Congratulations on the beginning of the school year drawings. For Knowledge Day, have time to prepare greeting cards to all the teachers you know.

Dear students! Dear teachers and education workers! I cordially congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning school year! Education is the reliable foundation on which the well-being of the country is built. Therefore, we are doing everything necessary so that the younger generation can gain deep knowledge, realize their talents, become friends with sports, and become a true patriot of the city and their beloved Motherland. There is not a single area of ​​human activity where deep knowledge is not in demand. In the age of scientific and technological progress and the development of information technologies, it is knowledge that determines the socio-economic potential of society and its ability for creative activity.
On this festive day, I would like to wish all students, students, cadets and graduate students to persistently and persistently comprehend the fundamentals of science, feel the joy of knowledge and tirelessly strive for discoveries. I express my sincere gratitude to the teachers and professors for their high professionalism, loyalty to their calling and love for their students. Good health to everyone, success in studies and work, inexhaustible energy, happiness, optimism!

Mom, mom, mom, you buy me the same: a briefcase, a ruler, notebooks and pencils. That’s why my sister goes to school with such advice as never before, take me with you with a briefcase in hand. I’m already big, before I couldn’t be seen from under the table. Although I’m six years old, I’m already reading: “Ma-ma-ma.” Mother Mother Mother,
wake me up as early as the sun rises early. One of the most important days for schoolchildren has arrived, the first of September. Here you are, my dear schoolgirl, wanted to delay time to hang out with friends and play outside, but still this day has come. I want to congratulate you and say that a year will pass so fast that you can't even imagine. You can't even imagine how time flies, but you don't have to dwell on it to do this. Just study for your own pleasure, enjoy every day, communicate with friends. For at least six months, you will share memories of how your holidays went. And then there will be another six months left, time will fly by so much that you won’t even notice. I want to wish you good studies. Let this day mark the beginning of a series of interesting and vibrant school days. Now get ready and go to school in a good mood.

My girl, I want to congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year. Of course, this news is unlikely to bring you great pleasure, but believe me, summer gets boring eventually too. I want you to go to school today in a great and high spirits, so that you can chat a lot with your friends, whom you have already met. I wish you only everything that will help your mood stay high throughout this year. Cool cards. But you can’t even imagine how quickly time will pass, so just appreciate every moment, enjoy every moment. I want you to never be upset about grades, because they do not play such an important role. Just study for your own pleasure, and we will help you with those subjects that do not cause delight in your soul. Happy holiday you today!

Autumn is not only a charming time of year, when it’s time to look for the brightest ruby ​​and gold leaves for the herbarium, but also a time of knowledge... We congratulate you on September 1 and, sending you off to school, we want to wish you good luck and inspiration so that studying is not a burden, but in joy!

The hot, cheerful summer has ended, the guys stretched out, walked and had a great rest, and before the trees had time to wrap themselves from head to toe in golden autumn clothing, the holiday of September 1st, Knowledge Day, arrived! With all my heart, I wish you great intelligence to become the favorites of your teachers and friends, as well as good luck in your exams and a great mood!

Equipping a student for school is a responsible task! Everyone gives advice, instructions, you need to check ten times whether everything from the textbooks is in place... in a word, your head is spinning! On September 1, I wish you not to worry, believe in your strengths and know that behind your shoulder is good luck, which all your relatives fervently wish you!

When students rush to school on September 1st, they are all dressed up like princes and princesses! But for this holiday it is also important to have joy in your heart, because school is a real palace of science, from which one day you will emerge as an adult, educated person, ready to change the world around him at his own discretion! I would like to wish you to study not for show, but with great interest and success! ©
Congratulations on September 1st! May everything always be good and in order for you, young student! There are good grades in your diary, neatly folded textbooks and stationery items in your bag, and knowledge and all sorts of pleasant thoughts in your bright head! Study, learn new things, and let your dreams come true!

It's no secret that many problems are very difficult until the moment a solution is found, and then you can only wonder - how did we not understand this before?! We all once went through tests and cheat sheets, but today, September 1, I want to wish you to decide more for yourself and always be able to find original and completely correct solutions!

It’s as if the golden autumn enchantress has dressed up everything to make going to school more fun! On the holiday of September 1, all attention to you, students! Today you will hear a lot of instructions from family and teachers, wishes of good luck... And I want to wish you wonderful mood so that you never lose your nerve and dream more!

In autumn, everything goes on as usual... The trees change their outfit, dressing in rustling gold and bronze, the birds fly to the South, and the children rush to school! I know that you are no longer a child, but a completely independent young man, and you will soon graduate from school... But for now, I still strongly advise you to study well and wish you brilliant success in this!

The first bell rings with a golden ring, and students come running to the front door of the school from everywhere! You can’t wait to join them, and I don’t dare detain you, but first I want to congratulate you and wish you a cheerful, cheerful mood for every school day, friendly teachers, new friends and useful knowledge!

On Knowledge Day, I congratulate you and wish you not to get sick in the coming academic year, not to skip classes and, answering better than anyone in the class, to learn no less than to become a professor! Today, on a warm autumn day, it’s as if I see your wonderful future and wish you to rush towards it with good luck and inspiration!

Dear teachers, students and parents!
I warmly and cordially congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year and Knowledge Day!
After summer holiday Studying is again becoming the main and, for many, long-awaited thing in the life of a large family of teachers, students and parents. The joyful trills of the first school bells captivate the children into the wonderful land of knowledge. This unique journey is not an easy one. But it enriches intellectually and culturally, spiritually and physically, expands the horizons of creativity, reveals talents, helps to choose the right next life routes, become a worthy citizen of his native country.
The heavier the “baggage” school education, the easier it is to follow an independent path, fulfill your dreams and plans, and achieve the highest goals in your profession and life.
Teachers pave a bright path to knowledge for students. Teaching is the pride of the capital, which occupies a leading position in Russian education. Our teachers carefully preserve and increase the achievements of national public education, and skillfully introduce new forms and methods of teaching. Tradition and innovation are the components of the success of the education system.
An unchangeable tradition is the return of parents to the country of knowledge. Together with children and teachers, they again go through this route “from A to Z”, so that the large school family lives united friendly team, aimed at harmonious development students.
I express my deep gratitude to our dear teachers, mothers and fathers - for your talent, wisdom and love, for the fact that you spare no effort, time and nerves for a good education and upbringing of children. I am convinced that your selfless pedagogical and parental work will continue to be fruitful and bring great benefit to Russia.
With all my heart I wish you, bright successes in study, work and life, good health and great happiness!

Congratulations to parents and children on September 1 - Knowledge Day
I cordially congratulate you on the holiday that the whole country celebrates on September 1 - Knowledge Day. This holiday is one of the most solemn and exciting of the year. Today, schools will open their doors to welcome students—those behind whom lies the future of the city. First of all, I would like to congratulate the first-graders, for whom the coming school year will be the most important stage a new, eventful life, and school everyday life prepares many important and serious tests. For pupils and students - September 1 - the beginning of the next stage on the path to new heights and personal growth.
I wish all the guys excellent grades. May your learning be easy and interesting, may your successes become a source of pride for your parents and teachers. And teachers - optimism, energy, new professional victories and fruitful work.
Happy holiday! The Day of Knowledge!

Congratulations flickering cards September 1 - Knowledge Day
Dear teachers, schoolchildren, students, parents!
Congratulations on Knowledge Day, on the beginning of the new school year!
For everyone who sits down at their desks on this day, fills the classrooms of colleges, schools, universities, a wonderful time begins - a time of learning new things, a time amazing discoveries. The September bell excites all generations equally. For some, it gives them a meeting with their native educational institution, for others - memories of the past. But together we are all re-aware of the need to learn.
On this holiday, according to tradition, we special attention we surround first-graders for whom it is just beginning big road into the world of knowledge, and those who cross the threshold of graduating classes: for them, the new academic year will be the first milestone on the path to choosing a profession.
In the coming academic year I wish all schoolchildren and students successful studies, perseverance in achieving the set goal, teachers - creative energy, inspiration in their hard work, which shapes the love of knowledge in the younger generation. I wish parents wisdom and patience, so that they never leave a high sense of responsibility for raising their children - future worthy citizens of our Fatherland.

Congratulations free postcards September 1 - Knowledge Day
I cordially congratulate you on one of the most happy holidays- Happy Knowledge Day! September 1 is a special day for every person, for every family. The children are looking forward to meeting their favorite teachers and classmates; first-graders and graduates will greet this holiday with special excitement. For those who have already graduated from school, the years of study will remain in memory as one of the brightest periods of life.
Modern life places high demands on people. To be a professional, to go one step ahead, most of us do not stop learning throughout our lives. Therefore, Knowledge Day is a national holiday, close and dear to every person.
On this festive day, I wish everyone that the desire to move forward and grow above oneself never dries up, that the knowledge gained will be aimed at achieving personal well-being, and therefore at the development of one’s hometown. Success and good luck in all your endeavors!

Congratulations beautiful pictures 1 September is the day of knowledge
This holiday has long become a symbol of good beginnings and achievements. But September 1 takes on special significance for those who first cross the threshold of a school, college or university.
Dear first graders! Studying at school means gaining knowledge about everything in the world. Studying can be difficult. But teachers will help you, and especially your first teacher. Remember, everything you learn in school will be useful in life. Congratulations on the start of your first school year! Let it be successful, interesting, bright for you!
Dear freshmen! Having become students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, you have achieved an important height, and most importantly, you have chosen a business to which you will devote your entire life. I sincerely wish each of you to achieve maximum results in your chosen field! I wish you success, wise mentors, good friends, a successful career and great personal happiness!
Supporting and improving the education system is one of the government’s priorities. We will do everything possible to ensure that there are changes for the better in the coming academic year!

Congratulations flashing cards September 1 - Knowledge Day
Dear teachers and students, teachers and students!
Knowledge Day is a special holiday. In a city whose streets are filled with a colorful student crowd and where education is one of its main industries, September 1 will always be an important date. For some, this is an exciting day of starting school or student life; for others, it is a new school year at their favorite job. But all of you, regardless of age and status as a “student” or “teacher,” are united by one thing - you are following an interesting path of continuous knowledge of the world, acquiring new knowledge and fruitfully sharing it. It is this – the free spirit of knowledge, discovery and invention, the atmosphere of creativity and creation – that is the main value of life in our city.
I wish you, the residents of our city and the guests who came to us to study, teach, and research, good luck in conquering new educational and scientific heights. May your ideas and plans be realized, may the new school year be useful and successful!

Congratulations animation September 1 - Knowledge Day
Dear pupils and teachers, teachers and students!
Dear parents!
I cordially congratulate you on Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new school year!
First of September - wonderful holiday! There is hardly a single person who is indifferent to him! On this day, the first bells will ring for thousands of first-graders and first-year students; a new stage of life will begin for them, full of interesting meetings and amazing discoveries.
For high school graduates, a year will begin that will be decisive for them in choosing a profession. This is a solemn and very exciting day for all teachers who greet students and pupils on the threshold of educational institutions.
The old wisdom “Live and learn” is more relevant today than ever; education is becoming the basis for successful career And have a prosperous life. The rapidly growing level of technology, the development of knowledge-intensive industries, innovative approaches - all this requires continuous learning and constant improvement of professional skills.
Thanks to the efforts of all branches of government and the active position of the teaching community, conditions have been created for obtaining quality education: modern information technologies, health-saving and innovative projects are used in the educational process, and the material base is being strengthened educational institutions, the standard of living of teachers is increasing every year.
With all my heart I wish the younger generation have a fascinating trip into the world of knowledge, teachers, educators and professors - optimism and health, and parents - wisdom and patience. Let this academic year become a starting point for all of you to conquer new heights! The Day of Knowledge!

Congratulations cards September 1 - Knowledge Day
Teachers and parents, schoolchildren and students!
Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year and Knowledge Day!
This holiday unites citizens of all ages and generations, representatives of all professions and all social groups.
After all, the basis of any skill, success in any industry is knowledge. We learn throughout our lives, developing talents and gaining invaluable experience. And the foundations laid at school serve as a solid foundation for this knowledge.
This year, thousands of young residents of our city will sit down for the first time school desks, and yesterday's graduates will become students. And today’s first-graders are already taking their first independent steps into the future, to a place where they will soon want to realize themselves and achieve success, like their parents and older brothers and sisters. And on this path they will be reliable and caring companions.
Knowledge Day is not just the beginning of a new school year, but great occasion express words of gratitude and respect to teachers for their concern and tireless work, for their professionalism and wisdom.
I wish my young fellow countrymen success in their studies, an inexhaustible desire for knowledge, victories and achievements, and I wish my teachers health, patience, optimism and good luck in their difficult and responsible work!

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Warm congratulations to parents on September 1

Various options will be solemnly sounded from the lips of teachers, preschoolers, and high school students, so that all those gathered can be imbued with a sense of beauty and the importance of the moment. So, I offer you the following examples of congratulations for parents.

Wishes to parents of students

Inspiring speeches, parting words and congratulatory words are prepared for the Day of Knowledge by everyone related to the school - the director, class teachers, teaching staff, parental committee and, of course, the students themselves. Here are a few congratulations that deserve attention:

Dear parents! Please accept our congratulations on Knowledge Day! We wish that your children delight you with their successes, reveal their abilities, and achieve new heights. Of course, they will be able to accomplish all of the above only with the help of their loving relatives - you, dear mothers and fathers. May the coming school year be filled with positive emotions and wonderful achievements, may mutual understanding reign in the family, and may children’s pranks bring only joy and smiles.

Hello, mothers and fathers of our dear schoolchildren! Let me congratulate you on the new school year! Together with you, our teachers will lead the children towards discoveries and tell them about the secrets of the universe and the surrounding nature. The path ahead is not easy, but very interesting and exciting. We will do everything to ensure that the cozy walls of the classroom become a second home for the children. Our most important wish is to always remain a reliable friend to your child, help him in any situation. We know that you perceive every success or victory as your own. So let only pleasant surprises await you and your student in the coming season!

I want to present my congratulations to both the students and their respected parents. September 1st arrived, and on holiday lineup The whole large school family gathered - teachers, students, mothers, fathers, their relatives and friends. I thank the adults who raise their children with dignity. I am pleased to see how former little mischief makers turn into diligent, respectable schoolchildren, constantly striving for knowledge. I heartily congratulate all parents, I wish that your families will always be accompanied by faith, hope and love!

For parents of first graders

On September 1, relatives and friends of first-graders are no less worried than their children, because their kids have already said goodbye to kindergarten and today are crossing the school threshold for the first time. Of course, every father and mother of a first-grader or first-grader will be very pleased with the encouraging words of teachers regarding their children. And every child, undoubtedly, will want to express his feelings for those who raised him from the cradle and came here with him today. Tears of tenderness and pride in the eyes of parents for their grown-up offspring are guaranteed when they sound impressive touching words from class teacher or teachers who are about to take 1st grade.

I'm very glad to see you on our school line children who are present at such a holiday for the first time. They are still excitedly holding the hands of their mothers and fathers, but very soon they will get used to it and become part of the big friendly family, whose name is school. I can’t wait to congratulate my parents on this memorable day! Let these magical moments remain in your memory forever, when your baby went on a great journey along the waves of knowledge. I wish you that the children brought diaries only with good grades; so that the first school year is fun and exciting for both you and your first-grader. Good luck, friends!

Dear and beloved parents of first-graders! Please accept congratulations from the teachers and staff of our school. We also have our own children, and we understand perfectly well how difficult it is for you today to hold back your tears of both joy and sadness. You let your child go new world, where new ones are already looking forward to him faithful friends, a lot of amazing discoveries and opportunities. We promise to support the fire of knowledge in the heart of every child, to help him master any knowledge in all areas of science, and to raise him to be kind, brave and an honest man. Thank you for the wonderful children who will eventually become the pride of our country. Happy Knowledge Day!

Together with those going to first grade, congratulations on Knowledge Day are also accepted today by their beloved parents. Applause sounds in your honor, mommies and daddies. Today you are taking your children to school for the first time so that they can learn counting, reading and writing, master drawing and singing, as well as other exciting and necessary classes. Let your difficult parental burden be light, let the kids delight you every day with their successes and small school victories. I wish that all your dreams come true, and that your home is full of harmony and love.

The long-awaited hour has come,

Your child is entering 1st grade.

Parents, please accept congratulations,

Success, happiness, joy, patience.

Let luck not leave you,

Let the desire for learning dwell nearby.

Your first school year

It will bring both benefits and fun!

Happy first autumn bell

We sincerely congratulate you,

A big school house awaits the children,

We wish them to become wiser!

A year will pass quickly at your desk,

You will never be bored.

A lot of wonderful things await them,

A lot of discoveries will burst into life.

We would like to congratulate all of you -

Your children are going to first grade!

Touching words from first graders

First-graders, who today for the first time instead of kindergarten came to school. It is still difficult for them to remember long speeches, so they can express their gratitude in their own words or in the form of funny poems.

Don’t be sad, dear mothers and fathers,

We have become more mature today.

Life flies, hurries straight like an arrow,

And the fantasies with them call “Hurry!”

The hour has come so that the strength of your wings

In our present to experience.

For great heights you have raised

And now we are ready to fly.

Thank you, dear ones, for science,

For your help and care and support to us.

We congratulate you, beloved, relatives,

So shout out with joy: “Good morning!”

Let's support parents of graduates

The moment when a student leaves school very soon is a great achievement not only for the high school student himself, but also for his parents. Congratulations on this occasion must definitely be heard at the school assembly from the teaching staff. Relatives themselves can congratulate each other, because who knows if not them how much work and effort was put in by both the children and themselves over 11 long years to achieve this goal.

Today is September 1st on the calendar. This is not just a holiday, but also a signal for the next school year. For many high school students, this is their last. Therefore, we would like to congratulate both the future graduates and their parents on this achievement. Dear parents, your children have reached the finish line. Thank you for such wonderful students, we were happy to give them knowledge all these years. From pure heart I want to wish that your favorite guys in last time worked hard, passed exams and entered prestigious universities. I believe that they will achieve all their goals and will definitely please you with their achievements!

The pride of any school is its graduates. Soon our eleventh graders will say goodbye to the cheerful sounds of the school bell calling them to class. But today I would like to address congratulatory words to their parents. Dear mothers, dear fathers! It has been our honor to teach your children. My wishes are simple - happiness to each of you, peace and understanding to every family. May luck never leave your home, may descendants respect each of you, and may life present only good surprises.

Parents, look! Your children

Today we took a big and important step.

He is like a road on an unknown planet,

But your parental hearth warms your soul.

The best in the world stand before you -

Smart, diligent and modest.

Be proud, moms, dads! These children

Over the years they will become the pride of the country!

I congratulate you, your wishes are simple -

May success always follow!

And the school walls are almost native,

Please, never forget!

How quickly our children have grown up!

They are waiting for exams and school graduation.

I am sure that you, parents, would like

May your dear student be happy.

Only a year will pass and the whole class will scatter,

The merits of both you and your teachers are countless.

We wish you to always be proud of your children,

It is a great honor for us to congratulate you!

Cool congratulations

Sometimes congratulations can be too formal, but you can also use funny words, with a bit of irony. Verbal wishes can always be supplemented with a funny themed postcard. Such choice will do children and parents with a sense of humor. Here's a funny example.

Dear Parents! Congratulations on your first autumn day! For three months you enjoyed the holidays with your children. Now it’s time to work not only for them, but also for you. I hope that each of you is ready to wake up schoolchildren for school, sit with them until late at home, blush for the tricks of your mischief-makers parent meetings and instead of a well-deserved day off, take part in clean-up days and trips with the class? Stock up on strength, because you will need so much of it! You yourself remember very well how much worry you caused your mothers and fathers in childhood. Now you have to bear this burden. Patience and perseverance to you in raising new worthy people! We will always help the guys in everything, but don’t make a mistake either. Happy holiday!

It also happens that various reasons It is impossible to personally congratulate a person. Then you can limit yourself to short SMS messages, which will be no less pleasant to receive. Small, simple quatrains are perfect for this.

We want to wish moms and dads patience,

After all, raising children is hard work!

Our congratulations to you today!

May all misfortunes pass you by!

Parents, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day!

Let the school classroom become a new home for the children.

May your patience never fail you

And may only good reign in the family!

Beautiful words in verse

Wishes for September 1 from the teaching staff can take more than just a prosaic form. As lyrical congratulations For parents of schoolchildren, you can choose elegant poetic options like these.

The solemn hour has come for you -

You sent your child away during school time,

They will again enter their native class,

In which everyone taught and became friends.

I wish each of you with all my heart -

Let the kids study diligently,

The grades will always be good

And happiness reigns serenely in the house.

Parents, as usual, with their children

The company is already studying school granite.

Listen to my congratulations,

Happy autumn day, a day full of secrets, new secrets!

You will help students grow up

And learn again with them.

So that you don't have to blush at meetings,

Instead, be proud of their success.

Surrounded by school excitement,

I share with you my secret:

So that parents are cheerful

Thanks to the victories of the children.

So that deuces and colas do not meet them,

After all, they can all get straight A's!

And all of you, golden parents,

I want to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!

I have no doubt that the congratulations you have chosen on Knowledge Day will certainly touch your parents to the depths of their souls and will remain in their memory for a long time. It doesn’t matter whether they are personal or intended for everyone gathered, the main thing is that your love is present in them. And the spark of inspiration that lives in every person will definitely help in simple words sparkle with new colors while performing on the line.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

We celebrate September 1 not just as the Day of Knowledge, it is a special day in our lives - a holiday of our bright hope, strong faith and realized dreams. A holiday inextricably linked with new beginnings and opportunities, a lot of new ideas, bold experiments, constant search and faith in the future.

More than forty-three thousand and a half first-graders cross the school threshold for the first time. Sixty-nine and a half thousand ninth- and eleventh-graders this year will be called by a new name - graduates. About thirty thousand boys and girls became students and students of professional educational institutions. Guys, you have made a very big step in adult life, laid the foundation for their future. New discoveries begin for you, every day will be filled with new impressions.
Dear teachers! The development of education today is acquiring a task of national significance. And with your daily work you hold a high standard in the upbringing and education of young people and adolescents.
Dear friends! Happy Knowledge Day to you! Have a great mood in the new academic year, interesting and fruitful work, creative success. Very beautiful knowledge day postcards with inscriptions with a melody.

Today, the doors of educational institutions have once again kindly opened their doors to everyone! Happy Knowledge Day! The teachers have generously prepared a new program and are committed to taking your education seriously! Both students and teachers have gained strength after the summer holiday and are ready to immediately begin learning new material! The desire to develop has not faded and that makes me happy! Knowledge Day opens up new opportunities and gives inspiration! We wish everyone a festive mood, fresh thoughts, interesting hobbies, friendly conversations and a common desire! Let the instructions of your parents help you in Hard time make a decision, and the teacher’s advice will be useful for life! Learn, grow spiritually, develop your ideas, improve! Strive, achieve, don’t give up! The Day of Knowledge! From September 1st! Cards of warmth and smiles during the school year.

The first day of autumn gives us inspiration to study. And just on this day there is a holiday! In the summer we relax, have fun, replenish our strength and miss experienced teachers, whose wisdom is irreplaceable. Today we have every chance to fill the emptiness of our souls and begin the exciting learning process! We congratulate everyone who wants to study on the holiday, and wish not to lose precious inspiration! Let school days will not turn into an everyday routine, but will become exciting and educational lessons! May you enjoy calls, breaks, additional assignments, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers! Golden, school years! Then you will remember these days with pleasure! Appreciate your capabilities, acquire the necessary knowledge and implement your ideas! Your destiny is in your hands! Good luck!

Today, and on the first day of the charming season, it’s time to return to your favorite school! Familiar faces, favorite rooms and dear teachers! The learning path continues, leading you to a successful life! The school beckons with the first bell, and the classrooms are filled with students. The process has begun! Every day you become more mature, more experienced, wiser. And the teachers do all this for you! They invest their knowledge, their life, their strength in you! We wish you to respect the invaluable work of teachers, listen to comments, understand each other and respond mutual feelings! May this be of great benefit to you in the future! Let the advice of your mentors come in handy and keep good memories of your school years! We wish everyone bold decisions in complex tasks! Learn and enjoy the moment! Download free gifs about school on September 1st.

Greetings to everyone, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you again on the school playground on Knowledge Day! Today is a holiday that invariably happens at this time, which opens the school season! Everyone had a rest and missed a fresh breath of knowledge! Welcome to the Temple of Science! We wish you to experience genuine interest in new program and find a passion for your soul! Let your study time not be a burden to you, let it bring you joy and benefit! We wish you to gain a lot of new knowledge, skills and experience in the new academic year! We wish you to make the most of this academic season, not miss anything and bring your capabilities to perfection! Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because those who don't make mistakes don't! And whoever doesn’t study will achieve nothing in this life! Dare, try, try, strive! Good luck in your studies, comrades! Pleykast picture wonderful wish from the first of September.

Today is celebrated significant holiday! And the most interesting thing is that this holiday will last for a whole six months! Day of Knowledge! and teachers, it’s time for study, communication, change and news! The joy of meeting after the holidays gives the celebration a friendly atmosphere! Someone has matured, someone has matured, someone has changed their principles. Everything is assembled and it begins very interesting process life is a school year! We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and we hope that the charming time of autumn will not diminish your inspiration! We wish you to implement your plans, update your goals and achieve excellent results in your endeavors! Use every opportunity to fill yourself spiritually, develop and don’t doubt your abilities! Let the school give you what you need and leave a mark in your memory! Happy holiday! Solemn congratulations in pictures for students with the beginning of the school year.

On September 1 of each year all schools and educational establishments come alive after summer holidays! Student life begins to boil with new strength, and this force is gaining momentum! Season is open! Welcome to the fascinating world of science and knowledge! Meeting classmates, teachers, new impressions, joy, admiration - all this gives energy and strength for learning! There are many new and interesting things ahead, the unknown beckons, and untraveled roads open up a sea of ​​opportunities for us! It's never boring, it's a kind of little world with its own rules! Inside it, the exciting life of young people and mentors is in full swing, and both sides are interested in their own and common success! Welcome as personal victories, and collective! The school not only teaches school curriculum, she prepares the guys for independent life! The best musical congratulations for the school year have arrived.

The first bell of this season rang, and the school opened its doors to hundreds of students! In a couple of minutes, the learning process will begin and life will find its usual rhythm! Happy Knowledge Day, guys! Congratulations on the start of an exciting journey into the world of science! Fill your spiritual vessels to the brim and don’t spill the contents in vain! Appreciate the investments and efforts of teachers and meet the expectations of parents! Do you have unique opportunity make your life successful! Thanks to the teacher's diligence, each of you will find something important and interesting for yourself! - this is the foundation of your future, so invest everything you have learned into it and make the foundation of your life strong! Appreciate the experience you have gained and believe me, you will thank your teachers more than once! Their efforts are never in vain!

Knowledge Day persistently encourages us to take the path of success! And start today! The first one inspires us to great deeds and deeds! The beginning of learning something new, the beginning of an exciting journey to the unknown, the beginning of beginnings! History will tell us an interesting journey into the past, geography will take us around the world, biology will tell us about the animal world! Sports activities, literary discussions, conversations about great creators! Hundreds of opportunities to plunge into the past and experience the magic of yesteryear! How many wonderful things await us ahead! Desire knows no bounds, and we absorb knowledge with great pleasure! May your school years never end! May the source of knowledge never dry up! We wish everyone great desire and inspiration for learning and development! Congratulations on Knowledge Day and wish you success! Shining cards with sparkles to congratulate you on September 1 for free.

Today we stand at the start of our path to knowledge! ! We wish all students to expect maximum results from the new school year and, of course, try for this! We wish you success in studying and remembering what you have learned! Take something important for yourself from each lesson, put aside your knowledge in reserve, you will definitely need it! Everything you learn in school will be useful to you in life! We wish you great patience, mutual understanding, a friendly class, reliable girlfriends and friends! Let him leave pleasant impression, a wonderful memory and at the end of the training will bring an excellent result of your efforts! We wish that your soul strives for knowledge throughout your life! Do not stop there, because a person at any age always has something to strive for!

Study, study and study again! There is no such thing as too much knowledge! Congratulations on the first day of the school year! Happy Knowledge Day, dears! There is a whole academic year ahead of you and you have a great opportunity to get a new dose of new experiences! In order for the year to bring excellent results, we wish you attention, patience, perseverance and interest! Direct your determination towards knowledge and do not miss the opportunity to learn something new! We wish you educational events and interesting hobbies! Actively demonstrate your capabilities, share your knowledge, make your school life diverse! Don't hide your talents, reveal your potential and strive to conquer the peaks! Happy holiday to everyone who wants to study! Go for it!

The first bell of this school year rang, and the school resumed its usual pace of life! Day of Knowledge! Congratulations to all students and teachers on the season! We wish you to start this year in good mood and the desire to become successful! Let your goal motivate you, let your dream lead you! We wish you not to be upset if you don’t achieve what you want the first time! This is how you harden, this is how you learn to overcome obstacles and act ahead! Do not spare your efforts for your training, grab the opportunity to show yourself, take risks, try, dare! Be confident in good result long before you receive it! The main thing is attitude! Let nothing stop you on the path to success! be the first in everything and always! Don’t give up without a fight, don’t give up and don’t lose heart! You will succeed! Postcards with inscriptions congratulating parents on the school year.

Our dear! This wonderful day has come for all schoolchildren, the day of knowledge. For all children, this day is a special holiday, and even more so for you, dear teacher. After all, throughout the next school year you will have to sleep less, be more nervous and solve the problems of your class. But it is not all that bad. You will be able to laugh heartily, because the class you got is very funny and cheerful! Well, all that remains for you is to wish you strength, because for every teacher, the new school year is like a battlefield. We also wish you joy and happiness. You will also need patience, because in reality teaching children is not so easy. And we really hope that before next year you will live safe and sound. Try your best, be an example for children, and maybe then you won’t have to regret anything. Good luck to you in the new school year!

Dear teacher! So this day has come, when the sun no longer shines so brightly, when children collect their briefcases, and, taking flowers in one hand and in the other parent's hand, going to school. Not all children find this day joyful. And not all teachers are happy about Knowledge Day. But, it's time to learn. And whether you want it or not, you are not asked. Well, on this day we wish you to have more patience, because all children are different, and every child is special. And if you don’t find a separate approach to your child, you won’t be able to make friends with him. We also wish you to experience more joyful moments, because only at school can it be so much fun. If you still fail to interest children in your subject, do not be discouraged; over time, they will understand how wrong they were. The main thing is not to despair, but believe only in the best. Good luck at school! Musical mobile cards with the beginning of the school year show with phrases.

Dear children! So the day has come - September 1st. For some, this school year will be the last, and for others, the first. And how sad it is to realize this - this is so. After all, the children who entered the first grade have said goodbye to their childhood years forever, and now difficult school years will lie ahead of them. And those who are already standing on the line for the last time dedicated to the day knowledge, in just a year he will cross the threshold from childhood into adulthood. That is why, dear children, you need to gain more strength and energy. A difficult school year awaits you ahead. Again there will be endless failures, noisy breaks, and tedious homework. But, if you can endure this year with dignity, then it will mean that over the year you have matured and become wiser. Good luck and try to love school because you will miss it later. Good luck and success to you!

Every year on September 1, children go to school and kindergarten, and teachers go to work. For each of them, Knowledge Day is not just the beginning of the school year, but also happy holiday. And like on any holiday on this day, they deserve congratulations and wishes, for example, in the form of postcards or animated gifs.

Moreover, it can be like beautiful cards and pictures from September 1, 2018 with poems for children and their parents, and cool options with funny inscriptions for students and fellow teachers. There are also universal pictures that are perfect for a first-grader in primary school, and graduates of grades 9-11. Next you will find a selection with photos of the most best postcards and flickering pictures in gif format on September 1st.

The easiest way to congratulate children, graduates and teachers on September 1, 2018 is with beautiful pictures and cards with cute inscriptions. Typically, such cards have a themed design with different school attributes. And simple phrases and universal inscriptions are used as congratulations.

You can also congratulate preschoolers on the beginning of the new school year with cool cards and pictures for September 1, 2018, Knowledge Day for kindergarten. Unlike schoolchildren, children do not yet understand the full importance of this holiday and are much better able to accept congratulations in the form of bright pictures. For example, postcards with cartoon characters and simple wishes.

For preschoolers on Knowledge Day, September 1, the following will be suitable: cool pictures and cards with congratulations from the following selection. It presents interesting pictures with simple inscriptions in verse and prose. Also best pictures Congratulations on September 1, Knowledge Day 2018 will also be relevant for parents of preschoolers.

A special category of congratulations on September 1 includes flickering pictures with funny inscriptions for a first grader. These are very bright and shiny drawings that fully correspond to festive mood first-graders. Examples of such original pictures for Knowledge Day you will find in the following selection.

Another great option congratulations on September 1, 2018 for a first-grader and his parents - funny cards in gif format. Unlike the previous collection, such postcards always contain funny inscriptions or funny poems. Also, the design of the cards itself is very bright and funny.

To congratulate parents on September 1, 2018, beautiful pictures with touching inscriptions are perfect. Moreover, they can be used for parents of first-graders, and for mothers and fathers of high school students.

Congratulations on September 1 in funny cards with funny inscriptions are also relevant for teachers. Typically, this format is chosen for teachers by their relatives and friends. Examples of such funny cards on Knowledge Day you will find below.