lady sings well, then she can become a "bird", "nightingale" or "melodist";
  • if it is difficult to pick up tender and original nicknames, relying on your lady's hobbies and hobbies, you can emphasize strengths her looks.

How to affectionately call your girlfriend?

In the event that the talents of your passion do not inspire you to use some kind of unusual words and expressions, you need to concentrate on the beauty of the chosen one. Any appearance is always original, you need to find the so-called highlight of your beloved. If a girl has red hair, you can call her a fox. Just be very careful about it. She may perceive this as a characteristic of her behavior, and then you cannot avoid a showdown. Speak affectionate words so that the girl does not have double thoughts and mixed feelings.

If your couple is involved in sports, then it would be useful to call your girlfriend "slender". If a lady often changes her image, you can call her a beauty, a fashionista, a surprise. Be especially attentive to the nicknames "dumpling", "pie", "pig". Some girls may take this as normal, while others will resent the fact that you emphasize extra weight. Even the fact that you like its forms will no longer play a role, and you would not want to change anything. A girl may take your words as a joke and be offended. Most of the time, unfortunately, this is exactly what happens. Men are very fond of joking about their appearance, but most often they do not know how to do it. Remember: any girl wants to think that she is fit, slim, beautiful, and that you like her figure.

If two people have been dating for a long time, they may have affectionate nicknames that only they understand. Perhaps your beloved was born under the sign of a lion, then you can call her "kitty", "bagheera", "lioness". If your relationship is close, then there is a desire to address the partner as “kindred”, “my soul mate”, “dear”. Girls love to feel like they're the only ones, so the more intimate the nickname, the more karma points you'll earn.

What to do so that affectionate and gentle words do not become boring?

Over time, any nickname or composition of epithets can begin to bother. To prevent this from happening, you need to change or alternate the options that you have chosen for yourself. Then after a certain period of time it will be easier to return already forgotten calls. This will help evoke the effect of returning to the beginning of the relationship, when everything was new and different.

According to many women, one of the most nice options is "mouse". This word is associated with something defenseless, pleasant to the touch and requiring protection. By putting tenderness into your actions, you can make this appeal something magical.

Good girls relate to the nickname "swallow". This is a graceful and very beautiful bird, so when you call your chosen one that, you automatically give her a few compliments. And it's always nice!

If your passion always rosy cheeks try calling her a berry. This will certainly cause a surge of tender and reverent feelings towards a guy who thinks so original and unconventionally.

Every relationship needs a reboot. All new and unusual words can sometimes be replaced by the most primitive ones.

These include:

  • Sun;
  • fish;
  • bunny;
  • kitty;
  • sweeties;
  • kitty, etc.

No matter how trite the above nicknames sound, sometimes you need to use them too. This will add more color later when you return to something more secluded and personal.

How beautiful and gentle to call the chosen one, changing her name?

A whole treasure for fantasy are the names that your partners were called by their parents. Any name is great on its own. Everyone has their own history and their own meaning. Use it. There is nothing better than coming up with such a variant of the girl's name, which no one called her before you. It is quite possible that you will invent something that she has never heard before!

Names can be shortened, a few syllables removed in front or behind. You can add diminutive suffixes and prefixes. Any well-abbreviated name, pronounced with love and affection, will definitely give your lady a rush. positive emotions. Your chosen one is Alexandra, then contact her Sashunya, Aleksochka, Sandrochka. If your parents called your beloved Anastasia, then you can choose for yourself the following options: Nastusya, Nastena, Nyushenka, Stasechka. Perhaps your couple's name is Sofia, then change her name to Sofochka, Owl, Sonechka, Sofiyushka.

Options on how to change and soften any female name, as many as the names themselves. And in the conditions modern world When every parent wants their child to stand out, there are more and more of these names.

The right title is the key to a successful relationship.

There is an expression: whatever you call a ship, so it will sail. The same can be said about how important it is to correctly call your lady from the very beginning. Girls really love with their ears. This does not mean that you need to endlessly flatter them. But it is affectionate and original nicknames that will make your beloved softer and more gentle towards you.

Any relationship is a lot of work. And how exactly to call your girlfriend plays an important role. When you love a person, treat him with awe, then the right words arise by themselves. Listen to your heart. Pay close attention to your inner impulses when you are close to your soul mate... There is no need to reinvent the wheel here. Just take a close look at your happiness and listen to your inner voice. Then it will be clear to you how to address your own, close and beloved person in such a way that his heart stops. And most importantly: remember, the awe and tenderness given to a woman will always return doubly.