Assembly of copy models. Basic rules for assembling plastic model aircraft. File and KP

Plastic models of tanks appeared in the late 50s and from that moment began to gain popularity. These models of tanks were produced throughout the entire period of the war and underwent various changes. In general, interest in armored vehicles is caused by interest in history Second World War. Now there is everything you need for modeling, in every specialized store, where you can find everything you need to assemble a model of a tank or other armored vehicle that interests you. There are whole clubs that are engaged in tank modeling, they teach, show how to assemble models of various types of equipment. How to do this and what you need for this you can find on our website, to get acquainted with the assembly, you can read this article.

How to assemble a tank model?

Step 1. Choose and buy a model for assembly

We offer the following options:

The assembly model of the T-72 tank, which is issued in the "Magazine" format by subscription (here, and here the full one), you will receive the details in the parcel. Includes: instructions, magazine with history and illustrations, parts (in a separate bag) and various bonuses from the DeAgostini company.

Step 2. We select the tool and consumables

For assembly you will need:

  • - A set of parts for assembly
  • - Sharp Knife
  • - Sandpaper
  • - Needle files
  • - Scotch
  • - Model glue
  • - PVA glue
  • - Brushes for glue and paint
  • - Airbrush
  • - Acrylic paints

What to do next?

We have already bought the parts to assemble the tank, then we will move on to choosing a knife, it should be sharp and small for your convenience. Sandpaper is enough to take the size "0" (see "zero") and "1", you will also need needle files of various sizes. Do you have a question, what glue is better to buy? You will need both model and PVA glue, you will need both of these glues when assembling. Brushes for glue and paint also need to be purchased in different sizes from small to medium, it is advisable to purchase all the brushes from the same company (but this is not critical). We advise you to purchase acrylic paints. they are the most dense and fit well enough on the surface of the tank. You can select colors by eye or using color codes (but as a rule, for beginners, enough by eye).

How to make a tank model?

The main rule of the modeller: "Do not be lazy and read the instructions before assembling."

First you need to separate the parts from the sprue (what the parts are attached to in the package), then we can start assembling the model itself. Assembly will begin with the assembly of the hull bath, which consists of sides, upper and lower bases. After assembling the tub, you will need to attach all suspension arms and balancers. The question arises, how to glue these parts? Gluing is carried out as follows: Glue is evenly applied to each part with a brush and glued to the bath. While the hull bath dries, we will begin gluing the hull tower. The tower consists of the base itself and the cannon, so we just need to glue these two parts, after which we can start painting.

How to paint a tank model?

Details before painting should be cleaned and degreased, this can be done with ordinary alcohol (but we recommend White Spirit). Next, apply a thin layer of paint. Before painting, open the instructions or inserts with the model, where there will be a color photograph or reproduction in color. Use brushes of various thicknesses to emphasize certain elements of the tank, i.e. for small areas or high detail - a thin pile, and for solid or large parts - with a wide pile. We have a sufficient number of brushes, so do not be afraid to take a new brush if you need to change the color. After painting your model is ready, you can enjoy the work done.

Tip: Be sure to clean your brushes after completing the painting step. Because dried paint will interfere with painting (for example, you can soak it in a glass of water).

On our website you can find the models you are interested in, also if you have any questions during the assembly process, you can always find assembly and painting instructions, you can also find the missing or necessary tool on our website. We have everything you need to assemble a tank or any other model. Our site also offers prefabricated models of the T-72 series tank, the assembly of which will give you a lot of pleasure.

Have you decided to get into modeling, but don't even know where to start? In this article, we will try to talk about the key nuances of the process, as well as give some tips for beginners that should be refreshed in memory and professionals. First of all, we note that modeling requires enormous effort and a lot of time. To hastily assemble models means to turn them from potentially perfect products into a pathetic semblance of a cheap Chinese fake. If you are ready to work hard to create a real work of art - welcome to the world of modeling! So let's get started.

Where does modeling start?

Of course, with the purchase of the model itself. The catalog of our store contains a lot of kits for beginners and professional modellers. If you don't understand anything about military equipment - choose a model that you just like and seem the easiest for the first assembly. If you are fond of military equipment and are well versed in it, you will surely find in the catalog exactly the model that you have always dreamed of seeing in your collection. If the model of the desired equipment is not available - contact the consultant, it is quite possible that it will be delivered to you on an individual order.

So, the model is selected - it's time to start choosing tools. What will we need? Absolutely everything that is sold in the store, but it is often not possible to buy everything at once, and to assemble one model you may not need the tools that are needed when assembling another. There is a joke among modellers: “Choose tools intuitively, you will forget to buy the most important thing anyway.” Therefore, we will draw your attention only to the key and most necessary tools and materials.

The first thing that every modeler should buy is glue, and professional glue. Superglue and PVA will definitely not work. It is advisable to purchase several glues at once in order to learn to understand the difference between them already in the process of assembling the first model - it is better to take a second, helium and classic model glue. Next, we get a primer, a file, sandpaper (both with large and with the finest grains). Now pay attention to paints and enamels - for starters, you can buy colors that match the scheme of your model. However, in the future you will need absolutely all the paints and enamels presented in our catalog, you can be sure of this.

Next, we move on to one of the main tools - these are brushes. From the very beginning, it’s worth starting experiments, so immediately purchase a dozen brushes of different sizes, types, shapes and manufacturers. It may be more convenient for you to paint with an airbrush (sprayer) - if you have money, you can also purchase it. Don't forget to buy an airbrush compressor. If you are not afraid of expenses - purchase all materials in the maximum variety. A novice modeller, like no one else, should experiment and form his own style of assembly, priming, painting.

Getting to know the model

As soon as you brought the model home, get ready for one of the most pleasant moments and hurry to lay out all the details on the table in front of you. It is at this time that you can plunge headlong into the wonderful world of modeling and feel all its charm. Carefully consider all the details presented, understand how creative, complex and at the same time exciting the assembly process will be. It is very important that in the process of getting acquainted with the details you correctly assess the front of the upcoming work.

You are now completely ready to assemble your first model. Prepare the work surface, separate the parts from the sprues. Try to attach several parts to each other. Understand how difficult this process will be, feel its charm. Perhaps this is where it is worth finishing the first acquaintance with the model - put the parts in a box and put it aside. It's time to start professional training and create a full-fledged work surface and modeler's workplace.

We create a workplace

Assembling a good model requires proper preparation of the workplace. It is desirable to have, if not a separate office, then a separate desktop. You can convert the old workplace or desk. To do this, remove everything unnecessary from the surface and from the boxes, from now on you will only be engaged in assembling models. Believe me, you will have to store it in the table and on it, spend a lot of free time here, because it is extremely inconvenient to shift things and tools from place to place.

A special rug for modellers is spread on the table. If possible, give preference to A1 format material. We already lay out all the necessary tools on it. Remember that you are creating your own workplace, therefore you can independently determine their sequence, degree of significance and, in accordance with these parameters, place them on the table in any order. Next, we arrange paints, brushes and other materials-tools.

Getting ready to assemble

Preparing for the assembly in our case is the need to understand that many things that you thoughtlessly threw away before will surely be needed by you from now on. First of all, start collecting on an industrial scale all kinds of wires and their trimmings, pieces of plastic, sticks, glass jars and even caps from beer and vodka bottles. Do not be surprised - in the future it will be very convenient to use them to create a palette of colors.

At the same time, let me prepare you a little psychologically. The fact is that very soon you will acquire a truly exciting hobby that will take up the lion's share of your free time. At the same time, most friends and family, for objective reasons, will not quite understand your passion for creating models. Try not to conflict with them and pay enough attention to family and friends. Believe me, this hobby can be successfully combined with the opportunity to be a great son, friend, brother, husband, dad and colleague.

Purchasing an aftermarket

We suggest you sit down at the table again and study the features of the set you purchased. Look carefully at the instructions and at the details laid out in front of you. You may well find, and most certainly will, that many of them are either inaccurate, not detailed enough, or simply missing from the set. That is why we suggest purchasing an additional detailing kit (cockpit, photo-etched) in advance.

Working with aftermaket

Take a close look at the photo-etch kit you purchased and decide which parts you will need to fabricate yourself. We will not delve into the assembly process - there is an instruction for this, moreover, the features of creating each new model are individual. Instead, let's note a few key nuances of the work that a beginner should definitely take into account and which a professional should not forget about. We include the following points:

  • Careful attitude to instructions. Following it is the key to successful assembly of the model;
  • Multiple check. Before work, look at how the details fit on the drawings. If there are deficiencies, it is recommended to correct them immediately;
  • Remember the numbering. When cutting off parts from the sprue, especially small elements, try to remember their numbering for sure, so as not to get confused in the future;
  • Detail the interior elements. Many modellers advise photographing the interior of a structure prior to its final assembly;
  • Be careful with small details, it is almost impossible to find them on the floor - use boxes and drawers for storage;
  • Don't be afraid to spend time fixing a detail with defects visible to you - it will be much more difficult to fix an already assembled model;
  • Do not be afraid of damage to the jointing during the grinding process., for example, primers - boldly polish the surface, achieving its ideal state;
  • Experiment with tools: remember that many household items can be useful in modeling.

Remember also that the materials you use, paints, varnishes and enamels are completely safe for human health. The only thing to be wary of is paints with very pungent odors. These include, for example, nitro paints. They are recommended to be used only when the hood is running, and in rooms where small children have access, they are usually not used at all.

Model painting features

Painting a model is a creative and at the same time complex process from a technical point of view. We have already described it in one of the articles posted on our website, so we will only note the moments unknown to you.

Firstly, trust the manufacturers, but always check them. On various forums, you can find messages about the discrepancy between the colors indicated by the manufacturer and the real shades of technology. Therefore, do not be too lazy to check with the original and choose the color scheme yourself.

Secondly, pay special attention to the choice of coloring option - some of them are presented in the instructions, some you will have to search on the Internet yourself. Make a choice in favor of the most complex drawing - only in this case you will be able to win the first "respect" in the image of a modeler.

Third, always use a primer (of course, if you do not work with nitro paints). It will help not only securely fasten the surface of the model and the layer of paint and varnish material, but also smooth out roughness, numerous irregularities and other flaws.

Fourth, fix the parts to be painted on the holders and never touch them with your hands - one awkward movement and all the work will have to be done from the very beginning.


Don't be afraid to experiment. We have to repeat this over and over again. Modeling is a combination of creativity and scrupulous study of instructions. Only in the process of assembling models do you gain invaluable experience, which is reflected in your technique and allows you to form its individual style. Listen to the advice of experienced modellers, but always check them in practice - no one can be considered the ultimate truth. Be creative, learn from your mistakes and create real masterpieces. And we, for our part, are happy to help you with wonderful models and tools of the highest quality, presented in an incredibly wide range.

Collecting, as well as collecting aircraft models, occupies a special place among the many different types of hobbies. When assembling a model from ready-made plastic parts, you should be as accurate, accurate, patient and assiduous as possible. Also, you should have an idea about the history of the equipment that you began to collect.

To assemble a beautiful aircraft model, the instructions included in the kit you bought are not enough. In order for your model to turn out without glue streaks after assembly, its surface to be even, with well-applied paint, you should study the basic rules for high-quality assembly. These are the basic rules that will be discussed in today's article.

So, let's go directly to the collection of a plastic model of the aircraft, but for this you should purchase the kit you are interested in. If you have not yet decided on your future choice, you can familiarize yourself with the large assortment of our store, as well as buy liked . In our store you will find a variety of kits for assembling both military equipment of various periods and civilian ones.

Before you start assembling the model, you should prepare the necessary set of tools, such as: a model knife, model glue and PVA, a special model tape or adhesive tape, tweezers, sandpaper, brushes or an airbrush, as well as a primer, putty and paints.

Then you should take out the entire contents of the kit and check the presence of all parts, as well as the absence of damage or deformation on them. If after checking all the parts are in place and not damaged, proceed to the next step.

Next, you should prepare the workplace - it should be a large, spacious table, which is covered with a special model rug. The room where the aircraft will be assembled must be well lit, the light must be bright. If you have an airbrush and the assembled structure will be painted with it, then the room must be equipped with good ventilation.

An important factor is how the model will look in the end. To do this, you should find images of a real prototype of the selected model in historical literature or on the Internet.

Main assembly steps:

1. First of all, we select sprues, to which the main parts of the hull are attached - these are the fuselage and wings. Carefully, using a model knife, cut off the parts and process the attachment points to the sprues with sandpaper.

Separate the parts from the sprues sequentially so as not to confuse their belonging and place in the model in the future.

2. Next, fold the body halves together and secure with a model tape or adhesive tape. Also, using a model tape or adhesive tape, we attach all the main details to the structure. After making sure that all the details fit together and clearly occupied their niches, we can start gluing the aircraft.

3. Before you start gluing the parts of the fuselage, you should assemble and paint the cockpit. After the cabin is completely dry, we place it between the halves of the fuselage and begin gluing the halves.

4. Now go directly to gluing models. Aircraft parts should be glued one by one. Glue each subsequent part only after the previous one has dried. Try to apply the glue carefully, without leaving streaks.

5. After gluing all the parts and completely drying the glue, we perform polishing aircraft models. This is done with sandpaper. This procedure is necessary to give a smooth surface to the structure.

6. Next, apply putty, to avoid all sorts of cracks, dents and other things at the joints between the wings and the body. Gently apply putty to the desired areas, remove the remaining excess with a wet rag.

7. After the putty has completely dried, we re-sand the aircraft body with sandpaper.

8. Having achieved a smooth surface of our case, we proceed to its priming. But before doing this, you need to degrease the body, for this you should use a special degreasing agent or alcohol. We also cover with modeling tape the areas where the primer should not fall, such as the cabin window, lights.

This procedure is necessary to identify imperfections on the surface of the aircraft model before painting it, as well as to ensure that the paint lays down in an even layer and does not chip when it dries.

The primer should be applied with smooth, quick movements along or across the model. The container with soil should be kept 30 - 50 cm from the surface of the aircraft. Since the soil is a toxic substance, the procedure should be performed with a respirator and gloves.

First, prime the upper part of the body and leave to dry for 30 - 40 minutes. After drying, we primed the lower part, and now the model should dry for two days.

9. After the primer has completely dried, the aircraft body must be carefully sand. We perform this action until the surface becomes smooth.

10. Before painting, we thoroughly blow the model so that dust particles and hairs do not remain on it. Only after this procedure, proceed to painting the assembled aircraft model. Small parts should be painted without removing from the sprue

Assembling is only part of the exciting work on the model. The final stage of such an interesting process is painting, applying decals and varnish to the assembled model. And after completing all the stages of assembly, painting and applying the final touches, the model of the aircraft you have assembled will take its rightful place in your home collection.

So, you have decided to get into modeling, but have a very vague idea (or no idea at all) about what it is, where to start and what it generally takes. In this short article, I will try to describe the whole process of creating good, high-quality models in an intelligible and understandable way for each reader.

Please note that no matter how strange some steps of this guide may seem to you, you still cannot miss them, otherwise the model will turn out to be bad, incorrect. While reading the article, you may come across unfamiliar words - I will not compile a list of terms and describe their meaning - just rummage through the Internet. We will study on the principles of aircraft modeling, which are also suitable for other areas. The basics of modeling are the same for everyone. So!

Chapter 1 - Where to start?

Of course, with the acquisition of the model itself. The most convenient place to buy a model, as well as accessories needed for its assembly, is a model store. You will first have to find out where this is located in your city, and go there.
In the model store you will see a large number (I hope you get to a good model store) boxes with beautiful pictures. If you do not understand anything in military equipment - choose the one that you like the most. And if you understand, then you will probably find the model that you have wanted to see on your shelf all your life. I wrote "probably" because, most likely, you will not find just such a model. And if you ask the seller about the reasons for its absence, you will hear one of three: the first - “there is no such model now, come back in a couple of months”, the second - “the model was, but discontinued and will not go on sale again”, the third - “ such a model is not produced at all by any, even the most miserable company.

Well, you'll have to choose something else. Have you chosen? Great, let's move on to the next item - buying a tool. You can choose the tool completely intuitively. The fact is that in reality, to assemble the model, you absolutely need absolutely all the tools sold in the model store, but you shouldn’t buy everything, because when you start assembling, you will still understand that you still didn’t buy the most important tool due to its absence in the store and you will have to make it yourself. But more on that later.

Most importantly - do not forget to buy glue - the model cannot be assembled only with the help of a moment and PVA lying around in your box, but do not worry, they will come in handy. I advise you to buy several adhesives at once - the usual model, second, helium second ... in general, choose what is closer to your heart. Don't forget to buy some putties, needle files, sandpaper... Then go to the paint shelf. Here the situation is no better than with the tool. You need ALL the paints sold in the store again, but if you drive to the store on your own and realize that you simply cannot take the entire counter home, buy at least all the base colors, as well as those indicated in the assembly instructions your model.

Choose 15 brushes for yourself (if the store does not have 15 brushes of different sizes, you can also buy brushes of the same size, but from different manufacturers). Now you can move away from the counter with paints. In fact, to paint the model, you still need to buy an airbrush with a compressor, but you can not hurry yet. Until the moment when they are useful to you, you will find yourself in a model store more than once.

Now a very important tip: while in a model store, under no pretext, do not consider how much money you will have to spend. You NEED to buy it anyway - why spoil your mood in advance? Remember? Great, now go back to the model shelf and choose another model for yourself (why - you will understand when you become a really experienced modeller). Now go to the checkout and pay for your purchases. If you do not have enough money - do not try to leave something from the selected product. It’s better to call your wife and ask him to urgently bring the money set aside for the purchase of a refrigerator (do not regret it, you still won’t buy a refrigerator tomorrow and you can always put it off again, and you will have to assemble the model in the near future).

Chapter 2 - Building the Model

Based on the fact that you did everything correctly according to the first chapter, I can assume that you are already at home and ready to proceed with the assembly of the model. The first thing you need to do is take everything out of the box and carefully examine all its contents. You need to spend at least 15 minutes on this process. What is it for? Doesn't really matter - just look and enjoy. After you finish looking, put everything in a box, close it, find someone in the apartment (preferably a relative) and repeat the procedure with him. It is advisable to try to interest a person, but if you fail, it doesn’t matter either - just show him the contents of the box, put everything back and leave.

Note: if there is no one in the apartment except you, then the second time you will have to look at the contents alone, but do not miss this important step in building the model.

Now take everything out of the box again, find sprues, on which there are halves of the fuselage and wings. Find in your purchases such a tool with which these parts can be separated from the sprues. Separate and fold the fuselage halves together. Consider this design for 5 minutes, then attach wings to it. Uncomfortable to hold? Try!

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty, and this saying fits perfectly for modeling. Now find something to temporarily fix your structure, such as tape. Wind all the details together, put on the table and admire a little more. Now disassemble everything in its original position and put it in a box. Close the box and set it aside.

Chapter 3 - Workplace

To assemble a good model, you need to properly prepare the workplace. To do this, you will have to allocate a separate table (the more - the better). If you do not have an extra table, or there is nowhere to put it, you will have to convert your workplace (whatever it was intended for before) into a modeller's workplace. Suppose we are talking about a desk. If possible, remove from it everything that cannot be useful for assembling models in any way and try to come to terms with the idea that you will have to write in the kitchen or somewhere else - it is not convenient to remove all model accessories from the table every time, especially since assembling models should take up most of your time.

Lay a special model "mat" on the table. Oh yes, I forgot to add it to the list of necessary purchases in the model store, well, it doesn’t matter, order it right now via the Internet. If you don't know what it looks like, just look through the entire catalog of the online store, and when you see it, you will immediately understand what it is about. To simplify the search, I’ll still hint - it’s green and beautiful. The main thing is to buy a larger rug, preferably A2 or even better A1! But suppose that you still thought of buying it in a store and we can move on. So, lay out all the tools around you. You can not try to follow the order or some kind of sequence - anyway, after half an hour of work, everything moves between them. Arrange the colors. Well, that's enough for today, you can go play with the child or do something else.

Chapter 4 - Assembling Again

Let's get back to building the model. Ask your wife where she did everything that you laid out on the table yesterday (or when it was), explain to her that these things need to be handled very carefully and that in order to rewrite a cake recipe from the Internet, it is not at all necessary to remove everything from table.

Look in your builder's toolbox for some model supplies (I think they should have been there), and set aside anything that seems relevant to building the model. It can be wire cuttings, pieces of plastic, a burnt transformer - everything can actually come in handy, so choose for yourself.

Return to the room and prepare the workspace again. Put the box with the model on the table, put the parts on the table and start studying the instructions. Do not anger your wife and go to eat, if you do not go too long - she will be offended. Arguments that you are busy with an important matter will not have any force, you will also have to come to terms with this. After lunch, wash your hands and try to get back to assembling the model. If you are distracted by something else, then postpone the assembly until the next free day.

Chapter 5 - Accuracy and Aftermarket Buying

So, you are back at your desk. Have you read the instructions? Now a very important point - based on the fact that you want to assemble a good model, you can say with a 100% guarantee that the parts that are in the kit are either inaccurate or poorly detailed. There are a lot of parts missing at all and you will have to buy additional detailing kits, such as a resin cockpit or photo-etched parts. Most likely, these kits will not be available in the model store and you will have to order them via the Internet. After you order them, turn on your computer and find as many photos of the original aircraft you are going to model as you can. Think about what components and details in your model are made incorrectly or missing at all.

As you go through the photos, you will have some questions that you will not find answers to and you will have to find some good modeling forum, register there and ask your questions. After that, while waiting for an answer, you can start browsing through all the topics in a row. Look at the clock - it's time for you to sleep. The next day, read what they told you, put the model aside and grab the second one you bought in the store.

Repeat the whole process from the second chapter up to this point. Now you need to wait for your order to arrive from the online store. But you have something to do: while reading the forum, you probably realized that you did not buy some very important tools, as well as an airbrush compressor. Take all the money set aside for the refrigerator and go to the store.

Make a list in advance, but you can not take it with you, anyway, you will need to look at all the counters and you will definitely remember everything. Buy everything you need and another model. You can go home. At home, repeat all the steps from the second chapter with the new model and hide it somewhere. Explain to your wife the need for a compressor and an airbrush, prove that an old refrigerator can be used without problems for several more years.

Chapter 6 - Assembly with the aftermarket

Did you get the package? Great! You can continue to collect the model! Consider a photo-etch kit, decide which of its parts can still be used, and which still have to be made by yourself. Everything, you can start. I will not delve into the assembly process itself in great detail - all its aspects have already been described more than once, and skills will come with practice. I, perhaps, will stop my attention only on the most important dogmas of modeling:
  • Try not to lose the instructions - the thing is quite useful. If you still can't find it - start looking in the other boxes, then in the pile of magazines in the toilet - if this does not bring results, then you will have to spend a lot of time searching.
  • Before assembly, do not forget to check how the model fits into the drawings. Even if the inconsistencies are negligible, and you understand that no one will notice this on the assembled model - still correct this drawback, no matter how much effort it costs you. After all, it does not matter whether the error will be noticeable if YOU know about it!
  • When you cut off parts from the sprue (so, for fun) that you will need only at the 30th assembly step, still think about how easy it will be for you to identify this part in the future. If you are assembling a cockpit and understand that the external antennas are very similar to each other, after cutting them off, try to remember well which one was under which number.
  • Try to detail the internal components and elements as detailed as possible. Do not worry about whether these nodes will be visible on the assembled model. Even if not, and in order to admire them again you will have to break the model - work hard! And what if someone someday still breaks it and sees emptiness inside! The only thing - do not forget to take a picture of everything before you hide it in the fuselage forever.
  • If you had the imprudence to drop a part smaller than 30x30mm on the floor - do not try to find it - the probability of a positive search result is minimal - just spend the time you can start making this part by hand, the more homemade it will be better anyway. And when your wife brings the lost part in a week and asks: “dear, what kind of plastic did I find today under the refrigerator?” Thank her and put this part in a special box as a keepsake.
  • If you don't like a handmade part even a little, remake it, no matter how much time you spend on it. Remember the main thing - YOU will know that this part is not as good as you would like.
  • If during assembly you need to sand some part of the model (for example, after puttying) - do not be afraid to damage the jointing. Anyway, it is not correct and you will have to cut it completely!
  • If you do not find the tool you need for work, remember: every tool (exactly every one) can be made from things that are in your home. The only thing - sometimes for this you have to spoil something else, but do not stop even if this other one costs more than the necessary tool - you don't have time!
  • Don't be discouraged if something doesn't work out for you - the prefix "re-" is essential for modeling. So words like cut, repaint, re-paste should not scare you. On the contrary, it should mean that you are doing everything right and gradually become a real modeler!
  • Try to develop a reflex in your cohabitants - not to interfere with you when you are assembling the model. If the reflex is not developed, try not to pay attention to what is happening around you - abstract.
  • Your relatives should also remember that all the chemicals you use are NOT harmful to health. But nevertheless, use them in a ventilated area and do not let children into the room during use - just in case.
  • If during the assembly you will face such a problem that you cannot overcome at the moment (for example, the lack of the necessary material or the ability to make some part) - put the model aside and start assembling another one.
  • So that you do not face another problem - the lack of a model that can be collected, every time you go to the store for one can of paint, buy at the same time one or two new models.

Chapter 7 - Painting

So, your model is assembled and ready to be painted. Of course, you had to paint the internal nodes, I did not focus on this - you probably figured it out yourself from the instructions. The only thing I forgot to say is that manufacturers are very fond of confusing modellers and specifically indicate the wrong colors in the instructions. Therefore, before you paint anything, guided by the instructions, be sure to check the original color photo. Since you most likely won’t find the right photo, and even a color one, buy yourself a few books on the apparatus you are assembling and try to find information in them about what color this or that part could be painted on the model you are assembling.

If you do not find such information in the book, try to look for an eyewitness. In fact, there are quite a few ways to find out what color to paint, say, the back of the pilot's seat or any other part. But even if you fail, remember the main thing: in no case do not paint everything one-on-one, as indicated in the instructions!

Now start painting the model itself. First choose which coloration you want to reproduce. The instructions usually indicate several options, but this is not enough for a good color. Find a few more (5-10) on the Internet. Now you can choose. The choice should be to look for the option with the most difficult camouflage (even if it doesn't turn out to be the prettiest). Otherwise, everyone will think that you are looking for simple ways and no one among the modellers will respect you.

Apply a coat of primer to the model. Scratch the back of your head. While you are scratching, think to yourself: “I kind of puttyed it ... I sort of sanded it too ...”. Re-spackle and re-sand the model again. Prime again. This process can be repeated an infinite number of times. As well as the painting itself. The main thing is to learn how to remove the paint with which you paint. And go ahead, do not be afraid - the air in the compressor will not end, and paints, in general, are not so expensive. After you finally achieve the desired result of painting, put the airbrush in the drawer, put a large fingerprint on the model in the most visible place, remove the airbrush from the drawer and repeat all over again.

Repeated? I hope you don't repeat the fingerprint mistake and be more careful. Get to the decals. I think you already guessed that the decal that was sold to you with the model is wrong and bad. Order some suitable decals from well-known, expensive manufacturers, ruin some of the most difficult pictures, and make them yourself. Now the model needs to be given a realistic look. To do this, you will have to "spoil" the flawless result of your work with an airbrush - scrape, scratch, stain, wash off, because there are no clean, paint-free and scratch-free aircraft!


Well, here is your first high-quality model. Spend a few hours taking pictures and put the model in a prominent place. The only thing, in a conspicuous place, the model is subject to many risks - such as, say, dust or inaccurate movements of cohabitants. And, unfortunately, no matter how hard you tried on the model, it still cannot fly, and, touched by his wife, who is wiping dust on the shelf, it rapidly falls onto the parquet and shatters into small pieces there. Therefore, quickly rearrange the model from a prominent place to a safe place. Let her be hard to see there, but the model will live longer. Yes, and you collected it not in order to look at it, but for the sake of the assembly process itself. Well, have you found a safe place? That's all, you can take on the next model.


Of course, in this article I have not described everything related to modeling, I have described very little, and with each model you will receive more and more new skills. And if you really have never assembled models, and this article turned out to be the first one you read, do not stop there, maybe you should read other, more serious articles, but I hope that the essence of modeling is now clear to you. And if you have already assembled more than one model and read this article just out of interest, while the fifth layer of paint dries on the assembled model, I hope I at least cheered you up a little.

Dopeless aka Rostislav Chernyakhovsky

In contact with

We are back in touch - your guide to the world of scale modeling!

This year has brought a long-awaited revival to the work of our project.

Finally, letters from readers who are taking their first steps in large-scale modeling have begun to regularly arrive in our mailbox.

I answer every such letter, and try to help. I sincerely wish that your first actions will inspire in you the desire to grow and develop, to improve your skills. And they didn't beat him at all.

One distinguishing feature of incoming letters from readers is their practical value. Each question that needs an answer is asked more than once by different people. Therefore, the answers to them are the property of many. So they are the basis for the articles of our educational project.

Most of the questions are addressed exclusively to the details of the technological process. That is, what paint to choose, how to make a painting template, how and why to prime the models. You can find answers to many of them on the Internet.

There are questions concerning conceptual solutions and approaches. Which direction to choose, where to start. It is the answers to these questions that form the picture of the world of the future modeller, to a certain extent programming his further Path.


I recently decided to take up modeling and found it in the Topol store. To tell the truth, before that I had no full-fledged models and he may be the first. Should I buy it or choose something else as a first experience?


The answer to this question is based on the understanding of two things.


No one in the world has yet managed to be a master of everything. This is not given to man. Neither Julius Caesar, who knew how to do several things at the same time, nor Leonardo da Vinci, who left behind a rich legacy of creative and engineering developments.

Man will always be MASTER OF ONE CASE . To whom he gives his all. To which he devotes most of his time.

And it's not about the person at all. And in the vastness of any knowledge, any practical work. The bottom line is that any answer gives rise to a dozen new questions. Any activity contains thousands and thousands of nuances, the comprehension of which can take a lifetime.

But even after that, there will be something to understand, to study. What to improve.

These considerations are directly related to scale modeling. And any person who decides to really begin to comprehend it should understand the basic rule.


No matter how interesting, no matter what models you like - you need to choose ONE the only direction in modeling in which you will work.

It doesn't really matter what it is.

BTT, fleet, military-historical miniature, civil or military aviation. You must choose one direction that you like. Which is closest to your interests. Work in which you will like for a long time.

This single direction will become your skeleton, on which you will build up the muscles of skills and practical work skills. Another thing is that in order to find your native niche, you may try more than one model in the assembly, or maybe more than a dozen.

You should not be afraid to try yourself in different directions and styles of work. Take several models from all subtypes of scale modeling. And collect them one by one. The process of working on each of them will give you accurate knowledge.


Truth is reached only through your personal practical experience. No amount of reasoning and inference will give you a taste of reality. You must try to do everything yourself. And find your niche.

Do not be afraid of the thought that you will have to spend your whole life inside one specificity.

Let me tell you a little secret...

Any self-improvement consists of a series of successive stages. And the development of high levels of skill in any business is achieved only through enrichment with experience gained from related fields. And maybe even from completely distant to your primary line of business.

It's kind of like cross-pollination.

This is found everywhere. In business, when airport passenger service ideas are applied in the office of a plastic window manufacturing company. Or in martial arts. When people who have been practicing one style for many years begin the practical development of a completely different direction, allowing you to look at yourself as if from the outside.

But our SKELETON will remain the same.

Your task is to find it - your skeleton, your main direction.


Now the market for prefabricated plastic models has moved to a new level of quality. Models of the past often sinned with their inconsistency of parts, weights and flash. A dozen other non-obvious, and yet painful, shortcomings.

Sometimes assembling a model, even for an experienced craftsman, caused only negative emotions. I just wanted to take and throw all this plastic junk into the trash, and not sit and grind and display details. So that they somehow fit together.

Such models were the lot of those who sought to make perfection. And he was the owner of an excellent nervous system and mental health of the Eastern Buddha.

But such models are not suitable for a beginner in scale modeling. The task of the first stage - the first steps of becoming a modeler - is simply to learn how to assemble models, while getting enough pleasure from assembling. You should feel how cool it is to collect models that you like.

Therefore, at the initial stage, you need good quality models, with excellent compatibility, with a minimum of problems.

Until recently, such models were only in the arsenal of foreign manufacturers, such as Tamiya or Hasegawa. Later, the Chinese companies Dragon, Meng, Great Wall, Trumpeter came to this cohort.

Now our domestic Zvezda has switched to the production of models of excellent quality. For which I began to respect them. All the novelties of last year are perfectly executed. And civil aviation, and Su-27SM2, and Topol, and Panther.

I would advise you to take new items from Zvezda as your first models. Yes, I do not argue in them a lot of details. But you need to get used to it right away. The main thing is that they are perfectly assembled. And leave a great feeling behind.


Dear novice modellers! Be guided by these two points at the beginning of your professional career. And in a hierarchical order. At first Moment 1, then Moment 2. And you will succeed. ImportantDon't rush, enjoy every moment.

After all, the assembly of a good model is akin to a wonderful high-altitude Chinese tea, which gives strength and vigor. And the aftertaste will provide you with the desire to continue your Path to Mastery .

Finally, I would like to say a few words on the merits of the issue in this article. Topol's model came out at Zvezda very, very worthy. Confirmation of this fact is the Model Fan medal at the Nuremberg exhibition of this 2015, received by the Star.

The model has excellent adhesion, there is very little flash. There are only two or three sinkers, they are visible, but it is easily removed. The model is as close as possible to the prototype, for which special thanks to the manufacturer.

It is not difficult to assemble even for a beginner. The main thing is not to rush. In general, Topol's model is the only one at the moment. Even Trump has nothing like that yet.

That's all for today!
Good luck to you!
And great models!
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