The essence of didactic games as a means of learning. Coursework: Didactic game as a method of developmental learning

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Faculty of English Philology

Department of English Philology and Methods

Course work


3rd year student of group 1503 of full-time education

Semenova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Moscow 2011


1. Theoretical basis organization of cognitive games as a means of learning. 5-28

1.1 The concept of didactic games. 5-10

1.2. Types of didactic games. 11-17

1.3. Features of the organization of didactic games in English lessons in primary school. 18-28

2. Didactic games in the classroom in English. 29-37

2.1. Rules for organizing didactic games in the classroom foreign language. 29-33

2.2. The system of didactic games for practicing vocabulary. 33-37





When planning English lessons, you need to think not only about how students memorize new words, this or that structure, but also strive to create all the opportunities for the development of the individuality of each child. To maintain the interest of children in the subject, you need to understand what methods of work can captivate the children. Foreign language teachers are constantly looking for reserves to improve the quality and effectiveness of teaching a foreign language. the main task- to ensure that interest in learning a foreign language does not disappear. In addition, at present, the main principle of the work of a modern teacher is not only a targeted impact on each student, his personal attitudes, but also the optimization of the joint activities of students.

Games are a great help in solving these issues. Their use gives good results, increases the interest of the children in the lesson, allows them to concentrate their attention on the main thing - mastering speech skills in the process of a natural situation, communication during the game.

First of all, the introduction of game methods into practice is directly related to a number of general sociocultural processes aimed at finding new forms of social organization and culture of relationships between the teacher and students. The need to improve the level of communication culture among students in the didactic process is dictated by the need to increase the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, stimulating their interest in the subjects being studied.

The educational possibilities of games have been known for a long time. Many prominent educators rightly paid attention to the effectiveness of using games in the learning process. At present, the problem of applying speech game in teaching a foreign language is widely covered in domestic and foreign methodological literature.

The game is a specially organized activity that requires tension of emotional and mental strength. To understand the nature of the game, its amazing educational potential is to understand the nature of a happy childhood, to understand your child, your pets.

Games help children become creative individuals, teach them to be creative in any business. To be creative means to do it qualitatively, at a higher level. Creativity is a constant improvement and progress in any activity. Games bring children and adults the joy of creativity. Without the joy of creativity, our life turns into boredom and routine. A creative person is always passionate about something. The level of life depends on the creative possibilities of a person. Thus, this topic"Didactic games as a means of teaching a foreign language to elementary school students" is relevant.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the methods of using game methods as a means of activating the educational process in English lessons.

The object of research is the process of teaching English.

The subject of the research is active gaming techniques in teaching English at the initial stage.

The hypothesis of the study is as follows - if the teacher uses didactic games in English lessons, then the process of mastering the English language will be more effective.

The following tasks have been set:

    study the literature on the problem of using didactic games in English lessons in elementary school;

    analyze different approaches to the classification of game methods;

    Develop a system of lessons using gaming techniques in the study of vocabulary;

1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of cognitive games as a means of learning

1.1 The concept of didactic games

"Game activity is a special sphere of human activity in which a person does not pursue any other goals, except for enjoying the manifestation of physical and spiritual forces." [8, c.56]

“The game is a source of development and creates a zone of proximal development. Action in an imaginary field, in an imaginary situation, the creation of an arbitrary intention, the formation of a life plan, volitional motives - all this arises in the game and puts it on the highest level of development, elevates it to the crest of a wave, makes it the ninth wave of development preschool age, which ascends the whole depth of the waters, but relatively calm.

The game is an active way to achieve many educational goals and objectives (for example, games to consolidate the material covered). The game is an excellent way to spur students on, get them to work actively in the lesson, it is also an ideal way to relax, as they say, for good. The game helps to relieve stiffness, especially if there is no element of competition, evaluation, summing up. Although sometimes the competition enlivens the game. The game helps to memorize the necessary information for a long time and correct the mistakes of students, preventing them from gaining a foothold in speech, increases the motivation of schoolchildren, and the situational game allows high school students to plunge into solving problems related to the choice of their future professional path.

In his work "Non-classical education" O.S. Gazman gives the following signs that combine all types of activities denoted by the word " a game". This activity:

1. Free: the player cannot be forced into it, otherwise the game will immediately lose its attractiveness;

2. Separated: it is limited by precise temporal and spatial, predetermined boundaries;

3. Uncertain: its development and result cannot be foreseen in advance; the player always has the initiative and a certain freedom to be resourceful;

4. Unproductive: does not create either a socially valuable product, or material wealth, or any new elements, except for the redistribution of property within a group of players;

5. Regulated: subject to conditions that abolish ordinary laws and temporarily introduce a new, only valid regularity.

6. Illusory: accompanied by a specific feeling of some secondary reality or complete non-reality in relation to everyday life.

The game is one of the most effective, interesting and popular means of educating and educating children. Therefore, the use of the game in education requires compliance with certain rules. They are formulated so consistently and reasonably that in our time they are of not so much historical as practical interest:

Games should be of such a kind that the players get used to looking at them as something similar, and not as some kind of business.

The game should contribute to the health of the body no less than the revival of the spirit.

The game should not endanger life, health, decency.

Games should serve as a precursor to serious things.

The game should end before you get bored.

Games must be supervised by a teacher.

With strict observance of these conditions, the game becomes a serious matter, i.e. development of health, or rest for the mind, or preparation for life's activities, or all of these at the same time.

From the disclosure of the concept of the game by teachers, psychologists of various scientific schools, a number of general provisions can be distinguished:

The game is an independent type of developmental activity for children of different ages.

The play of children is the freest form of their activity, in which they realize, study the world, opens up a wide scope for personal creativity, activity of self-knowledge, self-expression.

The game is the first stage of the activity of a preschool child, the original school of his behavior, the normative and equal activity of younger schoolchildren, adolescents, youth, who change their goals as students grow older.

The game is the practice of development. Children play because they develop and develop because they play.

The game is the freedom of self-disclosure, self-development based on the subconscious, mind and creativity.

Play is the main area of ​​communication for children; it solves the problems of interpersonal relationships, gains experience in relationships between people.

Didactic games should be distinguished from children's games proper, in which free play activity acts as an end in itself. A specific feature of didactic games is their intentionality, planning, the presence of an educational goal and the intended result, which can be isolated, highlighted explicitly (for the teacher and ultimately for students).

Didactic Games - games specially created or adapted for educational purposes.

Didactic games are usually limited in time, in most cases game actions are subject to fixed rules (an exception may be some educational didactic games, for example, for the sensory development of preschoolers), their pedagogical significant result can be directly related to the creation in the course of the game of material products of educational and gaming activities.

Didactic game, like every game, is an independent activity that children are engaged in: it can be individual and collective. Before delving into the study of didactic games, you should familiarize yourself with the definition of "didactic games". So, there are many definitions of didactic games, some of them are outlined below.

"Didactic games are a type of training sessions organized in the form of educational games that implement a number of principles of gaming, active learning and are distinguished by the presence of rules, a fixed structure of game activity and an assessment system, one of the methods of active learning."

Didactic game is a modern and recognized method of education and upbringing, which has educational, developing and upbringing functions that operate in organic unity.

Didactic games can be widely used as a means of training, education and development. The main educational influence belongs to the didactic material, game actions, which, as it were, automatically lead the educational process, directing the activity of children in a certain direction.

Systems of didactic games were first developed for preschool education by F. Frebel, M. Montessori, for elementary education -

O. Decroly.

In domestic pedagogical practice in the 40-50s. didactic games were considered mainly as a form of work in preschool education, in elementary school they were assigned the role of a means of relaxation from serious studies. In the 1960s and 70s. the experience of using the game as a means of activating the educational process was accumulated not only in primary, but also in the middle classes. Since the 70-80s. introduction of training with

6 years of age stimulated the use of didactic games in the educational process. Since the 80s business games have become widespread. Increasing the flexibility of learning, expanding the freedom of action of the teacher, as well as the expressiveness, possibilities and high educational potential of the game encourage teachers to use it at all levels of school and post-school education and in extracurricular activities.

The study of modern pedagogical literature about the game allows us to formulate the following requirements that the educator, teacher must take into account when organizing didactic games in the classroom and during after hours :

Free and voluntary inclusion of children in the game: not the imposition of the game, but the involvement of children in it.

Children should understand well the meaning and content of the game, its rules, the idea of ​​each game role.

The meaning of game actions should coincide with the meaning and content of behavior in real situations so that the main meaning of game actions is transferred to real life activity.

The game should be guided by the norms of morality accepted in society, based on humanism, universal values.

The game should not humiliate the dignity of its participants, including the losers.

The game should positively influence the development of the emotional-volitional, intellectual and rational-physical spheres of its participants.

The game must be organized and directed, if necessary, restrained, but not suppressed, provide each participant with the opportunity to take the initiative.

In adolescence and especially in high school, it is necessary to encourage students to analyze the game played, to compare imitation with the corresponding area. real world, to assist in establishing a connection between the content of the game and the content of practical life or with the content of the training course.

Games should not be overly educational and overly didactic: their content should not be intrusively didactic and should not contain too much information.

Children should not be overly involved gambling, in games for money and things, in dangerous for health and life, in weed games.

How younger child, the more educational and developmental significance games have in his life. With age, games are replaced by more serious activities and work. However, even here the game does not completely disappear: business is time, fun is an hour, but even this hour often means a lot, and should not be neglected.

The most important task of the modern school, firstly, is to combine the formation of the individuality and personality of the child; secondly, to directly contribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage of the nation, its revival and further development; thirdly, to form today's criteria for the culture of communication among students by means of folk pedagogy.

1.2. Types of didactic games

Didactic games differ in their educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the educator. The listed signs are inherent in all games, but in some, some are more distinct, in others - others.

It is promising to use didactic games based on imitation or modeling of real or hypothetically life situations (for example, games that simulate the activities of social institutions in social science courses; role-playing conferences and discussions on environmental topics, complex interdisciplinary games). These didactic games are characterized not only by cognitive, but also by significant ideological and emotional-personal impact.

Simulation-modeling didactic games, as a rule, require time and organizational efforts for their implementation and subsequent discussion. The teacher usually precedes such a game by modeling its course, specifying possible difficulties etc. Presenting didactic games in the classroom, the teacher avoids detailed reading of instructions and rules, combining it with trial playback of individual moments of the game. The distribution of roles can occur both at the initiative of the teacher and at the choice of students. Necessary certain time on the development of roles, in some cases it is advisable to “enter” the role. In didactic terms, it is especially important to discuss the course and results of the game with the active participation of the students themselves.

Computer didactic games are becoming a means of developing the basics of computer literacy in children, familiarizing themselves with programming languages, and developing computer skills (see Computerization of Education). Computer games are used as a didactic tool in teaching in a wide variety of subject areas (in mathematics, natural sciences, native and foreign languages, etc.).

business games based on reproduction, imitation or modeling of productions, situations, aimed at gaining experience in effectively solving real prof. tasks. This kind of didactic is used in higher education, industrial training, advanced training systems for workers in production and the management apparatus of enterprises and institutions, where training is aimed primarily at the formation and development of specific skills to act in clearly defined real conditions (quickly analyze the situation, search for the necessary information, solve unexpected problems, outline options for action, make decisions in changing conditions, etc.). The features of business games include: educational material and reconstruction of the structure and functional links of professional activity through the educational-game model of the production situation. Thanks to these features, business games provide great opportunities for their application in the context of real activities.

In the domestic practice of vocational training and advanced training, organizational and activity games aimed at reflecting the foundations of prof. activities (scientific, organizational, educational, etc.), revision of the old and development of new industries, guidelines. These games are exploratory in nature, their pedagogical effect is associated with the motivation of participants to personal self-determination in relation to the professional situation, the professional activity itself, the intellectual means of its organization, interaction with others (especially in the presence of opposition, conflict).

According to the nature of cognitive activity, didactic games can be classified into the following groups:

1) Games that require children executive activity. With the help of these games, children perform actions according to the model, for example, make a pattern according to the model, etc.

2) Games during which children perform reproductive activity. This group includes a large number of games aimed at developing computational skills, for example, the game “Determine the course of the aircraft”.

3) Games in which it is programmed controlling activity students, such as the game "Controllers".

4) Games with which children exercise transformative activity, for example the game “Defector Numbers”.

5) Games that include elements search activity. So, in the game “Guess” the children themselves form the rule according to the drawing, diagram and key words.

IN different collections many (about 500) didactic games are indicated, but there is still no clear classification, grouping of games by type. Most often, games are correlated with the content of education and upbringing: sensory education games, word games, games to get acquainted with nature, to form mathematical representations, etc. Sometimes games are correlated with the material: games with folk didactic toys, board games. Such a grouping of games emphasizes their focus on learning, cognitive activity of children, but does not sufficiently reveal the foundations of didactic play - the features of children's play activities, game tasks, game actions and rules, organization of children's lives, guidance of the educator.

Also, didactic games differ in cognitive activity children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, according to the role of the teacher.

A.I. Sorokina developed a different classification of didactic games:

Travel games.

Order games.

Assumption games ("What would be ..?").

Puzzle games.

Games-conversations (games-dialogs).

Travel games are similar to a fairy tale, its development, miracles. The game-journey reflects real facts or events, but reveals the ordinary through the unusual, the simple through the mysterious, the difficult through the surmountable, the necessary through the interesting. All this happens in the game, in game actions, becomes close to the child, pleases him. The purpose of the travel game is to enhance the impression, to give the cognitive content a slightly fabulous unusualness, to draw the attention of children to what is nearby, but not noticed by them. Traveling games sharpen attention, observation, comprehension of game tasks, facilitate overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

The didactic game contains a complex of various activities of children: thoughts, feelings, experiences, empathy, the search for active ways to solve the game problem, their subordination to the conditions and circumstances of the game, the relationship of children in the game.

Travel games are always somewhat romantic. This is what causes interest and active participation in the development of the plot of the game, the enrichment of game actions, the desire to master the rules of the game and get a result: solve a problem, learn something, learn something.

The role of the Teacher in the game is complex, it requires knowledge, readiness to answer the questions of children, playing with them, to lead the learning process unnoticed.

In the name of the game, in the formulation of the game task, there should be “calling words” that arouse the interest of children, active gaming activity. The game-journey uses many ways of revealing cognitive content in combination with gaming activities: setting tasks, explaining how to solve it, sometimes developing travel routes, step-by-step solution of tasks, the joy of solving it, meaningful rest. The composition of the game-travel sometimes includes a song, riddles, gifts, and more.

Travel games are sometimes incorrectly identified with excursions. The essential difference between them lies in the fact that the excursion is a form of direct teaching and a variety of classes. The purpose of the excursion is most often to get acquainted with something that requires direct observation, comparison with what is already known. The content of the excursion is planned, has a clear structure of the lesson: purpose, task, explanation, observation or practical work, result.

Sometimes the game-journey is identified with a walk. But the walk most often has recreational purposes, sometimes outdoor games are held during the walk. Cognitive content may be on the walk, but it is not the main, but accompanying.

Mission games have the same structural elements as travel games, but they are simpler in content and shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, verbal instructions. The game task and the game actions in them are based on a proposal to do something: “Collect all red objects (or toys) in a basket”, “Spread the rings according to their size”, “Take out round objects from the bag”.

Assumption games "What would happen ..?" or “What would I do...”, “Who would I like to be and why?”, “Whom would I choose as a friend?” etc. Sometimes a picture can serve as the beginning of such a game.

The didactic content of the game is that the children are given a task and a situation is created that requires an understanding of the subsequent action. The game task is inherent in the very name "What would it be ..?" or "What would I do...". Game actions are determined by the task and require from children an expedient intended action in accordance with or with the conditions set by the created circumstances.

Starting the game, the teacher says: “The game is called“ What would happen ..? I will start, and each of you will continue. Listen: “What would happen if the electricity suddenly went out in the whole city?”.

Children make assumptions, ascertaining or generalized evidence. The first includes the assumptions: “It would be dark”, “It would be impossible to play”, “You cannot read, draw”, etc., which children express based on their experience. More meaningful answers: (“Factories could not work, for example, bake bread”, “Trams, trolleybuses, and people would stop (would be late for work”, etc.).

These games require the ability to correlate knowledge with circumstances, to establish causal relationships. They also contain a competitive element: “Who will figure it out faster?” Older children love such games and consider them "difficult games" that require the ability to "think".

Games like "What would I do if I were a wizard" are games that invite dreams to come true, awaken the imagination. They are played like the previous game. The teacher begins: "If I were a magician, I would make sure that all people were * healthy." . .

Games in which the sprouts of the future are ripening are useful. Their pedagogical value is that children begin to think, learn to listen to each other.

Puzzle games. The emergence of mysteries goes back to the distant past. Riddles were created by the people themselves and reflect the wisdom of the people. Riddles were included in ceremonies, rituals, included in the holidays. They were used to test knowledge, resourcefulness. This is the obvious pedagogical focus and popularity of riddles as smart entertainment.

“The riddle, despite the miniature nature of the genre, has many valuable qualities that are so necessary in educational and upbringing work with children. It is only necessary, turning to the riddle, to be able to see its wise depth and aesthetic appeal.

At present, riddles, guessing and guessing, are considered as a kind of educational game.

The main sign of the riddle is an intricate description that needs to be deciphered (guessed and proved); the description is concise and often takes the form of a question or ends with it. The content of the riddles is the surrounding reality: social and natural phenomena, objects of work and life, flora and fauna. With the development of society, the content and themes of riddles change significantly. They reflect the achievements of science, technology, culture.

The main feature of riddles is a logical task. Construction methods logical tasks are different, but they all activate the mental activity of the child. Older children love puzzle games. The need to compare, recall, think, guess - gives the joy of mental labor. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to reason, draw conclusions, conclusions.

1.3. Features of the organization of didactic games in English lessons in elementary school.

To choose the right didactic games for elementary school students, you need to know the features of their psychological development.

So, the psychological characteristics of elementary school students:

In general, this age is the age of relatively calm and even development, during which the functional improvement of the brain takes place - the development of the analytical-synthetic function of its cortex.

Each age period is characterized by its own type of leading activity, which prepares the child's transition to a new, higher stage of his development. Educational activity at this age becomes the leading one, it determines the development of all the mental functions of a younger student: memory, attention, thinking, perception and imagination. At the same time, children do not lose interest in the game; children continue to play, as a rule, until 9 - 10 years. In this regard, according to A.N. Leontiev, the success of solving the set learning goals is achieved more quickly if a variety of activities intersect with each other. The inclusion of the process of teaching a foreign language in the context of the game, cognitive and learning activities will ensure the dominance of internal, really acting gaming and educational-cognitive motives, which, in unity with broad social motives, will work both to form a positive attitude of younger students to the subject, and to achieve the goals of primary language education. The strengthening of the motivational side of learning a foreign language also occurs due to the mastery of effective methods and techniques of activity by children and the positive emotional impact on children of the educational materials used. As observations show, younger students show great interest in people with a different culture, these childhood impressions persist for a long time and also contribute to the development of internal motivation for learning a foreign language.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, with the beginning of schooling, thinking moves to the center of the child's conscious activity. The development of verbal-logical, reasoning thinking, which occurs in the course of the assimilation of scientific knowledge, restructures all other cognitive processes: "memory at this age becomes thinking, and perception becomes thinking."

In junior school age there is an increase in the desire of children to achieve. Therefore, the main motive for the activity of a child at this age is the motive for achieving success. Sometimes there is another kind of this motive - the motive of avoiding failure.

Certain moral ideals, patterns of behavior are laid in the mind of the child. The child begins to understand their value and necessity. But in order for the formation of the child's personality to be most productive, the attention and assessment of an adult is important. "The emotional and evaluative attitude of an adult to the actions of a child determines the development of his moral feelings, an individual responsible attitude to the rules that he gets acquainted with in life." "The social space of the child has expanded - the child constantly communicates with the teacher and classmates according to the laws of clearly formulated rules."

Thus, primary school age is the most important stage of school childhood.

The main achievements of this age are due to the leading nature of educational activities and are largely decisive for subsequent years of study: by the end of primary school age, the child should want to learn, be able to learn and believe in himself.

Full living of this age, its positive acquisitions are the necessary basis on which the further development of the child is built as an active subject of knowledge and activity. The main task of adults in working with children of primary school age is to create optimal conditions for the disclosure and realization of the capabilities of children, taking into account the individuality of each child.

Didactic games are the most appropriate means for this, as they allow children to approach learning creatively, naturally and in their usual form - games.

Fast, spontaneous play increases attention, enlivens, improves perception. The game allows the teacher to correct students' mistakes quickly, as they go, without allowing them to become deeply ingrained in memory. Students tend to remember better what they enjoyed doing. Therefore, games allow you to remember deeply and for a long time. Games make the learning process, sometimes difficult and tiring, fun, and this increases the motivation to learn.

Pupils are very active during the game, because no one wants a good time to end quickly because of him. Hence, the games make them fight.

Didactic game also acts as a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality. Here are the following opportunities for a didactic game in educating its main qualities:

Mental education. The content of didactic games forms in children right attitude to the phenomena of social life, nature, objects of the surrounding world, systematizes and deepens knowledge about the Motherland, about people of different professions and nationalities, the idea of labor activity. Knowledge about the surrounding life is given to children according to a certain system. So, the acquaintance of children with labor takes place in the following sequence: children are first introduced to the content of a certain type of labor (builders, grain growers, vegetable growers, etc.), then - with machines that help people in their work, facilitate labor, with the stages of production in creating the necessary objects, products (building a house, growing bread), after which they reveal the meaning to the children.

With the help of didactic games, children learn to think independently, use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.

Many didactic games challenge children to rationally use existing knowledge in mental operations: to find characteristics in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, compare, group, classify objects according to certain characteristics, make correct conclusions, generalizations. The activity of children's thinking is the main prerequisite for a conscious attitude to the acquisition of solid, deep knowledge, the establishment of reasonable relations in the team.

Didactic games develop children's speech: the dictionary is replenished and activated, the correct pronunciation of sounds is formed, coherent speech develops, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts. The didactic tasks of many games are designed in such a way as to teach children to compose simple stories on their own.

In the process of many games, the development of thinking and speech is carried out inextricably linked. When children communicate in the game, solving controversial issues, speech is activated. In the ode of the game, the ability to argue one's statements and arguments develops.

Moral education. Preschoolers develop moral ideas about caring attitude to the objects around them, toys as products of adult labor, about norms of behavior, about relationships with peers and adults, about positive and negative qualities personality.

A special role in the education of the moral qualities of the child's personality belongs to the content and rules of the game.

In working with young children, the main content of didactic games is the assimilation by children of cultural and hygienic skills, a culture of behavior. These are well-known practiced games: “Let's put the doll to sleep”, “Breakfast of the doll”, “Masha's (doll) birthday”, “Let's dress the doll for a walk”, etc. The self-name of the games focuses on the fact that children, while playing, learn cultural hygiene skills, behavioral norms, so that they develop positive gaming relationships. By observing the behavior of children in games, we can discover the child through his actions.

Labor education. Many didactic games form in children respect for the working person, arouse interest in the work of adults, the desire to work themselves. During the game, children learn about what machines help people in building a house. So children awaken interest in people of these professions, there is a desire to play building houses, bridges, railway and etc.

Schoolchildren acquire some labor skills in the preparation of material for didactic games. If the guys themselves prepare the attributes for the game, then they treat them more carefully. So, along with ready-made (factory-made) games, materials useful for work can be used together with children. In addition, it is a good means of cultivating initial industriousness, careful attitude to the products of labor.

aesthetic education. Didactic material must meet hygienic and aesthetic requirements: toys must be painted with bright colors, artistically designed, placed in boxes and folders that are convenient for storage. Bright, beautiful didactic toys attract the attention of children, make them want to play with them. All material for didactic games is stored in a group in a certain place accessible to children for its use.

Physical education. The game creates a positive emotional upsurge, causes good health and at the same time requires a certain tension of the nervous system. The physical activity of children during the game develops the brain of the child. Particularly important are games with didactic toys, during which the small muscles of the hands develop and strengthen, which also has a positive effect on the mental development of children, on preparing the child’s hand for writing, for fine arts, i.e. future schooling.

Unlike other activities, play contains a goal in itself; the child does not set or solve extraneous and separate tasks in play. The game is often defined as an activity that is performed for its own sake, does not pursue extraneous goals and objectives. It should be borne in mind that as the games develop, at a certain stage, the goal appears. Play actions become expedient: when starting to build a "tunnel" in the "mountains" or to treat a "sick" child, he knows what and how he will do and what will happen as a result of the game. In the same way, when starting a game of volleyball, football, children set the goal - to win. But both in the first and in the second case, the goal does not go beyond the framework of the game, is contained in it itself, and no extraneous tasks are set or solved in it.

However, if for the pupil the goal is in the game itself, then for the teacher organizing the game there is another goal - the development of children, the assimilation of certain knowledge by them, the formation of skills, the development of certain personality traits. This, by the way, is one of the main contradictions of the game as a means of education: on the one hand, the absence of a goal in the game, and on the other hand, the game is a means of purposeful personality formation.

This is most evident in the so-called didactic games. The nature of the resolution of this contradiction determines the educational value of the game: if the achievement of the didactic goal is carried out in the game as an activity that contains the goal in itself, then its educational value will be the most significant. If the didactic task is solved in game actions, the purpose of which for their participants is this didactic task, then the educational value of the game will be minimal.

Within the framework of didactic games, learning goals are achieved through solving game problems. When conducting a game, the teacher acts simultaneously as the organizer of two interconnected, but significantly different types of students' activities - playful and educational-cognitive, seeks not only to achieve a didactic goal, but also to maintain and develop the enthusiasm, interest, and independence of children. For example, when conducting didactic games of a competitive nature, he pays attention to the correctness and accuracy of the answers (actions) of students, the adequacy of their decisions, etc. agility, compliance with the rules, team cohesion, mutual assistance, etc.

All games that are used for didactic purposes can be divided into two types depending on the main content of game actions. In one case, the content of the game is based on didactic material, the actions with which are clothed in a game form. For example, children, divided into teams, compete in counting speed or finding errors in words, remembering dates historical events and so on. They perform the usual learning activities - counting, correcting mistakes, remembering dates - but they perform these activities in the game.

In another case, didactic material is introduced as an element in the game activity, which is both in form and in content the main one. So, in a dramatization game with a fairy tale plot, where everyone plays a role determined by the content of the fairy tale, didactic material can be introduced: some knowledge of geography, biology, history, mathematics or other subjects. Children play the roles of Pinocchio, Dunno, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba Yaga and practice counting, find out the location of the parts of the world or get information about the structure of plants.

It is clear that in the second case the didactic "load" is much less than in the first. But this is justified by the fact that it is not the assimilation of didactic material that comes to the fore, but educational tasks, the use of knowledge in various situations or a preliminary acquaintance with new knowledge. Such games are used more often in extracurricular time and in the classroom. primary school for rest from intense intellectual work.

In the primary grades, the very setting of a learning task for children can be carried out using game moments. So, the teacher can turn to the children on behalf of Pinocchio and Dunno with a request to remember the letters and what sounds these letters represent, etc.

For the practice of preschool education, the developmental impact of didactic games is especially important: the development of the motor apparatus, psychomotor skills, behavior skills in accordance with the rules, the identification mechanism, empathy, the ability to imagine oneself in someone else's role, the formation of skills to plan, evaluate upcoming actions, navigate situations, develop collaboration skills (especially in team games), a number of personal qualities (patience, perseverance, self-control) that make the game a school of arbitrary behavior. Therefore, it is important to purposefully teach children the very procedure of the game, explain its content, rules, methods of action, accustom children to self-control and mutual control during the game. Didactic games occupy an important place in familiarizing preschoolers with the outside world, expanding and enriching their ideas.

In teaching young children, as a rule, games are used with a predetermined course of game actions and a clearly defined "teaching" beginning associated with the transfer and application of knowledge, exercises, and mental development of children. In elementary school, didactic games take the form of game techniques in teaching, game moments of the lesson, associated with the appeal of teachers to the out-of-school game experience of children. The use of such techniques is primarily stimulating value. Dividing the class into teams and performing learning tasks in the spirit of competition, changing the type of activity in the form of a game transition, etc. activate learning, enliven perception, contribute to a stronger memorization of educational material, help the teacher alternate hard work with easy play breaks, change the pace of activity , to prevent overwork of children. In the primary grades, a significant place belongs to games in the lessons of the native language, which serve to develop speech, the formation of skills for fluent conscious expression, reading, and familiarity with spelling. Games are also used in the lessons of fine arts, natural history, and mathematics.

In didactic games, the child observes, compares, contrasts, classifies objects according to certain characteristics, makes analysis and synthesis available to him, and makes generalizations.

Didactic games provide an opportunity to develop in children the arbitrariness of such mental processes as attention and memory. Game tasks develop in children ingenuity, resourcefulness, ingenuity. Many of them require the ability to build a statement, judgment, conclusion; require not only mental, but also strong-willed efforts - organization, endurance, the ability to follow the rules of the game, to subordinate their interests to the interests of the team.

Artistically designed toys, drawings, demonstration and handouts for games fulfill the task of artistic education.

However, not every game has a significant educational and educational value, but only one that acquires the character of cognitive activity. A didactic game of an educational nature brings the new, cognitive activity of the child closer to the one already familiar to him, facilitating the transition from play to serious mental work.

A didactic game is a complex phenomenon, but a structure is clearly revealed in it, i.e. the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time One of the main elements of the game is a didactic task, which is determined by the purpose of teaching and educational influence. The presence of a didactic task or several tasks emphasizes the educational nature of the game, the focus of the educational content on the processes of cognitive activity of children. The didactic task is determined by the teacher and reflects his teaching activity.

The structural element of the game is the game task carried out by children in the game activity. Two tasks - didactic and game - reflect the relationship between learning and play. In contrast to the direct statement of the didactic task in the classroom in the didactic game, it is carried out through game task, determines the game actions, becomes the task of the child himself, excites the desire and need to solve it, activates the game actions.

One of the components of the didactic game are the rules of the game. Their content and orientation are determined by the general tasks of shaping the personality of the child and the group of children, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions in their development and enrichment. In a didactic game, the rules are given. Using the rules, the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity, the behavior of children.

The rules of the game are educational, organizational, formative in nature, and most often they are combined in various ways. Teaching rules help to reveal to children what and how to do, they correlate with game actions, reveal the way they act. The rules organize the cognitive activity of children: consider something, think, compare, find a way to solve the problem set by the game.

Organizing rules determine the order, sequence of game actions and relationships of children. Playing relationships and real relationships between children are formed in the game. Relationships in the game are determined by role-playing relationships.

The rules of the game should be aimed at cultivating positive game relationships and real ones in their interconnection.

The use of games in education is characterized by the general structure of the educational process, which includes four stages:

Orientation: the teacher introduces the topic, gives a description of the game, a general overview of its course and rules.

Preparation for the conduct: familiarization with the scenario, distribution of roles, preparation for their execution, provision of game management procedures.

Conducting the game: the teacher monitors the progress of the game, controls the sequence of actions, provides the necessary assistance, records the results.

Discussion of the game: a description of the performance of actions, their perception by the participants is given, the positive and negative aspects of the course of the game, the difficulties that have arisen are analyzed, possible ways to improve the game, including changing its rules, are discussed.

A didactic game is an effective form of conducting lessons in elementary school, since the knowledge that is acquired with interest is the most durable. Children are involved in the game and do not pay attention to the fact that in its process they have to solve serious tasks. The atmosphere of such a lesson allows the student to show their abilities to a greater extent than in a standard lesson. The inclusion of didactic games and game moments in the lesson makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful mood in children. working mood facilitates overcoming difficulties in mastering the educational material.

2. Didactic games in English lessons.

2.1. Rules for organizing didactic games in foreign language lessons.

At school, a special place is occupied by such forms of classes that ensure the active participation in the lesson of each student, increase the authority of knowledge and individual responsibility of students for the results of educational work. These tasks can be successfully solved through the technology of game forms of learning. The game is of great importance in the life of a child, it has the same meaning as an adult's activity, work, service. The game only looks carefree and easy on the outside. But in fact, she imperiously demands that the player give her the maximum of his energy, intelligence, endurance, independence.

The game is feasible even for weak students. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of the feasibility of tasks - all this enables the children to overcome shyness that prevents them from freely using the words of a foreign language in speech, and has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes. The linguistic material is imperceptibly assimilated, and along with this, a feeling of satisfaction arises - "it turns out that I can already speak on an equal footing with everyone."

Thus, the game can be considered as a situational-variative exercise, where an opportunity is created for repeated repetition of a speech sample in conditions as close as possible to real speech communication with its inherent features - emotionality, spontaneity, purposefulness of speech influence.

Since gaming activities are used within the framework of the curriculum, one must be able to correctly include games in the educational process in general and in a specific lesson in particular.

The place of the game in the lesson and the time allotted to the game depend on a number of factors: the preparation of students, the material being studied, the specific goals and conditions of the lesson, etc. For example, if the game is used as a training exercise during the initial consolidation of the material, then 15-20 minutes of the lesson can be given to it. In the future, the same game can be played for 3-5 minutes and serve as a kind of repetition of the material already covered, as well as relaxation in the lesson.

When using the game method of teaching, the task of the teacher is, first of all, to organize the cognitive activity of students, during which their abilities, especially creative ones, would develop. Games can be grammatical, lexical, phonetic, spelling.

The same game can be used at different stages of the lesson. But it all depends on the specific working conditions of the teacher, his temperament and creative abilities. It should be noted here that for all the attractiveness and effectiveness of the game method, a sense of proportion is necessary, otherwise the games will tire the students and lose the freshness of the emotional impact.

The success of using games depends on the atmosphere of the necessary verbal communication that the teacher creates in the classroom. It is important that students get used to such communication, get carried away and become participants in this process together with the teacher. The trust and ease of communication between the teacher and the students, arising from the general game atmosphere, disposes the students to serious conversations, discussion of any real situations, since a foreign language lesson is not only a game. Experience shows that the use of the game teaching method contributes to the development cognitive activity students in language learning. The game carries a considerable moral principle, because it makes work (mastery of a foreign language) joyful, creative and collective. After all, the purpose of the game teaching method is to promote the development of speech skills and abilities. The ability to show independence in solving speech-thinking tasks, quick reaction in communication, maximum mobilization of speech skills - the characteristic qualities of speech skills - can be manifested during the games.

In games, schoolchildren master such elements of communication as the ability to start a conversation, support it, interrupt the interlocutor, agree with his opinion or refute it at the right time, the ability to purposefully listen to the interlocutor, ask clarifying questions, etc.

Before introducing this method of work into the educational process, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. We must not forget that younger students do not have the skills of not only foreign language, but also Russian-language communication in the classroom. Therefore, in order to organize communication within the framework of the game, it is necessary to form these skills in the real conditions of the educational process.

To do this, you can use the following training exercises that will help children learn to interact with each other at first:

1. exercises for training students in the ability to respond to the proposed statements. They are designed to develop the ability to use clichéd phrases equivalent to Russian “Yes”, “No”, “Is it?”, “How interesting!” etc.;

2. It is impossible to overestimate the value of the traditional beginning of the dialogue. A well-executed, fluently and expressively presented beginning of a dialogue, passing from one dialogue to another, increases the speaker's confidence in their abilities and sets them up for fluent and emotional speech from the very beginning. It contributes to the effective "connection" of the next topic to the amount of knowledge and skills already acquired by schoolchildren;

3. exercises for training schoolchildren in compiling microdialogues in pairs, within the framework of the proposed situation.

From understanding the meaning of didactic games, the following requirements for them follow:

Each didactic game should give exercises that are useful for the mental development of children and their upbringing.

In the didactic game, it is necessary to have exciting task, the solution of which requires mental effort, overcoming some difficulties.

Didacticism in the game should be combined with amusement, joke, humor. Passion for the game mobilizes mental activity, facilitates the task.

An important requirement when conducting various kinds of games is the use of all kinds of visualization.

In addition, the teacher should always remember such elementary requirements as the appropriateness of the game for the age of the children and the topic being studied; it is impossible to allow such a moment when not all students are involved in the game. You also need to make sure that the instructions are clear and understood by everyone and that the students are ready for the implementation of the game activity.

Also, do not forget that when discussing the game, evaluating the participation of schoolchildren in it, the teacher should show tact, especially when evaluating the results of the game. A negative assessment of the activities of its participants will inevitably lead to a decrease in activity. It is advisable to start discussing the results of the game with good moments and only then move on to disadvantages.

The educational and developing value of learning in a playful way lies in its content and focus on solving the problems set by the teacher. The game is an excellent way to spur students on, get them to work actively in the lesson. After a hard oral exercise or other tiring activity fun game is the perfect opportunity to unwind.

Games help to relieve stiffness, especially if the element of competition is excluded from them or reduced to a minimum. A shy and weak student will feel more confident and will participate more actively in the game if the goal of the game is just to have fun, and not to count points and win. Although the element of competition often adds excitement and activity, it creates a lot of psychological pressure on students, they are afraid of failing the task, which puts shy and lagging behind out of the game.

No matter how dynamic the teacher is, there are always moments when the attention of the students wanders. Fast, spontaneous play increases attention, enlivens, improves perception.

The game allows the teacher to correct students' mistakes quickly, along the way, without allowing them to be deeply entrenched in memory.

Students tend to remember better what they enjoyed doing. Therefore, games allow you to remember deeply and for a long time.

2.2. The system of didactic games for practicing vocabulary.

When studying vocabulary, the formation of communicative competence takes place directly. Since elementary school is the first link in common system school education, its task is to lay the foundations of communicative competence, allowing for foreign language communication and interaction of children, including with native speakers, at an elementary level, taking into account the real needs and interests of children of this age.

The formation of communicative competence is a pragmatic or practical aspect of goal setting, which includes the following set of knowledge, skills and abilities:

Knowledge of linguistic means of communication - phonetic, lexical, grammatical, and the rules for operating them, that is, the rules by which these language units are converted into meaningful statements - the so-called linguistic component of communicative competence;

The ability to use linguistic means in accordance with the goals, place, time and areas of communication, as well as in accordance with the social status of a communication partner - the so-called sociolinguistic component of communicative competence;

The ability to understand statements in meaningful semantic blocks and convey information in coherent reasoned statements;

Knowledge of the sociocultural specifics of the country of the language being studied and the ability to build one's speech and non-speech behavior in accordance with this specificity - the so-called linguistic sociocultural communicative competence;

The ability to analyze and evaluate situations of communication and, in accordance with this, build one's speech behavior, exercise control over one's speech actions and the actions of one's communication partners, and also use one's own speech experience to compensate for existing gaps in knowledge of a foreign language - the so-called compensatory, or strategic , a component of communicative competence.

The work on the formation of lexical skills is carried out, as a rule, with the help of situationally determined exercises and is of interest to the children.

Learning the lexical side of speech occurs in conjunction with learning grammar. Lexical units at the initial stage of learning come mainly through the teacher's speech, more often in speech samples, which immediately give the child an idea of ​​how and where a given word or phrase can be used, that is, an idea of ​​the connotation and collocation of a word. However, during the educational process, children begin to learn new vocabulary from texts for reading.

The teacher reveals the meaning of a new word by showing a picture, an object, or by performing an action. In some cases, a direct translation into the native language is used to semantize a word. It is necessary to form in children the correct sound, motor image of the word. To this end, students must repeatedly pronounce the word in isolation, in phrases and as part of a phrase in the course of performing training communicatively colored exercises.

Most of the vocabulary at this stage is acquired bilaterally: for listening comprehension and use in one's own statements.

According to the above provisions, I have developed a system of didactic games for practicing vocabulary. As a basis, I took the UMK Spotlight for grade 4. Lexical topic- "Animals" (animals).

The initial stage of the lesson on the topic "Animals": Purpose: the introduction of lexical material on the topic.

1) Crossword game on the topic "Animals". Description: game in the form of a field from a grid of 14 by 14 cells, each of which contains a letter of the alphabet. Among the letters are encrypted words on this topic. Before the start of the game, students, together with the teacher, read and translate words from the active dictionary. The task of students is to independently find these words among the letters, based on the list at the bottom of the page (Appendix 1). Purpose: to familiarize students with vocabulary on the topic "Animals", memorizing the graphic image of the word. Students play individually or in pairs this case adds excitement to the game.

2) Game-discharge (warming-up activity). Description: The teacher stands in an empty seat and says: "I like a cat but I don't like a rat." At the same time, he points with his hand to the right, saying "like" and to the left, saying "don't like". The task of the students is to join the teacher on the right and left, offering their own version. For example: I don't like a rat either, but I like a dog. This game is suitable for any topic. For clarity and to facilitate the task, you can use cards with images of animals. Purpose: introduction of new vocabulary, pronunciation of new words in typical situations, emotional and physical relaxation.

3) Game-exercise "Insert the letter." Description: the teacher writes words from the active dictionary on the board, skips one or more letters. The task of the students is to fill in the missing letters, pronounce and translate the word. Students perform the task "in a chain" (Appendix 2). Purpose: repetition of the graphic image of the word.

You can also use the gallows game, in which the first and last letters of the word are given, and the missing letters are indicated by dashes. Students must guess what the word is hidden behind the gaps (Appendix 3).

The main stage of the lesson on the topic "Animals". Purpose: to develop the skill of using new vocabulary under the supervision of a teacher.

1) The game "Competition". Description: students play in pairs: at the first stage they write the maximum number of words on the topic, at the second stage they compare the number of written words with other pairs. Purpose: consolidation of lexical material.

2) The game is a crossword puzzle. Description: students are divided into two groups - A and B. The teacher offers the groups forms with a crossword puzzle on the topic, which is only half filled. The words of groups A and B do not coincide, but are a continuation of the crossword puzzle.

The task of the students is to complete the crossword puzzle with new words to the end, while explaining to the other team the meanings of the missing words (Appendix 4). Purpose: the use of new vocabulary in speech under the supervision of a teacher.

3) The game "Tic-tac-toe". Description: The teacher draws a tic-tac-toe grid and fills it in with the vocabulary he wants to discuss. The task of students is to choose a cell and explain the concept (word). If the players did everything right, they get the right to put a cross / zero and continue the game. Students play in teams or in pairs (Appendix 5). Purpose: the use of new vocabulary in speech under the supervision of a teacher.

The final stage of the lesson. Purpose: repetition and consolidation of the passed lexical material.

1) Game-exercise "Make a word." Description: the teacher tells the students a word in Russian, they translate it into English and underline the letter that the teacher points to, and then a new word is obtained from the underlined letters, which is usually well remembered. (Appendix 6) Purpose: checking the assimilation of the passed vocabulary and familiarization with a new word. Reflection: it is best to use this type of work when moving from one topic to another, because such a knowledge test is much more interesting and effective than an ordinary dictation or test.

2) Game-exercise "Guess the word". Description: Students are divided into teams. The teacher reads out the description of the word, the task of the students is to guess what the word goes speech and pronounce it correctly (Appendix 7). Purpose: repetition of lexical units, familiarization with their synonyms. Reflection: this exercise is extremely necessary when learning new vocabulary, because it makes it possible to understand the meanings of words, their synonyms.

Game methods were selected in accordance with the stages of learning the vocabulary of a foreign language, at each of which certain game methods can be applied.


The value of the didactic game as an educational tool lies in the fact that by influencing the team of playing children, the teacher through the team has an impact on each of them. Organizing the life of students in the game, the teacher forms not only game relationships, but also real ones, fixing good habits into the norms of behavior of students in different conditions and outside the game - thus, with the right guidance of students, the didactic game becomes a school of education.

Game methods are among the most effective methods teaching a foreign language, since their psychological and pedagogical basis is gaming activity, which makes a great contribution to the mental development of the individual. The game activates thought processes, and increases the motivation to learn a foreign language.

Learning the vocabulary of a foreign language is a process that covers several stages. The first step is to introduce a new word. At the next stage, students train in creating lexical speech connections in the same type of speech situations. The result of the training is the ability of students to create dynamic lexical speech connections, that is, to freely use new words in communication.

Game forms and techniques are very diverse and can be used at every stage of working with vocabulary. At the first stages, it is appropriate to use typical game exercises that will make the process of memorizing words an interesting activity. Game methods allow you to create very real situations of communication between game participants. Therefore, games are especially relevant for final stages work with new vocabulary, on which words are used in speech in specific game situations.

Didactic games are often very simple in their organization and do not require special equipment. Didactic games can be used in every foreign language lesson, the main thing is that they correspond to the goals and objectives of learning. The application contains game exercises that update the knowledge of vocabulary on the topic, as they are an interesting and uncomplicated content of the lesson.

Annex 1

Annex 2

Ele--ant, g--se, b-mbl-b-e, h-re, b-ar, hor-e, m-use, fis-, g--t, fo-.

Annex 3

E - - - - - - T (Elephant) B - - - - - - - E (bumblebee)

Appendix 4

    duck 6) bumblebee

    elephant 7) sheep

    goose 8) turtle

    horse 9) mouse

    fish 10) hare

Annex 5

Appendix 6


GOO S E hamster

Appendix 7

    It lives in water, it is wet and cold,

    It is very big with large ears and long nose.

    It is small, gray and cats like it.

    It is a bird with a long neck, it is white with a red nose.

    It is brown, big, it likes honey and lives in the forest.

    It is very fast and it likes carrot, it is white in winter and gray in summer.

    It flies and it makes honey, it has yellow and black stripes.


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Internet resources:


Innovative pedagogical experience teacher Eroshkina Vera Andreevna

on the topic "Didactic games as a means of teaching and educating children"

A didactic game is a means of education and upbringing that affects the emotional intellectual sphere of children, stimulating their activity, during which independence of decision-making is formed, acquired knowledge is assimilated and consolidated, skills and abilities are developed, and socially significant personality traits are also formed.

This topic interested me, and the purpose of this study is to study and analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature. It is the didactic game that is necessary and most effective method education and upbringing of children, in particular and the formation of their cognitive interests. The didactic game makes it possible to solve various pedagogical tasks in a playful way, the most accessible for preschoolers. The value of didactic games lies in the fact that they are created for educational purposes. Thanks to their use, it is possible to achieve more solid and conscious knowledge, skills and abilities. Didactic game awakens children's imagination, creates high spirits.

Conceptual basis of work on the use of didactic games as a means of teaching children in preschool period, there are a number of reasons:

1. Playing activity as a leading activity in preschool childhood has not yet lost its significance;

2. Assimilation of educational activities, the inclusion of children in it is slow (many children do not know what "learning" means at all);

3. Available age features children associated with insufficient stability and arbitrariness of attention, mainly involuntary development of memory, the predominance of visual-observation different type thinking. Didactic game just contributes to the development of mental processes in children.

4. Insufficiently formed cognitive motivation. Didactic game in many ways contributes to overcoming difficulties.

Among the variety of games for preschoolers, a special place belongs to didactic games. Didactic games are a kind of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy in order to educate and educate children. These games are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they show the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities.

Theoretical base:

The famous teacher A.S. Makarenko wrote: “The game has importance in the life of a child has the same meaning as that of an adult activity - work, service. What a child is in play, he will be such a thief in work ... ”When playing, the child learns, and, conversely, in the process of learning, the child must play.

In the kindergarten, led by E. I. Tikheeva, two types of games existed and were used:

1) free games stimulated by the environment, including the pedagogical one;

2) games organized by the teacher, games with rules.

Children played both individually and collectively. IN collective games children developed a sense of social dependence, the ability to take into account not only own interests, but also the interests of others, "to sacrifice personal gain for the common good." E.I.Tikheeva recommended the development of all types of educational games.

Special merit belongs to E.I. Tikheeva in revealing the role of the didactic game. She rightly believed that the didactic game makes it possible to develop the most diverse abilities of the child, his perception, speech, attention. She determined the special role of the educator in the didactic game: he introduces the children to the game, introduces its content and rules. E.I.Tikheeva developed many didactic games that are still used in kindergartens.

This analysis allowed me to state that in pedagogical literature The possibilities of didactic games as a learning tool that can help a child acquire knowledge and master the methods of cognitive activity are most fully represented.

Pedagogical idea:

I consider the significance of didactic games to be extremely great also because in the process of game activity, along with the mental, physical, aesthetic, moral, labor education. Performing a variety of movements, actions with toys and objects, the child develops the small muscles of the hand. Mastering colors, their shades, the shape of objects, manipulating toys and other play equipment By acquiring a certain sensory experience, children begin to understand the beauty of the world around them. By following the rules of the game, the children learn to control their behavior, as a result of which will, discipline, the ability to act together, come to each other's aid, rejoice at their own successes and the successes of their comrades, the ability to correct their behavior and the behavior of all preschoolers. This task is solved in games that level the nature of children's self-esteem, games aimed at children learning about each other (descriptions, riddles, wishes, fantasies), introducing children to ways of socially useful self-assertion (staging, riddles).

Optimality and efficiency:

Didactic games have a peculiar structure, which highlights such structural elements as didactic (teaching, game) task (goal of the game), game rules, game actions, conclusion or end of the game.

The main element of the didactic game is the didactic task. It is closely related to the curriculum. All other elements are subordinate to this task and ensure its implementation.

Didactic tasks are varied. This can be familiarization with the environment (nature, flora and fauna, people, their way of life, work, events of social life), the development of speech (fixing the correct sound pronunciation, enriching the vocabulary, developing coherent speech and thinking). Didactic tasks can be associated with the consolidation of elementary mathematical concepts.

The content of didactic games is the surrounding reality (nature, people, their relationships, life, work, events of social life, etc.).

A big role in the didactic game belongs to the rules. They determine what and how each child should do in the game, indicate the way to achieve the goal. Rules help to develop braking abilities in children (especially at a younger preschool age). They teach children the ability to restrain themselves, to control their behavior.

It is very difficult for children of younger preschool age to follow the order. Everyone wants to be the first to take a toy out of the “wonderful bag”, get a card, name an object, etc. But the desire to play and play in a team of children gradually leads them to the ability to slow down this feeling, i.e. obey the rules of the game.

An important role in didactic games belongs to the game action. Game action is a manifestation of children's activity for game purposes: roll colorful balloons, disassemble the turret, assemble the nesting doll, shift the cubes, guess the items according to the description, guess what change has occurred with the items placed on the table, win the competition, play the role of a wolf, buyer, seller, etc.

If we analyze didactic games from the point of view of what occupies and captivates children in them, it turns out that children are primarily interested in playing action. It stimulates children's activity, causes a sense of satisfaction in children. A didactic task veiled in a game form is solved by the child more successfully, since his attention is primarily directed to the deployment of the game action and the implementation of the rules of the game. Unbeknownst to himself, without much tension, while playing, he performs a didactic task.

Didactic games contribute to the formation of mental qualities in children: attention, memory, observation, intelligence. They teach children to apply what they have learned in a variety of ways. game conditions, activate various mental processes and bring emotional joy to children.

The game is indispensable as a means of educating the right relationship between children. In it, the child shows a sensitive attitude towards a comrade, learns to be fair, to yield if necessary, to help in trouble, etc. Therefore, the game is an excellent means of educating collectivism.

The more meaningful the game action and the rules of didactic games, the more active the child is. And this makes it possible for the educator to form the relationship of children: the ability to act in turn in accordance with the rules of the game, to reckon with the wishes of the participants in the game, to help comrades in difficulties.

In didactic games, the child's behavior, his actions, relationships with other children are regulated by rules. In order for the game to really serve educational purposes, children must know the rules well and follow them exactly. The teacher should teach them this. It is especially important to do this from the very early age. Then gradually children learn to act in accordance with the rules and they develop skills and behavior in didactic games. Thus, didactic games - indispensable tool teaching children to overcome various difficulties in their mental and moral activities. These games are fraught with great opportunities and educational impact on preschool children.

According to the content, didactic games are divided into the following types:

Sensory (to consolidate ideas about color, size, shape);

Speech (for familiarization with the word and sentence formation grammatical structure speech, education sound culture speech, vocabulary enrichment);

Mathematical (to consolidate ideas about time, spatial arrangement of the number of objects);

To get acquainted with the environment (with objects and materials with the professions of people, etc.);

Musical (to develop a sense of rhythm);

Depending on the use of didactic material, didactic games are traditionally divided into three groups:

Games with objects and toys, including story didactic games and dramatization games;

Board-printed games, arranged according to the type of split pictures, folding dice, lotto, dominoes;


Object games are games with folk didactic toys, mosaics, spillikins, various natural materials (leaves, seeds). Folk didactic toys include: wooden cones made of monochrome and colorful rings, barrels, balls, nesting dolls, mushrooms, etc. The main game actions with them: stringing, inserting, rolling, picking up a whole from parts, etc. These games develop children's perception of color, size, shape.

Board games are aimed at clarifying ideas about the environment, systematizing knowledge, developing thought processes and operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, etc.).

Board games can be divided into several types:

1. Paired pictures. The task of the game is to match pictures by similarity.

2. Lotto. They are also built on the principle of pairing: identical images on small cards are matched to pictures on a large card. Lotto topics are the most diverse: “Toys”, “Dishes”, “Clothes”, “Plants”, “Wild and Domestic Animals”, etc. Lotto games clarify children's knowledge, enrich the vocabulary.

3. Dominoes. The principle of pairing in this game is implemented through the selection of picture cards at the next move. The theme of dominoes is as diverse as lotto. The game develops intelligence, memory, the ability to anticipate the partner's move, etc.

4. Split pictures and folding cubes, on which the depicted object or plot is divided into several parts. Games are aimed at developing attention, concentration, clarifying ideas, the relationship between the whole and the part.

5. Games like "Labyrinth" are intended for children of senior preschool age. They develop spatial orientation, the ability to foresee the result of an action.

Word games. This group includes a large number of folk

Games: “Paints”, “Silence”, “Black and White”, etc. Games develop attention, quick wit, quick reaction, coherent speech.

Depending on the nature of the game actions, the following types of didactic games are distinguished:

travel games;

Guessing games;

Task games;

Puzzle games;

Conversation games.

The classification of didactic games is based on the cognitive interest of children. In this regard, the following types of games are distinguished:

Intellectual (puzzle games, word games, guessing games, riddle games, rebuses, charades, checkers, chess, logic games);

Emotional (games with a folk toy, entertainment games, story games of educational content, verbal-moving games, conversation games);

Regulatory (games with hiding and searching, desktop-printing, task games, competition games, speech correction games);

Creative (tricks, burime, musical and choral, game-work, theatrical, games of forfeits);

Social (games with objects, role-playing games didactic content, excursion games, travel games)

General structure didactic game contains following components:

Motivational: needs, motives, interests that determine the desire of children to take part in the game;

Indicative: choice of means of gaming activity;

Executive: actions, operations, allowing to realize the set game goal;

Control and evaluation: correction and stimulation of the activity of gaming activity.

The amusement of the conditional world of the game makes the monotonous activity of memorization, repetition, consolidation or assimilation of information positively emotionally colored, and the emotionality of the game action activates all the mental processes and functions of a child of older preschool age. Another positive side didactic game is that it promotes the use of knowledge in a new situation, thus, the material acquired by preschoolers goes through a kind of practice, brings variety and interest to pedagogical process. A properly constructed game enriches the process of thinking, develops self-regulation, strengthens the will of the child. The game leads to his independent discoveries, problem solving.

Forms of work with parents:

It is very important to work with parents. It is necessary that they clearly know that the family is capable of developing comprehensive development the child is already at preschool age. Conditions for comprehensive development must be created already at a young age.

Parents need to strive to stimulate the interests of the child for all-round development, to create all conditions for this. I offered several recommendations on the use of didactic games.

In my work, I use the following forms of work with parents:

1. parent meetings;

2. Evenings of questions and answers;

3. Questioning and testing of parents;

4. Individual consultations;

5. Visual types of work (information stands, folders - shifters, exhibitions of children's works, didactic games, literature).

6. Visits home;

7. Individual work with children at home;

8. Help parents kindergarten.

The results of the work carried out:

results practical activities, based on the diagnosis of children, we can say that my work in this direction indicates that during each school year there are qualitative changes in the level of comprehensive development of children.

Thus, we can conclude that the ongoing systematic work develops the comprehensive development of children, the level of imagination increases, the approach to solving problem situations and the embodiment in their creative activity through unusual ideas deviating from traditional patterns.

Working on a professional self-education program will help me:

Teach children to distinguish primary colors;

Introduce children to the size and shape of objects;

Build skills independent activity;

Increase children's self-esteem, their self-confidence;

Develop Creative skills, curiosity, observation;

Unite the children's team.

The success of the game depends largely on the mood of the teacher. Success is ensured if the game gives pleasure not only to children, but also to an adult. After all didactic game tool not only education, but also education. It is advisable to use game motives, unexpected turns, come up with options yourself - this helps to keep children interested in the game when it is repeated.

"Didactic game as a means of learning"
Primary school teacher: Paklina Irina Ivanovna
Experience: 30 years
Category: SVUK the highest category

Currently, there are a number of ways to increase the interest of students in the development of school disciplines. Very effective, in my opinion, is a didactic game.
The didactic game is inherently a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. It can act as a teaching method because it performs following features:
educational (contributes to the formation of a worldview, theoretical knowledge and practical skills, broadening one's horizons, self-education skills, etc.),
developing (there is a development of thinking, activity, memory, the ability to express one's thoughts, as well as the development of cognitive interest),
educating (education of collectivism, friendly and respectful attitude towards partners and opponents in the game),
motivational (incitement to apply the acquired knowledge, skills, initiative, independence, collective cooperation).
Through didactic games, the teacher has the opportunity to control and diagnose the course and result of the educational process, as well as to introduce into it necessary changes, i.e. the game in this case performs a control-correctional function.
A didactic game can also be a form of learning, since it has its own organizational structure, which is expressed in the form of a coordinated activity of the teacher and students.
A didactic game is also a means of learning, because it is a source of knowledge and skills formation. It allows you to awaken and maintain the cognitive interests of students, improve the visibility of educational material.
The didactic game is applicable to all types of lesson, in addition, the teacher has an unlimited choice in determining the topic of the lesson where the game will be held (however, it is necessary to determine whether it is profitable to spend enough time and effort on preparing a didactic game on a topic that is applied and not playing a big role in the study of the course).
Didactic games can solve different problems. Some games help to form and develop the skills of control and self-control in students. Others are built on material of varying degrees of difficulty, making it possible to implement a differentiated approach to teaching children with different levels of knowledge. In addition, games stimulate weak, shy children, help to remove the language barrier. Game activities increase the interest of children, contribute to the development of cognitive activity.
The effectiveness of didactic games depends, firstly, on their systematic use; secondly, from the purposefulness of the program of games in combination with the usual didactic exercises.
The selection of tasks can be done by the teacher alone or together with the students (for example, they can prepare tasks for the rival team). It should be noted that the selected tasks, practical and creative tasks and exercises should be: entertaining (in form, content, plot, etc.), they should develop logical and creative thinking, ingenuity, ingenuity.
In the game, such a restriction on freedom of activity as moral responsibility for a mistake is practically removed. Thanks to the atmosphere of mutual trust, mutual understanding and cooperation, favorable ground is created for the development of self-awareness, purposeful correction of students' behavior by the teacher, and the formation of their correct orientation in the system of spiritual values. In addition, the spatio-temporal features of the didactic game make it possible to impart a dynamic and rich character to the educational-playing activity, allows you to see the interconnection and interdependence of the actions of all participants in the game, creates the opportunity, when making incorrect, erroneous moves, to repeat them again, but in a corrected form.
The most important thing is that the didactic task in the didactic game is hidden from the student, and his attention is drawn to the performance of game actions. They are not aware of the task of teaching. All this makes the game a special form of learning, thanks to which children most often inadvertently acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. Moreover, the relationship between students and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by the game.
Play is creativity, play is work.
In the process of playing, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, the desire for knowledge. Carried away, students do not notice that they are learning, learning, remembering new things, orienting themselves in unusual situations, replenishing the stock of ideas, concepts, developing imagination. So, for example, when studying topics in the Russian language, you can use crossword puzzles in your work:
A didactic game is not an end in itself in the lesson, but a means of teaching and upbringing. Play should not be confused with fun, should not be seen as an activity that gives pleasure for the sake of pleasure. It is a valuable means of educating the mental activity of children, stimulates mental processes, and arouses in students a keen interest in the process of cognition. In the game, children train their strength, develop abilities and skills. It helps to make any educational material exciting, creates a joyful working mood, and facilitates the process of mastering knowledge.
As children "enter" a new activity for them - educational - the value of didactic games as a way of learning decreases, while game techniques still used by the teacher. They are needed to attract the attention of children, relieve their stress. The most important thing is that the game is organically combined with serious, intense work, so that the game does not distract from learning, but, on the contrary, contributes to the intensification of mental work.
Thus, the didactic game is a game only for the child. For an adult, it is a way of learning. In the didactic game, the assimilation of knowledge acts as by-effect.
The purpose of didactic games is to facilitate the transition to learning.
Didactic games get along very well with “serious” teaching. The inclusion of didactic games and gaming moments in the lesson makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful working mood in children, and facilitates overcoming difficulties in mastering educational material.
IN modern pedagogy didactic game is considered as an effective means of child development, the development of such intellectual mental processes as attention, memory, thinking, imagination.
With the help of a didactic game, children are taught to think independently, to use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task. Many games challenge children to rationally use existing knowledge in mental operations:
find characteristic features in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
compare, group, classify objects according to certain criteria, draw the right conclusions.
The activity of children's thinking is the main prerequisite for a conscious attitude to the acquisition of solid, deep knowledge, the establishment various relationships a team.
Didactic games develop children's sensory abilities. The processes of sensation and perception underlie the child's cognition environment. It also develops the speech of children: the dictionary is filled and activated, the correct sound pronunciation is formed, coherent speech develops, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts.
Some games require children to actively use specific, generic concepts, exercise in finding synonyms, words similar in meaning, etc.
During the game, the development of thinking and speech is decided in continuous connection; when children communicate in the game, speech is activated, the ability to argue their statements and arguments develops.
So, we found out that the developing abilities of the game are great. Through the game, you can develop and improve all aspects of the child's personality. We are interested in games that develop the intellectual side of the game, which contribute to the development of thinking of younger students.
The gradual increase in the difficulty of tasks in games allows the child to move forward and improve independently, i.e. develop their creative abilities, as opposed to
education, where everything is explained and where basically only performing traits are formed in the child.
Considered from the standpoint of educational activity as a complex pedagogical technology, the educational game is a specific way of managing the educational-cognitive activity of a younger student.
The essence of the didactic game as a means of learning lies in its ability to serve the goals of education and upbringing, as well as the fact that it translates these goals into real results. This ability lies in game modeling in conditional situations of the main types of personality activities aimed at recreating and mastering experience, resulting in the accumulation, actualization and transformation of knowledge into skills and abilities, the accumulation of personality experience and its development.
Mathematical games are games in which mathematical constructions, relationships, patterns are modeled. To find an answer (solution), as a rule, a preliminary analysis of the conditions, rules, content of the game or task is necessary. In the course of the solution, the use of mathematical methods and inferences is required.
Variety math games and tasks are logical games, tasks, exercises. They are aimed at training thinking when performing logical operations and actions. In order to develop the thinking of children, they use different kinds simple tasks and exercises. These are tasks for finding a missing figure, continuing a number of figures, for finding numbers that are missing in a number of figures (finding the patterns underlying the choice of this figure, etc.)
Consequently, logical-mathematical games are games in which mathematical relationships are modeled, patterns that involve the performance of logical operations and actions.
L.A. Stolyarov identifies the following structure of a learning game, which includes the main elements characteristic of a genuine didactic game: a didactic task, game actions, rules, and a result.
Didactic tasks
always developed by adults;
they are aimed at the formation of fundamentally new knowledge and the development of logical structures of thinking;
become more difficult at each new stage;
are closely related to game actions and rules;
are presented through a game task and are realized by children.
The rules are strictly fixed, they determine the method, order, sequence of actions according to the rule.
Game actions allow you to implement a didactic task through a game.
Game results completion of a game action or a win.
Logic-mathematical games and exercises use a special structured material that allows you to visualize abstract concepts and relationships between them.
Specially structured material:
geometric shapes(hoops, geometric blocks);
rule schemes (chains of figures);
function schemes (computers);
operation schemes ( Chess board);
So, the pedagogical possibilities of the didactic game are very great. The game develops all aspects of the child's personality, activates the hidden intellectual abilities of children.
In every lesson, except maybe control works there is always a place to play. It turns on, intrigues, mobilizes forces, opens undiscovered reserves:
1. Children perceive the material with great interest and attention. Many topics can be introduced as a game.
2. Competing in a playful way, children quickly remember everything that they cannot remember with ordinary answers, i.e. material is processed.
3. The game unites the class: the ability to insure each other, listen to every opinion is opened.
4. Based on the game, you can identify a child who needs help. There is always an opportunity to tailor the game so that the student who needs the most support excels.
5. During the game, the child is maximally mobilized: he himself scoops out all his available knowledge from himself. For example, when studying a new topic of the game of ingenuity, on
non-standard thinking, logic, when every answer is welcome, and it does not matter that it is wrong.
6. The issue of discipline disappears as if by itself: children are immersed in the game so that they are distracted from everything else. True, if there is an idea of ​​competition, then there may be cries of “support” from their not very “skillful” team members.
7. After the game, children can work monotonously for some time, which is also important. Therefore, having played with the children for attention, you can calmly and quite measuredly conduct a lesson. It is also important that in the game the child loses many school complexes associated with communication, the fear of answering incorrectly, of being alone in his problems and his misunderstanding. The only thing is, as in any business, you need to know the measure, “not to play too much”, i.e. Don't make learning superficial and playful.
Let's give examples.
One of the main topics of grades 3-4 is the study of parts of speech. Students in the study of the noun, adjective, verb, experience difficulties. In order to make it easier for children to remember the material being studied, I try to make the lesson interesting, accessible, understandable, which helps to increase the activity of children, acquire knowledge, and relieve stress. After such lessons, children for a long time remember every word analyzed in the lesson, the sequence of operations performed, rules, methods of checking words. Emotional background The lesson should help children better and deeper learn the content of the material. Exists close connection between knowledge and curiosity. Only educational activity, built with the dominance of elements, forms and rules of gaming activity, with its liveliness, spontaneity and emotionality, contributes to the desire to learn with joy and pleasure.
Exercise games are close to regular exercises. The material for them is not entertaining charades and riddles, but ordinary training exercises, only presented in a special way. Usually children receive tasks that are rather difficult and boring, but necessary to consolidate their knowledge of grammar, to develop strong spelling skills.
And here game form work helps them overcome difficulties.
We offer models of games with a verb that the teacher can fill in necessary material and use it at your discretion during spelling five minutes, when explaining a new topic, consolidating it, in general lessons.
When explaining new material, it is necessary to use such games that contain the essential features of the topic being studied. It should also include the practical actions of children with groups of objects or drawings.
When studying the section “Numbering the numbers of the first ten”, first of all, such games are used, with the help of which children are aware of the methods of formation of each subsequent and previous number. At this stage, you can apply the game “Let's make a train”.
Didactic goal: to acquaint children with the method of forming numbers by adding one to the previous number and subtracting one from the next number.
Content of the game: the teacher calls the students to the board one by one. Each of them plays the role of a car, calls his number. For example, the first called student says: “I am the first car”. The second student, playing the role of the second car, clings to the first car (puts his hand on the shoulder of the student standing in front). He calls his serial number, the rest make up an example: “One and one, it will turn out two.” Then the third car clings, and all the children, on a signal, make up an addition example: “Two and one is three.” Then the wagons (students) unhook one by one, and the class makes up examples of the form: “Three without one is two. Two without one is one.”
Based on the use of the “Make a train” game, students are asked to count the number of cars from left to right and right to left and lead them to the conclusion: you can count the numbers in one direction, but it is important not to miss a single item and not count it twice.
Also, when introducing children to the method of forming numbers, you can use the game “Hive Corner”.
Didactic goal: to familiarize children with the method of forming numbers when
simultaneous consolidation of spatial orientation, the concepts of “more”, “less”.
Teaching tools: study of animals.
Content of the game: the teacher says: “Rabbits live in our living corner: gray and white, rabbits gnaw carrots. How many rabbits eat carrots? (two, the answer is fixed by showing the number 2). What rabbits gnaw on carrots? (gray and white). Another rabbit ran up to them. What changed? (there are more rabbits) How many rabbits eat carrots now? (three, the answer is fixed by showing the number 3) List them (one white and another white, and another grey, three in total). Which rabbits are more white or gray? (white) Why are there more of them? (there are two of them, and two is one and one). Why 2>1? (two comes when counting after the number 1). The formation of subsequent numbers can be considered similarly.
When studying numbering within ten, it is necessary to bring to the understanding of children that the last number named when counting indicates the total number of the entire group of objects. For this purpose, the games “Best counter”, “Claps” should be held. With the help of these games, children establish a correspondence between a number and a figure.
“The best counter” The content of the game: the teacher places from 1 to 10 drawings on a magnetic modeler by sectors, respectively. Opening each sector in turn, the teacher invites the children to count the number of drawings and show the desired number. The one who counts first is called the best counter. Then the teacher shows the numbers in a row, and the students show the corresponding number of drawings in the sectors of the circle. As a result of the game, the teacher opens 2 sectors, offers to compare the number of drawings in them and determine where there are fewer objects and by how many.
“Claps” The content of the game: the teacher places from 1 to 10 drawings in sectors on a magnetic modeler. Opening sector after sector in turn, he offers to count the number of drawings and, at his signal, clap as many times as there are open drawings, and show the desired number. (The teacher sets the rhythm of clapping.)
When studying the numbers of the first ten, it is important to compare each previous number with the next one and vice versa. For this purpose, the games “The best counter”, “I know the number and number” are intended.
The content of the game: the teacher on the magnetic modeler opens sector by sector in turn, the children count the number of digits in each of them and show the teacher the corresponding card with the number, and then compare the number of digits in two adjacent sectors of the magnetic modeler.
Work on the composition of the number begins in the section “Numbering the Numbers of the First Ten”. The composition of numbers from one to five, children during this period should know by heart, the composition of numbers 6-10 can be considered on a visual basis, at the next stage, children get acquainted with the composition of numbers based on addition from memory. At the third stage, children reproduce the composition of numbers based on the identified pattern: numbers in the same places (left and right) in the number row add up last number in this row.
So, in conclusion, we can say that the game is a vital and necessary element in the development of both the individual and society as a whole. By the complexity of the nature of the games, one can judge the life, rights and skills of a given society.
Nothing turns on a child's interest, imagination, like play activity. The didactic game allows not only to actively involve students in learning activities, but also to activate the cognitive activity of children. The game helps the teacher to convey difficult material to students in an accessible form. It should fully solve both the educational tasks of the lesson and the tasks of enhancing cognitive activity, and be the main step in the development of students' cognitive interests. The work made a selection of games that can be used at the stage of learning new material in the lessons in the first grade, and which are easily applicable to any program.
For a child in the game, it is possible to imagine himself in the role of an adult, copy what he has seen, ever actions and thereby acquiring certain skills that may be useful to him in the future. Children analyze certain situations in games, draw conclusions, predetermining their actions in similar situations in the future.
The game is valuable only when it contributes to a better understanding of the mathematical essence of the issue, clarification and formation of students' mathematical knowledge. Didactic games and game exercises stimulate communication between students and the teacher, individual students, because in the process of conducting these games, the relationship between children begins to be more relaxed and emotional.
Practice shows that games are used on different stages assimilation of knowledge: at the stages of explaining new material, its consolidation, repetition, control. The use of didactic games is justified only when they are closely related to the topic of the lesson, organically combined with educational material that corresponds to the didactic goals of the lesson. In the practice of primary school, there is experience in using games at the stage of repetition and consolidation of the studied material, and games are rarely used to gain new knowledge.
The main result of our study is that, having theoretically substantiated the importance of the game for the development of the child, we were convinced in practice of its significant role in the pedagogical process. Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed by the results of the pilot study.

Entering school marks an important milestone in a child's life. A new social position of the individual is growing - the student, i.e. a direct participant in one of the forms of socially significant activity that requires a lot of effort. New demands are made to the baby during this period, he has new responsibilities; new comrades, new relationships with adults also require certain moral efforts and experience of inclusion in business relationship. But is the child ready to respond to a new social situation for him?

Psychologists believe that in general the level of mental and physical development for six-year-old children allows them to successfully cope with systematic educational work in the conditions of a general education school. At the same time, it must be taken into account that six-year-olds differ hyperexcitability, emotionality, pretty fatigue, instability of attention, situational behavior. cool shape teamwork causes psychological difficulties in many children.

Children attending kindergarten are, as a rule, more sociable, easier to establish contact with the teacher and peers, feel freer in a team, know how to follow sanitary and hygienic rules, and are not afraid to stay at school without their parents. "Home" children, on the contrary, are more acutely experiencing the transition to a new way of life. They often lack the necessary communication and teamwork skills.

The psychological tension that arises among first-graders who first crossed the threshold of the school arises as a result of a reaction to a changed, unusual environment. Children do not know the difference between a teacher and an educator kindergarten as well as from my mother and grandmother. The child has a fear and in relation to peers.



Popova E. V., Blinova E. G.

Didactic game. Its place and role in the education of younger students.

Entering school marks an important milestone in a child's life. A new social position of the individual is growing - the student, i.e. a direct participant in one of the forms of socially significant activity that requires a lot of effort. New demands are made to the baby during this period, he has new responsibilities; new comrades, new relationships with adults also require certain moral efforts and experience of inclusion in business relations. But is the child ready to respond to a new social situation for him?

Psychologists believe that, on the whole, the level of mental and physical development of six-year-old children allows them to successfully cope with systematic educational work in the conditions of a general education school. At the same time, it must be taken into account that six-year-olds are characterized by increased excitability, emotionality, rather rapid fatigue, instability of attention, and situational behavior. The classroom form of teamwork causes psychological difficulties for many children.

Children attending kindergarten are, as a rule, more sociable, easier to establish contact with the teacher and peers, feel freer in a team, know how to follow sanitary and hygienic rules, and are not afraid to stay at school without their parents. "Home" children, on the contrary, are more acutely experiencing the transition to a new way of life. They often lack the necessary communication and teamwork skills.

The psychological tension that arises among first-graders who first crossed the threshold of the school arises as a result of a reaction to a changed, unusual environment. Children do not know the difference between a teacher and a kindergarten teacher, as well as from mothers and grandmothers. The child has a fear and in relation to peers.

The new mode of life - the mode of the student - implies increased efficiency compared to senior group kindergarten. At school, it is necessary to listen carefully to the teacher, not to indulge in the lessons, to be able to obey the rules and daily routine. Some first-graders react painfully to changes in living conditions: sleep, appetite are disturbed, the body's resistance to diseases is weakened. All this affects the deterioration of performance, lost interest in school, in learning.

The physical and mental well-being of six-year-olds usually stabilizes after one and a half to two months at school. But this happens on the condition that adults take into account the new situation of children, act with an understanding of their age psychology, use specific preschool uniforms and working methods. And such forms of work, of course, include the game. A didactic game can make the transition to learning activities smooth and less painful for children. It increases the emotional component of the educational process, and first of all, each lesson. It can significantly increase the efficiency of learning by students, as well as the performance of young students. An enthusiastic child will never overwork. Idleness in the classroom is the most dangerous type of overload for the health of children.V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: " I strongly state that there is no overload in high school programs. Overloads in our teaching methods.

Games used in the educational process are calleddidactic games.They can be divided into following types:

a) teaching

b) controlling,

c) generalizing.

A game will be educational if students, participating in it, acquire new knowledge, skills, or are forced to acquire them in the process of preparing for the game.

The game will be in control didactic purpose which consists in repetition, consolidation, verification of previously acquired knowledge.

Generalizing games require the integration of knowledge. They contribute to the establishment of interdisciplinary connections, aimed at acquiring the skills to act in various learning situations.

Specific features of didactic games are their intentionality, planning, the presence of a learning goal and the intended result.

In elementary school, didactic games take the form playing tricks in training, game moments of the lesson, when the class is divided into teams participating in the competition, or help fairy tale hero solve a difficult task for him.

In secondary school, didactic games are held, as a rule, in order to repeat, consolidate and test the assimilation of the studied material (dictations, competitions in history, physics, mother tongue, mathematics, "traveling" in geography, solving crossword puzzles, etc.).

Many didactic games at first glance do not bring anything new to the knowledge of schoolchildren. In fact, they are of great benefit in that they teach students to apply knowledge in new conditions or set a mental task, the solution of which requires manifestations of various forms of mental activity. After all, in order to understand the idea, to learn the game actions and rules, you need to carefully listen and comprehend the teacher’s explanation, focus all your attention on the game task, think about different variants, perform comparisons and generalizations.

However, the didactic game is not an end in itself in the lesson, but a means of education and upbringing. During the game, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, the desire for knowledge.

Carried away, children do not notice that they are learning: they learn, remember new things, navigate in unusual situations, replenish the stock of ideas, concepts, develop imagination. Even the most passive of children are included in the game with great desire, making every effort not to let down their playmates.

Didactic games get along very well with "serious" teaching. The inclusion of games and their components in the lesson makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful working mood in children, and facilitates overcoming difficulties in mastering educational material. A variety of game actions, with the help of which this or that problem is solved. mental task, support and enhance children's interest in the subject. Didactic game, therefore, is an indispensable tool for the mental development of the child.

The origins of the combination of teaching small children with play are in folk pedagogy. People created games like"Ladushki", "White-flanked Magpie", "Guli-Guli" and many others. The mother, playing with the child, draws his attention to the surrounding objects, teaches him to perform elementary game actions. She asks to show “where are the eyes, where is the nose, ears, pens, fingers”, etc. By naming parts of the face, objects or playful actions, by gently saying, the mother lays the very first foundations for learning her native language, creates the joy of communication.

People brought nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales to educational games. Simple texts, movements accessible to children cause the desire of the child himself to play actions, awaken a joyful mood, readiness to communicate with loved ones, especially with his mother.

The joy of children and the irresistible desire for play are also caused by folk didactic toys - a gift of the people to small children. Cones of bright colored rings of different sizes, brightly colored balls, folding barrels, eggs, bowls, matryoshkas. These toys have a teaching principle - drawing the attention of children to color, shape, size, volume, to the whole and its constituent parts.

Folk pedagogy skillfully solved the problem of the connection between learning and play and made a well-known contribution to understanding the features of the learning game. Its traditions were included in the scientific development of the issue of didactic games, in the practice of working with children. younger age, into outdoor games with rules and deserve further in-depth study.

K.D.Ushinsky considered the game as a free activity of the child, making such a contribution to his development that cannot be compared with anything else. He wrote:“Play is the child’s free activity, and if we compare the interest of play, as well as the number and variety of traces left by it in the child’s soul, with similar influences of the teaching of the first four or five years, then, of course, all the advantage will remain on the side of the game.”

Famous educator E.I.Tikheeva highly appreciated the didactic game, its role in acquainting children with objects, phenomena of the surrounding life.

The development of the question of education itself, its content, nature and role in the development and upbringing of children of primary school age contributed to clarifying the relationship between play and learning.

Assessing the didactic game and its role in the education system, A.P. Usova wrote: "Didactic games, game tasks and techniques can increase the susceptibility of children, diversify the child's learning activities, and make them entertaining."

IN last years issues of theory and practice of didactic games have been developed and are being developed by many researchers. In all studies, the relationship between learning and play was established, the structure of the game process, the main forms and methods of managing didactic games were determined. The research has accumulated facts that characterize the didactic game as a form of learning organization.

In the general system of education, the didactic game acquires independence and coexists with learning in the classroom. Her place is determined by the role that the teacher assigns to her, using the whole variety of didactic forms and means of teaching children.

Learning and play activities as a form of schooling are aimed at developing children voluntary attention, observation, memorization and recall, comparison, primary forms of analytical and synthetic activity, imagination activity, development of curiosity and cognitive interests.

The educational and developing value of learning in a playful way lies in the content and focus on solving problems. moral education- fostering a positive attitude of children to the phenomena of the surrounding life.

The content of cognitive activity in combination with play promotes and aesthetic education, the formation of aesthetic perception and attitude to phenomena social life and nature, to household items and works of art. Didactic games contribute to the development of all aspects of the human personality. If they are carried out lively, by a skillful teacher, children react to them with great interest, explosions of joy, which increases their significance.

Psychologist A.V. Zaporozhets , assessing the role of the didactic game, rightly pointed out: “We need to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to common development child, served to shape his abilities».

Didactic games are a kind of games with rules specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and educating children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they manifest the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities. The need to use didactic games as a means of teaching children at primary school age is determined by a number of reasons:

  1. Game activity as a leading activity in preschool childhood has not yet lost its significance (it is no coincidence that many children bring toys to school). Can agree with L.S. Vygotsky who wrote that“At school age, play does not die, but penetrates into relationships with reality. It has its internal continuation in schooling and in work.It follows that reliance on play activities, play forms and techniques is an important and most adequate way to include children in academic work.
  1. The development of educational activities, the inclusion of children in it, is slow (many children do not even know what “learning” is).
  1. There are age-related characteristics of children associated with insufficient stability and arbitrariness of attention, predominantly involuntary development of memory, and the predominance of a visual-figurative type of thinking. Didactic games just contribute to the development of mental processes in children.
  1. Insufficiently formed cognitive motivation. The main difficulty in the initial period of education is that the motive with which the child comes to school is not related to the content of the activity that he must perform at school. The motive and content of educational activities do not correspond to each other. The content that the child is taught in school should encourage learning. There are significant difficulties in adapting when a child enters school (mastering a new role - the role of a student, establishing relationships with peers and teachers). Didactic game in many ways contributes to overcoming these difficulties.

Unlike games in general, a didactic game has an essential feature - the presence of a clearly defined learning goal and a pedagogical result corresponding to it.

The most important thing is that the game is organically combined with serious, intense work, so that the game does not distract from learning, but, on the contrary, contributes to the intensification of mental work.

Didactic game has a certain structure. Structure is the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time. The following structural components of the didactic game are distinguished:

  1. didactic task;
  2. game task;
  3. game actions;
  4. rules of the game;
  5. result (summarizing).

Didactic taskdetermined by the purpose of teaching and educational influence. It is formed by the teacher and reflects his teaching activity. So, for example, in a number of didactic games, in accordance with the program objectives of the relevant subjects, the ability to compose words from letters is consolidated, counting skills are practiced, etc. She is hidden from children.

game task carried out by children. The didactic task in the didactic game is realized through the game task. It determines the play actions, becomes the task of the child himself. Most importantly, the didactic task in the game is deliberately disguised and appears before the children in the form of a game plan (task). The game intent is expressed, as a rule, in the name of the game.

Game actions- the basis of the game. The more diverse the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive and game tasks are solved. IN different games game actions are different in their direction and in relation to the players, there can be role-playing actions, guessing riddles, spatial transformations, etc. They are connected with the game plan and come from it. Game actions are means of realizing the game idea, but also include actions aimed at fulfilling a didactic task.

Rules of the game. Their content and orientation are determined by the general tasks of shaping the child's personality, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions. The rules contain moral requirements to the relationship of children, to the implementation of their norms of behavior. In a didactic game, the rules are given. With the help of the rules, the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity, the behavior of children. The rules also influence the solution of the didactic task - imperceptibly limit the actions of children, direct their attention to the fulfillment of a specific task of the subject.

Summarizing(result) - is carried out immediately after the end of the game. It could be scoring; identifying children who performed better game task; determining the winning team, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to note the achievements of each child, to emphasize the successes of lagging behind children.

In the situation of a didactic game, knowledge is acquired better. Didactic game and lesson cannot be opposed. The most important thing - and this must be emphasized once again - the didactic task in the didactic game is carried out through the game task. The didactic task is hidden from children. The child's attention is drawn to the performance of play actions, and the task of teaching them is not realized. This is what makes the game special. game learning when children most often inadvertently acquire knowledge, skills, abilities. The relationship between children and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by the game. Children and the teacher are participants in the same game. This condition is violated - and the teacher takes the path of direct teaching. The purpose of didactic games and game learning techniques is to facilitate the transition to learning tasks, to make it gradual. The foregoing allows us to formulate the main functions of didactic games in education:

  1. the function of forming a sustainable interest in learning and relieving stress associated with the process of adapting the child to the school regime;
  1. the function of the formation of mental neoplasms;
  2. the function of forming the actual learning activity;
  3. the function of forming general educational skills, skills of educational and independent work;
  1. the function of forming skills of self-control and self-esteem;
  2. the function of forming adequate relationships and mastering social roles.

Thus, didactic game is a game only for a child. For an adult, it is a way of learning.

So, the didactic game is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. In didactic games, not only the assimilation educational knowledge, skills and abilities, but also develop all the mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, abilities and skills. Didactic game helps to make the learning process exciting, create a joyful working mood. The skillful use of didactic games in the educational process facilitates it, since the game activity is familiar to the child. Through the game, learning patterns are quickly learned. Positive emotions facilitate the learning process.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky noted: "The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas about the surrounding reality flows into the soul of the child.

The game always appears simultaneously, as it were, in two time dimensions, in the present and in the future. On the one hand, it gives momentary joy, serves to satisfy urgent needs. On the other hand, the game is always directed to the future, since it either models some future life situations, or properties, qualities, skills, abilities, etc. are fixed, which will be useful in the future.

In the game there are always two plans at the same time: real and conditional (game). And the personality in the game is simultaneously in these two planes: real and conditional. If one of them is violated, the game is always upset.

Thus, the violation of the game, conditional plan makes the game emotionally unattractive, meaningless. If the real plan is lost, that is, they forget that they are acting "for fun", then this is no longer a game, but a pathology that can lead to real injuries.

Didactics highlights the basic principles of the organization of the game. They must be observed by the organizers of the games.

Here is a list of these principles:

  1. No coercion in any form when including children in the game. The game can take place only with the voluntary entry into it of all participants.
  1. The principle of the development of game dynamics, which is implemented through the game rules and stimulates the maintenance and creative development game plot
  1. The principle of maintaining a play atmosphere, which is essentially maintaining the real feelings of children in the game. After all, if the game is “pretend”, then the feelings experienced by children in the game are real. And the richer and more diverse they are, the better.
  1. The principle of the relationship between play and non-play activities.
  2. This principle is related to the measure of the game. If the goal of some activity has a bright and exciting meaning for children, such activity does not need to be supported by the means of play, it is valuable in itself.
  1. The principle of transition from simple games to complex, developing game forms. The logic of the transition is associated with the gradual deepening of the diverse content of game tasks and rules - from the game state to game situations, from imitation to game initiative, from local games to games-complexes, from age-related games to ageless, "eternal".

In non-game activities, game elements can be used in the structure of the ongoing business: game advertising, game invitation of participants and guests, game meeting of business participants, game start (game start), game components of the main (scenario) part of the event, game in the mass and concert part , at the end (finish) of the case and even afterwards.

The main stages of the organization of the game.

Game selection. The variety of children's games reflects their various usefulness, which is contained in game plots, content, rules, etc. There are games that develop harshness, rudeness, feelings of national hostility, which have a bad effect on nervous system. Such games must be recognized and not allowed into the world of Childhood. And there are games that are of great educational value, strengthening the will, character, cultivating a sense of justice, the ability to help comrades, and so on. The choice of a game depends, first of all, on what kind of child or children's team is, what they need, what educational tasks require an immediate solution, what is the creative, educational potential of the game. However, the choice itself is the prerogative of the children themselves. The task of the teacher is to interest, captivate, help to realize the game plan.

Game offer for children. It can be non-gaming (let's play...) and playful (getting a secret package, etc.). The offer of the game also includes an explanation of the rules and techniques of action. It is necessary to explain the game briefly and precisely, before its very beginning. The explanation includes: the name of the game, a story about its content, an explanation of the main and secondary rules, the placement of the players, their tasks, the meaning of game accessories, etc.

Equipment and equipment of the playing area. The place for the game must correspond to its plot, content; fit in size for the number of players; be safe and convenient for children; not have distractions (not be a passageway, a place of other activities for adults and children, etc.).

Breakdown into teams, groups, distribution of roles. Breaking down into teams requires adherence to ethics, taking into account attachments, sympathies, antipathies. The game practice of children has accumulated many democratic methods of dividing into micro-collectives: drawing lots, counting rhymes, chain selection, etc. It is even more difficult to assign roles. Here are the possible methods:

A) choice for the role directly by adults (so that no one

It's a shame);

b) appointment to a role through a senior (captain, driver);

V) selection based on results gaming competitions(best project,

Costume, script);

G) voluntary agreement for the role of a child at his request;

e) the order of performance of roles in the game, etc.

In any case, the role of each should be supported by specific activities. The child will leave the game if he has nothing to do.

Development of the game situation, that is, a change in the position of the players, the complication of the rules of the game, a change in the situation, the introduction of new actors, emotional saturation of game actions, etc. In terms of content, game situations that form the basis of the game can be: sports-competitive, problem-cognitive, value-oriented, design-labor, comic-entertaining, etc. By tonality, mood - solemn, lyrical, comic, satirical, etc. The actions of the teacher-organizer are strictly in accordance with the role that he took in the game.

End of the game . The impression in children largely depends on its ending. Administration, suppression, shouting in games are not allowed. The end of the game must be productive: someone wins, loses, wins, draws - that is, a logical line must be drawn. IN role play the end of it should not go out of the plot of the game. The ending of many games requires debriefing, discussion, encouragement, and so on.

The main positions of adults in the game:

  1. The position of the increased distance (does not participate in the game, but only indirectly directs).
  2. The position of partial inclusion (helps children not at all stages of the game, but at one stage: at the beginning, when summing up, etc.).
  3. Actually playing position (commander-in-chief, king, Baba Yaga).
  4. The position of a collective example (teachers participate in a separate team, detachment).

So, once again we emphasize that the didactic game is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. In didactic games, not only the assimilation of educational knowledge, skills and abilities takes place, but also all the mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, abilities and skills develop. The didactic game helps to make the educational material exciting, to create a joyful working mood. The skillful use of didactic games in the educational process facilitates it, since the game activity is familiar to the child. Through the game, learning patterns are quickly learned. Positive emotions facilitate the learning process.

Organizing and conducting a didactic game is a rather difficult task for a teacher.

The following basic conditions for conducting a didactic game can be distinguished:

  1. The teacher has certain knowledge and skills regarding didactic games.
  1. The expressiveness of the game. This ensures the interest of children, the desire to listen, to participate in the game.
  1. The need to include the teacher in the game. He is both a participant and a leader of the game. The teacher must ensure the progressive development of the game in accordance with the educational and educational tasks, but at the same time not exert pressure, play a secondary role, imperceptibly for children to direct the game in the right direction.
  1. It is necessary to optimally combine entertainment and education. When conducting a game, the teacher must constantly remember that he gives children complex learning tasks, and the form of their conduct turns them into a game - emotionality, lightness, ease.
  1. Means and methods that increase emotional attitude children to play, should be considered not as an end in itself, but as a path leading to the fulfillment of didactic tasks.
  1. There should be an atmosphere of respect, mutual understanding, trust and empathy between the teacher and the children.
  1. The visualization used in the didactic game should be simple and capacious.

Proper conduct of the didactic game is ensured by a clear organization of didactic games. First of all, the teacher must realize and formulate the goal of the game, answer the questions: what skills and abilities children will master during the game, what moment of the game should be given Special attention What educational goals are pursued during the game? We must not forget that there is a learning process behind the game. And the task of the teacher is to direct the child's strength to study, to make the serious work of children entertaining and productive.

Next, you need to decide on the number of players. Different games have different numbers of them. If possible, we should strive to ensure that every child can participate in the game. Therefore, if some of the children carry out play activities, then the rest should play the role of controllers, judges, that is, also take part in the game.

Next milestone when organizing a didactic game, it is the selection of didactic materials and manuals for the game. In addition, it is required to clearly plan the time parameter of the game. In particular, how to introduce the rules of the game to children with the least expenditure of time. It is necessary to foresee what changes can be made to the game in order to increase the activity and interest of children, to take into account the possible occurrence of unplanned situations during didactic games.

And, finally, it is important to think over the conclusion, summing up after the didactic game. Great importance has a collective analysis of the game. It is necessary to evaluate both the speed and, most importantly, the quality of the performance of game actions by children. Be sure to pay attention to the manifestations of the behavior of children and the qualities of their personality in the game: how mutual assistance was manifested in the game, perseverance in achieving the goal. You should constantly demonstrate to children their achievements.

It is important to consider the phased distribution of games and game moments in the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the goal of the game is to organize and interest children, to stimulate their activity. In the middle of the lesson, the didactic game should solve the problem of mastering the topic; at the end of the lesson, the game can be exploratory in nature. At any stage of the lesson, the game must meet the following requirements: be interesting, accessible, include different types children's activities. The game, therefore, can be played at any stage of the lesson. It is also used in various types of lessons. So, in the lesson of explaining new material, the practical actions of children with groups of objects or drawings should be programmed in the game. In the lessons of fixing the material, games are used to reproduce the properties of actions and computational techniques. In the system of lessons on the topic, it is important to choose games for different types of activities: performing, reproducing, transforming, searching.

The didactic game is included in a holistic pedagogical process, combined and interconnected with other forms of education and upbringing.

Yesterday's preschooler must master a lot of new duties, new rules, and get used to systematic educational work. He enters the school as a complex, crowded, multi-activity world. Of course, the attention, kindness of the teacher, his ability to understand, figuratively explain the rules of teaching and behavior will help him enter this world. But still, best helper baby is a game.

The time of adaptation of first-graders at school will pass, and you will notice that children have become more collected, more organized, more attentive, easier to engage in intellectual work, etc. And what, you can finish the game? No. The entire period of education in primary school is accompanied by the use of didactic, outdoor games, theatricalization, that is, everything that increases the emotional tone of a child’s life, helps develop his curiosity, and gives an outlet for energy.

The value of the game in the psychological and pedagogical context is obvious. However, many elementary school teachers, if they do not completely ignore her absolute right to be present in the life of a younger student, treat her with some caution. One of the main reasons for this position is the erroneous attitude that the school is designed primarily to teach, and not to entertain the child. Thus, a significant part of primary school teachers are not ready and do not know how to play with their students, especially in conditions when most children who have just crossed the threshold of the school are a little over six years old. The way out of the situation is: - revision by the teacher of his own professional position; - a detailed consideration of the resources of children's play and the study of the conditions that allow it to most effectively influence different sides child development, and first of all - on the formation of creative and social activity among younger students; the formation of the skills of educational activity and all those qualities and abilities that together ensure the success of their development, training and education. The use of the potential of the game in pedagogical work is largely associated with the professionalism and creativity of the teacher himself. In order to successfully organize children's games, he must have a peculiar sense of the game, a developed creative imagination and, in addition, a certain amount of knowledge and practical skills in the field of game methods. It is this knowledge that most teachers working with children of primary school age lack. A correctly selected, appropriate and skillfully conducted by the teacher game should be considered as important and necessary element educational work like the lesson.


Having studied the theory and checked its main provisions during the pre-diploma teaching practice, we have come to the following conclusion. Adult participants in the educational process often lose sight of the fact that a child who has come to school has not yet become a real student in his development. It is, as it were, on a transitional step from preschool age, where all new personal qualities are formed easier and best of all in play activities, to the junior school, where learning activity becomes the leading activity.

Learning activity is understood, first of all, as an activity that has as its content the mastery of generalized methods of action. The result of educational activity is a change in the student himself, his development.

At the same time, the game remains a very important activity. It is she who helps to form a new leading activity - educational. It's about, first of all, aboutdidactic game.

However, in order for the game to become a method of learning, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The educational task must coincide with the game task;
  2. The learning task should not “crush” the game task, it is important to preserve the game situation;
  3. A single game does not give any learning effect, so a system of games with an ever-increasing learning task must be built.

But often the didactic task prevails over the game task and resembles “feeding semolina”. But with such a formulation of the question, a genuine game cannot arise. Even if during the lesson the teacher will feel like a game hit! All the same, the children in his lessons begin

there is no formation of a kind of apathy and distrust of his sweet words, saying that now they will again play a very interesting game.

Some reputable teachers often play in class. And with passion. How on slot machines. The player is in the heat, and the machine just overheats. For him, this is not a game, but everyday tedious and joyless exploitation of the mechanism. Surely right L.S. Vygotsky , which, when considering a child's game, highlights the development of the motivational-need (subjective) sphere of the child.

In order for the game to become useful in the lesson, the following rules must be observed:

1st rule . Collect the favorite games of children as a special value. They can accompany them for many years. And in the first and in the seventh grade you will find hunters to play them. Neither a holiday, nor a hike, nor a birthday can do without your favorite games.

2nd rule . New good game best gift children. Getting ready for school day, a teacher, an educator will open their "Collection of games" and, just as they bring new knowledge, they will bring along with the game a new experience of relationships, and at the same time joyful minutes for children.

3rd rule . Do not impose on children a game that seems useful to you, the game is voluntary. The guys should be able to refuse the game, if they do not like it, choose another game.

4th rule . The game is not a lesson. This does not mean that you should not play in the classroom. A game technique that includes children in new topic, an element of competition, a riddle, a journey into a fairy tale and much more that you read about - this is not only the methodological wealth of the teacher, but also the general work of children in the lesson, rich in impressions.

5th rule . Emotional condition The teacher should correspond to the activity in which he participates. Can you imagine: the teacher offers a funny tongue twister and does it with an indifferent, boring or overly serious expression on his face ... Unlike all the others teaching aids, the game requires a special state from the one who conducts it. In this sense, not only a child plays, but also an adult.

6th rule . The game is a diagnostic tool. The child is revealed in the game in all his best and not best qualities. Observe these manifestations, think about them, but do not use the information received to the detriment of the child.

7th rule . It is strictly forbidden to apply disciplinary measures to children who violated the rules of the game or the game atmosphere. This can only be an occasion for a friendly conversation, an explanation, and even better, when, having gathered together, the children analyze, sort out who showed himself in the game and how it would be necessary to avoid conflict.

Thus, the hypothesis put forward by us that didactic games will have a certain effect in shaping the interest of younger students in the lessons of the Russian language only if they are competently and correctly organized by the teacher was justified.

The purpose of the work is to prove that didactic games are necessary in teaching younger students, that they significantly increase interest in the subject,

activate the activity of children, relieve tension, liberate students, give an outlet for children's energy - achieved.

The tasks set in the work have been solved.

We hope this work will be interesting for teachers elementary school, educators of extended day groups, students of pedagogical universities and colleges preparing to work with younger students. The didactic games presented in the application will replenish their methodological piggy bank.


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Introduction p.2

Chapter I The essence of didactic games as a means of learning page 5

I.1 Types of didactic games p.6

I.2 The structure of the didactic game p.9

I.3 Functions of didactic games

I.4 Conditions for conducting didactic games

I.5 Stages of the game p.11

Chapter II Educational and didactic game as a means of enhancing cognitive activity p.17

Conclusion p.22

References page 25


The imminent death of the class-lesson system is hidden in contradictions that it is unable to resolve.

Firstly, modernity requires the school to teach thoughts, and the lesson teaches only knowledge. The very concept of "knowledge" has exhausted itself. How can knowledge be taught if information is updated by 50% every seven years and at the same time doubles. What we teach is outdated before the children leave school! To teach knowledge is to teach in advance the unnecessary.

Secondly, modernity strives for an individual approach to teaching, and the lesson is based on the frontal method. Frontality turns students into educational "cannon fodder". The front is good for learning combat commands, the rules of "zhi-shi" and the multiplication table. Students have to master other knowledge not because of, but in spite of the lesson system.

Thirdly, modernity turns the student into the subject of learning, and the lesson leaves him as an object. The object is a dead body, and the subject is a person. Every teacher wants to be a creator, not a pathologist.

What form of knowledge transfer will replace the five-hundred-year-old lesson is the question of the decade. Hundreds of innovative teachers, thousands of creative teachers are looking for new forms, creating methods for the future, making discoveries, experiencing successes and disappointments. But a single and universal method, worthy replacement no lesson yet. The secret to failure is simple. It is believed that the old should be replaced by the new. But after all, the new is the well-forgotten old, and, therefore, something even more ancient and more eternal must come to replace the lesson. Maybe it's a GAME?

One of effective ways activation of cognitive activity of schoolchildren is a didactic game. During the game, the wonderful world of childhood is connected with beautiful world science, in which students enter. And the game can be called the eighth wonder of the world, as it contains huge educational, educational and developmental opportunities. In the process of games, children acquire a wide variety of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the world around them. The game develops children's observation and the ability to determine the properties of objects, to identify their essential features. Thus, games have a great influence on mental development children, improving their thinking, attention, creative imagination. The famous French scientist Louis de Broglie argued that all games (even the simplest ones) have many elements in common with the work of a scientist. Carried away, children do not notice that they are learning, learning, remembering new things, orienting themselves in unusual situations, replenishing the stock of ideas and concepts. Even the most passive are included in the game with great desire, making every effort not to let down their comrades in the game.

Until recently, the game was used only in extracurricular activities. Currently, the game is widely used in the classroom, requiring great skill from the teacher.

In connection with the relevance of this issue, the topic of the course work was determined: "Didactic games as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren."

The purpose of the work: to study the essence of didactic games and determine their role in the process of enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

Research objectives:

To study the theoretical material on didactic games as one of the means of enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren;

Determine the basic conditions for conducting a didactic game and the requirements for their preparation;

Reveal the structure, functions, types, stages of didactic games.

The structure of the course work: the work logically consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

The introduction substantiates the relevance of the study.

Chapter I reveals the essence of the didactic game.

In Chapter II, educational and didactic games are considered as one of the means of activating the cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

Conclusions are drawn in the Conclusion.

There are seven references in the list of references.


Didactic games are a kind of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and educating children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they show the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities. The need to use didactic games as a means of teaching children in the preschool period and at primary school age is determined by a number of reasons:

Game activity as a leading activity in preschool childhood has not yet lost its significance (it is no coincidence that many children bring toys to school). One can agree with L. S. Vygotsky, who wrote that “at school age, play does not die, but penetrates into relationships with reality. It has its internal continuation in schooling and in work. It follows from this that reliance on play activity, play forms and techniques is an important and most adequate way to include children in educational work.

The development of educational activities, the inclusion of children in it, is slow (many children do not even know what “learning” is).

There are age-related characteristics of children associated with insufficient stability and arbitrariness of attention, mainly involuntary development of memory, and the predominance of a visual-figurative type of thinking. Didactic games just contribute to the development of mental processes in children.

Insufficiently formed cognitive motivation. The main difficulty in the initial period of education is that the motive with which the child comes to school is not related to the content of the activity that he must perform at school. The motive and content of educational activities do not correspond to each other. The content that the child is taught in school should encourage learning. There are significant adaptation difficulties when a child enters school (mastering a new role - the role of a student, establishing relationships with peers and teachers). Didactic game in many ways contributes to overcoming these difficulties.

A. V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role of didactic play, emphasized: “We need to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child.” On the other hand, some teachers tend, on the contrary, to consider didactic games only as a means of intellectual development, means of development of cognitive mental processes. However, didactic games are also a game form of learning, which, as you know, is quite actively used in early stages education, i.e., in senior preschool and primary school age.

1.1. Types of didactic games

Didactic games differ in their educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of a teacher. The listed signs are inherent in all games, however, in some games, some signs are more distinct, in others - others.

There is no clear classification, grouping of games by type yet. Often games are correlated with the content of education: games on sensory perception, word games, games on familiarization with nature, and others.

Sometimes games are correlated with the material:

Games with objects (toys, natural materials etc.) are the most accessible to children, since they are based on direct perception, correspond to the child's desire to act with things and thus get to know them.

Board games, as well as games with objects, are based on the principle of visibility, but in these games, children are not given the object itself, but its image. Like a didactic toy, a printed board game is only good if it requires independent mental work.

Word games are the most difficult, they are not related to direct perception subject. In them, children must operate with representations. These games are of great importance for the development of a child's thinking, as in them children learn to express independent judgments, draw conclusions and conclusions, not relying on the judgments of others, and notice logical errors.

You can also group games like this:

A. I. Sorokina identifies the following types of didactic games:

travel games;

task games;

guessing games;

puzzle games;

conversation games.

Let's briefly describe each type:

TRAVEL GAMES are designed to enhance the impression, to draw the attention of children to what is nearby. They sharpen observation, denounce overcoming difficulties. These games use many ways of revealing cognitive content in combination with gaming activities: setting tasks, explaining how to solve them, step-by-step problem solving, etc.

REQUEST GAMES are simpler in content and shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, verbal instructions.

ASSUMPTION GAMES ("what would be ..."). A task is set before the children and a situation is created that requires reflection on the subsequent action. This activates mental activity children, they learn to listen to each other.

PUZZLE GAMES. They are based on a test of knowledge, resourcefulness. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to reason, draw conclusions.

GAMES-CONVERSATIONS. They are based on communication. The main is the immediacy of experiences, interest, goodwill. Such a game makes demands on the activation of emotional and thought processes. It brings up the ability to listen to questions and answers, focus on the content, supplement what has been said, and make judgments. Cognitive material for this type of games should be given in the optimal amount to arouse the interest of children. Cognitive material is determined by the theme, the content of the game. The game, in turn, must correspond to the possibilities of assimilating the interest of children and curtailing game actions.

It is important to clearly distinguish between the actual didactic games and the game techniques used in teaching children.

As children "enter" a new activity for them - educational - the value of didactic games as a way of learning decreases, while game techniques are still used by the teacher. They are needed to attract the attention of children, relieve their stress. The following should be noted in this regard. Unfortunately, some teachers perceive the didactic game only as an entertaining and organizing moment of the lesson, which allows them to relieve mental stress. Such a view is fundamentally wrong. In this case, the game does not organically enter the lesson, it is located near the learning process. Therefore, we can agree that "not being able to build a real didactic game that would awaken the thoughts of students, some teachers clothe training exercises in a game form of learning." The most important thing is that the game is organically combined with serious, intense work, so that the game does not distract from learning, but, on the contrary, contributes to the intensification of mental work.

1.2. The structure of the didactic game

Didactic game has a certain structure. Structure is the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time. The following structural components of the didactic game are distinguished:

didactic task;

game task;

game actions;

rules of the game;

result (summarizing).

DIDACTIC OBJECTIVE is determined by the purpose of teaching and educational influence. It is formed by the teacher and reflects his teaching activity. So, for example, in a number of didactic games, in accordance with the program objectives of the relevant subjects, the ability to compose words from letters is consolidated, counting skills are practiced, etc.

GAME TASK is carried out by children. The didactic task in the didactic game is realized through the game task. It determines the play actions, becomes the task of the child himself. Most importantly, the didactic task in the game is deliberately disguised and appears before the children in the form of a game plan (task).

GAME ACTION is the basis of the game. The more diverse the game actions, the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive and game tasks are solved. In different games, game actions are different in their direction and in relation to the players. This, for example, can be role-playing actions, guessing riddles, spatial transformations, etc. They are associated with the game plan and come from it. Game actions are means of realizing the game idea, but also include actions aimed at fulfilling a didactic task.

RULES OF THE GAME. Their content and orientation are determined by the general tasks of shaping the child's personality, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions. The rules contain moral requirements for the relationship of children, for their compliance with the norms of behavior. In a didactic game, the rules are given. With the help of the rules, the teacher controls the game, the processes of cognitive activity, the behavior of children. The rules also affect the solution of the didactic task - imperceptibly limit the actions of children, direct their attention to the implementation of a specific task of the subject

SUMMING UP (result) - is carried out immediately after the end of the game. It could be scoring; identifying children who performed the game task better; determination of the winning team, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to note the achievements of each child, to emphasize the successes of lagging children.

In the situation of a didactic game, knowledge is acquired better. Didactic game and lesson cannot be opposed. Most importantly - and this must be emphasized once again - the didactic task in the didactic game is carried out through the game task. The didactic task is hidden from children. The child's attention is drawn to the performance of play actions, and the task of teaching them is not realized. This makes the game a special form of game learning, when children most often inadvertently acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities. The relationship between children and the teacher is determined not by the learning situation, but by the game. Children and the teacher are participants in the same game. This condition is violated, and the teacher takes the path of direct teaching.

1.3. Functions of didactic games

Based on the foregoing, a didactic game is a game only for a child. For an adult, it is a way of learning. In the didactic game, the assimilation of knowledge acts as a side effect. The purpose of didactic games and gaming teaching methods is to facilitate the transition to learning tasks, to make it gradual.

The foregoing allows us to formulate the main functions of didactic games:

1) the function of forming a sustainable interest in learning and relieving stress associated with the process of adapting the child to the school regime;

2) the function of the formation of mental neoplasms;

3) the function of forming the actual learning activity;

4) functions of formation of general educational skills, skills of educational and independent work;

5) the function of forming the skills of self-control and self-assessment;

6) the function of forming adequate relationships and mastering social roles.

So, the didactic game is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. In didactic games, not only the assimilation of educational knowledge, skills and abilities takes place, but also all the mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, abilities and skills develop. The didactic game helps to make the educational material exciting, to create a joyful working mood. The skillful use of the didactic game in the educational process facilitates it, since the game activity is familiar to the child. Through the game, learning patterns are quickly learned. Positive emotions facilitate the learning process.

Organizing and conducting a didactic game is a rather difficult task for a teacher.

1.4. Conditions for conducting a didactic game

The following basic conditions for conducting a didactic game can be distinguished:

The teacher has certain knowledge and skills regarding didactic games.

The expressiveness of the game. This ensures the interest of children, the desire to listen, to participate in the game.

The need to include the teacher in the game. He

is both a participant and a leader of the game. The teacher must ensure the progressive development of the game in accordance with the educational and educational tasks, but at the same time not exert pressure, play a secondary role, imperceptibly for children to direct the game in the right direction.

It is necessary to optimally combine entertainment and education. When conducting a game, the teacher must constantly remember that he gives children complex learning tasks, and the form of their conduct - emotionality, lightness, ease - turns them into a game.

Means and methods that increase the emotional attitude of children to the game should be considered not as an end in itself, but as a path leading to

fulfillment of didactic tasks.

There should be an atmosphere of respect, mutual understanding, trust and empathy between the teacher and the children.

The visualization used in the didactic game should be simple and capacious.

Proper conduct of the didactic game is ensured by a clear organization of didactic games. First of all, the teacher must realize and formulate the purpose of the game, answer the questions: what skills and abilities will children master during the game, what moment of the game should be given special attention, what educational goals are pursued during the game? We must not forget that there is a learning process behind the game. And the task of the teacher is to direct the child's strength to study, to make the serious work of children entertaining and productive.

Next, you need to decide on the number of players. Different games have different numbers of them. If possible, we should strive to ensure that every child can participate in the game. Therefore, if some of the children carry out the game activity, then the rest should play the role of controllers, judges, that is, also take part in the game.

The next important step in organizing a didactic game is the selection of didactic materials and manuals for the game. In addition, it is required to clearly plan the time parameter of the game. In particular, how to introduce the rules of the game to children with the least expenditure of time. It is necessary to foresee what changes can be made to the game in order to increase the activity and interest of children, to take into account the possible occurrence of planned situations during didactic games.

And, finally, it is important to think over the conclusion, summing up after the didactic game. The collective analysis of the game is of great importance. It is necessary to evaluate both the speed and, most importantly, the quality of the performance of play actions by children. Be sure to pay attention to the manifestations of the behavior of children and the qualities of their personality in the game: how mutual assistance was manifested in the game, perseverance in achieving the goal. Demonstrate to your children their accomplishments on a regular basis.

It is important to consider the phased distribution of games and game moments in the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the goal of the game is to organize and interest children, to stimulate their activity. In the middle of the lesson, the didactic game should solve the problem of mastering the topic; at the end of the lesson, the game can be exploratory in nature. At any stage of the lesson, the game must meet the following requirements: be interesting, accessible, include different types of children's activities. The game, therefore, can be played at any stage of the lesson. It is also used in various types of lessons. So, in the lesson of explaining new material in the game, practical actions of children with groups of objects or drawings should be programmed. In the lessons for consolidating the material, games are used to reproduce the properties of actions and computational examples. In the system of lessons on the topic, it is important to choose games for different types of activities: performing, reproducing, transforming, searching.

The didactic game is included in a holistic pedagogical process, combined and interconnected with other forms of education and upbringing.

1.5. Stages of the game

In my opinion, the game gives obvious benefits at all stages of didactic interaction.

I. Motivation of cognitive activity. The game motivates the student very effectively, because it is aimed not at the result, but at the process. Even a passive student quickly connects to the game. Everyone loves to play, even those who don't like to learn. But that's the secret, that while playing, they learn without even knowing it.

II. Activation of cognitive activities. Everyone is active in the game, because the participants are driven by excitement. Children can play for hours, overturning all notions of physiological fatigue. The teacher is more likely to have problems with excessive activity than with the usual passivity.

III. Organization of discipline. The rules of the game themselves determine the scope of the necessary prohibitions. Players and teams observe them while playing. Naturally, the games are noisy for obedience advocates, but discipline and obedience are two different things.

IV. The content of teaching. When building a game, the teacher does not have to worry about popularizing the content of the material, because the game is meaningful as far as everyone can understand it. Most game experts call this property of games "democratic". Not too good term does not detract from the quality of the general understanding of the game. For example, anyone can learn how to play super-intelligent bridge, few will catch the patterns of the game, and only a few brilliant ones will figure out the theory of bridge. Games in the lessons allow some to learn the material at the level of substantive actions, others at the level of knowledge, and others at the level of logical conclusions. But in general, the comprehensibility of the material is 100%.

V. Evaluation of success. Evaluation of the knowledge and actions of the student in the lesson is a mandatory element, but in the game it is desirable. But the form of evaluation in the game is preferable to the game. In my lessons, a system of valuable signs of “blades of grass” developed by itself. The tokens replace the tokens often used by teachers when questioning students. I use blades of grass with a face value of 1, 3, 5 points, which allows me to differentiate responses. In addition to the point "value", each token has an alternative cost: permission for a hint, exemption from homework, indulgence for absenteeism, the right to a hint and much more. A student can use a blade of grass either at the main cost and get a mark, or at an alternative cost and sacrifice a mark for the good. Such an assessment system has both didactic and economic advantages.

It should be noted that the game form does not always fit into the space of the lesson.

Firstly, the algorithm of the game process does not coincide with the algorithm of the lesson. The lesson is based on 4 stages: actualization of acquired knowledge (survey on past material), transfer of knowledge (explanation of new material), consolidation (training and homework) and assessment. The game develops in a different way: the organization of the playing space (explaining the rules, organizing teams), game actions (during the game, the necessary knowledge is updated, the necessary skills are trained, and active cognition is performed), summarizing the results (organization of a situation of success) and game analysis ( theoretical findings).

Secondly, the very mechanism of obtaining knowledge is different. At the lesson, students receive theoretical knowledge in order to turn it into their own experience, and in the game they gain experience in order to derive theoretical knowledge from it!

Thirdly, the time frame of the lesson clearly corresponds to the settings of the psyche: 5-10 minutes for the organization of sustained attention during the survey, 15-20 minutes of sustained attention for explaining the new and 10-15 minutes of residual attention for training; and the framework of the game corresponds to its internal logic and the time of physiological fatigue. In each game, the intensity of physiological and mental processes is different, and therefore the time of their implementation is different. Yes, in sport games it is difficult to play for more than an hour and a half, and chess is played for hours. Some educational games fly by in 5 minutes, while others drag on for a long time. Therefore, it can be difficult to fit the game technique into the framework of school calls, especially since the game cannot be interrupted in mid-sentence.


Education at school is aimed at transferring a certain amount of knowledge and skills to children. But the traditional class-lesson teaching at school can become monotonous and monotonous. Monotony is one of the main reasons for the decrease in motivation to learn. The teacher is used to overcoming the resistance of the students, it is considered normal to learn "through I don't want to", it is natural to want the lesson to end as soon as possible. Separated from the teacher by this barricade, the child is not always used to cooperating with his classmates. The game gives a chance to change the current situation. But not a game for the sake of a game, where the child is passive, where he is not the subject of a game action, but an object of entertainment, where the tasks are primitive, the absence of degrees of freedom in the decision; there is a clear artificiality, etc.

Need to revive and diversify school life children, use non-traditional and active teaching methods.

In modern didactics, the whole variety of teaching methods is reduced to three main groups.

Methods of organizing educational and cognitive activity.

Methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity.

Methods of control and self-control.

We will focus on the second group, because these methods include cognitive, didactic, intellectual and other games.

What is a didactic game for? To maintain or create interest in a subject, to stimulate activity (motivation), to develop cognitive processes (imagination, memory, observation, perception, quick wits, speed of thinking, etc.

Any game has rules, thanks to which difficulties are overcome, social affirmation through obedience to the rules, development of volitional behavior. Every game is a test of the will. In the game every minute there is a refusal of the child from fleeting desires in favor of fulfilling the role he has taken on. Voluntary behavior develops.

Intellectual games can be useful for teenagers who experience difficulties in learning: in understanding and comprehending new material, assimilation and generalization, establishing links between concepts, expressing their own thoughts and speech.

These games can help:

intensify educational work in the classroom, increase the activity and initiative of schoolchildren;

give a sense of freedom and looseness, especially to nervous, weak and insecure children;

improve the relationship of the teacher with the class after the conflict (if any);

strengthen friendly relations in class.

The game simultaneously pursues three goals: educational, playful and educational. Huge positive influence the game has an effect on the learning activity of intellectually passive children, on children experiencing learning difficulties. Such children in the game are able to perform such a volume of work that they will never do in a normal learning environment. The situation of experiencing success for such children is also very important. For them, you need to select such tasks with which they could cope, gradually complicating them. The so-called dual tasks are possible, where the first prepares the second for the execution. Of great importance in creating a situation of success is the moral and psychological atmosphere of completing tasks, because it relieves feelings of insecurity, fear of a task, etc.

Do not forget the relaxing value of the game. In educational activities can be used game moments to help the student not only take a break, relieve the feeling of oppressive tension, but also solve some educational, even the simplest, educational task, and then join the educational process with even greater activity.

In the conditions of developed progress, our children spend more and more time communicating with TVs and computers, getting addicted to computer reality, but in fact remaining alone. For them, it is a catastrophe to be weaned from the computer. Prohibitions do not help and will not help. The way out of the situation is that children should know something more interesting. Our children need to play, to develop a culture of games of various types and types. After all, the game is The best way develop abilities, prepare for life, to communicate with people. The school cannot consider the game not their business.

It's really hard to play. There are a lot of questions. How to play so as not to disrupt the lesson? How to behave? What to play? And so on.

We can offer some conditional classification of games used in the lessons:

Educational - the most simple and traditional games that help to consolidate educational material and acquire a stable skill in applying knowledge;

Combinatorial - games that require you to quickly and efficiently calculate options, select combinations;

Analytical - developing analytical thinking, helping to acquire the skill of free, uninhibited, but at the same time correct logical analysis, to see patterns, commonality and difference, cause and effect;

Associative - which are based on an appeal to associative thinking, the search for comparison, solving a hint;

Contextual - drawing attention to complex semantic connections, developing the ability to interpret, understand what is not directly expressed and vice versa - to convey information in a variety of ways;

And some others.

It is worth noting that any game will be much more effective if played openly, i.e. discuss with the guys why the game is being played, why the rules are the same and not different, can the game be made more difficult, etc. Often, such discussion is more beneficial than the game itself, developing creativity and thinking, laying the foundation for a gaming culture. The process of discussing the game is an excellent school of complex relationships, which sometimes the guys lack so much.

The success of the game also depends on the atmosphere, on the mood at the moment in the group. If the state of the guys does not match the mood of the game, it is better to postpone it for another occasion.

Thus, we can say that one of the duties of teachers is to constantly support and develop the curiosity and activity of the children through games too.

In elementary school, games are traditionally used throughout the entire education, pursuing a variety of goals. Quite a lot of games are used in secondary school in the lessons of a foreign language, geography and others. I would like this tradition not to stop, and the scope of games in the classroom only expands for the benefit of teaching children.


The purpose of my course work was to study the essence of didactic games and determine their role in the process of enhancing cognitive activity.

To do this, I studied the theoretical material on didactic games as one of the means of enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren; the main conditions for conducting a didactic game and the requirements for their preparation were determined; the structure, functions, types and stages of didactic games were identified.

The study of literature on this issue showed that the games that are held in the learning process are called didactic. The structure of a didactic game consists of the following elements: game concept, game rules, game actions, cognitive content, equipment, game result. The main requirements for the organization of didactic games are:

1. The game is a form of student activity, in which the world around is realized, space is opened for personal activity and creativity.

2. The game must be built on interest, the participants must enjoy the game.

3. An element of competition between the participants in the game is required.

The requirements for the selection of games are as follows.

1. Games must comply with certain educational tasks, program requirements for knowledge, skills, and standard requirements.

2. Games should correspond to the material being studied and be built taking into account the readiness of students and their psychological characteristics.

3. Games must be based on a certain didactic material and the method of its application.

The game is the oldest form of knowledge transfer. Playing "daughters-mothers", we learn family relations; laying out the cubes, we become builders; by placing soldiers, we educate commanders in ourselves. It can be argued that the game is a universal form of didactic interaction with the student. And so it transcends the lesson:

1. The game is not conditioned by special learning skills (attention, discipline, ability to listen).

2. The game knows no age limits.

3. The game is multi-ethnic and can even overcome the language barrier.

4. The game is a more active form of work with students. It allows the players to feel like the subjects of the process.

5. The game connects all channels of information perception (both logic, emotions, and actions), and does not rely on mere memory and reproduction.

6. The game is a combination of theory and practice, which means it is a more objective reflection of reality.

7. Finally, the game is over reliable way assimilation of knowledge. Agree, all the games we mastered in childhood, unlike the acquired knowledge, we remember all our lives.

A didactic game differs from an ordinary game in that participation in it is mandatory for all students. It can serve as a starting point in the emergence of interest in mathematics among students who have not previously shown it. Game situations activate the activity of students, make perception more active, emotional, creative.

The use of a didactic game gives the greatest effect in classes where students with unstable attention and low interest in the subject predominate. They increase interest in mathematics, add variety and emotional coloring to educational work, relieve fatigue, develop attention, ingenuity, a sense of competition, and mutual assistance.

The systematic use of didactic games is effective tool activating the educational activity of schoolchildren, which positively affects the improvement of the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, the development of mental activity. In a word, didactic games deserve the right to supplement traditional forms training and education of schoolchildren.


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