Do-it-yourself doll from a stocking. We sew a doll from nylon tights

Creative parents quite often try to make toys for their children with their own hands. In our article we will talk about making dolls from kapron. This method is quite complicated, but if you try hard, you can repeat everything. Stocking dolls are very plastic and quite realistic.

Required Materials and Tools

  1. Kapron. It is recommended to stop your choice on flesh-colored tights without elastane with a density of 20-30 den.
  2. Sintepon, which is used to stuff the product. The material is sold in many fabric stores or needlework shops.
  3. Sharp scissors.
  4. Long thin needle. The ideal option would be a needle for working with beads.
  5. Threads for ties in the color of nylon, so that they are not visible on the finished product.
  6. Black buttons on the leg for the eyes of the doll.
  7. Glue.
  8. Acrylic paints or dry decorative cosmetics for drawing the face.
  9. Any pieces of fabric for making clothes.
  10. Wire to create the frame of the body and limbs of the future doll.

Baby doll from kapron socks

For beginners, this master class will be an experience in mastering capron and will teach you how to handle it correctly.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The sock is filled with padding polyester and the edge is tied into a knot;
  2. The neck area is outlined and a seam is made in this place using basting stitches. Now this thread is pulled together, and for greater strength it is wrapped in several skeins;
  3. The legs are created in the same way. Circles are made with stitches, and then they are pulled together;
  4. A small nose is made on the head by stitching a circle and tightening;
  5. The navel is created by grabbing a few threads with a needle from the back of the doll. The buttocks are formed in the same way;
  6. Ears are obtained by pulling together the threads in two places;
  7. Eyes and eyebrows are embroidered with knitting threads;
  8. The cheeks are formed by a thread that moves from the corner of the mouth to the eye;
  9. Ruchi is made from a piece of nylon stuffed with padding polyester. Then they are sewn to the body;
  10. Hair is made from multi-colored shreds.

When you have fully mastered this master class, you can begin to create more complex products.

Doll made of nylon tights

Before starting work, you need to decide on the size of the future toy. It depends on how much material is needed to make the product proportional.

Manufacturing process:

Using this technique, you can create different images that will not only decorate the house, but also become an original gift for a person of any age.

To create realistic faces for dolls in stocking technique, you will have to fill your hand. It is even possible that the first result may upset and discourage the desire to work with nylon. However, as experience shows, skill necessarily comes with time and practice.

If you want to please your child and at the same time realize your own creative potential, then do-it-yourself dolls from pantyhose- this is just what you need. Old tights are sure to be found in any home, a synthetic winterizer can be removed from old jackets or bought in fabric stores. Needle, thread, scissors, sometimes wire and glue (this depends on the design of the doll), buttons for the eyes, thread for the wig, and all sorts of shreds for the costume, and you can start making the doll. Little men and animals, babies and old people are made from kapron.

The plasticity of such a doll is simply amazing and allows you to make very realistic specimens. Look at these do-it-yourself dolls, photo they cannot show all the variety of this toy, but they will give at least an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat can be made.

If you have a desire to try your hand and make do-it-yourself dolls from tights, master classes will assist you in this. If you have never sewed toys, then you should start with the so-called primitives. Their shape is the simplest, so a little patience and accuracy, and the result will be excellent. You will master the technique of working with nylon and in the future you will be able to move on to sewing more complex toys.

Do-it-yourself pantyhose dolls ideas

Let's start with making a baby doll. Take a nylon sock or cut off the bottom of the tights. We cut off the sock itself, along which the seam passes, from it we will form two small balls - handles and one very small nose. To do this, we roll up balls from synthetic winterizer, wrap with knitwear and tighten with a thread. Cut off excess material. We have a knitted cylinder. We sew on one side with a seam “over the edge”, so that we get a bag. We fill it with synthetic winterizer and intercept it with a thread from above. Now you need to divide the workpiece into the head and torso. We tie it tightly with a thread, where the neck should be.

Now you can start shaping the body. Find the middle of the seam, stick the needle and make a large stitch in the direction of the head, then return the needle and tighten a little. We have formed the legs and buttocks. On the front of the body with a short stitch we form a navel. Now let's make the baby doll's face. Glue the spout made at the very beginning and fix it with a pin. Symmetrically with respect to the spout and a little above it, we will sew beads-eyes, and we will form the mouth with a short stitch. Let's make eyebrows and ears. For accuracy, all stitches are made from the neck and returned there. Baby doll clothes can be made from pieces of colored socks or colored tights.

A cap-cap is made from one piece, we tighten its top with a thread, and turn off the bottom. We hang the rest of the knitwear from the crown forward so that it looks out from under the cap - this is a forelock. The second piece is a jumpsuit. From a narrow strip of knitwear we make a scarf and pull off the jumpsuit around the neck so that the part looks out from above, like a collar. We sew on top of the overalls the handles made at the very beginning. And at the very end, with the help of cosmetics, you can brown your cheeks and mouth a little. It will take quite a bit of time to make such a baby doll. On the eve of the New Year, we prepared a master class ".

Do-it-yourself dolls from pantyhose

By the same principle, adding quite a few details, you can sew funny little animals. Having trained on such kids, gradually complicating the design, you can proceed to more complex models. Nylon puppets are very popular. These are cute amulets and a gift-wish: "May fate always turn its face towards you, and not your booty." Such pupae will help you master more complex plastic arts than those of the primitives. The amulet toy is assembled from several parts, which are made separately, and then assembled with glue. From kapron we make a doll's face, hands, feet, ass and, if desired, chest.

For the face, we roll up a ball of fluffy filler, wrap it with a thin layer of non-fluffy synthetic winterizer. We place the ball in the stocking. Separately from small pieces we form the bulge of the nose and cheeks. We place the rolled parts in a stocking. The edges of the stocking are pulled together at the back of the head of the toy and secured with a needle and thread. The face begins to form from the nose. The nostrils are formed and then with a few stitches the wings of the nose and bridge of the nose. Then the turn of cheeks and lips. When the details of the face are worked out, we sew or glue the eyes. The facial features of priests are usually somewhat grotesque: chubby cheeks, a potato nose.

Anatomical accuracy is not necessary here, the main thing is that the face of the amulet toy is friendly and sweet, so that it is pleasant to look at. The ass and chest are made exactly the same, the difference is only in size. A lush cake covered with nylon is made from the filler and pulled over with a stitch in the middle. The diameter of the cake for the ass is approximately equal to the diameter of the face, the chest is slightly smaller. Handles can be assembled on a wire frame, in which case each finger is made by bending the wire in a loop.

Then the frame is wrapped with synthetic winterizer and sheathed with nylon. And you can sew a long sleeve from a finishing material in the form of a rectangle with a rounded top. The narrow bottom side is not sutured, it is stuffed with filler through it. The edge of the sleeve is tucked inward and the palm is glued to it. The palm is formed from a sintepon cake wrapped with nylon. Each finger is formed by a coupler stitch. The foot is made similarly to the palm, only elongated, narrowed to the heel of the form.

The costume is sewn from scraps. The main part of the costume is a skirt. Cut out a circle with a hole in the center and pick up the edges of the hole on the thread. We sew or glue braid, lace or some other trim along the bottom of the skirt, as well as along the edge of the sleeves. On the front side of the skirt, a head and handles are glued, which can be frameless or on a wire frame.

Glue the chest under the face. On the wrong side of the skirt, the butt is glued in the center, under it - the legs. The head can be decorated with a cap or simply left uncovered. We make hair from threads. The hairstyle is the most diverse and depends on the method of attaching the hairs, usually pigtails or ponytails. On the ass, you can stick an imitation of panties.

If you are making a chest for the doll, then we glue it with a rectangle of skirt fabric to partially cover it. The trimming of the neckline is the same as on the hem of the skirt. Thus, the doll-amulet can be frameless or with frame handles. Dolls from tights can be made on a frame using improvised means: plastic bottles, cardboard cylinders from toilet paper or towels. And finally, you can make a wire frame. Try to make such frame do-it-yourself pantyhose dolls, ideas, implemented in them will help you in the future to create something of your own unique. In the coming New Year, they will be relevant.

The frame of a plastic bottle is great to use to make a heating pad for a kettle. We need a plastic one and a half liter bottle with a spherical thickening at the top. We cut off the bottom of the bottle, we will not need it. We wrap the upper part with synthetic winterizer and make constrictions near the neck of the bottle and where the neck is supposed to be. Then we take a cylinder cut out of tights and put it on a bottle. The formation of the face begins with the nose. We roll the ball from the filler and insert it under the tights approximately in the middle of the doll's face. We fix the top of the stocking temporarily around the neck of the bottle. Stitches form the bridge of the nose, n lift the wings of the nose, make puffs. When the spout is ready, then, by adding pieces of filler in the appropriate places, we form the forehead, cheeks and chin. We do not cut the synthetic winterizer with scissors, but tear it off with our hands from a piece. When the bulges are ready, we make a screed around the neck.

After that, we will make our doll a mouth and lips with a few stitches, raising the corners of the mouth up. Additional stitches add expressiveness to the chin and cheeks. The eyes of the doll are made in advance from plaster and painted. Glue the eyes into the eye sockets and form the eyebrows with a few stitches. It remains to paint the face: eyebrows, lips and blush.

We collect the lower part of the tights on a thread and drag it through the bottle to the neck. We connect with the upper edge and carefully fix it on the neck. It remains only to do the hair. The hands of the doll are made on a wire frame. The doll's shirt is a rectangle, gathered at the neck. The sleeves are sewn separately and put on the hands. We put on a shirt, tighten the neck, sew up the back seam, then attach the arms to the body. The petticoat will serve as a heating pad, so it is sewn from a piece of fabric folded in half, between the layers of which a filler is inserted. The skirt is gathered on top and put on the torso. We sew the upper skirt from colored fabric, put it on over the lower one. It remains to tie a scarf on your head, and the heating pad for the kettle is ready. In addition to its intended purpose, such a doll will decorate your kitchen or serve as a good gift.

Modern life is such that almost all the objects that surround us are a product of mass production. Literally everything, from underwear to the apartments in which we live, is typical, although with some differences. This explains such a mass passion for various types of needlework and such an interest in hand-made products. Maybe children do not take care of the toys bought in the store, because they are practically devoid of a soul. On the contrary, handmade dolls are loved, even if they are not as beautiful and perfect as store bought ones.

Do-it-yourself dolls from children's tights animated and warm, they are so pleasant to hold in your hands. Frame dolls from nylon stockings are the pinnacle in this kind of creativity as sewing toys from nylon tights. It is these dolls that allow you to use all the advantages of this manufacturing method, all the possibilities provided by it. The wire frame starts with a loop for the head, then the neck follows, below it the base for the handles is made, including individual fingers. From the bottom of the body, the base for the legs is attached, where the foot is marked with a bend. The wire base must be wrapped with improvised materials - knitwear, foam rubber, in order to achieve the required thickness. Next, the base is wrapped with padding polyester, and here all the details are already worked out sculpturally in the same way as when sculpting a face. That is, where there should be bulges: chest, buttocks, elbow and knee joints, filler pieces are placed. To make the surface of the body even, you can use a felting needle. On top of the synthetic winterizer, we sheathe the blank of the torso with tights. Some subtleties of manufacturing: the number of seams should be minimally sufficient.

The head of the frame doll consists of two parts - front and back. The front part is formed from a sintepon cake, like pop dolls, with a nylon screed behind the face. The occipital part is made of synthetic padding and sheathed in a circle of knitwear so as to give the head an anatomically correct shape. At the moment of stitching the face and the back of the head, the head is connected to the finished body.

The seam is hidden under the wig and masked by the hairstyle. It is important to keep the proportions of the body and head. If you are making a baby toy, then the head to body ratio should be between 1:3 (baby proportions) and 1:6 (six year old proportions). In an adult, this ratio will be 1:8. The frame of the body is made of sufficiently thick aluminum or copper wire. A two-core, not too thick braided wire is also suitable. For handles, we take a thinner wire, otherwise it will be inconvenient to bend the fingers. The winding of the frame begins with the hands.

Having sheathed the palms with knitwear, you can attach the handles to the body and continue working. In order to fit the body, a kind of tights are sewn, which are fixed on the neck and shoulders. Separate cylinders are made for handles. It remains to be added that the smaller the toy, the more difficult it will be to sew clothes for it. The optimal size is 40-50 cm. If you like working with fabric, we advise you to make small nice gifts for the New Year according to ours.

Dolls are not only children's fun, but a type of needlework that is popular today. It is not for nothing that for the past few years entire exhibitions dedicated to sculptural textiles have been held in the world. At these shows, dolls made of nylon and synthetic winterizer are admired along with expensive author's works, not only among little girls, but also among sophisticated collectors.

If your daughter asks to buy her a new doll, take your time to go to the store. Try to create a cute toy with your own hands. Surely there are old nylon tights in the house - they can make a fun and cute soft toy. Usually old women or babies are made from this material: they turn out to be wrinkled and due to this very realistic. But you can also make animal figurines. It all depends on your creative adventurism, although in fact it is not difficult to make dolls from nylon tights. And with the help of a master class for beginners, in which all stages of work are described in detail, you will cope with the toy in just a couple of hours.

Materials and tools for work

To make the process of making toys a pleasure, you must follow two rules:

  • do not rush;
  • prepare in advance all the tools and materials necessary for work.

As for the last requirement, it should be discussed in detail. So, to create dolls from nylon and synthetic winterizer, no matter what master class you repeat, you will need:

  • old knitted or nylon tights;
  • pieces of synthetic winterizer;
  • threads for sewing in different colors (be sure to prepare a flesh-colored spool to create bulges and bends of the doll’s body);
  • patches of fabric;
  • special paints for fabric or wax crayons;
  • leftover yarn (for hair);
  • wire (on the frame of the doll's body);
  • long thin needle for darning.

beautiful girl

You can make such a cute blonde in just an hour, and you will have a new toy or an original interior decoration.


  • flesh-colored tights;
  • pieces of synthetic winterizer;
  • wire of medium thickness;
  • fine needle for darning;
  • threads with a thickness of No. 40 flesh-colored;
  • wax crayons;
  • ready-made eyes with eyelashes (optional);
  • wig or yarn for making hair.


Based on this doll, you can make girls of different nationalities. True, some nuances will have to be taken into account. So, for example, for a Chinese woman, the mouth should be worked out in more detail, making the lips thin. And, of course, do not forget to reduce the eye sockets for narrow beads. But for an African-American girl, black tights are used, preferably tight ones. And facial features, on the contrary, are made large, that is, large pieces of filler are stuffed.

baby doll

Especially for those who are just starting to sew kapron dolls, we offer a master class on creating a funny baby doll, which will become a symbol of good mood in your home.


  • flesh-colored nylon tights;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • 4 small pieces of wire;
  • flesh-colored thread;
  • darning needle;
  • patches of fabric;
  • ready-made eyes with eyelashes;
  • yarn for hair;
  • glue gun.


  1. We stuff a synthetic winterizer into a nylon bag.
  2. We form the nose, nostrils, mouth, lips, ears and eye sockets with stitches.
  3. Glue on the eyes.
  4. From the wire we make the basis for the palms.
  5. We wrap it with filler and nylon.
  6. We make fingers, nails.
  7. We make feet according to the principle of handles.
  8. Let's start making the butt. We place the filler in a piece of nylon, with stitches we make a hollow between the buttocks.
  9. We sew the ass to the head.
  10. We make hair out of yarn.
  11. We cut out a triangle from the fabric - panties, as well as a sun skirt.
  12. We sew arms and legs to the skirt, panties on the ass.
  13. With crayons we make a blush on the baby doll and tint the lips. The doll is ready.

The well-known master puppeteer Elena Lavrentyeva on her website offers beginners a master class in creating shell dolls from kapron.


  • nylon tights (can be white);
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • wire;
  • insulating tape;
  • threads in tone;
  • pearl-like bead;
  • eyes with eyelashes;
  • eye shadow;
  • glue gun.


There is never a shortage of doll design options in today's market. Despite this, handmade dolls still remain desirable and most in demand. But not everyone will be able to sew a doll. But to make a doll out of tights is within the power of every girl. Together with your child, you can create a whole puppet theater.

Manufacturing features

To date, the pinnacle of craftsmanship is a hosiery-framed doll. Such toys are very pleasant to hold, and they look like toy people.

Inside these dolls is a very light material that resembles cotton wool. And it's called sintepon. The rest of the work depends only on the imagination of the master. With these two materials, you can make a nose, eyes, face of any shape and size. The stocking technique is very simple and you don't have to be a prodigy to figure it out.

The main thing in manufacturing is to add bends with threads correctly and in the right place, which form facial features or limbs and body curves. The second point is the formation of a frame that would imitate the proportions of a person or a child. But the frame is not always needed if the toy only copies the appearance of a person in general terms, as, for example, in this master class.

Fundamentals of technology

Start by shaping the head of the stocking toy. In this case, it will be a double cherry toy.

Roll the cut off sleeve of the sweater into a tight ball, the sweater can be replaced with a padding polyester, as in our case. It should be firm to the touch and fairly dense. Head size is up to you. Tuck the folded padding polyester into the toe of the stocking and tie at the base.

Now it's time to move on to the nylon stockings that will go over the workpiece. Pull the capron over the head of the toy and tie at the base. Cut off the excess fabric, it is no longer needed.

After that, so that the main features appear on the face of the stocking toy, start shaping them as shown in the photo.

Next, form the nose of the toy by gathering a circular section of fabric in the place where it should be, and fixing it with a needle and thread.

First, work on the head, and proceed to the torso only when the head is completely ready. Initially, you need to make eyes, a mouth of a toy. You can also draw cheeks, outline cheekbones, using a weak solution of watercolors or acrylic.

Just don't overdo it with acrylic. In any case, it is worth practicing on an unnecessary piece of nylon before working with a toy.

When the head of the product is completely made, proceed to the creation of handles, legs, which are made according to a similar principle.

On the legs, make the toes shorter and mark the place of the heels with a stitch.

When the legs and handles are ready, connect them to the workpiece.

It is also necessary to make hair out of yarn or wool for felting, choosing their length and type of hairstyle at your discretion. If you have not had to create hair before, it is better to make simple ponytails or pigtails. To do this, cut about 40-50 threads of yarn, fold them together and tie them in two places so that the distance between the knots is equal to the distance between the temples of the toy, if measured around the circumference.

Next, simply put on the wig like a hat, straightening the yarn. Hide the knots under the tape. To ensure that the yarn is securely fastened, sew it in two places.

Now you need to glue or draw the eyes, tint the lips and cheeks a little.

Remember how you played with dolls as a child? Sometimes dolls become the best friends and mascots for children. And for your child, you always want everything the best and original. In our master class for beginners, we will tell you how to create an unusual doll from improvised materials. Step-by-step instructions for creating a soft doll from the most ordinary tights, which we will present to you today, with our own hands, will help you in creating crafts!

Of course, this doll will not look like porcelain and shop dolls, but it will be created with love. With a little effort and your imagination, you can create a unique doll that only you will have. So let's try to create a doll from tights, also with our own hands, with which the photo and video guide will help us.

Necessary materials

In order to start making a doll with our own hands, we need some materials. Not all materials may be at hand, but purchasing them will not hit your wallet.

  • Tights kapron or knitted.
  • The material for stuffing the doll is synthetic winterizer.
  • Threads for embroidery of eyes and mouth.
  • Threads in the color of tights.
  • Needles of different sizes.
  • Pins.
  • Sewing chalk.
  • Paint for fabric to match the color of the skin.
  • Wire or plastic bottle.
  • Knitting yarn for hair.

We make a doll from tights with our own hands

It will not be difficult to make a doll out of tights with the help of our step-by-step instructions for beginners. One has only to carefully follow the sequence of actions and everything will work out. The materials are ready, and we are transgressing!

  1. We start with a pattern. The doll can be made in any size. It is necessary that the proportions are observed: the length of the body should be equal to the length of the arm. The first thing to do is the head. After that, proceed to the manufacture of patterns and frame.
  2. Next, you need to consider the frame of the doll. If you want the doll to hang or sit, then you need to create a frame. The frame for the doll can be a wire or a plastic bottle.
  3. After the head is made, the pattern is drawn, the frame is ready, the torso is sewn, that is, the need to think about the outfit for the doll. It is worth knowing that the smaller the doll, the more difficult it will be to sew an outfit for her. For clothes, any pieces of fabric are suitable.
  4. And now let's take a closer look at how to make the head and face of our doll. The head of the doll consists of two parts: front and back. To create a face, we need to take the toe of the tights. Then we take a synthetic winterizer, squeeze it and stuff it inside the tights. Then you need to take another piece of synthetic winterizer and create a ball out of it, which must be attached in the center of the previously fixed synthetic winterizer inside the tights. To make the nose beautiful, you need to stretch it out a little and fix it with a needle. Using the same technology, we make cheeks and folds on the skin.
  5. Next, we need to attach the eyes for our doll. They can be purchased at a needlework store, but if this is not possible, then ordinary buttons will serve as eyes. Then we make eyelids. To do this, fold a piece of tights in half and sew over the eyes. In the same way we make ears, only to make them more expressive and voluminous, you need to add a little padding polyester.
  6. Then we make the back of the head for our doll. To do this, we fill the tights with synthetic winterizer, straighten it evenly and sew it to the front.


  1. Next, we proceed to the manufacture of the body. To do this, we make a frame. We take the previously prepared wire and twist it. We make a loop for the head of the doll. The wire should start from the head of the doll, then go to the shoulders and arms, then go to the body, go down to the legs and again return to the belt, where it ends. After making the frame, it is necessary to wrap it with synthetic winterizer.
  2. After making the frame, we proceed to fitting the body with tights. We will start with the limbs. We put tights on the arms and legs, then sheathe the edges, thus forming neat feet, fingers, hands, arms and legs.

Dressing up the doll

  1. Next, we put the tights on the frame, which we previously wrapped with padding polyester. Sew tights on the sides to the base of the body. Then sew on the head.
  2. Using knitting yarn, make a wig for the doll to hide the ugliness of how we sewed the front and back of the head.
  3. After that, our doll is almost ready. It remains only to give the skin a more natural color with fabric paint, give the doll's face more characteristic features and sew clothes.

And our doll is ready! Your children will be happy to play with such a doll, as a piece of your soul is invested in it. And also you can create your own collection of dolls, and since it is simply impossible to create two identical dolls, your collection will be unique and original.

We make do-it-yourself puppets

The interesting name of these dolls - priests - speaks for itself, because the way the doll turned to you in the morning, the coming day will bring you. Sewing this type of doll is very simple. The technology is almost the same as in the sewing of simple dolls, which are described above. The peculiarity of tailoring this doll is that all elements are sewn separately. Then the clothes are made and all the elements of the doll are sewn to the clothes. Following the photo instructions, everything will be clear. The main feature is that popik dolls, thanks to the body stuffed with padding polyester, are in a prone position.

Video on the topic of the article

At the end of the master class, we want to invite you to watch our video master class on dolls, which will be useful in learning and will be a good example for you. Happy learning!