Can you name the guy? How can you affectionately call a guy: a list of original nicknames. How to affectionately call a man, a guy at the beginning of a relationship, so that he likes it

Any relationship requires a lot of work. This is especially true for a newly created couple, which is still looking for its common ground, in some way inferior or not to its partner. A very important point in any relationship is how people call each other. And for many inexperienced girls, the question may arise: how can you affectionately call your boyfriend so that he likes it.


The most common version of affectionate words is the names of animals. Many are indignant: well, it’s like a zoo, there are cats, bunnies, bears and penguins. Despite all the outrage, these are the most common and pleasant words to hear, so this is a great option for how you can affectionately call your boyfriend.

Very often the word "sun" is used as a gentle nickname. Why not, it means that this person simply illuminates the life of his partner. You can also say to your beloved: you are my planet, my cosmos or my universe. The guy will be very pleased to hear that.

When choosing a phrase, how you can affectionately call your boyfriend, you should not bypass the nicknames - syusyuki. So, many people like it when they are called babies, paws, pupusiks or manyusiks. If you want to call your boyfriend so much, you need to think about whether he will like such a nickname, because if the guy is short, he may have certain complexes: the word “Manyusik” can simply offend him.


When choosing how you can affectionately call your boyfriend, you should pay attention to his person and look for some features there. So, the nickname Handsome, Hercules, Sexy Boy, etc. can be an excellent way out of the situation. A word that will only emphasize the feature that distinguishes it.

Pleasant words

In case of choosing one, a list of such words is a great helper. So, you can pick up just nice words and translate them into a person. For example, many guys will like the following appeals: my dear, my boy, my happiness, my treasure. Suitable and such a warm, reliable, necessary.

Something of my own

It often happens that a couple picks up non-standard affectionate nicknames for each other, sometimes calling their soul mate simply with fictitious or combined words.


You can especially not bother and call the guy a diminutive on his behalf. Not so few in the world of Sashun, Dimchikov and Olezhek.

You can also connect humor and call the guy a funny nickname. However, it is worth making sure that it will not offend a person. So, you can call your beloved a little one, a teletubby, a salad, etc.

You can also try to call your boyfriend the way he calls his soul mate. So, if a guy says “beloved”, you can answer “beloved”, if “pussy” - “kitten”, etc. There is nothing to worry about, because a real couple always mirrors each other's words and actions.

You can choose any nickname for your boyfriend and call him in different ways affectionately. Just don’t think too much about what affectionate words to say to a guy, everything should come from the heart, phrases should be sincere and desirable. Only then will there be harmony in the pair, and it will not be strained, but natural.

A romantic relationship between a guy and a girl cannot be compared with any other type of relationship, because we cannot experience the same feelings and emotions that we experience next to a guy when meeting relatives or friends. Falling in love and love in a special way connect two people, make them unique to each other. One of the cutest features of the relationship between a guy and a girl is touching nicknames. If you do not know how to affectionately address your boyfriend, our article will help you solve this problem.

There is an opinion that it is girls who love with their ears, while males do not betray the importance of compliments. To some extent, this is true. Women, regardless of their character and age, are very sensitive to gentle speeches, and love affectionate words. However, guys also very rarely remain indifferent to praise.

Affectionate nicknames for your boyfriend

You can express your admiration for a guy without resorting to fanciful compliments - just come up with a cute nickname for your loved one. Do not be afraid that your nickname may seem banal or unoriginal to someone, the main thing is the meaning that you put into praise.

The most popular nicknames for guys are words such as:

  • "Cat"
  • "Hare"
  • "Enotik"
  • "Hedgehog"
  • "Baby elephant"
  • "Sun"
  • "Squirrel"
  • "Dolphin"

However, when choosing a touching nickname, just in case, you should not take into account feminine words, such as "Bead", "Bubochka" or "Lapulya". If you want to keep the meaning of the nickname, come up with a more masculine version, replace "Bird" with "Chick", "Bead" with "Busy", etc.

How unusual to name a guy who really likes

The nicknames mentioned in the previous paragraph will not suit you if you want to refer to a guy that you only like and with whom you have no relationship yet. Of course, this does not mean that you do not need to somehow cutely address the object of your sympathy. On the contrary, such behavior will be able to win him over to you. He will definitely note for himself that there really is some kind of connection between you, since you consider it appropriate to address him like that. Perhaps this is what will help the development of relations between you.

Alternatively, try to note its positive qualities (you can add the prefix "My"):

  • "Strongman"
  • "Handsome"
  • "Smart ass"
  • "Genius"
  • "Champion"
  • "Hero"

Also, do not skimp on whole phrases: “And you are a rebel!”, “How smart / wise / resourceful you are!”.

How to affectionately call a man at the beginning of a relationship so that he likes it

When choosing gentle words for your lover, it is important to consider how long you have been in a relationship with him. When everything is just beginning for you, you need to be especially careful in this matter. It is unlikely that you want to apologize for your own impulse of tenderness, so try to take into account all the features of the character of your lover.

It would be best if you choose something neutral:

  • "Little Dragon"
  • "Dandelion"
  • "Tiger"
  • "Eaglet"
  • "Charming"
  • "Sugar"

It's also important to know that it's not always a good idea to use nicknames to refer to a guy when you're out and about. Even if your chosen one likes what you call him, the situation can change if this becomes a reason for banter from his friends. This is important to remember not only at the initial stage of the relationship, but also in the future. You should also not use nicknames in the presence of his or your relatives, otherwise you risk being in a stupid situation. In addition, public expressions of love, such as cute addresses, kisses, etc., often embarrass those around you. Even if you don't care what others think, try to refrain from such things out of respect. In addition, to make affectionate names seem even more unique and special, they are best used when you are alone with your boyfriend. It adds romance and intimacy to the relationship.

It is important to remember that, even when you are alone, it is not always worth calling your loved one somehow affectionately if the moment is inopportune, for example, during a conversation on a serious topic. Of course, an affectionate nickname may not offend your partner, but there is a chance that he will consider you too frivolous, especially if the relationship is in the initial stages, and this will definitely not benefit the relationship.

Cute nicknames for a guy, how to choose them, what to rely on

Girls, despite all the love for praise, often underestimate the impact of compliments on men. Unfortunately, the fair sex often stint on nice words. Yes, they try to look seductive and smell delicious, but not only external factors are important. In any relationship, there should be pleasant communication.

To encourage a lover, you need to admire him, his appearance, character, talents and abilities. The phrases “there is no one better than you”, “you are so romantic”, “I think about you all the time”, “I just go crazy from your touch”, “you are my most gentle” will perfectly help you show your attitude towards the guy. Try to say things like this as often as possible, make it natural for your relationship. This is especially important if your chosen one doubts himself, his abilities. Such an attitude will give him confidence. It will change dramatically right before your eyes, and you, like the environment, simply cannot help but notice the difference.

When choosing a nickname for a loved one, be guided by its features. Of course, you should only mention positive traits. You should not point out any shortcomings of the partner, it is better to emphasize his individuality.

Do not be afraid that your ideas are banal, simplicity and sincerity in communication cannot adversely affect relationships, the main thing is to speak with love and from the bottom of your heart. The fact is that, in pursuit of originality, girls are so sophisticated that the nickname turns out to be rather stupid. Agree that your boyfriend is unlikely to like it if you call him "dyudyuk", "tipchik" or "bean".

Not a banal “zai”: how to call a beloved man affectionately and unusually

List of affectionate nicknames for men

Many girls do not like such nicknames as “dear”, “dear”, “bunny”, “cat”, etc. This is due to the fact that these nicknames are very popular, overused and now do not cause the reaction expected by girls from guys. In this case, you can use the words "prince", "Romeo", "bar", "pirate", "spider", "nut". Also, try to change a commonly used nickname from time to time, otherwise your boyfriend will just get used to it, and this appeal, despite all its unusualness and affection, will simply lose its charm.

As for the preferences of the guys, they, of course, like these nicknames:

  • "Superhero"
  • "Macho"
  • "Beast"
  • "Cowboy"
  • "Rogue"

That is, we are talking about nicknames that emphasize masculinity. Also, many young people like the most gentle names, they experience real delight.

For example, even if your lover is very brutal, he may like these names:

  • "Cupcake"
  • "Vredina"
  • "Fox"

To name a guy somehow unusual and affectionate, it is not at all necessary to remember animals or food.

You can simply use these words:

  • "Unmatched"
  • "Cute"
  • "Wonderful"
  • "Affectionate"
  • "Honey"
  • "The only one"

If you add the word “my” to all these names, it will turn out even more touching. Try to notice your lover's reactions to nicknames and use the ones that please him the most.

Diminutive nicknames from his name

Some girls don't like to compare their lover to animals, objects, etc. Despite this, they still have options on how to cutely call their chosen one. To achieve his goal, it is enough just to soften his name a little. Sasha can be called Sashenka, Sanya, Shunya, Sanyushka, Sasha. Dima should like the appeal of Dimochka, Di, Mityusha, Mitya. Nikita will suit Nick, Nikitulya, Nikitoshka. Vlad can be called Vladik, Vladyusha, Vladusik.

Also, come up with cute, but not too weird or offensive rhymes for his name. For example, "Andrey - the love of my dreams", "Andryushka - darling", "Bone - ponytail". Another option: “Sergey is the light of my eyes”, “Sergey is not sweeter than you”. The rhymes “Sashka is a kisser”, “Sanya is a moth”, “Sashok is a sweetie”, “Sanya is a light” will suit the name Sasha. You can add “necessary”, “irreplaceable” to Maxim. “Matvey is a sparrow”, “Matvey is the meaning of my life”, “Matvey – come back soon” also sound cute. Of course, these words are best used when the couple is in a good mood, cheerful mood. It’s not even worth saying that it’s better not to mention rhymes on behalf of colleagues or friends. It is unlikely that you dream that all your acquaintances would call your beloved "Konstantin - my magic serpentine" or "Andryushka - cute pig" behind his back.

How to affectionately and tenderly call your husband so that he is pleased

In marriage, people already know each other very well, this implies a special relationship in a couple. This means that affectionate nicknames can be more interesting than just “ball - smesharik”. Since the husband and wife are especially close, there should be things between them that are known only to both of them, something unique, intimate. It is best to come up with a nickname for your spouse that only the two of you will understand.

There is a sweet story about an ordinary married couple. Whenever a husband and wife had to be separated for a long time, they corresponded. The spouses signed each of their letters "Mr. R" and "Mrs. R." The most interesting thing is that the real name of the couple sounds like "Lee", that is, there is no letter "P" in it. Once the daughter, who told the world this story, saw how the letters of her parents were signed, and she madly wanted to know what the letter “R” at the end of each message means.

Much to the surprise of the girl, the parents flatly refused to reveal their secret to their daughter. They said it was their little secret that no one else would ever know. Of course, young Li will not be satisfied with such an answer, but even after many years, she still did not know the meaning of the letter “R” for her parents. Now Mr. and Mrs. R are dead, and their secret will forever remain unsolved.

This story can serve as an example for many couples. The fact is that spouses underestimate the importance of something secret, intimate between them. It often happens that girlfriends know all the conversations of husband and wife, and very personal moments in their family life. Actually, it shouldn't be. If your marriage has the aforementioned problem, do not rush to despair before it is too late to change everything. Start small - come up with a nickname that only your husband will understand. You can connect it somehow with the place of your meeting, with the peculiarities of his character. And most importantly - let no one else know your secret.

How to call a guy funny - when such nicknames are appropriate

A nickname for your boyfriend can be not only affectionate, but also funny. It is important to understand when such nicknames should be used and when not. First of all, consider the characteristics of the character of your lover. If he is very withdrawn or insecure, he is unlikely to like silly names that sound like a curse word. In this case, it is better to never call a guy a joke, so as not to offend your chosen one.

Also, when you give your partner a nickname, ask back if it offends them. This is worth doing, even if your loved one is the owner of a strong character. Perhaps a nickname that seems harmless to you seems humiliating in his eyes.

It should also be remembered that a comic nickname should not make fun of any trait of character or appearance. For example, if your chosen one is lop-eared, in no case should you call him "Cheburashka", but if he has any vision problems, you should not mention "Squint". A slightly fat guy does not need to be reminded of his features by the nickname "fat", "doughnut", etc. And most importantly: never call a guy Flash when talking about the intimate sphere of your relationship.

Of course, each couple has its own characteristics. There are lovers who constantly laugh at each other, and love to tease their soul mate. In such relationships, there are rarely insults to nicknames, but you still need to be careful in such moments.

Insightful and sensitive girls quickly find the “same” secret name, from which their beloved becomes unusually sweet and gentle. Thinking about how to affectionately call a guy, you should not rack your brains for a long time. It is enough to remember his tastes, habits, and how he becomes alone with his beloved.

How to affectionately call a guy - for gourmets

In Maxim Gorky's novel "The Artamonov Case" one heroine called her lover - "Salty", which was unusually liked by the latter. After playing a little with the words, and taking into account the guy's culinary preferences, you can pick up a very affectionate name for your loved one:

  • Sweet Tooth, Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie, Chocolate, Honey, Syrup and other "sweet" options.
  • Salty, Spicy, Bun, Pancake, Donut, Watermelon, Kolbaskin, Meatball, Nyamysh.

It is unacceptable to dwell on the name, although it accurately reflects the commitment to a particular dish, but at the same time indicates such qualities of a person that he does not want to emphasize. For example, Ponchitos- not the best name for a very full, worried about this guy.

How to affectionately call a guy - animals

Comparisons with various animals provide a huge choice for an individual affectionate name. It is not necessary to erect the name in a diminutive form. Sometimes it is enough to add the word "my":

  • My Tiger, Tiger cub, Tiger, Sherkhanchik, My Lion, Lion cub, My Bear, Bear cub, Toptyga, Mimishka, Baloo.
  • Hippo, Wolf, Fox, Elephant.
  • Matroskin, Kotofey, Muryonysh, Kotik, Purr, Murchik, Kisenysh.

How to affectionately call a guy - work and hobby

The professional activity and hobby of a young man is an excellent material for creating an intimate call sign. As in other cases, the name should not contain hidden mockery, sarcasm, even if the guy’s work and hobbies do not cause much enthusiasm:

  • Hobby orientation. Tanchik, Karasik, Rybachok, Red mullet, Kachalkin, Silantiy (from the word "strength"), Motik, Racer.
  • Orientation to professional activity. Aitisha, Danila-Master, Kostya-Sailor, Superchef, My Boss, Samodelkin, Umnichka, Superdoctor, My Warrior.

How to affectionately call a guy - funny nicknames

Does the young man have a great sense of humor? In this case, it's a good idea to experiment with just funny and funny made-up words-names: Lalalupsik, Masik, Popusik, Lost, Bumsik, Puzyash, Kusenysh, Musi-Pusik, Zozik, Bumbarashkin. The list can be continued indefinitely squared.

As a basis for an intimate name, foreign address words, previously adapted to the Russian language, are suitable: Amurchik, Sherik, Bombino, Beybik, Krayzik, Kokhanchik, Chico, Khabibi.

How to affectionately call a guy - gentle phrases and the word " my"

Affectionately calling a guy does not mean at all being limited to one secret name. You can express a special attitude towards your beloved with the help of warm phrases filled with love meaning. Sometimes it is enough to add the word “my” to the usual epithet to evoke the most pleasant emotions in a loved one, especially if you “stroke” his pride a little:

  • "My Sweet and Tender Beast!"
  • "You are my solar world!"
  • "My king!"
  • "You are my space!"
  • "I wanna be with you!"
  • "My beloved!"
  • "My Yakhontovy!"
  • "With you, I feel real!"
  • "My Lord!"
  • "My Cowboy!"

Even the most good-natured men will be disgusted by excessive cloying and lisping. Therefore, do not go to the sugary extreme. Sometimes it’s enough to intricately beat the guy’s own name so that he instantly responds to the warmth and attention of his beloved.

Even in ancient times, doctors and scientists noted that the word has magical powers. Not for nothing, and now among the people there is an expression "the word can heal as well as kill."

And the one who can choose the right words correctly and in time, achieves the location of any people. This way of conquering the minds and souls of women is mainly aimed at men. However, do not be mistaken - sweet speeches are to the liking of the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

How to affectionately call a man?

"Affectionate word and the cat is pleased." And even more so for a man. Affectionate words make no less impression on them than on a woman. But the most important thing here is to feel what, when and how exactly to say. It turns out a quiz. And the super prize in it will be to achieve location, as well as the attention and tenderness of a loved one.

Or, for example, to spur your man to some action, just some kind word or compliment will help. And here you need to know the chosen one from different angles. Compliments are a very personal thing: what may please one person may not be to the taste of another.

How not to call a man?

Before you figure out how to affectionately call your beloved guy, you should take a closer look at him. The other half needs to be explored. It happens that a man with a strong physique, who resembles an impenetrable mountain, has a "flower" in his soul, who simply needs affection. It is quite possible to give such a person such nicknames as "baby", "baby", "bunny", "lapula" and the like. Be sure, if you have chosen the right word, then your beloved will simply be thrilled by such an appeal.

The giant seems to endure, however, some still do not understand where exactly such a nickname came from. And why is it named after him. If the excitement grows, you can calmly tell the man why you call him one way or another.

For example, if you feel a surge of emotions from his strength and power, melt around him and feel protected, like a small child hugging his favorite toy. He, in turn, is also confident in the strong impression that he makes on others due to his appearance. With such men, as a rule, there are no problems.

But if your beloved, the so-called connoisseur of "scientific and botanical" activities, then you should be more careful with diminutive names. In such men, self-esteem is not as high as that of giant guys. It will be more pleasant for such representatives of the stronger sex to hear in their address such nicknames as “lion”, “my male”, “my support” and something like that.

What is the name of your favorite guy?

Sometimes a cocktail of nicknames and compliments can be diluted with various tendernesses. For example, sometimes you can call your man “my treasure”, “dear”, “my affectionate”, “my good”, “my boy”. It is not forbidden to play with words here, use the word "most" with a wide variety of adjectives and nouns. "The most reliable, necessary, gentle ...". Here it is better to spend a little time writing down all kinds of phrases that come to your mind on paper. From the resulting list, select the most suitable ones, copy them into a clean copy, and do not spare the rest and destroy them! From the final version, also weed out the most controversial options, and feel free to use the rest!

How to communicate with a man

And remember, it’s not enough to come up with good nicknames and diminutive names. The main thing is to use them in the right place and at the right time. For example, if you call your chosen one "my sun" gently in your ear, then such an appeal can produce the effect of an exploding bomb. After that, the man will forget about all his grievances and all the problems. This fact is confirmed by young people themselves.

However, sometimes some ladies do not need to rack their brains over a good nickname. Sometimes men prefer to just be "nice" or "loved". But this, for example, at an official meeting. But here in private it is worth calling it not so corny. You can come up with a name that no one else is called. For example, as a cute little animal or a fantastic hero.

By the way, a man can perceive nicknames as a kind of compliment. A skillful compliment is already a subtle science from the field of human psychology. When doing it, it is always worth remembering that a compliment, as a rule, is almost next to flattery. The only question here is the degree of exaggeration. Flattery can often cut the ear and cause not positive, but, on the contrary, negative emotions. Therefore, the exaggeration should be insignificant and in no case should it be “striking”. Such words will “swallow” a man with great pleasure.

For example, if you tell your lover that he is the best computer specialist in the world, he will immediately become alert. He will understand that you told an obvious lie, even if the man is far from a layman and behaves quite skillfully with a computer. Here the thought immediately arises that you don’t think so at all, and you really need something from a man. Therefore, here you can act in a different way, for example, say that you are a complete layman and are not even a match for him, so you don’t know what you would do without him. This is the only way you can force him to voluntarily go to your computer and check the equipment. Here he will believe your words, because all men are a little self-confident in their abilities.

What does a man want?

And remember that men, like you, want to be "the very best", or at least listen to it from their beloved. This gives some incentive for the further development of relations. Here a compliment can be compared with the regular intake of vitamins. But, as with pills, gentle words should not be overdone. A man can get fed up and for a long time not perceive any manifestations of tenderness and compliments from a woman. In addition, an excess of sweet words can make you, in the eyes of a man, a girl from the category of "flattering foxes" and any further attempts to show admiration will be taken with hostility.

The editors of the site advise you to remember that before calling this or that affectionate word to your man, evaluate the situation, because sometimes, a “weighted” compliment can be akin to a slap in the face.
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How can a girl call a loved one very affectionately and unusually so that he likes it?

  1. Pupsyushonok.
  2. Dandelion.
  3. Baby elephant.
  4. Naughty.
  5. Lapusechka.
  6. Peanut.
  7. Puzatik.
  8. Cup.
  9. Smile.
  10. Bagel.
  11. Donkey.
  12. Bunny.
  13. Bubble.
  14. Iris.
  15. Baby.
  16. Little bear.
  17. Belchonochek.
  18. Sharik - Smesharik.
  19. Brownie.
  20. Glutton.
  21. Toon.
  22. Dragon.
  23. Fawn.
  24. Diamond.
  25. Brilliant.
  26. Kitty.
  27. Hood.
  28. Parachute.
  29. Fluffy.
  30. Donut.
  31. Flower.
  32. Lapulka.
  33. Lover.
  34. Dolphin.
  35. Lover.
  36. Key.

Beautiful words for a loved one, affectionate:

  1. Ideal.
  2. Best.
  3. Darling.
  4. Courageous.
  5. The only one.
  6. Unforgettable.
  7. Mysterious.
  8. Cute.
  9. Unusual.
  10. Wonderful.
  11. Unusual.
  12. Wise.
  13. Understanding.
  14. Strong.
  15. My good.
  16. Caring.
  17. Sincere.
  18. Soulful.
  19. Sexy.
  20. Real.
  21. shining.
  22. Desired.
  23. Fabulous.
  24. Long-awaited.
  25. Talented.
  26. Hot.
  27. Chocolate.
  28. Fairy.
  29. Honey.
  30. Elegant.
  31. Imposing.

Those affectionate words and pleasant phrases that rhyme with the name of a loved one will be well received.

Name words:

  • Andrey:
  1. Andryushka is a darling.
  2. Andrey is the love of my dreams.
  3. Andryushka is my dear pig.
  • Konstantin:
  1. Constantine is a vitamin.
  2. Kostik - ponytail.
  3. Konstantin is my magic serpentine.
  • Sergey:
  1. Sergey is the light of my eyes.
  2. Seryozhka is a handsome man from the cover.
  3. Sergey - you are not nicer, kinder.
  • Alexander:
  1. Sasha is a kisser.
  2. Sanyok is a moth.
  3. Sasha is a bastard.
  4. Sasha is a cute Cheburashka.
  5. Sanyok is a light.
  6. Sasha is a beautiful face.
  • Maksim:
  1. Indispensable.
  2. Required.
  3. We really hurt.
  • Matvey:
  1. The meaning of my life.
  2. There are no relatives in your life.
  3. Come back soon.

men adore

  • They are called by name. Try to use the name as often as possible and in different ways. Speak the name softly, affectionately and quietly.
  • They receive various compliments.

Favorite compliments of men:

You are so smart!

No one will ever be able to compare with you!

I have never met such amazing people like you.

You are in bed - fire !!!

You can drive me crazy...

How smart and perceptive you are!

Your body will not leave anyone indifferent!

You…. Magic….

I didn't expect you to be so brave!

You have so many talents that I didn't know about....

You are even better than I thought.

You are an amazing person.

You have excellent abilities.

You, my dear, have excellent taste!

I can safely compare you to a raging volcano!

You are just a dream man!

I would really like to be like you….

A woman knows how to express herself not only in prose, but also in poetry. Rhymed affectionate words are an amazing surprise for every romantic and loving man!

Beloved writes confessions and beautiful words dedicated to her boyfriend or man in completely unexpected places.

Where can I write affectionate words to my beloved:

In his diary. Do not rush to write any words there and leave any traces if you notice that this diary is a very expensive thing.

On your body. In the form of a tattoo, for example .... True, it is not yet known how he will react to such a “feat”. It is necessary to find out from him how he relates, in general, to tattoos.

On his desktop. The desktop is the table where his working (business) papers and documents lie. If you immediately remembered the desktop, which adorns, so to speak, the other side of the monitor .... Dare to write something affectionate and there!

On the ceiling or on the floor. Original! No one has thought of such an “option” yet! You will be the first...

On lighters. Collect all of his lighters (if he smokes or "dabbles") and write confessions and nice words on them.

On the mirror. Remember where the mirrors are in your apartment. Take something that will be easy to wash later, and write a few words (affectionate) on each mirror.

On paper. And don't worry, it's banal! Hide this banality with antibanal words!

On the remote. Why not? An excellent decoration for an object that is so often in the hands of your loved one and which, for this reason, becomes your "enemy".

On the bench. It is not necessary to write something on all the benches in the city! Enough of the one that is bored at the entrance.

On the refrigerator door. He will definitely notice this inscription! We advise you to take a felt-tip pen or a brighter pencil so that this inscription remains in his memory forever.

On the touchpad of his laptop. Get ready for his displeasure! It will be a pity for him to remove what you write there, but he will have to.

On your (his) underwear. Or on the dishes from which he constantly (most often) eats. By the way, they can help you. There are such services, organizations, online stores that put neat inscriptions on things. They will "write" what you say!

How can you write affectionate words and confessions:




Beautiful rods.



Pieces of broken glass.


Many men are very happy when their beloved calls him this way:

What to do if there is absolutely no imagination?

Affectionate words can be taken from famous songs and poems. It will be great if the lyrics of the songs are unknown or completely forgotten. Here the meaning itself and its transmission through the beauty of phrases are important.

When is the best time to say sweet words to your loved one? Better every day. If you, of course, see that his mood is conducive to this.

Where is the best place to say kind words to the one you love?

Everywhere! The place does not matter if there is one hundred percent meaning in affectionate words and there is no untruth.

Tell him affectionately about Love. -

Don't miss your Love...!