How to make a leather steering wheel. We drag the steering wheel of the car with leather. Leather covered steering wheel

Hello dear friends! I hope you are in a good mood and ready to receive a portion of new useful observations from your obedient servant. After all, today we are discussing such an issue as hauling the steering wheel.

Agree that regular steering wheels on many cars can only be called squalor. Either they were normal, but time left marks on them in the form of scratches, cuts, torn seams, and so on.

Skin tightening is a fairly common service. In cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar or Belarusian Minsk, for example, there are a number of ateliers where you can redo the steering wheel in just a couple of days, breathe new life into it.

Yes, of course, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Belgorod and any other, even a small town in Russia and the CIS, will offer at least one master who can do such work for you.

But ordering a service is too easy. And yes, you have to pay more. Therefore, I propose to talk about how tight-fitting is done with your own hands.

Choosing a material

Of course, leather for the steering wheel will be the most preferable. This material is natural, strong and durable, plus fits well in the hand. Alcantara is an alternative.

But start with the skin. Its price is not so high, plus there are many options for execution. To choose the skin from which the steering braid will be made, follow a few rules.

  1. Naturalness. Artificial leather will not work, not those properties. And in general, once you get down to work, do everything qualitatively.
  2. Thickness. We don't need thick skin. Otherwise, you will be tortured to pierce. The thin one wears out quickly. The optimal size is 1.3 mm.
  3. Extensibility. Strictly average. Elasticity should ensure a snug fit to the wheel.
  4. Perforation. Its presence is not necessary, although it is more pleasant to work with perforated leather. At the same time, wear is higher than that of ordinary leather. Decide for yourself. I opted for smooth leather when wrapping the steering wheel.

In addition to leather for the steering wheel of a car, you will need a number of auxiliary materials and tools.

Tools and materials

The steering wheel trim kit for Mazda, Nissan, BMW and any other car, even the Ford Focus, will always be the same.

You need to put together:

  • skin;
  • a strong needle with which you will stitch the material;
  • strong nylon thread;
  • a pair of thimbles to protect the fingers;
  • masking tape;
  • cardboard of normal density;
  • food film;
  • marker or pencil;
  • sharp knife (buy at the building materials store).

All is ready. Now your car can be transformed. Start small - the steering wheel. Covering it with leather is not the easiest task for a beginner, but it is possible to complete it. I once decided to suddenly do something like this. The result exceeded my expectations, so you will definitely do just as well. I'm still a master of all trades.

The whole process can be divided into two stages:

  • pattern making;
  • skin-tight.

If you do everything right at the first stage, it will be much easier with a constriction.


I will give a consistent instruction to put everything on the shelves and convey the main idea to you.

  • Remove the steering wheel. I don't know what kind of car you have, so I can't give specific instructions for removing the steering wheel. Take a look at the repair manual, if you don't know, watch the video or just act instinctively. No, I was joking though. We work only strictly according to the instructions;
  • Get rid of the old braid. It is not difficult. You can simply cut the seams and remove the worn material;
  • Wrap the steering wheel with cling film. Do not spare the material, but wrap it carefully so that there are no differences in height and irregularities;

  • Masking tape is wrapped on top. Be sure to mark the places where the seam will pass with a marker;
  • Cut the previously wound adhesive tape along the marked lines. In essence, you will have several elements for the layout. Since they are curled up, line up the tape and place something heavy on top of it. Leave overnight. The next day, the layout will be even and neat;
  • Tape components can serve as a template for making a stronger cardboard base. That is, attach the adhesive tape to a sheet of cardboard, circle strictly in size and cut it out. Although this is not required;
  • Now, following the pattern of 4 layout elements (usually 4 pieces are obtained), the skin of the desired size is cut out. Here, try to cut carefully, without violating the dimension. Otherwise, then you have to cut, align and so on. Why do you need extra trouble;
  • Number the elements of the pattern to understand which piece of leather will be located where.

In principle, the basis is ready. Not as difficult as it seems at first glance. But then you will find an equally important stage - sewing. If you have ever sewed, then you roughly understand what we are talking about. Those who have never even darned their socks in their lives, better not come close. I'm serious! Otherwise, the result can be very disappointing. Basic skills are a must.

Tightening procedure

If you are careful and consistent in your actions, you will succeed and the car will acquire a really beautiful hand-made steering wheel.

  • Take a strong thread, insert it into an equally strong needle;
  • About 2-3 mm should be retreated from the edge of the skin. If you sew too close to the edge, it will simply tear when pulled;
  • All blanks must be connected, resulting in a ring. That is why it is important to make marks on the patterns with a marker;
  • The inner seam will be inside, so do not worry about this;
  • When the ring is ready, attach it to the steering wheel, align all the edges so that everything matches;
  • The skin will "walk" on the wheel if it is not fixed. Here I solved the issue this way - I treated the steering wheel with epoxy. She firmly held the skin, but at the same time allowed the material to be slightly displaced until it dried;
  • Sew all edges neatly. If you are good at thread and needle, you can get a beautiful decorative seam;
  • Stretch the skin evenly so that the tension is about the same everywhere.

The formation of small wrinkles on the new cover should not scare you. It's normal for the skin. In a few days everything will smooth out and look perfect. Be patient.

I told how the steering wheel trim process looks like. Yes, the task is not the easiest, but doable. If you are not ready for it, give the steering wheel to the studio. There you will get everything done in the best possible way, albeit for a decent amount of money.

No self-respecting car owner will tolerate shabby seat covers or a battered steering wheel in his car!

However, do not forget that, unlike the same covers, the steering wheel is not so much a part of the interior of the cabin as an important element of car control, and this, in turn, means that the steering wheel cover material should be not only aesthetically attractive, but also help the driver feel better about the car. Do-it-yourself leather steering wheel will help to emphasize the unique style of your car, and make it more comfortable to drive.

Upgrading your steering wheel design is actually easier than it sounds. Just follow the step by step instructions below, how to wrap leather steering wheel.

1. Material selection

If for you the most important quality of the steering wheel cover material is wear resistance, choose smooth leather for renewal, if softness is more important - perforated leather. In any case, the thickness of the material should be between 1.2 and 1.4 mm with an average degree of elasticity of the material. It is best to sew the cover with nylon thread, known for its strength.

2. Making a pattern

Remove the steering wheel from the body and steering shaft by unscrewing the appropriate screws and fastening nut;

Make a pattern layout by wrapping the steering wheel with masking tape over plastic wrap;

Using a marker, mark the places for the future connection of the parts of the pattern and cut the layout along these lines, after cutting, you should get 4 separate elements;

Straighten and attach these elements to a sheet of cardboard, circle them along the contour and cut out the patterns for the pattern;

Attach the resulting patterns to the skin and make cover patterns according to them, making the allowances necessary for further stitching;

Lay out all the resulting patterns in their place on the steering wheel to make sure their edges are joined.

3. Tailoring the cover

Wrap the edges of the patterns, this is necessary in order to make them as strong as possible;

Sew the pattern elements together so that you get a hoop;

Pull the resulting product onto the steering wheel;

In any convenient way (glue, double-sided tape), fix the cover on the steering wheel and align it;

Stretch the leather evenly over the steering wheel and start stitching. At this stage, you may need help. The new cover will look much neater if, during the sewing process, one person straightens and stretches the leather on the steering wheel, and the second connects them with a thread and a needle;

Under the cover of the sound signal, put the cover on the glue; - straighten the cover on the steering wheel - if wrinkles appear on it, it's okay, due to the elasticity of the skin they will quickly smooth out;

Return the steering wheel to its original place.

As you can see do-it-yourself steering wheel wrap quite a simple matter: a few simple manipulations - and you are the happy owner of a brand new exclusive case.

You can make your car look attractive on your own. All you need is imagination and, of course, desire. You can change or update interior elements or some details under the hood. In this article I will tell you how to sheathe an old steering wheel. Do-it-yourself leather steering wheel wrapping is the first step to updating and improving the interior of a car. Do not think that only specialists can do it. Do-it-yourself steering wheel hauling is not only instructive, but also quite an interesting process.

Considering the fact that the steering wheel is a part of the car, the contact of a person with which is made along the entire route, therefore, it is necessary to choose only high-quality material for the waist and it is desirable that it should be genuine leather. Since any other fabric will deteriorate from constant rubbing of hands on the steering wheel after a month of using the car. The intended skin should not be very thick, but it should not be thin either. If it is too thick, then you will not pierce it with a needle, and if its thickness is small, then the new steering wheel cover can deteriorate very quickly. The optimal thickness of the material for the tight steering wheel is 1.3 mm. Such an ability as extensibility should be with an average. This is a very important criterion that must be considered before buying. Its elasticity should allow the material to lie tightly on the steering wheel, otherwise, you should not even think about quality.

You can consider the option with the presence of perforation. This is a rather unusual and attractive look, and working with him is also a pleasure. But, having such positive qualities, I can also highlight its negative side - wear and tear. The only optimal solution for you is natural smooth leather.

Before buying, make sure that the material offered to you really has the necessary qualities, and you are not slipped a substitute. You also need to pay special attention to the additional materials that will be used in this case. The thread should be as strong as possible, because it will tighten the edges, so it should not break easily. Choose a strong needle, check that it does not bend. My advice is to buy several.

What will be needed?

For the waist, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Skin (it must meet all the necessary criteria);
  • Stitching needle (the needle must be strong). If possible, use Soviet-made needles, as they are really high quality;
  • Strong thread (kapron is used);
  • Two thimbles (it is almost impossible to work without them). They will keep your fingers from being punctured.
  • Masking tape, drawing paper sheets (it is better to use thick cardboard);
  • Pencil or felt-tip pen;
  • Film;
  • Knife (better to use stationery).

After preparing all the material, you can do the rest of the processes: cutting and hauling.

We make a pattern

In order to properly drag the steering wheel, and so that the result of your work has a spectacular look, you need to make a pattern. To do this, you need to make a preliminary layout (template).

It is made of adhesive tape and film, which need to be wrapped around the steering wheel. But, before that, you need to remove the steering wheel, as this will facilitate the work.
The first step is to remove the cover from the signal and unscrew the fixing nut that holds the steering wheel to the shaft. After that, with loosening movements in different directions, remove the steering wheel from the slots. Now that the steering wheel has been dismantled, we can start with the preliminary layout. To create it, you need to wrap a film on the steering wheel, and apply masking tape on top of it. Do not spare the material, wind it in several layers.

After the entire rim is covered, you need to use a marker to make marks in the place where the seam will pass (the junction of the parts). This is done for the reason that it is very difficult to make a one-piece case, so it will be made of four parts. And those places where the parts will be connected to each other are marked with a marker. We also draw a marker along the inside of the steering wheel. It is desirable to draw all lines as evenly as possible. This will allow you to make more even original parts when cutting. After all the lines are drawn, the layout must be cut with a clerical knife along these lines.

After cutting, you should get four separate elements. Now they need to be leveled and attached to the cardboard to create patterns for the pattern.
After the patterns are ready, they need to be applied to the base material in order to make the final version of the cover. But, it is important to remember that you do not need to cut exactly to size, but give some allowances for each edge of the part and then bend it. This is necessary in order to qualitatively sew them together, and so that the thread does not tear the skin during tightening.

That is, the seam will turn out to be strong enough and the skin will not tear when stitched together. In addition, the folds give the new steering wheel a more aesthetic appearance. Allowances can be given immediately, while you are circling the pattern. You can also circle first, and then use a ruler to add one centimeter to each edge. This way you will maintain an even retreat on each side.

After that, you can check how correctly the cutting of the elements is done. It is necessary to attach each of the patterns to the intended place and see how they are located: their edges should be joined to each other. If the left margin is too large, then you can trim the edges. If everything is fine, nothing bothers you, you can proceed to the final process - stitching the parts together.

Step-by-step instructions for tightening

So, everything is ready, you can start. At this stage, it is important to follow the order of the work so as not to confuse anything.

  • The first step is to overcast all the edges that will be sewn together. The fact is that each edge will be bent (we left indents specifically for this), and since the thickness will double at the bend, it will not look beautiful and it is very difficult to pierce such a thickness with a needle. That's why the wrapping is necessary. It will allow you to maintain the required thickness of the skin at the edges and thereby make the edges durable.
  • We spread our (4) details of the future steering wheel cover on some surface. You need to lay them out exactly in the order in which they will be located on the steering wheel.
  • We prepare a needle (we draw a thread into it).
  • Now you need to sew sequentially all the individual elements together.
    As a result, you should get a hoop.
  • Now you need to pull it on the steering wheel. Position it so that the seams match the cuts.
  • Next, you can fix the cover on the steering wheel with glue or epoxy. Everyone makes this decision personally, you can not stick it.
  • Now try to stretch the skin (flatten) to determine how much you need to fold the edges before the final step.

The last stage is the most difficult, since here it is important to maintain uniform skin tension on the entire steering wheel. It is not only difficult, but also difficult. It is much better if you ask someone to help you (one tightens and the other stitches).

So, the first step is to decide where to start. In principle, it depends only on convenience. It is necessary to stretch the skin to make a joint, if the joint does not converge, it’s not scary, thanks to elasticity, the joint will be pulled together with a thread. Thus, the entire cover is sewn together.

In those places where the cover can go under the signal cover, you need to do without a thread, but use glue. After completion, you need to straighten a brand new cover on the steering wheel, if there are any folds - it's not scary. After a few days, they will smooth out and the surface will be absolutely smooth. Now you can install the steering wheel in its original place, securing it with a fixing nut and cover the cover on the signal.

Leather upholstery of the steering wheel will significantly change the appearance of not only this element, but also emphasize the general appearance of the car interior. In addition, by doing it yourself, you not only saved your money, but also gained good experience in hauling, and also became more familiar with the steering device of your car.

Video " Steering wheel trim”

A video about the work of the master of the company "Rusty Brothers" on the leather upholstery of the steering wheel rim in the style of "BMW M". After watching the recording, you will learn what tools you need to prepare and how to cover the steering wheel with leather yourself.

June 3, 2019

Without exaggeration, we can say that the steering wheel is not only one of the most important elements of car control, but also the “face” of the vehicle interior. Therefore, the most common way to give the interior attractiveness and personality is the steering wheel trim. A beginner can also do it, the main thing here is patience and attention to every little thing.

Materials and tools

Since the steering wheel is constantly in contact with the driver's hands, when choosing a material for sheathing, you should pay attention to quality, strength and durability. There are many options - you can choose fur, artificial or natural leather, silicone, foam rubber or wire.

The most popular and practical is a braid made of genuine leather. Such a braid retains its appearance for a long time, is pleasant to the touch, has good performance, looks expensive and solid. You can simply wipe it with a damp alcohol wipe to remove dust. It is better to give preference to perforated leather. It is softer and thanks to the pores it breathes better.

Important! You should choose automotive leather, and not furniture, otherwise after a short time the work will go down the drain.

Before you start hauling the steering wheel, you should prepare all the necessary materials and tools. These include:

  • leather;
  • a large needle for sewing (you can take a red-hot one);
  • strong kapron thread;
  • thimble;
  • stationery knife;
  • masking tape;
  • cling film (you can take packaging);
  • marker or pencil;
  • medium density cardboard;
  • glue or epoxy.

Tightening procedure

Removing the steering wheel and the old braid

Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the steering wheel, using the manual for the repair and operation of the car. Disconnect the battery before dismantling! If there is an airbag in the hull, wait at least five minutes.

Remove the old braid. You can just cut along the seam.

Creating a Pattern and Cutting a New Braid

Next, you need to make a pattern. To do this, first the steering wheel is neatly, evenly, without differences in height, wrapped with a film, and then tightly with masking tape. With a marker, the future pattern is divided into four parts and a mark is made for the inner seam along the inside of the steering wheel.

Before cutting, it is necessary to number all the details. Cut strictly along the lines!

According to the marked marks, you need to cut the masking tape and remove it from the steering wheel. It turns out four parts of the pattern. To level them, you can put a load on top for several hours. Or make a denser cardboard template by applying masking tape elements to it.

Then, according to the sample of the obtained pattern, elements of the future leather braid are cut out, an allowance of 1.5-2 ml is made along the length. Each element must be marked. Do not forget that the final result depends on the accuracy of the work at the stage of making the pattern.

Pattern details are sewn together using a sewing machine or a needle and thread. It is necessary to retreat from the edge by 2-3 mm, otherwise the material will tear when pulled. All parts are connected to form a ring. The finished ring is applied to the steering wheel. Everything has to be exactly the right size. If the braid walks along the steering wheel, it is necessary to take it in at the seam. For additional fixation, the steering wheel can be lubricated with glue or epoxy.

Fasteners for manual braid stitching

After that, you need to make fasteners, which will hold the seam connecting the edges of the braid.

There are two types of fastening:

  • holes;
  • stitching along the edges.

Holes along the edges of the braid can be made manually using an awl, or using a sewing machine with a needle without thread with a rounded tip.

The number of holes should be the same on both sides, the distance from the edge is approximately 4 mm, between the holes 4-5 mm. The work is quite laborious, it should turn out about 600 holes.

The second method is much simpler - it is enough to make a line on the edge of the braid with a stitch of 5-6 mm on a sewing machine. The distance from the edge of the product is 4 mm.

All knots are made from the inside and are fixed with no more than two stitches.

Stitching the braid on the steering wheel

There are many braid lacing options. The choice depends on the type of fastening and personal imagination. The easiest is to lace up like sneakers, threading a strong thread into the prepared bindings. You should start from the bottom and move counterclockwise, carefully straightening the folds and pulling the material well.

Reference! If in some place it was not possible to perfectly straighten the skin, you can use a hairdryer. When heated, the skin becomes more elastic and small wrinkles are smoothed out.

At the end of the sheathing, all the threads should be hidden under the skin, glue the knots with glue and walk with a hair dryer along the entire length of the steering wheel so that the skin fits better to the steering wheel. All seams can be smeared with special glue for the skin. This will prevent them from tearing apart.

Leather braid care

If the steering wheel is sheathed in leather, then it requires special attention, because dust and dirt easily accumulate in the pores of the leather. This is reflected not only in the appearance of the steering wheel, but also in the health of the driver. For cleaning, you can use special products for the skin or make your own product, for example, mixing warm water with shampoo for washing the car body.

To extend the life of such a braid, you should use special products that clean and moisturize it. Such products always contain special filters that protect the skin from fading.

Of course, making a leather braid with your own hands is much more difficult than buying a finished one. But on the other hand, you will be rightfully proud of your work, enjoying its result.

The steering wheel, as you know, is the link between the car and the driver. And the material that is pleasant to the touch, the comfort on the hands and many other factors affect how the driver feels the car. The steering wheel for the driver is not only the most significant detail, it is also significant in terms of the interior of the cabin. Shabby, torn in places, worn to holes, the material that covers the steering wheel indicates that it is time to change the skin, no matter how familiar and comfortable it may be.

Everyone has different tastes, someone likes a smooth polished steering wheel, someone is covered with almost snake skin, but almost everyone chooses the classic black leather. Any car enthusiast wants individuality, originality and chic. And one of the most popular ways to bring original design to the interior of the cabin is the steering wheel reupholstery. However, it is also an excellent element of car tuning.

It is worth noting that the service finish of the steering wheel is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, the best way in this case is to reupholster the steering wheel with leather with your own hands, which will save money and add individuality. Everything that is done by hand is exclusive in a single copy.

Tightening process

Before proceeding directly to the hauling, you need to decide what material the steering wheel will be covered with and choose its color.

The most comfortable leather to use is perforated leather, it is softer and more elastic, it is more convenient and comfortable to work with it than with smooth leather. While smooth leather has its merits, it is more durable than perforated leather. The optimal thickness of the skin should vary between 1.2 - 1.4 mm.

Covering the steering wheel with leather is not ideal for everyone. Working with leather requires certain knowledge and skills, so such an expensive pleasure as covering the steering wheel with leather should be done by a master of his craft. Otherwise, you can ruin expensive material, as a result, just waste money. Among other things, the most popular steering wheel is leather - it is comfortable, pleasant to the touch and durable.


Below you can see the installation instructions for the steering leather braid:
