How to wash children's toys. Proper processing of toys for children up to a year. Disinfecting "plush friends"

Cleanliness is the key to children's health. It is this statement that district pediatricians repeat to all mothers without exception. In principle, mothers themselves know this, but sometimes there is not enough free time for this cleanliness. So what am I doing this for? And besides, I want to tell you in an accessible way about how to disinfect toys without much difficulty.

Any toys become dirty over time, even if it is not visible on them, but believe me, a lot of various bacteria accumulate on their surface. According to the rules, disinfection of toys is recommended to be carried out weekly at home and daily in a kindergarten.

Performing global sorting

To be honest, the weekly disinfection of our toys caused me a quiet shock, since we have so many of them that I would not have enough time to process them. In this regard, I decided to sort the toys into certain groups, and only then wash them sequentially. I warn you right away: the sorting was done only on paper with the aim that when it comes to washing the toys, I will simply take the sheet with the list and take only a certain group of toys to the bath. With this approach, I managed not to leave a single toy unattended.

I got 10 groups:

1. Mosaic, Lego, small designer, toys from kinder surprises and all other small things.

2. Games and toys on batteries.

3. Plastic constructors.

4. Game sets: first aid kit, children's play utensils, hairdresser's, etc.

5. Children's railway and autotrack.

6. Soft toys, doll clothes.

7. Wooden puzzles and electronic games.

8. Plastic and rubber machines.

9. Dolls and baby dolls.

10. Rubber and plastic toys: animals, guns, balls, etc.

What and how to disinfect?

After thinking a little more about the mountains of toys and evaluating all 10 groups, I logically assumed that soft toys and doll clothes would be given to the washing machine to be torn to pieces. I know that this approach to soft toys surprises many, because there are also singing toys.

I remember this and already in practice I know that nothing will happen to any mechanism in a soft toy from washing in a washing machine. Tested by practice and secured by the assurances of one familiar electronics engineer. There is only one caveat: after the soft voice toy is washed in a typewriter, during the drying process, it can talk and sing by itself. After it dries, everything will be as before.

If everything was easy with the soft pets of my children, then I had to tinker with the rest of the toys. I disinfect all electronic toys, wooden puzzles, electronic games and cars with alcohol, since such toys cannot be washed under running water. In the store I buy a bottle of vodka (alcohol is sold only by prescription in a pharmacy), after which I moisten a cotton swab in it and wipe the toy. I recommend doing this for selected groups. For example, this week you disinfect the seventh group, and next week the second.

All other toys, in principle, can be washed, but again, you should pay attention to the components of the toys. So I soak the entire first group from my list in a basin with laundry soap dissolved in it. After an hour, I wash everything under running water and spread it on a diaper to dry.

I note that it is necessary to rinse very carefully otherwise a white coating will remain on the toys. This group is undergoing such a mass disinfection, since it is not possible to wash every little thing.

Plastic cars and rubber toys can be washed under the tap with baby or laundry soap, and also laid out on a diaper or sheet to dry. I understand that you still have to tinker with each typewriter and toy, but if you do this in groups every week, then it will not be so burdensome for you and after 2 months all the toys will be washed.

At first, I wrote that toys should be disinfected weekly, but I repeat once again in modern conditions this is impossible. But who knows, maybe there are mothers who can do it. And I'm giving up on this.

Please note that it is necessary to dry the toys until they are completely dry, because if there is water left in at least some nook and cranny of the toy, the toy may become rotten. You probably remove all the toys at once in special containers and baskets, and there the access of oxygen is limited, which is why the moisture has nowhere to evaporate and the toy will start to smell bad.

Do not forget about the cleanliness of the container or basket

Also, do not forget about the cleanliness of baskets, boxes and containers for toys. While you are disinfecting toys, take a regular disinfectant and dilute it as indicated on the bottle (to disinfect various surfaces) and treat the boxes and play containers with the resulting solution, but only let them dry well afterwards. In principle, such treatment is not harmful for a child, but if there is any reaction to chlorine, then it is better to simply wash everything with baby or laundry soap.

Personally, I carry out such a large-scale disinfection of toys every six months. The children are happy, and I, like a well-fed boa constrictor, look at my children who play with washed toys. I have been using all the methods described for a long time and I am very satisfied, maybe someone has other approaches, so you need to focus only on your child.

Most modern children boast an impressive collection of toys. What is not there! And teddy bears, furry dogs and cats, constructors, mosaics, a house for dolls and animals, a zoo set, doll dishes, balls ... All these items that delight a baby can cause viral diseases and infections. To protect your child from such problems, wash children's toys regularly.

In order to wash children's toys you will need

  • baby soap or washing powder;
  • brush;
  • foam sponge

When buying a soft toy for a child, pay attention to whether it can be washed in a typewriter. Usually, manufacturers indicate on the label or sewn-in tape with information about the toy, and how to care for it. Most modern soft toys can be safely washed in a regular typewriter with the usual detergents. Be sure to use fabric softener so that the appearance of a toy pet is pleasing to the eye. Talking soft toys with a built-in sound device, although more attractive to the child, present a problem when it comes to washing or cleaning. Such toys can be treated with carpet foam, fur cleaner. This is not the most ideal remedy, because it can cause an allergy in a child, however, this is almost the only option to solve the problem. You can try to gently open the toy and pull out the device. Then sew up the toy and wash it.

Wash plastic and plastic toys in a solution of baby soap or powder, rinse thoroughly and dry naturally. You can use a hair dryer or just dry all the game material. Wipe wooden objects with a soft cloth. From a long stay in the water, they can lose their appearance. In addition, the tree dries for a long time. Wash with warm water, pay attention to paint and varnish. It does not always tolerate water well. Wash rubber toys with a brush with baby soap. Wash all play equipment weekly if you have pets in the house. After the illness of the child, it is desirable to process everything with which he played.

Wash and iron doll clothes and various accessories for the game (chef's hat, apron, doll bed cover, etc.). Complex devices - electronic toys, children's computers - wipe with a regular computer cleaning fluid.

An ordinary baby bath or a spacious basin is suitable for washing toys. Involve your child in this process as well.

Proper processing of toys for children up to a year

The variety of toys that we buy for our child gives modern mothers not only the opportunity to distract their child for a short time, but directly affects the formation of the baby’s inner world, helps in the process of his upbringing and enables the baby to actively learn and explore everything around. To get acquainted with the surrounding objects, the baby is ready to use his senses, that is, sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch. To deprive a child of this wonderful opportunity, in my opinion, is an unforgivable mistake on the part of parents. Therefore, it is better to carefully prepare for this period and provide the child with the highest possible hygienic purity. This also applies to the cleanliness of the floor on which these toys fall.

Modern toys are presented in a wide variety of materials and equipment. It is worth noting that toys up to a year old should be large, not collapsible, or in any case, such that a child cannot disassemble. When choosing toys in an online store, be sure to call a consultant to clarify whether this toy can be used by a small child, how it can be handled (especially when it comes to soft interactive toys), whether the batteries are covered with a plate that is screwed on with a screw. If you are looking for toys up to a year in Kyiv, then this online store will be able to provide you with free home delivery, depending on the amount of the order.

Many people confuse the concepts of "hygiene" and "sterility". From toys we need to achieve purity, not sterility. There is no need to boil all children's toys or treat them with disinfectants. Wash them thoroughly with baby soap and dry them. Perhaps, only toys that have previously been used by other children (used heritage) should go through the boiling procedure.

It is enough to wash plastic and plastic baby toys with baby soap or powder and rinse very thoroughly. After that, dry it (it is not forbidden to use a hair dryer or just wipe it dry) and you can safely return the property to the baby.

Wooden objects, parts of toys are wiped with a soft cloth. If the burning desire to wash them also does not recede, wash with warm water, but pay attention to the paint or paintwork. Also keep in mind that wooden products lose their beauty with a long stay in the aquatic environment and the period of natural drying is much longer.

Feel free to wash rubber toys with a brush with baby soap or powder and do not forget to rinse thoroughly after.

We pay special attention to soft animals. First you need to familiarize yourself with the contents of the tag (label or sewn-in tape) - manufacturers indicate there, of course, in addition to information about the product, methods of care. Almost all soft toys can be safely washed in a regular washing machine with baby powder. I recommend not to forget to use conditioner for children's underwear, and then all children's property will definitely please the baby's eye with its brightness and design.

Toys with built-in mechanisms, of course, will be even more interesting to the growing researcher, but therefore they require more complex hygiene procedures. Naturally, they cannot be erased. It can be treated with carpet foam or fur cleaner, but such procedures can subsequently cause allergic reactions in the crumbs. The only safest, but at the same time, the most time-consuming option remains: we open the toy, take out the mechanism and safely erase it. After drying, we put the device back and carefully sew it up.

Electronic children's toys can simply be wiped with computer cleaning fluid or plain alcohol, and allowed to dry well.

And do not forget that all baby toys should be washed weekly if there are animals in the house. Also, after the illness of the child, the toys that he used should be processed so as not to re-infect the baby.

Last thing

Reprinting of materials is allowed only with reference to the source

After cleaning, the soft toy must be dried.

Soft toys are in almost every home, especially in families with children. Unlike plastic and other hard toys, soft toys quickly get dirty, accumulate dust, germs and other contaminants during regular use. While playing, children come into close contact with toys, so it is very important to keep them clean. Timely cleaning and disinfection of soft toys will ensure their safe use. Let's take a look at a few ways you can clean soft toy.

Before you start cleaning your soft toy, it is recommended that you perform a few preliminary steps. First of all, pay attention to the composition and manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning the toy indicated on the label. This will give you some idea of ​​how picky the soft toy is when it comes to cleaning. However, keep in mind that the information on the labels is not always reliable, as the manufacturer, trying to play it safe, may indicate excessive requirements.

Then carefully inspect the toy for leaky material, torn seams, loose parts such as eyes or nose that may fall off during washing. Eliminate the defects found - sew up all the holes and fix the dangling parts. If the soft toy has removable accessories, they should be removed.

There are various ways to clean soft toys, let's start with the most careful. The most whimsical toys that are forbidden to be washed should first be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Using a brush attachment, vacuum the entire surface of the toy from dust and other contaminants. Then apply Foam Upholstery Cleaner to the surface and brush gently.

Important! For cleaning soft toys that children play with, it is not recommended to use aggressive or toxic cleaners, because sooner or later their particles will end up in the child's mouth. It is much safer to use your own cleaner. To prepare it, mix a small amount of dishwashing liquid with a glass of warm water in a bowl and beat thoroughly with an electric mixer on medium speed until a lather forms. With the help of the resulting foam, you can clean not only soft toys, but also upholstered furniture.

After cleaning with a cleaner, rinse the surface of the toy with clean water using a spray bottle. Be careful to wash off the soap residue as quickly as possible so that moisture does not have time to penetrate inside the toy. After that, gently comb the toy to prevent tangling of the pile, and dry it in the air. Use a hair dryer to speed up the process.

If you just need to freshen up a soft toy or remove odors, place it in a bag, add 1 cup of baking soda, baby powder, or cornstarch, and shake it around to spread the powder and cover the entire surface of the toy. Then, with your fingertips, rub the powder into the pile of the toy, tightly tie the bag, leave for 15-20 minutes, then vacuum.

Most stuffed toys actually hold up well enough in the washing machine. They should be washed in cold water with the addition of a mild detergent, setting the machine on a delicate or manual wash cycle. To protect the lint of the toy during washing, place it in a laundry bag or pillowcase and tie it with string or close with a zipper. Also, this technique will help to avoid clogging the washing machine if the toy falls apart during washing. At the same time, several toys can be washed in this way, the main thing is that they should not be of different colors, since during the washing process they can shed and color their neighbors. It is better not to fill the bag to capacity, but leave enough space for moving toys. Adding 1 cup of white vinegar to your washing machine can safely disinfect and deodorize soft toys.

After you have washed the toy, it must be thoroughly dried. If the washing machine is equipped with a dryer, start the drying cycle leaving the toy in the laundry bag. Use the lowest temperature settings, as high temperatures can be bad for the synthetic materials of the toys. After the cycle is completed, unpack the bag and check the toy, if it is still damp, repeat the procedure.

When choosing a method for cleaning a soft toy, you should proceed from its condition and rely on your own considerations. If the toy looks like it will fall apart when machine washed, then play it safe and opt for another cleaning method. If the toy is too big, you probably won't be able to wash it in the washing machine either.

Soft toys that contain electronic devices inside them, with the help of which they move or make sounds, must not be washed in any way.

If you think a soft toy has dust mites, put it in the freezer in a plastic bag. Take it out the next day and wash or vacuum it.

Other materials in this category


As soon as you have a baby, you begin to look at your home environment in a whole new way. You look at household chemicals with caution: how harmful is it for my baby? how bad is it for the environment? Would any of us want these substances to surround a child? However, there is no need to panic and go to extremes: the latest medical research says that for the proper development of the immune system of the child, he must be exposed to dirt and bacteria. Therefore, finding soft, biologically gentle and safe cleaning products and bleaches is an interesting task. There are several options, because you can’t clean it at all. You can go back to the roots and learn how to wash children's toys, as our great-grandfathers did. And you can pay attention to alternative safe environmentally friendly products.

There are two main steps in caring for children's toys and equipment that the baby comes into contact with:

1. Cleaning to remove grease, dirt and most germs. At this stage, you can do with ordinary antibacterial soap, for example, and warm water. Most importantly, rinse thoroughly.

2. Disinfection, when you need to kill all dangerous germs. And here a special disinfectant solution is already needed so that there is no n-i-ch-e-g-o on the surface. The main condition at this stage is to find the right tool to clean the equipment. Most importantly, it must be non-toxic and safe!

How to wash toys?

There are various ways to clean and disinfect toys and equipment, depending on the size and type of material.

Please be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions for use and warnings as these toys come into close contact with your baby. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions, if available.

Baby's first toys are teethers, pacifiers, plastic or wooden toys. What is the first thing a child does with them? That's right, he puts it in his mouth) Just think, the baby licks things that could lie on the ground, be stored and transported in incomprehensible conditions, other children, or even dogs, could play with them. Plastic, metal and wooden toys and surfaces are best cleaned with soap first, then wiped with a solution, then dried. Small plastic toys, if they are battery-free and strong enough (so that they do not deform in hot water), feel free to wash in the dishwasher with dishwashing detergent and hot water. It cleans and disinfects them. If you don't have a dishwasher, you can wash plastic toys in warm water with a clean sponge and soap. After washing for disinfection, toys can be dipped in a solution diluted with bleach, then rinsed and dried naturally. pay attention to natural toy cleaner BENTLEY ORGANIC. It's 90% organic, which should reassure any mom - your little one and everything around her will be pure, natural ingredients. In your arsenal you can include, for example, Sun Herbal Foaming Cleanser for Bottles, Toys, Teats, Vegetables, Fruits and everything that gets in the way of a mother and her baby. This antibacterial and effective remedy is absolutely safe, because it is made from "edible" components (all the details are in our article about this particular remedy). plus it non-irritating due to neutral pH neither the mother nor the baby.

Then soft toys appear in the child's life. They are again tested for tooth strength. In addition to all the above problems, stains can be put on them. In that case, be sure to carefully read the instructions on how to care for children's toys. Fabric toys and surfaces can be dry-cleaned or machine-washed or hand-washed. If you have a woolen "felt" toy, then again pay attention to the label. If there are no special instructions, then you can simply wash them in a special bag separately from clothes. At the same time, try to use special detergents for washing woolen items, items made of delicate fabrics or mild soap. Let the toy dry naturally. If you are afraid to use ordinary bleach, then there is a way out: you can try a special oxygen non-toxic bleach, or you can just sprinkle a little lemon juice on the stain and put it in the sun. After "tanning" a little, you will be surprised how your toy became clean again. If the soft plush toy is large, then first open the bottom seam and remove all fillings of the material, then wash the plush toy and dry it, then refill it and sew the seam. For toys with batteries, remove the batteries first, wash the outside with soap and water, then wipe it down with a bleach or disinfectant solution, and dry it in clean, dry air.

In addition to toys, your baby's hands touch furniture, swings, strollers and more. Therefore, in order to keep your home healthy and clean, choose the right products. After all, every parent wants that the immune system of his baby was strong, and the world around him was clean and healthy.

We advise you to pay attention to natural hypoallergenic and safe household chemicals. ECOVER, KLAR, ECODOO or ATTITUDE . We recommend using these products for washing and caring for children's things, therefore we advise you to clean toys and all objects around the baby with the most harmless means. There are washing powders, and liquid laundry detergents, and delicate bleaches, and special delicate soaps.

How often should toys and equipment be washed?

We are against setting up a laboratory at home and buying a separate remedy for each individual product. No crazy daily cleaning, be careful: cleaning and cleaning should not be too much. Seriously! We are for just spraying, wiping and playing))

Our rules are very simple:

  • if the toy is most often in the mouth of a newborn, then clean it 2 times a week or daily, depending on how often they play
  • when you notice obvious dirt
  • when your child is recovering from illness, especially from poisoning or disorders when the immune system is weakened
  • after playtime when other kids could put toys in their mouths
  • on a regular basis, for example at the end of each month

Remember, clean toys contribute to a healthy environment)

The variety of toys that we buy for our child gives modern mothers not only the opportunity to distract their child for a short time, but directly affects the formation of the baby’s inner world, helps in the process of his upbringing and enables the baby to actively learn and explore everything around. To get acquainted with the surrounding objects, the baby is ready to use his senses, that is, sight, smell, taste, hearing, touch. To deprive a child of this wonderful opportunity, in my opinion, is an unforgivable mistake on the part of parents. Therefore, it is better to carefully prepare for this period and provide the child with the highest possible hygienic purity. This also applies to the cleanliness of the floor on which these toys fall.

Modern toys are presented in a wide variety of materials and equipment. It is worth noting that toys up to a year old should be large, not collapsible, or in any case, such that a child cannot disassemble. When choosing toys in an online store, be sure to call a consultant to clarify whether this toy can be used by a small child, how it can be handled (especially when it comes to soft interactive toys), whether the batteries are covered with a plate that is screwed on with a screw. If you are looking for toys up to a year in Kyiv, then this online store will be able to provide you with the possibility of free home delivery, depending on the amount of the order.

Many people confuse the concepts of "hygiene" and "sterility". From toys we need to achieve purity, not sterility. There is no need to boil all children's toys or treat them with disinfectants. Wash them thoroughly with baby soap and dry them. Perhaps, only toys that have previously been used by other children (used heritage) should go through the boiling procedure.

It is enough to wash plastic and plastic baby toys with baby soap or powder and rinse very thoroughly. After that, dry it (it is not forbidden to use a hair dryer or just wipe it dry) and you can safely return the property to the baby.

Wooden objects, parts of toys are wiped with a soft cloth. If the burning desire to wash them also does not recede, wash with warm water, but pay attention to the paint or paintwork. Also keep in mind that wooden products lose their beauty with a long stay in the aquatic environment and the period of natural drying is much longer.

Feel free to wash rubber toys with a brush with baby soap or powder and do not forget to rinse thoroughly after.

We pay special attention to soft animals. First you need to familiarize yourself with the contents of the tag (label or sewn-in tape) - manufacturers indicate there, of course, in addition to information about the product, methods of care. Almost all soft toys can be safely washed in a regular washing machine with baby powder. I recommend not to forget to use conditioner for children's underwear, and then all children's property will definitely please the baby's eye with its brightness and design.

Toys with built-in mechanisms, of course, will be even more interesting to the growing researcher, but therefore they require more complex hygiene procedures. Naturally, they cannot be erased. It can be treated with carpet foam or fur cleaner, but such procedures can subsequently cause allergic reactions in the crumbs. The only safest, but at the same time, the most time-consuming option remains: we open the toy, take out the mechanism and safely erase it. After drying, we put the device back and carefully sew it up.

Electronic children's toys can simply be wiped with computer cleaning fluid or plain alcohol, and allowed to dry well.

And do not forget that all baby toys should be washed weekly if there are animals in the house. Also, after the illness of the child, the toys that he used should be processed so as not to re-infect the baby.

After an influx of new toys for Christmas and New Years, now is the perfect time to sort through your child's toy collection and wash and decorate old favorites.

Every cherished and beloved toy needs a good wash from time to time.

Stuffed Toys .
Once you convince your child to wash the plush toy, read the label to see if it can be washed in the washing machine.

If the toy has been very loved, check to see if it needs repairs first. You don't want the ear to get lost in the wash, and a few quick stitches can keep the baby from worrying. Put the toy in an old pillowcase or a mesh laundry bag, such as a delicates laundry bag, to protect it.

When washing, select the delicate mode and the minimum temperature. Warm washing won't get rid of germs, so add a laundry detergent like Dettol Anti-Bacterial Laundry Cleanser for more hygienic cleaning.

Alternatively, hand wash in warm water with a small amount of laundry detergent and rinse aid. To absorb, soak in a laundry detergent solution for 15 minutes. After washing, rinse the toy in plenty of water. Squeeze out as much moisture as you can, wring without twisting, then place between two clean towels and wring out well.

To dry the toy, hang it on a drying line with clothespins or leave it to dry in a ventilation closet. It is extremely important to make sure that it is completely dry.

plastic toys.

Plastic teething toys, they can temporarily relieve gum pain and itching. But because they come into frequent contact with small hands and mouths, they are also often dropped on the floor between bouts of frantic chewing - they need to be cleaned frequently. To do this, wash them in warm water and then place them in a Milton Sterilizing Fluid solution for 15 minutes to disinfect.

Bath toys.
Bath toys can be a magnet for mold. Wash them regularly in a solution of warm water and detergent, using a bottle brush to get into all the nooks and crannies. Rinse, then let dry naturally. Squeeze the soft ones after the bath until all the water has drained out and leave to dry completely.

Mold can quickly develop in rubber bath toys. If you see black water flakes coming out of the hole when you squeeze it, then it's time to replace it. Even with thorough cleaning, you cannot be sure that all traces of mold will be removed.

You may have heard the myth about cleaning used Lego bricks in the washing machine, but the toy manufacturer discourages this. Instead, wash Lego - and its little brother, Duplo - by hand in warm water, not exceeding 40°C, to which you add detergent. Leave the bricks to soak and soak for 10 minutes and scrub any dirty parts with a toothbrush or pry dirt out of the crevices with a toothpick. Rinse with clean water and dry naturally.

Obviously, Lego pieces with stickers or electrical parts should not be immersed in water. Simply wipe them down with a damp microfiber cloth. This is a good way to clean wooden toys or any plastic toys that shouldn't be submerged in water.
If you're tempted to buy Lego online or by hand, beware. Scientists at the University of Plymouth have warned that Lego pieces made between the 1970s and 1980s may contain dangerous chemicals that could be harmful to health.

Storage of toys.
There comes a time in every toy's life when it's played less. If you can't part with your kids' old favorites, you might consider moving them to a mezzanine or attic. So that clean fabrics on the toy do not get dusty and are not attacked by moths and dust mites, choose an airtight plastic container for packaging to store each toy separately.

It is recommended to make it easier to find later, to mark each box so that you can find everything you need again. One option is to take a picture of the contents, then print the image and stick it on the inside of a clear plastic box with the picture facing out, or write an inventory and stick it on the box and put it inside. Toys may be needed if you have another child. When packing, you need to group the toys together so that your child will enjoy them at a certain age, and stick this information on the box.