Scenario of the sports festival "dad, mom and me - a sports family"

13.01.2016 1952 180 Kalanin Dmitry Alexandrovich


About the sports festival

"Dad", "Mom", I- sport family

Music sounds, commands enter. Introduction.

Leading: Dear friends!

Let us open our family triathlon championship

"Daddy", "Mom", I am a sports family, and to introduce you to the team captains, their parents, as well as cheerleaders.

The lot was determined by the treasured triples, and brought exactly 1 dad, 1 mom, 1 child from the teams. This lucky coincidence clearly leveled the chances of the playing teams.

And so we announce!

Each team is named after the child, the team captain.

Dear fans, sports referees. In a few moments, our athletes will demonstrate their readiness to protect, first of all, their family and team, their ability to run, jump and wrestle.

And also the support group will not remain indifferent, they will make every effort to win their class in the overall standings. We sincerely welcome everyone who came to the start today. Good luck to our teams!

Contest №1

Leading: 1 as is customary in every family, the strongest half of the family, our dads, go into battle. Dads reminisce about their youth and love for the mass game of Basketball. The task of dads is to run on the gymnastic bench without losing the ball. So to speak, chase after 2 hares, and manage to catch both. But you still need to throw on the ring to try to score 2 points, dad runs back along the floor, and the ball leads along the bench.

Contest №2

Moms follow the dads. Competition for moms, running with a badminton racket hitting a balloon.

Leading: Dear fans, it's hard not to lose the ball. He is very light and naive and does not understand what is in the hands of the hostesses, who will not miss the chance from their own hands and finish this competition.

Competition No. 3

Leading: on an optimistic note, we continue our competition. Especially since both support groups are eager to fight. Playing in the circle of the hall with a volleyball for 10 people in a team. On a signal, the children begin to throw the ball to each other in a circle. The team whose ball stays in the air the longest wins.

Contest №4

An obstacle course for the whole family: pull yourself up on the bench - go through 2 hoops, run around 4 barriers with a snake, sit on the mat and perform 3 throws at the target with a tennis ball.

Competition No. 5

Support team - jumps on 2 legs, the ball is clamped by the legs, run back.

Competition No. 6

Leading: - the next competition will show how mom and dad can work together in a bundle. The competition is called "running on 2 legs". Dad's right leg and mom's left leg are connected.

Competition No. 7

"Kinder - sumo" (competition of captains)

Leading: - 2 wrestlers go to the center of the circle, their task is to push their opponent out of the ring without touching their hands.

Competition No. 8

And now team members are participating in the competition. The competition is called "transportation of the child." The task of the participants is to move the child on the intertwined hands for a certain distance and return back.

Competition No. 9

Leading: Meanwhile, our athletes are eager to fight. They run hitting a tennis ball with a tennis racket.

Contest №10

At the start of the mother, they must run with a gymnastic stick, stepping over it.

Competition No. 11

The task of the participants is to run with 2 balls in their hands and put them in the hoop and come back.

Contest №12

The final competition in tug of war. All team members join the fight. To announce the results, the teams line up in the following order: child, father, mother.

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sports holiday

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”

Developed by:

Kuleshova T.I., teacher

first qualification category

GBOU School №2025 Moscow



Goals and objectives:

    ensuring interaction between family and school

    helping to strengthen family relationships

    health promotion, development of interest in physical culture

    create conditions for the manifestation of individual abilities of students in the interests of the team;

Conducting program.



Good afternoon, Dear friends! Hello, dear mothers and dads! Hello guys!

Greetings to all who found the time

And to school for the holiday " dad, mom, me - sport family» came !

Let us open our family championship in family all-around« dad, mom, me - sport family» . We have gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. And most importantly, to get to know each other better and make friends with each other.

And our competition will be held under the watchful eye of our jury: 1)______________2)_____________3)____________

Host ______________

Welcome dear guests!

We wish you fun, but we wish you joy.

Host ______________

We have been waiting for you for a long time,

We can't start the holiday without you!

Host ______________

Look, we have
There's almost a whole class here!

Host ______________

Next to us - dads, moms!
Dads abandoned sofas
Moms threw pots

And the costumes were pulled on.

So, friends, welcome the participants of the competition!

Command presentation.

Teacher: 1- Team "Strong"

Host ____________

Teacher: 2- Team "Brave"

Host ____________

If you want to be skillful

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Learn to love the jump rope

Ball, hoops and stick.

Never be discouraged!

Temper your spirit and body!

Here is the secret of health!

We send you physical education hello!

Teacher:3-Team "Nimble"

Host ____________

To grow and mature

You need to play sports.

Be smart not to lose heart

and improve health.

Leading _______________________ Look at our dads. Here they are all in front of us - slightly peppy, fit, collected, but not defeated, and even in some ways invincible, and in what exactly - we will find out later. We want to wish them to continue to maintain the same combat readiness to participate in school affairs, which only benefit from their participation!

And here are the mothers! They are always in shape. Constant training in women's triathlon makes itself felt: stove, shopping, laundry. And we are sure that today they will set the tone for their teams in the competition. Because it is known that the family rests on 3 pillars - Woman, Woman and again Woman!

Leading ____________________________ And finally, our guys! They are from the cradle long years tempered by constant training and united their parents in a friendly team, setting them new tasks, constantly increasing the load. But it is not in vain that they say: hard in teaching - easy in battle.


Teams, are you ready?

Judges, are you ready?
- Fans, are you ready?
- I ask the teams to take their starting positions. We begin!

Leading ____________________

1 round. "Warm-up" (all 3 teams come out and do a warm-up, the guys start, the leaders do a warm-up with them).

2 tour. Olympic marathon.

Leading: Traditionally at the opening Olympic Games a sacred fire is lit, which is transferred from one athlete to another until the torch with fire reaches the Olympic bowl. And we start the competition with the transfer of the Olympic flame.

"Transmission of the Olympic Flame"

Dads are given a baton. At the command "March!" dads run forward, run around the counter and, returning to the start line, pass the baton to mom, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. Mom, having run around the counter, passes the baton to her son, the son to his sister, etc. At the end of the relay, dad, being in front of the column, raises the baton up, the rest of the players spread their arms to the sides (these are the finish positions).

3 tour. "Crossing".

Teams line up at the start line in a column one at a time. The first one runs after the hoop located on the other half of the hall, putting it on, returns to the team. The second “clings” to the hoop, and both run to the other half of the hall. The first one stays behind the line, the second, having put on a hoop, runs after the third one, etc., until he has “crossed” all the members of the team.

Round 4 Intellectual-sports brain-ring.

Each team takes turns answering questions.

Questions for 1 team:

    The beginning of the road to the finish line. (Start)

    Sports referee tool. (Whistle)

    Sports equipment for pulling. (Rope)

Questions for 2 teams:

    What is not necessary if there is power? (Crazy)

    "Bearded" sports equipment. (Goat)

    Ice dancer. (Figure skater)

Questions for 3 teams:

1. Skiers ask for it. (Ski track)

2. An athlete who walks while sitting. (chess player)

3. In which game is the lightest ball used? (table tennis)

Additional questions. (if required)

    Which sport game requires more than physical training, and mental. (Chess)

    Which game uses the largest ball (Basketball)

5 tour. Relay "Big Shoe"

Participants run with huge shoes (box) on their feet to the finish line and back, pass the shoes (box) to another participant, etc.

6 tour. Contest "Relay for teams"

When you go to storm the relay race,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But still you will reach victory,

No fluff to you guys, no feather!

Stage 1: girl, takes the ball, chasing it, moves to the hoop, puts the ball in it and comes back.

Stage 2: the boy takes the ball, chasing it, moves to the hoop, puts the ball in it and comes back.

Stage 3: Mom runs to the hoop, takes the rope in it, jumping over it 10 times, returns back to the team and gives the rope to dad.

Stage 4: dad takes the rope, jumps over the rope while running to the hoop, puts the rope in the hoop, takes 2 balls and returns with the balls to the team, gives the balls to the girl and the boy.(A girl, a boy, mom, dad are being built.)

The first team to complete the relay and not make any mistakes wins.

6 tour. Contest "Relay race is the opposite"

Stage 1: mother, takes the ball, chasing it, moves to the hoop, puts the ball in it and comes back.

Stage 2: dad, takes the ball, chasing it, moves to the hoop, puts the ball in it and comes back.

Stage 3: the girl runs to the hoop, takes the rope in it, jumping over it 10 times, returns back to the team and gives the rope to dad.

Stage 4: the boy, takes the rope, jumps over the rope while running to the hoop, puts the rope in the hoop, takes 2 balls and returns with the balls to the team, gives the balls to the girl and the boy.(Mom, dad, girl, boy are under construction)

The first team to finish the relay and not make any mistakes wins.

7 tour. "Swamp"

Anyone can go through the swamp!

But how to get through without getting your feet wet?

Cheerful laughter, the desire to win

We will help you and guarantee your success!

Each team has 3 boards. Participants take turns climbing the planks to the mark, returning back running. The first team to complete the crossing wins. The first (dad) runs, laying the road through the swamp. On the way back, returning, he passes them to the girl. The girl repeats and passes to her mother. The mother gives it to the boy.

8 tour. Competition "Healthy - everything is great."

Each team is given a piece of paper with the word "Health" written on it. It is necessary for each letter of this word to come up with and write down words that are related to health, healthy lifestyle life.

W - health, charging, hardening,

D - diet, shower, nutritionist,

ABOUT - rest

R - mode, comb, racket, backpack

IN - water, vitamins, doctor

E - food

9 round "Together"

Who is not afraid of barriers?

Who wants to win so much?

Who is the strongest in the world?

Who is the fastest in the world?

It's dads, moms, and their kids!

Moms, dads and children are invited to the competition.

Mom is holding a hoop in her hands. On a signal, the first dad with two balls must run to the hoops, climb through the 1st hoop, then through the 2nd hoop, 3rd hoop, run to the cone and run back to pass the ball to another dad, etc. The team that can do it faster and without violations wins.

10- tour. Riddles competition.

1.- Leading. When the rackets hit
Shuttlecock is thrown over the net

Rivals from both sides

Everyone knows it...

2. - Leader. Two rings, playground, ball.
For your next match

Gathered from different schools

We, fight in...

2. - Leader. Court, net, ball and rackets.
Submission sends a well-aimed blow

Rival. I hope to repulse.

This sport is called...

3. - Leader. Inside, goalkeeper, stopper, back,
As well as forward and midfielder

Play by scoring a goal

In the well-known game...

3. - Leader. I have no time to get sick, friends,
I play football and hockey.
And I'm very proud of myself
What makes me healthy...

1. - Leading. There is a stadium in the yard
It's just very slippery.
To rush there like the wind,
Learn to skate...
ice rink

1. - Leading. We have only skates
They are only summer.
We rolled on the asphalt
And they were happy...

2. - Leader. small, remote
Screams loudly
Helping the judge
Tired doesn't know...

3. - Leader. =============

11 tour. Relay race

Badminton Tour. Team members lead with a badminton racket balloon to the rack and back

12 tour. "Penguins"

Teams line up at the start line in a column one at a time.

The first participant has a ball.On signalthe first participant mustcarry the ball, sandwiched between the legs, to the coneand back, and then pass it to the next player.

13 tour. Relay race "Harvest."

Now let's harvest. EachEach team is given 12 tennis balls. They are in a hoop. Everyone participates.On command, the first one runs to the hoop, takes the ball, runs to the indicated placethrows the ball into the basket, comes back, the next one takes the ball, etc.


    Leading : Dear children and guests! So our sports competitions are over. Now we will ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results and name the winners.

Jury's word._______________________________________________________________

    Leading : Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility and energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. We hope that today's meeting was not in vain, and you learned a lot from it. After all, “You will be healthy - you will get everything!” So be healthy!

Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter,
For the fire of competition
Ensuring success.
Goodbye! Up to new family gatherings!

Presentation of prizes with jokes:

I place - Do you like sweets, al no, here's a handful of sweets for you.

II place - And not empty, and not thick: the prize for you is cabbage forks.

III place -To avoid a quarrel, eat the apple of discord.

Victoria Melnikova
Physical culture leisure in the preparatory school group "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" 2016–2017

Physical culture leisure in the group preparatory to school

« Dad, Mother, I - sport family» 2016-2017

Leading. Good evening, dear friends, we are starting our family sports holiday« Dad, Mother, I- sport family».

3 teams will compete today. These are the ones for whom communication with their child is most important! Greet them with warm applause.

Teams come out in turn.

This is the team families…



Daughter (son)-

Next command families…



Daughter (son)-

And the third team family…



Daughter (son)-

Leading. Welcome dear guests!

We wish you fun and joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time,

We can't start the holiday without you!

Study physical education is useful, cheerful physical education - doubly, because every minute of classes prolongs a person’s life by an hour, and a fun physical education for two. We got together to get a boost of energy and cheer for those friendly families who came to us to take part in the competition.

We ask the teams to introduce themselves (name, motto!

And who will evaluate our competitions? I present to you jury:___

Leading. Before starting any sports competition is necessary get ready To physical activity, everything, as it should be with real athletes!

The warm-up is judged only by the smiles of the fans and the jury.

Warm-up in progress "The sun is radiant"

1. Lead. So the first match "Grandma for Grandpa"

Attributes: landmark cones - 3, start line - 3

Leading. Each team must stand one after the other - in a column - dad, Mother, child. At first dad runs to the landmark, runs around him, returns back in a straight line, grabs his mother - they run by the hand together to the landmark, run around him, return in a straight line and the child - the three of them also do everything.


2. The second competition is for dad and mom "Pearl Fishers"

Attributes: net - 3, small balls - 15.

Leading. Moms catch balls with a net that moms throw.

Assessed: number of hits and speed.

3. Next relay "Friendly Tourists"

Attributes: a backpack - 3 pieces, a narrow plank - 3 pieces, planks - 9 pieces, hoops - a meadow - 3 pieces, flat paper flowers - 9 pieces.

Leading. Our families go on a hike. The child gets up first. At the start, he puts on a backpack, walks along the bridge, jumps over streams, runs to the meadow, picks one flower, runs around and returns in a straight line, passing the backpack to the next one.

Assessed: correctness, speed and mutual assistance.

4. Lead. Did a great job with the relay

Running fast is a habit.

And now it's time to find out

Who is the most jumpy family!

Attributes: jump ropes - short - 1, long - 2.

Everyone needs to jump over the rope in any way in 30 seconds, the number of jumps is summed up.

Leading. Based on the results of 4 competitions, we ask the jury to sum up the results, and for you are funny warm-up.

Warm-up under "Little Red Riding Hood Song"

Leading. Please listen to the jury!

5. Lead. The next competition is unusual, if only because it will be held in the dark ... for those who go looking for an object ... I announce "Night Orientation"!

Attributes: start line-3, cones-3, basket with balls-1, toys-3

Dad is blindfolded, following the instructions of the child - go right, straight or left, from cone to cone, he must reach the basket with balls and find in them soft toy. Mom, of course, you really want to help the child, but no, they will be silent, as well as the fans, because they will deduct a point for this.

So, they are evaluated: correct direction indication, lack of hints, speed. Who is first? The jury is timing, are you ready? Forward!

6. Lead. Yes, it was a tense struggle and not easy, but you are not bad (good, great) dealt with it!

Have a little more patience and strength, because ahead-

The big relay race is the final one.

Attributes: landmarks - cones - 3 pcs.

The child gets up first - he runs to the landmark, runs around him and returns, then - father and mother they take the child by the legs and he walks in his arms to the landmark, at the end - dad and mom - handmade"seat" for the child and transfer it to the landmark.

Assessed: correctness, speed, mutual assistance.

Leading. We had a fun competition! Let's ask the jury to sum up!

And at this time, let's change for a while motor activity on the intellectual - riddles!

Solving riddles.

Jury word. Summarizing. Team awards.

"The most united family»

"The most dexterous family»

"The funniest family»

Leading. Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition

Ensuring success.

we say: "Goodbye,

Until happy new meetings!”

Physical culture leisure in the preparatory group for school 2016-17 academic year

« Dad, Mother, I - sport family»

Jury Evaluation Form

the maximum number of points for each competition is 2

Name of the competition Evaluation criteria Notes

correctness speed mutual assistance

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

1. Grandmother for grandfather

2. Pearl divers number of hits speed

3. Friendly tourists correctness speed mutual assistance

4. Jump rope number of jumps


5. Night orientation

correct direction


lack of clues

6. Great relay correctness speed mutual assistance


“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”


Instilling a love for sports;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle;

Sharing time between children and parents.


5 hoops

5 jump ropes

Target (hoop), 15 tennis balls

5 gymnastic benches

10 "bumps"

gate and soccer ball

10 large and 10 small cones

5 buckets, 25 tennis balls, 5 brooms (broom)

3 daisies with 20 petals different color.

The song "Childhood is me and you" sounds


Good afternoon dear friends. Today we are holding a competition - the contest "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family." At all times, a person has strived for a healthy lifestyle, wished to know the limits of his abilities, not being afraid to challenge fate. And often came out victorious. And sport is LIFE, HEALTH, RISK, SEARCH, VICTORY.

We have no problems with sports,

And we all love him.

Physical education every day

We will be busy.

Children really need sports!

We are close friends with sports.

Sport is an assistant, sport is a game,

Physical education - hurray - hurray - hurray!

To grow and mature

You need to play sports.

Rock on, kid.

Good luck! Physical training!


So, it's time to present the jury of the competition-competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family":

The President of the Jury is... thinks it's the best family holiday- it's a sport!

The jury members are a doctor… believes that if you don't run while you're healthy, you'll run when you get sick!

…. still cannot understand what kind of health you need to have in order to become a real fan!

Today, none of the participating teams will be left without a prize. We have established prizes for the youngest participant, the most dexterous, the strongest, the most accurate, the most skillful.

After each stage of the competition, the jury will count the points and provide information about the course of the competition. After the last competition, the jury will announce the final results of the competition. The team with the fewest points overall wins. In case of equality of points, the Jury appoints an additional competition between the teams.

Our competition is about to begin. Five family teams take part in it.

The first competition BUSINESS CARDS family teams. I have no doubt that the visiting cards of our teams are their charm, wit, abilities and talent, diligence and, no doubt, the ability to present themselves. So let's see who can do it the best.

(Sports march sounds)

Introducing teams:

Team "Bumbarash"

1.Business card teams "Bumbarash"

To the sounds of the march, a team comes out with a chant.

Captain: Who walks together in a row?

Team: This is ours, this is ours

Friendly, brave crew!

(Turning to face the audience and building a living pyramid, the team says)

Mom, my dad and me

We are a sports family.

We are friends with physical education, sports,

We don't need a doctor.

Team "Fortress"

2. Business card of the team "Fortress"

(On the chest - an emblem - a boxing glove. They sing)

You, yes I, yes we are with you,

You, yes I, yes we are with you,

Together we are all very Friendly family.

The whole family is here today

And we wish the other teams:

"Be happy all of you, friends!"

You, yes I, yes we are with you,

You, yes I, yes we are with you,

It is important that we can join hands.

If everyone lived alone

That has long been in pieces

Our school collapsed from melancholy.

Be strong, healthy, skillful and courageous

We consider the main family business.

Team "Reluctant"

3. Business card of the team "Cheerless"

(They run out to cheerful music, balls in their hands)

Mother: Sports - the best medicine from sickness!

Dad: Whoever is friends with sports never grieve!

Child: If there is peace and harmony in your family,

So, there is a sports lifestyle in the family!

All: Strong family friendship

With sun, air, water!

(release balls)

Team "Smile"

Business card of the Smile team

Motto: Our motto is just three words - smile, it's cool!

R .: Sports, guys, are very necessary,

We are close friends with sports.

R .: Sports assistant,

Moscow: Sport is health,

P .: Sport is a game,

R .: To all rivals - together: physical training!

R .: It will not be easy for our rivals -

We wish them creative growth!

Team Balls

Business card of the team "BALLS"

R.: - Team

All - "Balls"

R .: - for the competition "Dad, mom and I are a sports family"

All: Ready!

R: Our motto is:

All: “I am cheerful, ringing ball,

And here he rushed at a gallop.

Yellow, red, blue, all

don't follow me!"

R: Our greetings:

all: "Here comes the happy time,

Everywhere jump ropes, benches, balls,

Together with everyone in the sports column

Today, dads and moms and we!

2. SECOND COMPETITION: "Relay for teams"

When you go to storm the relay race,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But still you will reach victory,

No fluff to you guys, no feather!

Stage 1: dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the hoop, puts the ball in it and comes back.

Stage 2: mom runs to the hoop, takes the rope in it, jumping over it, comes back.

Stage 3: the child jumps over the rope to the hoop, puts the rope in the hoop, picks up the ball and returns to the team with the ball.

The first team to complete the relay and not make any mistakes wins.

The jury announces the results of the first competition "Visit card of teams"

3. THIRD COMPETITION "Relay race of throwers"

I invite participants to get ready for the relay race of throwers.

So what about the next game?

Requires the player

Dexterity, skill,

Great inspiration!

(There is a target with a diameter of 80 cm on the wall of the hall. Teams line up in columns one at a time. Each team receives 3 tennis balls. Each team member throws 3 times. One hit - 1 point. Teams throw in turn)

The jury announces the results of the second competition "Relay races for teams"

4. FOURTH COMPETITION "Race of balls"

Here are the heavy balls

It is immediately obvious: strong men.

Let's develop our hands

Give the ball to each other.

(Teams sit on benches with their backs to the audience and the jury. Team captains are given basketball. On a signal, the players pass the ball behind their backs with both hands to a partner sitting next to them. When the ball reaches the last participant, he quickly gets up with the ball in his hands, runs around the bench and sits down in front of the captain. If the participant drops the ball, he must pick it up and continue the pass. The transfer continues until all players are in their places. The captain who made the run sits on the bench and lifts the ball up.

The team that shows best time.

The jury announces the results of the 3rd competition "Relay race of throwers"


Anyone can go through the swamp!

But how to get through without getting your feet wet?

Cheerful laughter, the desire to win

We will help you and guarantee your success!

Each team has 2 boards. Participants take turns climbing the planks to the mark, returning back running. The first team to complete the crossing wins.

The jury announces the results of the 4th Ball Race contest


Guess what the next contest will be called.

I'll start, you finish

Friendly, answer in unison.

Someone ran away

And without the ball flew into ...

And Petya kicked the ball!

And pleased the boy in ...

The boy laughs merrily,

On the forehead grows a large ...

But the guy doesn't care,

Again he runs for ...

Fun football game

Already scored the first...

So, our next contest is called... FOOTBALL.

Dads are invited to participate in the competition. Gates are set at a distance of 11 meters from the starting line. Each dad has three attempts. Kick the ball into the goal while standing with your back to them.

The jury announces the results of the 5th competition "Swamp"

7. SEVENTH COMPETITION "Together with dad"

Who is not afraid of barriers?

Who wants to win so much?

Who is the strongest in the world?

Who is the fastest in the world?

It's dads and their kids!

Dads and team captains are invited to participate in the competition.

Dad is holding a hoop in his hands. On a signal, the father should roll the hoop, and the child should jump into it from one side and the other. Reach the mark and change places. The team that can do it faster and without violations wins.

(Friendship is strong)

The jury announces the results of the 6th "Football" contest

8. EIGHTH COMPETITION "Combined Relay"

Running is very different

But always so beautiful

Fast, slow and medium

obstacle course, hurdling,

And the one who wins

Who is not far behind.

Only passion, hard work

They will lead you to victory.

M.-1. Jumping on one leg.

R. -2. Overcoming the gymnastic bench in length, lying on the stomach, intercepting both hands, pulling up the torso.

P. - 3. Jumping rope.

M.- 4. Rotation of the hoop 5 times.

P.- 5 Beating the ball 5 times.

R.- 6 Running back with climbing through the hoop

The jury announces the results of the 7th competition "With dad together"

9. NINTH COMPETITION "Competition of captains"

Take a closer look, friend

Then the competition of captains begins.

You be brave and be smart

We are all sure, then you will not lose.

Stage 1: The captains knock down the pins with the ball. Three tries. The one in which the most pins are knocked down counts.

Stage 2: The captains run to the mark, placing pins on both palms, returning back, holding the pins in their hands.

Stage 3: Captains move backwards (“crab”) to the mark, return back running.

The jury announces the results of the 8th Combined Relay competition

10. TENTH COMPETITION "Comedy Relay Race"

interesting thing humor. There seems to be nothing more frivolous. Now we will hold a humorous relay race in which the whole family participates. But first, I will ask one question to each team.

    Name the first female pilot.

    What is the name of Baba Yaga's aircraft?

    name best friend Baba Yaga.

Well done guys, they did a great job. So, now our final relay race.

Mom, in the course of movement, lays out 6 tennis balls from a plastic bucket and returns back.

The child jumps on a broomstick.

Dad uses a broom to collect balls in a bucket. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.

The jury announces the results of the captains competition.

(If the same number of points - the teams jump in length from a place)

(Phonograph for awards.)

Moderator: The floor is given to the jury.


The most fun team - ….

The friendliest team...

In the nomination "The youngest participant" is awarded ......

In the nomination "The most dexterous participant" is awarded ......

In the nomination "The strongest participant" is awarded ......

In the nomination "The most accurate participant" is awarded to ......

In the nomination "The most skillful participant" is awarded to ......

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of competition

Ensuring success.

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say to you: "Goodbye,

Until happy, new meetings!

(the song of M. Magomayev “Heroes of Sports” sounds)

Competitions "Dad, mom, I am a sports family!"

November 26, 2016 GBOU School No. 2001 cordially received participants in the sports competitions "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!" between preschool teams.

May your family starts be remembered
let all adversity pass by,
may all your wishes come true,
and physical education will become native!

Let it all be just a game
but we wanted to say with it:
“A great miracle is the family, keep it, take care of it,
there is nothing more important in life than a goal!”

November 26, 2016 in the building high school a sports festival "Dad, mom, I am a sports family!" between family teams of the preschool department. 7 strongest teams of our complex took part in the competition.

Preschool units were represented by teams:
DP "Rainbow" - the team "The Expendables";
DP "Fairy Tale" - the team "Holiday" and the team "Friendship";
DP "Sun" - the team "The Expendables";
DP "Teremok" - the team "Lightning", the team "Smiles", the team "Stars".

Involving children and parents in regular physical education; strengthening family relationships.

- Strengthening the health of children and their parents.
- Raising a love for physical culture and sports, a sense of friendship.
- Propaganda physical education and sports among children and parents.

Each team performed under its own name and motto, expressing the attitude to the sport and composed by the whole family. Moms and dads, girls and boys ran a race, deftly jumped, overcame one relay after another. The competitions included tasks of various complexity. Families showed physical training, sports passion and the desire to win. Fans supported their teams with friendly applause and chants, which made the competition even more intense. Competitions were held in one breath. Here it is - a real sports holiday for the whole family!

IN healthy body- a healthy mind. Such people are not able to break any adversity. I would like to sincerely wish sports families happiness, health and further success!

Congratulations to our winners:
I place - the team "Lightning", DP "Teremok"
II place - the team "Stars", DP "Teremok"
III place - the team "Friendship", DP "Fairy Tale"

All participants of the competitions were awarded with medals, certificates and gifts.

We thank the physical education teachers Eremina E.V. and Zubatov O.V. for organizing and running the event.

We express special gratitude for the participation in the competition to the teachers of physical culture Simen V.A., Akimov A.A., Bogdanov I.A., Dzhindzholova N.P., senior counselor Dikinov A.Yu. L.S. and two students of the 7th "B" class.