Wedding "lotteries - jokes" or "comic lottery". Very funny wedding jokes for young people, parents, friends

All guests at the entrance to the wedding hall are given small lottery tickets with numbers. They play the lottery throughout the evening, interrupted by feasts and games. Prizes are distributed to all numbers and can be very different and preferably funny.

All guests at the entrance to the wedding hall are given small lottery tickets with numbers. They play the lottery throughout the evening, interrupted by feasts and games. Prizes are distributed to all numbers and can be very different and preferably funny. For example: pacifiers, thermometers, balloons, socks, pens, light bulbs, etc. During the game, the leader shouts out the lot number, the owner raises his hand with the number so that the leader notices him. Here the host announces the win. To make the game fun, prizes are given out under the accompanying text.

The host announces: "Number 8!"
Someone responds: "There is such a number!"

Get your present!
You from us 100 g of sweets!
The game continues on.

Here are more examples of poetic texts for the presenter with the announcement of the prize.

Well, business!
For you - dried vobla!

For an overgrown baby
Great pacifier!

To always have a hairstyle
You are given a comb!

Third number? Here are those on!
A bottle of wine for you!

Did you get the fourth lot?
You have a ticket for the boat!

Who is so happy there?
You remember the thermometer!

ABOUT! You have a lucky lot!
Money transfer to you!
(The host takes out an envelope in which a trifle rings).

The Magnificent Seven
Here's a grater for dishes!

Get your present
You from us one hundred grams of coins!
(The host takes out a bag of pennies).

You, "nine", do not be sad,
Get a pack of tea!

So that the gait was even,
We give you a bottle of vodka!

So as not to suffer from angina,
We give a pack of aspirin!
Live to be 100 years old
With the best blend-a-honey paste!

Lot 13, here's a surprise!
You won the service!
(At the same time, a cup and a saucer are handed over).

Cleanliness is a sore point
Get a vacuum cleaner! (The lucky one is given a broom).

To always be very nice
Wash your face with soap often!

You don't need to spray
Here's a chocolate bar for you!

Your turn has come
Fresh "Mars" bar for you!

There is no better remedy for stress
Than buying a Mercedes.
(The lucky winner is given a toy children's car).

Whether you need it or not
Here's your lipstick!

So that washing does not shock you,
Accept valuable powder!

You are our welcome guest:
You have a valuable gift - a nail!

On the ticket, you accidentally got Georgian tea.

So that your face and hands are clean,
On your ticket fell a piece of fragrant soap.

Are you a smoker or a non-smoker
You got the right win.
And we present to you without dispute
We urgently pack "Belomor".

Are you a boy or a girl
How long will it take you to get married soon?
Let me give you the winnings.
Get a rattle.

So that you write off with love,
You got the envelopes.

Happiness is in your hands
Got three potatoes.

Should be happy in abundance
From the lottery you now -
Three wonderful postcards
Plottery for you.

You should not be upset, you have new luck.
Here's a jar of mustard - delicious, canteen.

Your winnings are quite rare,
You got a birch branch.
And let her make you beyond a doubt
Get involved in gardening!

Your ticket is very sensible,
So, there is a win.
Let me give you a glass of fruit water.

Apply them on your back
Don't get sick and don't sneeze! (mustard plasters)

You got the wrong ticket:
This is not a bottle, but a bouquet!
Winning universal -
Drink a glass of mineral.

Anything can happen
You will need this too! (handkerchief)

There are very few of them
But this is power.
They will help you
Be forever beautiful! (hairpins)

In the middle of winter you have summer
Let this brooch remind you! (chamomile flower)

Kohl came to us to have fun,
We won't let you get bored.
And if you get tired of frolicking,
You can sit down and read! (newspaper)

You can come up with a bunch of the same funny comments, this is a matter of your imagination and desire to please the guests. As you understand, it is not the gift itself that is valuable, but attention, so try not to deprive anyone and do not forget to give some trifle.

Here are new ideas on how to spend any holiday for five plus and make guests the happiest in the world. And this is not just an idea, but a real game block with guests. It lasts 15-20 minutes and during this time guests will receive maximum pleasure and souvenirs.

You have a holiday? It doesn't matter what holiday it is. Whether it’s an anniversary, a new year, a birthday, a wedding, or even just a meeting with friends, you need to make sure that this day is remembered by everyone only from the best side. This is not so difficult to do, the main thing is to approach the process creatively. For example, to hold an interesting game for guests called - a comic win-win lottery in verses for 50 lots. And we just have both poems and lottery ticket templates. You can download them for free, print them out and celebrate at home, in a cafe or anywhere you want.

Why hold a lottery among guests?
Until recently, coming to a holiday without a gift was a bad form. But now it’s not right to let guests go without a gift. Certainly. It is not necessary to give guests the same chic gifts, but giving something to remember the evening is a great idea.
Plus, playing the lottery makes the holiday brighter and more fun. Guests immediately "wake up" turn on and become gambling. Everyone is screaming and wanting the best present there is. But everyone gets what they get. After all, the main thing here is not the gift, but the process itself.
Plus, such a game block will help pass the time. It is usually held at the end of the holiday or after the half of the holiday, when the guests are already a little tired and begin to yawn. Presenting joke gifts will wake them up and give the holiday a new strength.

How to play the joke lottery?

Everything is simple and there are no secrets. When guests come to the holiday, they are invited to draw out any lottery ticket with a number. They must keep this ticket until the end of the holiday or until the start of the game block.
The second option is to glue numbers from 1 to 50 on each table from below. Glue randomly so that everything is not in a row. Guests come to the party and take their seats. At some point, ask them to look under your chair and find a number there. This number will be the guest number for participation in the lottery.

And what's next?
And then even easier. When all the guests have their own number, then you take out the tickets with the numbers from your bag and show the number to the guests. The guest with the same number gets up and goes to receive his gift. To make it more fun, come up with a poem for each gift.

And is it possible somehow easier?
Yes, it can be easier. Download from our website such beautiful comic lotteries:

As you can see, lotteries are already with poems and gift pictures. When downloaded, you print them out and cut them into 50 tickets along the lines. We turn over all the tickets and put them with the beautiful side down. The guests take turns going to the host and pulling out any ticket, show it and read out the verse. And the presenter gives a gift, which is depicted on the ticket. Everyone is happy and happy!

Where can I get such beautiful tickets?
Our designers made them for you and share with you absolutely free. The main condition is that all tickets are for personal use, and not for re-posting on other sites and not for sale. There will be a link below where you can download everything.

Each wedding is a sure fun pastime, and in order to make it interesting for guests and relatives to have surprises for the evening, a comic wedding lottery in verse will help. It must be cool and with inexpensive gifts. The more guests who participate, the more fun the draw will be and the more involved people will be.

What to cook:

· In advance, purchase souvenirs for guests indicated in the lottery;

Prepare a bag for lottery tickets;

In each ticket write down a rhyme with a presented gift;

call those who wish, or offer to buy a ticket for a ridiculous price.

You can personally read the text, or the guest will do it himself into the microphone.

1. To smile more often without shocking others, get this white powder directly in the teeth (make a stop).

2. You are very cute today, here, take this soap.

3. To get a little better, this spoon is for you. (shoehorn)

4. To celebrate every day, to know all the holidays in the year,

We give you neither a chair, nor a knife, not even a frying pan. (calendar).

5. If you want pies or soups at night, use this thing to hold your lips together. (pin)

6. Muscles to keep in order, this thing is for charging. (any sports equipment)

7. You are not a son-in-law and not a mother-in-law, so here is a carrot for you.

8. You are more beautiful than everyone here, here, take yourself a nut.

9. There should have been a whip here, but for now a toothbrush.

10. You are clean, smart, white, here's foam for you. (bath foam)

11. You dance - the highest class, and you for this basin.

12. You are cunning, like three chanterelles, here are matches for you.

13. On this day, we are all for joy, get this muck (beer, vodka, Pepsi)

14. So that you always have an extravagant hairstyle, this one of ours, a special comb, will do.

15. Get this mug for your funny ears.

16. Then you got a fur coat, but for now this sponge.

17. You seem to be on a diet, get three sweets.

18. To have gas in the apartment, get it from us. (lighter)

19. A house fell into the lottery, hold the condom for it!

20. There is no better gift than an envelope with a free stamp.

21. Be always well done, here are those cucumber boutiques.

22. In order not to stare at the scales, here are panties with a tightening. (children's)

23. To make it more fun - eyebrow drawing. (pencil)

24. You got this prize, it's like just rice!

25. To have a sweet evening, get some sugar.

26. To be handsome and fashionable, these are louboutins like (boot covers)

27. This is a mantle from us, and the size and color, just right! (raincoat)

28. To move in bed, crumble, it will come in handy. (cookie)

29. This hat is simply amazing, only it is sewn crookedly. (hospital disposable cap)

30. A gift from Versace to you, but bad luck with the size. (doll jacket)

A win-win joke lottery must necessarily be calculated for the number of guests, if there are more of them, look for a rhyme to what is on the table and give confidently.

The main thing is a great mood, and your personal passion!

One of the most popular entertainment during the holidays is a comic lottery. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary or wedding. The toastmaster can hand out lottery tickets to guests at the entrance or immediately before the draw; at a wedding, lottery tickets can even be sold for a nominal fee. If there are a lot of lots, you can play the lottery throughout the evening, with breaks. Each ticket is assigned a number, starting with the first. The lottery should be win-win, respectively, prizes are distributed to all numbers and can be very different and preferably funny. We offer you approximate texts for drawing lots of a comic lottery:

1. For your affectionate eyes, a souvenir - read (Tales).
2. A thing that does not go out of fashion. (Laces).
3. Here's a lighter for you, use it, it's not a pity. (Matchbox).
4. When you go for a walk, so that your pants do not sleep, you must have a steel pin with you. (Pin).
5. Who is the happiest of all among us? Get this pelvis. (Taz).
6. Don't be angry with us, my friend, Boxes will come in handy. (Matchbox).
7. Let the smile of the bride suddenly touch your eyes, and a good mood will not leave you anymore.
8. Fate took a quitrent from you, for change - boxes of matches. (Matches).
9. Accept this (Button) and walk around the world with joy.
10. We'll have to live, the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! (Calendar).
11. Household vacuum cleaner. (Broom).
12. You are desperately lucky - get (Sandwich).
13. Your winnings are special, You will read about everything in the newspaper in the newspaper. (Newspaper).
14. Pour into this glass And drink quietly. (Disposable cup).
15. I hand over the winnings boldly, consume it in business. (Paper).
16. Whoever gets a can of beer will live happily all year! (Beer).
17. Even the old man Koschei himself swept the dust from his ears. (Brush).
18. Dear comrade, get (Candy), Just don’t eat yourself, treat your neighbor.
19. Here is a ticket, so a ticket, do not rummage in the numbers, Consider that there is no gain - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).
20. Since you got a chocolate bar, You will not be bitter - it will be sweet! (Chocolate).
21. Reach out your hand. Get an onion head. (Onion).
22. You are a tough nut, which means that you are expected to have good luck! (Peanut).
23. Although this cream is inedible, But the smell is simply incomparable! (Coconut cream).
24. In order not to eat in the dining room, get a bay leaf. (A bag of bay leaves).
25. If you want to be strong, like a genie, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot).
26. Don't drip on your neighbor, And win a napkin. (Napkin).
27. Today you are not a hero of the day, a laurel crown does not shine for you, you better accept from us (Bay leaf bag).
28. Something will not happen to you, This item will come in handy for you. (Condom).
29. So that you could keep money, We hand you a wallet. (Wallet).
30. We give you a piece of calico, you can marry again. (Handkerchief).
31. Somehow not even cleverly, but now for you (Carrot).
32. And you are "in the juice", in the prime of life! Among your friends you have no equal! (Juice bag).
33. Do not be bored in the evenings - fragrant drink you (Tea).
34. Soccer ball substitute. (Old tin can).
35. Will help you remember the subject of bygone childhood years. (Empty).
36. Lottery is not a snag, Here's a tablecloth for you. (Oilcloth).
37. A trifle, but nice. (A handful of small coins).
38. You will receive a rusty nail, I ask you not to be angry, After all, even the most rusty nail in the household will come in handy. (Nail).
39. You won a spoon, Go eat a little. (Wooden spoon).
40. If suddenly a child cries, you must calm him down, beckon him with a rattle and make him shut up. (Beanbag).
41. Portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).
42. This prize went to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Nuts, bagels or crackers).
43. Antique hanger. (Nail).
44. Vessel for drinking strong drinks. (Thimble).
45. Comrade, believe, hope and wait, your win is ahead.
46. ​​Wanted to win a flashlight. You only got the ball. (Balloon).
47. The yacht fell on this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
48. For a very close shave The tool will come in handy. (Blade).
49. Moths ate tulle yesterday, torn to pieces to the point of pain, we give in return (package) - there is nothing else!
50. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will ride me on it. (Machine).
51. Get it, hurry up, you - a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook).
52. There is no more practical gain, Than a bag for garbage. (Trash bag).
53. While the boss is "removing shavings" from us, Calmly brew a mug of tea! (Mug).
54. You don't have striped pants, But you have a cigarette. (Cigarettes).
55. Why should you have a wallet, put money in a bag. (Plastic bag).
56. For the heart awaits you delight - A big increase in salary! (Yogurt "Delight").
57. For good people, nothing is a pity, Get it as soon as possible, comrade, (Rope).
58. Imported hair dryer "Roventa" with a nozzle. (Comb).
59. You won not a penny, but a real one (Ruler).
60. And for dessert we have. There is a pill for you. (Vitamins).
61. We give you (a notebook), there was something to write on.
62. And big love awaits you And kisses all year round! (A set of dish sponges).
63. You are our welcome guest. You as a gift (Valuable nail).
64. For your sweet smile, presented to us now, We hand you this (Button), let it please you.
65. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you forgot your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (Pen).
66. Come on, pretty little friend, get it (Pie).
67. There is no typewriter, we offer this item. (Kernel).
68. So that the cap does not blow away with the wind, here's a gift for you (Clip).
69. This ball will stop a baby from crying. (Balloon).
70. Straight from the department store (Toilet paper).

All those present are given lottery tickets and with numbers from 1 to (how many guests at the wedding), it is possible to sell a certain price of lottery tickets to everyone. The wedding host calls the number, invites the lucky one to come out and reads a joyful phrase aloud.

Texts Wedding Lottery №1

Attention attention!
Please get tickets
Win-win lottery
Starts to entertain!

And huge love awaits you And kisses all year round! (Set of dish sponges)
And you are in the juice, in the prime of life! Among your friends you have no equal! (Juice bag)
And for dessert, we have a pill for you. (Vitamins)
And this decoration is just a feast for the eyes. (Beads from paper clips).
Eat bananas and coconuts And expect rewards from fate! (Banana)
Read a souvenir for your tender eyes. (fairy tales)
You are the best, you will be convinced, a glass is for you, get drunk. (Glass of vodka)
You do not need to get excited, mustard will calm you down. (Mustard)
You (postcard) came across, as we hoped.
You are desperately lucky to get (a sandwich).
You would like a piano, And got a calendar. (Calendar)
You got a flower rose, He does not wither from the frost. (Rose)
Your win is quite rare, You are joyful, there is no doubt, You got not three candies, But three pieces of candy.
Your winnings are special, You will read about everything in the newspaper in the newspaper. (Newspaper)
Your winnings are like manna from heaven, you got a piece of bread. (Slice of bread)
In the evenings, do not miss the fragrant drink you (tea).
(Notepad) is a trifle, but this is what you wanted.
Give this book to your future baby. (Children's book)
Household vacuum cleaner. (Broom).
Anything happens in life and it can also happen, if you wet your reputation somewhere, (clothespin) will help dry it out.
In life, you need to keep hope for the best, take Clay, in case it doesn’t stick in life. (Glue)
Get this tube as a gift, so that any tooth sparkles in the sun! (Paste)
Pour into this glass and drink quietly. (Disposable cup)
You got this soap, so that you wash your hands cleaner. (Soap)
We give you (a notebook), there was something to write on.
A thing that never goes out of fashion. (Laces)
Perhaps you have lathered to run away, But it is your lot to continue your work! (Soap)
Here's a ticket, so a ticket, don't rummage in the rooms, Consider that there is no winning, cry and calm down. (Handkerchief)
I will not refuse (kefir) for any specific blessings of the world.
Come on, pretty little friend, get it (pie).
Oh, what a fine fellow you are, get a light blue candy. (Chupa Chups)
Small business printing. (Eraser).
There is no typewriter, we offer this item. (Kernel)
Lucky for you: kiss the neighbor on the right!
While the head is removing shavings from us, Normally brew a mug of tea! (Mug)
Enjoy, my friend, you got a little (three sweets).
Receive your winnings quickly as a gift (balloon.)
Take your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you get this thing, hire me for a ride. (Machine).
We give you a piece of chintz, again you have the opportunity to marry. (Handkerchief)
It's a matter of life, as they say, this thing may be needed. (Cork).
Delight awaits you for your heart Huge salary increase! (Yogurt Delight)
For good people, nothing is a pity, Get it as soon as possible, comrade, (rope).
Dear comrade, take (candy), Just don't eat it yourself, treat your neighbor.
If there is a first aid kit in the house, then a candle is also needed. (Candle)
If the child suddenly starts crying, you must calm him down, beckon him with a rattle and force him to be silent. (Beanbag)
Success awaits you now, Get your nut. (Walnut)
For your sweet smile, presented to us at the moment, We hand you this (button), let it please you.
Football substitute. (An old tin can).
Why do you have a wallet, put money in a bag. (Plastic bag)
Evil lottery future, Clothespin only given to you. (Pin)
Here's a lighter for you, use it, it's not a pity. (Matchbox).
You will become cheerful and energetic, And therefore the whole year will pass excellently! (Coffee)
You won a spoon, Go eat a little. (Wooden spoon)
You won not a penny, but a real (line.)
You forget for a minute how much this joke costs. It is said in advance, dear attention. (Kiss neighbor).
You will receive a rusty nail, please do not be angry, because in addition, the most rusty nail in the household will be needed. (Nail)
You and your companion will not disappear under any circumstances, You will not come home hungry from any guests. (Spoon).
You are well versed in your work And you will be held in high esteem by us for a whole year. (Horseshoe)
I hand over the winnings boldly, consume it in business. (Paper).
Your win is yet to come, and you look at others for now. (Additional number).
Yes, your joyful ticket, keep it up (pencil).
In addition, the old man Koschei himself swept the dust from his ears. (Brush).
We give you toothpaste, so that you are toothy. (Toothpaste)
Imported Roventa hair dryer with nozzle. (Comb)
Somehow, besides, it was not skillful, but at the moment for you (carrot.)
At the time when you go for a walk, so that your trousers do not doze off, you need to have a steel pin with you. (Pin)
Don't be bored now, get Indian tea. (Pack of Indian tea)
Moths ate tulle a day ago, they were torn to pieces, we instead give (package) nothing else!
Walking with a haircut will become beautiful, Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo)
They wanted to win a flashlight. You got only a ball. (Balloon)
Though people say, As if vodka is poison. We give you a glass of poison as a prize. (glass of vodka)
Although they call you not Thekla, But you got beets. (Beet)
Although this cream is inedible, But the smell is simply inimitable! (coconut cream)
This thing is needed for lovers of intimacy. (Candle).
This book is not more responsible, Only you are a writer in it. (Notebook).
This ball will stop a baby from crying. (Balloon).
The yacht fell on this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
Who will take a can of beer, Live a whole year happily! (Beer)
Who is the happiest of all among us? Get this basin. (Taz)
The lottery is not a snag, Here's a tablecloth for you. (Oilcloth)
A trifle, but nice. (Handful of small coins).
Well done for playing, Get two Ferraris. (Children's cars)
Don't get sick, be strong, we give you pills.
Do not be sad, dear friend, your souvenir is already here. (Icon).
Do not be sad, do not grieve, Get up, kiss your neighbor. (Kiss neighbor)
Don't be mad at us, my friend, You'll need boxes. (Matchbox)
You bought the unfortunate ticket, present us with a fine of 50 rubles for diapers.
You don't have striped trousers, But you have a cigarette. (Cigarettes)
Taking this present, think a little, maybe you forgot your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (Pen).
Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook, write poetry. (Notebook)
It will help you find an object in your memory in the distant past of past childhood years. (Empty).
Is it clear to you what the essence of the gift is? Life will be fun and bright! (Felt pens)
Portrait of the most beautiful person. (Mirror).
Because you got a chocolate bar, then you will not be bitter, it will be sweet! (Chocolate)
At the end of the glass, have a bite to eat. It is extremely important. Here you have a paper napkin instead of a sleeve. (Paper napkin)
There is no more practical gain, Than a garbage bag. (Trash bag)
We'll have to live, the work of grief, And forget about the days of the calendar! (Calendar)
Now you will have to take a child, so that there is someone to suck on a pacifier. (Pacifier)
The prize was given to you to gnaw at in the evenings. (Nuts, bagels or crackers).
Accept this (button) and walk around the world with pleasure.
A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope).
Stretch out your hand. Get an onion head. (Onion)
Let your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (Candle)
Let the smile of the bride suddenly touch your eyes, and a good mood will not leave you anymore.
Since you are not at the desk, You will need cards in life. (Card deck)
Something will not happen to you, You will need this item. (Condom)
If you want to be rich, be rich. (Wallet).
If you want to be strong, like a genie, get a vitamin, brother. (Carrot).
In order for the jug to be full, you need (a lid).
To write down where the pay went, you will need this pen! (Pen)
To save you from torment, We won a hand cream. (Hand cream)
In order not to eat you in the dining room, get a bay leaf. (Sachet with bay leaf)
So that the wind does not blow off the cap, here's a gift for you (paperclip).
In order to determine the income, a notepad will come in handy. (Notebook)
So that you have the opportunity to keep money, We hand you a wallet. (Wallet)
In order for the hair to be in order, You will need a potholder. (Scrunchy).
In order to look cool, we give you a limousine. (Children's car)
So that your teeth do not hurt, brush them at least once a week. (Toothbrush)
In order to have a very clean shave, you will need a tool. (Blade)
Open your mouth wider, a skein of papers for you. (Toilet paper)
With a dream of a lack, run around the whole city, but you will rarely meet (paper napkin.)
Make a smart face, you won the egg. (Kinder Surprise)
Now you are not the hero of the day, the laurel crown does not shine for you, you better accept from us (Laurel page bag.)
Vessel for the consumption of strong drinks. (Thimble).
Means for countering pets. (Velcro for flies).
Antique hanger. (Nail).
Washing machine Baby. (Soap in the soap dish).
The future took a quitrent from you, for the delivery of matches boxes. (Matches)
Happiness fell into your hands, you got a huge apple. (Apple)
Happiness is in your hands. You got two potatoes. (Two potatoes)
Comrade, believe, keep hope and expect, your victory is ahead.
Whoever receives this candle will have to travel the world! (Candle)
You are a tough nut to crack, so good luck awaits you! (peanut)
You do not drip on a neighbor, And win a napkin. (Napkin)

Texts Wedding Lottery №2

1. We open the lottery -
Be satisfied with us.
We announce the holiday with a ring -
Ring the bell yourself! (Bell.)

2. Dishes break - expect good luck!
During those moments, no one cries.
You do not be sad and do not be shy,
And only for happiness beat the saucer! (Saucer.)

3. In life, everything is not uncommon,
What will happen - who knows
So you trust us:
You need a thermos! (Thermos.)

4. We have one such prize -
You got Vaseline.
So that you do not go to the pharmacy,
Give a man a ruble! (Petrolatum.)

5. We are not too lazy to give gifts!
Our dear guest, do not lose weight!
When the dark day comes,
Eat and get healthy! (Swift noodles

6. Friends and girlfriends rejoice,
On the ears is the city of Kurgan,
Let's drink a full mug for love,
But, needless to say, more ergonomic - a glass! (Cup.)

7. Our fiance has been to many places,
He noticed a large number and identified a large number.
So that your flight schedule is busy,
We give you a globe - from the newlyweds! (Globe.)

8. There is a circumstance for the reward,
We have good news:
This penknife
Allow me to present. (Perochinny

9. You are a reliable passenger,
Here's a brush for you.
But she went up in price
Give me a ruble first! (Clothes brush.)

10. You will need to give for the future
This razor.
It's expensive, you know
Give me a ruble and take it! (Shaver.)

11. You are not deprived of fate -
Here are the stars and shoulder straps.
Take two of them,
Give me a ruble a piece! (Stars on
shoulder straps.)

12. We give you free of charge -
Let happiness not be unsteady -
We give powder
What for a cheerful smile. (Dentifrice.)

13. You, guest, do not regret the ruble,
Whatever the failure awaits,
Everything will be ok
You will be warm and dry. (Obi gasket.)

14. You are the most awarded guest,
You win, my friend
We give you Pokemon,
He's also a keychain! (Keychain.)

15. We have such a thing,
That in the darkness, like the sun, shines!
Substitute your pen -
Nice bracelet for you! (Bracelet.)

16. Oh, envy all the guests,
For the game, it goes without saying, dice
We give you a cube.
Only again we expect the ruble! (Dice.)

17. I will give you free of charge
This tinted balm. /
Remember our wedding
And change the color. (Tint balm.)

18. Galina Blanca sends her regards.
We do not believe that there is no money:
Hurry ruble let's
And take your soup! (Bouillon cube.)

19. Hurry up to the lucky one,
Ask him for a pepper.
In case he gives you
Don't forget to give a ruble! (A pack of peppers.)

20. There is liquid on alcohol,
It is possible to smell, but not to eat.
The youth chose
Due to the fact that the ruble was expected. (Nail polish remover.)

21. Warm greetings to you from the distant taiga.
What a pity that there are no nuts in the present.
But still you are satisfied with us -
Buy your own nuts! (Pine cone.)

22. You will be ready for battle:
There are pills for mosquitoes.
They will allow you to doze off normally in the summer,
You are happy and we are happy. (Mosquito pills.)

23. You, dear guest, are not at a loss -
We want to give you threads.
Don't waste your time
Whom do you want to hook up! (Threads.)

24. We have one such prize -
Multi-colored plasticine!
What do you want, sculpt
Just pay a ruble! (Plasticine.)

25. We do not mind giving prizes -
All because the guests are good!
Get the rope -
We give for free, from the heart! (Jump rope.)

26. To drink wine more often,
Grapes need to be grown
It's so hard to do it...
Take a small sprout! (Bunch of grapes.)

27. I continue the lottery,
I hand over the tennis ball,
Give me only a ruble -
Sports equipment is invariably in price!
(Tennis ball.)

28. We know you need a present,
It's also on wheels!
Accept it from the heart
But for the wheels - pay extra! (Toy on

Texts Wedding Lottery №1

A bottle of vodka
Your present is super class,
So don't worry.
You have a bottle from us
Smell, enjoy!

bridal bouquet package
Kohl will be called to the wedding,
Once, and you're ready.
Get it right here
There is a bag of flowers.

Carbon paper
Please don't be surprised
You have a copy from us.
in our time at night try,
you will have twins.

Candy box
There is no better gift
You have a box of chocolates.
Only you got into a mess
We chewed sweets a day ago.

Screw the prize on the bangs
And get your hair done.
And men, I know
They themselves will lie in piles.

Massage brush
To make the suitor happy
We give you a massager.
Lead them back and forth
And please the boyfriend.

Men's oversized briefs
And you're supposed to be lucky
The big man will find you.
If there is no bridegroom,
Two bags will come out beautiful.

Medical gloves
When you go to work
Feel free to wear gloves.
If our prize will help,
Give us half.

You are a good boy
You have a rod as a gift.
You took no damage
Good at self defense.

You took tenaciously as a gift
Here, at the wedding, don't yawn.
We hand you a clothespin
At least grab someone.

Clock face
This is an antique.
Your present dial.
We give it from the heart,
We don't know where to get the arrows!

Plastic bag
And there is no better gift
than a cellophane bag.
Get the prize sooner
And what do you want to take away!

So that impudent people would not climb,
Don't change your habits.
And instead of a lighter
You carry matches with you.

You seem to be sober at the moment,
But if you overdrink
With her in a boot in a difficult hour
You'll hit right.

They ate a lot, drank a lot.
This badge is well deserved.
You are a shock worker
Congratulations Tamada!

So that you do not live sweetly,
There is something for you.
Much needed item
Here's mustard in a tube!

wedding cake piece of cake
You are lucky, my friend
Here's a piece of cake for you.
Don't leave it for later
As food becomes more expensive

suddenly get rich
You don't have an envelope.
We want to give it to you
You will keep money.

Suddenly with light tension
To put on a skirt
You will need a candle.
Give us at least two grand.

Our present without a lack
Natural blush.

For amorous for comfort
We need our walnut.
He will add strength to you,
Will add pleasure.

Here, for complete beauty
Imported watches.
We give them to you from the bottom of our hearts,
And they go, no, we don’t know!
The prize went to you
So we'll pay extra.
Because you are not happier.
We are expecting five thousand at the moment!