What a surprise for my sister on her birthday. Excellent gift options. Presents for a young woman

There is no closer person than a sister. She will share the joy with you, and help you in trouble. And he will laugh and cry with you, and will not give offense to anyone.

Knowing all her wishes and dreams, it is not difficult to choose a gift. But I want to find something new and unusual, which no one has given her yet. Maybe in this article you will find an original gift.

For a sister of any age, jewelry and bijouterie are always best gift. IN jewelry stores such a huge selection that it is not difficult to find an original present.

For rejuvenation and beauty

Cosmetics is one of the most popular gifts girls and women. When buying skin, hair and nail care products, you need to make sure that your gift is not allergenic, it is better to buy something that the birthday girl has been using for a long time.

Advice! If you gave a novelty, invite your sister to check if this remedy will cause an allergy.

Choose a gift according to her age. For a sister in the prime of her youth, give decorative cosmetics, fashionable and bright. For a sister in old age (see), pay more attention to anti-aging and healing creams and products.

The little sister needs a minimum decorative cosmetics, and more funds are needed to improve the problematic teenage skin faces. A sister has the right to point out shortcomings and help correct them.

There are never too many bags

How to make a gift? Sometimes a girl goes to the trick: during a shopping trip with her sister, she remembers which bag she liked, and then she buys this bag alone and makes a surprise.

Young people choose backpacks. They are more spacious, they fit a tablet or laptop, educational accessories and other girlish little things. Backpack looks good with jeans sportswear. Huge selection.

Sister - a backpack for school. He more useful bags or portfolio. Makes the figure slimmer, it is lighter and more comfortable.

Self made

A gift for a younger sister has many options:

  • Make your own organizer for your sister's school items: pens, pencils, brushes;
  • Cardboard desktop shelf for books;
  • Sew a bag for interchangeable shoes;
  • As well as a beach hat, a sundress, a bag for the beach;
  • Come up with homemade toys;
  • Knit socks, slippers, slippers.

Read also:

The degree of relationship does not affect the quality of the gift. It doesn't matter if you are a sister or a cousin. The main thing is what kind of relationship they have, what family ties? If they have been friends since childhood, see each other often, then gifts for two sister the same as native.

As a gift to a cousin, you can choose what is in this moment what she needs most is: a jewelry gift, cosmetics, haberdashery, household items. You can buy or make your own. You can also make a gift for the eldest with your own hands or supplement the purchased gift with a homemade one.

For home and family

And if the sister is already married, she has her own house and family.

Then you can give decorative gifts for the interior:

  • Fixtures;
  • Crockery;
  • Household appliances (food processor, coffee machine, vacuum cleaner);
  • Textiles (curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads, bed linen);
  • Paintings, figurines and other souvenirs for the home.

What else can be presented? You can do it yourself, then the quality of the gift depends on the skill of the craftswoman.

Master class of sewing fabric toys.


  1. Pattern paper;
  2. Two pieces of fabric of different colors;
  3. Cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  4. Beads or buttons for the eyes;
  5. Threads and a needle;
  6. Scissors.

Owls are cute toys. Suitable for a gift to a younger sister, like a keychain on a backpack, or a gift to a sister - a student, as a symbol of wisdom, with the wishes of successful exams. If the Owls like it, the sisters will ask to teach them how to make the same pretty toys.

Action Description

Three owls, like an owl family, can be given one by one or all three.

Neat and bright, they are suitable for decorating a room, especially a nursery.

The photo shows the dimensions of the patterns, but you can make owls different sizes, then the patterns will be different sizes.

Sew details and turn out. You can sew by hand or sewing machine. Then it will be much faster.

Mark the tip of the pyramid with a thread. Insert a circle of cardboard into the base.

We wrap the tip of the pyramid in front, we get the beak of an owl. On both sides of the beak we sew on eyes from buttons and beads.

The owl is ready. If you wish, you can make a whole company of these forest beauties.

When choosing a gift, it is not always possible to focus on age, the status of the girl also matters. She can be married or not, she can study or work, live alone or with her family. A 25th anniversary gift should take these factors into account as well.

We give the necessary things for the home (cleanliness products, items for comfort in the house, decorative decorations for the interior of the room); gifts needed for study (bag, backpack, books, tablet, set of pens, e-book) or what the girl herself needs (movie tickets, circus, theater, certificates for shoe and clothing stores)

Video compilation

The video in this article will tell you what cool, original and gifts - surprises you can give your sister:

We celebrate our sister's birthday every year and always choose the ones she needs, Original gifts, which her in Once again will delight and remind you of the love of a sister.

And now, her birthday is coming up. It would seem that for many, many years in which you have each other, everything has already been said, everything has been presented. How can you surprise a loved one, such dear person? Indeed, it is true that giving another cup with a name, or a plaid, is simply trite, ridiculous and ridiculous!

So maybe let's try to give emotions instead of material values?

Professional photo session - as an unforgettable gift for your sister

Well, for example, give your sister a professional photo session. So what if she doesn't look like a model? So what, that is embarrassed by his age, wrinkles, not quite even teeth? After all, for a professional photographer, this is all nonsense! Although, if you assume from the very beginning that she will stubbornly protest against such a gift, present it as a surprise. Without disclosing your plans, pick her up at the appointed hour, take her away into the unknown and hand them over to the masters of their craft - make-up artists, hairdressers, stylists, and finally, photographers. And where will she go? Moreover, preliminary “beauty procedures” are so pleasant for all the fairer sex! And the result is a completely unique gift that the sister will carefully keep for many years in her memory and in her photo album!

Give your sister a ride

Or - an even more extreme surprise. Horse ride. Find out if a stud farm (or a troop) simply has to be somewhere outside the city! And there already - a matter of technology! Arrange for a horse (or two, for yourself too) with or without a groom. Ride around, talk, reminisce. You two will surely find something to remember! Yes, and there is not so much time for this, in a whirlwind of everyday life escaping into the distance! And a holiday, a birthday, is exactly the right occasion for this! And after a walk - you can have a picnic, somewhere in a distant clearing. With wine and cheese, fruit and cakes (you know best what she likes). Have an amazing weekend! AND an unforgettable gift For birthday!

Each representative of the fair sex wants to receive such a gift on her birthday that will not only become original for her, but also useful in later life.

If you don't have a lot of money, but want to really surprise your sister with your wits and good taste in choosing surprises, then be sure to check out this list of gifts that will help you make the right decision!

If your sister has just left school and is studying at the university, then the gifts listed below will be wonderful gifts that match her interests.

  1. Talisman Stone. A wonderful gift for your sister will be a beautiful talisman stone that matches her zodiac sign. The girl will be pleasantly surprised that you notice such smallest subtleties, and will appreciate the unusual little thing!
  2. Movie tickets. If your young sister has a fan, then two tickets to the cinema will be a wonderful gift on her birthday. You just have to choose a romantic and interesting movie that will appeal to your beloved!
  3. Crystal rose. A delicate and touching surprise will be a lovely crystal rose that will decorate the interior of any home. You can not only put it in a vase, but also put it in a prominent place to make your room more original!
  4. Lamp. An unusual and beautiful lamp will be appreciated if you can please your little sister with the color and style. She will hang it in her room with great pleasure and admire the pleasant warm light.
  5. Literary work. If your relative is fond of reading various literary works, then you can give her an interesting new bestseller that will make her evenings more vivid and filled with emotions. By the way, great idea for a gift is also a work of your favorite author in a high-quality thick cover.
  6. Desk lamp. Now reading before going to bed will become more convenient and comfortable. You can choose a beautiful table lamp, which will be perfectly combined with the interior of your sister's room!

Creative approach to choosing surprises

  1. Original magnetic bookmarks in the book. Lovely magnetic bookmarks in the book will be a wonderful and inexpensive birthday present. The young student will no longer forget the pages of educational books where she stopped last time. Such bookmarks will appeal to those girls who know how to appreciate originality and find it in simple things.
  2. Unusual wall calendar. You can give your sister not only a regular wall calendar, but also a calendar with her personal photos. Such an inexpensive gift will surely become the most valuable to the heart of your relative.
  3. fashionable Sunglasses . Every fashionista will appreciate such a magnificent surprise. The girl will be happy to wear new sunglasses not only on the beach, but also to shine stylish accessory on a walk with your best friends!
  4. Stylish umbrella. Now your sister will be protected in any weather! A girl can always take a stylish umbrella that you gave her for her birthday in bad weather, and each time remember with warmth the care of her loved ones.
  5. beautiful pen. Bright gift for any student beautiful pen, which she will be happy to use not only in pairs, but also at home for the implementation homework. original solution there will be engraving of initials on stationery. A personalized pen will definitely be to your taste and will be highly appreciated by your relative.
  6. Original mouse for personal computer. If you absolutely cannot think of what gift you can give your sister, then listen to the following option: an original mouse for a personal computer. This item will allow the hero of the occasion to comfortably spend time near her computer and more comfortably and quickly complete homework given in an educational institution.

Inexpensive gift proposal for a middle-aged woman

Here are collected the most unusual inexpensive gifts for women who have already managed to build their family nest. Your sister will be especially happy to have such useful surprises in her home.

  1. Bakeware. Each representative of the gentle sex spends a huge amount of her time in the kitchen. Therefore, she will be incredibly happy if you give her as a birthday present original forms for baking.
  2. Apron. A beautiful, albeit completely inexpensive surprise will be a beautiful apron that will allow the birthday girl to comfortably prepare her favorite dishes. Now she will not stain her personal belongings by constantly using your gift in cooking.
  3. Tray. A chic gift for a birthday there will be a high-quality and bright tray. You can buy unusual dishes with paintings or beautiful drawings that are underlined good taste And original style its owner.
  4. Microwave utensils. Special utensils are required for cooking or heating various foods in the microwave oven. A set of such dishes or some of its elements will be a wonderful gift for your relative. You will make it much easier for your sister and make her work in the kitchen more comfortable and convenient.
  5. Housekeeper. The unusual collarbone has always been not only an important item in every home, but also bright accessory. An original and useful gift for your sister's birthday will be a beautiful and high-quality key holder that will fit into the interior of your esteemed relative's house.
  6. Beautiful sugar bowl. The original sugar bowl is great idea for a gift in the brightest and unforgettable holiday for every person. You will not only present a pleasant and useful surprise, but also make an unambiguous hint that the life of your relative should always be sweet!

Universal gifts

  1. Fruit bowl. If you want to present an inexpensive but useful gift, then you can safely buy a vase for fruit, because such a thing will always be necessary in any home. Your sister will be pleasantly surprised by such a surprise and will appreciate it!
  2. Pillowcase set. Every woman strives to make her bed look simply irresistible. Girls buy the best bed sheets, beautiful pillows, warm blankets with an unusual print. A lovely set of pillowcases that a woman will be happy to use will be a luxurious surprise.
  3. Towel. If you absolutely cannot think of a gift that will combine utility and inexpensive price, That good decision from difficult situation there will be a surprise in the form of a set or one large and warm towel. You can even order such a little thing with the personal initials of the birthday girl to especially surprise her with your ingenuity.
  4. Album for family photos . wonderful gift for each of the fair sex and the keeper of the hearth there will be a large album for family photos. A woman will gladly put the most bright moments from his life, captured in photographs.
  5. Curling Hair. Every woman wants to look every day like a queen who came to the ball. So that your relative always feels at her best, give her a hair curler, which will allow you to create divine curls every day and make a woman stand out from the crowd with her grooming and beauty!
  6. Wall Clock. You can give your beloved sister beautiful Wall Clock, which will not only always show the exact time, but will also become a magnificent decoration of the house. There is a huge range of original and completely inexpensive clocks that fit perfectly into any room interior.

Birthday is a celebration of the soul!

Despite the fact that you now have a huge list, albeit inexpensive, but wonderful and useful gifts, in no case do not forget to give warmth and tenderness to your beloved sister!

On this beautiful day, each representative of the fair sex expects special and sensitive attention from all those who have gathered at her personal holiday of soul and body! Your little sister will be especially happy with your generous compliments, wishes and a gift that you will present to her from the bottom of your heart!

For each of us, the closest person after the parents are the sisters, if any. In childhood, and sometimes in youth, and in adulthood all the most vivid memories and emotions are associated with them.

You can tell your sister about the most secret, ask for advice, ask for support. To please loved one, you don’t need to look for a reason, but your sister’s birthday is the day when you can make the most secret dreams of your soulmate come true.

If your sister is not inclined towards cooking and housekeeping, then items for the home should be excluded from the list of gifts. It is better to please her with some item that she can use individually and that she could not spend money on before.

At 30-35 summer age the girl will be happy to attend procedures that help maintain youth or transform by growing eyelashes, making a tattoo, so you can give your sister a certificate to visit such a salon.

If a woman likes to visit perfume counters and each time lingers for a long time at the counter, choosing suitable fragrance, the day before, go together so that you can appreciate her tastes and pick up expensive perfumes for her.

You can give your sister a beautiful underwear, cosmetic and cosmetic products, accessories for personal use: wallets, haberdashery, wardrobe items.

For a cousin, the list is also unlimited. You can congratulate the girl by giving her leather clutch, automatic umbrella and all of the above options. If your sister is often in other cities or countries on a business trip, present her with something that will make it easier to travel: travel bag, cooler bag, travel iron, player, thermos.

For those who like to be in charge, by the age of 30-35 you can buy a food processor, an electric meat grinder, a double boiler, a bread machine, a coffee maker, a device for cooking homemade pasta. A manual coffee grinder, a stylish Turk or a geyser coffee maker are perfect as a gift for a coffee lover. If your sister likes to drink tea more, then picking up a set of teapots will be just right.

give gifts younger sisters- pure pleasure. Quite a baby can be presented interactive toy, which walks and talks, a doll or a set of baby dolls with a house, toy dishes and kitchen appliances.

By the age of 10, girls lose interest in such fun, so at this age it is worth picking up a more serious gift, for example, bright wrist watch, handbag for going out for a walk. If you do not have large financial resources, you can stop at an inexpensive gift and buy a pencil case, key chain, baby lipstick or a mirror in a beautiful frame.

By the age of 17-18, it is usually customary for a younger sister to give jewelry. You should not give rings, so as not to be mistaken with the size, but a pendant, pendant, earrings or bracelet will do just right.

If it is possible to buy a smartphone new series, every girl will be delighted with such a present. In addition to this, if younger sister is fond of computer technology, you can present a tablet, e-book, wireless keyboard, mouse or headphones. cousin It is also appropriate to give a set of cosmetics. Eau de toilette, a lamp in the room.

If the sisters turn 20 to 25 years old, then a hair device that helps experiment with hairstyles will be the most suitable choice. It can be an iron, curling iron, electric curlers, hair dryer with nozzles. If a sister is fond of hairdressing by the age of 30, she will gladly accept a set professional tools for hair care.

For a girl who did not have time to start a family, choosing a gift is not one of those items that help to lead household. If the husband's sister is very young, from 10-13, then cheerful pajamas, a T-shirt with her favorite hero or own photo, headphones with fur covers. A young lady will definitely love a set of cosmetics for young skin or a set of stylish jewelry for a girl her age.

By the age of 17-18, you can already think about buying expensive jewelry: chain, bracelet or earrings.

On the birthday of a sister who is 20-25 years old, it is quite appropriate to give a wrist watch with beautiful bracelet. For a thirty-year anniversary, you can safely give a foot bath with ultrasound, an epilator, an electric massager.

If the husband's sister is a housewife at the age of 30-35, then it is quite appropriate to present gifts that will help to lead a life. Culinary witches can buy a set of non-stick cookware, a food processor, a slow cooker, a double boiler, a blender and much more, which is easy to find in any store today.

A lonely birthday girl should be presented with an object that creates comfort in her house: a heater, an inflatable sofa, an electric fireplace, a blanket, a rocking chair.

Give your sister a handmade gift

If you are inclined towards needlework, it will not be difficult for you to make a gift for your sister yourself. Any girl will be happy beautiful craft or decoration made of beads, leather, beads, ribbons or shells.

You can give your older sister a comfortable beach bag or make your own capacious cosmetic bag, framed with beads or beads.

For an older sister aged 30-35, present a comfortable pillow that is easy to sew from any suitable fabric with various fillers. Also, native bangs will be delighted with a bedspread sewn from different shreds.

An ordinary bottle of champagne can be decorated with shells, coins, pasted over with beads or beads. A self-made candle decorated with shells, coffee beans, pistachio shells, or homemade soap will look original.

Choosing a gift for a sister, closest and native person difficult and easy at the same time. It would seem that you know her as yourself, you are aware of all her affairs and hobbies, but you still don’t know what to give your sister for her birthday.

Do you want to create real surprise which will be remembered for for many, many years? So you've come to the right place.

To give this little sister to stir up a storm in her little soul pleasant emotions? You have a whole list interesting ideas, from which you will surely be able to choose something suitable:

  • Doll

The current stores boast a huge arsenal the most beautiful dolls, ranging from talking and pissing baby dolls and ending with luxurious young ladies in human height. Plus, each of them has a lot of dresses, accessories and even false hair. And then you still need a house, furniture, dishes and other household items. So there will be enough gifts for more than one holiday.

  • Soft toy

Trite, but it has the right to exist. WITH plush friend it's so nice to sleep in an embrace, whispering all your innermost secrets into his huge ear.

  • Children's cosmetics and perfumes

A woman always remains a woman, and it doesn’t matter at all how old she is - 6 or 36. Don’t feed little girls with bread, let them rummage through their mother’s cosmetic bag, secretly make up her lips with her lipstick and pour half a bottle of French perfume on themselves. So give your favorite fashionista toilet water for girls, hygienic lipstick or nail polish. Let him feel like a real adult!

  • Book

The days of black and white drawings are long gone. Modern books amaze with brightness of colors and originality of design. Give your sister a collection of fairy tales, awaken her love for literature. And it doesn’t matter at all that she can’t read - she has you!

  • A pet

Every child dreams of a dog, cat, hamster or parrot. It is enough to remember the joyful: “Carlson, they gave me ... a DOG !!!” And do not be afraid that your mother will not be able to appreciate your present. The main thing is that my sister will like it.

  • Fairy room

We offer to decorate the room of the birthday girl balloons, ribbons, bows, shining tinsel. Hang a colorful poster on the wall with congratulations and thematic pictures. And don't forget the crackers and fun music!

In this case, you can decorate the room either at night while the sister is watching her dreams in color, or while she is in the garden / school / with her grandmother / for a walk. As soon as your sister wakes up or returns home, turn on the music, blow up crackers and run to hug and kiss your miracle as soon as possible.

  • Voice congratulations or congratulations on the radio

In the first case, do not worry, it will come to mobile phone sisters wherever she is. But in the second, you need to carefully choose the time, otherwise the birthday girl may simply not hear the congratulations addressed to her.

  • Holiday with animators

Invite guests (not only adult relatives, but also friends of your sister), cook a lot of different goodies and, with the support of animators, have fun as much as you like.

  • A day at the amusement park

What could be better than swinging, taking to the skies on a Ferris wheel, riding a pony and jumping on a trampoline? And the evening can be spent looking at the photos taken during the day and eating a birthday cake.

What if the sister is a teenager?

It is difficult to surprise a teenager, but what can you not do for the sake of a loved one! So what to get your teenage sister for her birthday? What kind of gifts will she like?

  • Puzzles

Yes, yes, do not rush to turn up your nose. A complex puzzle consisting of a large number details, is able to captivate even adult pot-bellied uncles, not to mention a child. Moreover, now there are jigsaw puzzles on sale. You put it together, insert it into a special frame, hang it on the wall and admire it.

  • Jewelry or stylish jewelry

Beads, earrings, rings, headbands, hoops, beautiful elastic bands and hair clips - the choice is quite large. When buying such a present, remember the tastes of the birthday girl and her lifestyle.

  • Devices

Teenagers suffer from all sorts of cool phones, players, tablets, e-books and other equipment. If funds allow, feel free to buy something from this list, you will not lose.

  • Clothes and haberdashery

Fashionable blouse, gloves, hat, scarf or Nice dress will not leave indifferent even the most demanding and cranky teenager. The main thing is to guess with the size, color and style.

  • Draw

And here the services of a DJ will come in handy again! "Order" your sister on the radio or send funny prank to her mobile.

  • Song recording

Does your sister love and know how to sing? Try to arrange a recording of a single in a professional music studio. The girl will feel like a real super star.

  • Items for home and interior

It can be a stylish lamp, a cozy plaid, homemade boots, a beautiful photo frame, a jewelry box, etc. and so on. If your sister is a collector, feel free to add new pieces to her collection.

  • Cool things

At your sister good feeling humor? Then pay attention to caps, t-shirts and cups with cool inscriptions. You can also pick up some funny bag or intricate mittens.

  • Professional photography

What girl doesn't dream about beautiful photos taken by a professional photographer? Take your sister to the salon, where she will get her make-up and hair done, put on her a beautiful dress, and only after that bring her to the photographer. During all the preparations, be silent like a fish. Let her guess what exactly awaits her. And if you don’t guess, it’s even better - you get a wonderful surprise for a name day.

Is your sister older than you or your age?

Choosing a present older sister, try to remember everything that she dreamed about, but did not manage to translate into reality. Adults also believe in miracles, it is in your hands to accomplish this very miracle. And we will be happy to help you with this, citing as an example a few gift ideas for your beloved peers.

  • Subscription

Where? It depends on your sister's preference. What exactly does she love - the pool, massage, fitness, yoga ...? And you can give a few cosmetic sessions, the girls really like this.

  • Romantic evening for two

Organize a candlelit dinner for your sister and her significant other (at home or in a restaurant). Cook your own meals or pay for a table out of your own pocket. The birthday girl will be happy, especially if you take her children and two dogs into the bargain.

  • Perfumes and cosmetics

We will not repeat ourselves, talking about the fact that a woman always remains a woman. Let's describe more important points. When shopping for perfume, opt for neutral scents or your sister's favorite scent. Also, do not forget that face and body care products should be appropriate for skin type and age.

  • gadget

Many modern women most of the day is spent on a laptop or computer. Give your sister a USB mug warmer or a nice flash drive with lots of megabytes.

  • Professional camera or camcorder

Such a gift is useful to everyone, because in our life there are many joyful events: family holidays, matinees in kindergartens and schools, the first graduation ball, weddings, meetings with friends ... The camera will allow you to save memories for many years.

  • Photobook

Collect memorable photos of your sister and order a photo book. Now modern photo labs offer special templates with which you can design your own photo book and order printing. This is a very touching and memorable gift that can be given for an anniversary.

  • Party

This type of gift is more common in the West, but it is also becoming popular in our country. In a secret from your sister, invite relatives and friends to her house (especially those whom she has not seen for a long time), buy snacks and sweets, make cocktails, pick up cool music. It remains only to wait until the birthday girl returns from work and meet her with applause and shouts of “Surprise!”. An alternative to home can be a cafe or restaurant where you call your sister under some very urgent pretext.

  • hobby related gift

A person who is passionate about some occupation will be very happy to receive something that is connected with this occupation. Give your sister-artist brushes and paints, an athlete - skis, a drunken reader - a collection of works by a fashionable author.

  • voucher

Oh yes, this is the ultimate dream of any girl! If your financial position allows you to buy a tour to any city or country, do it without hesitation. In addition, it is not at all necessary to send a sister to a resort with a boyfriend or husband. Go together - and you feel good, and she is pleased.

Now you know what gift you can give to your sister. So why are you sitting? Run shopping!