Pippa Middleton and James Matthews are engaged. Pippa Middleton's fiance and his relatives: what do we know about James Matthews and his family. Pippa Middleton and James: latest news

The wedding of the sister of the Duchess of Cambridge will take place on May 20. Before getting engaged, Pippa Middleton and James Matthews dated for less than a year. At the same time, earlier, in 2012, they already had a short romance that ended in parting, and in general, the couple has known each other for more than ten years.

The engagement took place last summer: James Matthews, a former race car driver and millionaire, gave his bride a 3.5-carat diamond ring from Robinson Pelham. By the way, the jewelry of this brand from Chelsea is well known to the British royal family: in 2011 they were ordered for the wedding ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton. The bride bought diamond earrings with oak leaf and acorn patterns, and Pippa bought diamond jewelry with floral motifs. Five years later Robinson Pelham made Pippa's engagement ring.

But back to the upcoming wedding ceremony of Middleton Jr. As already mentioned, the celebration will take place on May 20. The place, of course, has already been chosen - this is St. Mark's Church in Englefield, Berkshire. The Middleton family, who used to live next door in Bucklebury, attended this particular church. The future Mrs. Matthews will be led down the aisle by her father, Michael Middleton. Perhaps Prince George will carry a pillow with rings, and Princess Charlotte will scatter flower petals. However, Pippa Middleton's plans for her nephews may be disrupted by Queen Elizabeth II: according to rumors, she is against George and Charlotte being at the ceremony at all.

The wedding reception itself will take place at the country home of Kate and Pippa's parents in Bucklebury. Tents for guests will be located on an area of ​​more than seven hectares, and dinner and decor will be designed in a traditional English style. The total number of guests, as reported by the media, will exceed 400 people. Among those invited, of course, are close relatives and numerous friends. The press has repeatedly inflated the intrigue around the possible non-appearance of the Duchess of Cambridge at her sister's wedding - they say, so as not to pull the blanket over yourself and not steal someone else's holiday. It is still unclear whether Kate will attend the ceremony at the church. The tabloids also reported that Pippa did not want to see Prince Harry's girlfriend Meghan Markle at her party. However, if Harry appears there, it will definitely not come alone.

The wedding dress is rumored to have been ordered from Giles Deacon. The designer himself declined to comment. Among other "candidates" - Jenny Packham and David Emmanuel, who went down in history by creating the wedding dress of Princess Diana.

The wedding trip of Pippa and James will not happen after, but before the event: the bride and groom are planning to take a break from preparing for the ceremony in a five-star hotel on the island of St. Barts in the near future. Nothing is yet known about the bachelor party, but as for the bachelorette party, it was already in March, when Pippa, along with her sister Kate and her friends, flew to the French ski resort of Meribel, France. One of the bridesmaids later told The Sun the details of the bachelorette party. “We stayed in a private chalet, which had its own staff of servants and a chef. The owners of the chalet, having apparently decided to impress Kate and Pippa, presented our entire company with gifts - watches, ugg boots, leather diaries and custom-made fragrances. It was a closed, modest party, and we had a great rest, ”the source said.

0 19 July 2016, 17:25

Today, the media reported that 32-year-old Pippa Middleton, the younger sister of the Duchess Catherine, with 40-year-old James Matthews. The couple has been dating since 2012, and everything did not always go smoothly in their romance, but for more than a year the lovers have been getting along well, and last weekend the young man made Pippa a marriage proposal.

In connection with this joyful event, the site decided to learn more about James Matthews and his relatives, who, believe me, are no less interesting than the groom. This family had everything: wealth, a happy marriage, sudden death... We tell you all the details.

Head of family

40-year-old James Matthews was born into the family of David Matthews, a man who built his business from scratch and earned billions. David grew up in a small village, his father was a miner, and he himself worked as an apprentice for a mechanic from an early age. From work grew David's passion for cars, which eventually led to the fact that he decided to devote his life to racing. Alas, after a serious injury, David left the sport and took up the repair and tuning of used cars.

David Matthews' hobby has grown into a big business that started as a small used car restoration company and turned into a huge concern Kirkby Central Group, engaged in repair, design and investment. Having achieved success, David sold the company (it was valued at 8.5 million pounds) and acquired the Eden Rock Hotel on the island of St. Barth, where he moved with his second wife, artist Jane Parker.

The couple had three children in marriage - sons James, Michael and Spencer. In addition, David has a daughter, Nina, from his first marriage.

Over the years, the Eden Rock Hotel has become one of the best in St. Barts, now Elton John, and are resting there, and a double room costs from 25 thousand dollars per night.

Tragic death of a brother

Alas, the fabulous story of the Matthews family is overshadowed by tragedy: on May 13, 1999, David's middle son, Michael, who was only 22 years old, died during an expedition to Everest. Michael was the youngest in the group, and the family insisted that the expedition was poorly organized. During the investigation, it turned out that Michael reached the summit of Everest, but on the way back he had some difficulties: the weather deteriorated sharply, and Michael fell into the so-called "death zone", his body was never found. Until now, many details of that tragedy remain unknown.

The parents of the deceased Michael believe that his oxygen tank was poorly filled, and the expedition organizers violated safety rules. Mr and Mrs Matthews continued their independent investigation, which cost over £250,000. The couple managed to find out that the organizers promised to supply each participant of the expedition with first-class oxygen from Russia, but in fact the cylinder (which was already used) contained low-quality air from a local manufacturer. After that, the organizing company paid the boy's parents 70 thousand pounds.

Michael's father explained:

We understand that our son cannot be returned. But when your child dies in the mountains, you want to at least be sure that this death was inevitable, that he was in good hands and that the organizers did everything possible to save him. But it was not so with Michael.

The family is not without ... Spencer

Spencer Matthews is the youngest son of David and Jane and one of the most famous members of the family. And all because he participated in the popular show in the UK "Chelsea Golden Youth" (Made in Chelsea) about offspring from wealthy English families. There, Spencer actively convinced the audience that he was a real heartthrob: according to his confession, by the age of 27 he had slept with a thousand women!

The young man was also remembered for other actions on the show: he used illegal substances for months, spent nights in clubs, had a promiscuous sex life, and was even seen in an orgy.

Spencer does not see anything criminal in his behavior and likes to repeat that he is first and foremost a businessman who knows the value of money.

From 12 to 15 years old, my father gave me 150 pounds a month. Later I started working: first as a waiter, then as a manager for a club, then in PR. I have always known the value of money

Spencer insists.

Later, in an interview with the BBC, Matthews admitted that he took drugs on the show simply for the sake of high ratings and that he does not suffer from any addictions in life.

The future husband of Pippa Middleton: he was not seen in defamatory relationships

As for the future husband of Pippa Middleton, he is distinguished by a calm character and was not seen in scandals. Like his father, James is a big fan of various sports. He especially loves the ski slopes (he probably missed them on the island in the Caribbean where he grew up). By the way, James skis with Pippa - the couple can even be seen in Norway at the Birkebeiner races.

But sports are in his spare time, which James does not have much of, because the family business is on his shoulders: he is the executive director of Eden Rock Capital Management Group and the owner of a hedge fund.

James has something in common with Princes William and Harry: all three went to the Eton boarding house in Windsor.

A good education and upbringing, an impeccable reputation (in fact, almost nothing is known about James - either the man is really impeccable, or he is a master at covering his tracks) ... Pippa's fiancé has every chance to please Kate Middleton and other members of the royal family!

Photo Gettyimages.ru/Instagram

Pippa Middleton is the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge. All her life she was prophesied an unenviable fate, because it was believed that she was always in the shadows because of her older sister. But Pippa did not agree to a supporting role and did everything to make her known and remembered.


Every day in the news, for various reasons, her name is mentioned: either she released a new book, then she did charity work, then she broke up with her boyfriend and was already seen with a new one. Her whole life boils, boils and throws up fresh news for conversations.

early years

Philip Charlotte Middleton (Pippa's real name) was born on September 6, 1983 in a simple family that did not belong to the British nobility. Height - 166 centimeters, and weight - 53 kilograms. Pippa has a sister - the well-known duchess and brother James Middleton. Pippa's father came from the middle class, and his mother - from an old family of coal miners.

Pippa and Kate Middleton | VC

They worked in civil aviation: their father was an air traffic controller, and their mother was a flight attendant. When Pippa was 4 years old, her parents founded a mail order business called Party Pieces. In the British market, this company successfully developed and brought unprecedented wealth to the family, while making millionaires.


After some time, the Middleton family allowed themselves to purchase a large house in the district of Asham Stead and move there. In the new place, the girls went to a special school for girls, where they received a sports scholarship. After leaving school, Pippa entered Marlborough College, where she studied for a very short time, moving closer to her sister in Scotland.


Here, Pippa chose to study literature for herself and after studying, she managed to work a little in a small company that was engaged in the promotion of luxury goods. After leaving this company, Pippa worked in a company that organized holidays and events. As you know, it was she who organized the party that took place after the wedding of her sister. Later, Pippa nevertheless left this organization and found a job in her parent's business.


Everyone knows that Pippa became famous, first of all, thanks to her sister, Kate Middleton. In an instant, the whole world learned about this family. And although they did not live in poverty, there was no talk of such states as now.


It was after the wedding of Kate Middleton and that the whole world drew attention to Pippa. Thanks to her chiselled figure, slender legs and beautifully matched dress, Pippa became the object of attention and surpassed even her sister, who was the bride that day.

As you know, Pippa is very fond of holding various kinds of events and is engaged in this activity at the present time. In addition, the girl is engaged in charity work, is the editor of a magazine, writes cookbooks, is engaged in business and sports. How the young girl manages to do all this is incomprehensible. Pippa is also actively involved in sports, produces exclusive bags and a clothing line. It seems that she has covered all the activities that can only be.


Pippa has been an ambassador for the Heart Foundation for a long time, where she helps raise money for people who need expensive surgeries. She presented her cookbook, with all proceeds from its sale going to help sick children. She also exhibits her items at charity auctions.

Pippa reports all her events daily on Instagram. Looking at her photos, you can understand that the girl leads an active lifestyle, eats right, plays sports and has a refined taste.


Pippa often becomes the object of attention due to scandalous acts. What are her scandalous photos, where she takes off her swimsuit, dances half-naked in the company of a man, or takes off her dress, while wrapping herself in paper. By the way, her last trick was the last boiling point of her failed fiancé Alex Lowden.

Personal life

Pippa Middleton's personal life is very stormy and varied. While still a student, she had an affair with George Percy, who is the son of the Duke of Northumberland. The guy has the title and in one moment will inherit no less than 500,000 million pounds from his father. This is one of the sought-after and desired suitors. Their romance was stormy, but fleeting. But Pippa, for the sake of him, neglected relations with her previous admirer, with whom she spent three years together.

The epoch times

In 2008, Pippa started an affair with Billy More Nesbitt, a native of the Scottish aristocracy. But she broke up with him very soon. After him was the heir to the diamond empire - Simon Youngman. This candidacy suited the girl quite well, but the heir himself was not ready for a serious relationship. At the same time, the girl chose between such candidates as Alexander Spencer-Churchill and Charlie Gilks. The first is the nephew of the Duke of Marlborough and a relative of the well-known, the second is a real playboy, the owner of a nightclub.

The girl would have chosen a companion for herself if one day she had not fallen in love with a simple guy Alex Lowden.

He was from a simple family and could not offer anything supernatural to his companion. But Pippa paid no attention to it. All friends and relatives said out loud that this couple would not last long, but after a year and a half of relationship, Pippa brought the young man to her sister's wedding as a companion.


Rumor has it that the guy was already preparing to propose to the girl, but at Kate's wedding they quarreled so much that he never did. The reason was Pippa's too frank flirting with Prince Harry. Having cooled down a little from emotions, the girl wanted to make peace with her lover, but he turned out to be a man of his word. Pippa's lovers also included Tom Kingston, Nico Jackson, Chace Crawford.

The personal life of Pippa Middleton has developed. Her chosen one is financier James Matthews. He is handsome and unbearably rich, which he willingly demonstrates. For the engagement, the groom gave his beloved a diamond ring worth 250 thousand pounds. The wedding was scheduled for May 20, 2017.

Pippa Middleton |

Saturday's sensation was the wedding of Kate Middleton's sister Pippa Middleton. The Duchess's younger sister found her happiness with James Matthews. Photos from the wedding have already been published on the Internet. The celebration turned out to be luxurious, elegant and stylish.

Pippa Middleton and James: latest news

On Saturday, May 20, 2017, in the Church of St. Mark, which is located in the county of Barkshire, a solemn marriage took place.

Millionaire (41) James, who is active in financial matters, married 33-year-old Pippa, who is the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge.

This holiday was enthusiastically expected not only by the newlyweds, but also by members of the royal family, as well as their admirers from all over the world.

Preparations for the wedding lasted almost a whole year. Finally, the wedding took place on a sunny clear day.

A Brief Love Story of Pippa and James

The newlyweds met about 10 years ago. A stormy romance began relatively recently. For about a year, the couple tested their feelings, and in June 2016, James decided to propose to his sister Kate Middleton.

Romantic recognition took place in the north of England. The couple were vacationing in the Lake District when the millionaire talked about the wedding.

How was the main social event of the year - the wedding of Pippa Middleton

Kate helped her younger sister in every possible way. She did not officially become a bridesmaid, but she was able to take on the role of a nanny, controlling the behavior of the young flower girl Charlotte of Cambridge and her brother George of Cambridge, who had the great honor of starting the wedding ceremony.

Charlotte carried a fragrant heart of flowers in her hands, and George was supposed to be a page.

Most recently, little Charlotte celebrated her second birthday. Earlier it was reported that in May, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton gave birth to a girl.

Dresses at the wedding of Sister Middleton

Kate chose a peach fabric outfit for herself so as not to outshine her sister in any way at the holiday. English fashion designer Alexander McQueen designed the midi dress that Kate wore. This outfit emphasized the sophisticated figure of the Duchess. The V-neck dress fell below the knee, long sleeves and a peplum at the waist for a delicate, feminine look. According to the wedding dress code, women were required to wear a hat on their heads. Kate wore a facinator by Jane Taylor, made to match the dress, and earrings by Kiki McDonough.

Pippa's wedding dress exceeded all expectations. The girl dressed in an outfit designed by Giles Deacon. The dress looked perfect on the bride, it seemed that it was sewn by elves, not people, since it was impossible to see a single seam. The long train of the veil, sewn by Stephen Jones, was adorned with countless crystals. On the head of the bride is a neat tiara, made in the form of Venus hair.

The mother of English beauties chose an exquisite pink dress for the holiday.

In general, the wedding dress code, as you can see, was perceived differently by the public, the guests felt quite free in their choice. However, almost all women were with a fascinator or a hat.

Pippa Middleton- younger sister Kate Middleton, Duchess Cambridge, our heroine is only two years younger than her famous relative. pippa What's with the strange name? The fact is that in fact this British socialite is called Philippa Charlotte Middleton. Parents Kate And Pippa are not blue-blooded aristocrats, they are middle-class people, commoners, but nevertheless they are rich, their fortune is estimated at 30 million euros. At one time, having gone on her first maternity leave, the mother of the family Carol Middleton decided to start her own business - she made holiday packages for children's parties. I can’t even imagine what kind of packaging these are, but nevertheless, the business went uphill. Before you go about your business Carol Middleton was a flight attendant, her husband was first an air traffic controller, then became a pilot. But as soon as the family business took off, the couple left aviation and focused entirely on packaging. The grip of husband and wife Middletons was iron, having calculated everything, they were able to develop and strengthen their business, make it prosperous. That's how it is from ordinary servants of the wife Middleton could eventually become millionaires. Undoubtedly, what Kate started dating the duke Cambridge influenced the state of affairs of the family Middleton Thanks to this, the share price of their company has increased many times over.

Ever since the world has been talking about Kate Middleton there was increased attention to her younger sister Pippe. At Pippa Middleton there were a lot of suitors and admirers, I won’t even list them all here, it’s too long and tedious. But to your 33 years Pippa Middleton finally decided - she married a wealthy, promising financier James Matthews, who, by the way, is a former race car driver, and he is older than his lover on 9 years.

At the wedding Pippa Middleton attended and Kate Middleton with their children - son George and daughter Charlotte.

dress on Pippe Middleton on the wedding day it was just luxurious, and since this girl has a slender and fit texture, thanks to sports, she looked just great.

Pippa Middleton spends a lot of time in the gym and therefore its texture is magnificent.

6 years back Pippa Middleton at my sister's wedding Kate looked like this, at that time our heroine was 27 years.

There is a tradition of covering your head in the presence of royalty, so the aristocrats at the races, events like weddings (but only if you are not the bride and her girlfriend), funerals and other gatherings wear frilly hats, some they paint, others they make ridiculous and funny. Here Pippu Middleton hats do not spoil, but do not decorate. Take a look at all these photos Pippa Middleton, most often she is dressed very stylishly, however, if this is not an outing, but ordinary working days.

Take a look at these photos Pippa Middleton She's wearing a hat again!