Travel suitcase on wheels how to choose. Metal and leather suitcases. Suitcase locks and zippers

The impression of the trip largely depends on the right suitcase! Which better fit for vacation, and which one for business trip? What is more reliable fabric or plastic? How many wheels does a durable suitcase have? Read all about it below!

How to choose the size?

The size of the suitcase is selected based on the duration of the trip and the amount of things you need. For holidays by the sea, shopping abroad and for a business trip, one size does not fit! How to choose the right suitcase? We tell.

Small suitcase (height up to 59cm) is suitable for a short trip or a business trip. Please note that small suitcases may fit the size of hand luggage (40x55x20) or be larger than the established dimensions. In the latter case, you will have to check it in as luggage.

Important! If you plan to take your suitcase on board an aircraft, make sure that it does not contain any items that are not allowed in carry-on baggage. For example, nail scissors or liquid.

Average suitcase (height up to 70cm) - optimal solution for one person on a trip for 1-2 weeks or maybe for two if you take a minimum of things with you or go for 3-4 days.

Big a suitcase (height up to 80cm) is useful for a family vacation, it will fit the things of all family members! A large suitcase will also be useful for overseas shopping. Such suitcases are distinguished by a capacity of up to 120 liters, which is quite enough to take away the entire seasonal wardrobe!

Important! If you go to the sea with a child, in addition to one large one, you can also buy a small children's suitcase. Such a purchase will teach the baby independence and will allow you to take your favorite toys, games and other important things with you.

A very large suitcase (height over 80 cm) will hold the things of the whole family, it will be convenient for sea cruises and when packing things for moving.

Important! Some airlines allow suitcases no more than 158 cm in size by the sum of the measurements of the sides. Therefore, if you plan to travel by plane, it is better to take 2 medium suitcases or a set of "medium and large".

What to choose plastic or fabric?

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, from fabric and from plastic they have the same strength and reliability. What is more convenient for you is up to you!

Plastic suitcases hold their shape very well. Bringing a fragile item in a plastic suitcase is much more likely than in a fabric suitcase. Hard cases are made from different types plastic. Suitcases made of polycarbonate, polypropylene and unique material Curv®. Plastic suitcases are great for air travel!

fabric suitcases have external pockets that can perfectly fit a magazine, tickets and maybe even a bulky outerwear. With a fabric suitcase, the things you need on the road will always be "at hand" and you do not have to open the main compartment. Fabric suitcases - convenient option luggage for traveling by train or by car.

Choosing the best wheels

Wheels are the most vulnerable part of a suitcase, so when choosing a suitcase, the wheel system must be given Special attention. As you know, there are suitcases on 2 and 4 wheels.

2 wheeled trolley suitcases have high cross-country ability: such a suitcase will pass both on the pavement and on the smooth floor of the airport. A significant disadvantage of 2-wheel models is that approximately 1/3 of the weight of such a suitcase will fall on your hand. Owners of large suitcases will especially feel this.

4 wheeled suitcases are designed for the most comfortable travel. Rolling such a suitcase, even when loaded, is really easy on any smooth surface: on the airport floor and flat roads, but moving on pavements will be a real test of strength! But in Lately manufacturers have significantly improved 4-wheel systems by making double wheels. Such suitcases can be carried both on 2 and on 4 wheels.

Zipper or snaps

Lightning have been in use for several decades. Closing a suitcase with a zipper is convenient, quick and familiar. Many models have built-in combination locks that securely lock the tongues. This design makes it easy to close and quickly open the suitcase.

Latches- another option for closing the suitcase. Such models have a frame that makes the body of the suitcase more durable. When closed, the suitcases are practically airtight: both in light rain and in a tropical downpour, your things will be in in perfect order! One of the latches usually has a combination lock that will allow the suitcase to be used as a safe. This will be convenient, for example, if there is no safe in the rooms or for a child at a summer camp.

Important! Choose a lock with a TSA function, this will allow your suitcase to comply with baggage regulations in a number of countries with strict customs control.

Internal organization

The internal organization of the suitcase can be standard and improved.

IN standard organization you will find straps to secure things, a divider and possibly a zippered pocket. With such an internal organization, you will additionally need clothes bags, a cosmetic bag and other items for practical packing.

How to choose a suitcase for air travel? What suitcase to choose for the plane? What material should it be from so that the movers transport company didn't damage it? What is the optimal size and number of wheels?

Choose a suitcase for an airplane - not an easy task! It is necessary to take into account many nuances, and so that the suitcase is really convenient to use, and that it remains intact after the flights. We have compiled for you several criteria that will help you choose a suitcase for air travel.

1. The most reliable option for an airplane is one that does not need to be checked in. According to international standards, the dimensions of the suitcase are 40x55x20 cm. At the same time, if the suitcase has an increase of several centimeters, then it will most likely not be allowed into the cabin of the aircraft when unfolded. But a suitcase with such dimensions, to put it mildly, is not roomy. It is suitable for a business trip for a couple of days, and even then not for everyone.

Therefore, if you decide to choose a full-fledged roomy travel suitcase that you have to check in as luggage, then you need to pay attention to:

  • type and quality of material,

  • manufacturer.

2. Today, the most reliable material for the production of luggage is curv material. Curv suitcases were crushed by trucks, scratched with knives, and even an elephant was planted on them. They survived everything! You can watch the test video below, and on the official channel on Youtube there are others interesting videos on this topic.

The only downside to these suitcases is the price. They are really cheap! But progress does not stand still and there is worthy alternative. Read below.

3. Polypropylene suitcases. Polypropylene is a tough plastic that can withstand the most cruel treatment. In general, for the airport it's the best! In addition, polypropylene suitcases are often made with latches rather than zippers, which makes it airtight and waterproof. In addition, hard plastic is practically not subject to deformation. Such a suitcase can be carried empty without fear for its body. Outside, the walls of polypropylene suitcases are often covered with specials. anti-scratch coating to preserve the presentation. For example, Samsonite Aeris suitcases are made of polypropylene.

4. Polycarbonate suitcases. The polycarbonate used to make suitcases is most often a flexible plastic. It bends and springs perfectly, which allows it to withstand bumps and falls. At the same time, he is quite capable of protecting fragile things, which, for fidelity, are still better to pack well, or at least put among the clothes, and not directly under the lid. Outside, the flaps of such suitcases are also covered with special. anti-scratch coating. Makrolon brand polycarbonate is especially appreciated.

The only drawback is that such a suitcase needs to be filled entirely. To avoid deformation of the body.

5. When choosing a suitcase for an airplane, it is important to pay attention to the wheel system. Choose a suitcase with double wheels or a suitcase with slightly larger rear wheels than the front ones. Such suitcases can be rolled both on 2 and on 4 wheels.

  1. Evaluate the volume of the suitcase and its: how does the manufacturer's reputation match the declared price? Is this suitcase suitable for you? Choose a suitcase in such a way that you do not have to carry several more bags with things that do not fit in it.

  2. Pay attention to the material from which the suitcase is made. synthetic fabric made of nylon and polyester fibers is not afraid of moisture, dirt and scratches (it is advisable to buy a suitcase with water-repellent impregnation). Suitcases made of plastic with metal chips have a high frame strength, but the material itself is afraid of scratches. But plastic with titanium chips is not afraid of bumps, scratches, or others. mechanical damage. Elegant leather suitcases, which look the most presentable, are much less practical - firstly, they are considered the heaviest, and secondly, the skin can easily be torn or scratched.

  3. Do not buy a suitcase whose wheels are on the axle. Each wheel should rotate independently of the other, and suitcases with four wheels are rightfully considered the most practical. It is best to choose a suitcase equipped with a locking brake: in this case, you do not have to worry that the suitcase may roll away from you somewhere. The wheels of the suitcase should be metal, as all-plastic wheels are less reliable.

  4. Models can be very different, but one of the most important features each model is the location and quality of the handles. In most cases, suitcases are equipped with one telescopic retractable handle and two fabric or plastic handles. Therefore, when choosing a suitcase, check how each of them "lies in your hand." Fabric handles need to be reinforced metal rivets and stitched with strong nylon threads, and telescopic handle during transportation, be completely immersed in the case - in this case, it will not break.

  5. Pay attention to zippers and other fasteners: it is preferable to choose suitcases with plastic zippers, as they are much more resistant to temperature than metal ones. The wider the clasp, the better: a secure clasp with a width of at least 8 mm.

  6. Take a close look at the locks: how secure are they? By the way, in expensive and quality models suitcases usually have several locks: one of them is a combination, and the others are locked with a key. When buying a suitcase with a combination padlock, play it safe and immediately purchase a couple of similar padlocks in reserve. If the attachment breaks, you can always spare it.

Suitcases on wheels have become for almost everyone indispensable assistants on any trip. But their rich assortment presented in stores can make you confused - which option to prefer.


First of all, decide on the size. A large one (more than 70 centimeters and a volume of 100 liters or more) is suitable for a family trip so that there is no need for several small ones. These have a big plus - they are equipped with the most durable handles, as they assume heavy.

suitcase material

Travel bags can be solid (plastic, wood, metal; with vinyl, leather coated) and soft fabric, in most cases covering part of the frame with the mounting plates of the structure. Rigid versions of suitcases better keep things intact (they do not get wet, do not beat). In addition, they themselves will not tear, and look solid. Such suitcases may have a combination lock that increases the safety of the contents.

However, more things fit in soft suitcases, which is an important point when traveling. plastic model impossible to compress, it will not swell. But a cloth suitcase is more spacious, because it can be compressed and fastened. Some models of suitcases with soft sides can expand slightly due to the presence of a zippered insert. In these inserts, you can safely place things purchased on a trip. Such models are easy to place under the seat, on the luggage rack. Their disadvantage is a lower degree of strength and protection of the contents.

Suitcases with wheels

The presence of wheels helps to protect the bottom of the suitcase from damage. There may be two or four. The four-wheeled version is more manoeuvrable, but also more prone to damage, as the wheels protruding forward can break off during transportation. It is better to give preference to models with two rubber or covered wheels that can be hidden inside.

Suitcase clasps

Fasteners can be looped and notched. The former are able to withstand quite a strong pressure of an overflowing suitcase. The latter are even more durable because they are either metal or plastic. But if the loop lock spreads, it is possible to fasten it again, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to fix the toothed fastener.

suitcase handles

The suitcase must have a firmly fixed retractable handle designed to roll luggage. It is better if it is thick and powerful. For hand wear

The first thing you need to do is to choose the things that you will really need on the trip. Do not take those things that you can do without.

Have you chosen everything you need? Let's start styling. Most The best way put things in a suitcase - roll them into a roller. Thus, they do not wrinkle and take up a minimum of space.

To roll a thing into a roller, turn it inside out. Then fold the sleeves towards the center. Fold the item lengthwise and twist into a roller. With trousers and jeans, things are easier. Just fold them in half and twist. These rollers should be placed on the bottom of the suitcase.

The pleated skirt will not wrinkle if you pack it in kapron stocking. To do this, put your hand into the stocking, grab the skirt through it and straighten the stocking over the skirt like a cover.

Lay hygiene items on the rollers of clothes. However, those items that you may need on the road are best placed in a side pocket or in a small bag that you will not check in your luggage.

The roller method is not suitable for light silk shirts, blouses and dresses. It is better to roll them up neatly and lay them last on the very top. Short skirts and shorts can not be folded at all. Just spread them on top of other things.

In order not to deform the shoes, put twisted socks in it. We fold the shoes toe to heel. We put each pair in a separate bag.

Do not stuff your suitcase to capacity to avoid unpleasant situations.

Happy travels!

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Two clear benefits fabric suitcases- lower price and the presence of external pockets, in which you can put the little things you need during the trip, and souvenirs bought at the last moment before leaving.

plastic suitcases usually more durable than fabric ones, they do not get wet and are easy to clean: just wipe with a cloth. Thanks to the solid case in a plastic suitcase, you can fearlessly transport fragile items.

2. Choose the right size

  • small suitcase(height up to 59 cm) suitable for a short trip for a few days.
  • Medium suitcase(height up to 70 cm) - ideal for a trip of one person for 2 weeks or two, but for 7 days.
  • Large suitcase(height 70–80 cm) - the choice for long trips for two or even three with a small child.
  • Very large suitcase(height over 80 cm) - family travel companion. However, with such a suitcase you can only move on water or land.

life hack: luggage scales will help you find out exact weight suitcases during the collection and properly distribute things if necessary.

3. The right wheels are very important.

Suitcases are two-wheeled and four-wheeled. When you roll a suitcase on two wheels, a quarter of its weight falls on your hand. It will be difficult to carry a bulky suitcase.

Suitcases on four wheels are light and manoeuvrable: each wheel is mounted on a separate axle and can rotate 360 ​​degrees. But he will be able to drive only on a relatively flat surface: on uneven areas he will have to lift it. By the way, remember that you can not lift a loaded suitcase by the retractable handle.

Olga Stepanova

Reading time: 10 minutes


It would seem - well, what is easier than buying a suitcase? I chose the most beautiful one for myself, and that's it, and the lady with the suitcase! But it was not there! After all, choosing a suitcase is a whole science! It is important not to make a mistake with the size and volume, to provide for all important points, guess with the choice of material, number of wheels and even with locks.

The main thing is not to panic! We will tell you how not to make a mistake with the choice, and which suitcase will be the most convenient on the trip!

Travel suitcase sizes and ideal weight

One of the key parameters for choosing a suitcase is, of course, its size. Mostly the Russian range of these products is represented by foreign brands, therefore, as a rule, the English system of measures is used, and the size travel suitcase It is determined precisely by inches and diagonally.

Video: Choosing a suitcase for travel!

Choose the size of the suitcase in height and in inches:

  • S (height< 60 см; вместительность < 50 л). A good option"light" for hand luggage. In such a suitcase you can put a pair of shoes and a cosmetic bag, a favorite book, a set of souvenirs for loved ones. Suitable for children, teenagers. Average measurements are 16-20 inches (height: 48-54 cm, width: 30-40 cm, depth: 20-22 cm). The 20-inch 45L product is the most popular suitcase.
  • M (height< 70 см; вместительность < 90 л). Most popular size. Perfect option for the tourist who takes with him the essentials. Dimensions: 24 inches (height - 65 cm, width - 42 cm, depth - 24 cm).
  • L (height > 70 cm; capacity< 120 л). Large suitcase for family vacation. Size: 28 inches (height - 72 cm, width - 44 cm, depth - 26 cm).
  • XL (height > 80 cm; capacity< 180 л). This huge suitcase is suitable or cruising. It will easily fit the things of the whole family.

On a note:

Do not forget that dimensions can vary by 3-5 cm +/-, and the “displacement” of a suitcase often depends on the brand and manufacturer.

For example, the capacity of small suitcases can be 30 liters and 49, and medium ones - from 50 liters.

And be sure pay attention to weight- especially if you are flying by plane (the weight of a suitcase is not limited by anything only when it is independently transported by train or car, and airlines have restrictions on Weight Limit suitcases).

Video: How to choose a suitcase?

The choice of suitcases according to the material - fabric, plastic, leather?

What material is the best suitcase made of? Of course, leather and fabric are more pleasant. But also plastic models are quite attractive.

The advantages and disadvantages of luggage products, which we will discuss below, will help you navigate:

fabric suitcase

Convenient for train and car travel. Of the most wear-resistant fabrics - polyamide, nylon and polyester.


  • The cheapest - when choosing a suitcase according to the material.
  • Light weight.
  • Existence of external capacious pockets.
  • Doesn't break on impact.
  • Sometimes it has the function of increasing the volume due to the large external pocket.


  • Poorly protects fragile items inside the suitcase.
  • Can get wet and leak in the rain (requires purchase of a cover).
  • Deformed.
  • Difficult to wash after the road.

plastic suitcase

The suitcase is good for transporting fragile items in small quantities.

Modern models are made of high-strength plastic, but they are more expensive.


  • Relatively lightweight.
  • Things inside are protected from shock and rain.
  • Easy to wash.


  • There are scratches on the surface. To protect against them, you will have to get a cover.
  • Can shatter on impact.

Leather suitcase

Good for business travel.


  • Attractive, solid appearance. Status item!
  • Not afraid of moisture.
  • Easy care.


  • High price.
  • Subject to scratches.
  • Too heavy.

Video: Crash test suitcases

A suitcase with or without wheels - the pros and cons of both

When choosing a suitcase for a vacation, be sure to check the wheels. This is one of the most important selection criteria!

With broken wheels, even the most beautiful and durable suitcase will not see overseas countries and luxury hotels - it will go to the mezzanine or immediately to the trash heap.

Save your nerves and money - check the wheels right away:

  1. Number of wheels. The suitcase with 4 wheels is designed for riding on flat roads. Pros - long term service, easy control, good maneuverability. Pluses of a 2-wheeled suitcase: higher passability. Minus - the wheels break quickly, low maneuverability, you can only roll in an inclined state.
  2. Material: silicone wheels (silent, soft, but burst from the load and uneven roads), plastic (noisy, brittle, unreliable), rubber (silent, most reliable).
  3. Wheel size. Of course, 2 solid wheels will be more passable, recessed into the body and not protruding beyond it. It is recommended to choose a product with independent wheel mounting (metal and seated on metal bearings).

A suitcase without wheels is certainly cheaper, but it is extremely inconvenient on any trip.

Checking the suitcase handles:

  • Side and top handles (optional) are needed for more comfortable lifting of the suitcase. Telescopic - for moving the product along the road.
  • Handles must be made of dense material and with additional rivets or screws screwed into the body of the suitcase.
  • Availability retractable handle- one of the main advantages.

Telescopic handle selection criteria:

  1. Tight fastening.
  2. Multiple extension positions.
  3. The absence of extraneous sounds when pulling out and “hanging out” in the suitcase.
  4. In the closed position, the handle must be 100% buried in the body.
  5. The ideal material is metal.

Having chosen a suitcase, roll it by the handle around the store: check the height of the handle, the comfort when rolling the suitcase

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Suitcase and travel safety - how to choose a reliable suitcase?

When choosing a suitcase, do not forget about additional criteria:

  • Looking for reliable lightning! The ideal option is wide (approx. - from 1 cm), dense, with huge teeth and plastic. Choose the spiral teeth, the most reliable (tractor ones break faster). It is good if the zipper is also rubberized, with moisture protection.
  • Lock. Mounted is considered more practical, but it is not very reliable, and the key is often lost. The combination lock is more reliable, but if it breaks or the code is lost, you will have to spoil the suitcase or take it to a service center. The ideal option is a combined one, with both locks, and a combination lock with the TSA system.
  • Inner space. practical and quality suitcase has several compartments, small pockets with waterproof lining (for documents), a double bottom and special fasteners that keep things inside in case of accidental opening of the suitcase. Check if the gasket is of good quality inside, it should be made of thick fabric, without curved seams.
  • Additional emphasis. This option will protect the suitcase from falling. The additional emphasis can be stationary or retractable.

Also may be useful:

  1. Additional strap.
  2. Cover to protect the suitcase from scratches and moisture.
  3. Bright ribbon for the pen and an address tag - so as not to confuse your suitcase with someone else's.

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To summarize - so what kind of suitcase will make your travels easy and enjoyable?

So, we have studied the criteria for choosing a suitcase, and it remains only to sum up and determine - what is it, that very ideal travel suitcase?

  • For a short trip with a minimum of things on a plane to a country with smooth roads, an 18-inch suitcase with 4 wheels, with a plastic or leather case and silicone wheels, is suitable.
  • For a long vacation with the whole family when traveling by car better choose big lungs 24" - 28" 2 wheel fabric suitcases with expandable external pocket.

Most best suitcase has rubber wheels, a solid wide zipper, a durable body and the most comfortable interior space.