Leisure in the senior group according to the rules of the road. Sports leisure according to traffic rules in senior groups "School of safety" methodological development (senior group) on the topic Down the street, down the street

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Lesson objectives:

  1. Clarify and consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road
  2. Promote learning in a playful way of life safety
  3. Enriching children's vocabulary
  4. Cultivate mutual assistance and mutual assistance

Equipment: road signs, interactive whiteboard, slide shows with scenes of traffic situations, hoops and circles in three colors, cars, prams.

Leisure course

To the music, the children enter the hall, where the road markings with a pedestrian crossing are made on the floor with the help of white adhesive tape. There are road signs in the hall. Children are built in a semicircle.

The city in which we live
You can rightly compare with the primer.
The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Here it is the alphabet - above the head,
Signs are posted along the pavement.
Always remember the alphabet of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you.

Dear guys, today we are going to the wonderful world of traffic rules. And at the beginning of our journey, we will repeat the rules.

The screen shows scenes with traffic situations.

Let's remember the basic rules of the road, what we should and should not do on the roadway. (Children discuss stories with teachers)

1. The road must be crossed only at a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing.

We are not afraid on the street,
We all know for a long time
Red light - it's dangerous to go
The traffic light blocked our way.
The yellow light is on - look,
We can move on soon.
The light is green, don't forget
Says: "The way is free!"
If there is no transition, give your friends advice
Hurry to warn: “You can’t cross here!”

2. It is dangerous to cross the roadway in front of nearby vehicles.

In front of a fast car
Nobody can run!
Mom is needed by the road
Hold your hand firmly.

3. You can not play close to the road.

We must remember every time:
It's dangerous to play on the roads!
Gotta choose a place
Where not afraid to play.

4. It is dangerous to go out onto the carriageway of the street because of the bushes.

Running out of the bushes is dangerous
Jump out into trouble.
Look around - everything will become clear
I will notice all the cars.

5. It is dangerous to bypass the bus in front.

Stop! bus bypass
Scary and desperate!
Get under the car
Can we accidentally

6. It is dangerous to go out onto the carriageway of the street because of standing vehicles.

Because of a parked car
Another one may pop up.
So that you do not get under the tires,
Remember - the danger is great!

Well done guys, you know the rules of the road. And now, I offer you a relay race game "Traffic light".

From flat hoops - green, yellow and red, 4 traffic lights are laid out on the floor, balls of the same colors are scattered on the floor in a chaotic manner. To the music, children and parents should, with balls in their hands, take their place in the hoop of the corresponding color. The team that correctly assembled the traffic light wins.

And now the next race “Light it up, traffic light!”

Children are divided into two teams of 6 people (3 people with yellow, green and red hoops, 3 people with circles of the same color). On command, the first three participants begin to lay out the traffic light from the hoops in the correct order, the next three “light” the traffic light, laying circles in the corresponding color hoops.

I see you remember the traffic lights well. Now guess the riddles.

What's with the zebra on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green to flash.
So this is ... ( transition)

It will oblige us to go quietly,
Turn near will show
And remind you what and how
You are on the way ... ( road sign).

underground corridor
It leads to the other side.
There is no door or gate
It is too … ( transition).

Great! Well done! We will play a game "Attentive pedestrian and polite driver.” Guys, you need to remember that the roadway is only for cars. Drivers must always stop at red traffic lights and give way to pedestrians.

In this game, the ability to navigate the signs, cross the street along the transition, etc. is consolidated. children are divided into pedestrians and drivers. A traffic light shows when pedestrians should go and when cars should go.

After the game, a musical pause is announced.

To the music of “Cars” (performed by the group “Merry Fellows”), children perform a perky dance with sultans.

Dear children, this is the end of our journey. Thank you for knowing the rules of the road so well. See you soon!

to cultivate discipline, collectivism; a culture of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

To form the skills of fulfilling the basic rules of behavior for preschoolers on the street and on the road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries;

Develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed in relay races.

Wellness: to form the need for physical activities.



Synopsis of sports leisure according to traffic rules in the senior group on the topic: "Traffic rules - we know everything without exception"

Target: create conditions for the formation of skills of safe behavior on the road.


Cultivate discipline, collectivism; a culture of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

To form the skills of fulfilling the basic rules of behavior for preschoolers on the street and on the road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries;

Develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed in relay races.

Wellness: to form the need for physical activities.


2 sets of balloons (green, yellow, red)

2 hoops

2 sets (6 white stripes, green, yellow, red cubes)

10 pins and 2 cars

2 sets (baton, cap, whistle)

2 chairs and 2 belts

2 tables, juice boxes according to the number of children

Event progress:

presenter : Today we are playing a sports game according to the rules of the road.

presenter : Our competition is starting.

Vedas . Today's entertainment will take place in the form of a game between two teams. Let's choose captains. Captains introduce your teams.

Team "Traffic Lights"» motto: "We know the rules

Simply top class

If you want

We will teach you!

Team Zebra - motto : "We came to meet you

Both ingenuity and skill

We brought it with us!”

Leading. Let `s start? I want to start our game with a game - riddles, do you like riddles?

(children's answers)

Task number 1.

Game - Riddles.

1. Three eyes hang on a pole,

We recognize him immediately.

Each eye when it burns

The team tells us:

Who can go where

Who is walking and who is standing.

2. What kind of horse, all striped,

Does it light up on the road?

People go and go

But she doesn't run away.

3. I will turn with a long neck, I will pick up a heavy load,

Where they order - I will put it, I serve a man! (crane)

4. A "mole" climbed into our yard, digs the ground at the gate.

He replaces hundreds of hands, he digs without a shovel (excavator)

5. What kind of bird does not sing songs,

Nests do not build, people and cargo are carried (airplane)

6. Rushing with a fiery arrow, a car rushes into the distance,

And any brave squad will flood the fire (fire truck)

7. I blink my eyes relentlessly, day and night

I help cars and I want to help you (traffic light)

8. The ladder lies in the field, the house runs up the stairs (railway and train)

9. Strange zebra

Doesn't eat or drink

But without food and drink he will not die (pedestrian crossing).

10. We need machines

And if suddenly trouble

On our side door

Written - "02".

Vedas: Well done guys, you did your first job. The floor is given to the jury.

Task number 2. Captains competition

Leading. I will ask you questions, you will answer. READY!


1. If you are traveling by bus, trolleybus, tram or car, you are a PASSENGER.

2. The one who manages any means is called a DRIVER.

3. Place for traffic - ROAD.

4. What cars carry goods - CARGO.

5. Places where pedestrians are allowed to cross the road are marked with signs - PEDESTRIAN, GROUND AND UNDERGROUND CROSSINGS.

6. What are traffic lights - TRANSPORT AND PEDESTRIAN.

7. On which side do you need to bypass the bus? BEHIND.

8. What cars are used to transport passengers - CARS.

9. What sign is installed near child care facilities? - BEWARE, CHILDREN!


GAME FOR ATTENTION: "Red, yellow, green"

(We walk on green, we clap on yellow, we stand on red)

(I show circles of a certain color, you do, whoever makes a mistake is out of the game)

Vedas: and completed this task.

And now guys, let's have a little rest ... WARM-UP.

Main part:

We walk along the street, we observe the road (walking in place, with head turns to the right, to the left)

They looked up at the sun and the rays warmed us (raise their heads up)

Birds in nests sit (squat)

Birds fly across the sky (waving your hands)

On the track, on the track

We jump on the right leg (jumps on the right leg)

And along the same path

We jump on the left leg (jumps on the left leg)

Let's run along the path

Let's run to the lawn. (run in place)

On the lawn, on the lawn

We will jump like bunnies (jumping in place on two legs)

Stop. Let's get some rest.

And we'll walk home. (walking in place).

Leading. Well done! And now our competition begins!

The first competition "Light the traffic light"

The captain receives three balloons (red, yellow, green) and on a signal they pass one further. When the balloon reaches the last player, he lifts it up - the first red signal is lit. The captain can pass the next balloon. The team that lights up faster wins all three signals.After the team lights the green signal, it runs to the opposite side of the hall.

The second competition "Buses"

The game will require one hoop for each team and one rack.

Participants in each team are divided into pairs: the first is the driver, the second is the passenger. The passenger is in the hoop. The task of the participants is to run around the rack as quickly as possible and pass the hoop to the next pair of participants. The team that completes the task first wins.

The third competition "Pedestrian crossing".

Teams must lay out the markings from the cubes, make a traffic light and make a movement with a train, running around the structure.

Relay "Pedestrian crossing"

1 member. Carries 2 lanes from the pedestrian crossing.

2 participant. Carries 2 lanes from the pedestrian crossing.

3 member. Carries 2 lanes from the pedestrian crossing.

4 member. Carries a traffic light cube RED.

5 member. Carries a traffic light cube YELLOW.

6 member. Carries a traffic light cube GREEN.

Then a locomotive runs around this structure.

The fourth competition "Maneuvering"

Drive the machine around the pins without hitting them.

Fifth competition "Inspector".

On command, one representative at a time runs to a chair on which the attributes of the traffic police inspector's clothes are laid out: a baton, a cap, a whistle. You need to quickly get dressed, whistle loudly on the whistle, undress and run to the chair, passing the baton to another participant.

Sixth contest "Brace yourselves"

On command, one representative runs to a chair, sits down, fastens, unfastens, runs back and passes the baton to the next.

Seventh competition "Gas station"

On command, one child at a time runs to the table, drinks juice from a bag with a straw and comes back, passing the baton to another participant.

Leading: Any competition comes to an end. Well done! You showed your dexterity, ingenuity and skill. I made sure that you know the traffic rules without exception!

Elena Polozhentseva

Target: - consolidate children's knowledge and ideas about safety traffic;

Continue to introduce children to traffic rules;

Repeat traffic lights;

Repeat road signs.

Tasks: - to generalize children's knowledge of traffic rules through game situations, to form the ability Right behave on the streets of the city;

Develop motor skills and physical qualities, coordination movements, dexterity and speed;

To form healthy lifestyle values ​​in pupils;

Cultivate organization, endurance, a sense of collectivism.

Lesson progress

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in one line.

Leading. Dear Guys! Today we have a holiday "ABCs of Security" dedicated traffic rules!

Everyone should know this

So that parents are calm every day,

So that drivers do not worry while driving

Can't be on road to play and ride

If you want stay healthy.

Today we will remember the traffic rules, and knowledge of the ABC of safety will help us.

1 child. We must remember every hour it's dangerous to play!

We must choose a place where not scared to play.

2 child. In front of a fast car

Nobody can run!

At road need mom

Hold your hand tightly!

3 child. We are not on the street scary

We all know for a long time

Red light - it's dangerous to go

The traffic light blocked our way.

4 child. If there is no transition

Give your friends advice

hurry to warn

You can't cross here.

5 child. For everyone who loves to walk

Everyone without exception

You have to remember

Need to know traffic rules.

Leading. Guys, and now I'll check how you know Traffic Laws. To do this, we will hold a competition, whose team is better cope, she will win. Today we have two commands: green light command and yellow light command.

1 contest "Crosswalk".

First player (team leader) runs to the designated line, puts road sign“pedestrian crossing, returns to his team, passes the baton. The following players play white stripe, black (made from paper).

2 competition « Obstacle track» .

Run 4 pins "snake" with a typewriter on a string, without knocking down a single pin, return to your team, pass the typewriter to the next player.

3 contest "Buses".

Driver "bus" with the help of a hoop transports one by one "passengers" to a stop and goes for the next "passenger" and so transported all the players.

4competition "Red, Yellow, Green".

On a green signal - everyone walks in a circle, on a yellow one - they march in place, on a red one - they stand still.

5 contest "Run to the Sign"

At the signal of the teacher, the children run to road sign, which is called by the educator.

Leading. Well done guys with tasks did great. I congratulate you. For this you get medals "Connoisseur traffic rules» .

I hope you will always observe and not violate traffic rules.

And now we will pronounce the oath of pedestrians with you.

Oath of pedestrians.

Before a strict traffic light

Promise always

You will go to the green

And never on red

(All) we swear.

Promise that in the ball

Will you play in the yard

And on the road

You will follow the rules.

Related publications:

Leisure according to the rules of the road in children of the older group. Leisure participants: teachers, children of the senior group. Tasks: To generalize the knowledge of children.

"Journey of the Bun". Abstract of leisure according to the rules of the road Abstract of entertainment according to the rules of the road Goals and objectives:.

Leisure "Connoisseurs of the rules of the road" Leisure according to traffic rules in the compensatory group: "Experts on the rules of the road" Purpose: to form the basics of safety in children.

Synopsis of the GCD on the rules of the road "Country of road signs" (senior preschool age) Topic: "Country of road signs" Purpose: - To deepen children's knowledge about crossing the road, its features; - Repeat the rules of conduct in public.

Summary of educational activities on the basics of the rules of the road "Rules of the road" Synopsis of educational activities on the basics of the rules of the road in the senior group: "Rules of the road" Tasks: - consolidate.

Integration of educational areas: health, communication, socialization, safety, music, physical culture.

Purpose: in a playful way to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road, road signs. To promote the development of caution, prudence on the roads, to educate attention, concentration.

Improve the skills of shuttle running, crawling under arcs, team competitions. To bring to the attention of children what a violation of traffic rules can lead to.

Inventory: magpie costume, Buki-Zlyuki, posters on the rules of the road, signs, whistle, landmarks (for running with a snake), multi-colored circles (for designating teams), dice (for a “traffic light” competition), arcs, a tunnel, bouncing balls , colors on sticks, tape recorder.

Presenter: Guys, today we are going to the magical country of Traffic Lights.

On the roads for a long time

There is a traffic light owner!

All colors are in front of you

It's time for you to introduce them.

Children: The red light is on

Stop! There is no road ahead.

The yellow eye repeats without words:

Get ready for the transition!

On the green light - go ahead!

The path is clear. Transition.

Host: Cross the road

You are always on the street

And advise and help

These bright colors.

A magpie-crow flies in.

Horror, nightmare, disgrace!

Host: What happened?

S-V: All the signs have been stolen in the traffic light camp! Broken traffic lights! A total mess! Help! Hurry! (flies away)

Moderator: We need to take urgent action. Are you willing to help, are you not afraid of difficulties? I have a magic whistle, if that will help us. Let's not waste a minute. But before we hit the road, we must repeat the rules of the road. I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison: is it allowed or prohibited.

Walk in a crowd on the sidewalk ...


Cross the street in front of oncoming traffic ...


Help old men and women cross the street...


Run out onto the road…


Respect the rules of the road...


Well done! Well, now on the road with a fun song.

Walking on toes, on heels, in a semi-squat, sideways side step.

Running snake (1-1.5 min)

Host: Guys, look who broke all the traffic lights here? How many accidents can happen because of this.

Buka-Zlyuka: Well, I did it.

Host: Who are you?

Buka-Zlyuka: I, Buka-Zlyuka, I am evil and harmful, I like to do all sorts of dirty tricks to spite everyone! Ha ha ha!

Leading: But the guys and I will not allow this, right? Now we will collect all the traffic lights. Divide into three teams, yellow, red, green.

Competition "Collect a traffic light"

On command, the first child runs and chooses a red cube, returns to the end of the column, the second - yellow, the third - green, in the same way, they take turns moving the cubes back.

Buka-Zlyuka: Well, they assembled a traffic light, so what, I have a terrible task, this is a dark corridor, mice and ghosts are found there.

Host: That's not true, this is not a terrible corridor, but an underground passage.

Relay "Underpass"

Go through the tunnel, crawl under the arcs.

Host: Not scared guys? The underpass was built under the roads, where there is very strong traffic, for our safety, so Buka didn’t scare us in vain, the guys weren’t scared at all.

And now we will scare you. (blows the whistle) Stop messing around, give signs.

Buka-Zlyuka: Oh, no, no! I will give these signs if you guess my riddles. And no one has ever guessed them yet, hee-hee-hee!

Host: Stop giggling, give your riddles!

Buka-Zlyuka: Listen, guys, difficult riddles.

This horse does not eat oats

Two wheels instead of legs

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (bike)

Rejoice early, now I will guess the most difficult riddle for you.

Here it is on the street

In a black boot

Three-eyed scarecrow

On one leg. (traffic light)

Guessed again! Poor me, poor me, woo (crying)

Host: Are you crying?

Byaka-Zlyuka: Me?! And I don't think so! Listen to my latest riddle.

The house is walking down the street

Takes everyone to work

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots. (bus)

I'm lost, I'm lost. Here, take your signs. (gives bag with signs)

Host: Guys, let's say what these signs are called and what they mean.

Buka-Zlyuka: And I don’t care about signs, I’ll play with the ball. Who is with me? Get out on the road soon. It's so good here, you won't find a better place! (throws the ball to the kids)

Host: (whistles) Citizen, you have violated the rules of behavior on the street. Guys, is it possible to play on the roadway? Why?

That's right, you can't play on the roadway, it's very dangerous, you can get hit by a car. Let's play on our special playground.

Relay race "Race on the balls"

Buka-Zlyuka: Now I will test you. Where is the red traffic light?

Children: Above (raise hands up)

Yellow - bend your arms at the elbows

Green - move down.

Buka-Zlyuka: Now I will name the traffic lights, and you show where they are located.

Buka names the color, and shows the wrong movements with his hands. For example, calling yellow - raises his hands up, etc.

Host: Do not confuse us, no matter how hard you try. Children perfectly know all traffic signals and traffic rules and we will prove it once again in the game.

Game "Driver"

The first child on the team is the driver. He puts on a hoop, runs to the opposite post, goes around it, returns to the team. The second participant attaches to him and together they run to the counter, where the passenger unhooks. The driver transports all participants to the opposite counter. The game ends when all passengers have been transported, everyone clings to each other and the driver transports everyone to the starting position.

Buka-Zlyuka: So be it, yours took it, I won’t be naughty anymore. And tell me, what is this secret that you have completed all my tasks?

Host: The secret is simple, friendship helped us. Friendship works wonders.

Buka-Zlyuka: I also want to make friends with you, take me to your place.

Host: Children, shall we? Well, Buka-Zlyuka, get up with us, you will play with the guys.

Game "Traffic Light"

The host shows a green circle - everyone is running, yellow - they are walking, red - they are stopping.

Host: It's good to walk down the street when it's on fire...

Children: Green!

Host: The kindest light ...

Children: Green!

Host: You can go and go ...

Children: Have a good trip everyone!

Presenter: Did you guys like in the country of traffic lights? But it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Buka-Zlyuka: And it's time for me to go to my magical land, goodbye.

They leave the room to the music.


1. Magazine "Child in kindergarten" No. 1, 2001,

2. Journal "Preschool Education" No. 12, 2003