We are going on a two day business trip. What to bring? Business trip wardrobe and business travel clothes

Business trips are an important part of the work of a huge number of people and an event for which you need to properly prepare so as not to be helpless in a strange place. If due to the type of activity you have to travel often, then it is better to make a basic list of things for a business trip in advance and supplement it as needed.

What to take on a trip in the first place? Things like passport, tickets, travel certificate, cash and bank cards should always be on the list. And, of course, business papers: contracts, commercial offers, etc. Don't forget the first aid kit too.

What to take on a business trip from food

It is not known in what "bearish corner" fate can bring a traveler. Therefore, when deciding what to take on a trip from food, it is worth arranging an emergency supply just in case, as well as a set of unbreakable dishes, a thermos and a boiler.

On the way, you can eat what you usually take with you on a train or plane: a piece of fried chicken, boiled eggs, smoked sausage sandwiches - everything that can be eaten in 1-2 times. Do not take perishable products. Also take at least a 1.5 liter bottle of drinking water - it is not known what the quality of the water is where you are going.

As a "pasture" in the absence of canteens and cafes, take canned food: stew, pate, condensed milk, squash caviar. Bread is likely to be found everywhere. And if not, dry biscuits, crackers, cereals will help you out. Be sure to take tea bags, sugar, salt, instant coffee. All this can be useful both in the outback and in a completely civilized place.

What to take on a business trip from clothes

It depends on the nature of the business trip and the time of year what to take on a trip from clothes. It is clear that if you are sent to the countryside or to a factory or an oil rig, the clothes should be appropriate: warm, protecting from rain and wind, shoes - strong and waterproof. If these are business negotiations in a large city, you will need business summer or winter suits, several matching shirts and ties, clean handkerchiefs, decent outerwear and hats, elegant shoes.

It is also important what your things will be folded into. Going to the field, you can put them in a backpack or travel bag, just keep money and documents with you. There are a lot of beautiful branded suitcases and bulky bags for men and women.

Flights, transfers, transfers, conferences, briefings… You will spend a significant part of your business trip in light stress and most likely in a sitting position.

Linen trousers and blouses made of thin silk will become wrinkled and look unpresentable after just one flight, so take only those things with you that you are sure of.

Consider doing small...

Most business trips are really boring work events, so you will have little time to change clothes, and perhaps even less desire.

One dress in the category between cocktail dress code and casual style will be enough. In the same way, in accessories it is quite possible to limit yourself to one bag for a flight and business visits, a silk scarf, sunglasses and headdress.

If, nevertheless, there is a prospect of entertainment, make sure with the help - three or four items in the composition of the neck jewelry, earrings and bracelet will easily fit in a suitcase and, if necessary, will play a festive couple even with a white shirt and a strict skirt.

…but don’t skimp on shoes

Three pairs of shoes will be enough if two of them meet the characteristic “I can easily spend the whole day on my feet in this pair”, and the third will be designed for extra-work activities: going to the beach, excursions to the mountains, visits to the theater or something then in this spirit.

Experience shows that if a business trip lasts no more than three days, then the number of clothes from ten items can be easily reduced to five, but it is better to leave the number the same. In the event that one pair deteriorates or catastrophically does not suit the theme of the event, finding a replacement for it will be much more difficult than buying one. strict dress instead of what was left in the luggage lost at the airport.

How do you usually go on a business trip? Share your opinion in the comments!

You got a new job interesting work and for the first time in your life you are going on a business trip? You are interested in the question - “What to take with you on a business trip?” We'll help you figure it out. For a comfortable pastime in a foreign city, you will need a number of things. the site gives advice on what you need to take with you on a business trip.

What to take on a business trip, a list

1. Documents

Going on a short or long business trip, do not forget to take your passport, travel certificate and travel tickets with you. If you carry with you the working documentation of the company (reporting papers, contracts, invoices), keep them in one place.
At work, before a business trip, it is worth discussing everything important nuances- whether a hotel room is booked, whether an attendant and others will meet on the spot.

What to take on a long business trip?

If a business trip is planned to another country, you must additionally take with you an international passport, driving license (if any), and possibly a visa.

2. Money

During your business trip you will need cash. Not recommended to bring a large sum. Leave some money on the card.

3. Clothes

No need to take too many wardrobe items on a business trip. Prepare only the essentials. To participate in a meeting (in the office), a conference, a man or woman will need business suit. Representatives of the stronger sex can put several changeable shirts and ties in a suitcase.

If the purpose of the business trip is to visit factories, agricultural lands, formal wear it will be completely inappropriate. You will need things that protect against adverse conditions, including climatic, as well as strong and comfortable shoes.

What to take on a business trip for three days?

For a comfortable stay in a hotel, hostel, you will need a change of clothes in which you will feel as comfortable as possible, several sets of socks, underwear.

If during a business trip there are negotiations at dinner, as well as going to social events, you will need evening dress. According to the rules business etiquette, regardless of the season, a woman should wear flesh-colored stockings or tights.

4. Hygienic and cosmetic accessories

On a business trip, you can’t do without soap, shampoo, toothpaste and brushes, shower gel, dry and wet, disposable wipes. Women will need cream, tonic, cosmetics. Men take accessories and shaving products with them on the trip.

5. Perfume

It's no secret that pleasantly smelling people endear themselves to those around them, evoke positive emotions in them. If you use good perfume you are guaranteed success. The interlocutor will be pleased to be in your company, to conduct business negotiations.

6. Medicines

On any trip, including business, you may need medicines. So that the disease does not take you by surprise, put aspirin, paracetamol, cold drops, sore throat lozenges in your travel bag. Pills for indigestion, painkillers, disinfectants will not interfere.

7. Food

If the road is long, you will want to eat and drink. Take a bottle of water, juice, soda, a thermos of tea with you. You can have a snack with sandwiches, cookies and chocolate. If a long flight is planned, they are fed on the plane. Getting to your destination by road, you can refresh yourself in the dining car, and order fragrant tea from the conductor. Food spoils quickly without proper storage conditions, so you should not take too much of it with you.

8. Travel bag (suitcase)

So that a business trip does not cause you a lot of trouble, buy a good one, quality suitcase. Not only will it not fall apart or warp on the road, it will also advantageously complement your business image.

Having decided what you need to take on a business trip, you should adhere to recommendations:

  • Show kindness to employees and business partners, be in a good mood.
  • Do not discuss personal topics and problems with colleagues at work, strangers.
  • Do not talk about the financial affairs of the company.

Keep in mind that business trip- these are not only “gray”, monotonous working days. It is also an opportunity to see another city, meet new people, visit interesting places.

When you travel abroad, you will unique opportunity learn the customs and traditions of other people. By correctly distributing your own time on a business trip, you can not only conclude a deal, but also have an excellent leisure time after negotiations.

Some people manage to successfully combine a business trip and leisure, sunbathe on the beach, swim in the sea and return to their hometown with positive impressions, emotions!

Have you ever had such a situation - you came to work, and they say that you urgently need to go on a business trip? A little background: a business trip is a business trip, usually to another city. Let's say you are sent to Novosibirsk.

On a business trip, you are paid for travel, hotel accommodation in Novosibirsk and daily expenses, i.e. expenses for food, travel around the city and other needs in a fixed amount determined by law.

And then the question immediately arises - how to quickly and correctly get ready for the road? Get ready to make your trip and business trip as convenient and efficient as possible.

Ideal for a business trip - one main bag or suitcase and a small bag or suitcase for documents and various small things. It is recommended to proceed from these volumes for things when collecting things on a business trip.

And now I propose to break everything you need into groups so as not to miss anything. On your next business trip to Novosibirsk, use this list and you will not forget important and necessary things.

1. Documents, money, tickets

Passport and travel certificate are the most important things on a business trip. In the travel certificate at the place of arrival, a mark is placed, at the end of the trip - a mark of departure. If there is no such mark, then the business trip will not be paid.

Money is simple, the more the better. For greater security, it is good to carry some of the money with you not in cash, but in a non-cash form on a card account.

Tickets - if you are going by train or flying by plane, then take care of the tickets in advance. Take tickets at once in both directions, so that on a business trip your head does not hurt from thinking about the way back.

2. Taxi, hotel

The hotel must be booked in advance so that when you arrive in the city, you have a place to stay. Today, some hotels in Novosibirsk offer online booking. For example, on the website of the River Park Hotel (www.riverpark.ru) there is a convenient service for ordering the apartments you need, indicating the date of arrival and departure. Also, hotel staff can meet you at the airport or railway station and arrange a city tour, thereby facilitating your stay in an unfamiliar city.

The list of things that you will need on a business trip always depends on the specific circumstances. In order to foresee everything and not forget anything, give the collection more time and attention. Do not rush to collect everything at once. Sit down to rest, relax and don't worry. Close your eyes and try to imagine every step of your future trip. After all, the more carefully you prepare, the more comfortable and enjoyable the trip will be.


The most necessary thing during a business trip is documents. First of all, put your passport, powers of attorney and travel certificate in a folder or briefcase. Don't forget about stationery. Take a notepad and two pens with you.

Health care

Take a small first aid kit with you just in case. Anything can happen in an unfamiliar city. Put in her minimum set medical preparations based on their individual characteristics and doctor's advice. On the road, you may need painkillers, such as aspirin, also take bandages, brilliant green and Activated carbon. Just in case, take some fermenting agent for the stomach. Unfamiliar food and excitement during the trip can cause pain and heaviness in the stomach.

Take only the essentials with you

Depending on the duration of the business trip and the time of year, the number of things in the suitcase and clothes in particular will depend. If you need to stay at the hotel for a week or more, please bring home clothes, bathrobe and slippers. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable sitting in a business suit all the time.

In any journey, money is the most important thing. In addition to cash, you may need a plastic card. In some cases, it is much more convenient to pay for it. In addition, put your phone, charger, laptop or tablet and camera in your bag.

What else might you need:
Mini iron. Not all hotels have an iron in the room, so you often have to contact the front desk or the service staff, which is not always convenient, especially if you need to go somewhere early in the morning or late in the evening.
Official suit or Cocktail Dress.
Hygiene products for women.
Cosmetic bag. Do not take a lot of cosmetics with you, because this is a business trip. Take a few basic skin care products and something from decorative cosmetics. Makeup remover, nail polish remover, dry shampoo, and hand cleaner may be helpful. Take all funds in small travel formats, so your suitcase will be lighter.
Small hairdryer. In hotels, it is sometimes absent.
Manicure scissors and nail file.
Lightweight foldable bag.
Vitamin C and cold remedies.
Universal adapter.
Laptop battery.