Poems about the counselor, counselors. For us, you are the most, most, most. More fun, more fun sing from the stage

senior counselor Martemyanova E.I.
Graduation party - 2012

Good evening!
Good evening to all who have gathered in this beautiful hall.
We salute dear teachers...
Crazy worried moms, dads, grandparents!
Today at our school wonderful holiday. A holiday that the graduates were looking forward to. And not because school ends with him, but because there is no school life a more exciting moment than the one when you enter the walls of your native school for the last time as its pupil, and come out as an independent, adult person, belonging to another life.
This holiday is dear to all who are in this hall today. He is dear to parents who for 11 years worried about their child, for his victories and defeats, he is dear to teachers, because no one spent more time with children than they did. And we are sure that now in the heart of any teacher there are notes of pride for each of today's graduates.
And, of course, it is dear to the heroes of this holiday. We speak to the heroes, not the perpetrators, as they have overcome the most main stage on the big road called Life. Everything that meets on this path will be tomorrow, and today wonderful holiday. A celebration of youth and beauty, friendship and fidelity.

Holiday of music and dances, love and hopes, evening ball gowns and smart suits...
Holiday of Arkhangelsk Graduates high school 2012.
To your endless applause, we invite 11th grade graduates

(graduates come out to the music and take their seats)
Leading. Good evening, Dear friends! So the solemn moment has come when we, teachers of the school, want to announce to you, dear parents, that your children, and our students have become adults: they have graduated from a secondary school. So the celebration dedicated to the end school and farewell to childhood, is declared open!

(Anthem sounds)
Presenter 1:

Dear graduates!

All in your honor

And the mind and tenderness,

Thunder rolls in the blue

Call of the ships, flowering, freshness

And peace on a small land!
Host 2:

Everything became the way you wanted

And now the desired hour has come:

Graduation dresses you put on

Flowers and music for you.
Lead 1.

Graduation ball is a glorious date,

A moment - and the guys will be awarded certificates.
Lead 2.

It seems to everyone that the event is

The whole planet is celebrating with us now!

Presenter 1.

Dear friends! Your teachers came to your graduation party, those who shared your joys and hardships with you for eleven years.

Lead 2.

Who led you on steep and winding roads of knowledge.

Lead 1.

There will be many in this room

Bright faces and kind words,

Everyone now wants to congratulate

Dear graduates!
Lead 2

Friends! We are pleased to inform all those present that the final exams have passed.


Remember this day! Remember this hour! Remember these minutes! Remember this moment!

Song for graduates
Host 2:

Now the great sacrament will be accomplished - the presentation of certificates to graduates of 2012.

Official part!

Presentation of certificates.
Leading. The word for congratulations is given to the head of the public organization Galina Viktorovna Lobanova
Leading The word for congratulations is given to the authorized representative of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Dmitry Alexandrovich Malukhin - Nina Borisovna Manakhova
The right to present matriculation certificates is granted to the principal of the school: Sumatokhina Tamara Alexandrovna.
Congratulations are from:

Ilina Valentina Nikolaevna
Words of congratulations from the head teacher of the school: Elistratova Valentina Evgenievna

Leading: Do you remember the cheerful call,

What rang you for the first time

When they entered the school with flowers,

Are you in the best first class?.

Words of congratulations from the first teacher: Baranova Elena Alexandrovna
Leading: Everyone will say - the most important teacher
In the life of every student
This classroom teacher,
They all know this for sure.

Word to the class teacher: Kuzin Alexei Ivanovich
Leading: The kindness of a beautiful parent
There is nothing holier in the world.
So that everything turns out great for you -
Wise advice from your parents.

On behalf of all parents ___________________________

Leading: and by tradition, let's sing a song together ( traditional song with the hall "We no longer sit at a narrow desk")


(2 graduates enter: The young man takes the girl out, and the girl leads the boy

Sadness and joy have merged into one whole, bringing back the memory again until the first bell, until the day when we were small and timid and were cordially greeted by a noisy school.
And each, as best he could, absorbed knowledge. For the lessons we the whole world opened. Slowly, little by little, little by little every day. .
We have been friends with the school for over ten years.
Girl. Hello Man! Are you surprised? Not accustomed to such a proud beautiful name? But you, and you, and you are People!
And every Man, according to the romantic legend, has two shores: from one of them a person sails, and in the other he must certainly land. On this road there are always many difficulties, obstacles, there are stops of hope, youth, love. And, no matter where you stop, no matter what obstacles stand in your way, you will always shine with a distant warm light on the shore of a small amazing country - Childhood.
I am from this, for you already fabulous and distant country. And you are standing on the threshold of such a complex and difficult adult life.

Boy. And yet I am happy for you and sympathize with you. Having received certificates, you have become such adults, independent. You suddenly got so many rights and freedoms that you can just get lost in this whirlpool of the new.
For example, you may not look at your home school at all.
Girl. And don't even say hello to the teachers.
Boy. You have the right to study further, to work.
Girl. Or not to study and not work at all: it is so nice and comfortable in your own home, and there are no problems.
Boy. You can sleep as long as you want without rushing to the first lesson.
Girl. And wear skirts of the desired length.
Boy. You can get married and get married, dye your hair, pierce not only your ear, but also your nose or other parts of your body...
Girl. Unfortunately, we do not have such rights. And yet we, the future graduates of our school, promise you:
-Proudly bear the title of a student of your native school, like you;
-To be as friendly as Pitenina Marina, Petryashova Olga,

To love sports, like Baranov Sasha, Antonov Sergey, Makarov Alexey and Gorshkova Tatyana...;

-When you already get involved in some subject, then up to participation in olympiads, like Alexander Kashtanov and Nikolai Vantsev ..;
-Draw not only with the right, but also with the left hand, like Yulia Romanova...;
- Do not lose your sense of humor even in the saddest situations, like Dmitry Sidorov...

Together. And we won't let you down.

(song "To be a man" Teleshov P. and Filoshina M.)

Graduate. Graduation ball -
Fun couples are spinning.
The time has come,
Say goodbye to childhood and school.

Graduate. Nearby, on the sidelines, mothers are sad,
Tears furtively dropping,
And look at the children tenderly,
Remembering your youth.
Graduate. It was like it was yesterday
We were escorted to the first class,
And patiently in the evenings
They studied the primer with us.
Graduate. School years passed quickly.
We grew up, we matured.
Waiting at the threshold of adulthood -
Joys, storms, snowstorms.



The school led us along the road of knowledge.

We all grew up, but not suddenly.
And he was always there, with us
Our school teacher is our best friend.
How do you want to walk through the corridors,
Hear a quiet whisper, children's din.
Collect all the flowers in a big mountain
And throw them at the teacher's feet.


We waited, worried, for this moment:

And here it is - the will! Certificate in hand!

But the heart, I don’t know, is beating for some reason

Not only for girls, but also for boys.

Graduate .

Native school!

You take a bow

From those who are in love with you from an early age,

Thank you for everything!

Because the Earth is good!

For the fact that hearts beat joyfully!

For the fact that there are my teachers

And there is probably no end to life!

Graduate .

We speak warmly and simply

Such kind words:

We wish you creative growth,

So as not to have a headache

So that your children are not rude,

Frightening with the hardness of hearts,

May they always love you

And finally respected.

Graduate .

To go to work every day

With a smile you walked slowly,

And, to return from work,

Everything sang: body and soul!

Graduate .

So that your heart does not hurt

So that, filling the sails,

With one simple piece of chalk

You have discovered miracles!

Graduate .

Let the sun shine brighter for our school!

Teachers - health, like granite!
May all children please you, relatives,
May God always keep you all in everything!

(graduates song)
Graduate: Dear Tamara Alexandrovna

We want to congratulate you on your new release.

The ship is sailing on the waves of knowledge,

And you are at the helm.

Lead clearly and skillfully

You are the entire crew of the ship.

Of course, sometimes it stormed,

But you could convince everyone

That the storm is just a breeze

That only two miles to the ground!

Graduate On behalf of all alumni, we would like to thank you.

For the mind! For the wisdom of leadership! For the power of experience and knowledge!

For kindness and nobility! For the fulfillment of promises!

Graduate: So that the learning process is clear

went to school

The head teacher has a concern

Find a solution for that

Graduate. Dear V.E!

We thank you together

To you in our school graduation

We will remember you for a long time

Head teacher you are our dear!
1. Issue

And we dedicate these words to the head teacher educational work Antonova I.A..

2. Issue.

Organizing an event is not easy.

So that interesting evening spend at school

First you need to grow talents,

To shake us all with art.


Let bad weather not look into your house

And diseases will not find roads.

We wish you health and happiness!

And thanks for your good work.
Graduate. For you dear administration scene "Beauty Contest",

which could happen in any school.

Imagine: the head teacher's office.
The leaders leave. A strict-looking head teacher and 2nd Girls appear. In the role of girls pretentiously dressed up guys They are holding pieces of paper in their hands.

1st girl (strictly).
Marivanna, we are here for you.
2nd girl.
Hello Marivanna, we are here for you.
Head teacher
What's the matter, girls?
1st girl.
Here, sign the application.
2nd girl.
Yes, sign mine.
Head teacher
Statement. What other statement do you have for me? (Takes papers from the hands of the girls, reads). What are you asking for?
1st girl.
Get out of class. Sign there.
Head teacher
Sign you? Released from class? Where are you dressed up like that? That's not the way to go to school.
1st girl.
We're leaving on business.
Head teacher
What other case?
2nd girl.
We will go to the competition.
Head teacher
What competition?
1st girl.
School beauty.
Head teacher
Girls (together).
School beauty.
Head teacher
School beauty? And who are our beauties?
1st girl.
We, what?
Head teacher
Well, if you are beautiful, then I am our Minister of Education. Yes, at first you would have pulled yourself up at school, and then looked at yourself carefully - what beauties are you ?! Here you are, for example, Tyutkina, answer me, why did you move from fours to threes?
1st girl.
This is not relevant. Sign and we'll go.
Head teacher
I won't sign anything, take your application. The team needs you. You have a lot of lessons, I have work. Get your applications, go and learn.
2nd girl.
No, we've made up our minds.
Head teacher
They decided! I wish you well, by the way. After all, you don’t know, but there, at the competition, you have to sing, and dance, and answer different questions. Now we will check how well you know how to think. I'm going to ask you different questions now. If you can answer, I'll let you go to the competition. If you fail - do not be offended, go to study further without competition. Do you agree?
Girls (sluggishly).
Head teacher
First question. Continue the phrase of the famous writer. Here you are, Tyutkina, continue the phrase of the poet Nekrasov: "You may not be a poet ..." What next?
1st girl.
The question is very simple... (Pushing a friend). How next?
2nd girl.
I do not know myself.
1st girl .
Marivanna, as you said, please repeat.
Head teacher
Continue the phrase of the poet Nekrasov: "You may not be a poet ..."
1st girl.
It is very difficult for a poet to live.
Head teacher
Oh you. Two for the first answer. It should be like this: "You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen." (Second girl). Now you. Continue Griboyedov's phrase: "I would be glad to serve, to serve ..."
2nd girl.
Oh, I know, I know: "I would be glad to serve, to serve too."
Head teacher
Oh you. Nauseous, but not too. "I would be glad to serve, it's sickening to serve." You failed the first task. Now let's see what your horizons are. I want you to explain what some words mean. Here you are, Tyutkina, answer what kind of word is this - grip.
1st girl.
I think that the grip is a riot policeman. How to grab!
Head teacher
So, who is the ancestor?
1st girl.
This is probably the head of the maternity hospital.
Head teacher
As always, you got it all mixed up. (Second girl). Now you come on, tell me, what is the word for a dentist?
2nd girl.
Dentist? Probably ice cream.
Head teacher
Why is it ice cream?
2nd girl.
Because it puts fillings.
Head teacher
You know, I'm tired of all this. Here, take your applications, go and study. Go, go!

The girls leave.

Head teacher
Everyone is crazy at these competitions, no one wants to learn. Soon they will get to us. They will take it and send it in old age to defend the honor of the school at some "The most beautiful head teacher of 2013". Here's to some laughter! (Dances the can-can and leaves.)


Dear Elena Alexandrovna, Antonina Fedorovna, Elena Vladimirovna!

Did you recognize us? Look...

Here are your first graders!

We wore large satchels,

Rulers, pens, blotters.


We remember you with love

So dear, so familiar.

How mothers treated us

And with you we were at home.


Thank you, earth bow

From all graduates, accept

And just as carefully, loving

Teach your students.

(a children's song sounds, first graders come out with a package)
1st first grader.
Poplar fluff is spinning,
The school waltz will not be repeated.
Like spring drops
School years flew by...
2nd first grader.
How much did you learn in school!
How many books have you read!
Many more years to go
We are on your way!
1st first grader.
Let about school every year
Glory is growing!

2nd first grader. Guys, we received a package with the inscription "Graduates". Let's see what's in it.

1. Chewing gum... to strengthen teeth worn out during the "nibbling of science."
2. Handkerchiefs ... for wetting tears in moments of sadness and grief for an irrevocably gone childhood.
3. Tablets "Odobrin". Ingredients: kindness, love, happiness, affection. In adult life, where you enter, such qualities are necessary.
"Ozlobin" - why did they put him? Yeah, here's the summary - apply the night before the exam. Yes, then this medicine will also come in handy for you.
4. Notebooks (or Graduate's book). Clearly, these are notebooks of Graduates. They will lie here during the evening. Parents and graduates on their pages can leave their impressions of the evening, wishes and parting words ...
5. Water bottle - "Source of knowledge" ..., from a school drinking tank.
6. A pack of salt is a small fraction of that pood of salt that you have to eat in another life.
7. Phone - so as not to forget to call old friends.
8. A bar of chocolate - so that a pound of salt does not seem so bitter.
1st first grader.
Your lesson is over
The bell rang for you
You want first class -
Good luck and good hour!
(leave to music)

Graduate .

We dedicate these lines to our class teacher Kuzin Alexei Ivanovich

Graduate. Who are we glad to see the most?
Who praises us and sometimes scolds us?
Who shares our every success with us?
Who sincerely helps us in everything?
Why questions, if there is an answer,
Which surprises no one:
All this is you! After all, there is no cooler than you!
And our whole class congratulates you today!

I think these lines rightfully belong to all the teachers sitting in this room.

Thank you for the excitement and anxiety

For choosing hard roads,

What led us along them

And they helped with all their hearts as they could!

Graduate We wish you health

We wish you well

To be in your life

Tomorrow is better than yesterday.

May your strength not decrease

Let joy shine in your eyes

Let happiness not leave you

Not in your life, not in business.




Andrei Makarevich is with you and the program "Gusto". Today we will cook an amazing dish "Pedagogical Dessert".

Let's take: 2kg justice - Vladimir Andreevich,

2 table. spoons of cheerfulness - Vladimir Pavlovich,

1 glass of sincerity - Irina Alexandrovna,

add a big handful of patience - Irina Nikolaevna and Anna Sergeevna,

at the tip of the knife of punctuality - Maria Alexandrovna,

a handful of variability - Alexei Ivanovich.

Mix all this with prudence - Nadezhda Vasilievna and humanity Valentina Evgenievna.

As a highlight, put unpredictability - Zhanna Valerievna.

Heat it all up with energy - Elena Vladimirovna.

Bake in the care of Tamara Alexandrovna

Decorate all this with elegance - Natalya Vasilievna.

Sprinkle with talent - Elena Ivanovna.

Serve on the table with the hands of Vasily Ivanovich.

1. Issue. School is your best friend

Our second home,
Where comprehended the course of science
We are a friendly family.
2. Issue. Teacher - what a good word!
It is close to us because
What a lot of spiritual and expensive
We have invested in it since childhood.
3.Vyp. Thank you dear teachers
Although you were sometimes strict.
For teaching us how to think.
For everything, for everything, we thank you!

4. Issue. Forgive us for not always
We were careful
Assiduous, submissive and tidy,
What is not always remembered
What was explained to us.
5 Graduate.
Today we will leave
Activists and just guys.
You and others will have to start from scratch.
We have gathered to say goodbye to you
And to assure that we will remember you.
6 Graduate.
It's hard for us to part
Well, so what!
We made our own destiny.
And what was closer and more dear to us -
We will take it with us in our hearts!

Thanks everyone.

(song for teachers)
7. Graduate. Today is an exciting day not only for us - graduates, but our parents are no less worried. Both dad and mom still remember themselves as young in their graduation. And then such a surprise: the beautiful daughter on high heels or a serious son, higher than dad.


Strict dads, sweet moms!

Together we mastered the school program,

It's hard to say who had it harder.

From the outside, this is generally more visible ...

9. Issue.

Well, evaluations of joint work

You will find in our certificates.

Too bad it's only one per family

We are given a certificate of maturity!
10. Issue.

More than once they will lend us their shoulder. Thank them for this.

Forgive us that we were not always assiduous and submissive.

I'm sorry that sometimes upset you.

Together.Our dear parents, we will not let you down.

? (song for parents)
1. Issue. I wonder what will happen to us in a few years, who each of us will become.

Teachers' council "When we will not be at school or look into the future"
The participants are four young men who talk about themselves in the future.
How nervous I am at these teachers' councils!
Did you watch the news yesterday?
No, but what?
Antonov scored the decisive goal in the final of the NBA championship.
What are you?
Is it our Seryoga?
I wonder what happened to his classmates?
Dima Sidorov flew into space.
Apparently, he did not have enough earthly space.
Yes, he has always been an active boy.
What happened to Sasha?
He is now in graduate school.
What does he live on?
So he in a restaurant moonlights.
What, a waiter?
No, bouncer!
And how is our Kolenka?
He became a human rights activist and is now on a business trip to the Ivory Coast.
Who is he protecting?
Tiger orangutans.
Yes, our students have achieved a lot, and the main merit in this is the teachers of our school.
Colleagues, isn't it time to go home, otherwise we'll be late ... for the "Closed School".


Today, like in the factory of stars, we are nominated for elimination, and there is no turning back. Now we will give these stars to those who have been the most precious to us all these years and to those who have been the most valuable.

I give this star to my childhood, which will never return. Goodbye my childhood ! (1st)

I give this star to my teachers. Thank you for being there. Thank you for your support and understanding! (2nd)

I give this star to my careless school days. It was great!


I give this star to the first teachers. My gratitude to you is immeasurable.


I give this star to my parents. They have been and will be with us all these years. I love you very much! (5th)

I give this star to my future. Great things await us! (6th)

I give this star to my friends. The best, the most faithful, the most reliable! (7th)

I give my star to all those who taught me to conquer and conquer this world! We did it! (8th)

I give my star to my village, my small homeland, where I was born and raised! The light of this star will always draw me to home! (9th)

I give this star to mine home school. Dear school, goodbye!


(everyone hung their own star)
(end song playing)
Well, that's it, school is over.
Last time we are here with the teachers.

We understand that time cannot be returned,

But the heart stays with you!
Let's go back to the classrooms bright and noisy corridor,
In the foyer, in the dining room, on the stairs are steep.
Here the school board is looking at us ...
The teacher and friends are all like relatives!
Many exciting minutes have passed here,
Sadness and joy - we all know here.
Steps to knowledge and ladder of sciences,
We walked together with the teachers.
Here comes the dawn
How not noticeable for so many years
Passed by school and by class.
And on the thresholds of the school us
Meets Motherland
And the school waltz takes its whirling.
Spin, earth! Universe, spin!
We came to the ball from the ship "Teaching",
And we will leave the ball - with the name "Life"!
Vedas. On this your holiday, guys, of course, does not end.

Vedas. And in conclusion, on behalf of all those present in this hall, we would like to wish you

Together: Bon Voyage!

And invite everyone to the farewell waltz of graduates

Presenter 1. Gridina A.

Presenter 2. Trunova A.

Lead 1. - This May morning, this warm spring

Everything is as before, as if, everything goes in sequence.

Only everything at the parade, with smiles, flowers,

All in beautiful outfit and guests just fear.

We know that today you do not need a lesson

We gathered for a holiday

On last call!

Again spring in the world

On the school joyful planet.

Nature comes alive again

Ringing, blooming, fragrant.

And this is a miracle in our school:

What kind of people we have gathered here!

Lead 2. - Here is a sea of ​​​​clever, clean eyes,

Here youth enchants us.

Here the souls are full of expectation,

Love by an unexpected confession.

Soars solemnly with excitement,

And finally, the intro sounds

They have been waiting for this motive for a long time

And here are the graduates!

Counselor: The right to introduce students is granted to the class teacher - and the first teacher -

Counselor: School! To the meeting of graduates, stand still. Alumni Achievement!

(Music sounds and graduates enter)

Counselor: ceremonial line, dedicated to the holiday last call, declared open!


Lead 1.: That's how it is with us

What will the order be read now:

Counselor: The word is given to the principal of the school -


Counselor: There are guests at our holiday -

Praise and honor to all guests!

Let's give them a word now

And we want to introduce you.

Counselor: The word for congratulations is provided

1. Representative, 2. MTS "Agro",


Presenter 1: No, no one will ever forget
School years are wonderful!
Think how quickly those days flew by!
Childhood is now only a dream.
You want to tell him: Childhood, come back
Say goodbye to this line...
You will remember more than once that kind planet,
Host 2: Where sunrises meet with rays of eyes,
Where are the sunny dreams, where are the star paths,
Where chuckles and sadness are heard in the songs.
Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales in reality come to visit themselves.
Here the clouds are not visible, here it is crowded from smiles.
The "Planet of Childhood" flies under the sail of spring.

Counselor: You made the first discoveries on this planet with a man who has the most beautiful title on earth - the first teacher. He opened the world to you, gave his love, warmth. People remember their first teacher all their lives, they remember him with gratitude.


1. So the school time is over, we have exams ahead. (Kostromina A.)

Relentlessly time is running forward, counting seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years. It seems that it was a long time ago when we timidly and uncertainly entered the first class.

Nina Ivanovna!

I will never forget my first teacher
I will remember such a dear, sweet one forever,
And let the years fly, centuries, centuries,
But he remains in our hearts.
For us, he is like an angel.
He is the first, the very first
I will never forget him!

Thank you for everything!!!

(Giving flowers)

Counselor: The word is given to the first teacher of graduates -



2 . Ludmila Mikhailovna! (Latsigin I.)

Each of us is ready to give you

A thousand kind and affectionate words!

From your yesterdays, from your current ones,

From tomorrow's students.

(Giving flowers)

Counselor: The word is given to the class teacher -



3. Elena Makarovna! (Batishev A.)

We admit that we are a little

You've been given trouble

But teaching cannot be

Completely without worries

Promise, ready together,

Even though the whole class will come to you,

Dear you our director,

We won't let you down again.

(Giving flowers)

4. And I’ll thank the head teacher from us too! (Kosykh N.)

She will always prompt and help,

And it switches instantly.

And in the course of hundreds of cases at the same time.

(Giving flowers)

5. Oh, how many pages you have given us today! (Mazyar D.)

In thought, we: will we be able to read ???

And we open the book, and we must:

We can't take our eyes off her.

Until we reach the end...

And this is not flattery at all,

What do we say: we respect you

For kindness, psychological approach.

(Giving flowers)

6. Examinations soon. Graduation. (Stechkin A.)

She tells us this every now and then,

Worried about all of us. For what

So that we can bear it with dignity.

Whoever studied - and will pass, -

· Do not forget to gently spur knowledge that slowly fits into your head.

· Do not incinerate the love of native teachers. Remember, their health is in your hands!

We, the great 9, gratefully taking on our shoulders a great responsibility for your future, we undertake to come to school:

· once a year;

once a quarter

· once a month;

no, every day.

Counselor: And now the word is given to the students of the school.

1. Don't you dare forget the teachers. (Sarycheva P.)

They worry about you, and remember

And in the silence of thoughtful rooms

Looking forward to your return and news.

They miss these infrequent meetings.

And no matter how many years have passed

Teacher's happiness builds up

From your student victories.

2. And sometimes we are so indifferent to them: (Sakharova T.)

Under New Year do not send them congratulations,

And in the bustle, or simply out of laziness

We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.

They are waiting for us. They are watching us

And rejoice every time for those

Who will pass the exam somewhere again

For courage, for honesty, for success.

3. Don't you dare forget the teachers. (Yanshina L.)

May life be worthy of their efforts.

Russia is famous for its teachers,

The disciples bring glory to her.

Don't you dare forget the teachers.

Counselor: Guys, let's congratulate the 9th grade on the last call.

(Giving flowers to the music)

Counselor: Dear graduates! A difficult, but interesting, exciting life awaits you. Be ready for any life trials. Remember the testament of the poet Eduard Osadov:
It will be difficult - be strong!
It will hurt - don't cry!
There will be wind - do not rot!
Don't hide your eyes in your hands!
If thunderstorms - look!
If tears - wipe!
If you're scared, hold on!
Remember, life is life!
Good luck and happiness, dear graduates!

Counselor: Today is a fine and gentle day,

Today is not an easy day.

Summer smells of flowers and fairy tales.

The sun is in the sky like a golden ball

This day is full of mysteries for everyone,

And looking forward to it

Those who hear stealthily

Childhood farewell call

Today the guys will make their own

From childhood to youth step.

For you, our ninth graders

The school waltz sounds today.

Waltz "Farewell to school" dance with parents.


Counselor: And now, dear graduates, the last school bell sounds for you.

The right to give the last school bell is granted to a graduate of school ______________________ and a student of grade 1 __________________.


Counselor: Walk you long ways,
Don't give up on anything!
And everything you planned
Let it be done on "five"!
Soon your desk will be empty
And the farewell bell will ring.
And it is unlikely that any of you will be able to
Appear indifferent!
Don't hide if you're sad
Never hide good feelings!
Life and youth are knocking at your door, friends,
And childhood is gone forever!

The solemn line dedicated to the last school bell is declared closed.


Counselor: Now, according to tradition, graduates will lay flowers at the Memorial of the fallen soldiers. And then class time.

The right to leave first from the holiday is granted to graduates.

We wish them a happy journey!!!

Very little is left until the last bell, which will sound this year for graduates on May 25, and then the farewell proms. It is difficult to convey, and even guess, what feelings young people experience on the eve of these holidays. But there will definitely be smiles, and laughter, and tears. 11 years at school is no joke: once upon a time, little boys and girls turned into beautiful, stately young people and charming young girls. They have yet to take exams, they will hear another school waltz on graduation party, before them the curtain of the play called "Adult Life" will open. - this is the first call before the start of this premiere.


How strange ... A holiday, and not a holiday ...
Left childhood behind
And ahead of the whole life. And happiness!
But all of a sudden it hurt in my chest.

There are paths in front of me.
So much! Which one to walk?
Where are the troubles, grief and worries?
Where is joy, happiness, how to know?

But wherever luck awaits,
Il (ugh, don't say it!)
Home walls of our school
We can no longer forget.

Let's not forget the hikes
About songs at the campfire at night,
Of joys and sorrows
And holiday parties.

We can't forget those who taught us
Loved, scolded, hurt soul,
And gave us without a trace
All the time, nerves and peace.

To you, dear teachers,
For valor, a medal should be!
Forget the bad past.
Good - with you, in the distance.

How strange ... A holiday and not a holiday ...
Soul, like a bird rushes up,
And childhood is left behind
And quietly whispers: "Look back ..."


This holiday always causes a storm of emotions among graduates who are on the verge of adulthood and their parents and teachers who see off their students. And, of course, on this day they always sound, native school. Although it sometimes seems impossible to express the overflowing feeling of gratitude in words ...

The hour has struck, we leave school,

Behind our children's starts,

Well, what lies ahead?

Gypsy cards won't tell.

And they will not scold us for deuces,

Beyond the threshold - spring and freedom!

But, alas, it will never be

Meet the sunrise together!

I say goodbye to the boring desk,

And native, and completely artless ...

The school desk knew all the childish secrets,

And it gets a little sad.

We will forget about calls very soon,

Do you remember how, so as not to be called, they hid?

Here is the last one. Hooray! We are free!

Why are we all suddenly crying?

Why with anticipation and joy

Near sadness and great confusion?

Why does laughter turn into tears

Why can't we contain our excitement?

Here for the first time is a big goodbye.

We part in earnest, not for a while.

That's why it needs to be remembered

Our cute cool tribe.

That's why we can't forget

Those who taught us and instructed,

In our souls, not yet strong

Own kind heart left.

The piercing trills rang out,

There are many meetings and roads ahead,

But we are sure of one thing:

Let's not forget the school threshold!

Literature teacher

We speak English perfectly

We do not explain, alas!

But literature you

We have been taught, of course!

We even read at night.

For which we are grateful to you!

Beloved teacher. comic

Irina Viktorovna*! Would you

I wanted to sing praises,

Therefore, I send you greetings,

Health, happiness, for long years.

(* The name can be replaced. Or insert the impersonal "Our dear teacher!")

Teachers from parents.

On the street it rains, then the sun,

That rainbow, and then a thunderstorm,

And you are in the classroom at any time,

And with you children's eyes.

Serious, funny eyes

Both smart and mischievous...

Sometimes open wide

And they wander far.

They believe you, love ... offend you,

But they definitely love it!

Ours - nullifies completely.

You give to our children

Your love and your peace.

To you who sow goodness and reason,

Bow, big bow to the earth!

Favorite school On the last call or anniversary

School is not just a building, not only educational institution. The school is a big cell of society. Here, as in a family, there are elders and younger, wise and foolish. The school, like a family, has its own traditions and its own atmosphere; at school, as in any big family, sad events and high-profile victories happen; and, like a family, the school teaches and educates and loves its children. Schools, like people, live their lives. And the schools remember and ... they are waiting. They are waiting for their yesterday's chicks, which have long been on the wing, but this has not ceased to be welcome guests in the school family. And, leaving the native walls, I so want to say warm words to this kind house ...

And the school has a birthday once a year. This day, as a rule, is not celebrated, another thing is the anniversary (next to it is a variant of the lines of this poem for the anniversary)!

There, across the river, on the hill,

Where the willows doze by the pond,

Our native school is standing,

Ringing bells like always.

Today we are leaving... So what! (or - Today she is 50. So what!)

There are a lot of kids in it. (or - There are still a lot of guys in it,)

And just like that everything changes

They are screaming desperately.

So much has been written about the school

It's not that hard, apparently, to rhyme,

What a right word, well, by God!

I don't know what else to say.

Here! Whatever happens to us

We all change, we grow.

Here is our half

Here is our childhood

This is our second home!


How the pages flew by class

About love, about girls, about football.

More fun, more fun sing from the stage

Our school, school is our dear home

First of all, first of all, change

Well, knowledge, and then knowledge.

We remember how we ran away from the lessons,

As they looked out the window in the spring,

How spruce was dressed up with garlands,

And now we're flying away.

(They launch airplanes into the hall)

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear graduates, dear teachers, guests and parents! We invite you to take a cruise on the plane "Issue - 2017". Registration of tickets for flight 20-17 is announced at the 9th counter. Graduates, we are pleased to welcome you on board our aircraft.

Attention! Attention! For a parting word to those who fly away, you are invitedaircraft commander andpart-time - director of the school - Shatunova G.Yu.

Word to the director

Answer word graduates…..

So the hour of parting has come,

We remember many good things about you.

How many we have seen you at work,

You are always in search, always in care,

Everything worries you, everything worries you,

A sensitive heart will help anyone.

Dear, beloved, dear,

Incomparable, unique

Galina Yurievna!

Stay as beautiful

And fate kept from troubles.

Guests came to visit us. Let's give them a word...

Host: Attention! Attention! Boarding continues on flight 20 - 17 with the appointment of "Boarding School --- future life". Attention travelers! Let me introduce you to the crew of our plane...

You are already familiar with the commander, and part-time director. We are pleased to introduce you to the pilots of our aircraft, who clearly follow the state of affairs, and concurrently - representatives of the school administration, Deputy Director for Education and Education:

Svetlana Vasilievna and Tatyana Sergeevna.

Head teacher's speech.

Alumni response.

Everyone knows our head teachers at school

They often come to our class.

And we are all forced to learn

And sometimes they scold us all.

You will find a path to the heart of everyone

And you are ready to go

You will immediately understand all our sins,

You won't be fairer!

From the trade union committee, the floor is given to the chairman Nadezhda Grigorievna Myzdrikova

Host: And the chief pilot who opened the green light our plane in future life, part-time first teacher Tatyana Egorovna Tulina

Graduate: Our dear Tatiana Egorovna

Our first teacher

Our second mother

We want to hear

Word to Tatiana Egorovna.

Graduate: She took us into her own hands,

I sat at a desk in the classroom.

Opened up the world big science

Turned us into students.

Only one knew about the difficulties,

And she understood us the best.

Four years of wisdom taught

And most importantly, she loved us all.

Presenter: And we continue to prepare for our unforgettable flight!

Do not forget that during the flight it is allowed: to spread the virus Have a good mood on those around; sing songs, dance, read poetry, improvise, confess to each other in love. And we welcome the chief mechanics on board our aircraft. No one knows their guys better than they do, and therefore we leave the next word to them. They are the ones that brought you to this. wonderful holiday, it is with them that you, dear graduates, ate more than one pood of knowledge, fun, human participation and care. This is the class teacher and educators.

parting word class hands

Alumni response.

To our kind cool mother

How difficult it was with us

Very difficult, noisy class,

But he loves you very much!

Parting word of educators

Alumni response:

Who thinks about us day and night

Who believes in us and understands best?

We were very, very lucky with the educators,

What has been with us for many years!

Who we love and respect so much,

And remember with gratitude more than once?

Galina Anatolyevna, Lyudmila Nikolaevna!

We love you very, very much!

Host: Dear graduates! Of course, it is not known what awaits you tomorrow. Life can give you not only happy gifts, but sometimes play a cruel joke. For example: Imagine that you are entering a school, and there - three applicants have to pass an exam.

Scene "Exam"

(Four students come out, one in the role of an examiner)

On the table is a sign "Quiet, there is an exam"

Examiner: - the first applicant

- How much will be 2x2?

- And if you think about it?

- And if you think well?

Examiner aside:

Fool! But persistent! Must be accepted! Next!

- How much will be 2x2?

-What if you think about it?

- And if you think well?

Examiner aside: Stupid but flexible! Must be accepted! Next!

-How much is 2x2?

-What if you think about it?

- 5 minus 1!

- And if you think well?

- 8 divided by 2!

- The examiner aside: -smart, but there are no more places!

Presenter: That's how it happens in life sometimes! Of course, it would be nice if smart, fair people met on your way and appreciated your abilities, talents, helped to fulfill your dreams, like yours. school teachers. And teachers are invited to our flight.

Alumni words:

- Dear, our beloved teachers and educators!

- For us, you are the most, most, most.

The most responsible - always know the answer to any question.

The most decent - always called us to order.

The most sensitive, always felt who was not ready for the lesson.

Poems are read by graduates to a teacher of Russian and reading:

So that in a decent society

Don't be shy, don't blush

It is necessary, brothers, excellent,

The teacher is indispensable

We want to wish you

To be persistent, tireless,

On the teacher's path!

Verse - to the teacher of mathematics.

The Queen of Mathematics!

We respect her without a doubt.

Although with her experienced a lot of torment,

We are endlessly in the joy of learning!

Thank you mathematician teacher

We remember science forever

And even though you are a pragmatist in mathematics,

But in life you soulful person!

Geography teacher:

You, teacher, revealed to us

Rivers, countries, cities!

We love your item

And we will remember forever!

Biology teacher:

Biology was easy for us,

Of course not always.

But it didn't seem boring.

Science is never.

History teacher:

Complicated history - science!

But we are trying for you

Teacher, be smart each other,

You learn - just a class!

Physical education teacher:

Thank you for the physical education

For such a cheerful subject of yours

For the fact that among the boring lessons

There is yours, where there is no place for boredom!

SBO teachers:

From the lessons of the SBO, the feeling is incomparable,

Adored item, beyond the ordinary!

Teachers labor training:

Tell the truth, don't lie

Everyone's favorite lesson is work.

You taught us how to work

In life, not to be lazy.

Our psychologist taught us to be smarter,

Calmer, smarter, gentler.

A social educator

He called everywhere he could.

He suffered and worried for us

He did everything for us.

He often brought us to school.


I don't know how to live without books.

I read and read everything

Smart to be a man

I go to the library!

Pioneer leader:

We love in pioneer-

Sit, talk.

Tell our counselor

All poems and songs - sing!

Thanks to those with whom we walked towards knowledge,

Who has chosen the path, not an easy one.

Thanks to those whose proud calling -

Teacher, educator, educator!

Teachers' answer song to the motive: "Through the years"

Sincerely thanks a lot

We say to all teachers and educators.

Be young and happy

Peace, many years, health to you!

Presenter: And before the departure of our plane, there is less and less time left. All the staff came to see you off.

From smiles and melodies

It became brighter here

We greet today

All employees of his school.

I got sick, stabbed - my head hurts and my chest hurts.

We run to the first-aid post sooner,

Treat us a little.

We will never be denied

Vitamins will give us!

Supply manager:

How can we make our school better?

And what does she need to do to help?

The manager here will say a few words.

And now the project is ready.

Both the watchman and the plumber are subject to her,

Technician, laundress and driver!

Nadezhda Konstantinovna - often helped us out

She gave us gloves and equipment.

You cooked skillfully

And the food was very delicious.

And your big deal

Everyone was attracted, attracted, warmed.

All our technical staff

Boarding home and school

They taught us everywhere -

Shoes while taking off

And keep order!

She always has a big laundry -

She's not too lazy to wash clothes,

She pours water into the car

And washes all day long.

Chauffeur and plumber professions such,

That without them we are nowhere.

We wish them good health for many years to come.

Sometimes without protection it is almost impossible,

And our security is strong and reliable.

Accountants, night nannies

Presenter: and before the departure of our plane there is very little time left. Oh, and what a sob. Ah - these are the parents of graduates. Your parents were worried about you

And with you they drank not an easy cup,

Let's give them the floor now

And congratulations on this event too!

The word for congratulations to graduates and the teaching staff is given to parents: …………………………………..

Alumni response:

Well, how can we not remember today about those

Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter.

Parents, we are nowhere without you!

Any trouble - it does not matter to you!

For everything that you have done for us in these years,

We thank you very, very much

For all the efforts, support and care

We say thank you very much! (together)

Host: Attention! Attention! The plane "Future Change" has arrived. Request, departing: - give way!

To the tune of "Together it's fun to walk" kids come out

You are already big

And once many times

Only dreamed of becoming big

How we dream now.

We, too, will pass 9 years,

Let's learn our lesson.

We will all replace you

Let's hear your call.

You are leaving us

What to do? Good time!

Your lot is not easy, but for now…..

Congratulations to all of you

And from all we wish souls,

You are only rated "5"

receive in exams.

We wish you to find your way

Good luck to you, friends!

And here they are always waiting for you

Favorite teachers.

Today is a hot May day.

Your lesson is over.

Last time, friends, for you

Now the bell is ringing!

Alumni response:

Dear Guys!

-Dear little residents of our school! Good luck to you!

Grow strong, smart, kind! We wish you cheerful calls and school discoveries! Thank you for nice words to our address!

And accept from us these modest gifts!

Presenter: - There is very little time left before the departure of our plane. And now, according to tradition, the graduates will perform a farewell waltz.

(graduates dance the waltz) Presenter: Attention! The most solemn moment of today's holiday is coming. Dear graduates, now a special bell will ring for you, unlike any previously sounded. He is like a boundary between childhood and adult life. This is the last call! Let its ringing remain in your hearts, like the ringing of childhood, school friendship and good good memories of this day.

Graduates: Everything is behind: lessons, changes,

Reports and answers at the blackboard -

And occupy the school arena

Others, we are now graduates!

Let him ring louder, farewell,

So that everyone can feel

This gentle, but a little sad,

Accompanying us to the world call!

Host: Attention! The right to give the last call for our graduates is granted to a 9th grade graduate …………………

Graduates take seats on the plane. They launch balloons into the sky.

Host: Attention! Our plane is leaving!

Good luck guys, fly away,

A big life is ahead of you!

Just don't forget school

And those who prepared you for flight!

Good luck to you, kindness, peace and happiness dear graduates!

And now we see off the graduates with thunderous applause.

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds.

Druzhina equal, under the banner of the name of Yu.A. Gagarin at ease. Alignment with the banner. Take out the banner.

The solemn line dedicated to the Day of the last call is declared closed.

A request to the teachers to go to the steps of the school for a general photo with the students.

(Recording of a take-off liner turns on. Graduates wave their hands. The curtain closes).