See what prizes there are in Kinder Surprise. How to distinguish a real kinder surprise from a fake. We buy the whole package: how to find out which toy is in the kinder

Hi all! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved Kinder! As a child, my parents and I periodically indulged them, and when I got older, I bought it myself))) After the appearance of a child in my life, it became possible to acquire eggs without embarrassmentšŸ˜€ So what if he (the child) eats chocolate too early, but toys still not very interesting. My husband and I share the yummy in half, and I collect the toys. Daughter still gets the most important and interesting process - an autopsy!)))

All my life I came across frank nonsense in Kinders, and I never collected a single collection completely ... But by the age of 30, excitement woke up in me, and I decided to reveal the secret of a successful egg filling at all costs! šŸ˜€ Since my daughter loves to watch cartoons about Masha, we decided to try to collect a series of "Masha and the Bear". It seems to me that at the moment this is the most interesting collection of those currently on sale, although it also has a small minus ... but more on that below;)

You can buy a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg at any grocery store (the boxes are usually near the cash registers).

The cost varies from 57 to 63 rubles, depending on the place of purchase.

Everyone knows how it looks, I wonā€™t dwell on the external description in detail)))

But on the reverse side of the foil packaging, a mysterious code is printed, about which legends are made up on mom's forums. It is said to be the key to success. But I realized from my own experience that the theory with the code is complete bullshit. I came across different markings: from A1 to A8 and from B1 to B8 (or maybe 12, I donā€™t remember), including repeated ones, but this did not affect the content in any way. It happened that with the code B2 there was a rare figurine, and completely slag. So, after the twentieth egg, I stopped looking at the wrappers and began to choose surprises in a different way;)

Chocolate hiding under the wrapper, two-layer: white + milk, very delicate and tasty. It literally melts in your mouth! And it seems quite small... well, what is 20 grams of delicious chocolate? Yes, one tooth. However, this is where the trick lies. It's too sweet and it's hard even for me to eat more than 1 or 2 eggs!

I usually leave chocolate for tea, and first of all I rush to open the yolk: 3 Most often I give it, of course, to the child ... but sometimes I canā€™t resist and tear off the wrapper on the way from the store to at least see the color of the yolkšŸ˜€ Thatā€™s for this second a feeling of delight, joy and anticipation of a surprise, we pay 60 rubles ...)))

As you may have noticed, egg yolks come in two colors:

1. Dark yellow. So the toy in it is from the main collection.

2. Light yellow. Means a toy from minor collections.

In the photo above, you can see that in the egg - "photo model" I got a light yellow yolk, which means that most likely nonsense will come across (((So it happened, by the way, the toy from this egg got into my top 5 losers.

I donā€™t throw out empty yolks, they will come in handy later for the child for crafts. And it is convenient to store all sorts of small beads in them. True, half were already confused, but collecting them in the corners for a photo, I counted 48 pieces)))

In my childhood, the egg was twisted from two halves, and the plastic was of a different quality, more dense, smooth and shiny. Now the halves are connected by a jumper and are not lost. Great idea, I think!

Opening the yolk, you can instantly experience either joy or disappointment! In this case, there is also irritation ... because I want to click on the forehead of the person who comes up with such umm ... nonsense. In addition to the toy, there are usually 2 inserts in the egg: on one - information about the manufacturer and other uninteresting things, on the second - an image of the entire collection of this figure and an assembly master class.

Iā€™m wondering, has anyone ever read what is written on this insert?šŸ˜€

*** My secret, collection and secondary toys ***

Since it was not possible to determine belonging to the collection by the code, we had to reinvent the wheel. I really wanted to quietly open the wrappers right in the store and buy those eggs with orange yolks ... but, fortunately for other buyers, I have a conscience! šŸ˜€ My method was simple: I shake each egg and choose by sound and weight. No matter how stupid it may seem, but in this way I managed to collect a complete collection! Yes, and any nonsense has ceased to come across))) The sound of the toys is completely different. Good animal toys emit a loud, sonorous and "heavy" rattling. Bears from the collection "Masha and the Bear" do not rattle at all, but they are the heaviest in the box. Those that do not rattle, but are light - it is better not to take them at all, this is No. 1 in my antitope. If you already have several eggs with different toys, put them inside and listen to the sound;) Now I can accurately guess the car, puzzles, animals and what immediately goes to the trash))) At first I was embarrassed to dig into the box and shake all the eggs , but then it didnā€™t matter ... I donā€™t think that any of the people passing by paid attention to it at allšŸ˜€ But the husband is shy, so there are rarely good toys in the eggs that he buys ...

And here is my complete collection "Masha and the Bear". Figures of good quality, neatly painted. True, the dimensions and proportions are slightly different from those shown on the insert.

Bears were the hardest to find. All of them were caught in only one copy. They searched for a bear for the longest time ... I already thought that she didnā€™t exist at all;)

Most often came across "winter" Mashki, as many as 5! Mini army with pom-poms))

In each egg with a serial toy there were cardboard screens for photo shoots of figures, and in two copies)))

There were four pandas and four squirrels. I am happy with such repeated figures, at least a child can play with them, of course.

A little less, three each, penguins and "summer" Mashas in a sundress.

Well, the stars of the collection are bears. Only 1 piece. All three figurines are prefabricated, they take up a lot of space in the egg and almost do not rattle (only if you shake it with all your might). They are also the cutest in the series.

In general, the Masha and the Bear collection is excellent. BUT! Fat is BUT. There are not enough figurines, at least: a wolf and a bunny. And Masha's sister Dasha. Yes, and pigs ... Either the collection would be expanded, or two of them would be made. And then there are two bears (one and the same), and a squirrel ... which is far from the main character in the cartoon. So for the idea 5, for the implementation 4.

Well, I'll show you toys from secondary collections that I liked.

Animals are held in high esteem, even repeated ones. Their leaf diapers are removable. I would be glad if this mini-collection also gathered)))

A series of mothers with babies. Very cute)) So far, only skunks have caught)

Cockroach insects that have hidden virtues: a caterpillar is a marker, a spider can become a paper clip)))

Just a nice little prefabricated crocodile :)

Another prefabricated toys - stumps and their inhabitants))) It remains to find a stump with a squirrel.

One and a half excavators. More precisely, one and a half sharks. One half was "played" by a child;) If you press the fin, the shark opens its mouth. This is one of my favorite toys: 3 The figurine is a team, it will be difficult for the baby to cope with the assembly on his own.

The simplest, but far from the most stupid lion figurine.

And cars/motorcycles. My daughter plays with them most often, so there are very few of them leftšŸ˜€ A couple of motorcycles were stolen right from the photo shoot. And they didnā€™t return to the box ... Well, weā€™ll find it when we move;) In 10 years ...

Eeeee... Mine TOP 5 most stupid toys from Kinder Surprise! Perhaps someone even likes them ... But personally, I would tear off the hands of the one who created this rubbish.

Let's start from the 5th place. An incomprehensible piece of plastic without identification marks and a "rag". It turned out to be a bracelet. The size of my hand... And the piece of plastic is a dragon. In real life it looks worse and uglier. Neither vilify the child, nor play.

4th place. "Drawing board. Well, you yourself understand what and how you can depict on a two-centimeter piece, I even tried to do it - the result is in the photo. Rubbish ... Again: neither to play, nor to attach somewhere.

Although at first glance each Kinder Surprise is absolutely identical to the others, in fact there are a number of differences that can be used. And for this it is not necessary to buy a huge amount of chocolate eggs. It is enough to use the proposed methods and determine the collection options for surprises with greater accuracy. This inscription has nothing to do with the series and type of toys AT ALL). If its weight is 32 grams or more, the rest of the copies can be safely given away to familiar kids, leaving yourself a clear leader. There, after the date, you will see letters that will tell you if there is a long-awaited surprise inside. Shrek, when she took it, was guided purely by the date, a couple of times she saw a translucent square, but still the toy did not come across ((Only once ...

If you purchase a large box, collectible toys will not become cheaper at cost compared to a small box for 3 kinders. In a small box, one egg is guaranteed to be with a collectible toy. 2 kinders can be safely given to familiar children, especially since they often like the assembly much more than solid figuresā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ Appearance. Often "Kinder surprises" on the wrappers display collections that are offered to collectors.

4. PACKAGING FOR THREE TOYS. If there are two letters near the code at the bottom of the toy, this is a collectible toy, if three - puzzles, constructors, single toys and other pleasant little things. You look at the packaging of Masha and the Bear and other toys. That's why you come across anything! The manufacturer should give a fuck. and these toys are for children, not for 30 year olds who decided to collect toys at all costs. Where is the normal toy?

In kinders that weigh 34 grams - a toy, 28 - a booklet. In this series there are also kinders that weigh 32 grams, but they ring .... But there can be no 100% guarantee, small luminous men also weigh 32 grams, since there are 2 of them in each kinder surprise - they also do not ring.

There was an automatic machine in the hall that gives them out in exchange for a five-ruble coin. I insert, therefore, a coin into the slot .. And he gives me shoe covers.

Here's how easy it is to find a Kinder with a toy from the new collection

In order for the collection of little cartoon characters to be collected in its entirety, parents are forced to spend a lot of money. To protect parents from unreasonable expenses and, most importantly, to please the child, the experts revealed a little secret - you just need to look at the packaging more carefully. No, I do not sell, on the contrary, I also collect myself. I went to another store and everything is the same. Don't fool the kids. We won't buy again.

In an expensive kinder for 10 thousand there was complete crap: in one sticker, in the other a stencil for drawing some kind of crap, and I donā€™t remember the third one, itā€™s also nonsense. Oh, how much disappointment a child most often experiences when he opens a cherished surprise, and there ... nonsense that you want to throw on the floor and trample under your feet. Of course, it's a shame to see how this little man is disappointed when he finds nonsense in the long-awaited testicle. I myself remember very well when I bought these eggs 20 years ago (I burst into tears), and there was a fucking figurine. And it was like this with us, we also chased only pirates (we bought it ourselves, itā€™s not interesting to exchange or buy), and then a batch came where 8/10 of the toys were pirates.

Inexperienced parents assume that buying a sealed box of Kinder Surprises gives a guarantee of receiving all the serial toys drawn on it. In fact, there is only a third of the declared series, and even then there may be repetitions. The first myth dispelled, of which there will be many more.

What to consider when buying a complete big box?

There are two points that will significantly affect the decision on such a purchase.

  1. If you purchase a large box, collectible toys will not become cheaper at cost compared to a small box for 3 kinders. The reason is a relatively small percentage of the necessary figures. In a small box, one egg is guaranteed to be with a collectible toy.
  2. Not every Kinder in a large box will be from the desired series. In stores, sellers often put several boxes together, mixing toys from different releases. In order to avoid such a purchase, you need to know the production dates that are the boundary for the collection being assembled, and check all Kinder Surprises for a match.

But there are a number of subtleties, using which, it is absolutely not necessary to purchase full packages. The process of choosing purchases becomes much more interesting, more exciting and ... more profitable.

How to choose the right toy among others in the box?

Although at first glance each Kinder Surprise is absolutely identical to the others, in fact there are a number of differences that can be used.

  1. Appearance. Often "Kinder surprises" on the wrappers display collections that are offered to collectors. For example, cute face Kitty appeared on eggs in 2015 and all girls can try to find their favorite character.
  2. Marking. Thanks to the commitment of manufacturers to properly package their products. If there are two letters near the code at the bottom of the toy, this is a collectible toy, if three - puzzles, constructors, single toys and other pleasant little things. Kitty, pirates, fairies and other favorite characters from Kinder Surprise gather in this way.
  3. Weight . There is a difference, although it is difficult to determine it by eye, you need to weigh the eggs to make sure of your guesses. Figures weigh a couple of grams more than prefabricated toys. The 2014 series of fairies weighed at least 32 grams instead of the usual 28-31. In 2015, blue and pink specimens pulled up to 33, and Kitty - up to 36 grams. Light "Kinder surprises" are most often hidden in a chocolate shell puzzles or small designers.

    Since they are most often sold in grocery stores, there is nothing easier than using the scales and determining your chances of winning. It is ideal to work with your own weights, the scale of which has tenths of a gram, they will demonstrate greater accuracy.

  4. Sound . If you shake Kinder Surprise, the sounds will be very different. Prefabricated constructors muffledly knock on the wall. "Kinder Joy" is made of high quality plastic, which sounds like glass when shaken.

It is interesting to collect Prostokvashino. Dad with a TV loudly knocks with a small screwdriver. Uncle Fedor and Matroskin are smaller and lighter than the others, they consist of 2 parts. Cows are from one, so they don't make a sound. The car is heavier. You can guess the rest by remembering the knock of the purchased options and acting by the method of elimination.

Kitty makes little to no sound, as the figures are one-piece, packed in paper sheets, and there is no room for "surprise" movement inside the plastic.

Buying a small box

It is easy to choose from three eggs - most often the company puts the right one on the extreme right. It is not difficult to check this using scales. If its weight is 32 grams or more, the rest of the copies can be safely given away to familiar kids, leaving yourself a clear leader. Of course, you should first open the main contender and make sure that the choice is made correctly. The Kitty collection most often reaches a weight of 35 grams.

Kinder Surprise brings a lot of fun to both adults and children. Each toy is an example of a kind, cheerful and colorful character from a well-known story. You can choose a series at your discretion and collect a complete collection - a large company of themed fairy-tale characters, along with their accessories and "technical equipment". And for this it is not necessary to buy a huge amount of chocolate eggs. It is enough to use the proposed methods and determine the collection options for surprises with greater accuracy. This, it turns out, is not difficult at all.

Kinder Surprise is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2018. In honor of his birthday, Kinder organized various promotions (in winter and spring), and by the beginning of the new school year he released a new collection of toys "Kinder 50 Years" - it's called Kinderino and Kinderina. What is this series of surprises for children?

Kinder surprise 50 years

Chocolate Surprise Eggs have been produced every year since 1968. has become a real brand of chocolate and children's surprises in capsules, giving children and parents only positive emotions from unpacking chocolate eggs and finding small toys.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of Kinder Surprise, they released an anniversary collection with their own characters instead of cartoon characters. These are mini versions of chocolate eggs (a white egg with a man in red pants and with the inscription KINDER on his stomach), only they are made of plastic.

New chocolate eggs with wrappers "Kinder 50" released on August 2, 2018 and are ready to eat (chocolate) until May 29, 2019.

What is interesting about the Kinderino and Kinderina series? How many main toys does it have? What other surprises come across in eggs with wrappers "Kinder 50 years"?

Kinderino and Kinderina

Fans of Kinder Surprise are already familiar with the Kinderino character. This is a mini-kinder surprise, which was invented several years ago. But Kinderina - the girlfriend of the 50-year-old hero of the day - was presented in the Kinder series for the first time.

In addition to Kinderino and Kinderina, the main collection (in orange capsules) also comes across a dog.

There are 8 collectible figurines in the series: 2 dogs, 2 Kinderino girls and 4 Kinderino boys.

1. Kinderino with three balloons (collection number SE301)

2. Kinderino pencil with cap (collection number SE299)

3. Stunt dog (collection number SE294)

4. Kinderino with a gift (collection number SE328)

5. Kinderino with frame (collection number SE298)

6. Dog in a box (collection number SE294)

7. Kinderina with red balloons (collection number SE297)

8. Kinderina with a gift (collection number SE296)

Cheerful and bright Kinderino (a boy and a girl, as well as from a dog) are not the only figures that come across in Kinder Surprise 2018 chocolate eggs.

The yellow capsules of Kinder 50 years contain wild animals, toys that change color in ice water, new cars, board games for children and other interesting figurines.

Unpacking kinder surprises "Kinderino and Kinderina" for the 50th anniversary of Kinder Surprise:

Collecting a collection of serial toys from chocolate kinder surprises, you always want to get exactly the copy that is missing in the set. How to choose the right chocolate egg? In this article we will try to find out what pattern exists for choosing an egg with the right toy; how to find out what is inside just by a few letters on the label.

Chocolate eggs with a surprise have long been a favorite treat for children and adults. In addition to a delicious dessert, the kinder contains transformers or collectible toys that the manufacturer launches in a series: a collection of hippos, ducklings, smeshariki, lion cubs.

For a collector, be it an adult or a child, it is very important to collect the entire series, while you want to save money and not buy eggs that will not bring a collectible copy of the toy.

Kinder with a toy has more weight - is it so?

This statement may turn out to be true, but in order to purchase chocolate eggs on the principle of greater weight, it is required to have a fairly accurate scale nearby. The difference in weight between an egg and a collectible toy is very small, so you need to carefully weigh several kinders, choosing the heaviest ones for purchase. But there can be annoying mistakes.

There are several ways to determine what is inside the kinder, but none of them is 100% guaranteed.

Find a toy from the collection by knocking

There is an opinion that toys from the collection, when shaking a chocolate egg, make a characteristic sound of a rolling glass object, this sound makes a special plastic of the highest quality, from which collection toys are made. Prefabricated parts of the designer, which have a small weight, when shaken, make a soft dull sound.

This method assumes that the buyer has a developed ear for music, but he is unlikely to be able to help either - some collectible toys are packed in soft paper. Packed figures take up almost the entire space in a plastic capsule and do not make noise.

Many people think that buying a whole box of kinders is an absolute guarantee of getting toys from the collection. In fact, this assumption is far from the truth. Only about 30% of eggs with toys are put into the box, while the toys can be of the same type, of the same type.

collectible toys

Nobody knows what happens to a carton of eggs in the store. It often happens that the remains of products from several boxes are folded into one package for convenience. With what prizes the eggs were left is unknown. The percentage ratio of filling large and small boxes with valuable prizes is the same.

How to find prizes by marking labels

Surprise chocolate eggs are wrapped in a foil wrapper, on which the manufacturer indicates a lot of useful information about the product: weight, composition, batch number, name, barcode. Studying the markings will help you find out a lot of necessary information, including information about enclosed toys.

Attention! Below, immediately below the barcode, the manufacturer indicates a marking consisting of a series of numbers and letters. The top row of numbers ends with letters.

There are two lettering options:

  • Two letters in the marking mean that exactly those toys that collectors want to find are hidden inside the chocolate egg. Of course, this cannot serve as a guarantee that the purchased kinders will not contain the same figures, but the principle itself will help you choose exactly the egg with the figure of a certain series.
  • Three letters in the marking - a variety of surprises can be hidden in the chocolate bowels: transformers, puzzles, molded plastic toys, various trifles, but the desired toys from the collections cannot be there.

When buying chocolate eggs, you can use all methods: studying the packaging, weighing, shaking, but then the whole effect of the surprise will disappear. A chocolate egg, after all, was invented for this, so that there would be a mysterious surprise.

How to choose a kinder surprise with a toy: video

How to choose the right kinder surprise by letter: how to find the right toy and find out which kinder with a serial toy

Purchasing a large package

The desire to collect a complete series of toys pushes many collectors to buy a whole package of chocolate eggs. As a rule, a sweet treat fades into the background. In such boxes, the number of serial toys is only about 30%, everything else is puzzles, mechanisms, etc. Therefore, you cannot be completely sure that in this way you can get the missing items. But the purchase of the whole package has a lot of advantages:

  • the cost of one egg bought in bulk is lower than piece goods;
  • you can fully enjoy milk chocolate;
  • interesting models are often found among ordinary toys.

Buying a whole box of sweets does not guarantee that you will find all the toys you need.

Buying a small box

By purchasing a small box of kinder surprises, the number of collectible toys is reduced to one piece, the other two eggs are not serial. Usually manufacturers put a surprise with the right toy on the far right. Such an egg differs in weight and is noticeably heavier than others. But unfortunately, the above two methods do not always guarantee that you will buy the missing copy. Store clerks sometimes mix collections in one box by combining items from different packages. Therefore, before choosing it, you will need to carefully consider the product.

Attention! You can find the desired series of toys by release date.

Selection of a serial toy according to certain parameters

Experienced collectors rarely reveal the secrets of how to choose the right collectible toy. But still, there are a few points that you should pay attention to before buying a chocolate treat with a surprise.

  • Item weight. Kinder surprise with a serial toy is a little heavier than the rest. The difference is not very noticeable and is about 2-5 grams (it all depends on the collection). On average, an egg with the right surprise weighs from 32 to 36 grams. You can check this only if you have a scale with you. Otherwise, you will have to weigh the chocolate eggs by eye.
Attention! You can use store scales, but they must be electronic and have high accuracy.
  • Sound definition. Another way to recognize serial toys is to shake the kinder surprise. Sounds can be completely different. Prefabricated construction sets and puzzles usually knock dully against the wall. The sound of a collectible toy resembles a glass rolling sound. For production of serial models high-quality plastic is used.

Attention! The method may be ineffective, because the toy is wrapped in a layer of paper with instructions or annotations.

  • Wrapper label. This method of detecting surprises is very effective, but not for all collections. Based on it, you can easily collect figures of Hello Kitty, pirates and even fairies. The essence of the method is the marking on the back of the egg. So, if two letters are printed on it, then Kinder Surprise contains a toy from the collection. If there are three letters, then there are ordinary figures or constructors.

Radical methods for obtaining a collectible toy

Buying a kinder surprise in a store can perhaps be compared to a lottery. You never know what you'll get. Sometimes the desire to collect a series of figurines leads to a hefty waste of money. Not everyone is ready for it. Therefore, there are two ways to get the right toy:

The most accurate indicator of the presence of a toy is the weight of a kinder surprise
  1. Buying on the Internet. Some collectors list rare figurines at auctions or marketplaces. It is worth noting that their cost differs from the price of a chocolate egg. But this is a 100% chance that you will find the missing model.
  2. Exchange. This is how experienced collectors replenish their stocks. According to the principle "you - to me, I - to you."

Collecting Kinder Surprise toys is an interesting activity that captures not only children, but also adults. In order to find the missing copy, it is not necessary to buy all the chocolate eggs in the store. It is enough to pay attention to the labeling of the goods with letters, the knock when shaking the egg and its weight. It is worth noting that of all the parameters, the last option is the most effective.

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How to choose kinder surprise: video

How to choose the right kinder surprise with a collectible serial toy?

Kinder Surprise is a truly amazing contraption: children with extraordinary pleasure take off the wrapper from a delicious chocolate egg to find out what toy is hidden inside it. And sometimes for kids it doesnā€™t matter at all how tasty the chocolate is, in which the surprise capsule is wrapped. The main thing is to find a collectible surprise or the main character from your favorite cartoon. And so that your child comes across more collectible toys, you need to know how to choose a kinder surprise with a serial toy.

Such a welcome Kinder Surprise...

For more than a decade, the Italian company Ferrero has been offering consumers a kinder surprise - a chocolate egg, inside of which a capsule with a themed toy is hidden. As a rule, children are more interested in the toy than in the chocolate itself, because it is colorful, beautiful, and each new collection is the heroes of popular children's cartoons. This is exactly what the manufacturer made his bets on. Each box of chocolate eggs is marked in such a way that it is impossible to determine exactly where the collectible character is located. But still, avid collectors figured out how to recognize the desired kinder surprise.

I would like to note right away that boxes with chocolate eggs are sent to stores so that it is impossible to buy the entire collection of toys at once. But it is possible to deceive the manufacturer, and this is what will be discussed further.

How to recognize a collectible kinder surprise?

To choose chocolate eggs that contain the desired collection of toys, you should resort to some tricky methods:

  1. The marking that the wrapper contains. Kinder Surprise is wrapped in a bright wrapper with a barcode, chocolate composition, weight, name, batch number, date of manufacture and manufacturer. But this is not all useful information: markings can tell you which toy is in the egg. So, if there are three letters under the digital marking, there is a high probability that the capsule contains useless toys, such as cars, flying boomerangs, spinning tops and other trifles. Two letters under the marking mean that such an egg may contain a collectible toy. Therefore, if you decide to choose chocolate eggs for the collection, you should first of all pay attention to the code that contains the wrapper.
  2. Determine the collectible kinder surprise by sound. The method is very doubtful, but it has a place to be. To determine the serial kinder, you need to gently shake the egg near your ear: a dull and light sound, reminiscent of rolling a crumpled paper ball over an egg, may indicate that the toy is not from the desired series in the capsule. You can recognize the figure, which includes the desired series of the collection, by hearing heavy rolling inside the kinder. Of course, this method has a big drawback - not everyone has an ear for music, and therefore it is rather difficult to recognize the desired toy in this way.
  3. To choose the right kinder, check its weight. There is an opinion that a collectible surprise is 3-5 g heavier than kinders with puzzles, cars and other toys. But to check the exact weight of eggs, you need to have your own ultra-precise scales, since sellers are unlikely to allow buyers to weigh kinders in a store, and the human hand is unable to distinguish a slight difference in weight. Thus, a series by weight may not be collected, since this method is questionable, in addition, some non-collectible toys may weigh as much as the heroes from the collection.
  4. The appearance of the Kinder wrapper. You can determine if there is a toy with the series declared by the manufacturer in the egg by the pattern on the wrapper. This method is 30% true, which is quite a lot. So, you can find the desired figure in an egg, on the wrapper of which the desired character is depicted.
  5. Buying a package of kinders. This method is not a guarantee that you will get the right serial character. As a rule, an enterprising manufacturer puts only a third of the toys that the collection contains in one box. The rest are various cars, puzzles, key rings, etc. In addition, it is not a fact that collectible toys will be different. Another point: sellers often shift chocolate eggs from one box to another, for example, to free up space on the counter. Thus, the probability that the collection you need will come across to you is very small. To correctly identify a collectible kinder, you need to be smarter: buy not a huge box for 36 or 72 kinders, but one small box for 3 eggs - you will definitely find a collectible character in it.

How to collect a collection: effective ways

A complete series of treasured collectible figurines is every collector's dream. You can collect it, but for this you need to spend a little money. So, for example, you can buy several packs of kinders at a wholesale price and enjoy searching for the right characters and delicious chocolate for several hours.

But the most effective way to collect the entire collection is to buy figurines on the Internet. There are many sites on the network where anyone can buy or exchange missing items for those that are somewhat identical in the collection. Here you can also find collections for kinder joy.

So, in order to choose the right kinder surprise or joy, in which the collectible character will fall, you can use one of the above methods. Even better, if you apply all the methods at once. But be prepared for the fact that the result of your efforts may turn out to be negative, since these methods are not a guarantee of finding a serial toy.

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