How to choose the right suitcase on wheels. How to buy a travel suitcase on wheels and not miscalculate - a guide to choosing and buying

A travel suitcase on wheels is an indispensable thing on various trips. One has only to feel the comfort and convenience that it gives, and you won’t be able to refuse. It is much more pleasant to roll a suitcase imposingly than, drenched in seven sweats, tear yourself under heavy bags or backpacks, cursing everything in the world.

Here are a few more benefits of this travel accessory. The suitcase is convenient to open when checking at the airport, train, plane. The organizer allows you to quickly find and carefully get any thing without having to search through the contents. A suitcase made of solid polycarbonate guarantees the safety of fragile things inside. On the extended telescopic handle, you can hang bags and packages so as not to hold them in your hands. The suitcase does not collect all kinds of dirt from the floor, it is easy to care for it.

Choosing and buying a travel suitcase on wheels is a responsible matter and requires a serious approach. After all, you can pay dearly for your frivolity - more expensive than you think. The central locking that broke and refused to fasten on the trip, the wheel that flew off, the handles that came off. Such situations can poison any vacation. And they are not at all uncommon. Especially if your suitcase is waiting for a strength test in the luggage compartments of airports, where they usually do not stand on ceremony with other people's property.

It should be noted right away that when buying a suitcase on wheels, the formula " what you pay is what you buy' only partly works. To get a decent bag that will last for many years, it is absolutely not necessary to lay out an amount for it that is commensurate with the cost of a top-end smartphone. This formula often fails: expensive suitcases, for which a round sum is paid, can let their owner down very big. So, what is important is not so much the price tag as a thoughtful approach to the choice.

To begin with, let's go through the main questions that the future owner of a suitcase on wheels must answer for himself. What are the main selection criteria?


As we all remember, “size matters”, and when choosing a travel suitcase, making a mistake with this very size is fraught. It can vary greatly: if the height of children's suitcases usually does not exceed 30-40 cm, then the height of their "big brothers" may well reach up to 80 cm. There is no universal option in the context of size. But there is a universal solution offered by most well-known manufacturers: buy a set of three suitcases of different heights.

To still decide which size to choose, you need to ask yourself the question: " For what purpose do you buy a travel suitcase?". Only you can answer - we will give only a few tips. The generally accepted selection criteria are as follows.

  • For short trips up to a week, a suitcase with a height of 55 cm (30 liters) is suitable.
  • If you are going on vacation or a long business trip, the best solution is to take a suitcase with a height of 65-70 centimeters (70 liters).
  • If the whole family goes on vacation, then a large suitcase with a height of 85 cm and a volume of 100 liters or more will help out.

Extra large suitcase

Such suitcases extra large bag) are limited to a height of 80 cm, a width of 50 cm, a depth of 30 cm and a volume of 100-110 liters. The usual weight of a high-quality suitcase of similar dimensions is about 5 kg, and the recommended weight with luggage is up to 40 kg.

There will be no problems with it either at the airport or on the bus - the suitcase will go into luggage. The only caveat: in most airlines, the maximum weight of one piece must not exceed 32 kg, and this will have to be monitored so as not to overpay.


  • The ability to take with you an exceptional number of things in the format of "one piece of baggage". No countless bags, packages and backpacks. In extra large, you can easily fit an adult. It is really convenient for trips for long periods, with children, in the format of a large family, when moving, etc. Outerwear, in particular, men's suits, will not wrinkle in such a suitcase. In addition, manufacturers often attach special covers to suitcases of this size.
  • You can sit on such a suitcase without any problems, carry other bags on top. Yes, and children love to move like this - sitting on top and holding on to the telescopic handle. There is every reason to call such a suitcase a “universal vehicle”. Despite its impressive size, one such accessory will fit in the trunk of any car.


  • Large dimensions are a must. On a train (in particular, in a compartment) with such a suitcase it is frankly inconvenient: it does not fit in the luggage compartment under the bed and can only stand on the floor, making it difficult to move around. Putting a full suitcase on the very top, given its weight, is also difficult, and unsafe.
  • Lifting such a suitcase with a payload of 30-35 kg is not easy even for an adult man in his prime. Therefore, loading it into the car, putting it in the trunk, lifting it up the stairs is an occupation that many cannot do.
  • When flying, when the suitcase is checked in as luggage, you should not expect reverence from the movers. On the contrary: some of them consider such difficult places disrespectful to themselves and treat them accordingly. Therefore, immediately imagine the consequences of rough handling and falling from a height. With a weight of more than 30 kg, they can be very deplorable: wheels, plastic parts, and the like fly off. Therefore, when checking in luggage, at least high-quality packaging in shock-absorbing material (for example, film), as well as reasonable weight restrictions are required so that a fall from a height does not have serious consequences.
  • A high-quality (and given all the challenges described above, it should be of high quality a priori) a suitcase of this size will not be cheap at all. If the budget is limited and there is obviously not enough money for a decent option, it is better to look at a smaller product.

Summary: Think carefully before buying such a suitcase. The thing is objectively useful, but only for those who really need it. Do you have anything to carry in this suitcase? After all, this is the wardrobe of the whole family. Is it too heavy for you? Raising thirty-odd kilos even one step for a woman or an elderly person is often an impossible task.

Well, purely informationally, it is worth noting that Europeans with suitcases of such volumes do not go on vacation for a long time. Unless, in addition to the extra large suitcase, several small children are attached to the company, who cannot yet take personal bags. It is categorically not accepted to drag the entire wardrobe with you in Europe.

Large and medium sizes

Suitcases 65-75 centimeters high (large, medium bag) are the most versatile and, therefore, in demand. But in addition to size, other factors must be taken into account: material, product weight, number of wheels (two or four), locks.


  • Lifting an adequately loaded medium-sized suitcase is usually on the shoulder of an adult, and, as a rule, you can do without the help of outsiders.


  • Under a standard seat on a train, such a suitcase, most likely, will not fit, since its width usually exceeds 40 cm.
  • More things will fit in a regular fabric bag of similar dimensions, since fabric, unlike polycarbonate, has the ability to stretch.
  • You will not be able to take such a suitcase in hand luggage when boarding an airplane. If you are not indifferent to its condition, then it is very advisable to pack everything in a film (or purchase / sew a case of a suitable size) before checking it in as luggage.

Small suitcase

These accessories are called cabin bag” and usually represent suitcases with maximum allowable dimensions according to airlines: we are talking about a height of up to 55 cm, a width of up to 40 cm and a depth of up to 20 cm with a volume of about 40 liters. Weight - 2-5 kg ​​depending on the material. Taking into account the payload packed in the suitcase, the total weight reaches 10-15 kg. We talked in detail about such suitcases.


  • Due to its compact size, the suitcase fits in the luggage compartment above the passenger seat on the plane. Without problems, it will fit in the car interior (under the feet of a child, for example). And on a train under a bed, you can fit two of these pieces of luggage (flat on top of each other).
  • Budget airlines (Ryanair, Wizz Air, EasyJet) allow you to take such a seat and another bag (smaller) in the cabin for free, but only if they weigh less than 10 kg.
  • Even children can lift 10 kg, so when traveling with a cabin bag, you do not have to regularly turn to others for help.


  • Small volume limits the possibilities: such a bag usually fits only a pair of jeans, a pair of underwear, a few shirts, a pair of shoes and a thin windbreaker. It is enough for one person not a few days, but no more. Especially if you are flying on a low-cost airline and are tied to a weight of 10 kg. Sweaters, down jackets and boots will have to be put on, and the rest should be packed very tightly and carefully. Therefore, the risk that the clothes packed in the suitcase will be wrinkled is quite high.
  • The ratio of the price of a suitcase and the volume of luggage carried in this case is not at all in favor of the buyer. There is no clear correlation “more suitcase - higher price, less - lower”, no. The difference in cost between a huge and a small suitcase from one collection is only 10-15%, and the difference in volumes reaches 300%.
  • If a suitcase is purchased specifically for flights by low-cost airlines, it should be remembered that not only the size of hand luggage is limited, but also its weight. And the 10 kg allowable by most companies also includes the suitcase itself. The lightest cabin bag models weigh no more than 1.5 kg, but their cost rolls over.



Looking through the official websites of the most famous suitcase manufacturers, it is easy to conclude that they rely on high-tech plastic as the most promising material for the manufacture of travel suitcases on wheels. However, to call the material used for the production of top models of suitcases "plastic" (even high-tech) can be a stretch.

Pros of plastic suitcases

  • Modern elegant design: you get not a suitcase, but a fashionable and stylish accessory.
  • Waterproof: you can not worry about the condition of the suitcase and things in all weather conditions.
  • Absolutely hygienic: just wipe the suitcase with a damp cloth and it will shine clean again. Thanks to simple care, you can not carry the suitcase through puddles and snowdrifts, and also do not inspect the trunk in a taxi for dirt.


  • A plastic suitcase is significantly more expensive than a fabric suitcase, and the price of light and elegant models can frankly “bite”.
  • A product made of cheap plastic will be quite heavy in itself, and also vulnerable to damage. Dropping a heavy sharp object on it may cause a crack.
  • Plastic is a material on which scratches and dents appear quite easily under mechanical stress, so such suitcases require careful handling. When placed in the luggage compartment (for example, on a train under a bed) and especially when it is checked in at the airport, it is advisable to pack a plastic suitcase in a cover or film, otherwise it will quickly lose its appearance.
  • Plastic is different for plastic: in the arsenal of manufacturers there are both simple polypropylene and expensive polycarbonate, both curve and ABS plastic. It is quite easy to distinguish the material of the suitcase even by eye. But some Chinese manufacturers are already trying to make cheap plastics that look “very similar” to more expensive materials. It is necessary to navigate the "composition" because the materials differ quite a lot in properties, and all good manufacturers always indicate exactly what material this or that product is made of.

Curv (Curv)

To date, kerv is one of the most technologically advanced materials used for the production of suitcases. This is the development of Samsonite, which is a specially interwoven plastic fibers.

Suitcase made of material "kerv"

It is exceptionally light and resistant to external influences even at low temperatures. Durable and beautiful. Perhaps, Kerv has only one significant drawback - the high price. Whether it is justified is up to you. Well, for clarity, watch the video with the "field tests" of this material.


Sleek and lightweight plastic that is flexible and durable. Suitcases made of polycarbonate are not subject to cracking, which appears over time. They are easily recognizable by their luster and smooth finish, which is specially applied to reduce the likelihood of scratches. The material allows the production of suitcases with different textures: corrugated, bumpy, furrowed, etc.

Polycarbonate suitcases

The lightness of the product will allow you to take more things with you. Moreover, please note: it is recommended to fill polycarbonate suitcases completely when packing on the road. Otherwise, the excessive flexibility of the material can play a cruel joke.


Durable hard and durable material resistant to scratches and abrasion. It is easy to dye, so polypropylene suitcases can be distinguished by an endless range of colors. A textured anti-scratch coating is usually applied on top.

A significant disadvantage of polypropylene is its large weight, but its price is lower than polycarbonate. Also, polypropylene suitcases can be easily transported half-filled or even empty.

Polypropylene suitcases

Looking at the range, you may be surprised to find that a suitcase made of polypropylene can cost more than its polycarbonate "colleague". But there is nothing surprising here: in addition to brand fame, the quality of the material plays an important role. . In other words: good budget polypropylene is definitely better than bad polycarbonate.

ABS plastic

This is the "pioneer", which was used at the end of the twentieth century to produce the first plastic suitcases. Suitcases made of ABS plastic are frankly heavy, fragile, prone to scratches and wear, but despite all these significant shortcomings, they are still popular, especially among manufacturers from Asia (who, by the way, often decorate products with attractive prints). The reason is the low cost of the material.

ABS suitcases


Inexpensive fabric suitcases are always in high demand. And, perhaps, fabric is the most popular material among manufacturers. The main driving motive here is, of course, the low price of the fabric and the ease of production. But there are also significant downsides. You should think about them before buying, because the fabric is still a fabric.


  • The low price of the material and the ease of production will make it possible to purchase a suitcase very inexpensively, especially on Chinese It only takes workers and simple sewing equipment to start the production process.
  • The fabric tends to stretch, so you can put more things in a textile suitcase than the declared useful volume suggests. Things will have to be stuffed in the truest sense of the word, but nonetheless.
  • Shock, drop and scratch resistant. Dents and scratches fabric suitcases survive much easier than their plastic "brothers in the shop."
  • The presence of zipped outer pockets makes life much easier when you need to quickly get or put something.
  • Fabric suitcases attract less unnecessary attention when traveling.


  • Fabric, even expensive, still tends to get wet. Therefore, if your suitcase is left in the airport trolley for 20-30 minutes in heavy rain, then the consequences may not be the most pleasant.
  • Although resistant to impacts and scratches, the fabric may tear or fray. A sharp corner will cause much more cosmetic defects to a fabric suitcase than a plastic one.
  • Dirt, grease stains, unpleasant smell - the fabric easily "collects" all this on itself. Therefore, if you put a suitcase in someone else's trunk, under a bed on a train, or just carry it along the street, you will have to be careful. It is worth not noticing spilled engine oil or the fruits of dog life, as the attractiveness of the purchased suitcase will decrease radically. Washing a fabric suitcase in such a way as to return it to its original appearance is usually unrealistic: stains, stains, and smells still remain.
  • The design of suitcases made of fabric in most cases is strict classic, utilitarian, and the look (especially of a battered fabric product) will not bring aesthetic pleasure. You can't call it a stylish accessory.


Usually these are extremely expensive designer products. We are not talking about functionality and practicality here in principle - only style, chic and luxury. Leather luggage is traditionally distinguished by small or medium sizes, because the material itself cannot be called light. It is vulnerable to moisture, scratches, constantly requires care. Well, a suitcase on wheels from brands such as Louis Vuitton may well cost 3-4 thousand dollars. Therefore, manufacturers of products designed for a wider range of buyers, as a rule, limit the use of leather to leather handles, zippers, logos, etc. - as an element of luxury, no more.


Used in the last century mainly for the manufacture of cases of small suitcases. Now, due to the high cost, weight and low practicality, aluminum is used only for the manufacture of telescopic handles. Sometimes aluminum can be found in the form of corner covers, decorative inserts, etc. One of the few manufacturers who still produces premium aluminum suitcases is the German company Rimowa.


Some models of suitcases for reduction in cost are supplied not with four wheels, but with only two. This will not cause any particular inconvenience, but only in the context of using small and medium-sized instances that can be raised without problems. A large suitcase on two wheels will be frankly inconvenient, because large dimensions and weight require additional maneuverability.


Manufacturers complete suitcases with several options for protection against burglary. All of them are rather conditional and in no way relieve the owner from the need to look after their luggage.

The "TSA approved" combination lock is a lock with the function of customs inspection (TSA - Transportation Security Administration, US Transportation Security Administration), ideally only security personnel have a universal key for such a lock. The owner, on the other hand, opens the suitcase with a 3- or 4-digit code. All well-known manufacturers complete their products with just such locks. The TSA lock is easily identified by its recognizable logo.

  • A small padlock that can be opened with the included key or combination. Also it can have TSA function.
  • An ordinary combination lock without TSA is also quite common: for example, inexpensive Chinese suitcases are equipped with it.

In practice, the picture looks like this:

  • A TSA lock won't stop professional airport robbers who probably have the right keys, but it will protect you from situations where you receive luggage with broken locks. After all, the security service, if necessary, will not look for a passenger in a suitcase, the lock will simply be neatly “bitten”.
  • Any locks will undoubtedly come in handy if you leave luggage for a long time, for example, in a hotel room. You may well fasten and close valuables in your suitcase so that they do not annoy the eyes of the attendants. Also, locks in the luggage room, etc., will not interfere.


The world's largest manufacturer of bags, suitcases, backpacks, founded in the USA in 1910 and over 100 years has become one of the most recognizable "suitcase" brands. The company has gone from a simple wooden chest to an elegant lightweight case made of high-tech kerv material, and today firmly holds the first place in the global luggage market.

The assortment includes both inexpensive models of suitcases made of fabric, and top ones made of the lightest kerv material. There is also a large selection of different cases, briefcases, umbrellas, etc. For children, in collaboration with Disney, a whole collection of products with their favorite characters has been developed.

Samsonite owns well-known brands such as Hartmann, American Tourister, High Sierra and Tumi.

Samsonite is traditionally very high quality, a reasonable justified price of the product, as well as a 5-10 year warranty.

The Canadian company Heys appeared in the mid-80s of the last century and literally blew up the market by offering an innovation that was exceptional for that time - lightweight and durable polycarbonate suitcases. They were not cheap, but first-class quality, practicality and design did their job.

Now, after years, the company continues to focus on innovation, offering more and more high-tech options. Here, there are built-in luggage scales that transmit the current weight to the smartphone, and a suitcase that opens only with a fingerprint, and a “smart” Bluetooth lock, and a “nearby” sensor.

Heys has not forgotten about the smallest customers: there is a large selection of high-quality bags and suitcases for children with Marvel and Nickelodeon heroes: Spiderman, Dasha, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Minions, Monster High, etc.

Established in the middle of the 20th century, it is an Italian manufacturer of leather suitcases and accessories of the highest quality. Initially, all items were made exclusively by hand.

Still a family business, the Milanese company Bric's is renowned for its expensive, stylish and quality products, including polycarbonate suitcases finished in chic leather and elegant inserts in other materials such as aluminum.

Suitcase from Bric's Milano is a recognizable corporate design, style and impeccable quality, seasoned, however, with a high price. Expensive and respectable.

Perhaps the most famous Italian company specializing exclusively in luggage. Founded in 1940 as a small family business, Antonio Roncato quickly grew into an entire factory with a big innovation at the time - the production line, which made the brand a market leader. Now Roncato owns hundreds of branded boutiques around the world. Most of the range is still made in Italy.

An American company from sunny California, founded in the late 1970s in Beverly Hills. Known worldwide for its affordability and good value for money.

The French company that literally “breathes in the back” of Samsonite, ranking second among luggage manufacturers in the global market. This is despite the fact that less than a thousand people are employed in production. It was founded in 1911 as a factory for the production of cases for cameras and typewriters. Now, among the innovations being introduced into Delsey suitcases, you can find: a battery built into the suitcase for charging tablets and smartphones, GPS location, remote locking, microphone, communication via the application.

Official website:

Founded: 1975

Price segment: premium

Two clear benefits fabric suitcases- lower price and the presence of external pockets, in which you can put the little things you need during the trip, and souvenirs bought at the last moment before leaving.

plastic suitcases usually more durable than fabric ones, they do not get wet and are easy to clean: just wipe with a cloth. Thanks to the solid case in a plastic suitcase, you can fearlessly transport fragile items.

2. Choose the right size

  • small suitcase(height up to 59 cm) suitable for a short trip for a few days.
  • Medium suitcase(height up to 70 cm) - ideal for a trip of one person for 2 weeks or two, but for 7 days.
  • Large suitcase(height 70–80 cm) - the choice for long trips for two or even three with a small child.
  • Very large suitcase(height over 80 cm) - family travel companion. However, with such a suitcase you can only move on water or land.

life hack: Luggage scales will help you find out the exact weight of the suitcase during the collection and correctly distribute things if necessary.

3. The right wheels are very important.

Suitcases are two-wheeled and four-wheeled. When you roll a suitcase on two wheels, a quarter of its weight falls on your hand. It will be difficult to carry a bulky suitcase.

Suitcases on four wheels are light and manoeuvrable: each wheel is mounted on a separate axle and can rotate 360 ​​degrees. But he will be able to drive only on a relatively flat surface: on uneven areas he will have to lift it. By the way, remember that you can not lift a loaded suitcase by the retractable handle.

Nowadays, the market is full of suitcases of dubious quality, which can open somewhere along the way due to a bad lock or become unusable after 5-6 plane flights. To prevent this from happening to yours, in this article we will highlight the details that need to be paid attention to.

When choosing a suitcase for traveling by plane, special attention should be paid to the strength of the structure, its protection against scratches and impact resistance. When traveling primarily by train or car, then focus on size and compactness.

What material is better?

In Soviet times, leather suitcases were considered the most practical. Remember those heavy ones with leather handles and two locks on the edges? There are similar options on the market today. They look very solid, but so far they are new and many are pecking at it. Unfortunately, during the trip, the skin is easily scratched, and eventually breaks. In addition, it is quite heavy and expensive due to the cost of the material.

New technologies offer better materials for this product.


Practical suitcases made of plastic. They keep their shape and protect things from damage. Even a small souvenir will survive in such storage. But there is a big "BUT" - they are very prone to scratches and can become unusable from the loader's throw on the floor.

Titanium crumb

Plastic with titanium chips is the most respectable material for avid travelers. Their cost is one and a half times higher than plastic ones, but they are not afraid of any scratches and sharp corners.

Polyester and nylon

These materials are preferred because of their low cost. To the touch, they resemble something between fabric and plastic. They are much stronger and more durable than ordinary rags and are suitable for travel. True, if you fly often, it is still better to overpay for better coverage.

Which size to choose?

Suitcase height depending on the number of days of travel

Travelers alone should not prefer large sizes. The same applies to trips in the summer to warm countries, when light things are taken, even if we are talking about a couple of people. If , then you can fit in there much more than you can imagine.

When traveling with a family or to a cold country, as a rule, a lot of clothes and shoes are taken, then give preference to a volumetric 100-liter analogue. It is better to put everything in one place than to carry many small bags with you.

Also keep in mind that when traveling by train, it is necessary that luggage is placed in a locker in a compartment, and on an airplane, the weight of luggage should not exceed 32-35 kg, otherwise it may not be accepted into the luggage compartment (a rare case, but still).

Choosing wheels

It would seem an insignificant detail - the wheels. But it can ruin your vacation and cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, take a closer look at their device.

It is considered impractical to mount them on the same axis. Wheels that rotate independently of each other will not let you down on the road.

Plastic wheels are short-lived and quickly break from impacts on steps and obstacles on the way.

Suitcases with four wheels, can be driven by the hand from the side. While two-wheeled analogues can only be dragged along.

Gel wheels with metal bearings withstand high loads. If you want to make a long-term purchase, pay attention to the fact that the wheels of the suitcase look like wheels from rollers.


Retractable handle for convenience. When storing things in luggage, it can be removed. Well, if it is completely retracted into the body - this will extend its service life.

In addition, there should be small fabric or plastic handles on the sides of the case - it will be more convenient to move such luggage onto the tape.


Plastic zippers can last a long time. They should be wide with large teeth, but the width of the tape should not be more than 1 cm.

In no case do not skimp on the lock. In this video, you can see that a low-quality lock can be opened with an ordinary ballpoint hand.


Choosing a travel friend, I want to prefer quality at an affordable price. The cheapest ones can be bought for less than $100. However, you should not succumb to an inexpensive temptation, such a thing is short-lived, impractical and, as shown above, also unsafe. A good quality suitcase costs from $100 to $250.

Give preference to well-known world brands:

  • Samsonite
  • Roncato (Italy)
  • Delsey (France)
  • Antler (UK)
  • Rimowa (Germany) and
  • Hideo Wakamatzu (Japan).

Of course, if you prefer a well-known company, you need to be prepared to pay for the name and quality of the product. But here, too, there is a fashion of its own, so in the fall, branded stores often have sales of last season's products.

Small features that you should pay attention to when buying a suitcase:

  • It is convenient if inside the space is divided by partitions - this allows you to put things separately and quickly find them if necessary.
  • It's good to have an extra combination lock.
  • External pockets are convenient to place the most necessary things.
  • Wrap your luggage in plastic to protect it from damage on the shipping belt.
  • To make your luggage stand out from others on the luggage belt, attach a special tag or ribbon to the handle.

May your journey be easy and your rest pleasant.

Which suitcase to choose? This is a question that interests many travelers. Choosing a good storage for things is very important. How to choose the right suitcase and which one is better, we will consider in more detail.

What size suitcase to choose

How to choose a suitcase on wheels

A roomy model on wheels is a good solution for those who travel frequently. It is light enough, does not require the application of force to move it (which is very important for fragile girls) and roomy enough (even the smallest models).

But it is better to refuse models without wheels, subject to roomy luggage - this is difficult and inconvenient.

A good suitcase can last for many years without additional maintenance and replacement of parts. They are made of high quality material with metal inserts. The wheels are also reliable, because they are made using a bearing system. But it is worth remembering that you will have to pay extra for good quality, although later it will pay off with many years of faithful service.

There are two main types of models - fabric and plastic. Which one is better to choose is a matter of personal preference and financial condition (plastic ones are much more expensive). The quality of both of them is almost the same, as well as the service life.

How to determine which suitcase is best for you depends on different individual preferences.


This is a very important factor. Usually models have two or four wheels. The former are very convenient when used in "extreme" conditions. They do not need a perfectly flat road, which is difficult to find in our country. But at the same time, they need to be rolled downhill, so part of the weight of the suitcase will fall on your shoulders (although it’s more accurate to say hands).

A model with four wheels is more stable and less labor intensive, but you simply cannot roll it over bumps. Yes, and additional wheels "hide" the spaciousness a little - this is also worth considering.

Wheels are:

  • plastic ones are the least convenient option, because they most often break and rumble loudly on the pavement;
  • plastic ones are a very good option. Such wheels are less noisy and more reliable;
  • silicone - the most convenient of all the proposed options, both in terms of quality and reliability.

But the main thing is not the material from which the wheel is made, but its fastening. It must be made of high quality metal, resistant to abrasion and corrosion. It is also important that each wheel has its own mounting and bearing.

The best option for placing the wheels is in the body of the suitcase, because this way they are more protected from mechanical damage. If you chose the option with protruding wheels, then make sure that they work independently of each other - so in the event of a breakdown, you will need to change the entire chassis.

Zippers or snaps

There is no need to say which type of suitcase locks is better, because both zippers and latches have their own advantages and disadvantages.

It is better to choose plastic latches, since metal ones, although they look more impressive, but as practice shows, they break much faster. The thing is that plastic has a high tensile strength, and metal does not differ in mobility.

Zippers should be chosen wide with spiral teeth. The main criterion is that they should be easy to open and close. At the slightest jamming or a tight move, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Additional pockets and overlays

There are two main models - with one large compartment or with additional pockets. If you have a lot of small things or a family suitcase, then the second option is preferable. But it is worth remembering that pockets steal the overall volume somewhat, so consider this when choosing.

A very convenient option is a model with a secret additional compartment, which you open only when necessary. It is usually hidden behind a simple zipper, which you open only when necessary. So you make the most of the space in your suitcase.


Locks ensure the safety of your luggage and prevent intruders from opening it. For suitcases, there are two main types of constipation - coded or hinged. The first one is more reliable, with a bunch of positive reviews, but keep in mind that these locks cannot be repaired. The second one gives a lesser degree of security, but changing it is very simple.


Reliable handles provide good mobility of the suitcase. There should be three of them:

  • top with a telescopic retractable mechanism for transporting luggage on wheels;
  • upper, regular, for which you can carry a suitcase;
  • side - for loading and transferring things.

When choosing a device, carefully check their condition, because in the event of a breakdown, you will not be able to carry the suitcase.

Which suitcase to choose for travel

The choice of storage capacity for luggage depends on what mode of transport you are going to travel - by train, by car or by plane.

The first two categories do not show special preferences, so any will do. But with the choice of model for the aircraft will have to get confused. The thing is that airlines have strict rules on its size and weight.

Usually for hand luggage it is 10 kg, for luggage - 32 kg. Yes, and overall suitcase more than 100 liters, you are unlikely to succeed. Therefore, the first recommendation on how to choose a model for an aircraft is to read the rules of your airline before buying (different carriers may have different requirements).

If you want to travel exclusively with hand luggage, the height of the model should be no more than 50 cm. Small cases and small suitcases on wheels are perfect for this. If you are traveling alone, this is a great option for small appliances, a change of clothes and hygiene items. Yes, and taking luggage as hand luggage, you will be 100% sure of its safety.

A travel suitcase for transporting luggage by plane should be of an unusual color - this minimizes the possibility of mixing up luggage at the airport.

For land transport, choosing a good suitcase for your trip comes down to its quality. It must be manoeuvrable and easy to transport. It must be borne in mind that it will have to be transferred manually.

Which plastic suitcase is better to choose

Advantages of a plastic suitcase:

  • the ability to transport fragile items;
  • large volume;
  • easy care;
  • durability.

The main criterion for choosing a good suitcase is to look at the material from which it is made. The right plastic should be resistant to scratches and deformation. In the strength category, models with titanium chips are in the lead. Such a suitcase will last a very long time even with very frequent use.

Less durable suitcases with iron, as they are afraid of scratches. If this does not bother you, then feel free to choose such a material, because it is not inferior to titanium in durability.

It is better not to choose simple ordinary plastic - very soon it will be covered not only with scratches, but also with cracks. The average operating time is limited to only a few years (maximum 5-6 years).

It is also worth looking at the fastenings of the handles and wheels - they should be of the highest quality.

The only negative of plastic suitcases is the price. It is many times larger than in similar models of tissue devices. But in terms of quality, they are almost the same. The only disadvantage of a suitcase made of fabric is the possibility of deformation.

What size suitcase to choose

For one person, a small but roomy suitcase with a height of up to 50 cm and a volume of 40 liters is enough. Of course, you won’t be able to cram a lot into it, but for traveling light, this is the most it. But for families with children, a suitcase of an average volume of 80 liters will be more convenient. There you can put all things and there will be room for toys.

But large bulky suitcases, except for spaciousness, have no advantages. They are difficult to carry (lift up stairs or to other hard-to-reach places where the wheels are useless), they take up too much space, and they break down much more often. Therefore, if the average suitcase is small for you, then it is better to buy another one.

How to choose a suitcase is a whole science, but with the right approach, it is quite feasible. Remember, the main thing is the quality of the chosen model. And the colors, material and dimensions are already secondary and are selected according to purely personal preferences.


It would seem - well, what is easier than buying a suitcase? I chose the most beautiful one for myself, and that's it, and the lady with the suitcase! But it was not there! After all, choosing a suitcase is a whole science! It is important not to make a mistake with the size and volume, to foresee all the important points, to guess with the choice of material, number of wheels and even with locks.

The main thing is not to panic! We will tell you how not to make a mistake with the choice, and which suitcase will be the most convenient on the trip!

Travel suitcase sizes and ideal weight

One of the key parameters for choosing a suitcase is, of course, its size. Mostly the Russian range of these products is represented by foreign brands, therefore, as a rule, the English system of measures is used, and the size of the travel suitcase is determined precisely by inches and diagonally.

Video: Choosing a suitcase for travel!

Choose the size of the suitcase in height and in inches:

  • S (height< 60 см; вместительность < 50 л). A good option "light" for hand luggage. In such a suitcase you can put a pair of shoes and a cosmetic bag, a favorite book, a set of souvenirs for loved ones. Suitable for children, teenagers. Average measurements are 16-20 inches (height: 48-54 cm, width: 30-40 cm, depth: 20-22 cm). The 20-inch 45L product is the most popular suitcase.
  • M (height< 70 см; вместительность < 90 л). Most popular size. An ideal option for a tourist who takes with him the essentials. Dimensions: 24 inches (height - 65 cm, width - 42 cm, depth - 24 cm).
  • L (height > 70 cm; capacity< 120 л). Large family suitcase. Size: 28 inches (height - 72 cm, width - 44 cm, depth - 26 cm).
  • XL (height > 80 cm; capacity< 180 л). This huge suitcase is suitable or cruising. It will easily fit the things of the whole family.

On a note:

Do not forget that dimensions can vary by 3-5 cm +/-, and the “displacement” of a suitcase often depends on the brand and manufacturer.

For example, the capacity of small suitcases can be 30 liters and 49, and medium ones - from 50 liters.

And be sure pay attention to weight- especially if you are flying by plane (the weight of a suitcase is not limited by anything only when it is independently transported by train or car, and airlines have restrictions on the maximum weight of suitcases).

Video: How to choose a suitcase?

The choice of suitcases according to the material - fabric, plastic, leather?

What material is the best suitcase made of? Of course, leather and fabric are more pleasant. But plastic models are quite attractive.

The advantages and disadvantages of luggage products, which we will discuss below, will help you navigate:

fabric suitcase

Convenient for train and car travel. Of the most wear-resistant fabrics - polyamide, nylon and polyester.


  • The cheapest - when choosing a suitcase according to the material.
  • Light weight.
  • Existence of external capacious pockets.
  • Doesn't break on impact.
  • Sometimes it has the function of increasing the volume due to the large external pocket.


  • Poorly protects fragile items inside the suitcase.
  • Can get wet and leak in the rain (requires purchase of a cover).
  • Deformed.
  • Difficult to wash after the road.

plastic suitcase

The suitcase is good for transporting fragile items in small quantities.

Modern models are made of high-strength plastic, but they are more expensive.


  • Relatively lightweight.
  • Things inside are protected from shock and rain.
  • Easy to wash.


  • There are scratches on the surface. To protect against them, you will have to get a cover.
  • Can shatter on impact.

Leather suitcase

Good for business travel.


  • Attractive, solid appearance. Status item!
  • Not afraid of moisture.
  • Easy care.


  • High price.
  • Subject to scratches.
  • Too heavy.

Video: Crash test suitcases

A suitcase with or without wheels - the pros and cons of both

When choosing a suitcase for a vacation, be sure to check the wheels. This is one of the most important selection criteria!

With broken wheels, even the most beautiful and durable suitcase will not see overseas countries and luxury hotels - it will go to the mezzanine or immediately to the trash heap.

Save your nerves and money - check the wheels right away:

  1. Number of wheels. The suitcase with 4 wheels is designed for riding on flat roads. Pros - long service life, easy control, good maneuverability. Pluses of a 2-wheeled suitcase: higher passability. Minus - the wheels break quickly, low maneuverability, you can only roll in an inclined state.
  2. Material: silicone wheels (silent, soft, but burst from the load and uneven roads), plastic (noisy, brittle, unreliable), rubber (silent, most reliable).
  3. Wheel size. Of course, 2 solid wheels will be more passable, recessed into the body and not protruding beyond it. It is recommended to choose a product with independent wheel mounting (metal and seated on metal bearings).

A suitcase without wheels is certainly cheaper, but it is extremely inconvenient on any trip.

Checking the suitcase handles:

  • Side and top handles (optional) are needed for more comfortable lifting of the suitcase. Telescopic - for moving the product along the road.
  • Handles must be made of dense material and with additional rivets or screws screwed into the body of the suitcase.
  • The presence of a retractable handle is one of the main advantages.

Telescopic handle selection criteria:

  1. Tight fastening.
  2. Multiple extension positions.
  3. The absence of extraneous sounds when pulling out and “hanging out” in the suitcase.
  4. In the closed position, the handle must be 100% buried in the body.
  5. The ideal material is metal.

Having chosen a suitcase, roll it by the handle around the store: check the height of the handle, the comfort when rolling the suitcase

Video: How to choose the right suitcase on wheels?

Suitcase and travel safety - how to choose a reliable suitcase?

When choosing a suitcase, do not forget about additional criteria:

  • Looking for reliable lightning! The ideal option is wide (approx. - from 1 cm), dense, with huge teeth and plastic. Choose the spiral teeth, the most reliable (tractor ones break faster). It is good if the zipper is also rubberized, with moisture protection.
  • Lock. Mounted is considered more practical, but it is not very reliable, and the key is often lost. The combination lock is more reliable, but if it breaks or the code is lost, you will have to spoil the suitcase or take it to a service center. The ideal option is a combined one, with both locks, and a combination lock with the TSA system.
  • Inner space. A practical and high-quality suitcase has several compartments, small pockets with waterproof lining (for documents), a double bottom and special fasteners that keep things inside in case of accidental opening of the suitcase. Check if the gasket is of high quality inside, it should be made of dense fabric, without crooked seams.
  • Additional emphasis. This option will protect the suitcase from falling. The additional emphasis can be stationary or retractable.

Also may be useful:

  1. Additional strap.
  2. Cover to protect the suitcase from scratches and moisture.
  3. Bright ribbon for the pen and an address tag - so as not to confuse your suitcase with someone else's.

Video: How to choose a suitcase for a stylish trip?

To summarize - so what kind of suitcase will make your travels easy and enjoyable?

So, we have studied the criteria for choosing a suitcase, and it remains only to sum up and determine - what is it, that very ideal travel suitcase?

  • For a short trip with a minimum of things on a plane to a country with smooth roads, an 18-inch suitcase with 4 wheels, with a plastic or leather case and silicone wheels, is suitable.
  • For a long vacation with the whole family when traveling by car it is better to choose large lightweight 24-28-inch 2-wheel fabric suitcases with the possibility of increasing the volume due to the external pocket.

The best suitcase has rubber wheels, a solid wide zipper, a durable body and the most comfortable interior space.