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The author of The Fault in Our Stars, John Green, gained great popularity thanks to this work, as it was an incredible success. The book is considered one of the best in America. Its plot will not let you remain indifferent, it touches on many problems and experiences.

We are talking about a very young girl Hazel, she is only 16 years old, but she has cancer. She cannot fully breathe on her own, she is forced to walk with an oxygen cylinder, and this depresses her greatly. In this regard, Hazel is constantly depressed, prefers to live in her fantasy world, reading the same book, avoiding communication with others, the girl is closed and anxious. Doctors have found a way to alleviate her suffering, but she understands that all this is temporary.

Hazel sees how people around her look at her, as if they are to blame for being healthy and she is sick. They seem to be ashamed of it. This is unpleasant for the girl, she is in a hurry to stop communicating. At her mother's urging, Hazel begins attending a support group. At first, group activities depress her. But then she meets a guy there, Augustus, with whom she wants to communicate ... Together they can see that life is beautiful, they can realize that "everyone should have real love, which lasts at least until the end of life.

The heroes of the work reflect so much life, interest, the desire to learn new things, the desire to love. And cancer, perhaps, affects the intensity of these experiences. This makes it possible to appreciate every day lived, every emotion experienced. Despite the fact that the main theme of the work is illness, it is not saturated with pity on every page. On the contrary, it reflects the opportunity to live, to be cheerful, perky, jealous, mischievous and loved.

The book will allow the reader to realize his life, to learn to look at things and events differently. Heroes set an example not to give up, no matter what happens. Even if there is very little left, you need to have time to do as much as possible in short term and live full life. It is important to have time to do everything, to have time to love, to have time to live.

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Title: The Fault in the Stars
Author: John Green
Year: 2013
Genre: Modern romance novels, Foreign romance novels, Modern foreign literature

About The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

There is so much injustice in the world that sometimes you are simply amazed, and only one question arises in your head: “Why?”. Why does humanity suffer so much? But often it is children who suffer, and there is no logical explanation at all.

The Fault in Our Stars is about teenagers who are very seriously ill. John Green created a tragic story about children who got into difficult situation. The author very subtly describes their world, their perception of the situation and everything that happens around.

Teenagers, even in such difficult situations, remain teenagers: rebels, naughty, with their crazy antics and thoughts. They have no childhood, because they have to fight for their lives, unlike their peers, but it is these children who grow up very early and see much more than others.

The Fault in Our Stars is about Hazel and Augustus who do not give up before the trials of fate. They completely plunge into their love, they live every minute, appreciate every moment, enjoy every even the most inconspicuous little thing. They know how important and necessary all this is, because all this may not happen in an instant.

A girl and a guy have a very different attitude to their illness. Hazel realizes that she is not like the others. She spends a lot of time on studying, on treatment. The girl actually has no childhood or entertainment. She lives with her illness. Augustus is different. He does not give up on himself, he continues to live, enjoy. And with this he infects the girl, showing her what real life, no disease, no looping.

The Fault in Our Stars is incredibly powerful and sensual. You will cry and laugh, worry and wonder. The plot is very exciting, kind, gentle, like the teenagers themselves. John Green wants to convey to readers that all children are children first of all, and even in the most difficult situations, they must remain children in order to cope with difficulties more easily. They are able to support each other much more than even close people.

Based on the book "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green, a film has been made that has already fallen in love with many. However, the book does a much better job of revealing the plot and the characters. You will be able to rethink your life, understand a lot, you may have questions, but this is exactly what is needed in order to better perceive the world of adolescents.

They don't send us trials that we can't handle. Everything in the world is natural. If you have difficulties, then you must cope with them and learn some lesson for yourself. The book "The Fault in Our Stars" tells about terminally ill teenagers who show by their own example what real life is. After all, we all sometimes forget about many things, believing that this will not go anywhere, and we can still return to it and enjoy it, but time is actually very, very short.

When you are a teenager, it seems that the whole world is at your feet. Anything is possible and nothing bad will ever happen to you. But life is cruel and sometimes it brings unpleasant surprises. Hazel and Augustus just got into such a difficult situation that they will have to cope with together, overcome difficulties and tragedies, support each other and make each other smile, no matter what.

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Quotes from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

"True love is born in hard times"

“Without pain, how would we know joy?”

It's a metaphor, look here: you're holding deadly stuff in your teeth, but you're not giving it a chance to fulfill its deadly purpose.

My thoughts are the stars, which I am unable to combine into constellations.)

Losing the person with whom you have memories is like losing your memory, as if everything we did was less real and less important than a few hours ago.

I'm in love with you, I know that love is just a scream into the void, oblivion is inevitable, we are all doomed, and the day will come when everything will turn to dust. I know the sun will swallow the only earth we knew, and I'm in love with you.

While he was reading, I fell in love - the way we usually fall asleep: slowly, and then suddenly all at once.

"Good friends are hard to find and impossible to forget"

The world is really not a wish-granting factory.

It's an honor to walk with your heart broken.

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Description of the book: Hazel and Augustus are sick with a serious illness that is almost impossible to cure. But both have a great desire to live. That is why such a sad fate did not break them: they are still the same explosive and rebellious teenagers who are ready for love and hate, adventure and exciting stories. When they met, they immediately fell in love with each other. And even with a large mortal danger they continue to love, be jealous, not understand each other. But they are together no matter what. Perhaps fate has prepared a surprise for them?

In these days of active fight against piracy, most of the books in our library have only brief fragments for review, including the book The Fault in Our Stars. Thanks to this, you can understand whether you like this book and whether you should buy it in the future. Thus, you support the work of the writer John Green by legally purchasing the book if you liked its summary.

Title: The Fault in the Stars
Writer: John Green
Year: 2013
Publisher: AST
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 230 pages 2 illustrations
Genres: Foreign romance novels, Contemporary foreign literature

About The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Losing the people you truly love is the worst thing in life. To see how they gradually fade away, they lose interest in life, and most importantly - to feel the hellish pain that they experience before their death as their own - not everyone is destined to let it through their hearts and not go crazy at the same time. What remains after the death of the person you love? The pain and the feeling of how beautiful was the person who left us for another world ... Now only sad, bright memories remain about him and invaluable gratitude for the fact that this person was once with you.

Death in itself frightens with its hopelessness. But the worst thing is when those who could still live and live die. Children who become precocious adults who look at you with big, sad eyes and make you appreciate every moment of the present.

The Fault in Our Stars is a subtle, sad story about teenage children who have cancer. The main character, Hazel, is only 16 years old, but she already has to fight cancer for two whole years. thyroid gland. The metastases have spread to her lungs and she can only breathe with the help of an oxygen tank. The girl lives in her own world, is in a severe depression and does not want to let anyone into her soul, tormented by fear. But when it's really hard for us, God always sends a gift that helps us come to terms and accept the surrounding reality. We switch to it and it becomes a little easier for us. And what gift can help a person who is slowly dying? Only real, selfless love. So, in the life of the main character it happens Lucky case- meeting a wonderful young man. Augustus is also terminally ill, he has rare form oncology - cancer of the eyeballs. These two are unlike each other, but how tenderly and desperately and tenderly they love, because so little is destined for them to live in this world ...

Sometimes a person lives a long but meaningless life. Rushing about in constant search for love and happiness, at the end of his life he may not remember truly bright and bright moments. The main characters of this amazing story lucky - they were able to win the real jackpot: the first and only love in their short existence, happy and mutual. This wonderful book will teach you to appreciate reality in its present manifestation and to love like the first and last time in life.

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