Conversation in kindergarten "What is a profession?". Senior group. Ecological conversations for older children in kindergarten

One of the main methods for the development of dialogic speech in preschool children in the classroom is a conversation. A conversation is an organized, purposeful conversation between a teacher and children on a specific topic, which consists of questions and answers. Conversation is an effective verbal teaching method, when properly combined with specific observations and activities of children, plays an important role in educational work with children. The method of conversation developed by Socrates and Plato was used in teaching rhetoric and logic to young people. Later this method was used in school teaching.

Since the time of J. A. Comenius and I. G. Pestalozzi, the question arose about the use of conversations in preschool education. The conversation is primarily a method of clarifying and systematizing the ideas of children received by them in the process of everyday life and in the classroom. The nature of the conversation requires the child to be able to actively reproduce their knowledge, compare, reason, and draw conclusions. Through conversations, children purposefully acquire information about specific objects and phenomena, learn to convey in words the signs of objects, actions with objects. Focusing on characteristics phenomena, the teacher deepens the children's ideas about what they perceived on walks, excursions. The designation of the perceived by the word, the description by the children of objects and phenomena makes the process of acquiring knowledge more meaningful. The conversation also enriches the child with new knowledge or shows the familiar in a new aspect. Participating in a conversation, the child learns to concentrate his opinion on one subject, remembers what he knows about it, and learns to think logically. In a conversation, the teacher teaches the child to clearly express his thoughts, develops the ability to listen and understand questions, correctly formulate the answer to them - briefly or in more detail, depending on the nature of the question, to ask questions correctly.

Conversations activate children's speech, contribute to the development of dialogical speech. Mastering the skills of dialogic speech has importance for later schooling. The teacher teaches children in the course of conversations to correctly apply the grammatical forms of words, clearly pronounce words, correctly place stresses, enriches and activates their vocabulary. In conversations, there is an opportunity to replay what children have observed previously. Under the influence of conversations, the speech of preschoolers becomes accurate, meaningful. In a conversation, the moral and aesthetic ideas of children are activated, their attention is focused on vivid impressions. Conversations, ideologically directed and rich in content, lead children to judgments and conclusions that are accessible to them. The child, on vivid examples, is more fully aware and emotionally experiences his attitude to the environment. Based on knowledge, the child thinks about his behavior, evaluates actions. The conversation forms in the child an appropriate attitude to the facts of reality, contributes to the education of organization and the formation of certain moral qualities. In kindergarten, conversation is used as an important means of collective communication of children.

Conversation as a teaching method used mainly in older groups. However, individual conversations (for example, about the work of adults in kindergarten, about the seasons) can be successfully carried out in middle group(since the second half of the year). The content of the conversation is the program material for acquainting children with the surrounding reality: with household items, labor, the life and work of people, natural phenomena, social life, holidays, games, labor and studychildren in kindergarten.

The content of the conversation can be a discussion of the listened fairy tales, stories, poems, considered paintings, filmstrips, films, television programs, etc. The content of the conversations should be pedagogically valuable, contribute to the implementation of the tasks of a comprehensive education of children and at the same time be feasible, psychologically close to a preschool child. Compliance with the latter requirement is especially necessary in order for the conversation to be active, to excite the child's thoughts, help to keep his attention and leave a deep mark on his mind.

Modern methodologists offer a variety of topics for conversations with preschoolers. Conversations are widespread that reproduce the facts and phenomena of public life: “Moscow is the main city of Russia”, “Our city”, “We love our village”, “What did we see in the library?”. A number of conversations are devoted to the topics of labor, labor processes, the labor affairs of the children themselves: “Bread is the head of everything”, “Professions of your parents”, “How clothes are sewn”, “On construction”, “We are on duty”, “What have we grown in the garden, in the garden?” etc. Conversations are held with preschoolers about cars that help adults in their work (“What do cars help to do in kindergarten and at home?”, “What do people drive?”, “What cars help grow crops?” Etc.), objects that children encounter daily (“Our toys”, “About clothes and shoes”, etc.).

The educator must think deeply about the content of the conversations, select for discussion those facts and phenomena that lead children to generalizing conclusions and at the same time require additional explanations and information so that the children comprehend the material of observations more fully and deeply. The senior kindergarten teacher should help the teachers plan the conversations in a certain sequence, ensure their connection with each other. The next conversations should be more difficult than the previous ones. New mental tasks should appear in them, the requirements for children's speech should increase. The conversation achieves its goal only with a clear organization and a well-thought-out methodology for its conduct. Therefore, a significant place in the successful conduct of the conversation has a preliminary preparation for it by the educator and children. The educator, having determined the tasks and topic of the conversation, thinks through and selects its content, structure, determines the nature and formulation of the main questions. In addition, he selects the necessary visual aids, technical means, thinks out how to take into account individual characteristics children and provide differentiated guidance to them during the conversation. The readiness of children for a conversation lies in the fact that they have the appropriate knowledge about the subject or phenomenon that will be discussed in the conversation. The child receives this knowledge during excursions, observations, viewing pictures, watching filmstrips, TV shows, etc.

The conversation should be based on the life experience and knowledge of children. For example, a conversation on the topic “About winter” can be held only when the children have already become familiar with the winter phenomena of nature, listened to the relevant stories and poems. If a conversation is planned on the content of a picture, a literary work, then children must have certain knowledge to understand this material, listen to this literary work, and consider the picture. Conversation is a complex teaching method, its course depends not only on the preparation of the teacher himself, but also on the level of development of children, their knowledge, on the degree of their activity and independence. The conversation requires tension of attention from the child, he must always follow the course of the conversation, not be distracted from the topic, listen to his comrades, remember, generalize, be ready to answer, at the same time restrain himself from speaking when they do not ask. The teacher is faced with the task of maintaining the activity of children throughout the lesson, mobilizing their attention.

Tatiana Zolotsevskaya
Card file of conversations with children of senior preschool age

No. 1. Conversation with children on the topic: “What cartoon did you watch at the weekend?”

The goal is to cultivate the desire to express one's attitude to the actions of other people. Build self-esteem of your actions.

Questions for the conversation:

What is the name of the cartoon you watched on your day off? Where does the cartoon take place?

Name its actors, characters, heroes.

Which character do you like the most and why?

Which character didn't you like? Why?

What qualities of the main character would you like to have in your character, and which ones would you refuse and why?

What is the main idea of ​​this cartoon?

No. 2. Conversation with children on the topic: “Is fire our friend or enemy?”

The goal is to teach children to be careful with fire, with electrical appliances, with fire in nature.

Questions for the conversation:

How did fire help ancient people?

And now let's talk about good deeds of fire today: tell us where fire works today and how it helps people?

Why fire can be dangerous for people? When does it happen?

In what cases does careless handling of fire lead to fires?

What precautions should hikers take when making a fire in the forest?

What precautions should be taken at home new year holidays when using candles, fireworks, sparklers, firecrackers?

What precautions should be taken when using electrical appliances?

How to call the fire brigade in case of a smell of smoke or a type of fire, flame?

No. 3. Conversation with children on the topic: "Nature asks for protection."

The goal is to introduce children to the natural world, to understanding its value in the life of every person.

Questions for the conversation:

Can a person live without sunlight and heat?

And without air?

Solar heat, plants, animals, water, air - it's all nature!

Can people live without nature?

And if they can’t, then how should they treat her?

Do people always treat nature well and carefully?

And from whom can nature ask for help?

Which inhabitants ask for help from a person?

What should be a person to protect nature?

How can you help the birds (plants, fish, animals, river, etc.).

No. 4. Conversation with children on the topic: "My pet."

The goal is to cultivate humane feelings for your pets.

Questions for the conversation:

Which of you have pets?

Tell us what they are, why do you like them?

What are the names of your little friends?

What are you playing with them? Where do you go for a walk?

How do you take care of your pets?

No. 5. Conversation with children on the topic: “Do you know the rules traffic

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road, to explain the meaning of some signs.

Questions for the conversation:

Why do people need traffic rules?

If there were no rules, would people live better or worse?

What do traffic lights mean? Where can you cross the street?

What is the safest crossing? Why?

What rules of conduct on the roadway do you know?

What road signs do you know? What do they stand for?

No. 6. Conversation with children on the topic: "Walking in the forest."

The goal is to consolidate the knowledge of children about the forest kingdom, plants that are characteristic of the forest. Cultivate respect for nature.

Questions for the conversation:

Have you ever been in a forest (in a grove? Tell us what you saw and learned new and interesting things during this walk?

What was the forest - coniferous, deciduous or mixed? Which trees were more - coniferous or deciduous?

What coniferous trees did you see in the forest? What are deciduous? How did you distinguish between them?

What mushrooms did you find while walking? How did you collect them? What did they do when they returned home?

What else do you remember during this walk?

No. 7. Conversation with children on the topic: "A walk in the garden and garden."

The goal is to consolidate the generalizing concepts of "vegetables", "fruits", distinctive features vegetables and fruits.

Questions for the conversation:

What do we call vegetables? What vegetables do you know?

What do we call fruits? What fruits do you know?

How are vegetables and fruits different? What do they have in common?

Name your favorite fruit. Where does it grow - on a tree branch or on a bush?

Which vegetable do you like the most? How is this vegetable grown?

What fairy tales do you know where vegetables and fruits are the heroes?

When conducting a conversation, you can use the didactic game "Guess the vegetable (fruit) by answers and questions."

No. 8. Conversation with children on the topic: "Bread is the head of everything."

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about bread as one of the greatest riches on earth. Fix the names of the professions of people growing bread.

Questions for the conversation:

How do you understand the phrase "Bread is the head of everything"? Why do they say so?

What path does bread travel before it reaches our table?

What professions grow bread?

People of what professions are engaged in the manufacture of bread and various products from flour?

And what other products can be made from flour?

What proverbs and sayings do you know about bread?

How should people treat bread?

No. 9. Conversation with children on the topic: “How to behave”

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about the positive actions, qualities and actions of people.

Questions for the conversation:

What actions do you consider bad, unworthy of respect? (Take someone else's, deceive, offend someone, fight, shout, etc.).

Have you ever done bad things? Tell about it.

What actions do you think are considered good? So what to be?

Which good words can you tell if you had a fight or offended someone?

What kind and polite words should we use in our speech?

Explain why they say this: “As is the mind, so are the speeches”?

No. 10. Conversation with children on the topic: “What grows in the garden?”

The goal is to develop the ability to correctly name vegetables, describe their color, shape and other qualities.

Questions for the conversation:

Where are vegetables grown? What does it take to grow them?

Which vegetables grow underground and which grow above ground? How are vegetables harvested?

Which geometric figures vegetables are similar (the teacher lists, the children name the figure).

What are vegetables for? What can be prepared from them?

How are vegetables prepared? (They are washed, cut, fried, boiled, stewed, baked, salted, marinated, frozen).

Card file of conversations on life safety in the senior preparatory groups of the kindergarten.

Numbers and topics of conversations:
No. 1 - "Ice"
#2 - "Caution! Icicles (snow from roofs)»
#3 - "How Sand Can Become Dangerous"
No. 4 - "The cat and the dog are our neighbors"
#5 - "How the Curious Tongue Was Punished"
No. 6 - "We are going on an excursion (on foot)"
No. 7 - "Hurrah! We're going on a tour (by bus)"
No. 8 - "Dining room duty"
No. 9 - "How to behave in the heat"
No. 10 - "In winter on a hill"
No. 11 - "We love to work"
No. 12 - "Rules of conduct on the site d / s during a walk"
No. 13 - "Insects - benefit and harm"
No. 14 - "How to behave during outdoor games"
No. 15 - "Beware of plants and mushrooms in the d / garden"
No. 16 - “We observe, but do not forget the safety rules” (At Dyuvina M.A.)
No. 17 - "We love the holidays in the kindergarten"
No. 18 - "How to behave in a group"
No. 19 - "Moving around the kindergarten"
No. 20 - "Winter roads"
No. 21- "Frosts are cruel this year"
No. 22- "Games on modules"
Conversation #1.
Theme: "Ice"
Purpose: to know the safety rules in winter time- in ice;
be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures;
describe it, and the rules that must be followed in order not to get
injury and not die.
Material: pictures - signs with the image of ice.
Conversation flow:
1. The teacher reads the poem “Ice” to the children:
Frozen in the morning
No yesterday's warmth
Ice on the roads
And the cars carry everything.
Sidewalks like a skating rink
Take another step
But the sole failed
She is very slippery.
How many troubles from ice!
There is a job for the janitors
Pour salt and sand,
So that a passer-by could pass.
2. Conversation about ice. Explanation of the word "ice".
3. Questions for children:
What kind of winter weather contributes to the formation of ice?
Why do so many road accidents happen on icy roads?
Why do people often get injured on ice?
How to protect yourself in ice?
-What road services and how do they help people in icy conditions?
4. Examining pictures of ice signs, invite children to determine what the sign warns about and what not to do, how to prevent injury in winter on ice?
Remember the rules:
- do not push, do not run, do not play on a slippery road,
do not trip your comrades, do not fight, walk carefully, do not ride;
- if someone has fallen, help to get up, call an adult for help!
Conversation number 2.
Topic: "Beware of icicles /snow from the roof/"
Objectives: to give knowledge that icicles can be dangerous to humans (if they fall from the roof - trauma and remember, if lick or eat - sore throat);
learn to protect yourself from icicles at the end winter - early spring, obey the rules of safety, be able to foresee danger.
Material: illustrations of "Drops", logical picture "How did Vasya get sick?"
Conversation flow:
1. Guess!
- I am transparent, like crystal,
I hang from the roof in winter.
Just a very, very sorry
That in the heat I quickly melt.
2. Considering plot pictures and talking about them.
Ask them to look at the pictures and tell what they show.
Discuss with the children how dangerous this or that situation can be.
Why are icicles or icy clods of snow that are thrown off the roof dangerous?
And how to do the right thing, how can you protect yourself from danger?
Ask the children to think of times in their lives when someone was hurt in similar situations.
Ask the children to think about what precautions they can take to warn others about danger areas.
Together come to the conclusion that such areas need to be protected.
Come up with different kinds barriers: rope with red flags, wooden or metal barriers, shields or fences.
RULES! Remind children not to:
- Play where icicles hang from the roof or snow can fall!
- Approach and touch hanging icicles!
- You can not suck and eat icicles!
- Do not throw icicle or snow!
- Be attentive and observant!
- Be able to anticipate danger in advance and avoid it!
- In addition to your own safety, take care of the safety of others
(for example, take the hand and take the kids away from the dangerous place)!
3. Reminding children not to lick and eat icicles.
An icicle hung from the roof
Looks like delicious candy!
Get angina.
If a fool eats it!
4. Development game general motor skills"Icicle"
An icicle hangs upside down, -Hands down, fingers close
She has a runny nose from the sun. -touch their noses.
Then she will cry from the heat, - they collect “tears” in the palm of her hand.
That dress will sew its own. - run hands down the body
horizontal movement "cut off" the length.
Frost will come - it will freeze, - they hug themselves with their hands, tremble
It will grow a little overnight, -Hands are pulled up, stand on toes
He will get stronger with his body, get fatter, - his arms are rounded on the sides.
It will become heavy - it will fall. - squat.
On the street - help the janitor sprinkle sand on slippery paths.
Conversation number 3.
Topic: "Don't eat snow and icicles!"
Objectives: to give knowledge that snow icicles can be dangerous to humans (if they fall from the roof - injury, if licked or eaten - sore throat);
Material: logical picture "How did Vasya get sick?"
Conversation flow:
1. Conversation
-What does it mean to be healthy? (means to be strong, cheerful, energetic, not to get sick)
-How should we take care of our health?
(temper, gymnastics)
2. Reading the story “Gymnastics and a cold” (T.A. Shorygina “talks about health”, p. 4)
3. Considering plot pictures and talking about them.
Ask to consider the logical picture “How did Vasya get sick?”
- What do you guys think, why did Vasya get sick?
"The first snow in the yard, it looks like sugar, probably just as sweet and tasty, I'll try it"
“Icicles hang like lollipops. What will you do, try, such a lollipop?
5. Reading poems:
I'll tell you guys
Smart schoolchildren and preschoolers
Always protect your health
Do not take snow and icicles in your mouth!
An icicle hung from the roof
Looks like delicious candy!
Get angina.
If a fool eats it!
6. Experience with snow (icicle)
(encourage the child to evaluate the experimental activities and independently draw a conclusion)
Melt the snow (icicle), strain through a cotton or gauze filter.
Conversation number 4.
Topic: "How sand can become dangerous"
Purpose: to show the child to play with sand and warn him that it is not safe to play with him: you need to be careful and make sure that the sand does not get into your eyes, mouth, nose, clothes, head.
Material: 2 dolls - Neumeyki, Dr. Aibolit, toys and manuals for
sand games.
Conversation flow:
2 dolls come - Neumeyki. They play with sand and indulge all the time: they throw sand at each other and get into the eyes (You have to contact Dr. Aibolit and treat them);
they dig a hole too briskly and get on the head and get their hair dirty - you have to wash it; they wanted to see how dry sand flows, raising their hands too high and got sand in their mouths, noses (and microbes can live in the sand - you can get sick or suffocate), soiled each other's clothes - all the clothes are in the sand, dirty.
And other situations.
Children discuss the situation every time and draw conclusions (they teach Neumeek) - how to behave correctly so that trouble does not happen, and remember

Do not throw sand, do not scatter it, play carefully, do not raise your hands with sand high, you must dig and build from sand calmly, carefully, do not push in the sandbox and near the sandbox, do not scatter toys and aids for playing with sand, use them carefully.
- In no case do not three dirty (after playing with sand) hands, eyes, face, wash your hands first.
And if you still get sand in your eyes, ears, nose or mouth, wash them faster with water, and be sure to tell an adult (caregiver) about it.
Conversation number 5.
Topic: Don't play with stray animals
Purpose: to explain to children that contact with animals can sometimes be dangerous;
learn to take care of your safety.
Material: d / y exercise - “How did this happen?”
Conversation flow:
“The muzzle is mustachioed, the coat is striped, it is often washed, but it is not known with water” (Cat).
"Stroke - caress, tease - bite"
3. Teacher's story:
“Sometimes when we play in the garden area, dogs or cats come to us. Of course, we all love animals, we care about them, we know how to treat pets, what they love. But we do not know whose these animals are. Most likely they are homeless.
-Is it possible to touch, pick up other people's or stray dogs and cats? Why?
Yes you are right. It is forbidden! They can be aggressive and rabid. street cats and dogs can be sick with something contagious. They can and should be fed, but petting and playing with them is dangerous. Moreover, it is impossible to tease and torment animals.
It is important to remember that animals are most aggressive when eating and when their young are near them.
4. Playing problem situations:
“A kitten meows plaintively at our entrance. What to do?"
5.Reading a poem6
Meows at the tree
unknown cat,
pour milk
I'm a little poor.
But to touch
I won't have a kitten
What mama said
'Cause I won't forget
"be kind, son,
feed the animals,
And into the hands of the vagrants
Don't take the animals
Trust me from them
It's easy to get infected.
Will have to go to the hospital
Long treatment!"
6. Remember the RULES!
- Do not run away from the dog in the street. The dogs chase the runaways.
- Do not pet unfamiliar animals and do not pick them up! They may be sick, infectious, have ticks or fleas, or misreact to your petting and bite without warning.
- Do not look directly into the dog's eyes, he may take this look as a challenge.
-If you meet a dog in a narrow aisle or alley, give way to it, stand sideways to the dog.
-Do not touch someone else's cat or dog. Even with good attitude on your part, they may be frightened of something and, in self-defense, scratch or bite.
- do not kiss (they often dig in the ground and have a lot of germs on their faces)
and do not tease the animals (they can get impatient and bite);
Don't approach them from behind.
-Don't wake a sleeping dog.
7.D / ex. "How did it happen?"
Discussion of the wrong action of the child and its consequences (based on a series of paintings). (They teased the dog - she bit. The child was taken to the hospital.)
Conversation number 6.
Topic: "How the curious tongue was punished"
Objectives: to give children the knowledge that iron objects are very dangerous in winter, that you can’t touch them with your tongue, lips and bare hands;
learn to take care of their safety, to prevent an accident.
Material: plot picture.
Conversation flow:
1. Consideration and discussion of the plot picture.
Explanation why this happens in winter with iron objects. Making up stories.
Show (if this does happen) how to help the victim (using a clean finger or handkerchief, carefully warm the object next to the tongue or lips, in no case tear it off by force)
2.Help remember the RULE:
- Never touch iron objects with your tongue, lips and bare hands in winter! They stick and won't come off. This is very dangerous for health.
- Do not tear off with force if misfortune nevertheless happened to you.
- Call an adult for help if this has happened to one of your comrades.
3. Conducting experience:
Show on the street how a wet cloth sticks to a metal object and does not come off.
Conversation number 7.

Topic: "Let's go on an excursion (walking tour)"
Purpose: to give knowledge about safety rules during walking tours, to teach
comply with safety requirements.
Material: Signs: "You can" (!), "Impossible" (+).
Conversation flow:
1. Solving problem situations using signs.
The children went on a tour. Everyone followed each other in twos. Suddenly, Kolya saw a friend, and without warning the teacher, ran to him. At that moment, a car pulled out of the corner. What happened next? (children's answers)
(Sign- "No")
Our group once walked on an excursion to the river Saimaa. Everyone walked together, observing the rules of pedestrian behavior. When we reached the place, it turned out that Vanya was not there. What happened? Why? Is it possible to do so? (Sign- "No")
2. Discuss how you should and should not behave during a walk (excursion). Offer to choose signs.
3. Remember the RULES:
- Walk calmly, holding the hand of a friend (in two) behind other children and the teacher.
- Do not lag behind other children, so as not to get lost, but stay together;
- Do not jump out or run away without the permission of the educators.
-If you get lost, don't panic, don't run wherever your eyes look.
- Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing ("zebra crossing") on green light traffic light. And if there is no traffic light, do not forget to look for cars on the left, and in the middle of the road, on the right.
- Never cross the street on a red light, even if there are no cars nearby, wait for the green light to turn on.
- You can not go close to the road where cars and buses drive;
-Do not run out onto the pavement for a ball or other object if they fall and roll: you run the risk of not noticing a passing car and getting hit by it.
- Walk only on the footpath and sidewalk.
- Do not push, do not yell, do not shout along the way, do not interfere with passers-by;
-Avoid exits from parking lots, garages and other similar places: some car can back out and its driver will not notice you.
- Obey the teacher's instructions.
-Never approach or get into a car with a stranger no matter what he says: in the world there are quite often evil people that could harm you.
Conversation number 8.
Subject: "Wow! We're going on a tour! (by bus)"
Purpose: to teach how to behave correctly in transport, to know and obey the rules
safe behaviour.
Conversation flow:
1.C / role-playing game "Journey" - with a discussion of the rules of behavior on the bus.
2. Repeat with children RULES:
-When entering the bus and exiting the bus, do not push, do not jump, do not rush, do not trip, wait for your turn and hold on to the special handrails, look under your feet.
- Do not get up and do not move in the bus. If you make a sharp turn or stop suddenly, you can hit the window or seat hard;
- Do not put your hand or head out of the bus window. Passing vehicles can hit you and cause serious injury;
-Don't touch the locks, don't mess with the doorknobs, because the door can suddenly open, and you can fly out onto the road at full speed;
- Lean back and lean against the back of the seat so that in case of a sudden stop, you will not be thrown strongly forward and not hit;
- Do not distract the driver and other children with conversations;
-Do not make noise and do not push on the bus, be polite and calm;
- Do not touch the steering wheel and do not touch the buttons and control levers.
Conversation number 9.
Topic: "Dining room duty"
Purpose: to teach children to set tables correctly and safely for themselves and others; observe safety rules when handling a knife, fork; to consolidate the idea of ​​​​dangerous objects, of their necessity for a person.
Material: d / i: "Let's set the table for the doll" or "What first, what then."
You can use icons - symbols: a cardboard sheet - a table, small circles - saucers, large - plates, stripes - forks, knives, etc.
Conversation flow:
1. D / and "Let's set the table for the doll" using signs-symbols or doll dishes and a mandatory explanation of safety rules.
2. Reading excerpts of a poem ( full version in book. "Child at the table" p.49)
We are on duty today.
We will help the nanny
Neat and beautiful
All tables set.
- We will put plates for everyone
Forks, spoons and knives.
Do not rush how to put, think
And then spread it out.
-From the plate to the right is a knife,
The spoon lies beside
The knife turned away from the spoon
He looks at the plate.
- Well, to the left of the plate
You need to put the fork down.
When we eat the second
A knife will be friends with a fork.
3. Repeat with children RULES:
- Do not swing a fork, knife or other cutlery;
-Always take one item at a time and carry it carefully;
- When laying the tables, do not rush, do not run, do not play, do everything calmly;
- Carry the knife and fork point down.
- Do not lift high and do not bring a fork, knife to your eyes;
-Do not approach or touch pots and kettles with hot food;
-Don't mess around and don't play with a knife and fork. - When laying tables, do not be distracted;
- Do not interfere with the attendants to set the tables; - do not run when the tables are set.
Conversation number 10.
Topic: "How to behave in the heat on the site?"
Purpose: to teach children to put on a hat (panama hat, scarf, etc.) without reminding adults, to consolidate the ability to correctly pour water from a kettle into a cup, to follow the rules of being in the sun so as not to overheat.
Material: plot picture depicting 2 girls - one is sitting under the "mushroom", and the second is sunbathing under the scorching sun and got a sunburn.
(You can come up with and draw other pictures)
Conversation flow:
1. Considering the picture.
Questions for children:
-What is in the picture?
Which of the girls did the right thing? Why?
What happened to the second girl? How did it happen?
- What should be done now?
- And how do we behave on the street in the heat?
What needs to be done to prevent this from happening sunstroke? Sunburn?
2. Compilation of stories from the life experience of children.
3. Game "Finish the sentence"
- In order not to offend dad,
I will wear with a ribbon ... (hat).
inseparable friends
Rope and clothespin.
Not separable in the heat
Me and my ... (cap)
- Is the sun hot?
I ask my mother.
I dress in the heat
White ... (panama hat).
-For a walk in the summer, be sure to wear a light headdress (hat, scarf, cap, panama)!
-In the heat, drink more fluids - water, fruit drinks or juices!
-Don't stay in the sun too long! It's better to play in the shade!
- Wear it in the heat light clothing which will protect your shoulders, back and chest from sunburn. Wear dark glasses when it's hot.
-Do not run barefoot in the heat on the asphalt.
- Do not get carried away in the heat with outdoor games in the sun: do not bring the body to be wet with sweat.
-If you suddenly feel weak, dizzy or nauseous, immediately go into the shade and tell the teacher about your health.
-Watch your comrades, if they are overheated, if their face and body are reddened.
If you notice this, invite them to the shade and tell the teacher about it.
Conversation number 11.
Theme: "In winter on a hill"
Purpose: to teach children to obey the rules of behavior when riding downhill;
Develop endurance and patience - the ability to wait for your turn;
develop a desire to avoid traumatic situations.
Conversation flow:
1. A conversation about winter fun and games, about their health benefits.
2. Discussion of situations of correct and incorrect behavior of children on a hill according to an illustration or picture.

3. Game (verbal) "Good-bad."
Children evaluate the situations proposed by the teacher and justify their assessment in the process of general discussion.
3. Examination of ice-sleds and ordinary sleds.
4.Form RULES:
-Ride on the hill only on ice sleds, and not on ordinary sleds;
- Climb up the hill only on the steps;
- Do not climb the slippery slope of the hill and from the sides;
- Do not ride standing, but only sitting;
- Do not push, do not cling to comrades;
- Follow the sequence;
- Do not jump down the hill;
-Do not stand on the upper platform, but immediately sit down and look around;
- Do not climb the hill and do not ride with toys and objects in your hands;
-Ride, get up and leave faster, because another follows you
and can bring you down;
- Do not go down the hill until the previous child got up and left the road;
- Do not play, do not fight, do not put your foot on the hill or near the hill;
-Don't run down the slope;
-Don't throw snow at the side of the hill.
Conversation #12.
Topic: "Labor activity"
Purpose: to teach children to follow safety rules when using objects and tools during work
(watering cans, rags, sticks - labor in a corner of nature;
stacks, scissors, pencils, brushes - manual labor;
rakes, spatulas, scoops, brooms - labor in nature).
Material: "Magic chest" with objects and tools
Conversation flow:
1. Game with the "Magic Chest".
Make a riddle about an object.
Discuss useful and dangerous sides this item.
- What is it needed for?
When is it impossible to do without this item?
-How can it be dangerous, and what should be done to prevent injury or a dangerous situation?
-How to use it correctly?
2. Learn the proverb: "Every thing has its place."
3. Lead the children to the idea that if you follow the safety rules when using these dangerous items, they bring a lot of joy and benefit.
4. Repeat with children RULES:
- Use caution when handling any of these items;
- All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places;
-Do not swing or poke others in the face;
- Scissors when working should be directed away from you and be at chest level
- Carry scissors closed, sharp ends clenched in a fist (demonstration);
-After work, do not leave any of these items unattended, put them away;
- Do not distract others if they are working with scissors, rakes, spatula, etc.;
-Don't push, don't take from others;
-Do not run with dangerous objects;
- Do your work calmly, without distractions!
Conversation number 13.
Topic: "Rules of conduct on the d / garden during a walk"
Purpose: to teach children to follow the rules of safe behavior at the preschool site;
know the boundaries of your site;
remind them of the dangers that lie in wait for them on the site.
Material: Illustrations
Conversation flow:
1. Demonstrates illustrations and (you can read a poem about dangerous objects) and the teacher's story about the proper reaction to objects of unfamiliar origin. The teacher shows the bag and asks if the children know what is in it. The children don't know. What could be dangerous in it? Listen to the children's thoughts.
2. Playing situations:
Ask several children to show what they would do.
3. Joint reasoning of the educator and children: you should never approach and open unfamiliar bags, packages! There may be an explosive device, poisoned objects, dangerous things, poisons. Be sure to invite an adult and show!
And you can not take packages and bags from strangers!
4. A conversation (using illustrations, poems or riddles) about how to behave correctly on the kindergarten site, why do children need to behave this way and not otherwise?

5. Remember the RULES:
- You need to go out to the d / s site and return from a walk with a calm step.
- Do not approach and do not touch unfamiliar packages and bags.
- Do not push your comrades, do not trip, do not fight, be
friendly and polite.
-Do not leave the territory of your site without the permission of the teacher.
- Do not play with sharp objects.
- Do not run around with toys and do not take them from others.
- Do not throw toys around. This is necessary not only for order, but for security purposes.
Since someone may step on a toy or other object, fall and
get hurt.
- Do not throw sand, earth, snow.
- Do not approach dogs and cats.
- Do not touch mushrooms and berries and do not eat them.
- Do not break trees, bushes.
- Do not wave your hands at insects, do not catch or kill them.
- Do not approach strangers, even if they call you.
Conversation #14.
Topic: "Insects - benefit and harm"
Purpose: to give knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting with different insects.
Material: subject pictures depicting insects;
plot pictures depicting the habitat of these insects.
Conversation flow:
1. Questions for children:
-What kind of insects do you know?
When do insects appear?
Where do they live?
How are they different from birds?
What happens if there are no insects?
How dangerous are insects?
How to behave when meeting them
2. Reading a poem:
I got stung by a bee.
I screamed, “How could you?
The bee replied: “How could you
Pick my favorite flower?
After all, I needed him terribly:
I saved it for dinner!”
3. Bring children to the idea that everything in nature is interconnected, and a cruel and even careless attitude towards it worsens a person's life. Insects are of great benefit, but sometimes you can suffer from them.
4. Remember the RULES:
You need to know how to protect yourself from insects:
-It is necessary to lubricate exposed parts of the body with insect repellents (created specifically for children)!
- Never touch a hornet's nest!
-If a bee flies near you, do not wave your hands, move to another place!
-If the bee nevertheless stings, then it is necessary to remove the sting, wipe the stung place with soda solution or apply calendula petals.
-Do not catch or kill insects!
-Don't stand near the anthill!
Conversation #15.
Topic: "How to behave during outdoor games?"
Purpose: to teach the ability to control one's behavior: restrain oneself and listen
to the opinion of others, to improve oneself as a person through communication with people; learn
coordinate their actions with the actions of a partner.
Conversation flow:
1. Consideration of the “Spoiled Game” plot pictures (you can use the plot picture).
2. Conversation
- Why did the guys not get the game?
-What can you advise them?
-What do you need to do to learn how to play without quarrels, resentment and injuries?
-What do you think, if we all talk together, interrupting each other, we can agree on something?
- Let's make rules out of your advice, write them down, and attach them to the board.
First rule:
-Speak in turn without interrupting each other!
-Guys, do you like it when one person commands in the game, without listening to the opinions of other children? No? Why?
Then the second rule:
-When you say your opinion, ask the others: "Do you agree?"; "And what do you think?";
- Consider the opinion of friends!
Third rule: - Share your toys, don't be greedy!
The fourth rule: We must give in to each other, not show stubbornness, pride!
Fifth Rule: Never push or bump into others while playing! Watch your step, be careful!
Conversation #16.
Topic: "Caution: mushrooms and plants on the d / s"
Purpose: to form a child's understanding of the existence of poisonous plants and mushrooms;
to acquaint with the plants of our site;
to teach to distinguish between poisonous plants and mushrooms, to give knowledge that a person can be poisoned by the poisons of these plants;
educate respect for all mushrooms and plants.
Material: The game "Unravel the confusion", "Herbarium".
Conversation flow:
1. The game "Unravel the confusion"
On the table are pictures on which individual parts of plants are drawn, children are invited to connect them.

2. You can show the children in the picture of the child who is in the hospital. Ask to discuss what might have happened to him. Lead to the idea that it is dangerous to touch and take unfamiliar plants and mushrooms into your mouth.
3. Conversation
Ask the children which plants on the site of our kindergarten are familiar to them.
Discuss with children what parts plants have, what they look like, names, read poems or make riddles. Discuss with the children what a plant or mushroom can be dangerous for.
- Some children have a habit of biting or chewing any blade of grass. This is very bad habit. Children should remember that the stems, leaves, flowers and berries of many plants are poisonous and can cause irreparable harm to health.
But any fungi, like plants and animals, need caring attitude man, in protection.
4. Consideration of the herbarium, posters and encyclopedias
5. Playing out a problem situation
I found a big, beautiful mushroom, what to do with it?
5. Remember the RULES:
-The best remedy protection from poisonous plants - do not touch a single flower, not a single shrub if they are not familiar to you, because even touching poisonous plants can be dangerous: this can cause skin burns with blisters and wounds that are difficult to heal.
Picking mushrooms is a fun activity. But it also happens that mushrooms grow not only in the forest, but also in the city, in the park and on the garden plot.
Remember - mushrooms in the city, even if they are edible, are dangerous. They contain a lot of nitrates, absorb exhaust gases, radiation. Therefore, when you meet a mushroom in the garden area, do not touch it, but show it to the teacher and parents.
- If you still touched a plant or mushroom, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.
6.D.i. "Edible - inedible"
Conversation number 17.
Theme "We love holidays in kindergarten"
Purpose: to acquaint children with the rules of conduct during the holidays on the street; to form skills of safe behavior; cultivate mutual respect, good feelings.
Material: pictures or photographs depicting holidays in kindergarten, with the participation of children.
Conversation flow:
1.D / ex. "Name the holiday" (with the ball). The one who will name some holiday will sit down.
2. Looking at pictures. A conversation about them. Questions for children:
-What are the children doing? Where are they located?
Why do we love holidays?
- What holidays do we spend in muses. hall? Phys. hall?
-And what holidays do we spend on the street?
- How do children behave at the party?
How else can you and should you behave?
What kind of kids always act like this? (Attentive, polite, friendly, etc.)
-Do you want to be the same?
-Let's repeat these rules now and write them down on a beautiful sheet with a felt-tip pen!
And when we go for a walk, we will explain and give these rules to the kids and spend with them little holiday « Have a good mood».
So, Dima will say the first rule (it is desirable that children say each rule):
You can’t make noise and talk to each other, otherwise we won’t hear the speech of the heroes (artists);
You can not push, step on each other's feet;
Do not block the view of other children;
Do not jump forward uninvited;
Do not set footboards;
Avoid puddles and slippery places;
Do not grab or pull the heroes by the clothes;
Do not bump into each other when running;
Stop and look carefully in front of you, running around the corner of the building;
Strictly follow all these rules!
Conversation #18.
Topic "How to behave in a group"
Purpose: to educate children in the rules of behavior and communication in the kindergarten
(in the group, bedroom, reception room). Develop the ability to obey the rules
safety, the desire to protect their health and the health of others.
Material: plot picture (in the method room), Sponge BOB - doll (or teddy bear).
Conversation flow:
1. A Sponge Bob Square Pants doll arrives in a group.
Play situations:
* while he “runs” (not walks) hits the corner of the table;
*then trips over an abandoned toy;
* wanted to get an item from the closet, climbed onto a chair and fell;
* I almost climbed onto the window when I saw a dog (toy) there;
*when they finally put him on a chair, he sits and sways.
Discuss all these situations with the children (the teacher explains to the children that Bob is soft, and if this happened to the children, they would have to call an ambulance doctor by tel.
2. Consideration of the plot picture, where all the children are busy with their own business, no one makes noise, does not run, does not push, there is order in the group, etc. A conversation about her. Also tell (discuss) the children about the rules of behavior in the bedroom and reception room.
Lead children to the idea that it is NECESSARY to obey the safety rules, because. This is necessary to save the life and health of your own and other people!
*Scattered toys can cause falls, bruises.
The order in the group is not only for cleanliness, but also for safety!
* Do not climb on the windowsill, table and cabinets.
If you can't get it, ask a teacher!
*It is very dangerous to run around the group, bedroom and reception area: sharp corners furniture can cause injury, colliding with another child can cause severe bruising!
*Don't put small toys in your mouth - you may accidentally swallow them and choke!
*Swinging on a chair is not allowed! If you lose your balance, you will fall and hit yourself!
*When playing with water, make sure that water does not get on the floor.
The wet floor is very slippery, so it is dangerous for you!
* Do not talk while eating, chew your food thoroughly!
*Shoes should always be buttoned up and comfortable, no long laces!
*Bring to d / s chewing gum prohibited to avoid accidents!
Conversation #19.
Topic: "Moving around kindergarten"
Purpose: to teach children the rules safe movement for kindergarten;
Cultivate endurance, the desire to consciously behave correctly in
room d / s.
Material: map-scheme d / garden; photographs of children: walking along the corridor; go up the stairs (go down); watching theatrical performances in the music hall;
go to physical hall, etc. Dunno doll (or adult).
Conversation flow:
Questions for children:
- Where do we go in the d / garden? What rooms are there in the kindergarten? ( Music Hall, gym, medical office, etc.)
- How should we behave when we move around the d / s?
Dunno comes, brings photos. Viewing and discussion of photographs. Dunno shows how he behaves in this or that situation (pushing, arguing, does not want to stand with someone or behind, pulls girls' pigtails, pinches, steps on his feet, indulges, speaks loudly, waves his arms, kicks, jumps up and yells in the theater, does not greet adults in the corridor, does not hold on to the railing on the stairs).
To explain to Dunno that it is impossible to behave like this in any case, and once again they show how to behave correctly, the main thing is why it is necessary to behave like that! You can show a picture where the child is in the hospital, discuss the situation.
Dunno promises to improve.
The teacher shows the children a map - a diagram of the premises of the kindergarten, explains where everything is.
Repetition of the rules with Dunno (can be voiced in a tape recording):
- Going down the stairs, you need to go one after another, with a calm step, without pushing, holding on to the railing;
- It is necessary to move along the corridors of the d / s calmly, adhering to the side of the corridor with your right hand;
- Carefully cross the intersections of the corridors, because you do not see who can go towards you;
-When moving along the corridors, always look ahead so as not to run into ledges in the walls or nannies rushing with pots to the kitchen and back;
- Corridors and stairs are not a place for games and pampering. Remember this!
-Do not open the doors with your foot, also do not open them abruptly, because. there could be a person on the other side of the door, and you hurt him! (Oh guys-

Believe, don't believe
The door ran away from me.
-Goodbye,- said dear,
You opened me with your foot!)
Conversation #20.
Theme: "Winter roads"
Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, the road in winter.
To give children the knowledge that roads are slippery in winter and drivers cannot quickly
stop the vehicle. On a slippery road, cars and buses even
After braking, they slide forward for a while. Cultivate the ability to restrain
yourself, be careful, do not play on the road.
Conversation flow:
1. Examination of plot pictures depicting winter roads and streets.
2. . Explanation of words:
"Snowfall", "Ice" (Layer of dense vitreous ice(smooth or slightly bumpy), formed on plants, wires, objects, the earth's surface as a result of freezing of precipitation particles (supercooled drizzle, supercooled rain, freezing rain, ice pellets, sometimes rain with snow) in contact with a surface that has a negative temperature. It usually lasts several hours, and sometimes with drizzle and fog - several days.)
"Ice" (A layer of hilly ice or icy snow that forms on the surface of the earth due to the freezing of melt water when, after a thaw, air and soil temperatures drop).
Explain how they differ (Unlike ice, ice is observed only on the earth's surface, most often on roads, sidewalks and paths. Preservation of the formed ice can last for many days in a row until it is covered from above with freshly fallen snow or melts completely as a result of an intensive increase in air and soil temperature),
dangerous for drivers and pedestrians.
3. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the road and the street in winter conditions:
* into icy conditions (It’s slippery on the roads. It’s quite possible to fall. It’s difficult for the driver to stop the car (bus). In such weather, you need to be very careful. You can’t run across in front of nearby vehicles, because the driver, even if he slows down, the car will move on a slippery road for some time further. You have to patiently wait for the cars to pass. only after that calmly cross the road.);
* in snowfall (The glass of the car is covered with snow and the driver can hardly see pedestrians and traffic lights).
4. Conversation
- Raise your hands those who love winter. What games do you like to play in winter? (children's answers)
-Do you want to hear how the bear played in winter?
5. Reading a poem
Lawns with grass disappeared under the snow.
Slippery cars on the pavement,
Ice covered the riverbed
The teddy bear is on skates.
-Only skating not on a skating rink ...
He went out into the street with a stick in his hand.
How long, children, here before trouble?
There are ice rinks and ponds for hockey.
Just put on your skate boots
The ice will sing under the skates all day.
-And the pavement is a dangerous skating rink.
We need to get back to the yard, my friend.
-Guys, explain to the bear why you can’t ride on the pavement? (children's answers)
6. Repetition of the rules of conduct on winter roads.
Conversation #21.
Theme: "Frosts are cruel this year"
Purpose: to teach how to behave in frosty weather.
Conversation flow:
1. D / y "What a winter"
2. Considering winter clothes
3. A conversation about how you can protect yourself from severe cold.
4. Write down the rules:
- In severe frosts, you need to dress very warmly.
- You can not go out without adults
- Don't stay outside for long periods of time.
- Do not open windows at home and in the garden.
- Lubricate the face with a special children's cream from the cold - "Morozko"
- Ask your parents to be sure to accompany them to the group itself.
Conversation #22.
Theme "Games on modules"
Purpose: to teach children safe behavior while playing on the modules.
1. The course of the conversation:
2. D / y "Who will remember more." Invite the children to remember and name what equipment for children's games we have in the yard.
3. Invite the children to come up with rules of conduct during games on them so that no one gets hurt or injured. The teacher suggests taking your time, speaking clearly, as she will write these rules in an album.
- Do not approach the modules if children of other groups are already playing on them.
Wait patiently for your turn, or arrange a time with them.
-Do not push each other during games
- Do not rush, slowly climb the ladders
- Do not put footrests
-Climb the stairs and go down only one at a time.
-Don't quarrel, don't mess around
- Be mutually polite, and yield to each other!
3. Read the rules to the children and ask them to repeat.

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 "Bee""

Rtishchevo, Saratov region

Summary of conversations with children

What to do in case of a fire in a kindergarten?

(senior group)

Rtishchevo 2015



Teach children the rules of safe behavior in the event of a fire: be able to navigate in the space of the group room, know the first actions in case of fire, be able to call the rescue service "01";

Conversation flow:

1. Today we will talk about fires. Recently, cases of fires have become more frequent in kindergartens. The cause of the fires was careless handling of fire. A fire is a beautiful and interesting thing if you watch it on TV or enjoy watching at a safe distance how an apartment in a strange house is burning. All of you love to kindle fires, click lighters. It's so nice to look at the fire... When it's small. But even a small lighter can be very painful to get burned. Imagine how painfully a big fire burns. And a big fire very often starts with a small one: the same lighter. Accidentally touching the curtain (the wind blew from the window, the curtain stirred. Nobody saw how the curtains were burning?). I think that all of you are sure that you know what to do in case of fire in order to stay alive. In addition, you are still sure that this will not affect you, because nothing terrible has happened to you so far. Those children who died in the fire this year and earlier probably thought so too. The fact is that most often we are taught how to prevent a fire, and we will talk about what to do if there is already a fire. Let's see what you know about what you need to do to survive in a fire.

1. Let's start with what you tell me what to do first of all, when the fire started and it was you who discovered it. (Inform the teacher and security)

2. Do I need to try to extinguish it myself (no)

3. You can only extinguish a very small fire on your own if there is a sink nearby and dishes from which you can extinguish (a small fire is a fire no larger than a tennis ball, and not like a football.

4. Do I need to open windows? (No)

5. There is always a lot of smoke in a fire.

What steps need to be taken to survive? More often than not, people die from burning, but first they lose consciousness from the smoke, and then they burn out.

6. If it is not possible to leave, then you need to make a sign about yourself (waving a rag out the window, shouting for help)

7. How do we leave the group? Which row comes out first? (in each group in its own way, depending on how they sit)

8. Evacuation from the upper floors takes place through the stairs through the emergency exit.

9. It is necessary to report the fire to other groups.

2. Examination of illustrations “Fire extinguishing equipment. Safety Signs»

3. Tour of the kindergarten. Familiarity with the fire shield, fire extinguishing equipment.

4. Reading fiction

"Fire" D. Koksharov

"Paper airplane"

5. Riddles

The red beast is sitting in the oven,

The red beast is angry at everyone.

He eats firewood out of anger

A whole hour, maybe two.

This is a dark, dark house.

One hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

It can flare up like a fire.


Back then forward

Walks - wanders the ship.

Stop - grief,

Pierces the sea.

With tongue, not barking

No teeth, but bites.

Who is dangerous to the whole district

Who will leave us homeless

Without a coat in a harsh frost?

Happens from fire

And burns from the fire.

Shoots fire arrows

Nobody will catch them.

There are a hundred fires in one barn.


In a canvas jacket and helmet,

Forgetting about chain mail armor,

Decisively and without fear

The knight throws himself into the fire.


Whatever it meets, it devours.

But if you give him water,

He dies instantly.

Curls around the eyes and hands,

But it is not given in the hands.

Hanging - silent,

And you turn - hisses,

And the foam is flying.

(Fire extinguisher)

I am a helper sister

And my name is ... (voditsa)

Children, remember

What can not be joked with (fire).

6. Didactic games:

1. The game “What do firefighters need?”

Children come to the table where the objects lie.

Look at the items. Choose the ones that firefighters need?

(on the table are: mittens, helmet, shovel, sand, ball, scissors, pointer, helmet)

Tell us why firefighters need these items? ( Helmets are needed in order to ...)

2. The game "The fourth extra"

Pictures are posted on a magnetic board: an ambulance, a train, a fire engine, a police car.

What is in the pictures? (cars, transport)

What do you think, what kind of transport is superfluous? Why so decided?

Pictures on the board: doctor, policeman, fireman.

What are these professions?

Who rides in an ambulance? On the fire truck police car? Children take a picture from the table and hang it on a magnetic board to the desired car.

7. Reflection

Rules of conduct in case of fire:

Methodological development "Formation of the foundations for preschoolers fire safety»


"Formation in preschoolers

basics of fire safety"

Chamanova Svetlana Leonidovna,

educator MDOU "D / S k.v. No. 33"

Section I "Ensuring fire safety of preschool children"

1. Relevance, novelty.

2. The system of work on the formation of the basics of fire safety among preschoolers:


Method of work;

Content submission methods;

Formation of experience of safe behavior with fire in preschool children;

Expected results;

Section II "Content of work with preschoolers"

"Perspective work plan for the formation of the basics of fire safety in children" (senior preschool age (5-7 years) ;

Section III "Project method in teaching fire safety to preschoolers"

Project "Fire Safety Lessons"

Section IV

Material for the creative work of teachers;



Everyone must have heard the Russian proverb more than once: “Extinguish a spark before a fire, avert trouble before it strikes.” Behind it, the experience of many generations of our ancestors is guessed. Talk about pranks, about the careless handling of fire by children is not new. Some people may say: “Is it worth returning to this topic? Do I need to repeat that matches in the hands of a child are dangerous, sometimes deadly toy? It's not worth it, the topic has already been beaten. But the statistics show the opposite. The number of fires from children's pranks with fire does not decrease. Children are killed in fires, property is destroyed. The reason for the victims among children is the lack of skills in careful handling of fire, insufficient control over their behavior, and in some cases, the inability of adults to properly organize children's leisure time. It has been established that children very often show interest in fire precisely when they do not find any occupation, when adults are not interested in their games or are absent from home. Therefore, one should return to this topic again and again.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Fire Safety of the Russian Federation", adopted by the State Duma on November 18, 1994. (Article 25, “Compulsory training of children in preschool educational institutions, fire safety measures is carried out by the relevant institutions according to special programs agreed with the State Fire Service.” The safety of a child’s life and protection of his health is one of the most urgent tasks of preschool education. At the same time, it is important not only to protect him from dangers, but also to form an idea of ​​the most dangerous situations, the need to observe precautions, instill in him the skills of safe behavior.

At preschool age, it is problematic to educate “ensuring safety in case of natural disasters, extreme situations in everyday life, in the forest, in transport” due to little life experience. Preschool children are completely unprepared to take responsibility for their own and others' lives. You can teach a child to answer questions on safe behavior correctly, how to act correctly in a certain situation, but Small child does not have the ability to recognize the type of dangerous situation and immediately act in it. It is impossible to work out with children all the possible situations in which they can get into. Therefore, it is very important to form the concept of "danger - safety" in the child, allowing him to independently determine the status of the situation in different areas of life and act in it.

At present, for the implementation of these tasks in preschool institutions, it is proposed a large number of variable programs for the development and upbringing of children. An analysis of policy documents shows that they require the formation of preschoolers' knowledge of security and the ability to implement it. The authors of the "Childhood" program, according to which our preschool institution works, offer the following areas of work to implement this task: on the rules of behavior in extreme situations typical for a particular season (thunderstorm, ice, flood); training in basic care for scratches and bruises; communication of some knowledge on communication with strangers. One of the directions is the formation of ideas about the rules for handling fire and electrical appliances. It should be noted that these tasks are in different sections; The presented formulations do not reflect all the components of a child's safe behavior; the developed content is offered only at senior preschool age. Based on the contradiction between the need to teach children about fire safety rules and the lack of age-appropriate developments on this topic, our preschool institution created a methodological development for teaching children about fire safety rules “Teaching is for salvation”.

The purpose of which is to form the basics of fire safety in preschool children, including fire safety behavior. The content of the methodological development includes a set of activities with children, teachers and parents to teach fire safety rules, tasks of a search, cognitive-practical, socially significant orientation, starting from middle preschool age.

The formation of the experience of fire-safe behavior of preschool children is possible subject to the following pedagogical conditions:

Selection of the content of knowledge and skills of safe behavior in everyday life accessible to children and establishing the sequence of its development;

The use of a phased methodology that ensures the unity of the formation of knowledge and skills as the basis for the experience of safe behavior in everyday life, with the active position of the child;

Awareness of the need for teachers and parents purposeful activity V this direction and its implementation in close cooperation.

Psychologists and sociologists have come to the conclusion that even adults, having got used to the many benefits that fire gives, forget about its danger. Therefore, the main goal of working with parents is to explain the need for fire safety classes with children at home, as well as to give parents recommendations for correcting children's behavior in extreme situations.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that only targeted work on training, education and instilling the skills of a culture of fire safety behavior is in the best possible way reduce the number of fires and reduce their consequences. The sooner a person learns the basic principles of self-defense and realizes his responsibility for his actions, the more effective the results will be.



Formation in children of skills of careful handling of fire and understanding of the need to comply with fire safety rules.


Give children initial information about the causes of a fire;

To acquaint with the properties and qualities of objects in terms of their fire hazard;

To give ideas about the work of firefighters, their professional actions;

Show the relationship of fire departments (dispatcher - combat crew, rescue services: "01", "02", "03", "04";

Teach children the rules of safe behavior in the event of a fire: be able to navigate in the space of a group room, apartment, know the first actions in case of fire, be able to call the rescue service "01";

To form a cautious attitude towards objects - increased sources of fire danger;

Activate the vocabulary of children on this topic;

Bring up respectful attitude to the profession of firefighters;

Cultivate a desire to provide mutual assistance, take care of your life and health.

Children's age: senior (6-7 years) preschool age.

The methodological product includes three sections:

Description of the working method

forward planning

Diagnostic technique for identifying children's knowledge

Basic principles:

1. The principle of completeness - the content is implemented through all sections of the program.

2. The principle of consistency - the work is carried out throughout academic year, specially organized classes are held in the first half of the day, unregulated activities are planned in the morning and evening periods.

3. The principle of accessibility of content to children.

4. The principle of age targeting.

5. The principle of coordination of the activities of teachers (educator, music director, physical education instructor, teacher - speech therapist, teacher - psychologist, teacher of art activities).

6. The principle of continuity of interactions with the child in a preschool and family.

Method of work

The process of teaching children the basics of fire safety in a preschool educational institution will be most effective if:

Use innovative approaches to ensuring the safety of children's life: principles, instructions, technologies;

Implement pedagogical conditions(planning the educational process, the use of interactive tools, forms, teaching methods, taking into account the availability, systemic nature of the planned activities, visual and didactic equipment, the reference of the fire-safe behavior of the participants in the pedagogical process) ;

To carry out pedagogical diagnostics of knowledge, abilities and skills of children on the basics of fire safety.

Content Submission Methods:

The system of theoretical, practical classes aimed at the formation of the foundations of fire safety, the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, environmental culture.

Conversations based on children's experiences.

Didactic games

Story - role-playing games

Games - dramatizations

Game situations related to the fire theme




Reading fiction

Productive activities: activity, application, design

Compilation of creative stories on the topic of fire

sports entertainment


Is it necessary or not to teach children to recognize dangerous situations, to be able to protect themselves? Recently, this is no longer in doubt. Children are the most vulnerable part of the population. They most often suffer because of their own carelessness and indiscretion.

Teaching children the rules of careful handling of fire in our preschool institution is considered as an integral part of the overall educational work, while closely linking the learning process with moral education - one of the main tasks of the comprehensive development of children. That allows you to compose and solve problems regarding the system "Danger - Cause - Consequences".

Preschoolers need to submit the following:

The danger of a fire - from what to expect trouble, what threatens oneself, others, nature, wildlife.

Cause - from what the trouble happened or happened, which contributed to the realization of the danger.

Consequences - what kind of trouble, loss of health and other undesirable phenomena can occur.

Carrying out such work, it is necessary to take into account age characteristics and psycho - physical qualities every child. The perception of the material is influenced not only by its “interestingness”, but also by the personality of the educator, his manner of speech, behavior, and mood. When telling preschoolers about the danger of a fire, it is very important for the teacher to choose intonation and tactics. The worst tactic is the tactic of intimidation. It is impossible to lay out disturbing figures and terrible facts to children in class. Since children are highly receptive and suggestible, they can easily develop neurotic states, the consequences of which will be manifested even in adulthood. Psychologists believe: the more serious the topic of discussion, the calmer the tone of the educator should be.

Familiarity with the rules of handling fire continues in all activities. Fragments related to safe behavior are included in classes to familiarize themselves with others (acquaintance with the professions of rescuers, firefighters, reading fiction, design, and activity. When organizing quizzes, special attention should be paid to the accuracy of the wording of questions. The quiz, as a form of game, is of particular attraction for preschoolers, giving children a chance for self-expression. Also, in order to prepare children for action during a fire, it is advisable to conduct various competitions on this topic. It can be drawing competitions, poetry, music or sports entertainment. Such events in our preschool institution are held jointly with the OGPN and parents, which also attracts the attention of children. The purpose of such events was to familiarize the children with the basics of fire safety and rescue service "01". Organizing joint entertainment, there are a number of things to consider:

Motivating children to participate in this competition. The principle of voluntariness must be respected;

Attractive prize;

Interesting wording of the name of the contest;

The composition of the jury, which should include children who do not take part in the competition.

Thus, the competition can be considered as one of the elements in the formation of children's thinking about safe life, contributing to the foresight of potential danger, safe behavior in everyday life, respect for oneself and others, and competent actions in a fire hazard situation.

Our kindergarten pays much attention in its work to role-playing, didactic games, games - dramatizations, game problem situations, game modeling, game characters. The game is a normal and obligatory form of activity of a preschool child, allowing him to connect and automate his skills and try to apply knowledge in practice until they are demanded by life. Therefore, the game is an integral attribute of the educational and educational activities of a growing person. A feature of role-playing games is that all children receive roles in advance within the framework of the plot of the game conceived by the teacher, as well as material for preparing for actions in this role. During the game, the children were clearly explained where to call in case of a fire, how to properly call firefighters, what to do during a fire and how to behave so that trouble does not happen. Children learn with great interest new information and accept Active participation in role-playing games proposed by the educator.

Solving and compiling tasks allows preschoolers and the educator to analyze various situations, predict the consequences, and make real favorable decisions on their own. It is useful to give such tasks at home, where children consult with parents and family members. This will allow you to find common interests in communication with parents, will draw the attention of adults to the problems of fire safety.

Also, in our preschool institution, a block of cognitive classes on a fire-fighting topic was developed, in the preparation of which the following were taken into account didactic methods: accessibility, systematic, sequence from simple to complex, from particular to general. In terms of form and the methods and techniques used, the classes are not similar to one another. The main methods in choosing methods are the cognitive abilities of children, the degree of complexity of the material or tasks.

As indicated in modern research on teaching children safe behavior, “... most famous fairy tales contain at least one element of gross violation of personal safety rules, including fire safety. Therefore, in our work we pay great attention to fiction, in acquaintance with which children, using the example of literary characters, analyze their behavior and actions, decide how they would act in this situation.

The proposed manual provides an approximate content of the rules and skills of fire safety from senior preschool age. The program material is systematized in accordance with the program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" and educational program"Childhood".

Expected results:

Children have developed the skills of safe behavior with fire.

They know how to adequately behave in fire hazardous situations at home, in a kindergarten, in nature, interacting with firefighters.

Able to handle electrical appliances, objects of increased fire hazard.

Children show emotional responsiveness towards other people.

Preschoolers develop the ability to realize their health-saving behavior.

The child will turn from a passive object into an active subject of his own health and safety.

Integration educational areas

in the process of forming the basics of fire safety among preschoolers


Formation of ideas about fire hazardous situations and ways of behavior in them.


Activating the thinking of children through solving problem situations, training, viewing and discussing educational books, illustrations on fire fighting topics, modeling the rules and situations of safe behavior during a fire indoors, outdoors, in nature, exercises for orientation in space (creating and reading diagrams, routes).


The development of free communication, coherent speech, evidence-based speech in the process of mastering the basics of fire safety through situational communication, conversations, storytelling, reasoning, guessing riddles.


Encouraging children to self-assessment and assessment of the actions and behavior of others, the development of moral and volitional qualities through the creation of game situations, situations of moral choice, role-playing games.

"Reading Fiction"

Listening and discussion of works of art, memorizing poems, guessing riddles, games and exercises for the texts of poems, theatrical activities on topics read.


Formation of primary value ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle through the organization regime processes, observations, conversations, explanations, games, reading.

« Physical Culture»

Compliance motor activity through the participation of children in outdoor games, relay races, games - competitions that contribute to the development of psychophysical qualities, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space, and the consolidation of safe behavior skills in fire hazardous situations.


To promote a deeper emotional perception of the material through musical accompaniment of all types of children's activities, conversations on the content of the song, musically - rhythmic movements, development of artistic abilities.


Encourage children to be independent, promote the development of labor skills in the process of completing assignments, making attributes for role-playing games, masks for dramatization games, designing albums, collages.

"Artistic Creativity"

The development of figurative representation, observation, the ability to notice characteristics objects or objects and transfer them through various types of productive activities (drawing, application, design)




Block name

"My group,

my kindergarten

Continue to introduce children to the most probable causes the occurrence of fires in the room;

To form ideas about the dangerous and harmful factors that arise during a fire;

To form the skills of adequate behavior in fire hazardous situations;

To develop a conscious and responsible attitude towards personal safety and the safety of others.

Examination of illustrations “Fire extinguishing equipment. Safety Signs»

Tour of the kindergarten. Familiarity with fire alarms, fire shields, fire extinguishing equipment.

Problematic situation “Why did the fire happen? »

Training "Actions in case of fire"

Didactic games: "Collect a picture"


"On - not on"

Work with the scheme “Where is it dangerous? »

Communicative activity

Conversation "Evil and good fire"

Communication “Where can trouble come from? »

Didactic games: “What for what? »

"Guess the word"

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures on a fire-fighting theme.

Game activity

Plot - role-playing games "Kindergarten"

"We're Firemen's Helpers"

Didactic games: "Put it in order"

"Fire Hazardous Items"

Simulation of the game situation “Smoke in the group. How to proceed? »

productive activity

Drawing "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy"

Compilation of a collage "Fire extinguishing equipment"

Reading fiction

"Fire" D. Koksharov

"Cunning fire and water" Molekhina

"Paper airplane"

"Match - small" E. Khorinsky

motor activity

Mobile games "Fire Dragon"

"Who is faster? »

Sports relay races "Fire Shield"

"Carry Don't Drop"

Musical accompaniment all kinds of children's activities

Labor activity

Production of attributes for the role-playing game "We are firemen's assistants"

Block "Autumn"

Thematic week "Autumn in the forest and in the city»

Deepen and systematize children's understanding of the causes of fires in the forest and on the streets of the city;

Form the rules of fire safety in nature, ideas about the norms of behavior during a fire, a negative attitude towards violators of these rules.

Informative - research activities

Examination of the illustrations "Fire in the Forest", showing the work of firefighters.

Conversation "Visiting Dr. Aibolit"

Modeling the rules of behavior in nature

Problematic situation “What will happen if ... set fire to grass, build a fire? »

Quiz "Let's protect the forest from fire"

Communicative activity

Communication "Do not touch the matches, there is fire in the matches"

Drawing up a story based on the painting “Fire in the Forest” on the topic “Why did this happen? »

Didactic games: "Fire and water"

"Allowed - prohibited"

Game activity

Plot - role-playing game "Family. Camping"

Didactic game "Collect a picture"

Simulation of the game situation "Service Call 01"

productive activity

Drawing "So that there is no trouble"

Application "Autumn Forest"

Construction from the constructor " Fire engine»


"How inseparable friends did not burn in the fire "A. Ivanova

"Kids about fire" N. Porokhovnik

"Fire in the Forest"

"Fire in the Field" (app)


"How my brother and I played"

motor activity

Outdoor games "Chicks in the nest", "Umbrella over the head"

Sports relay races "Unextinguished bonfire"

"We're Firemen's Helpers"

Labor activity

Cleaning dry leaves and grass in the area

Making a collage "What not to do in the forest"

Production of attributes for the role-playing game “Family. Camping"

Musically - artistic activity

Musical accompaniment, singing, listening

Block "House, human dwelling"

Thematic weeks "My family, home", " Appliances»

Clarify children's ideas about the causes of a fire in an apartment;

To enrich children's knowledge about electrical appliances, their purpose in people's lives, the rules for using them;

To consolidate knowledge about precautionary measures, actions during a fire in an apartment;

Cultivate awareness of personal safety.

Cognitive - research activities

Conversations: "Electricity in our house and its danger"

"Electrical appliances. Terms of Use »

Didactic games: "1, 2, 3, what can be dangerous, find"

"What is possible, what is impossible"

"Draw what is missing"

Modeling the problem situation “If something caught fire in the house, what should I do? »

Work with the scheme "Find a way out of a burning house"

Training "Call the firefighters"

Experiment "The fire goes out without oxygen supply"

Communicative activity

Communication “Be independent, but be careful and considerate”

Didactic games: "Guess the word"

"Name the Action"

Riddles about household appliances

Quiz "Protect your house from fire"

Writing a creative story “Why did this happen? »

Game activity

Plot - role-playing game "Family. Mom's helpers

Game situations “Smoke in the apartment”, “Sister burned her finger, what should I do? »

Didactic games "Find the extra", "Emergency situations"

productive activity

Drawing riddles "Electrical appliances"

Construction from building material"My apartment"

Exhibition of drawings "Protect your home from fire"


"How they caught coal" Zh. Tolmazov

"Cat's House" S. Marshak

"The Tale of an Unknown Hero"

« ordinary story» K. Orlova

"Mysteries about electrical appliances" L. Sumin

"About matches"

"On Dangerous Items"

"About funds household chemicals» A. Shevchenko

motor activity

Mobile games "Clean in place", "Fire Dragon"

Games - relay races "Help in a fire", "Nimble and fast"

Musical and artistic activity

Dramatization "Cat's House"

Musical accompaniment

Labor activity

Making masks for the game - dramatization "Cat's House"

Block "The Coming of Spring"

Thematic week "Professions"

To reveal the importance of the work of firefighters;

Deepen and expand children's knowledge about the professional actions of firefighters, fire department dispatchers, about equipment that helps people extinguish a fire;

Raise respect and interest in the profession of a firefighter

Cognitive - research activities

Conversation “Firefighters - who are they? »

(Meeting with OGPN employees)

Examination of illustrations showing the work of firefighters

Didactic games: “What does a firefighter need? »

"Collect a picture"

Quiz "Fire hero - he goes into battle with fire"

Modeling the rules "What not to do in the absence of adults"

Communicative activity

Communication "Clothes of firefighters"

Drawing up a story based on a series of plot paintings "The battle is led by a detachment of firefighters"

Didactic games: "Pick up objects with one purpose"

"Firemen's Clothes"

"Name it right"

Game activity

Plot - role-playing game "Fire Station"

Simulation of the game situation "Conversation with the dispatcher of the fire station"

"Help yourself"

productive activity

Drawing "Rushing red cars"

Application "Fire truck"

Construction from constructor "Fire station"

Exhibition of drawings "Caution - fire! »


"Who to be? » L. Sumina

"Red car" K. Olenev

"Fire Station" Z. Burleva

“Where are the red cars rushing” T. Fetisova

"Service 01" Z. Burleva

"Equipment" Z. Burleva

"Fire hoses" by Z. Burlev

"Antoshka - a firefighter" K. Ibragimov

"How Timoshka saved the princess"

productive activity

Outdoor games "Matches in a box", "Firefighters in training"

Sports entertainment "We are young firefighters"

Labor activity

Design of the album "About the work of firefighters"

Making attributes for the plot - role play"Fire Department"

Musical artistic activity

Theatrical activity "Match - small"


On earth, life is bright and beautiful,

We are all children of nature.

But many dangerous phenomena

They threaten us sometimes.

For trouble, in the poisoning of nature

People involuntarily make their “contribution”:

Masses of emissions of harmful factories

They pour into the rivers and fly into the sky.

They fall on the surface of water bodies,

Poison forests and fields,

Young friend, you know this

When you can't swim in the river

And the phenomena of a formidable element

They threaten us with different sides.

Floods, forest fires

We are taking a lot of damage.

So that the elements do not suddenly overtake,

Not struck by another misfortune

We must take measures such

To deal with it always!

Before trouble, do not get lost, be brave,

Suppress the involuntary fear in your soul.

In order to do the right thing,

Young friend, study life safety!



Foxy habit by the fire! He will quiet down for order,

And then on the wings of the wind it will jump three meters at once.

Instantly he eats stubble and runs after the wind,

Dry walks on the grass, leaving a black mark.

It will run through the whole field in one fell swoop, it will only get stuck in front of the ravine,

A river, a plowing strip will cut the flame like a scythe.

If the bread has not yet been removed, do not lose vigilance!

The harvest may be completely ruined by an evil fire!


From a burning match, forests catch fire in summer.

If you forget this, miracles will not save you!

Do not throw cigarette butts in the dry grass near the roads in the forest.

The light will play hide and seek, but the breeze will blow a little -

Here in the open, without hiding, he will jump for good luck

On the tops of pines, firs. The forest will destroy the bird, the beast.

To tame the fires, they cut down the forest and dig ditches.

If the fire is not prevented, it burns all living things.

To avoid misfortune, it is better not to take matches into the forest,

Leave the matches at home, do not tease the fire - the dragon!

But it happens that fires start without fire.

Someone threw a glass container, where he ate near the stump.

And the bottle - the same lens - will focus the rays,

And it will smolder, even everything dry will flare up, like in an oven!

That's why bottles, cans, flasks do not throw,

Take it away in your basket, take it out of the forest!

If you see an unextinguished fire in the clearing,

And around the bottle, flask (boron can catch fire,

Fill the fire with water, cover it with sand,

Bottles that threaten trouble, hide from the sun under a bush.

You will remove what someone has thrown, you will leave with a clear conscience.

So you can save the forest from a fire with no hard work.


If there is a fire in the apartment, dial "ZERO ONE"!

Remember that in the whole world he will help you alone!

Clearly name the address, house, entrance, floor and elevator,

Also briefly report if there are children, what is on fire.

Well, if the electric wires suddenly light up,

POWER OFF THE NET! And know that water will not help here!

If you smell gas, it's up to you.

So that everything does not flare up at once, turn off the gas urgently!

Open windows, doors, take away birds, animals,

Hurry out to the open space, not to the balcony.



The red car rushes faster and faster, faster forward!

The commander sits in the cockpit and counts the seconds.

Push a little more, - he says to the driver.

Do you see the window in flames? This house is on fire.

Maybe there were children there. People are waiting for us...

Everything is clear, - the driver answered, giving the car full throttle.


It's time, friends, to tell you about the fire department:

She stands to protect from the fiery scourge.

There are cars in each part, they have crews with them.

There are six people in that crew - even the driver is included.

Although in the crew the commander is responsible for everyone,

But we have one team - and this is our success.

And let the fires every day, but we are always on guard:

We do not allow ourselves to be lazy and even relax.

And to always be strong and not lose your knack,

We conduct training during our exercises.


But a fire can happen, even if it's not our fault,

In that case, we also know how we should behave:

If you can go out at the door, let's do it - we'll leave,

We will take all the animals with us from the apartment.

We'll close the door tighter, we'll report the fire

If there is no telephone, we will hurry to the balcony.

Close the balcony door behind us.

If we don’t have a balcony, we’ll stand at the windows shouting:

We will announce the fire loudly to all passers-by.

Then people will hear us and come to our aid -

We won't have to wait long - the firemen will rescue us.

Why do we keep our doors closed?

If something suddenly burns, this smoke is content

And educh and poisonous. Under the bed we will not hide

And we won’t hide in the closet - we’ll get to the balcony,

Though crawling in continuous smoke.

If clothes caught fire (we were sitting by the fire)

There is hope for salvation: you can’t just run away.

Because we will increase the flame with the wind, speed it up -

Not only clothes - we ourselves will burn in this flame.

If it is difficult to take off our clothes, we will fall to the ground -

We will ride on the ground - so we will cope with the fire.

Suddenly the clothes will burst out strongly on our comrade -

We will take off our clothes and cover the flame at once.

Let's close the access to air - and the fire will die immediately,

We will immediately calm the friend and take him to the doctor.

The main thing is to call for help those who fight the fire,

We respect them very much and call them firefighters!


On the street with a pillar, in the hut with a tablecloth.

The red beast is sitting in the oven,

The red beast is angry at everyone.

He eats firewood out of anger

A whole hour, maybe two.

This is a dark, dark house.

One hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

It can flare up like a fire.


Back then forward

Walks - wanders the ship.

Stop - grief,

Pierces the sea.

With tongue, not barking

No teeth, but bites.

Who is dangerous to the whole district

On a hot day, in a crazy blizzard?

Who will leave us homeless

Without a coat in a harsh frost?

Happens from fire

And burns from the fire.

Shoots fire arrows

Nobody will catch them.

There are a hundred fires in one barn.


In a canvas jacket and helmet,

Forgetting about chain mail armor,

Decisively and without fear

The knight throws himself into the fire.


Whatever it meets, it devours.

But if you give him water,

He dies instantly.

Curls around the eyes and hands,

But it is not given in the hands.

Hanging - silent,

And you turn - hisses,

And the foam is flying.

(Fire extinguisher)

I am a helper sister

And my name is ... (voditsa)

Children, remember

What can not be joked with (fire).

Didactic games


To consolidate knowledge about the correct actions in the event of a fire.


Questions and answers are offered in the form of pictures (questions on one tray, answers on the other). For each situation, you need to choose the right answer.

Situations Answers

There was a fire. Call "01".

There is a lot of smoke in the room. Make your way crawling to the exit.

Your clothes are on fire. Drop to the floor and ride.

The TV smoked. Turn off, cover with a blanket.

Burning old grass. Throw earth, fill with water.

I smelled gas. Open the window, call "04".

It is difficult to breathe from the acrid smoke. Breathe through the wet cloth.


Teach children what to do in case of a fire.


Picture cards are used:

Message by phone "01" about a fire;

Evacuation of people;

Extinguishing a fire by adults before the arrival of firefighters, if it is not dangerous;

Meeting of firefighters;

The work of firefighters;

Children must arrange the cards in the correct order and talk about the actions depicted on them.


Develop attention, thinking

To consolidate knowledge about fire safety.


In front of the children is a card with objects drawn on it. The facilitator calls the object and asks if it is possible to play with it or not. If possible, the child covers the object with a yellow circle. If not, black. In this case, the child must explain why it is impossible to play with this or that object.

Fairy tales


Once upon a time there was Fire - untamed, like wild leopard. And still lived peaceful, but strong Water. And they were in constant war and rivalry. Only Fire will think of some trick - to burn the forest, crops or people's dwellings, as soon as it starts to flare up in full power, Water pours and extinguishes it. The fire, of course, gets angry, but it cannot do anything: it goes away and thinks of other pranks.

And then one clear morning, Fire conceived this: he decided to settle with people in the hearth, so that later they could burn down their dwelling. At first, people were glad that Fire lives in their house, because they did not yet know that he was cunning and cunning, so they did not cover him with a damper. And Fire decided to carry out his plan in one of the houses where the mother and daughter were preparing dinner. The Fire escaped from its cramped prison onto the wooden floor and thinks: “Now I will burn the house down, and no one will interfere with me.” But the girl was frightened of him, jumped to the side, where there was a full tub of Water. The water splashed and extinguished the fire.

Fury of Fire knew no bounds: Water again outstripped him! And at night he decided to escape, but did not have time - people covered their hearth with a damper.

Time passed, and people decided to use Fire not only for warmth, but also for lighting - on holidays that take place at night. Somehow, people kindled a Fire and began to dance around it. And when they got tired and lay down to rest, they did not notice how he made his way to the forest. The forest blazed so that at night it became as bright as day, and all the people immediately woke up. They knew that the fire must be extinguished with Water, but there was no river or lake nearby. And the Fire was glad, radechonek, that he had finally broken free. And people just stood and prayed for rain. And it poured, not even rain, but a downpour that put out the flames.

After this incident, people became much more careful and prudent and stored Water for all occasions. And Fire has calmed down a bit, but it remains wild, cunning and treacherous, like a leopard.


Once upon a time there was an old forest man, his name was Pozharych. He liked to play with matches: he would set fire to the grass, then set the bush on fire. It was hard for the whole forest and its inhabitants. But that forest stood on the shore blue sea, from which 33 fire heroes came out from time to time. Every morning began with the fact that the old man Pozharych set fire to the forest, and they extinguished it. Once he set fire to the grass but did not calculate: the dugout of the grandmother and grandfather took up. The grandmother started up here: “I told you, old man, that we need a fire extinguisher in the mansions, because what a neighbor we live next to! Go to the housing office, bow to the fish and ask her for fire extinguishing means.

And then such a commotion happened: the heroes from the fire station named after Chernomor extinguish the forest, the grandfather wandered to the housing office, the grandmother drags water in the trough, and the forester was so frightened that he hurriedly hid in the wolf's lair. By evening, 33 heroes, black and tired, went to their bottom to wash and rest. The dugout nevertheless burned down, and the grandfather and grandmother remained near the wet trough and with a fire extinguisher. The forester-hooligan returned to his hut, and in that place there was only a bunch of firebrands. Seeing the sad consequences of his games, Pozharych sobbed with bitter tears and finally threw away the box of matches. And the animals and birds gathered in the main clearing of the forest to think what to do with the arsonist. They put the woodman in the middle and began to scold and reproach him, until Pozharych could not stand it: “I realized that it was my fault, forgive me, I will never play with fire again, because my house also burned down! »

And the forest began to live in a new way, in safety. From now on, a telephone device hangs on each edge, connected by satellite to a mermaid - the dispatcher of the fire department of the blue sea. And in our time, far from fabulous, there are also telephones (although not at every "edge" that you can call in case of fire, and the heroes will arrive. Only they now drive around in red cars with sirens. So in case of fire, call them as soon as possible by calling "01". Such a simple number so as not to forget, otherwise someone will get confused in the directory, and even burn with it.


This story took place on New Year's Eve. Children cheerfully circled around the Christmas tree in the company of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. Baba Yaga and Leshy infected everyone with their incendiary dance. More and more guests arrived at the celebration, and no one noticed how the Fire Serpent slowly crept into the hall. He immediately began to make his way to the Christmas tree, along the way licking various New Year's garbage with his tongue. The hall was filled with smoke, but everyone continued to have fun. Here the long tongue of the cunning Serpent has already reached the wiring of the electric garland and got lost among the multi-colored lights. But most of all, he wanted to reach the top of the tree, where the star sparkled.

But the insidious Fire Serpent triumphed early. He did not know that young firefighters were on duty in the hall, and they had previously hidden a thick Cloth, Sand and a Fire Extinguisher under the tree. The first to smell the smoke and noticing a fiery tongue among the branches, the young firefighters boldly entered into battle with the malicious Serpent, using hidden fire extinguishers. The Fire Extinguisher, who was so diligently spitting foam at Fire Serpent that he hissed from impotence and anger and began to slowly retreat. The Cloth and Sand did not retreat either: they attacked the Serpent from all sides. Sand climbed into his eyes, clogged his nostrils and ears. The unfortunate villain sneezed and coughed, wriggled and dodged, but, to the delight of those present, became smaller and smaller. Guests hurried to help the young firefighters: Babushka Metelitsa waved long sleeves, The Snow Queen breathed cold on him, and the Serpent hissed with anger with the last of his strength and disappeared. Only a small pile of ash and a puff of smoke remained. And the overjoyed Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden gave the young firefighters the best gifts from their bag for their courage and resourcefulness. That is how the story ends happily.



An educational institution, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, is responsible for the life and health of pupils and employees of an educational institution during the educational process:

Articles 32 and 51 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

The organization of work on labor protection and ensuring the safety of life of employees and pupils of preschool educational institutions is regulated by an industry standard approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2001 No. 2953 “Management of labor protection and ensuring the safety of the educational process in the system of the Ministry of Education of Russia, basic provisions.

To ensure compliance with labor protection requirements, to monitor their implementation in each institution, federal law No. 181-FZ of July 17, 1999 “On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation” (Article 12) creates a labor protection service or introduces the position of a labor protection specialist with appropriate training or experience in this field.

The activity of the service is guided by more than 150 industry regulations legal acts on labor protection and study in the form of organizational and methodological documents (regulations, guidelines, recommendations, etc., standard instructions for labor protection, rules for labor protection and study during various events, fire safety rules and other documents.

Fire safety in a preschool educational institution

The Federal Law “On Fire Safety” obliges preschool educational institutions to teach fire safety measures to children and provides for liability for violation of fire safety requirements.

Article 38. Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements

Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements in accordance with applicable law is borne by:

property owners;

Persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property, including heads of enterprises;

Persons duly appointed responsible for ensuring fire safety.


1. Gurevich A. et al. Child safety in a big city: Pedagogical and social technologies. M., 2002.

2. Belaya K. et al. How to ensure the safety of preschool children. M., 2001

3. Sterkina R. et al. Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children. M., 1998.

4. Moshkin V. Education of a culture of personal safety // Fundamentals of life safety. 2000. No. 8. pp. 13-16.

5. Kindergarten from A to Z. 2006. No. 4.

6. Golitsina N. Education of the basics of a healthy lifestyle in children. M., 2007.

7. Zhukova O. et al. ABC “Ay! ". Childhood press, 2008.

8. Shorygina T. Conversations about the rules of fire safety, M., 2008.

9. Prilepko E. Fire safety for preschoolers. M. 2008.

10. Aralina N. Familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of fire safety. M. 2007.

11. Shorygina T. Fire safety rules for children aged 5-8 years. M. 2007

Related posts:

Making a corner on Fire Safety in a preschool institution
"Fire shield layout"

"About fire safety"

Today we will talk about fires.

In recent years, fires have become more frequent in schools. for 3 months

more than 10 of them have already happened this year. In some of them, people died, in

including students from these schools.

The causes in all these cases were careless handling of fire.

In one case, high school students smoked in the classroom in the absence of a teacher. A

when the teacher came they threw the cigarette butt behind the cupboard. There was a fallen

paper there. The fire broke out, got to the curtains, in general, everything is barely

were saved. In another school, in a chemistry lesson, children messed around

chemicals in a large dosage - there was an explosion. Two children died, one

left without a face.

Fire is a beautiful and interesting thing if you watch it on TV

or enjoy watching from a safe distance how the apartment burns

in someone else's house.

All of you love to kindle fires, click lighters. It is so sweet

look at the fire...when it's small. But even with a small lighter

it can be very painful to get burned. Imagine how painful it burns big

And a big fire very often starts with a small one: the same lighter.

Accidentally touching the curtain (the wind blew from the window, the curtain

stirred up. Has anyone seen the curtains burning?)

I think that all of you are sure that you know what to do in case of fire,

to stay alive. In addition, you are still sure that this will not affect you,

so far, nothing bad has happened to you.

Those children who died in the fire this year and earlier, too, probably

thought so.

The fact is that most often we are taught how to prevent a fire, and we

Let's talk about what to do if there is already a fire.

Let's see what you know about what you need to do to

survive the fire.

1. Let's start with what you tell me what to do first

turn, when the fire started and it was you who discovered it, i.e.

student Vasya Petrov walked. Went and found.

(notify the teacher and security)

2. Do I need to try to extinguish it myself

(no, except in some cases, which we will talk about later-

3. You can only extinguish a very small fire yourself if

there is a sink nearby and dishes from which you can stew (small

a fire is a fire no bigger than a tennis ball, and not like


4. Do I need to open windows?

5. There is always a lot of smoke in a fire.

In such a room, a person loses consciousness in the smoke after 2 minutes.

What steps need to be taken to survive? More often than not because

burn people die, and first they lose consciousness from the smoke, and then

(wet rag, lie on the floor, do not hide under the desks, there is fire in the cabinets,

and most of all the smoke will find you everywhere)

6. If it is not possible to get out, then you need to give a sign about yourself (waving in

window rag, scream for help)

7. How do we leave the class? Which row comes out first? (in each

class in their own way, depending on how they sit)

8. When does the teacher leave the class?

9. Who knows the evacuation scheme from this floor? And from the other? (hanging in front of

staircase doors on each floor)

10. Evacuation from the upper floors takes place by stairs through

emergency exit. Primary School one staircase, middle

school on the other stairs. Children are taken out to

emergency exits by security and school administration.

11.What to do if the TV caught fire? (you need to de-energize it:

pull out the cord with the help of improvised means - a chair, a jacket

wrap your hand, the cloth is dry. Cover with a blanket, even de-energized

cannot be extinguished with water, only with sand or special

fire extinguishers)

12. How to report a fire to other classes? (Don't scream about the fire.

The director asks to bring the students to the line)

Instruction No. 2 for employees of the kindergarten on fire safety in the kindergarten of the preschool educational institution.

I. General fire safety requirements.

    All employees should be allowed to work only after a fire-fighting briefing, and if the specifics of work change, they should undergo additional training in preventing and extinguishing possible fires in the manner prescribed by the manager;

    Pass a fire safety briefing at least once every six months;

    Employees must comply with fire safety requirements at work and at home, as well as observe and maintain the fire-fighting regime;

    Follow the precautionary rules when using gas appliances, household chemicals, working with flammable and combustible liquids, other fire-hazardous substances, metals and equipment;

    If a fire is detected, report it to the fire department and take all possible measures to save people, property and extinguish the fire.

    The primary duty of every kindergarten child is to save the lives of children in case of fire;

    Officials and citizens who have violated fire safety requirements are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    Evacuation passages, exits, corridors, vestibules and stairs should not be cluttered with any objects and equipment;

    Doors of stairwells, corridors, vestibules and halls must have seals in the porches, and be equipped with self-closing devices, which must always be in good condition. All doors of emergency exits should open in the direction of the exit from the building and, while children are in the building, the doors of emergency exits should be locked only from the inside with the help of easy-to-open locks;

    In a buiding children's institution prohibited:
    remove door leafs in openings connecting corridors with stairwells,
    leave unattended counting and typewriters, radios, televisions and other electrical appliances (except for a refrigerator) connected to the network, use these devices without fireproof stands;
    use electric boilers, electric kettles for cooking in bedrooms, game rooms and other premises occupied by children (with the exception of specially equipped premises);
    arrange warehouses, archives in the attic, store any materials;
    thawing frozen heating water and sewer pipes with open fire;
    during festive events (Christmas trees) to light indoors different kind fireworks, sparklers, stearin candles, completely extinguish the light in the room, dress children in suits made of cotton, gauze, not impregnated with a flame retardant;

    The territory and premises of the children's institution must be kept completely clean. All combustible waste should be systematically removed to a specially designated area;

    In winter, roads, entrances and roofs of fire hydrants should be systematically cleared of snow;

    In a children's institution, the number of emergency exits from the premises of any floor must be at least 2.

    Welding and other hazardous work in the building of a children's institution can be allowed only with the permission of the head or the person replacing her;

    The attic must be kept clean and locked. The keys to the attic space should be kept in a certain place accessible for receiving them at any time of the day;

    Night duty personnel have no right to leave the premises and territory of the children's institution. Smoking, using open flames, using heaters, being distracted from the performance of their official duties;

II. Rules of conduct in case of fire.

    The first one who notices a fire or smoke should inform the manager, the supply manager, who notifies everyone about what happened;

    The fire brigade is called by the first person who notices a fire with smoke by calling -01-, reporting the address of the children's institution, what is on fire and who reports;

    The fire brigade is met by the person who called the fire brigade at the gate on the street. The one who met by the shortest route escorts the arrived head of the fire brigade, at the same time informs him about what threatens the children;

    When extinguishing a fire, it is necessary to strive not to create drafts and a strong flow of air. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the opening of window panes in burning rooms. De-energize the electrical wiring as soon as possible, turn off the breaker;

    Simultaneously with calling the fire brigade and taking measures to extinguish the fire, it is necessary to begin preparations, and in the event of a direct threat to the direct evacuation of children.

    The evacuation of children should be led by the head of the children's institution or her deputy. Evacuation of children is carried out in the premises closest to the kindergarten (dormitory building, school);

    First of all, evacuate children from those premises where, in the event of a fire, their life is most threatened. From the upper floors, the children of younger ages are the first to be taken out;

    If the stairs are smoky, you need to open the window to let the smoke through and give inflow fresh air, and the door where the smoke comes from is tightly closed;

    Before entering a burning room, cover your head with a wet veil, coat, raincoat, piece of thick cloth;

    Open the door in a smoky room carefully to avoid a flash of flame from a quick influx of fresh air. In a heavily smoky room, move crawling or crouching; to protect against carbon monoxide, breathe through a damp cloth;

    If you find a child in a burning room who cannot move by himself, throw a damp sheet or blanket over him, cover his nose and mouth with a damp cloth and take him to a safe place;

    If the child's clothes caught fire, it is necessary to throw a wet blanket, blanket, dense fabric and press firmly against the body to cut off air and stop combustion. Do not attempt to extinguish clothing with a fire extinguisher, this may result in chemical burns;

    The search for children in the burning zone should be stopped only when all the premises have been checked and it has been established for sure that there is no one there.

Numbers and topics of conversations:

No. 1 "Ice"

#2 "Caution! Icicles (snow from roofs)»

#3 "How Sand Can Become Dangerous"

No. 4 "The cat and the dog are our neighbors"

No. 5 "How the curious tongue was punished"

No. 6 "We are going on an excursion (on foot)"

No. 7 "Hurrah! We're going on a tour (by bus)"

No. 8 "Dining room duty"

#9 "How to behave in the heat"

No. 10 "In winter on a hill"

#11 "We love to work"

No. 12 "Rules of conduct on the site d / s during a walk"

No. 13 "Insects - benefit and harm"

№14 "How to behave during outdoor games"

No. 15 "Caution - plants and mushrooms in the d / garden"

No. 16 “We observe, but we do not forget the safety rules” (At Dyuvina M.A.)

No. 17 "We love holidays in the kindergarten"

No. 18 "How to behave in a group"

No. 19 "Moving around the kindergarten"

No. 20 "Winter roads"

No. 21 "Frosts are cruel this year"

No. 22 "Games on modules"

Conversation #1.

Theme: "Ice"

Target : know the safety rules in winter - in ice;

Be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures;

Describe it, and the rules that must be followed in order not to get

Injury and not die.

Material : pictures - signs with the image of ice.

Conversation flow:

  1. The teacher reads the poem "Ice" to the children:

Frozen in the morning

No yesterday's warmth

Ice on the roads

And the cars carry everything.

Sidewalks like a skating rink

Take another step

But the sole failed

She is very slippery.

How many troubles from ice!

There is a job for the janitors

Pour salt and sand,

So that a passer-by could pass.

  1. Ice talk. Explanation of the word "ice".

3. Questions for children:

What winter weather contributes to the formation of ice?

Why do so many road accidents happen on icy roads?

Why do people often get injured in ice?

How to protect yourself in ice?

What road services and how do they help people in icy conditions?

4. Looking at pictures - signs of ice, invite children to determine what the sign warns about and what not to do, how to prevent injury in winter on ice?

Remember the rules:

  • do not push, do not run, do not play on a slippery road,

Do not trip your comrades, do not fight, walk carefully, do not ride;

  • if someone has fallen, help them get up, call an adult for help!


Conversation number 2.

Topic: "Beware of icicles /snow from the roof/"

Goals: to give knowledge that icicles can be dangerous to humans (if they fall from the roof - an injury and remember, if you lick or eat them - a sore throat);

learn to protect yourself from icicles at the end of winter - early spring, obey safety rules, be able to foresee danger.

Material : illustrations of "Drops", a logical picture "How did Vasya get sick?"

Conversation flow:

1. Guess!

I am transparent like crystal

I hang from the roof in winter.

Just a very, very sorry

That in the heat I quickly melt.


2. Considering plot pictures and talking about them.

Ask them to look at the pictures and tell what they show.

Discuss with the children how dangerous this or that situation can be.

Why are icicles or icy clods of snow that are thrown off the roof dangerous?

And how to do the right thing, how can you protect yourself from danger?

Ask the children to think of times in their lives when someone was hurt in similar situations.

Ask the children to think about what precautions they can take to warn others about danger areas.

Together come to the conclusion that such areas need to be protected.

Come up with different types of fences: a rope with red flags, wooden or metal barriers, shields or fences.

RULES! Remind children not to it is forbidden:

  • Play where icicles hang from the roof or snow can fall!
  • Approach and touch hanging icicles!
  • You can not suck and eat icicles!
  • Don't throw icicles or snow!
  • Be attentive and observant!
  • Be able to anticipate danger in advance and avoid it!
  • In addition to your own safety, take care of the safety of others

(for example, take the hand and take the kids away from the dangerous place)!

3. Reminding children not to lick and eat icicles.

An icicle hung from the roof

Looks like delicious candy!

Get angina.

If a fool eats it!

4. Game for the development of general motor skills "Icicle"

An icicle hangs upside downHands down, fingers closed


She has a runny nose from the sun.touch their noses.

Then from the heat she will cry,collect "tears" in the palm of your hand.

That dress will sew its your hands over your body from top to bottom,

With a horizontal movement, "cut off" the length.

Frost will come, it will freeze,hugging themselves, trembling

Grows up a bit overnighthands stretched up, stand on toes

Get stronger in body, get fatter,arms are rounded at the sides.

It will become heavy - it will fall. squat.


On the street - help the janitor sprinkle sand on slippery paths.

Conversation number 3.

Topic: "Don't eat snow and icicles!"

Goals : to give knowledge that icicles of snow can be dangerous to humans (if they fall from the roof - an injury, if you lick or eat them - a sore throat);

Material : logical picture "How did Vasya get sick?"

Conversation flow:

1. Conversation

What does it mean to be healthy? (means to be strong, cheerful, energetic, not to get sick)

How should we take care of our health?

(harden, gymnastics).

2. Reading the story “Gymnastics and a cold” (T.A. Shorygina “Conversations about health”, p. 4)

3. Considering plot pictures and talking about them.

Ask to consider the logical picture “How did Vasya get sick?”

What do you guys think, why did Vasya get sick?

  • "The first snow in the yard, it looks like sugar, probably just as sweet and tasty, I'll try it"
  • “Icicles hang like lollipops. What will you do, try, such a lollipop?

5. Reading poems:

I'll tell you guys

Smart schoolchildren and preschoolers

Always protect your health

Do not take snow and icicles in your mouth!

An icicle hung from the roof

Looks like delicious candy!

Get angina.

If a fool eats it!

6. Experience with snow (icicle)

(encourage the child to evaluate the experimental activities and independently draw a conclusion)

Melt the snow (icicle), strain through a cotton or gauze filter.

Conversation number 4.

Topic: "How sand can become dangerous"

Target : show the child to play with sand and warn him that it is not safe to play with him: you need to be careful and make sure that the sand does not get into your eyes, mouth, nose, clothes, head.

Material : 2 dolls - Neumeyki, Dr. Aibolit, toys and manuals for

Sand games.

Conversation flow:

2 dolls come - Neumeyki. They play with sand and indulge all the time: they throw sand at each other and get into the eyes (You have to contact Dr. Aibolit and treat them); they dig a hole too briskly and get on the head and dirty the hair - you have to wash it; they wanted to see how dry sand flows, they raised their hands too high and got sand in their mouths, noses (and microbes can live in the sand - you can get sick or suffocate), soiled each other's clothes - all clothes are in the sand, dirty.

And other situations.

Children discuss the situation every time and draw conclusions (they teach Neumeek) - how to behave correctly so that trouble does not happen, and remember


  • Do not throw sand, do not scatter it, play carefully, do not raise your hands with sand high, you must dig and build from sand calmly, carefully, do not push in the sandbox and near the sandbox, do not scatter toys and aids for playing with sand, use them carefully.
  • In no case do not three dirty (after playing with sand) hands, eyes, face, wash your hands first.

And if you still get sand in your eyes, ears, nose or mouth, wash them faster with water, and be sure to tell an adult (caregiver) about it.

Conversation number 5.

Topic: Don't play with stray animals

Target : explain to children that contact with animals can sometimes be dangerous; learn to take care of your safety.

Material : d / exercise - “How did this happen?”

Conversation flow:


“The muzzle is mustachioed, the coat is striped, he often washes himself, but he doesn’t know about water”(Cat).

"Stroking - caressing, teasing - biting"


2. Teacher's story:

“Sometimes when we play in the garden area, dogs or cats come to us. Of course, we all love animals, we care about them, we know how to treat pets, what they love. But we do not know whose these animals are. Most likely they are homeless.

Is it possible to touch, pick up other people's or homeless dogs and cats? Why?

Yes you are right. It is forbidden! They can be aggressive and rabid. Outdoor cats and dogs can be sick with something contagious. They can and should be fed, but petting and playing with them is dangerous. Moreover, it is impossible to tease and torment animals.

Important to remember that animals are most aggressive when eating and when their young are near them.

4. Playing problem situations:

“A kitten meows plaintively at our entrance. What to do?"

5. Reading a poem

Meows at the tree

unknown cat,

pour milk

I'm a little poor.

But to touch

I won't have a kitten

What mama said

'Cause I won't forget

"be kind, son,

feed the animals,

And into the hands of the vagrants

Don't take the animals

Trust me from them

It's easy to get infected.

Will have to go to the hospital

Long treatment!"

6. Remember the RULES!

  • Don't run away from your dog in the street. The dogs chase the runaways.
  • Do not pet unfamiliar animals and do not pick them up! They may be sick, infectious, have ticks or fleas, or misreact to your petting and bite without warning.
  • Do not look directly into the dog's eyes, he may take this look as a challenge.
  • If you meet a dog in a narrow aisle or alleyway, make way for it, stand sideways to the dog.
  • Don't touch someone else's cat or dog. Even with a good attitude on your part, they may be frightened of something and scratch or bite in self-defense.
  • Do not kiss (they often dig in the ground and have a lot of germs on their faces)

And don't tease the animals (they can get impatient and bite);

  • Don't approach them from behind.
  • Don't wake a sleeping dog.

7. D / exercise "How did this happen?"

Discussion of the wrong action of the child and its consequences (on the series

paintings). (They teased the dog - she bit. The child was taken to the hospital.)

Conversation number 6.

Topic: "How the curious tongue was punished"

Goals : to give children the knowledge that iron objects are very dangerous in winter, that they should not be touched with tongue, lips and bare hands;

Learn to take care of your safety, prevent an accident.

Material : plot picture.

Conversation flow:

1. Consideration and discussion of the plot picture.

Explanation why this happens in winter with iron objects. Making up stories.

Show (if this does happen) how to help the victim (using a clean finger or handkerchief, carefully warm the object next to the tongue or lips, in no case tear it off by force)

2. Help remember RULE:

  • Never touch iron objects with your tongue, lips and bare hands in winter! They stick and won't come off. This is very dangerous for health.
  • Do not tear off with force if misfortune nevertheless happened to you.
  • Call an adult for help if this has happened to one of your comrades.

3. Conducting experience:

Show on the street how a wet cloth sticks to a metal object and does not come off.

Conversation number 7.

Topic: "Let's go on an excursion (walking tour)"

Target : to give knowledge about safety rules during walking tours, to teach

Comply with safety requirements.

Material : Signs: "You can" (!), "Impossible" (+).

Conversation flow:

1. Solving problem situations using signs.

  • The children went on a tour. Everyone followed each other in twos. Suddenly, Kolya saw a friend, and without warning the teacher, ran to him. At that moment, a car pulled out of the corner. What happened next? (children's answers)

(Sign - "No")

  • Our group once walked on an excursion to the river. Ok. Everyone walked together, observing the rules of pedestrian behavior. When we reached the place, it turned out that Vanya was not there. What happened? Why? Is it possible to do so? (Sign - "No")

2. Discuss how you should and should not behave during a walk (excursion).Offer to choose signs.

3. Remember the RULES:

  • Walk calmly, holding the hand of a friend (in two) behind other children and the teacher.
  • Keep up with other children so as not to get lost, but stick together;
  • Do not jump out or run away without the permission of the caregivers.
  • If you get lost, do not panic, do not run wherever your eyes look.
  • Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing ("zebra crossing") on the green light of the traffic light. And if there is no traffic light, do not forget to look for cars on the left, and in the middle of the road - on the right.
  • Never cross the street on a red light, even if there are no cars nearby, wait for the green light to turn on.
  • You can not go close to the road where cars and buses drive;
  • Do not run out onto the pavement for a ball or other object if they fall and roll: you risk not noticing a passing car and getting hit by it.
  • Walk only on the footpath and sidewalk.
  • Do not push, do not yell, do not shout along the way, do not interfere with passers-by;
  • Avoid exits from parking lots, garages and other similar places: some car can back out and its driver will not notice you.
  • Obey the teacher's instructions.
  • Never approach or get into a car with a stranger, no matter what he says: there are quite often evil people in the world who can harm you.

Conversation number 8.

Subject: "Wow! We're going on a tour! (by bus)"

Target : learn how to behave in transport, know and obey the rules

safe behaviour.

Conversation flow:

1.C/ role play "Journey" - with a discussion of the rules of behavior on the bus.

2. Repeat with children RULES:

  • When entering the bus and exiting the bus, do not push, do not jump, do not rush, do not trip, wait for your turn and hold on to the special handrails, look under your feet.
  • Do not get up and do not ride the bus. If you make a sharp turn or stop suddenly, you can hit the window or seat hard;
  • Do not put your hand or head out of the bus window. Passing vehicles can hit you and cause serious injury;
  • Don't touch the locks, don't mess with the doorknobs the door can suddenly open, and you can fly out onto the road at full speed;
  • Lean back and lean against the back of the seat so that when you suddenly stop, you will not be thrown strongly forward and not hit;
  • Do not distract the driver and other children by talking;
  • Do not make noise and do not push on the bus, be polite and calm;
  • Do not touch the steering wheel and do not touch the buttons and control levers.

Conversation number 9.

Topic: "Dining room duty"

Target: teach children to set tables correctly and safely for themselves and others; observe safety rules when handling a knife, fork; to consolidate the idea of ​​​​dangerous objects, of their necessity for a person.

Material: e / game: "Let's set the table for the doll" or "What first, what then."

You can use icons - symbols: a cardboard sheet - a table, small circles - saucers, large - plates, stripes - forks, knives, etc.

Conversation flow:

1. D / and "Let's set the table for the doll" using signs-symbols or doll dishes and a mandatory explanation of safety rules.

2. Reading excerpts of the poem (full version in the book "Child at the table" p. 49)

We are on duty today.

We will help the nanny

Neat and beautiful

All tables set.

We will put plates for everyone

Forks, spoons and knives.

Do not rush how to put, think

And then spread it out.

From the plate to the right is a knife,

The spoon lies beside

The knife turned away from the spoon

He looks at the plate.

Well, to the left of the plate

You need to put the fork down.

When we eat the second

A knife will be friends with a fork.

3. Repeat with children RULES:

  • Do not brandish a fork, knife, or other utensil;
  • Always take one item at a time and carry it carefully;
  • When laying tables, do not rush, do not run, do not play, do everything calmly;
  • Carry the knife and fork point down;
  • Do not lift high and do not bring a fork or knife to your eyes;
  • Do not approach or touch pots and kettles with hot food;
  • Don't mess around or play with a knife and fork.
  • When laying tables, do not be distracted;
  • Do not interfere with the attendants to set the tables;
  • Don't run when the tables are set.

Conversation number 10.

Topic: "How to behave in the heat on the site?"

Target : to teach children to put on a hat (panama hat, scarf, etc.) without reminding adults, to consolidate the ability to correctly pour water from a kettle into a cup, to follow the rules of being in the sun so as not to overheat.

Material : plot picture depicting 2 girls - one is sitting under the "mushroom", and the second is sunbathing under the scorching sun and got a sunburn.

(You can come up with and draw other pictures)

Conversation flow:

1. Considering the picture.

Questions for children:

What is shown in the picture?

Which girl did the right thing? Why?

What happened to the second girl? How did it happen?

What should be done now?

And how do we behave on the street in the heat?

What should be done to avoid sunstroke? Sunburn?

2. Compilation of stories from the life experience of children.

3. Game "Finish the sentence"

In order not to offend dad,

I will wear with a ribbon ... (hat).

inseparable friends

Rope and clothespin.

Not separable in the heat

Me and my ... (cap)

Is the sun hot? -

I ask my mother.

I dress in the heat

White ... (panama hat).

4. Repeat with children RULES:

  • For a walk in the summer, be sure to wear a light headdress (hat, scarf, cap, panama)!
  • In the heat, drink more fluids - water, fruit drinks or juices!
  • You can not stay in the sun for a long time! It's better to play in the shade!
  • In hot weather, wear light clothing that will protect your shoulders, back, and chest from sunburn. Wear dark glasses when it's hot.
  • Do not run barefoot in the heat on asphalt.
  • Do not get carried away in the heat with outdoor games in the sun: do not let your body be wet with sweat.
  • If you suddenly feel weak, dizzy or nauseous, immediately go into the shade and tell the teacher about your health.
  • Watch for your comrades, if they are overheated, if their face and body are reddened.

If you notice this, invite them to the shade and tell the teacher about it.

Conversation number 11.

Theme: "In winter on a hill"

Target: teach children to obey the rules of behavior when riding downhill;

Develop endurance and patience - the ability to wait for your turn;

Develop a desire to avoid traumatic situations.

Conversation flow:

1. A conversation about winter fun and games, about their health benefits.

2. Discussion of situations of correct and incorrect behavior of children on a hill according to an illustration or picture.

3. Game (verbal) "Good - bad."

Children evaluate the situations proposed by the teacher and justify their assessment in the process of general discussion.

3. Examination of ice-sleds and ordinary sleds.

4.Form RULES:

  • Riding a hill only on ice sleds, and not on ordinary sleds;
  • Climb the hill only on the stairs;
  • Do not climb the slippery slope of the hill and from the sides;
  • Do not ride standing, but only sitting;
  • Do not push, do not cling to comrades;
  • Follow the order;
  • Do not jump off the hill;
  • Do not stand on the upper platform, but immediately sit down and look around;
  • Do not climb the hill and do not ride with toys and objects in your hands;
  • Ride, get up and go faster, because another follows you

And can bring you down;

  • Do not go down the hill until the previous child has got up and left the road;
  • Do not indulge, do not fight, do not put your foot down either on the hill or near the hill;
  • Don't run down the slope;
  • Do not throw snow towards the hill.

Conversation #12.

Topic: "Labor activity"

Target : teach children to follow safety rules when using objects and tools during work

(watering cans, rags, sticks - labor in a corner of nature;

stacks, scissors, pencils, brushes - manual labor;

Rakes, spatulas, scoops, brooms - labor in nature).

Material : "Magic chest" with objects and tools

Conversation flow:

1. Game with the "Magic Chest".

Make a riddle about an object.

Discuss the useful and dangerous aspects of this subject.

What is it for?

When is it impossible to do without this item?

How can it be dangerous, and what should be done to prevent injury or a dangerous situation?

How to use it correctly?

2. Learn the proverb: "Every thing has its place."

3. Lead the children to the idea that if you follow the safety rules when using these dangerous items, they bring a lot of joy and benefit.

4. Repeat with children RULES:

  • Use caution when handling any of these items;
  • All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places;
  • Do not swing or poke others in the face;
  • Scissors when working should be directed away from you and be at chest level
  • Carry scissors closed, sharp ends clenched in a fist (demonstration);
  • After work, do not leave any of these items unattended, put them away;
  • Do not distract others if they are working with scissors, rakes, spatulas, etc.;
  • Do not push, do not take from others;
  • Don't run with dangerous items;
  • Do your work calmly, without distractions!

Conversation number 13.

Topic: "Rules of conduct on the d / garden during a walk"

Target : teach children to follow the rules of safe behavior on the site of the kindergarten;

Know the boundaries of your site;

Remind them of the dangers that lie in wait for them on the site.

Material : Illustrations

Conversation flow:

  1. Demonstrates illustrationsand (you can read a poem about dangerous objects) and the teacher's story about the proper reaction to objects of unfamiliar origin. The teacher shows the bag and asks if the children know what is in it. The children don't know. What could be dangerous in it? Listen to the children's thoughts.

2. Playing situations:

Ask several children to show what they would do.

3. Joint reasoning of the educator and children:never come close and

open unfamiliar bags, packages!There may be an explosive device, poisoned objects, dangerous things, poisons.Be sure to invite an adult and show!

And you can not take packages and bags from strangers!

4. Conversation (using illustrations, poems or riddles) on how to behave correctly on the kindergarten site, why do children need to behave this way and not otherwise?

5. Remember the RULES:

  • You need to go out to the d / s site and return from a walk with a calm step.
  • Do not approach or touch unfamiliar packages and bags.
  • Don't push your comrades, don't trip, don't fight, be

Friendly and polite.

  • Do not leave the territory of your site without the permission of the teacher.
  • Do not play with sharp objects.
  • Do not run around with toys and do not take them from others.
  • Do not scatter toys. This is necessary not only for order, but for security purposes. Since someone may step on a toy or other object, fall and be injured.
  • Do not throw sand, earth, snow.
  • Do not approach dogs and cats.
  • Do not touch mushrooms and berries and do not eat them.
  • Do not break trees, bushes.
  • Do not wave your hands at insects, do not catch or kill them.
  • Do not approach strangers, even if they call you.

Conversation #14.

Topic: "Insects - benefit and harm"

Target: to give knowledge about the rules of behavior when meeting with different insects.

Material : subject pictures depicting insects;

plot pictures depicting the habitat of these insects.

Conversation flow:

1. Questions for children:

What insects do you know?

When do insects appear?

Where do they live?

How are they different from birds?

What happens if there are no insects?

How dangerous are insects?

How to behave when meeting with them?

2. Reading a poem:

I got stung by a bee.

I screamed, “How could you?

The bee replied: “How could you

Pick my favorite flower?

After all, I needed him terribly:

I saved it for dinner!”

3. Bring the children to the thought,that in nature everything is interconnected, and a cruel and even careless attitude towards it worsens a person's life. Insects are of great benefit, but sometimes you can suffer from them.

4. Remember the RULES:

You need to know how to protect yourself from insects:

  • It is necessary to lubricate the exposed parts of the body with means (created especially for children) that repel insects!
  • Never touch a hornet's nest!
  • If a bee flies near you, do not wave your hands, move to another place!
  • If the bee nevertheless stung, then it is necessary to remove the sting, wipe the stung place with soda solution or attach calendula petals.
  • Do not catch or kill insects!
  • Do not stand near the anthill!

Conversation #15.

Topic: "How to behave during outdoor games?"

Target : to teach the ability to control one's behavior: restrain oneself and listen to the opinions of others, improve oneself as a person through communication with people; learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of a partner.

Conversation flow:

1. Consideration of plot pictures"Spoiled game" (you can use the plot picture).

2. Conversation

Why didn't the guys get the game?

What can you advise them?

What needs to be done to learn how to play without quarrels, resentments and injuries?

Do you think that if we all talk together, interrupting each other, we can agree on something?

Let's make rules out of your advice, write them down, and attach them to the board.

First rule:

  • Take turns talking without interrupting each other!

Guys, do you like it when one person commands in the game, without listening to the opinions of other children? No? Why?

Then the second rule:

  • When you give your opinion, ask the others: “Do you agree?”; "And what do you think?";
  • Consider the opinions of your friends!

Third rule:

  • Share toys, don't be greedy!

Fourth rule:

  • We must give in to each other, not show stubbornness, pride!

Fifth rule:

  • Never push or bump into others while playing! Watch your step, be careful!

Conversation #16.

Topic: "Caution: mushrooms and plants on the d / s"

Target: to form a child's idea of ​​​​the existence of poisonous plants and mushrooms;

to acquaint with the plants of our site;

to teach to distinguish between poisonous plants and mushrooms, to give knowledge that a person can be poisoned by the poisons of these plants;

educate respect for all mushrooms and plants.

Material: The game "Unravel the confusion", "Herbarium".

Conversation flow:

  1. Game "Unravel the confusion"

On the table are pictures on which individual parts of plants are drawn, children are invited to connect them.

  1. You can show the children in the picture of the child who is in the hospital. Ask to discuss what might have happened to him. Lead to the idea that it is dangerous to touch and take unfamiliar plants and mushrooms into your mouth.
  1. Conversation

Ask the children which plants on the site of our kindergarten are familiar to them.

Discuss with children what parts plants have, what they look like, names, read poems or make riddles. Discuss with the children what a plant or mushroom can be dangerous for.

-Some children have a habit of biting or chewing any blade of grass. This is a very bad habit. Children should remember that the stems, leaves, flowers and berries of many plants are poisonous and can cause irreparable harm to health.

But any mushrooms, like plants and animals, need human care and protection.

4 .Review of herbarium, posters and encyclopedias

5. Playing out a problem situation

  • I found a big, beautiful mushroom, what to do with it?



  • The best defense against poisonous plants is not to touch any

a flower, not a single shrub, if you are not familiar with them, because even touching poisonous plants can be dangerous: this can cause skin burns with blisters and wounds that are difficult to heal.

Picking mushrooms is a fun activity. But it also happens that mushrooms grow not only in the forest, but also in the city, in the park and on the garden plot.


  • Mushrooms in the city, even if they are edible, are dangerous. They contain a lot of nitrates, absorb exhaust gases, radiation. Therefore, when you meet a mushroom in the garden area, do not touch it, but show it to the teacher and parents.
  • If you still touched a plant or mushroom, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water.

6. D / game "Edible - inedible"

Conversation number 17.

Theme "We love holidays in kindergarten"

Target: to acquaint children with the rules of conduct during the holidays on the street; to form skills of safe behavior; cultivate mutual respect, good feelings.

Material: pictures or photographs depicting holidays in kindergarten, with the participation of children.

Conversation flow:

1.D / exercise "Name the holiday" (with a ball).The one who will name some holiday will sit down.

2. Looking at pictures. A conversation about them.

Questions for children:

-What are the children doing? Where are they located?

Why do we love holidays?

What holidays do we spend in the music hall? Gym room?

-And what holidays do we spend on the street?

- How do children behave at the party?

How else can you and should you behave?

What kind of kids always act like this? (Attentive, polite, friendly, etc.)

-Do you want to be the same?

-Let's repeat these rules now and write them down on a beautiful sheet with a felt-tip pen!

And when we go for a walk, we will explain and present these rules to the kids and spend a small holiday “Good mood” with them.

So the firstruleDima will say (it is desirable that the children say each rule):

  • You can’t make noise and talk to each other, otherwise we won’t hear the speech of the heroes (artists);
  • You can not push, step on each other's feet;
  • Do not block the view of other children;
  • Do not jump forward uninvited;
  • Do not set footboards;
  • Avoid puddles and slippery places;
  • Do not grab or pull the heroes by the clothes;
  • Do not bump into each other when running;
  • Stop and look carefully in front of you, running around the corner of the building;
  • Strictly follow all these rules!

Conversation #18.

Topic "How to behave in a group"

Target: to educate children in the rules of behavior and communication in the kindergarten (in a group, bedroom, reception room). Develop the ability to obey the rules

safety, the desire to protect their health and the health of others.

Material: plot picture (in the method room), Sponge BOB - a doll (orteddy bear).

Conversation flow:

1. A doll arrives - Sponge Bob Square Pants in a group.

Play situations:

  • while he “runs” (not walks) hits the corner of the table;
  • then trips over an abandoned toy;
  • wanted to get an object from the closet, climbed onto a chair and fell;
  • I almost climbed onto the window when I saw a dog (toy) there;
  • when finally seated on a chair, he sits and sways.

Discuss all these situations with the children (the teacher explains to the children that Bob is soft, and if this happened to the children, you would have to call an ambulance doctor by phone 03), explain to Bob what he did wrong, why you shouldn’t behave like that, but how to behave correctly (voiceRULES) and show the storyline.

2. Consideration of the plot picture, where all the children are busy with their own business, no one makes noise, does not run, does not push, there is order in the group, etc. A conversation about her. Also tell (discuss) the children about the rules of behavior in the bedroom and reception room.

Lead children to the idea that it is NECESSARY to obeysafety rules,because this is necessary to save life and health - your own and other people!

  • Scattered toys can cause falls, bruises.

The order in the group is not only for cleanliness, but also for safety!

  • You can not climb on the windowsill, table and cabinets.

If you can't get it, ask a teacher!

  • It is very dangerous to run around the group, the bedroom and the waiting room: the sharp corners of the furniture can cause injury, colliding with another child can cause a severe bruise!
  • Don't put small toys in your mouth - you might accidentally swallow them and choke!
  • You can't swing in a chair! If you lose your balance, you will fall and hit yourself!
  • When playing with water, make sure that water does not get on the floor.

The wet floor is very slippery, so it is dangerous for you!

  • Do not talk while eating, chew your food thoroughly!
  • Shoes should always be buttoned up and comfortable, without long laces!
  • It is forbidden to bring chewing gum to the kindergarten in order to avoid accidents!

Conversation #19.

Topic: "Moving around kindergarten"

Target: teach children the rules of safe movement in kindergarten;

Cultivate endurance, the desire to consciously behave correctly in

room d / s.

Material: map-scheme d / garden; photographs of children: walking along the corridor; go up the stairs (go down); watching theatrical performances in the music hall; enter the gym, etc. . Dunno doll (or adult).

Conversation flow:

Questions for children:

- Where do we go in the d / garden? What rooms are there in the kindergarten? (Music hall, gym, medical office, etc.)

- How should we behave when we move around the d / s?

Dunno comes, brings photos. Viewing and discussion of photographs. Dunno shows how he behaves in this or that situation (pushing, arguing, does not want to stand with someone or behind, pulls girls' pigtails, pinches, steps on his feet, indulges, speaks loudly, waves his arms, kicks, jumps up and yells in the theater, does not greet adults in the corridor, does not hold on to the railing on the stairs).

Explain to Dunno that in no case should you behave like this, and once again show how to behave correctly, the main thing is why it should be so!You can show a picture where the child is in the hospital, discuss the situation.

Dunno promises to improve.

The teacher shows the children a map - a diagram of the premises of the kindergarten, explains where everything is.

Repetitionrulestogether with Dunno (can be voiced in a tape recording):

  • Going down the stairs, you need to go one after another, with a calm step, without pushing, holding on to the railing;
  • It is necessary to move along the corridors of the d / s calmly, adhering to the side of the corridor with your right hand;
  • Be careful when crossing the corridors, because you can't see who can

go towards you;

  • When moving along the corridors, always look ahead so as not to run into ledges in the walls or nannies hurrying with pots to the kitchen and back;
  • Corridors and stairs are not a place for games and pampering. Remember this!
  • Do not open the doors with your foot, and do not open them abruptly either. there could be a person on the other side of the door, and you hurt him!

(Oh guys-

Believe, don't believe

The door ran away from me.

- Farewell, - she said, - dear,

You opened me with your foot!)

Conversation #20.

Theme: "Winter roads"

Target:to expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, the road in winter.

To give children the knowledge that roads are slippery in winter and drivers cannot quickly

stop the vehicle. On a slippery road, cars and buses even

After braking, they slide forward for a while. Cultivate the ability to restrain

yourself, be careful, do not play on the road.

Conversation flow:

  1. Examination of plot pictures depicting winter roads, streets.
  1. Explanation of words:

"Snowfall", "Ice" (A layer of dense vitreous ice (smooth or slightly bumpy) formed on plants, wires, objects, the earth's surface as a result of freezing of precipitation particles (supercooled drizzle, supercooled rain, freezing rain, ice pellets, sometimes rain

with snow) in contact with a surface having a negative temperature. It usually lasts several hours, and sometimes with drizzle and fog - several days.)

"Ice"(A layer of bumpy ice or icy snow that forms on the surface of the earth due to the freezing of melt water when, after a thaw, air and soil temperatures drop).

Explain how they differ (Unlike ice, ice is observed only on the earth's surface, most often on roads, sidewalks and paths. Preservation of the formed ice can last for many days in a row until it is covered from above with freshly fallen snow cover or melts completely as a result of an intense increase in air and soil temperature) than they are dangerous for the driver and pedestrian.

3. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the road and the street in winter conditions:

  • into sleet

(It’s slippery on the roads. It’s quite possible to fall. It’s difficult for the driver to stop the car (bus). In such weather, you need to be very careful. You can’t run across in front of nearby vehicles, because the driver, even if he slows down, the car will move on the slippery road for some time further. We must patiently wait for the cars to pass. road.);

  • in the snow

(The glass of the car is covered with snow and the driver can hardly see pedestrians and traffic lights).

4. Conversation

- Raise your hands those who love winter. What games do you like to play in winter? (children's answers)

- Do you want to hear how the bear played in winter?

5. Reading a poem

Lawns with grass disappeared under the snow.

Slippery cars on the pavement,

Ice covered the riverbed

The teddy bear is on skates.

-Only skating not on a skating rink ...

He went out into the street with a stick in his hand.

How long, children, here before trouble?

There are ice rinks and ponds for hockey.

Just put on your skate boots

The ice will sing under the skates all day.

- And the pavement is a dangerous skating rink.

We need to get back to the yard, my friend.

- Guys, explain to the bear why you can’t ride on the pavement? (children's answers)

6. Repetition of the rules of conduct on winter roads.

Conversation #21.

Theme: "Frosts are cruel this year"

Target: learn how to behave in frosty weather.

Conversation flow:

  1. D / y "What a winter"
  2. Looking at winter clothes
  3. A conversation about how you can protect yourself from severe cold.
  4. burnrules:
  • In severe frosts, you need to dress very warmly.
  • You can't go out without adults
  • Can't stay outside for long
  • You can not open windows at home and in the garden.
  • Lubricate the face with a special children's cream from the cold - "Morozko"
  • Ask your parents to be sure to accompany them to the group itself.

Conversation #22.

Theme "Games on modules"

Target: teach children safe behavior while playing on the modules.

  1. Conversation flow:

D / y "Who remembers more."Invite the children to remember and name what equipment for children's games we have in the yard.

Invite the children to come up with rules of conduct during games on them so that no one gets hurt or injured. The teacher suggests taking your time, speaking clearly, as she will write these rules in an album.


  • Do not approach modules if they are already being played by children from other groups.

Wait patiently for your turn, or arrange a time with them.

  • Do not push each other during games
  • Take your time, slowly climb the ladders
  • Do not put footrests
  • Climb the stairs and go down only one at a time.
  • Don't fight, don't mess around
  • Be mutually polite, and yield to each other!